The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 04, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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An Excellent Comblnntion.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of thn well known remedy,
tirnur of Fiob, ninmtiucturetl by tho
California Fig Svkui Co., illustrate
thovaluoof obtaining- the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to bo
medicinally laxative, nnd presenting
thotu in the form most ref resiling to tho
taslo and acccntublo to the system. It
is tho one perfect fitrcntftliunitiR' laxa
tive, cleansing the system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches nnd fevcra
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality nnd sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
nr irritating them, make it the ideal
In tho process of manufacturing figs
nra used, as they nro pleasant to tins
taste, but tho medicinal qualities of tho
remedy ore obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fto Svnui
Co. oulv. In order to cot Its beneficial
effects nnd to avoid imitations, plcaso
remember the full name of tho Company
printed on tho front of every package.
Forsnla ly nil DniKRlsts. Price 60o. per liottlo.
Ice Cream.
OC Per
fc Quart
'J elejilione Order Promptly IXU veral
;3f'3aj Adims Avenu-s
Scranton Transfer Co.
Paggage Checked Direct to Motels
and Private Residences.
V., h. &
Phone Fi5.
I". A II. I'.VS.-The Deljxvji.- 1 llml-n
unuii.v p.iiil their cinilo.vcs m 1-liop.i
,i urth Siraiilon jcMctiIj.v.
rnxinnr. si;nvict:s. scnucs mil lie ion-
dinted lon'lit .ird tomoirim- nijjlit .it tlic first
I'les-li.Uerian i-lmrtli. 'Ihoy will Infill promptly
it 7.1"i oMutk.
t.i:iT LIT, Kit SCnriSIID. William Micili.'ld,
nf m -. unton, .111 csnplojp .it Hit Il.ulo
I'.nk lOllU'iy, linl hi- hit !s irJitureil
li.v hchiK i.iusla liptwcrn two mine uiu.
Ill' V.15 t.iKm tu tin- Mo-.--'ir hospital.
lllli- VV.vlM' 1 L.v.- V wji-i il.. ii
ro .- I riiis toinud ,11 the ( Youtiir. Wo-
Ufll'n f III lit 1.111 .ljiulliill. 'I 111 lUi.5 will lie
t.niRlit li fin- 1 1 MMiiion'r, hot diiMin.ikir .iinl
Hill mill 111 tln i-Miiiiij;, .y Hill wi-hinc t
h 1111 ii m In mike liu i. 11 .-Inn w.iNt bhobld
join .11 nine,
t V III.NMIV IIISO.VI-lli liKI.iy altfiiiomi It
.'! u'iIiiiL IV llini.i- iliol .a hi-. Iioino, -t li
Ojktnul ciuirl, m piiiiiiiiniii.i, jit,. ;,'ti jv,u, m,
onl- (.lIlliMli- li-liliw , hi, nilllll'l. The fi.
11u.1l lli he lr III Uii, jiii'iimm at C nVIoik .it
fcl. l.iil,e' rpl-inpil ilniiili. in IVr.
( Hill cuiuuiy.
f(.Oul..s WILL III! I l.0-i:il. -Afu-i today the
pul He MlinoK will In' 1lnM.1l tinlll .Mf.11,1.1,1 , "pii
i.'i. ami the pupil-, will luu- .m rppoiiiiuit.v to
uii" their .iiiiinil i-iiiiijr ji-.ulon, 'li.moiidw
l he (.ood 1'ilil.ij .mil in i week 1 lie fily
tuihiiV iiMlltitc will nKi'py the lime and d.
tdition of the teiilieis .Hid pilnilpal',
I.NMl'l!i:il IN MIM. --i.ii,1; (;i,bi,.,U, a
miner at the IHIeuM mlllei, w.i, e.iiij;lit inula
.1 Tall of tool yijtctd.iy imniiiin; and hid In, U t
g (uttiiud.- lie n.u innoitil to tho Jh.i
Tajlor Mcpliui K00K. .1 tiilddlc-.iiicd
mini r. i.t-. tal.rn to the 1. 11,itin.i,
M.ilerlns Horn a iiailiiU'd lex, tin te-iilt nf a
hill 01 lO.ll.
A 'A.-..Ml.ltU,.N Ui;iti:-. luv llmuio
oiinu- Mcn'i iiiii,tian iiMOui.ition lui up, in, I
hnieaii of information for tho accommodation
nl men desiioiij of cniracluir acininiiicdations in
ic.pietahle ImteU -iml pih.ite hou.ev A tliii is maintained wlilinut nHiM to thn
piihlie, poSai,i) tor icply should auompauv en
inipilo. .iklre-N V. M. (' A, IM11.A111. ri an
lltreaii, I'l We-t Jlohauk mrett, llmuio, , y,
McCllntock with His Easter Flowors
Will be at 12S WuMiliiKtoii iivenup.
We offer subject to previous
sale, any part of
: $10,000
North Jersey and Pocouo Mt.
4 Ice Company,
: Gold Bonds :
b per cent.
Free of Tax,
tme 1010,
Interest .payable April and
Thete heudj arc amply iurcd in a liitt
niortijMjiii on M'teial tliou.-jnd anes of
IjiuI ,iml water, More Iioihuj, iiia 01
nay. ilc, I'iKp 1n.1l lull paillcnlars 011
b V.
Krs f
4 CS Riottlnir, ,S". V. Wllktsllarr.
I. 5 nJ , I'omriioiiuMllli llldy.,
.4J-.44 4.fffffff
Price Escaped from Constable Fire
stein by Jumping in Blver.
The story of how a prisoner named
Albert Price escaped one day Inst week
from Deputy Constable Max Flrosteln,
of the Ninth wnnl, pot out yesterday.
Pi Ire was arrested on a wan-nut Is
sued by Atdcnnnii Kiisson nt the In
stance of his wire, who chuiKcs lilin
with surety of the ponce,
Flresteln hnil finite a Job locnlliiR
his man, but finally found htm In a
pretty jrood state of Intoxication In n
wiloon on Penn nvcnu. Price no
sooner saw tho constable than he
dashed past him nnd out the front
door. Ho inn up Penn uvemiu as fai
ns Vine street and turned down Hint
thoiouithfnro towards the Lackawan
na river, with Flinsteln In full pursuit.
"When ho reached the river he hesi
tated for juHt 11 moment and then
plunged In, striking out bodily for thn
other shore. The stream vvus swollen
by tho spring rains nnd was running
pretty swiftly. Price was carried down
about sevonly-llvu feet befoic be man
aged to reach the other side, nnd when
he did he quickly sot out of sight.
The constable was obliged to go up
to the Carbon street bridge, to got
across, not desiring a cold plunge.
AV'hcn ho pot over Price was nowhere
to be found nor has ho been discovered
' '
It Was Found in a Creek Near
Gypsy Grove Colliery in Dun
more Not Yet Identified.
Tito badly decomposed body of an
unknown, middle-aged man, was
found Tuesday 1001-111111? by a hoy
named Isidore Hlddell. lying on the
brink of a creels near the Gypsy Grove
colliery In Dunmotv.
The body was lying face downward
and appeared to have been washed
where It lay by the waters of tho
creek. Undertaker Jones was noti
fied and the body was taken to bis
undertaking establishment In North
Keranton, where it was examined last
night by Dr. Beddoo, who Is acting as
deputy coroner.
It Is clothed in fairly good clothes.
The coat Ik of dark grey goods and
the vest is black. Tho man was clean
Mmvpii, live feet three Inches tall, and
apparently between -15 and 50 years
old. AVhat Utile hair romnined on the
bead is of dark brown, Just turning
prey. There is an old war diseern
tiljle on the bridge of the noi-e. Noth
ing whatever was found in the pockets,
except two handkerchiefs. One of
these is of white silk with the initial
"U'1 embroidered upon it, and the
other is white. vith red dot?.
Dr. Pcddoc made 11 careful examina
tion of the remains and found no
murks of violence. The bedy is too de
cayed to attempt making a post mor
tem examination. Ho s.iys it must
have been exposed to tho elements
for at least ten day."-.
The body of the unknown man
found in Dtinmore Tuesday is slill nt
.lones' morgue in North Hcrunton and
has not yot been identified. A num
ber of persons viewed it yesterday, but
none could recognize tho feu tin es.
Chairman Chittenden Will Announce
Only Estimates Tonight.
O. K Chittenden, tho newly ulecied
chalrninn of the select counell, said
yesterday that the only committee
which he will announce tit tonight's
meeting of lh council will be the es
timates committee.
Ho believes Unit there will bo no
further use for either an auditing or
a iiru department committee, and will
consult upon the matter with some of
the other councilmen. Tho estimates
committee must bo appointed at once,
ho says, that tho nppioprlutlor. ordi
nance as prepared by the old commit
tee may be submitted and passed with
out delay.
Jt Is undeilood that Ohnliman Chit
tenden lias entered Into an agreement
with Chairman Cnlpln of the common
council to have the committee evenly
divided polltirally. He will appoint
three. Kenublicans and two Democrats
and Chairman Calnln has agreed to
appoint throe Democrats and two I!u
publlcans. m
Two Bellevue Young Men Helped
Themselves to Horse and Buggy.
Thomas Lawless and John .Shetidait.
two young men residing- un Hallroad
avenue, w,-te ai rested Tuesday night
by Patrolmen Keeney and Walsh, on
win rants issued by I'olicu .Magistrate
AV. S. Millar, at the instance of Chief of
Police Frank Jtobling, charging them
wlih larceny, cruelty to animals and
malicious trespass,
The young men. it apppars, went Into
tho barn of V. A. u'Uoylo, coiner or
Jtnllroad avenue and Uroadway, on
Monday afternoon and proceed to' hitch
up his lioi-so to a buggy which iliey
found thete, They drove Urn animal
to Mudtown, wheie they remained un
til midnight, when they drove luck
again, lelitinlug tho outllt to the ii.iru
aiiout 1 o'clock Tuesday morning.
O'ltoyle, who knows both young mt ;t.
complained to chief liobllng, who
caused their surest, O'tloyle rlaiun.
unit the wns lamu when taken
from tho barn, nnd that It was gioss
cruelty to diivo It us It was driven.
Tho prisoners maintain Unit they told
O'Hoyle's wife that they ero taking
the outfit and that she manifested no
obJectioYi. They weie given a heuihig
yesterday befoio Magistrate Millar
and hold In $500 ball for thoir appear
anee at court.
It Will Soon Be Hung in Board of
Trade Rooms.
A splendid oil poitralt of ex-Picsl-dent
Luther Keller, of tho board of
trade, tho liaudlwoik of Artist Haughl,
of Dtinmore, was received Tuesday by
Hecietaiy Atherton. and will he pio".
rented at the next meeting of the
board, to bo hung with the portraits of
the other cx-presldents In the nsbt?n
bly room,
.Mr. Keller's picture, when hung, will
ronipleto tho collection, which now In
eludes portialts of (ho following ex
piusldents: Lewis Pughe, 0, A. Fill
ler, William T, Kinlth, J. A. J'rlce, Cup
t.tlll V. A. May, Colonel H. M. Holef,
J. M. Kenimeier, William Connell and
T. JI. Dale.
Louis A. Weber's Barber Shop,
Itooni '.'OT Council Uulidlng, 2nd lloor.
Telephone Your Order for Hot Cross
to lluuley, t:'0 Kpruc ititit.
Case Has Seen to tho Supreme Court
Twice Decree Hint Wns Made by
Judge Gordon All of the Cases on
tho Common Pleas List for tho
Week Disposed of Mrs. Ganley
Has Secured an Injunction Against
Chnrles Kirst Guardians Thn't
Were Appointed.
Protlionotiu-y John Copcland yester
day received rrom Judge Cyrus Gor
don, of Clearfield, an opinion In the
ejectment case of J. S. Smith and
others against V. K. Loonils nnd John
JL Follows. The opinion was written
on the phtlnllfL's application for a new
trial and motion to correct Jury's state
ment of account, mould verdict and
enter Judgment.
The case was tried twice In this
county and had two hearings In the
Supremo court. The last order of tho
Supreme court did not send It back for
re-trlal generally. They sent It back
for a verdict for the plaintiffs for the
premises in dispute nnd decided that
the defendants were trustees, and as
such bound to account for all property
and moneys passed Into or through
their hands.
The mattor wns heard before Judge
Gordon, specially presiding heie, and
ho closes tho long opinion he tiled yes
terday by milking the following dectee:
Now, April '.', 1D0I, this rSM Iminc hecn duly
heard at the trial In roiirt hi fore tho limit and
jury, and iiiUMquently on Hie pending rules for
new trial and to mould mid if form the venlht,
the law unit facia .no found hy the eomt a et
forth In the foieRoim: opinion, hcreulth tllcl.
and it h. in iiieoidaiiec with s-iid opinion, 01
dereil, .iilindiriil and decreed in follows, lz:
l'ir.-t I In- nile for 1 new trial l ili-cluiKeil.
hieoiul .Iiulpinent on the verdiit is dluvled
to he eiitiud In faor of the plaintiir-i and
tiiMiii't defendants for the land described in the
writ of clertiiii nt, and furlhir, tho sprcial ver
diet i.; rofonued mid it Is found there U due
and nwlng hy defendants to pLiInttlN, a of
lleccmber, lNitl, Hie miiii of j,KCi.72, which they
are hcu'b.v nnlcn I and dlrdlul to pay, and
judgment H (liiided to he mined uu the vei
dlel a rrfoinuil against duendanls for s-ahl ttnp
with inlimt fiimi peeeinher, IS'.lf.
Third As between the ilalnllHs It i-. .nlimlced
thai the real estate iitqutmI ii onneil hy them
iu follows, W.: The uiidiM'ded one-half hy Cor
nelius Smith, cmp, one-fourth by J. S. i-mllli
and ono-iourth by W. If. and -focph l'cllows.
And that as to the sum of !,:"0.72, for whirli
jtiilgmrnt is entered aalnit defondants, the Him
of J,l!3.4t thereof belongs and is nnjns to Cor
nelim Smith, eq., the sum of ?l.0!il.7J thereof
lo .1. S. .Sniilh, and the sum ot S'J.Otj.." to
V, II. and Joseph fellows.
Fourth It i ordered that the f-llo-insr he
tiled of record, z: llefetidints' lalciilJtioni. A,
It and (', and plaintiffs' brief of aipuinent and
caljiil.itfrns marked P.
Fifth K(pptlnn t noted and bill foaled for
plilntiffs and difjndant.
End of Common Pleas.
Common fleas cotnt ended for the
week yesterday, and in the afternoon
Judge J. AV. Slinonton left for his
home in Ilarrisbuig. In the morning
the case of Mis. Elizabeth Jayno
against William J. and Elsie MeKel
vcv, which was called for trial Tues
day, was given to the jury by Judge
Edwaids. and a verdict for $75, -with
Interest from Jan. 23. 18H7. was re
turned In favor of the, plaintiff.
Frederick W. Jones was the plaln
titf in a suit against the Scianton
ltallway company. Jones' carriage was
run into by 11 car of the defendant
company and badly damaged. lie sued
for damages but 11 compulsory non
suit was granted yesterday 011 motion
of Major Eveiett Warren, attorney for
the company, on the giound that tho
proceedings were not pioperly begun.
The case of Tiipp & Co. against J.
Elliott Ttoss was put on trial before
Judge IT. M. Edwards. It was an ac
tion to tecover a bill of $Gf) for coal
furnished. Alter the went to
trial uu agreement was arrived at by
which a verdict of $.10 was taken for
the plaintiff.
r.efore Jttdse Slinotitou the case of
W. C. Smith against Hannah Lewis
was tried, It was an action to recover
a book account and .1 indict for the
plaintiff for $t;;,r,n was letnrned.
Judge Kelly yesterday granted a rule
to show cause why a new trial should
not bo sianted hi the case of airs.
Annie Kihnartin against the Fire As
sociation or Philadelphia. One of the
leasons for which the now trial Is
asked Is that ertnlu evidence was ex
cluded to show that a number of hulld
Inss in the vicinity of the Kllmnitin
hotel wuie destroyed by fires of incen
diary origin, a short time pi lor to the
burning of the hotel. It Is held that
Ihls and other errors of the trial Judge
are lesponslble for the verdict. In
favor of the defendant rutin ned bv the
Injunction Against Kiist.
Mrs, Mary Cinpley yesterday illed a
bill in equity against Charles Khst
and obtained a temporary inluiictloii.
Mis. Onnley owns a house and lot at
1-7 Pear street, this city, and Klrst
has property adjidning from which ho
Is taking sand, (he result being that
.Mrs. (ianley tinds herself upon u hm
with the giound dug nwny for a depth
of sixty feet on two sides of her.
Klrst Is so close to her line now,
she says, that in thn ovent of the liatik
caving, thu greater part of her lot and
possible her house will slide down into
Klrst's sand pit, Sho wants the court
to losir.tln Klrst fioin pursuli.g his
sand digging operations and also to
have him compensate bet for the dam
age she bus sustained,
Guardians Appointed.
Joseph L Nellie,' Clenovieve jit n,i
Frank chirk, minor children of Anna
Clark, late of Dunmoiv, had Augustus
Donnelly named ns their guardian by
tho court yesterday. IL C, HhatVr was
made sumdlan of Albert J. and Alice
Harvey, minor clilldteii of the Into Al
bert Harvey, of this cltv.
Yesterday's Mnrringe Licenses.
John Lousiloil Si'wulou
Anna K, Miller Srantiin
John It. I'lipmljUi suntoii
Minnie Maiwy , -..Snaiiti-n
illUm II, Mid Hi Vrnion
:w II. t'oopr sur.inlon
IM'.vjuI M. Iro' :a,t Slniii.Mjurif
I'l Jin rs A. ItoMiW'ii ...Oljplunt
Imported Ladies' Gloves for Easter
Wo liuve just received our sprint? tin.
portal lou? of Liullen' moves. Hco our
wlntiow. I'iioo & Jenkins, km av.vo.
mills avenue.
There will bo a ine-eilug of the Dela
ware, Lackawuuim anil Western mine
committee, lo be held at rllvlhluu linn!,
(juartois, No. I. on Sattinlay evening,
April G. K.tch initio should ho route.
seated at this ineetlntr, as huMiu'S.s of
Importance will be transacted.
To Know What You are Taking
When Using' Catarrh Medicines
Catarrh Is Hie short route to con.
sumption, nnd the hnporlanco of early
nnd Judicious treatment ot catarrh,
whether located In the head, (Intuit or
bronchial tubes, cannot be too strongly
The list of catarrh cures Is ns long as
thu moral law and. the forms In which
they are administered, numerous and
confusing, from sprays, Inhalers,
washes, ointments nnd salves to pow
ders, liquids nnd tablets.
The tablet fotm Is undoubtedly
tho most convenient and most
effective, but with ner.rly nil ad
vrrtlsed cntnrrh renieil'les It Is al
most entirely a matter of guos3
work as to what you are taking Into
your system, ns the proprietors, while
making alt sorts of claims as to what
their medicines will do, always keUp
It ti close Hoerst as to what they are.
The success and popularity of the
new catarrh cure, Stuart's Catarrh
Tablets. Is hugely because It not onty
cures rntarrh, but catarrh sufferers
who used these tablets know what they
are taking Into their systems. Stuart's
Cat. 'i nil Tablets, being composed ofEu
oolyptol. llydrnslln, Guuleol and sim
ilar valuable and antiseptic Ingredients
nnd aro pleasant to the taste, and
being dissolved In the mouth, they
take immediate effect upon the mucous
lining of tho throat, nnsal passages and
the whole respiratory tract.
Tho cures that Stuart's Catarrh
Tablets have accomplished In old
chronic cases of catarrh arc little short
of leniarktible, and the advantage of
knowing what you are putting Into
your stomncTi is of paramount Import
ance when It Is remembered that th
cocaine or morphine habit has been
freiiuuntly contracted as the result ot
using secret catarrh remedies.
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets nvet with
cordial approval from physicians, he
cause their antiseptic character render
them perfectly safe for the general
public to use and their composition
makes them a common sense cure for
all forms of catarrhal troubles.
All druggists sell them for ."0 cents
for full sized packages.
Services Were Held in All the Syna
gogues Last Evening Will Be
Continued This Morning.
Services were besini in all the cltv
synagogues last evening In celebia
tlon of the Festival of Passover, and
the observance of the holiday will be
( outlniicd this morning. At the Lin
den Street temple, Kev. A. S. Ans
pacher wns in charge of the services,
which weio begun nt ti o'clock.
Passover Is one of the red letter
epochs In the Jewish calendar. It is
of eight days' duration and Is com
memorative of thu exodus from Egypt,
when the millions or liberated Hebrew
serfs led by Moses departed from the
land of bondage, after their release had
been wrung from Pharaoh, the ruling
The holiday derives its name from
the poetic legend which tells of (he
last of the ten plagues sent upon Egypt
to force Pharaoh to give his consent
to the Israelites' departure. The angel
of death visited the home of every
Egyptian and there slew the first born.
Hut the houses of fhe Hebrews he
passed over and spared. Hence the
A peculiar fact connected -with the
observance of the eight days is that
no biend nrav bo eaten, or anything
in which veast has been used. The
"matziith." a laige lint cracker, is sub
stituted for the usual specimen of the
staff of life.
Letter from Mr. E. L. Merriman.
Scrantoii. Pa April U. lllfll.
Pennsylvania Casualty Co., Scrauton,
flentlemi'ii: Allow me to thank you
for your check for seventy-live ($7."ioO)
"IiiIIhis In settlement of live weeks I
lost as a result of pleurisy. Your agent
came U see tin when 1 was very busy
and I took the policy to geL rid of
him for a small amount, and by so
doing It has proved a ease of Mutual
Ucmdlt. I inn especially pleased with
your iMomiiiiie-.. in handling the mat
ter. Pleas,, send vour agent to see me
again and I will take out another pol
icy for the limit, but not to get ild of
him this time, but to get rid of Ihe
liability l am under from an illness,
Thanking you again, I beg to lemaln,
Veiy It uly yours.
E. L. Merrhnaii,
Ladies' Collars and Cufflets.
V. hlto Swiss turnover collais, with
cull,-, to irnteh Something new. Cr.i-nii'r-WelN
Co., ian AVyomlng avenue.
The Scianton Wine nnd Liquor Co.
Have removed to y.lO Lackawanna
avenue, whete Mr. J. 1!. Cohen will bo
pleased hi meet his friends.
Hot Cross Buns for Good Friday.
Today Is none too soon to leavo your
older with Hanley, 2rt Spruce street.4
Hnnley's Hot Cross Buns.
Older them early, at 420 Spruce
Easter Trade.
We have purchaesd and made up an en
tiicly new and fresh stock of fine confect
ionery tor the Easter trade.
These confections are absolutely pure,
and are daintily packed in beautiful pound
boxes, making a most appropriate Easter
3I2-3H Lackawanna Avenue,
Elnbornte Programmes Aio Beinr;
Prepared Bauer's Orchesh.t Will
Assist the Choir at St. Peter's
Cathedral Special Anthems Will
Be Sunjf in the Second Pi-ostiytv-inn
Church by the Choral Society
of Thirty Voices Penn Avenue
Church Choir Augmented.
The tmislcnl directors ot the 11rlous
churches throughout the city tire mti't
Ing elaborate preparations for special
music, on Easter Sunday and the nrv
grammes to be given promise to
any ever rendered In this city befoic.
Prof. AV. P. Schilling, who I111
chnrgi of tho muslo nl St. Peter's
cathedral, has been rchear.dng the
choir for many weeks P'lHt and prom
ises a rate treat for loveis of music.
The mnss to bo sung may be termed
o. composite mass, ns It will be made
up of selections from some of the best
masses of Mozart, Dlabolla and T.a
Ilochc, alt of which have never Von
heard before In this cltv.
Hnuor's orchestra of sixteen pieces
will 'furnish the Instrumental muslo
and solos will be rendered by Mlsn
Laveile, Miss Laura Hafter, Miss Liz
zie Snow, Mrs. Walsh, Mrs. Leoiiiud,
W, E. Bradbury and Daniel Huckley.
At ihe Second Presbyterian church
the service on Sunday night will ho
entirely musical and will be in charge
of Prof. J. AI. Chance. There will be
special anthems sung by the church
choral society of thirty voices nnd by
the regular church quartette, compris
ing Misses Ulack and Oaragan and
Messrs. Glppell and Morgan. The In
strumental music will be furnished hy
tho church orchestra, augmented by
Bauer s.
Prof. J. Alfred Pennington Is arrang
ing nn especially elaborate muslcnl
programme for tho evening service at
the Elm Park Methodist Episcopal
church. This will bo rendered by the
church quartette. and a specially drilled
At tho First Presbyterian church, the
musical director, Prof. John T. Wat
kins, has arranged to give two elabor
ate cantatas. They will be sung by a
choir of twenty-five voices and the
church quartette, consisting of Mrs.
Katherine Thiele, Mrs. Lily Joseph
Keller, David Stephens and John T.
Watkins. ,
The cantata to be rendered nt the
morning service is Stevenson's "Easter
Eve." while at the evening service
Fontaine Money's "The ltesuirectlou"
11 ill be sung.
The musical programme for tho Penn
Avenue Baptist church next Sunday
has been artangrd by Prof. Haydn
Evans, and will include a number of
special Easter anthems to Tie sung by
an augmented choir of thirty-live
voices. The solos will be sung by Mrs.
Frank Krundage, whose- beautiful
soprano voice is so much admired by
music-lovers. During the evening ser
vice Frank Doyle -will render a violin
solo and will play the obllgato to Mrs.
Hrundago's solos.
The Easter music at St. Luke's Epis
copal church will be sung, both morn
ing and evening, by the icgiilar vested
choir of twenty-live men and boys,
under the direction of .1. Willis Coti
ant. The offertory selection at the
morning service will be Maker's
"Awake. Thou That Sleepest," and
Lissard's "Come, Ye Faithful." will bo
sung as a. recessional. At tho evening
service Hlmbault's "Christ the Lord Is
Illsen" will be sung.
A rehearfcal of the Easter music iill
be held this evening at the Providence
Presbyterian church under the direc
tion of Musical Director C. F. Whltte
morc. Cheap Bates to California.
Parties desiring to maUe trip to Cali
fornia, Aii.or.a or New. Mexico, either
for business or pleaMiie, can do so now
at almost half price.
lCvery Tuesday, until April ;lOth, in
clusive, tlekots marked "Colonlht" may
be purchased via Southern Hallway for
$11.00 from Washington. JIC.50 from
Philadelphia, and correspondingly low
prices from other points.
The Southern Rullway and Southern
Pacific company operate through ex
cursion sleepers from "Washington,
leaving Mondays, Tuesdays and Fri
days, tho Tuesday sleeper being avail
able for "Colonist" tickets. The berth
rate in these .sleepers is only $7.00, two
people b.Mng allowed to occupy one
berth if doaired, Personal conductors
and Pullman partem go throiiRli with
each sleeper. There are other new,
convenient and economical features
connected with these excursions which
may be ascertained from Charles L.
Ilonkins. District Passenger Aireni.
I Southern Railway, S2S Chestnut street,
Miss Klhel New comb, pupil of Pro-fe.'-.'-or
Thcodor Lebohetlzky, of Vienna,
will give a pianoforte recital in St.
Luke's Pf.i Ish Houye on Monday even-
ing. Apii; sir:, ai s o'clock.
Ask for Kelly's union crauhets.
When you
Drop a penny in blind man'stiut do you ever stop to
consider how much care a person who lias a good pair of
eyes should give them 't Take chances with everything
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Always Busy.
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Of Course Our Guarantee Goes with Every Pair
Ladies' Easter Shoes
Ladies' Fine Dress Boots
and Oxfords for Easter.. $1.00
Ladies' Fine Dress Boots
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Ladies' Extra Fine Dress
Boots and Oxfords for Eas
tcr 31 75
Ladies' Superfine Dress
Boots and Oxfords for Eas
ter $3.00
The Children.
The spice of life. We
haye for them the kind of
shoes that will protect their
feet through life.
Infants' Soft Soled Shoes. .10c
Infants' Dress Shoes 25c
Infants' Full Dress Shoes. Soc
Children's Dress Shoes... 75c
Children's Superfine Dress
Shoes $1.00
114 and 116 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton.
Sis Your Bicycle
Iu good shape for the
jf NOW
Jtf Is the time to have
i it properly.
UBittenbender & Co.p
H 126 and 128 Franklin Avenue. tf
Title Guaranty
No. 516 Spruce Street,
Capital, Pull Paid
THOMAS 1 dllll.
Xilli:W If. Mi (
iui am .i:siinr.
.luiis ivi:i.i.r.s iioi.i,i:.iii:ck. .iomtk o'iiiiiln.
o. s. JOIINkO.V,
AUdi'tr- iioiiiSMi.v,
Abram Nesbltt, William F. Hallatead,
Thomas H, Watkins, O, 5, Johniort.
lixumines and insures titles to real estate.
Acts as Uxecutor, Administrator, and Guardian.
Executes trusts of every description,
Assumes entire charge of real estate.
Receives money on deposit and allows interest,
Becomes sole surety on fidelity, court and official bonds.
Loans money on bond and mortgage,
From time to time will offer to the public high
grade Investment securities.
I.. A, Watres
Andrew M. HcClintock
Henry A, Knapp
Ralph 5. Mull
Willard, Warren ft
Lamp complete ..,,$3.50
Co. R1" I
Easter Shoes foj
every member of
the family. You can
select from the old
favorites the kind
that made our
shoes famous or
from the new
friends, those
smart, up-to-the
minute kind.
Misses' Extra Fine Dress
Shoes $1.00
Misses' Superfine Dress
Shoes $1.25
Hen's Wear.
Men's Boots and Oxfords,
in all leathers $i.5o
Men's Fine Boots and Oxfords..-
Men's Extra Fine Boots and
Oxfords $2,50
Men's Superfine Boots and
Oxfords $3.00
The Boys.
Little Boys' Fine Dress
Shoes 65c
Little Boys' Extra Fine
Dress Shoes 75c
Little Boys' Superfine Dress
Shoes $1.00
Boys' Fine Dress Shoes. $1.00
Boys' Extra Fine Dress
Shoes $1.25
Boys' Superfine Dress
Shoes $1.50
ridiug season?
your work done. We do VL
and Trust Co.
Scrauton, Penna.
i.i.vror K.
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. President
Trust Officer
Ktiapp, Solicitors,
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