THE SOU ANTON TMBUNU-THURSDAY, APML 4. 1001. to H n . Lf ' NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA SUSQUEHANNA. JptHnl to the Scrahtnn Tribune, Sttsipictiitmi. ,itll '.'. Ir. Melding, nl Mar. n til, N .ilwiit lo I invite lo fJtr Ulc, Ills old home. 'llio tiiv f!i,init, wiili miliflu aerotupinl Inriil, till! hjt In tin1 l'rrti) UmI in tlutrth on J.nlcr ii.uM. Miiilmiil II, I. !-rlilllrr l.n h'ltioud lo ft imittiti. 1lintii,H In lil ll" Ictimlul hl 'lnri1 ftutn the Tllitlscll liloik, llilr nicntir, to the Smith Imllil In?, Main idirrt. Kritik S-initli l llll III ul lil home on Main Irict. Ml. I'r.inli . Hi i lie, nf the Oikliitt.l SMf, will pcml vtmo time tit Mi.iton !tr I ii(?, X. V., Inr hrr lu'tllli. I.jlii.111 r. How P. "I MlkfvMiiirr, will Rive tuculiiff plttuie riiiil.iltmi(iit Sept. (J under tin- nutpliM I I lif . I'. N I'. II. ol ttie I'fl'Slll tcil.ui i Inn til. Hcv. .Iiiliu ttitiiicdy. pidur if tin' Push', let ihtinh .it "litiiiiAn, li.i .incptcd tin' iilur.itc of the I'iclij trrlan ilniuli .it Mount ( lenients Mlrhleatl. I.Olilfl' It. lliTOIilllJ1, nt lllnnh union, tt.n In toitn Ia.t rttiilnir iiMiuiIIiik the now tlmui. Mm l.-itiltl. lit. It y. "t Kill- ntcliuc, liJJ ti-i.iiiu"l n luckfti iiiikl lutii itiiplntcd in Hi" Llie boiler Imp-', inii-'tiiutiil., bit for New Yolk City last nicJit tn telchr.iti' Kutii. Itct uml Mil-. I'. II llni.k, n llkc-lliirc, Alio haw liron tlMlinc Siiiicliamia ft limit, .ill. for lioiuc I 111.' nftii ln'oti 1'utik IIaIiIiimiii Is the ptti't of Ciibniiilile ft Iciid-. Sir. Illdi.iiJ Mux, of . .1.. It rrloi-ly 111 it the home id her mother, Mm. Liz rv Cook, nf V-.i-hiiii'tmi Mini. 'I ho Hi If is rxpcili'tiiiiiK .1 Miorl isc of rnal I.1IH. liiitiilii'i' of tilling lin'ti hate beui tllsi harmed from the tcitlce of thf Liic fur ill-onluly ion thift about (he i.illnnil .t.iidt uti l'llil.iy iiIkIiI. JIH Nellie William?, of .hickson .trecl, U the curst uf I'uiist ( ity fiirnil-. The prior of rluuiUl at llie titlnlty ttrhl tic lurten luit twit .ult.iiiifil. 'ihcie will lie .ilnjiit half a iliwn sot ial Imps rrt wcik. I'. -I. Maltli li opened a limbic chop in Ilhi.'h imluii. Mr-. I IuiKm Sililn, c( lli-t fhintli Miect, ii reioterniB from her rctint illnisi. I'ri'toMir Pltue, of llinsli.initnn. will hnhl .1 toeinl hop in lliig.m Opera llon-f on Motility t miin,; net. 'I he .Mi-Ms MiCittn.'.i .iixt llll-li. of niiulittiv ton, wilt le-npui thfii dam ins m ho d lit 1u:.iii Dpi 1 a llrni-o, .pill 11. HOPBOTTOiH. Special to the Scranton Tribtin. tlopliottoni, Apiil 1. J. Y. .imuli'is uml .it hi-. Iii.itio licio Niuilay momiiii; .illt'i .1 lmgu in;, illnts. Ills li temotiM I10111 tun mlt'-t miother nf the ttitei.ibli. :nnl if-p'itfil men of the lll.ii:i, of whom o ipony liite bci.11 ml.'.-cil within lh" tun .Mil-. Ill life uf tetcni.cie.lit je.urf h.ii beui lhn.1 entliely with in the limit.- ot .1 w- inih'-. 01 llii pine, :inU uiiun (In; 111. mi wlm 1mc I. inn', r. him .-. .t frienj 01 neighbor .ill will irmemtier hint .1- .1 kir.d. tine he.titcii nun, lni-f wtic well lit it, lie i-. Miiicl b 11 wife, one tun, Milo S.imiihr. .iinl .Mm. Jnlit l.inij-.iy, of 'I In' H1ne1.1l -miies weie lutuliii tul lm.-1l.1y Hllf liiofii j! u'cI.iLk I10111 the Mctliotliit climili, nf whlih lh ili-iea-id w.n a immbei st tit I a Kt;iil.ii .iitenil.inl. Ke. .1. 1'. June-, of llitifrh Jiiituii, utlii.t.itcil. Impre-.-ie litti-te wis innleicil by :t iii.utettc tomlitiiiaf of Mi--,e5 mill lnttrnuiit wjs 111.11I0 in the lb pbotlniu tcincttiy bciile a sl-ii, licit Sjiin iltM, v.ho-e ltiticral was 1 cntlneteil fioin the -.line rliiinli jiiL two .te.iM preeloii'. M1.1. v.nmiliM I mi llie .Minpilhy uf minv liiriuls in Ihi- hi-r -etuiul hue.ttMiiuil in a hi'it time. I he iiil.iiit ihni,lilir nt llr. .mil Jh-.. ., .1. Toy lui. bom 1'. In ii.ii v ::.', il it. tl Motility of init'it- 1 1.1. I'lineiMl M'niie-. wtic belli ,ir lite Initio 'i'ni.-il.i nfttiiiuoii. . DURYEA. Special to the Straiiton Tiihnne., Spill .- ri.t-s No. 7 of tin Milhmli-t 1 Miinliy -thuol lielil a biislue.--? mietlns J'oinJit etttiini- in the lu-tment of the ehnreh. 'I he tonli.iil fur wirtni; the lnnhlln for ilecttiu ltsht- w.m citen tu It, , IMn.-on, of 'e-t I'ilMton, lor the Mint ot To, or for M..;.7o without hinipt, it the 1 1 ivt fhuuhl iltslit Ninic. In the L Mr. I'eltf Kiui.iitlcril in 1I0 the woilc a, lonlins to Hit! ruler, ot the iniileiwiilri.-, j.-o to h.tte the work totnpltte. Wmk will tout nit lit r iniiniiliitily nt pittittii (he Mine in the limit li. 'I he ili- ile.-nu-. Ritut truht for its enlerpil-e in Ihis lii-t.inif. i'.tery member hit l.ibnifil e.iiiicetly In tnriil-h the ihiiith with lit,ht i i- now (heir ititetiticti to h.tte Itht pnL In the pii,-on.i.'e. 'I he 1 1 tb-t intnibein aie 11-. f.ll(iv ?: Itet. II. A. tinuie, teacher .mil prr.-nknl: Mi. 'llioinn M.utiti, lieaiiner; Unitic I'llli, s'Cielaty; Jle-M-. hllas Kttinlile, llciheit Itonrn, William Ainlet-oti, .lu-i ph t'o, ltulurtl N.ij In, .lohtt llolsale, Ilow.inl Ki(.t-, William ll.'bb-, William ills iliniiitjiii, 01 htepheii-on (licit, it 111 ot piiiiimuiila, '"-' I'll l'o. ol Unite ,-lnet, i- 6iilunly ill wilh iin.ifh'. at hi- home. Mr. Iiithl 'littis hi- ri-isneil hi, oflke ,n llit.-ne I i.' the P. J. ihnnli. Many Stores Combined Jonas Long's Sons. Many Stores Combined I W Ml 11 IK NONA GOING ON The importance of this Great Ribbon Sale cannot be measured by the quantity large as it is it will not last many days. But rather would we measure its importance by the fact that this great offering comes at the opening of a great ribbon season. This fact plus the fact that the goods will be sold at from a third to a half off former prices will serve to impress you with the importance of this great trade movement. Would you know the facts regarding this great sale?. The following letters, exact copies of the originals, will tell you all about it . oiiit'c or I'ASSAVANT & CO., New York. Hot ;,, lliniich P. O. ,'itntloii A. Nhw York, March 7th, 1901. GENTLBMEN : We desire to inform the former patrons of the Patcrson Ribbon Company that Messrs. A. &: M. Levy, corner of Green snd Spring streets, have this day purchased the entire stock of the Paterson Ribbon Company. Yours truly, PASSAVANT & CO. A. & M. LBVY. Importers and Manufacturers of RIBBONS, Corner Oreou Spring bt reels, Few York The entire Ribbon stock of the Paterson Ribtfon Company consisting of the Blue Cross; 690 Satin and Gros Grain Ribbon; Pattern 650 Satin and Gros Grain; Pattern 275 Taffeta Fancies; various kinds ol Black Goods. Sashes, etc., will be offered for sale by us. Mondav, March 11, at extremely low figures, in our salesrooms, corner of Green and Spring streets. A & M. LEVY. Need we say more about this great sale ? Except that all widths and colors are here, fncluding black and white, and that the sale will continue all this week. It is hardly necessary to remind you that those who come early will get the best selections. Extra Quality All Silk. s?iitln and CSros (Sruln. AVItltli No. 1. prlto lo. :i yard, or HV. a jiitH'o. "Width No. I1 j. iitki' L'f. 11 .Mini, of ir.f. ii ploTi'. (Former pi'leo to. n yard, or u3c. ii piece.) Width So. L'. price 4c. n yard, or :J0c. ii piece. (Former price (If. a yard, or 43c. a piece.) "Width No. .1, pi Iff ,V. a. yiuil, or ;:,"o. a piece. (Former price "e. a yard, or GZc. a piece.) AVidth No. n, price 7c. a yard, or .'Uo. a piece. (Former price 10c. a yard, or flOc. tt piece.) "Width No. 7, jirlt e Oe. a yard, or 7."c. a piece. ("Former price llie. u yard, or $1.00 a piece.) "Width No. fl. price lie. a yard, or $1.00 a piece. (Former price l.'c. a yawl, or si.:i." a piece.) Width No. lii. pi ice ir,e. a yard, or $1.15 it piece. (Former price 20c. a yard, or $1.90 a piece.) Width No. Hi. price 17c. a yard, or $1.23 a piece. (Former price, 2.1u. :i yard, or $2.1,". a piece.) Width No. 22, price l!ic. a yard, or t.1.,'0 a piece. (Former price 30c. a j aid, or $".SC a piece.) Width No. 10. pi ice 2le. a yard, or $1.75 ii piece. (Former price ::Sc. a yard, or $3.50 a piece.) Width 3 inches, price 27e. a yard, or $2.25 a piece. All Silk Taffeta Ribbons Width 1 and l!i inch, 5c. a yard. For mer price, Oc. AVidth l' and 2 Inch,, 7c. a yard. Former price. iSc. Width 2'-.. and :: inch,, inc. a yard. Former price, lSc. AA'iillh :i',i and 1 inch., llie. a ard. Former price, 22c AA'idtli i'j Inch., 15i a yard. Former price, "jOc. Width ii Inch., 25c. a yard. Former in Ice, 45i'. 1.1NKN HACK" BLACK VKLVKT UIHBON. Sold by the piece only. No. 1 2m: Former price, B5c. No. V.U "Oc. Former price, 40c. No. t',4 ::5c. Former price, 4ji. No. 1 1-:! ioc. Former price, 55c. No. I'.i !. Foimer price, 60c. No. l!!i 50c. Former price. 7i Sold by piece or yard. No. 2 7c tt yard, or COc. a piece. No. u',j Se. a yard, or 75c. a piece. No. 5 10c. a yard, or .'l.'c. a piece. No. C 12c. a yard, or $1.10 a piece. All Satin and Or os Grain Ribbons AVidth No. 2, "c. a yard, or 25c. a piece. (Former price, inc. a piece, or 5c. a yard.) Width No. 7, Cc. a jard. or 50c. a piece. (Former prlt e. lile. a piece, or Sc. a yard.) Width No. :i, 7c. a yard, or 60c. u piece. (Former price, $1,110 a piece, or lie. a yard.) Width No. 12, lie. a yard, or 75c. a piece. (Former piltc, $1.20 a piece, or lSc. ti yard.) Width No. 22. l.V. a yard, or $1.10 a piece. (Former price, $1.70 a piece, or lSc. a yard.) Widtii No. 40, 15c. a yard, or $1.25 a piece. (Former pi ice, $1.10 a piece, or 20c. a yard.) Width No. 60, l!ic. a yard, or $1.50 a piece. (Former price, $:,'.25 a piece, or ::."ic. a yard.) Extra Quality "Double Faced Black Satin Ribbon, .n,9c. a yard. (Former price, !Se.) Fancy Coided Talfetii Ribbon, width Slain., 9c. a yard. (Former price, 15c.) It's All Over Now Our Fire Sale. - Hut tu kcop the BUSINESS POT A-BOILIN And liven up shoe buying. We make a special JONAS LONG'S 50N5. ft pflK WfMi H Jw Easter Offering Our LCastcr Shoes arc as pretty as the blaster flowers. The world will blossom in SPRTXG SHOES on Easter morning. Our new foot wear is ready. Everything that good dressers want is here. Our new shoes are marvels of beauty not a laic style escapes tis. ooooooooooooooooo o THFATRIfAl o Mia a iBTMiaua OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Nerve Slavery, It i-, present-day conditions heaping burdens of work upon the nervous system that tells the story premature breaking up of health. It tells why so many men and women, who so far as age in years is concerned, fhould be in the prime of health, find them st Ives letting go of the strength, the power, the vitality tliey once possessed. It is be-citi'-e that great motor power of the body, nere force, is impaired. Every organ de pends upon its controlling power just as much as the engine depends upon the steam to put it into action. An engine won't go without steam, Neither will the heart, the drain, the liver, the kidneys, the stomach act right without their proper nerve force supply. Let any organ be lacking in this essential and troubles begin some of them are Throbbing, palpitating heart. Sleepless nights. Sudden starlings, Morning languor. Hraln fag. Inability to work or think. Exhaustion on c.teitlon, Flagging appetite. Digestion slow. Food heavy. Easily excited, nervous, irritahla. Strength tails. Loss of flesh and mustular powor, Settled melancholia, Utttr despondency, A picture, hideous, but easily changed to one of brightness by use of Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve l'ills. They build up the nerves and supply nerve force. The above is the genuine package of Dr, A. W. Chase's Nerve Tills, are sold by dealt rs or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Company. Buffilo, N. Y. Pike 50 cents. ATTRACTIONS TODAY. ACAWr.MY Ol Ml'hll lior Ton Stoik ium. uut. M.ititio .itul inlit. 'At Piney Ridge." , rooiI sin',) auilinnco at ilie l.jcoiini I,it night i-atv "At l'nic.v Itltlce." .1 play tvliirli ileal- in It li Hip in Kentucky. Tim Mniy of the pliy is of fttionpr inteit'Kt anO logically tl'evclopeil. A Itculctl by flat id IligRlin and teoiRi.t U.tlilron pretenteil (lit- diam.t in a most m-cllcnt injimrr hit niulit. .Mr. UieKins lias an tasj, mtinal iticlliod U inot etTectlve and Miss W.ililron ,"c .1 tciy discirct interpre tation of the diHIcnlt nils of 'Ciinl.v Lane, The play Is in four acts and the Macinc and inotintinir is excellent, A Splendid Repertoire. It i- lun-Uti'iit with good lniilness polley for eteiv llti'Jtrli'al manager i.tlerliiu to the iniiii;,s wants, to ii-e hii ntiiio-t imhIimmus, legaiillesa of ttln iialnral furllfiiitloii, to secure only such )li- ami othiT tealnres to lie otTcied for the cntiil.iiiiincnt of hi- patioit- os ttill he lie-t siiilrd In all il.i-.eit. As the wurld is made up o iei'ili: Iiivnn; dims ta-trt. and opinion'!, It llteii'fnii' lieltmites a niaiiaiier lo ecrei-e hi teiy het jtnlgnieiit in Iho i-tleelioii of iliamatii and tpiclaltv featnre.i, tthiili an lie-t ralt'iilairil tu pleju fioin eight lo tit ten tllireietit andlentes lit one with. 'litis Mjinger Will II, Mri, who iiir.senls the Mtllo Iti'tn .'tteis rniiipan.v at the Academy lieu week, fcil, tltl he ln, alter . tcr.v dili ent M'aith inionp: the atients 01 both thtt An-ctj. tan uml Kutope.m tlraitutUtu, aitoiniilihlicd, in ricniing modem up loil.tte pla.tK and ,1 few ol the inut popular old ones, us will o urn li.v the fullottiiu IUI; "l.ltlle I'liitiitlirn." "Tin' htuttaway, "hio Oiphans, Hie While It it," "Mild of the Mill," "Ihe Beggar and t'llltie." "I'ltdii- Two ri.iK" and "IVn Xlnhtt In a lliproqiu." "I'nder Two l'laga' will ho Bit hi Mondiy iiiilinec, l.illlu Iiette app'-aiinc ai (lEiidlf, while at night "lite Slowaway" will he ttlt en, l.ltlle lienc uppcariiig ai rinuky ( '01111(11 1, Don Ton Stock Company. Yfntuday altfinooii for the matinee peiimiu ame at the Aeailcniy of Music ihe Ix'jhiiinn CMliipiny piiventril the nnnatlonal iijiillr.i diain.1, "I lit Mnugglcrs," to a laige uiiiliencc. In the t'tt'lilne the old linullili inelodiania, "The lllatk 1'l.iK," wa pioiiiieed. Mi, Lejliuine In the tli.HJi Iff m Mm l.a wins, the Jew money lender, dill some uiliuli.ilile ueling, an did also illfS i:imna punting In thn tole u Ned, the rahltt hoy, 4 teiy ditlieiilt part to portray, 'llie ict of the coinpany did extremely well, Tlil after. iiotii the pliy to ho preneitti'd U the military rointdy entitled '("Iclljeliutg," and tonight the btrong Ecitt itiuital iiielodranu, "Walts of Nov Yoik will he the ollcrlnff." KINGSLEV, 6iecia to the Scranton Tribuiie. KitiSflOt April a. li. Wagner was summoned to Mount PotutiQ by the illness of Ills father, lie icturiiril .Monda). Mr. and Mi'-s Kail Yeonuns ire oecupjln; rooms In Mi. Moore' home. W. .V. Whitney left Monday for a tm.Incss trip to dinVrtiit plates In New Yoik tate, A. Yun ().-ial?, nf Si!.i.)iiohai)iia, railed on friends lure Mitnla;.. Mti. II. A. lUriuid I oitleally ill at Iter liyino In llitiHI'tii,' )lrr moth. i', Ml.. V. A. lUnunl. m i-ilkd tlitr Wcdni'jdiy, THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. N'ew Y01U, April a. Today was a lecotd ilat in many points on the New Y01U Mock pcliaiiz. Ihe extent and .arict.v of the piice iiiotiiiitiit. rarely if cter, heeii iqualleil in a hull ii'.trUt although the riuniUIIng of pticea in .1 p.nic ha- oei'asionally tailed as wide t .11 lit ions. 'Ihe undttiatinQ; sttieeBa of Ihe ppee11I.1t it e Itnl tis in acltaiicini; priees made them hold to a de gree.' tthiili il Is modeiati: to teini t(i I.Iosmics.:. They hoiight with an iri?paiinx hind thiougli the Mutming at.ilandi'J of o.ierinsa wltldi was hulled tipoi. them upon (ho atiunces and lavMted their it't'Otticts appaiently with an ahldtug tontictioii tltat the astounding me in prices, now m lung tontiiiued wjc destined to go Imli'iluitely it:tlli(r. It eatnut be said that news in tl e milium' ene. hud anjlhlng to do with the cxtiaordiuary buoy anty ot tin. 111.11 !;ct althotigli rtnnois weie plttiti ful and all emliiaiing". It was also a iiiaiked terislie of ihe market lhat the dealings win: heavily predominant In a limited number of MbCM anci nut me titnerai sptcuiaiioii was up ciaively inPtienceil by tho movenicnl of these. Two sloiL- stand out conspicuously cte'.i in the Hit the puce iiioteniciil in tthiili was nston iiliiug lluotijhuut. Thise aic Uelawat. and lltido!i and Itucl; Island. The (miner mop!: was tin cniii-piiiiou- leider of I In eaily Kbutuid from th" f-lisht opening tlcpresioit. Ituinnrs wcip cli -tiilatt'd that u Iw.-e hail bien MhIkiI by whlcli Hip New York (Vutial took rontiol and gii'ir iititetd a ditldend of 7 per eti.t. lot- n jeir and S per (int. annually nftcruaiiK The Hoik was run up an txtiente Jt'ij pcinta tn IHIJ. lloel; Maud was under rathtr eclp piensurL at tin opening and was foned l' tinder last nlglil'd pihe. It was not until late In the day that il .i-i:n:i'l Ihe Uadcritlii;) of Iho m.iiket when it ru.-httl up by lapld stages on tho pun hue of bloiks of thousands ol fch.iie.s lo III, at which print It ili'Ktl nil extrtine rin- trnui the lowest of '"i ptilntii, It Is pot often in the histoiy of stoik maiketa tint Mich a niottimnt is wlliie.ctl in 1 btml; of a lautc lloating suppl.t, .1 laige 1 ipltal iisttt' and the luldlng.s ol whlih are wide. It distributed. Tltete weie kindred movements to ehrwhere, butb 1111101151,1 the l.iaugci.i ami th" C'oaleri". The lni.tini- of (iiangcis tecined In bo tuMd laigely oil gtmial fatorablc ionn. t'ratlutis.laige earnln? powti-ol that gionp of ui1 load etui in late 01 ht .ten's tpung wheat Khoitagc being illed a.s Biting assiniineo against tin otilinary titUsittnles of the uops lo whldi Ihey lino been m n'mllite in Ihe pist, 'i'lie, miiteiiieiit irsiiltcil in un evlii'inn nduiKO nf ?i in Ilurliiiglon, il in St. Paul and nniiln, 3 in Ihe prtferrt'il, :ivt In Voithwrleni, l( in the piefcirtd, V.'h in Si, IVnl and il'v in the pri let I ill. Tlie ll.p lit l.aikawanita was olitlotulv in itmpath) with that in Ddawaip ami Hud-on I 1 mi fMrntieu 10 i,',s, people t lias bctaine scry bitojan lat llie la-t and hw 111 extienie l? m toiiipauy with Hod, Island. MUmiiiiI l'at'ifle was tip : i J and Illinois 1' ;. 'Ilu'te was an riniiiiioiis outit of piutit lakini; dining the tliy nnd only tt few stocks escaped without serious iiiioids upon tin lr best pilccs the reaction ex. ti tiding tu n ninth as ft in Delawaic mid It ml. sun and laige aimmnto in other t lie stoiU. 'I laic uiic some iinporhut clocks width tJiowcd no wide iiinvrivent all illy, tmne of Ihtui ll"-.-ing ut iltillues. 'Ihis Was itnlably true nt thn Bled stwks which were under puictiit all dav and weie liuiilt less attlttly traded in. Total sales today, I,87i1,(im liare. Dealing in botttls weie laige mid the cut kit iiiegular, Tot it falcrf. par alue, J.'t.iWi.OiK). t'nllul States new 4 adtaneed und old t tnupon declined ', per cent. 011 the last cull. The following quotitlotis Tribute by 31, S. Jortlin Utiti building, icrantcn, Pi Open- AiiKliiau Sugar ,.,, Air.eiican Tobacco . Atlli., To. S. Ye . A.. T. & S. Y.. 1'r llrookljn ' taction Kail, ic Ohio IVnt. Tuhacco Ches. k Ohio .lilc. & Ci. W Chic., H. & Q M. Paul Hoik Idand Delaware & lludoii laitkuwjuua Itmi. i fcs., IV Pr It It., IV lion .. Manhattan Kle .... Mil. Ttatliiiii (u .. Misnuini I'aiifip ... N. .1. Cent ml Southern Pacitte ... .N'oi folk & Wettein Ninth. I'.tolfif North. I'.itiltc, V. Y. Cent 1.1 1 Out. & WeM .. Pinna. It, It , Puilllc Mail .. Keading Iteadiug. Pi .. Soutiieiu II. Soiitlietn It. Tenti.. C. .V l'. S. Leather t'. S. Leather, IV ... f. S. Iliiblnr I'niiili I'acilie Union I'.tdfle, Pr ... W.ibash, IV Western Union c. r. 1 People's (Jan Texas Padlie Am. Car roiuidtv ... If. s'. Steel Co I". S. Mecl Co.. Pi- . NHW YOHK whi:at. May COILS'. May . 1a;.-'i ..Hm ..tiiJ-''; ..r.r .. n.u .. -MU .. '' .. " ..H7'i .. :ti,u . Tldj . w i''1" '. -JulS . !'t . .V. . lli . tst'i . i.i ... I-?; ... fni's filtAIN 1 s i.:n'i li.-i's 10 1 'a 117 4U"; .11' a t'S'.i in'-i 1 S"S "i , 'I 8 7ll j OTi 1.1 'i 7ii JDi llllj MIH 11)1 ' tn?; tv, hit; .IS 27 fi; .MAiti; High et. 7-.i Us'.j IBUi 10t' I ',7 10',; :,oi4 t',j fit's 1I7',j .l-.'t 1.1t'i ai'i tilt Trt'4 'Js's 7li lift l.'i's Tl a" m '. fil'.i Ki7';: .",7'i :r, Jsli M BT. Low. ft. 771i l'iD'i Hit's miu 117 lite. .-.t' IIV, us:-; IS''. ts'i 1" i.-.t, '!a .ii 7i-.',i Js',". 7i)i ; lil 1.1 Li's 7ii JO-' I if.5; s-.i', tn in lll'a Its Jill.', t't-'.ii Closing. 47?i nig. .tm .ir. . Mis . Wi . M . Ii . ll'.i . fn-'i . Wii .191 '4 ,m K7TJ ...171 SI7i, are firnlihed 1h Co , romnt 70V7W , Telephone toil; High, how Clos est, est. lug iii'a 1 m?; nits l.'7i 18.1 V.'f-:i i.'Ht r.J'r. ill liuts Jc Nasi, new i ill W'.j tl's s7?i ftl'i lfc.sV mit; 111 IS3 3-JI atHi imti nivi :)i if; 4(e'll iNl'l U7U 17i,5 III.! mj UK lUsi ns t7 Si is-v-i iWi 111 MM ."! 1st; 10 Hi Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of IOO. STOCKS. Tlrit National Uank Scranton Slat lugs Hank ,, Third National Hank Dime Deposit and DU10111 1 Panic,. Economy Light. II. & I'. Co Lacka. Trust Hafo Deposit Co Clark k Ssnovcr Co., IV Scranton Iron Fcnco At Mfg. Co. ... Kcrantor. Axle Works , Lacha'.taniM Dairy Co., IV County Sating- liank & Ti list Co,, I'irst National Hank fCartondalc),. Stundard Drilling Co Traders' National Hank S'uautui Holt and Nut Co BONDS. Scranton Passmger Hallway, flut Mortgage, due 102Q , People's hticct Hallway, first niort. gage, duo 1918 rcoplc'a tittcct Hallway, licncnl mortgage, duo ltljl , Dickson Mantifai luring Co LatU. Township bchool S per cent. City ol Scranton St. Imp. 6 per cent, Kaauton Traction 6 per rent. .,,,. FINANCIAL. NVX"V"V X4V.N' Spencer Trask& Co BANKERS 21 & 29 Pine St., New York. Transact a general banking business; act as Fiscal Agents for Corporations, and negotiate security issues of railroads and other compa nies. Execute commission orders and deal in INVESTHENT SECURITIES Descriptive list of bond offerings furnished on application. Members New York Stock Exchange. Eranch Officas: 65 Stata St., Albany till). Asked. l'JOU 150 ssu 27.1 . . . 46 lot) 125 1U9 IW JO ioo til 143 100 115 ... 113 ... 113 100 I0i Hi li Scranton Wholesale Market. (Collected by 11. O. Dale, C7 Lackawanna Ate.) U'ltter Creamery, old, 'J0i21c. j fresh, 2!'-a 2ii'.j dairy, fresh, 2'Ja.Ue. ; old, 5alk " Clicue Kull civam, lAille, i:gg Wentcru Iresli, 11 to Jli'c,; neaiby ktate, ll'.i to lilic. Ileans Per bu , tholco marrow, K.DJai.CO, IV!. I!eai-Pci bu, W.I5i2.80. Medium Htana-lVr bu., , iOav' i j. tlitiu I'eda Per hti., SI.IOjI.Ij. Onions-1'ei' bu., 1.40al.50. rioqr-Ilcst patent, per bbl., $LbJ. Itetl Kidney Heans"Pcr bu., -JJ.ISa.'.jO. New York Groin and Produce. New- Yoik, Apill :'.--rictir Dull and weaker Willi wheat, HIiMt -Spot hteadyj N'o. 2 ted, We. f. o. b. afloat! No. 2 red, 78c, elcsatoi ; N'o, I liorlheiu Dulutli, M'.V. (. o. h. ailoat; options weak and hcaty all day, ( orn Spot markit Mtak; N'u. 2, Js'.ii, elevator and M'v:, f, n. li. afloat; options c-tpcritntrd a heavy detllnit tin. tier a Kar attack and ilotul weak and 'ale. lower, -;iay cioeii si"f., jui.t, iu',c; .vplcni. hit, toTji'. iai tpot easier, .m. v, uo4c.: .u, 3, Mii'.j No. 3 white, 32',ii.'lif.j Ko, wltllp, S2c.i tratk nilucl western, aOaJllic; track white, 3IWi32f. : ontlons weak ami lower with nun. Ilittlei strong; cieanery, Hlatii'.; factory, 1 la It'.ic; iniltaliun iicaniciy, llalsiic ; ttatit daiij, 1.1 21c. t'ltctsc I'lim; fancy large colored ami white, llalH.c; lancy Miiall colortd, ISe. ; Limy mal while, I.'al2lit' IVk Striiiisi Hate mid l'i litinl.j. l.'iiUllt'.; tloiate ttiKleru. PIV allc: .ieiu liuli. Ulie-.s jo'Jtheiu. Ij'ialvv. Chicago Grain ana Produce. (Imago, Apill 3. Titanic pvtiil.tliD foiees couilialtid bin- .mnl lit 1- in tlic ccieal pits lod.t.t, A llertn attaik by the bear .untliigcnt t'Oip. pelbd a j-Ii.ii li dcilitti' in all the gtaitts. long lid by Phillips Mjlluid w:tcitly. Phillips un loaded heatily In tlie wheat maiket hut held to corn ami oats which Jio is credited Willi ion tiolling. .May wheat iloscd I7ia2c. lowci; Ma.t i "in lTe. down and .May oat iT''. tlepuj'sril. PiotbioiLs closed I7!ic. h'ghci to I.iO, bmei C,i,.li iptotalioits wile ,ts IuIIowa: I'Ioui -Lai.t N'u. tl ti.riil wht'.it, 7Ja7P.ic,; No, 2 led, 7!' 7l't.; No. 2 tout, tie.; No, 2 yellow, lie.; N'u, 2 oali-, 2'l's'.i N'o. 2 white, J'tu'WUc; N'o, : wlille, 279a'.'ii', ; N'o. t! r,tr, 5JaUsc; good feed lug bailey, ttir,; lair to choke malting, Uli.'.o. , No. I Has- keed, t.AI; N"o. 1 nuithwettcin, M."'"; plimc tintotliy nieil, iSI.IVi; inest putk, l.0..',i.i 1.1.10; laid, sw.was.t,2',(.; sltotl libs, ilin, MJ.i 8.(1.1; dry r.iltnl shouhlprs, oliati'jc ; tdiort ceJl bides ifS r,0,t8,W; whiskey, .s,27, Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Apill 3,-Caltle-Hfielnla, I7,iW, In t ltiding :(! Tc.ans; hteaily Id mini lumbers' Hoik and Te.ins, t.tioug; good tu pilittp tteeif, s1ii!; poor lo liiediuui, I.ISltl.lHl; kiicI,u ami llrilil , bliougii,,;j; mwb, s.'.75j. In; hoilm,, .Miil.iiOi raunrrs, .ir tis,-, utle lin.-l.ii, fUi.7i; bulls, slioitg, 'ri.'ial. II; caltes, slow, L7.1lti.2n; Tesas fed uleels. top .sjlcsi. $1.",a5.2.1; Tcsas grass tteetd. linn, Si. 50a I; Texts bulls, ilung, .'.(Ail. llogsllecupis todiv, vi;,(W; tciuorrow, m,UO; estimated Icfl ncei, 2,J(l); ncaily steady; lop, oVtu; uilsnl and hiilihei,-, K'-ts'-iti-l''1! goO'l to oltolte hcaty, il,(lii0,''0. rough luaty, o,fi0.iil; light, '..6"u0,0; bulk of K.iK'0, iaU.I2!i. Shecii Hetei its, 11,000; tm. sleaily tu fctrong; lamlm, steady; good to choiie wcttcrii, iniltiding pspoil, .sLDOa.Vili fair lo chotci) itiKed, fcl.ntU.1; wcstein blteip, linjltnliiis export, $I.U0aV20; jeailings, l.tHXt5.2.V, iutic laitilis, VI.7Sj3.IO; western lambs, HI New York Live Stock. N'ltv York, Apiil :'. IHetVs llccelpli, 2,-lH, tutl, .ViJOc. lotttr; bull), neatly;, i-aticr orept lat stock, fteuf, SI '0.i.'i..':i); fat oxen ami ilags,, bttllb, isJal.25; tliolte and ex port, do.,; tutu, ?!aj.'i0; ehtiitc fat, do., Ial.f.1; cables tritk weak foi lite tattlt. hhecp-btcjily; exports, '177 cattle and is,tii) quaittn of beef, CaWtsltecclpts, I.QU.I; steadv lo 25o. luwci; ej, Kli7,J0; mainly, i5i7.2i'; Utile taltfi. f.Ui.W. sheep and l. tuiM-ltc ceipts, I0,2(i0i sheep, jteiuly; lamiu, 0c. op;, la5.'.'l; cull., S-I.M; lambs, VVojUaoJJ; one car, M.U1; lulls, irl.7-1; i lipped lainlts, .".a e,70; irlug lambs, ! 0a7. llogs-Rciclpts, I ('l; llrm at iW.13aO.IO. Buffalo live Stock. i:t Uuftalo, April 3.-Catlle-Itecelpt. a can. nut kit lairly good and demand bteadt : icceipt.-, calttv, about 10 hfjdj top teals, $747.50. sheep and latnlu-llccelpt, SS tin; Uiiibs, tjtcilce lu extra, Vi3a1.50; sheep, tliolco to culia, iM.fMi 5.10. logs-lte'elpt, IS c.ri goml to choice oiktu and light medium, HI 'J0..IJ.25. S "x It's Our Bi rthdav Wc a iv yoin.c tu v't'li'lji'ate it bv lioliliug an ANNIVERSARY SALE (,'oiiunenciiig loday we arc goiii- tu ask our friends to join its in celebrating- the anniversary of our first year's business' in Scranton. Everybody is invited to join in our jubilee. We shall have no brass band or fireworks to celebrate the event, but we miiall hold a six-days' sale and give our patrons ' JiAKGAIXS in -.hue leather that will make ibeni wish vc bad several ueli 'ales every year. NEW PRICES ON NEW GOODS c THE WORLD'S BEST." For Men All ."i.OI) and ii,(IO Shoes and Oxfords l.STi All 1.00 Shoes and Oxfords ...I. .'.yio All :i.00 and ::.."0 Shoes and Oxfords "J.00 and S.50 All J.00 and '-'.50 Shoes, and Oxfords 1.50 and t-'.Oil For Ladies All 5.00 and 11.00 Shoe.-, and Oxfurtln 1.00 All 1.00 Shoes and Oxfords .'.00 All .'1.00 autl .'i.50 Sliocs and Oxfurds U'.OO and 'J.S0 All L'.OO and L',50 Shoe.-, and Oxfords 1.50 and 2.00 There isn't space enough in this paper to itemize. All we ask is a visit. You will be glad you came in, and so shall we. Lewis, Ruddy, Da vies & Murphy 330 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton. . 4'