The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 05, 1901, Page 5, Image 5
PIW 77 IU tu hi rHE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY APRIL 5, 1001. ..ym ';.: . j" ( nxxxxxxxxxxx; nn Monr.nN tiAiiowAnn stone. YOU WILL HEAR For the tone Is loud and clear. Thole la only one had feature about the New Departure Boor Bell, you have no excuse for not go ing to the door. No battory necessary, nor springs to get out of order with the "New Departure" and you get electrical results. We can match the hardware on your door. Foote & Shear Co. JJ9N. Washington Ave T OF SCRANTON. Capital $200,000. Surplus $500,000. United States Depositary. Business, personal and sav ings accounts invited. 3 per cent, interest paid on savings accounts. Open Saturday eveuings from S to q o'clock. Wm. Conm.ll, 'resident. IIinkv Buis, Jr., Vice Pres. V.t. H. Pick, Cashier. Lewis, Ruddy, Dairies 'J6fe4j-' I 'i J I Repairing Done Gratis. LACKAWANNA "THE" AUNDRY. WEATHER YESTERDAY. l.uul ilili fur Apiil I, 1 ul: llluhot 1 1 iiipriat m c I fiwot iimicr ituio lluiiiirtltj- 5 .1 p. in IlaiiiUll, 'Jl lint i.-, inileil 5. i. III. ., II ilegwes .. Ill llcR ICt's S- pep t (Ml, SO per u'lit, . ... O.G hull PERSONAL. Ml- f. C Mihiu left fui Nih mh illy le.leill.IJ. I'lotin-ar W.i Her lltiell, of ( ounci tiuil, tonuer piluiipil c tin" Sili'inl tt tlio,inni, U tOlullllK ,i lew 1 1 1 a 111 IllU (111. W I., IMiiiclr, (hicf ilcik lo tlio county muiih'-it'iiicii-, .ii'ioinpiuicd li.i Ms .-mi, .spout l.i.i cu'iiiiiir vtlth tiii'iiiU awl uiatiii-, in Wilki'i II 11 ic Hr II. H. ltd. iiu'il .ve-liidiy lioni ll.ii. tNiiui; whcie lie appeaii'd Inline tin; .ippinpiln tluic itnninitlru nl tlio li mo in tlio inter- 1-.I-. Of till' ll.llllll'l.llllll ho-pital, t In- Nii VniK pjpeis announce MNs Amu Muldoun, ul tin-. itj, tvi. luiirlcd mi I VI'. HI i i Iliiilin, of Ntw Voik I'll), Mi-., Ilieslln U tin- ilivoucd fu of I)i, Wllli.un ihssertj, of flits flu, Hr. .1. J. Ilnlicilf, mimier o! l..nkiw.iiin.i mini, ty, it-iiiiinil 1I iliillt'. 3e1.tcnl.1y, .ifttr ,i two weeks' with rililivis .mil friend-. In Mld'llc lirimlllt, V V. He uaij uuouip.inlcil duiliii; Ills Hip liy Mi. lluliriU 1'r.inui Mil i ill .iinl Ml-. V. V I'ijoi will Irive tnrl4j tor New lnk lioni v.lilil. phuc they will nil in iibiuil .i w i'l. r I'.nl,, wheio tiny will vf-it .Mr. I'ljoi's ton, liuiivr. Alter they nil! make a lout of l.niope, Roses Given Away On Snluiilny. Willi every purchase nuinuuting ti .fl.'H v.'t' will rIvu a beau II fill Easter Huso. Meat's it llageu, You Will Make No Mistake liy buying yitni' cut flowers nml How eillig plants at McJJUtltock's, V'S Wash. Inglun uveiino. " Organs for Sale Cheap. You imii lui? a roocI second hand Op. pun as low us $10.00 at Guernsey Hull, J. W, Cjueriifcoy, I'rop.. UH Washing. Ion avenue, Scranton, Pa, Go to McCllntock's, Via Wabhlugtou avenue, for your fas ter flowers. A GREAT SURPRISE Is io iloie for all who me Kemp's RiL-jin foi Hie 'I Inoat ami I-ungs, the fieat tiuuntcid Itnicdy. Woult) Oii bqlleio Hut It I, tolj on itt irifrifl mid any ilrui;t,'it Is mithaiUed ly the 'loprletcr pi tlih wondeiml tfincily to glo jou a eample bottle free? It ncicr fjlU to (tire iut er (.liiunU' icu;ln. All tltussUts ucll himp'i UaltJri. J'lUc S5v, audi 00V. ""a. t .J. mt.j-,n?jjy ,, t -3.1 .S" Mnrnhtf ' u't"'j safes-jk.. 330 ' ' ! ' : ' ' I I ' ' ' CLEMONS HAD TO GET OUT RECORDER MOIR WANTED TO BE DIRECTOR OP SAFETY TOO. Colonel F. I Hitchcock, One of Pros ecuting Attorneys of Municipal League, Induced to Take Mr. demons' Place demons Fired Be cause He Would Not Appoint Zlzle mann Colonel Hitchcock Last Night Reappointed Chiefs Zlssle mann nnd Robling. Itecortlot JniiH'a Molr nt 3 o'clork p. m, yesterduy appointed Colonel !'. L. Hitchcock director ot puhllo safely. Hclrct Caunclhnun Vrank II. demons, who wns M-'leulcd for tlio position, pre HtMitcd liltnst'll' nt the lecoitlor's odtce (it tliut hour, while tin; recorder nnd Colonel Hitchcock weve In consultation, and offered his bond. The recorder Informed Mr. Clumous that lie was not In ne the dlieotor of publli; hiifoty; that Colonel Hitchcock would ofllrlate III that position. Mr. Cletnons retired. The shelving of ATr. demons results from his refusal to allow (,'nptnln Molr to ho lecurdur nnd director. Mr. Clem ons did net want the appointment and only ii greed to accept It rpon the carn eM inllcitutloii of Congressman Con nell and other Influential citizens, who believed that the presence of some such M'iisoned business man lu the office was absolutely essential to the city's best Intel est p. When Mr. demons nl hiueil hlr.iselt to be persuaded to take the ofllce he secured nn assurance from the recorder that the director of pub lie safely was not to be hampered In the discharge or his duties by any In terference troin the outside. It ap pears, however, (hat after Mr. demons accented the appointment the recorder lefus'ed to ttiallfv him until he would subset I be tn an agreement to continue in ofhVe the beads of departments who had beet: Kelvins' under the recorder when he was mayor. Mr. demons re fined to u ake any such agreement and as a consequence the recorder deposed him as director. HAPPENED WKDNKSUAV. Mr. Clematis was practically "filed" Wednesday. He and the recorder came together to have an understanding and uhcii the director-to-be refused to allow the iccorder lo dictate whom tbe director should appoint, thu dhector wa to'.d be was not wanted. Yester day's action on the part, of Mr. dem ons wns simply the purpose ot putting the iccorder on record. The bond which was presented was pre pared nnd Us correctness vouched for by Mr. demons' attorney, II. f Rey nolds, and Mi. Reynolds accompanied Mr. demons to the reeoidei's olllre. when the bond was proffered. The bund was from tbe Title Ouaiamy and Ttust ,'ompany, of Set anion, and simi lar in e1 cry lespect to the otheis which have been accepted by the iccoider. The fact thai .Mr. demons was tha choice f I'ongressn'.an Council and that Governor Stone deelaied his in tention to be mtldcd hugely by Con gressman Council's .judgment ami wishes in matters pertaining' to the re oiganlzatlon of Sei.inton's government, lays ground for Intel esting speculation as to the possible consequences of the recoidcr's action. When questioned about these possibilities yesterday the t-nngiessmun would only say: "Wait and see." Yesteulay if lei noon Mounted Officer Joseph Hloch took th; following note to Mr. demons in the Meats bulldlni;: Scuiilon, IM.. Apiil 4, 10i)l. Mi. r. II. limoiis, 00! .Mcat BuilditiB:. Heir Sli: Owiiit: to iliiteicnccs of opinion wliii li line liiietofoic been li-cn-se,l Ijclwveu ii, I mil snti-lieil that tlio l,e-l inteiels of the iltv dein.iiiih, .1 blither (on-iilri,ilinn of jour ii.mie .is the iliiocloi of public ojfel.v he ali.tniloiietl, , llP'.pCltfllllj' join-, .ldine Molr, Cily llriuuler. WHAT IT INDICATED. The language of this note tends to show that the recorder holds that Mr. demons was never director of public snfetj'. Mr. demons contends other wise. He says he was appointed and sworn in by Recorder Muir and told tn llle bin bond. He actually served one day as o'iiector. That was on Tues day. In the niorning- at the invitation of the recorder he sat In conference lvgaiding the leadjuslmout of city ball iiuaiters and In the afternoon he, the recorder, Director Roche and Solicitor Yratson conferred lepurdlng the "chas ei" lo the ru-oi'ganlzalion ordinance. It was at tlie conclusion of the after noon confeience that the bienk came. Mr. demons, it is understood, refused to agree to MipporL Mr. Hizelmann as chief of the bureau of pies. The re corder w.ixed wroth and said some in icmpeiate things. Mr. demons reiter ated his declaration that he would ap point whomsoever be saw fit and that ho would nol appoint Mr. Zizchnanu. because bo did not consider him the light kind of a man to take charge if tbe re-organlzation of the fire de partment. At this the iccorder said: "You haven't llb-d your bond yet and you needn't llle it," Tlio next morn ing Mr. demons waited upon the ro coider and nsltod him if his declara tion of the previous day was to be con sidered tlio equivalent of a removal. The iccoider answered in the affirm ative, .Mr. demons witbdiew and did not go to thn city hall again until late ychteiday afternoon, when he appeared to proffor Ids bond. The leeoider refused to accept Hie bond and, as told above, Informed Mr. demons that Colonel Hitchcock wns lhi director of public snfel.v. 'flood day," said Mr. demons. 1IATTON RECEIVED CAIiLEUS. Thn iccorder was not In bis office jestorduy, except fop a short time dur ing the early morning and again late in the afternoon. His pilvato secre tin y, II, C, Hatton, told all callers that the recorder was at home, sick abed. When tlio lecorcler came around In the lulo afternoon he locked hlm sUf tn tbo private office aim had the doors of tbo iccoplion room also locked. When Mr, demons nnd his attorney, Mr, Reynolds, arrived they found the doors all locked, but, as luck would have It, Solicitor Watfcon happenc to open tbo door leading to tbe rear cor ridor just at thn moment that Mr. demons was about to try the knob. The reeoider an. Colonel Jlltchcook weie evidently embarrassed, but the embarrassment did not last long, as Mr. demons withdrew Immediately af ter transacting the 'business that brought him there. Reeoider Molr was not disposed to talk about the removal of Mr. Clemons when a Tribune jeporter succeeded in bringing hint as fur as the threshold of his private ptllce. With one huud on his luieheud and the nlhvr holding the dooj half closed, he told how sick 4 i - st ?h.,)- is.'W.J '. ., n. .i.. ,, maj -afaasiMf iMMiaTiirr isiss ' M lie was In the head nnd how he did not wish to he disturbed. J3eforc allowing thn ropoiler to de part, however, ho said that Mr. Clem ons was not possible ns the director of public safely, boonur.o ho, the re'eord er, and Mr. Clemens could not agree. "I don't propose to b bulldozed," the recorder declared. Just what this had reference to wns not disclosed. NEVE HA CANDIDATE. Colonel Hitchcock was seen nt hli ofllce lu the Commonwealth building shortly after ho came from city hall. 'Yes. I have been appointed director of public safety, and have accepted, t took the oath of ofllce and my bond Is now being prepared. 1 want you to say for me, though, that 1 only accept ed when It was no longer possible that Mr. Clemons would foe the appointee. The ofllce enmo to mc without solici tation, and as X stated, In The Tribune yesterday, I was never a candidate for the position. There were no conditions attached to my appointment. I told tbe recorder that I would expect to bo free to conduct the department as t deemed best, nnd the recorder assured me Hint I would be nt liberty to do this. I 'Would not accept If there were any strings attached to my appoint ment." Mr. Hitchcock was reminded of his recent criticisms ot dilcT Zlzplnuinn, and asked If he would tetaln him as head of the fire department. To this he made answer that since making those allusions to Chief Zlzelmann be had learned that the chief was sick on the occasion referred to and that it would not be fair to hold n man to strict accountability when be Is sick. He further said that be would make no removals until he had found out for himself that the Incumbent should bo removed. He .would give every man full opportunity, he said, to prove him self capable. "Honesty and compet ency are the only two qualifications I will require," be added. Colonel Hitchcock is a lawyer by profession, tout devotes most of his time to Insurance business, being the head of the local Fire Underwriters' asso ciation. Of late, however, he has de voted much of his time to the work ot reform being carried on by the Munici pal league, of which he is prosecuting ut torney. and the Men's union, ot which he Is one of the most active members. Before eating his supper last night, Director Hitchcock qualified by pre senting ills bond to the recorder, and Immediately thereupon he appointed and swoio hi Chief Zizelmann and Chief Robling as the respective heads of the bureaus of fire and police. WHAT HE SAID. The fact that Colonel Hitchcock agreed lo keep Chief Zlzelmann at the head of the fiie department, makes Interesting nnd apropos the fol lowing excerpts from the Tribune's re port of the board of trade meeting of Monday. February IS, last: Moil of (lie time of 1j4 liiglif-. ujulai meel iiiS ot the lio.nd of luilc as demlcd to .1 (IN i n ion of the need of leoisiininifr Iho fur ile p.uttiient. ff w.i, (ho eiiiiiil opinion the ,hp.iiluieiit j coicjj' in need of leurfriiiuitig :n.i I Mr ( hitli'iidru 01, Ilium c. pimiilin; f,.' .i pjirj ili'p.nlmenl. -hoiihl be pivnl. I ulnin'1 1". t. lliltlicoik, who t- iiirinln i of fhe 1'iidetttiiteis joihition. opened the dtMi: siou hi- vcjiiig Hut the need of a ieoij.iiii-ilii'ii oi the flit1 iep,iitinonl .i eiidf tn od b.v the lc mil ili-j-li.iiK iiii:iiKi.iliuii on l,,Hin i .iMiine .mil Hut he did nol know but the notoi urns manner m which IliK liic ilemuii fluted the Iiipffl. ieutj- ol the file- ilep.ntineiit wuiild lo-ull pi the uiles of inMiuiiie 1,ui ul-eil. K p "Hlut else i.m jou ospciti" ipien'ed ( oluiu I lliuliioik. "Ihcte a .i hte flut i .m-ed them ;i ijuaitrr of J in'llivn ilollms loss .uid thiee. fomllis of this lovt w,is due to the inclltrienij of the the depiilinint." I, JWi I oluiiel lliichimk wis .mihahI. he il-'i I.ikmI. to le.ilu Hill the liLijor w.i-. lobbying against j p.ild hie ilipjtlinenl. .is the mayor hid iepp.,t idlj" ssMiipd him he mm-, he.iitlly in noi ot n. v i .. (olouel llitfliuik "I j.ii iinMuiut-d In oiy Hut it (the lite dip.ulniont) i sjdli in need ot leoigHiiir.itiou. I ui told tlul timing the (nog. ies of the leient bis file tlicie wiie luoie liic ui.'it in the udj unit .-jIhoin than could be.,Voiintl v.oiking about the buiniiis: buildiuss. An ofheer of the tlie ilcpailincnt told inc lulf of hii men wen- lulf chunk nnd tlut iitosl. uf them hid wl.ii.kej- bottles in their poikel-. When ibis officer gae mi oulei to his men, nt he tells ine, he leppiitedby told to o to hell.'" m 'i v m m . Some imc at thi- juiictuio ui.tde the ieiu.nU Unit Ibeie wd? a rumor the chief of the flic dt'iwitmenl wus In ins: the ,iy Aug steuuer dm itiir the prosreu-s of the bis (ire. "that's rlRht," deelaied Colonel Illtclieo, k, "I wv him at it, and cpoBtiilatcd with him. If HiOM' boj s bail a leader that daj- the flie could halt' been unfilled to the Hennood liiillillng." WHY HE WENT. Mr. Clemons was deposed because he would not consent to the retention of Chief Zlzelmann. A further attestation of the fact that Recorder Molr does not allow that Mr. Clemons was ever, even for a day, di rector of public safety was found lu his honor's communication to select council, last night, in which ho mes saged his appointments. No mention whatovor was made of Mr. Clemons. The communication follows: To the llouuublr, the Folecl and Cuiuuioii I'ouncili: Centillium: In accordance with the irquite. menls of the city chattel, 1 hciouilli appoint the following gentlemen to fill the ailous e.. (ciitite offices. They lunc duly llled their bond, ami luw ciiteied upon their ilulic.,; Director of depaitmcnt ot public- safelv, Col. 1". I., llltclicocli. Director ot department of public noik, Hon. John i;, lloche. Dhector ot dcpailment nt charities and coirco lien, Fredeiiek Viillei. Dliotor nl dep.utmpnt of delinquent tases, Oeoitre W. .lenl.lns. Depaitllieiit of laiv, (5eoige M.,011, esq. Department of ,1'sessori, Klias Jloirls, fiwlljin ,loncj, I'lilllp ISiniland, Jay (,', feanians and I.U'ttflljn .V, lloberts, siiikius fund commission, .Ijniea A, .aninc, I'.beneer Williams, Hon, W, I,. ( ounell, Col, CfenrRp Saiiileisnn and Ceoige W, 1'iablc. I'olicn maglstiatea Aldcinmn W. ft. Millar, Dlvwrit 1'ltller, Itoaleel PaIes, V, Storr and John T. Hottf, itespeelfullj-, .laiiii'i Moir, City net order. The conimunlctitlon was referred to a special committee, on motion of Mr, Vaughan, because, as he said, "by ac cepting the communication wo would bo officially recognizing tlio appoint ments for which no piovislons have been made," CLEMONS EXPLAINED, Mr. Clemons, who wns occupying his usual seat, took the piivlleso of the floor for a explanation, and said, half Jocosely: "The iccoider has not treated me ex actly tight in tbla mattc-i. He should have mentioned that I was appointed dhector of public safety and then re moved. I was duly appointed, duly sworn in and duly served as the dlrec. tor of public safety for one whole day, 1 hnye the distinction or having been the first director of public safety of the city of Scrantou. Tbo recoider's com munication does not state all the facts, therefore I believe In having It re tern d." "Does the gentleman ftorn ;he Sev cnU'cnth wish his distinction lo be re a. ,, ,.,., ,. ,! -x-mesrsmBtxn corded on (be minutes?" queried Mr, Chlllenden. "Not nt all," icplled. the gentleman fiom the .Seventeenth. At thii close or the me .'ting Mr. Clem ons staled Informolly that nt tbo next session ho ulll Introduce a resolution to secii'e reimbursement for the two boxes of cigars he distributed while he was supposedly director of public safe ty. Dhector of Public Workt Roche wns at the met'tlntr. but took no part In the proceedings, It Is significant that he did not present his resignation. Mr. Clemons advised him lo hold It for awhile. Mr. Roche did not soy that his tallure to resign from council was due to the advice and experiences of Mr. Clemons. WADE M. FINN ENTERS BAIL. E. B. Sturges Becomes His Bonds n'mn in Sum of $1,000. Select Councilman Wade M. Finn, who was Indicted by tbe last grand jury on a charge ot having given $"00 to Harry C. Hatton for the bribing of former Select Councilman Simon Thomas, ytstcidny went before Judge Aihn P. Kelly and entered ball for bis appearance nl court. K. H. Stingos, the bead of the reform movement Inaugurated by the Muni cipal league, qualified as Finn's bonds man In the sum of $1,000. FOR CITY'S TEACHERS. Their Annual Institute Will Begin Next Monday Instructors Who Have Been Engaged. Tlie annual Institute of the public school teachers of this clly will be con ducted in the High school .auditorium, commencing Monday, April 8. at 2 o'clock In the afternoon and continuing throughout tbe week with two sessions daily. The principal instructor will be Prof. T. C. Mendcnball, of Worcester, Mass., president of the Polytechnic school of that clt.v. He will give lectures on "The Interior of tbe Earth," "Student Life in Japan," "t.titltud'O and Longitude" and "The Figure of the Earth." On Wednesday night. Apiil 10, he will lec ture on "Weighing tbe Earth." Dr. Frederick Oreen, professor ut literatuic In the West Chester Normal school, will lecture on literary topics. Miss Lydla Egginton. of Brooklyn, will give a series of five lectures on "Read ing." Among those from this city who will lecture are A. B. Dunning, Prof. W. W. Grant and Miss E. O. Olmstend. The musical part of the programme for tlio several days will be furnished by the following well-known slngeis: Miss Irene Kami. Miss Phoebe Smith, Miss Reba Williams and Ralph V. Williams. The High school students will sing seveiul choruses. The sessions of the institute will be gin each d'iy at f.30 a, m. and L' p. m., and will lie open to the general public. E. R. W. SEARLE APPOINTED. Has Been Chosen for Clerk of New Federal Court. Judge R. W. Arunbald yesleiday ap pointed E. R. W. Searle, of Susque hanna, lo be clerk of the new t'nitod States court for the middle judicial dlstilot. Mr. Seal le was formerly a. resident of this city, wheie he learned tin; printing trade. He aftei wards re moved lo Montrose, wlitrp be studied law and was admitted to tbe bar and f lorn then- leinoved to Susquehanna, heie lie has since resided. Mr. Searle wns bom in this iit'. where his father was foi many yents engaged in business. His sister, Mrs. Sidney Hayes, lives here, and it is probable that .Mr. Searle will alo make bis home in Seranlon as soon as he enters upon the duties of his office. He is a nephew of Judge D. A". Senile, uf .Montrose, and Chief Justice Mc Collum, of the state Supieme court. Mr. Seaile had the endorsement uf United States Senators Quay and Pen lose and Congressmen Connell and AVrlght. Mr. Searle will make a veiy eompetent clerk end the appointment is also considered a very excellent one in a g?ogtaphical way. The clerk is paid foes, which aie not to exceed $3,.'00 a year. When the Fedeial luurt meets In Ifiiirlsburg for Us fir.-t session Judge Archbald wMl announce the appoint ment of his commissioners in bank ruptcy. Tlie local commissioner, Sir. Van AVoimer, will have to retire ur loss le-nppoinlcd. AN EXTRA LARGE COFFIN. The Body of the Late James Stephens to Be Placed in One. Tndertaked D. D. Jones, of North Scianlou, says that the coffin which he is making for the body of James Stephens, who died on Tuesday In Green Ridge, Is the largest, which be has ever been called upon to make. It Is 2M,i Inches, where ordinary caskets arc only eighteen Inches across, anil has a depth of twenty-four Inches. Tbe deepest cofllns kept in stock by cofllu dealers aie only seventeen Inche.s and tlies' ato called for so ildom that It is bard to find them at all. Extra heavy Iron clamps are being fastened cm to hold the bottom and Incidentally tho four .hundred-pound body of the dead man. The funeral will be held from tho family home on Creen Ridge slreot this afternoon at 2 o'clock nnd inter, meat will be made In the Forest 1III1 cemetery. RURAL MAIL DELIVERY. Two Routes Established in Northern Part of Lackawanna County. Fiee mall delivery has been extend ed to two rural routes in Lackawanna county, to begin May l, Ono will start from Olyphant nnd cover tbe territory now served by tlio Justus, Oreen, drove, Mmitdale, Scott nnd TompklUKYille, posloffiees. The other will start at .lemon and take In the Amasa tenltory. William Tlnaley will bo the carrier of tho first route, nnd Frank L. Depew of the second. Each route Is over twenty-thiee miles In length. Cut Flowers for Easter, Leave your order with McCllntooU and get fresh stock, rose buds, carna tions'. Illy of the vnlley and violets. 123 Washing tmi avenue. New Hosiery for Ladles. We have a beautiful line of ladles' hosiery, both fancy and plain, in lisle, cotton and silk. Pi Ice & Jenkins, 1U0 Wyoming avenue. McCHntock with His Easter Flowers Will be at 12S Washington avenue. Who Is Doing the Business? Notice Comsen's crowded stoic, iU&hijUhiai&MfcsWfifei4A '' .,i-t ..- ...jtf'nJh - JUGGLED WITH THE 'CHASER" SOMEONE HAS TAMPERED WITH COMPROMISE SUPPLEMENT. Xeyser Valley Mtn Not Molested nnd Clerk of the Common Council Knocked Out, Which Is Vice Verra to What Conference Agreed Upon. Appropriation Ordinance Intro duced Mr. O'Boyle Introduces nn Ordinance to Tax Trolley Cars. Other Business Transacted, Select council held a regular meeting last night, the first business session of a council In second class Scranlon. The appropriation ordinance, as drafted by the last estimates commit tee; the "cbuser" to the rc-organlzn-llon ordlttpnce and nn ordinance tax ing trolley companies were the Impor tant measures Introduced, Accompanying the appropriation or dinance was a communication from Controller Howell showing that the available revenue has been increased b.v additional liquor licenses $18,900. making the total estimated revenues from all sorrces 1413,200. The deficien cies, he reported, are $t7,1fC.1t, Chnlrmnn Chittenden did not an nounce his committees, He gave a memorandum of his estimates com mittee to City Clerk Lavelle. with In structions to make It public when the common council committer is appoint ed. The spproprlatlon oidinance as It now stands calls for an expenditure ot 3!i7.1 26.25. This, with the deficiency bills, will eat up tbe estimated i ev en ues. "CHASER" INTRODUCED. The "chaser" to the te-organi'al!on ordinance was tampered with after It went out of tho conference at which it was drafted, according to the state ment of Mr. Clemons, who introduced it, nnd who was ore of the parties tn the conference. The "chaser," as agreed upon, provided for doing away with the Keyser Valley permanent fireman and did not molest Hie provision for n clcik of common council, As the or dinance appeared Inst night In piinlod form it lets the Keyser Valley man stand, but does away with the clerk ot common council. Tbe other provisions of tlie measurs are as previously announced. The de linquent lax collector i made nn ap pointive official nt a salary of ?2.r,00: a city detective and four additional pn tiolmen are allowed: Ihe s-alary of the assistant cily solicitor is fixed at JI.J00, and some changes are made in the mat ter of bonds, the city being required to pay lor all bonds of subordinates as well aw those of higher ofltcials. The lifilley tax ordinance was lu ll ocluced by Mr. O'Boyle. It impose a tax of MOO a cai per annum on nil cais legttlaily operated wholly within the city Hints and 37." on onrp operated v.illiln and beyond the cily limits. It is estimated this would net the city a levenue of S.'-.OOO. Being in lieu of all ullier taxes, it would mean an increase of l'ot moie than 53,000 tn tlie tiolley company's lax. Mr. O'Boyle earnestly iequeled lhat no amendments should be made to the moasuie. The Cantral Rapid Transit company'? franchise ordinance was iutiodiiccd by Mr. Vnuglian. It is practically the tame as the original cne that was Finended lo death in the last council, the principal difference being that Cen ter street Is excluded and West Mar ket street, to Cumberland avenue, in cluded in the proposed loute. Mi. O'Malley introduced an oidin ance for sidewalk on vniiotis Twen tieth ward stieels. Mr. Merriman pre sented an indlunnco for a sewer on portions of Pcnn avenue and Larch siicet in the Thitteenth waid. M EASURES INTRODUCED. Resolutions were introduced asking the ilty solicitor to give an opinion as to the legality of tlie Court street paving ordinance: directing the direc tor of public works to recommend tm piovements on Thitd sJieet; provid ing for leasing the West Scranton po lice station, and permitting A. AV. Mus grave nnd the Robert Peck estate to connect their premises with city new el s. At the suggestion ot Mr. Oliver, Chairman Chittenden established the pi ec cdent of referring lesolutions as well as ordinances to committee. Un der the old charter, ordinances only had to po to committee. Mr. Oliver also had a motion adopted that a spe cial committee be appointed to leport on the question as to whether or not the reeoider lias the right to veto any measure other than Ihe appropriation ordinance. m THE FINAL SESSION HELD. Presbyterian Mission Workers Elect Officers for Coming Year. Tho closing session of the convention of the AVouien's Foreign Missionary society of tho presbytery ot Lacka wanna, Scranton district, was con ducted yesterday morning hi the Green Ridge Presbyterian church, nnd was opened with a communion service con dueled by the pastor, Rev. I. J. Lans ing, and his assistant, Rev, L. R, Fos ter. Mrs. F. L. Hitchcock was elected delegate to the board meeting, nnd the following officers were re-elected: President, Mis, M. R, Kays, of Scran ton: first vice-president, Mrs, C, K, -f-f-ft-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-ft-f-f-f--' j All Hats j - 4- Look alike to most people . " ''polish covers a multitude of j sins." Take the same block made 4. from three widely , differing qualities the chances aie you'll choose the inferior, . How will you kuowP Go to -f . n reliable dealer nnd believe f what he says. -t Easter hats heie lu abttnl- 4 f ance. 4 tttttttttttttttttt ieH!iawt - . ,, : JiKlaSiVJ&ll tflBjsK7J3iu CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave Robinson, of Sernnton; second vice president, Mrs. C. F. Rockwell, ot Honesdale; corresponding secretary, Miss Ornce Chamberlain, ot Dunmore: recording secretary and treasurer, Mrs. T. If. Morgan, of Scranton: secretary of literature, Mrs. T. J, Luce, of Sciau ton, A featuie of ihe meeting was n paper read by Mrs. W. D. Kennedy, giving a resume of Presbyterian mission work. POSTOFFICE HOURS FOR TODAY Order That Has Been Issued by Postmaster Ripple. The folowlng order with reference to post ofllce hours for today have been issued by Postmaster Ripple: S'cranlou Poslollke, Office of the rsliiiJlrr. Scianton, l.ackan.imu Co., I'a., Apiil .'I, l'")l. Older Xo. (II. (Inert Kildaj-. Apiil S, Will, will be ohsened l the Seraiilon, I'.i.. posfofflie as follows: , The thiee anil four dellveiy urilin will eadi nuke two dellietles. 'Hi? two delbeiy rauleis ttlll earli make one dell wry. Colin lions oil Main jwniir, bchieen West Lackawanna smnm.. and UaMibmu street; aln Meit t.ackaivaniin aienue and li.iekstt.inn.i luoiiuc to Athns avenue: Adams nvinue In Mulbeiiy street; Mulbeiry stieel to Kmnkliii aienue: ami all boxes betnein those points will he made al 1 o'cloik p. in., and the usual evening collection will be made. C'atriets while niakit'B tlirir deliieiles will also make collections on tbpii lc-peillie unites. Tbo money older and ipxl'iiy otthes will b open until li in. 'Ihe general delhely and stamp wimlotts will be open fiom 7 .i.m. to 12 in. IVaa II. Hippie, I'o-din.t'tei. EVENTS FOR TODAY. I'our boa id meets (his aflPinoou at ! p. in. The ,lcwi-h ( liaiilauqua sodoly lll meet Ibis eieiiim; jller sen Ues in Ihe temple r,u limlm stteet. There will be a p,M ial tluud l'i i.lav erUe Jl 7.1", oMoik loniirbl In the lecluie mum of Ihe l'irst PiPfbiteiiau ihiiiih, The Winnaiis' l'oieigu Mi.Mon.ii iel- of the 1'hft I'reAbjteiiau (hmili will hold their legtilar monthly nieclins; in the thunh leetme loom today at 4 o'llock. Miss SMia SViuinur will ftive a talk on South Afiha. 'Ihe Women's MK-innaiv vi, ielj of the Peni, Avenue Baptist (liuiih will isive a leiepliou tn Ihe iluucli nnd 10:1311 il ion at 7. J", this (en IiilT. 'Ilieie wiI he .1 hoit literal and prugi.lnuiie followed bj a. 'uulal lioni. The Scranton Gas and Water Com pany and the Hyde Park Gas Com pany. in scooidan'e with the policy 0! these com panies to leduee tales fiom time to lime as maj' be warranted by incieascd ronsiimntijn. notice is hereby given that, on nnd aftei April 1 next, Hie price of gas will bo one dollar per ono thoiii&ncl ruble feet consumed, subject to the following di-eounti: l'ive rer cent, on all bills viheie the consumption for the month amounts to le.ns than twenty-flvo dollars; tn, per icnt. on all bills wlioie the lonsmnpllon for tho month anieunls to tvvcntjHvo dollais and no- VOlllfc. Provided the bill is paid on or before the HOtli day or tbe month in vvhiih the bill is lendeied. fly order of Ihe board. 0. B. HAND, SecieUry. SPECIAL. SCRAN TON (IAS AND WATER tOMI'AN'V NU Hyde I'Jlk Cias uempaiij-lii older 10 einour age the nse of gai foi fuel pm poses notice is lieieby siven that on and after April 1 net the price of gas so used will be one dollar per one thousand feet consumed, subject to the follovvinj special di-r.ountj: Ten pel cent. on all billnwheic the consumption for theiiiontbiinioiintsto less than twenty-flve dollars; twenty per cent, on all bills wlieie the consumption for tno month amounts to twenty-five dollars and upw-aids. Provided the bill is pild on or befoie the iOlh day of the month in which the bill Is lendeied. A separate liiclcr. furnished by tbe company, is necedoaij-. liy Older of the boaid. C. II. HAND, Seerelaiy. Wyeth's Beef, lion aud Wine, . ,68c Lydla Finkham's Comp 70c Hood's Sarsapnrilla 75c Scott's Emulsion 40c and 70c Jayne's Expectorant. . . .40c and 73c Greene's Nervura 70c Paine's Celery Comp 75c Miles Heart Cure 75c Kilmer's Swamp Root, .40c and 75c Syrup of Figs 38c Outicura Resolvent 70c Cuticurn Soap 20c Doan's Kidney Pills 38c WilHaW Pink Pills 38c Shiloh's Consumption Cure. , 10c, 38c Karl's Clover Root SOc Carter's Liver Pills, ,.,.', 15c Clarke Bros Pierce's Market, Peun Avenue We male a specialty of fancy Creimjiy But ter nd trlctly fresh cs; and the prue U a, low is flr.t rtisa gooda can be sold at, Wt do .not have any pccUl sales or leaders but tt all times csiry si complete a Hue ot Market Good, fancy Groceries and Table Delica cies as can be found lu the largest New York or Philadelphia Markets which "11 t ilgbt prices. W. llTpierce, II Lscttwsaaa Art. Prompt d(liiei7. lie, in, in ro At. III 1 1 Ml MiiS. Where There's Smoke There Must Be Fire.... When we hold our regular customel and add new ones every day, there's reason, It's not just as good, but the MIST BRANDS we sell. Don't you wan j Some Hollywood Or Wilson Ryes? If so, let us know. We can save you money. 5S5W Is not the way to buy Easter Furnishings You wnnt to be correct In your Easter attire. You must there fore purchase where correct styles are to be had. That plnce is CONRAD'S, 305 Lackawanna Avenue. Easter Gifts. Belt Buckles iu Gold, Sil ver and Plated and Belt Brooches iu all tlie new shapes aud designs. Also .Silver Chain Purses, in all sizes from the small coin to the large Chatalaine Bags, in solid silver and plated ware. Stop and look at our win dows for suggestions for Easter Gifts. Mercereafc & Connell. 132 Wyoming Avenue. SEEDS Lawn, Timothy, Millett 325-327 Penn Avenue, LADIES' Tailor-made Suits, to, order, $i)(1 A.N'll 1 I'WAHIK Good Fit Guaranteed. King Miller, Merchant Tailoi Koit hwiiDi and oi;.tm:mi:.v. 435 SPRUCE STREET. Palms for Easter Just received a large consignment of Palms the kind you bought for your holiday decorating, Real, live, natural palms, perpetuated, caught iu their fullest bloom aud made immor tal, They will stand heat, cold anything, 39c up- CREDIT YOUP CERTAINLY! 'THE: DN0MY 221-2:33.325.227Wyominj Km Going Blinc Gift l Forsy