jmWffi$wmg$m lwplp t H' IHK SORASTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY', APRIL !, VM1. " ff mwm 1 1 : SAVED BY THIS USE OP TO HER HU5BAND AND FRIENDS WARNER'S SAFE CURE. lubberly, l.i., Jin. ;, Iqni. Wirtier' Safe Cure Co.. I'ochejter. N. V. " Dear tirsi-Ueforcclth'rnl my lUuxlitcri w barn I was ilvlnj with tdil ney dlscn. lam now a grandmother. There are no words to tell tvltut I suf fered. When I lay down n nlelit I would pray It there wa no rclicl lor me that I would nccr.ecunnthcr mornlngi Anyone could. eo I could not In till condition livelong. .My huabiml tried doctor alter doctor, hut I gotno better, and uht the naty stuff I awullowed. So nc way, I don't remember now of your pampli lets Ml Into my hand.. I taw cures (ml Ilk- mine described, o I thought maybe your ramedy ml "lit help mc. I asUedmy husband to get II, hut he had no faith In palent medicines, so he went to another doctor. Still I gr.'W worsj. I'eople who lled som: distance from me told me afterward that they would ask u hen they saw anv ol my ncur nel -hbor. If I va. still olive. Oneday I saw a friend Rolngito towii, nd ItolJ him to bring me a bottle ol Warner's Safe Cure. I htd not taken It three da,. before I bega to feel better. When that bottl was gone I had no trouble getting my huhand to get me another. I also sent for the pills. I took In all about ten b Jltlcs of Warner's Sate Ojre and five of the Safe Pills. I do all my nunnork; have very Utile need of medicine. I have often thought I would tell you lut ,ntir remedy did forme, but put It oil from time to time, I hanking you tor my life, I am, respr ctfullj . ,.... .,. li,P -iinplr ,.f U'UIVIIU'f -'MM: II III! nf in iiillatliii. ilinr. vmisi:u'- i i: 1 1 iti: -.. Him i,ftf-i, N V -- .j. .$.. ,5. .j.vj.M. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oooooooooooooooo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Social Gossp ooooooooooooooooo llii' itiii ifliiw Biii.i1 'I I'li'iirr ttul'l i nun.: iuiii'iliiiiil IiiIk ilii- -11 .mil i npMly viimlii' il- way ml" Ui il'i'ilimi- ..I Imil .ml tnn-r-. A liilMlliil ..I II. i mini. .' tin I'.HJiV ll mit IiumIiv 1,'jlll ll il.c i IiiW .ul miti it"l tutu tin- nn-liiii'- I I'm sum. vliTii 1- .i will JlttlHI nil Mi.iiulil ulnt. Tin- .i-'(ifi.itini'- losiiLir Iii-t i In!' ."rt tu liir lliiiu'li.iiiitini iM ""'! .ui'1 l'1'y ' llllUll Willi . KIHO.Ui1.lliW I'.lliil t'llj till". . niii'ilifr mi ..n. "I i.liwi- will hf M-lKll-il ll.ii I t'li- 111!)' - ll.nk vIlM -,llili'llt. Ii,. Hi. 1!. I. . 1'itno. nf mi 1. mi uiiup l!iilii ilmiili. .! in t-liaiA'1 M tin" .u.iuoiiy ullilll .M-tclil.y 10011 lllltllll III lll.llllj! Mi-1! .Mm It. I!"-'', nt '- Olive i-tiul. ami tJeoise O. !ll.ltl. Of IJllllH' .lCIIW 'lh' cnlu' .i licl'l .it tlir ilmiili .mil '.h attcinli'l by .i In if mini l.ii mi iditur .mil fi ton M .f l'"'li 1 i 1 ir.'l LIMMIM. 'I ho Li ill' win .i wIMitthiir Iiiowh ii.iv.lin; mil .itnl i.irni'il .. I.iim IhmuvioI ol while n-. 'vMI. il.o l.iiilc-iiui.l, hn .-i-Ur. AM-. II. liojp. w.i smviifil in liliu .ni'l r.iiikil pink lo-c-. Iluiv Hoik ,ii nil .. muuiii-maii .mil iin.oi 1.. ICinpii .mil ll.uiy A I'iirio vi- tlio ulicr-. 1'nll. mini tlio foiciiionj .i Mi'ldlui! din in vv h Mivnl .it tlio liorio of tlio hiuli''- Mi. Jinl Mi- .1. M. Ito-o. Ml'. .iP'l Mr. -Inip. I'll tlio . ilv on ll.oii luiilil tiip vo-toi-,'v .i ipiiiomii .mil on thru- niiiiii "ill Inaiii lii."iiil.rrpiiiK: it ''It i;nimv .ivi'imo. Mr. Sliiun in. im -Mine i' ii- i ieidier .n No. tl'i -ohnol .iml ln won iniiniioti- fiiili'M 1'V I it man ill urn- .T p. i-nn .mil niiml. Mr. "lutp Ii .in (inploio nf tlio' .nvl Moelimlc' bink, .ii ki nv :i in I p pill ii. pl.i-mi iiiiilnliv pin.i . IkIiI in hoi" r ff Mi Miiini" llotlnor .u tli" home of hr par-out-. Mi. ni! Mi-. llolTiior. "f i:ini Mxot. Tno. iliy niul t. I. .mi- wire plavnl .nul oUnr pnty liivoii-io.i- In'iileoil In. liofie-hiiK'iil- woio lorvnl l.j Ml-. IIoii'mi Hi pii-mi win Mlsic-, J'lio Dm-. I!,v II. oil, lliilni.i Miiiinin. liiraiu I'lilloi. I.Ielo t'.ivif, Ann i I'd. I.liJio Nlimth. MjiiiI Uuttnoi, Mlnnio Ivloo. Miimio Iloffnoi, Sulio Wohlov , Hi Ivolkiinin, I.lzic olil,-,v. ,iinl .l.-.lm Tnllir, cli.iilt-. 'luii'li. .Im' Iliniv Nhwinku. M.iin Mm-, I'li'l ltille.v, .Imp Miller. I'liulos Wthlfy. IVui loin'.. Ahum Wiiily. Ilm.v An- Iri'. it"" Itinl II," miii 1.IUI.U.V Drliimi -ouitty will lu.1,1 it- iiiiiibt incline: .it tlio Iimiho of I,pmN ttilllani-. it CipMii'O .iidiiii iri,l miii-i I -trrU, till- ovouii.j. I'lio following piiisi.iinniP will In loiiiloioit: li.lutp. "lto-Mlvp,, 'Hut li.i.iliif W'.i- 1'ie.itiT Ih.iii lloh-in": '.itili. ".loin, Cihlvvoll ( j1 lioiui," Ihnli II. Tnl ii' i .in, I iiiiiii- vny ph.i-iiit 1'intiiiK w,in liihl Muiidjy lulling in flu' Ml.'.in- vpiino iliipol. Niw Vml. -Iirpt. -ijiiio tlnip 111,0 tip' Krv. .Iuiip- llusk'-. fi.iiinil i Mui'- Mutual lni inu'iiiiiii -,,i.iilv wlihh In-" iiipI ni'ij Monday pviniiitf in tlio iliapfl. Diniiu- tli- liino tin t-oilify ln bei'ii in fl-ti'iiip pipii- Iiivp ! ii ii.'nl on -lii'litili' .nil pMpuln ipui-;i..t.. an, tho It, v .Liino-. lliujli. hi- cMluml Ihrpp IppIiiiis 1p- F.'io III"'Mf.' I..l-t I'Mlllli til.' lllllllliPfS 'iin'lit Willi Hi. ill llulr win- win n all in jojiil a v.iy plia- nt f.ii ill laitn, Mti-r iinph' ji.i-ti.p hail bun iliii I., tlio ipiii-hnii ui-. pr vlili, I. Mi. Iliislii-., tl.p pa-lot. icivo a lii-lorv if i In- loiiiulliiii. w'oil, .nut oliiootH of tlio no ill l,i, .mil slloiili' miioil tln Inlin pii-oul to it,(iniiai;o tin ir linbainK jiul -on- Ii. atti'iil ilio nu'i'litiK- i.i ll 'h'lv. Ilnbirl .Ion,-, .Mi, I'ajno, it, I'lank .mil Mi. Iiiu.ii aililn u tho mcitlni;. Al IntPival- ilmins tin cvrniiu swii ( nir.'li' w.i- ilNii'iii-i'il, 'IhH oruaiiiatlou Is , il iiilili'd In ilo 1 1 mi 1 1 t;oil .inn mi Hi" loni vvli'i ic-lik' in tin' iii'luhboiliooil of the Aililn- Au inii' iliapi'l. Xew Ymk i-lrott, Walter Kicsuier rutrnntnoj n mnubi'i' of lil-i fill-nils Mimhy ivoniiis; al III- lmino on 1'i'n-jipft .IVI'llUP. lint liino vva w'lillul .way in ili n -iuih, -til i- vviih ii rplic.-liti'fnt- wno fprvul, 'llw? pif-tiil vvpio: Mr, ami Mi, William I'm. IpI, Mr. -linl Mi-. I'hllip vholl, Miv .mil Mis. i huh- Mnkw.iit, Mr. an. I Mi-, lluir.v Hull, Mr. imil Ml. .Inliii Ziimiht. Mr. atnl Mt. IMvvaril Kollciinaii, Mr. and Ml. Albert ZIpsIiipi, frank Mnkwarl. Wlllliui li-niei, .li ami Albert Zip mcr. ,'r, Mi- May Ituboitk wa- ipinkicl a fan'ivpll pir. ty it tho honio nt her pairnt-, 117 oitli Dicker unlit, Imnljy cm iiinsr. Uauitii were played and pnty iliieii"ii liiihilged In. .Mlsei 1'rail Jni-l.ln-, -May laK I'oarl Davi, Saraii llakcr, 'looitdl. and Ml,-s llnbpiti rendered H'loial cke. tloii- on the piano, UcfieihiiirnM wrro sprved by Mu. John ltobirt-i, a.Utcd by Mis, lloilcililc and Mrs, Wllllanu. Thosn pifjcnt were; MIhm Venn liepiw, l.nttlo lleorn, Margaret Halli, Ireno nnlierlu, IVarl .linklns, Grace Kodukli, Mjty- lluike, f-irali Uaker, Miry Uavh, Itachcl luvl, Hannah Mj.'ciI, Mnltli, lldlth Uvam, IMni'ltllli I llati, Mind JenM, Kutli Itob. ci U, Miss &.ii.ili A. .IoiipoJ Arliiur Halt, Attlmr Drr, Stewait I.cwh, Uvimi i;ati, Hairy Nktor, liioige Wjicw, Waltev Divtnt, Ihn Jlascil, Pel. beit Ilob,lt, Willi.' Robrils, Junes Itobcits How aid Maial. A tuiirlc uitj tendued Ma-tcr llcfivi Tuesdiy ,rnliu; at the home ol her paients, Mr, ami Mrs. Pavid Itiui, at SSI lAani' court. Gaines v-ru plajtd and a pleasant time had by all. Master William WillUim, of llurjca, sane In .1 fine lopuiio voice. Ilclresliments weie servrd by Mrs. Iavid llrese, a.-slitcd by Mis, John Jame. 'Ili guel were; Mi.-es l.fllo llrunlns, I'dilli liiiltitli, I.iule Jones, Lavlnla Uasterlv , llatllc I'lli?, Lena IliUroth, Jennie Davis Ilullu Wap. Hetllu Williams, llutli lkve und Waller kewln, llany Watkiin, Will, lljriy IUi.-e, lluvKn .Ipnkliv, .lolin linklns, llvam, Kiu Allin. ( luoter lliulics. William Williams, ll.uiy Williaiiu, llumplirey lliidliy, .Ijiiui 1, HavU, Stanton Hli.tjlpi, jlavld Jones, lMvviril .lone.-,, .Iisjo llailer, Julm llp.vuoldi. A vci) pleasant yiiprlse vv.i hen Mls Katie Sliaifrr at hei lioniv, iH I'itUton avenue, IjjC eiinins by a number ol lur tiiendj. fianiei und other uiiiuseimnti uro Indulge,! in and iclreshtneuti honed, ili"se alUndiiii; the party were: The Mlwa GecisU lljy, .fogi-nhlnt Nlmiir, Minnie .Null.., Lot t lo l.'inrle, l.ulu Zjiii;. Vatllc :i.iojiI, .linnle i:iiuvviKd, MiRglc llagi, Luu Ujitilsun, and Meisis. Chaikj DkUuwii, Wltlhm Hi, km 111, MlolpU 'liaefpi'. William ll.ul tiiiii, .litllit- Ili'iir, 1'iuj .lone-, th.ulis .Vaucll, Imui It .1111, I'loul Itaitel-oii, ithtir lleckrr. Ii'illlu t'hlllip-, William laiini l.'oiii'' Cmluip ami Willi 1111 ilii-hiu INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. Quartet ly Convention of District No. 1, of the Mine Workeis, Will Be Held in Olyphant. 'I'lif itiRl'lrllv 1 iiiivoniluli of DNU'it't No. I, Tniled ilim Wurlfers of Amui c.t. will l)i' be' tin mwt Aloudiiy at Dlyplitiiil, tind it is t'XpoiHetl tlutt a liiuW .'1111011111 uf linpoi'tiiitL biisliK'j-s will bo lrritT-'aotoil bofnro Hie s-iul'i'i i lo-cs. Tlio cleli'S.'tlrn will mwl nl Kttlier Miillifw bull, und the convontion will PmjIi.iIiIv nc In in'otiK-P-i for tlnoe ilay.o. l'rosidoiil T. D. Nh'liolls will piesitlo. It is unrtois-Looa that anion"; tho niiittois which will come up for dis-cus-pIhu it- tlio rtiiiiui'Cil division of tho cllstiirt. At pii'.sent No. 1 is as large as both tlio other iinthracltc dihtrict. Xo. 7 ,irid Xo. !i, roin billed. lis iiflkdala I'lusident, T. V. Xieholls.. or Xamieokf; vlie president, Adam UyM-iiwiRp, of Plymoutli: M'cri'tnry trcasnior, John T. Deinps-oy. of this Lily. At the next convention, to b. hold in July, tin- election of oC llcis will bo livid. Recognition of Merit. 1.. K. Ileardslee, who has been oiiief stenogTapher to ticnernl yuporintend ent T. E. Clarke, of the laehaw.inna railroad, and vvlio al&o served in a similar oaptieity for ox-Stiporintend-C-11L K. "!. Rusf-ell, left last night for his hoiivi in "Watertown, X. Y prior to his dopni'turo for Montieal. He has b et. appointed private secretary to Vice President and Oenetal Manager A. J. Moxhani, of the Dominion Iron und Steel company, of Xovu Scotia, with headquarters at Sydney, Cape Breton. Ho has been succeeded in Mr. Clarko's office by K. Whan, of Min neapolis, Minn. Dining Mr. I) ?a ids Ice's connection with the r acUuwunnu railroad, lie has not only pnneii himself to be an ex pert rtenographe-.' and pilvate- secre tary, but al'-o a gentleman In every sent-c ot the word, rind the inanv fi lewis he has made, both in and out of r.tllioad circlos in lliih ilty, will be pleased to cnnsratulntc lilni on such a met lied leeognltlon of his abilities, Todny's D., L. A; W. Bord. The tiinlie'Up of todny's D.i I, and W. bonrd Is nn follows! Wl;i).KM)AV. APIllh :t Wild f'al. i:nl 8 p. m II. UUHgm; lit p. nt., A. II, Itcvve. 'llllltSD.W, AI'llll. 4. Wild (nt.'J.r;tl n, in., K. M. llillMti .T 11. in,. It. f.ifp. vvllh I'. Mullen'" inent T n. In., W. II. Wurfeli II ii. in,, II. OKtiitn 10 .1, m., I'. Ilillelt: 1 P tn.. J. J. Jlmtay. with n. Il.irtliolo. nipvv'i men! !t p. In.. I). Wallapci 5 p. tit. , J. Ilulij 0 p. in,. .1. J. Costello. Summit, etc 11 .1. in., cat, J, Hentilaiitit n p. m.. cut, .1. Cnrtluc: 7 s. til., whit, llrotKo I'loinifelkeri 7 p. 111., ent, W. II, NlcboUj 7 p. in,, et from ('iiyiiqn, tlitti: cnnlnei, Jlc Lane. Puller-1(1 11. 111., I". II. Seeoi. I'mlut-i-.S a. 111., lloiiirr! 10 a, 111., . l'ln nettyt II.SO u. in, .Moran; 7 p. 111,, Muiphy; V p. 111., LiiiiiplnRi 10 p, 111., Wiitnrr. I'ascntcer KiirIiic-7 n. in., Oallnpyi 7 n. m., hlnupr! 3.H0 p. in., Slaiiloti! 7 p. 111., .M.iROirtn, Wild lal. Woit-il a. in., .1, tlliiltys I) n. in., J, (; 1 p. 111,, Tlioiupson; ,'t p 111., Itae;. Bcily. I) p ti'-i Mill-, with . f'.iinodjN men. NOTILi:. II Cn-lir will un mil vvllh I', dim' to'-.t (tip. I oliiltn lur O. fuse will lake- Frank tlahoiiN iron, reKiilir. until fiirtlur iiotlpe, Il1.1ke111.ih Divld Hants i', ictN for dntj wllli Citidiutot l.'atnpi'. This and That. Tile Scrunlon flerks' assot'lallon, Xo. I'll, will hold their regular meeting to night at S o'clock, at Carpenter's) hull, Wyoming avenue. First meeting ot the tiniitei'. All members arc recntest ed to lie present. (ierieial Manager AV. A. May. of the I'cnns.vlvania foul company, lias ap pointed K. D. C.uyl at general coal in spector of the conipany. Mr. Caryl hits for .some years past been nctlng In this eiipiteity lor the Hillside foal and lion company. I'ullnian pttluce curs, "St, I'nul" and "r.inoriie" til" being used on the Lackawanna railroad while the 'lay helle" and "Clabtiel" are undergoing 1 1 pair. The "St. Paul." one of the handsomest pallor cats in railroad service, was attached to train Xo. U mi the Lackawanna railroad yestor il;i . The Best Cold Cure 1 one joit can take without iulurrup lion to lntsiness. One that dos not ef lect the head or heating like the con tinued use nf quinine. One that cures speedily and leaves you feeling fresh and clcar-headeil. Such a one Is Kra use's Cold Cure. Pike, J."c. Sold by all diuggiHl.v. Steam Heating nnd Plumbing. P. F. & M. T. Howley,231 "Wyoming ave. INDIA AND CEYLON TEA BLACK 01 GREEN Besides being the ONLY PURE TEA, it is the most economical, having DOU BLE STRENGTH. Think of the habits of those nations, with whom HAND ROLLING tea is a household industry. I J ASK YOUR GROCER FOR SALADA Ceylon Tea REFRESHING. DELICIOUS. Sold only In I. tail rkM. 50c, 6!)c. ana 70c. Per Lb. Tlie Dickson Manufacturing Co. fccrantonaurt W'ltkevBarra, l'-. Manufacturer o! LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY ENGINES Bolters, tlolttlng and Pumping Machinery. General Office. Bcranton. Pa. HENRY BELIN, JR., Gcneril Agent for the Wyorninx District for OUPONTS POWDER. Uinta;, Mistlnc, fportlnfr, SmoLele-t and the Deiituno Chcmlial Company's High Explosives. Eiletj ruse, Cap, ami Exploden. Room 101 Coo cell Builillni, Si-rjntoTi AUENCli:S: ailOS. FOItD I'lllston JOHN B. SMITH 4: EON Pljuioutli W. II. MULLIQAX Wllkcnarri LIVERITA THE UP-TO.OATE LITTLE LIVER PILL CURES Blliousnoss, Constipation. Dyspopsia, Sick-Koaii -acho and Llve Complaint. I SUCrtlt COATBP. Sold by all druei'lBi or soul 117 man. NervlU Medical Co.. Cbltap Evnam mnm 100 PILLS 25 CTS. Sold iy McCarrali A Thoma-i, UiugslsW, 'iO'J LacLawanni acni'c, Siranton, Pa. Great Easter Flower Display At Clark's Annex, 209 Washington Avenue. Everything to decorate churches and homes, and at our corner store, which has been enlarged. The display is elegant at each place. Hyacinths in great profusion'f vom 10c to SI. 50 each Tulips, an elegant lot 25c to $1.50 Azalias, beautiful plants, from SI. 00 up Spireas 50 cents up Beautiful Easter Inlies. from 50c to 82.00 each Yellov.- Genestas 35c to S1.50 Rhododendrons, in bloom SI. 50 to $3.50 Hardy Azalias SI to S3 Accasias ' $1.50 Lilacs $2.00 Daisies 75c to $2.00 Stock S1.00 lily of the Valley 35c Hydiangas 75c to $6.00 Hardy Koses, in bloom 50c to $1.00 The Beautiful Crimson Rambler $1.00 to $5.00 American Beauties, in bloom 75c Ferns 10c to $2.00 Palms 25c to $5.00 Asparagus 15c to SI. 00 By far the largest and most elegant display in the city At Wholesale and Retail. CUT FLOWERS, Roses $1,00 to $3.50 tloz Lily of the Valley 75c doz Mignonette 50c doz Daffodils 00c doz Easter Lilies $2 to $3 doz Carnation $1 to $2 doz Hyacinths QOc to $1.50 doz Violets $2.00 hundred Tulips 60c to $1.00 doz Smilax 25c per yard Customers from out of town can telegraph or telephone and will receive pro nipt attention. Q. R. CLARK & CO. 201 Washington Ave. Old Telephone 2203. New Telephone 8. EASTER SHOES AND OXFORDS All styles and all makes, all sizes and al! widths, at prices less than any other house in the city. It will pay you to see our line of shoes before buying elsevyhere. Remember there is no trouble to show you goods and you will surely save money by it. MYER DAVIDOW, SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. Wash Goods Week You doti't buy Wash Goods simply because they wash. You want dainty Sum mer wear, because they are dainty, pretty, serviceable aud will wash, if need. be. If you want the prettiest of the pretty wash goods now in vogue, reliable as well as beautiful, come here for them. We have them all Zephyrs, Dimities, Linens, Mouseliues. All the dressy sweets that make summer the gayest time of all the year iVlOUSelilie De Soie-A- si!Ic mater-al as distinctly Parisian as its name implies, Exceptionally fiue in texture, with all the distinguisha ble appearance of a costly Foulard Silk, presenting unrivalled attraction in style and quality. This hint: Embroidered Mouselines, solid colors 65c Embroidered Lace Mouselihes, solid colors....! , 85c Embroidered Lace Mouselines, in beautiful floral designs 85c Mercerized ChambraVS" new cotton material with a fine soft silk finish, " unrivalled for shirt waists, Colors, "3 CJy-r red, blue, pink, buff J rierCeriZed Chevi0tS co;tou material, silk finished, that has all the ap pearance of a brilliant mohair, serviceable aud Erf-? beautiful, solid colors JVw German Linens"080 to I0 sty-cs f P-a-n colors and stripes, of this liaud- soine and sturdy material to choose from. The be3t y C-r fnbric ever woveu. Our price ? 4J Embroidered CrepesAPrtty1c.ottott.andslkJcIotll'ii?ht nueaiid 50c r soft, in dainty light shades. Price ww Embroidered SwiSSan a Co,ors' including black and white, and in t y2 dozen qualities, ranging in price from 25c to P DimitieSrettv uatr-ebut not oue whit prettier than 250 pieces of smooth summer stuffs that are properly called by it. Fancy tinted stripes 011 white grounds are some of them. Can you picture them and the tiny twill that all true dimities owu? Dashes, dots and dainties, until there isn't room enough here to tell you prop erly of them. Domestic Dimities 12Jc Irish Dimities 22c Ecril EffeCtSMa was1 -materials , will be much in demand for the coming season, aud will no doubtbe scarce later on. .Our lines are now complete in all details, ranging from the lowest grade up to a fiue French Reveres at $1.50 Yd A Hundred Other Weaves and kinds ot wash materials arc here for your inspec tion, admiration and purchase if you so desire. Whiff OnnH s:'rhe subjects of India Linen, Lawns, Persian Lawns, Batistes, yyuiicuwua Organdies, Wash Cbiffon, French Nainsook, French Reveres, Madeira Cambric. Long Cloth and in fact everything in the White Goods category have received our best efforts, and we can say, without hesitation, that our lines o' these goods will not be surpassed by any offering for 190 r. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUS NEW YORK HOTELS. wvx 'vw WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. bi.tccntli bt. .111.1 In ins l'Jacc, NEW YORK. Atnciiian Plan, 1..".i Per Day and I pn.iicH Kuropoan PI in, $.1.00 Per Vty .ui'J UpwanK H.itos to r.imillfe. T. THOMPSON, Prop, Motel Victors a Brosdwi, 51b Are. and 27tb Street, New ork. a Absolutely Fireproof tttof the shopping and xlicntie ili strict. First - in nil its ap pointments. Entirely new through ou'. European Plan lOKMlT. jje or c suite, with or without bath, lint ana cold umr andtelephoneincvery room. Culslneunezcelled ---' For Business Men In the h;arl ot the wholesale district. For Shoppers X minutes' wulk to Wnnamakera; S minutes to Slpfjel Cooper's Big Store. Casy of access to tlio great Dry Goods Stores. For Sightseers One block from B'way Cars. c!v In? easy transportation to all points of Interest. HOTEL ALBERT INEW l'UKK. f Cor. 11th ST. & UNIVERSITY PI. 4. Only one Block from Brondway, Pnnmj R I Iln WBSTAUKANr -t- KOOlUi, 1 UM. pricc i I'ca.onabli 4 H' Die CUeapest Shuo Store. :iu? Lnckawauna Avoiiuu. Electric Lighted Trains CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Tllli North.Wcstern Limited service, C.30 p, m, daily to M Faul and Minneapolis, cannot be excelled and offers the best of ever) thing. Any nfient will give yon information about it. Three other first class trains from Chicago also 9.00 a. m. Daylight Train, 10.00 p. 111. Fast Mail and 10.15 P.m. Night Impress. Call 011 any agent for tickets or address 461 0oWviy, Au tort (OICIno'l S.,PAa(pa 3(8 Watliltigtin St., Bmt9n 301 Hiln Si., BaSfall Hi Clark St., Cm9 1 Vim it; ' Ctiln3il Sanmitn'IJSt.,Pitfbi"l 234 S'jzirhr It., CltvtlanJ UCamliul MattUt, Dttrtlt lKlnSt.,ea,t,Tirino,l)nt SProf,Q,F.THEEL,527sta,:l :J I'bllft'JJpbit, It. O.i; liircuo bpt-rlalM tuf aiqitk. iiuarcnirrt im rurt- o ) djhii frniiu tlriitk.'frrb rft 4 Iw 10 J' ),4liMe.I lMoo.1 rwtuB,frfou Urltlliljr, i abw-l,T Wrlcurtlv 4 Mrtrturi do rulllniix In 1rilvi 'rr iTTTrl.. i - n.nn. w. ..I r.k.i ru.iiml...iaii ii,.,.L 1 AVfl?HlfHVI nM.-'lwiBiV" f fl""WW"" IriltualuKftrr; medical u4 tltflrlfftl frtuJ. H mhUiu. paprrJ " tr s il xaifd ! NEW STOCK. ! Vc urc now prepared to bliow you an entire XEW .stock of Carpets, Wall Papers and Draperies T Every item ib this scaaon's souils, and we arc prepared to serve yon promptly and at our well-known low prices. WILLI AflS & HcANULTY j Temporary Store, 126 Washington Avenue- v I 18 Lager Beer Brewery Miinnr&ctnreM ir OLD STOCK PILSNER 485 to 405 N. Ninth Street, Tclephoa Cull, 2W I. mm DR. DENSTEN I'hjitcian nJ Surgon m Spruce St. Tfinpl" Couit Ilulliliiip, SCUANTON, PA. Ml acute j ml rluouic uivmiTi or nioii. " mm and t'lsiiltirpn t iiito.Mt m;uiu.- 1111 M.N AMI WAMINti DIsl-WhKS A MM I . I.I.T. Ml d!ca.o, t the l.h.r, Kidit. . It nl'Jvr Skin, rdo'itl, N'fiuf, U'omli, K.m'. IUi, Nu', Tlinut, Jiul I.uiiK", Cjiuci, 'liunon, t'lli, Itiiplurr, l.oitrr, Kht'iiiiialisiii, AIImii , . .u.n rl). V.irumilo, I.U..L MimiIidihI, M-IiHv I'liiivloai. all I'niMle ipjfi1 lAnimnli'ii'j, cu , liulHHTlKJ, S.killillls ll.nil l'oivin, lllill-fr,1. tloii and vouthful Inlill uMili'mlt'd. Mirier), I'll. I!illrp, TjI'O .iihI MuiimiIi Worms I i TVIIHIIOZONK, Sltdllo i.n- I atauli. 'llii'l muntlis' trratmi'iii onlj ii.lO. trial di'C ! (.((Ui. IVm.-hIuIioii an.) cMiiiiliialiuii tree. Of tn f hour djlli aini Sutidjj, S a. in to 9 P- '" DR, DENSTEN. h'l Be io Fly Said the bait to the fish. Or next thing you know you'll garnish a dish. I came from the store of Florey & Brooks, i Aud I'm dangerous. I 211 Washington Ave. THB IC POWDER CO. Booms 1 and!!, C'om'Uh B'i'd'f. flORANTON, PA. lining and Blasting POWDER Uidot Mou-lomJ Ituiltlali Work!. I LAPtlN RAND POWDUK CO.'S ORANQB GUN POWDER El:otrlc liatterlsj, Kleotrla txpioar , exptodluf blms, bufoty I'mtuiti Rsnauno Chemica! Co.'s y.xv" bl. "-K- a ?; X '&&" --v