The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 04, 1901, Image 1

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    " 1 v f
J l
A) i'S. I l
Washington Olilclnls Believes That
the Peace Envou Has Been
"Undoubtedly Besponslblc for Hia
Dismissal Probability That China
Has Received Assuinnce of Sup
port fiom Some Poweis The Dis
mantling of Chinese Foits Anoth
er of Sccietnry Hny's Suggestions
Adopted Moio Massacres and Pu
nitive Expeditions.
iii i.uiu-be u f i titii riif .iin(iii I'll
Washington. Am ll .'! Although no notice has ltiichcd hoip of the
i "nutted d ii.u line nl Pi line Li linns'
( hung II Kin rrKln lor Shanghai, olll
elals an- iiRlini'il to l. lieve thiit 11 is
tiuo r.ini I i Hung I'h.tng is leav
ing 1'tKn liii juiiil. Iicojihi tin' emper
or it dlspleatod with hi eondUL't of
i lie ..ctotiutiotis lnr peace. Jt was
Known lit i c u Ik h l.i Hung Cluing was
appointed ,i ii".ii i ,.iu tlml In was
piij-l' jn -Liiiluini, but thei;
was no emis 1or complaint on that
mow; until ill.' M.incliuilun agteement
(.line up tor i oligidria tion. Now It Is
believed In oflleials hoio Li has
moved mi earnest an advoiate ot the
I:isn,iii cause ami has so stionuously
worked loi the sifmatuto of the M.ui
Lhuilau agio mint that his own guv
einniiiit has- lelt obliged to dcpiivo
hlni of th" pout i to fm I her .Mused! to
s limus
II thil undPistaiidiiig is poi roi t it K
btllevrel tluit an ifttetuil chock has
boon idmlnl-tend to Russia in her
ip-igu mi Mane limi.i, fur the cnipotor
or China nuiiltl siauolv have in
sin h suiiini.n v inanin i liad he not ns--titaiins
nt suppnit fioin Kinie of the
ulher now ii"
Mi U'n Kbill has not npoitid the
i Mn t language- of tho .imoement which
It is -jjd has been ic at lied .it Pekin
In if-met to the Chinese lents, but,
in'tuis (lie pi ess accounts of the niln
isteiial iiKi tillir as ,u i ui.iie. it is g.ith
""1 Hint Seurtdiy Haj's views have
tornn il tli" basis of agreement.
'I'll mlgl'i'il Deposition, sttonglj
b.uUtil li; must ol the Euinpcun pow-
i-. was to destiny the I'hlneso foils
in th" (bill of Pixluli ami on tlic: load
notn Tiku to IVKIn The state dc
initincnt felt that it would be inexped
ient to pi oui.ll mi tar and leave. China,
nukid tfi the nttiieK ot the meanest
toe. The pnueis wete uigod to eon
it lit tlinnsi es with the simple dis
mantlement of the toils, leaving them
"n condition to lie n.iin mounted w Ith
sun-. In a M.iMinalilp time. That pio
Jeet, it i- b lleed lieie. him been iie-
.'t' !. loi II appeals lioni the Inn
tiasi nl Hi- itfs, di'spati lies that the
mil tnri oidiied tn be "destioed" Is
on a point fin tlu rvi-llo, and that is
to be leiunvid ineiely bei niise it tonus
an olisi.iei. to navigation.
Message tioiu Chaffee Withheld.
'I lie war ilepal IliK III lias leiehed ,i
iblt nuJi'i' 1'ioin (leneial 1'haltee,
.it Pekin. A pin lion ol it was not
made publle. but the latter p.nt. 10
fr.i i .liner casualties, ,us as follows:
Tin iolloiin ii-iiiln hue i.iiuuil riu s irpiM I Maul- Is ,l 1, kin. I'll, no IM.U
MiDiiml-. liiij an II, Nuilli hitiniir,,
phiiiiiioiiii; MuU i. .it lim.; lli.n, C.
llult i Mb ii mi u r. !jiiiiuriiii9lir Uipni.
n ci.t. ti ii-tl nl ut ii i, dtt lid ,n, M in Ii ST. ,i
IN lili, I'lU iti Mull n i iliiiilr-i, tniiiiin It,
"Mulli i.fiiidt, (uiiiiih . mini, nil
Mote "Mnssacies by Boxeis.
lift His. pill T--T1U 'oone ilnottc
todi.y publlslies ii liispatiii tioiu l'"
kln tmiiuuniliiK l lint a Kicueh foieo
was (iitrallied Am II I, bound tor
"liletiKr-Tina-ru. sevi ntv-ilv miles;
southwest ot IMa-TIim-fii, the secuo
ot' n lecent mac-ai lo ot (Mu 1st lulls.
Victoii.i, Ii, ', Apifl Ml'inelHiieis
and 'hineje in Shaimliai held a nias-i
UiPi'tliiK "ii .Mai oh I.' in pioi.'si Mnalust
the Miitiehuilan eonventlon. TeleiMnms
of U'liifinstianee weie .eiit in the gov
ernments ot all the poweis.
To Chin Pan leuins Unit the piu
peioi is- sun at iitiin, and that as soon
as the allied forees ovmumto IVMn
the loitu will leflin .ind Ik-rIh to in
Mitute i elm ms. The einpoior, it U
said. In in full power ami intends- to
Install udwiuetd Chinese in olllee when
lie Ititiltlls.
An fn-uiiici'ifon l lepoited tiom
Smirf-Phu. wlipn InstuKents aio inlil
lim tiud Itllline. InsuiKeiits aie ulfo
taiiliii.1; in (lie vielnity ot Piio-Tlnv,
and tleimau Iiooijh sent to rout them
Killul 50 without Inslni; i man.
liisui'Bonts me also oppi.iini; In tho
vlr hilly of "Moitleden, and Jnpaneito
Mnii- -lay that they uui undouhtedly
Incited by Uusslu to tuini.sli an e--elite
for the nsseitlon of Itubst.ui .iu
III Moiiimlla, In the distilct itiled hy
T'llnpo Tumi's father, a (.oilouu Uoxor
ipbelon has begun. Ohurehes nie he
IpB hurned, and CIiiIhIIuiih muideied
ni they weie In Shan Tuan ami C'ht
t.l. Russian troops are the only mica
within stilklus dlst.tneo of that dts
tilcl. While deiuoliohlne a templo In I'dUIn
some foreifiii soldier. In ouler lo t.ielll
tnte worU, blew up the laiKQ hall with
dynamite, two roolle.s and sonio sol
dleii bohiK killed and wounded by tho
explosion. V'oui foiolBiinvs uoie intiiul
unoiiB the debits aftoiward.
New Count to "He Made of Anne
Aiundol County,
Hi I. aliulie Wnc fioin 'I he A.-nlilel I'rei.
hliigtoi). Apill 3. 't h icnis bin cm u
hi u M ilni4l(li-il eljlit vpcit rmimcruton to
li ila ii. "w i (.nut el ,iuv .nji,.l-l lounty, JIJ.
'Iliul i;t)ur.v it In )liiotiUtli. MulJ'ii tils
1 1 It t . ivifh lm fuirUlcU c.ral wiHitlim, Ik
tin' m ol ecii.ui luii-l. Jul iii(iiiul inuK
Oeimnny and Austria Anxious to
Retain Italy's Support.
II) llxclmhe Wire from 'I lie Aswl.ilnl l'reni.
Budapest, Apill .1 The Pesther
Llovd news-paper of this- city, which W
usually well informed on ofllrlal suh
Jeelfl, sayrf It can no ImiRor ho con
cealed that the tilple nlllunee l.s in
serious danger of (lonnnny
and Austiln, lunvcof, uio willing to
make Important naciluces to retain
the mtpport of Italy.
Ueilln, Apill ::. The l.okal AnxelRer
understands tlml the ponferoncu be
tween the impel ial rhancellor. Count
von Jlulow mid HIkiioi- Zannrdelll, the
Italian piemler, nl Vetona yesteiday.
Mhlch was of (imsldeinble lenKlh. wan
Intended lo lemovp the false Impres
Hlon cietited by IliHluuatlon.s ill the
Flench pii'Hs lepardlng the lelatloas
between Italy and Oerinany. Tho pn
per Intel preta It as provltur the con
ilmiauee of tltoioughly fi loudly te
la! Ions bet wein the two eountrles, and
.siiyw that the leave-tnkini,- ot the two
statesmen was cordial.
In olllelal pIioIps it Is admitted that,
while the meeting- at Veioim was ac
eldenlal. Slgnor Zanardelll being on
his way to hlH country .sent, the lela
tlons between th" two countrle.4 were
disiussed. Hignor Zanardelll, It Ii
said, gine entlnl,v satisfactory assur
A Repoit That They Have Puichased
the Majoalty of That Road's
Capital Stock.
By I iltiiif Une from Tiie !;o.iJtc.l I'resi
New Yoilt. Aptil 3 The "vVoild will
say tomoirow:
"Tiie Vandeibllts have secured eon
liril of the Uolaw.ue and Hudson l.Ul
load by the purchase ol a majority of
the eapllnl s-tfx.k in the open maiKet,
and tonus aic belrif; eliscussed on
which the New York Central will take
"It is iiiidei stood that the New Yoik
rential is to guai antee 7 ipr cent, to
the stoeklioldeis and It i. not impiob
alilo that the Lake Slime rlenl will b
aitlv duplie.Ued that N, New Yoik will issue :P. per cent, one
hundieil ear inllutetal tiust sold
bonds at the inte of $1'00 in bonds for
faeli shale in sloek.
"It wa impossible jtstenl.iy to set
any oillelul statement legardlnK the
tliange ol eontiol thouKit Wall street
has known lor seveial nionths that the
Vandeibllts lia-.e been he.iw" bnvets
of the stock.
"By the pui Phase of Dplawaio and
Hudson the Vandeibllts have maele an
impoitant step in .1. P. Men pan's plans
lo eontiol the anthracite tool output.
The Delawaie and Hudson company
moduies tiom its own mines iner 1.
000,000 tons of antluaf lte foal. The
Vanderbllis and .Mr. Moisran now
pi .u lieully fwn the coal business."
The Hoiald will s.iv tomortow:
"Piisident Calloway and Piosklent
Olypliant and numcious oflleials and
diieetois of the load unite in .saying
that tlu ip is not a, woul of iriith in
the Illinois benilng- upon the
tlon nr lea.sp of the Delawaie and Hud
Ret onus Effected by Ameiican Mili
taiy Government.
Hi l.clii-ii ir fioni llis .inrlatf.l I'resi
loliuulnn, Ailil !. Koic.oiitilii ll.ilill,
i. l'umMh.imj, wl.'.i lm just ntiiuicil fioin
liilo, idliil en tin. H-Mi'tii Imlji,
'I hi tlie UKiiul ,il.iiit two uiik," fciM
Mi Pilill, "uui .i- (in itl.i Miiprl-nl at tlm
itiipiiniimnl I loiiiul. 'Iwo c i jf,o 1 ii-tliul
lulu, uui in lh, iin rmilil Kiucly ii-i nloni;
till- -llllls cu .Kiount 01 tin- iinpoiUiiiitks of
itc 1 tniit. I illil nnl soo i hini-lv tn(.'nir on
llil.- Wt, Wblli II t nut ii-e.l to In k lillhli-t
(It) in llif ttnrlil. II l now mi of tln i leiiio-t.
t In slr(i( no .i- c It in a. tlio-o of 'alilnttii,
It is lumtlufiil lo - r Iioh ilu-t .nun- nilncn
Inn- lnoiiulii unit r out m onfii-Ion In d tlm
uiiiiiltlpil iKniitiii nt- I In 1 .1 tier ill-.- uf Ho
ptopli, Jill) ill II I till' uliolo picplo, willi I ho
(Miptlmi of tli.' iollil( lm-, .iic for tin. I'lut
in (iiiliiirni, Hip p'llliiiliu., of tourai, jie
ik'ihi't tin1 Aimilc'ini mil irj tliliu il".
I it1li. mi iniJ.irlK ! tlie ln-tlm ii,-i itnnl.l
iii)mi iinieJtioii imli), but tin.) ire 'illlini;
in in th.' Plitt a mc niliiit ut iio I i.-.iw I tin not
In III n tl.Jt tlit ippojitioi! to Aliinicui Jurbdic
li.ui wtiu lil amount la jiiv tiling ul all Mirr It
not fin Ilic .ittltml.- of llio inti jdinliit-trJtlon
inc- li-io in Hie I'nltril stiVs."
Chaiged with Wifo Muuler,
11) 1 r hisUc Win from lln? VsmhuKiI i'fv.
MimpliU, .ipril :)."l', I', lli-iuilsar, who vmh
ailibti.l ti-ncrili), rlunei'l "ith tho murijir ul
hi-, id, H.u roimniltcil to Jill tnila) to mult
tin- iitioii of ilio t,r.iinl Jul), It iliulopiil at
ilu pulimlini) e.iiiiiuitlou Mm. IlumlRar
iirriiti i 1 i " liiiuunip policy of, pay.
j I ile to In r liu.liMii), upon Mliidi a time mouths'
piciulum lutl In i u pili llu' tliy licioit In r ilcatli.
Tin eat ened Strike Aveited,
Hy IXcludvc Who Hem Ilic Assioclatftl l'ioi
Tfiro Ihule, luJ., Apill .1, At Ilio llml meet.
I nt," tunlelit lifUMen Ilic lo)itsonUtir-i ol the
H,um iiilmis in tlm ImliJin liitnnilnoiu tljrj-j aid
ll.u I'pu'utois ilia mliicra Huiiiidirtil to the op.
ii JI014 on the i lainia- for tho puieliasc oi pov.
ikr ori'l ih" tlirriloiicd btriLc i jierttO, 'flio
,01c 13 Ulcn in tl. mlncri.' metlns toni$ht.
Plague Vlctlxnt. nt Cape Town.
By ICicluslie Wire from 'the Auocltttii Pirsi.
fjpc 'lowtii Arill J. 8-fieial plJBiia t3rpofa
lime lifirn found In tbo strMti ami house indi.
atliik- tltorU tu ronoial contact with the (llirjt,
'lie totjl nunili'i ot ili'iths from tic plJ(,e n
107, IniluHliii; lni'iil)tvo I.uropciim, i'licie hue
bet u 111 taict of the pUiju.
MntsolUe Dock Laborers at Work,
fl) tichulir Wire from Tiw Aodaliil 'ri.
Mui.cilki. Apill iJ About 3,000 dock lahoicrs
pritnlot lliemliis for work lliLi nurnln-. Of
Hilt number VXI wtit mrplojctl,
Mr, Morg.n Sails for Europe.
II) J-Ailiulie U.ic fiom The Ajvirlatdi Pi cm
Sv ) oik, 'Apill S. J, P. Mon'4ii mllod far
Kuropo IoJjv on Ih'J iltimkhip 'leutunk.
ftPDoi'tiomiient Measure Introduced
in the. Senate l)U Mr. Henru
ot PhlladelDhia.
A BUI to Regulate the Sale of Canned
Goods for Human Consumption Is
Tntioduced In the House Adulter
ated Milk Bill Is Defeated Other
Measures Not Approved.
Dy Kkcliislin Wiic fioni "1 be A.iotbtril l'ic.
Haiilsbuig. Apill 3. .Mr. Hem. v. of
Philadelphia, today Introduced In the,
.senate a. "enatoilal nppoitlolinient bill.
The changes from present uppoi tlon
meiit aic as follons:
I'ml li-till--l"lt'.l. Tttoiitj -Mh Jinl lliiill
rlh u inK I'hiUiIrlpliia,
,ecolnl Dl-tritt Socnid, TMnl, 1'ourlli, !
cntli. l-.lRhth mil 'J lili tt nt It Miiuk. I'liiliililplni.
Thlnl llistiiit tilth. Sixth, Ninlli, 'I. nth.
I'.loii'nlh, Iwilflli Jinl I'oiiriciiitli w mK I'hlle
rmutli DMliet Miiftfcnlli, Iwclil) tlin.l,
luinli.fillh, Thiit-thiiil, 'lhir' .uui lolly
lii-l M nt, I'lillitelp'iil.
liflli Dislrlit hitnntll. Sciciilinnth, I.L'li
rciiitli. TurnllPtli nnl Tlinfj-liiFt lianH, 1'luh
d(I.lila. Sixlli IlMriel Tfiil).flil. 'Iwentt tt.on.1,
lucnl) -eighth and 'Jliirty pIkIUIi waul, Philadel
phia. Srwnlli Pi-triel Fiftcrntli, l'fntv ninth,
1 hil t)-sei ond and 'llilrti nciitli wauK Phlladil
plih. I.ijihth liiitncl limit) fomtli. 'Ininti ,oi
entli, Thirty-fourth and Torlleth nrd-, I'liilidil
plua. 'Ihlrlctnth lii-trkt Kincaci.
roiiiticiith I)i-tilrt lA'hiith md Citlnn.
I iltccntli District ortliimplon.
si-unlcrntli nhtrii t Iliiiion
I iuhtccnth I)itiiil, Wijne, sm.pifhjiiiu, 1'il.c
and Monroe.
ruinticth ni-lnct I.ickiii Mini.
1 ii nt) -l)rr PiMritt All of l.tintu (niiul) not
in. liirlrrl in Hie Tm ntt soi oml tllstinl
T only so. end l)itrittrin of U tllct -, llmo
and ("Mii-hip-. of Ilillis. I'm tt r. riiimouiit,
Uunloff, IliintliiRiloii. laik'on, Kiius-iou, I al
Hiinun, Jln.i lto-.-. Silt in, I nion, N'utpiil and
l'liinoiith, mil the IioioukIii. of Pilli-, i:rtPi,
Iuunc, I't.liinil us, shiil.hlnii), Wioniiiiu, !W,t
PltlMon. I'd" inN ilic. kiiiu'tnn, Ninlliolic and
Ttrnt -third Uistiut Uridfoid. WtoiniiiK md
Titnl)-tourlh ilislncl, I olui'ilni. 1.1101111114
.-mil VonlQiii.
rwcntj sith Di-tili t 01 1 .
'I entj -cirflitb lli-tucl !luiitlniluii 111IIII111.
Iiirnt) nintii Oi-tnit -hmlkill
lliirtlilh pistrii t I'mlir and thnntld
Thirl) first Ui-triet ( uiiilitihnd. .I1111I111, I'tr
ry and Mllllin
riiirl) -nor mid llistrii t I'lirtle.
Ililrlj-thiiil Disti ut Ail.iin-, tiiiiLlin md I ni
ton, riiiili foinlh lisltiil Sinurrrl ind llcilnud
llilitj fifth Distill l-Caml.rn.
Thirt)-slth DiMihI -W isliiniston md (.inino.
llilrlj oltrht Ihstilrl C'llnl f iiiuion, I.Ik,
I'oust and C 111 ie n.
I'hlrt) ninth lli-tnct Arni'lionu and lltilki.
rorllrtli DMtkl Ci mlonl and W Mien
1'oit) -first District Hrit.
t'ml) -i-i 1 find District Uiwrciu 1 and IIcimi,
fully thud Distiii t Viiini'o and Mirur.
I'oily fin tli District AlIiKlitut it).
I'ort.t-tlflh District Wislnioul mil
forl)-sitli DisIik tltoiiii.lis of .) Inu ill,
Aalon. lliaddook. Hon on, IMlnui. I.lm,
fift I'iIIsUuir;, fist VtKcfspoit, 1 llswouli,
field, Jlilltili, Vol III lliitliloik, tl-binn, Oik
iiionl, I'llcalin,, slurpsbiiri;, Spriiitf-,-iiilcn,
Tauntiim, Initio intk, Vinmi md
V ilminlimr and ll.o toumlilps "f Ohppo. Ili.ul
doik, I'.ist Deer. 1'iiiil.lin, fawn, Iliniptmi,
HaiiiKi, llinl.-on, Inilnn.-i, Killluik, lul, .Mil-t-Ii
ill Mit'indU", 1'alioii llos-, lli-tm, linli
land, SiialM, settiikU-,, Wilklm .nil
ct Dicr.
I'm t--sM nil Dli-I m I s , ,, pi.. cm 1 on).
thiul distilct.
Porlj-uislitli Di.liict iKlcenlli lo the limit)
jiconil ward), ititluslic, tin- Tlml) -.cicnlh waid
and tli- li')i.ui(;li-' nt i:ilino-nl, Kinkiii, sil-i.
i.ili- and Wilkhisliiui.-,
foilj-niuili Dislilil -Trtcntt -1 niiili, limit
llit .-ml Thliti oh III wanU ol I'llMnuj, tlr-t
tlivcii t irils of McKoisporl and I-uidiisIi- 01 int.
qiHrlif, Kllrilislli. lloini'-i.Mil, Vcr-aillrs and n
Klialnth and to,ii-Mp.. ol Ualilv. in, 1,11aheih,
r.iuniil, Jcllci-on, I t.wui St, ( laii, l.iniohi,
.Milllln. Suiilh Wiitjllli , siiowikii and A 1 r.
riltltlh liitrut-Tvenh.fuiuli Tin ni) null,
T.untiltli, l'wcnl.i-iilitli. Ti,iul)-ninili,
Thiillitli, rhirlysrccnd, Thlrl.vtlilid. 'Jlilu.
lim Hi, TI iitj.llflli mid Thiri)-sUth waid-,
I'ittfliuis-, ,'iml the lioiouKlH 01 I uin-trii , Ci iftoii,
Couptdls,, Kpl 111, lirern Tiro,,
Jiontotith, Jlonliilhi'i-, Jlelicct ltoil,', Oikdilc,
foil View, Sheridan, West Mbuty and tho town,
ships cf llith"l, rii-nllcn, Cnllii-i, ITliliv, Moon,
Jiortli l'j)t.ltt', IlolihisOii, s01 pjjrtti., Noli,
Pppir st, Clair, Union and feloni, fitsiiiu -ill
Bills Passed Finnlly.
These bills passed finally:
AuthorUir;; ottneri, Ii;j-oos and ofcupaiin ot
Ind tu forbid entering llicrfin for (he pnipuse
of bhoctitiK 01 taking Mild nuliiuli, birds, gamo
and fi-h.
IIoiik- bill enabling bului'3 tu fcm and be surd.
Ilouiu bill liiii(,' (lie t e 1 in nt ofliir of notania
puhlk, uyulatlns the appilulniuil md pn
Mribint; crrtiin duties
I'lii-ildtiis: tor tho eenko of notice to build
or lepair tildcnalks in Ijorouitli-i.
A Joint levilutlcn pionoclnt; on aniciidiiifiit tn
feci Ion 10, aillrlc I, of tho c3n,tiltitlou fo tint
a dhchargti of jui) (or fillure In mm-a or tho
necessary cau thall not work an
The JUflain Cocrcr Ilhcl bill,
lloiifo bill fifini? Iho conipciis-Jllori to be re
lelitd by the prlton iusjicttoit. of link, lounl).
In the House,
In the house today Mr. nmh, of
Lehlcii, offered a ieolution that the
rule icaiiirlng the ceil to eull iho
names of thosn ubsent op not votiiiff
011 each roll call bo dispensed with (or
tho balance of the session, Tun ipso.
Ititlon was ruled out on an objection
laUed by Mr, Coray, of Luzerne,
Mr. Patteison, of Hlair iutroduced a.
bill piohlbltiiig the sale of canned
goods for human consumption unless
tho year of the cinnlng Is slamppil or
blown upon the bottom of tile can or
other iccsptaclo and ll.slng a penalty
of not less than $50 nor morn than $100
or an impilsoninent not exieedlng sis
ts duys for violation of the aei,
These bills were also read in place;
Mr. llc.ironi, of Wrslinorcland-l'ioildliK for
tt rlecllou of rcconkr ot dceils an 1 ntjlsicrj
of ..ill-J in cjttntlrs lniliiR a population ol our
Mr. Mr. MiiTfivon, cl il mis I'rov i.liuu Hut
petit Jiirll-I In all uiojuuliuiu, cic of nl";i)
rMiptril, vliiill drlirinlni' lit' tliclr reidlct whetli
r Iho count 01 Iho piivrculoi' or the- ilffeiutltit
hill piy Ihu civ-tii In ill 1 mi of ntqiilttal in
iniliclinciil. .Mr. Paul, of t'liilndclplila (o pifient tho ic
eeptince by publtc nllltii or riuplii)i"l of fire
truniportilloii on mllroml., ralht ijs and ollur
Iriti.poilntloti if tupantps .nnl pro! Idlns .1 prndtv
of ln0 atid foticiture f oltli i fnt iolitlni of tlm
Bills Passed Finally.
These bills passed finally:
small- bill lo rnfouf. I lm pioil-ldis of dfillMI
I, itlltli I" of tin lontllliitloii, piohlbllliu:
Iho eoiisollilitlon of paiilhl or conipUinir llnet
uf railroad or rami ioiiipin!r.
seiuto tiitl mitlioilrlng nillioitl ni.l otliri
Ihiii pnitUloti 1 nmp liilo- of tho slid' In acinlu,
kohl, ilepo.i' .f and murtnli'i' I lie tock an I
fimllk-t of 1.1111I, 1 illft ly and oilier torpora.
lions of Pi litis) It Mil 1 ni ilsiwhcic.
I'tcsiillilnir .1 p.n dtt not cm rulinrr $." op
llu. icitt Iniprl'iintiitiit In wllfullr and null,
iloiislt tnlii- 01 iiinott wasp. 01 puktiu; from
Uf) Jotn11.1l boxes 01 bo 1 1 a loioniothi', riiidtm
teuiUt, taiihiut', lonh, in, tiliouv! or triuk utid
or opeiitul npuii nny sit 1111 or iktlrlc rallnnv.
MikliU it wilful In In -pi-', huiil, tup and
tike ilk, ill 11 or finu fioni iiulov-il llml-.
Pioliibllilil, (lie 'do of ldilttuatcd. unwholi--voiiir
in 1111111111? milk in Iho rlllt's of I'ltlsbtira;,
siiititou and Mltirlnnt wis dtfi'ilul,
IncicislliK- the nimibi r of flclor) lniprrloni
from twinty lo hunt) t'.c.
Ihe bill In Hlthuibi' 1 4 : tt 1 1 1 1 ill lidtMeii illoi
iiti and illiht lm loiupi n-ulloii foi fin Id's mil
P. pint hie for 1 lit ti for "tick strikes upon llu-
lli'tit's 1 iuv of 11 (Ion or lounlir-iliim, was di
ft 11 1 Oil
l'loiiihna- Hut licasiiieH of lliiul il4. iiti
shill niliiit -flioiil t im: -nit In riylnpr boiouulu
lo uipilio Ihe plintiuic of shule tries abma;
pulilfe lwel by Iho (mints nf ibuttliiK piopci
It. pioil.liiii; .1 imiilli f i killing, rnuoiina; or
iiiiurlua: ti t r -, along"-
Night Session.
'Iheie w.-ts it full atleliiliime ol Ihe
hotis(. tonlghl. in nntleipation of the:
lively debate on the Philadelphia boaiti
of ioision f ta-:es bills The bills
me on setoud leading and -an agiee
mont litis, been leached wheicbj two
nights me to be given for discus
sion of tho inensutes. When the bill
was taken up, Mr. Cohille. of Phila
delphia, innde a motion, which was
adopted, that the oeirile bills be sub
stituted for the house bills, mid that
the latter he di opped tiom the caleu
diis. II the bilks pa-5 the house tliej'
will go hack to the senate for 1 011
putienee in the amendment the house
committee made to them.
Mi. ioper, of Delawaie. the lp.uler
of tiie opposition to tho bills. wa the
111 -t speaket. He did not wish lo
iii.titel with his polleagues. he said,
but he wanted to ciitleie the purpose
of tin- lne.'isiiic-s. He said il was the
put pose to hn'iciisc the political in
llueni of those now In powoi in Phila
delphia, lie (haigul that if the bilks
became tin laws, the ical eslntp as-ses-nn
tits 1 nuld be increased k
the politicians of that eitv could be
l.iMiied with mote fonti.'iPtis by ipason
of the inc 1 eased reenue. Mt. Cooper
ieiewed his political nioer itom the
bhlh of the IJcpublli-an p.uty down to
the pt-eeni. sad hP luirl never vio
lated 11 pledge, and nl this late dav he
would not co baik on his woul glpi in
the last campaign to work for lefoim.
Mi. tkeltr, of Columbia, also spoke
against the bill
Mr. f'otter. of MeKean. ofieied an
amendment that all peisens appointed
by the mayor or other oflleials of
Philadelphia, also bo eb eted by the
people, bin th spakpt 1 tiled that the
amendment was net germane to tho
The bills- wete then lead at length
and laid afide.
Alter u number of bills had been
lend a oeond time, the bouse adjourn
ed until 10 a. in. lomnnmv.
Lancaster Agitated Over the Myster
ious Death of Loy Hough.
fl) llulii.lie W lie fioin Ihe s,aclati'd Pics'.
Lancaster, Apill 3. Lov Hough, the
Chinaman who was found in his laun
diy this motnlng with a iiactined
skull and either ovldenecs of n tenible
assault, tiled this evening at the en
eial liospital. The assault was com
mitted some time dining Monday
night and the Chinaman lay alone in
his shop unconscious and half dead,
until dlseoveud toiliiv. The murder
was 1 oininlUed with .1 bilck, which,
oeted with blood and hair, was found
In the lamidty, ltlood was spatteted
all about lite plaie. showing the 1111
lortiiuaie l.iuudi Miiiiu inaile a desper
ate light fot his lite, lie icmducted the
laundry for Sam lling mid lived alone.
He did not legniii eonscioiisnoss suf
llclinlly to gie any infoinintlon 10
gmdlng the 01 line, but tho lilted miiiiej'
drawer imoalid the motive.
The poliet, think they have a eilup In
n bloodstained nolo found In his bed
room addiessed to "Sam" and signed
"It" asking him to give "100 cents" to
"Nan" with the piomlse that the loan
would be lepnld on Monday. The dead
man has lelatlves In Philadelphia and
tlifv luiio been notlflfil,
Six Tiotteis Buiued.
riv r.tilusiu- Wlrj fiom The Awoilaled I'fi'.j
Pi.iiRliktr-psIc, X. V.. April 3 Sh trailing laliifd in .ill at S0,000 and owned by
Pikwrd IVil.ins, ot ilils ell), tieio burned to
death In .1 bain nnr heic culy llils inoiuinir.
The uiiglri of Urn fire ii not lnown, but iiicn.
diuUni by tramps is MV-pectcil. Threo brood
maris ind foui tolli wuc tauil. Thi liora df
hliojnl were riiitaboul, s-lnlllon, 7 jears old; fjuccii, I.idv lluiil, I' lit net I, I'unccss l)i.
lard. Ilrowuht 1)111 ml,
Maher nud McCoy Matched.
Uy Who from The Associate.) Prr.
I.oulsiille, Apill .1 -II w r.nuiiiiil totliy
In- the m-uugi tut lit of Iho southirn Atlileli-5 tli-l)
tint "Mil" Jluoy and I'etec Jlaher hid bem Toi a tiMlil) lotlilij livjt heif April 10,
lb I a-l'iou' M he lion TI10 A'iola'.tl Pitf'..
New oik, p.ll 11.- Vliifiiuo PolloiiorlJ, pub
Jldici ai il iililor of thu Italian uet.cpaii.'r, 1.1
I'lozirtsi and ( hilttophii' Cohiirilu, uf thlj city,
il-rd toda) at hl hon.e In Siapleton, S, I., aged
2-s ).aia
I'hlUdrlplna Apill .1 -V ilium It Warner,
hell uf thi widely known drus nuiiuuiliiriin,
firm of warmr . fp., dint niddiiil) todiv of
apcpli), agol Ki )cir. lie had been eniiatd
in ike iliug inanufji lining businuii ulucc is..".
ouiiRstonli, )., Apill .1. Jlrv , JIaria, Todd,
wiilui of Olilti'i. fainou war cmcrnor, died U1I4
ctt nfuqr. Jgotl fS )iais
Niw- loik, Ipiil K.- Ihe llev D. T Carnalun,
p, D, died today at frith Am'io). X. .1. Dr.
( auuli-iii w is Iwfii hi I'itUbun.', Pa , In ISiO,
and entered Iho I'll li)l rim minUtiy in 1M1.
hi, llrat ihargu 1't'lnfc- lit I-)fa) iltf, Ind. Durini;
Ihe battle "I Cotli.hui- ho was pastor of a
chunk In tint town and nc cii.iicnt Mrike
l) the Hi'l il.tlns H'lilm
Interest Aroused at Washlnoton
Over a Despatch from
St. Petersbiiro.
It Has Been Suggested That She
Proposes to Commit a Greater Of
fense in the Seizuie of the Chinese
Province Settling of Affaiis In the
City of Pekin.
Bi lAckiM... Win- (10111 The .Usuiljtid ITis
St. Puter.sburg, Apill U. The eories
pondeul ot the Ansoclated Press Is in
formed by 11 tiustwotthy authority
tint the M.incliurian convention has
not j-et been signed.
Washington, Apill .!. The sl. Peters
burg (llspaleh in the Associated Pi ess,
minted tlil moitilug, has moused iu
leiest In ofllelal 1 holes liete. ror
Ihe same teasou fhnl pieveitleil the
iiiiiespondeut fiom iiotlng any au
Ihmitv in the ltiisslmi government as
a soune of sugre.tlon contained in
bis desrialeh II Is not possible to cite
0tllcl.1l iiulhoiliv lm- 1 lie lominent that
has been passed lieie upon th" sug
gested Kiissliui idea. This, in brief,
Is that the nil ion ot the powers In
opposing die Manchililan agreement
will make it iinposlble tor Itussla lo
leave Manelitiiiti nt all. The eoinniPnt
upon this sugge-ieii plea is thai litis
sla. elrlibfiatel) pioposes to lonnnit a
gi cater offense In Ihe peimanent se'
ure of Manehuila. if the powpis will
not connive at a lessei one. in allowing
her tn make a secret and ptlvate
agt cement with China. This plea, it Is
said. would be laughed oil? of any court
of international law. so dlslngenlous
is it. Itussia is displeased because
the nower.s discomaged Cblna tiom
signing Ihe agreement; jet Russia
heisplf Joined vlth the other powers
in undei taking to avoid anv stieb pii
v.ite arrangement involving the ac
quisition of Chinese tenltoty. Keen it
slip pet-ylsl. even if she foiee.s China
lo sign the Manchtirlan agreement,
theie l.s no obligation upon the powers
and pcit.tinly not upon the United
States to whom this Russian pledge was
given to look upon 11 as binding at
unj" nolnt. P.j- the same reasoning,
should Russia, falling to secuie an
agreement, continue in Manihmin bc
jond a rw-sonablo time, there is no
nbllgallnn upon any power to respect
her title and il m.iv be predicted that
his subject will lead In conttovei-Hy
of the giavest character.
Settlement at Pekin.
Pekin, April X As soon as tho gen
eials of the powers notifj' the minis
ters as to what dirpositlnn is eleshed
of Ai tides VIII and IX of the proto
col, everything will be practically con
cluded except the indemnities-, the only
claims not loucly being the Riitlsh,
Herman and Japanese. Tho Got minis
say the)- can be icadj- in two days
and the Japanese asseit that they can
be ready at a moment's warning. Pil
vnle (.-lalnis, however, can be filed until
May 2-1.
A majoiity of the ministers- ate in
favor of making a getieial claim as
soon as the government cliims me tu,
making allowances for a few thous
ands lor possible futuip claims, al
though It Is believed that all private
claims are now tiled.
I.i Tlung Chang and Piinco Ching
have sent to the couit for appiaval of
a list ot names piesented by the niinls-tc-.s
of tho powvis for punishment. The
death list has been 1 educed to four
names tor degiadatlon mid to ninety
tor loss of ofllce. No objection is an
ticipated, as the men ate only pioml
neni in loeul communities.
Japanese Press Bellicose.
Loudon, Apill 4. "The Japanese
piess continues bellicose," says tho
Yokohama correspondent of the Dally
Mail, wiling jesteiday.
"Count Okumu, formeilv picuilcr
mid now lender of the oppslllon, de
clines, In the eoiiiso of mi Incisive
article, that Jn pun must abseit her
self or the woik of thirty jcais will
bo lost Korea, ho says, Is not a, Rus
sian chattel, and Russia's notion Is a
dl'iect challenge to Japan,"
Hopes Nicaragua Canal lMspute Will
Turn in Boers' Favor.
By l.Mlil.he Wins ficiil Tho Associated l'lru
Amsterdam, April S. Heir fisehcr. tho ll.wr
delegate I pip, tats that President limner con.
tcmphtu 1 summer tour of tlm Unltfd f-iatu,
and will prohibly sail for America In May on a
Dultli trans-Atlantic jlenmer. I'rkuds of tha
Tlocr caiee hope that lontroicrsional (ueotlor,
Midi ai the canal and Ilehiln-; Strait
Issics, aldsd by hrugcr's prctcmo, will luin lo
tho adnntage of tho Uoeri-
Iiiuser will co tn llllwiium ctt rimitiLv,
wheie ho will tonelude his pu'piiatloiis for Ids
Journc) to America,
Col. R, W. Blue May Be Named Com
missioner of Pensions.
fly Wire fioin Tho Associated Pio-i,
Topi'KJ, Kan,, pil .I.--11 Is belleiitl anion;
republicans I1010 that foloncl It. W, lilue, r.
ronaacM.niauat.Urse, -.till l appointed commit.
don r of pension., to .ucictd II. ( lay fnns.
C.ViijUf.-man ( uitis, who has utiitiml fioni
Viathliiitton, t-a III ti'ilic Hut llu iloiic wis U..
twciti Cokud III 11 nnl sine Seiidtot Carpenlir.
II da) l.t.iii, it u t)id, will bo iiiide
imiil.ilir to J. .pan,
Finud in tho Riuslau Vote.
Dy ficlnsiic Who fioni Ihe Auoilalcd Pre!
Topski, Kin, April .1, Col. nrl f. J, Hushes,
the llipubllcan (aulidato fm maior, who was
dcliaUd )rlciday li) . . Parker, D. moirat.
by 11 tot 01., uimounciY. that lie will al onto in
stitute lonlest proceedings. Tolonel lltuhe il
Uses train! in the llu.-iJii ton. About HOi) lias
tians vottd foi Paikir on both th" Democratic!
and It Irons' thkcl., not knowina; nuy btllir,
and Ibis, lliuhcs' nuiii-tn ilalui, will dt'fiat
Weather Indications TutU) :
1 Ifcr.ernl Inslnitllois as (0 Aiunnahhi
lliK-h ind Minehmla.
Appertlolimrnt it HurMuiri'.
1.1 Ituiir? Chilli; In Di-faini,
i fjV11rt.1l -s'tiilinnitile llepirlirttit
.! I oeil Couit Pioi ccdins.
JI'hI" lot Hutu.
t I'Olloilal.
Vote -mil Ci liiniuil,
S l.neil Ameuikd Ikoiaalilatloii Oidliunie
Heady lor Counrlfn.
Mutliiit of the Wotiitn't t'eirdun Jlislonaiy
d locil Wist S. tanliiii and s'ubmbni
7 llentral NoithvKlrrn IVnn.)lv..iiia
finimlil rind f 0111 licre! it.
S Liicil l.he Kcws ! the li.ilusti 1.1I Win nl
Soclil (iitii,
Russia Formally Notified China De-
sites to Keep on Friendly Terms
with All Nations.
IS) Im.isi Win f s lit Hi Wiviibd I'm
Pfkln. Apill .!. The Chines,, goveiu
uieiit bus foi 111:1 1 1 - nolliled llnsiia thai
China, owing to the attitude of the
pitwoi-i, is not able lo sKu (lie .M1111
cliuil.iu tonvetitlon
"II Is Cilna's di'slie," suy tin lot -nial
nolinealion, "lo keep on nlendlv
tonus with all nations. At ptesetit
she is going tlnotlgh a petlorl vihicli
Is the most petllous In Ihe empl:e's
histoiy, and it is nece."mj "that she
should IriV" the lilondship of all.
"Howevet much she might be wlll
iitf to Riant any spcei-il ptivilogo to
one power, whin other-, oblecled It is
Impossible that for the sakv of mak
one nation tilondlv she sboulil alleuat"
Hip sjmpathies of .ill otheis,"
Li Hunt, Chang sa.vs this lotlei - I
Ibs the matter dtlinltel) ami that
Russia v f.s minimally nolliled to the
same effect Match "').
Pi nice Chln-j assotts tiuil evoiy
Chinaman exi cept Li Hung clung was signing the convention.
Diiectors of the Three Companies
Elect G. F. Baer His Successor.
By Kc!usitc Wire fi out The Vesoihttd Puss.
Philadelphia, Apill " Joseph S.
Harns today tendeied Ills teslgiiation
ns.piesldent ot the Reading company,
tho Philadelphia and Reading Rail
way company and the Philadelphia
and Reading Coal and Iron company.
The ditectots of the three companies
met this afternoon and accepted the
icslgnatlon and elected Ceoige F.
dor, of Reading, to succeed Mr.
5 is.
The latter will continue a 11 mem
ber of the executive t onuulttees of tho
tlnce roipoiatlons and will also seive
on the boa id of directors'.
A resolution commending Mr. Han Is
for his admlnlstiatlonu of the Read
ing company's affahs since his election
to the pie-ddi'iiey was unanimously
Textile Workers Meet to Encoiuage
the Striken.
II) r.stfhisite Wire from The As oilaled I'lr's
Pillklon, piil ". n -iipoitanl confiiuKe
win lnld her lodit lietwrni itpus. nt itbci
01 the ti'Mllr workcis of Palcircn, Siriiilun,
Irf-B Cily. Wilkes lime and this di.. Al
ll:oii;;li tl - icfiilt of llu ji 1I1I hei.ilions hit nit
In on iiiuilo pnblu. It Is will l.inliistiKjil tfin Hi. li
obiect is to en( luratjo llu siri'(ln tiMlle worl'.
cu. In iciiilrnn II111111I1I a -Mjiio
I lit- spttltiiKiir of th- - ii,.e sines 1.1 '.i i
lai ol. toih) a il was .1 iiiuiilli a-to The gills
.at' ilitiimiui'd to adme lo I hell liimmdt and
the opeiatoi .-it the) t.ill not lemli irorn itnir
pictMil pntjtiou
Steamship Ai rivals.
Ill t v. lusiie Win fiom Tho A-soilateil l'us
.S'cw Yoik, iill I- ritvtd: Pemselditid,
llimhurir. Clcaud: l.a llutaune, llaiio. "s lili.J:
Ciledonia, Lliuiiool; SI, Louis, Soiillijiiiptoa;
Teutonic, Murpool; Vucsl 111 1, ntwnp, bnei
I nol iiivuii Ofpinie, nv Yith. Soulhinip.
tn lulled: I.1I111, Niw urk bu Ihihii 1 ( m!
I rocu'dt I).
Blown from 11 Fi eight Car.
11) llitluslie Wire fiom The Associated Pius.
New- Yoik, April 8, David Iiunsberr) , a Jer
sey Centril nllroad bralcmin, w 1 blown Ironi
tins lop of ft bright this evening doiins the
pa'o which passed oicr Sonieiiille, N, .1,, n.d
died tboitlv after lb Ihcd In Plulllpshurj,
N. I
Coilieiles Closed,
lly llxeluslif Win fiom II. Assoclalid Pi si
WtlkUarrr, April S. nuu. weir i3slul
t jilay at No. D colliery of tho bihlgk and Wilkes.
Ilnre t'tul companv, at Sugar .Notch, today, that
until luither notice ihero would ho n t.ork at
tie mine. sU hundred men are tluown out of
Piotr.icted Stilke at Glasgow.
Hy t-,c!usii Wire fiom 'flio A.-uilalul Picss.
t:jS0W, April ." Al 11 lonfiiciuo ot Iho Liu.
ail.ihlre toal ntasUrs held ibis foienoou, It wat
defldid to 1efu.11 Ih" lill.lii- tnsini 111111 any
iil(Cv.ioii, and a pi oil 11 led Hi ike ii nnlltlpaUd.
Geutlemon Buiglar Convicted.
By llxelusbi- Wiro ftcm The Associated Press
Xiw- tork, April .1 frederkl. , HutHus-ano,
tlm "atnlUinaii burtliir," tonvicted of buiuliry
ju Ihe tctend fht.111', was seulcufeil to four
)cars in tin1 Stan prison today by Jiid?e lowing.
Fan-American Bonds,
l) bMlusiie Wile limn Tim .".-.seriated Pie-.-.
lbiu), Vpril .!.-(.ouriioi Odell lm signed
ihe bill of senator Hill allowing tlm I'an-Aincii.
tan upo-sllion I.) issue tciond inoilfasc bond!
to ibe v iluo ol ssmnoo.
Ameiican Handicap Postponed.
Uy Ivlusl.e Wire from Ihe Atoeialul Pre'i.
New- eirk. April S. -imIua lo bad weather the
Brand Amcrhaii luudiiap wbltli v i lo lun
lm 11 ekot oil at Inur.tatc paik, i(ikiiis. I,, I.,
toda), was postponed until lomoirow.
Secretary Root Sends an Extensive
Gable Messapi to Gen
eral Macflrthur.
He Will Be Tieated Kindly, but
There Is No Disposition to Allow
Full Libeity nt Present The Rebel
Chief Astonished at the Liberality
of Ameiicnns Anxious to Visit tho
United States Has No Desire to
Hold OlHce.
111 l.s'ltlsit. Wlio fi on lilt Vsu'iiilril I'i.m ,
Washington, Apill :!. After 11 oonsul
Intlon wllb the pres-itleut fseetotaij
Root tonight sent a table message to
tleiuiiil JlaeAithur giving him ln
slitK'tiotis legarding Agilnaldo mid
tho views of the udmliilsti alion on
some teiieumt'iidnlloiis as lo Pblllp
ilne allali". made bv fletienil Jtao
Aithur. The contents of the inble
giam will not lie made publle for tn
It was stated at Iho war deputinent
todav that Cioneial MacAi tliur had
made no communication iclatlvc tt
Agulualdo and that the altitude 01!
thi-, government (owmd the Insuigent
ihiof hud not changed. if is jet
held as .1 Dilsonor and while be will
be t rented with kindness tlieie Is no
disposition to allow him libeity. until
it is denionstiated that he Intends to
comply fullv with tho amnesty terms
and his oath of allegiance. Agulualdo
is mote than nn ordinal y prisoner and
It has not jet been dctei mined whoth
ei "or not ho is lesponsible for viola
tions of the law nf war. Ills onntuio
was made with 11 view of scouting 10
stllts and while Ocneral Mai-Ai tliur'-t
dispatches Indicate that these le.sulti
will be satisfuetoiy they have not yet.
lollowed. The cable mi ssnge sent to
night was of oonsldciablo length and
was fiilte specific as- to the policy of
tin; government. It Is understood that
Agninuldo would like certain nssui
anccs or piomises from the ggvein-n-cnt
and the messages infoimed (ieii
oial MucAithur what the government
would do. AVhllo it lb believed that
Ih" Insurrection would end hefoie
long without the assistance of Aguln
aldo the government would he .glad
lo make use of him to hasten the paci
fication of the Islands If it can be done
consistently with Agulnaldo's former
attitude and with what the foest in
terests of the foiled States In tho
islands me believed to demand. Rc
poit.s received today show that small
bands aie eonstantlj siuiendeilng In.
the Philippines and that geneial con
ditions aie most satisfadot v to the
mllilai v autlioi
Enily Pacification.
Manila, Apill :.. Chief Justice AipI
Iann, who admlnisteied to Linilio
Aguinaldo the oath ol nlleginui e to the
United Sttites government, described
toda.v to a lepiesentntlve of the As
sr,( luted Picss the iimdiiions leading
up to and attending the oeiemony.
which wis setnl-pilvate. Agulualdo.
still detained in an apaitmetit of tho palace, and awaiting- 01 dei.i
fiom Washington, had (".pressed him
self as anxious to loin 11 mom logard
ing tho Ameiican ysteiu of goveiu
ment and had asked ('hler Jttstlci
Aielkuio to enlighten him. The chief
.iusllce i.iielullj explained the various
measiues passed by the Pliillppiun
commission headod by Judge T'.itt,
and showed him what piovlslons wete
inaile 101 eiluciilon mid pingicss and
tor muulilpal and piuvlucliil selt-gov-ciumi'tit
Listening with deep Intel est. Agui
naldo dually osdahued-
"I never believed ihe Amcilr.Tiif
would be s0 fair and"
Helot e the ionei"ittli,u Ind etideit
he had agned to fake tln oath of 1.1I
Icglance, mid this was immediately
Si'iior Aiellano savs:
"Agulnaldo's action will l.iilucc alt
the lnsni gents lo suiu'iKier, mid I pio
dlot that the. Islands will be completely
paclhed by June.
Aguinaldo is eager to vblt the I'nlted
i-tales-, bill when I questioned him on
the subject of holding olllce he replied
that ho had no deshe.s 111 that direction
and intended to letlie to pilv.ite llfu
after a tilp lo Ameiloa '
It Is lepoited Ifiro till." evening that:
Piesldcnt .MoKlnley has invited Agui
naldo to visit the Hulled Slates and
that the foimer Insurgent loader may
sail fiom Manila Apill " -Aithiir.
vvlion questioned regarding tlm
rumor, said he had absolutely nothing
to cominunlcato,
Washington, Apill .'! Inuuliy hem
developed the fact that Aguinaldo hai
not been Invited by Picsldent MoKln
ley to vlidt tho I'nlted .Slates, and
whulher ur not ho will be in tho tutum
is 11 fiupHtlou Hint will be deteiintned
in tho tutuio. "The pioposltimi is a
little premium n, ' "ild nu olllelal to
night. 1
Aguinaldo is slill undei auest and it
Is undeistood that his futuio disposi
tion has not yet been deeldid upon by
this Kovcinmonl.
Tho "Constitution" Will Defend Cup,
11) t:tlu-sbc Wire Horn The s.oUated Pecu.
.New York, Apill .1 Captain Human, iiunjRrr
ol tho s.indkalo tup defender now- bum; built at
Priitnl,'!. 1, aniiouiiitd lonlkht that Ihe nnno
ot the boat would bo tho ' Constitution "
Wai-hlriEton, April ". tornt for
ra.lrrr Pennj.)b 11111; IUin (ir tnnw in
nrrlbirii. iliarinir in tnutlirrn portion 1 huh 11011I1 to noilhwi-st winds,
trlday lilr and probabl) wanuci.
tt l fHt4-t
II -,, ,
1 r w
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s J'l