The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 01, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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gr,w 'T-flBHii'r" - 'mi
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Occupies ft Position on the Willi
Alongsldeof Judgo Gunster'a in the
Sparc Where the Picture of Judge
Ganlck Hnrcline; Formerly Hung.
Judge Hfliid Had the Picture
Painted nt the Request of the
Bar Association Sketch of the
Career of Judge Hnml.
A vn llfe-lllto portrait of lion. Al
nod Mil ud. former iiioiddenl .Indue of
the l.iicknwiiunu county courts, wan
hum; In the main com t mom Saturday
iftn-noon. It I" the wot It of Arils) 1..
C. Evans, mid N it spenltliie; likeness
nf tlie man who fur "' n uny veari
lucsiiled ulth such tllstliur-iMied abil
ity In tin- omuls of tin- county. The
pletmo Iuiiiks iilonit-dde tliul of tin"
In If .JlldRo !'. W". Cuiistei. oci'tinvluir
the space whoii- the jioitnill "f .ludKo
DiiiTlcIc likes-H.i ire. fur
inci ly hung.
The liar nssw lotion, m a mcetlnr;
"ninn months uuo, appointed a com
inlltoe lc wait upon Ihe e.v-Jude.e's of
rlie lourt and serine their portrait to
hans: In tin- main cmut loom, .lolm l:.
.I..II.-". iheu district .ittouuw. was
made chairman nf the ominlliee. Mr
united upon .ItulBf Hand and prouneil
his toiwlit to hnvehN portiitil painted
and presented to tlii Ilnr association.
Two week W Jlldfif Hand, bel'me.
Ifiivlni lor I'lillfnrnlii, left Ihi matter
of securing .ind hanging tin' pi' tine iu
Ml. Jours' hand- and Satuidfi.c thf
porti'.ilt took t pl.iif oil I In- walls of
l.uclstiw anna's slutely Ivinplo of jus
tice. It is ti matter of pilde In I In?
menibcis of lh" liar lo lme this t'k
turc ailoin the walls nf Iho court loom,
because of .Itulffp MandV distinguished
career and his no less dNtlnsulshed
career .it the bar. Follow Iiik I" a brief
-ketch of .lilds'- Hand:
HiK'ICll HI" .11 Dili II SM'
Hull. Alfrcil lliinl. fomiiily "lie t "" ;,i
iltr, of die "iifni tnc nun oi iViiiinli.nii.1. wj"s
In-ill at llono-dnlo, i.i.m.c inunt. on M.iuli ''-,
i 'J 111- pjic-nu rf .in-oiiir tlir citllol il
iIim- of Hi" i-Iju. .iml lame tioiu (Juni- i-iumty,
. V. Hi fallui. Kzri Hand, m
iioiii -loliii Hand, who c liiiKiniftl fii.ia,
I iijclniil. Ik ""iilh rupliirj, 1.. I., prior In Hie
rai JIII5. lll liinllic-i, -huse jimIiU-ii iiui'v
-a Citliiiitie iliipnun. w.'t. a dof-rciidiint
llohriL fitapmm, ho tmiRr.itdl ttom Hull,
l.tsl.iml. in l. wit1! Hi" mloi.r wlilili Ptllni
!nt it llif iiin.itli o !iip Cniimctirui iImt.
.IiiOjc HjucI -i brought up .imid't tlu mi.'-
iouikIIiiei aKuiiiininJei tlir d- rloprrcnl
..! tin- nnllir.iritf- indmlrifs in l'eiiiT-jlv.iiila,
11-iloii full of tlir .Kliulj .iml cntipiii- .ii-
v found in tlic now 'mil -'inwiiif; pirli 01 ISip
1 .11.111 r.. .mil nlilili u Mill toitli irniiy .uim
ind nicn.tic mi-it in M UM:tinPiit of Imaiia-K
ml inoii-i-ioiu life. IIU cl(.:nrntai. criiitatl'"!
i-H'.-iaory to colliEf life j uliollv jtqinitil
hi lit-, twine plnrn. ind lir rocf'm-il hU .stroni;-
si tniprr-xirms in dln-Un'ti urnlci- Xciv
Hid leulKl-.. t ,)5r nt riphlerlt lli ll-
irird 1 ili- lollrge. ulini- lie iinipli-tfd a lull
-rurhO mI1i -hi icy. and KiinuliMtin 'villi
1" f I lih ot l'.7.
. I lit- I01 Ifuil -ti.iliis 1ml lueii e.iilj
. i.ipnl ly In- .ilt.-iirliii.i. 1.1 .1 -i-i'Uitui on llu
.i-jiurliii,--el tlie ii.nrt-, ami In .ii'iiciilir-n ind
Minn I.HI-1' illlil llm-e ill)", In lliclf Mine
nd 1 Ii 11.11 til-.. Ii.ue lmlioud tin iirnli-v.ifiii.
limiirdiiti H .itirr '.idiiiliti fium Yule, Ml.
Iliiid rntiitil tli" law i.tlifi- ot II. n. illi?.n
ini M1II11111 I1. .If up. ami "J ndmlttol In
'11 h,i .11 Moiilio-e on Nowmliei -Ji. I '. In
ii-irdion Midi llu .li 'tn, lie opened .in ofd e
ii -iiintr'ii, 111 !h . l-i-'i. M tin- time M-un
"li m, 1 I'.iiuiigli, ind tnuiiid fld.i h frllldl
11 ot till- pie?cnt itti. li ei thrn a p.ilt ot'ilii n'liil.i. 1 1.0 mi kin;.- llh
liirn. Minn the lunim.-- f the qotuti a.
i..n-ietfil. Mi. Uitul at onm tuiind -ii.w n r
I'U-v lite in lin pretc.-sieti. lli-i purlin sien
I'ipidli. and hi iihiii" .1- illnimy i-. tonnd 111
'lie lejril lepotts 01 tln-flile in innnidion ivllli
ininy I ai.
Arnoi.viEn i" nnvi 11
In I-"1! lif touted 11 patlner-Iitp ttt 1 In" pur
ine of the hw "ith l'aai -I. Poit, om., Mlnch
'.mid until Jli. Hand v;t railed 10 the tirncli.
lie ind nticr lrru .1 ciinlidttr for political lion
i uritll In- m.i Jipointrd to the bench, and
tiitn ncniiniteil In- the Kepubllejn pally of III-,
ilisltift l"f el.Hlivn (it tne poll.,. He was ap
pointed and etnniii-Ioned mde in the Klecnth
-listnct, eornptiiinc th" (oiintie-. ot l.uzririi and
I atkiMunni, liv flovnimi UoM in Much. 1670.
Hlifii I ad.. im anna mis fonnid into .1 wipjiale
judiiiil district lir tiAn-lrnril to tint
INifKt, Olid Mas tlun ileilcd jndKO 101 tic
lr-im ot ten jears from .1 lima:;., li-SO.
In 1 ho m.h ttieiiuoualy tirifcd li Hie notlh.
1-1-teni lointios of the slate, includmi; Iho an
tlircl irgirti, tot- the nppointmetil to (ill tin-
jiaiii.v nn the siipteinr bctieh, cau-.'d by tin"
death 01 Juilce Mcirnf, Thu ),'0ieinni, Iiowev.'i,
leilmid to till the vicamy until alter Iho lie.
publican j-tale tomintion. Judge! m.k fur
a I'ine (on-idi-io.l .is .1 randidite lir tlio nniti-
liitinn, hut biluio the crimeiilion ,i.-embled
liipuotid Id-. Iiiends not b pn-(nl It!-, name.
On Aui'itst I, s5-. hoiMVif, (iowrnor Uwiir
appointeil him In till tin' vif.nny in tint mi-pienn-
(Otitt i.itiKuil Ii. tne death of .IiMi.e
I'nmUej, nhldi piHitlr.n he au.pted, and In Id
until Jatuian, I, l--'i. 'fh Ma-i tilled
by election at Hie poll-. In Id in .ViAetnhu, InM,
l'ion the oNpiiittl'in o, hi-, hcrri'u lie iiiuwt-il
-idiM' pradiu-nt the I. u In tomiiieiiliru up' 11
lliin iippoiriliiiint an edttoriil in tlm Sriautin
Tmtli lent lined iho lolloniiu:
".iliai .bul'.-e llunl'- ih.itioti In the hi inli
1 u ba pied nputi a- lir.piMt.iM and atied iiii
iloa- of law .ij liu mien In (hi lot oi any 01 ilic
jtiURf-ii of the ((iiinnoiiMiMllh, Hi-. cliaraa(lll'r
" jildlte ate quli l.m Mid ileiini-.. ,i (oiupie.
hei.-lun, iin luln.-.-. nt 1 ni-hli-iullon und tin
piltiilily. lie has ll.e iuiai;e 01 l)I ronen
tiotiF, and i- net .11 raid to pioiiouiAi- hi,, opin
ion 01 he law Minn t'onred. He hi. von a
'inli- in Malum hi ln piihlh- i-piril JU.l Inti s
riiy. I'rw null 101I.I b. sduicd tor the-m-pieine
bi-iieh 1. ho 1 "ill, I cany Midi tin 111 a mole
prartir-il I l,io lnU- -.1 ill the ifnlnl iutcie-l;
of the lnle, and 1 ipi 1 1.1II1 ul llu' nilni'i iti.
In hill inl'li-l. r.,r a i1i.ill..lile 1 1 -hi
tiatuie. he hi- Imti l.nci-ly Int. reb'il He ,
IjI id in the ilralllt'K and pioiiuiUK "I ihe lu.t
i.uili-l- I "I Hie dl, 01 l-danton, mil 1 ij,jV''1
.n duly in tin- mr-aiiura wliiili iouUed In the
if Hon u( the WW loiinty rf r,,ul.a.-ati.ia, lb
I i- Ihs(ii pii-lddii ind foi many jun illref.lor
of the ,.n l.ju Hi!. ),(,.ii, an iiii-titnlion :,. i
.mil 10 tone o lu 1.1ml in IU bimlitn to the in
1 line Ho legion, ind wMeii In, aiinnally bun
Jiiilly iicoiitdiil as .1 ktidldaiy of Hi tite.
Ho ii Intfiiislfil 111 lh' Pennsjlvanu Oral Sfha,
tor Deaf Molo.-i. the l.i.t 1IUII111 IU,i piibllo In
thutiuti of thai l.ind ti) tlm due lit is 1.1.,.
of 1 he tiiiitec, of l.jiilte (olk(,e, lie has Lcm
l.lclillfltd nlh the Voilll.- al(n' tlilloll.iu
Iiliou aiin.0 iti organlaii'ii in an nfutfd
. jp.uKy. hi his leli.-lous lailli lie I, 1 IV-v
hilcilin, and li.i h,ld ;iuul pMitionii of high
I red in thai denomination. In politic, he buj
med with Iho llq.uidji.Jll pjily illKC ill. oigati
ialton, Iteliilf iikutiOeJ wjili th. Joul liUtoiy ot n.c
ily Uu 11 I.-.- barf dicli, Mr. Hand ha bent lie
"iieiltlv lalbd upon lor publl' aiiii.-w' in that
.nd ifaiiutMloiis. i-iony ti ocr ua bu
imntlouid hlr addicts at D.j lajir.-a; of tl.o c -
(.- .(0119 of the l.jck.uvatmi county couit h'M.,e,
i.ri'l ao the oi.e at the. opi-nin 01 tin linlldliic,
11U inemoiial addtt.-v. on Dm dr.ilh of President
(iaitnldi his addicii of m'Uoiii to the Aiiiriimii
powdrr to be lliilu. inlo the klio. mi
H 1. 1 feel kMollen. mnuiii am damp, und K't
ind i-iilly, It Jon liaie aililijic tret, tiy Allen'.,
I ooi laise. It ri'JU the Pel and nnktb new cr
tlahl ti tany. Cunt Cldlblain-, (.wulhu,
viallnii li el, IdMeiK -ind eulioUH pot-. lit-.
luirH 1 hi Hi- and buniona ot all pain an I sucj
ir.t. and lomr'Ht. 'Iiy It IvJai. --old by all dtuy.
iti-19 md ttioc dialer. -A emu 'trial packj;i--IiBLV
Addrcsv, Allm ?. Olni.ttd. Iv Hoy, .V, 1,
ttitlHule of Mining tnjiltitrM, and hi aJdrrn
nl lliu lclAttoti cl the Young Akn'd Chtkllan
nMcclntlor. I'lilldlnct. de,
In ll bmlnfn iiirlillon. .Indite. Hani Im
bni connecttil with many local cntrrptUi. I'p
li the tlnii" of his oppolnllnrnl, lo the bncli b'
Inn) been iifllu III the nrffinlMtloti of n nuinbfi
oi ltiiit'.iiit roiprnlloiii, itmons tlitin th.) l"ir.-t
nn I Thiiit Xidntnl lniil of Sci itilu'i, 'he
er..iib,ii hit Inn bin).! Hie nicVlon Mimilac
tinlliS roinpttil! Hie People' Sllcet ItallMiiy
'oinpltiyi Hie I.KniMJittii Inllkt leintiton tltop
t' tolnpmys the Stanlnn hied onipiiii
and friciil toil and iton onipinlc. lb 0
In-csliklit "f llic I I1I11I Xrllonil bitik Ironi ll
or.MilMlloli hi eight. tiJ.
IN l'ltt)IT.SIOV.M. birr
In tm piofi','I"iil life 1 1 bad 1 lame ilbnl.
ai,i ind laid tin- biiindilloii of .1 bronl Hid 1 e.
urili' liinmlni!" ol lh'.- I.iu. und bi pnifn-ion it
l.oik ivis ialnlikl'iK and 1lotoii(th. 'lo the
ImniKiotM tnral o'liiinii of .ludtt" Hind M 111' li
hive bctn pnlilblied. It Mould be illfflnib lo do
ni.itliv hi -Inijli' .H;'l iiuiitalloin. 'Ihc
fl'alrii l ioiiiiioimI flt-t of t.itriiiii ull.l l.lil.-n
M tliti'i, and iiltrin'.itit diilded, m.lklnir the t.illci
intinty .1 M'p:ije jtididll dUltid, l one III
dilili llllL-atlon lia 1 1 el lane, and lead
ipic(loh imtrine tht' Mhole lance ol li'c
II l a Kkioii (d rjtnl ImiIimu nllilii an.) ab
lim-t lir.plii tdi-nli'd ('Uiiilh. Many ipietlniK .no
nlleii I ilwil in the iniirli peitilUr In I lie Itli-lorh-
(iiIkIn i I Ihr l.ilnl tlli in tlir- "fiiditnit
t--ivtiHhii." md in the biiiitnrH innneitril v-llb
llu- intl, tin Hi- I li. hut 1 ii In winie iif thi-e iite
llnnJ, Ihtoitj-h rlmlre r. lllfi'nnM .Hid 1 initti'. of
the indsi-H. he , hi-fn ,. died ipe lall.i to tn
1 i-e oiitHlde of hl dbliicl Sm-i.iI of Ibxe tun
b (0111.1I ill the -itiile Ib-poth. Soini- hlra of
the labor itoposid 1 pen llu- jud-;n of tint rexlnti,
1II11I nt the ou.'-tlii 1, Intiilli-d, 1 an he i nt.lllu d
Irniri He inc ainl oplniom ol .IiuIko Ibitnl, n-pirli-d
(iiide ttom tin- Stile ltepntt) In t Ii- f,u
7(ilul. im Titue". bai'iaiianni l.iiv 'lliiu-i anil the
t7iituno!i Pb i llipnrtci.
- 11 iidi;i. Mi. Iliml vj hnoMi a igtild. of
iipitr.hi'ttioii, rh-ii in hW feM-. h-di-pendi'iit
ud iinpaithl In llU .11 lion, and iiu-lhoilii ii iml
Imhe-lilim in Ins libur- In hi dellvuaine of
the M lilli'i tilic tin- pnblii ,ll lltue he lie jl-M'ay-.
b-en 011 the -ddi- ot orihi, tie i-titotreni'-nt
111 Iim. anrl the pciiuiniiil welt it of llu pi-op'e,
lie liu iiMi-r belteicil I hat jndie dmithl ituiis
malt' lrvoliitioiK A iikIuc I- often .-.nlijei.ti il to
the clniuur ot hupiluiil, ictlf - cllliti- iml
ilin. In hi dlr("aid of the-e .ludije lln.d liu
Miomii tint In- iluriH the pititnt. Iom head ol
the taw .'nihil ii nt tot -nib ri'fiiiux in soi bit ,h
it-wlltiii ill luiliimiti oiope.
On Npluuhit- II. 1M1. Mr Uitul m.i- liut
lied In Mi- Mill I, JnlltljJiM ihllt'lilet .ll lb-n
M dliim .le-iip. she illnl i.n Auril !", l-T'. On
the '7th of oii'mbir, lk7S, be uiiiri i llikn
II. SnntiiMiii, ot lleloit, W!,
mitcheTlwon7t talk.
Stfttement Issued Friday by Him,
He Snid, Coveis All Phases of
the Sitnntion.
I'lcsidi-nt John AUtcht'Il, ot iho I'uit
fd Mlno Woikt'i-tf, at rived in this uity
Haturduy nighl. from Willios-IJnne,
aiicl was seen at. the SI. Charles hotel
by ji. Tribune nidn ypstenlay nflor
noon Thu miiiti leader innialn sis
taciturn as before the ronventinu or
the Ihi-pi? dtptricts, and when an dfoi I
rai made to Induce him to speak of
the Munition In the nnthi.K'lte letion,
ho quietly 1 enpomlr-d :
"I have nothing- to say about the oon
ilitioni In tbeso d!.str!ct.s. 11 s tho wlate
ment ls-sued aflor Friday's joint .ses
sion fully i.ovcrs all tiw ihas-.:. of the
Since the Midden ilop.irtuii" of X.i
tional t'oinmltteeiiuin Frederick I3H
olier from the city last nook, there
havi hei-n numeroun mniois in tin-air
tiiaL tlm Ohio iKiaid meinljcr intouds
to seven his connection with the union
by lusfKnhiK from his position. Presi
dent .Mitchell was questioned about
thin and dnierl all knowledge of Dil
clu'i' oontrmtiliitmiT any such iirtlon.
On the (ontr.iry. the- is
.-oon lo enter into a. now Held by in
ves.ilfi.ulnK r-oiulitiotus in Tennes.soe.
".Mr. liilcher has not handed in Ills
resignation, or said anything about iu
londins to do so. Uc lelt. Berantnn in
rospon,st to a tolesidin I sent him. in
which he was instinuted lo ro on to
Ttidian.i polls. I intend having him leave
for 'IVune-Jee to invetlfrat .1 ftriko in
those i-'glonn. A mil(p baK In en on
ot Bon Air for eighteen months and
Mr. Ditcher, after iooklnpr into the e
Ihtlns conditloiifT, will draw up a re
port anrl .submit, it at Iho meeting of
the national board.
"This session will be held at lndian-npolit-'.
April S. I will probably Ic.ivo
this city tomoirow nitrht anrl so
straight on to national headquarters,"
None of the distilet ptes'idents m
other ofllclalri of the mine workers is
in the city.
Knlr.ince was- Rained IhrouRh a win
dow by thieves to the American Safety
Lamp and Supply company's bulldiiiK
on t'apouse avenue, Satin day night,
when one hundred and tll'ty pounds of
lead were stolen. Xloforo le.tvlnii the
premises the thieves melted the lead
into one solid piece, for xrojtei i.m
venienc" in hamltinir.
Oignns for Sale Cheap.
You can buy a good second hand ur
Ran at) low ns $10,00 at Ouornsey Hall,
J. W. niieiiis-ey. I'rop.. :IH Was-hlng.
ton h venue, Scr.inton, Pa.
Within six mouths tin- Thli l.-enih
uglmont will be qimitorcd lu the
splendid new armory at Adams avenue
and Jlyitlc slinei. The building is
now undur roof nix! (hough Contiaelor
Si hrriulerV' coiilracl calls foi Its coni
pletlon on April 1, he says now he will
be unable to have It ready for nccti
piuicv b"tore Mnv s. Th.- work 01 M11
isl.iug Hie iuteiloi has Imeu begun and
will be pushed lo a rapid cnuiplnllnlt.
The Hoor of the omunious drill roum is
lo he of asphalt, und the 'oncioic base
tn llils I'.iuuol he laid until the Host
out of tin ground, wnli.h will bo
some time et unless the wctunei ho
tomes vciy imicli inildoi
'Hie nflic'i's, who have oven milking
111 rt'.ngeitients tor the big military ball,
Willi which thu iiiuiory h to be mr
11, ally opened, ni.j m coulident nf K-ul-Ulng
a liuyc sum Hvnu tlm nvent that
they have .llreacli- 1 onuulslsoncd Cap
tain Viiudllnp. rpiaiteiniiuiter m the
ivgimem, asu purclmslng iommlil"e to
picture U'liilttiie 101 the vaibnis com
pany looms nud other nillccs, n tlm ad-ii.liil.-itiallui)
building, to thut on the
bight of the big urf'ilr uveiy thing will
bo coniplttely mtui.j,til oud In pi rfctt
01 dor.
Now thut thv aipioiy s nearly nun
pleted. an offoil U to bo made to ini
piove the surroundlngj'. Ordinances
luivo ulicudy pasjcd touncils ptovld
ing lor an electric light nn thu corner
und for llapstone slduwalks on Myitlo
slicet and on both skies of Adams
uvt'iiue, between Myitlo apd Ash
The iiiopnsJl to have ill" National
fiitui d of this state encamp at Buffalo,
during the, J'un-Amerlcan exposition
this fiunmcr, its being much discussed
by the inetnb'.'n of the Thirteenth rgj-
Thru Is the Statement Made by O. S.
Lutz, Business Ag-ent. for th Car
penters What the Lackawanna
BuggngemnsteiB Would Like to
Have the Company Do The D,, L.
& W. Board for Today Special
Meeting- of Machinists Union To
night Odds and Ends.
The Hiove of ihc CurpotnetV union
10 petti" their loan' Htrlke by dciillnr;'
directly with liidlvldiuil builders and
inntnu'torK, Instead of titteinptliiK to
negotiate with the Hullders' Rxelumse,
a1 a body, soeins to he mcellmr with
liuslness Ajfent O. S. T.ut. of the
I'arpeiitcis' union,. veslerday annoutK-eil
(hut over I hilly slgiintttieH of ptonil
nenl city I'onlraetors and builders
have been secured to the dcslicd con-Irar-i,
nud that Saturday a trio of lurec
local hiiildctH hIkiioiI II. A eulmlnatlou
of llif Htrllte Ik now in .lKht, he de
clared, and as woik will be resumed
for all IndivlilualH Immediately upon
their slpnluu the scale, It Is likely that
all the remaiiiinii-inuinbii'.i of the union
in the clt will soon be at woik,
Tiie conlrai t calls for tin eight-hour
day, with 11 minimum wage of thirty
eon!.-4 per hour, H also .stipulates that
none bui union carpenters shall be em
ployed. Request of Bnggageinasteis.
A movement Is ufnot anions Ihe
l)'iKiif;eniaster.s of Iho Lnekiiwunmi in Induce the company to ntlopl
11 mln -Mlpulutiniv that evety tbhd
man pioinoted lo passenger tin In nu
iluetor shall be n IrnggiigeiiiiiHler. At
pti'sent .1!' can only be
come 11 p.'i.ssonijot- , miiiiii tor by going
on a 1 rial (tain and ttiking his turn
with the other .second-! las-; conductor.-'.
Alter wen king 'for ill teen or sixteen
yein-s a a baggiigemaster, It Is not
fair, (hey claim, that they .should be
impelled to Kliiit at the hot lorn and
woik tluir Avay up by a sei vice of fif
teen ycais or so nioie. It is their con
tention thai, a baggagcma.ster should
be pionioted illicit I'tom the baggage
What Lackawanna Has Done.
Thf (utii'iil issue of the IJailw.o
Age contains an article on the Uela
wine. Uaokawanna and AVestein. The
article says in p.m.
"The iirogrannne for the last year
iiielndi.'d, among other things, u
rangenient of the yards and pasenger
(lain facilities at Hobnken, the eleva
tion of track in Buffalo, the bulldlnc
of .1 largo passenger station and the
abollshnienl. of two bad grade cross
ings In Hinglumton, and the paitinl
equipment of one of the divisions with
block signals. .Much moie woik of ,j
similar charai lor has been at ranged
tor mil the expenditure- necessaiy to
i-oniplefo it will be hea v v. Cot of
transportation has not bi-en reduced
dining last year so much as had been
expected, chletly because the motive
power is Inadequate lo (he requiie
ments of the company's business.
"Tlie iocomothes nie mostly old and
light, and cairy too low steam pressure
to be ;is clltclent ar W ordinarily ie
niliied. Accordingly, elglily-two new
heay passenger, freight and .switch
ing engines have been liought tor de
liveiy durinc the coming year. On
parts of tlie line these heay locomo
tives could not be urn because- The
bridges wore not In avy enough to
carry them. light In idges, some
si.ty or more in number, arc being to
placed very rapidly with new heavy
ones. I'pon the completion of these
improvements the transportation facil
ities of the company will be much
gienter .md piopoi tionately elv-npcr."
Today's D., L. & W. Board.
The make-up of today's D., L, and
W. boaid Is as follows:
si'xnu, Mini 11 .11.
Wild ll-, I'asl a p, 111 . '.lolm V iidell, II. 1.1I.
Illian'i lie 11; pi p. 111., 1. Mo-ier,
MOMMY, M'llll. I
Wild C..I-. I2..'.u ,1 in., I. Mah.i
in., W. I. Wnlel: 1 .1, 111 li. ( (.. Inn; '1 .1, pi.,
I'. ll.illelt; in 1. in., .1. P. Muiiat. c llirtholo
niew's iikii; II 1. in., -I. -I, Colli Ho; I p. 111,, I)
Willaii", -1 p. 111., , 1,. lliumtiltt; ." p. 111,, .1,
llmidiian: I.. 11 p. 111.. II. Doherty; ."1 p. in,, 11,
llimliilph: li p. 111.. i:. M. Ilillcil.
suuiudlf. a in., i-.i-i. I. Ibutuuiu: n p.
111,, eal. .1. f.nilaici s a lit. ?u-l, 11. I"iiiiii
n Iker; T p in., i-i, W. II. Xii hols; 7 p. 111.,
1 i-l iihiii Nay Mt,'. V.. diMli-lu: 7 p. 111,.
w.-l ttoiii lauiii. Mil. in"; 7 p. m.. in-1 unto
I aiitga, .1, ibnle.i.
Pulb'i- 10 a. in.. P. .. s.u.i
Pii-hn-- Si 111, llniwt; u ,1. in, .", I'ia
in He; 11 .:!' a, 111.. Mm 111: 7 p. 111.. Mm pin; I
p in , l..miplnu; PI p, 111 , Widni-i
News of the Guard
I niiit, II !' uiiollli'lally known Hint
I lie adjutant 'lonornl has been invited
by tile direr tors of the exposition to
h no Hie guuid encamp al tlufftilo, and
has been olleied the use of 11 splendid
lamping ground. nw the exposition
Kiouilds, sutlii lenity huge lo account,
ilnti a whole biigttde at a time
Tlie plnll iindei lou-ddoinlinu ts to
lake one bi'ig'iibt at .1 time, making the
whole eiu-.impmotit rover a period of
three weeks. The objection has been
raised thai the guard cannot be taken
out ot the state, but II Is believed by
j many Hint this is not a veiy seilous
I oiistacli . Ai-suranees have ln-en ie
reived by Hie exposition people, that
ioilious ul the national guards of a
I number of the onbterri states will t onio
10 13 u If a lo this .vcai- in addition lo Ihe
NtW Vork sttite hoops, and it it
planned to make the camping giouiid a
sott of hide attraction, At any late,
the oiliccn, and the tank and tile of the
Thli'Uonth to a 111. in uie praying that
the ndlutuni seiior.ij may see his way
clear in let ihein g" to nutfalo this
siinmii 1
Colonel 1,. A. Wanes Is xiei:ted to
appoint within thv next week or two
11 succcfsiir to Dr. W. li. Fulton. a
it'giuieutai suigtoii, 'I'licie ato tluee
at.plr.ints for the place, the two assis
tant surgeons, Ur, V, Ik Keller and
Dr. CJeorgo A. lllHiichard. und Dr. P.
r. fJunster. Those who aio on tlio in
fildu say that the last luimed gentle
man will be. the one who will soon
be able to wilto "ninjoi" bofoie his
Major V, S. Millar, of this city, as.
sisiaiu adjutant general, foimorly In
spector of the Third brigade, has re
ceived speilal pei mission fiom the In-
fawennc-r Htmind 7 a. m.i (atlnsyt 7 a. m.i
S-ltia:er! a SO p. in., Stanton j 7 i. In.. MefiOM-n,.
Mild Cain Vct-7 n. til.. I'lltpitllcliS 0 a. 111.,
I'. Wall 1 II a. m O'Connor, llLXtcr'a mem 2 p.
b M, .1. nnrkbirll .1 p. 111,, A. II. Rowe j I p.
111, 1 I' Van WeitiuM 0 p. m.i dob" tliliiaan,
.tohn Winter will lake bin nm mi .V) Aptll I
lattllmei will nm 1". Ullll8nr' neiv on H a.
In. wild cat April I for one trip.
II, Golden will 11111 .1. II. Viarlt'ii cim 0 1.
ttt.. wild eat April I and until further notice.
(.'otidtielotn l. rjtlllfnn, V. b. ltorr. and I .
W. fluiin Mill report at .iupibitend'rit otllce,
llohoken, on atihnl of No. :?, Mondai, April I.
t'ondiidor f. I. steen vtlll report nl super
ititntident'a olflce, Srtanton, 9 a. 111,1 .Monday,
April I.
This and That.
The Delaware und Hudson company
Is building a targe wthery alongside
the Greenwood mine, recntly nequlred.
It Will be ready for use In a couple of
The tecent uive al Lain el Htm mine.
Pal sons, will necessitate Ihe driving of
11 tunnel to make the air oourees safe.
This will lake month and work at
the portion of the colliery rtffcrted will
be nusppiided In the meantime.
Negotiations are on foot for leasing
the Ulilman Vein culm pile on North
Canal sited, Wllkes-llnrre. the mine
having been abandoned. There Is much
good coat In the pile and the breaker
may be conveitcil Into a wnshery. The
lefiwe will be tun into tlie old work
ings, which will make the silt face
The gilevnnoe committee of Lacka
wanna ttainmen. who were in the city
during III" kilter part of weaki lu
dally consultation with local trainmen,
lett yesterday for their homes'. They
weie In conference all morning, und
left Sernnton eaily ypsterdny nftoi
noon. They have now completed the,
business which Innughl them here, anil
a statement of which they iff used to
give out.
A Hpeclul meeting of the Machinists'
union will Ik- held tonight In St
Thomas' college hall. II will he an
open session, the fealuie of which Is to
b an address by Tntei national Ptesl
dent .lames OVonnoll, of Washington.
The members or the local blanch of
the union will meet at ilulbeil's hall,
on Wyoming u venue, a I T.:td o'clock,
and headed h n band p.n.ide the
stteelM before matching to th hull,
whete they will hear the president'!1
iidrin !. A number of topics of im
portance lo niacblnl-ls will be dls-uis--cil.
Second Composers' Afternoon of the
Season Was Given on Saturday.
"A IJouquel of Tone Floweis ft 0111
Fiance." on Satuiday last at I p. 111.
succeeded, as number two of the- sei -oud
seilos of "Composers.' Afternoons."
given at the Southworth studios, that
of a month ago entitled, "Sounds from
the New A orld." As that one In every
number illustiated the work of Ameri
cans distinguished in musical composi
tion, so that of Saturday was exclu
sively given to France. The pro
gramme included tlie following num
bcis: I. (,'odaid. u Mint I'
Ml-s I.1M.1 Wi.ilrnfl.
" Ue-.lio. I.i Ctptiu- I ..ntialto
Mi- Klle l'o-irll.
,. snij-alf,.. I'.i'tonle . Molin
Ml. ,'lt It' ltnllligll".
I Pdiat-1'on-ieii. ilivotte Tiai-o
Mi-s t h-icnrc Kline.
.".. Cu f.oi'nod. P.natlti.1. fiom Tteine de Salu
(lit Pebbe-i. V.dse
Mr- J. II. HmUI
(al .siliit-Mcn-. la Cirlii,e
1I11 Pii me. seictnde
Mi-? Kdna Can I,
(.hinuuade. (,.1 Ini ( u.idc.
(bl ilin-tci
M1-5 Vdni K. saneton.
Ill I 1'ieiirh. I..i nimnaute Maoiurnt
1 10I111
Ui- I'rnnii I. inline.
t.o.Iiid. .rl.uio 1'alhetbpie ... .
Miv Charlotte Ainiitiot'U.
(.'outii'ri, lli.iunh' l.oie,
.sepi a no and (-uitriit.
.Mif. llcel.el .ind ;i.-. .1. II. I'lhnun.
(.1) lldildlni l.Viuiaiire.
(b) lMurli Caudle Violin
Mn., K.'nj f.n.i, Mi- Mill Iloii-ei, Ml. Hod
t it'll' 1.
Tlie piogiatume was In itselt .1 nfi 11
liurly delight fill one. and the perform
ers, punlls of Mr. Southworth and of
the Misses Couieliti Freeman and Julia
C. Allen, vote li. every Inslamc ade
quate to as delightful a rondoiing- of
the selections respectively assigned t"
them: the junior i-iudents in such as
was given to their share, as well as
those whose numos, und admiiable m
tistle woik arc alt early known lo Hi
public. Miss Charlotte rilaokm.m nud
Miss Cordelia Freeman weie tlie ac
companists. An audience of musicians ami music
lovcis thut tilled ine stutlios anil over
flowed into Hie wide hull, testified its
appreciation both of the general qual
ity of the pcttorniauce, .ind of Hie
great ndvince in artistic power shown
by the Individual kIuiIcihs. Thes
pulille recitals are not only of huge
educational value to pupils', younger
and older, but are greatly enjoyed by
a wide el'Cle of lovers of music.
spuutoi' general to conduct the sptiug
Inspection; of the Ninth nud Thir
teenth regiments. Ho nuked this as a
special favor, that In? might round off
his long teim of service as inspector
ot thu brigade by inspecting the men
of the two regiments with which he
has always been the most closely con
nected. It Js fc.11 ud that the inspec
tion of the Thirteenth, which begins cm
May I. will h.ivn to bo conducted In
I III., nlil rilltim-v -,w 111.-, ti..,,- .1.1., . III '
... ... .. . .,.., .... .... ....,, .i. ...t. 1
not be Jlnishud by that time
Ciptiilu Thomas iillninu, of Company
A, one of the niosl popular ofliieis in
ihe Thirteenth regiment, lias ttuidered
his leignatiou on account of a press
of business dutlts, which him
fiom giving the attention to Dm guard
that Im believes he should give, Uo
has been enptdiu of Company A foi u.
iiiimber of year und soioil ,m i.oui
nuindei' of that company dm ins thu
sjpaiiihli.Amttic.iii war, Second Lieu
tenant GcniKf i, Vt'lSi', jr will priib
ably bo elected captain to j-mceed
A ininiboi of tlio oilieci.-i and men
01 the Thirteenth leglmviit expect to
KO to Knston In a body Monday night
next to t.tttnd 11 mllit-sry ball, to ho
Klven in Able Opera House hyCompaiiv
l. Major Field has promised them .1
right loyal time, and those who have
been to Kaslou as the ettests of the
company icnlUe that ho will be as
good aa his woid.
Adjutaui Athciton deslies it under
stood that the quarterly reports for
Hie three months Just ended nie now
ovoi'luo and inust bo sent tn by each
; company at once.
Wash Goods Week
You dou't buy Wash Goods simply because they wash. You want dainty Sum
mer wear, because they are dainty, pretty, serviceable and will wash, if need be. if
you want the prettiest of the pretty wash goods now in vogue, reliable as well asj
beautiful, come here for them. We have them all Zephyrs, Dimities, Linens,
Mouselines. AH the dressy sweets that make summer the gayest time of all theyeatf
iVlOI.ISeline De Oie"0 s'k materil as distinctly Parisian as its name implies.
Exceptionally fine in texture, with all the distinguisha
ble appearance of a costly Foulard Silk, presenting unrivalled attraction in style aud
quality. This hiut: Embroidered Mouselines. solid colors 65c
Embroidered Lace Mouselines, solid colors ,...; 85c
Embroidered Lace Mouselines, in beautiful floral designs 85c
Mercerized ChambrayS"- uew cott(m material with a fine soft silk finish,
unrivalled for shirt waists. Colors, "2 Bp
red, blue, pink, buff OcJV-
gpCgpjjrgd CheV10tSs' cottotl niaterial, silk finished, that has all tlie ap
pearance of a brilliant niohair, serviceable and CAe,
beautiful, solid colors OvrC
German Linei1S0SC to IO styes f plain colors and stripes, of this hand
some and sturdy material to choose from. The best OC-
fabric ever woven. Our price J
Embroidered Crepes--APrtty.ottoa?dsp1cloth'1li?ht fiueaud 50c
r soft, in dainty light shades. Price w
fpjQigjgjJ Swjslu al' colors, including black and white, and in t
y doxeu qualities, ranging iu price from 25c to P
DimitieSrett name) DWt not oae wbit prettier than 250 pieces of smooth summer
stuffs that are properly called by it. Faucy tinted stripes on whitegrounds
are some of them. Can you picture them and the tiny twill that all true dimities
own? Dashes, dots and dainties, until there isn't room enough here to tell you prop
erly of them. Domestic Dimities 12c Irish Dimities 22c
EcrU EffeCtS"11 wasn Materials will be much in demaud for the coming season,
aud will no doubt be scarce later on. Our lines are now complete
in all details, ranging from the lowest grade up to a fine French Reveres at $1.50 Yd
A Hundred Other Weaves and kinds ot wash materials are here for your inspec
tion, admiration and purchase if you so desire.
Whitf rinrifl 'i,Ue subjects of Iudia Linen, Ltwns, Persian Lawns, Batistes,
YVUllcuwua Orgaudies, Wash Chiffon, French Nainsook, French Reveres,
Madeira Cambric. Long Cloth aud in fact everything iu the White Goods category
have received our best efforts, and we can say, without hesitation, that our lines of
these goods will not be surpassed by any offering for 190 1.
Places in Virginia
( be cointort.irily an J e.istlv
re.uhed bv the
Strainers sail daily exeept Sunday fioni Pier Si,
North liber, loot of lli-ieh 'ier;t, -w orl., for
Old Point Comfort
Richmond, Ua.
and Washington, D. C.
Cdiiiie.'tiiiR loi Ml Points South ani West.
Through Tickets i etui lungfuim Wellington
h rail or watt".
Foi full hihnration apply to
81-85 Beech St.. New York.
II n W.M.KKR.Tuf.Mer. J.J.nttOWS.O.P.A.
General Afrnt for th? Wjomlnj
Ilctrict fur
Ulnioc, Bltitinr, Sporting, Fmokelesi nl Ihi
Bernuno Chemical Cunipsny'
High Explosives.
tifety Tuir, Cap? nd Kipdoder. rteoiti 40 Coo
nell Diddling, scl anion
TIlOs. rOltU I'lttsion
John u. smith & son rbmontu
W. U UULLIQAN' Wilket Darr
Yon who qms io9seed ttirdy phys.
inuesund steady nencs, but now hae
iuiiilGciciit iorcc to properly
ntttncl lo ordinary Utitte,; you who
lw e 11 u je ol "all'gouem;a'r Hilt r the
li,'liteit exetlioti; ou who nre thill,
luiiRiilil and old in spirit-, tit tin ai;e
when yoiiblioiitilbe tilllol phy-sical tnc;
ouvrlioniay tce that your lite Is nut
T..a.i. ,!.. . ,,n.,1- llmr,. w.i i-l -11 1 1 III-
means ot redeeiiitiuj all the precioui
(owcra wnwn stem to uo cutiici? iuv.
ir.ivc rurnl Ihniisaiidl such a j 0.
Iiou't experhneut with your health or
money. WcwIIIUlc the rUk, If'i
twics do not cure yon, jour money in
returned. ror jears we inve yecu
curing nit u 011 inca: taunaciory icrui.
SI 00 prr boi, 0 fur J'iOO walled In
plain package. Hook ftce. Addrew
I'lAl. Mi.mciN Co , Clc eland, Ohio.
For talc by John II. fueled, riarnucLst, corunr
Vomlng acnuc and Spiuc itictt,
We are now prepared
Wall Papers,
Oil Cloths and
126 Washington Avenue.
- fr fr
JlnniirftCiiireis -:
485 to 455
N, Ninth Street
Telephone Cull,
PH. lt:Nsli;.S, Sit Sipruic trcl, seraiitwi,
la Ml Acute and Oirmilc Ple nf Mm,
Womtn nd rhildren. ('niiiltiitlon nd ei.
nuination fitc, Odie Hour, Pally ind buudiy
I , a. t 9 y. m.
iiiiis s
I w , " m
M ?j BK IW
(jbswa rr rirT'T
r ui v111 uicat aiu ui 4,
to fill all orders with a
new stock of
Window Shades
Said the bait to the fish.
Or next thing you knotf
you'll garnish a dish,
I came from the store of
Florey & Brooks,
And I'm dangerous.
211 Washington Ave.
Booms 1 ftnd'i.l'oinMthBTd'g.
Hilling and Blasting
ttt t llooilo tnil HuU lalt Worm.
f otrlo Uttrlu, Kleatila Explain
pioitlng blju, eifty KuMaol
Riauai Chemical Co.'s wW
A..- ..
itwtMbp, ",
- u V ltsfc.r. -. iV-'
. dtjMa -i, J- -t&s.K &m a.
r yi, tL