The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 05, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    t'P", . H -, '-.V 3foflvtf
1X,,"i"vMtF.&p'fW'ifJitps' r; ''.-, !WP3W. eSrff
JSWwsW 7-vt- ..
C?e Scranton $riBtme
1'uMHtieil t)ilt'. t'.Ttt Similar. Iy Tl'o.ff'l"'
tlio I'uMWilnii r;, nt Hit)- tV-nln a Month.
- s LCLl -- t.r..--.-.i-.
I.IVV V. ItlCIIAtll), IMIlr-r.
iJV. UVMIKi:, UihIwm lUtiajci.
Nvv Void (Itlltpi l.'O Nirtiu M.
Hole Aanil toi I cuelsiti AclteitlslWf.
Luti'iul at tlio t'-WciuVo at S.-innton, l'a.f Js
feiond Cl.i Mull Alatler.
tvlic-n fpiiiu will n-iniil, TIii' Ti ilmtii! I' nl.
Kind to i.ill.t bliuit lillm liom Its filrwlv )"!
In.' on unrcM tuplu, hut II mle. U Hut Hiecu
mini In- Mjiiitl, fur itibliiatlon, ly llu wiltci t
I'jl n hik'S ami tin- lumliiioii pruulinl l',a'
iiUiiii- It nil (oiilrlliullerw sli.ill lu euLJcit
In tuvlvluti.
i in; ri.vr uvn: tou aiivkui'isinu.
'Il.u follovvliut Utile; Iiovvg Hit- tirlco pet incli
J(Ji Insertion, spue lu l- used wllliln one jcar;
"I lln-i i I IMitlnirlilll I'lllf
)Hi;i,.V. ...
l.i i iliiii fil ini'liitl
.')') Il,l,l-I I
1-KI "
.Kill "
I.ll'.ll '
l'.tier J lie niniBjliia,l,2!i
Pur cauls ff tlinikt, ii' f inniltilcmii
uinl -similar innlilliiilfniK in 111" ii.'ituri' of "'
vn tiling '1 he- Tillninu inukia a i-li.iljjo ol 0 eeiru
a line.
Hurt fdi ClusslfJcJ .dctll!ins tuinlslied ''
ri'-.'ltAXTON, AlMill, 5, JIMll.
Wlluni I In: hihJ wuilld ili'Stti.iy tlir-y
IIihI i mt.-'i in lucitl; fnllli.
The Recorder's flir.tal-i:.
F ItOM TllH teniurku i-rcilllcil to
I liu iii-nulcr In InsL night's
Times It might bo Intel ml
that n c-niifplnify Iiiih liem
nfoitL In lilliiiiliutc IiIh trlrncl.i. Nothing"
iiinlil In. I'uiUic-r friuii thu tiutli.
When Mr. Ck-iuon.s was ofi'eri'il the
tiiiioliiitiirni ot illfpi-tor nt' iiiihllc. h.'ifcly
lit- liifiiniicd thi; u-conler frankly thai
unless In- i-rmlil take tin; ollicc free
handed, wlih Hill povvi-r over HiiUoidlii
.iti's, a.s tin- chaitcr in Article Xl pro-
Idi-s. Ik; did nut wiitil II. If lipid le-.'-Iionsllilu
In tin- dilfk-iilt lut-k of blink
ing fori Ii fond results, ho coii.siik-ii.-d It
no moio than lair and biiMlne.i.s-likr-that
lie. thotilil have undivided control
over the forces under hl.s command. To
begin wllh -handK tied, with aceount
auillty but without power, was to in
vite failuie, in the odium of which
liutli hlnihClL' and lil.s iiiiloiscirt would
Miaie. lie fitlpulati-d for autlinrity to
match bib' ivspunhlhility. To tliN n-a-ionabk.-
proposiliou tin- n.-conlur uh-f-ented.
Tin! uiiiler.itandins' was ex
plicit and complete. On thai basis, and
uii that uaMs only, Mr. Cli-iiions ac
cepted the piofl'eied otlice, which pront-ihi-d
to inole cousidciablc pcrbonal
Having laid thi-, frank uiulcr.-ilnmliim'
at tho Miy lic-Klmiinfr. lie deemed It his
llnht to i-hooi.0 the rehpoiisiblo aKCiits
who were to look- after tlio detailed
wotkinBs of the bureaus to be under
his 'elia'rge. The fact (hat this, that or
Hie oilier hiibordinate was a filend of
tlio lei-oidor hhould, lie aVKUC-il, be hee
oiidary always to tlio question: "Js he
llu- man for the place'.'" If lie it,, the
individual .should be Kept; If in the
jiidjjmenl of the head of the depart
ment "liu Is nut, then, contended Air.
demons, It is tin- dlioi-lor's duly to u--plaee
him, leg-aidli-ss of personal pref-eionecs-;
'Phis Is Um way responsibilities aie
bandied in piivato business outer
prihe.s whieh ao hiicci-sstul in losults
and it is the way the city's business
must be transacted if ihe new chin tor
is to lirhi!,- tlio uupioved Ktivornnient
promised. The recorder, in dlsmissluy
Uireetoi- Clemolis bi-eausc tile lalter ili
.si.sted upon exereisiiiff the power lio
Iohkiiik' to him uudt-r tlie charter, and
i-.pre.hy conceded to biiu when be
accepted olllce.has not only brolieii faith,
but also served public notice that bis
nepartnienl heads, where bis favorites
sue com ci lied, nuij-t be mere IlKiire
Jieads a policy fatal to elllcieney.
"When Captain .Moir was appoluloil
uiorder, llui endeavor was uiudc, by
inllueiici's to whom the appointing pow
ti was filendly, to harmonise the vat 1
niib liictloiis and partiis and to begin
tin- new H Kline in tlie way best eal
c a la led to plumule the common wul
larn of t- i Hilton, The eaptalu's lla
bllily lo lienl bad advle-; and Ills iiis
plil)lllly to inll.ilion weio deemeil less
biizardoti." lo a peaceful beslnnlnjf than
a picwainnn; of tuniiu.iry change.
Uui four ilf.ys in new Klory seem to
liavo wiou'lii utter havoc in ills dls-iu-tloii;
and if peace must now kIvo
way to war, ho will have his own tolly
to Illume,
Tlio aliicilty with which ARiilnaldo
dccUed botwci-u takllih' tlie oath of
alk-Klauee or tuUiiiK ills luedieitic- must
have i-aiitcd a reveio shock at Jioston.
AUike It a State Institution.
klt01iAHlV no two men could
. J bettci ine.sent the needs of
tht. Kaekuwauiiii hospital and
Ihe luipoi lance of Its nieta
uiorplioMs into a mate Institution than
.McCSCfirifc::- U Kuller and Janies l.
UiiBson, who appeared liefoie tlio up
proCrlutiuu cciinmlttee this week in
!liilshurt; III tlio Iutt'icsts of tills Kieat
plll)lll)ll'oie objeet. Uotb havu lulit,
hctfi niniiet'tcd wltli tlio jmiiiaccniciit
of Jio ho.spititl, and neither could by
iiuyfiposslhlllty bo suspected of wlte
pulmiwior Vaetluiiul political partisan
shlf Ah'Miv Fuller,, who lias been one
of Qti httoiiKcst htipporters of the lu-
MUEtlotiftolil tliu eoninilttiic chalrniun,
liu puils, no oiilc-u and would take mai';
lit (Jho ul of tlio Mute, yet fiom a
pollj3cnl"iitundiolut he appreelnted tlio
wlsflfi in for iiny or all parties ami tau-
tioiiH lil JUidorso a plan wlilcli would
besiMrt-on ,Uiu (itujo of Penusylvtiula
bueiSu ymKnlltcent gift us a property
tvliilu -vrtliio at a. inoderatu estiniuto
colli not be under $200,1)00.
A -pa Itospltul whos-o chief beiiellel-
iirkft aio miners, this Instltuton up-
peuaj very foielbly to all classes and
L'onjiUius. 'llih Mime has come when
tlio jjiiner unci all that pertains tu Ills
wciojro rank high in ouc-stious of
&ot-l5 and political economy, Jlls life
Is oije ftuught with inllnite peril and
boundless ic-hponsibillty. Never does.
lie K-uvo lils little, lionio in tho niornlng
without leaving thj-ro, too, honia heart
ill wlilch lurks rv sloeplcsi. dpcctru of
ilii-afl lt .tlio dear ono wilj rutura
inanslcd. ani Beuuakss, or (inllo luyond
tha -yuleo (ft liivo nnd uneiiNh. That
l should bo tijndcily cared fur when
l c -,
uinlnicd, Unit Ills fanilly should Imve
tho IiohI relief Hint nuiKory W uii-iilcnl
Hklll enii provide, Is Inipor.itlvc'. To a
Krcnt uxlmtl In; Iiiih iniulc tlio. colossal
we-illlt of our splendid Htule, and nho
liny up to thin time III ruiiulti'd tiltu In
(tie cilsls ot his HUlTeiltiK nlnl iII'iIicfs.
1 it all the Ktcat itnlhritello legion lint
two Hitt tu IiosjiIIuIh iii-o located, and It
hi IiUIi tlnio lluit. Ilils rleli and power
ful commiiiiweallli provided lu tioin
!iieii.uialo fitsdlloti for IIr-ho faithful
tollers lu perpetual nl;,'lit.
The Juckawantiii hospital bun, pio
vlded for inoie mliiurM nud millers'
fauillleii in sickness and distress than
can be aectiratety ufltlniated, Tho ex
penses have been IniKuly niel. by the
geheioslty and kindness of Individual
operatois who valued the loyal service
and appreciated the danger and tosl of
life. Now the lieiiKtire of our valleys Is
passing away fi tun local conttol. The
great corpora I Ions aio gathering lu
the Inti'ii-HlH which have so long cen
teied In thlsiegou. Their management
It, far reiiiovi.-d and llu; kindly, personal
Inti i est In 'Pom, illicit and Joe and Ihelr
families will soon be a tiling of the
past. The (.-oiporatlous pay fortunes to
the .state lu taxation and liavo a right
to expect a reasonable euro of thu tiu
furtuiiuti' and the disabled. 'Phi; stale
has been ulggatdly enough lu appru
pilalioiiM In the pnsl to this ovcr
ciowdcd llospilal. .Let It now be gcil
ei mis. Let It care for tlio ma lined and
slel; uorklngmaii udeiiuutoly and local
Inli test will not be found wanting In
Uils noble Institution which Is so very
i lose to thu hearts of all our people.
WniUuginen and women fill the wards
and their necessities should at last be.
'Pile citizens of Seranton will luin
over the Lackawanna hospital tu the
stale entirely five of Inctimbraiico and
themselves iis-amio I ho indebtedness,
approaching JSO.OUO. This Is tin- time
for Ihe statu to loeognize lis oppor
tunity uiid duly.
If Colonel Hitchcock has been eot
rcclly Informed as to thu rcasnni w by
his predeeessoi- was deposed, he will
hardly care to lake ollh-e Willi his
hands tied.
Ihe School Ideal.
TJII-J 1DKAI- of the sehool
should be to make the most
of every child who enters It;
to do its best ( i ma ids this
end Cm-ii tor the child who has come
into it without anything le.scmbling
homo tiainlng and who must perforce
be cut dow n by home or family i on
dilions to the least time the comnul
sory education law actually insists
Ulil if the ehild in each case is lo
liavo the beni-IH of the cai lying out of
such Ideal It becomes a positive neces
sity that the teaelier shall nut have so
many etowded Into her chaigc as to
make it impossible lot- her lo make
llioiough ac(iiainlaneo wltli each one
and to bo able lo keep a. w.itohlul eye
upon each. The younger the children
who are receiving tile impressions and
iiillili'iliCb that will stamp their chai
aeters for life, thu nunc important be
comes the giving of this opportunity
tor personal knowledge, both for the
teaching and the discipline of the chil
dren. With such opportunity ghen comes
Ilia end of thu system of "cramming"
tacts from text-books into thu memory
of every child in older that -when "ex
amination time" comes some of these
facts often totally unrelated to each
other, (iiilte as often wholly undigested
may pet chance bu so li.ed In the
memory that a fair "average" number
of fjuestions asked shall be answered;
teacher and child both being con
demned when the "average" falls.
With bitch opportunity of personal
knowledge- of pupils will come the pos
sibility of seeing to it that the children
with the gieutest natural ability, and
those so favored by homo conditions as
to bo able to make most rapid progress,
shall be kept fully occupied, and pto
motcd to other grades without wasting
time. -While also there will be the other
possibility of giving more of individual
care, guidance and encouragement to
those most moiling these in order that
school days shall do the most for them.
It glows a Utile tiresome to lead in
many educational Journals, echued by
many thoughtless papers and people,
and to hear fiom many professors
brought to "instinct" at institutes,
that "the teacher" always the teacher
"must be" and "must do" thus and
so to make modern public school in
struction approach perfection. It Is
much of the present day "methods,"
"systems," and "curricitlums," laid
down ami enforced by men who know
llttlo or nothing- of childhood and its
needs, although they are well "up" a
polities, that needs reforming.
Hackblllng nutl-lmpcrlallsts nud Jeal
mis icgular army nn-u not, we trust,
lopreseututlvu of the regulais as a
class am busy Jusl now trying to be
spatter tiuiieinl Furrston's laurels by
Insinuating that no gentleman would
stoop lo his kind of strategy in war.
lint If ll hud beep a Filipino or- a West
I'olnter who had done what Kuiiston
did. how dllferentlj would this i-ni-I1IC-IU
huo been:
A Disappointing Colony.
-T'UIJ DOMINION of Uauadit In
I IS!)!) welcomed generously a
JL class of pronle, of peculiar
religious vIowh, from tho
Kutslan Caucasus, These people all
belonged to a sect km wu us tlio
Duiikhobors. Their reputation camo
before them as unlet, frugal and In
dustiiotiH tillers of tho giound, Thr-y
wore peiseeuloil by tho Ku.slnn gov.
wnmciit, It was declared, "eololy on
account of their peace principles tlielr
tcfusul, on conscientious grounds, to
boar arms, to enter the army under
any prewuie."
This account of them moused th-i
t.Niuputliy of tlio Society of Ft lends,
both lit America and England. Aa tills
conscientious retiunl to become sol
diers bus heell from Uio days of Ocorgo
Fox and 'William 1'enii one of tlio
leading U-nels of that society, profound
iuteicst was fait by ita members n
what wan published relating to tho
rJonlihobois. HulKscilptlons mounting
up to thousands of pounds weio given
by lOnglish "Fiv.nls," and not k-bi
by members ( tlio sofe.ty In tills
country, laiKtiy In Philadelphia, for
tlio purpose, nf bringing tlio eiitlrs
Donkhobor peoplu to this cmitltiPtilt
Thu Canadian government wiih In
tcrcslrd. It tipptoprlated a goodly
poillon or lis Norlliwcst tertltory lo
ther.o now Immlgiituts. 11 gave Ifleni
fat ins, Hhuller. food till their llrsl
crops hIioiiUI bo rnlred, tools and needs.
They huvo proHpercil, Htlt IiihI fall It
wipj aiiiiotiiiced that "they weio ills
latlsllcd, and had sent n delegation to
.Southern California to try to negotiate
ror lands."
What the double was Int't Just been
imidc public In a lueiuorlal tnt hj'
Ihein lo the government ut Otlnwn.
They want fine nutrrlage, free divorce;
thev finnnuui'u that "every inarrlagu
which hits Its source In the pure feed
ing of uuiliml love will be legal befoie
liod, although It weie not rcglstereii
and other people would not. lecognls'.o
Hi; legality." They announce "tho duty
of seiiaratlon" when "Ihe pure fcelluic
of love" falls. They "object to the law
ii nulling icglsttiitlon of births and
deaths." 'Phey object to the govern
ment's deeds of land to them as In
dividuals instead of "lo -1110 comniii
nity." Tho I'linaillan authoiites and their
ISuinpctin helpcis to Ibis land have with ihein In Vain. Montteal
advices say that "having been asaured
that If the.v mo to remain In Canada
tin y must obi y the laws, they luivn de
cided to seek an atyluni clsewhero In
the world."
ll Is ijiilte i ei lain iiinli r Mich cir
cumstances that neither Southern Cali
fornia imr any other sictlon of the
Culled Stad'S wilt welcome them.
Their iiolliiu in Canada thiows a very
(l.'fleicut light on their clamor of
"peisecullon by the Jlussiaii govern
ment": a clamor which In ought them
such help lo reach this continent from
a iillglous society to which all the
Donkhobor views and practices, as dls-doi-cd
In the inemruial to the Dominion
bnvermucut, aio an abomination.
Now couies the news, via Seattle,
from a returned Alaskan gold .seeker,
that sledge dogs are no longer needed
in l caching Dawson t'ity. They have
been superseded by rallioads. Between
Dawson City and Skaguay they are
sllll in use. Peary In lireenland, nnd
Aicllc tiavelers starting fiom Franz
.losef Land and Spitsbergen, wilt prob
ably still have need of them and keep
the vat ions breeds of li.itdy Polar dogs
in existcm., until thu Polo Is reached
mid sonic cjunti't- Hag run up on it.
'Plic Times, the pioneer dally of Head
ing, ye.-t- rday celebrated its forty-tifth
birthday. Since its inception sixteen
competitors have been launched, of
which only sl remain, but the Times
easily holds the lead and under the In
telligent editorship of Colonel Thomas
('. Zimmerman, poet, scholar and pub
licist, grows better evety day.
Aguinaklo's anxiety to visit America
will be increased when thu dime
museum men start to bid.
Daily Horoscope Drawn by Ajacchus,
The Tribune Astrologer.
Aitiolulu' ta-t: !i.t"i .1. 111.. fn" 1 rnlsy, Apul 0,
A iliild burn mi tin-, ijy will noliio tint a
btiucy 111. in it pcn-ially hbctal when it ionics
to giving Miy a e(let.
'I lio ui.iii "be I" lux cs tmlbing (bat bo bears
i in giidti r dinger tli.,11 Ibo one wbo Ijcliucs
A l.i-.? i-s a Minbnl if .ifintioii c.cept nhen
iVibangod by l''t women of llu- ibuuii Mwlng
P.i-I ib.nilj i not real ch.11 lit, but il i bettor
Hi. in uut-c.
Ajacchus' Advice.
(,'iiK will do well tu lenicinbci- Hut llu- ability
In wntc an enli ll. lining loe ictler U not tlie
only tiling teipiitcd lu Hie niiKeup of a good
The Origin ol
Ho! Cross Biins
Pi mil tin I niiiniciiul .VJvritiscr.
HOI' HO.-s' III NS, .is an Aini-iican iiiitltu
Hon, an- l.ugily confined tu New- York,
ulitic PuglKli tiadiliou, bocei- little
tlie lad be known, ! blinngii- tb.iu rbe
wlieic ill tbo iiitiu- Luiiutii. With most,
all Kiiowliilgc of but 110.-. bun-, is cm
biaied in tin- undoi's uj, given witboul ex
planation or iQiniiieiit, lu woild-iciiowucd, Molber Cuivi-V Melodii--,:
"llnl ito- bun-! Hot uim luins!
Om- a iHiiny, Iwn ,1 ioiiny! Hot nos bum!"
In Pusl.ui'l tui-re ..ugor 011 a Lugo number of
.nidi- jingle, ot wlnili tlio linn ju-t quoted (oim
tin- ending of ulraln. 1 no mihIcio' cry ill C'o
cutiy U Mid tu be:
"lino .1 IHiiny, Iwn a penny, lint 1 rois Iiuhj!
Ilutti r tiiein and sugar tin in and put tbeni in
Your iniiiii."
"ild "iiiuiu" being nioullis during Ibo list ol
tin' j car.
The i loss buns of flood Piidiy conic to in
tiiiui Puglaiid, King unknown on Hie continent
of Purupc or 111 Siotlinil, iieltbcr in Ircliml, me
I," In lilies basing 1 K,o irl.itiuus Willi i;ug.
laud; but Ihe bund Jiiliwlwr, dcioi.ittd wltli
tin' no-, utitdato I lie Pnglidi laiigumo nud
iltiluatiiui, and tun Ibo (.'iiilstlan lellglun,
wbii Ii Uio uns U pnpul.aly hiipposed to tlgnlfy.
Piom time wllliuul dili- nun lias lound great
ple.utc III wuisblpplng lieiro gods, wbo bad
tu be kepi in .1 g-jod temper j uioius of ho
ilfln-j. 'Iliivc tti-ir iiii illy iiiiiiunicd by Ilie
and pMiuiltuI lu ,'i'ieud in Ibo fonn of tnioke
in t no guil, wbo in this bli.ipc wan Fiippoi-i-d In
d-'ibn gieji t.itl-f.iUiuii and good troin tbem.
'Ilie-i- millliu ic not only tbo flcrli of newly
1-I1I11 unliualj, bill dull, gialu, takes or any
thing ebo that a bungiy god might bo .-uppwd
tj tilMi.
Many llmu-jiiil jc.iii ajo thcio Ritbcrcd on
tbo banks ut tlio Nile devout woishlppcrs of ll,
the guddisi, ot the Kgxptliu?, who taught thai
piuplo to eilu and vcaie, 'Hie Icslbal was
bcbl lu tbo epilug, toon after the ciu.
na., tor Uli, like tin- I'orcs of the lloman, wai
the goddea of the flebb. In licr honor wero
luhid lakes nf Hour and hulie.i, and with the Iiuiih of the tucrcd ion-, Ikls
herself, It will be uindubcrtd, bad her (air
brow- adorned wllh a pair of horn.-
bii wa-, iikkout, tho goddes) of the moon,
io Hut when the (becks udoptul Hie festival
tl.ty made It lu Imn-jt of Diana, Hie go-Mi.-, uf
hunting ami iiiounllt gune. 'lliey also adopted
the, nude ol Hum- ami bouey and inaiked
with tbo two bonis, 'IhU tliey lallid a boim"
fn in "boiw," 1111 o 01 iow, the mine, nt course,
luiug in alliuiun tu Hie horns wall wliiili (be
"buiiu'' was deioratid. The tiniks, lnou-iiur,
who Miy thrilty in the niattir of their s-nil-lUc,
and i-omcbcl that Hie s-i(lllic was nuttn
m i-lftiliM'ly (onsiiuKd In botiot of tin ilelty, If
i-aliu, 11a It butiKil. When animals weie saeil
llicd the god lutiu-il llu- fat ami boucs, the
Kiualudir being e.iUn by the pious dcvolcc.
Among Hie Hebrews the entile animal wan .'.
lilkid, the 111, buiics-, blood and kiiiiiej.s being
plauil cu tint II 1 e, the leuiaiudcr biing ealcu by
tin- piicshf. 'Ibis, it w-i explained, xa a ion
suinpllon of the animal by Hie deity Ihtuugb Ids
icpicsciilatbis, Hie laicals. And it w.13 (gitku.
laily furbiddiu Ibat this soil of proxy t.hould be
attcmiitcd by thu (oumum jwpple 01 any mciiiicc
nude, txpeit Hllollgll Hie pilisls.
In the hinds of (lie laker the lah( lepic-
Peopfle's g
A POl'tlliAU CUIAJtlNO IIOUSP. for lh '
'A llrnlU nt All Wlin II no llouicl to .
flcr.1. Real Cslnto or Otlu-r I'ropetty lo Sell
or njehantte, or Who Want sltiullont or '
- Help ThejK Brnall Advrrtlicmrr.ia Coil ,
One Cent a Word, SI In'crtloni tor Plvo
Ionia h word ntrcpt Situations wanicu,
oiuiii Arc iniericu rrce.
Help Wanted Female.
ANTi:i LAIlV UllADIAlLS OP A llltlll
nlmnl lo ik work on tlif siianlou liy
lilifilm.i. Answer liy letter eiily and addirw
, P. hmjllio Ciiniiiiiiiiwcaltli Inilliilntr.
Situations Wnnted.
pn-itlnll "I liiKnllillllJ. tioml iuliullli.
rmnictinl tu tnaniisc ImiIii(-s oi nllrinl to -id-ci
tf-littr iui'I loiicspoiidtnii'. Addictd t . ' ,
Tilbune ollln".
KAyillD-PO-PllOV A-s hl.lMAN Oil MNA
prt ol piano Muif. AdditM 1'I.iiiu. Trlliunp
linn; can nho kouiI rcfiiciiir. .Vklri-s Pird
I,. W.vinan, T'.'J UlaKcly Micrt. In leu ol l.-iuicl
Hill l'jlk lluUM-.
lll.o )citldnt coniiolrnt and rrllnldi'. A'e
ilioiw llni.Kl.ceper, 1111 Palrtlcld aticct, SiUiiton.
sirr.nio.N WANrnn-vorNa man, 21 ipaih.
x.ints i-oltloii In plfclrlciil otks or on ruil
i'IirIiicc orp; satlifilioii buji-ii10. ,,n'
Wellington aniui
glocciy cloik, iliy gvedt or kIioc,
or any cli-rk-al poilli'ii; Ims llflcrn ji-.ii-i' '
perience; best of rclm-mm. Addict A., II. .,
Tribune of Are. '
OLXr; LAUV DCSIKUS A POSITION' AS Ah bookUpcpci ; iin lurni'H bent of k;
dciicis and (s cxprricnccd. Addrc.-a "I'Apcrl
rncp," Tribune oflice.
Moiiun as ook or doing Imuscwork.
,,T.l I.arkawanna acnuc.
and Iionltip taken lioinc also. Call or addict,?
f. It., .ill Miuincr aoniio.
out tiy d,iv wasbins, inmlnc and rlcinliiE.
Call or addicvi Mre. M.iry It'is-cll, 1211 t'iddr
lai'nur, rity.
MIUATHJX WANTCIl-llY A fiOOOD ANO lib-.-liulal-lo
giil to do limi-icwork in -i
sin ill family, ('.in 1.111! Rood loleionco. llc iw
i.ill at ;.;i Xoith Itcbcua a. tunc, Iljdc Park.
AY1P,-1 f.i:ui(l.b 1'OalllOX 01-' ANY KIND
by d loinpctcnt in 111; ufi-icinc-. Ad-die-.--,
M. I'., rare of 'llio Tiibui.c.
Muting Hie boms glow- more and more caielc-
llu- liii'- bei-auu- blraigblcr and utialghler, the
baes of Hie bom-, wen- ciossed and linally Hie
marking biiamo a simple cro.v, and bonis only
by iourti-1. piom liueic Hie spring fe-tial and
the "boun" p..-M-d fo Rome, and tlienie In the
I1um.u1 rnlouic, or wlihh niitannia bcr.inie one
nt a lomparatixcly lalo date. Whoa the C'biU
linn religion bee line thoroughly established tho
luiiflx, backed bj oh II aiithoiitlc-, put. ilnwn
with hi.n.v bund .ill the heatlun iircmonials..
s-i the little, i-ioss-m.iiked "boun" wa- Mxipt
fiont all Putopo, CMept that in some put of
M-itth Kngland il wai pcrinilted to .-urxixc. tlio
ciobs taking 011 a new- signifieame as a Chii
tian sjiubol, ,1.- the initial of Aii-.toi, the Creek
fiinn of f'lirist, and later as the uoss on whi'li
Ibo founder of Chrl-h uilty suffered. Prom Pug
land they haxo ionic I" America, and thu Anier
k.111 who cats hot (ios buns on Good Pilday
1 .111 decide whelber he honors Isi-, 1,'ercs or
Diana, xUiotlur be i-als tlicm as .1 pious Cliiisthn
.ii t, or simply became ho is hungry.
(i'lud Priday in cstly times xxas a(lay of all
solute and ligoious fast, and xxas called borg
Priday by the Auglo-Nnons xxhose empty stom
achs weio their only docks. Piobably with the
idea of making the day a little less long they
convinced thcm-elvcs that it xva- not only nut
wioiig but positively inciilorious to cat on this
daj the "boun-'' or buns marked with the holy
sign of their religion. So tbo cross buns became
lib ntilied xvith tbo daj, and Long Priday xvas
nut more Pilday but fiood Friday. And
on (iood piiday the people of Pngland and Xcw
Yoik oat hot cio hiu-..
Ilritisb lolonics ale sivuity time- as Luge as
the area ot the Pnited iiingdoui.
One Inn. Olid jura ago oni-iith of the peo
ple of the I'ultcil Mates xvcie slavis. Todiy
llicic is pcrfcit licidniu in every comer of our
po-sCcsiotij, Willi (ho robable i-u-cption of bulu.
Our .igiicultuio, wlilib air.oiiutcd to .1 bundled
tnllliuu- .1 hundred ago, is now- tapidly ip
Iiroac'iing M.OiJO.OUO.Oi'Ci .1 vcar, and Hie value ol
the lami-v of t lie eountiy I- alnio-t stS.OOO.OOO.iK'ilt.
Wo have more thin lolly bunches of inaniit ie
lute In the I'liittd stale- vvlucli cub tutu out,
annually, men- than !i,Oik.i,000 xvoilli of plod-inl-i ot llii- folly live tuiu out over fili'l,
(X'li iaW caih.
lu lMJU Hie l.ngist foitune in the Hulled suited
wa- siJO.deO, 'I'odjy tin 10 ate sucial forlimc,
"I nioic than l'JCO,tioO,iili. la IsOO tlio setllid
.ilea con-iskd of .'I0."i,",0o srUiio miles. Today
it I- over 2,ml,tMl sipurc mill.-.
ll Is up, tied Hut tlnio boxes of cboiolalc will
by tiiieca Vhlorii (be Cbriflmas bctou- la-t l-ir
Hie Rhode-Ian foue- have now- aiiivul al Male.
king. 'Ihcii- had iieeu mnh giuniblfug at the of hir late ni.ijist.v'i, gift.
A luole-t ugaliisl the otabllshment of a lii'i'e
rUuglittr house in New .rry has biuiigbt out
tbc tait that the sliughtcr 01 hotncs for mod
I- expic.ssly iieimlttcd by Uw In (he slatj of
Xiw- Jcimv miller mliln io-lii(tle.i,-.
ilium) titty thu most In lltbfiil uiuipun'n -tliat
of Hie ileigjiuau. The doilois .in-l (hi
l.i'vycii aic 1 lone togitlier. Aflii fitly .viais,
.uiualiu-; tu thu ligines, it I- umic lieallful to
itaitiio lunlb inn ur tin I iw than il h tu pti.ub.
Tbo .iiitouieblle Iiidu-liy bis pi lived .1 xiiy
pio.'.labli: imislnieiit lor I'kikIi capital, lu IV'd
the iiiailiimt expuilid win- valued at Mil.iHii
Hums. Today they bate lo.nhul tin- iiiuiii.mK
liguio ol IMuu.W) Ham.-. And tlio liidiuliy U
wiily in il- lulaiicy.
Twiuty Iboii-iud ifjii-oii-, 1 ..ihi.i dirrilt and
(able folk.-, over it.iNXl th knives ami c.avciii, m)
entice dlshea and litncii., 1,'iH) i.iiidleitKks, and
leu and lotleo silo to I11.1t1.l1, aie w.iiilul lu
clutio plato tor the use ot Utah!, navy oilleii.
Ihe ailmlrally his asked Micflidd for tiudcis,
'ihe I'apc to (.'alto lailwav U al pre.-, ut In In;
extiudid Irmil tu W.iuki, .1 (daie ab'nit
JOH milis larlhcr noitli, vvlute 11 gnat roil ilU
covciy lias jul Ihcii mule. II lias nhu lieu
lound Hut a nibi si cm bo iihk.Ii innio easily
crossed at this point than at Ihe pail oilglnal!
nclei ted,
'Ihe mort icicnl triumph of the Preiuh psti
.idiiiliiinlialion Is an luhcnicii, little nuihlno
vvlibli not only aulomatK-ally xnha lettu., nud
iuid'!s, but lecorcl.s on an iudbatoi' at (be sidj
(bu .111101111 1 iciiilrcd fur stamps, When the ai.
title deposited 1111 Ihe haliiki- exceeds the le'gu
l.itfou weight Ibo Indicator piomptly hul.-ls the
tlgn "Too heavy,"
A Kenluekv lamirr claims tu liavo bituccde-l
lu lulliv.itlug glusing, In call limes tlie
plant grew- abundiiilly hi the loicsls ot t'enlnl
nud Siuthctii Indiana, and xvas exteiidvily galli
cicd lor inedlclual iiuiioacs, bciag laigcly cxpoit
cd In rhliia. It If still tound tu i..iue loe.illllrt,
but in limited liuanlillcs. lis pieturalioa or
lullivailon xvas siipposid to be impossible.
'ihe most Important bill inlioduecd lu tlio
Ton, H llou-o pink'-blts lalltoad umipaiiies fiom
re moving the olllco fiicn, clr., fiom any loun.
ty vvhcie they 1 , 1 v 0 I cn 1 Kited for the lad tea
iam, or bom Ihelr loi.itlon hi any coiiuly vvlibli
has aided such ruiboad loiupanies by .1 dona.
Hon vl its bonds, except by consent of the legli
lalutc, and providing for injunction lo picveut
Aflcr careful and patient iuvevligall"n tin
lllstoiical t'oimuitlcu of the Soelely of ('alitor.
nl.i' I'ioneeis lias learned thai .Ian. -J I, ll was
Ihe fxaet Oats of tbo disomy of gold in Call.
11111114 by -lames W, Marshall. Ihe sold vvai
lust iouhI In the rotky bed of (lie tailraeo of
Hie butler sawmill ut Oolgnia, on the wuth
For Rent.
flon Rbcu May 1st, Apply I.VH Sntulcrn
Iiol and i-old walor nud lutlij lofoicntc r
niilird. s Mulberry tiri-l.
om: siiif! roi!iiM;ii(iT'si:TMiirii:iis hi"
prncinrnts. Apptv -IJ llatrh-nil ilicniii'.
wTi"iiu:K.v itiiuii: MiimiT. inv ook
tnoikin linirrivcntonlj ftrani boat fiitlihlmli
ilrtlrablp) )J,"i.OO.
For Sale,
i oit sAi.i:--i)t:ci ash oosi: koic at
lllurk'i Matkcl, 2.11 Wjoinliitf aMinii-,
tlb.M'K WAbXItr CMIUs7Tll)Nrit(il.r llH'
doik and book i-.i-'j uii,itii foi llbinry or
offic. Apply f,CHt I'l.iy atrnuc.
For Sale or Kent.
1011 SAM! Oil HUNT -A SIMII.P not i; IX
iroml ciinilllloti at Nn, .'IS Quir.f.v axonuo.
Af-ply to .lolin 111) Woitilie inc., olt.
Money to Loan.
rstale. IIPNIIY I1P.I.IN, -III.
t HAS. II. Wi:i.l.i:s
'IIIOMA8 i-Plt.UiL'P.,
iny amount. M. II. Ilnlfatc, CoiniiionuoaHh
li.ilcl '. IraiM or llullrtiiiu' and l,o.iu. At
tiom I t', rt per rent lull on X. . Walker,
.Ml-lfi IVimell bulldhi.
Buclness Opportunity,
a max op ut sinpss i;.pi:iiii:n'i 1: WIMII.S
to lim-.-t (rom -.',r) lo y,,n In a imllablc
lnliicv, .ddrc--i line-tun lit, Tilbune olllu-.
Vanted To Buy.
liiH-l bo in good i-iilri; t-t 1 1 1- piilliiilo-i m
lo niit,i and iirkr. AiIiIiom I,. M i'c
they, SirimUiii, I'.i.
Booms and Board.
l.AlKii: Pllll.NT ROOM Willi HOARD POIt IWt)
Ecnllenien. 110 Adams awiiur.
S .W S-
of Parial Missagi- will do uondei.-, in roj-lm'.
inc contour and trtnoi ing Unci ami uuikr,
railing Hair, Dandiull and Kicum of tbo Si.idp
Hiinfully 1 iirrd. Ilclru S, Iliuliaiun, Hiiiiut
olofist, 312 Wa?bln(;lon aciiuc.
pi:athi:rs-wa.nti:p -wh.i, pay r.sii phi:
old seise fratbcrbidi. Aildn-e-, M. II. lib b
nK Ciheral llc-lbeiy, rily.
Noun: is nnRKity nivi:x that on 'iiTil
fifteenth clay of April, A. D. fiOl, an ap
plltation will be made to the Oovcrnoi ol I'mn
t.vlvania, by .lames D. Mmkor, Willi 1111 Walker,
'Ihonus A. Ilcmbiik. M. S. Collins (icoigo l.d-lnund-
and S. W. Cook, under (he ait of the assembly of tho Commonwealth of Pcini
svliania, entitled "An art tu pioxide tor Ihe
imoiporation and leg11l.1t ion of ceil-iln roipora
Hon-," uppioxcd the S'ltli day ot April, A. D.
s,7t, and the several supplements tbcicto, for the
'h.iilei of an intended i-orpoiatlou to be called
The People's Plcctib- ioiiinny of; said
cnrpoi.ition is foimcd for the pmpo-o of supply
ing light, heat and power ny means of eb-ilrblly,
lo the public in the boiough of Jerinxn, and to
persons, partnerships ami coipoialion- usiding
therein and adjacent llieielo, as may de-in: (he
same, and (u have, po-sess and enjoy all the
rights, benellt- and piivlligcs of said net of
a-souibly ami lis supplements.
PltANK It., Suliiilor.
Scianlor, Pa., Match 21, 1001.
of Scr.vilon, County of baikavvamu and
Slate of Peun-vlvanh. deie.iscd.
l.cltets test.unintaiy having been gi.inled lo
(hi- uiideisigui'd, all poisons having el.iiiu- or
clcmands against the said r-tale will lue-uir.
tlieni for paj incut mil all pirson- indebted
theielo .110 ieiue.-led to make nnmediale pay
ment lo IIIVIX 'I'. SAV, Kseiutor,
Milwaukee, l.aekawanna county, Pa.
P.l.IZAIlPTH SAX, Kxcuitrix,
1121 Wa-hlnun sheet. M1.1111011, l'i.
fHAIIbP.Sl., HAM.i:V, Attorney for tet He,
41(1-417 Council building, f-e union. Pa.
Certified Public Accountant.
P. V. hl'ALLlllNll, 2J0 BROADWAY, XKW
building, 120 Washington avenue, t-eiantou.
DR. (J. K. i;i Is BN IlKliriK It. PAUf.I BUH.DINC,
iptucc street, Scianton.
Pit. (.'. C. LAtniACII, 115 WYOMIXn avhniji:.
Rooms I-, II, PJ and IS Bun building.
P. K. TltA(JY.A'l'l'Y,(OMMONWI.AI.i III.Dti.
D. b. iti.i'i.orii.i:. atior.m:y i.dans
tlated on leal estate seeinlty. Mears biuldbig,
lorner Washington aveutie and Spruce site, 1.
and louiisclluis-.ll-lavv. ll(iiiblitaii building,
Washington avenue.
JPsSl'P k .lslT. A'lTOlIVI.- AND COIN-scllnis-al-lavv.
(.'oiiiiuouvvealtli building, Rooms
10, 20 and 21.
liOd-1101, Dili ftooi, Meais building.
of 'liadc building, Scrautoii, Pa.
Bank building.
A. W. Br It'll IOI.P. OPPIl'i: MOVI.D '10 .Ml.
211 W'votning avenue.
Physicians and SuReoiiK.
XMt, V 1!. AI.Li:.N, 5U .NURIH Y.M,o
DII, s. W. L'AMOIIPM'Y. oi'i'it 1: ::;i!i ;.
iligton annuo. Ilesiilcnn-, I .'Us ubcnv
I liionji- iliM-.isf, lunaii, luart. I.ldniis mid
geniln-uilnaiy oigau- a priiiltv. Ilouis, I
to i p. m.
Hotels nnd Restuinnts.
lITli FiT.K t,"ll"lJ'.NI' 7.'7 PUANvf.lN
avenue. ltutci leaseuable.
P. ZUIHI.LII. Piopiidnr.
M'llANTOX HOL'.-i:. MIA It I), I.. & W. PA--
hPllgrr depot, Conduelcd on the llmop an
plan. YICTOII KOlTl, I'toiuiili-f,
c 11. claiikii i to.. m:i;i.imi:x nh niiis-
iiviuen, sine 201 Washington .iwiiue; tmn
bnuses, VJ'M Xeilh Main avinui; stun- IiIj
phone, 7W.
(oik of (he Amu kau liver. M.nshall bimlf
a ado Ibnv or four ililirunt sUtriiunU, id Hie
date. The toiniiallic via.- uuauluiuus in its di
ifsioii. Ill-sides tha thuin.iliil. of paiinds of!ll
1110. s trut aniuully fiont I'lo.ldi and oilur
SoulliCin Stales (0 Xoilhciii iipholsiticii, tin:
plant has various other uu. One of ibis . .1
11 -e (hat ba icrciilly been di-ioveiid, i- H1.1t
of a fetialuir and puiiller of cane s.-iup. II b 's
bun found thai 11 bin I siup rail be made by
draining: tlio e-aite iuleu lluuugh muss than
thruugli any oilier inilcilal.
Some liuiUk ago the u-o of g.tvollui- lamp- In
Ohio xvas foihbldeii by thu oil In.-pu lots) uf Hie
slate. The iiunnl.nliiieis m (lure limp- hive
obtained 1111 opinion 1 1 out tbc attorney giiieial
of the stale, lu whit Ii ho holds that lamps in
vented since Hie pas-age ol (he liw In but, and
vvhkli piovido tor xapoiiziiig Ihe g.uollno and
burning Hie vapor of a-lng wieks, d.j
not conic under the ban of the law
It is some satisfaction in
buying furniture to buy
goods that are not peddled
all over the city. Our posi
tion in the trade, being that
of the
Largest Buyers
In Scranton, enables us to
control the product of the
very best factories in the
United States for this city.
A Metropolitan Stock at
less than metropolitan
Hill & Cornell 11
Washington Avenue.
Wire Screens.
IllMII'll lxTI.I I'LL, RI.AR ill LAI Iv . AVII.,
t'eianlon. Pa., 111 innl'.n liner of Wile Miii-u1.
DKIIssMAKINl! lull Cllll.nilHV lo (IIIIH. II:
al-11 1 idles' xvai-K Louis hliocmakei, 1'1'J
Ad inn avenue.
less pools, nn odor. linptoved pumps ti-id.
A. II. tltlgg-, piupiictm-. Leave nnlers 110U
Noith Main avenue, or Ihihi's drug stole. ior
nil- Adams and Mulbniy. 'li'Icphnno 'I'll.
veons, pau i- lugs, twin--, W'ariiiou-e, Ud
VV.i-hiiigloii avi-nue, Miantuii, Pa.
in ."a.iiiln.'i at tin- laws stands of Renin ill
Bios. In, fcpiini. and .'id! I.lndin: M. N01I011,
IVJ Lai kaw.iiiui avenue; I. S, Sibulrer, 211
i-ptiiee stiiet.
Lehigh Valley Kailrond.
lu litre. I. M.111I1 :i, 1101.
For Pliiladelpbla and Newr Yotk xii P. .t II.
It. IL, at tl.13 and 11.05 a. in., .ad 2.1S, I.J7
(III ak Diamond Hx-pics-). and ll.til) p. 111 S-m-ela.v-,
D. ,t II. R. II,. 1 ,",--, 8.-J7 p. 111
Por White Ilavrn, U17I1 ton and pliiieipil points
in Hie toal legions, via D. II. IL IL, n.13,
-AH and 1.27 p. 111. Pur Putt-ville, 1.27 )i. ,11.
Por Bethlehem, IL.-ti 11, Reding, lliiii-ibuig
and piincipal iiileiniedialc -.t.itlous via D. .x; II.
II. IL, li.l.',, ll.r.J a. 111.; 2.IS. 1.27 (lll.iik l)i i
11111111I i:r.e.-), ILIIII p. in. Siinda; , D. k 11.
It. IL, I.M. 6.27 i. in.
Por Tunkhamioi k, Toxvanda. P.lmiia. Itliua,
Hcucva and piiucipil Intel utediite station, -la
I)., L. .t VV. IL 11, S-.Os a. 111.; l.i and ll.H)
p. in.
I'm- f.'incia, Ho- hosier. BuKalo. Pall",
Chicago and all points wc.-t, via 1). II. R. R,
IL.Vi .1. 111.. Il.lll (Blaik Diamond llxpu-s). 7.1-',
HI.4I, ll.::o p. m. Mmda.vs, D. .x, II. R. R.,
Il.u'i, S.27 p. 111
Pullman pailoi and sleeping or Lehigh Valley
p.alois 011 nil iraius bcivvicu Wilkc--liiuc
and Xcw Voile, Philadelphia, Buffalo and bus
pi 11-lun UiiJge
ROt.LIX H. W Il.lll R, Ccn. dipt., 20 Cotlhiud
stioct, Xew- Y'oik.
CHARMI S. I.KII. Ccn. P.i-s. Agt., 2i! Oitland
sheet. New- York.
A VV. NONNIIMVUIIIH, Die. P.t.s-. Agl., Su-.ith
llelhliheiu, I'.i.
P01 (libit-, and Pullri.iu ioi'.ations apply to
"Oil Liiik.ivv.iniu avenue, .Vianloii, Pa.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
lu Illicit Dee-. 2, l'JOI.
F011II1- Leave i.inlnn lor Xcie Y'oik at Ll",
ll.f l'i .1.511, 8.011 and 10.05 .1. in.; 12.53, 3.S.! p. 111.
Por Philadelphia al S.W1 and 111.0.3 .1. 111.; 12. 3.3
and il.yj p. 111. Por Stiou-l-burg at C.lU p. lit.
Milk .licoinniudatioii 1. 1 .'1.10 p. 111. Anivo at
Hobokcn at I...i0, 7.H, 10.2-, liUf'. n.1,3. I I-,
7.1!) ii. in. Auivo at Pliil-.delphi.i at I.mi, .1,2.!,
iI.ik) and S.22 I', lit. Auivo liom New- Vuik .11
1.10, l.l and 10.2;: .1 111.: 1.11, I. .3 J, .3.11, . II
and 11.1.0 p. 111. Plum Mtoudsbiug .U e.03 a.
Xoith Leave S, i.iub'ii for Biiftalo and inter
mediate station- al 1.1.3, 1.10 and U.ut) a. in.:
1.5.3, .3. IS and 11.113 p. m. Pur O-wego and
Sir.uii-i- at 1,10 a. 111. and 1.33 p. in. Tor
r'tha al LID 11, 111. nud 1..35 p. in. I'm- .VIon-liii-c
at ('.n1) a in; I.D3 and 5.1s p. in. Par
Ntihoboi- at 1 01) and 0.15 p. in. I'm- lling
li.iinton al 10.20 a. 111. Viiive in .-iiaiitou liom
Biillalo at 1.23, 2.33, .3,1". mid lo.M a. 111,; ::.;in
and S.IU p. 111. I " O-wego and Mtaiu-e at
J..3.3 a, 111.; I2.IS and MHl i. 111 Piom I'tba
jt 2.-3.3 ii. Hi.! 12. i and " p. 111. liom
N'bboNou al 73il ,1. 111, and H.ihi p. m. 1'iuiii
Moi'lio'e al lu.Dii a. 111 ; .'I -'0 and t-00 p. 111,
lllouiii-luirg Idvl-bin Leave hiiiiiituu fur
Noitliumlieikiiiil, at 0.13, ID.m a. ill.; 1 ,'m and
.3. .30 i. lit. for I'l.viiiuutb al 1.03, 0.10, K.30 p,
111. Por King-Ion at Sin .1, 111. Auivo ai
Xoilhuiiibeil.ilid al ).H3 a. 111.; 1. 10, 5.00 and .1.3
p. 111. Anivo ul King-toil at h..V2 .1. in. At 1 it 1
i.t Plviimiilli at 2.00, ..,i. 0.13 11. in. Ainu
ill M'taiiliu: I'n in Noilliiinibciluiid tit 0.12 a. ):i ,
J!3, 1,50 and s. 13 p. 111, Piom King-Inn a
ll.od a. i-i. Piom I'liinoulli at 7..33 a, m. , ;- 'o
and j.llu p. m.
SjiiII.-Leave Siuiiloii ill 1.10, ."100, .1 ,V), bi.O",
p. in.: Il.lll and .'i.H' P-
Noitli Leave l-iianton al 1.13, l.p) a. in.;
1.,",, .3.1s mid 11,113 li. ni.
Bluoiii-buig Hill-Ion Leave Seiaiitnn at 10,0.";
11. m. and !: P. "I.
Delawaio nnd Htulson.
lu lllli-il Nov. 23, I'mo.
Tialu- bu I'.ilbolidalo h-ivi- N-ianlon at il.-.'i),
7..3I, .s 3.1, PI l-l a 12 no, 1.20, -J. , ;),,
,3.21-, I1.SJ, 7.37, 0.13, 11.1.3 p. 111 : I. Hi u. 10,
lor Ibiiusdali 11.21) a. 111 ; 2.11 and u.-'y
''V'-i" Wilki-ll-uie -"-I-''. 7.s, s.1.1. o.n-, 10.1t
II.. 1 .'. tu.", I-"-''. 2-1. ''' l-'-7, 0.1(1,7.1-, ID II,
ll.:.i) p. in.
I'm- L. Y. II. It. points-ll. I.., II, ",.3.i. in.; '.!!,
1.37 and IL " P- '
Por Penii-jlviinla II. IL pnini- U. 11, o.,;s ,1.
tu. : 2.1s -Hid 1-27 11. l'i.
r-u' Vlluny -lid all point.s noitli 0.2'J a in.
.mil :'''- P-
I'm (.iiliiiiid.ili-!i.OD, a. 10.; 2 ll, jj.oj,
3.17, IO.-33 i. in-
I'm- Wilki.- Hjiic '.).-.!?. I1..3.I a, m. ; l..3s, t 2.-,
0.27. -s.27 p. in.
Por Albany and points noilh "i.-'i p. 111.
I or lloncsdalo- D.!! a. m. -mil U-32 p. in.
I.iiwi-l Litis In all pulnls in lulled Mates
ci il I'ai.ula.
,1. II. IH'IIDK K. H. P. A.. Albany, V. V.
. W. mov, D- P- A-i .siiaiituii, Pa.
Central Unilvond of Now Jersey,
bullous in New Yolk-I'ool ol Liberty slice!,
N. II,. and Smith Piny.
TIMi; TAIII.P. IX I.PI'I.CT NOV. 23, 10,1).
Ttallis loan- Sitaiilou lor Niw Yotk, Vw.nk,
lliibith, I'blladelplili, La-Ion, III llileluiii, .VI-
leiilowu, Maut ll Cluuik and While linen at WK1
u. in.', cpns, l.lo; c.xpiea', a.Ji) a. Ill, M-.
davs", '-'.13 p. iii
Tur Plllsloii and VV tike-II on-. Sl a. 111 ; LIO
tad ll.-MI P- "I- &ui-dJ.vs, 2.13 p. 111.
I or jlillliiioiu and VVashiuglmi nnd points
South and West via Hetbleliim. tf..ii) a. in.; .lu
and'p. in- Iiuiida.vs, 2.13 p. in.
I'or Long Bi.iiuh, Oei.111 liiuti-, etc, at 8.KI)
a in. and LIU i. 10.
J'nr Heading, Lebanon and llaili-burg, xii .
leiilowii, b.y) a. 11 d Lio p. 111. hundiy-,
2.15 p. in.
I'm- I'litlsvilh. b-Mi a in and t 10 p. m.
'Iluouali llikeis lo ill iuiiu- cast, south and
west at lowe-t lalm ul Ihe station.
II. P. liVI.DWIN. Urn P.i-s. Vet.
.1. II. Dl.llAfM.N, tie u. .-upt.
Erie and Wyoming" Valley.
'I hue' 'iablc ill infill Npt. 17, l!in,
Tl till- lor lliwli.v and b-eal pniuts. coiiie(
ing al llivvley with Pile lailionl lor New oik,
New Inn g nud inti-iiiudiilc points', leave Strati-
Ion at 7.03 a. lit. and 2.23 p. in.
'I lain.- mivi at N union at 10,uO a. in and
;i.V) 11. 111.
Easteir Glove,
Corset and
UmnibreMa Am
jioiflinicemnieet Should be of unusual in
terest to every lady reader of
his paper. It comes oppor
tunely at the season when
ladies should dress in har
mony with the beautiful sur
roundings of this festive holi-
luy, It would be very inap
propriate to appear improp
erly gloved on this occasion,
therefore sec that you get the
up-to-date styles. This im-
ilics the necessity of patron
'V,iug a reliable dealer in
making your selection of
1 Caster Gloves. By purchas-
ng from us you derive the
benefit of our experience, as
we handle o'n 1 y reliable
makes of acknowledged
Good Wearing Qualities.
Perfect Fitting,
Correct Shades,
Proper Finish.
A full line of new corseU
in all the popular makes and
Complete assortment o(
Ladies' and Men's Umbrellas,
unique and nobby handles
in great variety. Initials en
graved free on all umbrella?
See our window display at
We are displaying an
unusual pretty lino of
Easter goods in Booklets,
Cards, Hangers, and
Hand painted Sachets
all of "which serve as a
suitable easter remem
brance. This year we
have added nn imported
line of chickens, ducks,
nnd rabbits, "which will
interest all easter buyers.
Schedule in Effect March 17, 1001.
Trains leave Scranton:
G.'IO a. ni., week days, for Sunbury,
Hnrrisburg", Philadelphia, Balti
moie, Washington and for Pitts
burg nnd the West.
9.3S n. m., week days, for Hazleton,
nnd for Sunbury, Harrisburg,
Philadelphia, Baltimoje, Wash
ington and Pittsburg and t'
West. 2.18 p. 'in., week days, (Sundays
1.D8 p. ni) for Sunbury, Harrit--burg,
Philadelphia, Baltimoip,
Washington nnd Pittsburg iw
tho West. Por Hnsleton, wck
days only.
4.'7 p. nt., week days, for Sunbuty.
Ha.leton, Pottsvillo, Hnrrisburp,,
Philadelphia and Pittsbuig.
.1. II. 1IU" IHNsON. t.en. 5l-,i-.
I. II. V.OOH, lien, P.M. .;t
lime Cant In rffirt Dec. .lOlli, lltOf.;
ISO? 205 .8)1
"3 5S5
pji ' m
7 10 A r. N.y,.Wt.'itM.nV.
ltYSAr. rudosU .l.r.
I i,
K 00
I 1M
I 03t 80
10 li'
It) II)
8 68 " . llaiuoelc
' 11 f 8b
a is
1 81 "
Hi "
iW "
ltd "
. SlHllilIlt
. .Oiton "
Union dale
i inait
. .9(06 H
,. 9U623
.. 8065 )
a io it in'
11111 v
9 went
Mil i
3 196 43
. PM
Omi-H " 'tiit-omlaluVil "
OWll'JO " , Crtibc-mlalo M
6 61
.8 40
.6 811
fc0O3M6 6i
0 0)
" .twine iiink.ri,
iloilcld Vtl
7 03
.It 31
Ull.ll I II
.1 M 1 1 0:i
H'.lll ul
7 033 IIIIH
.iia ne:u
" Junon
" rilfbuii;
" 'I !irnjp
,1 0(J U6 0I
" bomfiaw,
' 17 198 616 01
" 7 US MS 12
" 7 233 US B
" 7 k i is t ei
; Tmltn tit
" 7 31 j 10 f ST
." 176 89
.tr 7 uj M6SJ
8 2." H VIII 01
; i
S n I'iliiii
flit jll -HIM.
. aliUtoiono, "
. tin' s.ino n "
. 0011 HB.1I-) I' "
,.6U run 11 -aoj
nno ioi.t
P4 '4 1M
I'nlk I I.IIV
.VJ-illJouil (rains leave rartiondalu for llu btl-i n-i
1S iiiiiinrriit biiuili), nil 7.60 iiiiibuixllyoiily.iiit'vlii;
liliviu-ll itiil7Ulimailtl0apiu.
V-l.liti.niillroliiltve.--, riDluutt7 00 pm Sunday calj.
Honpluiatalltiatluai tu Cnil-iD Jilt-, artivio; at 715 uii-,
ai iroln liavk-t Mtihcl.i Yar-1 fur larbvmlala attutra
a.ll), atitviui at latiMiiJalu ot 0.5.1 aoi.
Itate.t 3 cuutt inr mile,
T.oneat Iluti-K tu ull Valuta Weal,
. C. 1N0CRSON.
Hfn Veil i it;.
J- C WtlBII.
'1 r.T.ii. ol,
uivu. r