The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 05, 1901, Image 1
WW tW1 ,lV HW? J11, Ufi ! -JJJIy ' w ? FSJWP -f' -T.vJl V & . - ' s w in 'V?l n. ' M vl i i tibinte. owtton THIi ONLY SCRANTON PAPER. RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCRANTOX, PA., FRIDAY MOKNINU, APJUL 5, 1001. TWO CENTS. x- ' v - vr.1---' ' .'jlvyvy 'ti ffiw-vTiTSsnii.-w .-'jx.-iivT nrcniftt'$9 vrit , )sv-.j; .i-UXBILL An Effort to Amend, Made bu Mr. Flinn, Is Defeated by a Vote of 18 to 15. MEASURES INTRODUCED Scheme to Submit to the People nt Election, a Constitutional Amend ment That. Will Permit the Use of Voting- machines Bill to Compen sate Riot Victims Mr. James In troduces Bill Conferring; Addition al Jurisdiction Upon Orphans Couit Judges. lie I'.Ulll.lM? Wile fliMII 'III"" A-OL-Ut,',l I'll" lluu Millie, April 4. Tlic Kox ciipl t ii I building hill eume In for conslder alilc discussion wlion It eume ui hi the senate on tlilnl reading today. Mr. Flltin, of Allegheny, offoied .'in amend ment tliHl the mimes of situto Treus uicr li.mti'tt. Auditor General-elect llaidenberg, President Pro-Tern of the f'niiti Snyder unit Speaker Marshall ho stricken out as members of the comnil-s'-lon itml those of .1. I. Jackson and William .Mct'onwny. of Pittsbwg; Jrilm C. fJulllit. of Philadelphia, and William liussom, uf Venango, be sub . s-lltiiti-d. Tlic iiiiifiicimeiit was defeated by a voir uf ir. yeas m 1S nays, as fol low: i., Dim;, litm, Muni, lliccm-, t.i-. Mi Kir, Mlllrl. Null. Itlii'. --Ii-H.llt, X-.i'isun. Wei. Uilh-r. Wdil. IV N it.- l!i iki-llm Ii, I 'iiimmn-a-t, IVhrr. l'nrhl, l". find;. (,. Il.iiil, nlirr-sh, llddcl- 'uiuli. lex-ci. .in 1,11 mi r, i.iinil, smlt, Sny- iln "-tiiiim in. -inl-,-1, ii-i, W.i-.hliiiii) I". .Mr. l-'oclil. ir I'nion, orrcrciL an nnii-iidni t.i Hint ihi- snxa nm be given Puxm r in appoint the i unimisslnn, buL Mr. !m.i, id 1'iiapliin. Inti-i-posi-il with a motion l" poMpoiie lurtlior eonsldcr niion fit 111" bill foi tin- piesenl and tl Is was ilutir- b. a vuti ol T.) to M. J J.iil-i bill ptoxi-llng that the lion nl of dliee'lms uf any i-orp oration initv omlst uf -my number of poisons, not le-.s than tliii-, was passed Unallv. I!y Ml. liia-iy. nf I'hlladi-lphia. pro- Idling !oi- submitting lo the people at tip- K-'iii-i'tl ileetion a proposed con uiiif tnlniciU tvnleh will per mit tli- use uf voting niaehliii s at ilii'lions. The .liuonilmenl passed the iii-l legislature, and iii'i'iiullni; to the law iniM again pass tin- succeeding Icgislatine. The iimetuliiu-ut lias gone through the senate and is- now in the house. The bill intrortuecd by Grady If! lor tin- put pose of m.iking opeiutlvo the submission uf the amendment to the people. Hy .Mr. I'""o. of Dunpliin. .illowlng legitimate and illegitimate ehlldren, born fioni the s.nne mother, dying without i-hikli"ii. lo Inherit real and l-i-rjoniil pioperty from eneli other In (.'elusion to tin- grandmother of the ilk''-rltlin.ite ehlldieli. as though they hari been born In lawful wedlock, The senate adjoin iied until Tuosday nlKht. Bills Intioduced in House. IWIJs woie intiodui-'-d in tin,- Inni.'o loday as r llow-: llv Mi. Miller, ot llxlfunl. iftlmiii-; tin- mini muni mIioM Ittiu fnmi -ni-n In si mouM-i, Jllil tO I'lOM'Ilt till .l,l!l,-.lliri i,f ),(,!, ,, ,ini l'i'itr-1. Hy Mi. KpiiiIiII, -i -oiiim-ci. n,. idinc for lli( ,ipiuinluiiM Ii; llii- ihii-l of itu time.iii of niliioi ut h-m m-.iii i,i wilclit- .m,l mi-n-iii,-, ffi tlic- tiituuili uiit ni.ll mini.-., win. .lull W.U I'm-- iiiini-i in lilt- u-pediM- ili-iilit. :il h i,i nine rwr; ,. mmitli, nml iot tlic s, all-., i ii, ni oilier, u-fil in ,ii;Ii ui iiii-.iiu In l.tlfil; Btiil,-,, i.i). ni nllui- vt'.el, I, nri. i.Imimc I iv t III .",ei anil . liininl,,' im- p ioniiiriil. llv Ml'. Via.. .,i l'!ilhM.iij, npiinliit. ins .i lonmiiiiii-. in,.tiiu ni fi-m- n-n-iiiois jii-I liie iiieinliii., 1. 1 "ildi-miluc wu in. nocrnt pci.-on, uisa.'dl in pintcdiiic Ihc .in, I piopcit; lo,i lin-li Uv.--. ill III,' llnl, in Uiil' (hI ln-i, in (ii inlier ,iil , pU mlur, Ifiiln," ami inmjilihj; - pj;imn of ,i ii4innille c-ninpeii,iti.m tu . ((iu, ,nu lineal lieir.- of micli puMju-. Ily Mr, liny, ot I'l.iiion, Iiwiii- ,i ,1N of ililff-fonitli, ol mi,' ier inn. upon ,MC , in ni heer, ale or poilei iiuiniijiuneil m il-wc.1 In Pi inn; li.uii.i. Ml. .Ijine,, nt,.i.iimi, mnfuiiu-- upon tin1 iinlge, of Hie oiplnn,' mint innimniii Jut -i'llirtinn with the iuilj;i-, m ilic imis nf iniiiiiioii pk-j,, ipMiiei- m ..loin .iii,I ojn- .mil itrinlner. When the .Mei'lnln i-orpoiatlDii bill amendlus; the jjeneral eoiporatlou net of IST4 so itH tu uuthoilze ilm foriuatluu of corporations fur nny lawtui nur- pose not otiicrwiho speellleully provid ed for by act of asKmilily was ivuelicd, on motion uf Mr. ,ieusy, of I'oluui biu, tiio lioiuc went into committee of tin- whnln for umcmliuunt. An amondmont was inserted provid ing that "if it shall be lejjully proven tiiat any corpora linn ehnitoreil uiulnr tho provisions of this amendment g1Ui have emorc-d into a trust or combina tion, such action shall work a for fellurc of all rights and pilvllese.s con t erred upon it by such cimitcr and said charter shall bo deviated and be come mil! tmd void," niter whlel; tho bill pasted thlid readiiiK and wan laid aside fur prlntiiur, Tho xennte hill to amepd Hie Keneial corporatinn net of 1S71 to allow cor poiatlons to liold suelt real estatu us Js necesfiiry for the purpose of such cotpomtions was passed finally. Tho houso took .t it-cess until 3 o oloek. Mr, Tiitnny, of SiisquAhupna, Intro, dueed a bill vmpowriiiK tux colleetois to elvfi .stalyment tu the umount uf taxes chaixeil ctfiuinst aahlt'.s named upon limit duplicates to ofllcftr.s, nieiu linj, eleiks, mumiHiii's or bookkeepers of corporal ions, and pruvldlnr; for th payment und settlement of f.tus with taxable:; tlirouqh urpuratfons House Bills Passed Finally, i oidlm: lint for tlie nirpne t,t clivnki lion llif pop'ilillon of toulilp m.i; Im .!. .(Uliliuil l; iirucuilluss In tlio iviitl. nf , tfr i-o.kiotn ami rfL-iiljtli-i? mult pmcccdii.j;., .M-lule 1,111 3Utliilfiii- selioxi liniiiN In l.liit till- !!! of Hrinnl lvul.t- In) I., ICUIIH Jll'l l,l,t r puij'(.. l'i' ulluj tint lien; iijll In l.fpl ,il the tiollum ot eciy lope and thitl In the iinlliinrllp littloli .1 diet coiitJinllic (UlKlr-ll nppllJUCM (or use In ot accident. llipcillriK the iiit of Aptll C, IVi'l, esiliipllnu' il,itio, iiicIihIioim nml origin Icj.cil or lilied lioin levy or kj,.- un cuiiitlou or dljtici for tent, IVoWilhit,- a peii'loii nf I2 n woiilli lor I'lilllp I.. Hr.i.lliRlnn, late of the Mli'rnlli leslliienti N.itiotril (in i nl-! of l'eiiiili.inl.i. Proposed Amendment to Constitution. Mr. Hull, of Allegheny, introduced a Joint lesolutlon proposlnir un amend ment to the constitution by jUrlklniT out Section 10, Article L and inserting: In place tlie followliiKi The stitc slnll he ilblileil Ititn enilorl.ll (llv trlcls of nml tpiitlnnotn leiiltory .n nearly cquit In pnput ilimi in in.iy he, and cith dlitiht dull he inlltlul Id eted one fenntor. The senatorial ratio kliill he a-icertulncil h.v ilMdliiu Hie Hholf popiilitlon of the state hy the number lllly, ll.nli fonnty (oiitaliilnc one or uioie ratlin of population dull be entitled to one vciiitni fm cirh inttrt and to an senator for it Miiplui nf pypuhtlon ou-et-dlin; tliree-llfths of n i.itlo, hut no county shall form n M-paratc dlMrltt nnle-s It Bhall (oiitjlii foul lifth of a i.illn rcept wheie the .idJolniiiK lountlcH me o.n Ii inlitled to one or more M'tnlnm hin hkIi ioiiiiIj- liny he u-nluned a snutor on lt-f than font -lUlbi and ceccdin(r nnc hilf of n rutin, and no county dull to Ihiilnl imk".-; riitltltd to tn m nunc H-iutois. Vo flly or county shall he entitled to sepuatc lepieentatlon exoeciliii one-sivtit nf the whole nmiihtr of heutlni5. No waul, hoiuiigu or tomi--1 1 1 1 j Mi:, 1 1 he ilhiihil in IIk formation of a dUliht. The lioue adjourned at 10 o'clock until S o'clock Monday evening. GENERAL WOOD ADVISES CUBANS The Purpose of the Piatt Amend ment Is Explained Again The Interviewers Satisfied. II;' Kxtlu'iie W'iie fiom 'Ihc .nci.ilcil 1'icn. lliivima, April I. The so-called indi element In the t'uhuu constitutional convention. IneludltiKS Seuors .luiin liomez, l'ortuondo Aleman and Mim iltiiey, held a eoufeieuee today with iou'inor (ieneral Wood urfardiiiB the Plait aiiicinlnient. Iiiivoi'.ioi' AVoud said that the l'nltcd Stales Kovermnen: Inti tided to deal Justly and honeslly by the (.'ubans and had no ileslie lo tetaln possession of tie Island. He pointed tint that the I'latt iimendinent was diawn up pri marily with the view to protecting a veal; nation against outsiders us well as tiffuiust Internal slrile and would not iuteiftie Willi- t'lilinu iudepend ente. It" explained that the AVashinK ton iiiterprutalion of clause ;t of the sehi-me of relations was thai the I'nl lud Slates claimed the rteht to Inter- vf'iio wnlelv ftw the nut nose of m'P- bervinir the independence of the island, maintaining nu adequate force to pro tect life, pioperty and individual llb-I't-ty and compIcltiiK tbe oblifjJllons imposed by the tieaty ot Paris upon the United States. He e.vpiessed the opinion that, in drawing up a treaty, many points in the future relations of Cuba with the United States mlsht be mcio clearly explained lo meet present objection. Tlie delegates letircd apparently pleased with the interview. Senor Portuondo said lie thought everythiiiR would be settled satisfac torily. He is in favor of the appoint ment of a lommh'sion to po lo Wash ington and expects favoiable le.sults from such a step. Orders weie Issued today directing the holding of munici pal elections throughout f'ub.i .lime 1. Therolwlll he llfteen days for legis liatlon, beginning, April 19. STOLEN MAIL DISCOVERED. Package of 200 Letters fiom the West Found at Ocean Grove. Uy i;tdi!slc Wire fiom The Associated I'rcn. Vtw VniK, piil I. V puUae of moie thin 'Jim I, tu-i, fimu ( hiiapn and other Mclein polnl,, .id,hi.-cj cilu-icl; In pd.ons in- til in- hi till-, illy, .ii found un Oiimh Cmvc lleuli, N. .1., mil miiI to tin- po. entice in tliin tlly t, l o, ( lull. and dull, to the amount nf S2H0 were Imiliil ill Ihc- litlu.. 'Hie 1 , mil leililnii tlie .in- of tin -i', luiililjtid them, hut nul hnpi lii 1;, J liny tnrc only the -limp? .mil iiioiiOKMiiii'. AlUiward, Ihey tool llu- lellii, to l'n,lm.i lir W. II. Hamilton, of iiu.iu timte, wlw iiotl llnl tin- po.tollld- .uilhoiitii, .-it Y.i.,hiuloi! and Ne Yml. .nul toiwaided the let IUi hue. None nl the h-ilc. ireic ilatcd l.ilir than Mm li 2-1, One (heel: luire the dile of piil 1. Mow Ihc p.u kaye-, i .line In he on the heat It Iji .1 ni.vdii;. hut il i -.uppn-ul to l- a p.ut of the i oiin nl, ui ,i mill lin; hid I n duUn Horn a ll.iiu ill 1 1 Peanut Maiket Cornered. Il i:wli.iM W'iio Irom The ..-o(lalcd I'll,.. New oil,. Spill I.- II n.l, announced todi;" that a til til In ilnhuUli, X. .1., hid toiucicil Hie peautil m. ul. d, lining puif lil'nl all the mil hi the (.'liii ago. Ilytoii and New Vmls luail.ei.. a, well n. luiliiK M'uired, thi-i tticl., l-.'l (arloid, limn N'ml-dl., Va. 'Ihcie ha hcut an adiaini' in prim fimu Tl) tu !) icnU .1 liu-liel litel;, mid a ineiiihei' ot the him sa; thi, li.i In-, n due tu the c oiner and t-Npict In, opinion tint Ii will g dill higher, Everything- Hnvmonious, Ily Kxiliulti. Wile bom The Vnoclalrd I'icm. hnli.ui.iicili, Spill I. -I'lidiluit Mitchell In iljy epre-.,ul liliuself as atl,iied wltli the -t.'l. I lenient real hid lo niiiicii and operators In the Mail, coal and hltiiniiuoii, dl.tlhti of tho date, Mr. Mitchell mid that the It pint that the tp. tlu.irllo iiilutm of l'eiiii..l.iiiii vm-io di.ilU lied ltli tho ui nil m-IIIi'iihuI llieie wan Ium-iI mi nii.iutoiiiiaiiou, foi ncr.Mhlns: in that ickIoii mi luiiiioulc-uj and there uas m far ,n he l.iieiv, no thuiiiiht ui a. -lul.e. Misappropriated Bacon. By Whu from The Avwclattd Pro. Manila, April I, UniUuiaiit llojei, nt the 'I t.Irt v-nlrit Ii ohmUvi huaiitiy, rliict roiiiiuU suy (or the Second ilUtiirt ot the depsttimut of coiilhi'in Luzon, I its .uilwd at Ualauiha, ptoi. Inco of l.i'iiun, ul.eiu lie has Leon tliaiucil ullh liiUapptoprlatiui; liny cjks of baton and wiili fctlar lmi,-iil.iiltlo. It U alliRed tint the diort. ugn in the coinniUjaiy depot in Manila ajiiic gale, ,lNi.0uij, DEATHS OF A DAY. Ily l.(lu.le Wiic (mm The Aoclated 1'ita.t. I'liliad.lphla, Apiil i. -I'iof(..ot Piaiuis rl. llilen .liekum, the oldvd tciclur ill point of r Mil. in tl.t Unbri.ity uf 'eiiiis.ib.iuij, died to. ill) al 1,U lionn in UM-rluool., u kulunh, nged 7.1 iMr. 1'i.ifeor .1 .ul. en w.n one of the orig inator of the llojtor, Siiiphuny loneeiti. AiinUon. Ala., pril a. llcncral ficorgc T. (Tine) Sndeisjn, the fjinom Confederate l-ri-Bide iniiiiiiaiider Hid a utciau of Hie Mcxlun uji', died hue ihis afltrnooii, ac.1 u. He N.'iu-il uii.ler Lniiyttuu in the VlujInU ran. I I'dijii. J THE CHINESE INDEMNITY Minlsun Are Gonsiderlno Pro posals Submitted bu Finan cial Experts. SIR ROBERT HART'S PLAN Director of the Impel iol Maritime Customs Suggests Levying of an Annual House Tax of One-Half n Month's Rent Some of the Powers Are Averse to Contiact a Loan for the Payment of the Indemnity. By rxclmhe Wile liom Tlie A.-oi i.iled 1'iev. l'ekln, April .!. The ministers nie consideilng proposals submitted hy llnnnclul experts for raising a sum suf ficient to pay the Chinese Indemnity. It Is ptobable that some arrangement will be arrived tit on the basis of tho plan of Sir Hubert Hart, dlieetor of the imperial maritime customs, which provides for tlie handing of the salt and llkln taxes over tlie maritime cus toms administration and the levying of an annual house tax etpial to one half a month's rent, which, Il Is cal culated, will provide 20,nn0,d00 taeli ycaily. suflleient to pay ."i per cent. Interest ou :,n,000,OO0 taels and clear off the whole of the principal in less tliHn forty years. Two hundred and llfty millions taels Is equivalent, rough ly estimated to yti.OOO.uOO pounds, but the total amount of tlie Indemnity is liktly to be much more than that. Some of the powers ate nere lo compelling China to contiact a loan lor tlie payment ol the it denmlty. It Is believed that the inere.ised cost of raising tlie money re-ntiied in that way is likely to liump-i- the coiumer development of China, anil it Is thuefore belli ved to be desirable to have the money raised inlei nally In China. Collapse of Concert Piedicted. Vienna. A pi II I. A correspondent of the Neues Wiener Journal bus had an interview with K. P. Pobyedonoslseff, procurator general of itu Holy Synod and councillor to the car. Tlie pro curator t'eneral. speaking of Russia's foreign policy, s.ild that an attempt to Interfere with ltus-da's plans was doomed to falluie. Tlie situation In China, would soon develop in such .i way as lo make a break-up of the present council inevitable. lUispla, added Pobyedonoslseff, dtspises hlng lond and other rivals. IRON MANUFACTURERS MEET. They Discuss Measures Looking' To ward Securing Higher Prices. Uy Kudu, ho Who tioni The Amoiialnl Pie,. New Yoik, April 4. houl a doin iiu-n up-ie-enliiiK the .liioui iiou liuiusliie, in the Ka-t-tin liar lion Manufirtiiiii,' a, .minimi mil to daj. The .i.lun in IliU til; wa, .olioiiilml tluiu one held in l'hilidi-lphia la-t uiel.. 'I he a..0(i ilioii iitcliidei many nt the lais, iuriiuci and linn iiiIILh oiitsidr of the I nl I, ,1 slate, sled ion. Ainnnjr the iu.iitiilion. lepici utiil wire the .lonit tc Lauuldiu imiipui;, nl 1'itl, huri,", the r.iiuhiii Sliel .unl Imu muipaii;. of .fohn.toH'ii; the l'eini.;liaiiii sici I lomptii;, nf Sleeltuii; Ihc l,.iil..i'.iiini Sn-el and linn torn piny, ot Sdauton, and nlliei.. It war. ditid loniclil h.i a nnuihir xxlm w.n pieitit Hut Hi" i.i.nn ni- tin- milling' u.H to dixii-i nie.i.uics linUIn" Inwaid, Hie .eiuiiui; nf lilsliet priie, fur hu- lion. II mi, tl, nl, d thai th iiitolini; i'.i- to,- a pliu of loliiliinitlou asaliel tin- I idled Stale. Sliel lumpany, A lipurt a. iniieiil llnl i-uiiic of die mill, and tuinatei. out-ide nl the I'nilul stales siiel coipuialioii .iml paniiiilarly llue in the ill Dai- bun M unit ii'tm, l,' i..oclilioii, x.lilili include mill, .unl tiuunci In ci.liiu l'i'iili-;ll.uii.i, Dilauaic, Mai.tlind, Nc- .1, i.-oy, Snv Vnrl. and New Html in, 1, would nm-auie In tompilc with tli u, w t "nil t tl SI. lie, sin I imposition. Other 11111101. wire .illntit lil.ilhe In llu- .lh.oiptlou ui the -hi ill. 1- mill, ami luliMC-t Ii; (he I'uitid siale. -eel ,oip..ri lion. II w 1. tattd poilixilv H1.1l riirli iiim .., the Jon,-, and tiaiuhliii (unipniy and 0110 01 tuu nihil, would und, r no 1 Inn o!n any ..tmliiate. Theie will l, anollii 1 1 Ilm; of the .K-oiiitioii lomoimn. YOUNG DOCTOR IN TROUBLE. He Is Accused of Having Assaulted a Patient. Uy llvlii'ltf Wire (tnni 'Ihc A,.oi laud l'i,-... Wilkc-Iline, Apiil I. Hi. II. I,. Pali,, a .Minus ph;diian ol thi, city, w.i niciiil lodi;, tliariftd with cuiuinlttlii!; .1 uiutmil a,i-aiiU 1,11 llio wile of Samuel SaUhcn;, a iiieuhaiit 01 Hill illy. Tall., it I, ,.iid, wa atUudiu Ihe xioiuiu profeioually. The liii.,h.uiil lame lioinc uncx. peilidly .unl did not lil.o Ihc tiniioi'k .u.tion, in tlic hou.e, tin pulled .1 uxobei and r-hoi. tho doilur In tho aim, 'I lie wound i, not .1 ciIuih one. The liiih.ind tlnu went la-loin Doiiuhiiii and had .1 xxaiiaul 1,-utd foi I'.ill.'i nirMl. Miyor Mcliol. went In the ii;lchn'i and atccpted hill in tin miin ol isl.OM for hi. appearaiicii at luiirl. Talk ha-i lirounlit n coiiulir ,ult .is.ilntt silt lierif. He claim, hi, aiii-ei- hat 1 an.lfit 1 liim and ho wanu S7,(it) ilaiuasc The papein will he seived nu sabheric lumuiiuw. Steamship Artlvnls. U CM-ltciiie Who lioin 'Hit- Wmijliil 'u,.. Xav Vctk, Apiil I.- Aiihrdi ileiiuinic, l.tx. eipool; llheiu, llieiuru. I'lciictl: llolleiilini, lloltcidam: Deui.ehlind, ITititluy, Sailetl, (ilinscr Klill'iltl, llifincu ill soulliainplnii; .j Uetiijiiitf, llaxic .'iili'a- ii)cl; Allot, Ncu Y01 1, (and sailed lor tionoj), (ueflittmMi Sailed: Mljeilie (ficni Llu-ipooll, Nitv oil., Itotup dun -"ailed: Aioeteitlini, llouhiyiic and Vw Y01I.. Successor to Col. McClme. Uy i:xciulo Win: lioin 'I In- til he... Philadelphia, April I -Pi. Alfnd (. Uuuhdin hit lutome the cdiloi- ot Ihc I'lnl.ilciphia 'linic, (tivtruilliii; Alt-N. 1-i. Mit.'iuie. who renud flout the pacr a few tlajj nan. In, UmiUlin In, hecn Mr. Mc( lure' jwu-iatc in the mil. toil.i) dliectioii of Ihc paper fioi.i Its in, t ,,no. Ho wa 1 1 lint iiijiiaain iditor, Boy Killed While Stealing a Ride. By llxeliUtc W'io li-im Ihf Awmlalnl I'u-n. Pliihdi;lphia, Ai ill J -Vin was torched hue tnninht that n hoy ,ise- ahout IS xeao., .up-po-."l to be Jimu sMIiik, of jirl.htii'.'t I'.i., ww killed 011 tho I'hlli.lfliilil.i. Wjluiiii'lou and Uilllmoie to-h.v ::eui' I'Uioii. Md. lie u:i ,lial. 1 11 .1 tide on a ficixhl lun: ,iud f--ll hetwc, 11 wi tun ..nd wa. In iaull; klllul. GENERAL BOTHA'S LETTER. Contains No Clue to the Reason for Failure of Negotiations. He i; W'iio from Tlie Awcliitc I IVe... London. April I. Tlie letter of Hon 1 ml Hotha, the Uoer cominauder In chief, In Lord Kitchener, commanding the Urltlidi lorces In South Aft lea. pro llpilnary to the recent peace meeting, casually inferred lo In Lieutenant Oen cial Kltclii'iiu's report of tho negolla lloiis, and from which the opponents of Colonial Heuretary Chamberlain hope lo ohlnln some clue to Ihe reason lor the falluie of the conferences, was published as a parliamentary paper to day. It Is dated at the commandant general's camp, Feb. 13. and begins villi a reference to "the verbal mes sage from your excellency," contlnu In:,' as follows: "I have the honor lo Inform your excellency tli it no on" desires more llitni I lo hi lug tills bloody strife to un end. 1 would also veiy much like lo meet your excellency for the pur pose of mutual discussion, to see If It is not possible to discover terms un der wli Iim Ibis can be done." Tlie remainder 01 (he letter la of no Importance. It merely suggests a place of meeting and arrangements for Ihe gun ran lee of tf eonduel. VERDICT OF THE JURY IN BORDENTOWN CASE Engineer Thompson and Conductor Sapp Held Guilty of Negligence. U;. Kxtlu-ne Wiic fimu Ihe Associated Pr-i'. Trenton, Apiil 1. The coroner's jury which Is inquiring into the cause of the collision betwx"n the Nellie Bly mid a local train between IJorrleutown und this city, on Feb. 21, concluded the taking of testimony today and tu. tiered its verdict. The wllnerses on tlie stand today x.erc Conductor Sapp. of the local train, x.'ho xva.s recalled, and Edward (.!. C,ar x und, tll tinman of the local. Witpp tepeatcd hts foi mr testimony and assumed all responsibility for the mllli-lou by admitting that be bad ox ei looked tlie order. Fliemnn (larxxooil testified hut lln gincer Thompson read the outers aloud xx hen he got them anil said nothing about a third section. The Jury (ieliheiutert for Ixvr. bonis. Tiny hr-ld Engineer Thompson and Conductor Sapp, of the local train, guilty of negligence in failing to obey unlets. The xerdlet als i consul es the tailroad lempany for not having .t double tiaelc. The closing poi lion of tlie verdict says that contingencies of human mis takes should mitigate tlie bl'ime ot Thompson and Sapp to some extent. Coroner Power ald this afternoon that Sapp would be ai rested and held for the grand jury to ansxxer a charge of involuntary manslaughter. Thompson died teeently In the St. PianeN hospital as the icsull of in ,uii ies received in tlie wreck. CIVIL SERVICE REFORMERS VISIT THE PRESIDENT. They Discuss Alleged Violations of the Civil Service Laws. lit lAihi.ho Win- fiom Tlie Aioi lalpd 1'ie.-. W'Miinutoii, piil Hi, hard Dana, ol )l i-i-(hn.elt.; W. D. rmilke, nl Indiana, and .lolm .Iny IM-,.. n tin-. iy, a l nilllllltll'C l(pli,t!ll- iuir the National linl Sinnc Ittfotm hasne, (ailed upon the pi.-.idelil lodi; hy lippointllienl und luoic thin an hour wllh him ahout tixll teivltc m.itlii. The all,i;ed violitkins of Ilm law, itiiKiil.nifie. and m my tilher leatuies won under i!i.iu.-ion. 'Ihe toiiiinillie, h; diiei Hon of the hasne, i Ino-t Invr a iiiiiiiIiii nf allcced x'iolillun-i nf Ihe law. 'Htc inmmiltcc In, koiio tir t nutisii In II, woil: to he able In lepnrl -nine tail. (, (ho IMi-iih-u1-. II N iiuilei.loo.l Ihe loinmltlen (i.uc Hie pie, I, I, lit ii,loiin.ii,.ii icB.inliiii; tho t.i,f uf I'o.liu.i.lci III, k,. of I'liilail, Iphia, xxho .nme time .0,0 ill., liari;ed a niiuihi-i- uf 1 leiki-, il I. -aid. In xiulilion 01 the pilu, Iple, nt Hie Int. The pie.idtut xv.n nun h luiticted and l.tpl Ihe iniuuillte,' In lou.iillatlnn m Inn-; tint 1 uttiiil,, 1 ol (.illei, l.-ti withoul ..eiliig the pie-hleui. AIDING AGUINALDO. Gen, MacArthur's Secretary Assist ing to Draw Up Manifesto, p.- I.'.clu-ho Who tu 111 'Ihc .WjUated I'M-, Manila, Apiil I -Vuliiildo In tin- .i.-l.-t.ini-o ni thief .Iii.Hm- Mell.111,1 and o i, IVher, full, l.d MaiAlthiu', pihali seeiet.ny, in pie. p.irins hN liilliKcln. 'Ihe woil. I, not minphted and I lie tenor 01 the lonluiN , not diMiled. t lilef .lu.llip Aiellmo had .1 loni; cuiiicii'iki. willi Auiillialdn luil 1,1. 'He- ei-iehil U iciliiii! I In, lutillly of luilhti icd.l.u.ic und L ilrstroiM of rpbii; the 1'lllpiiio-. additlniul iii(irAi. Ilil,t. Ins In Hie ju.tlic and taiicio.ily ot Ilic Aeierlcau trnple, lie tln;i. Ihe fli-inucilti U u.'A"? tl-.-hl-ina: and Anicili 111 ni'.ciel.'iit.i, Gulfoy Has Another Gusher. Ily i:ilu.lxe Wlie fiom 'Hie Awotlaicd Pics I'ltt.lniiS, Apul I. -Colonel .1. si, fiuftcy, of IliU illy, li.ti diilled hi another itu.hei near llenuiiont, Tra, 'Hie oil, w-lien struck, shot up In .1 wijhl loluinii t(V) feel ahoio Ihe top ot the derriil., Inn .1 iiJle xahc had hecn put on so Hut the How- of oil wa-i iradily shut tu. ThU new bikIki' i Ihe equal of Ihe fanioin bucaj well and nuike, the thiol tliii cnmiutiy lin hid .hut In awaiting Hie tomplitioii of Ihe pipit line lu Port Ailhur and addllioual Unkjt;e. To Tax Railroad Earnings. By Wire fiom The AmocIiUiI Tims. st. Paul, ill I - A hill luoir.t-.Iner tlie Ux (11 ;io-: ininii.t,- rl ullicnU fimu ,'i U I p,u cent, paid Ihc i-mite leday and wi-iil tn the goi. c r 1 0 1". It iruxidei that tho piopo.-ed klull h put hcloro the proplq at the niM elc lion In Ilic hape uf .1 ioii.,lliiilloiul nincinliiier.t und if faiuiahly aued upon it will uiraii in li.ura-o of hiiiidinl thoii.auil d.-lljn in the taxation of lailmatb in the Hale. Dead Bodies 011 tho Tracks. Ily I'Aihhbe VI10 fiom The .Wioiiatfd I'leaj. iliuiuniik-, Mil., pill I. -The dead hodiea uf pxu inen weie found ulonif the H.ick of the lljllhuoie and Ohio railroad at' point liiimel, two mile, cj-i of lliuniwh-k, luU nimn ill.. I'lom papein found 011 the liodiei It N hePeud the dead Men ar Jo'ppli lt;.m and Kcnnetli tulih, of Ho, Ion. - West Virginia Coal riant Ily r.vliudxe Wiic fiom Tlic Asoeltfd I'reM. 1 lartirbursr, W. Va., xpiil . W. 11. Maxwell .iiid lluzh .l.irtli, wealihy ellireni of this plate, haio punl"iid l,mfl .nm ol cotl adjiecnt 11 Ihe til;'." t-nutliciii limit, lor uD.iiii. li'i, nun plant will be pttl in al omi VONWALDERSEE FEARS TROUBLE Stands Telegram Inmlorlno Emperor William to Remove Troops as Soon as Possible. THE SOLDIERS QUARREL He Believes That Serious Complica tions Moy Result Moscow Cor respondent of the Graphic Says That the Russian Army at Man churia Will Soon Number 300,000 Men. By i:ilii-tic Wit" (ii-iii Tlie Aninliil'il Pi en London. Aptll 5. The Pally Chroni cle publishes tho following dispatch from ISerlin: "fount Von Wuldei'soo has sent an utfient to Minperor William Imploilng him to endeavor to hasten the negotiations for tlie withdrawal of the allied troops, on the ground that it Is Impossible to pt event quarrels between the soldlet.s of different na tlonolitieji, which might at any mo ment lead to serious tiouble." London. April .". "liy (he end of Slay," says the Moscow coriespor.dent of the Daily Graphic. "Ihe Russian mmy In Manehuiia will number lino.OOO men. "It Is understood thai the Husslnti minister of xxar (General Kouiopatkln) leckons upon th" posaibliity of having to dispatch an army coips s-otitlixvard into Ko'-ea." London. Apiil r. The lleuter Tele gram company has received the fol lowing dispatch fiom I'ekin, dated Apiil t: "China's rejection of tin- Maiiebinian convenliim appears lo be of a rather temporizing nature, leaving 'Ihe matter still open to future dNcusslon." London. April "..-"The Tlalliin min ister In Pekln telegraphs," says the Heme correspondent of the Pally Mail, "that M. Be fliers has threatened that Itussla will leave the concert if the powers continue to oppose III" Man churlan conxention." WRECK AT ELIZABETH. Fireman and Engineer of a Passen ger Train Killed. By Kxchi.he Wire from Tl.c Associated Pic. Xexv York. April A. John Cronin xvas killed. Frank Mahon soveicly injured and a score of passengers were bruised and shaken In a xvreek on the Central Railroad of Now .lersev, near Kliza beth, X. .L. tonight, tlionin was- fire man, and Malum engineer of a passen ger train, liotli lived in Jersey City. Tlw- trains In eollisoii weie a passenger from Xcxvark to Perth Amboy and a coal train. The coaler xvas on a siding and as the passenger approached on the main I rack the fouuer liain moved out on- the same track. Mahon tried to stop the passenger, but was unable to do so, and both reached the fiogs at the same moment. Mahon and Cronin stuck to their posts and both engines- went over. All the pussenger coaches left the tails and eveiy aas sunger in them was more or less utilised. Million is believed to be internally hurt. There weie about forty passen gers on the train. THE BIRDS WERE SLOW. Rain Made the Fast Flyers Easy for the Marksmen. fly Uxilu.ixe Wiic fiom The Av!oe.i.itcil l'n. Xex- Voik. April I.- 'Ihe -li..ot fm Ihe Kl.iud Xniciii.ui handit.-p which xv.h pm-lpoind liotn .xcliid.iy in giut thi, rji,iiiiii ..nd xv.K nniuuei up In tfusl ihi, eienius. With the xciption ot a I-lid in the middle of the die ho,,t. Im; nt Ihc hlid. k, pt up i.ilhuiil any int. i -minion and iienly fi.imo hints wne liappcd. Ho wiatlicr tnndiliuui woe .111; Iliilu," hut loiulufive lo lie 1 milfoil 01 llio -.inineM, in of wlion. tiled (out hi. Ion, for chimpioii.liip honor.. Diiiiui,' He (Utile ,,Iiim)1 tain fell 1011H1111011..I1- and IliU undo whit xvuiild otheiwi.e liaic lucii Hicik my oluxv llilllH illdl'dl. All told I In to w -ic twent.i-twn cntlie, mi the eit-nt. len ef ulihli wtie pust ttitiii.-. Twenty, nnc nu 11 fallid ti loe lluii inaik-i xxlirn llnlr tlliin (.line and then' ab-cnlcc.iofeltcd U) ciih which went lo i.v.i-11 Ihe iiu.,e. The utile amount uf money width will he ilMribiiled .miuiitf Ilm flity-four Iniili nun'' x ben llu- cwnt i imu hided luiiiniiuxv is ".""'. When Ihe uliooluu was (INeont lulled Ihi-t cienlnK theie xvere foily men ivitli -.Ii.iIkIu scons of twrnly kill cacli and liftv-thife xx'itli nllietcfii caih, DuniiR the tlay weie foiced out of Hu" conlct afnr hav. inr; had lixe inlv-es semed a.'.iln-.t them. I hose who mi-et one had .lie .1, X. II, blllnll, Captain Money and K. P. I'tilfoid. 'Ihe (ondilloiio of the gland Aiiirrican call for twenly-flxo blids for each man and the tonle,l will be ic.iuned at 0 o'clock tomorrow inoinlin;. Amons the foily who killed twenty Mialsht iin tho foUow'ing I'eiinsjh.ihlianj: II, l.iumcis, no;-ifiiil; It. Stliliuiuell, Pa.tciii II. Tiun baer, Hnviiaforil -aid C II. Helkler, I'hlladelpliU. METAL TAGS FOR SOLDIERS. Recommended for Identification Pur poses in Philippines. llv llxclu.lxn W'iro fiom Tho At'oclaled I'm-. t'aliliMtuii. Aptll 4. UkipUin (liailo li. I'ieicc, who i In thaifte of Ihe United Slales inorguo at Manila and of the xxoik 01 idmlliy ins; Hie Anieilcail dead in Ihc l'!iillppliu, Im 1 1 commended lo the xi.n- ileparlment, ju oidec to facilitate Ion. Hie s.ue lo all ofti (fri and men of a rinill Un' of aliiiiiliiuui, bear luc llie name, i.uik and reginirnt, 10 he xxoin (onil intly around the neck. End of Quanelsome Couple. By i:xcliisbe Wire from The Associated I'reiJ. A1trl.n1, Midi., Apiil 4.- I)arui3 C. Ilai hrlrler, .1 hor.o lircedt-i, shot utid killed 111. wife in tlitlr hou.-e and linn letiiiuc to an upitaiis icoii, (hot hliu,elf through the ttmple, d.iiiin Instantly, 'llu iiniplf hid ipianeled 11 rc.i t deal. 1 BASE BALL. Hy Kxilusixe H'irn from The .U.oilaird Pie.5, At l.exlnston, Va. lTnlirriiy of IVnnbanlj, .",; W.iililiutou and I. re Pnhiioll;, I. M (.lii-eli r I'rincclon, r; Jlon- tied. 0. At txatliliigluii fleorselowii. S; Vale, I, At Ui itlnllc-tx Ilic-I'iiIm-i, ily of irKlnlJ, 1.1; l.lilsh, -.' THE NEWS THIS MORNING. Wcnthcr Indications Today: FAIRt WESTERLY WINDS. t (Ieneral Mode of I'a.ilnj? rhlnejc llidnnnlllii. Wink of Ihe Slate iH'KMaturc. W'.lldci.ce I'c.iin Tiuiilde III ( hln.i l.iwyer I'alildt May tin Kire. 2 (.citrrnl CatUond lie Pi-paitnient. " I nciil- llaiupiel In I'li-lilini-ii of Ihe I ('. S. s'lraiimiilans I'lc.ul for l.ual Clurltle-t. Court I'mr-enllng-i, 4 lalitoiial. Nolo and Coiiiiudil. 6 Lurnl Hit ec tor of t'tiblk jM; I lemons Had lo Qull, lli'0ig,iul7.itl,-ui Oidluaiici! T.i nipn eil with. 0 Local West Snantoii md S11I1111I1111. 7 Nnriliea.Uin I'ennt.i Irani 1. t'iuauclal nml t.Vininticlil. fl Local Mve tmlmtrlai Salm. IN PATH OF THE BIG SNOW STORM Much Damage in Maryland on Southern Pennsylvania The Peach Ctop Injured. By r.Mlii'iie Wiic fiuiu Tlie S.Viiatut l'ie.?, IlageiHtown. Mil., Apiil t. Tills sec tion of the Cumberland valley In Availed In with snow, which covers mountain lairges north and .south to a dentil of from tin (je to live Inches, as a icntil 'jf yestoiday's stouu. The liilulall wits heavy, causing a sudden rise in tlie Potomac, liver und Anlietam and Cono cocheague creeks. The Potomac Is swollen about six feet and is still ris ing with every Indication of the stream getting wild and doing daivigo. The banks of tlie Cltesapenke and Ohio canal .ire being wntehed al points where the river bounds the toxvo.ith. Other streams are nearly out of bulks, but no damage i teporteil. Ilepcuts from the famous south mountain peach belt Indicates that In .itltv lias- been done to the early fmlt. by the freezing xvca titer of yesterday. Tlie early buds had been forced almost open by the recent xxiirin weather and the sudden change, xvilh ihu tempera ture falling lo freezing, came at such a time as to do considerable Injury. I'p to this time there was every pro-neet of a large ciop of peaches this summer, rniontoxvn. Pa.. Aiiili 4. lleports fiom over Fayette county Indicate that the snoxv storm xxhleli has been raging for forty hours, and is- still snowing, bus done great damage. The telephone und telegraph xvlres. electric light wires and poles suffered everywhere, and communication with most points in this section has been lost. Xo com munication for Ixvo days, either by telephone or teleer.iph, has been had with Pittsbuig. In the mountnins cast of here snow has been failing since 2 11. m. Wednesday and Is Mill falling. The snoxv has melted a great deal and yet lies three feet. deep. The trees are covered xxlth the wet snow, which froze as it fell, and the limbs of the trees touch the ground all around fiom the mass of snoxv piled on them. The streams aie all high, and when the mass of snow lying In the mountains melt they xvill be swollen beyond their bank". NO INVITATION TO AGUINALDO. Administration Does Not Favor His Plan to Visit This Country. U.i IN, Imlxn Wiic fiom Tlie xi-odaleil I'ic, W.i.IiIiikImi, April I. -1'ie.ideiiL Mi Kinley ba not iuxilt-,1 Aiiuinaldn tu the I'liited Sutcs 111,1- h.i he any iitltlillnu of iluiu-r so. The ic pull finiu Manila wa. (uourou-, .tod it i-. prob ably bi-eil upm sixlu l.n pe'. de.pibli lo Aniilnaldn fiom llo-lon. su-i-K.stin-; II1.1L he .Imiild leipit-l the Auieildiii aulliniilie. In send Mabini and liiuwlf In thi; counlix. II U I.nown thai A-tullLlldn I, I.I--.-1 In xs the Ulllleil Stabs. He t-ii ixpn-.i, hlueelf (huln-; his talk Willi ( hlcf .lu,ll(e Aiella it-ullid III id" Liking the nallt uf alle-.-iaiue. The -tuveriuiunl aic 110I il!.p,,e,l to ilimiii.ii-c Xuiiinahlo'e di-.lic. He ii sj , piis. oner, ,111,1 In. x,-l t, 1 novo lil, wood tiiih in Mibuilltlug In Auiiihaii iiitliurily. He is Hill under .u.pldou, and llu' (h.iues auaiii.t liim he viol. it,, 1 Hie iiile, uf war iiiu.t bo in xisllcralrd. Sdior Aicll.ino s.ij, tint AKiilnihlo'. inuillcto is not ,x(t prepired foi!, 11 and Hut he 1, unable In IiiiiiI-.Ii Ihe tet. The .-nit'ioiltics .1-.1-1 1 U1.1t n foiinxl .innoui.rdnrnl xvill he made when -nix tiling: ili'iiulli- i- a(idnipli-.luil. MRS. M'PHERSON'S FUNERAL. Remains of Widow of Former New Jersey Senator Are Cremated. Ily llxchixiie Wire fiom Tlie Ai.ncialed Presj. Wa.lilnKlnn. April t, l-'uneial "-cukes over the lem.iins nf ..1., .Inhn It. Mel'liii.,oii, whlov.' of tho Iminer i-iniu-r from Nexv .lir-cy, xviro held at Ihc Oak IliU ci'imtcry chapel ti-diy. 'Ihc liod; w-.t then returned lo ,111 umlci e.tablMimcnl ami iiemitcd. Tho allies will bo , iced in Ilic ca.let which contained the body when hrnu-dit hoc fiom Vcw- Vol I. la,t nlsht nnil Inn ltd at Oil: IHU ton-oiroiv alicrnoon in tho family lot. II w.n Mif. Mcl'lunioii'i ciprcssGii wish to bo cremated. An nttonu-y for Mrs Jo. ipli Mnir, llio ilc nl xxnman'i daiiRhter, pio tested In New Voik .Mttinlay in her 11 line a-raiu.t iimoxal ui the lemalus licit-, peiidlng Mi., Mull's lelinii 110111 aluoad, but Mr. lite-;-cry, a brother , llu- dead woman, nud A. S. Ilihhxlii, cMiiilor of Ihe laic sin-itoi'-i ctatc, Utcliuul tu wail. Exceptions to Magee' Certificate, tly i:tlnslxe Wii-' fiuiu TIk- Am iatcil Press. IbiiiMiuiS, Apiil I.--I.'xceptloiis keie filed lo. diy in Ihe P.i-iphlii toiinty lomt by .Ijiiu, A. sTr.iii.ili4ii. ef ll.iirbbiii'i,", tn llu- it-tllli-ate of ti-jinln.lllnii ot W, A. Mance, jr., of I'llUbiil-;, licpublleau iwiiiiuio ( r stnator in the I'nuy. thlld dintliit t- Miuetd Ihc lale I.'. 1 MaRic, 'Ihe rMrplioni avu- thai the tfillflcito is lll-tf-al for llio ic.isoii that it was not filed w-thiu Hi tinni required by the billot U, 'flu' couit fixed sjinnljy nioinlnt; lor a lioaili,;-, Meyer Admitted to Bail. Uy I'xclunie Wlie from The Ajs-elateil Pies New- oik, Apiil 4.- Moiris lixer, (hi iced Willi foi(,ery in Hie flnt ilesne and .1 to-do. fdidant xxilh Paxld shod, of xxilncsin the u-iallcd "I'aliltk will" of W. M. lll.c, which. It i, alleged, w.u I'or-jrd, hu btiu ad iniltctl to lull in Furnacomen's Wages Reduced. Uy I'.Mlmlio Wiic (10m The Amoofatnl Pics. Ml-ldlwbotoiisli. Ln-tland, April 4.- It it mi iiouiiciil that Ihe f ot Ihc lit 1st furiitccineit xxill be irducrd 'it pel trnt. for Ibreo mouth-', ami Hut Hie wane, el (hi- NoiHiunibeilaiid ntlii' 14 will be ivdiuid ) l'i p,;r tent. PATRICK MAY YET ESCAPE Evidence ot Jones Will Not Be Ac copied Unless Corroborated bu Other Tcstinionu. NERVE OP THE PRISONER He Volunteers to Read Portions of a Document Being: Used Against) Him Rulings by Judge Jerome. The Indifference of Patrick Ex plained. It;' I'mIumxc Wlie (mm 'Ihe Amo, ialed P, -. New York, April 4. There -wore at lea-st. txx"o Incidents durlnfr today'.i cross-examination of ('buries I .Tone-., the x-alot-seeretary of Millionaire Will iam .Maisli Illce, which lose above tliii ordinary. One xvas a. it-murk made by .lustlee .lerome. xxlm piesldes at the hearliifr, and -wihleli piobitbly shoxxs xvlty Lawyer Patrick, accused wllh .lonen of the murder of the foi met' Texan, has all almiR- taken the accusa tions of Jones UKahist himself -with a. demeanor almost, uoidciltifr on eon tempi. aVttorney ."Mooie. for the defense, had asked that when the hearliiK closed foe tlio dnv IL be not resumed until Tues day. Justice Jerome seemed xvlllinK, and then added: "It Is necessary that Jones' testimony as to this murder should be corrobor ated, tie being a self-confessed accom plice, bis testimony alone Is not enough upon which to 'hold Patrick." Attorney Moore tersely added to this: "We understand that, and we supposo the district attorney does, ton." Tonight thos who are xvatelting the case closely are xvondcrin-r. -what cor roborative testimony the state xvill in troduce to sustain the slab-mcnls of Jones, The other incident brought out in the clearest light tlie Indomllnble netvo 0 Laxx-yer Patrick. In tho face of the re iterated stoiy of Jones that Patrick had instigated the rorgcries and the actual mm dor, the latter too'c his place In tho court proceedings with the utmost non chalance. At one point it became nec essary that a statemenL made by Jones be road, and It -xvas given Into the hands of one of the counsel for the de fense for that purpose. This was the statement in which the valet claimed Patrick killed Itlce, and -which he hint since denied. Tho reader hesitated and stumbled over the written "words. Sud denly Patiick spoke up, exclaiming: "Here, I guess 1 can malse it out; Til read It." Patrick Reads Statement. This xvas agreed to, and In a loud, clear voice he rati: " M-' got a toxx'el and sponge and sat urated the sponge with a eolorles-s llililid ho had in a bottle. Then ho xxent Into the room where 'If lay hi bod. I (Jones) xx'ns not In the room, but opened the door and peeped in. " 'J' xvas standing over 'IV with the cone-shaped tmvel in Oils hand, and he pressed it down over 'It's' face." Patrick was still reading, with no show- of emotion, xheu Justice Jerome ordered a. recess for luncheon. The "P's," and "u's" In the statement .stand for P.i I rick and Wee. At another point in the noeeedlngs. Justice Jerome gave his estimate of: Jones with characteristic terseness. Attorney Moore had been racking tho witness witli (iiiestiiitis, all tending tn living out the valet's lying propensltleo. He showed that Jones had lied to anil " deceived his own father when the lat ter called on him In the hospital after lie had allempteil suicide: 1I-.hL he lia I told untruths to Assistant Plstriet At- tornev Osborne, and that he had llel to his own counsel. Here Justice Jer ome struck in with tho remark: "This witness is u xveak, wicked and unfortunate man. Ho Is a solf-cnm fesied murderer and deserves con tempt, but I won't allow you to Instill him." Thniij was veiy little uoxx mattei In ought out at today's hearing. Tho xxtiiolo of the cross-examination of Mr. Moore, who is Patrick's personal coun sel, was confined to showing up June as a man who could not bo belloved. When court adjourned It was until next Tuesday. m KENTUCKY EDITORS FIGHT. The Duel Is of the French Variety) Mavked by Absence of Bloodshed, tly i:diisle Wiic from The Assoclitrd Pirn. I.oii!alllc, Apiil I. Crucial John II. (a,itl. iran, xvho xx'.t.h colonel ot tho I'itst Kenluikj tr.l. ment, nml xxati later apiMilntcd by Piohhnt Mc. Kinley In ho a brigadier of volunteer, and Wa'. tcr II. rorestor, inannclnff editor of the fanii.. ill, Ouinineriial, fnuiilit on the Mioet toda;. Xo blood xxai s-hed and the aftali- wai quickly oxer. Them had leni bad feelliiK betnTrn Hum time llio -litan war when I'oicsler xx-a.. a slitant adjutant Kciieiat of Kentucky. They met fate tn facu on Pourtli iivenuo todiy and (Jetier1 Cattleman slrnck I'oi ester in the I ice, l'oreic returned tlio blow und (lencial ('.ntthiiiau ie)l 14 .1 half ivtiiuibcnt po-ilion, 1'iicivh iiilcrfeud an-i separated tho men. Killed by a Freight Train. By PA-chiilic Wire from Tlic Woclatrd I'ii-j. Philadelphia, Apiil I.- Mrs. daiuet I'tppor, wifo of tho well known iiiu.lcal iii.tniiupiit man tifaclurer, was ctiiuk by a friilu liiin 011 tint North I'cnii biandi cf llio I'Mlnk Iphia, and P.fad lin; uilway to.lay at Oik I. me. a tuhitib ol tin 4 (.11;. She diul alnicvt in.( uitl; . New York Chavter Amendment. Dy iUthblxc Ylre from 'fjie Associated Pren. Albany, Apul I. Tiio bill amendin; the thar tcr of tin; cilv ol New York, at cuiupletctl by tha onfcrciice louiiuiiue, u -id bolii ho-iv-s ot Ihi leblaturc toda; ff ttttttf t'tf WEATHER FORECAST. WavhliiKlnii, pnl (.- I'oifiajt fur rutnii IVuie.xIxjiu.i: lair liulax; I1r-.I1 weslcil; wind., suurdo waiuiu' and cloud;, prob-ibl; rain. im t flf Tftt dj - ' ttor--'1 J- ' -t 4T- Cat A , J Ss, v 4 -."V