The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 01, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    TgffrT'Ey. -y.y-ww.rij; .styy. f.sp,."..-s-T1Ty''''
THK Kt'JtAXTOX TlUBl'NK-.MONDAY. Al'ltlb I, lilOI.
Editor's. Reason for Refusing a Wild
Cat for n Fei The Sttsquehunim
River Hlphcr Thnn for IHnny
Ycaif. Fiirnginphs in n Lighter
Vein The Week's News Oilst.
Fcrsorml nuct Other Notes.
siiiiiiliiiiin, M in h '-').
In' ii'OMu -tiiiln mil. iioitll.t.
Hit begin li tiim.
Anil nrijr nlclit the firniM'.' lint.
I ten nf voml'iritis frcliin lirhui
I hi tinners Kill wr oKm mil
In hunt jtnmip; I In" ln..
Vim ll itnl iln inn I'Hili' lltf ii'l.
UVii tin' luliv luclti In I IJ.
M.o h n - -urnr i lie HI tilthmil
Mill tinm ilmui tit. 1 "if.
inl nou -In-', Iiiiiiiii; i ci I nti'l Millie
titl tililtp Jihl lol iK-dti;
shc llnerr- h.t the film t.nil mti
vln I Itlllftt co 't i,t
u.uiiit jrlrl's. (iinj twin I" line
W mi (In1 lull. Ik (.-In tn lij.
Mil in1- lii- lin nil ;i'ii lifi thick
III.- .urn- .iliout In i h il-t;
iiil naiv the tniiilcn mh Ik elm
III Mirrts nf .i' ti t i-tr,
She brnil- hrr putty sohltti lit -n I
li li irn Mint In'i to ij
tlil l-1l' s twite lo tnniitlis .ln
Winn I lie hem licirm lei lit.
ll i!iui'il 'i hi iiiuu lui mil,,
-lie lift lni' (die In hi-,
nil turn -lie net how blUlil .mil li.iw
llci IiiiiiIioiiiu loin i
in 1 in tin' tittinp i-lic Mill till
Ih i (hlhlicii of the ili,
linn llnhln ncoul lliiir ninth.i. -(!,
Iipii the lulls Iici.mii In In,
1-et'K make thi' nomination of Colonel
Ohmles C. Prutt. of .Vciv Mllfnid. lor
state senator irotii this district, unan
imous. Jfc will nuike tin Ideal rnndi
date. and in tin senate he will honor
tin district.
AiianRoinents me bein in.idc tor the
annual reinvention ut the Susquehanna
County Sunday School association, to
lie held at
The teeeiit ieiutt that Hew Chatles
I luni y Now big- would not ii-tuin to
the Siisciui hannii Metbodlst chut ell for
the lourlh eur was. pieinaluie. Con
leieitee iisiiull .manges tboso mallet.
The Detuueiatii eoilltty eoininittee
will meet at Montioso toilu.t
I in- ii .ill men inniinl n-
If iltm-i the li-ml,
Wr tin i;i t up rtett- murium;
W i t la i In nl .i IiIk ,i- tint
(Jin -.wallow may not make a .swal
low, hut a .Mm oh otten makes, a
.spi Ins.
Jt i.s haul to make the eoal man mid
the lee man fee the erior of their
ViiuilK man, uevr despise the doing
of .small things. The lute Jay fiotild
used to Hell map.-- in Delaware county,
New Yoik, at Sl.r.U apiece, nt eoufse
the ?1 leprihiMiled the piolil.
The wilier tecently olfeieil m .send a
ui'diat to a neu.spiipoi' liiend in New
York, lor a pet. The offer was. ile
i lined in a veiy coin teoit.s leiiei, which
eliiM-d as follows: "1 pally do not need
another wildcat mi lnnjr a.s my mother-In-I.iw
lives wltli me."
In the raie toi lite the undei taker
overtake.-. Us all.
This March weathir is about ns aii
able as lntbllf sentiment.
"We will now Mnu the "JJiith hymn."
s.i id the niinister at the close ot n pa
thetic funeral II was a fa-
Mllilt' W illl till! UMlllllll.s.
ini 'ii, iiieiiluiit who i- i-i
Will hump hhii-ell .iinl jiImmiI-i.
soau; Miior.T onks.
On account ol oet-pioductioii .t
number of the wood acid failuiies in
this, ht'ctlon will leniuin rlos-od for a.
The SiisiUfliaiiii.i iier Is higher
than it ha.s been in seveinl ,e,na,
i:rle Unirliii'cr Samuel l-ester, for
merly uf Sus.uehamia hut now ol
HomelM I lie, has lieuiriulJutlKOiI a vol
untary Ijaukitipt.
.Mib, Ada 11, Whoi man -Dana, of New
York city, will hu .sotolst in Chi 1st
Episcopal church (IuiIiir- liuly week.
At the home of the hrlde'.s iMiivuts,
Mr. and Mi p. Charles Lake, on Ktont
.street, it noon on Thiiisilay. by Hew
CliaiK'f. Henry Nuwlntr, inihtoi of the
MelhoiJisi chinch. Miss Allunn Lake
and Joseph 'I'owner, ot Oakland, wen-
llllK-'ll ill lllilllillK'
In MontioM', lanilldates for the post
inustoi'.shlp are uslim: itew.spapur space
nnd dltilljutlntr petitloiib and prlwito
ilieulaih "to beat the liand." It is a
inetry, Willi a dink hoie as a
Of lourie, It i.s nut a crime 10 'be
poor, hut It might jinn as well be to
Ions an the puimltles ate ao screte,
A Wnsliiunton man U biilns' for u
bourd hill of $7,700. He has evidently
lost u. ' lend y boarder."
And the tiddler will hoon have Ids
Innirign. "Halapce all!"
In the matter uf hpeed, there is a
meat blmilatlly betwcuii a ilnsdi of
llghtnhiB: and a hit of untoumlcd bo
slp. It will soon he tlnio to no into the
woods. If yuu aie ab mean as midio
people, frtuy theie,
Too often a leatuutant ohieken is a
hen In Its oecond chlldiiooil,
Thmp would he lebS of domestlo
trouble, less of t-faudal, and of
danger to social order, If ht thing!,
which Impel people to seek dlvoico
would opeiato to restrain them fintii
(ontracthiK nmuiuge.
thi: M':w.s huht
I lev. lOdwIn Hilbwuith Hellly was
laat evening liibtalled pahtor of Ihe
Tlrbt Pieabyterlan chuieh, In the pics,
cue of a largo roiiRiegultoii, Uev, 1',
II, HiooUs, of Vllkes-Haiie, piebldlng.
The bernton was by Hev. A, Hhaw, of
Wclltboni, eluiigo to the pibtor, Hev,
('haiieb Uee, of Curboiulult; chaigo to
tho peuple, Hev. A. h. Ucnton, of Moni
rosej prayer by Rev. ),. Church, of
The Utopia Mandolin and Guilar
club, of Hhighumton. will appear in
the Prebbyterlau church April 10, un
der the auspices of the Doiuis society.
Wnlston U iicnuett. a fonner Wind-
8nr IiiihIiu'.om limn, who, the yents npo,
wni Miiiteiiced to ten yours' Imprison
ment for the crhne of nit-nn, Iihh been
pardoned by Uovoinnr Odell. Jlonnctt
l said to have wniHithiptliin.
A liiinlei niilned l,ef killed it huge
wildcat near flliimieea on Thutmlay.
The "ntuve eniuniltlee" linn ceased
to move the Kile nhopH up and down
the line.
The Uric detectives ate hot-footed
niter coal tlilevcK lilting the line. About
fifty tons have been lecovored ut Port
A tobber met :i coal dealer on u lone
ly I'ond. near Klngliiuntnti, and stopped
htm. "Your money ut your life!"
filed the tobber. "Who me yoll?"
said the coal deal"f. "I'm a hlglnvay
maii," aald tho mint, "(iond enough!"
Mi Id the coal denier, "I'm a low
W'clglinian. Slnike! We should b"
friends." And they woie.
At a wedillng: near Montiose, ie
cently, the Inide tecelved, with other
Klft.i, a bicycle, a mule, n heifer, w
bi.nel of beer and a coiksorew.
A vicinity newspapor allude!' to a
Koiitleman a.s "ex-Hon."
The art of putting the tight man In
the fight place Is In the -science
uf government, but that of Hading
places foi the discontented Id mol dlt
IU.uK. Soon will the garb of venial si ecu
Adorn once more tho fedgcy moat:
Soon will the youth of puislve mien
Hypothecate his overcoat.
If a dog cannot reason, what makei
him hnte n tinmp'.'
A Hancock man neaily killed hl
wife beenus.0 phe would not saw wood.
She was not educated up to her du
ties. MontUbe newspapei.? are dying to
n-.ovu the people of the old town to
ctlebr.'lta the centennial of Its settle
ment. Why not try dynamite?
lull.siead wants the Scianloti car
shop.". Insatiate gobbler, will not one
Theie is nothing high about the la
dies' spring hats except the pi ice.
Easter is near at hand, and Ameilci
expects eveiy hen to do her duty.
It is meet and drink that ih depriv
ing too many families of bread.
Among the Zulus, oung people light
and get married. Here they gel mar
lied and light.
The man who never iiilcill-es his
stoie set down one night a. little while
to think: and, utter meditation, lose
and swote- "This place Is deader than
a i oiler link!" Whitney.
Popular Young Couple of Hnvley
Aie United for Life.
Sjicinl tn the Scrintnn nitmne
Haw lev. Mnich -8. lljnieii elected
his beatttiltll altai in the Methodist
Kpiscnpal chin ill, of this place, to
day, and never was the God of iiwr
liage moie honoted or giaceil. The
event was the joining In holy wedlock
of Miss Nellie Daniels and Mr. Milton
.1. Stiatton. At 12.10. the hour sot the
happv tounle entered and pioieeded to
the altar, neionipanied by the sttains
ot tlie Lohengrin Initial chorus-, ten
deted by ills. Oscar Hidgeway, of
Dunmoie. They weie met at the altar
by the pas'tor. Hew P. C. Stiiipklii",
who piifotmed the veiy beautitul and
impressive ceieiuonji of the Mutlm
di.sL l!plscopal chinch. 'flic chinch
was vei. beautilully dec orated with
potted plants and flowers, and dining
the ceremony Miss Oussie Colluni r-ang
"Oh Pioniise Me." After the ceiemony
the invited guests, who conipiised the
immediate lelatives and the Methodist
Kpiscopal choir, lepalred to the biide's
home, where lefieshments weie seived.
The newly man led couple took the 1
o'clock Eiie tiaiu for an extended
wedding tour. The bride, who is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dlglitou
Daniels, lite-long and esteemed l etl
dents of this place, has been the oi
giinlst of the Methodist Kplscopal
chuu.ii tor sevetal yeais. $Ue Is gteat
ly esteemed by all. The giooiu ib Ues
I.f.tciier for the Hiie lailioad at this
place. They eMei.t to letiuu atter a
lew weeks to take up their peinmneut
lesSdenre lieio.
F'(i.ial In the s 1. niton 'fiilmite
Ktuiiinca, JItiteh 111, The ite-w
etcanieiy Is to be open tor business the
111 st day ot Apill. Mr. Knioiy Huyck
Is to lie in c burse. Ue has had con
i'ldeialilf eptitleuie hi making butter.
Mr. Jtveph Astfll, nf llamblolvllle, X
Y., is to in-.sst In the eieamoiy otk.
Mr. Huyck has nioed into p.uL of
Mil?. Tialton'.s house.
The posliulleo Is to occupy the otllce
11.01111 in pint of Mi.s, iCrkV building-.
Ilov, All. Uald Mas trkeu sick hi .
Piayer nieelinff "Wednesday evenlner ! '
and was- pot able to leiuiii home until
Dihets that aie on the sit K list are
V. A. Oiossley, W'llllinii .Mm tin and
.Mi.s. .Melons.
Mis. Urown, mother of )i, II. II
Hounds', is veiy sick at the home of,
her daughter, .Mis. N, A. Walker, of
It Is. lopoitcd that 1J, Yleltllutj1 is
to hid this seulou adieu and begin the
piaeilce of inedlc'tiio at his former
home, laieoyvllle.
l.mll Koehler and wire aie moving
into the Lobes lioiif-e.
Mm. "Walker hii.s inuvt-d into the
innin oecuilcd by air. Vraaee.
licit ne.vnolds luiH ehnio of W, A
c.'iosslfi.v'b im ni fut tho eoinlns year.
sptiul It. ihe bouillon Tilbuut.
Wajinail, lareh "'.'. The .stoam
saw mill owned by Woiinneott ti I'en
ttcont, and located on the property of
William .Mills, started ninnlng Mon
day. They huvo a large number of
logs to be sawed into lumber,
10, V.. Hudson, .son of II, T, Hudson,
who litis been seiiously III for the past
tlucti weeks, itlll continues lu a ciltl
cul condition.
1 J. D. Beach expects to locate on
01 aboul Apill 1 nt Montoursvllle, u
tlnivliiff town near Wllllanispoit, I'a.
Uarl Doolry, a student of the State
Normal school ut Stroudbburg, who
hud been visiting: his parents here, re
turned Tuesday,
A paity vns given In honor of Miss
Mtibel Walker Monday night at the
residence, on Main street. A large
number of the younger set intended.
Mortimer Tuthlll. of Teckvllle, ta
vlsltluj? trlendw In town Sunday.
1;. ,M. Ceionei attended ihe funeral uf
the late T K. Can nt S'criinlnn Tiles
ilny. fleoiRf Klsclicr, who htm been ser
iously III wtlh piieunioiiln, Is (onvali's
cenl. Mis. On In (iiuutilfl has moved buck
to her former resilience heie, afler
)'tldlng Hie winter with Iter ilitughtPr
nt (.'iiiboinlnlo,
f. H, Olmstend nnd fanilly have
nioied on (heir netontly purelnised
fat m at lnrvl'jw.
Mrs. Janieii tlasscit and chlldioii, of
Calbondtlle, tile visiting her sNter,
Mis. if It nm Inch.
A huge number from thin place at
tended Ihe unction vale of Mis. llll.n
beth Ifln-s, In Ciniaiitt, TuomIiiv. Mis.
Illnes and fanilly will move to Scuiii
ton. '.. A. Wnniuirott, who has been eolt
flnurt to his home for the piwi two
weeks with Hie gilp, Is able to be ou'
cpci 111 liijhe ci mini Tillvuin
Towiiiiiln. March ill. I! t! Mi'iettr,
of West Plttston, was looking after
his real estate Intel ests ill Towauda
the past week.
The banks of the .StiMiielianiiii aie
full on account of the It ny rains. No
serious damage has bon icported by
tho fteshet.
licoi'Ke W. H"njaml funnel, died
at his home in Asylum last week, agvl
C."i yea is,
Hev. If. h Mailman has ielgned as
pastor of the Hplsdipal cluite'i at
J. M. Cat t oil, ot 1'lllsbiiig,
ing relatives In tow it.
Klres In Canton township the
week destroyed buildings to
amount of nenily Ji.unu.
flequlsltlou )).tpers hue been tei liv
ed tor the return of Floyd Nykoif ftom
Newark, X. ,1., who will be leturned
to answer the ebaige of buiglaiy at
M. C. Wells' stole.
Hev. K, A. Allen has been engaged
to pieach at South Towanda. He wan
a student of the Auburn seminary.
.1. A. (llassfonl, of Say v, has ie
.signed his position as geivral yaid
foreman of the D'hlgh Valley coni
pany. Kiunk Kennedy, of Litchfield, Is In
jail, olmrgotl with luiiiientlng the lndls
of Sayte tilid being i.illed "Jink i'i
Capitalists aie Investigating the pio
peels of th" nipper me 11ml in New
The oil fi-M'i has taken n seete bold
mi piopeity owneis In Asylum town
ship. Ciudo oil has been dlsioveteil
and i.s said in be loiiinl in gieat quan
tity. Tlie lounty cniuiulsslou -is ,ne plan
ning for new btlilges In Tin) and To
wanda townships.
Mis. Elizabeth Spalding Is spading
some lime at Hethlehem.
Mrs. Ida Leouaul, who died .U ihe
Danville asylum, was hi ought to lao
etty Cotneis for biiilal.
Tile base ball i lub ol U',iilj will
teallze about Sl."fnl rrom theii lair.
Stewtii i Han is, a nalhc of li eland,
died at his home in Sie eiisville. aged
7H eats.
The aie.i nt Hiaiitoid iilllil is 1.1 in
miles, it b-'iug one ol the Iniu lamest
iilinlies in the slate
Sniil in Ihe 4. null n Tiilmiie
Tunkhanuoek. March .10 i be Mon
day club will meet tills alteinoou at
the homo of .Mis, Han Hillings, mi
Tioga stied. at J o'clock. Tho pm
gramnie is as lollows; Sioteli nteia
tnie and ait. Mis. E.senbach: Si ntcli
ballads and bonier niiusti elsy, .Mis.
Stone, ballad, "dlasgow," Mis. Hun
llellj bag pipes, a talk. Mis. Uiirgess;
leading. "The Piper of Mm Klein owst,"
Miss Osteiboiil; Highland Ming Ihe
i lub.
Miss Josephiiii. who has been
at IJ.iltlnioi" cuing for her tinile, who
is being ticated at a at that
place, has leturnrd to this plaie, whole
she will lesunie her duties In tlie mil
linery stole of Mis. CuUie A. Itog.nt,
on Tioga .strel.
Mr. and -Mrs. Edwaid Hunter, of
Dorranteton, spent Sunday wllh Mis.
Hunter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Liiekenbell, on Second street.
License court will lonveit' on Mon
day afternoon, April 1. Tho license
On Monday, April 1st, 1901, we will APRIL FOOL YOU
new SPRING STOCKS of Shoes and Oxfords. Watch for the
; To do this we must clean out the balance of our present stock at
of such goods as these :
The ''Stetson, The Johnson & Hurphy, AND Wichert and Gardiner, harry II. Gray's Sons.
The "Just Wright," The Crawford" and nnu The Dombv," Krippeiulorf Dittman Co.,
Richard & Brennan Union Made, The World's fl if Ffl R fl Ziey;ler Bros.,
Best" Footwear. UArUllUO p Coxis Celebrated Infants' and Children's Shoes
sIEWIC DimnV n A
9 iiv TT lO IVU1U I 11
MI."S Htlii lilU'kellblll, of Wllkes
llatie, spent .Sunday wllh hi'r imicnls
(it thin liner,
Attorney Krnnk Wlieatoit, or Wilkes,
llm re, was In town on Hnttirdav
Seth It. Sqillcts, of llliiica, N. V., li
stopping wlih Mends and leluilves In
John 1 1 it It it. or TutikluiiiuiicU town
ship, (ins tetuiueil fioni Miincheslei,
.V. Y.
of the Hlsk hotise ai I'acloryvllle will
be contested and also Unit of Ihe Wy
oming house nl Ttinklmimoelt, The
lloi'liM'.s for llu other hotels jn ihe
minify me cspecteil to be granleil, of
course, by lite eotni.
The tiitulnr tei in of April court will
convene Monday, Apill s. riii llrst
week Will h. devoted tn the trial of
qilinier !essliiii' cases, and the second
week to common pleas cases. ,
' fill In tlie Smnton lillmti
I Pltislnii, Matdt III, Healing the
el iicltlug of the l oof which usually pte
cedes n fall, I'tiiiik llanllss, n laboter
In the No. :'. slum at Itanium culliit.v,
ran ftom his chamber Sat in day morn
ing. He fnllo'l to notice a car on the
Hack, however, and humpul against It,
sli iking his loti'liend. The I ch
wiic not Ihoiight I" be set ions and the
man was able to walk pari way home.
His skull hud i id Mll. bieu fiiietim d,
how ever, and he ill"' about :'.".' o'clock.
He Wits aged :i."i y lis and was iiuiiinl
lled. Mis'. Al'iiv A. It'Ullt. widow ol lt"li
linuln Ili'Miu, at nil- time a piomlneut
meiehaiit ol Ibis cli, died Satuiday
afleinoon nl the fnuillv home on Wyo
ming avenue. West I'ltlston Deceased
was tit! yens of tig. and Ik sin I veil by
the following fiinilb . Imne T., Mis.
C. W. St. John, Di. I'eii.lainlii Hcmiii,
Mis. If, (1. D.ultt. I.ouis I'.eMiu and
Miss Miutiie I,. (Sevan. The luu
will Iji. piivnte, Tuesday ntttllliioil at
" o'clock.
Eoltor i'lieodoie Hail, ol the Puls
ion (iazcU". aftci scmiiiI wieks of
(oniplalnlne-, last Tuesday was mni
lKlled to gie In to tile fact he'was ill.
He was taken to his In me in a con
veyance, and for lb" past tlnee days
bus lii on almost h-'lplc-s with an at ire
attack ot inusiiilai' ibenmalism. (Us
condition was sllghll impimcd this
aim noon.
Antonio IhlMilio. an Itallni. who
lias i nnihicl'd a n nil stand hi this i It v
for inanv cais. died istitd.i aller a
long illne.'S of iIieuniatiMii.
Joini lleii'-hall, of Wnl Hit l-tili. had
tluee Ibigeis of his leu hind badly
ciiislied b being ciuulu In the ni.t
clilniiy at Hiitledge lioJ." new ."ctlle
mill hole Satlltday silleinoou.
The Ml'si.s W.llkins nt P'ivIoi. i.illed
i.t ti lei ls heie Sundav
Mi mid li- Jnm- Willlaius, of
Washburn Ml' el. Hyde P. Ml., sp, pi
Salillda.. at Ihe 'lollie of .1. J.
ol Wan on -lin'l, West Pitlst.
spi, 1 1! . llu s,i i nt r il litlmti'
lliipbuttiim. March "I A i.nket,
Haling that coniuuin on the "(lloilmis
Fouith." was sinung upon our sleep
ing village at about Ui.IlO Thursday
evening, i.iiisliig soni. gentle slitmbei-
I lis to le.ile theit hod- in alaiin. and
l cieatlnc sum. 'thing- like constei nation
I in tlie lodge of Masons, which was still
In !i'ssiun iiu oi'i.tsion nl" this most
I linmial liubbiib was die letuin to town
of tin liilile and guioni of Wednesilaj .
Mr. and Mis. ;,n Veamans, anil the
i eli'biatlon was, In tiuth, a loud one.
When in the music ol about, filly blast
ing toipedos was added the dlseliaige
of d.Miaiiilte and seM'ial laltllng- shotguns-.
It is not cMiggeiatiuu to uav fliey
made the welkin ling. P.ul as .soon as
a little smoke was passed among the
isiting fnslleei.s, quiet again leigiinl.
and sliepeis Kluiueil lo then dieaius.
Mi. and .li- Delbeil Wilght aie
mining lioiii theii laim In Lenox, and
will in i upv Lullii'i Hell's house. People
in town will be glad to wilionie tlieni
aniiiug us
(1. A. Uobei is fiiis Monday I'm a
visit with New Yoik l"i I.-ikK.
Mis. l!iiss,. l'hiiup.s and son. Clai
eiiie, have Jnliud .Mr. Phillips lor a
Islt at bis hnsluess location.
Miss I'essle and Dean Titian are
visiting theii p.iii'iits toi a lew days.
C. A. Stone has hceii quite ill lor
about two weeks.
.Mis Uhoda Case, who has been Con
Or nearly so. You will be counted out if )ou donM get here this week as this will be
Tlie Same Mistake is Made
by Many Scranton
It's a coininoii ei tor
To plaster the aching back.
To rub with liniment iheinnatli'
When Ihe double comes riom the
Doall's Kldne.l Pills elite nil Kidney
And aie eniloi sod by Sri union till Mr. ,1. Mnt lis Williams, of K.1H South
Hyde Path avenue, carpenter and
builder, says. "Among my symptoms
was a dull, aching pain across tny kid
neys, which lingered there coii':intly.
I loitld not get lid of It. The sceietlotis
were very had. of a i 'ddlsh color and
actoiupanli'il by loo ricqucttt action,
which was ineonvenletil through the
day and annoying at night. My
double Iltiiillj, got so had that I wns
showing every symptom of diabetes.
I had my attention called to Dunn's
Kidney Pills by leading about people
living light heie In Scianlou who Inn!
been en, oil by their Use. I went to
Matthew , in others' drug stoic and got
a bo.. 'litis letuedy beuellteil in" In
i very w,i.. I take pleasure In teeoin
lii' mil li Dean'" Kidney PUN. They
do i.'i ibnt Is claimed for tlieni "
Pot sale by nil ilealets. Pt lee. .li)
ei rt- Postei-Mllbuni Co. Iluflalo. N.
Y sole agents tur the Itilled States.
Uenieinher th" name Dimn's and lake
no substitute.
fined to bet home the gieatei pail of
the winter, inutilities, hi ill health, wllh
vei. Utile linpioveineiil.
Mi". Kannle Hell has touted her
house and laim in Will lb own,
I'heesi -imiklng by the Italian iheise
inakeis w lio aie "(ai ling a factoiy hoie
will begin Apill 1. The pi mess ot
making ibis ,u i If. of consumption will
be something of a elltiiislty to tlie
A new building is in pun ess of eiee-
! lion in town, to be tisid as a nhoto-
guipli ,;allei. by .Manehe-ler Piatt.
j .l Fai I n Mile.
The win in nilgai soi Ia at ('hallos
K.'llunr.s, lu-t i'liesii.ii I'VeiiiiiK, was
I oil' on in i mint of the seven
l lain Tin date on wliiih il will hf
I gUeii will be a milium od Lilt r.
The notion i Mandolin and Cultai
i lub. ol Hitiglimiifoii, will gle an on
let taliini"iil lui" liming the i inning
.Mis. , Jnll, i Utilise, of Hallstead. is
assi-iing in tlie i.ue of her father, J
Y. Saundeis, who has been lying- at the
point of death tor many (lavs.
Mis. Titus- had ,i .-ap. of hoiiceholil
gouils Satunla
Coodwin as ''Shylock."
I nun i i i.lutill III In the i 1 1 li tti'lu It 111 it"
nt "i,,nui.iiii" iii su, i - ,m ,e i.
slant iiniiil in V (' liiiuiliiiii ,niil Me. n
ilin h'Mill iit-(iil tin 1 iltti- iiiiiet-iitiili it lu
Mm I'll iui.1 1 -iiiiiiIiiuii- piiiliiiti.ii ti "llu
Melihtiil il iiiui." ultiili will lie ilt'-i!il i,
uii'ii Ihe ihi t lion nt .lii-i'jh Itiiinl,-. i-a -p, hl
it nun lit the iiiiiinl itliis in llu- iniiiiin
ili'tiu Ihe uiiiiith el nut. uiiKiii i ti'itt -htiilii
In n the .ill-t o intuitu tinii ol "Ihe If i v 1 1 '
-I llle .11. 11-1 .IS". Ml. l.'iH.ihhl's lliie-ll will it
ttllili i-iilll nt ill" In -t klliiUII litivtls mi llu
All . in .III -I.U!i. Ill- hi.Ultlllll Mile, ,lllli HI
Initl, will pin the ink' " I'imIii Ihe Inlhiw
ill c tie Ih. luitii i;n'-i nl the t.t-1.
sh.ih.ii . .. .v. i i,.ii..iaiii ;
I'.illl.l ... ... MlMIti l.ltinlt
Nt ii--u . . iiiih lii-n j
.lt-l..i I'.ltii' I ll.'.u
lit.-nit" tihit lli.tii ii .nth i
Hi Hi. inn . , ,. Mm nit siuin
I.Jlllltllnl I. I". Hi ill-. .1
I'ltllli I (liihhn .... W .1 1,1 Hid In
it, nun Mi. l.i ii Vihuilvl'
I'i line ill Mount ilium ( .null. Uh
ll.i-e 1 1 Villi, i I Link Mi -leu
lutl'lln . II.IIIV Wii'lllllll
It t- Ml. II Iwlli'- wl-h In .liie.n t- sloloiL
t.irllei in tin -"i-oti. hul n-iluiii.' llu pMli.
Ill lie-he- hllil III iiniliih ililii l-i'Uittult, he ii
lulul In iii-iul wlnl wis i'ii' lni ei lain until
Ihe It-t tun woil.s m hi- -t i-"ii. whin he wmihl
a-!, a In ,il inn In a 1 1 1 h ihnaiiii in niilh'i.
.it t e nl hi- limn .luiliilh'tt- .t-ii.ili.'it- a- ut nl
VICC JC. MITDDHV 330 Lackawanna
T 1LJ V ITHJIxF 11 1 Ave., Scranton. IH
0 0
niif Mitlu
nr mi it i.mi rim si.'ii.
"The Belle of New Yoik."
Ml-S lleiil.ih lli.ilttc I. nni i'Mi(l Illl. IimIuic
ni "lin lk'11" n( iw Veil." wlih li tu "H
i'IiIhI .it Ihe lamnii Siluiilo iiljthl, lint
l iiilniul) (lie t ns ii'iii'-liliu .irn! Hl.i'li-i'ii
lull n( it, llul Sen erl. .mil IxihiImii Mini -im
I'UMlituI liili" "hyliiil Ihe cteil ill' l,e IK i
mill ti n Ha 1 ii.pi 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' hit MihlKtiil It In
"H.i" llelli' o! New rll.' I" .1 hii'l.'"
of suiiii", niiiilu iiul 'Hint i.iiiiu mine hilhi
.ii.'l lii'iimiiiii". illii'M t.itln I'.it uii'l lin1 wlmli
Mii4i'';iil .ml i(,iiilihil tnilhei tn Imiil'li u
IMI llllili'n llijujlll'lll Willi It Uilllll' H'l liiellt.ll
i I in I Hun. IM'iail .1, I i -mil ih'
I ile 111. I il I m! ll.ll .Iiul Ml- limine 111'
"lie I'cllu Mil iii.Ii'iI .mil im In, Mil illl mule
both II .nil In in IT dm mi. Mli llnlue'i mlllieu
of the ih limit .s.!lwilk'ii Mini villi'- ililh "lli.i
AI'WM I'i Ihm Mi,' Hun ii liuiiihii uf i in hi
ithm I'l.'uen'i ill e luiltime luhe i.n nbu
hunt with liuiih ih.i'tue h.i ill .nullum' ill
M'li'i il uunilii i-.
llu 1'iliv ilhl .lii" "oiiiliinil .iiiulmtii lies
In ilmiitii: iiiul 1 i II' lie D.i.le Anr n it null. I,
-l'iilillt thil mm null h eui"eil. (.uiiui 'lull
mm, . li" mh K.iii" .iinl .I.iiih- ll.nllii).-
nihil iiiiulieii nt ili ioiiii.nii wli ii h.ul Mil'.' -I
ml pirl-. Ihe "Itelle" In III In.i nils with
lluee -unis li
e.iih ii I, .ill "f hhh .n ' I iil-hle
"At Finey Ridge."
lin illi i in :- at fhe I, it emu mi ium Wnlnt
iI.ij nUlil will le liuhl llljuln-' kiijI -iinlheiii
iiiit, ' U I'llnW IfsUe ' 'llu- pint nl Ihe ilnni'l
liiiixen im Ihe i Imii,. In uiRhl d'.iIiiiI lni, Ituv.
.' .Mums; iiiutmt linn i, Ihtl In- his ne.-iu hi" I
in hit M'hi-t, iit.i'lt n a il'tte when he U ahnul
In lieeonii' iitu.iptl li llm il.ittjilii il ,t 'l.iuu'
ro, lni th" iiqiii-e of hieahdtir the t it
?r i!aiiirlit.
'Ihe tiile pint, iiiinhlti the nf i litili
l,.ne. .1 iimni'laiti ulil, m wlmh uhen-i .Int.
Itii-e N al-n st.iii tul, !n..ill-e nt I in tllu-lani t ,
.ii i-ili finin the iil'tii in tit-. il inn. hunbe. I tn
pint .lililllinllllle, ,111.1 If 111 Ihe 1 elllpllt t'tlnl -.lli.-iliU'
I -truttt: llt'l Mill -ll'ttlltli il -fnn l- Inlil,
whhh In hit the .illeiitlmi nf the iiiilitm im Ihe
I mil (inn in I- vtllinttl .1 mniniiil'j "it'iilnir in
I f id 1 1 r si in ittli'i-iti. i tieliilh j- I. 1. l tnt'i
I nn will iuiuiiil Hi. ih mil, iinl iln -iii.t.
.iiul elltit't ai hum 1 ami heiullfitl s,,, n.
I iii.w . 'i -ale
Bon Ton Stock Company.
m f.w iniuMiih- Ih il hale l-ntil s
I lull lli'.l uili-ll Ihe -.III-' nil. ill i tint ,1 ih
I II. ii Inn s ,ii, inniiin nil it- w-il htti i -Imtl
j Illl.' .U". '111!- ii'lllHIM N.ill U.lltl lll 1
i UU k'- i Il-'ILI Ull 1,1 l I,., ml! tut In It 1" till!. lit
I '-the I'ritlie nf l'lltht " Mill .i'aitl h' Ihi i
'iullllll lull 'Ihi- pill -.IM still) t tt Ih III -II
ll-i. iliini whit. .t,.-i nle.l h'li In fme. It mi!! h
Flli. Il'il III rKii'l liill'. lilt IMllpnll Wil'
I ita it til' .in inliiih niw iiiMl'iue (In- tti'.
I "Mutilt I n-l.i." " Ihiiiin,- Millii.ii." 'im in
I Km I l.tnih" itnl i.tltii ni w niu- will hi Inlltiil
I 111 the li-l ", nil. il. l?. i w -i.tiiltlts will In
jrfbtii nni ti-" ii. w pit nuts In id' a, t lui, u.
Il li III u lut.e
! Bnuei's 'Rand Conceit.
(llu "1 Ihi. lull-u.ll tlllllr. nl It" - l-iill li .
Minhiil IMWllil In h.i ll.l li.MI- nr haml l.ill-h
t- II itit'- li.tti I b tnii-ii! Iittiil iiiiiiiii I tn I
' In) the I.Mililit tin til nli t ill II anil .i luu
-nil lit. I I- anil ml. nl In ill piliiiii- il i
(th!. Ihe I. ml hi- Inili ill iiii.u-luiltil In I1,
imlilii In Ihe pi-t llu it '.nni. .ililhli ,14 ml i
1 1 ut t-, iiul thi-t t i i 1 1 it will he It" i t I ptlnll !
.ii. Iiiiiiiii ,li,tt.. In tul llu m,.. mi. .Imii i-
I'l It l i't ippl 'I I II nil Ml Wnlk In'lilt thill I t
K'l.,11 niini it j . . i ,lt me
I Oil t WIli'llM, ill Ihll.Ul -III. i. III. .1.1
i". ul 1 tiii.tiut with l.uli i.L.-M mil will -,tt
lni liil ., i-i'fi. I'e iu',.uilitii'ii In he I tnii
u tin liilii (Ui 11 1 t.iei mi. In ni .
I'lhu'i' -I - ill le -nil 111 luh iiiitnlit. I11
ll.ttl.l .iiul l.i 1 lltth sllt s l.i 1 11 n lilt 1,... t.
t' .1 the 1 1111 IIU I'I" 11.1 ili'lllll. I 11-tlltiiM. .Uil
-1.1 h 1 111. lii- im tin nli at wnil, t. ih et.'.i!
II h . n In uen-l
ll.l' fulh .MIik iltmt.lticil. tile (11 til-heil Ihi
Tribin e h M. S. .lnril.ui .1 In. n ,ii Tu'. 701
Mean luitlihiii,, s, iiii,ii, .M, liiiu'miiu .'ilin;
I mi
( I'H
11 if.
l-'l 1
it-.i .
. si'.
I. 1 1,
l-'l' I
1 ID's
lln 1
11 sn.,,1
I. .nil. ..
M.'i 11
t tif-OII I'i
lii mi;. '1 1." th 1
S. f.llll . ..
I hi . II .V .,1
(..III T.ihuii.
I. .Ill, I ,
K.i-'l I,
II1- I
on the Fire Sale by opening up with our Jf
LESS than Fire Sale prices. It consists J;
kkMAd, so YEAitr :
Tradc Marks
A iiTiinn pinlln n uliplch rnid ilMcripdnn mM
nnlfXIr nieorfilii mr oilnlon frao whntlior r
liiTPiillnn Is iiruhnhlr pnlrnuhln. Cnmtminli
t Iiiik t net I t coiitlttenl Int. II Dtitlbodk on Pl rnlt
sent li en. (Hilet ntimier loretiiihisotttl.
I'iitent tnUen ihniiiuh Munn A Co. reclt
ii-i-.iiollcf, wllhnutchnriio, lit t hn
Scientific American
A hiniiintnclf llliislrnlpil wpplilr. I.ttresit plr.
i iiltillim nf itnr urtenlldn Iniinml. Term", 13
venri luiir nitmltta, It. Sum limit tinwdpnlr.
MUNN &Co.38'B"-"'. New York
llrnticli uillec, ir."i K ft., Whblon, . U
k "Iff '
llm i. bi ni taiVj iw i mh i.i
i i .v iiini'i iTi't IT.'.'. j;m tr.n
Itnl.. x r.s. Pi .. -i -,si, ,17 47
I ul i. i hi . ... imiij imiij oii l4
Mm i.l i iml Ul."", 1 !;. I.'til-, VU
M ' Inn Mo i Id', lui Idl', ti'.l'i
Ml-"'. I'n i.l. ... lu" Iti't, loyi, )K
suiillnii, I't, IH, , . it.l, h.Ij p, (I4
N II. A Wift. .. .-.IV -,1.-. ',V4 .'.Hi
.Vniiliini I'n III' . . in; n-.i, jii. (ijlfc
omlh. I'.ulli., I'i- . in 'I, iijt4 n',14
s ctiiti.ii . 11714 1171. in.', nr
llul tun .' W,.., . ., :,,)? ,,T, ;'(l, ,'dH
I'tiiiu, II I! i',i, ;-i, 5fi, -,iji
I'.i'lllt Mall .',. ,t, ,l.-i.. KIH
Ili'iuliiU II.' M j.' .Ti'j C'i
Ih ulli".' lit,, Pi -1, Tn' J i'J'.i ill
si'tithiin II, II ?, ui -..I. t:
smth. II. It.. I'i ;! ; ?.nH 7,." ;ui
It 1111. ( ml a linn ' n;i.. ,. H 104
I ". I."ilhi'' .".i, it lPj 1114
I. s. Ittilhei aii', j n si
I iiiuii I'.iillte npi, (iji, it)-, "0
"'il' eh, I'i nil, ir; ...i-; i4
1.1-I1111 I iilmi Mti j p7 nil (ri
('"I. I nel f. Imii . ;;l .. . J-,li
l'tnple fli nv.ij nMTH (,14 pifii;
'lii I it hie ;,-, .iiitj ,tv "r
itt. Cut- I'li'mht 27 , ,, 2"
I . s,,. (, , , )1tl lt),, 4S ((.,
M'.W M'H'rt flHAIN M.MtKCT.
'l'c"' '"S" ,-l5W r-'lov
HIM 1. In;,. -t et, n(,
Mh -04 -t si)i; ,sij
Mn I !, ni, ')i . n,J
"b I'lt, tii, iiu, f,$.
Scranton Bo.tid of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Far of 100.
1'lft Natlpi'il llauk
Scrjiilott - it inti-i It nils
11,1m .N.itlel'tl Hani.
Illllli' 111 piisil .11, J Ill-mill I llllll,..
Iitmemy l.lshl. 11. L I. C
I.nhj liusl stlc fleposIL Co
( lni t- i snuier Co,, i'r
Strahteti Iruti r.iire A f Co. ...
Similtui aI' W.-rU
I nt L.i 1.111119 II ili tn, I'r
I uunlt s'.nin,.- llinl. ,t Trii-t Co..
1'in-t Mt1111.1l Hull- (CarbonilJlc)..
s'tJInlJIll ll-illlllK ''0
Tntltrt' National flanl.
Sil.llllMI Hull III'! Nut (0
SiijiiIiii 1' lUilnj, first
Mtirli-asp. ilue l'J-"
I'leple'i Miiet Itillttjt, lit-t tnort--te.
tl'ic 1IUS
IVouh's stinfi itjilwjv. (Ieu;ral
Bui. Ali
in ...
100 ...
I tiieilJsi'. ilue l'Jil
, D.'l.-on Meiiilai tin iit't Cu
1 I aij ltiwit-hti St hotil J. icr tent.
j Cat ot iidiihn M. Imp. fl per
1 Sir.mtfm '1 1 ai t inn (I per iflii
Scuinton Wholesale Market.
I K . nei ml In II 1: Pale. 27
, llul lei -I'leiinoi. Jl'-Jii.;
( ( I e-rl'till 1 n 1111 12 1 Ho.
I u. -Wt-ltin fio-li. II I
1 -i .1.. IP . I.. 111, .
h.ukawnnti.i Ave )
ihtlij. I'j.'Oe.
tie J 1 ij
llmiH I'm l.ii . thoiii ittariuw
I'ii l:i.ns-I'm Im . s Uj2.;o.
Mulmni Ih in, 1 l.ii, sj. ; ij .-,.
Mo. ut I'..- I'm lui.. l luil.f..
O111M1-- I'd l.ll,. sl.lllil.'iO
I hull lit'sl p ilttil, pel hlih, 1 li.'..
llisl Ni'liie Dean- -I'fi lui . s.,i3jijo.
Fhiladelphln Live Stock.
I'I il.uhlphii. Man Ii .11 Itetelpt. foi till
Wiik. litili, III; .-!, fi, ''.'lO: Iior-, t.JII
Ctlth - M.ulxi I -lni: piin-t m nei-ally a &ue
I.hmi: hul. 't 1 11 r.u: thoiii, s-lt5.25; (o.l.
s -7'."; 1... 'iiilui. s 7-,i s7; itiuuinti, sl.50al.75
sh ep anil I iinh- -f 'iiinei ami itinhit iiiletl .if -
nutlet inuild in .mint; -iinp. etr.i. u'4k
1 .
't iln lie. I '.1 I'll". Vli't.i niciliiini, .'i'jil...
' 1 nun n 1 .i . I tilth'', ."iiii''(i ; spline hinl-',
-I 'iitii'ii . In nl lln.s- Ofliilnu- 1 leaneil t.p
1 nl.- .ml 111111,1 1 tln-ui funi: ur-lern, btH'sf :
-l.ll" Ins-. H"l nflMol: fit im. uf In till tilts
liiniis! I J' ..i'i. ; I'iiii .ins, iliill, a: l-iu.'.:
tidl 1 iiu-, ".i7'ii : 'iiu iluite I11I1I at T'i'.;
in, lih ttw. lit il"-h ihli s.lettit'it -ol. I mi- 'slni
Mi. ihe-ul -lui- 11 uhli ill-pu-ul nl it i'jIs'.i ,
illl I ll I 1 w -, "i'i lU'.f ,
Buffalo Live Stock.
I .1 Pull th.. Mutt li .11.- I!erei,i -( attic, IH
1.1-. -lup in.l IiiiiIh, ' 1.11-: line-.. 1' 1111
shipiiiint. I .nil". Ill .,11., rheep ."id limtH, 1i
..u-' hui-, 11 111-. ( title-ttoiiiinall mi
tl,.n-iil (, litis i;uul ihln at '((..JUiO."'.. I. nn'Jt
( hnu 1 In esti.i. s-.tHin,; sheep, ihnhe t.i 1 .
(1 , s-, -,,-, pi ,,.; -Ih nt-, si, 2i)4h..!0; pi'ji,
.lsUlv - f t.v tJr
t . (t nAii 1" ii-rti. 4 k