mrnw,- ummm kwpiwi-i n t. ' uymi' ' 1 1 ... V . . ! i- r "v 4 c THE SC1UNTON TRIBLiNJiTHDlSJ)AY, APRIL 4, 11)01. WEST . SCRANTON HOOKS HORSES RAN AWAY KEPT PERMANENT MEN, CH1EE . AND OTHEKS BUSY. - House Doors Were Opened Bofotc the Firemen Could JItuneHs Them to the Tmrk New Y. W. C. A. Rooms Fmiernl of R.iy Evnns. Novel Ruinningc Sale Conducted at. the Home of Mrs, Byron Evnns. of Eomtconth Street Other Matters of Oenernl Intel est. When the Hie nlaim ui. linm-il in from box :is. tit an curly hmir .venti'i' fluy mo nil tip, then; wns cinsU'rnutlon In tin- Hook mid l.utlilcr coniimuy'H mini lets tin West'ki.wunii.i avenue. .As .Moan as lite tlnee itoM'.'M weie pi leased, from tbelr ft ill !y .h" i'Ipc tile'iipiillnnce iip"r,ili-. the 1 j'ii , the tiont doori v-;i 1 ilno iinenert md the liot'hiiH ilas1 e ir ill" .-tteet. When Peiimiiieiu men May, rimtitn anil Stoiuluiuii'i' reaehed the tiin-k frmii their sleeplir.. iipin titl-Mili liny wro piikkIciI tn Ijikiw litiu- l lie "! ill dnnrp Mel" miein l, and mule .nxifitl' I'lUii'ri'Mltm the i,p!i 't'c'iliniit.- of tli-i llul '(". All lliillt'-ililiio 'ii!eli Mil-; iiimle, anil ih" liio ill" :m;. v.-'M- ,K omeieil nnniilim iikiiiih! in ill" Icm Itv nf the .Ml. I'lc.isiint wn.iliery. I''rulll llleie they weie ela.ei up !n liuliliiMin street, mill iii-a a1" I'lilef Xizlenian ntv aseenillni; the 'et. l-ieliiiuiinnn avenue lill. the bocei (hf-lieil hy li 1 tn at a (minus rat". Alenn tllll" th" sei' lees nl' UolIti'lllUlt Wil liams and a siiuail nf intrnlinen won enlisted In imttii Inir Ih" fleeting ulti ma Is. Mill lite otlieeis vi;i e too heavy tii l;erp tiji with the anhiialr! and had to iili.iiitliiti the elias . When the i hlel le.ulinl III- lop fif ihe hill he (IM.ineed the Hunk's Inii""' Jttul al C'laike Bmw' stiifp swum? his ulilt aiiiiiud and Mii-reeilril In uitn liiH tlte nnliiiiilv intn the diiveway In the ivar nl' 111" ilflMltmellt Sidles, Thete the iieitnaiient nii'ti and paltnl inen iMiiKlu litem jind nfterwatds re funiMl theni tu theli- iittariers. The Cnltinitiins and Franklins. In the. mean time, hail Ntineulslied the ll.imes. For a Public Meeting-. Air.nmenieiils ate lieinp made fur i Jfl intr ! pttlilk- mooting- next Satur day owning hi St. David- or Meat' lii.ll. fur ilio purpose "f obtaining: -in f.xpresslen nl' sentiment ninong- Hie loter.i of "W ,-t Si r.mtou r-lutlvo tu ABOUT THIS TIME JXOK OUT FOR f COUGHS i and colds TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. Ladies5 Fashionable Apparel for Easter It's worth something to know that you could uot, if you would, buy an old style garment in our Cloak, Suit or Wa;st Departments, for we have uot such a thing in stock. Our New Spring Suits For Ladies' and Misses' Wear, are made up from the best and most popular cloths of the season, in a full range ot shades and mixtures. The styles embrace all the best ideas. Ktou, Norfolk and Box Jacket Suits, with all the ct ceteras and extra fiuishiug that particu lar buyers, accustomed io the best class of work only, demand, while the prices are much lower than the same class of goods can be had for in New York or Philadel phia, where a few houses strive as we do, to attain to perfection in ready-to-wear garments. A Beautiful Line of Eton Jackets In Silk, Cheviots and Broadcloths, ate well worth a look. They are haudsomc and really moderate iu price ladies' Dress Skirts for Spring u ; , Reflect the correct fashions of the hour and are so va ried in style that description is impossible. All the new cloths, and the best makes aud colorings in Taf feta Silks are represented, Prices, $25.00 to $1,50, Ladies' Smart Silk Waists Iu every good shade, color combination aud good weave, All sizas, to lit any figure, and a multiplicity of de signs and styles that is simply bewilderiug. -cv See Our new line of Ladies' Silk Waists, iu fashiouable leading styles, A really matchless value at. i MMIMM IMIKMI MiMMtlt Globe Warehouse the iipopliituiont of a Judge for tin rcinninn pIpum court, to Mil the vacan cy raiiped by tho appolnltnent of Judge AiolitiuM tu the Federal court of tho Allddlt! dlHlrlet. It Ik m !' it tton-partlMUi nipellm; mid ollh'.pns Ki'tionilly are ItivltPd tu join In tho iiu'11iik. 'I'lio unities of th" speakers and oth"t' details P'r talnlnir to tint R.itheiltiK will he an nounced Inter."' Y. W. C. A. New Rooms. The Ynniiff Wiimen s (.'InlHtltiii if froclallcm have (liken on a new lease of lite and moved to new iiuaiipts n. block south of Ihelv oIjI iiiinrlers. The ronltiK a iy well adapted tu th" upciIh of the association and the pimiioterH believe they 'Will piollt by I he elliitmo. The work Hint the nssoelallon Is doing mid bust done speaks volume fur Its usefulness, and while the work rops merrily on, the friends of the pio motors should tin! rotsret thai moii"V In needed In curry on the work. Con tributions may be pent In to any of the membcis. who will apply tho same In the proper manner. The studios of Itovelatlon hy I to v. (ieorse Alilch will be continued till" afternoon at 1 o'clock In the rooms. All women at" Invited to enloy thorn? clear pi esea tn linns of piophecy. The Saturday evening gospel service will be led by .Miss Kllza J'ricn. iiua i lal iniisle, Novel Rummage Snle. Mrs. Ityron J Ivans, of Fnuiieeiilli stipei. Inaugurated what might be called 1 1. "home rummage sale"' on Tunpdii evening, at her residence, when she entertnlnod a number of peo ple. Some time ago I he joutig women of the Plymouth Congiegiitlonal church i ueh pledged tlietnselve.-i to raise a dollar each towards the church fund, nnd .Mis. lCvans conceivnl the Idea of having her friends rummage through a collection of toys, which ueie sold nl n nominal price. r'ake anil.lonionaile weio also suld. A sood siim was i enlisted. Funeral of Ray Evans. I!e. Thomas de Oruchy. D. I)., pas tor or the Jackson Stieot Raptist church, officiated at the funeral of the Into Hay Kvnps yesterday afternoon. The services were held al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mat hews, on South Ite bi cca avenue, interment was made In the 'Washburn street cemetery. The pull hearers and llowcr beaters veto Robert Thomas. "William Mnlhews, William Fletcher. James Smith. Anthony Pender. Thomas .1. Mathews and Joseph Griffiths, Events of This Evening. A regular meeting of the ltobort Mortis lodge of Jvotltes will be held this evening, after which a social se--sJon will be held. Vocal and instru mental numbeis will be tendered, speeches will be made, cigars pasbod, and lelroshmonts served. The choir of the First "Welsh TSaptist church will meet in the cliuich this evening to rehearse Easter music and transact other business. St. Patrick's Ladies' Irish Catholic $5.00 Ilenovotent union will meet im regular M-salon this evening in the rooms of tit.'a Untliillon, on North Jlnln nvenUe. The Stolon Taylor sister IoiIrc will meet (his evening In tho Voting Men's Institute hull, nn Norllt Main avc tine. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. A ibiip.liltr of I' .l.itno ll.tit. nl t.n 7,tlip Mircl, tier mill Imlly huMoiI nil ili'le die hy boiling vwitfr. Allen 'Hi.ijim' won t Itv i.iliicni nltli tld.rl .Vo. Ili.n'il wlili li u.ii i In nil .it Unwell k ll.uilV r.' ilon1 mi Moml.i.v cvinlnir. I).'. .1, .1, ltrcnti.ili. ot .l.irl.mii ilirct, "Hoc re fill l.i I'tiPMl'Vl nil .Mm Dill Ui ll, nf l.uretnc Kllort, tfionll,'', . lirt u Inilly tun lint in tin loin mine mini time i'im. 'Hi" ilerlnr Rt.ifleil tlif sl,lii f i mil Hie jnieic: 111,111V n i til tu nnUte burn'il Irom hl Ir. I.ilu.11" Alii M .lolir. cf -nntt M.iln lurintr, l Imii'f (intn Viilo di:' tin' l!.ilcT liollil.IV. .Inliii, of Truth flutl, N iTporlcd to lie nt'ltn xUl ill llN I.CKir. Althiir Klo'HO. n( I'ltllnli. Irtintii'il loim fl'.lil 'l Mt Willi t. I.. KlrKC, i)( XntMl l.ltl lulu nvinuo. MIm I oil In An', of Soulli Lincoln aviimc, H vMtinc i.lmiU in T)ii,illr. Jh. Mr. llivlil li.ivl', (f .tnrlisnii lrn.t, li.uv nJiiriKil tiniiii' fioni ii l!t to lulmlli. A tliiiolitir li.n lirrn liotn to Mr. .mil MtK. Oil. i nr I'rlfp. nt Ninitfr jiimilo. .Mr. ,Ni'llli It. iMi,ive, of 1 1) tip I'.nl. .nriiiic, U rniiv.ili'filtp uftrr -i long Mw of llip pilp. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Dr. Donne's Buggy Struck by Street Cnr Tuesday Evening Tho New Bank. TiiptIi r. niiii; almiil S.liO wlillp lir, William Doinii' iliilnn alotn; North Jtiin .aipmir. nenr IMm 'trrct, on tils way to a patient's hoit'p. dp wo struck hy an oiil-lioiinil street ir, Hliith lmlly iIjiiuki'iI hi buggy luid threw the tloctof anil lil-t iliiii;liter out. TIip ilnflnr mi Imilly shaken up, hut not. cilimsly iniureil, ultllc lih iliiielHsr receiveil a fpalp wouiul iiml miiiII MrJti'liM nrnuinl tho (ace. Al her homo she suffered wllli lienmrrliaBrs all nlslit, but Is now restlmx eanily. 'tin: ior-,e is tlnown ilown antt lecpivetl a seveio cut on its lee. Tlie New Bank. A ili.irt.'t will he gr.inleil the fllteentli oj tlili moulli lo tlio N'orlli Cnil S,linp;s, wltirh hi? lieen orcanlpil for some time. At a meet iiig of Hip Mrx'klioliloid Tuesday cienlnff n oom mitcp was appointed to arrange for the opening, which will t,iUc ilace a 80un as the charter is grained. Till haul; will he lnp.iled on the first floor of the Auditorium building in a neatly fur niMiril loom. ' , The Stars Won. 'I lw Noiih Ihid Stats won auothtr ejiup of hi-ket lull Tue.-diy oicninp fiom the Wet Side I'.itiiot, 'I lip s'lno was i slow one. f 1 out stilt to (lni'li, the Wit s-iilc boss not lioltnr quick onouph for Hip M.ii.. The m'oic was 'Ji to ij in f.nor of the M.i is. Nubs of News. "Our I'," a heiutilul patiiotic caul.ila hy I'rofi's'or Root, will bp jjien in the near futuic Iy Hi': choii of Hip Mpmorijl ihutdi. A re heirsdl was held Iticsihy priilnc and another will lie held 1'rid.iy pirnine. All Hip n;crs and imbe-tra ire loipieAtPil to bo present. On Wedni'Mljy, April in. the members of the Memorial chinch will ffivo one of their popular snciil.-., wh"n the -Ilk oiiiluoidrrcil quilt lus lipcn on phibition in tlip .-diim wiuduw of Wil li mi Cliippell's note will be dinned olf. A .sjered will be alien this rienins in the l'io idencp Methodist Kpispopal chineh. A imiled ilioir nf fifty or ninre will be heaul duilns the eienimj. .Ioslni.1 .lolin, the fiiotlto tenor i-incor. .tml other well known oi.i,il will '.in,;. 'Ilic i.mljli i-. under Hip iliirelion of lrofiof .i. II. t'oii-in-., tlte cluinh h"ii-lpf. IVici Ili-iuy. uf (.teen -llul, a sttidint at rriiucton collejjc, i -pending hi Kapler i.u.i tion with liio pal cut-. Itev. It. I,', f.iiiilh, the newly appointid pi-lor of Die llncli'h Iljpti-I chiiu h. has nimid his fiinily fioin llciwick inio the new piunuiyi on Oik -.licet. A luge hole in the middle of IVcM. MjiI.pI sited, near Majne .uinuo, has caused nnny innicts during the week tn lueik (he s-piins; on their wacon-. '1 lie stint eomnn i-n-i- sliuuld sen ih it this is immediately attended to. The luneiil of .loot ph. th" L'-.i car-old ..n of Mi. and Mi-. Mirtin .- Iilaw-j-ir. of Itobett jie nue, took place .le.lctday alteinoon til U.f'O o'duck. Inteiiiient wii made at Diinmoio cenie tei.i. Mi. Mllimi ltnd?p. uf I'.nkir "tieel, entei tihieit her plum-. Mi. and Mi". liM Lie, of I'likiille, duilns Hie wcel.. Mi. and Mi". Mots.iu I'. Lewis an lejoitim; omt the ot a ,ii. DUNM0RE DOINGS. Tonight's Entcrtninment at the M. E. Church Appointments Made Under the Erie Regime. 'loinuhl at tlic MilhoUi"! i hutch an riitiitalmmiil will h iou by a coiubiiiatiini ,,f Ilium.' ami toiii;.ii talent I'.l.ibontr pitjiatalioi'" li..iu been liivlo and it i- pspei led that Hit al tiil will idile all pieiioii" I'lk'it-. 'tin' inlcilalmneiit will begin at S "Mi'i.k aud .111 .idiiiivh u ICo m 1 5 tent" will be dialled. J't.u tulinwiii'a; piiMiaiuiuo will be iciidcTid: I'iino, "M..11I1 'liliiitiihali'",.rnif. lhni'."t Hut. ml I ult liotti", "I ct Hip Hill" and Vales Itoouinl,' idioir llfel, "I Wandeiid ill UhMIU"," .Mr. and Mi, .lutin William. Malidijiln Sdo Vital IMlde Malo VuJildti, "lliillitr,- A..ns," , i;tiiei"in .il, "C.iplltc" i:i,i I'owtdl .-'olo, with Male (,iiinti'tti,'"lih Vn,ir e," llulo pail. MiiKeii, lli'uiiiiiir, "Violin r.nil.ik,i ' Mae .id (Mi I'.MIT Sl.l.dXIi. V1n.1l Join, 'i,, l.ull.ihy" IMllMlil Heitit.ii: lluby Vn"l. Male (iiiaitcltii. "Ill, -.ill I, lie Tint f.iad.ib," tulbuiii NiIh, "Wdeuine ('I, h I'lliiuii"!'." Mi", .lulu. Witlums Male luid, "ulil 'I lamp-." Hud, "O. Toll 1 ,, Mm llliil.." Misdamra WIIIIjiii. ,iu, I.uji,; Il.iuble Mali i;u.iitrlti', "liuriw.idilv Uoit Nine," l.'Vl;inll" Anthein, "( 1'or a IhuiMitil 'Inueuei lo 'Iur," I IilIi Eiie Appointments, ""liplu-ti O'llcnuell ami .I11I111 Mif.lnur lino been appointed tleik wdvhni.nict al No. 1 ami No. .1 1-11.111. of'tlin IViiitujIrjiili Coal company, Ktj(cllt(ly. Stoie Company Beovgnnizes. 'I l,f rplou tadi Mine, limited, t,js iim.m. ied cu Monday, ', 1). Manlcy and J. . Mude, t.'lli.d, ami in their plan; 1 ainu Henry Itinkp, ii be linn of lluikv ,V lilllli;jii, who"!' hinine. Im1 t'nioit noio lia .ilnurueil. 'Iho p.iitneiilp Is now lloiau, Sw lit a. Iluil.e. The srnloi Manhv wa In liiiiiipw In iuu. niuie for iut. ,1. '. Jtanley, Ids 1.011, cJitii' Into the film a few 1e.11, nyo. Boiough Brevities, l uarles II O'llo.ile, dhtriit of ibc ilelall Clerks' l'lotecliie .iMiuiallon, irxmUiil .1 Utnporaiy In jikIi hvie on Monday nllil, when A GREAT SURPRISE U 111 loir for nil who u-e Kni,'. H1I11111 fot the ' and laui,v, the en-jl cuatanlcoil ItiijCily Would oii lic'licio Hut It U sold on ils'inelllj a I'd n ihii,'i,"i,l Is .mlhoiUed by the I'lopileinr ol lids wonderful ifiiiidy to Kite ou v (.auipie bclile flee? li lie 11 fill, In cure acute or ductile toujhf. All tlrub'fUU tell Kemp's lliliim. 1'iUu lit. yud iac nhout thlrty-lhe were present, 'rliomis Manley was flioscn temporal' rhalnnatt and .lolin (lllll' Run tempoMty lectotitfy. They Mill tuect next 'lifd.iy cienlnB; Dial petnunciitly miratilc. .lolin McMMfIi Jr.. ol No. 7, Is rotillnetl lo hU hoino stiffcilus: from .1 dlrloeiitcil houldcr at Hie tcsult n a fall estilclay. V, II, llaK. it IliiiMuiic, was a Mcllov Jcs lenlay at H0.1.1I Tatlh' on HULrly treet. I!. W, Itishop and .I. t , Mnffalt luvc teliitneit Innil business tilp to New' Yotfc. Mi. John llowley, ol llitdley street, w,w ye lenliy railed to tinier, X. ,!,. on account ot the sudden ileith of her tunilier. ittt. Atlliur (Mlatii yestinlay teluined to her liotno In I'm I .linlii itllei a lll ol sevetal days In town. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Meeting of James Council Lodge ot Odd Fellows Lieutenant Zang's Experience with a Live Wire. Iho .l,imi (.omicll lodge. No. ITU, linleprndrtit Outer of Odd t'ellowi. mil In leijular session last pvtnlnif al rriiilmi'ii lull ami 11 committee was iippoliiltd to nuke nnp.ary iiirangetiients for the install it Ion of otlheis uml a batupieL ulileli will be held on April 10. - Tlio oHhetn to he llistnlled ire! I'ast piand, Joint M, II.i"klnsj nohlo Kiatnl, 1'icil V. lto.i'i lleo, Itohcrl, W. Scott! sot rctary. A. I,iilt; nsaldtant secretin, Ultillcs A. Stono! treastinr, L'h.irle.s A, Kueslerj ivpicscntiitlvc to BMiid lodfre, Louis li. Seliaulz. It Was a Live Who. Mciileiiant J'cter Zanit had au ccpci1iiirI.v im. pleasant expeilenen about 2 o'rloclc yesterday inninlic while making his tounils on Cedar ae nue. Oppositp thp f. Hohlnson residctipp lip notlecd n lit i" wile laylnp on the sidewalk. He took hold of It to put it out of the way and before, he knew what happened ho found himself on Hip Hi'ound. fortunately, he wore rubber boots, or Hip shock might hair killed him, for it waa a. Hie wire. Patrolman Sailor, who was in the nciphborliood, s.iw tins llculenant fait nnd came tn his as"lst mice. Lieutenant Ziiiir was uninjured with the inception ol 1 few vllght btu!".. Newsy Notes. The St. Aloyslns society will inrel this eleil inir at rtiann.ipy 1 1 n 11. TIip Fourteen Friends will meet in the Hotel Ilest'ii parlors tonlKht. The members of Lackawanna camp, No. S717, Modern Woodmen of Amcile.t, will meet ill regular session this elenins :it Hartman's hall. Holy Thursdiy serileei will lie held in St. Mary's and Xt. John's this eicnliig, rommencing at 7.30 o'cloclr. Moltko castle, So. 2tW, Knishts of Hie Cohlen Kagle, will meet In monthly n'iun tills evening in l'ruelian's hall. (iREEN RIDGE. The Home and l'oielcn MN-ioutiy m, lety ot the Asbury .Methodist KpiMopal oliureh will meet at the home of Mrs. Edwin V. Pilcp, 1.MJ. Mon toy aiciiue, tins afternoon al -.!.f.O o'clock. A 1 01 dial welunie is rvtct.ilril to ill. IIip woik of ftirniiliii'K tlir new clnh house of the (.'reen Itidco AViirelnien was complctid Tup" day and ciiOlhiuc; i" now in place except the pool ar.d billiard (able?, which have not yet irriicd. Deputy Constable T. S. Hutflinc haR ruon ai pointed constable, lice Cl.arlui V. Ncack, rt kiencd. In connection with the miwion.iiv serikes now bolus held in Hip Grrrn Ridce I'reshiteiian oiuuih tlie Mcraiiien-. of the lord's supper will lie Jdmlnl-tired this morning at t' o'clock. 'Iho antra il flection of ntficei of the (ircrtt I'tdge Wheelmen's dub will take place at the clul) bouse Tue.-day eve inner. April U. llany Von Moich, whu'e aim vsw Brrinu-ly rni"lied at the Uie'.son Monday lat, hid tint member amputated osteid.iy at the Hahnemann hospital. At a lfRiilar meeting of Oreen Itidzc camp, Modem Woodmen of Ameiica, K"t eienin', seven Lai'didites were initiated and clcicn piopo-i-tions for incinlcir1il icoeiicd. The ladies of th? Green Ridge W'omcn'n Cl.ri t i.111 IV'iiperanep union, will scire supper tins evening fiom 5..10 to S o'iIopI; nt tho home of Mrs. Jiichnd-, 1U1 Mousey aienup. A coiillil imitation is etcnded to all. A ;,ood mbslantiil Mippcr for Hie small um ot fc.11 cents is U pt utilise 1. DNtlhl llipul (,1,1111! Ma-tei O. L. (oldu ami a team liom (liecn liido lodge. Independent Oi 1I01 of (hid Fellow!, installed the officers of Ite-idenz lodge, No. ,',1.1. List evening. This Pier,, ing til" oilicei." nf Alliaucp, Xo. .'In, will be in. bt..!lcd Mr. and Mi". Auwwt Mais, uf Llmii 1, X. Y., aio ii"iting liieen Itii'ge tiiend". li. W. Thompson, of lliadinril, M.i"-., who is en tonic to Iliulalo, spent yestenlav in (hen ltiilo. John Poller has leturnc'd to his homo in (!ih. sou afler .1 with liieen liidge friends. John 1. Join." will '0011 uioie into Ids new and lie.iiililiil tCMilciieo on Columbia, awiiue. BEFORE THE GRAND JURY. Testimony of Rev. Williams and His Witnesses Against Philbin. "Tlio riiilininei- EvanirellM," Rev. W. II. WillinniK. wiik Iiefofo tlio Krmiil jury with Ills witness- at "WUIm's-Hhito yctonlay in the cum- iiKahihl Fr.nilt l'liilliin, of Avcii'H, who hom time ntro stiutk llev. AVIllimiiK in the Innwss' rniirt tit Avoon. Mr. Williams lntnlo the same olfi-r to Plillbln us to thn tfri olher biicaliiMny linepoir nf Avoen -llitit 1.-., Hint iu- sIkh nn iiRivc'iiiiMit to Mult anil pay tho msta of tlio cat-u as far as it hsul Bone. Mr. I'hllliln iv fiihcd to do this, o .Mr. W'llllanii hrouyht this case hL'fuiv the srainl Jury. Thomas lliihldns was .'ippolntcil ion-htalili- In phuv of William A. Pecker, who ri!iriietl. Mr. 'Williams deniundoil that .Air. I'hllbln he lvpoitcd hy tin new const.ihlc, whlili was doim yester day. f,o now there will ho two eases aKi'ilnst Vhllhln Instead of one. Tho diuinnier inoiifher will .spent; next Humlay .is follows: 10.CO a. 111., llaptlst clittuli. Taylor, s-uhjent, "The YounK Man and Tils f'otniiany"; 7 p. 111.. I'rliuitiv Metliodist ehuich, Ureen ItldKC, hiilijoe.t, "The J.ast Itonip with tho Tlsar," DEATH OF JAMES G. STEPHENS. Was Well Known About the City as a Huckster, .lanie.s ii. Stephen? tiled Maidenly Tuesday al'iovnnou at Ids home, Ml ( liven IMiliTi' fdteet. Stephens was a mail who welshed HIS pounds, anil had linen a liuekslor for nitiiiy years. Ho was a familiar IlKiiro 011 the siiects in all parts of the city. Tuesday morning after ho aiost he coiiipluhicMl of not feeling; well, and his wife perMiaded him to loiuiii to lied. He bi-hw woibo rapidly and died ut I o'clock p. in, Actiiiff Coioner lietl doe was luullietl, and after investlca Hon sIkiipcI the death coitillrnte. 'Hip lunrial ot .1. Y. Stfphi'it" will taki pl.ue fii-iiu bis jte Iiii.iic Mil liri'cu llhlgo nii'i-t, I'liday .utriiiouii at - oVIolI,, with Inieiim nt it 1'oiest lllll. Mi. Sh piiens i.Mdod lit (,'tven III.I'e kluce 1j,"j aud was engagcl In I he lunk ster bu'incs fIihc 1H7. At tho lime of hh dealli, whhli wai due to fatty ilegcnciatlon of the l;earl, he mei-ured mure than tlie feet aioiind Hie body. Ill" iwtliu had tn be nude In oidet, lie wu.s HI cuij. uf nge and leairs a wife and an adopted 1,011 HE SOLD ON SUNDAY, Samuel Miller Arrested Under nn Old Blue Law. Samuel Miller, who keeps a butcher shop and giocery store at 1"S Smith Seventh street, was aricslcd Tuesday night on the clmiKf of t-elling mer chandise 011 Sunday. The piotiecutor was Daniel Dyer, a member of Local Lived in Joseph MeGratti, of New York City, is 102 years 1 . j5HI'i Mn. JosF-rn M'onAxn, 102 years old. u'ds digestion, stimulates the blood, tones up the heart and builds icrvtt tissue. It is u food for body and brain; it keeps the old young, nakes the young strong. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has stood severe tests for nearly 50 years, and has always been found absolutely pure and to contain great medicinal properties. CAUTION! Our p.itrom; are cautioned against so-calld DUFFY'S MALT WHISKEY offered for sale in bulk, and in other than our Patent Uottle, with our name blown in same. DUFFY'S PURIi MALT WHISKEY U bold in scaled bottles only. Offered in any other form it it not the genuine. FRIilJ. If you arc sick and run down, write us. It will cost you nothing to learn how to regain health, strength and vitality. Medical booklet sent free. It is the only whiskey taxed by the government as a Medicine. This is a guarantee. All druggists and grocers or direct, $ 1 .00 a bottle. OUFFY MALT IWafiET CO., Reohomtai; ti. Y. Union. Xo. 111. of tlio Meat Cuttor-rf and UutfliiT Workmen's .Association ot North America. The Ktiitiiti' on ililcli the jh-ospcu-tlon was liusi-cl Is onu of tlio ol'l liluc laws passed in 1701. This forbids tin public sale of any voimIs on Sunday and tlxt's 11 penalty of SI line for uiiuh offense. The case was settled by Mil ler iiKi-relng to keep bis store elo.ei! on Sunday in the future and paying the costs. PROVIDENCE ROAD PAVE. Doubts Expressed as to the Legality of the Ordinance. There ate very serious doubly as lo whether the ordinance providing for the pavius of Providence road from ,Cailiou street bridge to Diamond ave nue, iiml of portions, of Diamond nc nuo and t'.'ourt street, which was re cently passed by councils, is legal or not. The law provides that vhete peti tion for it pave .signed by the majority of tho property otvuers along' the lino ot the streets to lie paved is nut pre sented to councils, the latter cannot pass a paving ordinance without a three-quarters vote, or sixteen votes In each branch of councils. In thii instance no such petition was presented and th minute books of councils show that the highest num ber of votes which thu ordinance 10 ceivod on any reading was fifteen. Though no petltLm nskliiH: for a pave was piesented, a paper Is on tlio in the city clerk's oliice seleellng- vitiillou biick as tho kind ot pave to bo laid This paper is signed by a majority ot thu piopetty owners, and tho question nilscs, is I his equal In the eyes of the law to a petition lequesting a pax i lie luid. If it is equal or i.m take the plaio of a petition, then the oullnnueo in legal, for when a petition Is presented it take.i only a two-thitds vote, or loin loon, lo pass a paving ordinance. The question at bcaue is a veiy ser ious une, lor should the pave lie laid and the oidinanci' then found to tie illegal, ih" city would be liable for the uillio cost. AT THE CATHEDRAL. Services Annugecl for the Rest of Holy Week. Holy Tlitiisday will be olisened to day in St. I'uti r's f atliedrul by the celehtatloit of solemn high poutlllclal mass at !i o'clock, with ill. llev. Ulshop Al. .1. Iloban, P. L)., as eelelirant. The mass of the pio-sunotilli'd ill be celebrated tonionow morning at S o'clock by the bishop anil on Satunlay moinlnir 11 high mass will lie cele brated at 7 oMiiek, Water will be ble.-sed and dlsti United ufler tlic mass. On l.'aster Sunday, lit. Ilev. Hlsltop Ifoban will mlcinnlce high mass ut in.iio o'clock- and a special sermon will bo pruihed by I tew ' Father Uleiiniii, S. .1. The i hunting of the Teiicbrao was begun yesteidny afternoon at t.!M o'clock, .mil will lie continued this af ternoon and tonionow afternoon at Urn same hour. Ask for Kelly's union crackers, " LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. 11 mlor till lie.nJini; 'lien liltiMi n( tnU'ri'-t will I," imlilMii'il In 11 ,iiiiniianliil, for puhlii 1 tlon, y III" Millii'd luiiii. Tin' Triliuui' iim'4 not asauuie uiiiinnallilllty tnr opinions lion' esprcjicd. J President Campboird Statement. lMlinr u 'I liu Tilliilic-- sn: 'llul Tiititnc inn lu'iiiu 4 ,i.,(v'.-.oinl lalior p.iii'i-, I lil'i' t w li JuiraiO In in jUUnionH cunci'inlii'; tliu nft'jiis uf IjIjut hi (.JtilJtloin, Yum" auminl 111 Tuejdij'R tmic of llin 111.H lilni,t' i'Ci.ton u ulil' iuliinailoii.,1 j 1 1 0 I lo 1 1 1 , .Kniii'S O'Luniiill ami I'l'Oi maj itu iL. in; u.n .iduilubli', tml jou lute icm' ii-.ju.r in 1 -j) ' Iviif, the wiitl, o( tlic sjiui' roiuini, w,Uli Is not .' wi'll iloni', .mil wliloli I iliviif 1 o'l iii l.iinlly iiiircit by tlio of tli! LLiiinniiili illim. '1 In- I lit t'ninUliul w tli.11 1:11- nliio in, nr 1I.1.. inriti'iiiciii iiiauviiii aleil hy ln nmlilii. 1st, luii icsillti.l in 1I10 .lllililtlmi nf tin- ii(.-ji. ijIioiis o( otlii'i ru'i luiiii 1 iuiilo.Mil In tin, ilmi. into .1 "ujlliull." Ainu, llul tlio 1 la 1 ol nu'ii "lid tml im utrdiiU.itli'ii hy i ravin of tilth noi lulnw iiiiriio,inicii iinrliiniit, Mhii nun, for liist.iniv, m tliu lirln'i In iIki nuililu.', Imllcr uihI IiIhIiiiIIIi lioi, linl lu'vti uu'inUi'l into nn Uohli'il I'i'iIimI bilior iniloii, Mliiili jn 1 nl li linl Intn ullillili'il Willi tin' tuniii'll ot tin oiuMiii.itioiK of tin' l.uiini Mills nt jnnr-lu-.Miiui nliiii'l tu. Il tln 1'i'iU' I. ilmt' union twlilfli, a oi fio, )i onl 0110 nnnilitr el Hi'.' loiimil,) wliiili was ii'finul Iu jt luln ilnmt im iiu mbcrd jilnillliil, or In pinn'M cf ,1'hl'.- K'lllllll. Il tliU I'tili'ijl'or nnlnii, jbo, wliiili w.11 iifirinl to js I jUii.i in tlic .ulou (uiiut ut lnlKrs. lie, .iiumnl tlio liop. 'Jliu Internal i'.iul .mhIjI"II ut MilihiUU Joes uot low, and 1'iobaWy iicwr will, r-ioiiiic Three Centuries. Mr. McGrath has just celebrated his I02d birthday, and says he' feels as strong and vigorous as he did 20 years ago. He says Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has kept him vigorous and strong and prolonged his life. , Jan. i, igoi, Duri'v Mai.t Wiusicey Co., Rochester, N. Y. Gentlemen It gives mc great pleasure to write you on the birtli of the new century to thank you for the benefit your whiskey has done me. I am 102 years old, can sec, hear and sleep perfectly. I shave, take long walks evey day. I have used whiskey as a medicine since I was 21 years old, and, using whiskey 81 ycurs, I have learned to appreciate a good, healthful stimulant like yours. I have used it constantly for years, and can find nothing to take its place, neither food nor drink. It tones my system, stimulates my blood, as well as keeping mc proof from coughs and colds. I hope with God's will and the aid of your whiskey, to sec much more of this wonderful century. s Yours very respectfully, JOSEPH M'GRATH, 44 East 8ad St., New York City. Pure Malt wr Erect Form " p I V.iSSJt'uW'ilVI After ill fuc citv HWiw fn-hhn J X&'M?&&Wiml& inc im liliKltiiB-H'i ir..llKi-.tioii 1 in I J XkYatoV&Jft rr-nlt liotn tin- "W. 11. Krrit r-iini" Vitfl . Vv V-'ll lftHlS onil I. "I. inn, li"1. 'Hn.' 'U'nr U lu'lil JIT V EaVa WaKv rrrrt ami sli.iiKlit Jii'l i sbi'ii ' 'mc Tj w'WyKni KTeCt ':rm Sl-Vl! '"l"1'!!?" tflk f $J fjji lircct I'lirm Style 76'. -Ill I im ffl U,1'"t'F"',lt',nf',',"wiX"nvi5 J ' b " 4 lk '50 f CAUTION Look m T"X j CAUTION Look for lettering "W. B." Erect Form stamped on every pair. ii'i -1I1 it ..II tin' i.ilu -Inimii- in ,1.1 1 inl In-'u iiml lulu illinl Ml IM WEINQARTEN BROS.. for lettering "W. UWJ. A J MMSSSOSm"'""" Meldrum, :: ANNOUNCE. J5 New arrivals in Foulards, New Waist bilks, O Exclusive Stvles in Easter Neckwear, & INCLUDING. m 8 0. SI 0 Panne Velvet and Satin Stocks, Lace Collars and Jabots, Lisle and Silk Hosiery all beinp; Specials for Today. 126 Wyoming Ave. NEW TELEPHONE 195, P 0hmmm,0.e0 tiM00m00-.000 aMm.MM.tim.0m 0000 000 000t0M0X?M0X00000tl000 for tlic jiIiiiiiuii 'i ii i nl of jni Lin intn pi-ti'iil iiULhliir,! ut .iiiui.iiui . ti lilt, tlio iim-m tiirrtlng to In- InM al Unj b.iii'iiui lliulii', Apill M, w liile tin' woil i.l tlic liutilll)i.-l, will Ih' li'iU'M III Jliu? uf tliU cjnu I'litlill. .mil Hit' ii'lilloli I Inn' H'..tllHil In on,' li lillUlllt'a Will c'Ulblit III 111 rllll'niOII IIUII1 liuii III illy i'U'i.1 niiin In I !' ilniluv uf iln- .ltl01l- 1 01Ml.lllJl -. ill till' I III' Hll'l Is (Ulllll't'lill Willi .1 l.lllllllll' llol HI ,llil,'ll Willi,, I'Mvpt io.'ll)ly, tin- motilili'ia. Youri, lluniiliiii II. ( jii'Ik1I. (Iiiimuii ut MlilLttnl .M.nlilni', llnlir. ('jr. lllukMiiiili Jii'l I'jlli'in .'Imp Kniiilo.U'i uf tlio I l.ilior I niiiii. uf Si union, I'j. No. IU'1 l.ili'lill Hll.'l. "IIJUIQII I'J., Aillt o, Vfl. Eiinoinli!. 'tlir (uiii i ol ut the jti' l.cuh K.uu will '-I- I'Ijic j I '.' u'iIih!, lil jtiiiiiiion. -in Jul will In' licM .il lite lione on Xoilli l.iiuolii .iv mn, n, 'I tin ii im ul v 1 11 he nuilc In tin' Uj-li- I'lllll Kl I f Ct llllKlll.l. The luuiul of thu Ulc -Ml.-j Uti'i'in Uvluln, of Age and Enjoys Life. Whiskey NO KHSKI, OIL. I oil tli'.ilii ilo.' nut -i.e'r 'lnni in slui'C l 11 !' 'HI .III' Mliiltil. 377 Broadway. N. Y. Scott & Co. AMUSEMENTS. ACADEHY OFHUSIC, KUIh.i HURlilJNIH!K IURKV A, nROW.N Uncao'or) mil Usicn. Locil 3Unj;tr. IIU.M i: il 'lllh WI.I.K Miiiiiki ll.iili CHARLES LEYBURNE AND CO IS Itl.l'l IIiiiimIji iitiiini; . . . I'iiiIji I'triilni: S-JllllillV t'MllllM.' Itllil lit .jiu , New uti Monio ( itlt .. . On tin llio f!riin')( .Ml. MIM 'I In- i lul-1 Ai ti.-i . IRENE MEYERS ANP COMPANY. ul 131 l.ui'lui Hicit, will lie lurid thi ttcf iivi.ii Jl 2..HI it'ilwi. fivni M IVUt'j L'JllicJuL Willi lutvrimut iu tlic L'athcilul ccinctci) l v 'it tt. -w. J,tJ5U.1iS i,, JiS -WAIS-Ufcjti L , Afadti,- v , - rLff ij. 4-t : i.