The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 03, 1901, Page 2, Image 2
S.. ,'f$f&l'i'' Wfr ,.'. '$ iir?A . ,??, ;v 'i!,r'rf -wwi' (,,';?rf jy ,';?c"f,W1Wf,lv "W--W" fWn&T "TiftV ?' V i i THE SUKAiNTOjN T1UB UNE-WEDNESDAY, Al'HIL a, 1001. OiiiGC: BURKE BUILDINGj Carbondale Department. 'Phone s NEW, 286 'OLD, 0423 TAXPAYERS MUST SETTLE. The SlroiiRest Measures Will Soon Bo Taken AgriinBt Delinquents. At tlio niFftliiK of the school bonnl on Mnmlny cveiiltnr tin ninttr-r nf how to, not tlolhuiuunt tiiximyciH to set tle wiih bi ought up Snmc HtroiiB lau fttMgrc wni used by sniuu of the inein beip ill the bniint In l-fjriirtl ti) tills iiticstlmi. HclliHiUt'iit Tux Oillpi'ior Siniuiiu wns incsciii mid lold of some of hN expriloiKTH In trying to gullier In hIipIscIm Hint hIioiiIiI bavc been bnr vt st oil lontr hru. The wruili of tho bonnl wiih fully moused by his leel tnl. iniil liuil 1.01110 of the delinquent niul ili'lbint tiixpuyiurt been present unit listened to tin: tliietilcnlnir tneis urcs which will bo used to cnfoire puy nvjiiti they wmthl 1m only too iiiinIous to step up niul piiy niul set out of the way of MiiiullH. .Mr. Hen i mi ii tolil of oiip Inxpnyci- who fitati-U that If the boaiil coulil collect fioin ti tn j any sunner by npplyliiK tho I.iw, to 5n nlienil and do .so, tfoinu a. Hon wl'll undoubtedly bo taken In , lib; cusp liiiini'dliitcly tiy tho bonid. A cnniiiuililcatlon ironi Tax Ccillce- 'tor Clifford w.'ir read, In which be iskod for llility days nunc to uiahe cnllectlinif. Ills i critical was Kranted. A rcHolutloit win, adopted that .Mr. Seaman bo liisliil'-'tcd to inukc t-cllle- ni"nl by .Mny 1 Other lnrutci-K thai mine up for the onsirteratlun of the bonnl wan what would be i lie ivMiilivineiits of the piadualch of tbo hltrh school, on which a :-rc(-il coniiiilttcc, i otis-lstlng- of TftiRlu. Milfreit and HoeUctiberry. una appoint d reports of piufucfy by the Janltots' niul btilltlliirr coiiiiultteei, niul the payment of ihe follow Iur' bills tlliul, Plimohd mil mtiip.ih I:JI (id .lolm lliioll IM (HI llm:!i Atktu-.wi .'It 40 Al.iln l;snr (niiip.uiv '.' !l lltndrltl. .M luring intnpiny i iki 'I'm il J'CI u SUICIDE OF THOMAS GILL. The Borough of Vnndllng Shocked by a Tragedy. . The little boioimh of Viiudlliif: wiih tin own Into u (pfMble stnte of o.sclte mt m Monday iilqht by the news of tin suicide of ThoiniiH Clll. a Midyear old man and one of the bint Unown residents of the place. The futieial ot .Ml. Gill's ki, Million wan to iiihen pl'ii" III OI,pliuiit yehterday and Mr. and Mrs. Ulll and ihelr huh and his wife weie to so t" (ilvpbain .Monday night. The ton and his vll'o had lert mi the '10 cm and Mis. nill war looliliu; for her bus- band to 1'ihc the one. They lived hi the (.Jelqer bulldliitc and t'nIlhiK' to 1 1 it ti him about tbc liuuc, Mrs. cm went to ii mvuiII Ii.ii n In the rem, i in iipetiliiK the door slu was horrl lleil to see hor liilKbaiid luiiinliiif In the icnter of the lorom. Ni'IkIiIiois and a doctor were alimiied. The niaii luiil Mood on a box and thriiwiiitr a clothe-iline over mm of the nut ,-s swung himself into uioinit.v. The iloct'ir nld that In. il-'titjil the hnil.l must bnv b"eii h.uiKiiic about tun Itultl-'. Won! u.i nl ifn 'in lo li .1 .1 ItnbeiN, of Neinliton, the county c.oio Her. and the body iih laid out In the loom where the Mlleldo wiih com muted. awulthiK the loionerV arrival. Tim place whs Inched up niul u guard established. t'p to noon yesterday, however, the coroner hud not conic mid .ItistUu of the Peace Vurtleii and a Jury tendered u verdict of suicide, by hmisliui, while temporarily Insane. SURPRISED BY THE CHOIR. Dr. A. D. Picston and His Wife Receive Handsome Pieeent. On Monday cciiIiik, the members of th" First Methodist Kplseopiil church choir truvu one. of their num ber. Mr. A. L). Pieston nnd his wife. a tlcllirjiuul niirpil-f visit. The cou ple soon 'Xpeut lo leave thin city, to lithe up their residence In fVrnnton. where the doctor's olllce Is located, and his fellow. singers decided to make him a call nnd In u chorus wish the twain the bott of ntcc-s and health In their future place of abode. Sev eral friends uccoinp'mlud the slnueis on this eiraiid. The paity formed nl the home ( .Mrs. Ack.', and then al together llivndid the lionn: of the 'ri" tecs. Di. I'li'Htou ii.i Beiiulncly air IU'Im il, but Mis. Preston bad a merry llilb- i winkle hi her ''M'. as If sh" would hi 'e been able to isiiess the paity was i miilnK". If inioue had ask.'d her Dm Inn the evcnlnp, a niunbii' of iiipenlous Raines for lesl Iiik; Ihe wlt were plaved. One of them was in th" nature of coiiuii iliunis mi the p.irlri of ii watch. The Misses .tennlo Butler nnd Mny Kllpat rlck Btie3bed nn equal number and drew lots for the nrst prlsie, a liiind Homo volume. Miss Kllpatrlck won. Jttiui Kllpatilck won first gentleman's prize, a button box. Dr. PrpBton iccelvpd a prcHent from IiIh fWeiithi, a line steel enfrrnvhiff of Itosu Uonhottr's famous "Pharoah'? ItorscK," In n circular ebony frame. Mr?. M. O, Abbey took a llHyhllght pletttio of the naltv. Itefnrp tbP Iditlnly luncheon was served, there were u. nuinbor of songs by tho mem ber? of the cluilr. Those who purtlcl puted In the very pleasant ovcnlns were Itov. und .Mih. A. K. Chiilfoe, Mr. und Mis. V. D. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. D. Humphrey, Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Abbey, Air, and .Mrs. n. Moon. Mr. and .Mrs. S, H Hmds, .Mr. and Mrs. V. Ilobbs. Mrs. Ackenuiin, the Mifciius Jennie Uutler, May Kllput rick, Nettle Payley, ('lala tlronson, Mamie .Stephens. Mny l'eugelly, Padle .Miller, Isabetle Stanton. Messrs. H. V. t'htik. .Uine Kllpntrlek nnd ('buttle. Olver. three cM, will de Hi? onttlng nt llio llroiul on ThunJiiy ecntntr. In "At rlney lllilgt" Mi. lll(t.Klr. h mid lo tine i;b(ti to the lnac n Un like picture ot Hie Tinnc8ro inounlnhiifr, ll In InRrt out Hie droll liuinor ml Inborn ltiici o.lty iiiul honor of tlt noutlinn seiilltniin, to gether Willi the picturesque ellulnt hi i Amnion l.i Einillictnfis, hi a very I1atut.1l uml Inlrre.t. Illff waj - A VERY RARE OPERATION. ptt,,i , ttjtSwf"-'' : " - -"- &Bret!L nm & 7 xy- g -3 c 11 MJil o in lillOW'l ff ' U itiuntii L-y f prepanition arc "T blc fitness for the MS, women untor upo j merely innocent bi I-TTn needs and rciniircn I lr) ;,s il "ilural consei AX jouinr wife lituls I X l :ni arid desert. II J J her foe-, rtlie )lo ) 'iifl'ering in hileni (Ls mlfeis. Shu is i ) J tions tliaN live in I AJ Preparation for W Vi )iretaration for an TO. v t'e wife's health ai fTVI pi"es of the little i ilVsV on l'"s propamtion. j Sv eoiidition of wonia vV ment of the irirl in TO JfcJdJaMfti!?3? Iitlitafc &,ifc h vv 0i --?.? 3 LKS3ft-. V 'K&j$3uV?. i When love awakes the woman is horn. JieUvcen woman ami man love looks to marriage, and into the pure and inodet dav- dreanis of the young maiden, love brings hints anil hopes of that, '"happy hou.-ehold clime'' iy which she will leave family and . As a rule her only preparations for eat change are love and innocence, n enters on a calling without some dge of his undertaking or some ipial ii for success. In most cases year-) spent in order to acquire a reasona sliosen occupation. Yet mosl yottmr the obligations of wifehood, not t absolutely ignorant of the physical juts of the married sl.'iU. It follows lence of this ignorance that iniini a le paradise of her dreams to be only ii' very innocence and ignorance arc Is on in a daily pilgiimaee of pain. ..She docs not. know why she fraid or a-liameil In ask the (pie---er heart but die upon her lips, marriage is more important than occupation or calling. Not only I happiness, but the health and Imp lies who may call her mother depend It is essential that there shall boa ly well-being. The simple deiangc ty become the dauyeroiis difoaso'of the wile. This is so often the. case that tens of thou sands of women aie suffering because they are nut pre pared for marriage, and afterward did not know how to ( tire the weakness and di-ease which laid hold upon them. That such weak and sick women can be restored to health and strength is proven by the tlioii-ciurfs of cures effected by the u' of Dr.' Pierce's KaMirile Prescription. "About three months after 1 was married I became in a dcK catc condition, but I did not know what was the matter wuh UK-' writes Mrs. John Ilennis, of Mutison Station, I'.i. " I so sick and ncnou-,, not able to do any work at all; had to hire it all done. My husband's mother l'niHteen usinj; vour remedies, ami one day she came over to see"in2 and hroiurht sonic of your ' favorite Prescription' with her, and she said. ' TaUt that niediciue I know it will help cm.' I took it and it did help me, and I got better of the bad feelings 1 h.ul htforo I commenced taking it; was soon able to do uiv work melf. I took the medicine right along till after bibv capie, and 1 c-ni s-afclv s.iv that Dr. Pierce's Favorite rrcrription is bitter than all the other doctois' inediciiics put together. Now I am happy and well, and he people who s:iw me'beforc when I was sick and see mc now have said, 'How well you look,' and thev ask mc what I got to make me so well. 1 ipiicklv tell them what made me better. Some of the neighbors have used the sime medicine through my advice, and thev have been greatly benefited, too." ' Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the bet prepara tive for marriage. It cures womanly diseases and estab lishes a condition of sound health.' It promotes regit larky, dries weakening drains, heals inilaiiiination and ulceration and cures female, weakness, Tt makes the babv.- aihent practically painless, giving the mother strength to and nourish heV child. .Mrs. sjtuddurd concludes her letter given below b saving that " Favorite Pre scription makes one feel well and strong." It makes womontlc7 well ami strong because it really makes them well and .stnnig. This is tho common experienco of women who have fairly and faithfully used" this medicine as a cure for womanly diseases. There is not a form of womanly disease curable lv medicine which has not been cured by the use of " Finorito Prescription." " During rtiy two jenrs of mairied life 1 have not had good health." writes Mrs, Daisy Skiuldaril, of bos. .South KsphumiU: Ave., I(eaeuworth, K.ins. ' I wn-, all nin-dowii, and my husband got me to write to Dr. Pierce and explain my ciso to him mid see if he could do me any good. tst I wrote, and, thank the Lord. I got m e.irh rcplv idling uie what the trouble was. I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's Vaurite Prescription, and also the ' Pleas nut Pellets, and now can say I feel like a new woman, and cm s.iv also that we have a big baby four months old. M hen the baby came 't was just woudtr.'iil how I got along, and now I do all my own work and do not feel tired out like 1 ustd lo, I have taken eight bottles of the "1'avoritc Prescription.' It makes one leel well ami Miong. We owe our good Health to God and to Dr. Pierce through what his wonderful medicines have done for us." Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Piereo by letter, .We, All correspond ence, is guarded by tho same strict professional privacy observed by Dr. Pierce and his staff in personal consultations with sick women, at tho Iiivaliii-s' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Pniffulo, X, Y. Address Dr. I?. V. Pierce, IlulTalo, N, V, It a dealer offers a substitute, claiming it to bo "just as good" as "Favorite, Prescription," remember that the only motive for Mibstkniioii is to enable the dealer to niaku tho little more profit paid on the bale of less meritorious preparations. r L I. i W I'll j5 U 1 i ti Performed at -Dr. Wheelei's Hospital. Many Physicians Witness It. An eMicmUy rare and hazardous op eration was pet formed successfully yesteidny afternoon nt the private hus pltal or Dr. Henry :. Wheeler, 111 this city. Tho patient was Mls ICllz.i belli OIIps. of .tiU'inyn, and the operntlncr surgeon was Dr. Reed tiilins. of rieran ton. The operation wis what Is known aa the "Hartley" operation and It has been nertnimcil less Hum a hundred limes In the history of .snriiPO. but three limes In this section of the coun try and never before In this city. Dr. P.iirn;; has been the only surgeon who ban attempted It In ibis section, and In his two picvlous operations he met wllh sMieecss and a recovery of the patients. Mlsi (Sliest has been sulferlus: wllh since last .June and it wan ileildeil thill the only way to iclleve her was for her to submit to (his rare operation. The mortality In the cases I outside of Dr. Tluruu' has been from ur, to ."ii per cent. She mine in Dr. Wbeel cr'n hospital on Monday and yesterday. In the piesruce of eleven physicians and many riursp. the surcical rent ia ueioninllsiied. Dr. rjurns ilrwt made a "trapcloor" Indslon in th' let L tnnple. drilled and sawed ihe hone of the skull, lit id Iho binned portion on the check. Inserted ii n elovatoi- (a piece of highly p.illshed metal) and lifted up the brain. Ho then divided the nerves and severed them at l lie casserlan jranelion. lust befuie l buy made Ihelr exit from tho cranium. The ii'ivcrt severed niu tlms-e that impart sen.-atlon to the upper and low ei ,Uu They do not control the movnionts of the Jaws, however. It is a radical cure for neuralgia, but, an li.m been said, one rniely attempted. The s-eveied ends uie not nlluwed to come loRcther asaln. so no sensation of pain can be felt afterwards. The physicians who watched Dr. Tieed I'.iirns manipulate the brain In this ni'inner were Drs. A. J. i 'nnncll. Jelf OuriJter, .. K. O'Brien and Mor gan Williams, of Sciunton: J. A. Kel ley. ,1. ti. I la i per, '. T. Meaker, .1. J. Thomps-on.' H. C. Wheeler, of rmbon dale, and J. s;. draws of .Termyn. A large number of city were also present. The matron mid htud utirs" of th' ho-plial. Miss M. C. Hofi'miin. who i.s a g'rndiiiite of Lackawanna, hospital, materially m-hl-stt-cl Dr. Dtiinp. She had all tut- preparations tor the operation in hand, and as these pivpiiratlnns for tills work bad lo be mote than tbor "UKhly asepile it was no liprlit task that fi-ll to her. She r eelved he.uty e..!ie Hum th" operating suigcon. Mlts (iiiiti was lesiins c.ihiiy Inst eviniiig and the indications wen- that Mie would ici.,it-r. ultliutiKii it is loo Mon to lie delinliely nMiH'il on thin 'iii, Changes In Residence, Mr oi 0 Mr. Itnrulolpli Mjton fl.irlnl litiii kicplnit jeslculiiy In tln'h nenlj tiimUliril Iiuiii nil MikIiIiirIoii lnrl. M.!,, nl tlif Klcflrle t.lnlil .oiupjiiy, rpci i lo l.iki! up M ir.litctnc en Wwuliir licrt the lattfr p.irl ef llr ,nfk. lll lmi'-.o. hold ciicill i?c lilip.,il ji'j liTtli). , Mr. .mil Mi. I'iiriii.- llowp bjip up tl.ili apulmcnli b. Hi" Alitlit.ii ltd ,ici"mI.ii .mil le limil to L'nii.'ni flirrl A. Ilrrliantl, the t allot . I,.i iiMtnl liU f.iuilb tn the K.ifkft liiiu.e in "lion uicnnc ovir 'il luirtlii'lit l.illniltii; p.iilnis, Miii. II. 1,, Mii'Knn Iih uiom-iI In-ill nitli Cliimlt flirrt lo (nilkltl uifinic. .Mr, uml . I'. II. (Illlfiiin line ipmuint Irom Wt inning ttci'l In llip Uccjler l.ou-p vii I'.ilk rliic, .Mr. uml Mn. 0. I.. I tlo.v inmril ,ftpnl,iv Into ttirlr lniiilcnir new it'lilomp on llnilliln nriiiiv A Runaway. I Ik hUfo uf . II. Mom, ul lli'ltuuiil li(ii, mIiIIc hllrliPil tu a delivery Miiftun, tool, ii iplill nl tllclit ilown tliiinljll "tin I .tpMrnliy Ulrr noon plioilly alter S otclocK. It m,i Klin IiImii In- All.rtt Moon .ind with lilni . n lllllp ltd n.uiicil llrli;liri. mIiiip Iiuiiip l en I tip.liint stirct. A-. Ill" filglitcnoil .inlinil imiiI iiiiil.-t ilu Mnik uf dip Xn Voil., On'.irlu niH Mp-toin Hip l.i.l .is lliiuwn mil .nel Hip .tnn piiril lilni up ii q J I n - I tl.p tom- .ilinl niont ninlrr llic it.illnn. It ai it fu-l tlmiiclit lit- tMiit 'pipil.i, but l.ti ninliiir il .i -nl. I THIRTEEN DOCTORS FAILED Mrs. M. fl. Close, of Nebraska, Was Ciired of Incipient Consumption After All M?dical Aid Had Failed-Read Her Letter. llC U.M .ill llk'lll. Illllll"! "lltlll 'I lip ll"l P J1 i.ppi Ultlixilt I On Half Time. uin.p ipip p.i..idl ,n ..II i In- mini"- .. il. IMim.iip i.tid UtnU'ii ion pnti.i ,utnriii llul iitilll tinil'ir iKiliip In" iiiIIIiiip. niilil m.rk enl.i li..lf 1 1 m tlin ini." Mm Ii. hi iirrp -lill.p ol llip inliK'ii a- (li-i iill.i"! oi. Ilu untpiil 1. 1 rrj u , Iipiii M-iy . Kirn il.-llfi mI ii.iilii, , up. llul tit.n Ihr .p-i,itri. in.l miner -nilril llirli illnnr.n . mil pi". ilui-ll'.u Mill li.oc lii 1 1, ic-tili p'l. Ih"rp m .i IU l.llliic r.if in i hi ilriiM-pl. Painfully Burned. . I. lire 'ip.111. 1 1 l)ilui"ii( IippI. i niii-in; a ImlH liuitiPil linn! -.ihifli In iiuivnl in ii i 'i-riou-i in.mtiPi. Up -i.m pi.iploipil nl lii- wnii 'ii tlip OiiLoiu .1111 Wi'-tcin A i ip t .i MiilcliliiK (JI-. In II"' M.iiln-l'l .nil. One ut 111 Mm. k .mil Mi. Pipiuiiu loluuli-iii'tl t, sl.ut il -..iili .i Ii.ii. 'Hip IiIiiK-iiiIiIi- ju-l Ihimin i 1i.ii -il ii.m mil (H'lil tlir hilar. Dipuii.m il .i1 .!..-, I linlil uf fl mIUi Mip lr-oill llul tu. lipsh mi IiiioikI .thuo-i in th,. p Mill not Ii- dtlr tn Mini. Ini -vim- I nn" A Painful Injury. Ulip .Inlm Klllprn, t'Mrnnii "t Hip li"t lie- Ini ttiu in. t.n lirlplus In mil I i ..i!rnn lull ot Uiiip m.oiilp IiIupK. jI H.irKpt llrnnl. p-Ipi iliv inniniiii !p len'ivoil ipiilp .i pilulul iiijun Hi v.i iiinouni; dip lotip-, Mitli Ii,h.. linn Ini I -r .i pi.v ulnu .i -tniip In. in ihp slriifk Hip 1i.ii .mil lunuslit ii itimn nn Hi" RIPlI tor nf tin- iL'Ilt ,,iii Willi ,i liilnx. Ml. Killccti ii'i.i-tpi in lai'pins il mil. il-pitp tlip piin .ind Hip Injiii.v tu hi- tnnl. - !n- ipm.p, tn j-pp ii dot loi, thcip I- no Knowing In.w h ollx In- ii Inn I. Puvcha&e of Real Estate. Wlli.un II. I,in.-.i his puiilii-nl iIip Kihl ii'.u-" mid lul nn Itinvln -.iniip. Thp pun I i- -ilu.ilpd bplupcn tin- lion-,.- uuiiiid In u ten Knhl .mil Mr.-. Il.miit Ui.miui. Ii u Inr nnv imnii'.- ini 'lilli.n iii.p I . n-unuM llip piprnt, hoij-p oi tou-liuit :i n.'M' ot.i . In l.p I'nupipil I, j hinislt. I ntil tl'i- ili.nnri' i- mil'. plrlH he will ir-nle in I tie .ipaitinrnli in ill" l.'di.ild li.w In whill. In' l.m.Anl M.iud.ix linlil s.ilini iM'tui". MRS. M. A. CLOSE. i V ! Dr. Kearney, Neb.. July 8, 1000. FOUND UtillS-tili' OKOWINU WORSK. HAS A GOOD MEMORY. VI t Wl 4 Local Fiiemen Rewmdcd for Work Done at No. ii Shaft. Tin members of the local Hie i-om-IMiili.i who wen- detailed at the r.-eent lb-" at No. :: :'h.iit or the Xieliiu'iirc and Mud. on i oinprinr iv ill soon iceelvo the remuiK'i-ation promised them by Super lutuideiit Hum', of the coal dectrt nii'iil Treasurer Jit)neh j. Ciorman, or the i.'oliinibi is, yesterday recehed ii eheilt from New York, -signed by J. XI. Mht'i'ton. paymaster, nl' the amount of 3Sr.. At the time of the Ihe Mr.' Hum lold the llieinen lhal If ibey would .slay there and pump water into the shaft he would give each man $, for the day's woik and turniih them with meals', hot. colfce all day and make things an comtortnble fur them as pos s'lble durlim the cold sp, n (,t' wcathci that prevailed. On Thuisday nlsht the folttniblas will Imvi; their legulur monthly nicot ine and the cheek will be turned in. The seven men who were detailed to this work will piob.ibly then have their equal sliuif ot the $n,'t cheek. i Tonight's Seivices. I'.nil'- I.uiIipi.iii (lnu,'!i ll.i- tln IP will 'In- l.pnlui T.:iO ,iq tollow-: I'lilndp. Minn Nn. I'll. AiIiIip Hi inn No. -'UT. Cuiilr-ii'in ot -in O'lpilin... I'o-lluil- lii I In- i liil'lun .e . I!c. I'. i:iiln: Didn't Pay Eoard Bill. Aldi ini in Mniii'on Ind .i 1.1-0 loi In- pi In Id ilcloriiiinitliili on Muiid.i.i. i ilitpiite oci .i lined hill, -I'lins P. I!uiiiitt in uie a oonipliii'l tint be mill I not rollcit inoni.-. dm Inni ui Imnd mid IciIkIuk Iiuiii Iiim- MpM.ilimi, ,i liiiinin in Hip implii.i nl' tin1 r nhoii'lilc 'iPlpplmiii u- pin;, llip i.-i-i- w.i Miilnl li Ihp ,ilipinim .-ii-kP-iln-; Ilinl MiMih'iii (.in- Uuiiirll .in nnl-i on tlio linnijin nl Hip ioinp,nn tor In- n.i md In iti' two polios .icrcniia to Ihp piut'-illi-ii. S. 13. Hnrtman, Columbus. Ohio: Dear Doctor "I desiic to cxpiess to you my sincere thanks for tho interest you have liown in my case, nnd for the timely aid and advice which has effected a cure of as bnd n cn&e of consumption ns could be well inirifrincd. "Pci una and Mjtnalin have done what thirteen of the best physicians in the country have failed to do. For inoic than three ycais I doctored for con sumption, and spent thirteen weeks in a Pulmonary S-anltniium at Milwaukee, Wi3.; but finding myself srowiiiR worse, as a Inst resort. I ennic West where I was bedfast for many weeks, and the physicians which my husband culled gave no hope but said, 'Shs cannot nosoiblv live more than a few davs.' But thanks to Peinnc, I fooled them all. In an incredibly short time after I began to take Pcruna the hemorrhages stopped, i began to mend slowly at fiist. but the improvement became moie marked and now I can truthfully sr,y that there is not the slightest trace of my old complaint. "T would have wiitteu you a long time ago, but have purposely waited to -bee if tho effect was lasting: and in conclusion I would say, God bless you nnd keep you with us that you may go on with your wort of moicy for many years to come." Mrs. M. A. Close. P- S. "I am going to visit friends in Wisconsin who never, ex pected to see me alive again, so plense forward mail to me at 570 .racinc street. Appteton, Wis. M. A. C. AN OLD COLD. Is Catarrh, and Catanh Lends to Consumption. "'In lendiiiey of cumuli nl the lie.i I is lo pass ilnw iiwaid lliinii:;li the bmTi- lubes to IP- lima-;. n oin- who has hill c.iitirih nf ilu hcid tor ,i year or nun" Ihids th, ili'-e.ise gimlu.tlly l'liiaie.svinp (Inun'V.H'il. Ill some eas'i s lllc piotricsM Is inpiil.aiid In other cass it Is slow: Im Minn, -i in- n.r II" ca tarrh is .illouid lo i nn, Il will K" l Ihe limits and s-i-l up Ihe dl.-i.'Se Icinw 11 a:: i nusmiiptioii. Ii is ilniiliii'iil if .111 sunipliou Is i viT laiiM'd iiy .iiiylhinir cnc pi riti.'irrh. The I'ltinrib tisiin'ly begins as a i old 111 Hie Iliad oi tin tat, nli-l Is nej;lecteil iiuiii IL biciiiiies I'huiiiii : then it in -Kiiin to dawn nn tin ii tlm he has eataitb l'n less lie is iiy foolish in deed lie will not I'M e i-v Illllll th-' tr 'iiitnii'h Is rmlioly cured. Thousands P.i no attention to it until it is too laic. I II' lJi rtmn Is 'lifted-the cold neytii' be 1 eniiics (.hionic, aivl beneii eatarrh Ii pivveuled. Hut artcr eiitnrrh has be nine ihoiomrlily established Pcruna. v ill cute it. Inn it will take much lons ei. Kven in cases v. heie cat.irrb hai attacked Hie limits an.l the symptoms ol' consumption hae shown tbein-Selvcs, the Im una will cure. A stent many ca.-es- oi genuine icnsumption havi In en iiuiii wiih I'eruun after tin. pa luit had 'been s'lven up to die, ,is In Ilu i -ise of Mis. i'Ioil'. If .ou do not di'ilv pinmpt and sat ciory riMilt.s fiom the use of IV lini.i, i I'jlo fit niice to Dr. ITuitumn, Kiiiitr a Mill st.itiment of your e;ise end In- will be plinsed lo trlvc you hq Miiiiuble advice Hi'atl-1. Aduiiss m. Il.n tmaii, I'i'i sident of The Il.irlnuiii HanlUiiium, I'nlumbus, U. Tonight. :'l''. I'lcc .ind Aipppu-d ."il'l. l.ltllulio RflAmSmZxE AND MATERNITY among tho many '"" '----" thontos tliaoussot) and Illuminated in tho pagos of Dp. Ploroo's Common Stsnso Modteal AUvlaor. This groat work contains mora than a thousand largo pagos, antics sent FREE on rocoint ot stamps to pay oxponso of mailing ONLY Sond 31 ono-cont stamps for the cloth-hound volume, or only 21 stamps for tho hook in papor-covors. Atltimsai Off. , V, PIEICE, Buffalo, N. Y. AT ST. ROSE CHURCH. The Services That Will Mark the Latter Pait of tho Week. There w ill bo no uurvli es at rit, use church this owning1, on account of to moirow belli;? Holy Thursday. There will be but one mass on Holy Thurs day, which will be nt 7.S0 o'clock. It will be followed by the removal of the Hlesstvl Suciriment to the leposltory. On iliniil 1'rlday ihe mnss of the Pre. rjfiuaiileil will be celebrated, and the messed siacivinieiH will be taken back to tin.- main altar. At 7.SU p. m. the .Stations nf the Cross will be reel ted, and tbo annual collection for preserv ing the holy places will be taken up, On .Saturday inornbiir nt 7.80 there will be ihu blessing- of the Kaster water, blessing of the Paschal cundles and lighting' of the now Hie. EPWORTH LEAGUE MEETING. A Good Programme to Be Presented Tonleht, The regular m'onthly literary nnd social meeting: of the Kpwortli league will bo held in the lecture room of the First Methodist Episcopal church to. night ,U 7.80 o'clock. All mo cordially liulted to nUeud and bring lead uen clis. Tho following: piogranune will be ! ink ted: l.iui-uy iiiojcu, "'I ho t'lokiofj f iiiu ,,n. iii-iilli IVutuiy." I'bno M.l, M i.,;n., urou.oii j Uwj. "l'io(ju of the Mnctcmlli I'tnluiy, ism io i-jto, Mil.1 Kcnnouliv "'-d '' Wg-ir Smi-ij l.ssj. "l'ioeip.v of tlm Last I'llty Ycjrj oi ....Jinin hllpjtrlcK MiKlr.'iuli Ccntut.i, l'ino Solu Jlcadirg ... ..Lilllc llo- ...l.lllic OaU'i Meeting: l .ol'Oi.iliIc IimIji-, o, Ma-lill-, Hci. 1'ithrr ' Mf In iiipIi, KiiicIiH oi Ann i In. I'louipi cimIp. No. 'je.'i, n, nut (ImIpi KuikIiI of M.i'tlc ( h.iln. C.iilioiidlh' loiUe. No. '.Mil, KiiIkIiI- ol I'.uhl.i-. l.nlliV Auiliii, li.iilionl Dnsiur, ., Atici noon Wed"; Today. Kllll-t ',11111' III-, ol U.P I'.ll.liC llllllltl.l nil Sdliiii .iiruup, will dp iii.iii icd luil.i In .Ml"-. I..i(jii-, nf Wlll.pi.lliup, in til). Aim the iiirmoiii tlip,.- will nl miti uinn- Ikip ind go tn liouMlu'piue In llip Willi ii, i Imii-t, on li.ii l " .ii iiiu, Funoral of Mis. Fieas. "I i.e mnul ol tlic Ihp Mi-. I.,,iIiccIi I-'ipis will Like plJir lioni tier hoinp .it -Ipinijn .it 'J u'lloik IliU .illLMlionii -ind not 'J.,.u oMncK, ,n prloit-ly jtinoiincul. Unclaimed Letteis. I.ll ot letifid unuhilns in IIip Cnliowlilc pcstolhi e, Apill fl, !H, fur poiion-, iinkiiowii! janiPi. V'l.iniHij, If, -I, II !, -Iinipi, hocll?, At Miss Eronson's, The ounc Ljilkn lVicluu MMnnnj nniiiv ot tin- MfthodlU cliuuli uirl I.i-l ulilit ,t ill? Imiip oi Mlk-s l.eiu Hiortioii. At the Opera House. 1 iy M,'lil-"At I'lney Itldsc" 'liioidjy MkIiI "'in. Miny Tr.inipi." Teachers' Pay Day. 'I 111' public school teaihiu oi tlic ill; will ic ceiic their s-ilarlo-. I Ida evening at 7 oMoik. The Passing Throng. Mu. Jjiiaa Mc.Mlbtcii ot f-oulli Milu inU, it fpiloibly ill, ;ii Annie WjiIp, o the Ucitili City, u iile Im: tiiindi In luwn. Uilllnii ruliiuun, ol sn.intuii, w.i jii.uiu lii. friends lie re ,cUid.. It. T. MjmicII, ,l., 1u nioitd to ilu- ioiim on S.ilciu axnue i.icaipi) lo Willl.ilu P. I.lud cai. Ml-. Katie MeuM,, m New Yoiy illy, who lias liein vliliut; Inn iiuile, .folin AlcnUI:, o: Drfii i. avenue, li.n rctuuied liouie. Ml.. I'uU'j, nl lliuenik, N. who li.i- hull -i.illlllS Ml... John (iaiihaii, ol S'Hliln Julio.', lias utuilnd I.OIiip slip ai a. . onipalilnl In Mi.-. Mji C.uialiai, v-l.. .mII in IIjii. nl. for about a u 'k. PECJCVJLLE. Guaranteed Attraction. Hold lligain.' fvuthrrii piiy, "At I'lii' lltdti," wliMi hai I pen uiordul isuih a lieaily ulpoiiti ihi jujilioul ilu louulij vi tne pan MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS or Cliildieu. Mother tiioy, lor ,er a nure In the Chlldreu'i Home In Sew Ylk, lieatoil ihll dun iniiKifully willi u iiiind;, now pupaird uml pliifd in the ilruc stoier, i a I Jed Moilur liray'4 Sweet I'o-vdeu for Cliildieu, Hiey am hirnilfM a mill;, to tjkc it.d netci till A lertain cine tor Iviulthnrtj, lon.llpallon. lifj.Jai.lH', tpetliiiiiT an J ..lomaih dl-unkin and inuoic woiiiu. t all diugKL-U. :')?. sample eint nilUl Vlliirt Allen s Olni-icd, l.eltoi, X. V. II! i K. Is lioiotili i ..mull on I in iiuulu - -Ion Mondn iicnnii: I'Miinn;. All iiiiiiiIki-, wup pit UP. I'li-ulriii Milllmi- i.illnl tin- im.liir.: M niili'i-, Ihe tnlluwiiu' liill. iip hiiIpipiI paid: Moid I'.iii.i.' ilu.' -iiiiiei a- in;i nill'. s,o..-jj r, M. Ilaiiii., uiin. 1 1, sol j s, i .hi Ion llppuldii in, .nlw ill-inc, '-1.01: .lo-, ph II, Hell, uiKiiiecr, '-mi; .1. Ihu-. mliu- ,-ri- liC-, 'sl.i.'li A IIOII Willi.MIH, pdlll Mil III'-, s'.'..-ii; A. , '.iiiiio-i. jinlini, : 1'i.iuk Mniiii, hiill-il olio pis and om i'iic;, -.'; I.poniid I urle, poliro -niiiT.-, '..".u; uhlnld W.iur loiupmi. wjIpi im- di-itiii- liiiht plinl lor ihiii- uionili-, S,"".,W; li.di.ini". sTI."j; illiphiul Wain- i-nui- plll.V .OIIP lllltlllll. "; .1 IlllPa Nil hoi., in t, nr, ii., -10; siiaiilou 'IiIIiuup, iilu-iii-niK, ; s, . Arnold, aumuit in-in mu- on iIpiIiip IUIiI lniildliij,-, ifl.'.ilij Ml.nii I iip loiupim, Inn ul let in ini icai; -.n; .1. -I. I'.in.i, " fair, fti,, s.'ij I', p. lien) milu, puii-i.ii, -ui pile-, 'I..','!: liPoi;,'p Milll.iui-, muJi'ih. s.hi, fli.illn II. scull, Mipplle-, eJ.I!1. Tho lollowuiR hill. pip htld up (op Pollution: suaninii sujiii I'uiiip mnipaui, .upplii",, W.ol; Upoiup siasi', litji'i, 7'i u lit: Mount .lisiiip ( oal mill ninv. Iliel in-il, sj,o; riPUlui' Wall.ei, p'diu t-eiike., si.'iiii lllolialil I'.inaull, l.d.oi, S.'.ia. I'uiiiiiiiuicalluiii lioni lii-uiaiioe A511111 l. M. Ilaihiivay and P. C IN-hI. iiotil.iiiii; uiiiuiil thu miles.. II.p lue al.iim fi.teiu n pill in Hoikln:r onlir the Insiuai.u lair, woiihl tfii up. imp icu'iicd. 'Up i.nllir a plai ed In llw hnuh uf tim int.i.i.-atlii': .uniiniiiu. .M.r-. Ilivlig. Mthol. and Ilohoid uuu nude hiip.ii ijatiu',' lOiini'.iUp. TIib i'iirIihu'i. u-poit in .MiKli vim I1.1J nn) .fdeivil llli'il Si'uial u-. hllloiii wfic I11.I1I uwr mull inM inutiiii; iiishi, iu liny wutild li-iu' lllll lOllMlk'I.Uiull I'pon 111. tirii,, Il dciidi I 19 hold tin adjourned iiu-u-In; within the wv iwo uc!.4, iiilijecc to im Kill uf I l.o iie.l.luit, A roiiimiiiiicitlon irom' union, .So, -'.", ol Ubpluiu, m.i icmI, It luiiUiiu.J iniuiiuaiiuii tu 1 In 11I1.. thai the uiiloi; piien uii U':,ui voii. would bi " Ihe l,iti of s per iIj.i, Seuctaiy llciij.iinfii'-. i. poll lor the liionih ol llaun w'ai .11 loll"" ' l.olliitid, S3.U37; uiii.lloiiid, sl'.'.'i. Tho u-poit vt rkctilu ll;lu uuiniiini' w.i. uulud .md lOlll'llllUe (Olilllimd. IViniuilieu on Ihp In 1I1.111U upoitiil and who lOiiilniiid. IMIhauw Ujiurieil thai Ilu loiinl) had 1 s.iliiiliid tl.p old hiid'je in Hie su nnd Waul 'I up load uiinnililru W'.l. lliillllUi'il In (oiili-i with iIip L01iiiili!onu ill uuaiil 10 a new loidai a. id lipoil at 1 1. 'J IK.M luiellni;, 'I lie KPiiilaty wj ili.,lli;iUd Id liollt.i llip 'Ihlnl wald lou.tald' lo notliy tin- siott luuipll-p mu Uuu In . Up oil Siotl mail was iu nil uu.ilu loiidithu and II l wai iiol iipaucd and ""d und i.iiU I ill in pjuii'. in liiakp ilium. 1 1 il.p mu ui.iiel jui.v. 'Il.o ..u.lllol-' upon wa- nail ami ai u pud. I.v'lu imur Jaiuii. -mill. v. .1, tin ihu. I a li.i.'inili milu Ini tI ul..:'", ili.;l l.iiuu Ihp dui him on 11.u1u1Is.i1.u-. 'Ilu lioinu-h allollie.l, .lu-i'ph lilliu.i, m ill-U mud lo lal.i up I10I11U of e-lliJ-illil smith and is-s.uvlaii lluijaiuiii. Il wa- leulaily luuiul and MioinKd Hut top tat. lolleilor lual.o out an llimlzul MiKluuil (uih III. .nth of'.. lolJuiul and pli'Uln eaiup In uliliul niolilhl.i. 'I lie la p,.i 11.1t nukiril laid our until net Intel in?: ul,ht. 'Ilic tci.'tai' wlaiy m placul al fi'U pei jcai, 'IIip hoiou,'li'altollipy' uialului; Iu wa. uijil. ifJJ. diMHUid. l'iPklll people ,11c now faiorul Willi ju caily iiiuitilic null. I ho lli.t v. union null 11 -id In Ki'l licit- al ii,;,n, t now icnlu'i. In-ip I at e.ll a. 111. Ilu in.'Ui null ha. Lien dl-in- New Heaclgear, Gloves, Neckwear your new Arc as essential to Easter outfit as vour Spriug Suit. Our Neckwear Stock is 110 to its usual standard. Huudreds of beautiful pat terns iuall the popular shapes arc here. The Yoting's $3.00 flaf U equal to the best. We sell them. See the Now Manhattan Shfrts 'Mmg 412 Spruce Street. Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue We make a ipeiulty if fancy CTeaineiy Bu' ter ind ktrU.ll) frh ess. and the ptlie n at low as lint lU&a nooiU tan It,- told at. We do iic t haie an ipulal talc or leaduj hut ut all liniu lauy 3 coniplile u line of JlaiLel (,'ooitf, r'amy ilroctne and latde Dellca (it's, us uii he lound iu the UiEOt Xew York or I'lilladilplua uldih we tell at rifl.l priii i . Si. Pierce, 19 I.iektntuiu Ave. Prompt dtllm. no, u., in rcno ..,,. llniii. I. 'Ilnihau:e will he lilljlil) appruial.'d. Mr. Joint Milliuil,, ol tup :al Sid', died i-3lenJii luonilira' allir a lmit illueit ill, ilinl Uuilm, of Uilke.-llti.i'. -pent yet Hnl.iv with lileiul- Inn. To Cme n Colli in Our Day lak.' 1.1MIIU lllnllto ijuiiiine l" J ' I 1 Jo "