The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 06, 1901, Image 1

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    T?V- 1 i M$IH
.ip- T-' .( 'JlVv
srSSfRv" WS"
New Jersey Central Officials to
Meet Representatives of
Labor Oraanlzatlons.
The Vice President of the New Jer
sey Ceutrnl Asked to Confer with
Labor ."Representatives and Listen
to Their Grievances From 2,500
to 3,000 Men Intciested.
By Kvluiiip Wire fmiii Hi" As'oriaicd Pre.
Now invk. April ".. A conference is
being held In this city of the hearts of
tlif national en Kutilzations or inilwiiy
rtupUnes mid tlif chiefs of the orsnn
Izutlinip in- th" nii'ii employed on the
fciitral of New .Tcrsey. .Tolin
X). Walts-, ol' I Ins Hrotliprhniiil of Loco
motive naglm-crs; H. Shea, "f the
rtinthcihoml nC l.neninotivo Flieinoii:
I, P Titus, ol' llio Order of Railroad
Conductors; Michael Dolphin, of the
Order of Hallway Telegraphers, ami
.To-cph Hniilson am lepresentlng the
employes or the Centtal. With them,
acting with tin-in In mi advisory rapac
ity, am the following luillnnal officers:
P. 51. Arthur, chief ol' tin: r.rotherhood
of Locomotive Knslneeri: 1. I''. Sar
gent, gland muster r the Hrotherhood
or itallnMil Firemen: P. II. Morrlssey.
grand master of the Railroad Train
men, and i:. K. Cluike. of tin- Conduc
tors. At n send conference held yes
terday, an Invitntiin was sent by re.-o-Ititlon
to "'. II. Warren, j-econd vlee-pies-ldeni
and Roncral manager of the
("Vntral i-ailronil.askln.,- him to ho pres
ent today and confer with the labor
mDn-.-i'titiitlves am', listen, to their
grievances-. Aftei waiting all day for
an ansuvor from Vice-President War
ten, tin- fonfeienie was adjourned to
night. The ( onl'i rence will convene again
tomoitow and remain in sessi n until
either a favorable reply has been re
ceived lo the iciiiesl for a joint ron
fpreine with the ofllel.ils or tho road or
until, In case of a refusal by the offi
cials to accede to the demands or the
men. sonic other iiUm of action has
been di-P-i mined upon.
As showing thi- feclinfv among the
men. it Is undei stood that the conduc
tors. ihoi- wages have recently been
adjusted on if" scale satisfactory to
them, lime accepted and allowed to gd
Into force their new agteements only
conditioniil upon a settlement satisfac
tory l" other employes of the nreseut
llffeienci-s, I-'rom I'.MO to ::,000 men are
interested in the results of the eonfer
eiifp. They include engineers, flu-men,
conductors, telegraphets. trainmen and
Oflicinl Statement.
In to inquiries as to the re.
poi t that a general strike of all the
trainmen on the iVntral liullrnnd. of
NViv .li-isey was threatened, the olli
rlal slaleineiu was given out at the
oflic- of the gcneial RiiperintenUent ot
the company in .let fey City today:
On J in. 1 thci" wi tit ini- rtTi-ct n new jsilnilule
lill-IlT Which till- n lull.llOlV J.I (l" ilKll.l--.l
and the vil" cl ,a n tin- rn-rinccrs n the his
nuiiiii. in-ic.wd limn '- In 1 nuts a
mile a i.-J f-lliir (tiiiiis.Kii. were iiiiii. Tin-til-'npli
i-i'ri.iliih !i-Kiil lot :nuo- jio.v, l.nt tint
II ,Wf?, f ll.U II, l'Htl,Utliri 111 ..l.!ll, VMS
irfu-fil, l-0'.iu tlif itni,i.inv ii.i, )hj il-i loli'.
t.ipli iippi:.,-i in, no ili. ii i p.iiil In .in(v ottu-r
I n 1 1 n j I in ihK i ic Tin- lolcn.ipli opciatou
iltinnnl IioIhk lit-cii ilipnHil n tbi'ip .up now
pimllic ii'Sotl.ilii.n lu-twrin the lompuiy jnd
-Ii" rnsuirci- iiriiM-n ,iinl Irininun ng.u'diii!;
. I St..
In ifpi-iii- lo a i.ijnoai I,,r moto pjy ni
luiie niaili- iu ili, in 1,-ij i.iir pr,iosiiioii., om
lnjiins lii-ltir 1. mi-.. U .iu- now anilthm .i
ii ply tioiu ili" mm in ,iiie.or te our prupn-itiou,
'flui 1 ih .million. TIip loinp.iny lw, lic-m
lllill.' licht .ilwi- in .liljll,'. tlio lliffieillliOk iH
ecu a-, pn.ihi Wi' Jic in no w.iv lpninllita
f.n- the .iihiitUdu, nt ulllitf (or row mui. Wo
;uiii ipil,- no trmililr
Tlw Xnv Jersey (' lus met Us iiipltrq
moip tlun liali vjy nml Ihcroinrf atiliclpalp no
Iireak In tl.c ill, ndlv itInlrtn whkli lime so
Iftisr fsifinl liclwu'ii tin- luiiip.iiH .iii,l Us mi.
K. 12. flark, ni.tnU chief or tho Order
of Railway conductors-, replied to the
statement Issued by the .Ii.rsey Central
as follows-
I'nnimlttfrs o( implb.-. r, tlio- ( Hill,
mail dt New .lerny ilios-cn liy, .mil iepicsi-iitii,K
tlio rnsinrvt-i, tinmen, (oniliirlois, trainimn,
jardniiu jnd tilt-jjr.iplicis, llao I n ucsoliillni;
efl .iii-I on for inontlm Hltli u euniinltuv
ol officials icpriviuliu tin- company on tint
mlijeit it r.itM of paj aril lionm of siivlie.
Various prupitoltlons Inn- lum milinillli-il ,;.
l-oth sides ami nvthlns tnuln.illy .moplaMi- lus
lii-en iolinl 'Hie (oinnililris i-ar,J In tho i-.-fLiitlf
offluiit fiinn ilnir ri-i-pi-ilbe nmaiuj.
tlrris (or (oiuultalton '.uul altamr, Jlci.i.
Aithur, of tliu i-nuliirii.i awiil, of Hip llie.
moiii Mnnlwv, nf (no ii-.ilmmn, Dulphln, n(
tlic teiiiiMilifrt. ami (51jiI..., (,t n,e ,-undin.loi,
tie lieie anil lor dip purpose oi n.itliinj a
tlorongh tniderttainllne of bolli kIiIos u( Ui i,iip,.
tlon ami In I lie hop? ot fliulini; an ancplabla
latin o( 40ttlnnint line lcqm-cicl .j runfi-ri-n, p
on tho subject with Vice Pu-sliUnt Waiun Wo
ro awaiting hU rtpl,,
Mileage Basiu Deslted,
71i huU of piy or tin- (pniut Italliiuil of
New -ifHcy Is a diily wo, lesarrtlc oi I no
nuinbri m miles tun, 'Clio riisiin.pi, and tunc
men .ireslio the adi-ptlon of a liavl. u(
rJl with tw-soniljlu allinvanco (or prc hours
Ihe ktildiicnt tliat the onslnccis aip no r
fccine WM the lliciinii ii'liuoircct
"lh hasis of Iho ueil mhiliih u US5 Mr rliy
for cncinPira ami fc,i ) )-, j- (or iunu
ildfu K-ur. to conatltnlt a ilj.
"tho ccmmlttu luio hepii m-Kotlutln? rpj.
rMPly lor cadi of the kiiIck, altl.cnsli
all e uorMns umlff an Jmmnuit fur (o-i-iitia-t
on uliiL-i, wa made lorn? U-foic tho.o m,-tij.
tiom eic opened. We hcllive Hut (Oi,foieiK
lwtru llm Kprejcntatlu. u n,c chiiiIovm ind
.the odicUla oi the ioiiii.niy will in thii t.i.c,
they luo in a glet many other i-ju?,
in an amleable jdluslmcnl of all iiK..tWBi at
ivne. Conddjiitly antldpailn irau.-eipcntJ (ov
iuh itmeieiice, i.o toiuhleratlon ha jet been
alien to their ineaiu or methods. In n far ,n
the lequeitk of the men Jie laaoinabli- on.l (air
tbfy will bo alwn the eivoi-raseincnt ami tuppoit
til their orirank.itloin. oihlnjc will Ins deuuii'l
ed or supported that Itn-it rlaht and fill.
F. J'. Sat gent, u'rand innhtcr of tho
Order of I,ncoinotlvo Firemen, was
ttsked tihout tlio situation, and said!
If the olhVtoli of the l.'cnlral llcut m llli Hie
Mine fnlilies" nml roiwldctnllon an did the oltlcluh
of tlm Now Yotk Central nunc months ugo when
a similar fonillllon r.vlsled, tliero In wo Umilil
that an ninli-able liasl for nn nuteitiient will he
reached, t line no ilonht that the ofllcUli of
tin- will do thl. Wo are looklnir oicr
tlic filiation und the pieiue of the rhlrf ee.
cnthes of the nrlom on?anlMt(on shows Hut
the mailer thvi!nes some ntlcntlon.
51r. Sareent said Hint there were r.00
firemen worklnir on tlio Central Hall
road of New Jersey, and they hud
Krlevnnees. In talking: of the way in
which Btrikes are Inaugurated, ho said
that two-thirds of tho men could in
nugttrnto ti strike by voting1 for it. If
the men, before dolns this, called in
the chief executives of tlio various or
ganizations nnd had their sanction and
support, they would, in tho event of a
strike, receive assistance from the na
tional organizations.
Rumors That They Are in Process
of Formation Aro Widely Circu
lated in New York.
ISjr i:rlu-,ic Win' from The Aocialed Pioi.
Xew York. April G. Reports that
huge rallroud combinations aro in pro
cess of formation were widely circu
lated here today. Detailed statements
concerning the plan already published,
looking to the combination of all of tho
great railroad systems of the United
States under the control of one com
pany, were given, but as a general
thing prominent railroad officials and
bankers declined to discuss the matter.
According to all accounts, the enter
prise Involved tho greatest combina
tion of capital known in the history of
finance. It was said the company would
be formed under the laws of Xmv Jer
sey for the purpose of conducting a
genet al freight and transportation
business throughout the United States,
that the company will hold a coutrol
ing interest in all the great railroad
systems, and that the management of
the rojd would be vested in the con
trolling company. According to the
pioposition, each road -would preserve
Its Identity and corporate existence,
but tho new company would control the
affairs of all. Ry this policy it was
claimed large sums of money could be
saved as a result or economies in man
agement and the stoppage or rate-cutting.
The names or men like J. P.
Morgan. William K. Vanderblt, James
J. Hill, Kdward II. Harrirmin, George
J. Gould. John T). Itockereller, Jacob
II. Sehlff and James Stillman were
freely used. One report stated that the
first step in the proposed plan would
be the securing of control of the stocks
or the Chicago, Burlington nnd Qtilncy.
the Ki-ic, the Great Northern and
Northern Pacific, and that provision
would bo made for the acquisition of
other properties in the immediate
fututi'. Discussing the reported amal
gamation of the railroad interests of
the country, the New York Press to
morrow will say:
"All that, is aimed tit, according to
the In-sL authority obtainable, is a
'community of interest.' The close
amalgamation of a 'community of in
terest basis' was llrst brought about
through the efforts of J. P. Morgan.
As n result of this close union of In
tel est ruinous rate tvars are already
at an end, not so many high-priced
oillcials me needed as before and one
can buy a ticket on any trunk line in
almost any one of the large offices in
the cities. However, that a single com
pany will be formed under tho New
Jersey laws to take over all the rail
roads of the coutnry is not considered
seriously by well informed railway
Three Local Unions at Linton Re
pudiate Agreement Between Op
erators and Mine Workers.
Hy EmIihIm- Wiie fiom The Assoiiated l'io.
Linton, Tnd., April 0. Three of the
thirteen local unions which met iu this
city, have held meetings and repudi
ated the agreement entered Into be
tween the Coal Operators' association
and the union mine workers at Terro
Haute last Wednesday. It is thought
that tho other locals will take the same
stand. The trouble arose over the
clause In the agreement compelling the
miners to purchase powder from tho
operators exclusively.
A big mass meeting of miners Is
called to meet in this city tomorrow,
when it Is thought President Van
llorno will bo called upon to reslmi.
None of the thirteen mines in the field
was working today, and they will not
until after Satuiday's muss meeting,
which President Van Horno Is expected
to attend.
Fifteen hundred miner are Idle, nnd
a strike Is Imminent,
Shecknvd Reclaimed,
fly i;ihi3ii Wjip fiom Tho Afcoiiatetl IV3.
Philadelphia, apill 0. 1'iesldent i:hbett, of
tho liroohlyn National lcano h.ise ball elnb, h,H
Micieeilod In iiilalinliig Shecl.aid from the It ill I
inoio Aineiic-aii leauiiu ilub, Slneo slgnlns with
Man titer MiCraw shecltnrd hai her.-; imcettaln
a, to the (reality o( liU adlon. Today, in com.
pany with 1'rinlilent Kbhc-tts, lie walled on ouii.
el for the National league, nnd was iis-inn!
that his Amcilcan league rontract wai invalid.
'I his opinion tttUlieil sheckuil ami hit at onco
notified President Kbuettn thai he would play (or
ItrooLljn tliU car,
All Hands Work at Oneida,
Hy r.xelu.he Wire how The Associated J'rew.
lijiletou, April 3. The Jodiout al the Oneida
(olliery of Cose llrotlirufc Company is at an end.
A committee repiesentlns tho employe.! had a
mlMattoiy conference with bupeilntendent Kud
llik today and all hands will return to work on
lly llAclu.ltc Wire from The Associated l'n-j.
At t'hlladelphh Princeton University, T( Phil
adelphia (National league), 2.
At lliigton L'tiirriity of Pennsylvania, II;
Vimlnli Military institute, 2.
At ('heiter-rMoiitieal, I; Columbia uniier
si l. '.'.
At llillimoie Daltlmor (Amtiican league),
iu; Vale, U.
The Stolen GalnsboroiiQh Picture ol
Duchess of Devonshire Re
turned Alter 25 years.
The Canvas Valued at .50,000 Is
Carried in Hermetically Sealed Box
Through England, America nnd
the European Continent After Hav
ing Been Stolen by Porch Climbers.
Large Howard Is Paid for tho Bc
turn of the Painting Chicago De
tectives Plnd the Thieves.
Dy r.Tclusbe Wlic from(i;ic Astoolalril' lre.
Chicago. April C After traveling
through England, America and the Ku
ropoan continent for twenty-five years,
the famous Gainsborough portrait or
the Duchess of Devonshire, which was
stolen from tho art gallery or the Ag
ncw Brothers in London, Knglaiid.
Jlay 1G, 1S7C, is reported to have been
returned to Its owners. Tho painting
Ii valued at .$."0,000. A Chicago detec
tive agency claims to have been In
strumental in recovering the picture.
The holder of the picture, who. It Is
said, was one of the band of thieves
who stole it from the gallery, is said
to have received a large reward for
Its return and exacted an agreement
to drop the prosecution.
According to the detectives,- he had
carried it with him for years, care
fully packed nnd sealed. The picture.
It is announced, will arrive in London
The theft of the portrait was te
mnrkablc In many ways. The doors ot
the gallery were found locked and
bolted on the inside. The policeman
on the boat, the watchman or tho
block and the janitor of the building
had heard no suspicious noise and they
had noticed no suspicious strangers.
There appeared to be no clue until in
ISSb' a certain Joseph Elliott, then un
der arrest for a large forgery, assert
ed that the Gainsborough picture was
still in existence and could be recov
ered providing his liberty was granted.
ISllIott said the picture had been
stolen by professional "porch climbers"
who had entered one of the gallery
windows and cut Iho canvas from the
The picture had been taken. Klllott
said, not for the reward that would
ho offered, for it, nor for the proceeds
of its sale, but as the means to secure
bail for a member of a band of for
gers who bad been artested in France
for a fotgery on the Rank of Hug
land. The forger had been extradited
and the Agnew Brothers were to bo
asked to sign his bond, on condition
that the- painting was returned. Be
fore the" plan could be completed, how
ever, the forger was given his liberty
on a technicality.
Negotiations were later made with
the thieves to return tlic painting for
a large reward. The sum offered was
too small, in tho opinion or the burg
lats, and tho negotiations fell through.
Ttecently trace was again found of the
thieves, and negotiations reopened. A
larger reward was ofrered, which re
sulted in the return or tho picture In
When returned the picture was her
metically sealed in a bo:; made espec
ially for its reception and was pro
nounced in perfect condition. It was
carefuly packed In cotton batting. The
casket was brought from England to
this country fifteen years ago and hns
remained in a storage warehouse and
safe deposit vaults In various cities.
The person who secured the informa
tion which '.od to the return or the
portrait, Is said by the detectives to
be a sporting man. but they decline
Pi mako his name public. The crime
Itself has long been outlawed.
Congressman Connell and Postmaster
Hippie Interview Gov. Stone.
By K-ccluslvc Wire (torn The Associated Pivw.
llatrisbiin:, April C Consiewman William
t'on'-ell and l'ostmaler Kzra II. Hippie, of
ScMiiton, wore in llirrl-biirp today in ronforrnrt.
v-itli tlou-mor Stouo relative lo .i sumtsor on
tho common pk-vt liem-li of .lutlge Aiehhald, i.t
Seianton, who h.n been made Judgo of the newly
rieati-il ledcral lonil. The R'urriior U i"prrk-il
to nuhe the nppolntincnt as ho receed Jwhw
Aiilihalil'ii irnlKiiatioit.
Mr, (,'onnell ahl hU vlit had tiolhliij to do
with tho dlnilal of Frank II. demon., direc
tor of pulillo safety of fri-rantun, on mi omit of
alleged disagieeiiunt with Iteiorder Molr
Charters Granted,
lly Uvolinivo Who from The Anoiiattd I'resi.
Ilatrlsbiirg, Apiil n. The slate department Is.
surd charters today to tho West theater ami
Wilmington, CheHtr, Was lie and NorrUlown,
Philadelphia Wavno and e.l Cheater, Parsers
bunt and I'oilesvllle, Coateville, llownlngtoii
and West Chester, Philadelphia, NorrUlown .mil
PhoeiilwiUo, and Philadelphia. Medli and vVII-iiili.fe-loii
stiecl lalhoadj, The tolal capitalization
of tlio trtiupinle I sjlOn.SOO. Albert II. Kelly,
ot Philadelphia, h president of the companies,
They will liulld suburban linos In Clii.ter, Jlela.
wjre and Montinomeiy eountie-, Charters were
also ksited to tlm Jersey Shote Kneet llailuay
(onipany, Jeiey Shores capital, tfil.tvin, and the
Heading, I)iid-boio and Pottslonn Itallioad com
pany, Reading-, capital, flo.OOu.
Morgan Formed the Combine,
lly Ucluhc Wiie from The At.sodaied l'ie-,.
Columbus, Aptll 0. A tpeclal to the DUpil.h
from Cincinnati tatt A clgantlc amalgamation
of our rallioaiU has jut bien cO.ei.ied. 'Iho
roads are the Southern lallnay, the Cincinnati,
Hamilton and Pajton, the Chicago, Indianapolis
and I.ouUvlllc and the Cincinnati Southern. J.
pierpont Morgan Is reputed to have (oiuied tlio
Aid for Strikers,
lly lixdusire Wire from The Associated Press,
Wilkes-Datre, April S. Ihe emplojes o( the
silk inllU of r.iterten, S. J loday sent a ion
trihution of MOO to the striking silk weavers of
this city.
Justlco Childs, of Buffalo, Decides
Against the Lackawanna.
lly lluhtthi' Wire from The Associated PreM.
. DuiValo, April C Justice Childs, in
the special term of the Supreme court,
this afternoon handed down his decis
ion denying the motion to continue the
Injunction secured by the Delaware,
Lackawit'itia and WeiVSern Ballroad
company and the New York, Lackn
wnnnn and Western, restraining the
nsHessors ftotn placing- on the tax rolls
franchise valuations fur .$irS,000
against the Lackawanna. The re
straining order prevented the asses
sors from pluclng tho assessment as
fixed by tho state board of tax com
missioners upon the rolls.
This assessment will take the course,
of others now. nnd n tax will be levied
against tlio company.
No other corporations have as yet
begun any proceedings to resist the
assessment levied upon their fran
chises by the state board tinder the
Kurd franchise tax law.
Discovery of nn Abandoned Pompom
at Bottom of a Precipice Lord
Kitchener's Reports.
By i:tluiiu- Wlic fiom 'llm Avnuiialcil Picj.
Capo Town, April C General French
continues to press the Boeis at Vry
iteld, Transvaal colony.
The Boers abandoned a pompom,
which the British found smashed at
tho bottom of a precipice.
London, April 6. Lord Kitchener, re
porting to the war olllce tho llndlng of
an abandoned and destroyed pompom,
near Vryheld, says:
"This accounts for all the enemy's
guns known to be In the southeastern
l.oid Kitchener reports as follows to
the war ofllce:
."Colonel T'liimuit-f has advanced
twenty miles beyond Nylstroom, unop
po.ied on the way toward Pitorsburg."
According to the Pretoria cortes
por.dent of the Dally Telegraph, the
Boers have shifted their seat or gov
ernment from Pietorshurg to a point
thirty-five miles notheast.
The Latter Was Not Enthusiastic Re
garding the Promotion of
General Funston.
lly i:ilii-iie Wiie f i o.ii Tho Av.oci.iti d 1'ie.-.;.
Wichita, Kan.. April 5. The Kaqlo
tomorrow will publish an extended In
terview with Congressman Chester I.
Long, or Kansas, relative to tho ap
pointment of Frederick Funston to a
brigadier generalship In the regular
at my. .Mr. Long has verified tlic inter
view for the Associated Press.
"When 1 rend or Tunston's herioo
deed," says Mr. Long. "I went
straight to General Corbiu's ofllce and
' 'Well, genet al, you see what Fun
ston has done.'
" 'Yes, I have seen it,' replied Cor
bin, not too pleasantly.
" 'Well.' 1 said, 'don't you think that
you ought to make Funston a brigadier
general in the regular army?'
" 'No,' said Corhin, 'he has done
nothing to warrant that.'
" 'lint,' I insisted, 'it seems to me
that he has done a very daring thing;
that lit: has almost concluded the war.'
" 'Jlr. Long,' said Corbin, 'I am mak
ing lots of butter stuff than Funston
every day. Funston Is a boss scout
that's all.'
"'We want li tin made a brigadier
general,' T insisted.
" 'Mr. Long,' said Corbin, 'tho army
has become a gieat school; we want
teachers for brigadier generals; we
want men who can tench and not those
who should be tutight.
" 'But the president may want to
appoint him,' 1 said.
" 'The president can do so, of eoiifcc,
said General Corbin, "but It was plain
to bo seen," added Mr. Long, "that tho
president .would never do It on the
tecoir.endatlon of Mr, Corhin,"
Count Tolstoi nnd Count Tarnowskl
Use Pistols and Swords.
lly Kwlmlvp Who from The Aoci.itoil l'rc.
Nice, April 5. In the ilut-l (ought on tlio
tiontiiT of Monaco jisteiday between Count Kon.
lonfoft ToNtol, a lieutenant in a CnwdiU regi
ment, nnd Count TnriiowiM, vciet.iry of tho
Aii'trhu ligation nt Washington, tho uiupiio
il'Viiltil, that uuin-,' to tlio tri.ulty nf tlm of.
fence tho honor of the iuliu.ip.iW reipilied the
use of plidol-. (lift and then swonW.
'die nitetlii? va.i In roii-rf-mience of a publlo
alienation, the auo of uhiili U not I.nmvn,
Two .iots weio cxclimigril without a hit and lit
tlio first a.v.iult Willi aworiW Count Tarnow.kl
was wounded in tbe foreaun.
Russell Harrison Satisfied,
llj llxcluvfNo Wire from The Aociited (rc.;i
IndiaiiapnlW, Aptll 5. It via.; reported (tout
iw Vnil. todi.v lint llnsvll II. l.ii rI-on in
tended to muii'-t Ihe will of his f.ithtr, with
the view nt obtaining a poll ion oi tho etato
direct, llowaid Halo, Mr, llniiwn'o attorney,
t-.iiil this .ifteiuoou that the npoit w3 luifounil.
rd. Mr. Illirhnn, he i'liil, Is iiithcly eJlilllcd.
ii m i
Victims of the Plague.
Hy Kviluslvo Mre Iroin The Asaocialeil Viets.
Capo Town, April 0. I'lvo cotpves of victims
ol tlm bubonlo plajiio wcro found iu Capo Town
todav. .Seven additional h,acs lavo been oflieial
ly icpoited, sls of thi.-o beintf Ihuopeaiu, and
one of tho latter Mm; a jeonim at (iieiti Point
ll,v hn-liulvc Wire from The Associated I'rew.
Ntvv York, Apiil 5. Colonel ltobert Wallato W
dead al the residence of his i$ter, Jlr. Alcxau.
ilir Klllott, Iu Jertiy v ,ty, after a prolonged 111
iiosj. Colonel Wallace was burn iu l.'attou, Pa,,
SO veai ao. lie terved an a captain In the
United Stales Amy hi the Mesican war and was
made colonel of a western regiment In the
I'nlon arm in the Civil war. Alter the war lie
lived for nuny year In the ttate of Wakhinslon.
'Ihe Intel iikiU uill bo at Maucli Chunk, Pa.
Russia's Replu Gonccrnino Man-
cluiria Is Not Satlsfactoru
(o tlio Mikado.
A Second and More Peremptory Re
monstrance Demanding a Reply
Within a Stated Period Will Be
Addressed to Russia A Demand
That Amounts to nn Ultimatum.
Japan Taking Measures with a
View to Approaching Hostilities.
Py rivcliilc Wire fiom The Associated Pre.
Loudon. April 6. "Itttssla's reply con
cerning Manchuria being unsatisfac
tory, the Japan government has de
cided," says the Yokohama, correspond
ent ot the Dally Mall, wiring Thurs
day, "after a conference! with the heads
of the in my and navy and of the de
partments of finance and foreign af
fairs, to address a. second and more
peremptory remonstrance, demanding a
reply within a stated period. This re
monstrance, communicated through tho
Japanese minister In St. Petersburg,
almost amounts to an ultimatum."
London, April 6. "Japan is taking
measures with a view to hostilities
with Russia," says the Pckin corre
spondent of the Daily Express. "Sho
has entered into an arrangement with
Liu Kun Yl, viceroy of Nankin, who is
acting on behalf of the other friendly
viceroys and governors, regarding the
course they will pursue In the way or
aiding Japan against Russia. It is
understood that they have promised to
place the telegraphic communication;:
and transport facilities at tho service
or Japan."
St. Petersburg, Aptll 5. The Russian
government concludes a lengthy state
ment respecting the Manchurian agree
ment in these words; "While the Rus
sian government maintains its present
organization in Manchuria, to preserve
order in the vicinity or the broad fron
tiers of Russia tind remains faithful to
its original and ort-repcated political
programme, It will quietly nwalt the
further course of events."
Brother of Charles F. Jones Tells of
a Chloroform Order.
Hy Kvlusive Wire fiom The Associated T.-s.
New York, A'pril 5. It was an
nounced at the district attorney's olllce
today that an atlldavit had been re
received from William L. Jones, of
Texas, brother of Charles F. Jones,
saying that in July and August, 1000,
he sent bottles of chloroform to his
bi other. William, XI. M. Rice's valet.
The aflldavlt says that Charles F.
Jones said he wanted tho drug for a
friend who wanted to make toothache
drops. Assistant District Attorney Os
borne declared that he would procure
In court the brother from Texus if nec
essary to hold Albert T. Patrick, the
lawyer who Is charged with having
caused Rice's death.
President McOurdy Lays tho Corner
stone of New Building of Mutual
Life Insurance Company.
By Inclusive Wire (lorn The A'sociated Press.
New York. April C Tho beginning of
a revolution in tho architecture of low
er New York city was marked today
when Richard A. McCurdy, president,
of the Mutual Life Insurance company,
laid the cornerstone of the company's
magnificent new building on Cedar
stieot. The building will be fifteen
stories high above ground and will
reach one hundred feetfour high
studded stories below ground. This
construction was made necessary by
tho geological character of lower Man
hattan Island.
This Is the only building that rests
on tthsoluto bedrock. Such rigid con
struction Is required for the Immense
vaults tho building will contain, as the
least settling would cause their doors
to bind. These underground floors will
contain, r',000 squaro feet.
Steamship Arrivals.
lly Inclusive Who from The Associated Press,
Now Yoik, April S. Airivedt PretoiU, Ham
Iniijr, Cleared; Steamers I.ucanla, l.hetpool;
'I t.n e, Naples and Genoa; lllhlopia, Glasgow;
lluluaiia, llainbun,'. Palled! Itntludtm, Hotter
ibm. Piemen Atlived: !.ahn, New Yoik vii
Kcuthatiiptou. fieuoa Anlicil: Allrt. New
Yoik via ( and Naples, Cheiboutu
Sailed! Dcutsc-hland (I'toni llienien and South,
aiupton), New Yoik. I'uwU Point Parsed ;
AtiMliriiam, Itottenluii und llnuliigiip for New
Yoik, 3lovilli SJllrrl: Attoila Oioin fila-ROvv),
New Vot I..
Griffith Wins the Handicap.
By Inclusive Wire fiom The Associated I'icsa.
Ntw York, Apiil fi. K. C, Oiillltli, of I'a.cojt,',
It. I., won tin: gland Ameiiian handicap toJiy
by hilling eighteen straight In the thoot-otT, mlrf
and out, and tjot S0 in eash and the ibcr cup.
'the tccotitl man was J, h. 1. MorrUon, of M.
Paul, who Llllid seventeen and In; tccelvel WOO.
It, ltahm, of rillkburu, wa third, with ioutUen
kills, ami cot I00 in cash. V. II. l', of Haiti
more, indued his flist bhd in the i-hoot-ofl.
The Riders Salute Miles.
Py Kcluio Wire from The Ateocialed Press.
New York, April 5. Lieutenant (tcncral Jlilci
and a paily of 1 1 lends ouuplcd a bo nt th.)
Wild Wei,, bl.ow at Madison SVii.m- garden In
night. Tho cavalry detachment.-, connected with
tho Uil'l Wot saluted Mlh. who
ictmncd the ralute.
Weather Indications Tdy:
1 (icneral llallroad OlllclaU Confer with Mm-
.UpanVi Ultimatum to lunula,
favorable Communication from Itusala.
Purtndt Returned After Tvtenty-ilve iar,
2 General Cnrbondaln Jten-
3 Local One Woinaii'fl Views.
Musical Cotfip. j
4 IMItortal.
Weekly Letter r.ri Municipal AITalr'.
Note and Comment'.
5 I.oeal Sorlat and Personal.
&leMrlc Halad.
0 Local-PowT f the Pollen M.iRL'Irales.
Tn.vlor bill: .Strike Settled.
7 Local Hec order Molr WitnK No (Jitarn-I.
I'.i-I Time of New Tiolley Company to
S local Wc-t Scranton and Kuburban.
!1 Noitheaitcrti Pennsylvania,
t-'iiianclnl and
11) Local Proiframinc! for l!iler S-.ind.iy
In the Churchc.
11 Local Sunday School Lcmop I'oi Tomoriow.
ncllfrioiis News of the Week.
Vi Local Live Xew it of tins Industrial World.
The Famous Duellist Defends His
Mansion Agnlnst a Posse
and Holds the Fort.
By Kvduslve Wire liom The Aiwiialed Virv.
Lexington, Ky April 5. With the
cry, "the vendetta! the. vendetta!" on
his lips, General Cassius Marcelus Clay,
the famous abolitionist nnd duellist
and former United Slates minister to
Utissla, this morning led his little
bodyguard to battle against a. sheriff's
posse which had gone to Whitehall,
his palatial mansion In Madison county,
to Horve papers upon the general in a.
civil case, instituted against him by his
daughter, Mrs. Mary 13. Clay.
Many shots were tired on each side,
and the posse finally departed without
accomplishing' the purpose of Its visit.
It is reported that General Clay was
wounded in the affray. Floplnrr from
his supposed enemies, lie barricaded
himself In his "den," in the mansion,
and there he remains, guarded by his
faithful servants. Whether or not he
Is wounded Is known only to himself
and to his little bodyguard. No physi-e-ian
has been summoned to the house
and none dare approach except on In
vitation. Today's confllot was directly con
nected with the domestic wops of Gen
eral Clay, which have darkened the
closing years of his life. The princi
pals in the battle were General Clay
and two of-his bodyguard. Bud Ltteroll
and Jim Bolln, on one side, and Sheriff
Colyer, Deputy Terrlll and Frank
Mason, of Madison county, on the
other. Tho writ which the sheriff
sought to serve was one ordering the
delivery of some furniture belonging to
the general's daughter.
Measure to Punish Kidnapping by
Life Imprisonment Other
Bills Made Laws.
ilarrlsljtirg, April 3. Governor Stone
today signed llm following bills:
To enfoico the pimtsioiut of Motion I, Articla
XVII of the conititution, to prevent the cnn-wli-elation
of parallel or competing line of railmul,
canal or other loipoiatloii..
Authurbing ralhoad and other liaiL-poilalion
rompaniM In Pennsylvania, to iuitiiic, bold ami
dUpoeo of and guarante-'e the stoek and seeuiitles
of other corporation of this utate or elsewhere.
Authorizing railrouii In-ictoiore or heieafl'r
i-ciistiucted to imy ilvir fiuinimj the boundary
line between tlil nnd any adjoininir ctale to be
built by mentis ot a bridge and its approaches
to the iniddlo of such tivcr and time conntu
with any railroad of mcli adjoining ilale.
V.ilida'ting private 'ales ot teal eMale ot eh
ceeleiitu herelofoie made under author!! of orphan-,'
court upon petition ol enecutor-j or mi-inlnWralor-i
(or payment oi debts
PiNhig the teim nf notaries public.
Knablliijc Indians to sue and he hiird.
To puniili kidnapping by life iiiipii-onmuil.
Validating changes hetetoforc made iu Ihe
naiue.s of e-orporalions by i ourts ot common ple.i.
Providing for tlio division of the dlicctois or
managers of insurance companies Into classes and
for tho election of such directors and iinnajcein
and making liwful and valid such iIIvImoh and
classification of directors or managers of Invur
ante companies when herelofoie made.
Postmen Will Be Allowed to Wear
Turn Down Collars.
Dy U-iclusive Wiie from 'Iho Associated Press,
Wafhltiflon, April 3. An innovation looking tn
the comfort ot lettT c-arrlets throughout tho
country during the heat ot summer piobahly will
bo Introduced this yen- by otlleial ponuision
to theru to dlveit tlulr colts on their rounds
when Mt to bo ncccsi-iij,
It is expected that the prwtuiJ'ter general, in
the near fuluie, will iue an order formally
granting outhoilty to postniislut for this pur
pose and niodlfIn? the ieo,u!reiiieiit.s so as lo
allow the cauleis to wear a eullablo gray blouse,
with turn down collar and a hi ul. tie.
R ockefeller Buys a Harbor.
Uy i:clik-itu Win- fioui 'Ihe A-eodatrd I'teM.
Toledo. Apiil j. The lite puhlhlic.s a story to
day to the illecl that Pi Ash, a (nimer resident
of tills clt, has ju.-l sold to John I). Itoekefeller
for l00,0eX) one hundred and lty aires In
Northern Wisconsin, which Pr, Alt purchased In
IstSI lor t,M0 on speculation. The tract Is iald
to iiicludo tlm only natural luilwr In Northern
i. . - -.
Contract for Milwaukee.
Dy Inclusive Wire (torn Th Associated Press.
Wa-liliijitrin, Aptll .k 'Ihe nivy depaitment his
aivardfd the conttail lor the building ot the l
knot piotci'led itul-ir Vlilwaukee' to the I'nlon
Ian wmk, of San I'ramUio. The eemtiact price
is .l!.!5,QiJ0.
Preparing- for Winter Campaign,
By Kicluslvc Wire from Iho Usoilatcd Press.
London. April . The Croiisiailt lone-poudi-nt
of the Time., wiling 'llinwla, i-a lint
lions aio belli; genet illy niaib b, the llilli-h
forces foi viintei oi-ci jtl'-ii-.
The Document Said to Have Pro
duced a Profoundly Favor
able Impression.
No Official Statement as to the Terms
Proposed, but It Is Understood
That Russia Takes Occasion to Give
Positive Assurance of Hor Disin
terested Sentiments on the Chinese
Questions Significant Statement.
By Kscluslve Wlra from Th Associated Press.
Washington. April n. The United
States government lias received a. com
munication from the government of
(Insula of unusual Importance beating
on Interests In China, anil particularly
those l elating to Manchuila. The docu
ment is of such a. character as to havn
produced a profoundly favorable im
pression, nnd at tho state department l-s
looked upon as the most salutary de
velopment, that has occurred for many
months in the problems of the oast.
As to the exact terms of the communi
cation there is no ofllclal statement
thus far, although later it doubtless
will be communicated to the public.
Secretary Hay locclved it from tho
Russian ambassador. Count Casslnl,
bust night and took speedy steps b
lay it before the president. The latter
shared the secretary of state's srratlfl
catlon that a. way has been found to
dispose of the complications over the
Manchurinn question and to bring Rus
sia into strong accord with tho other
powers. At the Russian embassy no
information was obtained as to the
communication, Count CassinI asking
to he excused from all inquiries.
While there Is an entire absence of
authoritative information, yet it is
understood that Jlussia now takes oc
casion to give positive assurance of tht
disinterested sentiments which have
animated her throughout the consider
ation of Chinese questions. An to Man
churia, It is made clear that Russia's
course never has varied in the purpose
to leave that province an Integral part
of China and to retire the Russian
troops as rapidly a1? safety would per
mit. This, moreover, it is made plain
in the communication, has been Rus
sia's oourse throughout, notwithstand
ing assertions to the contrary.
Aspirations for Peace.
But as a more signal evidence of Rus
sia's purpose, and in harmony with the
czar's aspirations for peace and har
mony between the nations, the Russian
government now gives assurances of
the most definite and satisfactory
character as to the execution of this
purpose. The extent of the assurances
can be best judged by the impression
made in tlio highest ofllclal quarter
here that the threatened crisis over
the Manchuria has been complotcly
a verted.
The Russian communication 1s the
more slgnillcaut, coining at a moment
when the press advices from Kuropn
asserted that Russia was collecting an
army of "00,000 men for the purpose of
holding Manchuria without reference
to the desire of the other powers. There
Is no doubt that Russia has a large
military force In Manchuria, so that -had
she determined to hold the prov
ince she has the military establishment
already on the ground prepared to
maintain her occupancy.
To the officials in Washington one of
ihe most gratifying features of Rus
sia's action Is that It is responsive to
Secretary Hay's note of March 1, last.
This note had boe'ii previously com
municated to the Chinese minister at
Washington anil advised him that the
United Stales viewed as unexpcdlcnt
and dangerous to the Interests of China
tho conclusion of nny private territorial
or Jlnancial agreement.
A copy of this communication wan
sent to the tTnited States ambassador
at St. Petersburg; Mr. Charlemagne
Tower, and the Tlusslan ambassador at1
Washington was also made aware of
Its contents. Willie the note never was
addressed direct tn Russia, yet by the
foregoing means it cum'' fully to tho
attention of the Russian authorities.
Race for Heavy Stakes.
By Kxcltulrn Wire from Ihe Associated Press.
Boston, April 5. Thomas W, Lavvfon ha-s ac
cepted an offer of the Kenlueky Trotting Horr
Bleeders' association for a match rato at Lev
ington, Ky,, In October, between BmumaU and
The Abbot lor 5-10,000 a side, tlio association In
add one-hilf Iho gate receipts fur that day, win
ner to tal.e all,
Will Study American Methods.
By Inclusive WiiM from Tin Associated Tit-is.
London, April 0. Tlio managers of a number
of iton IntlM of the M indicator dislrlit
have decided tu send out a picked pirty of Ittitl-li
workmen to Vie Culled States for the purposo
of slwhlnt; .'.tucilrnn method of woiKinaivihip in
Iho automatic tool trade,
lucjease in Wnges of. Railroaders.
By Exclusive Wire (rout The Associated Press.
Philadelphia, April D, A iltpitcli fiom Uaston,
Pa., to the llccoul t,ays the Lehlitlt Valley lUil
road company ha Increased tlm wattes o( Its
two liundnd pasieuser rouduitor ami bral.ii.
men between lu-ie and .fersey t.'lly and Iluffslo
!;j a month.
Pennsylvania Pensions,
lly llxilu-ito Who from The Associated l'ics,
Waihlngton, Apiil 3.- A pe-iiilon "t M a month
has Ik-en giuntcd lo William II. I'iuUcpaugh, of
Jibliu, Laikawamu cou'ily, and ,onn ot $10 a
month has he-en Ranted to Willi mi W. bihooIe,
of l'b mouth, l.uenio loiiniy.
v U'a.binati'11. Aptll ft.- ) for at- -
t iirdii and huiidat Li.teiu PiiMiIvan1.i 4
Pain tvliirili villi aiiiiei-in iioilbrrn
iuiliui: Mull t,mtiie,a,teil wludi, !ilft s
4- ins: t .iirfill wi-ttil. x.ui'ij.v, ileum; 4
Iu i lie t-nlv iiiiiiiii'..