The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 02, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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M WllF-fM IUtH"-MM t
An Excellent Combination.
Tho plcm-ant. method and hcncllclal
effects of tins well known remedy,
.Svuut' uv Fins, inuntifuutiired bv tho
C'Ai.irmiKi.v Km Svnui' Co., illustrato
tlievuluoof obtaining tin! liquid luxu
tlvo principles of plants known to bo
medicinally ltiMitivo ti ml presentintf
them in tins form mott ro fii-Miing to tho
I unto anil acceptable to tin' bvntein. It
in tins olio perfect HlruiitftliutiiitK luxti
ttvc, I'lonnsiiij'llio system effectually,
dispcllim,' coliis. headaches ninl fevers
iieuLly yet promptly ninl enabling ono
to ovorcoiuu habitual constipation per
manently. Us perfect, freedom from
,,..,, ,.y olijiwlioimlili' rpmllly nnd snli--titnco,
audits itoline on Iho kidnoyn,
liver and bowels, without nviilmuinif
or irritatin;,' llii'in, make it. the ideal
In tlio process of iniimifavtitrliif? flifs
nrc used, as they nro ulensuui to tho
tiihte, butlli'Mne'dieiiitii rpialitlisof tho
remedy aw obtained finiu boniutand
other 'aroiiuitlf plant.'-!, by n mctiiod
known to tlio C via im i:i.i i''tci f'ViiitP
Co. only. In order to fret its benelieial
effects aud to avoid iiiiitnlions. please
tcini'inbertlie full nnnioof thn Company
printed on the front, of every package.
xouiGViLt,:;, iry jr,w yokk, n. y.
Fcrtsjloby.ill Dri.'rtrlbl-e PrkuiiOu. nur Ivittlo.
Ice Cream.
c Quart.
'Ulej-fconooriVrt Promptly I).lvorol
r?.-3J7 Adams Avencia.
Scranton Transfer Co.
Kaggagc Cliccked Direct to Hotels
and Piivate Resiliences
Office D., I. & V. Passenger
Station. Phone XVZ.
4Uf I OhlTgLABb)'
m:v t'L'; mow:. oh .rui iu j.hihj
l'lllllllluo Hill uplll .1 fill IlllltIC btcilC .it lil
W.i&liiiitoii junut'.
MIXlLNti iP Ml. VCUW. Hie muutai ut
tin. I'loieiiie lulluii Hill meet 'llmibilaj Hum
in;;, illicit! ul this iniliirii;, at llic litniie.
I I TV INlIlljli:. 'Iliu iniuill intitule nt llic
uty t -a 1 1 1 l t -. will lal.o pi no ucst vvril,, lupin
iniu' .Monti i ft ul 1 1 -.t ni.-i tj ami inclinllii,: I ri
,). I'AY ll.W.S I no Ucl.1n.11c anil llwJ-on cum
limy paid j etcul ly .it tin' Uostoii ninl Ply
tuotlt !i, .No. C, ,!, iikI ,". lollicric-i, all .it t'l-
"-('VV.VM.D 11V C'Alt. I'uiitl, Ui,vitw ii .'U
Miiiilltu tticcr, u.ia frfiuct'fil IntWLt'ii a tar
uiitl tilling .11 llio limlifr mine jrtntliy .ifiti.
noon ami lmlly IiiiiImiI. lie v.-, t lkcn to ll.c
Mu'i.1 'J ij lor
M hill I. IT (IHOWS-'Ilif uu.liu'-vi tl.niu at
lliu "Li-iTitim iiltiliite ilurmir lh tin ntli ot
Uicii u..s tlio I.iikii in its IiIiiki;, ll.o iittlpts
dc 1s,,iJ'.iij. 'I lie liit piiloin in. null wa-i
Jai.uii.t, whtii ll.o iininl who ls,lil.
I'ltl.-llil.N'l IIW.MO.MI '10 fcl'KVK. I'ir.-i-ilint
itijiiiuiul, i,( Wolijan iiniMisilj, at MIJ.
Hi tuivu, I oini., will aililicis t lie r-ttulruts of (lie
"flicol (( tin nun on Wulno.ilij or
'I liur-il i. tit lliU' wk. riirtlur iidllou nf llic
'irii-e liour ill lc jliii,'II iullli-,
III.AI.III ItlJI'OIU -rtnly-lhi ilmtli.. fio ir.
pen it'll tu tliu linaul m l.i.ilih l.tot hclK. lliuc
ltrllll llUlll llllllllll IIU1II9 nuiip, unu ft M.l.
la Inn anil iul Hum lpliuM dui. 'llitie
"I'll' tllllh 111 V tif l.lllt.l'iull-. tlllMnlr,
nlnoUm of whltii win- inti,lt;,i Hu, iliplitlmii;
il.icc, Itplnlil, ami two, i-i.iiltl fun.
-I'M l.(, M:IIVH'I:s.-'IIiI, rti-nlni; nml uiiy
MillllKl lllii. Wll-K, lCipt Mtlllllj.v, ItliltliillM
Kinlni, will Ii In M la Urn rirnl I'ltklijlT'iii
ilmiili llithu mtlii'sHill l Imif ,ii tji lip
I. in pumiitlt " it ".I.. o'iI.mK. All iiiniiluii. of
Hu iliiii.ii ami all otlit'ii iimiistu in iu 1
tm of Hiily Hnl. ,ii r n'iiii'sl(i in muni,
ii nun. ma m-viA.. n,. .i,,l0, Ml of
. i tilijplila, Mill ltuuie liiiillil litfiu llr
I illmlii llUtnilial w.ltii anil Ji;i.
hiiip i lull i ii "A slmi i 'I i ip Intu lliiuli," 'i,if
u Hit Ittini. tcli;tiiiii will U i .mil rul hy
hu inlit . i ul li injiij flout Uuiut'o 'htalut
r i
f 4-f ff
27e offer
subject to previous
Lo'Uigbtou Vntor Supply Co
: QoM Bonds
per cent, Fveo of Tax. Ma
ture 11)20.
Intel est payabio May nnd
f-iciirnl by 1'iut MmlKJu vi'on "11 lliu
pinptily u tin! C'uiiiuii, confuting n(
irul itMlt, inttvtjlis, uam in un.., al
tuliK" W.lltl llgllle, LUIltiai'li, III'.
'I lie t'ainlnji at pivsuil eliuu an aniple
tllip'.Ui utu liutl UKlliJla.
- nrosdnay, N, V. lVillcP';rc. -f
L'atbQnJalc. ' -f
f i, 5 tuii t, Coinnionv.ejUli DM;., -f
f birantuu. (
tfHm tft-tflHl
.Mjiii" ninl i piper will lir mil ly .MIjh Mir
caul MlUln'll,
r.l.i; AI.MIM. -One nt the rmplo.c .11 llic
r'o;no lioiw, at tlio lornor ol Uickintauna nml
I'ttiti atrniir. ifiit ntiiimtl tit iilitlil fliotlly
lufure " n'rlml; lirn lii ' fhinti' toiiiliii mil
nf llif timiiifhl, atnl Mlllimit lntitlfillnir Hie
imi'i' In- liiilinl In ii n alarm fimit Imt Ii In
ftiilil ol tlin liulil, Hi full- tin' llirnipn tirrltril
It w n ilNrotirul llic Mii'iki t mi lioni a
ftrli frr In Hie turn up.
Town Stnitlcd by the Sijrht of a Body
Hanging High in Air.
.lust at diiuii yoHtoulay inoinlnpf it
must Htui'llliiK dl'-ii'overy wan mailc by
several eltlzelis who weie on their way
to woil; In I'ci'kvllle.
Near )v. ,r. It. Hleltler'H lexlileiice, on
Alain street, there .statnlrt In the load
way a luruu maple tiee. fuiin a limb of
whli'h some tuc utyfiet lioni the ninlliltl
there ilnnKlt'd iippeiuvil to be lliu
body of a mail. , nipe wan tuHteiud to
the limb and the tope enellelod the
mek of the rot m of tile HltppuMi d sui
cide. A .sheet, eiir cuine up. Tile inii
toimaii em zed npt in il", IiIm hand ap
plleil the brake and the tar came In n
Standstill The? tnlssellKers nml ton
dtietor I'liiinliered oiiL of the tar and
Kiilhered under the body of the utifiir
luniile: a Hliiall buy yelled April fool
and all hands lllcd hack into the ear.
The mutiiiman elanKeil the hell, and
without once lonldm; hack pul mi the
power nnd npnl Arehlialilwaid. Some
one bed constructed fiom Htnw ami
caut-off clntliliitf a coiintrr
felt ol' a human Iil-Iiik. In fact, a Hllnrt
iIlHtituco away II looked like the
ai'Ucle. Jlumlieds of peoplu wuiecnlli'd
to the si t'lif by the minor si t iillnal
that ii man had eommltlccil hiiiekle by
haii'jimv and the juke was busily n
Joyed b.v n laiffe cloud thai kept in
that immetllatu vklulty nearly all day.
Home (iiiu who did mil stop to Inves
tigate the Hlllelde upoil, j;ot to ;i
'phone and calletl upon foamy Detec
tive AW A. l'hlllipt to hasten thither
and take clinuic of the c.i-o. l'bllllps
bustcued, Conilmc back, however, ho
took hl.s' time.
Black Diamond Bowlers Fell Easy
Victims to Them Lnst Night.
Standing: of the Club'!.
The bovvlliiK inatt-U .scheduled I'oi to
nisht, lutweeii the Scranton I'.ltyele
club and Jtlnek DlamonrJi-, was lnllud lilsht on the club .illc.s and le
hiiltcd in an overwhelming victory for
the Ulevcle club men, who won till
th u-e matches, and had a total ot L."itO
to L'.oao.
George Jlltchell, who had an ttvur
iiku of ISO In the liaal lmvvllnir of last
week, keeps up his .splentlid wuik and
had hiifli .ivciaKe ns.ilii last nif,'ht,
scorlntr )sn. Imtlield's double century
same of .'Oil was the highest
Tho Diamonds lolled In wi etched
form, and only one inn a on the team
.ivcraKcd over 110. The nli'lit'- ."-eoies
wcie as follows:
lll.VLK DIViRiM)-
i u:-
l.oi IIJI'I Hi 'ii Ut 'ri
Kit-, Hi I'll 117 .'i.i
(.'nriiiei 117 lit l, .-,
slnwr II, l(H i, til,:
Wi'tilinp Hu 1 :'i ivi I",,
W (.1! on '.'iijii
HflANlOV I1I0XCI I. ( l.l II.
Uiilllclil li' 'JOi I7i -,J7
Miltlifll i2 pis I'm ,,'ii
V.i!) Muniicr ... . IV I ri 111 Hi,
Jl'iiro I71 Hi 17 ,Vi-
NanMI D 1--, 17' !'-,
Till M l,il J.,
Thb leaves the le.ipue htandiiiR in
the tollowing fonn:
Won It.l. I'f
Itli.trio oluii i. .svi
II it Kit-, t lull I -j ,i.r,7
Wi-,i l ml No :' ;; :; ..,i, lll.iiiiiiiili -, .in
l.lki 1 '. .!(.
Wist Kuil Wliielnui i) j .ruin
The Diamond tall below both the
D.iekus nml AVest JOmleih Xo. .', a.s a
re.siilt of last nlKht's defeat. Tonight
the two Wllke.-7-U.irie teams bowl each
other, and the Niks play on the Uiicktis
Colonel Waties to Build One on the
Elmhurst Boulevaid.
Plans, have been IhiMiod for a mamii
tkenl letiidouce tor Colonel I,. A.
AVat i es to bj located on lite i:imliuit
boulevaid, faeliiK A:,h street. The situ
is op u knoll anil overlooks almoMl the
entire valley.
The realdoiKe will be constructed
of native Muiie and will tost about
$10,000. SijvPial contrai'tnr-. me now
IIkui'Iiik on the plans. The grnuiuhi
arountl the resideiuo will be converted
Into a beautiful park by K. f. KdKer
tou, of I'lilladelphia, the well known
landscape gauliuT,
Cheap Rates to Crlifomlii.
Parties ilcs-lriiiK to make tup to Cali
fornia, Ailomi or .N'evv JliNlto, cither
tor busincMi or plcisiite, inn tlo ho now
at almost half price.
r.very Tuesday, until April until. Iu
eltislve, tickets maiked "Colonist" may
be piuehiiMed via Soiitlicin ltullway tor
$lt,(ii) uom WashliiK-tnn, JltiM iiiuu
Philadelphia, and correspondingly low
prlii s fuiin other polnis.
The Woullierii Hallvay and rtmilheiu
P.u lite voinpaio opera to thiough i .
clliHliin hei'ies l rum Washing-tun,
leaving' Moudavs, tu -.-days and l'"r.
cl.iys, the Tuesday sltepcr being avail
able (or "f ololllsl ' tickets Tlni boith
rate lu them sleepei.s Is only $7.u0, two
penple lulntf allowed to oicupy one
berth If desired. Personal coinluetois
and Pullman pollers go through with
each sloipcr. There aie oilier new,
conveiilint ami feaiuies
connected with those exclusions vvhlih
may bo ascertained I rum (Jhaile.s 1.,
Hopkins, Dlstiict Passenger Ah'eut,
Southern Hallway, SJ! fhe.stntit htieot,
A Spiing- Tonic.
Uvi.iyboil iiccilb a tonic In the
fiptliiK; at this time the bystem craves
n tonic. It Is luuisi -cleaning time for
your body, l.lchty's Ouluiy Nerve
Compound will tone up ymir nervo,
blood, kidneys nnd liver, nnd till )ou
with health and energy. .Sold by Mat.
thows llrothcrs,
Oigans for Sale Cheap.
You can buy n good second hand Or
gan us low ns $10.00 ut Oni'insey Hall,
J. V, aueint-ey, Pi op.. J Washing-,
ton avenue, ycrauton, Pa.
Holy Thursday Floweis
At Clark's annex, lieu AVdshlngton ave
nue, and at our coiner stoic.
McCHutock with His Eabter Flowoia
Will be at PJS Washington avenue.
Intel national President James
O'Coimell, of Washington, Last
Night Addicssed an Open Meeting
at St. Thomas' College Hall on
This Question Expiessed Himself
Confident That Manufactuiers Will
Grant It on May 20 Address
Made by President Mitchell.
Pr'sldeat .lames n'Conricll, of the
Hit I'liatlotinl association nf .Machinists,
last nlirlit delivered a .stirring- address
teKiirdlng tin. ninc-lioiir niovemeiit at
an open meeting ,,f Kleclrlc fltv lodne,
No. HS0, held at St. Thomas' hall. An
Unci oe ting- np.'ech by Piesldent John
Atltclicll. of the Pulled Mine AVorkcrs,
was aiiolhet of the session's features.
Piesldcnl O'Conuoll Is louring Hi
country In behalf of th" nln-hotir
movement. The JikiiI lodtfe met at
Hulbci-i hall at 7.:'.0 o'clock nnd, I'oriii-lug-
into lino, led by Lawrence's baud,
pnradtd the stitcts before going lo lliu
When Pitwldeiit Humphrey fampbell
tailed the ineetlng- lo older tin loiini
was well tilled with local machinists
and visitors, uom Carbondale and oth
er neighboring places. On the stage
sat President O'Coimell, President
.Mitchell, or the Mine Winkers; Martin
D. Flaheily, (i.-orgc tiolhlcr, a number
of oilleers of the Machinists' union ami
memlii'i.s ot the Central Labor union,
Williitm Yoiks, of the Paterson local,
and olhcts.
PlesltleiiL Campbell tnailu a brief lu
ll odilclory .iddicss after an owrluiu
by the orchestra, explaining the pur
post; ol the meeting, and after two
waiml.v applauded selections by the
William Council Glee elub President
O'Coimell was Introduced to his atldl
tnee. He strongly Impressed upon all
his licai ers the value of unionism in
every walk of life and declared that
lb' tl.i.vs of Individualism have long
been passed. As it icstilt of this, he
aiguetl, strikes, lockouts and blacklists
.ue dying out and a more civilized
mode of settling dlllieultlos has been
arilveil at between eniploycis and em
ployes. "The mlnei& bete In your own lionn,"
said the speaker, "have pioved that
with association comes law and order,
power ami .illluenie and Increased ic
spivt lor the working man. Those
fame Illinois have had the coinage,
nun cover, to demand and obtain an
eight-hour day, while you machinists
toll along ton boms dally. Hut wo aie
going to get one hour for you at least
as a stall m and on May 20 we will
receive our answer Horn the omplojers
all over the tountry before whom we
havt. laid our demands lor this ar
langoiiiont." Jiy .i seiies of statistical le.isoning,
Pi'is-ldeut O'Coimell then pioved that
slimier boms meant mine woikmon,
and muie wiukmon higher wages-. "Wo
believe we -will secilie the nine hour
day lor you," he hopefully teniurked,
"and obtain it without any tumble, as
we ahe.idy have the assurances of
many of the laigost niamituetuiers they will grant it, mid only today
two of the laigest concerns, in Now
Yoik staittd It in,"
Jle concluded bis addioss witli an ap
peal for n. porftct oigiinUation and
haimonv-, and played that the machin
ists' demands be gi.inted without their
bting need to lesort to a sliike to ob
tain the cunt ession.
l'lositlcnt Mlttlioll, of Hu- Mine
AA'oikeis-, was gieeled 'with a volley of
applause, which shook tlio i afters, and
ill the com so of a .short addioss, said. ,
'Follow workois, toilav iiimks an I
epo( h in the industrial lilMoiy of this
CKimtiy. Just tlnee j ears ago the I
eight hour day was granted the union j
which I i-"pio.sent, and since that time,
wages have steadily increased and our '
ttado has boon lalsed from tho lowest I
depth" of despondency to it fair foot
lug with the ntliei,
"i kiuvv little of machinists-, but T
.".in anxious tor moio than one reason
for ou to i educe Mtir hours. For
one teuton, that on would then per
haps (idt making mining machines,
and one bane of the miners' llfo be
u moved."
Then tinning fiom the jocular vein
of his last lemttrk, he resumed:
"The ees of the enthe trades unions
will he upon you, as It Is the policy of
the Ameiiciiii Fedeiatlon of Labor to
once a ear single nut a union to try
for shorter hom.s, and your success
or fallui o moans llkn icsults to the
next movement of the same nature.
"Von can depend upon the Mipport
(if all the other ttades, and for my
Title Guaranty and Trust Co.
No. 516 Spruce Street, Scranton, Penna.
Cnpltnl, Rill Paid
niouvi limn.
W1I.I.1VM t IIAII,s..p,
JOHN W 1.1.1,1 s IIOI.UI.MH.CK,
l). !. .IIIIIXMIV,
lll'.MU A. Iv.S.VIT,
AIIIIAM M:sllin.
.lil-ITH O'llltlD.N.
t lit 5T ItOMNfcOS,
Abram Nesbitt, William F. Hallstead,
Thomas H. Wntkins, O. 5, Johnson.
H.N.imines nnd insures titles to real estate.
Acts as Executor, Administrator, and Guardian.
li.xecutes trusts of every description.
Assumes entire clurpe of real estate,
Receives money on deposit and allows interest.
Becomes sole surety on fidelity, couit and official bonds.
Loans money on bond and moitgage.
From time to time will offer to the public high
grade investment securities.
L. A. Wntres
Andrew 11. HcClliitock
Henry A. Knapp
Ralph S. Mull ,
Williird, Warren &
union, I ran say you will find no bet
ter supporters thnii the United Mine
Wot Iters of Atneilea."
President Mitchell then told of the
numerous beneficial results accruing to
tho mine workors since tlio eight hour
day bns been Inaugurated and brottsht
bis remarks! to a close by u lmlf-ser-lous,
half-Jocular appeal to tho ma
chinists to stop making mining nut
chines. TALK BY S. H. SOPER.
College Secretary Spoke at Y. M. O,
A. Meeting Yesterday.
S, II. Super, college secretary of the
state Young Mun's Chilsthtn associa
tion, gave a must Insplilng talk Sun
day afternoon ut the Young Men's
fhilstlan association temporary bead
(Itiarters, Ho spoke upon the lessons
to be drawn from the story of the ilch
.voting man who naked Christ what
he must do to iuheilt eternal life and
who was told to soil all he bad and
follow him.
lie dwell especially upon the last
wolds ol the stoiy, leferring In the
manticr In which the young man left
Cln 1st "he went away sorrowful." It
was not necessary, lu: said, to lurther
follow his hlsloiy. It was tho hlstoiy
of cv'vy limit who has hud Ihe oppor
tuiitly of ucecptlng Cln 1st and win
has failed to taku advantage of it, on'y
lo go back once nunc Into tlio ways
of sin, piobably ii" or lo Kline back.
Harvey Silk Mill Girls to Meet This
Afternoon and Take Action Upon
Superintendent's Proposal.
Althouch Kupelhltelidelil W. 11. D.i
vK of the Summit Hlik Manufactur
ing company Sunday slated that he
would yestottlay give out a lull .state
ment of tho mill owners' status in the
mi. Iter, he later changed his mind.
When seen ycstei day attei noon ho said
he had nothing to s,ay further than
that he had conferred with a number
of tho other operators and they
deemed it wise to maintain silence, at
this jtmct.lre of the situation.
This afternoon will decide whether
or not the Harvey silk mill girls ie
turn to work. Several meetings wete
held last week by tho local to boar
the icport of the committee which
conferred with riupei Intendent Joseph
Haivey, who proposed to them tonus
for losuinlng woik. on none of tho
occasions however, were then! ti suln
t lent number of members of the union
pieseut to take final notion upon tho
important iiuestlon.
Tito Klotz local v ill also meet, their
session being held In St. John's hall,
on Cripottse avenue. Superintendent
Butler, of the Simpson Silk company,
of Mlnookn, was waited upon by a
committee of strikers Saturday aft"
noon and after hearing their piupo
sal, infoimed them that the company
will not ir-cognlze the union. He added in the matter of wages the Simp
son people will pay es near tho scale
offered by the Satpioit company as pos
sible. The Lackawanna mill at Taylor .s
nrw In full operation, and the strikers
tool rather elated over the success of
the Tnjlor girls.
It Will Soon Bo Elected as an Addi
tion to the Counell Building on
Washington Avenue.
The Conuell buildliK. on the westerly
side ot North Washington avenue, be
tween Lackawanna avenue and Spruce
stteet, is at piesent the laigest olllce
liulldiue- In the city, but It is now pro
posed to ineicnse its size by one-half
and to make It compare favoiably with
some of the big skyscrapers of New
York eil.
The plot of giound to the south of
the building, now occupied by the
Grand Anny of the Kepublie Memorial
hall, has been purchased by William
Council, the owner of the building, and
plans are being prepared for the erec
tion of an eight-story addition, with a
forty-five-foot ft outage upon It. This
w 111 be equal In depth to the present
building and will be of similar con
struction, so that when completed it
will harmonize with tho piesent struo
tuio. It will contain a stoic and no less
than eighty offices. There ate 150 otllces
in the building at present, so that the
total number will be I'UO. The Memmial
hall will be torn down nnd the woik of
eonstiucllon commenced Just as soon
as tho plans have been completed and
the conttaot awmded. It is believed
that the building will be tlulshed nnd
icady for occupancy In tho early fall,
Teachers Will Anticipate Monday,
Tho first day of institute, and send In
monthly lepoits Thursday evening.
" Geo. Howell.
$150,000 no
M.onm. n. .sMi 1 ii.
i:i:ki;it waiiiicv.
'iikim.vs ii. waimxp,
li. A. WA'llll.S,
. President
Trust Officer
Knapp, Solicitors.
Matter of Lackawanna Township's
Indebtedness Is Submitted to Him
for n New Report Judge Archbald
Believes That He Exceeded His
Power When Ho Went Into tho
Question of the Legality of Claims.
Suggestions Thnt He Makes to the
Judge P.. AW Aichbald handed down
an opinion yestoulay sustaining lliu
exceptions to tho tepnit of Alloinoy
John P. Qulniiaii, who was appointed
by the court n onuulssloiier lo mar
shal Hi': Indebtedness of Laekawnmia
township. The mutter Is loteitod back
to him tor a new icpuix, The opinion
'IliN l .1 pruiutlhii,' iiftliltitul mi piiitlnii ii f
(lie Mi'0il-i in nf bilk lu. nm i limielilp, iiiulcr
tin Ait of Until .11, l-iil. 1', t p.J, In in ir
li.ill ll.e hiiblilciliiri of th" limn.!ilp lot Ilia
pmpOMi pf mitin- ntikiitl ii kii' Iul li Ifvy to
pay 11 'flic in t pntlilci, "Win ti It tli ill lu'
1'inii in tin t'uirl nf illilti- m vlini.t nf a lit
i-minn ti' t,ii slit" ll'il Hie dililt iliu In aiif
lulikt or liti.iip In Mill tiniilj rliill cvopi)
.lie amount uliitli iipilMviut ei i'M'iiCls n ij
eolkit in .inj .till In t iatiii it at pli m 111
iiRiililol, ' il r-lt ill .mil lint lio I infill
for Mul innrf, allu a.-ci ll linlni !) lirtti
mi ins I lie .'Huuiiiil. nt inilililiilnt nl im p n IP ii
lu ili-liiil ni ImMi-ililp lit i vult of m iinl unu.,
In illril the piup, i oltl. i is li -pi i Id tiMlion
!' nilli it an iifticicnt tn pit tlio sum '
ll it H tliiliidl in l.ihitili Coal nml .Nat I.i
tiiiu ii'inpin.t's ;iiiil, I1J I'a. .'.mi, tint lb"
proct (fling ho pUM.' llicil pio-'ippn-iit tlnl tl i
inili litiilmH li.t- Intu pirvluil-b a-ti it.iiiii I ninl
livnl ,n by jiiilaintiil llic iiiiililm't, scttli nn ut,
in utlitiwi-p, .ti tint Hit' ilioii-i can lit- ut;iililcil
(nly .1s (C(iiti'iiu, , Mnl tliat t lie unlit linl
no puttir t" tiy anil pi-s lipmi llic limit of
(illirr ililin-. pn."Piitiil nnilti it. 'lliu etiii-line-lion
put ui mil Hip tit U l.linliiiL" iipon n-i, ami
a do lint mp liow tin- icpoit of llit loiinnis
liniii'i fill si mil In lliu face of it. Willi (lint
1 ilc i" ami pain-, in Hi'-- 1 11m I lo pintitt till
tmn-lilp fiom tlio Imiili'ii nt imlililtiliit-1 lr-t-linr
npon It, Im ia i niliMtnicil tn ifL tlio li .it
fiuin the (InIT, lint niilnilnnat.-lt lie In- ninki
taK. n limit Mian tlio I nv ptiliilt'l. Iff was lint
.iiitlmiiritl tn hy, un (lie ninIK ,n lie In-, llip
'aliilitv of any tliliiH (onle-loil lu'fon linn Tu
nllo tlii- winiltl Im lo il. in ie Hip pullts nf tin ir
ioii-IItminn.ll light ol dial I't jm.t nlnrh -.f-taiinot
ilo. 'Ii-Kir vi. bliclilon, Hi I'.i. In.
NOl LOMTAll't.AU'.l).
Nor tlot-s the stalnto nmlcr ton-liit-iiiiiun enn
tiinplitc it. 'lliat I- jn,t ttlnt .n iitliinploil
In- llip appilhnK in tlio ta-o In 11.' Pa. fiipia,
lint lliu emnt lulil Hut tiny linl no Mainlini?
ti, ilo mi. This ipio-tion i lino up aDiin in
Iltiwor'- appral, 1J7 I'.i. I'll, unili'r tlie Act nf
Apit !-', ls-7, 1. I,. 01, winch 1- id. illicit with
tin- Aet nt 1-ilJ, pse(pt tint it ulilis to lmi
ntiKk-, nml nut rally 'tai tho s line ton-trtiellon
put upon 11, hut il nn- fin tin i- hthl lint lis
pun- linl lo rlnht lo nitpiviiip, anil imili'it
lliu imklitcilnp's ailiulllcil by llip lioiousii ail
th'.rilii-. To llip -..11111- pnnil clfptt aie- ll.o
ta-p- nf W ill.p--lluip li.wn-liip, I ktilp si, mJ
Wilkfn'llinc luun-lnp, '-..nth, s Kulp .111.
t ufortunililt tho i unimi ionoi bv ili-injauliii-the-
l.iw so laiil down In- toll, n lufn
turn. Ilo li.i. Inaiil it citat Itiith Hie pniits
pio ami ton wilh I'fr.iiil to ili-puinl ililm
.uiii -uiiii he allowtd ami oiut Ihiottu out,
anil lit' his inituittl into tho ihnittii a- well
ns (ho ciiu-u tt attitiii nt jutliauiuta duh t(tn
(ltd ac'ilu-l llip towu-hip, ami ill- illnt.ul lliom
in wholp or in put on tho giniiiiil nf .nlln-lon
and rlhti-weo, ac(oidiiiir tn hi- i onit lion- fiom
Hie rvn'dipe pioihittil. An .uiuiler di-lnliulin;
liiials in i mil I it distil fuiin .1 shtiifl's -do mo,
Ik culliuiitd to i-aiuinu into Un) eollii-ht
thaiattir nf a juilsmi ut uinl lt'lu-f pij'ncnt if
n ll -') fuiiinl. Mulji.v'- Appi il, 10J pa. .iJil.
lluL hi- puwns ate tiy dilTticnt tioin Iho-o
of a ruuiiuu-ionii- liiulir llic -tiluti' wliltli we
have licio and aiu not tu ho .is-unud on annum
nf nin -uppi-cd .iiiilo'j. .liuUniiut- tjiilj u
(Ctticd in louil- of coinpttt'iit ,url-dii lion no
cnelii-ive ol tlio ninouut -o f'juud ilui in a
ptu(i(diur ot Hu- liituii' Hid iieilliLi Uieii tlin
aetcr inn- tin lutnhiil of t lie- puly in ie, i i mg
llicin tan he' iiiqiiiiiil info. Mmh 1 -- tin tiuj
lu- nuiimueil oil ti'tluiuil olijuluu- -nil a
th it they aie ba-eil on lown-lup milci- on wliltli
Mlit r-.mti.jt bo niaiulaliiod by tilt- holdti or hi-.i--iKine.
All Mieli iiu -In-n- .no nnmtd in the
juilKiiirnt liiliind uliiih we c.itiuot i-o
CM: Mi's l' f.O HVCK.
As Ihe lopurt nuijt he tot aidp and llic ow
go hck for a new ono, thoic i- no oioa-ion toi
nolltiiia: strulini ilu- tvKplioie- wlmh into
beta lu it. A caulul eou-iiloi ition nf
tho lasts tiled, In nine al-o in uiiiid iii-i linl
Iteil poweis, will no doubt -ate Hit 11011111-.-sioier
lioni ftiluro euor. It may be vtcll, how
our, to obsene tint 11 pioeonlui',' cf this (hai
actcr btais little it'.-tniblincu lo one tunlci- the
Act of Juno 1, lsTii, p. j,, pit, piovidln,' foi
nscrrlaiiiiiig and apportioning the Imlilikilinsj
wliere .1 town-hip i- ditidetl and a I1nr11u4.l1 tit
aloil out ot .1 pait ol It as wa- the ta"e in
Jonkins Vo. Yatosvillc, 1 Kulp lw, on wlntli
tho toinnii-sioiiir Is tald lo in put itlied.
Ahoio all it ij lo be borne in niliul tlio
jiuipum; to be attained is the nine .unit tin
im nt and computing of Hie iiudi-pulnl iiuleliU.l
up-5 of Hie ta ill-liirl aflirttd, to that 1 tp(
c1.1l rate 111 ij- bo leiled uinlti- tho ilunli'ii of
tilt cum 1 to pit- it.
'llic whole piocea-, as it i said, is ts-uilnlly
tM'Cutlniiaiy in wliich hy tin- i-Mtulc tlie cum.
niini law ndniinl-lrativt fuiitiiou- of th. iU.ulir
t--ions ure drawn upon. No doubt tie tuiuiuu-
tlonir iinj st ilc In his repeat lint certain 1 hniia
made .imitt-t tlie tnwu-hip .ue in ill-pule, tikins;
tan) tu sen tint tilt- di-pulo Is 1 in- ttiuth ihe
pally 1111M11K it 1- t ul i tlnl It, laitt, ami 011 Ibis
ii.i-1-, williotit pi-slua: upun Hull ullliiiili v il
iililt, and btiut; taicfiil In bite it upper tint
ll.' tlnC- nut, he un) omit tht m Hum Hit M.lnelule
of debli vthldi he icpoiU for pitiutiit, lit nut
al-o pn-.,l be- aulliuiUe'il lu divide up 1 lalui-,
f-oiiiu Ittlil-of whith aie lmi ili-puliil, wliih mil-ir-
arc, but this, U tlouhll'ul, Ami .i,iiu, if
otlfT 1 1 ilnn, wliclliri In juiUliknt m 1111
iluil.ililj plid, U would stent .1- IIioukIi thi-n
(utiid bo piopiilt icputtnl maillMl and iissnl
bv. lie may till tin 1 for .1 I ll.e h.isuii oinit il.uuis
l'ot ill jui'Ultlit Wlllill till tbtll lace ait' ln.i'1
Invalid. Tho-o oli-citallon.- aie muiii -lito iih.l.
ly III order I" ti ami aid in iho imitii m In-
liOll Of tin- pli'hUlll Willi ll tile 11 IIIIIII--IUI11I- lu
ll' lull- I1I111, and wliltli i not 111 ia-j ' n".
l,M)MIMUM,v- UMlllMOl .
Iho iiiilt'litt'dnc'ss nf (hi town-lilp is tin nn mi
and invited 1 i l; i 1 1 in.iin, and vie 1 iiiin.r bit
itniniiml tlio rfoit o tin iouimiioiKr lo m
il, however mict', lint this I- nut tlio 1 u
lo tin to nor aie hi- puwtii aiUiutto fur iho
purport-. While ll may ho line, 1, niiml, tint
1I16 iiuiit slioiill not luul Us aid in 11 iiululi ut
1I1I111., Ii"i- priil i'lo by .1 liull'l mm- in Unu
payment, it 1 .1 i-nfflt ieiit pioiuliou ,n,uu3t ill
lauiL- Ja to Wlllill Hie su'i,, -I lou 111. ij P. I ,w
lully luade lo tlind t Item aside tur the piiMiil
wilhout tlti-idlna; upon tit 'ir vditlltt, so tint
othilj ai tu which there i in tonliotciy 1 ,n
be paid.
'Iho titrpllon, olhir Hi in thine ol Un- Peli
ware, LitKawaniu uinl Wi-tern railroad -au u.
laiiiul, and the lopuit of the loniiuiiriiiir sit
atitlo, and llic cast itlcucd bail, lo lilui lor a
new 1 1 poll.
Pupils Gave a Recital in Guernsey
Hall Last Niht,
The pupils ol tho Hcraiituu I'ollcue
of .Music, Ituydu i:vuus, dirt. 1 tor, gave
a iccltal last uib'ht In (Itierusuy hall
heroic an audience which coiufortably
tilled the auditorium, and which was
not sparing1 In its npplaiihe.
The piano bolos vveiu among the best
numbers on the protrrunmie. They In
cluded a bpleudld lentlltiou of .Mus.
l;ou ski's waltz in 10 Hat by Kilvvard
Williams, and beleetlons by .Miss, Jennie
Uynon, A. Milton Charles, Ivor Pi Ice
and Miss Uairiet Jaekbou. ltcclliitioiis
wero given by Miss Norinu Decker and
I You're Thinking- i
I About Easter Presents
Uf colliso you aie. A Vase, Jardiniere or l;ern llisli for g3
Howcrs or plants. Possibly it's an liaster Wedding. Wc ife
huvt! lieen looki 'g ahead lor dainty articles, which will be 5
longest chciishcd as gifts. ,
Our line ol ioc,, 35c nnd 50c. Novelties is large.
Look them over, J
Geo. V. Millar &
I Always Busy. j!
1 14 and 116 Wyoming Avenue
h4 n '. C ft)'.
Of Course Our Guarantee
Ladies Easter Shoes
Lad'es' Fine Dress Boots
and Oxfords lor Easter. .$1.00
Ladies' Fine Dress Boots
and Oxfords for Easter. .$1.50
Ladies' Extra Fine Diess
Boots and Oxfords for
ter $1.75
Ladies' Supeitine Dress
Boots and Oxfords for Eas
ter S2.00
The Children.
The spice of life. We
haye for them the kind of
shoes that will protect their
feet thiough lite.
Infants' Soft Soled Shoes.. ioc
Infants' Diess Shoes 25c
Infants' Full Dress Shoes. 50c
Children's Dress Shoes... 75c
Children's Supciiine Dress
Shoes S1.00
114 nnd 116 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton.
U it ttr 3T&9
s s i our Hi
f -. -- -
In good shape for the ridiug season?
Is the time to have your vork doue.
it propel ly.
Bittenbender & Co.,g
$j 126 and 128 Franklin Avenue.
M P .t- -. - "- "-' -' " ' - "
New anivals in Foulaids, New Waist Silks,
Inclusive Styles m l-.astcr NecUwear,
Panne Velvet and Satin Stockb, Luce Collais
and Jabots, bsle and Silk Hosiery all being
Specials for Today.
126 Wyoming Ave.
Mibs Nina Olinsjicad, pupils ol' Mis
P.lllllllO t'OBbWoll Hull, tilt) IllbllUCtl-l-bh
ill elocution.
Violin holo.s vvcie lulidoicd bv .Mbs I
Nellie Mack and l-'iiiiilt Hoylc, both ot
whom displayed much pioiiclency. The muubers included a baiKoue bolo .
by W. A. ltobc-ils nnd a duct by him-
self and Mm. Pumk Uiundase. J
Co. miSJ9
Easter Shoes feu
every member of
the family. You can
select from thejold
favorites the kind
that made our
shoes famous or
from the new
friends, those
smart, up-to-the
minute kind.
Goes with Every Pair
Misses' Kxtra Fine Diess
Shoes $1.00
Misses' Superfine Dress
Shoes $1.25
Hen's Wear.
Men's Boots and O.xfotds,
in a' I leathers .$i.5o
Men's Fine Boots and Ox
foids $2.00
Men's Extra Fine Boots and
Oxlords $2.50
Men's Stipe rline Boots and
Oxfoi ds S3.00
The Boys.
Kittle Boys' Fino Dress
Shoes 65c
Little Boys' Extra Fine
Dress Shoes x . . . .75c
Little Boys' Superfine Dress
Shoes $1.00
Boys' Fine Diess Shoes. $1.00
Boys' Extra Fine Dress
Siioes $1.25
Boys' Superfine Dress
Shoes $1.50
We do jJij
,,. - ... - - ..
l)lll twellty-tllleu bllildine,' pcliuii I
wete isbtud by Inspector Jackson dm-,
Iuk Urn month ot Maich.
Tlio total value of the buililliiRS ft.e
wliich iieiiulls wuie Ususd was i"J .
Of 3.
& Co.