llllrwvv W. -"n'v;"'v I THE SCUANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, APRIL !, 1901. ?' r v- OHIccj BURKE BUILDING EASTEE MUSIC. TIio p.istoih or clioi'lsU'iH uC the dif feroul oily uliurclies arc Invited to Imvu their iiiciBfitiiiniPH of tfttstur mtlRlu tirinled In Tin Trlliuiic on Htit tmluy niornliiK. In order to liimtre pii I dlca lion they tdiotihl be left tit the i.'urbumlnlu olllcos oi' TIio Tribunes not Inter tliim :i oVIoclc on I'llilny aftcr noon, GAY TIMES NEXT WEEK. The- Days Following Easter to Be , Filled with Numerous Soclnls. k Next Monthly iilf-lit will open up tho Rtiy scubon after the quiet and puber-iref-s of Lent and nil throiiKli the week and for Kovetnl weeks tlierputtcr there will bo no lark of social diversions for I ho yoiiiipr men and women of this city. For Mondny nlKlit there will be two no cluls, one in cieh of the large ptibllo hall?. Piofessois CollhiH and Firth will ftlvo a publlr podal In honor of their pupil In Uurloa hall on Monday i-venlUR. 'Die closest attention will be Riven to every detail. A number of new (Itinera will lend novelty to the pioBiannne. The ClgannnketTi' union will lvc a "blue label" social In Vnt,t'K hull on Monday evening, Committee: have been hard at work for some time, and on tho night of die s-orlnl the giietds av 111 bceuic a welroiue that will please them. On Tlniixhr.v night tho Vnung l.'iilfct.' I'oinuiunlou Tabic as-ocl.itiuii of St. Kusc chinch will give another pleasant euchre party and piomenade. They will be ns.slhtcd In the details by a committee of forty young men. Fol lowing the card playing ,i promenade social will bo held. Tho euchre party will bo in limkc'.s hnll. On Friday night the Friday Kveuing Social club will give another of their delightful .soirees. This society, al though one of the youngest in the oily, has already achieved a leputatlon as entertaineis that places it high up in tho .social lite of tho town. As usual, this social will be held in Burke's hall. On Tuesday night the Recherche Dancing class will hold their big social In Burke's hall. The members of this rlniM have been arranging for this event for several weeks, and have got the details well In hand, enough so ns to guarantee a merry evening to all who attend. On "Wednesday evening. Division ."o. 11, Ancient Order of Hibernians, will have their turn at the terpslchurean paycties. They have elected to hold their annual social in Burke's hall then and from the nature of the nropara tions their committees have made, it may safely be inferred that they will have ns good a time as any Hint enter into social gayeties duting Easter w eek. Fioni the above it may bo seen that there will be an opportunity every night next week for the lovers of danc ing and melody and those who like to look at happy crowds, to Indulge them selves. Saturday night is blank so far, but llicie will be a first-clans play at. the opeia house to wind up a merry . week successfully, A HIGH CLASS CONCERT. Will Be Given Soon by Noted Plny- eis and Vocalists in Burke's Hall. .Music lovers in this city will be de lighted to learn that in the near l'rr Uno they will have an opportunity to .Indulge themselves at a lirst-clnss eon sit, lu b" given in Burke's hall on April :;;;, the proceeds of which will be given to the Umugoney hospital. The premier attraction of the occa sion will be Mine. Flavie Van Pan Heinle, violoncellist, a native of Bel gium, now of Xciv York city, and who has' been a solo perlormer with Theodore Thomas', Duinro-uh'H and Anton Soldl's orchestras. Sim win be assisted bv Moris. Flavian Vander el.cu, who has been heard here on a number of occasions on the violin and lola: Miss Sadie Kaiser, soprano, of "Wilkes-Uane; Aided "Wordier, tenor soloist at the Klnr Park church In Peranton, and t'hniles Docrsam, plnn 1st and accompanist K. J'. Burke, the owner of the hall, has most generously donated It for the purpose, arrd it Is hoped nnd ex pected that a large stun will be raised for this, worthy charity, COUNCILS MEET TONIGHT. Will Try and Have the Chairman ship Struggle Settled. Both the common and select councils With two facea; one face bright with health, the other face, pinched stud drawn by illues,?. Mauv u woman can take the portrait of herself made but a few years ago, ami holding it by her face in the mirror realize n similar change. Behind this change in form and fea ture is always disease, and generally dis ease which affects the womanly organ, ism, The backache and liearing-dowu p.iini put a heavy strain on the nervous system, Theie its loss of sleep, lack of appetite, and, as a nitural result, Joss of strength and flesh. Doctor PierceV Favorite Prescription cures diseases of the womanly organs, it establishes regularity, dries enfeebling drains, heals inflammation and ulcera tion nnd cures female, weakness. 'Word cannot Kdl Mint I suffered for thirteen year with womb trouble unit ilragiinir-dowir pains through riv hips nud liark," v. rite Mrs. Toliu Dickson, of (Jreiifelt. Akslnilxila Dl'. N.W. Per, "I cun't ilcsciibe lire misery it wa to be ouniytcct lonj; nt n lime I could not eat nor sli-sp. often I wi.licrt to die. Then I saw Dr. Picric' medicines (idvcrt'sed ami thought I would try Hum. ll.-ul tint taken one bottle till I was feeliiij! well. After I lml Inken liie Indie of M'trnnte Prescription' and one of 'Hidden Medical Discovery' ( was like a new woman. Could i at and sleep oud do all my mm work. I would entreat of any itidvmfrcr inr (rout female wOtties.- to give I r. "plerce's favorite Prcscrlptnm a fair trial, (or I know the hcnrril hc will receive Dr. l'ierce' Pleasant l'ellets cure bUiisuest nr.il sick headache, 0OTT wmwmM 3. Carbondale Department. 3" will meet this evening nt 8 o'clock. The selectmen will have nothing to do until the common council leonrnnlzos. The continuance of the deadlock that manifested Itself on Monthly may pos sibly not be .settled tonight, but It In believed that Home solution of the dif ficulty will bo arrived ut, ami that u permanent organization will be effect ed. Thoro may bo a compromise can didate for ehali mail accepted by the Democratic members, us has boon pro posed by the Jtepublleaus and thus it long and bitter light for control bo avoided. If reorganization Is complet ed tho two bodies will hold a joint session and ballot for city cleric. There are now two candidates for this ofllee, X. Li. Moon and M. .1. Horan, each of whom s-ecins confident of landing the plum. Tho vote for cltv solicitor will be taken on Monthly, with 11. D. btiiiiit, J. .T. O'Neill and a dark hotse as tho candidates. It is said the latter will put ti li a big surprise. 'THE RISEN KINO.' The First Methodist Episcopal Church Will Have Cnntnta Enstcr Sunday Night. The choir of the Fiist Methodist Epiteopal church eie making special efforts to outdo on Easter Sunday any thing they have hitherto .illemptod lu the line of music. Several low mem bers have been added for the ocaslou. A number of anthems and a solo wilt be sung at the morning service, At t lie evening seivlce a itiututii. "The Itlscti King," by r. A. Sehuec ker, will be given. Tills N one of the most melodlus and best i omposltlous of lire above writer. It lias sevt nil choruses for mixed voices, trios, solos ami ehor r.sen lor male voices and choruses for female volets. W. D. Kvans, the chorister, bus given considerable time in preparing this work and expects to give one of the best Kartor pro grammes ever presented Irr this city. At the morning service the following anthems will be sung. "I'liey Max- Tal.rn Vw.iy Mi Lord." ...I. -t.iinei "Why Sri. Ye the l.ilns "imuru the Dead" M. i:. Ilrown Tiiior Solo and ( horns, "Ho-nun,"., I. (iianlii i:vi:xiNi; sr.ituci:. Cantata. "Hie lticn Kins" 1'. V Selnieikrr llnidrd into three put-, as i.IIoum 1NIIHMII (TIO.V. tlitnii", "This I the IJi.v Wliiili the !."id ll.ith .Madt." 'I UK STOKV. Choius of Men, "M It Ilrean In Pmn." "lrm of IVm.do Vulie. "Willi I,.iiiii? lle.nU and I.idcn liaiub." lCctit it iic, "Hut Whfii Thrj Came lulu Hie SrpiiKhmr " ( honi-, "ihr Luiil Iv I!i-ui" lircititbr, Mm, "llirn Went lli' Ijut i,iiii,k- li .iti.l ritd." fluiltl-, 'tleciiuip foi llllll." Alio Solo, "liny lla t li Taken Awaj JIj l.nrd." Iticitaibp. Mm an 1 Wmncii, "And U hen she Had that Mid." Choni-, "Oh, (.'i.ie, Wlicir 1- 1 In Vulmj." riNAI.I.. ( ll"Ul, "I'llln llllll Will) I.OMil 1-," MB. DOW TO LEAVE. He Has Been Made Southern Jigent of the Gurney Heater Company. Eugene H. Dow, who has for a number of yeais been manager of the Sperl Heater company, but of late been in the heating and ventilating business for himself, has acecpted a Jlatteiing olfer liom Hie tlutney Mauii faetuiing company, of Hoslorr, to man age tire company's Intel ests in the southern Atlantic i oast states, with luad'iuarteis at Washington, P. ('. Tire tiuiney company is tire oldest in its line in Hie t'nited States. One of their heating plants is now installed in the central schol 'jullding, placed there by Mr. Dow. -The thoroughness with which lie did this work was re ported to the lompany by their In spector, with the result that he io celved an oiler to come to them. Mr. Dow will probably leave here on Saturday for Boston, where ho will study the consti notion of their output In their immense plant there. The company's agents hold a bamiuot lir Uoston during tills month, and tlioie he will meet the olllcers. A second banquet of the company will take place in the Hardware club in New York in Mav, which he will also attend, and after that he will come here and prepare to leave for the nalinal capi tal on May '.'0. Mrs. Dow will reside here until that date, when she will go to Washington. Their departure will be greatly regretted. A Southern Play. "t I'llny I!id-e," D.uid llliitjlin' luautliul Kiuthuu plav, will ho the attiailioii at tlinJ (hand tiiiiioiiuw iiiglit. The story is wown ahoul .l.uk Hose, a ,ounj; inouiitatuori, who, on- tin' eve or hi-, niaillattt, i- aua-id uf lining nrjau liluod hi hin M'in-. Tho .utioii of I lie play I-. niicjctli, ponse.-K-ei Kleat dianutie luc mid H niiely sluiliil Willi lOinuly. 'Hie piuducln nan p.ui is a pueiful unr, ami the mimiu) and eldlikal elf.H-ti. novil ami hrautlful. Horse Case Continued, 1li Milt rt I). .1. ,N"( u.v aaiiit I, It, lli'iijamui. ot U.i.Mie luiiuty, fur il.e uw.ud ef T-,', lor the lc(ociy of a horie stolip limn the dckr.daut. ili'ill wa In hue mine up ,,),tridiy atlmJ"U h'loie Alderman Joik'J, waa louliuued until ii'M Saturday afteinomi ln.vii.in' lUiijaniiii I'Oiild not got hue 0(l die hrats m,id jislelda.N. New S5 Counterfeit. I hid wilMc, nl ll.e miri frriiir, hi-, aa nouiuid thai a nee and iuipined i-isue of ih, vnuutiTli.it W nihil' urtllcJle, silies ol 1)'J, poll , lit oi the hnli.ni iluef llmpapa, diiioiuril nil CMuhrv !W, ItW), lia appcind in runjtl'ii The vlxik lottu and pine nuiulier hae Km liin;.' d 1 1 oiii ll.'u in A:i.'. Foiest Fiverj. I in. it liiea utre i.ie'iiig in Die liiinliy o simp sou on Tu 'mI.iv and at one time tliuatincd to ilcktioy the ah'.iiiok'i' liuue. It l lather e.nly for tills Mud of (in-, I. it it aicni, tint lounl I'ljiio hale Liiiy si'Jiou or their unu lion. "Eiiing" on the Honesdale Lino, I'ruiil. Ilii'ihtd, of l aiiani .tirct, ii toiini- a hinnjii en (he engine nl l.'oiului tur fit ku'c P.i a-.i ire and llmbon train tu lloiuiJalf. ilu, lrei!,ta r.ml iliildrcu aio kpetding a fv dajj with lluuetdjle Iriemb. Almost Beady for Duty, Cundi'ctor !,. K. 'ook, u( Wllkc, Jlnie, nho has iiuii) Irlrudj h(U, Is Itiuicilni; I ruin a i. ciut opoatiun and is aiuiind again after the HU of Idlcnus. Aniiunl Visit. 'Ilir poor lojid rll rnJle Ihtir .iruuul i-it to tli'; pour faun IhU uioinin;, Kailn,- the uly Imlldmg at i u'lloik. ' At the Opera House T-lilulit -"At Pincy Hidxe " fuiMlj "Two Meny Trimpa." Thonc t NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 A FINE JREC1TAL. Pupils of Prof. Haytlen Evnua Ben der a Good Programme. Tho pupils of Prof. Haydn livniis, of this city, gave n recital last evening at Mr. lOvan.i' residence, 74 Laurel strict. Tliry were nsslstcd by Mrs. Ocorgo K. Mills, soprano soloist, nnd Frank Doyle, violinist. The friends of the pupils were present In large num bers ami weie frr"utly pleased at their excellent progress. The programme presented was: Purl, sxlicun Mnio.d Lillian and Kattitilno 1 1 hit. (a) Ilomul panto Nlinull 0) Knme fieilltt Airnti Ditililiuin. M.aling Kit in rtutli lll-trd. hi I in o I.lehurr .Matci.i llo.it. Ii.eliu; Thome Mirgciy Spem.i'i'. Mullti, M.iSllll. l IMsnud 1'rank Po.ilr. 00 ( hIUrlii- Miillnl (li Jlie tlupglrr tiiiglrniaiin Mae Moigan. J t) Ktiidc ....lldlrr (li) .il-o lu I) Hal Pmaiit Helen Lilhiop. h.i II, H (..'vmi' II"lill Lillian Hull'. I'lllh .Noi'lllllie trill I'll Mlllllli' lkll'ill. 'J Ik. 1 Mis lu Miy Cocndu Mis .Mills. (i) LOi'ln No. 17 llrllrr (I)) Lllm Daiiir Iciu'jii Kithi line liinr. llcnU and lluvicis 1'ianl; Po.ilc Pint Ilul-t Nellie and Minnie llrihrrt. Singing1 Evnng-elists to Come. 'Hie IJInrs liiutliirs Hiifdni; riansilUt., will ipi'iiluie in puliiii'. nll ,.nd story the fainouj liuiik wiitlru hi (links M. Sheldon, "In Ills s'tipj. in Ulid Would ,Iimi Pur' at the 1'irst Mi llioili-t Lpivopal (liuidi mi Tui'mIi- pieiilrnr, Apill V. The pi''lun aie fiom life luoiltN and v.i'io all in.idr liy faiiinus aitltt?. The Mines lirotlnr aie miL sli j ngei heir, i.i ing a-Mtfd LiaiifdM Diuinelt when he w.w line eoiiuiiitliit: rcuial seiin.iv.. Meetings Tonight. Sell it roundl. f'onuuon (ouni il. iiim,'.- L. Kindolph camp, Nu. 1,11, Nan of ViUi.ni-. liiii-ii'ii No. .", Am lent Oidei oi llilieiiihm. t'niltd Mine WoiUr-, No. S7i. Ill, mill .No. 77, L. ('. IS. A. Ladiei" Ausilhiy ifilhoid 'liairiiucii aftci- IKIIIII. I'.iiliumlile iiiuiKil, u. 1'JI, Uoyal Auaimin. Have Paid in Full. "li liie-dai, Apul '.', Iliamli .ll'i, ( athollu Kiiildita of Amnica. ot this nil, tliroiiKh it lniiiiri.il Miiriaiy. .lolui V. ranipbell, paid to 5li .Muhirl (.'unrein sl.eno, the amount for wliiili her lui-liaurl wj iii,und. The fitliolie li'nialit-. oi An, ii ii, i i, unr of the inot Mitotan tial iii-inaiRC oicaiiallous of this tountiv. A Noted Play Headed This Way. 'Ilaatripien air looking foniaul lo 1 tir.il in tli" piodiictiou ot X.it (liodwiii and Maint Ll liott's jneattt pucirs, "Whui We Weir Twenri Hin," Mhii.li mil he pioiluii'd at the (iiand on S-ttiiiil.ii , Apul I. William Mollis, ,i cie (leur aelor, v ill play the prlni ipal iole in the last lu appeal hue. Going to the Silver State. IMri' Lii.di, o- ilmlou awtine, expn ( to Iiaie llii tlty dinniL- the l.iltei pan ot Hie inoiith. lie will pi in cnpple ( ml, I ol., while In- will o Into slim niiniii'.'. Mr. Luuh ii wrll knoiin in ihis i ay and lu, many tneinls will wish lutii HKits.s in his new leiilure. Repairing a Turn-Table. ll.e liun-talilr at 1 lie Pclaii.up and liml-nn round lion-e i-, ln-iiu- npaiud. The Mk lav huomotiiri aie ot ,adi wru-lit tint the liriiimrs of the tuin-tilile, hkli was nude lor lieJitrr our", hue lnui woiii out. Hr.nicr pull will he u-ul. Biidsc Builders Organize. tin Tursiliy eirnin? cur of the ilistiln oik.iii Uhs lame to thus uly and oiganiicd the biidsr Inuhl, la of Hie Piniisilijiua dilision of thr llilniaie and JluJ-on load, riiey will lie atllli. alul wirh rhe Anaiiidii 1'cdci.iliuii ot l.alioi. Half Holiday Yesterday. tin mil to ihr rstieiurly hid walking .1 Cntoi -diy time wa-. in, .ittrmooii rcsiiuii at the Ceii tial llUh m iiooI.n 'Ihr schools of the tlty will lfiuahi iIom'iI iirni- until m.U Morrday iiiii'iiiin),', on .11 count of Hie Li.ter liolidai". Physicians Will Gather. 'lhe iicl 11 gul 11; uirrtliiff of the Caibomlale Mediial aocidy will lw liehl niwt Wedncodiy etiiiluir, Apiil 10, ir. the home ol Dr. W. rietelui, 011 llukrtt Teiiaie. Dr. b S. Shields will 11. id a paper on a subject luteiestins lo tho full 1 nil v. Home for Easter. Mi-i S.11.1I1 llmr irtuincd liomo last cu'iiinj fioni llir, S, V., whcie ulie is attendinsr m.1iouI, to fpcud her Lastir ideation. She was lecone panied liy 1 M'lmol tiiend, Mls Lditli L'lilrrdge, of MarqiKlte, Jlkliltrair. Two Western Trips. Thomas Mifiiir.i, of Ma.ilield, left lute on TuiMlay niitlil on th Liie tljer for llutte, Moid, A. ('. MiDonald left tor ( hirago on a Iniitires tilp on Tmed 1 iiIkIU liy the Liie 11 er. Meet Tonight. 'I lie resuUr inonlhly mrrtin;,' of the (,'olunibU Iloc ininpany will lie held this cumins at S o'lloek, Warm Sugar Social. 'Hie Hut ttJim siigjr torjl to )e .nu.oimeed It's a Short Road from a cough to consumption, Don't neglect a cough take Shiloh's Consumption Cure when your cold appears. The M ounce of prevention " is better than years of illness, "l uttered (or ear j from a cough, bronchial ud lung trouble. Hailed blood frequently. Spent yiara in the Paltous and other parts id mil but (;ol no relief. Returned tint and began taking Simon. A few bottles com pUrely cured me, 1 consider it the gresttit of remedies, HENRY T, DLTCHER. With F, J,. Crap 4. Co., Broken, BurUlo, N, Y. Shiloh's Consumption "urolssold by all druKRlsts at Sc, SOo, tui.00 a bottle" A urlutod uuiirauteo aoes with every bottle. If younreuot uiUllUKit to your ilriipslsi HUU get yuur muuvy back. Write for llluitMtcd book on consumption. Sent without post to jou. S. c. Wtllsi Co ,LeRoy,N.Y. I Relief Gomes at Last to a ScrantoD Citizen. Aft oi years anil yem uf eonnlniiL iiilKor.v from bat'lru:lio nnd tlir ninny nnnoyliiic rompllcatlona that iiccom Irtiny tick kidneys, a cltlc.cn ot Si-rnu-ton llnils roller nnd euro. The piiblto statcinent which follown will liel ninny a render. Mr. .Toselrll Uuvl., of 421 Fifth ave nue, minor by occupation, suya: "Tho pa In In the Kinall of my hack, noroH.i tiro kidneys, was very seveic, especially It 1 Htoopcil and uttompted to Httaight 011. At nlirlit, whrn In bed, my back nolied feurfully, thus disturbing my j-081, and In the morning I was em lame nnd ntlff 1 rouhl hardly pet up nnd around. 1 tried doe-tots medicines but nothing did much good. I got Doan'w Kidney Tills at Matthews Brop.' drug stoto and they helped mo from the start, t highly teeoinnicnd them, and ltno already done this to other miners." For sale by all dealers. Prli-o, fin eviits. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. yule agents for tho United Stulcs. Komeirtbcr the nnme Doan's and take no other. tliin fr.iwn Mill ho liild In tho Kpwvirth hall in Ili'.iulitt touioiioiv ricnlrig. bcii-ral frnni this lily rxpott lo attend it The Passing Throng. Cuiiiirlhunn Ali"t Kcnnidi- Is in Now Yoik tlty. l'li'id t'olilu MJS in I'loildcmc tlio llrst of thu rek. .. K. 1'fopin, of civ Yoil., is liMtins friends in this vii'initj-. MiM l'crrl Giles of Aldcmilli', Is iNnlng fironds in loun, W. 0. Atkinson, of SiiMurliannj, lui a visitor in town ycderdii. .Mr-. John Micphcid is suffering from a snivrc att.irk ut lhcunutism. Miss Nellie Haley is cntcrtalnlnrj her coii-iu, JIKs Arnold, from Deposit. Mrs. iJcorge Berry, of this city, is the guest of her mother, Jin. I)ah, in Troiidenec. Mai tin O'Neill has accepted .1 position with the ninhinists at the Delaware and Hudson lound hou.e. -1. 1.. Meiiart is carr.iinir one aim in a dins, the re-ult of lieiiifr altectcd wltli a painful cai huneic. Mbs Eliaheth Carey, of ranton, ha re turned to this city to enter the employ ot A. If. Fellow.... John Newton, of Annapolis ?aval academy, is home on account ot the death of his sister, Mrs. 11. h. ru.i-. Ml?. Michael llofltnan, who I111 hem Kltimr. her sifter, Mrs. Tlioirij- rirnilns, in Hide r.uk, his leturiied liome. MUi Alice CumniiiiKs of Iloohcftrr, who t.penl ftcietal di.is in town, is now the silent ot Will.e-ll.irre fiieiifK Mr. and Mt. James l'.iul and O'enrRO Paul are lionif riom Albany, where they attended the luiieral of .Mi-. Leonard Outiani. JERMYN AND MAYF1ELD. 'Hie fiinual M'lines oier the leniain-. ut Hie Inle Ml.-. Ilatiy h. l'ri-ta weie held at -' oMiok . .-rn-ni.i., aiieiiiuuu .11 uer laic iioiuc on .oriu .wain i-uiei. . leiy i liipilln m auiiirv. lu llie Kiiet-.-.triikcn nuii( hu-li,ind and tiiends m.i-, midi' by the p,itnr of the dne.iseil, the ItVv. lie. Mh ih ii, nl the Itetem ltipri-t chuteli, (,n bondile. 'Hie token- ot Minpatliy and .rftri lion in rhe toim uf floi.il oflcilurrs fioni her fiiend-, weie iiiiny and lieaulilul. lHuinir. the -on in .ieci.il lu run-, wire louchliiKlv siiiijr liy meinlni-. ot the Ileie.iu iliuuli i hoir. 'Hie pall-hiMien wile: Lewis I'lrci, uf Joiui.ui; Mauriir Clillotil, laliianl Catr, Mainiie lle.Miolih, l.eome Auii and Itei. ( lllluul, of I'.iilmiidale. hileiuient v:is m.iih' in the Maplewood iimeteri, r. aibomlile. Willlim Kilp.ilihk .mil -l-tei, MKs D.n-y, lelt Tuesday for I."ii it "mills, M Ireland, to attend the funeral ut their brother, wlm wah aceiikutal ly killed in the mines. - Mis. H. il. Kli-e, ot M.iitield. who has bien iinle ill, is ifioniim.-. Mi-s Acjiip-, iiuinii lid-, lift hue (or New lork elty, wheie slip will make liei futine lunne. Mi. Iliron Jackson has icturncd home alter lslllnK fiiend-. it Wilkrs,-I!ane, Alta, ilnmlitei ot .Mr. and Mi. llcoie IM niuiids, of Main suet1!, i-. quite ill. Thomas I'auy. ot Wct Majtlehl, is critiially ill ot pneumonia. Jiiss Sarah Dunn his leluined to MiouiKbuii; to resume her studii,-. Mlv, Uiie fllle.-, wlm undement an opeia. lion at Dr. Wbalcn's ptliato hm-pital, Tuesday, was restitifc ca-ily last eieuiiie;. Mr. V, Sain-on, of Anhluld, was a Jciniiii Mtor jestenlay, Mis. . A. UitUnberfr, of !?outli .Main stieet, cntei tallied at the Hit or Mis Cookinc luh at her home on Tuesday afternoon. OLYPHANT. 'Hie nutter of liiiing a pi'imanent nun at the hoso hoti-u was considcreil at Monday nlcht's mcetlnpr of l-oijiuII, but they failed to aKiec orr .1 s-elcclron. Two bids were icecliul. One una fiu'ii the present pciniiin.nl. man, Mr. I.awler, who .iijri'id to do llm Moil, for the Mini ot $3ol :i jear and hae the piivilcsc ot all bormmli Hoik. 'I be other wa liom W. l McDonnell wlio piopofeii to do the work tor $S3 annually nud to luve the borough work at the rate of n day. AflPr tho readiui; of the bids Mr. D'ilil lorau iiioiul that thu contract be chr-n to the lowtst biddir, Mr. McDonnell. A loin,' dekito then ensued, t-oiiip of tl.o liii'inbfii) rnintioned Hut Mr. JliDonnell's bid vonflictcd with Iho icsoliitioir prciloiislj pasid by lounoil lleci l.iim: that only pl.i bu paid for team wotk on Hie stieet. The ptividcill tUstained tills point Jtid declared tho motion out of niilcr. Aiiutlier pieialliiil that Mr. Lawlcr lie nwarded tliq con ttait. This caused rnoic disui-ilou. An aincu . mint w.l otTeicd that it be laid on the table, '(his was lost by a Note of S to .'), i'lnilly an other amendment was ortered by Mr, Van fciclde that tho matter ot passing rpon the bid j,. d.'fcrted till Mondjy uiirlit'd inectlny; and lint the finance loiuniittro piepani a contract a-i that all p.alii'i bidding will hnoir what woik ia reo,iiliril ot tli'iu. t wan pi.ed. Council decided that In the nieiiitbin: Air, hauler i-lmuld fonlliiuo his nrrvk'N, Hi. James .1. W.iMi, of I'hilidelphia, is the gin it of Mr, and Mr,. John Jordan, of lUikely, ll f-adie O'Malley U fpeii'llng the week wilh Wilkes. Marrc relatiifaf, Mr. and Mr. William AUIIiam.s am Riaiidson, ieort,e Williams, who, hiie teen bltiiiK teU Hies at I'ittston, hue reluined liomo. 'liie rcmsins ot tlt late Thomas (,rll ui i'roiight to this plaio from Vandlln,- jcilciday niouiliiif, Thu funeral will tjko place, liom the hune or his son, llobrrt 1)111, on Duninorn street, tomorrow afternoon ot :i o'dock. Jnteiruent will be made in Piospjct icmctciy, I'rtkillle, lu honor of thilr fourteenth annlverMry the riHinbcrs nt thu Knight of tytlins: lodge will Rhe a supper in the social room of the lllal.clj Uaptlst chuiLh.ncxt Tuesday ctrnlir;, llonn'a mllitaiy band' inasniueiado ball, wh'cli will ho held ne.t Monday night In Slahon'a hall, promises to bo a ury cnRiable nlfair, Pielouj to the damn ho band will parade the principal blicels of the town. llobert O'C'onnell, of Honesdale, was a caller irr town jester day, John O'Malley, of Hell street, is loutiiird to his homo with the crip. cpeclal L'aitrr ruuslu has been prepared by PI. Patrick's church ihcir under tint direction of Professor T. W, Watknis, toi th late mass on iunday moniiny. Ihej will slnir Webber's msi In li in tlu followhn; outer: "K.uic," choir; bolo, Mm Mala pernpscy; "dloiii," choh; tenor olO, liobiit Mit'vruiaiki soprano iole, Mr. Amu CONSTAN MISERY Scranton's Business Houses 4.4.AA4I4.4. I THBSJ ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS I A . . ... ... . . TTTTTT I OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY, """""' THE GILHOOL WAGONS ARE A LWA YS LEA DERS REMEMBER THC NAME AND STRCCT, ilia TO 3SB iV. SEVENTH ST, CLEAN SHOP. CLEAN TOWELS. CLEAN BARBERS, DIME BANK BARBER SHOP WITH BATH ATTACHCD, 2GC. SCRANTON. PA. FURNITURE. lluj it of U:DlNtJTON. Ho will trust jmii. Cheapest ot them all, (or cash! eJlest of (hem nil, (or tll'r. "31 l'ciiii uienue. G R E E N' S The Old llcllahle Pinin llroker, 1UT I,Jtkawaimi incline. Money loaned on dl.imotids, M.tteln'i, Jewelry, muslial liivtiiiiiicnla, peri-un.il properly. l'ri.itp I'lilranei; and business lonllilentlalj CIGARS I'or retail and bu trade. All popular bi.inds at popular price. ALBERT WITT E, Comer Sptiire sheet and Washington meiuie. THE LINDEN QUICK LUNCH, OP. WINDSOR HOTEL, Pells the best Steals, ( hops nnd I.iiiicIkm in llie illy, Tiy us and lip com lined . M F. WYM3S. FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 111.1 Jaikson Miect. Si, WjoiuuiK Aie Calls bv Telephone Hcieiie l'lumpl Atlintion PETER STIPP. Ueneial Contractor, llullder and Ile.ihr 111 Dulldlnif Mono Cdncntlnjr o( rellais a pt' elalti. Telephone iJ'Ji. Office. S27 Washington iiienup. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR KIRKPATRICK'S PURE SPICES AND FRESH ROASTED COFF"GS. E. JOSEPH KU TTL. lear 511 Lackawanna avenue, manufacturer oC Wiie Screens of ull kinds; fully puparcd fur the sprins sc.ii.oii. We make ull kinds of poteh scii'eno. eli OUlt COOUS niLMl DAILY. GOLDEN GiTE CAH STCRE. 1. C. Ho) ei, I'loprielo,', de.ilei in line Cliocei ies and Provisions. Fine Cigais old by the I,u. 205 Wjsliinirtiiii aienue. THE NEW WALL PAPER CO. lias no old oods to woik off. Kiery t.l!e is new- and up-to-date. Our prhcs are lower thin any others. 303 SPRUCE STREET. NEAR PENN AVE Hrown-O'.MaHpy; ''Ciedo," ilinh: .-olu. Ml.-'. O'Malley; "Sanilu-," ehoii; "hcnediitus" ihun; "Acfin:. Dei,' choil ; solo, Mrs. V. P. Dildi-: "Don i Nobis," i lion: llegtna foe-ll, ilnni. MOSCOW. W. W. Aunt, -eeielaiy of the ltiiliuul , onus Men'.- I In i-t inn a--u(i ilii'ii of Sianfou, r.hp an eeellent talk la-. Mindly eieniiur in lhe Methodist Pnimh beti'ip a laij;p lonerieirition. Ml-. Itiish, ot New V,nk illy, his been Hip Ruest ot her unele, P. O. IlKon, lui--eiei.il di.is. 3li-s In mi. nl-, of t-cranlon, spent li-t bah bith with her paient-, Mr. and .ill-. Leii hwaiN. Hip pioeeed- fiom the "Vankep Doodle Kid hen r.hihilliti," wliich was rIipii by tin Kpiiiulh le.icup -ituii!.ty (Milium, weic fi J.. Silie-ter Hind-, ot Mou-ip, li-ited lelilhes li-i r- .-itunhy. II. L, (l.iigp ha- bun ill for ilip pa-t fi ,v dii--. I lip iiineial of Mis. jin.i Hoelle, med .11 .mm is, wire ot John lbvelle, who ilhd nt the Mo-es Tailoi ho-pit.il la-t Pililiv, wn lu Id in the Mellnidi-l iliuuli Mnnhy at I o'i lot k. In ti'iiuent wa-niuli it Maple Lake. Slip I- -in-ilicil by i hu-b.iud and fen iliildieu. Ml f-hucr.-iiii spent Mtuid.i.i and Miudiv wilh Mi Hi-inn au Hiunt. Mr. Adiir, of Spr.inlnn, mi.- enteit limd al the home ot .Mr. and Mis. p. II. i,.inln'T mi Mm d ly. Mi lb --ii Lancaster, of Mmi-ii, was i li-itot in lown Miiulii. "1 In iPRiilar moullilv lltil ny enteil iinmeiit of the I'pwculli league will le In Id in the Mi'thodi-t iliurih Piid.iy cirniii?. flank Postiu was a iL-itor in Mioud-lniic on Minday. Mr. and Mr.-. June- IT.it lit ill h.up nioiul fiom their form into the LhrRood house, em lliaiiu stieet. Ml. and Mis. MilP'll Molt haie limn d into 11. .1. Cannon'- icninis oicr lhe iIiur store. Pi, Wilson made a business trip to .vi. niton Monday, AmoiiR tliose from out ol loun who attuided the luiieral ot Mis. ltoelle on Sunday weie: .Ml 4. Joseph liobiuson. Mis. M. Lanca-tir and Mrs. J. Marti-, of -i i.niton. Mi, and Mis. C, II, Ti.niss weie in vurrton Moinl.ll. OLD FORGE. Mi. Pelbcit Knapii left on Monday foi PliikuM. plil.i, where bo lias acippted :t pu-ilioii. Ml. and Mis. Snuud Uiocllicad, Ji li.uo re turned home fioni Ploridi. ..I. Junes Mioemakei, of Miliuls, N. V., spent a few djis witli his sii-tir, Mis. Ilioic Diakc, Jr. Mr. and Mi-. II. I., l'd-all wue lisllois In Set iiitinr on Tuenday, Mr. Ilalicr In- muipil hi- family into Mr. John f-nrl'ir'js house, foiiiiulj oeeupiulhy Mr. Micrl dan. I'a-ter sen Ices will bo held in luo HriiU Mctlio. dist Ppl-seopil cliurih f-uudai eimliiR, Siiiim liitt'tiiti nl .1. I1. 'laitm e t-.l r-il thn liornur.li schoid-s last With'. Ml, Wiiiiaiu Drake, of Palci.-ou, N, J., spent Sunday wllh his pairnts at thU plan, Mis'. 1,'. Piako and Mis, Miiuiel lliodhead rele. brated then' birthday nt the livino or Mis. lliol lieid l.t-t Saturday. Mr. Wesley Joluuon has mined Ida family into Mr. Wi milliard's house, in Millu'j. llroic. Tho I.rdlen' Aid snplely liild a tea at the home of Mis. P. Hiinrs, on Wpdnctda.i eiiiiua;. PECKVILLE. Iho ie ill iiiciilianU of PcekMlle and iitnulv hue derided to fuiui :i bratnli of the lletall Meiehants' Association or" Penii-Wianii, lo be oitraiiutd accoiillnt to tho ronstHutlun and by laws of slid slide, .issaii.ltion. pon't foiget the itirunugii sale that is now on at (lis UiuudaRO oitiidinrr on Uip.'t etieel. Miti Hi rib- Peek lia rrluriicil homo ncnii a il-lt with tihnds at ,iw "link illy. PRICEBURG. Punk llalley and fimlly haie inoied hum Albeit street to (he miner of Miln strict and llalljtud aienue, luiitatloui luio been issued for the nurrlase of Mr, Isaac Drwe tu Miss fiii-'U Tiihoiue, of factor illlc, on Ua.-tci Moudiy cuiirni;. Mm. James Oakley na ilsltiu; hleiid) at Sirauton esterday. Mi. Ilildait Meehni, an old and respected resident ol lids place, died Tuesday at the liunre of her d.iiJs'liln, Mrs, Pan ell, aged tl .ic.iij. THIS WILL INTEREST M JTHERS Mother firaj'n .sweet Powders foi Lldldien, sue. ifMlully u-id by Mothel (Iwy, (01 )car a niiife in rhe iliilJien'r, Home in New Veik, Chip l'v leihhnetss, Had blouuih, TciHilns Dlnordcid, rnoic and reijuUte (ho H ', end tie troy Woirn, They aiu i plea.-aul tu Ilia IjHc and harmless al milk, (,'hildieu like i In lit. Over 10,UX) tcidb niviiljH if curia. 'I hey neier fail. hold In all ilrutrcli.il, A"i. Ask todiy, Sunplo I'HKI!, AdJies Allen Is. Ohmlcd, U Ho), N. . BEOURITY OUILDINQ A SAVINGS UNION, Home elllie, WS'.W Mears Hulhlltijr, Ii.iiimpIs a Renei ll billhllutt nnd tn.lu IhhIimisS tliloURhuul tho stale of I'ciiimlv.itil.i, FARRELL'S TRANSFER .Moie.1 I'lelplil, ruiiilltup nml II.isk.irp, .ifei", Planus mid Msihhieij 22C LACKAWANNA AVE, M, A. FRIEDLANOER A CO. aunoiuiic tin i r Riaiid l-ilu' mllliueiy open itifof today, In I licit line slmw loom, 3W Ad tins .Hemic, oppnsllu lomt ln)ii-r. All mil hulled. James i. quick. Il.lidv.arr, Sillies mid t'uiiiiii's. PlinnblliR, liis-lllllri'; utul Itn.illnir. Teleplmiir, old dfs.i, ,'jvr LukitHann.i aie. WILLIAM JANKO. MERCHANT TAILOR. 3S3 NORTH WASHINGTON AVE. llcpiulm mid press. iiiR dulie nt then t iiullii'. L A O D K I R A N O IA" O OPP, D.L. AW. DEPOT. OPEN A N M DAY N G AND N NIBHT, A H. L. GLEASON, LADIES' TAILOR, RECENTLY WITH GILBERTS, HAS OPENED AT 50 SPRUCE ST. I-arilcs', yon can gel a porfeet fit h"ie -without ''Itrht or ten llttlngs, and the workmanship is tin best to be hud, alt-o the prices arc modcintc. YOUNG'S HATS, LOUIS H. ISAACS, 412 SPRUCE ST. MANHATTAN SHIFTS. FRED H. WINTER. 324 CAROUSE AVENUE, Maple (tioiciiis and Pioiisions. A full line of Vri"et.ihloi. etc.. leeched dall.i. Kellar & Harris. Manufac'tineis of Unites.-., nnd de.ilets in llotso I'uini-lilm (ioinN, Tiunks and Ti.iuli.u Hair-. Kcj alibi's piutnptly atteudid to. Tcleplionc loiij, 117 Ioiiii aienue, Sc i niton, I'.i. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE I rind Tenants for f'uiply Ilmese?, I'.mply Hou-es for Ten ml-, C nihil I'uil-, Lunk Alter and Iiisiue i'liipeiti and ItnlMing-. WILLIAM G. LOOMIS, IIiioui-. I and ' Hun- 1 n 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 cr. COMMERCIAL QUICK LUNCH PARLORS. lli'iiiiliiu.-.-, Pun Pood, Polite Attention, Ilea- on iblc Priei-. Dpi ii day and night. "01 and .'OT, Hpimc stieet, biranton, Pa. The fuueial will take pine this nf lei noon al 2 o'eloik. Intel menl. at lhe Ul.i plrint (..itholic ii'tui lei i. Mr. Knoeh William-, of Willi liu-lowii, is lis itim; Ins -i-ter, Mi-. Zluinii mi in. of Stous .lie HUP. Mr. Aifhur llohh-, .of rrovhloiue, tailed on fib ml- heic la-t i unity. AVOCA. lte-.'. llr. M.vic, e.C Micnindo.ili, has accepted I lie in' it.ition a- pastor ol the Piiuiilhc Meth- di.-t iniiRiceatioii in this town. Jin -Mooic h.is bi'iu pi-loi .it Ma 1..1111I01I1 fur the i.irc. Il.'i. Hi my llnik,, of Hilkc-Iiiup, pie.iihed 111 .1 I.IIRl" MHUIliRllllll III SI. Mll.l'.S c llllll li "II Tuesday 1 leiune. Hi- j-ulijce t , "Moilal Mil and Ivnii.i'e," wa- .-ilnilail.i and nii-lnly rimii. 'Hip in ill H'.iihiiiK Inn at ( o'i lock hi- been ili-c mil iimk il and .uiotln'i one instead of Hie tl. 1 1 .1. 111. will u. nil heic at 7 -I. 'lhe fuueial ol Mi-. .1.11111- .spies link place ipsti'iikiy ,'itteiiiooii li'iin the lainih li-idciiee on l.inioln Hill. S'liiies win loiuhii ltd by l'n. II. T. Mu) tin, in llu Pii'Jrtluliii eliuuh. Thp pill bi'iiiis ie ,1a i,b Wib-iii, C. II. pii.fl lui', William L.iiid, William Ames, lbeiuer l'llll, lllto 1 1, 'llllll. I llllltll. Illtclllllllt M.u 111 LaiiKiiilU' iiineli 1.1. The" titnoi.il ot Until, the tiin-jcai-old d insider oi Mr, and Ml.-, l.u S iiecl. look pine jestenlay .1 1 1 iii ii. li.tpiiu ut was ivujp in Damnum ii'lliclel.i. Mis. M.iih t Ahxaiulei, of the Ninth Pud, was lindiiid .1 plm-nut Miipii-p puly on 'Iucj day .ittiiuumi in honor ut lhe scicntj-fuiulli aii niieisiiy ot her bntli. rall- iiiinit Motti-h aiiiu-imi'Ul.s weie indiiUed in. 'Hip folloiiiiij Riii',-1- piituuk ol" Mippi'i: Ml-'. Man MiMilliu, Mis. John lla-tie, .Mib. Ilany Julius'in, Ml-. 'J hum is Nel-oii. Mis. Wlijle, Mis. llobeil Oilier, jr., -Mir'. Jlobett uhiir, si., ih-. Williini lliuwn, Mi-. .l.iuiPS lliowu, Ml-, liobiit I't. in-lon. Mis', William Mi Duii.ild. Mi-. .I.11111.- Ab'.iinli'i', llev. and Ml.-. H, T. Nn.ttlip. 'I lie pa-tor was pic Sciited with a .set ot liediooui limn. Mis. Mil) .Man,'. ill ha- icluinul hum New ril: cit)'. At llie sehool bond incelinir; on Monday eieu. Ihr Hip followiiiR 111 uIp iipplli itloiis fur enn nations: Mi-. M.uy IKn.ni, Mis. Ann (liblioti-, Mis. Ilany AIrci-, Mr.-. Matluy, Mis, Mkhae! Lawler, Mis. Maiy lluike, Mis. Joseph Hudson, AiIjui Clarke. Mi, and Mis. Willi nil Hnl.tr, Mis, Jniiic! DioI.it, Mr. and Mis. T. .1, .Ni'wlnu and fiimllv attended tho 111nc1.it of Mi-. Ilany fipis at Jennwt .M-slcnlai. 'I lip Ladies' .Missli'iiai) so, I, tj nf LaiiKluio 1 Inn, It will meet at Hip Iioiiip oi Mi-. William III own tud.1, Pilcr Paiicll lias I ecu rh'ilul otitic tliti.-iit to Mieiced John Muiilay in Hip S'imihI 11. ml. 'lhe pei.son huldniR tiekit llxVi U cntitlul to Hin door pifcc n'iun at the P. M. lair en I'll ill)' I'MlllllR. TAYLOR. A li,utiii" will he In Id loiiisl,t at T.OT at the I'li'diilill ill i linn li lo eoiisldii' the liiipioVi mi nt or the leiinteiy, 'hu-p whu-i) tilirnU lie in Hum -irnii!ii an iuuiled lu bu picpnl, and all tllou iiitciesli'il in llliiH.; iiupiiHenii nl, PjTTSTQN. fpei lal to the Feranlon Tribini'. I'iltkliiu, Aptii .".-Jeiwpli iloii.'il.ki, a l.dioier in 1 1 in lit'id'Hiii; mine nl lluponl, wa- utruck in Hie lii'-ld by ee.il tl)uiK I nun a pn in iluip lili.l, Ills ikiill w.i Hactiiicd and it is tlojii-rlil he will dii. II' was til.ill 10 tlio pill.tuii lui-pl.il. A ti.uu of Irir-'S imiiiil by luliui lleliihopp' ', I ini.ua inaiket k.'inr, lau rwa) fn m in tiotit ol ll'p Duiiia pu-lolhic rid. riniuv. Ailliiu:.' at PilUluii wiihuiit diin;- ,iiy il.unr" iln.i lOiitiliuul ilown Manr olieel to I . K 1-1 r. el . wimp lhe ndlidul with .1 team mwml li) lb', Mil'ad. dm, Mhlili .) ti)in,' i Sit mil 01 lU wai. 'Hit 1 1111 1 1 0 was tdiiihl. 'Hiiro l.'ppu' I'll l.-li 11 Iiiiis line bun arniii'd ehaiiitd with t.ttiii', lue lu the- mountain in tin .iiinily ut Onion. Mm, I'Ijii SluualU, a l.ill - at the l.ail.i iijinu hitepltal, Niaiiluu, wa ttmUied .1 snr. 1 1 ite pail) a-t ci'iiiii; al tin liome cf lu-,-luelher al lliiutowii, iheii' kho ins hicu i-u-(oi,- for Hie pa.t bw da).-. A little otr of lMer KuMuilii, o( Norih Mem ttreet, wan t-euiely blllrii liy a dojr last inn Jin;. 'I In; .1111111 il leaped mi lhe lio.v a. he u.i, HjIhIIiij,' on .1 tunc, Idling lilui in the abduuni, Altir lliioniiijt the bo) to tin iriouinl Hip .tiiiuul luiitlnuid to utla k I1I111 11 ud bit him on lue back and oil belli lii;-. Mi-d Annie Ahlirj, of fnlcwouil, X. .1., bu leluined to lue liiiine afur a i-.it to rrlat lies 111 i".t Pilltton ' Caplulu f runout StoKn, tuiKiliileiident 'of the llatlce cylliulr,-'. his cliins,id his pine of icn ihueo fiom line "dicef, Wivt l'UI.-lon. to Will lam stint, Piltston, To Prevent Pneumonia Hiirl Orip Ltivitiu liroiuo Qidmne itiuoicn the iaue. FRANK M. MOVER, Contractor and Builder, OSO PENN AVENUE, robbing of all kinds promptly attended lo. kstiMati's cur.r.npui.r.v miium rtr.P. THE HOME SUPPLY CO. llebills fuinltiire, beddlnpf and floor coierlnRS foi cash ut wholesale prices nt. 7S4 W. LACKAWANNA AVE., SCRANTON. MATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY HI'PAIIII.Ntl A SPIX'IAI.TV. P. GROSS, A22 SPRUCE. JAMES J. MURRAY. SiKi'evor (n lhe limit .V Coi.iiell Co., In tin and shed luetiit wink nud lentllatlon. Carton lurn Hey, irp.ilrs nud nrticral tit. work a spei'l.illy, No. 4A2 l.nkauamia aU'iniP. pai i, m:niit, ;ar wasihmito.v aviimi:. jSTCAM dye works. mmI t'n urli IJrv Cle.iphu; mnl llelltiUluu t.'oinjs called for and dcliicrcil. Tilephoup comtectlon. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES AT S. R A DIN'S 123 PENN AVE ALEX. HAY, HOUSE, SIGN AND DECORATIVE PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER. 321 "ULBR'RYS. WOLF & MCLANE, S22 ADAMS AVE. Easter MlU-INEPY WtZIV.tzL. Piactical I'lumhem, Tinners and tkisflt. 1 1 I'm. I'littiaies a t-pc i' i a 1 ly. Itipalriti!; piomptly iIiiiip. '.'tu Adams aie., li.iu ton, IM. WILSON A COMPfNY. I'dshlnniblo Tailois (Hotel .lirm.Mi Uiilldinei U-J Spiuce tiect, Si'raiitoii, Pa. ruits pics-ed. .".'i iiiiLs; pants piis,ed, IOiciiK C'lutlitiig ii" piiiid. called for and delheied. New Phone, Jii'i H. A. RIEFENBERG. PIiitnhinR, Tinning and llciting. Sole accnt fur llowaul Puriiaec. Telephone 131'J. ."il" Linden slteel. THE CHEAPEST Ile-t and quickest place in tin tity to haie join i-hocs iKedi we u-e nothinir but Oal. Tan Leather arid lli't elas.s wnikin.in-liip. IJ7 Linden street, opposite postoitice. DR. E. V. BEARDSLEY, DENTIST. formerly wllh Dr. Hill. 321 SPRUCE ST. MRS. SARA ALLYN, MANICURE. CHIROPODIST AND SCALP TREATMENT will renioie April 1 from Conncll Buildinc; to ",i)J and Ml, Me.ua lluildiug. New Headgear, I Gloves, Neckwear Are as essential to your Easter outfit as your new Spring Suit. Our Neckwear Stock is up to its usual standard. Hundreds of beautiful pat terns in all the popular shapes are here. The Yoting's $3.00 Ha1 Is equal to the best. We sell them. J- See the New Manhattan Shirts 412 Spruce Street. Pierce's Market, Penn AYenae tt'e make .1 speiialty of fancy Cteaniery Hu1 -(er and btrlctly frcs.li eggs ""'' the rrlie is .11 low aa ilrwt clais gooda can be told at. We do not have any i-pccial wles 01 leaden but at all tirnea tairy aj loinplac. a lino of Market tiooda, fancy tlioceiica and lable Uclle.i iter, as can ho found In the latRcst New or or PlriUdeliihU Maikcts which wc tell al lisln prlics. W. li. Pierce, 15 I.ckaivnni Are. Prompt delivery. 510, 111, 111 Ten- Af. FOREST CITY. Fpeihl to the Sirilitori I'ribune. fi'K.t II), April f!. bpcihl atnii'i.ii nil) lip p.il'1 to the faslet mush in !-t. Ai,ue- lloiiiin Cithohu iliuiih, I Inirl Ppi.iopil and He Pn b)lul.ii ilmicliet. and tho ilmii- an- 111 . 11 lieaitit (,- t.Mrllcnt pii'Blnumei' ihiliu lluunil., and f.initl.i, ol Miiliwt.i w II mull' to Putter loiiuty tuiuoiiun. Ml. Iluiindt will talo lib bees alons and I'lput-. In lire a Jarcp apl.iiy. llev. II. fmk will iinihuhlrdn be re tiiriud lu l'oiit City hunt rhe n.ioluiliR 1 Miff em r. Mr, Alt-tin, ot Nuidoti, Lnui ind. n n lied Pen it lily ii'slculi' . and will in ike hu Itoiin wiih her uiiilc. (,ei'i,i v! . tor tin- prc.eni 'lhe lllllsldo II"-p e-ornpinv bad ,1 ttnok-r Mnmla) rut,hl. Il wa- liiriel.v .illtiidnl. II. X l.owlhei, ol New 'lull, will mi .111 hlbiliou of limv bill! ml p.i)iu' in the iillira. elti ilub room loiiife'lil .l.uk Ali'imdir iilinued tnnu .Sin ork today (luliuaii Luk was in town ili idi.i. An inteilainiiieiit niulcr Iho auspluo ef lue Jiniiur Pnde.nur euiltly was glicu in the pre. b)liiiin ibuiih llils cunlm.'. Cuimlia More dink and llii.ilulli Miule, of iruniou look l"rt. Jnnijliiif: Nerves. An Jim Irrlluhlf'.' Do uii hlei'i h.tiil,''.' Ih it hunt to I'liiirontruti yntir thoughts? Ih yuur appetite imor? On yuii tccl tired, ro.-tkss and ili'siioiulcirt Try hlclity's Celery .Nerve iiiiiipoiiini It will elu yuit inure B'nril Hun ail), tliiui-; you Ibivi' ever tilcil. Huhi t Alutlliewij iltiUlier.s-. $ I l "t