The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 01, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    " K,
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,'A 3P " - '-vr Wf ;" ' t '' mp4$$WffiW1pb y vW-f W
rTfjpi; "; " "''jf ?vn
Delivered His Last Setmon Yestei
tlay to tho Congiegntlon of tho
Sumner Avonuo Presbyterian
Church Services Held in the Dif
ferent Churches. Two Children
Weie Painfully Injuied Funeral
of the Lnte Amos nemnly To
night's Events Personals.
I lev. Kirilik .1. .Mlluiuli. I'll. D.. who
lms been supplying i1k pulpit til" llu'
Stunner Avenue Piesbytoilnu diuich
for the iust lli'teen months, coveted
his conucrtliin with the church jester
day, and tiuluy he will begin Ills Whom
.'is pastor of the Second Picshyieiinii
chinch (it Pollsville. in which church
ho hast received n unanimous inll.
During I lev. Mllmnn's labors t the
Sumner Avenue chinch he bus b'un
very successful and endeared himself
to all with whom ho was associated.
Ho succeeded In eh-iiling 111? ihllioh Z
ii btttdum-nmc Indebtedness and
su-ongthuned t Ii- weal: forces In the
congregation. As his taieuell text,
llov. aillmnn hose this t--cnletice,
" shall I ilo then with .lestis
which is called ChtlstV" fiom Mnthe'.v
axvII: 22.
Ills subject was "What Will You Do
with Christ?" and during his pennon
he pressed tho gicat claims of salva
tion. During the course or his re
marks, lio spoke in n.iit a3 follows:
Mcii'h inind ire ptrplov-d .mil disturbed '.-en-sidf-rlng
their ir-Mimi In tin- tvfrld. (o M'lf, to
i-(.ity, .md the Mate. f.ine iiK-n me i-tr-It ni'V
ioui (ihont tlifir pm-wlnns in g-M -ni'l slltct-.
Rut cm- relation lo .lmi (Inlst, here now,
and llio tiitnir, i the- luo-d iiiihtlant fpnmtinn
aii.v human man cm i rmsitlrr.
if niTi ilo the iifrhl tint a t.ilii .linn, thr-; "t
iinl.v limp a h"te to" etrmilj. 1ml al, .ill
Hut i worth hitiris' line in til!, wmld. Hn
tin other Iiniil, if men do Mm .tong tliinR ttllli
IfjuK, thoj- line no liope for rdetnilj. nnd tli'y
lmi rti-rjthin.; woi 111 luting, loth (or I line .itiJ
i trinity.
Let me ask jon ilfiiiiU uimn nlial tie
ilo with Jesus? I)iK nl hut uctept-n(e or ir
jf-i-lion bcloio Coil depend upon what tve il tritti
f hrlrt? If ttr .ncrpt ThnM, .-o.l will ncf tpt i;
if ni; ificct Him, Roil will njirt in.
Our antpliinrp hototo Roil !o nol. il.'fKinl
mi (ho lives wo livM, upon any ri'liiri'""'
iirannnio e may Iuo pcrfonnfil, hill Kololy
Mum lnt wu tin utli flirii-t. The lihM,
.-inner tlut .icepts Ciri-t. f!ml will iinept.
lli. tuo-t ami npiiu'lit him tint ri'ieot.
( luM, f-'cil lll rejort. The rr.v nifitnent a
mill adepts I'hti-t. tuouirnl ln is ".iinIi
toil from all tliIni-. "
1 and colds
Ladies' Fashionable
Apparel for Easter
It's worth something to know that you could not, if
you would, buy an old style garment in our Cloak, Suit
or Waist Departments, for we have not such a thing
in stock.
Our New Spring Suits
For Ladies' and Misses' Wear, are made up from the
best and most popular cloths of the seasou, in a full
range oi shades and mixtures. The styles embrace
all the best ideas. Kton, Norfolk and Box Jacket Suits,
with all the et ceteras aud extra finishing that particu
lar buyers, accustomed to the best class of work only,
demand, while the prices are much lower thati the same
class of goods can be had for in New York or Philadel
phia, where a few houses strive as we do, to attain to
perfection in ready-to-wear garments.
A Beautiful Line of Eton Jackets
In Silk, Cheviots and Broadcloths, are well worth a
look. They are handsome aud realty moderate in price
Ladies' Dress Skirts for Spring
Reflect the correct fashious of the hour unci arc so va
ried in style that description is impossible. All the
new cloths, and the best makes aud colorings in Taf
feta Silks are represented, Prices, $25.00 to $1.50.
Ladies' Smart Silk
In every good shade, color
All sizes, to fit auy figure, aud a multiplicity of de-
signs and styles that is simply bewilderiug,
Our new Hue of Ladies' Silk
Waists, iu fashionabe leading
styles. A really matchless
value at,.,
On wlml i! ilo Mltli Ctnll iliprtnb out In
comltn; tliltilirn ft tin1 cliill, or hoik nl foil.
"To ,11 nuny n tfrelml tllnl, to tin-in Kiu llu
power to heiotin; the foi'H of lloil." Sot liy
hi-lnff plmv. not bv beltv uooil, not liv lenlliif;
tho lliblc, nol liy pi i.v Itivr, but h. "n-irhliis;
lllin." Me Weenie tots of flint
Ilo toil Unlit pur It ili'pt-iiili tipiHi i1mI j"tl
ilo Willi ( bri'L utirllur joii h)i ill he.ii It m not.
"Iti-llie JiHtllloil b fillh, ne hale pe.iu- wltli
f.'O'l tlitnniili otir t.iitil h-tl tlitiil " "Nr M
li"ev Ilinl pejie b.v pr.ijer nlnti'. it be p-ti-tie.
'I he lurmt biirihtieil iuiui teller ml. Iid
piMir bj simple tilth In ( lilIM,
HjIii our poveu'lntt ny ilipi-nil iipuh lml
ue llu Milh t htlt, "In whom bolii ilnir, Je iv.
jolto wllh ioy tinH ilble ami full of cltlj "
Irue Joy iloe put ileieml upon oin- i liiiine
-Ijikh In life, but sltnpl.i upon yom hillh In
f lirll
Ilo joii unlit (li'liiul life. II ihpuuls npm
lul .vou ilo Willi ( htUt .i In wliillier jmi lwll
line it. "He tli J I billiii-lli In the Nm Imlli
i-ietlntltic life, rftnl he belleielh imt mi I'm
Mm Mull not we life." Vol upon jmn puirilj
it iitttiiflM, Pol tniir M'ieslliiii;4 in piAjtt,
tlpon liollilniv lillt belli ins I'lilisl . pemU join
V'i' llitll.ll lite. miikI .von ilo Hh (hiti.l, You tniil ilo
iMiietlilllll Willi llllll. Yell lltti- llllll "II jour
luttnl.. I'ilnte died In uet .b Mil oil hh Intel'
Hid miilil nut; iihIIIiu imii j-oii. Vmi inii i lllui
.niepl or i-i-Jiil Him. lArij'one that ioi nm
I'n-pl Him, ii-jeils Unci. We mini ellhii hi
llltn Into fitir In ills ind lite m shut dim out,
le miKt confix or dtuv lllin. If we do noi
luVf mi f-t ml i..r lll'ii. Ilin ue 'land nitiliei
Mop -nirl i n'1-.iil"!- Mlnj II is Willi whom nu
lute soiuelhlu: to do. 1 lie nol win ditlie-lj-.ip)i.iliilid
.ind .itmoinli.l Klmii I lie nol die
only hi ktoIIi n roll of inn'. We ln.ii ) tn Hits,
bill, dentin;; dni-i lml allu the f.ul. lie i pn.trii
to lie (lie s-i ii ,.r (!od lijr ier illtii-e, umvii-l Ion
able li'tinii'iiir s-ht Iho tiliuiont of Mm ilitltin
w'hiiI whliii lie simio-the the Kviimoiit nt Hie
lit ill" Wort, lie ttmuiilille the dliliu- Hie tie llii. divine iiiiluem e -In III, n-uii'i-tioii.
t'liii-t is the Nm of i.Vd. niid .voir nei-eiul
Sitlmir. It ji.,1 trji'cl lllin, Jnu leiei I One who
"wji ttntinded ti.r join iiusl:ti-.,iiiii." Wlnt
v-ill vou ib wllh ClulsU Vim nni-i nn
tliln'-. Aicapt Hire.
Class of Ten Received.
ijlieeial service Mere eomliK led .it
St, Murk's tiuUiei-nii chuivh jvsteidny
luoi-niriK-. A rlass of ten aleeluiineiis
wi.s rf-cohed into oliurch membership
by thi? rile of eonflt niatioii. The e.ile
ehumi'ris save evldenre or eaieful and
devoted piepm-iitiou for Ihls InipoitiitiL
step in (heir religious life. ai was man
ifested by their nnsivers fit the pitblie
examination of the docilities of salva
tion, as sel. t'oi Hi In J,uthtr's Cate
chism. Itev. Dr. ilutner preached y sermon
on I'hll.. ii:!i-lt, on the theme of "Con
fesslufr Christ." An anthem jv.m muir
hy tho choir and a tenor solo bv J.
The following: persons worn i nn
fumiiil: Miss Iizicle Millie Whelslotie,
Xels Johnson, ICmniet Johnson, Ouj-IIo
iailson, P'rederic-k AYilllam Ringlet,
louls Hojtp. Tlornian Otto Tracer, Hr
nest flokanson, Arehio Miinson and
Mrs. Myrtle Klngsley.
There will be daily services In St.
Mark's church diirinp; holy tteok, at
".SO p. m., and spoiiul servicp tiood
Friil.i.v mornlns:, lO.:;o.
Missionary Service.
t the union mi.ssionurj' service held
last Friday night in St. Mark's Luther
an chinch. Rev. .J. Tplleen. of Rock
Island, 11!., deliveied a stlrrltiK sermoti
combination and good weave,
on the sithjeel, ''Tlio Htirforlns Chrlpl
uiul HtuTorliiR- Humiinlly."
The trnkir very iipproprlaUly ie-fiu-ieit
to tho nurfpi'lnfr Christ, hmv the
H.ivlotir left with Its suffrrlnir sin nnd
woo. The Saviour suffered from the
foundation of tho world, hy botmr ap
pointed (he Saviour of mankind; for
the roundallon of redemption was Inld
hefoi-o the foundation of the wot Id.
The heathen and pR,in suffer rails
lotiBly het-itUKe tiny ar all religious,
but their Rods ai-is Idoln unit fetlnche
are unahli: lo help. Their sacred bnnkt
contain itit eriiiifm!
Thftlr ntle.Hts enn-
not point the way
no houses of Coil.
Thelr (umplea nrs
i'h"h' saerlllees do
not atone for sin,
They iifl'pr morally for ihey know
not polity in the way of holiness.
They suiter soelall.v, never linvini;
learned the fatherhood of find or
Hiotherhood "or Mnn. They suffer In
tellectualty, their mental calibre being
shtlveled nnd undeveloped, They suf
fer spiritual death, temporal death
wilhoul hop", and as far ns we know,
eternal dentil, for there Is no other
miiiie nlven und?r heaven by which
mankind can be saved, except the
name of Jesus, who suffered fetters
Unit the world might be flee, who suf-f'l-ed
deal It Hint tho world might live.
Among- the Other Chinches.
An .ipprerliittve nudlenee llslem-d to
Sheldon's stnry or "In His Steps," at
the .lai.-ksou Sheet itnptlst church List
evening, which was cleverly rcclto 1
and illustrated hy the pastor. Rev.
Thomas de tliiichy. Korty-twn colons!
Views weie idiotvu cut the t aiivas.
The Hitetnmentti ( the I.oi-.IV. tiuppi-r
and Infant and intuit baptism wvro nrl
niluistcieil al tin- Waslilnuu Sheet
I'resliyletlau church yest--rlay niin
itny. The pastor. Rev. John I', Mofl'na.
I. D. cxchiinKod pulpit tilth Rev.
Mlluian, or the Sunnier AV'-iiip Prv ehtiteh, In the ovenlng. Tnl.
eii cirds and individual cups wore
W. W. Ailah. seuetnry of the Rail
road Young, .Men's i.'hrisliau iissoei.i
rlnii, iiifiii-lieil an pxcellenl. sermon at
the Simpson Methodist Kpisropnl
church yesterday morning-, .mil at the
evening service the pastor. Dr. Sweet,
spoke on "Tho Finished "Work of the
Christ." r.arjf" audiences weie present
at both sui vices.
Tin. usual services Mere neld al Hie
First ttaptist church yoslunluy, under
Ibe direotiou of Iho pastor. Rev. S. F.
.Mathews. The eovennnl meeting; will
b- held on Wednesday evening al 7."0
o'clock, to be ,'nllowed by a. business
meeting nt S.;:n o'clock.
Rot. tt. 1. ICvans. of south Main ave
tiuo. attended the dedicator.v services'
of a new Congregational church nt
l'iltslon j-estcrrhiy. and in the evening
oeciipieil the pulpit of the Flrsl Welsh
Congrogaiional church on South Main
Three Funerals.
At - n'lloek yesterday afternoon the
funcial seniles over the remains of
the lato Amos ricii.ily wore held at the
hoiihc on North Sumner avenue, many
r datives and triemls of the if ceased
being in attendance. Rev. .1. B. Swept,
pithlm- ol Hie Simpson Methodist Kpis.
copal church, otliclated. Funeral Di
rector p. W. Tague had clMrge of the:
remains, which were taken to Chinchil
la for interment. The pallbearers
were: AYill Slmms. or Daltou: AY. C.
liruniug, Frank and ICIisha Al
len, of this city.
Services over the icmains of the late
(ialtishn A. Clarke teie conducted at
in o'clock Salurda.v morning at the
decased's boarding place in Stark
lotirt, and the remains were taken t
(.'lath's Green for Inteinienl.
A private funeral was condurted in
connection with the burial of the late
Arthur Wagstnl'f in Washburn siet
cemetery Saturday afternoon
Accidents to Children.
A 1-inonths-idd daughter of Mr. i i '.
.Mis. Martin Monaghnn, of 1H0.1 Price
sheet, was painfully burned at noon
vt'htetdayby her clothing catching tiirs
while playing with malchc.-. The little
on'- was alone In llu back yard at the
time and befoto help reached her the
blaic bad i oinpletely enveloped her.
Dr. J. .1. Carroll did what was possible
lo relieve the little sulfeter's pain.
A .".-year-old child of .Mr. nnd Mrs.
.McDonald, of Merrlfield avenue, had
it.s lingers caught In it clothes wrlngei
on Saturday and severely biuKed. Dr.
D. .1. Jenkins iclleved th child' suf
fering as much as possible under thu
Tonight's Events,.
Hyde I'aik camp, Modern Woodmen
of Ameiica. will conduct u social ses
sion and "smoke talk" at the close of
their tegular meeting in Ivoiitc hall.
Members of chits No. II of the
Hampton Sheet Methodist Dpiscopal
chin eji will conduct a poverty social
and entertainment in the lecture toom
of the chinch.
Personal Paragraphs.
Mis. Henry Logan, of North Sum
ner avenue. Is convalescing after a
seveic attack of bronchial pneumonia.
Mrs. John Thomas, of Foiuteeiith
stieui, Is visiting her husband at Vln
londnlo, She was accompanied by Mis.
.Morion, of Keyset' avenue,
Mn. William Shoemaker, of North
Summit' avenue, spent the past week
with her sister at Sugar Notch.
1-higepe Kvuns, of Kyuon si i eel, is a
victim of lousllltls.
Job llanis, of Kynou stieet, is able
in bo out again, al'ler a long Illness,
Mr.-, Alexander iitinnn, of Fnlrvleiv
avenue, Is visiting In r daughter, Mrs.
.1. W. Roberts, iu Pittsburg.
Mr., 7.. iitm.iu. of Jackson sheel. is
visiting relallves in Hlalrstown, ,V, J.
II. T. Mulunln and family, of TKIln,
Ohio, has located nn l-'arr's Heights
.Messrs, Uiilmeteh, Herilei-ker and
IVirtholouiew have moved their
illos lo their new homes In Weil Park.
Colonel Reese I'hilllps Is also niovinrr
his hoviePhold cltects to his new home
on North Main avenue.
Watson Whe.itnn and f.imliy.of Ilall-stc-iul,
Pa., have inkeii poflssloi' of h
noiv houfe op I'cniili-ry f.trnt.-t,
,1Ibk Uilllh .Softb-y, of .Sivel'nr.'!
btrcei. is iveiitcrhiK fiuin an illnesf.
Mts Haulc .Sniffer, of Houth Hyde
f'.nk a 't-nue, i.s the Ruekt of Mrs.
llus.n. W.iiuer, or NYllkcs-Hane.
Jumrs uuihu, of Carhondalo, is the
suaul oi Wist Si-paiiton ii-lattvcs.
Mrs, . S. Ollllnshuni, of Tenth
d-eei, has reco . red ri-,m the- rjfivt?
uf ,oi nptirattoii,
General News Notes,
A piosiesle cucliru and social will
be given undei tlia iiutplccs of llr.inch
I in tlgi for ill who air Kttnp' IliHnu (vr
the Throat ami l.mi.-, the eica (,-uumeeJ
leinidj. Would jon tn-lictr tlm it is jold ou
lit mrrili and any diuggUt it uuthorijej hy the
propiifti'i- of thU wonderful lemed.v to siv jou
umple boillu fits'? It uetci fall, to urc
rule or ihronk (.ought. All di ileitis jell
Kcnip's Ilahiui. Price SV'. and 50c,
ii7. LAdlen' Calhollc nenevolcnt nsso
clallon. at Mears' hnll. Tuesday even
ing, April 23. A committee, of -which
Miss Sarah McDonald Is chairman, nnd
Mi Mnry Mnhoney, secretary, has tho
uft'nlr In charge.
The employes of the Mt. Plcneant
mines were paid on Saturday. ,
Horn To Mr. and1 Mis. Cloornft W,
Ktifrol, of JJutleln street, on Saturday,
a son,
The Tabernacle choir held u well
attended rehearsal Inst evening on the
cantata "Daniel," which will bo pro
diiced at an "arty date.
A young- girl nnmed Dm din, residing
ou Hwettnnd sheel, rusheil Into the
Hlatlon house Saturday nlghl nnd n.nk
ed Lieutenant Williams to cine for an
18-inonths.old baby, beloiiglng lo a
widow named Davi, but the koiiIhI
lieutenant has troubles of his own, and
could not accommodate Iter. She was
sent home wllh tho advice for the
mother that unless she took care of
her baby tho llcutenaul would take
cnte of her.
"Because She Loved Him So," Will
Be Produced at Auditorium Next
Monday Other Notes.
' Because She Loved lllin So," one
of the prettiest little plays over pro
duced In this section, will be given next
Monthly evening at the Auditorium,
tinder tho direction of Thomas Kvans.
assisted by membet of the Ke.vstoni:
Dramatic club.
Mr. F.rans and the lost of tho cum
pany have been holding nightly re-iit-ni-snl',
.md. are leaving- nothing un
done to make tho performance one of
Hip best ever held In this section. The.
chili I giving its cloe attention to alt
details In the Hit'. of costuming and
sceliPl-j. and will undoubtedly have a
large crowd iu the Auditorium on the
evening of the perfoiinant-c.
Mr. Ilvuns-, the leading man. Is a
vciy clever actor, and ih supported by
a sstrong company. Doors will be open
at T."d o'clock: iiittniii rises' at S.!S,
Saturday's File.
The iilaini of fire sent iu lmin l!ox
l.'i. Saturday morning at 1.30 o'clock,
u as c, tus.'d by the overturning of a
lamp iu the kitchen of Mis. Bridget,
foyle's house, on Mohawk street.
The Liberty. Cumberland and Ex
celsior companies responded, and suc
ceeded in conUnliiK the flames to tho
tear portion of the bouse. The dani
attfe don.; amounted to about S!o. and
was fullj coveted b.v insurance,
' News Notes.
Miss Wilson will hold a coiil'etenc
wllh all members of dlffeient commit
tees and teachers of classes in the
Young Women's Christian association
rooms this evening at 7.S0 o'clock harp.
All committees ami teachers arc re
quested to be present.
Mrs. Russel Peck, of Belmont ter
taoc, has been called to Mount Pleas
ant, on account of her brother's sick
ness. The Not Hi Knd Slurs will play the
Hyde Park Pa tt lots tomoriow evening
at the Auditorium.
Thomas Powell, a student at Kev
stoue academy, preached two interest
ing seiiiioiis al the Noith Miin Avenue
llaptist chinch yesterday. ,
Half a Dozen Vagrants Arrested by
Lieutenant Zang and Squad.
Other News Items.
J.-mies Doll. James Riown. James
FJuins. tSorge Thompson, Daniel Mur
phy and a mnn named Backus weie ai
I'csted ychteiday morning at the old
rolling mill of Hie Luckawanim lion
and Steel company, by Lieutenant
Zang- and it sipiail of oflheis. mi the
charge of loafing.
At a hearing before Aloumuu Smir.
f'.rown, Thompson and -Murphy were
given thirty da.v.s each in the. county
jail, while tlncUus was Inld for court
as a suspicious ehmaeter. Doll and
Bums were discharged.
Michael Dovcrs was nrtostrd Satur
day night for being- chunk aud disor
derly, and was yiMtrrday titled SP', in
default of which ho was git en till, ly
days In the county jail.
The luciubeis of ihe Si. Maij's 'Jlne
club and Dramatic ns?o-lalion wilt
meet it; monthly sc.vdon this evening
iu St. Mary's hull. All members an;
le'tui sted to attend.
Local No. :W1. 1'nlted Aline Workers
of America, will meet in Nowlsky's
hall this evening.
The William Council Hose company
will hold its monthly meeting at Hie
rooms this evening to elect officers.
The Neptune Knglne company Milt
n c-et In regular session this evoning
at the rooms on Cedar avenue.
Camp 43H. Patriotic Order Sons of
America, will tin-.u this evening at
llartmau'i hnll.
The members: of the St. Irene's so.
clety will hold a business meeting this
evening al o'clock nt Pharmacy h-ill,
Mils liASIK ullASI.- ill", bunt num. n
ei llii' Ii-"d 1.1 nit n tt nnrn in the ell.",
died on Mliiul.i.v al thu fanilly iisldiiit- on
iiiilh lljtliinctun jtfin.i-. Mi.. .n lu.ii, in
t'Mlia nM hut ji-ii Jue :iml i-nno ti t'nh
lO'inli j In ISTn, lritlii; tiir.i- r'tldtd lirtr.
She l Mitt it nl bj n hiis-hjiiil, oni diii;tlaoi
and lii(-i "in,-. 'Hi" n.r.i-ial ttill ho In-ld toliit.
lit'V PA ANs.--t tli.- I.JLl.ati jnna ktopiul jsf
tcriUij', l!; lii-r.i, jil1 Pi yroia, diid aflt-r an
il!tiiw ni'iii t.vpl.cid tftfi, Thu leinaitii ttcro
token to lln lioim oi Mv, Jjim-a Matthoun, llj
'oiiili KcIhtci iitvi.ui, tther thr (nmul n?riiri-i
ulll Im hi Id Anroimci-m'ni .f tlio linw will
l'i I.Hi!i l.ltfl.
.'.'.iill' It BUJ1.N--1'ju:si. llniic f-2 i(
u; difd Mtuid.iy Jt l-i. lioidf, Utn Cjihcii tieft,
'Hit' ur,it! It hld thli iitinnoon ui 3:10
villi iiiteinanl Iu Co tU dial cf-n.rtcrj,
IU'll, tl.c' l.l.r.t!,i clJ i..,,tai;i o Mi,
ti.d Ills'. It'i ltod.iey. ef (1 UUory lit, died
jrs-ili,v iiu.iiilr.g tnt.T ,i tto ttMk' iliri-M of
tirahi l.-MT. Hit tunend 1ll til.o plaev riant--.U
uioiiiin-.' ai D.B0 o'eloc!.-. Intcitnciil trill tiK
i.i'!i in the- Ulndiuiit ccnic-ttrj.'
Mjij-, thf C-.vm-old daiil.ttr of Mi. i,d Jlu.
loin Crejtcn, ni f;;li-iny etiet, llunmi'lf, died
jiterd,y. Tin funeral tvlll bu J.thl thi aftif.
icon ttitb inn inu, i in 'lit Dnmuic- ijtlioli
'In; in"tl ef lint. tiui Speiiu-i, of Nuuli
Mitn atrnuc, ss ill tale plaif this jl'tcinuo:i at 2
o'cli.i-k. fioin the liouar, Inteuiieiit ttill l.e nude
in 1'cmt Hill ifmelcij.
'llic luneral of PjiiKI shea, ttlio dit-d I'rldav,
ttill take phue this iivmlni; at p o'cloik troie
Ihe famllj uildime, .it -'!" Irtiinr arerue-.
leipiltm nun ttill U- iclrlir.tetl at St. Pi-Ur'
i.-.itliwJral arid int.rmcnt trill t'f mdij in the "a
llicdul ctmeteit-.
Frank Chemberlaln, Returned fiom
Philippines, Is nt Fort McDowell.
Other News Notes,
Won! has been received iinniiuuelng
llic safe in-rival nt San Francisco of
Frank Chembeilln, who has been In
the hospital coips Iu the Philippines
for tho past yenr.
lie returns on nccouni of sickness,
having stirfeicil for souio lime with cli
matic fever. He Is at present otntloncd
at Fort McDowell. Angel Island, In
Sun Francisco harbor, hut espcel soon
to be transferred to it post n-itrcr
Changes Continue.
The changes nt the No. (i olliees of
the Pennsylvania, ('mil nnd l-hie and
Wyoming Valley Railroad companies
still go .steadily on.
Saturday. Coal Shipping Agent W.
D. Decker and his force of clerks were
notified that their services would bo
no longer required, the oillce being
done away with as fnr us Duntnotc Is
concerned. C. P. Savnge leaves this
morning for New Yotk, where the pur
chasing department of the Ki-le-Penu-sylvanla
combination has been trans
ferred. Nubs of News.
The Young Ladles' mission and
Christian Kndeavor society of the
Pres'byteiian church will be icpresent
ed at the coming inK-doiiary conven
tion, to be held Iu Oieen Ridge, bj
Misses Mary Tnl't. Uessle Hone. Mai ion
Rryilen and Mrs. Waddell.
The funeral of the kite Mrs. M. J.
Scott occurred on Saturday morning.
A large number of ft lends and neigh
bors followed the remains to SI. Mnry'.i
church, tthcre a solemn high mass was
celebrated, al'ler which Intel menl was
made in St, Mary's i .-nic-tery.
Hotel Sterling, ou Clu-rflntit stieet.
which has been conducted for the past
year by P. L. McDonnell, was on Sat
urday closed by the shcrllf.
Leroj- Swingle, of tho High school
class of 1900. now at Lafayette, class
ll'ni. is spending his vacation in town.
MIis Jan.- King, of liltston. is visit
ing relatives on Dudley stieet.
Miss Marion Ilryden has returned
from a. visit of several weeks at Pitts
ton. Mrs. Richaid AVintei stein 1s again
confined to her bed, as the result of a
relapse after her iveeiil Illness.
J. C. Moffatl. of Di Inker street, is at
Kdgnr .lone", of He-s" bakery, is seri
ously ill ;a his home with typhold
pneunioiilu. Joseph lleal.t l spending the l-'astor
holidays with his rather on Chestnut
street .
Robert Hick" bus i-etui-ned fiom an
extended stay in Wayne county.
C. II. Reed is visiting his classmate.
Gilbert Close, of Princeton, during Hie
Kaster vacation.
Albert Jenkins, of Riuler street,
leaves this morning for Waymart,
where he ulll locate on his I'm m piop
crt.v, Council ttill meet al the borough
building tonight.
Letters remaining- unclaimcil dining
the period ending March :!o. 1001. Per
sons calling for these letters will please
pay advertised: Mrs. Mayme Dean, 16H
Adams avenue; Maila Finun. 1I0.1 Ad
ams avenue; John Foley, "II Mimtoe
avenue: Tim Harrington: Miss Maty
Hullci-iti, SH Piescott avenue, Thomas
Hurbei, r.70 Quincy avenue; James
Malonoy. caie or Mr. Arnold: II. Rich
ards. A'.-iie Skinner, Annie Simons,
Ultnlen L. Spinster, August Whseh (F),
Frank Wairi.
The ladies- ( the ilicen Itidge H,ip-ti-l
church will i (induct an Kaster
cake and .-.inily sale in the cliuieli par
lors Saiuidaj-, April ii. uflcinoon and
A. .s-, ll It, ReJ-nollN. or M"llsc.V live
lino, has leturned honi a visit to New
York eltj-.
'lite choirs of Hie dlfl'ereia chut dies
an- bust- pi.ii thing their Kaster
; inusic. I lie oiuig Peoples clas-s.
which, under the direction of Pi of. (1.
F. Whitteinoi'c, gave such a Miccer..s
ful concert last Thunksgivlug. will as
sist the choir of the lin-eu Ridge Pivs
byteilan church ou .Faster Sunday,
Last night si-rviic- ttcro begun,
which will be hold in the Oieen Ridge
Pte-sbj teilnn i-liuriii every evening this
week, except Saturday. These nirel
iugs will be brief, lusting onlv hum 7.30
to S.;i o'clock, lYcdnesday eviiilng,
the meeting will be Iu i onncetlon with
the annual meeting of the Woman's
Foreign .Missionary society or the
Piesbytery of Lackawanna, and will
be picslded over by the pnsloi, Rev.
I. J. Landing.
District Deputy Grand Mn.-.ta t , L.
Colvln, assisted by e, team from Green
Itidge lodge, independent Order of Odd
Fellow.-., ttill Install the officers of
Globe and Moscow odge.s this even
The Youni,' IV ipleV chili-linn Ku
' de ftvnr society of the Given Ridge
Piesbylei-lan churcli will hold a busi
ness meeting immediately after piayer
meeting Tuesday evening.
The Chnwhawligmczi! Shmi Stoiy
dub held a regular meeting at Hie
home of Mts-s Aliuit AVehlau, or Mul
berry street. Saturday night, nnd dis
cussed Miss Mury I-:, Wllklps. the
author, nnd her works. The dub Is
i omposed of .indents, of the Seranton
High school, aud its main puiposr is
to caiiso tin Interest In literary mm
teh, The nlllt'OI'O of tho club lolloit ;
S, Lyon Weyburn, pre.sldcut; Unndolpli
I, Fiothlnghnm, vicn.prerilileni: Anna
ci.irk treasuier, and Kthd ' linnt,
Tim mairiage of .Miss Catherine Ga
briel to .Air. Adams, of Younghtown.
will tuke place this evening at the
bride's home, on chinch avt-nue.
The ilcldmen of the
Co-,rcpui,dMicc Schools -.till be enter
tained ul it banquet at tho Jlotol Jcr
myn, Thuixiay, Am II ).
, lOtlUlon will be held ill Lnoliils
hul, Wilkes-M.irie, WediK.tiIa,v uvuii
1113', April 17.
1- I
National Y, W. O. A. Secretary Spoke
I A auAftMi'lnil tlnnmrr
Mus IClUaheth Wllon, of Chhago,
national becretuty of thu Young Wo- .
men's Chrl'tlnn assuclutlon, addressed
ii large Kuthftthis of women yesleiri.iy
iifternoou in the aasoclailon looms.
Slin gave a talk ou the ten couiniand
ments. Miss Wilson has been in the eltv for
reverul days, holding confotenecs with
tho board of trustees and oU'eiing sug.
p.tllnnc: ft, nl iiilt-li... iia to lliii ltnHl
means of furthering the work and ex-1
Many Stores
The Store
Is Radiant
with Spring's
Interior Beauty
Every department has felt the enthu
siasm that has been so pronounced in the
Millinery Store. There is no reason why
the children should not be as well cared
for as the parents or grown-up sisters.
An assortment of ready-to-wear Hats,
that will please the children, are here, or
perhaps you do your own trimming. All
the needfuls for home trimming, gathered
with a view to satisfying your every want,
are here in profusion, including flowers
of every description.
Stylish Simplicity
Would appropriately express the style
of Eton Jackets for the coming season.
One very stylish Jacket is an All-Over
Tucked Taffeta Silk, beautifully lined.
Another popular style is made of Broad
cloth in vest-like style, bound with taffeta
silk and finished with four small buttons.
An assortment complete in every detail
awaits your inspection.
Jonas Long's Sons
For 190I,
l. Willi-, the C Itt'l.l'.s. in. .ins n .i, iial,
nioii( in. Kasicin. Wihtim.'-, ' ' nm-i t
hut, ct iotl: sj.ur, Mnt.mi ami (..itiiomi i
hcauis; .r.oiiU and n.'u.. oi (..Mit l...i- l.dl,
I uit 1" l.ij out a lull Ihdd, hot- to Ind p. i
Lntiftit; item oi intm.-l and
Pictures of Over GOO Plnyeis.
I ui -.dr ht all imiMtcahn. am!
A. GS Spolcflng & Bros.
Veil Yi'iK ( 1iIi.irv -lli-niii.
SpaMlnn's C.ll.iloiC el Ihis- Hill liiiods fin.
tending Hi" inlluence 1,1 the In, ill as
sociation. She will speak ol llic win I. ol' I'm
local branch 'tomorrow nlghl in iho
Second Piushytc-rian chinch and 011
AVednc.sday nioiulng will hold a linal
i(,iifcreil'- t.ith the ImmuI of trustees.
Services Will Be Held in All the
Chui cites.
Commencing last evening nnd con
tinuing until nest Friday, seivUes will
be held every oieniug this week In all
of the Ungllsh .speaking Luthcian
1 lunches, beginning at 7,:io o'clock, nnd
oil Good r-ilday tho services will be
held at 10.30 11. ui. In the- German
speaking churches, services will he
held Wedne.'ilay evening- and Fildny
mm nlng.
Tho servhes; will Include u study of
the .sufferings- of Jesus as it is ie
(Hided iu the four evangelists. These
lire' what Is known as Holy Wi-i-l;
services, find nil the pastor or their
leppeetlve cliiu dies lOildlicl their own
sei vices-.
Father Fidelir, Addiessed 11 Large
Congregation at Cathedral.
Father Fhlells, of the Pas. onlt ol
der, foiiuerly u Protestant,
dellvuivil 11 s-rmou last nteht .11 l,
fetor's cathedral oti God's s).u u,e
tor mail.
"If I should (ink Hie ijiiujUo,i--wlutt
m the gie.itfst niyiitt-ij ol the chrb
tlnn faith," said he, "I would hnvo
luiiiicroud answerr. hoim- toiild s.iy
tho tnysteiy of tlm leal pieseui-P,
while iHhds would .-ay, the mystery of
tho trinity. Hut some hoiiio day the
whole Ohilstlan world will roalizr. that
the t'leatest mys.tety of all u that
God, that omnipotence, biiuuld tnkt tho
form of man ami die."
Tho tact that did this, he ai
gued, pioved his pin nomcunl luvv Kr
man. "Why did llu choose," said he,
"to go Hiiough suih a succession of
jgonlcs as Ue did. Why did lie ex
hitiist almost the wiiolo catcgoiy of
&0110WS. Was It uecissary In older t"
tcdetin fallen creation. No, it was not
necessary. The shedding of one single
tear by lllin 11111ld have been sulll-ck-nt
In secuto the r-demptlon of a
thousand worldf.
"The suit'criugs wlilch ho endured
for our redemption, he endured In or
der that Ilo might show- adequately
Ills stout love for man, He laid down
t CI
Many Stores
" tiKIs .'. tU'fl(if'li:ft l.eieci.
A .1. )lMTV,M,nagrr
Wednesday, April 3.
H 111 llll,(.l- ami i.r.Ulll.l W 1 IdtON'
iv Tiii:nt (.111. r -it iiiusN" iinM,
-i-1 ma Pi.nnni s j ,( .,fr , t,r jinn
r i. lis ni 'Ii nto-.r.
II. Ull'tl Hlllt llllll' lli'lllllllllll s1Hgt.,J
spinal I'iup iii.iiina, ,ii iiri lii'-ti.i ai'il
Uu-H I in I,. Ml, lt.. ill.l l.nai, ,si-ii. ,
I nine llih ,n.i, M .: Im .u.d lust l
lidleit, -'" -,Mt" nn all, MmiiHt n -l a m
Thursday Evening. April 11.
In 'IIh-ii I'.nirl'i Anini.d (,n, rit
Mr. Finnk Enton. Baritone,
id" iitU I n.i
Mr, Thomas Miles, Coinotist,
ill llin. iV Itan-I
1'iKf-s "."h , Mli,, T.'ic , -I 'H
s-iti) nn f.ile Mondij. pnl ." u ' a in
Uanagon and b-sstn, local Miujr.
(I.- (Vin.frllan.
Charles Leyburne
uiul his r.nn Lonipany siipprrtliijr MPa V.iuim
Monday Evening, '
"The Princess of Patches."
tV XO TK Til II . AM K.
rbillflpblj. I'. Hal r.ri DpfrUIM Inf
tBirrlri. liUrailrttoffyrblMibr !! PrliAl.
llrvp, I tri-ttn, Atutt, Rlgod I'ukoB. Kf n0Qt
tiiiij,i uh ltioitarirorri AMnrlurrvuT
rulllnri Intloirtonnfutfe A, bbnnkra Orrai.
ifrtB - ftirfJ 4 lo IQdijt. 80 7rprrttrlA It fvani
JhaipIiilfipfrl(-Rril(i'rniKi7. ( far hook MTratb '(!
potior tier wuumtiiritriri(r'i'i. ainuoa louptpcni
Ills Hie for us h-cuiise He bum thud
It turn necessary to do so in order nt
riach tm' lieai 11-
"If Chil.u bad shnplj (tourt through
life utt-uing Ills lie.-iuHi'nl parables and
doing dc'ds of mercy. IK- would sim
ply bo t fiuidM led as .oioaster and
Confucius, as a .sort of benevolent!
philosopher, ll was ucco-r-ary lot Hint
lit I'lC, lit. 111.1 111,, 1., , ,,.., .I.E., IJ.-
" P,.,- ".I ...r- ...V III ,'MI, tllOt ,t
niislil force tlio truth into our heartti
to nifit the Icy coidiichs of our souls"
ConilnuliiK he paid, "God t lova
blitps with It nn eternal obligation fa'
a demand Hut it be returned jn lik