MSmpfWWl' . - t t W f . ' 8 THE SCRAKTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, APRIL lh HIMH'. ' V'?mW&$f&&- ,WWS9WPW"8W Kvi&vm&i' vnfjpi Great Easter Flower Display At Clark's Annex, 209 Washing-ton Avenue. Everything to decorate elm re lies -and homes, and at our. corner store, which lias been enlarged. The display is elegant at each place. Hyacinths in glent ptofusion fioin 10c to SI. 50 each Tulip!), nu rlegnnt lot 25c to 81.50 Aznling, benutiful plants, lioin St. 00 up Sphens .50 cents up Beautiful Enster Lilies, from . . . ., 50c o 82.00 ench Yellow Geuestns .' 35c to SI. 50 Rliodoclemtions, in bloom SI. 50 to $3.50 Hnulv Azallns SI to S3 Accnsilns $1.50 Lilacs S2.00 Enisles 75c to $2.00 Stock ?1.00 Lily of the Vnlley 35c Hychnngns 75c to $0.00 Hal cly Roses, in bloom 50c to 81.00 The Beautiful Ctimson Rnmblci- SI. 00 to 85.00 Ametlcnn Bcnuties. in bloom 75c reins 10c to S2.00 Pnhns 25c to 85.00 Aspningus 15c to 81.00 By far (.he largest and most elegant .lisplay in the city At Wholesale and Retail. It's All Over Now Our Fire 5ale. Kill tu Keep Urn BUSINESS POT A BOILING CUT FLOWERS. Hoses SI. 00 to S3.&0 doz Lily of the Volley 75c doz Mignonette 50c doz Daffodils 60c doz Taster Lilies 82 to 83 doz Carnation 81 to 82 doz Hyacinths 60c to 81.50 doz Violets 82.00 hundred Tulips 60c to 81.00 doz Sniilax 25c per yard And liven up shot' lmyin. Wo make a special Customers l'roni out of town can telegraph or telephone and will receive prompt attention. Q. R. CLARK & CO. 201 Washington Ave. Old Telephone 2203. New Telephone 8. NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD NINE-HOUR DAY JQUTHE MA CHINIST'S. Picbident James O'Connell, of the In tel national Association Is Confi dent It Will Be Seemed D.. L. & W. Employes Cautioned to Use Special Caie and Vigilance Dining Storms Make Up ol the D., L. & W. Boaid Foieign Oideis That Come to Aiueiica. I'lC.-klelll .I.UIH'S U'CulUli'll, Ol till- li lt in. illniinl Association ol Mui-hiulhts Kit tlii-- H yostoulny .iKciimuii tor WIINc-Dano. aiul Li-t nlfiht nihil eMCd a l.nsv op"!) nu'Ctlns hi'ld by the r.ti Ufino union Tnnlsjhl he will hMik at Hu'lii'lU'ctaily, .V. Y, ami lonieuow at W'ati'i town F'luMdont 0't.ninill 'pues lilinsii? i vciy lonliilciU that the union will " MirnS-litl in lit. ileiiiaiiil- for. i nliii iiour tiny wink uludtile, ami ln-IU ch liat on -Muv id the ku.iI ina.ioiiiy of iiaiuilactuii'iH of thH loiiiuiy will .ipr uli'y tlieli ulllliiKii. s-h 'to grant thu inaehinisth' luriuei lor Mimir Iiuiii.s I'leMiclent Miiiniiluey I'uuiphcll.iir the .lot'.il lodKe, uliltli now nuinl)ei. ovi r i IkIii hiiinlieil moil, i piei-M-d himself III it like optimlMli Mi ail). The uo tl.itlun ini.s taken In men torn pm'iiIIiib evui'v lorni of woil; about the .shop-, V.ltll tho exeeption of the liliiljldi'i .-. . labia neetssales loiiKt-'l' iiiiuih. I'liiiiphell (ptewlitv hald that as-ui'. niieen liad been lllillieetlj reeelved thai a number of local lllllllUI'aeluiei.s Wiic ji"irectl wlllliia to main tlie nine hour day. riepaiulloii.s aie bolus; made for till ing mass iiieiHIllg of nim-hllilsih whieli will be held Apiil :!n at the Lyceum llieatu-. A inoKi.iniuiu will he ion ileiid of iii ill and liiMiiiinental uiini-bt-i-h 1 1) inuubeih of the union, ami l'ihld"llt I'miilibell will muke nil ud-ilu-f. ill which he Will .set fin Hi al length all ilie iK-iunuds whieli the mu-i-hlnisth ulMi attenUcil to. Special Caie Dining Stonns. Slllet oideis have been lesucd by Oeneiul Hujieiinteinleni T. l. ('lathe of tliu I).. L. A lor the special pin tectlon of tiiiins, bildgcH uml tinolts I'lom accident dining memns, a ihu In streams., lundhlldcs, ete. The uirter follows: "In case uf any sevens htornis, high wudH or hudden tlt-o of sticann-, watchmen or otliois lonnected with the road aicunleied tu notify tho ioad niaster and .superintendent at once, and ttack foiciucn will be on hnud with their men to exumluc and protect tho track. "Station employes must ojiefully o. amino main trucks and hidings, hwlti-h-es and em a iluriiiB fctiuli hiuiin and re main on dutv until excused, in bitch imscs Mains wut proceed Wlth thv gicateM caution, undet- buch contiol that they ean btop alter (omlng within tinht of any obbtructfou or washout In time tn movent accident. Utilises iiinl i-ulvorth and other places liable to damage muH bu e;amlueil bt-foie ptoceedlug. TiucK loicmeu !iiidiiig nit) places unsafe i-hall leave a man to Hag all tialu.s and lopnrt the londl tlon at the neatest telegraph station. On Mich Infoiuiailou tiain dispatchers air- to hold all trains and notlly heads of depaitiiioiilH cuiiceint'd. lirldgemeu (no to make piuuipl iuiuliy at such time and a-i.ottaIn if their s-ei- lce.s are needed." Visit of Erie Officials. I'uident 'iimming.s of tlie I'ennsjI ani.i Coal lompany; . It. Fitch and George K. Van Keinan. of the 13iio r.ifliuail. foimed a party that iuspreteit the lecoiitly ncqiined ptopertv yester day. They came by special train, and worn Diluted about the mad by Kngineer Thomas TJowlcy. Easter Offering Uur Easier Miot-s are a- pretl ab the Easter llowerh. The world will blussum in Sl'RIXG .SllOliS on Easter morning. Our new foot wear is ready. Everything that good dresseis want is ln-ro. Our new -hoes arc marvel1; ol" beauty not a late stlc escapes us. Today'B D., I. & W. Board. The make-up of today's 0 U and W. board if as follows: rriMiw, apiw, -j Wild 'jt.. Kisl S p. in., .t. P.iiiMiail: H) n. ni 'J. IlJinmitt; 11 ji. in, K. M, tljllou. Wr.llI)AY, Al'ltlh .1 Wihi i ,iti. rj-.i-ij.iii .i, m , (iconic Hurt ; n ii. in.. A. II. lt..w-; . J. in., O'Coiinoi, Willi John llulri'h nii-n; 7 .i in, V. . IJirtliolomow; S a. in., II. .1. I.irlan; 10 i in. r. Wall; ji ,, in, M. riiinertvj 1 p. in, Kckluni; i p. in., I W. ilruii-i 4. mi p. in., P I.' in Wmiii.r; J p in., A. P. Mnllin; r, p ni , M. .1. lk-unini;aii. simmill., rli. 1 i. in. no.!. I, iKiiiueJii; C p. iii lo.t, .1 Cntin;; 7 i m,, uc-i, i;l.ui'i I'liiuiifilkci. 7 p. in., ii-i, W. H, MilinN; 7 p in., i.i-t twin .Niy n.', 31, Mhti-i; 7 p. in., m-t lioin Co iijr.t. Mi him; 7 p. m, uci Hum I JUUI, lliulilp-nll, I'nlli-i Hi i, :n 1', l s-hiii, 1'ii.Ihi- s ,i. m, llf,M,oi; pi j, m t Si j . lioin: II.. a j ni.. Mm m; 7 p. in,, Muihln; ti p. in., I.iiiiiniis; in i. in,, WVImi. I'J -innu l.niiiii. 7 a. hi,, O.illiii'v; 7 .1 in, Siiibii; o.J) p. in,, Mjntoii; 7 p. in, Mii.wiu Willi Cil, W.-t- l. .i. in,, .1, Ciliiemi; ) u. in, II. Ili,'; ' p. in., MilN, iil, M (,iMm.1,s in p in., t. riip.itiiii,, no i u i:. Idiilmrn .l.-liii Cili. ( mil up., ,,t ,. , inki. luit'-i tiiluc, 1 p. in, Im-oili.i, piil J. i.niisi- (Ink nil (f .nu hhi'i I iiit lilli. Iiilm .mil II will onl witli r. M.illt tl iii-m tilp. I.. IIiiIhcII uill -,) out mu, o llinJulpli mst liip This, and That. I'K-sidei.t John .MItohc!l,ni tl-e I niioil Mine Winkers, iieioinpauied by his mo letaiy, Alls II. Mouls, lot t the city ye.steiday niomlng lor Indianapolis. The liouei.s Jaieonn'itlve Wot Us, of iMleis-on, ,. ,I has been s0d to New Voik men by the ieielci.s. The pin-ihai-eis will ii(-ie;iso ih.. e.ipneily of the winks. The Aniei U an IJildne lompany, or Now VorU eitj, has seemed the con ti.iet, ihiuiigh the Scliultv: lliaiich of I'll tubing, for n large go eminent wmelinii.-i- ai 1'iogreso, Yucatan. Tlie Dickson woik.s, of this oily, h,n oblalued a contracl riom Aitliui Kop. pel. ol Xew Voik i-ity, for building seven locomotives, which tiro to bo utilized for plaiitailon pin poses in .lava, Kast Indies. The Audmer iron i oiiipauy, of Phlllip.shurg, X. ,1., whoo t-nnuces lo. cuted at Uclvldeto, .V, .1., weio erected thst in ISIS, It to Iks dlPKolvtil, Joseph What urn, ot Philadelphia, has pur chased tho oiUIre stock of the coutein and will continue the opoiatlon of the fuiniKos. The:! pitnUpu stoekholdeis In the otlnlnu) lompany -iro Peter Cooper. IMwiml I'oopei-and Abiani K, Hewitt, One of the latsest steel lonluc-ts ot it.s kind ever uwaided Is being execnt. ed by Mllllken Riot, of Uiooklyn, .V, Y tho older calling for, it u mid, Iti.uOO tons of steel bildge woik, The bea is to b utlllist-d tor a bridge of tho lantilever type, SOU jeet long, ulioss a Costa ltlca goige, for the ae. eouiiiiodatlon of tho Keuo f.uill al j'.ielllca. Its height will h. about tw'ieo that uf the Nlagaui. Uiidge. The inatc-iial welshs about 1,00 tons In buk. It's Our Birthday "'e are go'mi; to celebrate it bv holding an ANNIVERSARY SALE C oniineiieing toda v are going to ask our friends to ioin us in celebrating the anniversary of our lirsL year's business in Scianton. Eerybod t invited to join in our jubilee. We shall liave no brass band or fireworks to celebrate the event, but we shall hold a six-days' sale and give our patrons 1!AR(JAI.TS in shoe leather that will make litem wish we had several sik-Ii salt's every year. NEW PRICES ON NEW GOODS "THE WORLD'S BEST." For Men All .-i.llO and' li.OI) Shoes ami Oxfords l,Lr, 11 1,110 .Shues and Oxfoids .",,00 All :',H) and :'...l Shoes and Oxfords 'J.OO and -'.."iO ll L'.OO and L',."iO Shoes fUU Qfords .50 and I'.OO For Ladies All .1.00 and O.oo Shoes and Oxford's .j,00 All J.OO Shoes and Oxfords ;j,oo All o.OO and o.oO Shoes and Oxfords hm and L'.."iO i All '' 00 am! -'.."0 Shoes and Oxfords .,-() and L',00 There isn't space enough in this paper to itemize. All we ask is a visit. You will be glad you came in, and so shall we. m sffk I'hiudtipbu, '. uij i.i"ut fi.f"iVi',n;i tm l3 Iwfrlf. I.uamiUm Iv rarf hUabj wall frltl 1 IMB -..I llaul rilalniil J Hl.,..l tk 1 ' - VBn IVIM'll irr.lYilf t Wl Vr " I ilrtirat turtij 4 l 10 !;. (i ;rrpraritftl4; 0 wi UftpUnl tiptriree la irrnaif. Sb4 Ur book MTrulbcl Ipwfog tt w4Ul k lf rtrk! frm4. Mtnllan IbU tr.T r - t t " r ww t - -v t v V f V V rW Lewis, Ruddy, Davies & Murphy 330 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton. ComionjSifallac SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. Wash Goods Week You don't buy Wash Goods simply because they wash. You want dainty Sum mer wear, because they are dainty, pretty, serviceable aud will wash, if need be. If you want the prettiest of the pretty wash goods now iu vogue, reliable as well as beautiful, come here for them. We have them all Zephyrs, Dimities, Unens, Mouselmes. All the dressy sweets that make summer the gayest time of all theyeat MoUSelitie De 5016 siIlc ateriat as distinctly Parisian as its name implies, Exceptionally fine iu texture, with all the distinguisha ble appearance of a costly Foulard Silk, presenting unrivalled attraction in 3tvle aud quality. This hint: Embroidered Mouselines. solid colors.....' 65c Embroidered Lace Mouseliues, solid colors....! 85c Embroidered Lace Mouseliues, in beautiful floral designs 85c Mercerized Chambrays newr cott material with a sue soft siik finish, unrivalled for shirt waists. Colors, IC red, blue, pink, buff vut rierCeriZed CheVIOtS- cottou material, silk finished, that has all the ap-' pearauce of a brilliant mohair, servicsable aud CAs-r beautiful, solid colors Ovrw German LinenS'ose to I0 styes f plain colors and stripes, of this hand some and sturdy material to choose from. The best 'jSgr fnbric ever woveu. Our price -wv Embroidered CrepeSA pretty cotton and silk cloth, light fine aud CAt r soft, in dainty light shades. Price " Embroidered SwiSS"311 a c'ors including black and white, aud in t Yi dozen qualities, ranging iu price from 25c to P DimitieS5a5ietty Mame) but not 0Qe wu prettier than 250 pieces of smooth summer stuffs that are properly called by it. Fancy tinted stripes 011 white grounds are some of them. Can you picture them aud the tiny twill that all true dimitie own? Dashes, dots and dainties, uutil there isn't room enough here to tell you prop erly of them. Domestic Dimities 12c Irish Dimities 22c EcrU Effects"11 was materials will be much in demand for the coming season, aud will no doubt be scarce later on. Our lines are now complete in all details, ranging from the lowest grade up to a fiue French Reveres at $1.50 Yd A Hundred Other Weaves and kinds ot wash materials are here for your inspec tion, admiration and purchase if you so desire. White GoodS,s'e suJects f Tudia Liueu, Lawns, Persian Lawns, Batistes, Orgaudies, Wash Cbiffon, French Nainsook, French Reveres, Madeira Cambric. Long Cloth and in fact everything in the White Goods category have received our best efforts, and we can say, without hesitation, that our lines of these goods will not be surpassed by any offering for T901. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUB HISTORIC Places in Virginia Canbecomlortal'ly auJ easily leached by the DOMINION Steamers Fail daily except Smida fiom Tier !M, Xorlli niter, foot of BcjcIi -trrrl, New Yoik, for Old Point Comfort Norfolk Richmond, Ua. and Washington, D. C. Connecting for All Point South una" We-it. fr4if44 J I J' ? "rTTTfTTXTTTTTTTTT T. J. w w-r - fe-l w NEW ST06K. Through TicNets returniiisfrniii Va-,limj;ton by r.ul or water. I'oi full Intonation apjiljr to OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. 81-85 Beech St., New Yoik. n.B.WAI.KKIt.Traf.llgr. J.J.nilOWN'.CJ.I'.A. HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent for tlu Wyornloj Dislrla (or DUPONT'S POWDER. Ulnlng, ninstlnj, fporllni;, FnioUclcM and lh Rcpauna Clicmkal Company's High Explosives. Safety t'u:?, Caps and Eiplodcn. Room 191 Con nelt Dulhllnj, tuanton. V' aro now prcparctl lu .-.liuu oiPait cntir,ivXEV slock of Carpets, Wall Papers and Draperies J Ev(.t item is tliis season's jnoods, and wc arc jrepareil tu serve .j. you promptly and at our ueii-unowu low prices. 4. I WI LLI AflS & flcANULTY ; Temporary Store, 126 Washington Avenue- 1 lis 1 Lager Beer Brewery Manuftcturora r OLD STOCK PILSNER AUhNL'II.S; TU03. Fonn ruiston JOHN B. SMITH & 61OH Pljmouth W. I!. MULLIQA.V nilLeanarM Men Suffering from Iomj of nen'ous force often owe theirconditlon to youthful iRtiorunce-' that fearful enemy to health, It U the Iniiiurss of tcicnce to repair the daniaje caused hy the thoughtles.!, piactlcfsof yoiilh, ' Nervous Debility never gets, well of itnelf, Us lctlnii ilnn throiiRh n miserable entem:e, chJc, listleis, uespoudcnt. fegs literally feed the hungry uen es, clvlng theui the precle iiiKrediciilM de manded by nature. 'fhU wonderful remedy cure Nervous Debility, stops all drains, replaces wasted llssucs. sends rich, warm life blood tlngltn;; thiouEh eery part, making ecr'or. gjtiiKlaud cjiiiing )ou to glow with c.iltli. SI u lox: Olioxes (with guaran tee lo cure). J1.00. liook fri'e. I'fcAl. to, CleveUud, Ohio. For kate lo J'lu II. I'hcl, 1'liarmatUt, toruer Wjt'inli; aunui and Spruie ifticct. 435 to 465 27. Ninth Street, Telephone Cull, 231 i. PI If 1 6e lull Said the bait to the fish. Or next thing you kuow you'll garuish a dish. I came from the store of Florey & Brooks, And J'm daugerous. iSW iHr WY I BROOKS 211 Washington Ave. THE NIK POWDER CO, Booms 1 audi, Com'Itk BTd'f. ORANTON, PA. Mining and Blasting POWDER Mdl Moolood RmbJal WorHa. DK. Dl.NS'll'.V. .Ill jini'i ttrf'l Srranlnn, lB. All grille urt Cbronlv Dlean 0 -M 11. Women and Children, CoiuulUtion anil n iinlnatlon frt-e. Ofilie Hour. Ihllr and Sumli 1). ai to V i. iu. LAPLIN RAND POWOBR CO 'S ORANQE OUN POWDER Kl?otrlo Batterlna. lilootrlaKxplolara. aplodlm; blaita, safety run aol Repauno Chemical Co.'s bxp'Vvu- '! Llliiii t 1 -aA-j-iy.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers