V" X rHE SCRANTON" TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, APRIL 4 190.1. v om ' ixxxxxxxxxxx; riui MODr.n.v hahdwahi: sionn, YOU WILL HEAR For the tono 1h loud and clem-. Theio Is only ono bad feature nbout the New Deptutuic Door Dell, you Imvc no excuse for not go 1iir to tho door. No battery UPcusHiuy. nor spilngs to got out of older with tho 'New Depnrtuio" and you get olectilcal lesults. Wo can match the hardwnie on your door. Foote & Shear Co. JI9N. Washington Ave Docooooooooe i OF SCRANTON. Capital 5200,000. Surplus $500,000. United States Depositary. Business, personal aud sav ings accounts invited. 3 per cent, interest paid on savings accounts. Open Saturday evenings from 8 to 9 o'clock. Wt. Conmii, Picsident. IIinr"! Riun, Jr., Vice l'ies. W'm. II. I'iok, Cashier. Lewis, Roddy, Murphy 330 Lacka. Avenue. 331) Repairing Done Gratis. ACKAWANNA "THE" .AUNDRY. ''ift?-i'.'m raw--' ' WEATHER YESTERDAY. lliju-t t c 111 1 uluio 12 deieis lowi-t tilllp! 1I111 ..ilemocj lluuiulili . 1 .1 in. "U pa nut, s i 111 M U lent. KhuI.iII, Jl li. 111- 1 mini - i in I .' im In'.; PERSONAL. vir. mil Mi- I I limit l(u M-unii. mil Iiuiiii 101 New oil I' Mulheiiu Ins -pc lit tho u-t ti n il i -, in lliltlliiuu .ml I'liilnlilpliii 011 1 lui-iiii loin. r IP Willi mi-. iiiumi; 1 Ik- V VuU IHvoiiji'ii 1111 I 11K in 111111 11 1I11 .V u v almljy Hlrui.juli I nhilihci & I f n-ii k iml i.lvi, liwr, llltl mimed tun 1 i-it Willi IlillliN III lo- liiuibn , 11 MjjiI iml Ml.-. W. " Mill 11 lot u-Uiday .uteri" m on tin. I) liu ue .m-1 lluil-on 4 i7 lull, till Willi.-, Ullll I II "-inllli, m llulinKrii, -upeiinliii'lont of tin Jliini, in mln on the kuKiw.iiini i ii. i.iJ i- iniuiir il,i visilois In lliii. hi; ,i." i, idav -n.Htaij 11. Vdiil. tin. Itilluuil niini; Mill's C In ii-t 1 lit i-miilinii, l (.pending lew I Ms III I lllltlll I Cll, 1 , IV lull I".' WJ3 loc licit liftoiL luiniiu t" ." I. n'oii Jit--, l.NIc ti th-i, i Puniiioio, irtiiriii t. iin to Vm vil. to continue her work In the rii.ula'.t ,l,i, Mi-n I lo-L Ills lifill ICU hill,; I iijll.h 4ii 1 litsln, in Mi.-. llmiiinoii' pliic, lin 'in bun ill, il tin vlioul of the I u,j w .urn i LucknvvniuiP. Excujstou to New Yoik City, fin Apiil dill ticket agents, of tho Utckuuiinii.i i.tilKutil -will s-ui spt c.n c Mansion tii'Kftti to New Yosk city, Rood suiiis on uuy Wain that date, tor leluiii nn any ti.iin until Aptlt ilth, iliclusie, il i.itu ot one way tine pliu Jl oo for the lound tilp. . Oignns for Sale Cheap, You cm buy a. fiooil second band nr Ran ns low as JlO.oo at Guernsey Hall, .(, w. Giiciimey, Prop,, ait Washing, ion ii venue, Siiantoii, pa, Easter Floweis at Morel TJios , Green nidge. People's line. Hot.Cioss Buns, Hot Cross Buns. Delivered b'lliluy inoinlntr, If orcleied at ll.inb'b in bii.soii. f. Go tQ Mc01l,Uock,S( 13 A'atlit!Btoti avenue, for our Kas ter iloweib. BORN. IlliiWt H'-ln Mranton. I'.i , pij '.', h), (0 Mr nl Mm. John (i lllvwils, of HiUeon 4ve bud a tvu. ADMITTED TO THE BAR. Lay ton Mm tin Schoch Is Now n Lnckawanna Attorney, I.ii.vton Martin Hchoch ua yester dnv tulinltted lo piactlee nt the Lncka wanna bin on motion or Attorney Jrhn M. Jlanlt. Mr. Srhoch was fld inltti'd to tho Moiiroo bar pome time nuo, but bnlitfj desirous of practlclnc In this county, eamo heiu nnd passed the examination. Attorney Schoch Is it native of KtroudHhiirjf and a Rivtmhon of the vntcrnii FMItor Schoch. of thn .IcITpi sonlan, one of the oldest Benioet title titpets In tho state. The new member of the Lnekitwanna bjr Is no htrniiRer to the county. He has spent his vacation1) hero working ay a cteik nnd stenographer to law ;nis, and while attentllnfr school at roitiell won a national reputation as an athlete, being Bcnetally conceded lo be one of tho Rieatest center rushes that over tlnnncd tlio doeskin. nurlnpr the Spanlsli-Amerlfan war, Mr. Schorh went out with Hatter 11, light artllleiy. and was with Miles In Cuba when the signing of Ihe peace pioloeol put nn end to hostilities. IS OUTOFixSTENCE. Boaid of Health Wound Up Its Busi ness Last Night and Ad journed Slue Die. The Kui.mton boaid of health wound up Its nifnln last night and quietly went nut or existence, after turning over nil Its lecords and papers to the new Hiipeilnteiidcnt of tho bureau of lie.ilth, Dr. "W. V. Allen, the tetirlns health ollleer. No business of uuy importance, be iintl the receiving or the reports of the vnilous ofllccts of the boaid was ti.uisacted. The icpott of Secretary Sweenev showed that theie had been ISO deaths during the month of March or 4S mote titan during the month of Februaiv. There wcte 129 cases of contagious disease eported, of 'which 07 were measles, 19 diphtheria, S scar lot fever and 4 typhoid fever. Food Inspector 'Widmayer lather astounded those present by tepoiting that he had destroyed no less than 17.SJ1 pounds of fish or over eight tons dining the month. He stated in ex planation that ho had gone through all the cold Mor.tse warehouses In town and had cleaned out eety bit of fiozen and rotten fish which they contained. Tie had two wogon.s hauling tho tish away for two days. His mlk tests showed the average per cent, of solids to be 12.9."i. The atiage per cent, of butter fat was 4-. Just before the boaid .idiom tied sine die Di. Allen made a few icmniks thnnklng the tetlting membeis lor their couttcsy to him. "I have been health officer for four teen ;ei)s." he said, "and though tho salary attached to the ofllce has not been Arty laige, T believe that the peUounance of mv official duties has been the happiest pait of my lite. 1 hae alwas looked foiward to the niettiic.s of the boaid of health with a gto.it deal of pleastne and I am sor ty that we ate to hao no moie. "I want to .,iy that I ilon't tliink theie has been a health dep.utment in any third class city of thih state con ilueted as economically or as success tully as our health depatlment lias been conducted. The citv in losing its boaid uf health Is losing a -valuable in stitution.'' DISTRIBUTION OP AID. That Is the Mission of Thomas Mor gan, of the Pateison Textile Woikeis, to This City. t'onti.uy to the auangements made Tuesday, the pxecuthe ronimittt.e or the sttilslng textile woikers' union did not visit I'ittston yestenlay, to hold ioint conteiencc -with the "Wllkes 13ane. Paterson and Pittston girls Thomas Jioigan, secietary of the Pat eison textile woikeis and pi evident of the weavet.s ot that city, was in this citv Tuesday night, as slated in yes teiday'.s Tiibune, and his ai rival did away with the necessity foe j meeting in Pittston. He was accompanied by a number of lepiesiTitatlves ol th AViikes-Bairo and Pitston git Is, and they held a In let se-snn w ith the local executive com-mitte-j in Uconomv hall. The obiert of tho Isit was to ascertain tho fin m cial positions ot tho tlueo Pennsylva nia locals, that a just distilbutiou of aid may take place fioni the Pateison neaMiiy, .Air. Moigan was In Wilkes Uaiio jestetday investigating tho Jai ze ne conditions. A number of ihe membeis of tin ewcutho coinmittee weie delegated ji'surduy to the task ot seeing gltls who itiu willing to return to their place.-i. I'ftorts me being made lo biliig evety textile worker in lite re gion into the union fold. A communication leeched at head ciuaiteih' linni a newly established mill at KuUtoWn eteaied much joy amcnia' tlio stilUeis estefday. It is a let ter fioni .Supeiititeudent H. H. Seaton, .itinouucliig that the Kuttown Silk Tl,i owing mills weie being opened and a number of good doublets weie need ed, A unifoim scale lo doublet's of i,r,0 per week was olfeted. These iv o tlio tonus asked by tho stilkei.s 'a lite scale they piescnted to lite mill owners, and Seaton's olfer will bo accepted by a number of tho gills. Keveial gills left tho city yes today lor Allenlowii and Pateison mllK The Taylor local will meet to night til Unsham's hall, and tho mi Hum c ut Ullss' Dickson mill will hold sos-blon toiuoiiow altciuoon. TODAY'S BIG AUCTION SALE OF 50 HORSES. Wuldioii, tho hot so shipper, condiiats his big salo today, Tho hoises ate a, line lot, and all who have seen them pruiiouiice them a si and lot, They aie big and sinnll, light and heavy, in fact they .no all kinds, fiom a Hotter to a work hotso, In palis and single. Heveial blacks for undertakem' use aie among tlio lest. Itegurdless of tlio weather tho sale will open at Pioiupt 1 o'clock, owing to the large number to dispose of. All In need of a hoi so should attend this sale, as every hoi to must be sold today, Coiuo with Ihe ciowd aud get a bargain at tho old Cuslek stables. Guernsey Hall, 3U Washington me.. Scranton, is tho best and niobt uilable place to pur chase a ,iood Piano. It will pay you to call and get prices and towns. J. w. ilucrnsey, piop. Hot Cross Buus. Place an eaily older with Hanley. at yH) Spiuce street, tor their delivery FiJ. day morning. MEETING OF THEJMSTRICT W0MAN8' FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY IN SESSION. The Twcnty-thhd Annual Meeting of the Scranton Distiict Was Be gun Yesterday Afternoon at the Gieen Ridge Presbyterian Chmch. Large Amount of Routine Business Transacted at Afternoon Session. Address by Mis. C. N. Thoipc, of Philadelphia, Last Night. Tlio opening sessions of the twenty third annual mooting' of tho Woman's Fotelgn Mlssionniy society of the Preabyteiy of Lackawanna, Kciaiiton district, weie held yesterday afternoon and night in tho Green P.ldgo Piesby teilnn church, and attended by be tween sixty nnd seventy delegates iep losentlng the vnilous auxlllailcs mak ing up the distiict. Carbondalo, Avoca, Duninoie. Hnncs dalo and Olyphant all sent delegates and theio weie, mot cover, icpiescnta lions ft om the riist, Second, Piovi dence and Washburn Stteet churches. The day was consumed In the hear ing or reports, appointing committees and other routine business and the meeting will be hi ought to a dose this morning. At last night's session an Intel e.sting add) ess was dellveied by Mrs. C. N. Thorpe, or Philadelphia. The meeting was called to older at 2 o'clock and was pi raided over bv Mis. Mai tin It. Kays, of this city. The devotional services were led by Mi. Urodle, of Carbondole, and Mis. Isaac J. Lansing then delivered a tow In teresting remaiks upon "The Chuich." Mis. !'. I,. Hitchcock spoke of "The Mlsslonaiy Society," and "Our Homes" was the subject or an addies-s by Jits. A. F. Law. REPORT OF AUXILIARIES. After tho reading of the minutes, the roll was called and the report of auxil iailes hcaid. Each society was enti tled to two delegates, but in addition to tho tegular icpresentatives theio wete sevcial others piesent from each of the auxlllailcs. Avoca sent lour, Caibondale tive, Duninoie six, Hones dale lour, Mooslc eight, Olyphant four, the Flist chuich six, the Second chut eh eleven, the Washburn Stieet chuich six, and the Oteen Ridge so ciety was leptesented by between twenty and thirty membeis. The ic poits made .showed the woik done dur ing tlie ear and weie of a unlioimly favoiable natute. A solo. "Pi also Ye the Lotd." by Miss Giaco Spencer, piovod an en loyable leatuie of the afternoon, and follwing It came the icpotts of the bands, made up of the younger mem beis of the auxiliaties and including; the membeis of the Cluistlnn Kudea or .societies. Mis. Frlsbee, of Cai bondale. then lead letters from Jin. V.imleibeiK and Mis. Fitch, who ate doing inission.il v woik lespectlvely in Pet til and China. Their messages told of the difficulties against which they must contend, and gave inteiesl iiifc accounts or th" woik being clone. Both of these missions aie maintained by the societv and each of tho mls slonaiies is fioni Caibondo.le. A ery pleading address was made by Mis. A. M. Welles, of Wilkes. Hane, and Mis. Oiegoiy, of AVilkss Baiie, also spoke channinglv. Mis. '. N. Thoipe also spoke duiing tho til tet noon, and the session was concluded by the president appointing committees. The following weie those chosen: Places of meeting; Mrs. Ptis bee, of Cnibond.ilu; Sirs, lllanehard, of the ccntidl city; Jliss Pliennon, of West Scranton. Resolutions, Jin. Jackson, ot North Set anion: Mis. Russ, of the cential city: Mi".s Waidell, of Duninoie. Nominations, .Mis. J. A. Price, of tho cential city; Mt. Ham mond, ot Oljphnnt, and Mis. Holmes, or Honesdale. LAST NIGHT'S MKETJNG. The distinct featute ot last night's meeting was the address of Mi.15. Thorpe, who is a lepiesentathe ot tho woman's boaid of the Piesbyteiian chuich and secietaiy for India. Rev. 1. J. Lansing presided over the meet ing, and Rev, L. R. Foster conducted Ihe Sciiptural leading and ptayer. ftev. Lansing introduced Mis. Thorpe and made a lew ptefatory lemaiks, in which he spoke generally of the con fuieiice and lemaiked the fact thai "It follows close upon the heels of tho niostomnrkable niartyidom for Jesus Christ that ever happened in the lils totv of mission woik." lefenlng to the Chinese atioclties-. A splendid solo by Albeit Pll'.lnir was another of the night's enjoyable featmes. Mis, Thorpe spoke piineipally of mis sion woik In India, and declaied that laud lo be the cradle of tho mission nilcs, tho 1li &t ones to pi each ihe llospel theio being men who weio per sonally acquainted with tho apostles ot the Lotd. She atgued that coni meice nnd church go hand in hand, and laid gteat emphasis upon tlio 1m pottance of establishing Clnibtlan edu cational institutions, in the land. Ux celliiu woik Ir being done by tho col leges for young men at Lahoio, and Mis. Thorpe declared, anent tills: "Tho ihigllsli ti.itu the native troops to right their own conmiymen, and Isn't that exactly what wo want to do with tho oung men and women, to tiitin them In Christian ethics, till they ran teach their biotheib and slsteis, "Once wo seemed tho Interest of the women, wo could woik wondei.s, and with tlilh end in view we should es tablish Cluistlnn colleges for women." Tho ptogtainnie for today follows: Communion of the Loul'it Sui i Report of CorrrionUlni; Soi retmr. jujiort of Sififtiry of LllcrJturr, IriJiuru'i, ltqioit. Sola .,, . ..Mi., I. t InsU'l' l'aior, "I'oicUn MImIoiu. of 'ieliurju Cliutfh," , , 5li, , P. Ki'linody Easter Offering. "THE LITTLE CAPTIVE" Is the title ot our NUW ART SOUVENIR for this EASTER, which was painted expressly for us by W, H. Reaid, ono of the most relobiated animal paint ers In the woild, We havo bad It icpioduced at a laiee expense litho graphed In twelve oil colois, on coated paper, and mounted on veiy heavy CARDBOARD, Sim; 9.XIJ inches. It In such a dimming subject that It should Hud a placo In eveiy home. Don't uilsb settlnc one. GIVEN AWAY FREE To all purchasers of Teas, Conees, Bplce Extiacts and Making Powder. April 1st to Oth, inclusive. THE GREAT Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. 411 UfUnaniu me.iue. UJ toulli Main jvenur. 'Phone "i2. Prompt delluij-. clv M'lionc 12). s4ACAAfiA&iA&ftW Going: Abroad? Raymond f Whltcomb Fours Are the Best, Twelve charming parlies now being formed, Atcmbcrhip limited. Choic est accomodations throughout, For particulars address RAYMOND & WIIITCOMB CO. i ooj Chestnut M., Phlla., Penna. Jsvv-ss-ssKfV-.''--VAv Ham of Inlciot fiom Mis. VnnileilwE. I l.i inn. Licit Doti riIp tn llojiil Mirtliu. Itrjioit of Ooiiiinllti'p. r.lcitlon of )lHir. Clolii( WouU. Poiolopy. The olllcers of the society aie. I'tesl dent, Mis, Martin il. Kays, Scranton; ill Ht vice-president, Ms. C, E. Robin son, Set anion; sscond vice-president, Mis. C- I'1. Rockwell, Honesdale; tor icspondliig -secretary, Miss Grace Chambet lain, Duninoie: lecotdlng sec icliuy. Mis. T. S. Moigan, Scranton; secietary of lltoratuie, Jlrs. T, J. Luce, Scianton: chaltmtiu of entertain ment committee, Mis. A. P. Law, VISITORS ENTERTAINED. Successful Competitois Given a Re ception in Guernsey Hall by Fellow Employes. In iliiciiiey hall last night roity employes or the International Cones pciinlenco schools, suecessrul competi tors lor prizes orfetod by the Colliery Engineer company for securing a cer tain percentage of business during tho past two mouths, were given a recep tion by the beneficial society lecently organized by tho company's employes in this city. The members of the spclety weie anxious to socially meet their fellow woikers, and decided to give the visl tois a chance to see the ability of the home oflice employes as entottainers. The vhllois. who ie employed as so licitors and collectois for the com panv In v.iiious sections of the i outl ay, vieie delightfully entertained and weie. or the opinion that the local em ployes have in the new oiganizatiou an at ray ot talent which Is hatd lo stir- The eaily pot lion or the evening was devoted to meeting the visitors and w.ts the souiie of equal pleafiite to the entertalneis and those entertained. Roc Older Moir welcomed the "ptize winneis" In a few well chosen woids, and then the following pi ogi amine was given. I'l 1110 Purl, 'T.il l,lt' HpWi'W," Mi-f Alumni ilti mil Mi Pilum! Mnlhr Hi citation, "I hit Olil .sp(llii.iil of Mine," -I iiuls Whitioiuli llilry MU Asne- C illjh in, ,sopi mo so( Love's DM "sweet sonj,",.Mallni liis Ceielu SiMft. I'jaiio Solo, "il-c ( liioinitiqiii ," . .. (iinliril Mri llcrtlu Coiiffii-Wjul. Voeil Solo. "Hie Coni;ieBition Will l'lei-o Keep Dpic Seili" Mi. Kienli Kina lie i.liiiK. "Uica." MI- 1" inline C. Hall bininio Solo, "Adion, M.uie," Wann Mi UiU lMullip. lltuiinioiis 'I ill. Mi .1 1) .Tones The exercises weie closed with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne" bv all piesent. The visiting employes weie delighted with their tiealment and agteod the evening's, enjoineut was a tieat uol to be missed. For the past few months, ihe com pany has offeied a trip to Sui.anton to its employes who secuie certain aveiages in their ailous territories. The employes in the field have mani fested great inteiest in these competi tions and the Apt II delegation included over forty successful ones, coming fiom eveiy section of the Vnlteu States. The inspection of the home office and the fouiteen annexes which have Peen found necessaiv to accommodate the inct easing business vccuplert all of yesteiday. Today sessions will be held with the chlelh of the vaiious deD.it t ments concerning plans for still fur ther inci easing the scope of the in.sli tution. This evening theie will be a banquet nt tho Hotel Jerrnyn, at which President Foster will preside. Tonioirow, alter being shown about the city and taken to the pilncipal places of interest the rlsitois will de pait for their woik belter equipped by leason of their visit to still turther lticiea.se the prosperity of the Interna tional Coi respondence schools SCRANTON'S SHARE IS BIG City Will Receive 8154,800 fiom the T.lftiini T.lenRP TrqiiatI tn f Hotels nnd Restaurants. Suaiilon's sliaie of the sum to be derived rroni liquor licenses this year will be much laiger than was at any time thought. It now appears that altogether 17.2 let.ill licenses weie granted In Scianton. ami as the citv iccelves 1900 of the $1,100 paid for each llceiibe the city's shate will be 113U0O. Twelve wholesale, twelve bottlets' nud sl bteweis' licenses weie also taken out III this city, All of 'the money dolvcd fiom tlieni goes to tho stale, the city only loeelvlng a bIioiu of the letall licenses granted to hotels and lestauiants, Scranton Business. College. Student HIHnff positions aie con tinually being changed to otheu pay lug better salailes, Oiaduates secuie good positions as boon as Ihoy pass their examination,-'. Many unileigrod uatcs me sent out. The demand tor bookkeepos and stenogiaphera Is still gicatcr than the supply. Students ato now enrolling for the spring and sum mer teims, A Spiing Tonic, Mveiybody needs a toiilo In tho spilug; at this lime the system oaves a tonic. It is house-cleanlng time tor your body, Llchty's Celery Nerve Compound will tono up your nerves, blood, kldnejs and liver, aud (111 you with health and eneigy, Sold by Mat thews Biotlieis. m Teaching Languages by Mail ll.is beoii tho most successful of all methods for the last fitly years. Allan Korn'ti si stem Is new only in its appli cation to EiiHllsh-German. Studio In Ciiiwnsoy building. Address or cull. Moie New Neckwear. Another new lot ot exclusive Nrck- wear Just uulved. i.'iaiuer-Wellb Co., HO womins avenue. "CHASER" IS NOW READY LAST TOUCHES TO SUPPLEMEN TARY REORGANIZATION BILL. Besides Providing That the Recorder Shall Appoint a Delinquent Tax Collector and That Five Extra Pa trolmen Shall Be Allowed, It Cie ntes the Office of City Detective, Does Away with the Keyser Valley Fireman and Makes Changes in Bonds of Subordinate Officials. Woik on tile supplement to tho tear ganlzallou ordinance was completed yesteidav nnd It was seni tn the prin ter, that It may be repotted In shape for passage without delay. As stated In yesterday's Tiibune, It provides that the collector or delin quent tnxes shall be a separate official, to be appointed by tho mayor, nnd that live additional patrolmen shall be al lowed. Further than this, It cieatcs the olllce of city detective and does away with the permanent man for the Keyser A'nlley Hose company. Some minor changes are made In the mat ter of the bonds of the superintendent of health and other bittcnus in the two big departments. Under the old otdl nance It was stipulated that . these bonds should be given lo the dhector. The supplementary ordinance dlieots that they shall be given to tho le cordor. Common Councilman Norton, of tho Twenty-first ward, declares that ho will light the supplementary ordinance if It piovldes for doing away with the permanent man for the Keyser Valley Hose company. He claims to bave six teen votes pledged in common council to defeat the ordinance If the Kevser Valley company Is not taken rate of. No action was taken in the matter of piovldlng for the legulntlou of the department of chnilties and correction. This will be attended lo later. It is the judgment of tbo recorder and' bis cabinet that until "ueh time as the director of tills department enters upon tlie duties of his office, it Is not expe dient to prvide him with a salaty. Mote apptopilate would it be, they feel, lo apply this money lo paying tho expenses of pioving that the depart ment of charities and ronettions and noL the Scranton poor boaid should manage the charities of the second class cilv of Scianton. The fact that Chief of the File I3e paitment Xtzlcmann and Chief of Police Robling have not yet been sworn in as tlie heads or the bureaus or fite and police, lespertivelv. ns Recoider Molr has deiiai?d they would be. gives some color to the stories to tlie effect that the file and police forces ai p to be managed bv other bands, niieclot of Public Safety demons, when questioned on tills matter, will onlv say that he has not a jet made .niy appointments. CONFERENCE HELD. E. E. Robathan and II. E. Paine, two of the seventeen lejected common count ilmen eonfcired yesteiday tela tivo to taking steps to secuie their seats. Thev, however, anived al no conclusion rutther than that they are still detei mined to test the matter. How important It is that these extra membeis should be seated is apparent when It Is lemembered that the Su pieme court may declare the Muehl lnonner act unconstitutional. Recoider Moir, by omitting to perfoim the du ties ol mayor and taking on tlie du ties of lecoider. practically lesignecl the office of mayor. At any late the Democtats will so contend and should the Muehlbronner act be knocked out they will proceed to elect a major. The old second class oily laws me sctlbe that a vacancy in the otlke of iniivor shall be filled by councils until the next annual municipal election. Tlie Democrats aie al present In tho majority in councils, and In case of the dereat of thu Mueblbionner acl the city government would be turned completely over lo them. Tt is also contended that as the city of Scranton is entitled to thli ty-nlne cummoii counellmcn. am legislation thai does not teceive at least twenty votes in the lower btanch will not be valid. In view of the fact: that much impoitatil legislation Is now about to be passed to put the new charter into eifect, this matter is made moment ous. Citv Cleik I.avelle sent a communi cation to City Solicitor Watson jes terday i dative to the matter of tinn ing over the assessment books to the new board of city asscssots. ANOTHER COMPLICATION, ruder tlie thlid class city laws the boaid of tax levislon and appeals made all the alteiatlous in assessments, t'nder tho second class clutter tlie board of levislon and apppals goes out of existence and tho hoard of nsses so)h attends to tlio heating of iipueals and making of alterations as well as making the assessment, Tho boaid of revision and appeals went out of existence Match 7. They wete not awaio of (- until Maicli 2t, and In the Inteihu they heatd ap peals and made alterations in sixteen of the twenty-one winds, city fieik Lavelle. who as cleik of tho board mado tlie alteiatlous, now wants to know liom tho solicitor If ho will etaso these alteiatlous befoto turning over tho books. Tho city solicitor has not jet lendeied a decision. t Handsome Hose X Here are some new X swell half hose, iu Polka dots. Navy, Black. Greeu -f aud Mode shades, : 50c Pair. : There's some n e w n.nl'm.n. I, .- lllnl .... ,. MS.rvv;a4 acic null yuil . X ought to see. f-f-fft-f'f-f-f-f-ff-f-f-f-f-f'fsV 4 -f l l-f CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. PRESIDENT RAYMOND HERE. Dellveied an Address Bcfoie School of Lackawanna. Piesldeiu Raymond, of Wcsleyan university, Mlddletovvn, Conn., ad dressed the students of tlie Sihool of the Lackawanna yesterday motning, Ills subject was tho value of Intellec tual thoroughness He said their was never so strut a need ns their Is todav Tor thotougrhly equipped and Infotmcd men nnd wo men to do the woik of loo world. At tho concilium, th s-cho.il gave the "Lackawanna" yell, led bv Il.tiiy Jones. Ladies' Hosiery. We have t, line line ladles' taney and staple H-wleiy, In lisle, cotton and silk Pi Ire & lenklns, 110 Wyoming avenue. Fancy Belts. New slni k of fancy liCN. Beauti ful designs. Crimo-Wells Co, I.W AVyomlng avenue. Ask for Kelly's union ciackets. The Soranton Gas and Water Com pany and the Hyde Park Gas Com pany. In nrcoidaiiee wtli the poliev of thef i oin pinle to reduce lales from lime to time m niav lie. warranted by increased romutnptn i. notice ii hereby given that, on anil aftei pnl 1 ne-t, the price of r5 will he one dollar per one thousand cubic fcit rnmnmed, (.ubject In the follow ins discount"! Hie per cent, on nil bills -.brie the consumption tor the rn.nl'i amount to leu than twenty fic dollars; ten per cent, on ill Mils where the ioniimptioii foi the month an-riint- to twenty fhe dollan and no uaiil, I'rovic'eil the bill U plld nn 01 befoie the 20th div of the month in which the bill h rimlered H ri,ier of the bond. U IHI), -(cietiry. SPECIAL. SCIIMOV (iS ASDWFR rOMI'VNV VM) llvdo Pjik (las icmpatii In oidei in enioui ae tlie t.se of giA foi fuel purpoi. notke U heieby mini llul on and .illfi Apiil 1 nest the jirice of gas so used will be one dollar per 01112 thousand feet consumed, subject to the following special ili-.coimt:): lea pel cent.on all billswlieie the touuinpliouloi llienionth imountRto lcsulun luenlj five dollars, twentv pir lent on 11 bill) wheic the coa-uniptlon foi Iv.e month amounts to twenty 'five dollars and npwaids Trovided the bill is pud on cr befoie lh "nllt div of the montl. in which the lull i- undeicil. A epai it j nielcr, fiunMied I13 the cmnpanv, is licccsuii, llv onlei of the benrd. !. II 11 VM), Krcrelan. A LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE The greatest commercial economist in the world today. Compared to any necessary investment in business, the profit from aTELEPHONE is incalculable. Residence and Commercial rates at a moderate cost. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TELEPHONE AND SUPPLY CO Manager's oBkc, 117 Adams avenue. Announcement The intiinsic merit of the leccnt Pianofortes by the Mason & Ham lin Co. has called forth the follow ing remarkable expiessions fiom men who stand pre-eminent today in the musical lile of the world. "The Mason &. Hamlin Piano Is, I believe, an Instiumenl of the veiy flist lank." MOItll; M0shOs Kl, l oniin-ei, l'i.ini-1, li ul.fi. "r believe the Mason .V Hamlin Pianos to be of tho veiy flist lank." AUllimt MKIM 11, 'Hie KiOf.nleil ilunt of mibliil jrlhily In I'll rope tod,i, "It is titisui passed," I'Mlf, I'Al it, Ciiwliictui I'lillhaimonlc On.ln.li.i, Niw oik City. A slock of these supeib instru ments may he seen at the waie rooms ol LB. POWELLS CO, 13M..3 UasliliiKloii Ave. For Sale Or Rent Best Resident Section in City. Handsome Residence 605 Clay Avenue Fiiinlslietl or Unfiirnlslied. Modem, up-to-date house, large commodious rooms; three open fire places; baru; fruit; two lots, 80 ft. front, iio ft, deep, Apply A. N. Kerr, 126 Washington Avenue, Or 605 Clay Avenue. Where There's Smoke There Must Be Fire When we hold our regular customer and add new ones every day, theres re.ison, It's not just as good, but the BRST BKANDS we sell. Don't you Wall! Some Hollywood Or Wilson Ryes? If so, let us know. We.can save you money. Gmng Blinch Is not the w.-.y fo buy taster Furnishings You want to be correct in your Easter atthe. You must there fore pin chase wheie correct styles nie to bo had. That place is CONRAD'S, 305 Lackawanna Avenue. Easter Gifts. Belt Buckles iu Gold, Sil ver and Plated and Belt Brooches iu all the new shapes aud desigus. Also Silver Chain Purses, in all sixes from the small coin to the large Cbatalaine Bags, in solid silver and plated ware. vStop and look at our win1 dows for suggestions for Easter Gifts. Mercereafc & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. seTds Lawn, Timothy, Millett 325-327 Penn Avenue, A LADY INCLINED TO BE STOUT i 1111 ol depi ml ti mi in oulnnit inli lo nuNo .linliilh Ir.njlim sun. It ion think oli, skill ii teipiiieil in nnMii' a. jaunt 01 .Kill lo fit juu piopub -Vu'i 'bonii i.eilJiul,v come to in King Miller, Merchant Tailor, KOtt I,DII.S AVD GEMS. 435 Spiuce St., Scianton, Pa. Palms for Easter Just received a large consignment of Palms- the kiud you bought for your holiday decorating, Real, live, natural palms, perpetuated, caught iu their fullest bloom aud made immor tal. They will stand heat, cold anything, 39c p- CREDIT YOUF CERTAINLY! 'THE: mNOMY 221 -233.285-287 Wyoming Are Clover tt I flf ; ' SJ -3fl " , & &&-.wgiMM-A43kM'JIi"Wfa,sWJM-... ,- . w v,a x.v - K-v-.- sjjj,!