.-- '4 THE SORAKTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, APRIL i, 1901. BK v ($e Scnnfon rt8une PuMMtfd Dally, Ereepl ftimilty. ny The Trib. tno Puulinhlnft Comjianj', at Ulty Cent Montlu ' UVV 8. HICHAM), tailor. 0. P. nVMII'.i:, llaslncsj Mnijci. New Yoik Office! HO NaNiau ht. S. ft. VUEKLAXn. Sole .Unit lor loteign Adieitliliis. Ilntcicel Hi llm tVulotlVc at iranlon, Vt., as ISce-ond-Clats Mail Matter. When tiin will pmiilt, The Tribune! U nUaM Slad to print slioit letter Ironi IU Irleiieli l;tat Inir en nil rent tnlii, Imt lis tule Is Hut tlC,,l! mud be tlgncil, lor publication, tiy llio writer real li.iincj ond the condition tinvcilotil to at" i'eitaiicc I. Ihdt all eoiilrllititlons aliall be subject In editorial -cvlnlon. un: ix t nvn: ton ai-vkiitimsu 1hu following tabic sliema the pike per Inch s.t, iitsuruun, t-paerc lo ue- ugu stiuiii, t'" .j--. Hun r(" IdlriKorT Japcr llesiditiit " ,ii " " .275 .21 .'-'i .l: .173 .!. .IT ,l. .IDS fill lllsPUV. I.'iH tli in Oilincftci () Inchon VJ'i " MM " 'JJOlJ ' Vfiw t ar.l. . ,1....!.. ...l. .(..... n .iSntlrslrilLt) and rlinllar centi lliutlons in th" nature of ad 'crllslns The Tiltiunc. makes a charge ot 5 tents llnr. Itatco for Clavlflcd Adteitl'ins furnlftlicil on application. SritA.VTU.V. Al'lill. 1. 11.01. " , - - '- Whlli- the- Mieccss-loii tiulny of Hon. II. M. Kilwin-ds to llif piuslcli'iit Jildire till)'. In ciinssriiii-ni'C of Judge Arch bald's transfer to a higher hunch, la chiefly a nmtti.T of lorm, It auppllt'h to ih'.- public on opportunity to acknowl-i-'Ipt; Its .lppreclatiun ot llm hlsjh stand, iiid of Judge Bdwanls' judicial servlco. In legal learning, In logic. In dlKnlty nnd In the pullMi of rlpo nnrt varied tfhularshlp. tin.- new picslilinK judge oinoK tn his post of ridded honor with jii equipment not sseeond to that of my .itirlt-i In Pennsylviinln. . Reorganization. " "" "JIAT should be a change "'"' the better is to be- qin today In the recon . miction of our city ovsiiiiiieiu to conform to the new M.coiid-c-lu-& chuiti'r. Tin; transition 'iippllch opportunities and good prc-uxt-s tor LOiifetiim many unhusiness llkc city mi thuds, of Iftng: standing; it ict'iaiiiF to he s-cen how thoroughly these- Mill he utilized. The chief tea 'on why our city has not been better Sf.v'enuil In the pjs-t i.s because what lias lj"tn everybody's busines-s has been lioliody'b huMnos. Public Intel -il not showlns itself steadily, abuses nave crept In and jjrowu. 'I'he one hope of linpioxenient lies in the possi bility th.n tile josslns of the public mind incidental to a change in eh:ir- ers may induei; i loser tuture wateh tulness am! thus encourage- the elected or appointed ollteiuls hereafter to ilo their uoilt, not caielehsly, but well. Ther- an- glaring incongrultleh in the leniganiziUiou oulinanee, notably in the alb nipt of councils to nullity tho charter in the matter of delinquent tax ollcition. The charter distinctly makes ihit, a .-. nni-ati- executive dep.n tment. lalng it optional with tho iteoider whether Its duties shall be confided to the city treasurer or performed by an ippolnthe collector. Furthermore, ar ticle seventeen of the charter flatly collide.-, with Ai-tlck- II. Section 14, of the ordinance, and in such collision it is the chin tor which stands. Nor is it troui any standpoint advisable to eon olldatf an appointive with an elective otllce. The purpose of the charter is to cintrall;:e executive responsibility: to ,c' work well done by having bonded 1 rvintb hired espiessly to do It. Tho unly woik of collecting delinquent taxif, novv costs the city $S,0OH a year and is botchlly done. There is leason in believe that if put In a responsible I' pat tup nt by itsell It would be better iuin, and nl u larger net value to the city. Thlh pat t of the leorganization ordinance will have to be done over again. Ah it stands, it is both illogical and illegal. Another flaw Is the pm Wsiou of a permanent man for a. fire ininiiaiiv not counfcted with the city i'h dtpartiucnt. Theic ought to be a i jiititjt ot tin- whole article lehtUngr i" tlii- bureau of tire, for the purpose coiihtiuctlnK' it compact paid de-l-ii tun lit, abMilutely under control of 'a' hief .iiul divorced wholly tiom I som.miiiinj; lulliiencf.-. Tills must "iiv- Miinetlme and thr quicker the A third defect Is the lalluie to 1 urn ' for police nuiHlstiatc.-, and H 'i ui.un to believe that it would he wj i make a sepaiate di.'uuri-njenLi-f haritles and correction, with a1B ' i set tiring a readjustment of lkVIa .4 of the ricrantoii mini- .IU in tH. Hi IH', 1I1C gl'OUUUWOIIi ot l-or lWatKa hits been well laid and If nefpei'-uiincl of the new admlnlfitra- tloW "h il' be hi Itcepini;. better results hi " iiiment will he asiurcd. Pu i'h lame and jjcneious reward for in iiiKint service constitute another proof of the fact that this Is tho young: man,'. rn. The Examination Had. A S THE RESULT of tnllucnces originating' within the i;du catioual club of Philadelphia, an association ot icaauiE: oa-ucatoi-i-, tho horfid of education of that clly is expected ..oon to authorlzo tho disnoutl.iurince of term and annual ox ftniln.ttlonH of pupils in tho elementary public school graded and to substltiitu a system of mnrklnss. and promotions based upon daily obfervnnce of pin llcleiicy. The Idea, underlyliiff thlt. ic toiiui3,thnt tho combined judgment t tljejeacliernnd principal cnnstltutea a bef$;V cr(tcilon of thu pupil's flturod for 'lirpniottoii than any examination tt'SlspnU that thu btntln of i-xainlna-tionsTIs productive of more hat in than good. ThWldenJms the function of a laiso i" 'I'ltAJflfa" C0lir)tvy's foremo.-.t edu cators. Tho exaiiilnatlon fad In iohoo! niunagetuent hau lonh' tlnce run Its iuurso In most cities. The fuv lit which- it lingers are cities where opin ionated, control subordinates usults to methods; and the results of the con tinual emphasis upon examinations are fhuwn In perlQlh-'! cramming followed by loue tla'wiyjti't Indifferent lu UiyiWWfl between e omliitlohst'iT.ia'Iy Jiurdeu of run. foal tion .21 .10 .IJ5 .IS tftie 'hMt5Hi,s fu(' 1VJ:,2! a the teachers Is no consumptive of r pcrvo energy as to keep them moit of ihu Unii) ingfred out and ttnllt for vivacious find spliltcd nchool toont Uork! and lhn, v. lint the pupil trains In the sptirlH Just pi lor to the exam inations he losei In thn shiiilllnur ilnys followlliR, while the hulilt formed la Hut ijf slciidy progiess but of regald Ing Instrtietlon tm a tnriius to s-oine nr biliary end liistoa-l of a ctiltute In It t.elf. II Is hljih tinic this neive-wiaeklng "back-number fad were tluown out of the public schools of tsciniiton. The Chittenden otillimiicc appiopil ntlng for park pill poses all moneys lo uslved at N'uy Aug palk, liltr'i died !ti ! old ponnclh, shout! le tcsir tected In the new. It Is il just mens me. If theic Is to be money-niuking In the p:i'k, the paik ought in get tho full benefit of It. Pood Reform. ASblOHT decrease In the average pr capita annual consumption of wheal In the past two decades Is Indicated by the statistical abstract of tho fulled Stntu.4 for 1ft00, the rigures dropping from 5.8,'i 'bushels In 1M0 to 4.74 bushels last year. Hut our con sumption of sugar has grown from I'.'.n to tij.2 pounds; of beer has doubled; of wine has fallen one-fourth; of distilled spirit Is the same; of coffee Is a pound more and of tea Ih two-llfths of a pound less. The American people cat more augur than the rest of mankind put together and maybe that has some thing to do In accounting for their su perior energy. Hut If we may believe all wo hear, they have many things yet to learn on the subject of dietetics. Aceoidlng to Professor Hart, who has made this subject a Ufa tudj-, vui should never throw away an apple peeling. In It are contained the elements needed In the assimilation and diges tion of the apple. "Without it the re mainder ot the tissue of the fruit, lie assures im, is of little nutritive value and only an encumbrance upon the stomach. Just so with cereals. Wc throw away the husk and skin and by this we waste the really valuublc part of tho grain, thai which contains the food properties required to nourish Hie mind and body, to promote cir culation of the blood and to feed the nervous system. AVe cannot, he argues, have perfect men and women without proper nourishment. The crime which abounds in the world is mainly the io stilt of bad dispositions resulting from improperly nourished bodies, resulting from improper food. Professor Hart asserts his ability to prove to the satis faction of unbiased minds that many of our preconceived notions of living ate wrong, utterly wrong. The major part of the sickness which afflicts the human race has its origin in the stomach. People v ho eat what the world rails good food suffer equally with tile people who cat what the voi Id calls poor food, nut they do not cat the food which God intended they should eat. They persist in eating ab normal food that does not sustain the mind, brain and body. The professor's idea of lit food is whole wheat bread; fruits and vege tables in season, without saerlllce of the rinds, skins and hulls; plenty of rich milk froMi fiom the cow's udder or, if condensed, so prepared as to preserve the original butter fats and health-giving salts; and avoidance of most of the lancy dishes intended less) for nourishment than for gratification of the palate. The man or woman who oidei.s his or her eating' simply, alone then.- lines, takes plenty of out-door exi-rcise, obeys in other ways thu familial' fundamental rules of hygiene, and refrains from worrying can, in the professor'ri judgment, snap tlngeis at the doctors and materially lengthen the moitality tables'. Some arrangement should soon be made between the city and the Klm hurst Uoulovaid company for the re moval of the toll-gate in the park. Dodging the Issti; will not settle It. A Racial Step Forward. OF Till: educational and ie liqious movements which tho dawn of the new century sees reaching out and up for wider scope and greater Influence, none is more remarkable than that which has recently taken shape for Hie Negro Young People's Christian congress, to be held in the summer of I'ju2. The meeting In which this was de cided upon, and the prellmlliaiy call for It olliclully bsued, was held In Washington, U. C, caily In Murch. Hut that hail been preceded by much correspondence and conference among UKunelCh of many societies and denomi nations engaged In religious work anions thw negroes'. This had icsultcd In the appointment of twenty oilleial delegates to tin March meeting, That tho congress, is likely to do what It is calkd to do that is to show itselt, in tile first place, a repiesentntlvo gather Ins "of tla enlightened joung titgio nvn and women" of all the states with a large, population of the uice, and secondly, to take practical steps towards its announced object "lb-aching tho Unreached Negro the Itace for Christ," may be accepted from the character of the leaders In the move ment. Bishop OuIiich, of Atlanta, Is Its president; no v. Dr. W. D. Isaacs, of Nashville, vice-president. Tho secre taries are Piofessor I, Oarlaud Peim, of Atlanta, ami Hev, K, W, Arnett, of Spi'ingllcld, Illinois. Hev. V. M, Alex ander, of Haltlmuie, Is treasurer. The executive Committee, to take chili go of all arrangements for the congress, con slstf, with the ollkcis just named, of Htshops Williams, of Augusta, tla.; Clinton, of Charlotte. N. t; Shaelfer, of Topeku, Kun., and the Kevereuds Dr. N, H. Vass, of Hillelgh, N, C; Dr. D. .1, Saundeu, of Chatloite, N. C; h, 0. Davis, of Pratt City, Ala., and Dr. 1, L. Thomas, of Washington, D. C. The call for the congress Is a docu ment hrleily but strongly and clearly presenting the actual conditions among the negro race of the South and South west. It begins by calling upon "the sensible negro to admit the shortcom ings of his race as well as emphasize the marvelous results achieved and the hopeful sl.qns of the futuie." The thousands of unreached members of the race, fiom whom Hie criminal class Is diawn, lutisl be reached, the call continue."; and, while good people everywhere will help to roach hlni, "the most conspicuous and t'ut-reach-liig Work must be done by the thou sands of young men and women of the raeo trained In schools and reared In good fuiiilllw." For speedy and con certed movement In this work this cult Is tinned "fur a macs convention of the young people," who must arouse to the Importance of the vnst missionary wotk lying at their door?, and for which the chief rp."iun?blty now rests upon them. Tho race ptoblem of the South Is not only one pleading upon the whole land, It has become one of tho most Insist ent and Immediate urgency. Thut the enlightened classes of the negio trie? hne come to see Its meaning' for thuni, and to begin such u movement as this. I.s truly one of the most hopeful signs of the new contuty for tho Itcpubllo and Its futuie. The decision of the old estimates committee lo purchase a first olass fire engine, something undoubtedly needed, raises the question whether the water mains arc large enough to keep one going. This should be ascertained in advance. The sultan of Turkey will piohahly not lose any sleep over the present llnauclal crisis that conironts him, so long os It docs not necesfltate the pawning of his aentf pin. What fun politics would be IT thero were only enough plarcs to go around. TOLD BY THE STABS. Daily Horoscope Drawn by Ajacclius, The Tribuno Astrologer. Astielalie Cast: 12.01 ,i. in., tor Monday, April 1, IfMI. w It Mill be j patent tn almost all .ie a ctnl.l boin on thU diy tb.it tlicie .,- eoii-Mcrable of flic lion -it hutli eiiU.-s ol Manli. ' rnitiimto candidates li sec, ,id cli-v, cily ,,f llci.i piiuic .ue liable to lufitalu about accept ing portfolios tendered this diy of the month. The memory of the man who fir-t dcsign-ib d April 1 as lmnim." day will iccchc tho umiiI tiibute-i fiom the men who uiestle with toc pipe. ibt li of the jihutiK poet b.n been tempo larlly poMpontd, but the imxhidtc pike "I lif ter fruit indicates tint tlieie I- nothing tho mailer ttith the old ben. IVx-mii-tle pcejnlc liicillet tint the icorgaulra- tion ot the city government will not rau-c the clutch of the tax gathrirr to relav. But wait jnd fie. Ajacchus' Advice. ItiMil all im.lin.it ion to kick uf Mr.iy li.it; on tbU di.. The Year's Exports of ManiifacUires piCi.ll I'OIIC-llolilill'CC 01 'IhC TlillUiC Washington, Much .;l. Till; KU OKI) of .puiutiou of in.inuf.icltniM Ironi Ihc United Matci in the fiscal jdr vliieli ends ninety dj.s henee is not UKeK to equal that of the prec-.eiinir lUcal jear, lor thicc etilte .ippirent ic.inn: 1. The cvport. ei. cng.iKeHl in e-ouuiietic with the ll.maiiau isl.ituls ate now iclii-luer to furni-li lo the tin ic.iu ol r-tatKtiva the statements of their ex poils .n in toinier ,e..is, holdiii); tint their ex polls .up no lunger "tuiiigu roiiiincicc' and that theiefoie the buteaii h.i-s no authority to icijuiic the u-,uil ttatenicnts whkh the law au thorize villi lefeiinie to comnieric berwe-cn the I'nited St.itcn and loteign cottiitii ,. -.'. The e'.poits to l'orto Kin, aie now- cep.uatily cl.iv,i. fied .-mil in, bineei ineliided in the general statement of toicifm conmiercc. :t. The etpoita to I'liiiu line tiiupoi.iiily fallen olf one-lnlf by reason ot the uii-ottled conditipiis in thai country. o 'I he total epoits to the Hawaiian islands in the lisc.il jear JfWO were thirteen and one-halt mil 1 ion iloll.n-,, and tu l'orto Rieo our lour and etic-b-ilf uiillioii;, a total of more than eighteen million iloll.il. The shipments to Porto Ilka in the present li-e.il jear show a l.age increase oer list j ear, and presumably tliov. to Hawaii luc .il-o imiea'oil: but as neither of tlu.-e U lu i It. del In the e.pott ttgincs ot our tuiciitu com ineiic, ll is apparent that more than twenty mil lion dollars of aeiual ulnpmentb from our ports in the li-eal jear I'M will not be Included in the Riiiei.il statement ot exports to toieign countries. WIkii to tliii- U added the luither lai t thai the c? polls to China, wliieh in the last fiscal ear were- over fli,lKiO,()ui) in laluo, have been tmi. pouiily nit down one-bali, it is apparent tint the jcar's liauiis of exports to foreisn eountiics will imt tiiiuMi a talr or In lia-ia for lomparls-on ot for iiiiM-iiii'imnl ol the Rcneial giowtli of our cxpmt tiade. Tin.' total epoits fur the eight mouth-, ending Willi IVbruaiy. Iliul, show- .hi iin lease ol more than Jn",,(iu,iiuo otr l.t-t jear, but those of liiir,iif.u.tiiiis alone show but a slight iin lease, mil tin re is ic.ijon to lieln e that the ucoiduj lnl.il ot iii.iuufaiiures lor the lull nSoal jear will, fi the iiboic stutiil ira-ons tall roiiicwhit be-biW- Hut ol the pitiedmt," jcir. ThU is due to I In tact that a laigo piopottion of our cspoiu i lliwail, I'm to It ii o ano China am ininiiuo-inn-,, ami lh.it the apparent uduitiou, lor (hi; u.i-iiiis aboie i'plaiued, in the Hawaii. ,n and I'm lu llli an tiajuirs and tlie u-al rceluctlou in the i-xpuils to China by leason i, temporary lomliiioii-, therefoiR Hiatus alnioit celu-,iely lo llm i l.ihS ot exports eleslRiiitul as iiiamiiuttiirvs, Aiioihti' ooiiditioii which lias a temleniy to iciluro the toiil alue ol r.xpoits ot inaiiutactuics Is found in the UU (hat prifi,- of inmui'aituieil articles in miiiy ties hae lallcn bcniisc of the nduelioii in the cost of Hie law miteilil trom. which they were piodtieed, and (hat tin- expoi. taiioii ct an equal or enn grealtr quantity tup. piles a .-miller tiguie in the statement of ulues b; wbhh the cxpoil iiuicinciit U mccMarlly lutasiiii-d. - -o -It IS quiie plohable, in ew of the facts aline iiiitliued, tint the rieord of exports uf doiuealii manufactures in the fiscal jeais 1001 liny show in appaient ivductioti, though the iict tha( more thin $a),itio,nnn worth of actual shipments Irorn our pons which were tormerlj counted at toreigu commerce no longer appeals in these ,'tatemenU will account for Xht rcd'K tion which will thus be moic appucnt than leal. PROHIBITION IN KANSAS. Kx-seiiator I'efter in the I'oiuiii, Our piohlbltoiy legislation has all teen tlnuiuli the iuijiIo; and the tesult, in a lew word, in that in Knisas ani thing and ccrethin? in the ii it ill o oi a drlliMna; saloon, lipplius sliop, dram chop, or joint i utiliwful ftoni any and every point ol Hew, Ititoxleathn." liquors may be law, tully sold in Km-. is foi rncdiral, mceiianical, and stlintihe puipciM-i only, and nobody other than a lixally pi-nmllcil diugUt may sell tor these purposes. Hence the person whom wo dtslguatc u Joint-Kt cier delbeiatel ami delhutly putd him self outside the hv cvoiy tinie ho elU a ghtM oi whiskey or a niuj, of beer to any pisou lor any purpoti-. I'uilliumcri', tin place in ul.leh he uiil.'i on the unlawful tiafllo was lon agu ileiliied to v a public uulauee, ' Out l.itts jnd li'-al maihiueiy aru amply siiuUietil lor the Complete execution of Hie piohlbltoiy law in eui., pan oi the state; and it H a IjU lliat whuieur and wheivicr tliv oiikerc that .ne clnrgcd Willi ltd e.xeculloii hoc Uitblully dviie llielr duty a llw law proiidi.i, I Ik re lu been no moio ditrteulty in enfoniug this law than there has been iu cuforiln the law a'iluit any other olleiue. lu a caiefully pieparcl upon by an ccnt'il inetd and thoroujhly compcteui agent ot the state Tenipciaiico union, i-ubiiiltlid a little more than a Jen ago, it wa, statcel that 1?) Inuiii lud bcci llilte.il and vaioasscd, and tint ot tli.-.v Hi places, ',7 openly piotrcled Hqu.;r shop, mi toiullliuii of then pjjln.' u'ltalu stipulated vim. 0000i0000000 The People's Exchanngec A POrULAH Cl.KARINO iOUSH for Hie ' rt Bfncflt of All Who Hive House, to , Rei.t, lleil KjUte or Other Property to sell , T or Ijehinge, or who Wnt sttiiitioni or 0 Help-lheae S-mall Adcrthemen Cost , A One Cent a Word, SI InMrtlons lor Vita Sv csnn u ivoril-Utrept Hltumioni uanetu. Which Are Inserted Free?. ooooooxoxooooo Help Wanted Female, w'.mr.D-A w'Aiinir.s on BUTtr.u with irfnrncc High wages for trained seiclce. Apply Ml. Sidney Williams. .V8 Madison uienuc. Situations Wanted. ill U.VTIO.V WANTKD-nV A 'iOtiXa MAN. AS grocery elerk, diy goods or shoe dalesman, or any clerleal position; has llflcen j-cars ev pericntc; best ol iefcience. Address A. II. C, Tribune otllee. YOUNll IiAllY UCSHIES A TOSITIOX Ah AS- slJtunt tioottkeerer ; can furiiMi best of vt ercneet and is experienced. Addiess "experi ence," Tribune office. MUUTION VAM);ri-BV YOb'Xfl C0I.0IJKD woman os cook or iloliiR grneral housework. " lackautmnt aeenue. -- frlTt'ATION' WANTKD-TO P.tl OI'T WASIIISO and Ironing taken home also. Call or addrey h. B., 331 Sumner aecmie. falTCATJON WANTKO-BY A WOMAN' TO fiO einl by fay washing, Ironing and elcanlnf. Call or address Mrs. Mary Ru1l, 1219 Cedar avenue, city. M1UATI0N WANTKD-IIY A R000I) AND Hi:- spcetablo gill to do general housewenk In (mail foully. Can clxe good lefcrence. Pleasu tall at Ml Ninth Rebecca Aenue., Hyde Part. WASTED-CbKRlCAb POSITION OK ANY KIND by a competent yo.ing man; references. Ad. die-fs M. V., care of The Tribune of money .il stated Inteteilj; ill illowed joints tj nin through "appaient eolludon on the part ot public oiaoei-"; nd Ji, or less thin one thiol nl the whole, appealed to hail- no such places running. Jloie. than two-thirds ol the towua Ignore the violation of the law; nearly half ol these openly c.xactli.j and recrhlng lev. enue nom the iinhwful tiaffle. NUBS OF KNOWLEDGE. 'Ihcie an signs tint the lmniigutiou nf Ncrthein tamlllcs lo the south, which his been notably laige tor the pat nc or six' jear. will be l.iiger this jtai. W'estrm .-late? contribute as li i il, li to this How soethwaiel as do the Cast- eru state-. In the northern pirt of China siain food other tli in rue is th? tuple. Millit, uiin, wheat and buckwheat lorm the main food grain-s ll.kiil ion: bnad is .1 coiinnoii ai tide of diet in this section, and wheat Hour, grown aiiJ giound by the natiwe, is exlcn-bcly en-d. Tho lf.ll millet, glowing to ,i height ol twinty irtt in some p.uts ut l"uina,ilees r.ol pioduei-inue-li lood per acie, peihaps not more than a fourth a-, much .is wiii-iit, hut the stalk i- i necessity as a tuel, and it 1 giown laigely tor (hit puipiwe. Ibn giain I-, used lor animal as well a, fur human loml. In lbW one packet 4bn,p canicd Horn Phila delphia tn Washington jII Hie liiiulhiio ol the t'r.itid Slate-, go'.eniuun'., together with all the te.der.il iiirlurs which Idled "m-icu laige lor.e.-, and lut.r or Iim- snnltit- ones." As -i contrast, sec the thousands ot buildings the gov ernment owns today. 'Je.a.s is not only an oil held, but it may lieieiiie mi impoitant. n-philt district. Tests liotri the l.ue.is vll leaulted In two grade-, ot a'plialt being obtainvel Irom it. One grade is Inrcl and the other .soil. Pr. lorn arc! sJes that !hic ,i-plinlt is OR per cent, pine, while tha 'Jiinidad asphalt is only V fiet- rent puie In all the Chineso cities a xciy large per I'entage of tho pniiulatloii lhes in a -ort of hind-to-nioiith lashh.ri, buying lood from res taurants. Hot water is sold fiom stands by people who make a business ol pioiiding it. tia gieat necssity tor ecenomy in fuel seems to lie (he primary lat-sc of this mode of bun,.;. Aid is being sought in the North in furthei amc ot ic plan to assist the negroes In many places in the lilac 1c belt or the Si.uth lei become landowner, thus tiee-ing litem liom the bondige sjsli-m, under which, too often, the tomtit does not 1'icchc a just shire ot the pioduct Horn his effoits. Many plants long classed among the woist and most useless ot xccds have bem touml In ic cent ycais- to po.-es- con-ideinblc feeding xaluc, as shown by analysi-;. II is claimed Hut even Canada thistles, cut when in bloom and ftoied and their spikes softened in silos, will make a saluahle winter lood f oi sheep. At an inquest at Columbus, li., whcie a babe had burned to death by an accident, its cloth ing lmc caught tilt, one of the Jurymen olkreM this adiicc: If people- would only iin-,e cloth ing, after washing, in a solution of alum and w.ter they would never take tire; ll they can'. in cnnti.ct with a fiame they would meiely smolder. OWED TO SPRING, I sing Of spring, by line: If it wouiti do tho srnalled bit nf good To swear And tear And tear, I nt-h it lieic dituictly underslooi,' I'd till he bill. And spill A fli'i my ocean full of gotc and ink; I'oi without peiathciiaitc I do think Ol ill the beastly, miserable di.is These- ate the worst the ones that poets prilse As spring! oh, mi ! II I Could spy The idiot thit writes e,f "biliny spun;" I'd mako A bicak Ami take Miih slip as would swht lelribiitlon bring; I'd -111- That he toi she), t-houbl he (or she) insist on waking such a iiies5-, And thiiswlsc adding lie to oui dutrcis, .,iou!d me the act in less than hall a minute I'd hold Vnt down and nib their note in It,' Hy see! I'm glid I'm mid. Ily dad! Uceause when I get mad I speak ni.e wind, And jou Would do It loo II carry papei jou plikcd uji joiM And Was limbed And gobbed And clobbed Willi "odes to balmy spring!" It make, me tlicd iVitli rain and ltt:li and inu.l so tltkk jou're in i red Whene'er oii dia? our person out of doors; And then It do,sii't lain, it simply pour.-, II) did! My rc! II I 1'iiuM Ui A easj ui lunacy upon tills ghuult 'I'wouM bo To nic, H'ie tee, Tlia iery balm ol llltead lo my Sku!! You bet He'd get A debt Paid bacl. to liliu that's' long bu "owed to sprhigl" I'd hang him! Say, I wouldn't do u, thing! I'll bet I'l put "spilus" poms on tho Hiclf Why, giaeloiu btaveiis! 1'ic wiltteu one inel(! Oh, nic! iV. II. Plcice, In tbo Times Herald. For Bent. t'UU lir,XT-bAtt(jn ROOM. SECOND FI.U0II. X1I7 Womln? nMiuie! suitable for business purpososi nil mcaletn eotnenlene-es. Inqtiiie 2.M letTcrtoii Hemic, near Spiuee street. 'iicsHMnMiTrohM" i-ori"iiT:NT, ui'i madimin nenuel inralrrn Impiontnentf. Appl to A. now, !H1 Lackawanna aunuo. ) (jnr.K.v iiinnB sTnixr. ti;N rooms inoderii Imprnvemenls; Hr.un licit hiinblieil; clulralilel ?25.00. HOTF.b KOlT1li;KVtNQtJUHJMHS. V'ti! Jones, Main utrcet, Taeloi. For Sale. j.s,N.Vl sNy1V'siV'V V s-V.ss rou sali;-o.v account or mckskv. a goon paying mantiitirtiiring iiusittess: proms, UM per cent, ami mri; aitlelc linl til eefiy holisi'liold and IjiisIiicm olficc! a l-ato ihaiiec for Hght party. I M. I., Tilbune. for sale smr.noAiii) m two iii:d room snlles. Apply SHI Mettle stieet. For Sale or Kent. ron salb on runt-a siNoi.r iioi-i; in good condition ut No. MS Qulr.cy aeeti'ie. Apply to John Jennjn, 119 Wxomlng aee, ill. FOR SALB OR RENT-THII DUIVINO PARK Hotel! elegantly furnished: po--es-lon given on tho first eluy of April. App'y to Willi un Craig, care I,'. Robinson's torn' lircwei.v. Money to Loan. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY UK.U cetute. HKNRY BIILIN. JR. CHAS. II. WELLES. THOMAS SPHAflUE. STKAIHUT LOANS. ANY AMOUNT. INTEREM' 1 to 0 per rent. Frank E. Donnelly, allot ney. 'fradcis' National llanl: building. MOyUY TO IX)AN ON BOND AND MOItTUAUR. any amount. M. II. llolgate, Coinmcnwealth building. ANl" AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN ijUICK. stralgH leans or lltilhllng and Loan. At fiom 4 to '1 per cent. Call on N. V. Wall.ci, ai 1-313 Connell building. Wanted To Buy. Vv'ANTED-SECONn-HAND f-LOT MACHINE'S; mint be In good older; stlte partieulns as to maki" nnd price. Addiess L. 31., gei.etal ilc liveiy, Scranton, Pa. Booms aud Bonrd. LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH HOARD FOR TWO gentlemen. -110 Adams avenue. Miscellaneous. FACE AND hCALP 'IREA'IMENT. -31Y S STEM Of Facial Massage will do wondeis in nvtot ing contour and oinoviug tines and wniikbs. Falling Hair, Dandrutf and Eczema of the scnil, successfully cuted. Helm S. Iluihanaii, Dcttnut ologlst, .'ll'J Washington avenue. FEATHERS W NTED -WILL PAY CASH FOR old geese feat hei beds. Addie-s 31. II. Rich. ard., linicral Uclivci.v, illj. LEGaL', NOTICE IS IH.IIERY lilVEN THAT Till'. CO partneihip liciititoic existing lutwecii the tin lersiuned, under the tirm n.inio of rentier ,. Hieker.son, has luen dissolved by mutual con-enl. The business will be continued by tleoiiru A. riiekeifon, who has assumed all liabilities utn! will iiillivt all debts due s.-id him. (Signed) ". P. 1 ENNER, e.'EO. A. DICKERsON. t-fianton, l'a., Jlaicli 20, 1'ml. PIIICIIIUHtn ODD FELLOWS HALL AOdA tion. The jeailv ini-clliig ot the ahovc as sociation xvill be.- held on Mftiiel ly evening, April ., at 7.H0 o'clock, for tin purpose of ilcctna; thnsi ilitccled-, one piesldrnl, one tie.isi'ter, one secretary. Uy dmUi' IIICTIARD RAIIROX, l'lcidelit. JOHN . 31ILLER, Secietarv. PROF-EtnnraL. Certified Public Accountant. 1.'. C. bPAt;LDINt!, 2:o IIROADWAY, NEW Yoik. Architects EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, CO.NM.I.L building. FREDERICK L. RROW.V, ARCHITTXT, PRICE building, UI! Washington avenue, S-iantoii. Dentists. Dn. C. E. EILENBERtiER, PACI.I Hl'ILDINU, Spruce Mn el, stranton. DR. C. C. LAUUACH, 113 WY031INO AVENIT.'. Lawyers. FRANK E. BOYLE. ATTORNEY- VT-I.AW. Rooms 1'.', II, HI and IS I tin 1- l.uil'lim,. F. K. TRAOY.ATT'Y.COMMOSWEALTIl UI.UC. D. B. REPLOfiLE. ATTORNEY-LOWS NI.IUI. tinted on real estate security. Mears building, corner Washington avenue and Spiuee stictl. WTLLARD, WARREN .t KNAPP. ATTHRNEYS and coiinvllois-.it-liw. liepubllran building, Washington avenue. JE-SFP & .lSl'P, ATTOR.MAS ND COIN, selloio-at-law-. Cominoiiweallh buildiiig, Rooiiu IH, t'O and .!. EDWARD W. THAYER, ATTORNEY. CXXMil I, 9th flooi, Mears building. ROOMS L. A. WATKEs. ATToRNEY-Af-LAW, llDAltll of Trade building, Seianton, pa. PATTERSON k WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL llanl. building. C. COMKUYS, fi-IS IIEPI.III.II'VN III II.DINCi. A. W. DERTIIOLF, ATTORNEY, MEAlfs IILDO. Physicians and Sugeons. DR. W. E. ALLLN, 311 NOR 1 11 WASIllNUTOV avenue. DR. S. W. L'AMOltEAI'.Y, OFFH E JWO WAsll. liigton avciiue Resldcnee, :ils Miilhcny. I'liionie dlsia-i', lunge, he.iit, kidue.vs and Benlto-urlnaiy oigatis a spui.dti. Ilouis, 1 to t p, 111. Hotels and Besturants. THE ELK CAFE. liJ AND 1J7 FRANKLIN avenue, Rates icasomble P. ZEIGLER, Piopilelnr. S.CRANTON IIOl'SE. NEMt l b. k W. IMS senger depot, Coinlui ted on tin Eutopran plan, VICTOR KOI II, Piopiieiut. Seeds. C. It. CLARKE ,t CO.. M.EIISME.N ND M It crjmeu, store '-0 Washington avenue; go en house-, ICJjO Nuith Main avrnnej stou- uio phon, "sV. LIMITATIONS OF MONOPOLY, Edwanl he.ooll Miidc lit the loiiun. 'fhn tnist inoviinent ol the list lluee .n!, wliicli has consolidated thu indu-tiii- 01 lululug and tnaiiufcrliirlnif, .-houlil not be ileploiid as .1 social dlijtir, It should lin hailul lather is a Mielal Riin, loi ll Ins meant a ilo-n ripi'oacb to an eqmllly of iiiotiipoly puivti. In every lino of iiilnle's md iniiuilaeluii-, buoie the Inception of the tiu.-t moveiueul, nun. and mih panics wcie to In lour.d wilelv dineiiiu, in luclr capacity lor cfoiunilval ptoihietion, ITf limiu ei cuiKcliis with the It si plants and tin l.ac-,t iirprnvemcut-s ciljoenl .. eonsiilu.ible Pdvaillagi-civet- their weakei eonpelitors. Chaigiiig He Mine fjiiev, they who able, lliiough llivh 1'iwci civt i) production, lo nuke 1 luger piolil. In nloil, to set lei Ihi'ir.M'lves a dlspiopoiil, n.ii, slum e.f stieli ntonopulj pronls . .in 1 mil 1., lie Indiistiy to which the-v In-longed. Tin Inilu-lon 01 all these plants, botli siiull ui.d gieat. iiiid.i the coiisOlldatlotl of till! tul. ha. lended io equalito this udianUje and to disiubuiu ne'ia widely the incicnient of monopoly gains. Tiu Siovvth ol industrial combination, so tar loan concentrating, has mole widely dltfiMd the power of monopoly, and his cipialbed the eton otiiic advantages which arise ironi its poiscs-iou. Pioduccrs who weie lomierly siuleicrs fiom 111011. opvly i)wer liave cow U-cn ciiiuncntly icllevid. They have been lakeu Into the Inner chile, and have been aduilllid lo a sluio lu inouopo!) power whleb under the icfiuii- of Irec 1 anpeti llcn, tUe' could not b)Vf cblaliied. That Extra Bedroom Now that you aie in a larger house with an extra sleeping room you need a Bedroom !mit. A three-piece suit would look nicely i i that guest chamber and give the house a general tone of lelincnicnt. We have a veiy line line of TiiRi-i.-l'ir.t.i, Bi.droom Suits in some of the very latest styles. (II would be a pleasure to look them over. ) We have them in GuMea Oa'fc iMkilseye Maple In our large stock we have just what you want and the prices are in plain figures. Hill & Connell 121 N. Washington Avenue. Wire Screens. JllsEPH MTirEL, REAR oil l.lilil. AM:., bi 1 ant 011, Pa., lit 111t1f.1e.tui1 r of Wli, Sicen-. Miscellaneous. ilREs-MAKl.Mi' l'IJRl HILDRE.S To" IIIIDFR: alii ladies' waist, Louis Mioiiiiil."i, 21'. AdauiA avenue. A. II. UltlfiliS t LEANS PIIIW ALT,Ta AM) cess pools; no 01I01. Intptuved pimips u-ed. . II. ISrlgg-, propildur. Leave onlirs I KM Norlb M1I11 avi'tiue, or Eicke'-, ilutg stote, 101 1111 Adams ami Mtillieir.v. telephone 'Jit. MEUARina: into.-., primerv scpplies. en- xelopes, piper big-, twltu, W jiel.ou-e, U'l AVasidtigtuli .'iietiue, Sii.intoii, Pa. THE WILKES-IIAIHIE RECORD ( N HI. II Ml iu SLuntuH tlt (tn- tie-ws stand- of It i, 111 111 lliiis,, UN, Sinin i- and .-II.I Lindni; M. .Notion, I'-'J Lackawauiu avuiuej 1. s. s. butci, Jll J-l I IICO stint. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Railroad in 1. nut. .it in 11 11. j'ih. lor l'hilidelphia and New x.oih vn It A- II. R. It., .it et.ri and II. Ti a. 111., .-.id '.'.1, I -'7 (Ml 11k Dniiioiid Expii-sl, and l I.'jU p. 111. s 111 d..is, 1). ,t II. It P.. I Is, S27 li. 111 I'm While II mil. Ililclnii .iiul piinelpil p"in's 111 tho 1 oil icgion-, via 1). ,t II. R. It., HI"', '.'.is and 1.27 p. 111. For l'ottsiill'-, I.2T p. .11. I'm llelliliheni, L'.li 11, Rii'dlng, lliiri-litng ainl p11111ip.1l inliimi-dl ilu i-l.il'.on- vii ll. .X II. It. It., '1.13, IL.Vi .1. 111.: 2.s. I.J7 flll.it K On motul Exi;es), II. Ml p. 111. Miuda; -, I'. tV II. R. 1!., 1,3s, S..'7 p. 111. For Timkhannoil., Tnw.iudi. I.lniii.i. lib 01. (ineva ami pilucipil lht- imujiiti- -l.iliui-. ii D., L. .X. W. It. It, s.ii- a. 111.; I in md i.lu p. 111. For Coneia, llo-hi-ler, Mul'ali). Ntigir.i Fall-, t hit jgo and all points wist, via I). .V II. It. I'., IL.Vi a. in., :w: (llltik I11.11110111I F-xpici. 7.I-, 10.11, n.w p. m. .-uml.1.1 s, II. ,x II. it I!.. 11. .'". s.-jT p. Ill Pulliiiaii p.uloi .aid sleeping or Lehigh -ilb-s p.alois tats on all Hams l,-twie-u Wtlkisllitu and New Yolk, Philadelphia, llnllalo and .-us pin-ion llndgi HOLLIX II. WTI.Ill il, t.rn. -upt . J'l Ciiilliml stiiet, XVii- Voik. tllAIH.E-s s. LIT:, lieu. P.'-. al., "' tuliind slie-el. New Iml.. A W. NO.N.NEMAl lll'.ll, Die I'a-s Aal., ' 'lib llellihheiii.-Pa. For liekiis .mil PuUriaii le-evalmns appl.v t" t'OU Laikavvanna aveiinc, Stiautuii, l'a. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western 111 Etliet Dei-. 2, PJilo. -South I.eive Siiantoii for Now Yoik il I.I", ,'l.cto ;.,-ji, s.oo and 10 01 ,1. m ; li..'.",, ;i.i';: ,i. in. For Philadelphia .11 .e"l and III.Ho a. 111.; l-'.V, and y..M p. 111. lot -tioud-biu at ej.lu p. 111 .Milk accommodation ..I ...HI p. 111. iiive at llobokell at l...:u, 7.I-, PL '-, U.Hs. it. I,, lis, T.lo p. tu. Anno at Phil ,di Iphl 1 at l,i. '-', ij.nij 111 id S.'J3 p. 111. An is c fii'iu Now 1.1I. .11 I. Ill, ii! I 10..';. a in ; l.dn, I. ."2, 3.11. - I., and 11. oil p 111. I 10111 Silolld-liill al s.ir, ,1 111. N01 Ih Leave '- 1.111I011 toi Hull. do .iiul inii-i. li nllatc statiom at 1.13, l.lrt mill H.ihi a. in.; 1. 33, 5.15 and 1 1 :(- p ir. I'm (Kvii .md svraeiie at -1.10 a. 1 ml 1.33 p m I'm- L'tic.e at l.M a. in. and L." p. in. 1 "1 vlnn-lio-e- at 11.11" 1 hi; I.I'"i md 3.1- p. 111. I'm Mi hulsoi' at Inn and U.I3 p. m. I'm llcis- llollllOH.il Pl.'.'D .1. HI. lllVl III Ml.lllto'l 1101 1 !,...,. I. ... , .,'. ' ".'. . '. .....I III till 1 ... !f ll Dim.iio ne 1.-', - -, ' "" ," - ...-, and so) p. 111. IT0.11 O.wigo and -.viauw at 2.5", a. in.; I.' lis ami s.(l p. m Fiom I cie 1 ut 2.3i .1. Ill ; l-'."s and "i..,u i. 111 I 10111 Nil liul-iiii at 7..-U a. 111, ami 11 01 p. in. limn .MnH-n-e at in. K .1. 111 i t;.-'i "lid M p. m. ,,,....., ,:.:.i... I ... lliooiii-iiuii; tiisi-i.'ii- ....--, -, i.iiiM'M ,, . . , , 1 1 ....1 ., ,. 1-. utn. . ,.. 1 -. . .,1.1 sol iiminiici 1 ni'i, , i..-'. ... .1,. . 3.30 p. 111. Fur I'ljnioilth at I.IO, .'! in, -JO p in. I'm' lviiigston .11 ID a ui. nivo .it .Nollllllllilicil 11111 ur -.'.01 .1. in.; 1. 10. -'."" ami -.1 1 p, 111. Anivo al ivina-toii .11 S3' ... m, Anm .it IM.v llli .11 .MM. I .!-', 'i 13 p. in. Ann in 1-u.tiilou tnni Noillmiiibeil.iixl al ". I- a. ri . IJ..I",, l.'ai and -.13 p. m. I nun Iviiu-slmi ir M.IM j. 111. I'loiii t'l.v Mouth ill 7.33 ,1, 111., .: Jil and 3.J3 p. 111. M..MIAY TIIM.N-. -null.-Leave- -illlitl'li at LIU, J.nn, 3..3H, .'.n, 11. 111.; ).:" and !.. I p. in. N'iiiiIi Leave Siaiilm al 1.1.3, ,g a 111., 1.33, ,3.1s .ml H! 1 p. in. IHolllll-bll'l. UlVI loll -1.1..VI' .-ILIIltutl al 111.03 n. m. and 3.3U p. Ill Delaware and Hud&on. Ill l.llnl Nov. -J3, Pixi. Ir.niis lor I'.nboiidile have seiniloii 11 n v, 7..VI, s.3.1, b'.ltl ' mi I '"''. ' " '-Ml. : '', .1 "11, il.- 7.37, ''.13, 11.13 p. ni.; I. In 11. in. 'I'm lloiiesdale-il.Jii II. I - a. 111 ; '.'.II mid 3.'', l'lor' Wilkis Hun i.l'. 7.s. ;.),', ti,;l, in I", 1 1..'. 1 a. 111.: l.'-'J. '-'.I". as". ''.;, '1,10.7.1-. lu II. II.., 'I p. 10. For I.. V. II. II. pninls-tf.3, 11.33 a. m.; .'.-. I.-J7 and ll.iai p. m- For Peiiiisjbanii I! It- pull.1.-tl.13, !'.., j, in.; '.Ms and I.'-'" p. '" I'm- Albany and all poiiiia noilli -il.Jtl 1. tn. and J.3'i p. in .... sl.MMV ll.'MNs. lur (lubmidili -u.wi, ll.il'! a. 111.; '.Ml, o --', 3.17, lu V" p. in For Wllkes-Hnu-f'.-;, It-"" 1. 111.; l,."if, t.i-, U.J7. S.C7 p. in, , , . . For Albauv and pciuis iwrlli -J.aJ p. m Fol lloi.csdih ".on a. in. and Jl .VJ p. ill. Loivivi laies 10 -H points m I nltcd s'. es '""' t.il."il.'1lll HUH K. li. P. v- Albauv. N. V. II, W. I IIO-, 11. P. .. Nranli.11, Pa "central Hnlh'ond of New Jeibey, Sl.llioM HI NtV, t'll Foot HI l.tbul IK I, N. II.. mid s"H'h Fun. TIME I'MILE IS EITT.IT NOV. 2,3, liJ. Tl.iim le.ivi Sii.iniiiii loi Nivv ,iiL, N'i..iik, r.llzabelh, PlilU'li'lphia, Ei.lm. Ililiileheiii, l Iciilmvi., Mai ill I hunk m.d Whin- llavi'U al s..M a. in.; expii". Ll1', expii', y.31 .1, In. -I'll-daw, 'i.l'i p. in- For ITlUin" "-"I Wilios-ll.uii, .uU a. 1.1 , I lu aud .1.30 p. in. sin do-. '.13 p. 11. Fm' llallliuiiti' -Hi'' Wslilusiluli and poll 1 sitilh and We-l ill lietl.hiieiii, S.iai a. 111.; I. In md ll.-'i") P. "I. huti'li-". -.lt 1 1. 111. Fur l.o ijr I'.iauih. II tail liiuvi. ea., al ,:u j lit. .md I. PI l in , , For Hi.i'liiis, l.ebiiioii jnd (lain-'iuig. ia H luituvvii, s.:w u. 111. -'iid I.IK h. 111, i'ltiiday-, S.I 3 p. I". Foi IVlliwlb . '" . 11 1 J I.U p. in. Thioiiah li kcls 10 all pwail- i.ul, solltli and west at lowest I alt al ihe- statiem. II, P. HALIHMN. Hill. P.ls. At. J. II. 01.11 VI -EN, Hen. luipl. Erie nnd Wyoming: Valley, lii.ie Tabic lu Elm I sept. 17, Uiin. Plaint tor II in ley aui bs-ul iomts. 101111- 1 mi at llawley with laic railio.nl lor New Voik Ncwbuig and iiitiimecliite pulntt, leave -ijii ton al 7.113 a. in and '.'.ii p. 111 liaiu-s inivc a1 -ci mlon ai I11..11 a m ail' 'J. lu p. 111. FIKLEf'S Easter Sale of Ladies9 Muslim. Uiniderwear This season's second sale of French and Domestic Pine Nainsook Cambric and Muslin Undergar ments, including many exclusive styles not found elsewhere. Fault less in cut, finish, superior work manship and trimmings. MM Lingerie in Sets. Complete line of exquisite gar ments in French, Nainsook, Hand made and Hand embroidered, trim Died with real lace. Uf line Muslin and Cambric. with lawn tlounce, trimmed in Point de Paris and Renaissance iir sertings and edging-. FIfeM Gowis, "a Ot fine Nainsook with daintvf Hamburg and Lace trimmings. Qrcrsei Covers, The Spencer Waist of Nainsook, with Valenciennes edging, beading and ribbon. GAemise mi Mmca, Of CambrJL. Nainsook and Mus lin, with I.ace and Hamburg trlm mings. We lead the market in the class of Underwear we handle, practi cally we have no competition in this line. An eaily call will secure best selections. Sale opens thiJ morning will continue during thu week. 510-512 LACKAWAHM AVMJfl : : --7- 3" EASTER NOVELTHE! We arc displaying: nn nnusunl pretty line of Easter goods in Booklets, Cards. Hnngera, a 11 d Hand painted Sachets all of which serve ns a suitnble easter remem brance. This year we have added an imported lino of chickens, ducks, nnd rabbits, which will Intel est all easter buyers. ReyirioldsBrog RAILROAD TIME TABLES, PENNSYLVANIA KAILfflM) Scltedulo in Effect March 17, 1001, Trains leavo Scranton: G.4D 11. 111., week days, for Sunbuiy, Harrisbmg, Philadelphia, Balti mote, WashinRton and for Pitts buig nnd thu West. 0.H8 a. m., week days, for Hnxloton, and for Sunbury, Harrinbuig'( riiiladolphla, Baltimore, Wnsuc ingtou and Pittsbttig and thet West. ii. 18 p. in,, week days. (Sunday 1.58 p. in.,) for Sunbury, Hun Is burg, Philadelphia, Baltlmotc, Washington and rittsburg and the West. For Hazletou, week days only. l.ilt p. m., week days, for Sunbuiy, Hazleton, Pottsville, Hnrrinbtug Pliiladolpliia nnd Pittsburg. .1 11 III li IIIS-ON, i.en, M,n 1 ll V'noi). 1,111. Pa. gt Time Card In effert lire, 30lh, I'JilO, SCRANTON DIVISION, an h COs SOI UB iejb UB br.vTio.Ns ,1 itt: Jj It 1 1 PM A' iM5 WJ PI " lull 104 Ir 101013 U " It) 31 ia 15 " IDYIMSI " IOIVU25 " H)e)Ul'J " S.V..WISdht.r.r 11 m PM F.M C'ui1ui.Ia . llaiiiot-k &, .. ii..t, u -. I Dill) situs 2 m is 2 SI 15 . 2 416 Ui aMJii 1. IIM 5 .3 . smsto 1'iet.roii l'ail.. ' .VVinnooil ' ..I'oynlelle,,. .. .Uuon... . ' . J'lrii.aut Ml ' I'molidiU,. ' Fuii-bt C'lli.. ' L'HilioutlaluVtt ' e'trliomtato . ' ,1V htiii Hi UfTi-, ' .Ma) lipid Vd Mai Held.. ItfllllVll. ' Vlililuil ' Wlllluli ' I'.sLllllii lllvpliaul I'lltcl.uik- . ' lliroot, ' l'l.,sl.l. I'lllkl'lai-e ' beianton Al IUI.I1IA.S ' 'J lull H U 34 11 I ' iiiisi : uiiiiiw, " go? . " ueUII It " J UI IL 11 3LU5CI S 196 It CM . Cilll -I M .. PM ,,..6 41 ....6 Slij !7l()3UJi ' 17 UI ::.-3 .. 929 .. 0 VI " 'if-' .. HIS .. bit .. .Jill ....HO) ....IIOJ. ....eiOl . a o-ji nil '1CU3 I IMS ,t v;a Uc 01 r;ej3!6613 i7 liUeiea) 7 it bis J 1 -'jj ue s 7 1214 036 81 I ."J t C7 1 81 J in To n; 1 .ij 111 31 . I'll at, 55 1'J P.4 PMI s 1 1 O'J a 1.111 ei s.vni 01 it i; in .: - Hlil'IM " 110 lei 3l 3ilg 8 all') IV 11 31 10 ll - H.W10 1 1 l.i IU 1M Valilloual tratiolc.ve e'trbon.lnli.- fur UivticM Y.il (lf uuieiirnl huil.l,nil7 Wjmu tuuijy OUIy , UlllloJ tllavil-ll ia.sl70UiiiintlD.tXlpiii. .tll'.liulllalllllleftvll(rlutolJat7tl,p.nbuaJyo1iIr l'i-t',iii a.tiillitall,mr la CrU.iinatc, brilvii-c se 7 15 iiu, un.) lulu leave ilavtle-M ioul for uttiuaO.Ivi U U il.ll), arrlviug st i..rtienll olio-mi. ltutusj M ceut lie i- mile, I.onest llutea tu nil l'ulnt West, J. C ANDCHIOrl, I U'll'au't.ltevl, . Yeiklitj 4. I.WIUU. lin,lt' ig: X fcjMftMi-i n.Airf-J., t wfc aH. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers