t,i"om u?i) 'iPii! v'iiw"vt'''ti-vsJic 'it - VMwvf, M-r THE SCRANTON TIUBUNE- w TUESDAY, APRIL 2, .1901. READJUSTING THE GOVERNMENT OF SCRANTON. Red-Letter Day in the History of the City Marked by Many Important, interesting and Exciting EventsRecorder's Cabinet and Subordinates 'iKVsW'MM'ntWM & i& ftsS ftso tsa ' Vi, ' OLD COUNCILS EXPIRED NEW ONES ORGANIZED There Was an Exciting Time in Common Where Chairman Calpin Ruled with an Arbitrary Hand. SClsAN'lUN diil nol piosress ns It might huso ilmie .sc'stonluy In the t:ik-lnr "ii of Its new fm in nf Koscinunnl. r.eciuelcr Molr withhold his rtppolntiuoiilK until too Into In tin1 iluy tor the now o(lkl(i1! lo assume duty: hi made nil tin ssnrh il ihe ulil count lis In 1 1 .tin tiif? a tcorR.inintloii (itillnuiiee by 10 tumliifr It without his apptnval, and the Democrats nf common count II bv stipeilnr generalship . 11 tl the fart that thn Kniiuhlkvint swio not it unit con ttollerl tin- niKtllllAltioii ot tluit body 11111I ptosonteel the suitlnir of tin iNlia niemhets. Tho election of C. i:. Chilli mien .m 'liuhnian ol s"lei t council: V. 1'. Cal pin. .tt cli.ilrnmu nf common touuill. V. f. ks tii'tl, us clei k of common rouii 1 II. anil tlic it'Li-lpi of tho urnitkrs nies's.iire eoinpiiso tin ski It-ton in what wns accomplished THE REORGANIZATION. km I) lit tin iiiiiiniuir Hi' uppi 1 i or ildor or ll hall In"-;. in Id fill up with the usual iLolffaiii.tliun tiny oiowd. At I" o'clock (lie attendance was Mich its to pa k tin- t,,tlltiiis and all Ilic spine in ami about llu ehunibeis ft mil which a sens of tin- pieicedliiKs of the councils (tuild be Kalnul the bljririst jam, of irnti!-", behie, In the enniiiiori council loom The ipliiiiK s-i.( t council mil at OfiO with J'usiili'nl ('. r. "Wanner in ilicihah. Mi oUsci- tiled to hai the; otincil iKiiu-iiki its olc on the Cai bou street p.iliiK oulin.inci . claiming tliiit-.i thtee-tom Him sot" was net co sily to milk, it lilnilinir and that it had noser leeched inou than fifteen otes 01 one li than the ninth d tliKi-lom th. I'Hiiull, hosscsri, ic titvt.il to cone'in llsilt about Jit iHI- ci ' poiui and doto.it d his motion. ficr Mr. Km ho had the council adopt till lUstoiuuis u-solutlon 01' thinks to tin letutuini; 1 hah man the council ad iotti m d 'Im ilii At lo o'i'liic k. whi'ii tho new oun 1 II- met. .li ("lemons was elected tontpoiuis 1 hub man without opposi tion ami thru .Mr Chitlendin -was se- 1 "ted osci Mi. ("ostello lor peimanent 1I1 ill man 1. 11 -ti U ( puny sole ol It to jo. Tin' 1 illi. ol llii' list 't--don wcic diopter) and alter passion a tesolulloii oiieied b Mi 1:01 he. i)i iiilii;, loi a eummittie of ne to pupate such li'jr Mathm as s nil Csv it v to 1 olliplete 11 leoiKUlii ilioli ot the cil mint's, a ie 1 'ss u is t.iKen o nit 1' t hi Joint session to heat the ikokIiiS messuL,e. Excitement in Common. 1 oiiimoii iiimicll. us miKhl base been epi 1 ti d, and a.s w.is opnled, tui nlshed tin cMitcincnt, wltliuut which no icoiirnni.ution is complete. .lullils Tins, Driitoiiat. one of the "1 (ia"ioiiiiiioiieistiiiin theXinetif nth w.ml hail been sciiiiid to K'1 nlollii" ssith the IJcpulilii ans on oifrjnl.atiou "Willi theli own ninot'cn phis Tioy tho Ucpulilli ans would hue a niajoiitv of the I'Mundid cuiiiu II of thlt ly-eiht ami It was 1 licit pttipose with this ma im It) to elfei t the de fai to oiK.ini.a llon while tin lX'iuoi'i.its weic ot-jun-l7hit; on a husi m twenlj-one, and the republicans. h.iiltiR tin' lei'oulor .'c 1 tucd 10 iini(,nle tlieni and itnioio tin iJiiuoiiatie bod thev could lotce the Dcmouats to lake the iKBie"-e in the litigation t tin I limit ncedK ensue Hut .Mi. Tioy puiM'd a dKippoint 1111 lit. Ills sole purpose in ac,icoiiiK to ko alom? Willi til Kipubllians wat- to put lillllM'lf ill tile position OL heillK tllU niatt who made Republican vletoty possible and thcioby be llieuseil to de. 111a mi pictty much what bu wanted in the wuy ot commit ico places. Kmly in tlie nioiuinfj, howuvcr, soptal of the Ik'puhlUans who bclled Mr. Hoba tlinu inollijible fur the ehalinian.ship oblceliHl to bis beiiiK' (iilltllliicd lie tile niimince mid another caucus had to be hold. Tioy lieiatne filRlili-nol at the poshlhility ol tho Itepnhlleaus not lie Iiik a unit, and not wishing to p-'el; piotcctlun fifiin tho wet In .1 house tluit nun not intact, ho went into .seclusion and leiualned there, till the excitement Mils all in'er It was within a 1 - minute nf Id o'clock tho hour unpointed by law tor l''oiKinliilK befino the UemocialH dined attempt a meetiui;. They feared Tioy inlBht nt any moment come, aiouud ami take .sides with the llcpub. Hi an, so they put olf tho I'onveiiins .null the voiy last minute. Would Have Used Toice. T10) was In tho Miect luuuuihsion. If'h llllloc Willi M clOWll Of IhMUOCllltS and while the litttui iiiK.iK'd him ill i'ua hi tuition tho "hold oor" and new ' ic'snUu" DemoeiiitK stole down stall s, took llicli heath ami piiuedcil to bu.sl. llehs, Tl0 did not lit tempt to coino down. If ho hail lie would not have hueccuiled for it bad hi en (Mm mined in keep him unstnlrH If lotce vah uec cpsary to accomplish it, The rtopublloans we to In llu chain In r, the old coiiuclluicn ouciiplitn: seats and the icccntly olected ones Mnuillnf; at the f-Ulcs and icai of the room, .Mr. Calplu tool: tho 1 hair at IO.Al ami lapped lor order. Albeit Lewis asked what body nan being; tailed lo outer, riiulinian Oalpln .uiswoied: "The od council," and iinnieiliatoly illneted rleilv Lnett to pioccd with the 1 oil call. Then the fun begun and lor hull m hour It waxed fast mid Unions. The appended sketching ot thu discussion U to be lead Willi a picture before the mind of an cm lied body 01 men ili 11:01 lug tor lccoKiiltloii, iitikim,' mo tions, calling 0110 anothei to onlei, de iiiunilliih" of the chub man that ho do this, tint or tho other thlnn, piolest I11K jiKalnsl his dolus: in- lallliiK- to do the other tint 01 thU thliii;, and all lnj while a hue 1 unnl of spei tatoM shoutitm platiillts or ptotcsts, clapping hands 01 immhinr;. as tho newest oc c'lineiicc moii d them. As soon as tho ihulr unnoiiiKcd tlmt It was the old imtnell that was to meet, .Mr Killer laNeil the point of older that It was after lo o'clock and the old louncll had prone out of existent o. I!ptv mmi In the houso thc.t hail .1 w.iteli pulled It out and iiuiioiiiueil the lime. Tin- watches showed the hour to bo atowhcic tiom 10'li: to IfiMO Calpin 'Tixed" the Time. The 1 ool, cilin, eci"mlHiiif Mr, Cut' pill dilib"i.iti Iv maiilriulated the hands of bis walib 'otbat they showed it to lie fne mlnutis of ten and t lion with the iitteiesl saiiR- Hold ilcclaied. "It Is only tle minutes of ten. Tlie link will piocii'il with the 10II." Cleik Jj.vnetl made a blufl at oiillEnvr the toll while the 1011I union oil the floor wis faiilj hew lldei Iiir- and when thu Ihst lull came, miiiouuc etl thar thfie weie twenty members ptesent, 1 'hib man Calpin consulted his pio giittiime and called lor the leading of the miuitui. Thev wen- 11. td him kil ls" mid dec laic d apptoved. Then ('hairinaii r.tlplu put a motion to ad journ sin, die, (leclaieil It cm tied, forthwith called the new cmiiu II to older and ilhectnl the del k to call the toil of the hold oier ni'nibets. The een Detnocills onlv .inswend to theli naiiii The chair called for nom inations 101 liinpoiaiy chiitinau. .Mi. Coleniait uomluiitcil Mi ''.ilnin. ATt . i'aine noininateil Mr. ICellei. Alhett JUcwis noininateil Mr. Itobath'iii Tlie iletk was then ilhecUd to 1110 eenl with the 10II. He bean to all the mil ol Hie LwonH -one minibus, who. ui 1 ot dim; to the Deinoi lallc view Wiie to conipo-i Hie new 1 onituoii 1011111II Mr. l.i ill' deni indeil to know white tlie loil bad hcen ecim d. "I'd like to know who mule up this j oil." Mi I'aine kept lepeatln. The 1 hair was loo busj to answci kadlni; ciue tioiiv Alwoitli. Km lin, faitiidce, rlillllps, Cliiike, lliiRkeii). howls. Itiliim, Uatiei and Kolltt anweied to I he toll Cleik I. sunt auiioiinetil thtt Hu ll ilhan had iiocixcd tour sotes and I'alplu 1 hlit' en Calpin ilulimd hlni seJt 1 loetid "Wanted Recognition. cii.iiimau ('ali)ln 1 ailed J 01 the ier tillcates of Hie newh oleitcd memhits. .Mi. Kelp i tailed tot ice ojrnilion The ili in- told him then- was iiolhhiK be iole tile house eceit the UHeipl of the 1 eititicate.s ot tho newlv elected niein- (in Ken nli r's Office pill 1, iioi In the ll.jn.1r.1lK tin" silnl iml l '"iniinill ( i tin- ell.. l.iiiiluni :i. 11" diirtri it ihii iit nukes il tin tin t v el i li. 11 1 ouli r it cutmnmuc Mr to j.eiir llflllul lllli l"llln ti It a-t unit 1 m 11 1 ht III 1111 nf of tlit fiiunics Hid ki 111 11I luiiilition nf city .ill ins, iml 111 (liuliuiic llitnlo, 1 luliuilh 1 1 lipfon sou lie. liul ine..i(,t' umlii tin ut il until pi id Im Ilii' Kuuinmcnt nf litic ol the miiiiiI cl 1 Our pri-uit li titer Im nun .1 1 1 cm M m li 7, ri, .mil tin- entile (if, iruunimuil lus to If 11 oi-'inlul In toil! Hunts Mitlt Its I'loii-iiii- Hilt 1 liiiiu, 1'iin 1 ruliul iluiuc 111 tin- lire uue li of ma i u, n lirro inoj orliou ot 0111 tlllm-. 11' iiiiisirili iiiiiieiniinlitl witli itt 'link! it inil lit'iict' nird It nitli oiin tit -uue if sisu inn in I I'M 11 iiiifrlitiilluit.t.. Hit (in 111 ot innnUlinl i,"oiiiiii( nt I'loslldl 111 em rliuui K In 1111 Minion in I'tilUiil on.-. Il U l no 1111 aw t iiiiitiLiilil, en tin tuitiiri, 11 ! .1 oili)il tinn of Hip luo-t il it tli il lilillii ilpil Inn ni In o,'ui in (In. tu si kouiiuiI mtinltli'itliii 3 In tin s.n Ions rt 111 s In 1 lie riii.ni. Intlt nl ot ,ini .iiliuKluii m 11111 ri Mini 1. im. tpuli-lliilltx, 111 Mi it, tiiihin ainii. Hi , 1 ti , wc now lino tin ii.i s-i re , 01 it mi nil ileil it fpuiMtlliis, titcil Iroin ill ii'iiliinliitllii inllii. 1111ft Hut tunl in ililuinli .mil uillo tin iittfn let if inlilc oiHt iil. Out puu nt, iluilir ill- iili 1- tin i Hi. niii rutin nt Into 1 suuliie iltpiil 1111 ills, ink lining Hiu.ile ilntiuithe pimioi .mil tliul's mil ill .liinili rttiutiMlilt to one IMIllllW 111 III I M lliMLlolt llltcllts llllillM I irl.iiiiini. In llnx S.UI.1I iliputineiiti., uhl. li .il llii lime unlit, Iiiiaiwi, lm 1111I11I1 riuijPi tin' Tlie City Finances. In iI.im- win ,110 Iniiriftiil In t ktmlj rf tiip Hi) lliuiiiit, I loiiiiutiul tho loniinllii'ii ,1111111 d Iijmil, ulilili l Iluv. Inl.no 1. .111 lionoi lli limllit 'I Ilk i.iillilit riillmiii' cf tin Iniiieitl iciitlilluii ot Ilic 1 lly un,lit In iciilii' tlit- iiuiivit plllllillt), ,lt l It .1 I01ll,l. (ttinj; (g, III ,0. I ill ot mil llnuiciil t.iniiipf, '( lie f, Honing Ml1lll1uli.-1.1l fttltniiiit prPMiiis tlie i.inljiloii o llio hull liliilinti nf tin' (In .it tit' pi 1 -rut tha. ; Told lit) In Iriilciliu s,7is fi HI somu.s, ( i.-li in i,(titj 1 In arcoitnt.f ;.i, I'li n Jnlil.'.l ml oliiMn? 111 tul .111 nniN ITI.iiii? .1 )lilliii)titiit lis ami ntlivi II. nit rolli ti .l.l. ,, vililiVi in 'J.1N llllplil ito c JIKI, io, 1 MIIII r ' .1 limit in. I nun lllbiioll .... -iH'i, .VI i l,("a lillllltillll In M111I1 I. I i., i;u'7 ; ',i, -j til !i,P IN" siskimi TM, ,S.i)' M'S inipLAi'iiiU't loan, Jh'l- iVki '! N.I) ,vg iiiipiouiikiit I.1.111, pnln , i),nnn im ItdkiiU'llwi Mri, nrit4 ISjJ, i),itfm im - III :! 10 cl ill) iii'klutJiti.st . , HAIJl 7fi 'I lie nnll luinilid Inilililriliiiiu of nur thy bih ti, -11 iiukililc p..--llloii .auent; the hico llILt ef tin lipulill. , tutii'iiiuitl) Minn nr ImiiiU J re pl.ut.l on tin inulit Ilii) 4rc uj,ul)' oii,lil lor Ji j 01 l puniluin jn. I ho lnu.'t Inkit'it utis Taxation. 'linn' 1, no eiilijict p. it lining to tho alininis. trail n u( iiiuniil)il ulfiir. cf tficilrt monuiit t all Hie pi unit' II1111 I In' ipi. i-ilon 01 tasalliii. hili nit' ciil) loi- Miuuci flint ulilili hc citj cm .kilu' lit r ii'iiiiuii: 1 ii.l- Us cm it'll cvUle. .Sctcllll I tiUOl HlCIl-fl. 'Iniril- Poll Ijv on ill Untile ol one dollar pci i i.lu. Iwi", Mr. Keller conllntied to rail ".Mr. Chalimati." Tho 0J111I1 mini kept b, al ius; his tfavtl and ill miimllm-; 01 dor. Mr, Colciuttn was inaUltif,' n lot of mo tions and ptotcsts and di mitlitls that served nnlj to mill to the Rcnenil din. Mr. (luirell w,ih llkowke piolllle of motions, Mr. l'alne wus ptittlmr foith ptolcsts nnd (lemamls lit leal lli'llu tuint I ones "Air. Calpin kept 011 stull Intv nnd 11001111(7 his Kind Thcie came u lull uii'l the din If n cognized .Mr. JCelJei The latter ailed titteuttou to the fact that onlv twentj-one names appealed on tho toll untl that there won- thhtv-elKht 1 omi oilmen ekifed mid ptesetit to lie sworn lu. "I waul their naines to he icad." ald Mi Kellar. 'This nialtei has jjnl to he nut miiii. time. We inlBht as well meet it now." "That will come up when the icillfi cates :11c lead," iiloth the chub. "How ninny eettllkates haw veil thi'ie." qtici loil Mr. Killer "lloallv I 1 1 tti at a loss to sav That Will appeitr ivIl'Ml the 1 lei It lllli-lirs readinfr them," "aid Mr. Calpin. .sttill ItiKly. "How 111 my bae ou"' -.i Id li. Ki'Ilei'ln an olt-hmid wit to the ileik. "I don't know, but tliete ave not Illbty-elKht bete," the ( lei k u piled. "If auv incmlior nej!leelei to ptesent his eoitlfio.Uo," suitl the (bail "it Is his own fault. I tailed lot thcui at tho pioper time." .Mr. Keller 11 mat ked tlitt the law ie iiuhe" that the iicotibr sJiall niesent the certllliales and that anv i ei tllloato not pr seiiloil b the tccoulei sould nol be locked. Hud Duplicates. ' The leCoitlei had sictlled the ici litliates 1 1 mil the piolhouotais and was to ptcint all lhlit-e'ii,rlil. Tho Ucmnciats unlkiplUd Ibis l stiui iiis" duplicates. Til" eleilc then plieieiled lo lead the leiilflcites That of M. .1. Clai ke. of the I'li.st waul was the Hist toad and while bait the nioinhois wen- on the lloor ilanioiiiiir for leionltiou, Ke eoiik'i Molr hustled 111 with the oi tlllcutes ho had secineil ftoin tha piothonot.it. The iK'inoctals utld tin heed to Hie icioicler's ciitue but, went on with their pioKiamme. Ciaiko's ceitllkato was tead and Mr. Calvin mocd that II hi ntepled and Mr. duke swmn In The ccititicato ot J. .1. i:ans .mil V W Thomas, Itt -publicans who ie c kited I10111 the Klisi waul, and wIiom-i ci ttllcatos wtio nude out tolntly with "Luke's weie next bioiiKllt up lot cousltk-iatlou. and .siiiiunfuily (llspu-ed of, chnhman cal pin 1 ulhiK that a-s llioie was milj uue vac anc to be tilled in the Flist waul, mid .Mr. Clarke has iiik- Ik en elected lo that aonnc. the cot tinea to- ol Umuis mid Thomas had no plate hi ton tin i nunc 11 and niu.sl be 1 tiled out of nidi t j Thus the whole list was jrone thimiKh with mid bv aibiliai. lUlbiK-. sui h as in Hie CLuke 1 use, the i hail pit ketl out the lwent-otic nicnibeis who wcte to be lit Ottnitd. Willi' Hit- N'iiieuonth waul loitllunte was hi'liiK cousideioil. Mi-. Killer tilid l'alne made elfotts to j-el the H001, lull Clialiman C ilplu iKiioied Hit 111. and at a hiKiial 110111 Mr is"et Hi.' Recorder Moir's Message to loin Hi Kcccipts fiom il. piiliii. 11I-, Hint, n r mitt. etc. I 111I1 Id 1 u it fen 1 In en 1 mil nut isi.l 11 in i hitt t, f, r mIiIiIi an oitlunner iniitt In pt I in iictorilinti mIUi tlnrlt r, Siiuh li I ..ip.jiai.' puwiis, suthm . I'll iirnph I Inn i,ooiliitl z 11 ruoiiit't the tut tlui 1 itrtiin niiiuiini of 11 Winn' it nhtolntilv neti- in to t my on tin liieinc-t .ill ilit 1 1 ill fount it eitil iniui)' incut. A Im, iiiiililil. mil iiiipnli.il it-i -tin lit ef unpens lit lisiiuii fni tin- mli' iitivnr. ot il.flllli- mill the neie ny is pctiti' 1 f llio ouiiiinint I, elmfiilli iiijtiliMnl ill In ill 1tliolie llllill, pO I0I14 It tin h rtwiiiit". .in In ne-ll. Itl.li. kli-! iml iiiiuml. tdli isptnile'l. 'I hit limit tun, li It th' iinpiriine ilnl) of 11. ij i iihlie t, njut .hirmil Willi the Mcretl ohlltiillm nl tli-hin-inc; inuit) eolliileil tiom ihe tjspjscii. u itnliiju uity IS -til tlile 1 pi'Oitiinlli lu 1 1 u ) . 1 1 n the llll.lui- nl thotc mIii liaiiltli Ilii im in.t ()r -up'poitlii.; the uinniiipil son liminil, f luul ik,l uniiiil 1011 liniiui iblc horliit IJitt .1 loiv tas 1 ill I- the 1 1 -t nil el tit 1111 nl wtin It 1 111 I.' ..11. ml to tin suihl It 111 lllllll. 1 1IKIU to in IIIUlll tnurt nnl luinc mhrih in oi.itc within our hotitnliritt litl Mhlh mi hut,! like iml cspnil the tnoniy nuiHiir) to run run uti j,ouinniiiit iml proihle In the licci.-slliis if out . illin-. It U t-ilillil in nr.I't' In in ilnt tin 1. 111 mihtil' pititlon 14 Inwtik' ll'P luMItt lis 11I1 nt all 111. lllKPllllS In llu liiln.l sin,4, wo must ,,p (j, rue nt the limna. 'Lain "'s-ihlc ",U iMritkn of mine is lo our Imi r it t nf ttsitiin 1 in le reiilll) Uliliil In lefuritii; to tin t il.nlitt'il teputs nf tin Ijirc i Ilii 01 mil 1 0111111,1, In thk 1 mini 1 lion I inj i-tili th.il (m j,roit luiotitllill luf linn inipij-cil on 1111 of ip. P ilntliii," .1 l.mul of llu i....'-.r,i.-. u i..uii.. t. the 1 ! ilii 1, iilii.-e ilnll.w ,11 ,P H nl ,,,, 0IUI0I1-, Mho 1 HI I o iniiln.l in ihjKi tl( , ( Ii.tisitiiint in 1. mill line with the let, 1 u in mill i'l 1 illlfiiinl l.iklt from llul m1h.Ii hi, pi, ulliil hirttifoie Of all llu ill pilllm nl, llm Is the mutt inip.rtinl In 111s 1 -lini ilii 11 Sim nf 1ar.1t ihillli ntnl tini'il inUni. 111 .in n.pU, I. I leel 1 .int.. Iml tint llu- nun Mhtti.l will inue me up to tin iitiihiiniiil,. Hie iiuiiiht tn.ni lliiiioi IliiliM, je lu In (Mens uf inn UI I 1 st ilii iti .-, the esnt lielnif iri.i 1 ppoitiitu 'he liiittiti in 11 ,i,tn In. 111 lie poll tas 1, uiv luluiiiii' II will he in (i, ui) foi uiit li'inuihle I'otlltt to jt nine Jul Mitlotil il, In iminnliU' all Olillinii ! iinpnrliit, 1 liuiw 111 .ill tin 1111 Usui 1. ip. nil. .ns ss till li line lint limuiiiit, dim usitlin ir li il pnrpitit lionlofoiei frnin lliit soiitic Liuiaiili 1 ihle irtiiiuii Mill 1 1 11 iliul, Depnitmont ot Public Sntety, II'IO lf lilt Mill.! llllns ot 1 Ull llllllli, iptlilv it. In luuil-li .unpin iroltilioii to ill hu utiiin nml lliclr piopul) it all llm,, lluokiiliiU' thk Lu I, It will l.t tie 1 inn tt ile.ii, ,,( hhm ,1 , llm tlirictoi nt piihlle afil) In iltw 1I1I, ilqutt. lilitil tip in llu hUhitt e-.-ll, .1 iml ml ,,1 ,11,. tiility in ail lie Ion 1 .1 us thu, ut , i,ii (lll ill lien, ip... Inliili lilt in tli pifin ji if,, Mm will he lUJilo ttilh tin !liji,t tan, .pull. Ilealloit IkIhj; tin uipiuni tiu. 'tu liinduiiin ;iu I iiiiliarij.jinu (i uliklt i.ut the iliuf imui. tiu 111 ilt r Ike "LI lie, in, hui ii,n tunou I, the illkeiit will hi rull, 1 1 in 1 h,i ,n I 11.. I, bine, iliclll.l ini 1IUI1 in v ni ji 01 tllrilpPiitt .ippui llio poll. 1 line of i.,ii tti, im, 1, 1 tls clliiciion nl (hid I! l.lln.-, I, on iit vvholi, 1 rpkncl1'! I'C'tl) 'f nun anil up iI,miui.' ul mi. li ciiihl lot the .tili'l Hiruilliu. e , on-tniilj nuln. t.ilnul uier ti.itis,rcsiii ot I lie Ijm in tl,l , un. iniinit) t a iniill of the ii.lUme uf lht,n clluiis Iml tew 1 1 1110. 01 ,111) si 1 iuiu iulnii luui linn i.i.niiHIi'.l in ..iu mi.l.-t ilinir,- tin pet leji. When mo conlilt llm Lot that .mr p,,l, , fun i Is L.-s In 1. in lull Hun Ihe pi lite luue of an) ill) cl out sli in Ami 1I1 1 it huiv iluih inlililMiul that ni an iiilu all .1 Jaw. abl line ri'iiiiuunli). a ill) wlivic Iju an I nnl r it pirjinoniit. I lnu 1 tjinlii'il p llu -laliti ti in iu ..nt Itepnbllemis left tho loom, went uuos the htillwity to the houtd of rontuil iliittteii mid made an ttu'iuc'cessful 'if foil lo secure a twentljlh man that thi mlKlit iiiuiibe 11 I'litmnou coiinell of theli own. Tiny wm nut of sight, howi'MM, and the plan lulled. Had Oignnizetl. When they rettn tied the-, foiiuil tluit Hi" snitlliiK t'uliilti had oiKiinli'd a toiniuou louncll with the imslslnnic of I'latke, Him'iieit.v, lluane, Itiichi', Phil lip', flalvln, ilin icll, Coleman. Hush, Hi att cttslek a ml Norton. Tho bewly I'lecieil inembors had b'en swum In, Calplu had In en eleeled ehnltnimi and I. licit rleik anil tlie lilies of ut jeup adoptetl. When It i.tuie lime to swem lu the si ii'Wlv elei'lod membeis, .Mi C'ulplll ttske'd: "Is tlie u 1 ouler present "" Ite ci'lvliisj no 1 espouse ho tinned to At torney .luhios K. Heat hait, who was tt.iiiillni; tif.ir the platf'tin and asked: "Is th Me u notiuy pieseiit"' Mi. Cio.u hiii t stepped up, Wine In Cii.iiimau Calpin and ('haliiuiin Calpin swote In the new members "I uti't set wh the leuiulti Isn't aiotind bete to attend to hs dull," said Ah. Calpin This Hum without snillliif," On motion of Mi Coleman Hie new tin mbi'i s weie milered e.itod and tluir names placed on the mil. Then Selcei Count ilmaii Vauchan. as a com mittee tiom tlie select count II, an liotintiel Hint the upper blanch had nixaiiize'il ami aw lited the pleasuie of (lie common cntmell foi a Joint "-esslou to hear the message of the ucoicki. A rei es was taken to no into Joint "isslon, the connectinir hlluils between the two (liauibi'M weie laised and the 1 omini, of the in'oulei's iues'-at;e was awaited. The Ht'puhlh an of the lower blanch weie lllhiKr In now. and .Mr. Calpin nil-ilies-hifj his lematk', gcncially usketl If thcie weie .1111 new' membe'ii ol (oinmou c mini 11 who wanted to be suoiu in. "Vis, s,,'" sltoiileil Mt Paine. "I pioscnt nnsiif ,is a niembei of 1 mil imm iniinill fiom the .VI11IH waul and ik maud to be swmn In " Wanted to Be Swoin In. Mi. I'aitiidKi' who bad two mori' Mites than .Mi Paine and who wkj let iiKiil.ed bv tlie neinotiuts us th" "lOMtlai" sltppitl up and illieth pie sentetl his 1 ertllicates wlutn Ml. Cal pin tisLcil bun ll be did not wish to be swmn In. "'Am othfis'" iskcd Mi. Calplu. The w hoi.' Uepubliimi mc mbi iship 1 aim foiwiiid and chisleied about the desk. JOINT SESSION. I'll Clelk h.lNllle ll.til in the me.in- tiuie 1 alb il the loint session to oulei and .Mi ciiiltoudi 11 had bet u naiueil as ihaiiinan ol the olnl session, tlie sole h:. hiK bet 11 taken 'liilc the 1 oiifusion was on in the lomnioneis" I'liainbci, and unknown possildj to 11101c than half of tlv mi mbi is, who wiie just at Hi..! linie mine Intt tested In soinethintf lie 1, 1111, In, I of the Ilii.. unit in llu' I nil. I Elates ami I I. ml tin .11, mm it out p.. llu mm li. mli ''it 11 ilic pi ptilillon, Mlule in siiniio,,, i all t tniMtl 1 npiilain 11, Me li lu hut one pull. (11 111 to inn l'i ptitoiu I snhuili this tlitiineni foi the htiilll of tin pitlibe lot iihtr II it uorlli Ihe 1 niipitibon it ouiiiln limnIi in filer if tu uilon it 1 qniit, pel. .ihli, ir thth cite, Mlnri 1 ft .ini) pitpeili ami nol in .1 il- in itiiiiiulh pi, Hull. I at in 1111 till in the 1 11 il Within llu lati 112I1I.111 tnoiitht the fnti Ins il in. .ool -itilu 101 the 11101 lit if tins till. I In tn, m ml 1, n. ,,f Hie lurthsL pi ul.lt tus In tolie in .ill iltttt I 1 nlli tl ion 111 1 11I1 if ilii-ti it, puliipt, mi imp.v-il.iliU. lmt tint It 1 in hi i,-liiii, ,1, tipiisul nml luhttul to .1 low iniinniiitn it a t it t I hue unit In on 1 loiiuri (o the ,!. I1111, tli it the tultritioii or liion'iillien, In .1 iiitiln isluit, of the tmlil 1 ul, I 1 n'iit mint ns, ilthoi t( lie or ininih ipilllv, it a iniistlti Ihe tth 1 11 tin tuoiuiUinii of tint im hit .llu. lit luui I. ) n'li ml In 1,11, ami sit I luu 'I nl mi lift .line ho) hoi it lu I. ill., lilllK 'Ilic uts iilt.1 Illlt MP iinitl ituc nl11 mil iiikiiiii 1 iiliiile ili-tiil uiiiiii 11, who lim In priitli. I1111I1 iml soul. In Mtitfi the ill, .'ul Minis nt milt, is - 111 1 h tli iliolk tl, in. I .an iMunimim llul iu till, -mli nit is of inot.ill li his im hiuluitt ti eu.-t, nii Mill not Inns; iti.t Mhttt tin 1 u 11 to cut lot tin titortl lull In liu' 01 all tin iltiriis I iks Unit tint u us ti,o 1 nl. 111 inn t isuine s it il, lu.l miIIi hoiiti i of ill tun I lii) hue Let 11 j;ij,u ill.t iml k r-ir itiatli alii 1 h uk'iI ml (inn 1 sunt, lietiiini W)oiiiiii' ami l'i nn am in, Iml ihtin luolhclt Hilt ton- .-put it is Hit nihil lo, ami ulnie the tllttoliitt lull f ttli tin hint Hull fiiinnr ijniriiit in inoti 1 ui no nun ilitciiul to met untile piiuuiu Wi hml tint ful.i, ili-lnilti nl 1'u it luu' htra pi 1 tl. lent 111 lUtina; (hat tl.ue Itiph line I i'i 11 iliiii'n In ntlf 1 -uti.iit nt the cut, Its llio ilitilnieni Hun if, llm nu.jrle it till. ili, huic lift Ihe til) ami lute ('U miiiuiili' In itul in otlit'i pi in- luon . ..nznilil tu tli. III I lit itth I 1 oil. ol tin pOlltlt lotip in tills tut noil it n it appiulitul ami we 1 in Mlde mi tint in no ill) 01 1. in tlp is the 1 u litt nf (hit tin nppuiiil tluit in mil tilt, ami iihottir 1 on to tpi tk tuitliliill) nt Ihllus a, he limit limn Hill ilit I lie Hut llu, (Ul it Its, 11 unit,.. I In piltlu 111 Scianinn th 111 in tin eit) in in, ma llul iiliih' Mo 1 hi 1e.1t.1iul) ioiii iinlite our nlu on (hue uinlllh nt, the ltd .nil irtniliu llu; is 1 1 h the 1 11 ri lit niiiiil. 11 of in! li 1 oilii en lie 1 11, 11, , 1 ulupiitili pittol 111111) u li.uii ui our nii, whlili inulii In Inn the pollie protu'ih 11 tho ire lilt i llul lo, lionoi.ihle li"ll tlionlil iitlilnl) iu,niUit the fine I) ul luit Mi pjiiuliiuii. Police Coil) t. SllhuUil Ull UllllOI tl.it I, I luttlll til" polk,, cunt with lin ex 1 ill in (Itpllllil, nt nf the ill) (.uu 11, 1, 1 nl, I iiliinlu it limn' tlm kt itiipciliiiil, luuiu' tun. I Im tho put Hi 1 it iu a, p llu, iii.ultii.iii ihtieln 11111I 1111I11' tin not, I inline Mill not U luplliul In otllciiii in Hut e.ipiilu. ulilili Hit I ilmi'l lu-rtt Ni tu Ilii lift lin tii.ni't isptiltiiiu. an I ln..m nl Its-11, I i iiiiul wlill, liiililinir iouiI I at c li 11 ,1 ,l.t 11 'uipru.!!!! nn ni) mliiil and I Inn littti ililtiu in Ihe tuiiiliitloii llul mot itleiillon mi.'ht lo li .tin 11 I" llu' llu 1 "Hit and llio liulhoilt Hut lion pin ill in puliu mint cum. alb, hu iiii it i thcie tu mtit mm liiiipluil iiliin. While Hit i.l un clhui of llu lin In Ini,") III ill liolatols nf llu c.lillnm.it, ulilili n, iU ilnt). nciiltlitlii-t ill he in iy iiuaiiiralt ate 11 t t unlit nml iiiuiliul,, ami Mhlh .I I inir in jmU tut nt I alia), lilt a ilieol le-p nnililllty lint I iiilttiit iiuiltiitiiul) i"iii;inii j pir-111 li I lis, 11 all I I tin 1111 UL, of pi It luu- .1 r4i,llU upon th. I11lul.ln.il ithiili stonhl ruin in'-lu,l o'f lifltiillij Ihe Jim Ull if I he piloil ft iil. 1, 11 nut I 'lo not i pi ah of tin plain iliunl.-, tiler. lulu. 01 pi l.t uiijlil i. iiinlpin, 4 oilier tliati llio mere foiiutilllv of olcet Itifr a (hall 1111111 of Hie Joint session. After all the cettllk'ntes bud been bunded up, Chairman Calpin pissed them lo ('let It hynett ami after bid dli'W I ho ilcik liold on to tltein uunlnsl all otitis, slid down out of the chair and stnpplnp fniiii the platfonn, sinll IiikU rimiotiiicetl that Mr. "hlltendi'U was their chali mini und Hint .Mr. Chittenden would bo pleased to con sider any motions thej had to make. This fulrly made Mr. Paine boll. 'T demand lo lie swmn In," he shouted. Mr. Chittenden quietly informed ti tin that his demand was out of order at that (line, as councils were In joint session and the ciimlllkntlons of mem beis lould not be tonsillolith Tho toll till wus ordeii'd by Chair man Chittenden, Cletlt hvnett onlv 1 ailed the names of the bold-ovei s and the six new tneinbeis who hod been swoin In Mi. Paine once moie made demand I'm a seat. Chairman Chitten den leliisiil toennddet It. Mr. Keller Htlsed the point of older Hint there wiih 110 illinium of common cotltii It. ( hail man Chittenden itlkd the point not well taken, when f'luik Lvnelt to poitnl "there Is a tiuorinn present." Mr Chlltontlen added that Ihe coin moneis would have to settle llitlr In tel nal tioiibles in tin tr own moetlnu. anil not luteiffio with business of the ( llv that iniisl bo tiansiietod. "The Lnllemeri will plea-e take theli" feats," he added. This, coinitiB fiom one of their own, was loo much for the now thotouifhlv dlscoiiititod Kepublicnn lonnnonois and thev subsided. Recorder's Message. While City Cleik huvelle was tead iiiK' the iccotdet'.s inessaire, ConRtesi ui.m Connell and Deputy Attoinev Oeuoial Fleltz camo In and line es ( 01 ted to seats on the platform, along side tho rei ouler. Itepie'sonlatises Siliciiei and James weie also ptosent. The niessape havluu been ie.ul, a mo tion by Mi. Itocbe was adopted, re 1 olvinfr tho mfssaw and lofeiiliiK its 1 ('commendations to nppiopilate eoin nilttees when thev .tie ni pointed. The cltv cletk liOKan to lettd :i rum miinicatlon fiom the 1 com dor, in wliioh be nnnouiifed his veto of the iioiKan isritlon oullnitnce, but Mr. Chittenden halted him and aul it had no place beloto the Joint selon, but must c 01110 up before each body seoji.tlolv. Tho ineetliifT then .idiom itud. The eo, 11 was explained, was not 1 elm tied to the councils The 10 coulet's (omniuiiicallon was slmplj .1 lequesl to the cite clerk to laj- befoic count II notice ot the fact that be had iocd lb" ii'oixdnlrnlioti oulinance, and that II was Incumbent on the new councils lo pass another. '1 hi- lecoidor hail announced that hf would t oinmunlcato his appointiueuls lo the loint session, but when a mo--tciiKd" went to s,o him lcgardlnK' thk, he sent hick wonl thai he was not yet lo.idv lo make the announcement. Aftci the loint session, the com mon cuiin.il tecum cued and Mr. Cal pin aiiouiieed that we would 5-wem in the 1 ocularly elected monibei.s who had CcIlllllUi.il in I'.i-l I'l the New Councils. iiiiitaii"' tioiuul tin stu.it,. Ihosc mi 'ti po-tt hi) mil) lnu, mil the jiiiiiMruuit nielul ml 1111) lit the 1111111. I'll in i-e of tlnw niuler nit, lmt in ,ii I-., iiho, Ilnin sariniit 1 tti-i t, ate lil,n up. it ilt.i)s Tppt irul to me tint lo Unit; tint 1 1 itt in tlie Mil tu tin iml luu 10 th it minimi. We urloulj oushl to hate a in, in ot phic lo thfiiii In.-. 1l1lhln.11, ipill fiom uliiri the old Itinleiiul 1 iclehit ,111' inn tincil 1lu,t 1 it,lit not lo he tutiu tul to in (iiurathni 111 a 1 ip iml h.tie to hsnu to the lllthi till, 11-11 ills llllllllglil 111 In lllllll of Hip 011 i nits ef the 1 lehup Viiulln 1 el 1st I lute 1. lnu hit 101: I'ur v.i itt Iml trait .ire limlul up fin .lici 1 it tlMn ot Hi 'i rim. 01 i..-tlluti.jii. linos at pu'riiihul In oiiliuaiu it an linpnsul up ill tlitlil, lilllui; In pi) itliith, the jail Is tin It ilojiu 'Unite 1 inmi' itls hhnpl) siiul fur their Im lilt tu illt'i in ,ii;ii;Iiii; tin 11 h "In 1 to III." fl li mlt iml hitlui; si 1 tin il he iiuniy with tthiili lei i)ititf) fptillit' court) lu-tlu, k" uul llul jtio-t ilulo thtuiselin .l'iiu 10 eun 1111111) hi llu suiniii, irti-urt. Whll" -It t i i) in iiiilgiiKiil ru Ihist iiiifnttiiiiiit ntt niiiiil often leu itul l fit-olt I'tlostliip, ulnie one of Ihiuo 1 nine ones tt.is hiotiht It luu the )iiuii; ril.l.l lot jtiiln'ineitt riu 11' Mm im iluiil.t ,ts to the Kialt of Hie autiMiI, Iml lite rintciiu, intiatl ot iluti itlim, lil-itl a tun! In in the ihiil ami startul a mu Ilic te sit lotim- ihe ! it of die Ni.trimy Wliilo ne u 1 ilti uoiirti. tnenl ull ill sill llltli In liiltil this toinllltoil, Me itll.iilli 011,'lU to luu S' tile oif iliiitiuu, f-uiiie Jtim l In the iili, utitltul silth tho p.,ur ilth, 1 1. ul.i .an) itiliim, id ;u-Ut m thu nn lainiitli 11 il man) of tlin-o outi.itli. 'In the .hauie ot our (Itt l It Ml. I Hut the only ill in this illrtitiin I hate net liiebul lin. In .11 Irtuii tlm isuit nf the Hsu, ittul clutillit .iml the (rom) fislor, nf Ihe lliuii" of the l.'ooil .'liipliriil, 'Hie liuteiii ot heillh Mill lip iinJti tlm cltput inrnt, of ptthlit MM), llu i.iiiiiiiilfinlitit aitltir iimhl tin illriiliu'.s liitlitu lions I mlu llieuiv, riBlini'. llm it) 1 tpult ami will iiith-l uu lli pioiiipl atliiilinu lu thotit lillllu.t si Ilii h m tual It ilfut ti, at 1 1'oiiiiiiunili, tl!., ihe .ihatrnii lit if lull-inn.- iml tin iL'hl uin.reurunt nf (he lilts 1 1 hi illl. Ine huti 1 1 1 f flu u il '. wl el, I- t suite,, 1 f s.reu ansl' ti at tin piim'ih tluit', ntt, ul,t I, ,-, llu lire ilcparliiiiiit, toiuuluip. its makeup, Is In ko.i.l .tlupi. Ihe tut' uu M.umliii; auiuie is tib'ishul tint fni. iml tin. (lili-i ,iml liiuiun llulu.l nine 1 ulnplliiu lits fn (he einlhiit Milk tl 111 time We,,ii-lil in luu ,1 1'ullt pi I, I ileparlniint, lmt it ru iiilnn- lit 1,11,, I, i 1 , tlblkli the Mil e t.ii nill hi n 11 1 ilt. 1 up ll In KWII'le. tilth IM, uoJit. It mi,lit Id I tt.fil.h-ii. ill'iusliuut. It, p, r.'Oiul ir pi I ilea., mu uhl (hey lie iuiptaitlialilii or ratliral, mn;ht u lie tliotin a Hi )ei,e anil Jttlto upoii tilul Is hut limit 1 esi'tint,' cmlltluns Whlk it v.oihl innluul.il lly Im ih.-lral.le In hue a uliolly pihl iliparliuent, tli re lie lioul irm.01111 sstis it uhouM he ihlJtuI iiiilll Ihe nil- is l.ettir pie. pjuil to rain Hie cspuino of its nuifiUnii,, e Whs lot est ihlUh in lie untiil iilf ui tun i.mpalilii en 4 '4i'l hltlli ll Is luui tn hiti the moil ili,j,lrmtt tint. l Is tho mitral city lint mn up Hie kif.it liituniiues Iwu, jii, I am ullalinl that ll tve luil Itul or t'm 1 full) p.ii.l coiiipiiiiir, renli.illy Ijutnl, the iitultt stonlil he ...,,, I. 'iheic ate nuni tulluut ft it lily wine Hit) icluiitctr inav, foi )iar In eoiitp, ill nl iluple piotettlnti. nu, fo hug j 1 e liain juhiis' 1. ui' pi. .pie illiieiit nlio an st ill! up lo inluiilaiil) piotut link liilkliloiliiu 1, font tun. tkiitutliii tic the 11M uioitnUi' them In iniy propti tit), uuuiir.ice Hull (,u;jiiljtiunf, 11,, I iroll'le tliiin ttlllt ample uppiulii, an I 11, il lirt. Put I ilo lio( st Ull to he ilil.hutn.il 14 l.ein' J,'alnit llm polii.t of sraduallt 1IU1 otaiiiiu in,; tin- snlunticrt.. On Ihe lontlar), the .l,a of the irUtilUtuiiuu of a fully pihl tin. ilijMit mcli't mutt wllit ui) appro! il llu cliii.et Hut I rn I. thai, itelll), tiiiht, ilicn lion is tun cUul, ito uu) irmCLil inme laphlly II1311 i;ool I nhjlc polk) ttoultl jiiitif), APPOINTMENTS MADE BY RECORDER MOIR Clemons and Roche Get the Two Important Positions George Watson Succeeds Vosburg as City Solicitor. LATH YHHTHIXDAY afternoon Pvo ( order Molr announced his ap pointments. They tally exactly with the foiocast in o.sterclay'i Tilblino eiceplliiK: as to two ofllces lu which ohaiiRos weie made yt'Hteidny. Follow Iiik ate tlie np polnteesand the .subordinates that hiiVi; been UBieed upon unions' the execu tives: Dhcctor or the Department of Public Safely Frank il. Clemons. Director of the Department of Public Works Hon. .mint J3. Itocho. Dlreolor of tlie Di pari men t of Chari tl"s and Collection-Fiedoilck fuller. Collector of Delinquent Tanxsi aiorge W. Jenkins. City Assi'ssoth I'illas Monk-, c.wllvm A. Jones, Philip Khisland. J. (!. Sca nia ns, h. .V. Uobeits City Sollciloi (koige Af. AVatson. Slnliinp: Fund Commissioners James A. hanslnp, Jlhenezer Williams, Jlon. A'. h. Connell, Colonel Ocoiko Sander son and (ieoiKc W. Frable. J'ollce MitKlstiatt'S W. P. Millar, John T. Howe, Iklwaid Kldlor, 1J. Da vies, Cluistlan Storr. Superintendent of the Mureau of Po lice Fiank Uoblins", Jr. Superinteiitlent of the nureau of Fire Fred W. .Izelmunn. Supeiintemlont nl the Rtlreau of lltaltb W. J:. Allen, M. D. Food Inspector Frod J. AVidmayer. Jbilldlm," Inspector T. 15. Jackson. 1'ltimblnif Inspector A. C. Atonies. Health (Milter A. J. Kolh, M. D. Saiillao Oflietr W. 11. Duikc Assistant S.uiitmv Ollicei T. V. hew is. Cleric 01 Button or Heallb Miss Nettie Sweonej. Chief ot the I'.uieuti of Jjiieineeilmr Joseph P Phillips. Chloi of the Hiiieau of Highways and Sewei' Uol.iml D Thomas. Supci inlendent ol Uute.ui of J'arl.s Thomas Phillips Tempoiaiy Secietaiy. Wallai e Molr. son of the tu older, will tonipoi.ully act as Mcioituy to the chief OM'cntive A petmanent ap pointment will llko! be made week af tei next. Cit. Solicltui ihorffo M. Watson liai retained Atloriuy J)a id J. Pas ifr as bis assistant. Most of the new officials, side sssoin in esU'rdnv and will assume their otllces to dav. Details sin h as loi ation of ollkos and aslnnm nl ot ( leiks lias'o yet to be alteniled to The two olllios 111 whli h c hatih'e.s weie made yesteickiy sscie those of Depattment of Delinquent Taxes. I lilt ilrpirtnirnt mii-t of nete-tlli lie u tlittinet ami tppuilc tlepittiiRlil, fn tlie n ison thai, iiliile II is p,iiiiis'ilile In th" (Inner to link that villi the ills' In lturu'i.. II 1 imiot he iljne hiCJii5!' out is iluliti 01 tl the other ipponitiie. 'the liei'iinr hit out 11 11 to -use. Hit ilutics .mil t.ilm ale lisnl lit ciilininu llul ( luiiot lie interfiriit with, unl fiiitliu, Ilic tieisuter Ins 111 ier enlleeteil tlic tl, limpi, lit till 11 li 13 hu'ti ilotie lu a ninnhi 1 (I ililliiquint tix eolltetoid, appointed In Hie ttiasurit, Ihe n niuiieritio'i liciupr in p'l c t nl. on in, icdh'i turns. IL still In' win Hut it Mill not n.ti any more under the mis lefnme thin htrtlofote, f tlull therefore appoint a ik'linipunl Us c fill 1 tot and tour lionorihle ludiis mil fn Hint nppeirt In ;ou 10 he i leitonahl .a tri fi 1 hit tirihc. Bureau ol Building Inspection and Plumbing Inspection. Jl if lmt nn will he aitaetiril In the tlipjit Iinitl nf put, lit Mfelt and I Mould utsO upon )oiii liotioiatile liutlu s tlie coinpllJlioii ut nets code of Iilf in tin snhliiue ,if he liulliliii iii.pi (In, the isl'ttnjr hiss IkIiik mls.ribl) lie illl'lllltl In tlie list 1 Mleitirts tu tunl sn up to diti code whlili rottld uitile It -il ..tut to cm wanls. Depattment of PubHc Woiks. Hilt ilipiitiiirul loiel'tiii of the huipaiis nt riiiiieciiin,, -llul- in I pals K a iomhinathu Hut 111 t.t ntitlt lu riiuI. Iliev ate iieeessarily allied ami bv tsurliiif tiBPlher uinlir one heaii fill, I nn lUtlslhil, pU'diiti (Si'illeiit tPMiitt, Hit rK inline; of all the tiuiiy appropri.ite'd h) one tuiiipiluil. man Is only 1c11u1u.it Mnse, 'Die liiieulou old llilaKC titilhod uf loimilliilen hiiiu- llu nltett t iiiuil-Moin r lu licit sailcun .saids Is noss ilisokli, ml llkhtly m It sus impiitltic isuiltise tliilict 011 tile luumilniall, sslileh in iiinst erns lie u' net aide to (tr firm, (Unl tthiili 1 itciiim lie it happy to bu lid "t Willi an 1 Bu lent dirceioi of pill ho works tte upect In nt 11,11, h liupi, in unlit lit nur ,'il.lio pahs Hie 'Ulmin iu I" 1 1 ouitlii lo le hulll ill Si) Vujr Pal!,. I hi It thouH tu 110 husilaiiiy oil tout pait hi pl.itlii.ua: lne uermsai film. rim mil Boliis loud 11 patk (011111113101111, am il.'sirsllii.' (f the plauditt of llio uitile loniiiuiiii. I im llih pilrioik, nililltvuit inn!. 111 Hit ut tilt pmuit cf mir pail,, IMoie 1 lo-lni lids .iH-tjKt i v,o'il I remind )utir hoiiarahk' ltuiltis that tho 1 lie ami only Itltllind of ililiiininliu. Pit liietits 01 ikiiittlli. uf Hit pi I'm nl iili' iruiitti still ho tho llul )e,ir'ii ittonl il 1 iniliiilliiK llu citj, liuslnc-s, fhp tl., "U if llu lll.nltl 1 Id proinnlt' molt' llhirll mil llul ltkitklitti. to s-1 ill. uoiioiiit In 1 pcii ill.iuek, 1 1 Imiu-f the till, luui of Ihe d.pjit limits, iml to luiitrol Hip illtlrihiltlou of Ihe leuiiiiu, fhciii an a kit nuslni sthtili ip nughl lltlir to loi If! lit of He (III HUM lite ult'iln lu In. niif, aid Hit, In, due uiyhl to ht .unl uuul he iilnpiatu lu tin' iiietit of the- niiiiil ilpilllt. l Is tint i- mitt ti (he iiie..l. n it lis rate a il it to pat a ton k l l i iv lu in cur .I hi. lmt 11 U nut 1 iat i, 1 utt the money In 1 I) 11. Vtid, , nth men nf 1 nil loiimil,, 1 itislt In j-nne ion llul it still lo my illoit tu eo .i 1 lite 11 iili ton lit inn' tti.i 11 Imllsi. lulls or a, IcMallit' loliu, lutnillis.. of ui) pirtkau iciulilii tlioiiic, In 1 111 liiiiu.' ttliiilt tsill mil,!' fin' In.) .Ills lilt Ikl 01 tin' loph SShu-. -its nil, MC .uu and ssh'.-i lultie.u ji intisitul in out hands. 11 llu p.i-lllst p.s.ut il lu tuuiii'lls ie iu loan in U" p't. .imp!. ..ppaui'illiis ,.,1 ten i.ttlui; titdiil uislii to thill ti.ii.lliut in, ami tu the 1 II v ttill 11 liiiiu In its nirniheii.. ,. 1 its ttlllt, I Illl ill lilt Otllt U.l) till tJi.ll ill Id, SI tplitle 11 ilit), I" aiiiuiplith BOti.tllilli, duiiiu the 1 lining )eir sslilth will ridoiinil lo tlic at). sanUite und tit, 111 of 0111 tu-'iil dins ill) if Slant on. assessor and ells tiollcltoi. John A". Netils, Ihe one Democrat on the old! board of asiessora which would! .set have a .scar to servo, bntl for lhe "tlppei," was iemovc.il. The new intin, Kllas M"orrln, li 0111 of the nhiew'desst real estuti! men In tho city and It ssas at the per sonal Millcltutlon or Uecoidor Molr that: he consented to accept tho oulce. lie Is Independently wealthy and the ic-i muiiciatlou of the olllco ssas a minor icmsldeiatlon in his determination ten accept tlie iccnielci's appointment. City Solicitor Vosbtiifr svas dropped! to make room for HeorRo M. 'W'ataoiia ssho is a floso petsonal friend of tlm iccordor and ssho has been lilt private counsel lor a number of yeats. Mr. Vosbtug'.s icniovul was not llnally de cided upon until yestetday mot nine;. The uppolnlnients to the but can of health mean the dissolution of tha piesent boaid of health. The licaltln altalri. ol the city still he tender be dl lecled by lii. Allen instead of by ai board. Dr. Jvolb sslll look after the in ipectlons and most of the other out door wink loimeily attended to by Di. Allen. A Lively light. The light: for the office of director of public safety ss'iis. an ettietnels" lively one. Colonel F. 1.. Hitchcock came into the field yestenlas' morniliR and but for tho iael that the appointment; piaclicalls' had been already made, would have b'en a formidable candi date, itecoidcr Molr hiid yobtcrdav that it ssoiild base bIs-oii him great pleastue to appoint Colonel Hitchcock and h'td his candidacy been announced ten davit culler he would have been In a Rood ss'ay lo j;ut the appointment. Tito nnnouniement in e.stetday'a Tiihiine tliat Mr. Itoche ssas to be tho tlliector of pulilie wotlcs came as a faui pi ise. The appointment, hosvever, nit'C ssitb unlseijial l.'ivoi. It ssus apirced on all shies that If a Democrat ssas to be appointed to Hie position, aft had been airieed upon, Ml. iloelie ss'.m pecullaily entitled to It. by lettson of his stand ing in the p.uty, the excellent ssork he did lu jitopailnisT Hie city for its trau sltlon, nml, last, but by no means' leant, his uiuitieslloned Illness for the otllce. Tlie lecoider and Mr. Itoche had j loiif; confeiepcc yesterday over the conduct ot the ofllee and the most harmonious lclatlons can be looked for belsvcen the foiinor nut) or and his foimer opponent. Clly nmrlneor J'tillllps- sai n c.m dldtJte lor the ofliie, "but voluntarils si ill ilrew, sslien ajanod nt' his appolni inrnt iu chief ol the bureau of enpri neennK, sthlcb is 11101 0 to his HUlnw than a po-ilioii sslileh Is solely execu tive. The saht 1 y of the chief engineer is to be ?,P0P. or only $."00 less th.nl that of thi head of thu department. Attaok on Poor Board. As eNpl'ihieil in yesteuias'.s Tribune, the appointmenl of Mr. Fuller aa dlrei -tor of chin Hies means that an attack is to be I'.i.ale 011 the piesent poor board witli it siew of takiiiK fiom It the man iRcmcnl oi the ohailtles of Siianlon Ity. Ttecouler Molr inirl .so.steidii) that tin1 niatter will be taken lo couil at an earlv day. Tlie board of patk commissioners, liko the lioatd of health, kocs out of exis lenco and thu affalis of that to(y, will be looked alter by Kuperlu-' tendeitt of Talks Phillips, under tho guidance of Dhcctor itocho, to whose, ilepaituioul Hie buicati of patks is at- ta ched The leeoiilor ays the new ordinance, to can v tlie Miielilhrouucr act Into ef fect, must coiifoim sli Icily to tins act. The Vt toed otdlnance will be ti limned up to meet the leiiuiienients and iutio dlli ed at oiico In the new councils. The new oilk'ials; weie all dliected to tuinlsh tenipoiary bonds, thai thes' inlBht enter upon their ilutleH todas-. Some of them have nil early dono .so. Later on, tho rlly will furnlHh boiula by contract with a sitiety company. Sumo question has been iutnriuullv talsed as lo .Mr. 'Wiit.son'H ellKlhllll) , beeuiifo he lis'cs just over tho city linw in Ounmoie. Tho act docti not requliu that the city solicitor shall bo a ic.si dent of tho lty. In the (.use of al most ovciy other ollicei" It Is speclllcully, .stipulated that he .shall have been a. icsident of tlie city for u certuin letni of years All Unit tho "i Ity solicitor' claiisYi ioriiii(.n Is thai "The (-olli'ltuc and asslstanl hollcllois shall lie uttoi nes suit-law, admitted ami iiualltlcd lu piuciko in tho com is of thla coinmon ssuilth." .Mr. Walhon claims this es (eptioii wjh puiposely made to ill thi case of I'ilt.sliin,', iniiny of whoso n -loinejfj huso llii'lr homes In tho mi bin lis At all evtiils, Mr. U'atson sa s ln will be a tesldont of ftctailtoll piopet within a shoit time. Alaitlstialo W. S, Mlll.u took tho oath ot ollko last oi iiiiitr, and will today cnniltict police ceiuir at lic.liliiu.il teis Tlic apiiointmciit of rfek'i t Council men Itocho und Clemons to Itecoiilei MoIi'h cahlimi will ietvo tips Hosenth find fknonttontli waul wltliuut lejiio. 'I'lllotloll id the dty'H senale. The v.ti aucies will not need lo cnIsL Ti i anv Kieat leiiKih of time, however, si i.,d) lu tro tsisenth waul tljei'o aia llvo candidal i, T'lomas tioidou, James Taddeii, .lames Maloney, Timothy Jiiirko ami l'. V .Hi anion, and in tlm .Susoniei'iith waul s. Dlchl ami Common Councilman laithnr Keller aie oUViIiik: th uuselses loi ihelr nelBh bors" stlltiaue. The call lor special elections will be Is-riued at nine Lackawanna Exclusion to New Yoil: City. (Ill Apl it till) th Itul asolilM of tin. 1.1.1 kiissuiuia talliuad will sill spcil.ti rM.tiisinu thkets lo Now Yoik cltv, homl goliitj 011 tiny tiuiu that date, fnf u tin n mi any Main until ApHI llth, Itiiluslse, at ia to nl' duo ssiy fare pbn ,l.f0 lor tho lotiipl 1 1 Ip Wi Jx - - .AT-J