The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 02, 1901, Image 1
VO.f TT7wws r?WWP?saPS? T5. 1? WT?'!K7?iTT3V5 s A V V v,T . 1 iAW HtJfc a . 3J i nbtwe. tmttton THE ONLY SCRAN ION PAPKR RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. TEN PAGES. SCR ANTON, PA., Tt ESDAY MORNING, AP1UL 2, 1001. TEN PAGES two cents: BBfci Uv'IVHKHI59TJtflHBSS94(Ev9cE''IHkCs? TROUBLE WITH VENEZUFyt '.t . The Recall oJ Mil. I. Loomls Has Convinced Her People That We Are In Earnest. SENOR PULIDO'S COURSE Venezuelan Rcpiesentative Will Not Leave Washing ton Secietary Hay Appioves Oui Ministers Conduct ot AiFahs His Zenl Aiouscd An tagonism of the Castio Govern mont Emcigency Requhes New Repiesentatlve at Caiacas Mi. Loomis 111 H. Clay Evans Men tioned as Successoi, Mi f lii-no Win nom Hi- - ii li.- "n-hinuloii. Apiil I.-'I he null of Minister Lpomls f i inn i 'ai iic as fin n consultation with thi st tic ilcpailniiut In. auakcMiiil Vi nem. la in a lealin tion nl the t.u t lint tin- Pulled Stud'-, Is In a sci Ion, mood. Si nni l-ulltlo, tin Voi)f?u I. in t Ii.n ,i lias Infill mill the .stall' depai tun nt he iloi s mil in tend to leave Washington, it s ,t, . . cldcd ehaiu'e In Ills plans, as lie m ti'iukd a neck .if,o In sill ,ii iiiho for Cni.ieas Should ho taUe that step and should "Minister Loomis' prist l.'iniiin uiiIIHihI, the uiptuie nl diplomalli lelatious bo twem tbr two f d oi nun nts would be complete Auv lllltlioi agsn sskills 1 thi? icvolutiou.iii picdtknt. C.islin on Aineiit an uti' lis would bv i If Cla i'l ins i oninilssiniipi c.l pen sions, is br Inur suggested fis i possible sunt ssor to .Mi Loomis It was bflleifd foi a while that I'nin iiissi(jnrr Ci ins could be appointed ndnisl. r to Japan, but ill Puck, of c.eoii.i. the lea ili r of tin li lr ration in his state, iciuscd abso lnulj to ghe up Ills posl, and he will ii'tuiii ln'ii his pttsent luif explies .Minlsii i Loomis' i imduet of a ft .1 Irs h.r 1.1111 approved b Seuetary ll.11, bill 'In minislei is nallv ill, and, al though l.ullifiil In Aiuctiian intnests, Is nut phv shall lilted for til.- unei ,nui Tin cnnilitlnns in Vcniv.nela Die now s(l sti. ilntd is to thi eaten piniiiii' npeialions if the Vmtzuelans prisist in tmpiuiknt eouise. Mlnsti Loomis' 1 trail finni Veiio iiL'la. it Is belieed at the slate de li irtmeiit. will baie some effect on con dltions thmr V .sentinient has been amused antagonistc to Sir. Loomis, and bis tuithti piesenre there 1011I1I bnve in. rllnct toward quieting: the tumbled lelations between the two govern ment Ml Loomis has been lnlloiiiiig lntt in lions liom the state depaitmenl to tin letter, anil S-eeietaiy Hay ie.ul ilv assumes tull iesionsibilit- lor our miultei s upiesr illations to Voneutl 1. but his attiiitv in follow Inff his 111 s'tuttiriiis Ins been o zealous as to make him unpopular i!th the South uuru an oei nun nt. The olliual join -n Us of Caiaias ait use Loomis or stm - Ing out talse lepoits ol the conditions In VoiifziHl.i. mill thiniRli our state de rm t mint has u'pi.iteillj- found the in fm malion bint li Jli Loomis to be '01 led time but- hem no Untune lp the atit.igonlstli attitude 01 tin fastio !I0ei 11 inept towaid the niinistei, It is ,"ii"" .mil. 11 .mi. i.oonns is sue eeerbd l .some out who lias not 111- uiinl tin nuiilt- of the Veneziieiiiiih. the ineseiit tiotibles tap bo won- easily adjusted. II is 1MK1K1I thai Jiinlsler T.oomis -will uiieli New YmJ 011 Apnl 10. as the fjunboil M oiplon dispaltlnd to I.a Cuujia to in.iKe sine tlint he should eonnect at KliiKhton. .Iain ilui, with lln 'euinr passim,. 1 skamship ro, x, H T01K, 1 lieu Is po pus, nt IniLiitlou in tnj the Xoith Athnitli Sou.1.1. Illl- nll lo Ventviitla. as this boih iinu nl eaniiol ..11 nif now iiieiuaiiei .sliolild be In at. rl until Mr Koonils has pfis.inallv (ip-ulted. Th -ipiadion, walili eii united in pi.inoi un.-h at 1 tilebia si ond. will sail 1101 th In 11 few (lav, (me or two of the vessels will bo ,-. nt liisf to KIiiRston. .Ininaliu. but the .1. iny will bo lepipoian, nmt the wlnd'o niumhon will soon h.. nudei i , ToinpMnMllle HOXXIDAY VINDICATED. Chaiges in Connection -wiih the Boggs Case Aie Dismissed. Hi i:vdnsio Win. fi.n.i n. worhini IV... AVashliiKtou. ApiII 1 -The . Ivll .. r ho eoiuinlhSloii has rllsinlssid the chaiffes tiled against I'lHtinnstet llolll dn.v, of T'lttMiuiK, ia of t.iiuovlnt,- ,1, D Hokss for tallui. to hIkii a iietltloii temoiistialliiK auainst what known ah the "Upper' bin," while that meat,. ui was oeioie Hie I'enivlVMlila let-Is. latuie. Tho eomiiilsiioii sent an nKeiii ! 10 riiCNotiiK to'tato tip, (hait,-e, and on hks leeoinmeutkit'i 11 iiiov tiio otllihillv ili 1 hired tn b. , Itliout foun. datlon. Itt)B--' iiiuoial, it Is i-ald was 1 on templated by the pi'llmw postmaster ami been iimh, loiihliletntliiu im- a loiif- while. Ajgument on Pittshuig 'Rippei. Pi V'uIumic lo bom 'ii Aotult'l ; u l'liilaillpliii, .ipil 1 fii.i .ujiipiik. luint to. (Isv mjili a per uirUm livlni, .til i for the ursumcut in hr r,uo wjrpiiif.. pnum!. Hlfi tO tfft tin COIKlllUtiOllllII" ot Hie 1'ill,. 1 nte- "ripper" law Strike in Scotland. B.i Win. 11 mi (Lp "....(IuIhI Piiw IgiiUcn, Aiill I, Ittpmi, ftithod at j mui iiettlrs- ot ihft bin uk,hire (elll.i' I uIiie lUnillris ut llainlltoii, tloudl (hat A),u iuln.14 i.cre in tHOtlunl, nniF tu fht .iillo tor n ci,M hour div Twenty Tpiks Drowned. B IWUuiiie Wire ii. l)0 WiUud rvt.. Ilddah, rablj, Apiil 1. l,e iurKUh tram-p-irt AsUn h-u Iwru uirilitil nvur Vimb'e. tyrnt) kvldlvis 1 cic tltovtiicd NO OPPOSITION TO FORAKER. iWTole at the Ohio Elections Vaolfll r1o, V" I.Ttliwhi" Wlie linn II11 ssor 111U1I I'imi Cltii'lniiittl, April I I'nlr weathet pieviilled III Uhln todilj lor imtlllrlpill mid lounsiilp clei tloiis. The Iiiikc niln for Apt II illillflited liinie lllleii'sl tluill iwitul In these loiul eniilcHts. This was due to the l.ut tliul 11 full Htate lliket Is tu be 1 leeted net Novembei, an well as nieinbeis ot the leiflslattiie, w In) will ihrn.s' a 4iii 1 ("cm to Senator I'oi.llter. In a lr i louilltim Iik1hIh Uve liiilulniitlous weir lhtle b pn.ii!;i e Mite. Xoue shoiMil nn opposition lo Kniaker 11111011K the liepiiblUaus ami llnie was not enotiKli 111 Hon lo Indl 'iite any pi'lucilie lor .lohn IE. .Mo l.ian. Tom I., .Inliiisiiii 01 any olio else ns th" Uiiiioi inlli Cnoil(. for the si imtiiiohlp Then was no 1 leetlon In t'lm lumiti. .Mn iii- Plelsliin in and the othei lt luibllean tity oilituis eio t let ted opt t.u .iKo for .1 period of till'.- yeais. Tlleie will be 110 elertlim at Daston tor in.ixm until next Aplll. lhe (iintest In Unit illy lodav belnp: ini polio- Jinlre onlj. Spet' Intel es; was laken in the ronlest ul c'olunibus, wheie the licpiihllruns for the past, two e.lIs had all tin llv ofllits. t,jm--euioi .Vash and fotnpi CoiiKiessnian l.eul both leslde at Coluuibus and both look Kital Intel est in the lOittist. Ihi'ie Sun .louts miide his for the thud Itim foi niavor of Toledo, in dependent ol all paiil.s anil 011 tils golden 1 lite plaltoi III. While the Demo, ints inirn.1 the I.iir. r ( It It", and sonie of the snnlli 1 pi. lies, 1 1 lhe lit publli ails hIiow slight K ilns in the slat- as a whole. In the t lit 1 0 liiKei iltli", Clew-land, Colum bus and Toledo, the Demoetals show Wilns, ivhleh ate offsel In the smaller tltirs tlitoiubout the slate. AI Columbus, whi'i the Itepubll r.ins li ie li id the city ito einmeiit. the Pemoeiats elei t Him niaoi b a 1 lose nun Kin. while .11 Cleveland. e-Con-Mossnian Tom 1. .lolinson,, was eleited 111 ivoi bv about i ODD pliu -nlltv. HWANG SU WILL NOT SiGN Russia. Howevei, Seems Disinclined to Slam the D001 at Piesent. Ot ftrlisoe Hue fnm Tlie niitrd I'wi Uoudini Apiil 1' Dr. JIonKiin, wii liis to tile Tlints liom IVkin Jlaivh "S. s,. s "The Kaiifi-T-e iieiovs hive e 11 lied the dne. 1,1 J hum Cham,-, who xvned Tuesdij, iiishih: IJinpnor Kwans Sti lo letonsid. r his ileeislon leivhed an aiiswn that the 1)110110 s decision, in the in rst nre of lhe unanimous ailviie oJ the chief pioviiuial ollii l.iN, lnevoi able and that the M.iui huiiiin convention eoiild not be signed "Tu .spili ot inr tlne.its, l!iisva seems disinclined to slam the door. X collations between li Ilunj CIuihb and jr. Do C.leis vveu ceilaiuly pio feediiiB xesteulav. when M. Do Oieis airifcd to .seveial toimal ami ndments of thole t. Russia's i.vnlcal and bold diploui.Kj appeals tm 0111 e . have oveneachf rl it. II." MINISTERS OF THE POWERS MEET A Decision Is Made as to the Tsimg XI Ynmen and the Comt Ceiemonial. Bj- Iviln.iv Uirr tiom lhe c.!itrJ I'n i 1'fl In, Jrairdi .'! The nilnldns r the poiuis niei todiv to ionsiier Hie It solutions ot the spieial lOmilllttie tor the lefoiinalion of the (sunK v inuii mil lhe torn I (Hintonliil It was .lei ided tint the tsunj- li mn n should ll.'K.lllei 1 Ollslst ol lli pilui and ( n lppoinlr.l inliilnt) is, ivlio sliuiilil be iepoiislb. (j, u, ,( the behnvini ut China Tin .0111 1 1 . k numlals will be 01 -f,.iui7til op MLst.m lln.-, niakinx duo l.llow im oii, .ntiii idtus .nni mi Judlit s Tb Imli nmiiitv 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 .- Is not , 1 mull 10 upoit, bul 11 is j,.iieia!ly 'i la.. I'd 1 In 1 tin di man. is i.ut.i pe iniun 1 -e. .Mi. Hockl ill ,1, tint, ujMiu insiuie ti. ns 1 1 .ii W.ishliikion has s, nt a I it' 1 to lhe mliiiHloi. 01 tin, powit-, 1 -Milium Unit In tin 'lout ut tha .11101111'. b.liu lac'ei than China ioii. 1 i.sslbly attoi.l, without tin dl-iuptlo'i in! tin unpin, tin ininisti'is r-huuld ai-'MI to IcilllOi (In li it. until s In pin pillion i. the,(f, ami ,puns,. of thelt iKsjitetlVo (ounlilfs ami thai In tin lien! 01 Iwlim uiiabl. to .11,100, lhe mitllei sliould be Iifl lo the ,iill tialinn 01 The ll.uue liibiiiial, .MlhhlOllal I" s bill.) eliltt. 10 1 he I'nlteil ttatis ltf,'atlon that tin v mi lui.v. d pliibie iniiiiin.itlon that a (ii'iiiiuu .itditlon 1 1 tun Sti m-thiil, !.'. .tioiii;, has leached Th il Vtiau, I'lio (ioimau Inailriimiiois denv havlnqr lln' hin.i.ktlm 011 the uitbjei t Today 1,1 Hum, i'Iuiiih: tittet luliie.1 .il Iinu hiMiii the niiiiistots of the poi r. and Count A on "WnMeif-eo Glass ractoiieb Close, Hi 1 v In bt Whe Iir.11 'lln' Asu ul .1 l't . l'll..iin,', Apiil I -lht I'liuhl niiiieuiiuiiunl li. 11. ili tlo In tm tn legist M'lii. 01s ri nil ili, t Iiim tint thi 1 11 ..iis (.iitmllul Id Hum will il... iIuimi 101 tl. ..minim- ji.ji tay II, iibttiu n( Vlij '5, u tormcily .iiinriiiuul, 'lhe inci 1-in Uiwl'iu 1,1 kv tui.iaiiv ...nliuli W. p)t 1 ipidU an.) the intlcpuiiluit kUfk 1..U11. pill. I.lpt jut tap 11 h of llw iittlie j.i.mI.ii.. iuii ui the I 'illul Milis Roosevelt at the Pan-Amei lean, lb l.itluslie Wire liom The -tarlalci I'fMJ lliilnlo, eI I 'iru Pif.l.lait Itonssirll I134 iiitpUil .in iniilatlui 10 take put in t'io .1 ilii 111. n it tin I'aii innicin txpiutloii 11I1I1I1 will not tal.o plaie mill Ma) JO, ulllu.iifili thi op.wilbii will ho lunulit ohiioi1 tin Mn- l, ,i lit j t toioro 111.110111.1.1,1, Gant. Defeats Fla'hcny. fl.v ticlihbc Wire fmni Trie Aociatcil l'ii. Ililliinoir, piil l.-"J..i" (,au?! oi iiiitimoir, timiht tl.kaUil Maithi llalurt), ol l.wnll, JA. In the tout Ih iuuii.1 ol Uhlt wi MhtiUil tu 1 1 J tin round Lout. FRAUDS IN THE PHILIPPINES Ghlol Gommissnru nt Manila Saus Renorts ol Irrcaularltlcs Have Been Greatlu Exaatjerated. TROOPS WELL SUPPLIED Washington Awaits Oftlcial Advices. Aimy Regulations Opveinin the Sale of Commissary Supplies Loss of Stoies in Tiansit a Common Condition of War Times A Minne apolis Man in Tionble. in I.mIihuc Wik firm Inn l- null-. I l'r .Manlhi, Apiil 1, Colonel Wotuliuff. the ihiet lonimlssiny at Alanlln, navs that the IneKitUi'ltles In the eomnils s.nv deptitnit nt have b. en es.iRKei alrtl. ami that the Hoops have always hi en well suppibd with stmes Colo uils ol the letuinlit'f votuuteu lei.i- ineiils wiot. to him in pi it", ol the 11.11mlM.1i seivire. N'eieithtless. the autlioi It. s aie i li, idlv Inveslltfatlii'; the alkKt (I liautls, which drieloptd lesttidui In the nr ust ol Captain Piedeiiek .1. I'.aiiows. of the Thhtieth Milunteei inf.uitty, 1 of the bouthciu tlipait inent 01 Luzon, tohetliei vltb sun eouiinlssniv soigeant", seveial ilvll lan lctlcs a piomlnent Bovtiiimeiil ontiai tot, (lie assistant 1 01 the laiirost bakeiks in Manila and a. liunibrr ot ston ktipeis The iiiim bei ot the men iniplit ili d In the fi.iuds is unileilt'i mined, antl IiikIi 1.111k will not sutlirt to shield deluuiui ills. Washington, Apiil I Xo lepoit has been lerelvirl at the vv.11 dep.n tment Irom fieiiei.i' AlaeAi thin loiu.ininK tbr- alleired li.iuris in tlie dlsposillon of Mil tt mucin supplies In the Philippines, lie has liowevii, been advised ot the published lepoit-! ,ml u.iuosiui to .send tin ts Comnilssali Weston's ttl- ites fioni Manil 1 lodav tonlalictt rollihu, 10111 1 mini,' the tiiioit. d ir- liests 101 . oniniiss.u v fi.iuds Cap- I tain Ji.iiiows is not dherttv Lonnecled 1 w Itli the eominissTiiat. anil the onli" m ij 111 i.hifh lie tould heroiui 111- ohiil in the tioubli's a.oiiIu be bv the ill ., U sale 01 lonip.tnv stores Sjui(; may be m ide In the ie'iilnr latious Issutd to .i niilit.iiy (oiupini ami the suiplus m ly In sold to 1 iv II lans foi the bint lit ot the company. Tb it is peimltted under lhe lxw. out side of rations, howevet, theie ,11 cer tain canned qoods and other nicuhiu iiko wl'iih is sold to lb. soldieis To dispose 01 such stoics to a 1 Iv ill m would be eiiuilnal, an I that ts sub sisted as a possible cause of the le I oiled ai tests Tint rjuintltii of cotnmishaiy stoiis have bteu lot.! 01 stolen 111 lian- stL is adinlttid by the w.u dtp.ut liitiu It is saul to be a 10111111011 con dition In wai tini.s, and II has pie vailttl within ,1 model ite limit, slute the liejTiiiniiiK ol the Kpauish wai. Minniapolls, ApiII I -rietleiuk T. IJaiiow.s, v, ho Is under an est it Ma nila toi alleRcd complicity In the 10m uiiss.uj. depiitnienl funds Is a Min neapolis man, well known bete, wheie be lived for m in.v eais pieilous lo bis 1 nliy Into the volunttei aimv. lie Is lhe son of li". c. 1! 11 tows, a piomlntnt lumbeiman, and was, pun Ion- to bis ihputuie lor the Philippines, a nit m ber ol tin iriflci nth Mlnuisota voliin Itn lie Is about :.0 -veais of affe. HAXF TIME AT MINES Tom Thousand Men and Boys At- tected in Wyoming Region. II; Iv I11JH win tu n i'n .fiatul l'i Wllkis-liiuio j,i 1 .S'otlees w,.,e o',ld al ad the mill,'.-. 01 Up. Dili w.u. unl Hudson lompniiv toibi line until iiitlhtr notlt e tat . olllei le- wontd woik mil hill time, In the Wvorniu,: ienlon iht.iit t.lMlO 111,11 and bovs tee all. clod I'iiiIhk: Mm 1 li. 01 sun1 a sMi f lillueis u, it, talked of, the oi.tput, 01 ioal bus bum iiiv beai) llvei botlv who 1 mild, Htockitt up. Ti" now tin ojienitoi.-' antl liimei.s Jia, si-HI tl I lull- an 1 ptothu tl.ei will now be l ostt Ji tul. Then I" a bl lajl ln olt in the il. maud, Coiispliatois ut Xibeity. 11'ln Wn. (mui Tin WoiliU.I I'n. Miiil.nii, V) ill 1 -l, ('..iiiitlhiHU I. o it in, Hilllim .li.iin.iiii.ii, Ihu'iiis Il'ill, .1. It... I nut William Itippad, ula. Mil. 101wlrl.1l rt rnpli ic in will. -l mol.i 11 -.tint lavim tuiliart., t 1 1 w.iin.l 1 c 1 1 '1 imiii ill. II Ul MlllUK'l'. Illtv iikt.i It." iill '1 ilU'vr limn to run iln il nhtit until ilic hu .ul ' (ul. Ii.n 111.. I. II.. si, (01 lull uem rnli rn tl .Irf mliiiH 1 ntil nit -tUml iv Minn at 1 halt is .oipiis he .11 in: I ho uinil will IlllJll ubpb-i cl tlt Twelve Cottages Binned, Hi IaiIiiiik Who fn in 'tin s-, ijt, .1 ln Vim "ml, inll I. Iniln mtlauis Mil' ilrd 1.11 llu riyUinK fi tin I tin, klaml ( ut.p ll.ctuu r.nni latmn nil Mi-mil, I I Mi.i il'-tiovi'il I,; n hit. tnlii ami l ith. n, a-, Mill 1, a lu'.i poith 11 t lit Me .llanl hi tl. 1 linn- lln -nil 1,.- iilinai.l '. p. . 1 U In iiu In an l Mn hat 11 II. I"- l ii tiinalisl it it),iKi.) Census Emuueintoi Auesteil, Pi l.iilii.he Win Iinu 'I be si.iiti. I'r.v HlltllM'l.-, plil l--).lllll I ll.ll., Iht ll.tll 11,111 uncsidl in ir mn 1 1 mn villi in iciiiii. ir.iml- In i Mil'-- en. 11 11, v a lnuii'.hl In lul Ui.iui.) .mil i,iv . 11 n lit inn, 1. .1 iv Liu. ( 1 mini'), loiiu llu mi. I i-ce tin. itlni itniM.l umniii ulnn, (It'll. 1 M.iliiil an 1 niilnall. 11 nul is jch'Jntd 1,11 $1, li.ll i..r lit utlon tif tin ,'iin Dying of Hiccoughs. By HIn (run The ssailatril Prev. XcMlniiiili, N Y., t))iil J -l W". Ma-,cr, 1 hotil cliiK, Ls ibim," hue nl Iihiahh,!.. I (0 Ui unc til witli ih -,'ilp on Mmli ti-' I'mu. ninnli ilnilopdl, and on Simjy (j,fli .im illl ol inHjuiiiiitivU ot the triii, Willi InU rami .mil ilui,, M 11,'ln no Im liliiguslc'l alniiut Incimntb ami . imlilj JTOMillJ MiaUl . BEADING RUMOR EMPHATICALLY DENIED. Mr. Baer Clnims That Consolidation Stoiie Aiev Unfounded. Hy Mihuhe W'lir from the Amooljle.t rrc I'lilladulphla, Aplll 1, deoi-re V. Haut, who will on Wcdnowluy ha elected to the pteldinev of the Reatl IiiK eompnny, when tnnstloned toul-lu lelathe to lepoits Mill the LcIiIkIi A'allei vnitil.l be (nUeti over by the Iteadhif,', .ult the tuinoiH were nbio lutelv iiiiloundetl and that no chun-re lu the LehlBli Valley piopeity was eou ti luptiili-d lb- mild Hint his election to thrj lUiidltiK piesldeniv would In 110 way alieei his pic-onl leintlinm with the I.ehlRli A'alley. ami that he Mould eon tliitn In the rib v toty of thai company. HONESDALE PARTY MEN DECLARE THEMSELVES Demociats and Republicans Hold Impoitant Meetings NewBpa- peis Will Change Hands. Il' I lUir f. . .1 1 huU1 p,c llones.iu, M, 1 l-t.,11, Demnruits and l! .ins held impoitant ne et hics hue today. The nepuhllr 11ns li".' Wiiiirn i: I'.uiinin, f XIur nn, mil lb li A Plum, ot n.mi., ,1. i., -atis to the mate convention am! adopted a lesoliilloii nsi-intr ,, n,e passage k tin. judicial appm ttoiuiu ut bill makiiifr U'nuip connt a scpmale Pirlli Inl dlsttlt t. The Drmoeiats 1 -elei toil C Me-c-iui tountv thaiiinuii and thus,. .1. r Ihcnuiiu, L.opold rueith ami C. ! McC.iitv del. r-atn to (be stale tc.n venllon Itesnlittlons weie arlopt. .1 niiiileiuiihiK the sneitl 1 lppr bills antl the lurliilal appoi tloiim. nt l.t and eudoisiiiK t li. at tlon 01 l:epie--in. tathis Kieiniau and Put 1 th liolh p.nti titwspapeis ne eli.nirf-iii-, hinds Tue lloiiesdnle H-iahl (.Di mociatlt ) .stubllsbctl In is. J has been punlnsed In lion P. Clink lor 1 stork company .mil Nelson .1 Spent er. piiiuipil ol .Mount Ulffh school, is siittd foi the tdlioi shlp TlH Clllen (It 'publn.inj is now be in negotiated toi bv a situ K lompanv of which rii natoi Ilaidcnbi i",b is . 1. and It is espeitcd the 1 lunire will be cousumni.iUd bv Mai 1 intl lhe pi p.i issmrl semi-vvei klv A II ilsnn, 01 Phil-idelphl 1. is slated tm Lrljoi COURT FINDINGS INTHEBOQZCASE Opinion That the Statement That the Cadet's Death Was Due to Haz ing Is Untiue. I' 1 i.n.iti Who 11 in Iho I'n . Washington, Apiil I The llinliiiKTs of the inilitui. lotul of iiHiulii which investialtil tin tualiuenl allestil 10 hm been neioided to the late Oscar L I5oo, a toniiei c itkt at West Point inilitui acailimv. have been made public at (he w.u d-pnimcnt The findlnns ot the v (outt aie siiuimeil 1111 in a lellt-i iMltten bj Ste letaiv Itoot, width ,ic. ompinits the 11 poi t. Thlb li tti 1 sav s. "The llndin-s ol this until 01 in finity, 11 huh aie sustained bv the cii deuie, hIiow tint the siaiciiienU v hit h kd to the louviniiw 01 Hit . ourt. lo th etf. t l thai I. .unci C ul t L. Hon, came to his diath b; uasou ot Iniuiies leitiitd hj h iIns at tin araikniv vine not tine Thei show thai at the time Catb t Hon, was a nienib 1 of the a. ntlemv h uln-r was prevalent time lo a di'iiloiable i.lents (li it the pn st nt oilli t is ot the ncaJr uv have shown t oiiiiiienihibl enei'.v 1 al and 1 till lem in di t iint, and i.uiilsii-Im,- olleiites 01' ilils 1 Inn 111 tt 1 and that thev the piai tit e ami Iinptovtil th public seiuiniiiit anion,' tlie 1, ulnts upon Hie suhiet. The testl. moil ami Iiudlli';s ot the 1 mil l vuie pla. til In the hands 01 the ioiiimillet ilmiMil at aboiil the sam lime with Hie llni stllf.ltlou ol tile su!iect antl the ei.v 1 lib knt and hem llelal arlloii of that 1 iitnmlile . lollow.d by the linlshnii.n upon ib.i subj. 1 1 . mil, lined in the act ol Mauh J, l'ldl, 1. mills futthei at tlon bv lhe tlep 11 tment 1111- peeess u; NAMED HOUR OF HIS DZATH. Vetetou Boatman Said Lite Would End at Six 0'Clocl;. Ih ImIiw). Wn ii 111 lli N-s .1 1 it. Pi. KtiHton. P.t Apiil 1 ll.uiy .ilis. iiei n utciuu biiiituiaii. dbd at i o'doik this nioinlnt,', aftt 1 11 lout, III nefs Last lllulll lie ti.l.l 111" Kl'.llldsim. Mail (! Siiii late Fupiu visor 01 iep. sin lot this dlsttli'i, that ho tumid dlo til 1. o'i lock this uioniliiir. hen th hitler went to ,ee him todav he was dead, bin 11m dhd prei'lsely at the hour he pi 1 dieted. Bauymoie Hopelessly Insane, 111 l.ulnsbr Win- fioni Mil l-itnihtnl p.i... Nm ink, Ipnl I 1i (ur- Slr-iiii Wild, nitu in.l MUh kiln null.- an cv iminitir n H M mm llaininrn, now i pad lit In il.lltMiu IlllSpilll II 11 1 1 111-!. lu. p,s,n 1 iiL-l 1, li.lilU' the llctp rllip 01 iuili ixlutwtlii. c lhe i.iila-i!i .l I In .' n in. 'Km Pi -1 1 u a 1 1 iiimonmi.l that Ih. pal.nt mi,-, InptltoK iiean. It m is il) (,iun nnt thai l.m.rinvv If ul In III on in lib.r lu.t il -trria Botha Joins De Wet. P t.j.luiiii AMtr from tlie A.vniiatfd Pull I wnl. 11, nl J tl. il..pitihc (10,11 I a;e luMii llil llr.i l I 111, of (nli.ial 11,'llu ami I. hi, nl Ih- lln joining 1 satheimi; 01 15,1ml 11,11 (or pfialioii, uiin-.i (.iniial l'lcnr-li In tin l'i in.l u! Ih.i Hull l.iio to in i'iiL'l nt 11 llithim rnl, 1 ips (.Muni, ml the town iiaul hu l(,ii . ill. .1 out to tho I Im Small-Pox In Webt Vliglnia. 11 I scln-lio M nv liom (he s.h.ijIh1 I'll- Wi-ttii, ". a, prll 1 --'the mull pox cpl. iliiule In Wtlftn lou.iti Ins. itatlicl a tUte u tot nw ncrioiin lln liiiuil lourt fluiiihl 1. 11c O'Ciiol ,11 tidai, l.ut on in 0111. 1 o( Hit. 'put all m f of tin illia.-.e, luuiu i, 1111. Il iih.i-e ht.'ii. i 111 .1.1, tin, .ltilik-d 10 ill . xm mill Hi,. i,Cil term SHORT SESSION OP THE HOUSE Senate. Bill GreaTiiiiQ i Juvenile Court Is Sent Back to Gomniittfu.. WADSWORTH RESOLUTION Piovitles foi a Committee of Sena tois antl Members Who Will Con fei with Membeis of Congicss with a View to Secuilug an Amendment to the Constitution to Provide for the Election of United States Sen atois by Populai Vote. B l,v. bi-lt Win litim rhi' li-in,lpd 1'rtt. Ilarrisbinir, Apt II I A shoit session of the house was. held lonlnht, the 01 'ler of huslness belnj"- oilnlnal icsolu tfons and bills on Hist le.nlinfr Op motion oi Mi I'tilionl. of Phllndi 1 pliia. the senate bill in 1 tl tie; a luveiille court was snl bad, to rotnmiiti e lot a public hem ins; -Mr. Vooihees, of P'iilmlelphl.1. of ei d the tolloiiim, toiicuitent ic'ulu t ion. ulilih was teiine.l to the edum llon (iimmltlei Wlur II 1, .In n .1 ti il II Int. In.r 1-" ii, II. 1 il. ipriumlilini I,. ...iiiin.n -.Inn, llhtr 111 II, 1, mi rp.inlr.l 1. r ullin 1 .if mn il i. mi - 0 , n I i Mi. I 'huucl el tl. timiuu ilth siti-fa.t. 11 ii--nil . .-.1"- fl 11 1 is 1 rn 1.. nliiiili -itttiniit to nihil th' .1,1,1 llWa -111 1-I III IP. .11. I. 1 l: -.. bril tu 1,1 n 1 il, r. 1 r n 1 tin! II r .1 I. mui 111 luivii 1 mil hi 1 nl,. 11 ti ml . up ,1 nil I . unlit in 1 iln 11 1 t. 1. 1 nl In II. lisMltlll. ,1 its 1 1 ,1 ..,,! n I 1 1 ill .. 1 I In iv 1- 1 1 111 1 v vi mill . M-tni. Ion .111 1 1 linn 1 111nl mil mi nl il nr r ,lis ,. . , i"P". tl" its. 111. I. .11 nl nlni-li 111. n in I 111 m 1. .11 1 iiu 1 1 on mI"iii . I . hi 1 1 n il . '.. i -t 111 nihil ilnti(.i,l v Inth III 1 Hun 11 rv i run in-Inn ..1 pnldn i,iiii.(I 11 .1.1 mn 1 -1 1 1 ,.,l ih. inns 1 pi 1 ,. I,. 1 1.1,11, ,, frtii'ii 111 nl I,, li.l.l u,till 1 tn tm 11 111 tti with the ,rnci)K .,1 dim It Ihr tntc m c In. 1 tioi u pmiH-i, flic in. n hi 1 mi n, nminl -hill ,110 vilhoii p. 1 1 n.i n 11,, ,,m fNpinn I ittl .hi ml .1 iK Inir .. Iinllv n . nil. .1 l. II. 1 ..nil ml i-piud hi In. i 1 1 rin: lillhn 1 It II Urn II p- nn. mui. 01, i 1. ii'i 11 el lit- h 11-c -in.l wnili- 1 r. pi -ltd I 1 iniliirl 111 the Rincral 11 pi ipmli. n Mil 01 tl . m mil st'sion i.r ih lp.ishli" m iinu nppio piiillntr the bin ii ;.(kh ( ,. ,r , ,, ,, hnelntit.ri iiinis.l. liilimtc l.v I, iriinnrt! In the tn u. ir nf the hUtp Wadswotth Resolution. A ton.unetit lesohltioii was bv Jli. Wiulsvv 01 th ot Phil idilnhit and ulopt. d. that a loinmilto of two senatois antl Hues ineinben- be ap pointed to confei with loiiKiess and the legislatuies ,,t the aiiuu, state ot Hu I'tilon with thf object o se, m ItlK such an amendment to the 1'niLd .Stales senate to piovlde 101 the elei -Hon oj t'ldtul States senatois In popu lar 1 ol. , the coinnilttte to topoit to the ni'V.1 lcKislaiin, and Its expenses not to t to. d xJUII a x ni Mr. Il.taj,, of -i huiiUdl. f.riintl 1 institution, which was mloptid tile senile be ietueste.1 to appoint a lommllt.e to 1 oiit.i v, Kb a Ilk. . 0111 miti e 1 roin the house (,, t onsltlei the ilati o llnal adjoiiitimi ul fler ili .11 Inir tin abn.l.ii ol Hist 10 till in; bills Hie liotise .idiom in d un til 10 o'. loeh totnoi row. THE VACCINATION LAN SUSTAINED Appeal of Chailes O. Field Is Dis- missed by the Su)ieme Comt at Philadelphia. U I v. li -1 o Mn (10111 11 ' l-llllildt.lphl.'i. pill I. ci .in 1 lo.lnv ilihinlssnl Chatlis 1: pi. Id liom -.1. a '. l'i" - 'I he Slipienie the ,ipp. nl of tlie ih 1 son of 1 . million lib as mm L The 1'U'i Pbllatk'll III 1 is 1111 1 I1111I iclusid lo ot- till M, Hlllll I.. I'.llllll-'.lll. lClit of tl'.' Ke.loiie pialiiinill ,-1 pool ot Phihi- i tl. Ipin, t 1 admit tin- child ol .Mi. I Kid as a .iipll III tut s( iinul the 11 fils ll lo admit In I InivlU! In .-U bl;.'l on the !;io uiui thai sh. had nt.j be 11 van iiitili d. The tsiipn nte 1 oin 1' , 11 ,, We thltib tin 1 0111 1 below lid nn 1 il' III lhe llllljiK 1' filled to III I ie -is- -iftniiitril) lu Uuillt Id is. vim inis .tilt ii liool dlstlli't, we hi Id that nt ho il lllleiloit-. In tllf et-icse ol .1 t-ouiut ill-eielloii. in. 11 i-xfluilu 110111 tin pub lli" st hools pupils xi ln have not ii-ii xacilnat.'d hcther a ienoltiilou limn lln Mui'ri pupils who hiiio nut pi v in fln.i 1 i-il U 1 ia,son thle up is to bo Judhiil In tin flint hiitiinip b the school dheitoia, fn lhe pie.-em state ol ini'dlinl liiowleilg'i arid of 1 nnvlm ii; opinion of those lKtiiiif,- 1 liatlje or llio intblln health, the iiiuiN will not t-uy that l!eh n lesolutlon Is an abuse of oiliilal disc lotion' it ii.ib nut b. on .shown to mn satli-lnetloti thtit the net of Juno IN ixfil. In urn (institutional. Put the n.ihoiiH above .state it wn ills miss the ashlRineittK and --tisialu thi (oiiolindop 01 the mui t in low, DEATHS Or A DAY, lli Iviiu-.u- Who p.'in Die 's-ntitil IV-. Pllla.l.l.hii, piil I - IM Mind spuriii.n, a Will l.n.. 11 pliiiim ni Vlilwaulut, Mi, dtr.l teiiiklil at 1 In-pild lull, a, 1 1 1 will ol in .Illation lo tune lirro lime vniks aso let- tiialimiit for un mtnnal timiHo Hi. Spfau.iin wrs honi Ju smjrlt ), , in n.t, mid sradintcl (nni Juliron nillitfi In thi? ttv liuntj .uin lain "ll.f icnuliu. Mill be Milt In pploluii, Wn, tomiuoM Mil 1. lh,; Milt he liittut.l Sim i.ik, pnl I Pol in. 1 ( on(,ii-ni!.n llnnus 1 llrnllo ihiU toJa at his hciin. In Ills tin. Mi llrnlliM. vi tn i" n-.r-i.ll lln va-i) nine ihclul lo ci'iint fruni the Ninth ill-liht, hU last 1. nn. cmllns oil March I. llirlln. Mill I -Dr. n hh In lu 1, tlp 11ltin liutllii awl, i, 1I1.1.I llvlctnn, iprll 1 lr I lanl. I'tidie r.lto 01 tin iieilthy coal opirator nf tl.K dt, illul lulij of -inluioiur) heirt tionhlc, Mu had l.otii in ill li.jllh i'n mint. time. She j. Mirviut) li Ittl hn.bauil, lM. ,-nni iiij (tm il.inglit.n THE NEWS THIS MORNING. Wtither tndtca tlpns Tod)! ItAINj WAHUEIt. I flciicmt ctir7tirlin MTiltA. I!u. la f'li.k nil Tlltimttiini to China liKKtilirltlr-K la (lie riittlipln.fl 1 nccirtlrd. Iritl'lUnri' llolrlj 11 Iirlrf f-i sk.n 1 tli nci il- rVrbnuiHIc Drpirtmcnl Inc.l Lnurl l'ionci1lli" Cub in lAmu'ntlni lluldn 1 N net '-mini, Note mid fonnn(i,l f.ncal llPorr?mlatii)n (tuirrmmnl. ol ll.o .strinloti Illy 8 I ncal MorlilnbU Iloll 1 Mis-i Meting. Opinion on the Imkiuannt r.ittimlitp In il.'btr.Jtiivs, 7 I neat -.In li"f Mfl.Ul.l Vow i 1'i.Lial Com I lmli;e -V it Hi Inrl (Itl'fn Wild Vo.l.urt- fr 111 lli nli S J ocnl MVsi Sirintei. and suhuilun. y Cnicril-vitlK lit 1 in I'omi It. 11111 luin.flil nd 1'i.inin, rolal 13 1 nil llcnrt' iniillot, (('ncltiiKil ) of Oil) (nvrti.iiKiil TROLLEY ACCIDENT NEAR EASTON A Cm on the Slate Bolt Jumps the Tmck Seventy Passengeis Aie Injined. !' Ixil.1.,11 W11 In in Ih. l't L'asloti. Pa , A)ill 1 A liollev t.u on the SI tlu iitlt loitl iiinilitil the tiaik lieiu lliiitK.ii lids .ifteinoou antl the moioinmii and lopilucloi anil eieiv one ol lilt -eveiiti passeipjois wie In lund home ot the KiUei, wcte, how evei. null cut bv IjioUcii nl iss lhe 11 ost -eiiniisij Injun d .11 Mis Owin ,om s. who is in tin ed Inir 1 nnlli ami vh.'-e (ate is nit pi '1V1..1I pi id s .Mi .loiiu Pain mis'; tiaitui d and KiirnKid out; Mis I) iv Id I.. nes le,; broK"ti .Mis Thorn, 1 . lliiiiiphnv, 1 n e 1 ul All "I th. inove 1 side a) Wind (I ip. l-atilik I'.'ideis IMward Ttr.tnot mil Ul .1 C. Ivilh'l. ol Pell A I Kile, stist.iluc I .pis mil In ulsps aboiu the In ' ami bodl I'.ildei antl 1 'ontlii. Im It. t!i. 1 ol I'tsttni, wire bull' Injun it When the t 11 Wl the II nl. il Mini ovfl 11 st , f, enibitiU 1111 ul .in I tin aid (otnplctilv ovr- Mt.s'l o Hi pis eiiK is w.n Welsh pfOpl Who lli'!,' ..U 111. It' W IV In I! Ill Mill lo attend ti tun." il KARAPOVICH SENTENCED The Assassin of M. Bof-oliepoir Will Spend Twenty Yeais in Sibetia and Will Lose Civil Bights lb I hi n Wn 'i i1 nni Ptp-i St l'olei dull'., Apiil 1 Peter 1 1'ilicli, the ,issis-,n ut ,M Floptolieprill', th.. P.usslin nilnlsUi ot public ltistiui II. .11, has senttiii'ut to tinutv veil. penal siivltml.. with 11 lot- of tlv 11 ilqht- The lull was sUlctlv se ll ot. Admittance, was mil bv raid Auioni, liltist iitisept line the mtuisti'j s ol illstlte, ol the I11U1I01 Hid ot IllllllKiS. Onlv llftv (.mis weio ilistiili'tled. Kaiapoiiib spol.i lor an luuii re RiudliiK tin studtiit tiotibles under lloi,olIt.t anil the illsoianlallon of the uutiilsillts The pilsoiiei ( ,1't li.etl i;..'olieinll, whom he know as a 1 in, not at llosrow In l-!'B as tlie "baleful -li 1 ot lPitction ' ICiunpoil'b dec 1 tied thai hr was In nlltetnit, wilt 11 si-otiiiK, whether MoBollopolf would be Killed, dt stilus in alii i ase lo inflict a daii'.eioiis vvoiind. lie lelu. ii to sav wheie P.. lodged or whom he saw .11101 his aitlval nom 1 1 ei lln I Tin- wosoi utlili tttociev de-rilbtil ' HOKUM ion .0 11 nobl. 0fiiei.1i antl tl". ! hi unl. 'I tin Inlll. Hon ot the most so lvere pmaltlis. Counsel h.i the de-'lin.-e, .M. Tuitehai oft pit ailed for a I 11 lid. t pui'lshmen'., thai s-e. riil v.tts imiible to elttct auvtlillUT In 11 sliui',le wllh lilt as and idealists, who io' lidlv , ni-hl miilwdoiu lor then jiiln. Iple. The onirl tb lib. let. (I lot tWCllt-llve 1 i.iiiite . antl 1 oiuieniiicil Kanpoi ji-h to twtiile it ins liaid hibii) hi Siht iln and lhe loss 01 all civil HkIUs, Thi piilln an int In 11 tiK" their ii iltlliv iulo Kui.lpnvlchs 1 oiinertl.m wllh lhe k. net il n volutlonai v move 111. ut In f tnt-sl.i. Tluee Mineib Killed, in 1, u in Uli, iinu tin is-u'aitil I'n -j ( mui.. 1I111.I, 11,1, pt 1 1 lln. e coil niliK'l Mil.' l.Hlol in lllt-li.'n niii.ti to li, .lohr I tiii p unl fohn Mill niiil', ..1 lor ic.n.lin,, bv 1 fill il tutf .oil II I'ln.' Hill niln. i.'ii thai Im, in.l 11. nnt .teU, 01 lolthait, ll a .-biiilai ..illcnl it th lloibiun iiiiif James I. Blakslee Dead, in li Who mm lie WoiI.Ip.I l'if thill',,, ApiII Ilimn I liUMiv, a 1 in., r nss.pirli- 01 .a 1'ul.Pt in tho cort-sino lion 01 tin I iht-li l ill. v, 111 1 a illro I.r .11 ll. roil nun its lomrptloii '.. Ihr lulu 01 iln MtPui rfslin .In' I 1' li! 'mile hi 10 last nllit Genet al Qunralea Suueiulei.s, I'l I'vlmho Wlfr hiiiii lli Iv-oiutt'd 1'icn Jliiilli, 111l I 'Lo n.ent oiiii.'ii.l.i Inilti.l 1, i'n, 1,1 (. 14I1-, tin, 11 ullin, unl ion; four mm. Mpli lull l,i, ii-lii. ,,t M1I.I...1., in.l 1 ol. , n-1 II111.111, ihrr- mil' c 1 ml tunil ll.o 11(11 1 il'i ilile, it lasfiin, and ( '.kuls I'thlo Iriun ami stbi-I at Itnlnan. Asphalt Plant Destioyed, l,i rxiludve Wilf fioni llio A?oclatpJ 1'im, lilul". Mui I --li" plant oi do lit... f rip ph It Itloil. cnipnii, In boiivllk, win it li td lo hro nib tin. nioinlny 1 0-, iiiMM), Ir.iiii.m. r, sj.UK.i Ynuugbtowu Still in Second Class. 11 lAtliikho Who fiom Ilic Hite.l I'rPM. oiiiiKsinnn. 0, April I -'llio nitlio Ittpnl.ll. cm tl. lit 111- licit.. I lure hi maiciitlri rint, ink 1101.1 mJ to IJ(i, si). ihw lime Ittpnl'lkaii pa lib Tl "i lot.' via. Inn to on. ''ah.l Jib laiulus (he till in lh.t cla. Democratic Mayor for Columbus. 0 hAtltulve Wire Irom The UsulatrJ Trcn. Calmnbiui, 0, Ipril I, -Mm N Illnklo (Dun) in- lodrj eltclotl iiuior mcr Ibm) (I, lijloi (Kip) lv about -ft) phiralllj 'fho prr-ent aj. lulnkli idon U lltpul lmn THE RUSSIANS THREATEN A PraGtiGdl Ultimatum Has Beet? Forwarded the Glilncsc Government. PROTEST OF THE POWERS Has Caused Anxiety on Port of th Russian Government No Furthei' Delay Will Be Toleiated in Con nection with Mauchuvln-i Agiee ment -Mr. Wu Says the Chlnesa Envoys Have Been Otdcred Not to Si-jn It -England Has Made N Piotest. - Py nvtlii-Iio iro frfiu The -o npd hm WnshliiKton. Ap.ll 1 Tnformatloi has been lceelved heie that the Jlus ulnii jjovdiiiiient, behiK- seilouslv pei Iiubed by the cotiii-o of Chlnti In not sIriiIii1; the llnne hut tun nweement, IntKoli betaitsp ot the piotest mode bv the several pouers, has conx'oyed .1 dUlinct and unnils-taU.-ible Indication to lhe Chinese iroiotnnient that It toiii so is pciMstoil hi there max be ... !.,.,, ...... It,. 1, nt 4 !..!,., ..In n.n..n. I.l.l lllll'lll,,,,,',! 1,1 .....l.'; lUltblll. in between ltusia and China and a ler- ininatlou ol the ptosent Intercourse be tween them. 'I'd what i xtcnl the United Slates will taKe coijitlanee of TtiissUi's tlnont is not luiown. it appeal to be the pollt v 01 (be Chinese authorities to I onsidet the subject one which con- II ins the poiiois as much as it does China The matter lias bee (Hue fui tlier od bv lepoits received In U'n'diin'Hon that the Chinese au tlioi Hies (hemst'lios aro dlildert on tho nurse to be put sued. Some of the most inlliicntlal. inthidln'r T.l Tlunj? Cliint;, uikc that aetiuiestence be idieu to lhe lciissian proposal!, xvlille othtis Insist on lojectinn the a:ree :i ert. Li Hung's Attitude. T he attitude ol la Hunt; Chans: Is u cotritctl tor by bis well-known ftlend Uii(ss, to use the mildest term, to Ilus ..!. Atinyed iiKalnst blni. hoiveier, i"' the stionf, intlueiicf' of the southern vice ox s, Chan (Jhi Tunpr and Lla Kun Yi. n ho oppose the .signlntr of the litatv. The lepoits lecctnsl beie tod.ix showed thai the agieeiuent had not et hi. en sifrni rl. Its stnttts. is moat potu liar. The time within xvldeh It xvat lo be stoned expind last Tuesday, but on thai day Van1' Tn, the Chinese ininisler ,t St. Pelersbui;. mot xvltb an ate ide nl lie fell in the lrrratloii and hurt bis bead. He Mas unable, r oiiseiuir ntly. to transact business. That niNioituiic caused much tall heie, ami some mitntion in certain .itai tots, it was jofiardid as a lnoRt timely nicins of axoidlito a dhtet la bile on the sitbieet. .N'otwlthstttndhiK Uussia's Insistency Minister Wu. the Chine; e repiescnfca live, Mho was at the state depart ment todav, infoimed Secietarv Hav that he had recoil id information that his f,roieuunent had issued instiuctionH to the Chinese plenipotentiaries not to. Kton the .ranehuilan agreement with' Russia. Siniilir mil lees xvere received, today bv the dep.u tment fiom Special C'oimnls-itonei ltoekhlll. NO FEVER IN HAVANA. The City I"ee tiom Yellow Jack foii Tirst Time in April. Hi I'xtln-ltP Miio from 'Die Associatod I'rpsi. Havana, Aniil 1. For the first time in the hlstoty ol Havana, the month of Apiil bJRlns xvithout n Muffles cast oC ellovv feier in the rltv. Major W. C'. chief t-anltarv oflker. Is mnildent that xiilh the Hanl tary nioasiues now belni? enforced unit the valuable infoiniaUou Kiilned dur htij the leeent Im estimations of the. vellow fever comma, then) will he hut lew cases duiln'r the cnmini: .season. The niailiie hospital seri'Ieo Ih alsn ttiklliK: pieeaulloiis against bilnj-ino; Into ll.nnnii Infei ted petsons or bas: K.ike liom Mexlenn or other parts. PENNSYLVANIA EARNINGS. I r.i!iniw V ln fiDin Tli.) .VHOcIatril Prt. Ilillj.lilplili, Apiil 1 -Th? l'miilianli Kill, ronl biiiijilon 01 i-amlniM .mil (pomc-s foi iiinith of IMuiiaii, 1901, mid for tun months piiilbnr IM. J, 1J0I. with nime rtrlods of I i M n tollaiv-' Im, Uli.'ill.i oppratp.l llontli of lVlirmii, Iloi, (Irrew f unbiLS, into!-,., sihllDO; f iihWi ), Ihpo at', VI'iT.s.m. Net cmnlnj,!, Inereav, .,. ,VI Iwo month dulliv IMi -!, 111)1; rao-i filiunisv, Jnccl-r, (liiV-1)". eipen-c, In irPH", 1"it, IO11; nit eauiln, incirno, 7T1 ". Il.e al. no Hkiiips il m't in. lud (lio ippiatlon if the lliiffjln ind Mltfilipny Vallry ilm-ton New Industiy for Shaion. Hi I'vi Hull Wlro (111(11 'llio Ai..)clat("l I'ip-i snr n, tll I 'llio Smroti f-lrol Hoop plant al .smith Shaion list init lieon complete I in I iv ill Kt. hto op.r.ilhu this visl., cbi iff eiiinlm n.cnl 1.) .-cvi ir 1 liiii.iltnl nun Onlus inip'i arc to I up tho plant In .Lili opoi itinii for .ix mci In- Coipoiatiotm Clmitoied, 11 lAiliww Wile (mm 'Ho W-01 Illul Vinai IhilUhuif, Apiil I Oiarttit. irpio kut.l at th- ntato ilipitlnitiil lo-li) us tolloira' Uin Iff iliuan (V.ntli rnmpaii), Uont(.oinpi.i, l.v coin. Ine rouiil, lapllal, sn.OiT) pf Watct com. pan), ilinli, l ijiip uninli, tipllil, il,") Pailor City Caipeutois Strike. C .cbu.lio Wirs Iron ilic vnooiatcl Prei. I)im,l,jiiikii, Vpill I -the iiujorlt) ol tin union iirpuitm in litis ill) went 011 a still.i loda llioi iliuiaml 111 rmht hour ila.v will) full lili.o hours, pn' '-- - tt ftt -f WEATHER FORECAST. Wu.lilntfii Ipnl 1 Kiroal for lu la mil UcIuieLi Itmi lit lu, oljyaf. tfrii'iii., iiaiuii in ut hern portiorn, dfth 11. ill. lo UnllifMjay, lam, piohahlt v ulin.-i i