The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 03, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    I -.v,,,
"" v'W.)r JTBA,r:' ; -r''i
$'',, r(Vi.i'nifi"' c- pwBw
SI p,-jCWt,''?,'rV!!'-1 "' "
l'iilill!ml Daily. i:wpl Sumliy. I'- TI. Tnt)
litio I'liMlslilm; (.'0111:1.1113-, ill Uliy Cent n JInlilli.
0. 1". ItVMICI!, IM.Itinw .Mciujcr.
New Vurk miliO! l.-O .jx.11i M.
h. h. vm:i:i,m
Solo Audit tor I'orclsli AdUTlWlif.
Knterid al Hie INialnlllre al St union,
bemnd Clius Mdlt Mutter.
i'a.i as
When fuir Mill ciinll, Ihe TrUmnn l. oUt)"
Hluil tu prtiiL eli'.rt liltils. Hum It, filmd, beat.
Inst on mrictit ttiplis, Inn It nilc Is tint Info
mini l,o tlgnul, tor piiblUallon, by the writers
real nJttie; uinl Ilio rotulltlon irc nli'nl to c
Kptaiicc Ii tint nil contribution dull uj iui.i
to ujlkuil -ivllon.
1 111: n,r it mi: roit aihti.tim.m;.
'I In- follciwiiu; table tliuvva I lis prku for lncli
Mill Insertion, ,pai.o to lie iim-i! ultliln unc jcii:
Hmi 1 1 INiIIiibiiii Villi
DISIMiAV. Paper llwnlinK I I'n'lllmi
!..? lluii &011 lutlm. ".'.'. "I .-i"'i I .') 11 1 .-j: I .si
1.0) " II, I ITi I I''
..' i.v. I .!' I .I"'
Wl " , I Jill 1 Is
I'ur i.inU if Huntc, icsoliitlom nl mniMui")
iiml tmliibtitluti-t Hi th" nature t ml
v. tiling '1 lie 'lilbi.nt tn.iKi .1 charge of .') icnt
a line
ltitr for t li,,fliil Ailieitbuij furnished n
ft'ltANTll.V, AIMtll,
With milv :'ii nilli'.-. 11I' p.'ivi'd Hliicls
iiinl li'.s.. Hum ."s tiill.-h ii momom, tliero
ih plenty nf wuiU In tills i'liy
llM' lllr- (ri;nllll III ill' llllli WOlU-i.
To liew to the Line.
HI-; Ml.t'ISluN nl' Hie 11-
1 in-ili'l-, ll'.'ll'lll'll ittti-r II I'llll-
li-riMUf nl' imilli'M In Interest
.mil 11 tlunoiiKli iIIm-ih-i-iuii
nl i'I"Uiik inifilii, tu w Itliilrau his 1 nu
ll nilil.iti'il M'ln. ol' llii' iciiiSiiiiiKiitlim
iillliuiu'c, (iikI tn i-nninill In .1 iiiii)lc
niuutiiiy oi-iliiiiuiro mu-Ii 1 Iiiiiii;i- timl
.nlclllliills us .iff iciiiiIumI tn liriliR tin-
n'ii;liril ini'iihiiic liim I'tiiitinniliy itli
lit'- cliiii h'i, Insiii,-!-, iiinonir other
lliim;.-. .1 inl I ii'Kuliu- II iv ilcinut
inunt, tlnil i-.-in, with pniper ."iipiT-
ii-lun .mil ciiiilrol, liu ni.tile nlji'ill
eiit nnd fllK'iiiil. V iij-hiiiiiu thai tlv
illii'ctnr 01 pnblii- f-.ilcly will, without
1'lMl 111- III MP, tllNe Wll.ltl'VOl- htl'pH
sh.'ill .ippciu tn I1I111 In I if niTi'S-s.iry tn
eiit'oicc Mich i nntinl. In mi (loins' lit'
will iliwne tn ln siihl!ilni-il liy ihiIiIIl'
The prnpi'ii nwni'i.s nl Si'raiitnn aio
piylnu til l Ik- lain of tioni -SO.UOO so
SioO.or.o a yi'.ir in cxim-m. llu- liiMtfunce
pit'inliims lili'si'ly ln'i'.itit-i' ot the ills-orsiinl-Jatlnii
whii'li has iicvaileil in
tin- liii-al llif ili'piirtini-iU. How much
of Ihih has lion iluo to a faulty sv.
tum and hnw lntii'h to faulty control is
ti rtliftkui com-ernlinr wliiull thctu is
liu posllhe infoi tnatioii. Mm flip clear
tKuil of the t-i Utatlou, in any event, Is
lor a paid dvprti tmenl alMliitely s-ulj-oidinate
in all it.s pajl.s to the chief at
its Iliad. Xever asiilu hliould It liae
to he ciiiilc.ssvd by .1 chief In a Sera 11
ton inilliM in, .ih II was recently con-Ki-hcd
liy one, that at a clitieal llii
uliieii di.tio.Vfd Mime of our finest
buMliH1.'-, lilinUs and tlmatened for a
liuii Hi.' vjifeij ,,- the city he w.ib un
able tn ciiloice the llel.(!!-,lly ohedieneo
to onlei-h. Aleie gallantry of individual
Inroi.-in and indiihtiy at .1 lire cannot
lake the place of system and expert
NiiouledKe of what to do. Discipline
and siilnitilinatlnii ale inipeiative.
Theie lb; we let1! sine, oil the pirt of
the new administration, no pui-nnul
lecllns: in tills nialler and un wish tn
,liead on anyboily'h toeh Mr the sake
of shoU-liifT power, hut simply a linn
determination to hew to the line. let
ling1 the chips fall where they may.
The Scraiitun lire department must he
come the hot in the land.
A few yood 1 harnes nf inch sail dis
tributed from a shotKim in a Judicious
and appiupiiatc manner anions the
llends wliii,vonstanty star! ihe foiest
me.-, 11 sieanoiiis, wnuiu Help tlie cause
ot forestry -Mindei fully.
Reciprocity with Canada.
U.MH VDKA of the eiiormmi',
(levclomni'lits ahpailv : hlr.v,.,i
W.J' 'nr iu couteniiilalKin at tint
fanpllan "Sou" may le
c;li'aned fiom the fact that within sl.v
ycars wliat aio Known us the ClerKiie
'ndustiiis, which consisted orlslnaiiy
of an Irnji works employing two niu
ililulsth ami it foreman, lmve ri-owii
in l'epicsent an investment of $!i,nuu,oon
noli In be doubled, and ,1 pay loll of
.'tllOO names, snrm in I,,, h,i,,..,..i ,..
I .'. ... .... .IIVIMI.1LII H,
'MJOO, with dally waws of $10,000. Theie
jtie a inacliliie shop, foundry and black
smith shup; a pulp and paper mill;
blast fmnacis and a modem steel mill;
a powet canal, an electric street rail
way and a steam i.iilioail piojeeted to
lap Hudson's Day all tin; creationh nf
Yankee capital and encigy working mi
faimdiaii si'ill, "
The rapids nf Hie Hi, .Maty iici sl0
the powir alinosl fnr notliluB. With
this power .Mr, 'lei sue turns tho bi
Kiindstoiu's that Kilnd the plnu timber
into pulii luo tons every twenty-fnur
liotiiv, The timbif Is close m hand,
thoit.iandtx.ut' buiiiii'h miles of It, To
rtacfi K-'fhi1' 'lallrnad is belns Imllt. An
the tiiubu' Is cleared good l.tnu land
it made available in settlement ami the
t'lfi'EUifcy.iidlcatc is planning to in.
tindtiiiwW ftmillks Into tho nolshboi
Imod wflliiuVfi fiiw months., Tito i,tee
woike crt-e to supply tho rails for the
i-iillrouit "ami for other lallmads near
und far. Their initial capacity will bn
COO toiH.ii. day, hut extensions alteady
plunned'Dave in view a BOOO-ton dally
output, Not only aie tliu ores coli-vi'iiUiiit.-hut
coal and enko niu cheap
and niureovel, it is proposed tn use.
charcoal fiom ihe rnit.iiiu toi-csts, of
which 11 million acjes nn- uvallnble.
This, It Is asserted, pioduees a better
Iron than can be nimlo with coke, nnd
there my. Miltiablo by-productt,
.N'uturolly Mr. t'lersue, the brain nf
tills vay unjei prise, Is aveise in tile,
tarltf i.irvlors vlleh now lutoritiro with
the five 'Intel clinnKu of trade bjtween
funada'ai'id tho United States. & a
jecent 'peoch lie said: "l-'roiu fJoston
to Scuttle: there Is not a manufacturer
along- the boundary Mutes who cannot,
conduct bis business more profitably
and morn extensively If assured tree
access In Canadian raw piatcrlals. Is
It not pipposteroua to suppose, that tins
Intelligent citizens of t-'auada' win'eon-'
Mnu to allow (1u-lt cuuiilty to bvcoinu
Itiipoverlfliei! of her law inntcrlnts for
tllO lll'llrjlll Of ll ntlinilfltCltlt-i'1'4 of 1111-
nllier country who rmlild the entry of
lift" Mulshed prnilllelK',' Doston Ih coin
polled to tii S'ova Hoot In coat, not
wltlmtillidlll!; be Is il.srsed a lltlty
which U 11 mat 'flat pint of ihe total
coil of tln cnal. Th-re ai- but few
pulp and paper mills In .SVu Kiiftland
w'hleh are tint diawlutr a (inrtloii, anil
often a law purl Ion, of Ihclr wood
supply rrom i'iiiukIhi theie Is not 11
lumber yard from Hoslon to Chicago
which ilue-i not contain Canadian ltun
br; thcro Is no nlekcbstcl wot 11 by
Iho American navy w hit ti did tint or
iginate In Canada. At one lime Ainci
lean brewers found II piolllahli' In pay
any premium deimnidcd for Camidliiti
malt. If Dultith mid Alluueapolls mill
ets could ndtiilx Mitnlliiba wheal th 'lr
market would bo broadened ami thclr
ipiallty Inifirineil. Western t.ilUoads
rerpilru Hrlllsh Columbia coal 'and
western sincltcis iciulre British Co
illlillila ores, ami mo nil thrniij,'h the list
nf th? Industries, until nm- concludes
that 11 system of fair oxelmiiRV might
be cll'ecteil between Canada nnd the
Culled States which Mould be to Ihe
hfiicllt of atl and tn Ihe iujtir.v of
This belief Is slmicd by many Ainerl
cans and Is bound to biow as time noes
Theioulllbellttle synipathy for Klcli
(ii il Utile hi his piiiseeullun for libel
by John Mltihell. The libel mis' atro
cious, and th" piovoinlinii Jn-l what
Utile has long been llshlns lor. Vclil
cles of venom like the Seranloiilau conn
wear out.
Where Interest Is Wanted.
N ANY attempt made by dliec
tois or others tn icortjuuUo
schools that aie not fullllliim: the
cud they oiisht to accomplish
for all soils and conditions of children,
the KTeatest dllllclilty III the way Is
Ihe Inertia and llldllTeietiee of the pub
lic. When wo say lime, the public, we
mean most esneolally tn Indicate the
paients and suardians who send their
children to school. AVitli many honor
able "except Ions thut piove thu rule
the si eat general 1 tile oven UioukH
theie be disappiiiiitmcnl and dl-satls-faetion
over school results. In one lino
or in many, it is impossible In most
easci to ijot tho dissatislkd to stand
together in sunpoi t ot" the icoi sanita
tion or the special improvement that
some elevei-visioiicd and unafraid in
dividuals may see to be what Is needed.
Why this should bo so wo aie not
pioposlus: to H:ic the icason for. Wo
are perfectly awaie of what the aver
age Englishman would name as such
reason, because he lias criticised over
and over ajraln "the lons-sultei ins and
sileneu of Aiiieiicans under bad condi
tions, whether alfcctlns' daily com
foit or the seneial sond of the 1 om
niunity." He is liyht in resaid to a
frood many lhim?s eoueeinlns which ho
utteis htieli eritiei-m on iudilfeiciu-o
and endurance, where he sees both the
i-isht and the duty of protest.
From a great many paients. In pri
vate conversation, may be heaid the
complaint: "My child is not making
the progress in school that he or slio
should do, as nieasiuci! by what
knew of school in my time." With
otheis il is a matter of (onstant 10
sret, otteii of indignation, over tho
cinniininu nf tbeii childien, the num
ber of tasks reiiulied, the. loo many
subjects of study, tin- i-iunpiilsnry
poring over bonks and exeicises in the
houis that the growing 1 lilld needs
for sleep or proper recreation. Once
In a while when some Hied and wor
iled mother pinposcs In interview the
piluclpil about her chlld'.s oiei task
ing, to see whether sm-h 01 such a
study may mil b' dinppeil, it Is 1 In
child himself or herself who pleads
"Don't do II. It f do not pass exam
ination in all the studies demanded 1
cannot get promoted."
Thai is not tho individual teacher's
fault. It Is the fault of a system thai
needs revision and improvement.
The pioposition aiHaneid a few days
ago, thoughtlessly, tn lull mini e butter
Hies in numbers; as an at tract Inn in
Nay Aug 1'aik, might to lie impel a
tively negatived by the public ami the
pari; authorities. There is neither but
terfly, moth. Iior lice beetle, that does
not destroy the foliage and Injun- the
life of plants and tiees. The sugges
tion came finin London when- one of
the parks, has, in "a zoological gar
den, " a collection of caplhe buttcr
llies. Hut even "captive" insects es
cape sometinii'S, to wnik incalculable
mischief. Witness the elm beetle that
has wrought such destruction of that
beautiful tree, and the gypsy moth
that Massachusetts has spent Ininieiisi;
sums in stihlns toga ild 01 ami Has
not ct succeeded.
1 if coin sU Aguiuaido will tni
the 1
oath of ulleshiuce to get mil nf ptlsoii.
But he will no' keep it units his
bread U buttered, and It will tint b
buttered. Tho Aniei lean people cituuoi
bo Inoled twieo by the same taklr.
A iceurieiico of Ktcddio Uelihard is
Ihieuleuoil In tin II -Wrpap-rs. l,i I us
hope 1I1U pet II may I-o averted.
Daily KoioEcope Inrtwn by Ajucehua,
Tlw Tribune Astrologor,
.ituijbc i.i-.t: l.'JJ .1
in , lui Wetiicj-lij, ,nl !
A 1I11I1I I10111 n this iliy v.ill iu'liic 1I111 nun,
C' llll (lie IK' lolled lelltlllUl lo iiiu in.iplc
-ii,mi- uf ilciulttul iii.
Tlii illitant tliinl m Ho i.iqd li'atfr v. ill bo.
tli.j uiil'.iuiy 111..11 r. 1I1IH no inalU-i- 1 iuvv vwim
Un- wcitlirr is.
I'bo iistbo limit fuiii'iiiim iwiv piriuiflli u
LV-liliun. vl uiigliU I'll tliu H'lll',' l.'lell u!
4--.1 ti- -j.
Hail illpli.iii.u-,. .ii'jic.i'f. Iu he tlic ail if 11.
ii'lilliiK mlviu' In a ni.nmi'1' Hut uoukl fieliialc
hU'Uiuli; for liu' tame.
Almott any one un Hie bv hl lt. but in
Miiiiv' hutaiici'i tho mam at illrn.-r titnv v. ill
not bo Jpl to inuiliui J.u, ijl.i.
It ii u-inll.v the hi'lhlilujl who h.i notcr mc.
on'ilnl in cmhliij en to an o.'llcc win ililiil.i
tint hu ii Ut iu,iin:J 10 1'ii'luil .1 polltlcjl
I'ortupondi-r.rj ,-iluul.
Ajacchus Advice,
.stihe fur ccnti'iitnirnt. f iiofrtuluu-i .nnl .1 Out
ot ?UHcl ptl.0C? .110 II10I0 I', tic llfailtd lll.'ll
iiut-oJ U4vn (ti.'iwbeiij itioilukv Jiui linhsw
I Icn.
Character in Circtil.ttion.
CrmtKNT Ain'KUTI.StNO some
nninths ago published un Interest
ing article y Mr, Uerald l'lerco,
of the Chlcngo Tlmos!leralil, fiom
which Ihe following ntc extracts;
The tlrst titirstlon asked by the utnu
tutir ndvci'llser and the average advertising-
ag.'iit Is " Is your clretitit
1 loir:"
He Intends this to mean: tlow many
copies do you print, and how many
copies do you sell','
The veiy young housewife asks Iho
butcher "How much a pound Is your
beef.'" as though there were tia til f-rcreiie-
between shank und tenderloin!
and the case are similar.
Thirst, for knowledge is nlwuys cum
meiidalilc, but about nlno-tenths of nil
"Thirst for Knowledge" Is either a
form of curiosity which has come down
In us fiom our hiiolaii aneestoi'H, or Is
pioiuptcd by a OimIi-u to "g-t the bet
ter of Ihe other fellow" In the way of
knowledge to brag about and trade
Something- More Than Ciiculation.
Hut there Is a great deal more than
cii dilation circulation meaning- the
number of copies print 'd and distribut
ed to be taken Into consideration. If
IL wue simply a iiue.stlon of the mini
Ijnr of copies pi luted and distributed to
buyers, or oeti to readers, or even to
possible tcadets, almost anybody could
make advertising pay.
The man who has 11 legitimate busi
ness) to advertise can buy space tn
publications, the number of circulated
iiiph'S oi which are uiuiuestloueil,
which an- demonstrated by the pub
llsheis beyond any question of doubt,
lull they ilo not pay till advertise! s all
the lline, and. In fact, they do not pay
any advertls 't- all the time.
If there Is any one thing that can bo
dcliniuly pi nved about advoi Using. If
il Is a science as some claim, this
seems to demonstrate at least one fact,
that there Is something moin to it
than mere number of copies printed
and distributed.
A Few Examples.
'I'll1 New York tCvenlng Post leeches
more per Hue lor every line of its ad
vertising than the New York Morning
Press, and the latter has at least four
times the amount of circulation.
The New Yotk Herald receives mote
pi r lino for its advertising' than the
N.-w York journal, which has in all
piobabiUty at least double the circu
lation. The Boston Transcript receives more
per line for its advertising than the
Boston Post, and yet the Post has un
doubtedly live or six times as many
leaders a day as the Transcript.
Tlu Chicago Evening XJost receives
mole per Hue tor its advertising- than
the chieagi Journal, and yet the Jout
nal has nearly four times the circula
tion of the Post.
These are .simply .1 few examples of
papeis which are well known, papers
iipresenting extiemes in ciiculation,
and pa)ers locognizcd by advertisers
gonei ally as good mediums, to use.
Piacticnl Illustrations.
I'irtaiiily, thef1 is something which
makes publications, like Pi inters' ink,
the Fourth Instate, and Piolltablo Ad
vertising profitable to those who use
them, even at the .comparatively high
rate per line. And" It is equally true,
as any seneial advertiser of long
standing knows, that there are many
publications which print and distribute
U'gulaily 11 0111 0,OUO to upwards of a
million copies per Issue, and which
would be expensive at 10 cents a liu.-.
I happen In think at this moment of a
half dozen Illustrations which prove
this. A very larso advertiser recently
inseited a 1-in. advertisement at
p-r Hue in a publication which has a
piuv-ed circulation oi l'OO.Oih) per month,
the advertisement being- one which has
paid very handsomely when ItiFerted
in other publications of less than iO.nrtO
per issue, ami hi receiv ul in replies
fiom this U'tMi.lum ciiculation exactly
throe iu the course of two months, and
did not make a dollar out of them.
think of another, who used a full half
page In advertising a f.tandard article
iu a weekly newspap -r, which has a
lirculatluii of, 1 believe, at least lOrt.000
al a cost nf about $150, and was
favored with less than twenty leplles
which have brought him in the course
of the lasl eight mouths less than SjO
Features That Aie Essential to Suc
cessful Advertising,
But every advertiser, who has been
Ions iu thu business, knows all of till,
or .should know it. 11.. knows, or
should know, that two or three things
outside the number of copies printed
by the publication, which he uses, are
essential to the success of his ndver
'.siiig, and thu Ills l ami the ,iosl im
portant of all these Is the relation
ixlsilus bet wen tho publication and
Its nailer.-. One thousand copies of a
publication of any kind, monthly,
wecklj, or dally, which has a standing
with Its readeis, which is welcomed by
its riaders as a personal friend, which
is Kiin'.vii tn be accurate iu tin- lut'a-
ma'iou which ll bIvjs, which has oh.
tali-d thai ciiculation by c 'can-handed,
Htralght-forwaid methods, In worth
inuii! than n million circulation of a
puolication which b glanced at, then
sold In 1 he wasti -paper dealer, Such
,1 publliatlon, even If It is leud and
1 cud pictty thoiotighly, is read for th)
mouii nt'.s aniusenieni only, and what
Is icul, is the next moment foi-f-uitn,
Tho most important, thing In the
purchasing of advertising .space is tho
ability to judge the churucter of a clr
eolation, and this Is what the adwitls.
ers and publishers need to get together
l.ililoi1 vl li I'libunc
sin Yuiir Uwitir in Ins miouiit oi tlu n.
i.iw'iuiutiuii '( the ill BOii-iiimuit in ttnlij'a
issue unwillingly puts 1110 In tho fiUo position
01 1 1 1 I n ,- al tin- ilcitntli hour beeonie ,1 can lur the oihcc ot illrnlor of public, sifcty.
1'iliiiit inc id -j.i tint at no tiuu- Uhl I Imonio
j lamlnl.tir tor .my illy oilici. 'lli.n ,ul thu
roinplhiunt l .1 iikiiiIoii o hl9 honoi, the u
eonhr, .it 1I10 Iwt niuiu.'iit was no' ct inv
tliiiiiK nor .it my wilici'Jtluti, 1 f'ull ho a
ululiilile I. 'I thr uillitf ol Juilj-'e u uie iu.v
iiiplnn-' tunit oi IhU louiily vhn tho piopi-r
lime umif,, anil will ippiiiuie tho aitjiui;
i.t in, uiiii'h in that iliuition,
Yery simciely joins,
P. I,. IliUli.oik.
siuiiton, .prll -J.
Cm .1 ratlIciu!io baik'' i, nou- t.n iuo.iuo
.)i!.'4t ion III t'oh'uJo. flio niuior nf the tile
li'lical kvdety ilih'H tint a rattltviuke vvlun
piiuucil will intri u hole Ull tiul. Ha iho
tthir laiul, volUituo. nl the siuhCt, 1 lit lis j,
iiilioi iliil.ue thai hU blir nnki.-lili inv.iii.ihly
uliu, lunil liiMiw'i, .111.1 1I1..I Hun 1 Hu .ji-
A rOIUItiAK C!,EARtSO HOUSV. for tli '
' Derifnt ot All Who Have Homes to ,
ttr.(. Tjlolf. ,. llthti- P1.1n.1tv In Sll
or Kxclunge, or Who Want Sltnitloiu or '
' Help These Small Arlverlt'emen'a Cot ,
Ono Ctnt Word, blx Insertions tor Five
i.emi a worn i:cept sitiunoni waniea, am injerieu rrcc.
Help Wanted Male.
in.!), i.'CMAM.v: iiiivrnN- Mra. company
Mint nun tn irprrvnt theni In Scmnton on
innni,Kiii liit- I'mllli. inr 1(10 per cent. Need
Inii-I 1.11I.1 -'i in sloel,, -Ni ilk. .VMrru U,
'lllhniii- elliir.
WAN'ii:n-v,Ni:uciv:ri( ioiino man" with
siun lii lnct. In Irqltlnulr hiilne'3 Jl onie.
.1.1111m, SI! A'lnn wcmii.
WANTHt) - an" i:m'i:iiii:nti:i ci.oriiisa
mliMinn. 22- l.ukiwanii.i avenue.
flic l'.iits," leu) biikiwiiniM nveirnc.
Help Wanted Female.
"Tin. I'.nK
' inn l.irk.iwaniu ,ivniiie.
Situations Wanted.
v.v.Yii;i)'nv a sthunii aiili: uouikp
MHiir.- linn. Innib ultu cupcuurr tool,
ilr . ,i pn'ltlmi Mhcie he can nuKi' lilni'i'lt
iMifiit. Cm .d-11 iho iiur ol all'! drbo hoiscs
.iMii--s T. II. W., iuio ot ."01 Morldian jtrcal,
IHKiKh'IXI'l.ll AM) -.l)ltBIl'ON'l)i;NT MOUI.P
like pn-lliim, lumpplenl aid lelinble Ail.
diei llunM ripir. 111! F.iiit.eld rtlcet, SeMiiton
siiPArin.N AX'ii:n-Yi)PN"r. man, 21 miau",
n.uit pn.iljon ill "oiks or 011 cull
iuiii,iii- ioin: isf,nt i.m RiMi.uileed. b'Oi
W ililnirtoii .iii-iiur,
bnt.VI'IO.V WAN mil BY A Mil M! MAN', A
Riucny ilrik. diy aood or hoc ealftiuaii,
01 .my tleilul (jOMtioni lu tifleeii caia' "
pirlrmei be't ot lrlricncr-. Aihlic A. B. C,
I'lihiinc offlce.
xOl-.M! LADY l)i:sRi:s A VOMTION AS A":. bookkeeper; 1 an turtiMi l""--t of let-
iieinn .aid Is iwpeiieniod. Address "VApeil
enie," Tiihunc oftlie.
uonuiti as ion!, or iloins Keneial Iiou-enoik.
.YI.J L.irkaM.'iiina a' cnue.
slll-VTHiV WAMi;i)-IO GO OPT W.slllNl.
ami ixiiiintr tukin hunic Jl,". ..ill ei aihlicts
L. H.. ;i.ll Mnnner .oeniie.
out by dav noshing, iioninir anil dcuiinn.
tall 01 ,idches Mis.. Alaiy ltu-?ell, 1211 Cedar
avenue, iltv.
feitl to do ueneial homewoik in
niiall family. Can ehe jfoud lefcienoe. PIMe
call at 311 Ni.illi Heben.1 Aitnuc lljile Pa-:..
b a loinpetcnt o.iriff man; ieteiiiue. Ad
diiss M. I',, ,arc of The 'I'llhuiu.
Wanted To Buy.
limit be ill good older; Ht.itc pirtirulai a.s
to m.iko Hid pnee. Addu-ns I. M., seneial i'o
lbe'y, s'nanton, 1'a.
Rooms and Board.
i.Aitni: front ttoovr wrm roaru for two
Keiithnieii. 110 Adam-, avenue.
. ivw .
JIIsm 'i)s, PI!lsMAKhH, HAS 11LMOYKD fO
.IV) WjahiiiKtou avenue.
ol I' Ma-eacc will do uondiii in lesliir.
ins iniitour and lemoviiiR- linei and vvimkles
Falliin; Halt, Painliiiil ami Kci'iu 01 the Siadp
Mines-Hilly uned. Ilelin . lliicliaiiin, Diimat
ologiM, 312 Uaililugtuii avenue.
old m-i-o fiatheiheiN. AMic M. II. Hull
aid, ( Pehvei, ill.
pcMlunil' nn iiittini; oil in- tattle by .1 qinijj
Ml .ke.
Ii 1, ('-Iiiii.iIi1 1 Ii it Miinlili re.aimanls (hut
the public out ot sjmni annually I' M-lliw
finm in plue ol Im'i, The pcniltln M lint
lillln? .1 t'la In the limit .11c 1 flue ot sl.'i and
tvvn vveil.V iiiipii-omautl, bin (cnuplainl is e!
d-111 made by Iho-..- who ore robbed.
In n.yin? Ihe tecchy ot a new liv.iital .1
j-lieaku- al the fuily.fii-t .mini il ineilim, ot the Ho-pHil t.ild tint sinic Gla-Kow- had
beiu iii.njf water iinm l.oih Katrine dental caries
and liikets hid imri'ucil giratly, Tlie yaiic
KMilt fiom tin' ine nf 11 water Inn been no
ticed amuiic; the n Hives ol South Alriia.
The Pu mil minWi-i of line aits has decidcJ lor Iho tiitmc fnieisn utiiiUnts at the Sihoo
w Fine Alts iu Pails 111 i.v lake the medal--, but
not the money piui avvaidid to Hum, tho lattir
eolii? tu the next Ficnch student 011 the lUt.
This older has lae.-ed conMeriiati.'ii iimmnr the
vaiioiis llnti-h mid Amcnciii and othei iuieisn
We r. 'lie limn d.i.vbi.ak; white ami Imt,
The Mm like a hanuiin lmkc
On molten unn; tho Hii-uicd dii't
Itne up in iloinK lo sua- and ihoke;
Hill uu wc ludi, sia,vvlute as xbo-K
llipuvvihiid with Wtlir Mlow,
The slinalna buath of alkali
I'l .111 thu fciim. iiwled c.11 Hi bilo.v.
Mlmt, nm- louiMrpi n lucl.v wiuiijr
ll nil. 1 lii'iu Ihe Mllhn hail;
Nli lit, pan bid lip and Mit'onli!.- mngu,
We wad hid the hoiCS, bill and tall'
Ink's In.-l, he I'liiflil mv- Miiiup t-1 1 ii 1 1 ,
iiod heli nu I but I ,honk him "ft;
Hi, nil had not diud mi Ivvo that day
'Pi lii' 1 1. I1I111 in thai iIcmIViiouzIi.
I Ibini ban laik my diy cautcen,
An rninic .it nic-tt, welghcil tliop b.v diop
Villi life; he clutched It, drank, ami Uuqliei!;
Hud, hideous appeal to stop
The ciruiiKCkt heait; then liniuil and lan
With I'liuluiii im, and nnd ryi-i Kt,
Miaigiit on while "jf-'lnst tho dim l;v's inn
l. nm ticea stood up, ami no! and wet.
Loii' bilvvi wave, bioki on the nind.
Ihe ciir-cil mIiai-41-! (bit luira and t.i'inlj
Tiw thliM...'iouii;ed lip and toituied tight
1,11.0 tome lot hope tint mocking haunt
A il;. iiif &011I, I tiled tn call,
The diy Wolds lalllnl 111 my thloat,
Ami sun and mud and uuuchim: i-k
Iiod! How- tiny sumi-d 10 slate and stoat!
Haling, ( u.uiiht Iho Mildh I10111;
On, on; but im-v It tnmel to be
Tliu tptiiiK-houjo path, und al the well
My mollu-i stood and beilounl nu ;
The bucket lUtencd; drip, 1)1 if, ill In,
1 heard the wdi.'.tall and ldaalr
Then keen a hell the bunnng wind
Awoke me v.ilh iu liny lash,
tin. un; wliai wa tin- bli-Jililu',' ihiiiK
Ann.-, the 'luil.' I ilaied i.ol look;
Hut on blind, aimlii, till the ii.u
I 't'pt rjiuOyins: past the hills and took
111. 11110 tioni oil Iho gasping laid;
Tlie bliiiul duk! in trauiit hone ubed
Ills liiad ,nd neiglit-d, aid 'tJK'iud on;
And I, with bludlni,' lip-, liaU-crurcd.
faiqlicil out; icr Jut above lis theie,
Hof.!t-iau-,'lil, ut.iliiit u bljckciu.l lidjo
A little jioul; one a,t luid (limb;
1 ull tptnt v,e till upon it idsr
Jack ?one, alaa; the horses;
And dunk; hot hand und temples laved.
One t-t ill Ivicvu, weal: I lay
Hut night md wattr; I vva, tavi'd!
- sluilvt M lldl, iu tho I.nml ol Sumhinv.
For ttent.
HAi.r or pot'itu:
Miilbcny trcl
1017. il' 11 month.
lioi'M: roit iii:ni. imi)
.ill Improvement, tinpiire
IAH.M 01' $0 ACIIKS 1011 Hi:.M' AT tll.HN
burn on e.i.y leiin. Addii' S. Umiirii,
nieiilitiin, V.
I'Olt linNT-bAitlll! ltOO.M,f..tuM) I'l.OOIt.
M7 Wjoinlnu nver.uei nltiible tor lmlnei
purpose! all modern ionvenlence. Inquire S-'J
l(ftcroii avenue, near Sprm r istreet
m i rmi:i:N itiDon stuixt, ii:n iukiMs,
Inndeiii linpiiiveinent'i ttiani futnl'lu-dj
drvhablel $2.ct).
For Sale or Bent.
roit sm.ij or th:m-a rinou nofsi: in
Kood ininiiitlnii 11 1 No. .VIS avviiik'.
Apply to John Jormyn, llti W.vomlnt! ovp,. city.
Money to Loan.
monbv to loan on iTpiiovi:"ii riTniriTb
estate. IIKNTtV DUUN, Jit.
1. ham. 11. wi:i,u;s.
'flioMAa si'nACiUi:.
IIOMKY TO LOAN ON HON!) AND iliin 1 OAtll'.!
iny amount. M. 11, lloljate, Commonwealtb
rtralfht Icaiifc 01 lliillillnp ami Loan. t
from 4 tt, 1 pel tint. Call on N. V. Walker,
-III-3IJ (ViintH hnlhlliiT.
wanti:i)tii.m:mi:nt or i on nTiotr7Ta;v
ti.illy loe.itnl; one wllli kith piclcnrd.
Aildirvi, t.itlna; iinl, I). H, Tilbtnie ottlco.
--msy t .s
uiAQi lounty beieby ylio notlie to the tax
pa eia ol the tounty that they wilt sit as bo.ud
11 ieillon to hear appeal, If any, 101 Hie
nal dhtliit iu Ihe 1 mint' on 111 lolluvvliijr
Seianleti-Hil w.iiil, Apill 10.
Seiond Wild, Apt It 10.
Third waul, Apill to,
romtli, I'lfth and sixth w.nds April 11.
I'mnleenth. V'ltlernth, Cigbtcenth and Tvvenly
(li't wunls', Apill !'.
Hlslitli and Ninth wjf, Apill 1"'.
Tenth and Thiiticiilh waul. Apill 10.
Seventh, I'.lennth and Tnilltli vvnirU, April 17.
f-i..liriith und bcvcnlicntli waul-, April 1-.
Nfncterntti and Tm-nticll, waul. Apill 1".
ViVy of Carhmiihilr I'iimi, Seiond, Thin',
Fourth, I'lfth nnd SiMli ward-, Apill 22.
Cnbondale To'vn-hlp, IMI Tnwihhhi, Apnl 2J.
Hoiou?l of Mallehl, JruiMn and Vandliiin,
Apt 11 28.
Aiebbahl. Blakelv. Dliksnn, 01 pliant and Min
ion boiiiiBhs Apill 21.
Omimoic and Thioop hoimish-, Airil '-.
Old I'oipe, Tajlot and Mof-ic boionsh- ami
Townships ot Old Foifc and Larkawanni. Apnl
CicnilicM, iotl. Million, Xmlli AbiiiRlon
tuwn-lilrn and hoiiniitli nl Wavi'ily, Apill "".
Lit I'lunie, Paltou. l.lcnbillli boioiiabs and
liivwulilp nf wl Ahlnirton, s'nulh Alilnglnn,
Newton and Tliii-min, May 1.
tloKii-'lis nl UlniliillH and UonliWioi" and
Tonillllp, 01 Unarms liluok, lidl"nll, Oivlll,;.
ton, JifloiMin, Spiim- brook, llilton and l.e
lilsli, Apill i'L
.lllll.V Pl'.NMAN.
.1011N .1. prttKis,
Coiinlv I'omnil-Monns.
Attl: n. . 1)ASII:Ls. Cleik.
i:stati: or hikvm ii. whiii:, iatc-iii
niii.hiiin, fount- ot Laikitvanua and Mat
01 I'cnrF.vhsnh, dieen.-cd.
I.etlers nf admini'lratinn upur. Ihe abou elale
haling; lieiii inaiited tu tiio imdeisip;ned, nil pu.
inns indebted theieto 'Mil mike pininpl
piiinent, and Ihoso li.ilng claiiiH a-alu,t tho eo
t.ilo will piPscnl tlirin foi ikiMiient to
ciiihstiana p. wiiiri;.
lltlJ). f. IIAXW.N, AdniinUtulii.
Atloriuy lur tho V'-.lale.
City ot Sci.uitoii, Counly ot I. H.k.iu.iim 1, ile.
1 eaeil
better lest.imeulaiv upon the ahove eslnie
havinn bun sullied In Ihe mulci-icind, all pei
,unJ indebted 10 said estate arc leqiifleil l.i
mike p.i.vment, and tlnvsa liavlng: claim, 01 de
mands tu picsent the same In
mmii)i:ij:nh .iami:, i;,.uitn-,
I'ALMF.Il Ii. WILLIAM)", seianlnn, Pa.
Attorney for Volute.
Letters teKtamenlar.v on the elate of Armimla
Neeld, late of the OH ol Seiautnii, iletrainl.
hive been planted lo the uuder.'-igiid. In whom
all per-onii indebted to said estate aio ieiiieMid
to make pajnirnt, nnd thn.c havins rhiniH or
demand, lo nnko known same without delav,
1 . M. XI'.KLI).
Jl. C. ri:vnold.s,
II. I". RLYNOLDS, H.xeculoi.
Attorney toi llstale.
IN rtU: Csl'ATt: 01' DAXHIL V. SiL'LLlVAV.
T'u Whom It May Concern:
The Oiphans' Com I of Laikawanni Cnuul ha
granted a tulo to fliow cause why VJaiy Sulli
van, ociutiix ol the knl will ami te-itaiuint
nt n.iuiel W. Sullivan, should not be clichaiged.
Returnable to nrl Aigununt Comt.
II. '. HI'iYNi'iLPs, H.iccuttls.
Altoincy loi Folate.
noticv: is lii.iiiaty oivrn that 1 hi: r-
71.11 tner-lilp hnititoie ei,tinK between the
imJenii;urd, under Ibe hmi name 01 I eniin- t
Duki rson, has been iIInioIipi b.v mutual miwiil.
The lnisine-3 will be lontinutd fi'i-oru': A.
f)n kelson, who has u-iumid nil liabilities and
will colli et all debts due fiid him.
(signed) p. FENNnit,
ii:o. A. WCKLRsON.
Hu.inloii. Pi , M.iub '), 1(01.
Certified Public Accountant.
E. f. M'ALLDINC, 220 111,'OAUWAY, NUW
FRi:i)i:itIC'K L. 1IROWN. AHCIllTLlT, I'ltlt II
liuiblins, l.'il Wanhiuston avinue, .snantoii,
dr. c. k. i:iLi:iii:iitii:it, pafi.i m,
bpruni .-lied, M-i.mli'ii.
FRANK t:. HOl,K, A'nOHNl.'V.AT-L.VW.
llooni; 12, 11, lt .md IS lluir building,
fTk. TllACY,.vTT'Y,CO.MMON'.l.bTHill,l!li,
P. II. IIIIPLORLV;. A'nOR.M:--li)Ns M.1,0.
Haled on ir-1 rstab crtmiiv. vjejis biiildlua,
coimr Washitigton avenuu ami spnee stifki,
ami counsellors al-livr. Ilepublii.iu iiuildiut,
Vashingion avenue.
Mllois-atdavv Conunnnvveallh lnilblnw, Ho"in,
I'.'. 20 and 21,
HOWARD W, AI'IOHNin, Il(jt),
POl-fiOl, Dili flooi, liulldilis.
L. A. WATIIL-s, .VriORM'.Y.AI'-LAW, lioAlllJ
of ll.ulc building, r-'n niton, Pa,
Hauls liulldllig.
a. w. HHtTiioi.r, ofi'ici; jiovi:h to no.
211 Winiinc avenue.
Physicians nnd Sugeons,
Hit, W. L. ALI.I.X, JU Noltlll VAslllMilON'
PR. h. W. I.'AMOIIHM , Of II V. .) WAsll
Ington jvenue. Hcldcnec, Ub Miillienv
C'hiuiiic dUcate, lune, heart, kldn.'.vt, and
StniiO'iiilnaiy organi a sprclalty. Ibinr, I
to 4 p. 111.
Hotels and Restuinnt?.
Tin: 1:1.1 t'An:. 12 and 127 fTiankuv
avenue, HaiCo uooiubli,
P, ZF.IliLKH, Propriety.
fC'il.VXTOX IIOl'tB. XlIAIl P.. L. 4; VXf-
oins'ir depot. Conducted on the Fuioiitau
plan. MOTOR KOCH. I'mpilitor.
U. It. CLAHKi: i. 10.. sKl.lliMH.N AND M H.
irjincn, Muc 201 Washlnstcn avenue; gieui
houses., I WO Noith Main avenue; stoic UU
bhoiic. I;'.
Hill e
Floors Ftmll
of Exclimsive
lo New
Prices in
Wire Screens,
josi'pii Kt i:iit:l, "iiLAit 1.11 i.mkv. at:
Mranton, Pa., inanufaituiei of Win- iicen.
UltKh-MAKINO l'(ll "IIII.IUIKS "'1 1 illlli:lt ;
aln ladies' wail. Louis hoeunker, 212
Ad mis uvimie.
im pools; no udoi. hnpiiiviil imnips n.'-d.
A. II. Uriitg.s piopnelnr. l.iave ordin 1W0
Noith Main avenue, or Lukes druir Mon. toi-nei-
Adams and Mulbeiiy. Tclephnne I'll.
.mf.;.R(;i:i: imos., print i:ity sipplils. i:n-
vclnpr, paper baa. twine, W.nihou-e, 1,0
V'.iiliinuton avenue, sii.iuton. Pa.
Till'. WILKRsllAHIii: RCtORD can 111: had
in Sennit, in at the uevvstaiids of Ret ,111 in
llroi., Imi spiuee and 5m l-iiidin: M. Noiton,
l.aik.ivvanu.1 avimi' ; I.
SiluiUei, 2tl
'piiiie stiret.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In Ltrtit M.111I1 ;l. J'lil.
Fur Plnladilplii.i and New vh l .V II.
It. It., al l!.-, ami 11. Ti a. in., 1.1 d 2.1, I 7
(llliek Diani'jiid i:piesl, aid ll.JU p. 111. .sun
iln.vs, P. ,t II. It. 11.. I Is, S.27 p. m
For While Haven, lli-li-lnn and pniitipil iniur.
in Ihe 10.1l lesion-, via I). .M II. R. It., P),
2 Is and 1.27 p. 111. For Putlsulle, 1.27 p. 11.
For Hethlehun, Hn-Un, Ri.uliu, IIiiu.'jiiu
and piincipa! lull iiuidi ilc stations vh II. ,V. 11.
11. It., ', IL.-.-i 11. 111 : 2.s. 1.27 till nk llii
liiniid l.'p;es). II. .ai m .siuuh.'-, I'. ,v II.
11. 11., !.;, S.27 p. 111.
For Tuukhaiinovl., 'iovv.mdi. Llmiia, ltbua,
l.enevi and piiueipil inleiuu diile station, vn
P., L. A. W. R. R, sua a. 111 ; l.Oj and !. W
p. 111.
Fur (lineva, Ro-'he-lei, Iluf.alo, Miirua Fall-',
t hitan and ..II points wit, u P. ,V II. R. R ,
11..' 1 a. iu., :i.u.l illluln)iiimond Hvpu-sl,,
10.11, II. Mi p. 111. i-iindai, P. II R. I:.,
ll.."i. S.-7 p. in
Pullman jut lur and sleipinc 01 I.cIiikIi ,dl-v
pnlois ..!-, i,n all uaiiis lntvviin W llluv lt.nir
and New York, Pliiladilpliii, II1.IT.1I0 and sin
poisiou lliids'
ROLLIN II. VILlit It, Cm. s,i., or, tiiillaml
i-tiecl. New Yoik.
ilIvRLi:s f.. I.i:i:, l.en. P.i. Ajl.. 2U Colli md
sticet. New- Yuik
A W. NONNLM Vllil'lt, Hiv. Pa,.. A-l.. s uili
Helhlthcm, Pi.
I'm liikels and P11II111.111 ie-c:i.i linns apiil.v In
'U'i L.Hk.ivv.imti avenue, sei niton, I'.t.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
III Hfli-il Pee. 2, 1IK.
S.-iuth -Ltave Sii.iutnu toe Nivv Vuik al I. in,
-; mi ,-i.JD, .s.dii and ln.O'i a. in.: 12.0.1, .:.'.! p. in.
I'm- I'hiladelphu l i(i and IDlii a. in ; 11. Y,
and o.K.' p. in. I'ur Mloiid-Viuu al H. til p. in.
Milk ition al p. in. Anne at
lloliuhtu at ii.Hi. 7.1s, pi's, i.'.iis, ;;,i,-,, ,.j,
i. I'l p. ill Amu- at Phll.dilphi.t at Lin,. 1.2.1,
ti.nn and i.'ii p. iu. Anno liuiu .New- Ymk al
I in, and Ii" i iu.: LO". l.'i.', .".II, MJ
and ll..,i) p. in. 1 mm Siiuml:bin' at s.u', a.
Noilh l.iave '- iaul"U ii i Huflalo and inlii
innliile stations at 1 I,',, I 10 and It in) a. n. ;
I 5"i, j. IS and ll.-i', p. Ii Fur ()eu ,u.,
rs.viai use .il 1.10 .1. I id l,.Vi p. in. I'ur
Utiia at 1.10 a. in. and L.Vi p. m I'm .Con.
liosi- at t'.H- a in: 1 0"i .uu! 5 Is i. m. I'ni
iihol-n. at lKi .md CFi p. tn. 1 ni lln-.
liamlnii at 10.20 a, iu. Anive iu snanlou trim
HiilTahi-al l.2i, 2.11. '.I ' and Uliki ,i. in,; .S..I0
ami An, p. in, I'lO.n Owiniu ami,1( n, ,,(.
J,,V, a. m. ; and .00 p. m Fiom t Hi i
at 2.ii n. iu.: 12 Js ami -!...n p, m. I mm
Xirliolson al 7..V) a. in. and il.i") p. m ITuui
.Mucliiiso al 1h.'Jii a. in ; .'l.-H and p. in,
llliHiuisbiiia: Livisinii-L' in .-i i.iiitioi n i
Niiilh'iniluilaud, lit i, II, 10.0a -i. in ; t ..I and
."i.SO p. in. I'm' l'linniith at, a. ID, .s.'a) p.
iu. For lviii.'sliHi aC .s.10 a. iu. Virile al
Noithuinbiil.iud al U.:i,t a. in ; 1. 1". ,i.H0 and s. ir,
p. in. All He at KliiKsInu al v.-,j j. ,n. Aiiix
at Plvmoiitli m -''"'. L'l'. "' !' ni. Anivi
ill .Su.mluu linn Ninlliiiniiicil mil ill "112 a. iu.;
1j.;;A, and is. tr, ,, in. I mm IviH'sInn at
11.0.1 a. i.i. Fiom I'l.vmuitth at 7.Vi a. in,; ;' '0
and .'""' p. iu.
.siiulk- Leave snaiilun ,u I.t", .lou. -, ,vi, .io,
p, in.; J.;ii and '..Hi p m
Nmlh- Leave s, i.mli ,ii l.r, I 10 a. iu ,
I.S.", .'..Is and II.IF' !' m-
llloouisbun.' Plvi-inii- Siii1uii at lu.U'i
ii. in, and coo p, in- ,
Delftwiue and Hudson.
In Llicii Nov. 27i, Uil
I'l a ills loi C.iibnmlili hmi. .s . l . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it i,'l!,
,..-;, D..VJ. PH.I a. in. i I "j io. 1.211, -.Mi. i..v.',
.1 ."i, i',..'i2, 7. ii, '.'.I'", 11. 1 1 p. in.; I, In i, ni.
l'i.- lloi.ed.ik-0.-.'0, 10. ii, tn, ; 2.11 and .',.-",
I.Y Vill.o Run ",,i, 7.1. s.l.l. ').,.;, hi ,i,
II,.-., a. in.; 1.2', 2.l,, I.S., U.0,,',s, u II,
11,20 i. HI.
For I,. . H. II, iii', II, 'ii a m. ; ..!-,
1,27 and II. ' !' i"-
lor l' I., it, pom, n , a.
tu.; 2.P and 1.2,' p. m.
I'm Mh.-ny mil all lolnic i.ui'Ii . '0 a in
and :!.-.' P Hi-
1 l Mi TltVIN's
,i i ailioudali ti.uo, tl.a.' . in. 'II, ... i',
.j.17. lii.V' p. in.
I'm WHI.e.-1-llaiio-!.'. is.y.l... a. Iu , I .5, 12-,
d J7, i-,27 p. In
lur Albany and pmnis noith -J ji p. in
I'm- l,.iieiUi -1), ml ... in. and D.f'-J P. in
Livvcrl tubs in i points ,u I uilul s,ui, ,
,'l" II. Ill llllll ii. I- I'. A , MIijii.!, N. .'.
II. V. I Ross, ji, i. ,,, snaiilun, ci.
CentnTl Railroad of Now Jorsey,
s,.,Unll ill Nl"- ."Ik l"Ol oi l.lbiin- Ml.rl,
It., and huillh I'lnv,
HMI; TMlUi IN l-'ITiHT NO'. Si. nw.
IiiIih Ivan- s,i.ii,hiu nu Ne.v i-Jik. Sewjik,
I'li'abCtb. Phllldelhll, Ulallill. Ilelhlehvlll. M
leiiinvvii, Mauili I hunk and While ll-ivui ul .s..'o
a iu.; t rtliro,.. 1. 10, oie, I..W a. in. sun.
il,,., -J Ii P in-
For I'liuloii and Villi, lliuv, a. m . I 10
r.ud !).y0 Ii. in. Muidi.. 2.1 1 p in.
For HiTlluime and W.idiim.ion uud i ,nni
s.iuth uud V'e,t via llelhlehem, c .,0 a. in ; I. In
uud J..sO p. ni. sunili,, 2.1 1 p. in.
For l.ou? llianrh. (kran Hion eii.. at a.'lo
j in, and I.H) l'. in. ,
I r Itiadtng. Lilianui and llaiiisnuig, v.a Al.
leiiinvvii, S.W "I- -""' ''" P- '" hund.i .
2. I'i p- in. , . .,
I'm- Pi.tti.vlll.. S "i a'"l LID p. in.
Thiousili tlikels to all luim, ea,l, oulli ami
wisl al lovveul latin at Ihe nation.
II. P. lULim IN. liui. P..,,. Vn.
,1. . tiUIU'sLN, lii u. supt.
Erie and Wyoming; Valley.
Tune Table in l.llnl Spt. 17, limn.
TTaiu, loi llivvliy and h-ial point, uniucn
ing al llawlvy Willi l.iic lailund lor New ,nk.
Nivvliur; and inteiiiwdiale point,, leave -iiau-ton
at 7.05 a. in. and -.'.2.- p, in,
lliliim univr at SiuliU'li at P ..0 a. m, ci.
'J. IV II I'l
1211 mxm
F ?vs?
EasteE" Glove,
Corset amid
Umbrella Am
Should be of unusual in
terest to every lady reader of
this paper. It comes oppor
tuuely at the season when
ladies should dress in har
mony with the beautiful sur
roundings of this festive holi
day, It would be very inap
propriate to appear improp
erly gloved on this occasion,
therefore see that you get the
up-to-date styles. This im
plies the necessity of patron
izing a reliable dealer in
making your selection of
Kaster Gloves. By purchas
ing from us you derive the
beuefiL of our experience, as
we handle only reliable
makes of acknowledged
Good Wearing Qualities.
Perfect Fitting,
Correct Shades,
Proper Finish.
A full line of new corsets
in all the popular makes and
Complete assortment of
Ladies' and Men's Umbrellas,
unique and nobby handles
in great variety. Initials en
graved free on all umbrellas
See our window display at
We 'avo-displnying- an
unusual pretty ,lin! of
Easter goods in Booklets,
Cards, Hangers, a n d
Hand painted Sachets
all of -which serve as a
suitable easter roniem
brance. This year wo
hnvo added nn imported
lino ot chickons, ducks,
and rabbits, which will
inteicst all caster buyers.
Reynolds Bros
Schedule in Effect March 17, 1001.
Trains leave Scrantou:
G.45 n. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Harilsburg-, Philadelphia, Balti
moie, WnsliiiiKton and for Pitta-
burp ana tne weht.
0.38 u. m., week days, for Hnzleton,
and for Sunbuvy, Hnrrlsburg,
Fhlliulolphiii, Bnltimoie, Wash
ington and Plttsbuig and tho
2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays
1.08 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Hauis
burg', Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington and Plttsbuig and
the West. For Hnzleton, week
days only.
'3.127 p, m., week days, for Sunbury,
ilaatleton, Pnttsville, Haulsburg,
Philadelphia and Plttsbuig.
.1 II. Ill rdllNSOY, M,r,
.1 H HOOD, (fin. l'a. ,8t.
Timn Card in effect Itec XQtht IU0O
- ajnlHjsixvgF3
i an w5,mi va'z m"
U?Ai T Niu inn '$ Fig'
I I I ft I iH
-jj ..'710.r.N.V.WlMSI.f.v. . 8 Ul
iT,"p'M , " ,M PM
10 C. 1116 A r. . Ci.l.iMa .. W . .3 CH 81)
... 101013 68 " ...lUuiiiiek . "I....3JU85
.. losiims Mm Hunt "'. aisIJs . " ,l'iton I'ait. ',... Ssfi IS
. ... inilh 2S . .iWimu.1,1 " . 8 4I& C5 I
. . . .lOHItilO . .t'oviitillf,.. 'i . .8605 t "
n'mii'i Orson. . , " ,, uisssi '
JlilllK- " . J'trawiit Ml, " .,. Stiesso .
...,'... Ulllll ' UniuliilaK . . 3WSS4 .
.,.,'.. -Ail I in " Fon.l I'lty.. . 3U)( '
..,, PM nil llii " l'albomlela,l " U3D5J1 '
,...S M mull yi " cniliciiiilula ?)3 35J1 .
..6shvii; . " .wiiiu. Hiiiiir... " ,r or
....6S! tllllll I! , 'lavillld Yit "!7 0o35l8
....3Si UOIII II MnjIUI.I . " ,7(118 13C01
. BKIHMUW " Il-IIii)Ii " 7WaS6tS .
.. a si h.viii oi vniiiuiM i7 153 eia tu ;
....BH'UMII 01 Wliltnu "7 1l3tBlJ !
.. IS13 HIIIOM IVu-kllllo " 17 rj.1 HO jl
.. lill X1JIHM Olvpliaiil "'7uSb2i .
,...8il HIOIlllW . 1'iI.iliUli;.. " llfJimt ii
,...SI!) S.HI0I; " Tliioun 7 311106(7 .
....GUI 8.UI111; ' I'lut ilviiie,. " 7ll lUsi
. ex muHJioi.v biiuntuii t ; ml uiasi. .
PMl IMi AM j'l pj.l m
AiUltfoiial train Icavn CurLor.lAld fnr vi,i..m k..i
e.'.' ''! "i1 f cf ' h. I1,1? "'1 1 l?i"u snJ' ooly, mill Iuj
m .MjMi'll lar.lVUU iiiiuuJaWplii. ' '
til litijufllralnt lic t, ranlou it J cepm hunitayoi.iy.
.vjl'iiiso ulUlallun In I'ail.iooaV, arrisliiu tl 7U rn,
r.ui IMln Icavci MavlicM lai.l l..i I'arliquJa'tj au.lia'
ilali), arrtvluj M taruowJala at o.M aui.
Itates !J ccuu icr tulle,
Lonent Itntcn to nil I'olutu Wet,
,. C CNDCnSON. J.l.WtKH,
I'la'll'au'r.ljrot. 'Iht,.u-iii1
-S'ev Villi Lit j iiu. r