.,,'' t i &5y Ww r si ; f ." fnv n ; o fr THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FB1DAV, Al'ltlL 5, 1001. J. V R t Oiilcc: BURKE BUILDINGj TWENTY-PIVE MEN ARE DISMISSED ALL LAID OFF IN DELAWABE AND HUDSON SHOPS. Tor Rciiisinp to Work Overtime Without Extia Pay, Machinists In tho Locomotive Department Ave Summarily Discharged A Strike Will Probably Bo Oidorcd Today. Grievance of Long Standing. ' A uhulPMile tllSfhui-Bi' uf niiK'liluists took pliiu- lust evening til tttlUliiK tlmo in the locomotive shops cif tlio lel.i vtmc iiiul Hudson tttllioail in HiIh c Ity. Aft a result, tin le.M nt the men flu idity d Hun' will, In till likelihood, ie liiMo to wink thin nuiinlns niilcm tho ill-.rlKii'Kril men tire lolntttatcd. If thlh Is not duiio, ii sonurnl Mrlke of the iii.ichlnlHtn. pi'ilmpii I'XtondliiK to other part" ol Hip in.id, nmy h the tchiill. , I'iir Miiiio time tho inut'hiulHt's haw Ik en nuupliiliiliiR b p.tiifij they enulil not sci'iui' i H. i p.iy for mi'i'tlme. winking on Smithes .mil because nit noxious rules have been In ton p. Two weeks imit tlio inni notlllod Man- ttr Mechanic, ltoiiuio thut tlu?y would not woil; .my 111010 oMm time unless . Ihpy civ p.ild lime itnd n iiuaiter for II. Tlil't, IIip. uiKid, was h"-b than vva.s p.ild lu other hliups. notably Dickson's .nut Ibo JIpI.iw.hp. Uiekuvvauna. and "Western in Heianloii, and no nunc . than was paid .it Hip other end ol the line. Tlip 111.11 liliiisls lu the 1op.iI uiil ro.ul shop:, aie thmoimhly orpinUed. , Lust night, jn.-t Ueinie tinip to quit . work for llu- day. a shuHliiK broke in the loponiotlM' &-lit and Mr. lleniilc detailed .1 nuiribcr of men to htay over time and IK it. The men refused to do HiIh woik outside of tlielr tegular lioui'.s unless tlicy received extra pay for it. -Mr. KPiuiie, it is auld, immedi ately dlsLlMrsed twenty-live of Hie . men. Wold via.s at oupp tcleRtaplied of the oceuiienip to tlie national heailquai tPi.s of the inai'lilnlhth In Wahliinnton, and it was the heller in thi.s 1 ity last night that a Mi Ike will he ouleteil this moiniiip. Mr. Kennle w.ih interviewed hy a Trlbtiuu icpoiler last c cuing. When iihkud the iiuson for the ilit.eh.uso of the men, he at tlist pn'tended to he Bluntly aim pi Ned at the 111 h that hue!: an event hail taken plate. When Hie icpoiter pret-tui hiui to i-tate his hide of the case, he said he had nothing to say for publication. "It is a. matter between the Delaware unil Hudson company," he mid, "and their men. I have nothing to do with It, and 1 pieter not to say anything' for puhlli .ition." b'onie ol the machinist;-, however, wcic lump leady to talk. They s-ald that 11 number of obno.lous niles had bom made by Mr. Ileunle since his ad vent heie as master mechanic a tew months ago. Hi; succeeded a very popular man, W. It. .lohnson, of this city, who N now with the Intei national t'oripspondenie Schools of f-ei.uiton as traveling lectin er on niephanipal wink. The men who weio dl.sphiiiged weie nearly all tho he-t woikniPii in the shops and most ol" them have been in the employ of the company tor many M-ais. On" ot them said last night: "W don't want to i.iit.so a strike, nor be untuir to the lomp.inj in anv -iv.iy. We do not wish to put (he. toad , to any ImonvenictuP. AVe have winked too many jears hi the shops ui do that. Our only object in letusiug to m-i overtime is tu get what all other 111,1. plilnli.to in this pmt of the country .tic getting, extra pay for iwtra woil;. Wo feel wo ,uu light. Never In the his tmy of Hip shops iu thi.s idly have the men been treated as they sue now. In other plm-ps they get time and .1 half for ovti linn', double tune for .Sunday woik and cmi.i pay for holidays. Wo git only single pay, no nnittei how niinli extra time we put In." Theie n it- Hem l,".u to i'uu men em ployed in the Deluwaie und Hudson machine shops heie, and if they all go out this moining mattei.s will assume n serious aspect. Hefou Mr, Kennle assumed chaigo of the o, oinullw shops the men ..m. ployed their- always got time and a quarter for the extra hours they put In. MOON ELECTED. Although Common Council Did Not Reorganize Ho Ik Made City Cierk. AftT ft wuli of oei an hour on the I ait of llu K'-publkaii membi'is of tin common council last nlghi mid after an adjournment had bom taken to Moud'iv night, f'ity Solicitor Ktuiiit ieet.'ed his opinion of last Monday mid said Hint a joint sitslon of the councils uuiH be held loi the purpu-,0 in' 1 lei ting n elty elerk. The members ot the ;un biaileliPS then illid bfiPl: and X, !,. aimjh ns umi.lliat d lur the ollke ol elty elerk. lie pceled toiiiifoii votes and had n.o, ii(Hiaitinu. The adiiiiiiiied meeting or councils, hlcli was eoiitlnued fioni Inst Mou tlay, when Hie coiniuon poiuielt fulled to 1 e-organize on account of u dcud loi k, ,u. tailed li. inei t tit S u'cloek last night. After an hour of lutlle waiting, l.uwi'ver, the Ilepublleau mcill b('l, Mho Wfiit aleiie Into tho coun cil loom, had t;ieik Lutim, call tlio mil, the talluio of a quorum to o prefcnt was noted and 011 motion of Thompson the, session vns adjoin und to meet Monday evening ;it b o'clock. livery uuniber of tho common 1 01111 rll whs In the city building lust night. The Itopubllcan nitiubeirs went into tlio council chamber and then awaited tho oinliig or their Dcmoi t.itl; coiitMgues, TJn-JiUer, however, did not take their tegular heals, but hold a prolracled c.iuciib in Hie cl,y ciig!mer'H ollli-e, whli h was in duiliiiesb. The HepublN i-aiis it'iuwcd their olfer lo compiomlse Ci f'ollliiB, oim of Hie Democrats, tor (lialrmun, mid ut onu tinio It looked as though tho dcul would go thiough. Tho Demociatlo ntPiiilieis polled this rnlutlon of the dltllculty, though, ,y naylng tPut If Collins was to be nomlu. USE ALLEN'S FOOF-EASE , jiowdcr Id lo tli-iUn into t lie tlioc. vui lilt Iccl fcuollui. niituui jihJ ibiup, jmJ ,', t tired tuallj. If ou luiu ucliliiv feel, tiy Allur, loul-Ujf. It iiot IIh feci am) nukca new tr ti'iU sho.'ij ui. Culm CiillljUiiik. tuolli',1, tuutii- fort, IiIUUid Jil tulluuo iots. id. Iiur 10111 uii'l liuninm of .ill ijIm ju.1 !,,, rrtt and confuil.Try It loJj.v. solil l,y j aiu,'. ii-U Jli'l shoe il"jli'lj.ij irnlb. 'I1I1I uiKi;,' till L. Aililiun, AII111 s. UliuiliU, l.i Jv, .N, i. i I n srfMTJh WMIWM'ASV' VVVV ..-.., ..iv. .. . OLD, 0423 ntpd they should tin It. Ah the ltepub llcans fell Hint they had r.rfpied ovpi y llllllg In li'itmn to break the lie and proceed to buslups's, this was asking a little loo much, und they lefuspd. Mr, CoIIIiih wiih ,tt one I hue iihuost peistmded to cnti'i' the chuiipII cham ber and In fills the i.tioritm on the ptout 1'ie Hint lie would receive the lull vote of the itrpubllcall.s, but bo went buck lo consult lilt ciii'Mislitg rotnrudps lu thu city englncer'a oiIIip, and he did not romc back, so th' golden cluuipc was loil. A large cicwd of dhiappoliiteil spec tatois was ill fldeliee. all pli pared to see ut least one ballet taken. Tli- lameness of the waiting mliiiites dW gustcd most of them. At !t,0"i o'clock I'lerk l.ofliK called the loll. Mess-rs Thompsoii, Whllllcld, Mone, livans, .John Abistcifi end W. II. MiiHleis, nil Kepubllcnm. icspoiid rd. As tin 10 was not a quoiuni pies cut, Mr. ThompHon nioveu an iidouni mint until Mundny night, 'lileh was r greed lo. Then 1 Lilly, Ibo Joint session with Mr. Moon's eh 1 Hon ns city cloik. HOLY THURSDAY. Tho Ceremonies in St. Roso Chinch Yesterday Moining. Holy Thursday services at the Un man Catholic 1 lunch ol" St. ltose ib 1. 1111,1 jphterdiiy moining weie of a most solemn and bill lesfhe n.iluie. The roreiui. tiles big.m by the eelebia tlon of a high mass at T.ru o'i lock, at which th"tp was a viiy luigf lougie Katliin. Very Jtev. Thomas I'. Collev, V li.. was the celebrant, assisted by Katlieis Coiman and Ltlxoii. Alter the mass the leiemimy of ie movlng thi. lilisicd Saviumeut to the lepotltoiy took pliuc. A proi is-ion was totmed and moved "low l up (he main aisle and down the lei I ai'de to the plai e usually occupied by St. .lo.-eph's altar, wheie the consecrated paitiele mis deposited. The lepository prrspnt ed a beauteous and elrisU I'ppcaianee. It was dinped with white between the candelabia, decorated with hundieds of blooms and lighted with seines ol 1 .in dies. After the eerjiuony ot placing the sacrament in the lppositoiy the pio cession ic-foimed and went back to Hie high nlt.il. Thousands of woishlp pers visited the clmiib yesteida.v. In passing the ii posltory, the taithlul, In stead of making a g.mullexion with one knee, go down 01: thrit two Kiic".- on Holy Tluirsdii. Today, ftood Frlduv, the mass' ui tlio r le-sanc tilled will be celebiated and the Hlessc d Sacrament will he can led In pioicssion aiound the eluiich and baek to the main ult.'i. M 7..!0 p. m. the Stations ol the Cio-s v ill be nclted and the nimu.il eolleetlou lor pieseiv lllg the holy places will be taken up. Tomouow moining at "0 llieie will be Hip blc-.-iiig 01' llu. H.-sler water find baptismal font. blPsshiP ol the Ii"hul 1. in lies and lighting ol" the new tlie. A COMPLICATED CASE. A Sensational Collection of Cases Tiied Befoie Aldeimnn Delevan. On Wednesday evening Aldeiin.iu 11. .1. Delovuu, of the Sixth w.nd, had a eoniplicated uise, with charges and counter charges of a nauseating ehar acler befoie him. The oiigin.il eh.nge was amplllled and pxlcuded until it eoveied almost evei thing in the cate gory of badness. Came Stiles ami Ultima Mi den, two girls, staited the finable b, cliarging Antonio Pugliese with maintaining a disorderly homo and selling liquor' without 11 lii ease. The Hi don gill swoio she had bought beer fioni I'ug-lie--e and di.ink it on tlie ptemNes. The Still s gill swoie she had been in Tony's phue all day last Sunday and hud be come so intoxicated theie she uuild not leave the. house. Alter that she said she could not lcnieinber Nvliat da of the wick it was tli.it she was theie. Tony had seeii or 1 lght witnesses lo plow that he did not sell heer at his place, but Instead conducted .1 little .stoic whtre he sold candy, peanuts, tobacco, eti . I'm ie Stiles, who Is only a little over sixteen yeais old, told, without a hlusli, that she was so tliiiuk 011 Sunday, hi Tony's place, that she couldn't tell her own mime. A little while alter she testllied that she saw Nolo, give Tony ten cents lor two bottles of beer. Tony was held lu S.'lui) tor keeping a bawdy house and ?;00 for selling liquor without a Ikense. Then the two gh Is, Caule Stiles and Ulnora Hi den, nut with a surprise. They were anesli.il on thiee chaiges, fornication, lewdness and pi'ijury. The latter charge was buuic'it by l'uglles', tllie of the slioliee-, p 'lilts against 1 lit-lit was the (net thai ''mil had swoiu She would be nineteen e,u- old 011 her next hlilhday v. ben .is b. allldavits made by their motheis it was seen thai Cairle Stiles is but sixteen years and No! a Hiydill seventeen .MMls old. Cattle has nliculy been In the coutilv Jail, Wednesday night, lu the pieHonee o a iiiurt loom full of men and no women pteseut, tluse viniug girls told tales of s'luiineless eondllct and wuilloll behavior, wllliout hesitation, So ills, gustliig was their recital that some of the mule aiidtioi ett the uiuit room in Hie midst of 11. Tim aldeimaii held each of thu glils lu JjOU on the eluirges, which wiih iinulhhed by Henry Pit ice, A LETTER FROM MANILA. I. M. Kenyon, of Foil Townuhiji, Tolls of Lifo in tho Philippines. Plivatwi J. VI, Keiijuu, of Kill town ship, bus si in 11 ktter to his lather iu Itlchiuoiidale, telling of his cpcilenees In Hie new possession of the t'ulted Slittis. Mr. Krnon, who is well known lu HiIh lily, is with tho Vitteeuth In tantry. Culled Stales icgulars, Ho has seen service In Cuba. In china, and Is now in Manila. lie suj.s in his letter: "I am now lu tin' town of Maub.iu, 11 is a small town on thu uoitheusl 1 oust of Uiizoii, 11 pi city place, with good water and hwi buezes. Wo are living lu the Spttiih'h bin racks, vililch tlio huge. ui)d lomiy, Wo have the whole autlnulty Ittie, mayor, invent!" collectors and all. 1 don't tlilnl: w shall ted any more, lighting "We lett Clunu 011 Nov, .'t und weie about a mentli nu tho iianspmi; It was a tedious journey. We laid lu Manila h.iv four (lavs 1 ml u, iwk allowed to go ashoie, 1 did not ,su iiovvuia, nu no ictt banta, Hosa about Die. li and vvenL In the Southnm 11. ands. They me putting the vnluutveih iniougn, as iney win ne uiscliuigoil toop. t wish ou lould see these people ( I 'Phone: go to chut ch. There Is a large church licit' und it Is open every day. They all till 11 oil I, About i.iiie bnre-ronl-oil, but veiy clean. They wash and put clean clothe tin every day. They aie offering ifM) to enlist again, but I h'tvc had enough and will letitru home soon." TRI-MONTHLY MEETING. Tlio District Total Abstinence Asso ciation to Meet Here Sunday. On, ICaster Sunday the convention of the Klrst District Catholic Total Ab stinence union will be held In this elty In St. Hose hall, The business session villi begin at L'.SO p. m. Two new socle ties villi bp lppiesenteil at this con veiiHou, the Knights of father Muthcw of this city and a lodge fioni Oly phnut. father Cut ran, of Wllkes-Hone. the diocesan irctldent and national nons uit r, Is epccted lo be heie In time to address the convention beiorc its close, owfhg lo his pailsh v.T.ik he will not In able to get lfie at the. commence ment of the session. lie villi also de llvir Hie (Veiling pennon in St. lto.tc ( lllll I'll. District I'iPsldPiU William Peel and now tin Knights of Father Malheur sue completing m rungf incuts lor the teitalnuienl of Hie delegates to cn ths convention. CHILDREN'S SERVICES. The Sunday School of St. Paul's Lutheran Chtuch to Observe Good 7i iday. At the tii'imau Lutheran chtuch tSt. Paul's) this evening at "i.'iO o'clock the 1 hildiou of the, Sunday s-cliool will hold speUal services, commemorative of Ciootl Frldti. 'i'lie P,ev. I. D. C. Wlttko, of Christ Uvangellcal Uutheran chinch, of Scranlon. will pi each a sennon to the young people and there will be special musical services under the tll lection of Pi of. f'row ell. The pio gi amine Is as lollows: I'iiIhiIo. t IliiiuhN iniir. .No. 1 1. in suiiiliv s,i, 1 mm, li ioiiim;,Mtln, .No. II I. II up. Altai oiiiic. Iliiiui No. ij'i. senium, l,v l!i. I. I) (. WaiKo. m su.innin 111)1 1111. I luliliin's Ilium Nu 'lur, N". .1 11, l. llu I'llRlllll't NiIISTs." 111.11 '.Ml i' ui, (luuni; t lie I'MIHIIIlllli'll, Aiiii'iuuii nu lit', ll.i inn -'iT. I'.-tlu I. Glanville-Lazaius. VI no', 11 mi Wcliicdie .it hili-lim, Kii. 1,. 1-.. Muoliik, .i-tni ot the M.llioilL-.t l.pi-riiiil iliuii.li, iinilcil 111 iii.iliiniony Lrnct It. l.I.in Mile, ol tins (Hi, uii'l Mi-s Suio I.jjru-., of hmi:l 'Ihe iniiplo uric .iltimliil by Ml. .111J Vli tonitiHi .N. snul'i, ot Pill.is. I till i l.u y;iu-u t.iit-i.lo tlio fiimlii'i ni tlto ion. ti.n tills pntiii who pu-ont. 'I lie lirulo i.n .ittirid ui .1 kov ii ol liluo s.j tin .mil i.iuto.l .i 1iriitiit it i million-. Ah. .mil Mil (am illlo will ir miii' ;m to In'UM'kn pinur in tliU ut Good Priday at the Postoffice. ..oil I'mlii In nu .t liR.il liolnli, tlio loc.ll pri-toitlip will nli-mo it .i- follo,: llic lioiiii, lor 'rni'i.il Ini-iiiisH will In noni I .i. in. In 1J noon, lime will In one ei.cr.il ilolnc5 .unl olio lui-ino-s ilihiui ,v (,iiin.i-, flic Inlily Will In opoil foi lo,ktjo uuild". onh fioni I! -JO p In. to I) lt p. III. .No Illotii olilil ni u m ti ln-ii . will h' lim-.uliil. Ai rested for Laiceny. I'llHO s it.,, ,i HimIui. 1. Ml) ill l.lkll .mil Winitis Hull weio .nu-ipil ii-tohlia .liteiiiooti on I lie mllipl lllil ol WtMi'V lloll-, of lllflcul, win, iIihj'iiI t lit in with Ihe lhclt ol .i ..'"lii winli lli'lii linn. I he .(ii il 1 1 1 1 e i-ponl the nmlit in tlie i il Jul .mil will hiio ,i he iiiul- lliis inoiiuii. Cottage Fair Postponed. 'tiic foi of the CotUso Uu-c ioniiui. w'niiii li n I'Liii mnoiiniiil to loininenio on VlumMy t mng. pn l"i, hit lipoii po-tponul foi two or Ihue work-. I lie ipiioii foi t lii-, li l-cuii-,' tho ltu!iinptoii-t 1'itlns will l.esiii then two wiek-.' mi ion in s, !,,e cliurih on tint ilite. Meetings Tonight. I'.ilr-inie lomin iinlir, ,N'o. II, Kniuhl- Icni pl.ii .Iniiloi Hull l lulled VinriKiii Meiliinii", l.iikiwiinni I'm iiiipininl. o. Ill, linlipoii'li nt Dnlei Oilil IVIhiM-. l'lhlii r.irnhi Sniil i lull. Piomiit Pnymont. 'I lie in-in.mte if 'llioini-. li. mil, of V,iiiilhn(r, who ootninilliil i-iaihle on Moinlii IliKht, was siltKI lo ti'liL'l.ijili mi Weilneilii hi tip ium. pmv 'I hi-. I- tin. til -t ilniiii In t )!-. rily to he ui hi tihsi.ipli in i i-o ot ili'illi. A Boy Dead. ll.lllllolol I'. .Illllltl', sell of V, mil Ml,., .lollll IihUi. of Loi nil -tlt-Pt, ilinl Mpilnroili.v ommi. III.', .lltll lllll" lll.ls' llIlK". Wl pll IIIIIOIli.l, lie w ii ii i (,ni .unl II inonllii olil 'Ihe liniiul will li' In hi llili Jlliiiiooii ,a ;: o'l.li'ik. Good Priday Services?. Ihrie will ho KMihi.i in loiniiifiiioi.nion of Ion il I'lillll .ll thi lil-l t OIIBIlVJtlolHl i lnui.li llili in nlii.- .H 7. .n o'i look. At tho Opeia House. Tni-ili iiikIiI -'Thii Mill '1111111".." The Pasbiug Tluong. I n 1 Ih.ile Iim irtiniicil fioni .Nc' Voik i ity. Ml-. I,. 1,. l.uM.lni-1 lun lirou on Hie t-lt k li-l lor MMUl lll.lr. Hum I,. Mo.-ed. ol scniiton, is (he siient of .Ml. jiiJ Vis, s. Siiu'ii. L. A. lla-sfrtl ritniind .icstrpliy from a hud ins tlip lo New Voik. ,iioiinl Huuiit .Vlloinpy l-nijis ilnmer is III tit hit home on Unto avuine. IU lil.ae Alkln-ui It. home (loin Wiomimj euiiinii' loi tliu l)jlcr N.i(..iticn, Wtnle in tills Ul.v Hifliop 'I .ill.ot wji .1 curt ut Ihe Immo of lr. II. Jlauvillc, on Not tit MjIii tlrrn tlr .lollll W, WhitP, if StlPlllll mrnne, Im leliiriml lioin ,i wrtU'b visit wilh or puciils at I oily I'oit. Mi si ImIicIIp IIihcic of llili ill.i, ami h-. John IIoimmo, of Wllkci IIjiii, p( jrciijy (or a wnk' i-it in .Ml Mill. I il.,. li- Him Iti.niolili, of WjUlllillJ MNIIIIiai,!', ii iiiiIiii; her 1. itcr ucitlon at the hemp of lur inn If, .1. I". llPtiioliN, on VNiinnliii; ellfit. Hi. Ilui I,. Miikm iilniiii.il to I'liiljilclphl.i iii-tiiiUy , .illcr i hihf visit ullli ii luuiit, Ml', .unl Mm. H Miiict, soiitli Miin utirct, llimj l. MiiKer, ci , .nut 1 inl lions, of .New Vol I. tit, will i-inii.l DjiIoi- wllli Mi, ju.1 Mrs. Sillrflf. To due a Cold in One Duy 'lake l..i,ithe Ilioina t'ilnln 1'atlcU. -Jji. ' JESSUP, .lulii sncci.i ,us j bmlnefs tallir in berjnton ilii. 1 be (uncrjl of .John Mirtlnutk took place from hi? lite 1101119 citcrila,v, It u lirgcly attiml. cd, a iiiiiiil'cr ct tudcllis ol whlili vir, Mrnl in.uk was -i member Indus; ir atlcmljucp. Among thou.' wcte h St. I'jiil'e ami I lie. I'lil tnl Mine Woikcu ol Amerii.i. Uchm.miI watalso a pioinlnciil iiiviiibu of the new l.'icik Cdlho- tic church, fntcimcnt was raids in the Oly pliant cemtitry. Ihe Dolpti local, tdikV, alltnilt'l llic funeral ol an llalUn, who wm killer! Iiy helns thot at the Dolpli mine, Tuwilay, Mls Hlnltreit Doughcity waj a caller In Ot plittit rstriiay A eommltteo la making arrangcmcnti lor a focld lo take place at Sweeney's lull, Momlayi April l.V, tor the lirnefll of Patrick Langitt, who It 4 ponlcntanl In the coming lair which la lo open at the St, .tamcj lull, K.tter Monilay. JERiHYN AND MAYFIELD. Mut. Ilcniy i-ohy, an ued l.nlj icclcliiia; on f-'c fllnl ulncl, met with a pulnful accident nhont o o'clock last ctenhnt. Miu was In the ililckcn .inl at the rear of llu- lot mol In cenic inanner tripped and fell heailly to the ground, t'pon altcinplhiR to ilic she found licrirlf tnialile lo do to. Tlicro was no one In the hou at the tinio hut her Inuliand and he U tick und unable In leaie tlie home. Mn. Sohy irniiiunl whcic flic fell for tome time until her ctlcs atluctcd Ihe .iltinllon of IMnanl lloascr, who nu pais liifr. tlo ccrrlcd her Into the home where lie hah .itlcndfd by Dr. S. P. !).nl, Hoisted b.i lr. Vf J. Milclil". The phjulclnii nie ot (lie opinion her (IiIkIi Is ellhrr illslocalcd or friclnnil. hut were imiblp last iiljht to nay poslthclv which. 'Ihe Iiilnbci3 of Mlipah IiuIkc No. 115, Itanglt. tern of ltcbckah. behl .1 bov social i n Wwltiw day cirnloi,' which largely attendul .mil milch enJoid. Durlnic the ncnitiR an entertain ment was nlun In which MImcs Ubby und M.i' llcnwood, Ma i. iti .I.HIK-, Clio Carter. Nellie Huindi, Cliil.t-n sohy. Mini lllll. I'nirni Ifob rrt, Mr. MtlioUs Henii'tt and U A. Orecn .md Itlebard Hawkins took part, tin pntritulmiiciil iiinsiMlna; of vlcal and nsttunient.il olo, iccl. titlons, illalpRue. trio .md quartette. t'hllo Snidci, an old scleral) of Ihe lllll w ir, t hoes niilid has litely heroine initial lined. .M-ln-iliy uddenl,v dlippeiuil lioin his houir and up to ,i lie hour li't cieiiiui; had not letluued. tli'liiK lo hN condition bli wife and friends 'tie lon'ldciably wirtlrd old Ids ilsippe.iiiin.e, Wiuil was leieiied tl eienintr t h it i mm an incline Mi-, snijer's Hrsirlption bad be-u te, n down the alle and I hlrf of I'olli e Millinley went to Aichbild and Oil pli l n t to make lulls tigition but with whit n-'iilt we weie muhte to lc 1111. lliiihl link has ii-Ieiifi hi- po-ilion ,n fr tlou bom "ilth the Delaware and llud-ou coin pini .in.l intends to po upon a firm, tie i mc Ktdcd In Mr. (.'.iiln, it Miiuli I hunk VV T. Ilobeil, of Miin lrerl, wis a "u.inlon l-itor .icttcula. 1 lie borough lour.iil will hol.l tlcii ie;uUi nionthh tncctliipr this rsctiiiic-. A child of .lames P.iii-on, ot 'llilrd -tiicl. i-i ill of bronchitis. lies. Vajnjnl It. Ilioinpion wont to iii niton i'tcrdiy to ni'it Vie. rhoinp-on .mil rlilld, who Imp been spending ferei il weeks .it Hufl.ilo. Arthur .tcnkln-. ol I'lmhleiu'e, lias ampleil i position as a-i.aut In Dr. S. D. Palls' itiu store. PUNMORE. At the Methodist Kpiaoop-il church conceit lait niglit a laiije immlicr weie pruent ilnpltr the Ir.ilcmcrcy of the we.ithei. The pvccIIcikp of the prourammp imdercil moic than npald tin in foi any di-coinfoils thei mn hup -ulleicd. 1 he oprniriK nunihci bj Krne-l llmaid w -. i .' ducd iu that plaicfs u-ii.il capable manner, tin? it the licit executed and most cnjo.iable niiintv ra on the progrannnr wa the woik of Lctoi I.. WL upon the mindohn. 'I he -ulo enlithd "L.iplHc" lis Vli-5 Elsie Towell, of the liiei'u Ulilijc 1'ieib.itiH in ilniri.il thou, was Ming lu tint usuil hippy inannci tint ba niitle bei -nib a laicinitc entertainer. Vhs, ltuby Vo-t was un mually plcaiintj lat nipht in hci lendilton of thai olnrmlng "lullibj," In C.eninni VH May " no I lilt plc-ncd cieiiboily bi tlie ra-i maimer that she uaic the "Violin l.int.1-." The- nunibere. tiy the choir as well .is the woil, of the ipiarti ttt-V weir snen in .1 uialiiiei Hut utamps the iiuinhci tluicof as imi-ii. l.m-i ol iu nu -in abiliti. The tiz.ur foi wlinii th- Ladies' Mil soiuly o tlie I'ic-liiUiiiii t Inns It Ii.im In on pirpunu foi seieul mouths will lip behl on 'lluu-diy and 1'iiday nliflitn of next wnk In udd lollows' bill. l.aiKP iiumtltici of bciutltul ami u-iful .iiliil" li.it e In en prcp.ncd for lids ouaslon wbiib no il. ulit will lin.l i ic.uli mp, .vii inteie-iiuK pi" (; iiiiuio of uuiiEcil and lite orx ich'itioin will be lii.deied t.i'h i.u iiins and lihl iilii-liiu ills will h' mud both oieiiliu-.. 'Ihe loiiiiilon of .Miib.ul Mm. ill in, who was in juiid at the I iiiou Ciih stoie-, inenti, I- -lilt touicwbat -iiiou-. llu at If mlniir pbioiiia'. d.u lint he may hair smieicil mm iiileiuil iu pun-. tleoiRp ll.iip"i. i nu mbi i' if lodjjp Mil. Indepen ihnt tinier ot udd 1'cll.wii. has been ileite.l lo Ibo oiln e ot di-tuil iliiiit raud mi-til tui llili diiliict li Ihe rn-uiii!; tcini. William Itlhy, ot 'lliioop stun, i- niiliiiini Willi a poicicattiik ol ipiinn at In- homo. .lolin I'oiili, ol lllikili stiu-i, i- ipuir ill it Ills honie. I lliiiuiclou Voiiuc. now iu hi-Milieu f.ii lu the nieiln i ihpiiimeut ot the I'nlin-lii ol I'cniiit llama, I- 'iHlidmi; hi- . nation with ins piients on Dunkci itiecl. Bo'ses Given Away On siiin,i,,y mid (in; puicli.i-r inioiiiitiii. to si. mi we will .'lie ,i beiiiiiuil I.i-lii I!o-e TAYLOR. 'Ihe fuiiei il of tho lite Kbezlcl Willi un- took plup iroin hit lite biiiio on lajlui ,-ticct Mid neidaj aftniioon and was imllc Incrly .ittind cd. s(,M,r, ,rc ie,j (. j,j, jjie home ami ion. iliKlnl li Ihe lloi I), I, l.di.aul-, putm of the Mi Mi tliplii-t i hills li. Hip Knight of the (tolilen I;.irIp, oi whit h Hie ilnei-eil w.i- i uiembii, atleuiled In -i Iw.l.v. At Ihe i lo-e 'I the M'liiiis tlio iimiitn weie Inteiicd in the, Toie-r llonic cemcler. Ihe pallheiieis weie; 'IIioiiiii. Ilo-mr, .lolin .lone-, Itlilianl Winliis lolin I) ivd-oii. .lolin IIioiiih .unl III. Iijh llci 111, Ihoic fioin out of town wlio .iiiindfil the oh. seipiies who: l. and Mi, .lolui Mm lis, hf 'Ihouiis, o( I'l.siiiouth; Vh, and Mis John .lone-., of Hide I'aik, and Ml-. .Mm Maid, of )uk-r.ti III. 'l.ilo, P.uip and Viihhild mhri will be pih) tomouow ol Hip llllei put of VI lull. 'llic I eiiliny Hive roiup.ni n, 'i i i.,n. iluct llii'lr fa my tali at Wcliei'n link next wnk, couiuieiiiiii:; Apill ''. and ...iillnulnu bu Ino iiIkIiI-. Two lilli';,' Hip louipmlii, will be pie.riit cam iM'uins. 'Hi" bien-h-, wlibh is belnp ihaiiii'il oil, ii alluding much lntcnx.t, Vlinoota tribe, No, CI7, Inipioied tlrijei of lied Mm, in-tailed Iheh nculv dcilrd odiirn on VVcdnirdai cicniii., a- folloiif: 1'iophd. Aitluir Minion; ratheui. Ikiuki1 Pairy; niih, tiganioir. Dub, D. Cillhlh.-; iinii r.iiiiion "inuiil liiucel chief of iiiord-, V", (i, loiw ills; a'siilaut, llioiius Miuuelii kieper of m inipiim, .limes Miplciou; tiustic. .limn- I'ab mei; rtpiescntalltc lii Riaml ,01111111. Ditld ricitlMin; altrriialr, .Ijiih.i Ilemi. 'ihe funeral of Mi-, l-oili i;unain will .., rui this allnuooii (10111 her Idle Ii.niir on M iln kliirl, N'rU'C-t will be l. In Hip Mcl-li ton 5res-Hi0n.il ( Ium h, and Inlciiueut will bn undo in the Toirat Home iciuctu, IVitulhtn lioiiis it tho Taj lor poitoflice for tojj, lioo.l i'ndai, will bo'lii-iin n lo in a III,, and 1..M1 to '.' uO p. 111. John W", ItccK, postmattcr, Vltf. Henry ,tiitlioi, of Main tnit, is ic ctiiiui; tieatmcnl at .1 IMillidelphU hospilal. liiMurllilc loinniandtiy, Jtu. t'W, Kuiglita o( Milta, will meet hi rcguht r,on thU ciniini;, Ml, and Mlt. John L. Dans arc Ullui; iu New York foi .1 lev date. Ma.sbiiiKton lamp, No. J'i,, I'aluolir Didir F..111 of Alliuka, will meet in euiou this eiru, im;. Mrs, VV. vt, ;i, no. and ML- Maud Cwus air lioiim from Heir tislt to lioicr, . J. Mis. J. J, Jenkins, wile of llei. I, J. Jenkins, of Ituidham, died ctcidiy at the rriidcmo o( ber ion, I). T. Jenkins on Ualhoad sticct. Death was due to old age. Tho deccaud ia a loiiner resident of Tajlor ind waj well known here. I'lsi'lc her hiobaud, ho Iraics .1 ton, 11. I' .Jenkins, who Is anfiit fut the L'culial llallroad (oiupiuy lieic, 'tlio funeral will tako plate on ruturday morning. Hie icmiln.1 will be taken to Uiookville, Ohio, for Intel mail. OLYPHANT. Coimnlltiii from the iltflci cnt totals cf Mire Moikcio am actively emjaged in arranging tlio lunl details tor Ihe imarlcrly lontintion of Duliict No. 1, Hhlih will bo he,j n the father Mathew opera houtc l.cie toimncuciu; Monday, About oi") drlejratct air cxpcilul to bo pinciit, l'ritldint Mthol, ol Nantlcoke, will piulde, and it i rxiicetdl thit ".Mol her" Jones will al.-o Im in alleudance. At. ciilfttalunuiit .ind unokcr will be giiru by the iiicmbrit ol Ihe Calliuliv Mni'o lleneto. lint a-Mjiiitkii iu llielr looms lu the ralbu Scranton Business 4 Guernsey Hall r IS THE BEST PLACE IN SCRANTON TO BUY A RIANO OR ORGAN Don't fall to come un J sec a-t Kre.it bargains .11 c waiting for you. J.W.GUERNSEY. WOP, 314-316 WASHINGTON AVE. SCRANTON, PA. In New Guenis-cy nuildini;. DAVIS STEAM DYE Co. 310 PCNN AVE. Ooods called (01 and deliierrd. I 'leaning, lectin; and Pressing ALL WORK QUARAMTEED. PHONE 373B Golden Gate Dining Rooms. tlt-l Siient meal in the dtj. Tile' Meal Tickets. d 00. S-uiida.i diniiei a ppplall. llonic ui.nle 1'astr 244 ADAMS "V. W.J. Barriscalc. tr,'?a MANTELS. I QZAaLR??s Hie plaic Irinimings. Iillug; loi flonis. 312 WASHINQTON AVE, TELEPHONE. IV. A. HARVEY, Clcctiir Wiling and I'ixlures l.lcctile- Bell and Telephone M'uik. 309C0MW0 VVIEHLTH BUILDING. J. B. Woolsey eg Co COV7"?4C7-0?S AND BUILDERS. Dealers in Plate Glass and Lumber O ALL KINDS. Kingsbury & Scranton. Manufacturer' Agents MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES. Diilrid Agents for John A. Uocbllng's .sons lo.'s Wiic Hope and Kleetiieal Who. tiutti I'eiclu ami nubli-i v;in.. Co', lleltlnc, Pai kincr, llosp and Jlt1l1111lc.il Kulihcr t.'o.ids Knonlton I'.ukin? (aim's Oil t lothlng. Itooui till! I'.ioli llhlg W. H. GORDONS SON. Iloisc Miinili; and (.Vncial lllid.-iiiitl in; Wagon and lanugo Uuildiug and Kiibhri 'liie lli'. 339 ADAMS AV NUC Stylish Tailor-lade Ladies' New Spring Dress Skirls New Easter Effects Three Spsc ial Lots for Today. T.sulles' All-Wiiul lil.it U t'linVIO'l' f-'KIUTh. lull 11,11 e, pi'uttllv 1111111111" 1 with t.iliitii t-tinps. Ilm il in i-li'J-.int (iiiiility pi'ii'.illni'. Ki'mihn in lie. V'i 7"i Special llli'h lul in" tine lilt els I'.'.'O.UK'KOTli SKI UTS, ttih Utile) unil iliuiiit't', invitllj tiiinineil with h.nul.s ut tttttvtii. i-h'-snntly lined, siiudn'il in. iIiip ivhm lliic. KpsiiiIiii' jirii c. iT.oti. Siuci.il Lriiiio-s' new Spun,". T.ill- 1.1 Silk Shhts. iiliiinL .1 ibion .llllei 'ill s-tjb's. lh-li liunis, lull lliunii'" anil ll.n lim r-lifi'l llnolv Inlliiiiil. Hi'iilur pi In', W ?ii..'.li. Spi'tiul Box Coats. Foil LAT'llOS' ?i.T" STYLISH HON" t'OATS, MI-ACK I'lII.'VUlT ami 1,111 1 ovi 1 1 "kith IJnv t'n.it.s, wiilt- ilmilil" hictihti'il fioiils: lull .s.itin lhii'il, i lc K, lllll tuiluioii. run l.AUIKS' SI1 FINK TAX t'OV- i:i:T HO.V roA'I'S. haniK fl ninili . i 1 y l.itis'l. 4.98 6.98 Walking and Rainy-Day Skirts. Special for 'I oday. Wi'iilfci nhont l.".0 tvlixli i:inv UAV SK1UTS, ni.np. ui FIiip ,ritnii idiuli, ilepiintlv lilniini'il: ic-jiil.n t ilec $7.'t". Toiluy Furs Xlia.t: IXTe Receive protection, insurance and actual bcnclit from the skillfully, economically made. I-'urs called foi and deliveied repairing is clone. BRESCHEL, 124 MjIIiCW li.'ll lii'vt WhIiiciiIjv itrninK. imo fituiinmi. H IicIiib atrJUSid fl lio en ii"'ti. W, ). KtJiii, cl ('JihuinUlc, 11 11 1 tiller in tu.tn jusUrdi.i. l)i l", I.. 111 SliKlc rrluincd jutordiy (iciu j tlli ti Nt VO',1.. I In- I'libliu uliooli nil be i losrd t"dji. ltd. II. I', IliiiiiiH'iid U'liiuirri limiic' ii'slrril.ii altir vuiiiuix ,i Im urtkg in llu' Qutli, FLEETVILLE. Mi (Ijit )tii,t i iiiiiilns: in N union Mlf. a.lc Nulili, nlio lus jut ICicuud tioiu .1 vcrj ?hic ittJfK of inuuiotiU, h now biilTirliiK from Iiilljiiuiiatory iliMiniini. Judniii I'liillliw and family luie mated into Ml. Ujiici'o lixii-f. .Mbi Mjbil )ol,li ii -111. Willi llu- 'iii. Willi Jin llojulo nudo a putiliu f.ik ut liU 1ocjc nvirit.t Mturdiy hit. Doiuld (iri'en tcjjii oik im Klmcr HUlsew y .Vpill I. Mls Nettle I'ltciwin rntciUiiicil licr uliwl mate, Mits Mirtlu hwaitucod, utcr Miudjy, I'olIouiDli l tlie progi jmiiic for thu tfJihor' Institute to bo held next Mturdai : Afternoon ciini, .!(0 IX-a, "Mctlwdo el 'liaihiim t-pcll-iiii," Ml- riiinimcij "A Tjc oil It.itan.i," t'lui. P, ('. (iiiriic Msaj, "Mukcencair' Mac lictli." lv lnlib; "A Tjlk on A,trvitoni," Vmt. J. li. Mlll4iii; csj, "llic JVcl Wldl tifr," Vi- liuili Vllllu; 'Tciiiiijii-IiIi," J. t' Tj.iIui. Hindu; sc-jIvii, 7..J "IMux Jtivii ui THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YdUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. Brotherhood Wine Co:s I'lnc Old I'oit, IliirRuiiillcn, and , fcititcrney Tamil 'luclc tlul, P. H. FRENCH, 408 CONNELL BLDO. Breschel's Great Fire Sale ISA WYOMING AVENUE, Now Itolne On l'lnc l'uis and all kinds of cckweir. BRESOHEL A CO. Scrnton Laundry, 322 WASHINQTON AVLNL"? Callsi by telephone reecho prompt attention, WILSON cfi WASBERS. Spectacles. MADE AND REPAIRED. "That's nil " S. H. TWINING. 131PENN AVE, DIAMOND SHOE SHINING PARLORS for Ladles and (!ent ALL aHINES.Bc 433-SPRUCE-A33 Hanley's Bakery, 420 SPRUCE ST, Sucec.-.ior to HUNTINGTON W nuke a icii.illy 0! line brcnl sluffi. 0uler3 for Salads, 0-lci, I locpicllcs etc, promptly Illicit A full line of Lee Lie 1111 and lies. Eurekq Plating Works, Silver, Hold, Niikel, I'opper and Diais, L'lundcllcH lieliiil-htd 321 OIX COURT. REAR BD. TRADE, REIFMAN BROTHERS. Up urn .1 (oniplelc stock of iicwspipt'is pciiodi. il-, magiinis and hooks 405 SPRUCE STREET. GORINA Ql'UE.V OF KKY Vi:.ST I'KJAIW. DEAN, 408 CONNELL BLDG, Two Phones. GOODMAN'S shoe store, .Now at Hi 1. 11 km nun lie SOUVENIRS GIV -H OUn CUSTOMERS. THE SCRANTON VlTRIf-lEO BRICK and tile Manufacturing Company VI.1I.1 is .1 I'aiu.u' litis K . di M II Dile, IStl'iral ! lloi Aacul, Ufliic .'1 Va-hliuton 1 .' Woiki it N.i Vii., I'l . I. v M. V It. I! A GREAT EASTER SALE OF its t $ &( nA lj.J 1HU 14.75 Ladies' The $J?a W WYOMING AVESMUE. I Jtlliria" 1..II1 JII'l lllllglllui, ' I'l'il .I I. nd II ilui ; li. ll.ill.'ll, Ml - Illu, .id. In,-, "lli.i IVjilurV I'lufininii, ' Sniriiuli ii' kin ji"i, litllltini, Mln Vddi I' tin. idlin-, "r.dllli.t in I'nhlii s, I, ,,," 1 1 mo PECKVILLE. Illl' lll'lllll I lK.lt Ll till' 1'11-llltlll III llllllltl arc linking iliLoun. iiim itluin ! 1 -"-i 1.1I niinli: pii Ij-Ici Miudjy .in.l tin' Hi".-i 1111111.' In In' xhui I'IuiiiImi t" i.hiw .iiiv fiiiiuii' iilml I lli riiitinic It.ili. Hmiii, mn' .! m laulou'rt lin.l- C .iljlliii, will .Is-l.l 1 1"' 1 lll'll M tin inuinhu' Miiln. ll till! In' rrnii lulu ml tliu MIm Iloljiil.nii ililiuliiid mi Hunt villi li.-i mlut .it Ilm pulilli 1111 1 lini.- ut llu' Wiiiiiuik I liiltlun 'liini'irni.c union mi Mindji .inin 1 sliuit llnii' .iK". I.iiki' rti-ili id l.nii'i llllto uill I'O iniiii-liiil l.y 5I..I.I1 lli.itlun, lloll,!.-, of lillill Hi' li CLARK'SGREEN. lluihs .oqiiiIi olid (.null) lilt lioir nu viuii- lljl III lllll Hllk ll'l till il III .1 lHllll3 ,11 MjIii .iicinii', Wet i-idi .1, 1. hnlitlit iiluin. .1 lioin 1 ino months' sojourn in lloii.li, imuh ini.ioii. in Ii.jIUi Mm. , II. .Ionia I, .-oiniulut lini'iouil 110111 lifl iciint -i 1 1 icl. ol iiiiiiiiionlj An fo'tf sotljl lt. In 1, in ik. Vfigi)i,t lIlDllll JIIIHS .) Jli'l iiiidir llic illllllioll ll llu' I. j. lii ' i. I Mukli mi I'l Id j 1 iiinliiL- id tins Mick. "1 lie iiijII Hiliinwioii id "mil' S'uid fn-li Houses. THINK t Aro joii fully Insured t If not, call upon F. L. Hitchcock & Son, FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS, 600 and 507 roininonwcallh Building, hUlAMO.V, TA. Only riml'ilass; conipanlca tcprcsenlcd. Claims piomplly paid. O. sS. BLOSS ARCADE THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER. IT LEADS THEM ALL. L. SOMMAR, nulldlng Contractoi. I'inplo!i union nun. Kitlmates ihecrlully Kit en. Iteinoilclliig and Icpilrlnu; a specialty. 320 WASHINQTON AVE. LACKAWANNA UNDERWEAR STORE Will sell nil their turn pies so I lino Imported MhIms Milrls for nieii at iitr.i worth 1 lo J2M Hold Medal (Ji riiotogiaphcr Chlldi.-n'? XJ, At list. FOR SALE lltliiOtKb and WAO OVb of all kinds, lo lloa-cs and Itulhllng Lots .11 tnignhta HOUSF.S. ( Ijll'l'i:!) and CiltOOMIlll at ALL DISEASES OF WOMEN. A (.pclilti. Di. 'Iieicilo.i, Itooui 1, oicr Ctlolii? store. I loins: 1 to fi Ml p. Ill ( OUsllltllHoll tier. 'Phone OiJU. M. T. Keller's l.ickiwannat'uilagp Wcrks. HAVE YOUR WATCH FIXED RIGHT WE ARE SATISFIED WITH A SMALL a rnoFiT. BERNHARD, jeweler. :il b.VfKAVVAX.N.V AVUNt I EDWIN S. WILLIAMS, CONTRACTOR. BUILDER ROOM 2S COAL EXCHANGE, SCRANTON. PA. the scranton umbrella Manufacturing company Wp tui iv the largest Mock of Umbiella., 1'ai a-ols and Handles; wp alio IlKCOVt:il umbiellu unl pir.isols and make them up eipially as good is new and guaiantcc out' pliccs tu be lower tlu anv bouse iu ttio o'. Me repair all 0111 goods foi one yen 1 Itl.t; Of niMtiii:. 313 SPRUCE STREET. for Women aiASTUIt SITJTK, lino Merge, cheviot Vi'iiftiiiii I'lolli, homcHpun anil hroail flotli: in till thu new cat and nietty .sl.,ii'i'h' thii'o ilitic.i'iit btylos in Ktoiih, plain talloii'il' tarfeta htrapped and lu aided: full llarintf and flounco skirt, nude ovci line peicnlinc. Keirnl.u v.tlr.f, $is.:.o. An pxii)tl(ii.all fine lnt of stylish SI'ITS, nii.di' of ioiikIi fhi'vltits, hiiim .spitnw, Vtiiotinns and Ino.idclolliB, in lilni'k, hint', tan antl ijiay: in now simp" b'luii jacki't: vest flout, li.inilsoiiii'ly tiunuii'il tlaiins" hlclit. Also a- lino lot plain tailored, tlijlit-llltiiif,- sulth. Wok nlar v. line, $V2M. Xiw cffci th in i:ton, tlKlit-ilttiiifr .suits: Im , mill ullj- liiiiiuied and plain tailiuod pmfi'i't li.inKhiK hklrt.s eul after th" latest models, mil Jlailntr and lloiini'i': Pii'ttll tihiinifil to mntt'li jacket T'km" .suits -ue inaile of all the very lllli'st 11 aleilals' htyllsli touijli clieviolsi I lie Vim linns, hutiu's-punt unil liro n1 ciulli iu hhiek, liltie, tan, i-.'i.stiir and fii.ty. ItiKiilar value, $"5 00. New Spring Capes, liimglit fioni tt piinnlmiit Ijiondw.iy iiipc hinii-i' at a hlii discount. roi: unciri.Ait lawks- $t.7.-. ki.n'I' i'PKS ill iday (li.iKimal and In unil ilotli.s and h'nis Ki.iln silk, .sprint sijlc, full .s, illu lined, elerautly ipinle. 'un ui:t;i'i,.u 1. nins' no styl ish t'AI'KS, iu ,'liy dlactunal .intl rios Kitiin .silk picllliy inaiie, eoc,',intly lined. StyWsh Raglans. lOI! I.AUIKS' $JI00 i'Tl.r, UINt.TIi I.ACJi.AN'S, niiitlc nr Hue covert elolll lu Osj'oiti, piny au I tan; nehly tail- OH'tl. Store process employed. Repaiis free. I'ree storage when Reliable and Up-to-Date Furrier AMUSEMENTS. ACADEHY OF HUSIC, Klils ft I1UK0UND13U IIARRV A. UROVViS Slanageis and Irtsscrs. local llinigtr. III.M I, tirillls HII.K. JllllllOia iMll) CHARLES LEYBURNE AND CO in iii.i'iiuniiii' 'I'mr-'li' runiij .... tt ills it Nr Yntli 1 mill t tiniiiK Moult, I il-l, t-itiudiy iiiniiw .1111 Hip llln fiMiuli' Ml STN'I WI.I.K. llic I liil.l Aili-I, IRENE MEYERS AND COMPANY, NewGaietyTheatre AM'. I.'. IlinililV.IO.V, Maiusn Tlnec Days Conuuencing Mondiiy, Apiil 8. BROADWAY I1URLESQUERS Matinpes Daily. ri,s" will be clumcl, Sii'ipr will ! wrvul fimn 5 li. Is iili'i k . m stttf -