I V- 1 ' S f -V, '??' ' .'.'- i-j" 'fiijjja"-v .'-""';.- v MaiPAVK" --.lf.j;iW- "a "ttt-orm -"sa il :a THE SCB ANTON TRt BUNK-WEDNESDAY, 'APRIL' 3, 1901'. 3t Dr. Hand's Phosnhafed Condensed Milk Mlir iii.-lii.-il milk Itoti) ficlil I'cd i-oHi - wilh the water left mil. All the jjoodiici- of liic ititskittitiiurt froli milk tM tltc-rc with jircopliatcs .mil liy)o)linsphiU' added in (UHUlity to iimkf it ofUnl Id :i liolo wIumI diet. It m.iUrs eliitdriMi liealtliy i itli hlroiiu Ijoiios, tine teeth, steady ttent's active brain; il give-' .itifiilh to tht' auiiiR nitil invalid; for the table it is belter than fresh milk -rich .is cream. Irr. hoollet on rniuptt. DR. HAND CONDENSED MILK CO. Scranton. Pa. I I I Ice Cream. BEST IN TOWN. OC Per jjc Quart LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO 5 elf phone Ordara Promptly nU verai ,"3t-3a7 Adams Aventi. Scranfon Transfer Co. Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels and Private Residences. Office D L. & W. Passcugcr Station. Phone f.i"5. ': CITY NOTES I M'lMII'.s i;.f II.Wt.fA The (-Minuses ,il n i.mtwn lli-itinc Hmi- toi thr mouth ot V in li oip .v..it i. Tli.i'i, ,i, .nx.if n-i si.25,:rii,so K'l lIlC ltIICiUlllllllK llVlltll Of 1 i-t JtJI, wn.ur.s ni!i:i: (oitlcp mmii:ii.i. M.a- iIito .I.ii. ill ,irnl K.itif M.i!imii'.. ot Wilkes Mint', wiic .tci-u nl.iy .iflrniifn lintuil in inn i hup I'.v 1'iilnf Miji-Ii.iIp W. s, MIMji. Tliis n lu tint m-iili mi' -hire lm .iiulnlinrnt .15 I'Olki tu :pr it-t : . 1 1 . i lilt tih; idii'ii iiuv.-.i. i:. Milium-, pu. It-ln-l 01 tin' m LiMi'ii llirtctuiy, i in tin my itli . iirn nt men lor tin piirpu-e tl mii- "in,, thi' rily tt,i tin sei.uitou I'uv Dummy, I In Dirtitoiy niflic is in tlio WUlijiin lmiM Ir'., pp'i-Uo tile i"-tuttl(o. Ill lll.l.l. I III M1KD. -Mi.li.iil iDiiuiAo. run- of the iihii i in.iluwil .iliuut flip l..iPkiujnr.a .iu!. wji xiim t Uy .111 rnj.-hi'' nlwiii ,:!n I -t niclil .iii'l hi fh oil Injuiirs wliioli tpnltcil in Iiln bcinc 1'il.in to Hip Mo-i' T.nloi liu-pii.il. The (nnio'n Wml-. iiitrlii'il .ili'l hailly lm-i. .mil lii.-. light h(p). AIKI.TINC; r MJO.V.-Tlif Ui'U iiiiolius i tl.c ho.inl of trjilr, to lip lieM i.n JIomLiy, Apiil l.'i, will lip liclil .11 I.UI p. in,, in-le!id of .11 s n'i luck in the rildlit n hmtolorr. TIii U lip. jii irvrn-rlKlnli. ut tin- Tninibei. Ini Inli.iuipil st'irit.ir- .tln rt 011 y pwt il .ml lli.it 1 hoy faiur Iih pl.111 nf Imlilnig tlip iiioptlnifK .11 numi. sllllMI.N DIUTII.- Mlilurl Jljlui.il,, .1 fi. PiRI.01. ivlio :i lililiul ili.nl In Iji-,1 ,,i , l.ijiilinc jiIhij in Uljplniil, iln'il 01 .ilul.ir H-iriM' 01 1 lie In-ill, supiilniliiipil hy .1:1 .'unto oiiscrlion nt tin- linm. 'flip nun ritlii'.l .it M oMcuk rm Mm 11.1.1 nljlil, .iiul at l.l.'i , fstr r. ill iiiorniii;. Ills liintlin- .isiil .inotlipr tii.111, lio vcro in Hip .imc licit villi Mulntl, wi-ti- .1w.1l;. ncil 1' mini' noii?s, mill iilmi thoy lildl In i.oil' M.ilni.il' tlii-y dlMini'tnl In- v,i. 1I111I sijiiiip Jl.uriii finp.iui.IUil .1 liny, .mil Hi. .m nlilp ppimiiiKil .111 .lutnp-y in Hip .iUiiim of oroni-r Ituhcitb. who U mil of tin- illy. tiny was 1 11111 ilint-ll. d .mil dim irmlrinl .1 , 1 iflit to till' ill'0p I'llPll. It's a Treat to so thi) .swell ICtistor I'ouuwttr tit .Million's hlioe Mmv, ;;js l.tieUtnvainta avenue. Ur. W. A. .Mi-Douvll 1ms leinuvoil In sQiitliwsst. coiner Atltinu; tivcntio nntl Vino iittocl. u t" W offer subject to pvevious 4 siile, any pmt of : $10,000 : . North Jersey and Pocono Mt. t Ice Company, T : Qold Bonds : 5 per cent. Tiee of Tax. Ma- tuje 1010, Interest payable April and October, 'Ihcsi- bonds jp .ini)ly u-nirid by .1 tun moitgjtrc on k:hn1 llioiisati'l .tiu- t Ijn'l .itifl wjtii-, alcro lion--,, ii-hi jy. itc. TiUc ar.'J full imiIuiiIjh mi i plic.it Ion. f M BroiOviij, S. T. Millcs-riartf. f L'aibondalc. -f f t, 6 ud 6, C'i)mniunH-4Uli BUI,'.. I Scranton. ; I THE NEEDS OF THEY.W. C. A. WERE PRESENTED LAST NIOHT BY MISS ELIZABETH WILSON. She Spoke In the Second Presbyterian Church And Told of the Necessity for n Y. W. C. A. Building in This City in Order That Hundreds of Young Women Who Need the As sociation Might Be Helped to Bet ter Things What the Association Is Doing for Oirls. A eoinpiohunnlve ntirt liitciesUiiff outline of the woik bolus clone by the YoiniB Women's 1'hrls.tlnn usenelution In tlilti country nncl morn particularly In this elly and or the needs of the local nxsiicliillim, was Riven lttHt nltrht. In the Keeond Piesbyleflan eluireh by Ml-" Kllzalielh Wllfon, of rhlcaso. natlomtl elly reeretnry, before n ldrge audlenee. Hliij beKnii her lalk by lulllni? of some of the tlilnss whle.li the iivuniffc Ainerk'ttn younK wninnn watitd. Tito prlnelpitl one of these, Mlis AVIlson ftld, was an Independent eareer, either In 11 business nr 11 social splint''. She wants mi education, as a. general ilile, and she wants to be attractlvn enoiiBb to win the affections of other people. Shr- wauls to earn enough or to marry enough money to plve her these things. "Mvery American yoiint; womun," .said she, "wants a pood time, and Just the 1:1ml of a good time that she proceeds to net for herself Is Ron 1 rally Iho test of her character." Tile co'tdltlons under whleli iho youtiK women of this country ate wurlsinff In all the Kt-etit industries, she said, ate a ureal Improvement over Hie eonilillons under which they luboreil ten years ;iko. buL there are t-tlll humlieds of thousands of factory glrlh lollbifj amid sunoundlngs which she rhiiriiotcrlstetl as heluf? ".positively liivoltliifr." To help bilKhti.ii the llvesof these yiutnpr women Is one of the went ohjcels of the Young Women's f'hrls tlan iiKsoclntloii, she said. vrn:ic ix this city. She lolil uf the larpre number of youn.ur women who lake luncheon and who rest at lite association rooms, on Washington avenue dm lug the noon hour, and salil Unit If lite elmi liable people 01 srriinUui lould only 1 online the Kteat enmforL which these gitl? Ilnd liter.', th'-y would not hesitate to do ovcrvllilntr possible to put the local at-fcooiatlon in a position where It could bniaden Its field of inllueiiee and toticb the lives of hundreds of young wi.men who aie now beyi.nd its reach. The- asMoeiiitlor Is doing a great i.oik. she said, in helping 10 broader and better thing.--, the young women who spend their time til home, leading blank, nneoluierl. and uiiconsr.Iouply selliph live.-. U is teaching these young women to enjoy themselves to soni" purpose by helping othets in less fot lunate walks of life than them selves. The sreiil".st woik which the asso ciation is doing, she said. Is too saeted to be spoken of in a public meeting or lien tit a committee meeting. It is the work of lending a helping hand to the young women who aio tottering on the brink of the precipice of moral destruction. "W'hete lite association now has only a touch in this city," she said, "it should have a lirni grasp. You should have bete in Sernnton, with its lu2. WiO inhabitants and its thousands ot young women, a Young Women's Christian association building, and t leel sure that you will have one be fore many years. "As for your pi event needs, you re quire at once a line equipment for the gymnasium and more especially in this connection you need a seties of bath looins for the accommodation of the young women who live in boarding hou.ses, with their Inadequate bath ing facilities. noJiRSTii: sciknh:. "Von need a better equipment for Hie leaching of domestlo seietKe in jour branches! in North Scranton, West Scranton and South Scranton. You need more 100m in all these as sodation branches. In South Scran ton, 1 am told, ov?r -10a young women sometimes present themselves for ad mittance In the room, which will only accomodate 12." X dou'l believe that all the young women who need the association aie contini; to It in this city or will come until yon have pro per equipments." Ciiiillnultiu. .Miss Wilson said; "You need association winkers hero In Scranton, and hhmI of all you need money. We ate. not standing here to night asking that the V. V. t A. be ailinited and praised by tht citinetiH of Scranton, but we ate standing bete because we feel that It Is doing a great woil; in the saving of young wuimn's nails and in the helping of them to I'.oblei anil better things and because we believe thai it should bu lecognixed ami H"sM-d by the t'lirls linn people of litis elly mote than It Is." Lackawanna Exclusion to New York City. On Aptil Mil ticket ngi'ttts of the l.r.ekawaima railioad will rull special excursion tickets to Now Yotk city, good going on any train that date, for return mi any tialn until April ilth. Inclusive. ,11 ralo of one way fare plus M.OU fr lb" KMiud ttip " Imported Lndles' Gloves for Easter Wear. Wi have Jn.sl n'eelved ur apiing Im purliilictiK ot Ladles' (ilove.s. Sen our window. Price Jenkins, i::o Wyom pg ujenue. "" Fancy Leatlier Belts. IJi'iititlful new designs, at ptlce.s s,ur. prlslngly low, Cruincr-WollH 'o YM Wyoming nvetuie, " Don't let Your Feet walk Into spring styles until 3,011 .see ours, at our new stote, .'l.'S I.acka wanna avenue. Million's M100 stoic " Organs for Sale Cheap. You can buy a good second hand Or gan us law ni J10.00 nt Guernsey Hall, J, YV. nuerjifcoy, 1'iop., UH Washing. Ion avenue, Scranton. Pa, Telephone Your Order lor Hot Cross Buns to Hunley, UO Spruce street, Holy Thursday FJowers At Clark's annev, L'09 Washington uvs. line, and at our corner .store. McClintock with His Easter Flowers Will bo at 12S Washington avenue Ask for Kelly's union crsokera. RRAIN (:OOI). Is of Little Beneflt Unless It Is Di gested. Neaily uciy one will mlnilt that as n nation we cat too much mc.it and too little of vegetables itnd the grains. For biiBlni'FH men, ofllre men nttd clerks, and In fact every one engaged In sedentary or Indoor occupations, grains, milks nnd vegetables aie much more healthful. Only men engaged In a pes ere out door manual labor run live on 11 heavy meal diet nnd conlititie In health, As a general rule, meat once a day Is siilllclent for all classes of men, wo men and clilldteti, and gtalns, fruit and vegetables should entislllllte the bulk of food oaten. Hut many of the most nittilllotw foods tire dlflluult of digestion and II Is of no use to advise brain wot hers to eat largely of grains tttid vegetables wline the digestion Is too weak to as similate them propoily. It Is always best to get the best ie suits from our food that some simple and harmless digestive should betaken after meals In assist the relaxed diges tive organs, and several years experi ence have proven Stuarl's Dyspepsia Tablets to be a very safe, pleasant and effective digestive and n remedy which may bo taken dully with the best re sults. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets can hard, ly be called a ptitent meicln, as they do not net on the bowels nor any par ticular otgan, but only on the food eaten. They supply what weak stom achs lack, pepsin diastase, nnd by stimulating the gastric, glands Increase the natural .sccr-Mlon of hydrochloric acid. People who have made u dally prac tice of taking one or two of Stuart's ilyspepsia. Tablets after each meal are sure to have perfect digestion, which means perfect health. There is no danger of fotmlup an 1 1 1 Jtti ions habit, as the tablets contain absolutely nothing but natural dlges. lives: cocaine, morphine and similar dtttgs have no pltue In a stomach medi cine and Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets ate certainly the best known and most popular of all stomach remedies, Asl: your ilttigglst tor a llfty-ccnt paikage of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets anil after a week's use note the Im provement In health, appetite and ner vous energj.. COMMON PLEAS COURT. Only One Case Was Tried Ye&teidny. Verdicts Returned in Two Other Cases. In the main court tootn yestetday monting the case of the Singer Manu facturing company ng-ainM (Jeorge G. Unlid and William Blake was given to the jury and later in the day a verdict of &I4S, with interest fiom January Pi, 11)00, was tetitrned. The ni'xt case called for liial was .Mrs. Hlizalieth Jayne against William J. McKelvey, her bt other. The plain tiff alleges thi.it in 1S!)T, before her mar riagt?. she loaned her brother ?7r. and took his note for il. Payment of the note Is objected to by the defendant on the ground that it has been more than satistled by him. In ptoof of this he testified that ho paid small sums of money to his Ms-ter at different times and that she boarded at his. bouse for thiee months .at one time. He also con tends thi't the amount he borrowed was SoO tttid not $75. Attorney I.. P. Wc-deman appealed for the plaintiff, and Attorney Joseph F. Ullroy tor the defendant. The ensu went to the Jury at 1.30 p. in. A veidict of $IS1.S0 for lite plaint iff was let timed yesterday by the jury in the case of Mathushek Piano Manu facturing company against William tioyne and Andiew flavin, which was given to the Jury yesteul.iy morning by Judge I. W. Sitnouton in Xo. -'. The case of Maty Schwartz against the Koynl Insurance company, assumpsit, was reported settled. and after the case against Ooyne and Gjuviii was given to the jury, coutt adjoin nod for the day in No. 2. In the case of 1-;, M, Avery against I"). ". Pot. the execution was .slaved until Saturday. Yesterday's Marriage Licenses. Malllicw .1.11 0I1 WtlKc-llirio K.itu M.ilioiio Wilkr.-lliu,. fli.irlo II. fii if) Siiatitun 1,'iiuiu 11. fi'-ihcMlp Siiaiiton .loli 11 l'. Itotli Nr.llllnn Kiimu Wiilli S'lnnt.Hi liiuisje II. CpplPi I'llri'liuig I'lnii'iiic lUmi-y I'liuIiuiR ',OURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. ,'. .1 1'iiii' .. Jii.iiiil..i .ir,iui'il..i j 1! pui, . sl.il,e 1,1 the Tliiituiilli M.a-J, .Mb'iiii'i t'. i;. I).miil i, ;..'suv.!i; ni'iioil ., .iiililnr in tin- f-t.itp (11 1:, I". I!o!p tn ilii ti hull- iIip iiiikN ii, the Intnl. of T I. ICilb Announcement. To my fi lends and former nations: I shall be pleased to serve Ihciti with every grade or AVall Paper and all kinds, of interior decoration, includ ing exclusive imported and domestic papers, Tapeslry. Wall Hangings, Bur laps, l.lncrtista and Plaster Belief ma terials. Wall Mouldings ot eveiy de-t-crlptloii; also Window Shades and Draisiry Fabrics (I employ only Ui.st class aitisiuiK lo execute decorative work), at iny new quarto s, iriii l.aeka-w-aiina iivciiue. near corner or Wvo miitg avenue, with the Scranton Car pet and Fiiinltutc rompnny. 11. W, Noubauer, Designer of Intel lorn. (Fmnieily with M, Norton.) u TIkmo will be a meeting of the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western mine committee, to be held at division heud (itinrrars, No. t, on Saturday owning. Am II li. Kach mine should ho ropre sented at this meeting, as business of linpoi inner will bo transacted. M, A. Friedlnnder & Co, announce their grand ICaster mlllliiei v opmilng today and tomoriow, in their line show room, 20ii Adams avinm, op. poslte court liotiso. All aie Invited, '" Easter Novelties In ladle' neckwear, handkerchiefs. sid. nnd back comb:., painted linen woik boxes, etc. Cramei -Wells Co., 1:10 Wyo niliip, avenue. Don't Delaj. lift lll.st I'holco In spring .styles, at Mahon's new shoe stoie, ,12s J.acku. wanna avenue. Hot Cross Buns for Good Friday. Today Is none too soon lo leave your older with Hunley, 1 20 riptnee slieel. Hanlcy'& Hot Cross Buns. Order them caily, ai I2a Spriti e blievt. THE ELKS WERE EASY BACKUS CLUB EASILY OUT BOWLED THEM LAST NIOHT. Former Team Won Tluoe Straight dailies, and Now Have Secttre Hold on Second Place, While Elk Sink to Final Notch West End Team nnd West Enders, No, 2, Rolled at Wilkes-Barre nnd Fhst Team Took Two Out of Three G-nmes The Percenlnge Standing. A number of ehatir."s losiilted ftom last night's bowling In Hie Northeast em PettiiMvlvanla league, several of the teams shifting places. The Ulks wete easy for the Itaekits team on the hit ler's alleys, and Wete dtilc.ltcd tluee "irulght games by tt total of '2,'MO pins to 2.1122. The West Kml team defeated lite West Knilors, No. 2, two uil of lluee games In Wilkes-Barre by 11 total of i!,:ina pins to 2,:i.", The league per centttgos are now as follows: Won. J.iel IM. Ill, li' lu! 0 1 , lUiIais iltil 7 " .7rt lll.i'l. DiniiiiimN I - lit Wi-fl Hint Xe. 1 I .". Ill V,i Hint WiiciMiiii'ii 2 i IV i;im I 1 .III The West lenders No. 2 reduced their lead on the Black Diamond and aie now tied with the "fJems," while the West Knil Wheelmen shot ahead of the Klks. who now bring up an lu glotloits tear. The Backus tollers strengthened lh"lt grip on second place. A large number of spectators watched the bowling on the Backus alleys. Brand new pins were used for th" occasion, and this in a measure accounted for a good deal of the night's poor bowling. The Klks rolled In mis erable form and deserved their de feat. The Backus bowleis played In particularly strong iortn In the (list grme. when stil was scored. Conns and Hopkins were tied for high score, v. Itli IS! but Hopkins made the high est H vet age of the night, 172. Welehel w.u the high Hllc. with 17." and an average of l"i 2-S. The detailed m'oics foil w: nicufs ri.ni ir- iikix i-o iiul ii,7 "a Iiul,. i- 171 IJI !,.- IiM llr.iiiliolt I"7 II! Ill I.I Mii-iu I"l ll'i I.Vi- l'" i:.iu ire- i-i ill- i7t 4- ' lol.iN s,,j 7 Til -'.Mil l.i.Ks. Wi'hl.oi I". 1 4 J l.'li t(.7 IJol.ling II.: He l! .7:. Il.i-hi !-2i til HI - KM Poll 117 1.17 l.fl .i'i'. Hull ll'i ll'i I.U ul'J T0I.1N lit'l s 1 aii:- On the Wilkes-lt.il ie alleys the bowl ing was also rather light. Not 11 single man rolled his totals into the five hun dred mark, and Yost, of the regular V.st lhnlers, wits high man with Ifil 1-3 average. Captain ftreeu. of tho West llndet-s-. was high man with IS2. and Jones led the Wesl Tenders, No. 2, with ITS as high rcore and on a vet age of l.Vi 1-3. The scores follow: W i:vd. r. "ins, (iptli . l.i.llN . Nriijnii Tp(hN I -.11 I.Vi I 'I UD li ! tH) hJ I.O l-C I.".! I..7 I'i'J 117 1.11 III !7t Specials for Easter Week Fine Display of Ladies' Kid Gloves M. & li Glasse Kid Gloves $1.00 Purny's Real K'd Gloves, very elastic, perfection every way $1.50 Fine Chiffon, Liberty and riuil Neckwear. Corsets Coronet, P. N., R.& Q. and P. D. Batiste and Net Corsets, with new Straight Fronts. Handkerchiefs Ladies,' Fine Luce Edge and Beautifully Embroid ered. Ribbons Elegant new line of Persian and Soft Glasse Neck Ribbons. Muslin Underwear New stock of hi'h-class garments; very attractive. Hosiery Drop 'Stitch, Open Snipe, and fancy for Ladles and Children. For Waists Cheney Bros. 'Cashmere Taffetas and Soft Alar Velieux, in every leading shade, Foulard Silks Largest and choicest line of Dress Foulards In the citv. AT A Our Sample Line of Ladies' MEARS&HAGEN 415417 Lackawanna Ave. T.sT I. Ml XO. '. Iliinli-r i,,t 1, in,,, ttii ,1. V, Hails inn. 1, 1f,'i 'lonf. ,,, ,,,, ,1,1,,. I.Vi Wcclir.i'di .,,.,.., IV, Carr .,ttii.titi,i. IVi 1-M t:'.'- m III 1.11-4H l,(l 78 r.4 lo, 1 :,-. flsi im 1 1.1- tit' Tolnti lt (Ha 7il-2'n LIFE INSURANCE FIGURES, Excellent Showing Made by the Mutunl Life, of New York. New York, April LV-TI10 Boston Standard's compilation of flgnits for 1P0O of tho forty leading level premium life Insurance companies of the United Stales shows that every company bust been so well managed that It Is able to letiirn to policy holders more Hunt the entire amount of premiums re ceived since urganiztillon. This excess ranges from $l,2t!2 to more than eighty seven millions ($87,098,513), the latter being ihe sum credited to the Mutual I.ifo Insurance compniiy of Now York. II Is nearly six times as gteat as that of either the Kqultable or the New Vol It Life. There could b no .stronger evldenct of 'the business skill and perfect mutuality wllh which the affairs of the .Mutual Idfe are conducted. HONOR JUDGE ARCHBALD. Lnckawnnna Bar Association Will Tender Him a Banquet nt the Scranton Club. At a meeting of the Lackawanna Bar association held Monday, II was unani mously decided to tender Judge it. W. Archbald a congratulatory banquet, on his having acquired the judgeship of tb newly created United Stales court district. A committee was appointed and ar rangements aie now under way to make the affair one of the most elabor ate of Its kind ever held in the county. The Scranton club will be Its scene nnd Thursday night. April 11, the date. President James H, Torrey appointed the following committee to take charge of the preparations, for the banquet: Major Kverett Warren, chairman: Jo seph O'Brien, W. A. Wilcox, District Attorney YV. R. I.wls, T. F. Welles, .1. K. Burr. Hon. .If. B. McDonald. James (lardncr Sandetson and James li, Ynt klns. They met In Major Warten's office Monthly and again yesterday af ternoon, and decided upon the place and date of the affair. Invitations will be extended to num erous distlitgulyhed pet sons 'besides the members of the Bar association. Con gicssman William Council will be ten dered tin Invitation, as will also the congressmen leptesentlng tho other enmities which the circuit embraces. The presence will also 'be Invited of all the members of the federal judiciary lrum the Third ciicitil. as well as Hon. J. K. MeCairetl, of Ilarrlsbttrg. iwho has been appointed dlstilct attorney of the new court. u,, a number or militant arter-utnne' I ' .7,n,i Iruva T.tll 1-,. dlt.'i,nti frnw ll.i m.acfd i 'attend to the pot-prandlaI featutes ot Tiie night. Easter Novelties in ladles' neokweai-. handkerchiefs, side and back combs, painted linen work boxe, etc. Cramer-Wells Co,, 130 Wyo ming avenue. Beautiful Spring styles in ladies' Queen Quality shoes, at. Mnhon's new shoo store. 32S Lacka wanna avenue. a Hot Cross Buns. Hot Cross Buns. Dellvet-"d Friday morning, if ordered at Hnnley's In season. uu .lt."IU.PL.' IN Suits and Skirts, fWWYWVWMV You're Thinking About Easter Presents Of course you are. A Vase, Jardenier or Fern Dish for J llowers or plants. Possibly it's nil Easter Wedding. We d luve been looking ahead for dainty articles, which will be Jf longest cherished as gifts. g Our line of toe., 35c. and 50c. Novelties is large. 5 Look them over. JJ CVvxtvarvtaW. Geo. V. Millar & WMWWWRMiTOXWWWWWWWWW'WWftWf? LEWIS & REILLY Always Busy. 1 14 and 1 16 Wyoming Avenue Of Course Our Guarantee Ladies' Easter Shoes Ladies' Fine Dress Boots and Oxfords for Easter.. $i.oo Ladies' Fine Dress Boots and Oxfords for Easter.. $1.50 Ladies' Extra Fine Dress Boots and Oxfords ior Eas- ter Ladies' Boots and ter $1.75 Superfine Dress Oxfords for Eas- $3.00 The Children. The spice of life. We haye for them the kind of shoes that will protect their feet through life. Infants' Soft Soled Shoes. . 10c Infants' Dress Shoes 35c Infants' Full Dress Shoes. Soc Children's Dress Shoes... 75c Children's Superfine Drss Shoes S''00 LEWIS REILLY ALWAYS BUSY. ALWAYS HONEST. 114 and 116 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton. ESTABLISHED I.M 1336. KMKnKK5)nKKSnKKaHM)CIKKHKS05 Is Your Bicycle lu good shape for the riding season? g NONA JJi Is the time to have it properly. K g Bitten bender & Co.,ff JJ 126 and 128 Franklin Avenue. THE Title Guaranty and Trust Co. No. 516 Spruce Street, Scranton, Penna. Cnpitnl, Pull Paid .... . . . . $150,000.00 BOARD OP '1I10MA' t'lil. WIIBF.W 11. MifUSlW ff. U'ltAM .Shclll'IT, WII.UAM T. II.M.I.MI.M', jniis wbi.m: noi.u:m. K, l,.sf-',''' 'H"1',. (I. S. .lOUXrON. M'til'-T IdlDISMiS. WWIIV , h.WIT, uxacuTivn committee. Abrnm Nesbitt, William F. Hallstcad, Thomas H. Wntkins, O. 5, Johnaon. Examines and insutes titles to real estate, Acts as Executor, Administrator, arid Guatdjan, Executes trusts of every description, Assumes entire charge of real estate. Receives money on deposit and allows interest, Becomes sole surety on fidelity, court and official bonds Loans money on bond and mortgage. From time to time will offer to the nublic hich grade investment securities. L. A. Watres President Andrew H. flcCHntoek .... Vice-President Henry A. Knapp Vice-President Ralph S. Hull , Trust Officer Wlllard, Warren & Knapp, Solicitors. 'I sE Co. "JJKSfiLttS' I SF rm Easter Shoes foj every member of the family. You can select from the old favorites the kind that made our shoes famous or from the new friends, those smart, up-to-the minute kind. Goes with Every Pair Misses' Extra Fine Dress Shoes $1.00 Misses' Superfine Dress Shoes $i.-35 Hen's Wear. Men's Boots and Oxfords, in all leathers $i.5o Men's Fine Boots and Ox fords $2.00 Men's Extra Fine Boots, and Oxfords ". . , . $3,50 Men's Superfine Boots and Oxfords $3.00 The Boys. Little Boys' Fine TJress Shoes 6gc Little Boys' Extra Fine Dress Shoes 75c Little Boys' Superfine Dress Shoes $1.00 Boys' Fine Dress Shoes. $1.00 Boys' Extra Fine Dress Shoes $1.35 Boys' Superfine, Dress Shoes $1.50 your work done. We do DIRECTORS. i.i.om.K It. :lllll. nniCTT w.vitni'.N, THOMAS II. WUKI.N I , V'ATIIK. d . , . sb V'1"'"-' .. -n. . -.. yT.jgi.fr. ,r 1 . ; j..-.. - -)
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