The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 01, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    5T!J(l!4vtt''Ew!$" i'.'.R-,-"p-i."";-?I"-'Ti,v'"T-T,"rgjiir:Jfi
Kl El - H
JabSiThrSIlTrif? I
Dr. ITiniViirhosphMfd Condensed Milk
l riifp milk, utth t)liuphiitr- unit
hypophe-phltffi ikMmI In llio propof Uonn
needed for hullrilnK MrotiK tunes nnd
lthi til net-re, ami rich Mood
Dr. Hand's
Condensed Milk
ljecnuK It rontnlns oil the proper! I-' of n
rompll food. Hel milk for In veil Id
nnd for tbt whole leemlly-niakM con
DRrraie-e. ni-ni. iui in fvunivi.
Tkfpr. lltniHoarf.n'fit JIHl 1 0.1 Striatum T. J
brrale. Ben.l for rtT looklcl
Ice Cream.
AC Per
3C Quart.
3 !erMneOrari Promptly D1Itm4
J-J7 Adams Arena.
Scranfon Transfer Co.
Paggaue Cliecked Direct to Hotels
;ind Private Residences.
Office D.. l. & W. Passenger
Station. Phone PV6.
Dr. H. B. WARE,
f 0Nn.i i.vrc hour.",
v IJ.30 4. m : 2-4 p. m
Opp. I'otlofilt.
l" liW- I he' nl lliifl-Jti eort.
1 .1 pud .imili,v it the Clinton initir al loi.
1 n. md lilt Coil ticoh, Jt I'irUin'liIc.
Ii:il PI IIU KV. Ilitr..l nor delivery -d.
11 ,.r t In- Lniuil wtts mill ulll lie I'
I ir 111 It 11111 n .md Oil pliant on 51 ij I. I!")!.
H U.'IFIII IIIVIIir.M). lln- du.cii. of
i i ( r.iniii mi met Hani: ami Tnit loinpin.v
.1 liliinl n . pi u I ci Iji ilhnliin! oi .! pi
I pujp'c iwl.ii
'llli IMIIill V I.K. Hit- momma: I'"- t'id
i k 1 1 lOinni".) plei- tourt mil open I'm
I I i1 ililm nil- iim nn the li-t tor llit- week
! ,a niei tin. -it niton Iliilwuy I'uinpini.
roli lilrvIM'i Mttlnel Ui Velio ua
tihui - In liMiitrlu Moil ic-tenliy lor -ledum
i mV on i I ill .iM.intu ti un. lie h.k .ohs'iM
In s,, ml iMiidi i.ri.l.v i nly i.-ienlii- iiioiniiis.
iiLlMKV IIVMilil I'l'- linn- . i .ilr-,
i 'Jiimii.iii . ii.i -iiniilii .nln la.u i lolun-
Lltliiipl In IMi iff ill UttiMiipti.i . V
ii W iii i lln Ii.iliilitiii .in- '"i.-JTii ullli tm
I .i-l Mil I ISI.I. -I I VI
Nollk, it II. II, lllllltll 11.11. 1. H-I41ltl) III- pl
.111 n - lunlii mill Mill luil.e hi- di I111I if 1
t uiei, mill, imtf 1 51111II -tul. '.inn .it
M -i n
Mil lliri't l' nl'l II0S. I he .itiliilo u
till iltl ill - tllilll ,'ninuil .111 l"Ui,tlnll
11 ll 'iniiili ..- tin' ei I ilii II lit
vVnli -tun I'lt.n-Mi.ini 1. V.. W. -nillli li'-
ln II l III- " 'U!l!llll
In MKl .Mnili:ii ll,. on U.i.i ... nun
11 Ik petlliH-i il Im lli. tiiiiiih linn in nun
..I In "I'l l lu llll ,1 llnllllll I I
I . Inn, 1 11,1 I n n-liip lie inlitoni lieiclniui,.
pi. u t. I 1.. In. 11 .I l"i Hi. I , 11 1. 1 Intl. ,
Ml Mil ,
Mr I nl Mi. p. .in i,l,l nun iilm
.'i-jppi.iiiil nun Ii- 1 inn. In .-t vuntiui Ml
iiiln 11- ii.'l.nt up 11 the oli .( I i-l nlithl Ii.i
I'm hum I mi 1 I 1 v imil uKen in th. (uit.r
-' ui 1 Minn h ii'.. , 11U11 In. ii- if. n'.nli i
11r.1l 11 n hi In Ms Him I-.
ui- hin( ni: ,1:11, viiti,,,!,.. mi.i Hum :-
'illi, t" Mi -luii vi mile. . to .iii.-lnl ."-.itiinliy
r 1 11 f . -1 tiv: . 1 lh 1 .11 Kim iiini piipuii.
Urn mi .iMiiiiiiu Int. ti- md
J '1 11 1,1.1. t'i !i .l(Un-e li'n,- U.11 t,i- ii,,,,,
i"i ti n ii" tn i,.i lull,. 1'. Ii ,1.1,1, , 11 ,n m.i
l ilii. ill ll, Mr.,., 1,1.1 !nr in -(il il,
I II M -ll IIMIV. 'Ihr le. i I him,. ,.,; ui
- I I i- 111101I11-1 .iillition 'i Mil nllit
In It 111 -uo llui Hun illlilCil .It till" Hi-idi'lli i"
I In. I, 111I11,' inltti, -ui Hun Him, 1 1. ui Hi,.
r I,- i.. rt, i.h nun iin, ,1 liiinli.i 1 u -1 1 1 h , on
"iH'i" i.u. Ml- -in l.. linn I. iliimiiil
ul ml mi mi,! urn 1 tl, inn. 1 1 hlim-i lulu,
1 1 11 I 1 il ('IV.
IhM'.III'1. I'o IN,, T H u ImiUMlii,'
niiili I ,1 In dull .1 tm .,.jii in ii ii,t,,
ul. j'lu. ln n tin. 1 lull t nn i.'ptiiii.-, ,i )r.
in Ml vull urn 1 in lilj.k lllitiiii.iil,, 1,', hi
I til In i ,,1111,11, ,, iiunion
. We offer subject to p;ovlous t
sab. ;
$10,000 t
Lohishton Water Supply Co,
: Gold Bonds I
b per cent. FieeofTnx, M-
ttue 1020.
Inteiest payable May nnd -f
November. -f
"3 i." i ir.-i Moilgja- upon j tie 4
j.ri'licrli I ilia tJonipjny, lO'iiMIn;; if 1
lul kij . it-niDlu, iwtvr iiiiiiu, wl T
" iubl i.aur iltflittf conn ui), etv.
4 The etrtiiiua it iint ihov jii impl
sJI'l'lUJ U'.Cl tIKll "I'.'l'i 1 4.
It BrciiJwiy, X. V. n'ilkt-lUne.
Otrtondtlc. -f
-f I, i aod d, l.'oniiuonnejUh Bid; ,
4 tiNntou. f-
r-rtllf"li t'f
( ( )M)
tonlRht' oppinenti the nimtt I1linnl. detected
the cripplfd tllfjite flub teurn, hut the neu" (lv
put Into thf field will make the "difky Rnn"
The "Never Was' Defeated by tha
"Has Been8.'
The liiombPl'si of the nudllltnr ilepiirt
nnmt of thr I)otawiiir, Ltifkawiinnn
nnd AVcRtorn Rullrond fompniij bowlnil
tlip Aral of 11 sptloa of ffttmos on tlni
7:ik nlley on Sntuultiy. Thr ol.lco
ftn op was illvliletl Into two iPiimw, "Tho
tliiH JJoens." cii)itnlii(iil by II. A. Snilth
rtiitl "The Novor Wiih," c-nptalnod by
It. D. Knn'oin, il mih it lmnJ fought
(iKlH.liUt when the .onoki! cli-atcd nwny
tin' Has lieetiA wcip fottiul to huvu Jt
plnw more tlinn thclp npinmentF. While
no phenomenal .sroret were nmiio nnd
no vecordi btoknn O. tl. Hchrlefer near
ly Innkn the flooi" of the itlleya with
Kcvornl ullppery lmlln, nntl Nash sprcnil
:i)iitPi'iintloii nnd one bull anions tho
Hpfctntnrs on the hlencberH by un llll
iler Hhiindani'o of reiln. Alvln Derkor
ilnniiiginl lb ii'.ti' nf the ulley eonsld
ctabl. aitt'h forcf nnd speed did he put
Into his woik.
The .soon- kofpei sniy II ("ntlftl nn
-. lljk.r ill
.". fl. illiin.r 2M
L. -1-
J.i-.iej Mt Kinney ."J".
L. V. Ileul I '4
A. W. -1US
II. A Suit tli :i7t
m;m:h was.
" I.. llllllOty .. nil
). P. t-ihrliKi 01
W. A, Itec-e ".hi
t'i ml. Illl'li hl.illd .-'J
I I 1,.111'v 2-7
II. Wulf .'I'l
Another h.iiiii' will he plumed lu the
neap I'utute when the "NcvftP Was"
proriilM' to u'Ktiln their lout lautvls and
make the "Has Hcciis" look like thhty
The Title Guarantee and Trust Com
pany Opens Today.
A most notttbl" addition to Hcitinlim'
liniKiiilli.'L'iit tiunnrltil Ins-.tilutlon-' Is
The Title fSiuii'tintei. and Trtwt foui
piiny. whli'h opuiiH for ituslni"."-"-- thlw
moinltiK at old Spruce slruot. Th per
sonnel of the lioaul of directors of tin;
company insuips the auceecs and nl)-io-lute
'.-soundness of the new lii'-.tltutlon.
The dlrectois aic: Tlinm.iK Fold. John
AVelle.s Hollenbaok, Auicust Itublusou,
flemtre II. Smith, Alnum Xe.sbitl. Ini
eph O'llilen, Homy A. Kimpp. Kvei
ett Wmfen, K. Iiallstead. O.
S. Johnion, Thomas U. 'XViitkiiip. An
drew II. Mcf'llntoek nnd I. A. AVatres.
The company examiiies and hisiuet'
titles to teal estate: act- as exeoutui,
administtator and crti.tidtnn: executes
tnists of evfiy ileseripll'.n: acts .1
ti.itihfer atrent and lessistiai-: asaumt-s
cntin; charsre of real estate: leeeives
money on deposit and allow- inter-e"-t;
lie-ionics "-ole huretj on tnlellty.
rotnt .mil (illlrial botiiis: loan money
on bond and moi tpiiKe.
The qtmrantee 01' this (ompan uo
teets pincliaeiK ol piopeily and moil-tj.iKcs-
:icr.iiiis-t ticks whicli ulw.n-. at
tend 1e.1l et-tatf trans.ietiott. Tho ot-liiei-i
of th' (ompaiiy .'ii-': I. A.
Wan. 's, I'leslilent: ,ntliw II. . riin
toels, iic liifsldetu; llenty A. Knnpp,
i"0 ino.-idenf Italph S. Hull, trti-i-ollleer:
Wiilatd. Wan en & Knapn. wt
llcitoif. for the loiapany.
It Will Be Given in Guernsey Hall
This Evening.
Tho pupil-- 01 the Sciauioti ('nlleR'"
of Muwlo. under the dlioctioii of I'mt.
Haydn Kxans will lend'T the lollou
iufv ptnRi.iimne ,11 fiuetm-ey hall to
iilKht. Pi. no - il-.. I I l.'l m. ,i,.n-; 1
I.I1..II1! M1II1..111
Uillt.ltlOll ' 'llll- lllll flllll" . t."tl
Mi Mill" id.
Pini.- "lluhlilint. -.pun." 111.' I01-
lli .Ii true liuoii.
nllti li ( ni.iiint.ili'( ' tiil.iiil '. ii-ilt-
Nilli. Mill.
.u il --.Ii In) V 1 1 11111 dm .'Mi
rim." "llie lliiini" i.ol.tuutk
Xliltui t I n!(-,
ll'iil. "Auiil I'ulli'- i.eiitui" .i-liiiu'l"ii "
Mi N. lint II 'I. 1 " tin Miitilui u l'.iii.n.i'iii".. ..iIi'.iipii
W. . Ilvlidl-.
Pun. "II" .irt, .md llomie".. . . I 1 1111. It Me
rlmo (..1 I'itll .Ntiitinno Ii I'l
(Ii) ' I'.iiiJ I'll jet- . Milk.
Mi-, lliiil.'i .1,11 '.-1 11
. il Dm 1. '"Hii.iiii ..I I'llHlli-l" (Im
M - I. mil, Hit ml ;i- .it'll . II.I. .'
Handed Down by Judge Archbnld
nn Satuulny.
Jili!"jO Alehbnlil handed down 011
Sutuiday an opinion uplioltllnK1 tho ie-i-ent
orilp mitdo lu the U-f-t ease
hiutmht hv 31. r. I-Tyun in ileteiniue
win tiler a llceu-i' tec uf $r.r,n or $1100
would haw t.i be p.tld lor a lieetiso
tukin out this year, the latter liclnsr
the liieiiso fee lor itti-s oil the seiond
il it-s
The .itnlKo puis himt-olf squarely on
loford as ilei'liirliipr that Scrantou haH
boon a 1 llv of 1 he soi ond class since
Januuiy, when tlie Koveuior's pioela
inatlnii mi.s lerolvi'tl, Hven admlttliiK
that Seiantou does not become j; sso
iiiid clans city until today, the JiuIko
sots foith. the foe of $1,100 must pin
v.tll, us the license goes Into effect upon
the samo duy.
In repaid to the contention Unit the
liCLiie-o ko'k Into elffcol aL niiilnllit and
that the city Kovcrumeni is not reor
Ktinized until 10 o'clock, Jin points out
that the act says Unit councils hhall
he leofKanlnOd at that hour, not tho
city Roveiivment. It Is Impossible to
itiiicelve, ho says, that "city govern
nielli" Is to ho Implied as if this woto
Utio, n dondloek In councils could hold
up iliu wl olo piogiainme of loorsnn
l.iuioii, Cheap Bates to California.
Parties desirlnp to make tup to Call
fomln, Ail.otia or New Jlexlco, either
for huslncss or pleasure, can do bo now
at almost half pike.
RvtM-y Tuesday, until Apt 11 !Wtli, In
clusive, tlikots marked "Colonist" may
ho purchahed via Southern Uullway for
344.00 from Washington, -Ji'i.oO from
Philadelphia, and correspondingly low
pikes ftoiu other points.
The Southern Hallway and Soutlwui
Pacitlo couiiauy operate through ex
cursion sleepets from "Washington,
leaving Monday-, Tuesday's and T'VI
ilnyb, the Tuesday sleeper being avail
able for "Colonist" tickets. The berth
tute In thcto sleepeis Is only 47.00, two
people being allowed to occupy one
berth if desired. IVrsonul conductor
and Pullman porteis go through with
each sleeper. Theie aie other now,
convenient and economical famines
connected with these excursions which
may bo ascertained from Charles l
Hopkins, District Pan-rr Agent,
Southern Hallway, IN Chestnut shoot.
mrJhis ,. t.-m
This Will Be an Important Day at the Citv Hall,
Forecast of Appointments of Recorder Moir.
."() a. m. o'clock flniruM"'
'i.OO a. in. o'clock t'lliJl nifelin o( md 10111I'
1 Ik
Ki.ol it, in. o'clock lteclgattliJtlon nf new
1rt.fl 11. m. o'l'loetcAnnoHneenifnl of record.
er'i apimlntmciitf.
1:' in. o'clock Me.a(fp of the rerotil.r
Clly hnll will be the soon" of a ...)
Iph of Important, Interesting and possi
bly exciting: events, this morning-, when
Hamilton Is to undeifio the challKo of
frovernmunt nucessllated by Its traitl
tiuu from a city of Ihe thlnl class lo
one of the second.
J)Iott inteiesthifr of the cxi-uts that
are to truuspho Is the announcement
by Recorder Mnii' of the men who have
ben selscted for the pohitloni cieated
by tho aiiiehlbronnur act nnd Its "rip
per" schedule.
Next in linpoi liinoe will be Ihe io
celpl of a veto from Ihe recorder of
the re-otganizatlon ordinance and thv
action uf the councils thereon.
The next event ill point of Inlet et.
nnd the on to which the expected ov
citument attaches Ik the leoiKauUatlou
of common council, ul which theie will
likely bo the Hioet.U'lo of the two par
ties feu iiitncr si'piii.ite oiKuniz-itloiis
the Democrats 011 a basis of twenty
one membeis and the Republicans on
.1 basis of thirty-nine members.
Lastly, because its purport Is 1111 un
known quantity. Is listed Hi. lei ot tier's,
annual message.
ft wa-J announced mi Kilthu that the
lecorder would mak" pulille his ap
pointments last night, but on the plea
that they wiTf. not yet complete he de
clined lo make any of Hum known. Hj
peisistent digging and it cttreful patch
ing togeUiei1 of the shreds- of inloi illa
tion uneartliPd bete and theie The
Tiibune K alii-, this moining. to make
a guess by which il is willing lo let lis
it'initttUon lor lot. "sight evf-r heioafter
to be .iudgecl.
Clemons Fiist Choice.
("or direeloi" ul the dopiil tnteiit of
iniblie s.ilety. th' hl;Ket plum mi the
tiee. Ft .ink If. 'lentous, ex-.shelill" and,
at ptesent. select oimellm.iii fiotti the
Heenteentli ward, is tlt--l ehoio'. 11.
T. .I.ivne and W. T. Simpson at" tin
otlter possibilities
A Democrat is in ! named Im .11
reeior of the department of public
wotks. and Hon. John I", ltoche. s.'I-"ol
eouucilni.111 fi 0111 tlie Seventh w.tid.
who lias, done sueh valuable uotlc in
helping shape Suuntnifs coutse ovei
the troubled -a of ttansition. is tli
most likely man lor the phi. . Hv
Strcol Coinmissioner I'. J. O'llovie was
the only othei mentioned tor the posi
tion. It was announced .tuthotitalive
ly .osteiday lie would nut be selected.
Tlie iec ciider stated ton Tribune man
Inst night thai ho propos-os lo appoint,
a director of the di-p.u tmotil of public
ehdiltl"s and iiirrectinii. di.sptU" the
laei that the leorg-inlzation nidliiam o
punidos that tills dep.ittnieut K 10 lm
mot god with the department of public
safely. Tills (ontllcl between the ordi
nance and the m I of assembly is- one
ul the reasons whv tho leioulor will
not subscribe to tlie forme-. K-Alflrr-inun
Ftedeiielc I,. Kull.-r. report Inih it,
is to b named .is tho bead of this de
pot imout.
Tlie fitst duly of Director Fuller will
he to icslgii liom the poor bo.ud. and
ptiiii-Cd in quo MRir.inio to take the
management of the poor dlstiiei affairs
of Horanton city liom the bonrd of dl
reetois of the hVmnton poor district.
This must come some time, and tho ie
c onKr believes it might ns- well oonie
now its later.
"All acts or jialts of acts inconsist
ent lu.'iewlth ate heteby repealed."
says ihe new second-class city net. The
edd special ncr of ISiitl, under which the
Soranton-Dunmoio poor board is work
ing, is not consistent with the clause
Title Guaranty and Trust Co.
No. 516 Spruce Street, Scranton, Penna.
Capital, Pull I'flld
nioMj loiip.
John wr.1.1.1 s noLLiixni'CK,
(. k. jou.v&riv,
HI.NHV A. liVU'l',
AXimi.W II. McfLlN-IOCK.
AllllAM Mlllll'.
.KWll'ir O'HItll.X.
Abrnm Nesbitt, Willinm F. Hnllstcnd,
Thomas H, Watkins, O. 5, .ioluiaun.
Bxainines and insures titles to real estate.
Act,s as Executor, Administrator, ami Giuuiian.
Kxecutes trusts ol" every description.
Assumes entire charge of real estate,
Receives money on deposit and allows mteiest.
Becomes sole surety on lidelity, court and official bonds.
Loans money on bond and mortgage,
Prom time to time will offer to the public high
grade investment securities.
L. A. Watres
Andrew H. flcClintock
Henry A. Knapp
Ralph S, Hull ,
of the .Muehlbroniior net piovtdlng' for
11 department of public, elm 1 1 ties and
correction, so tho tectuder elulins. and
not as 11 matter of choice, hut' one of
duly, It Is required that Hotuntoii nhall
proceed to take unlo homolf the rov
crtnnoni of hr poor tiffulra according
to the dliectlntis of Ihe Atueblbronncr
Board of AnseSBora.
II Is as good ns ner'nln Hint the pie
etit I'll" ussessoiv. (Iwltytn A, Jouoii,
Philip Ulnslnnd and John A. N011K will
ho 1 o-oppolnted, and to cmnpleti' the
bo.tiil of live called for by tho. now
ehailer. ov-Aldepntan L. N. Uob'-rls. of
North sVrantoti, unit J. A. Scamuus, of
tlietu Itldge. wilt be the .selections.
Another cauw of the rpcotder'.s illn
favor lowards the leorganlz.itloii 01 dl
niinee Is Its failure to piovkte silailos
for I hi; police mnglstiates whoso ap
pointment Is allied tor by the in-w
charter. When the framcrn of Hut new
orilluaiue gut down to work they will
bo called upon to make, provision for
those ollli ials. Tlie following alder
men. It Is said, aio siitled for the posi
tions: John T. Howe, Seventeenth
wnid: W. . .Ulllnr, Hlghth wind; 11.
Da vies. Fifth ward: Kdward Fidlor.
Fit at waul: I'hristlun Storr, Xlnelc-i'tith
wind. A sepai ate otdinnnce was Intio
diieed In counclln cteatlng these olllees,
piesiilblng tlti.-lr dlatrlctB and fixing
I heir salaries, but It was allowed to die
lit committee. Hete aie some other
Chief of Police Prank Robling. )r., to
lie supetintendunl of the buieau oC
Park Superintendent Thomas Phil
lips lo be superintendent of the buieau
of piukk.
Chief of the Fire Department Fied
Jilzolni.inn to b superintendent of tho
buieau of flret.
City TCngineer Joseph P. Phillips to
be chief engineer of the bureau of cn
gitieeiing. Street Commissioner Roland Thomas
to be siipctinlondenl of the bureau of
highways and seueis.
Plumbing Inspector A. 1'. Monies,
Food Inspector Fted J. V!din.ler and
I'.ulldlns Inspector 'I'. 1! Jackson to be
1 ontittip d.
Health OII1. er W. H. Allen, il. D., to
be sllpei inlotideni o' tho lituenu of
l3-Maor W. I. I'onnell and ox
Seleet I'ouiioiltmin (loorgo Sundemon
as moot" the iliememliei' of the sink
ing fund commission.
t.'ity Solieiuu" a. A. Vosbuig and As
sistant t'ity Solicitor D. J. Dai to
continue in their ptesent positions-.
And. incidentally. Recorder Moir de
nied last night the stoiy to the effect
thin ion police olllceis wcie to bo do.-
Hen son for Veto.
Ii is imd.'i stood tliut tlie recorder's
teasoiis im vetoing Un teorganization
ordlnanoe aie, a- indicated above, be
cause il fails to 1 omply with the te
quiicment" of the charter in tbtil It
iiiakis, no ptnUslon for fiolico mngis
trates or director of pulilio charities,
and .11 tempts to combine the appoin
tive otllee of delinquent tax collector
with the eleothe one of city tretts
uiei. Tlie nppiopriatlon to a fire com.
p.uiy not 11 member of tho department
is another Ii regularity ho could not no
luleref" In.
It will bo necessary for tho new
count lis lo lake the old reorganiza
tion otdinnnce and amend It at onco
to meet the ivquliemcnts as indicated
by the lecorder. There will be no diffi
culty about fixing salaiies after tha
oilicinla have been appointee, as they
can lesdgn, to make an interim In
which their salaries can be fixed and
then be appointed over again.
There Is no end of confusion attend
ing the preliminaries to the, leorganlz
atlon of tho councils. Select council
Republicans have noinlrnted K,
Chittenden for chairman, nnd claim to
have their eleven votes solidly lined
up for him. The Democrats nominated
T. J. Costello, of the Third ward, with
the understanding that he bad 11 P.e-
$150,000 no
t.l.i.lll.l. II -.11(11,
I 1 Mills,
Trust Officer
& KNAPP, Solicitors
v 3 if It i--
publican ote t'orralletl, hut It now ap
pears that white the Jlepubllcnn In
question Is willing to go alomr with
the Democrats as against Chittenden,
ti" Will not vote lor Cottello or nnv
Democrat oilier then Hon. John H.
Knelie. Mr. Roche wns tu bo requested
to stibstltutp for Mr, Coslello, ul it cat),
ous to bo hold thlp morning, bill In
now nf his being the choice of the
Republican lentlein for the oNeeutlvc
plticc In Hip new government which Is
to be donated to Democracy, the ehnlt
maushlp will 50 ol?ewhorc.
Common council In up .mains! coin
pllcntlonp gatine. The hold-overs are
seven Democrat and tlnoe Republi
cans. On a IihsIh of twenty-one mom
hrs, or one fnnn each wind, Ihe Dhiu
nemlM have- thirteen and Ihe Itepltbll
Kins eight, allowing tluiL the Demo
vtallc. M. j. (Mmke. of tho First ward.
Was elected tn surrood Former Uepub
llcan Councilman Mi'Donald, nnd not
as cms of Hi,, two e-tui men oic'tod
to Hip expanded council. Hvhiis and
Thomas, two Hepublionnn, tpcelved
more votes than f'linku. and Clarke
lecolved mote voles than Melhinalil.
tilaike claims thai hn was the oppon
ent of McDonald, unit having defeated
him Is the "tegular" member. Hvans.
who wns on tlnj nuine ticket us the de
feated McDonald, claims to be the
"regular." hecatlse he received the
highest vol,- f uny nf the i.andldutes.
Hut ibis pi only one minor complica
tion Big- Common Council.
Tn the expanded commit me thirty
eight menibei s. nineteen of them Re
publicans niiil nineteen Democrats.
One of Hie liubfitits Is ll. i:. lloba, or the Fifth waul, u n-w "extra"
member. Mr. Iloli.uhnn is ,t eieik in
the lounty eoiumissioneis' ofllco and
cloik of the county prison bo.tuJ 'Pile
Mtiehlbi miner net says Hint "no per
son shall I ic eleoled lo council who
holds any other ollleo, position or i-iti-Iiloyiuent
under Ihe . oiinty in iiitleli
tho said oily is loomed " This would
s-eem to make Mr. InellRlble.
though he claims otherwise on good
legal authority, atnl unless lie can
ptove his claim tli Hopubiiians me
left In the inlnoilty. In otise they can
not win over ti couple of Detnoeiatic
To c-oii'iplleate the complications, Mr, was, on Saturday night,
chosen as the Itopubtloan candidate for
ohaltinnn. Ills app.uenl ineligibility
was not known ot .11 that tim. but
yesteiday when it was i onmientud
upon In the papers, the Republican
eoimnonets were gieatly perturbed and
resolved to hold another caucus to s.
le".t another candidate if n t.s deemed
necessary. Rx-Chalrman Lutlter Kp
ler declined to be a candidate al Sat
urday's caucus, bin it was stated last
night by one of his colleagues that lie
had been persuaded to accept the nom
ination In view of the newly aiisen
It is not impossible dial some kind
of a compromise may be reached
whereby the expanded council will or
ganize as one body. A proposition will
likely bo made lo the Democrats that
If they will forego the election of a
clerk and allow the assistant city eleik
to assume the duties of that office, the
Republicans will accede to the only
other thing the Democrats can possibly
get, tho chairmanship nnd Its attend
ant control of committees. In view of
the fact that the re-organization onlin
ance will be vetoed anil that when the
new ordinance is drafted ll will not
provide tm- a common council cieik.thc
Democrats may decide to care tor their
clerkship in some other way and accept
the proposition.
Double Organization.
If the compromise Is not effected the
double oiganization will be the result.
At the sticke of 10. the Republicans
will have a man proceed to the plat
form, call tho meeting to older and
have someone road the toll of the tbh-ty-lght
conneiimen. The nineteen He
publicans and one Demooial aie .-x-peotod
to answer the roll call jyul vote
for the Republican candidate" for chair
man. Iter mder Moir will lccognize
this oiganization by swoailng in its
chairman and presenting to Wm the
ceitiiicates of election of tho twenty
nine new members. After naming tho
assistant city clerk as clerk of com
mon counoil, to serve without addi
tional 'pay, the body will adjourn to
meet again In Joint session with the
select counoil at noon, to hear the re
corders annual message. U will then
remain for any other eoimclltm n.
claiming to be the common council of
tho city of Horanton, to go Into com t
arjd prove It.
"While all this Is going on, the Demo
crats will bo conducting the looigan
Jzution of a c.innuoii council 01 twenty
one membeis. holding that the
eighteen eotnicflnicn wvp not legally
elected, because the appoitionmc-nt for
an expanded ouncll was not regularly
made and could not be togul.uiy made
until after the assessors letuiu of
resident taxable? nevt July, end com
pilations on that return by ,1 commit
too of second-class dty onuiiclliuen.
I'nder a lecenily unearthed Sllplellie
court d. clsion, of which belli sides me
cognizant, but which the Hopublicius
thought the Penmcrats wen uiutw.iie
of, the chalimnu of the old munoll If
ho Is a hold-over, shall call the r or
ganized eouni 11 to oulet and piesld
until hi y sueces.-oi is chosen,
Heiototoic the dork was alway,? al
lowed lo conduit the in.- ting until n
i hull mini was defied.
When the old i niinell adjourns .-lue
iIlo. I'icsidinl I'alpln will Main ,t dun.
ding lo the gavel and keep his seat tit
the piisldoni's disk Winn in o'clock
ennuv. In will 'nil Uu nn cling to or-tl.-r
and Imp1 the iletk call the toll
of thr ten hold-over nuuibein These,
en- rather the sovel of them who file
Heliioci.tts. will then punned to re
echo tin" other "logulin" menthols.
Five ol tin uleseii othti i. arc
Democrat and upon th.'Ir la lug io
.oivtd Into Idlowslilp will give the
Democrats twdv. ineiiib.'is, not count
ing Cluiko. whose claim to legulnilty
is illspilt'"d- Twelve In oin moie tlinn
tho loqiiti'd majority and amply stilll
clout to naiihiict all liUHiiie.s,
Keliniice of Democrats.
Tuo Di'iuociatf. plaeo lollituco upon
their ability to ptevuiil tho Hepubll
cans I'l'tini tarrying on the oiganiza
tion of the expanded council by uu
rallng one of the Utipnbllnius and
theiebv pioveiitius them fioni se.'ur
Ine u niajoilty.
Whatever plan is folloveu ihcu will
be no disoider of a violuul n.uute, each
side being intent un simply going
tin ouch a tmni of organization as lust
it can und leuvlns to court to decide
which did the better,
rollowiner Is the uiilw-up of tho
councils, the commoners being distin
guished as "hold-ovets." "new icgu
lar" and ' extras".
COMMON' nirvi ll..
I M. .1. (Uike, 1) t I
.i. j. i:jiif, n.1'
T. W, Thomas I!.' '
i II. t. Alnouli, It.
J. P. Lv-ni, p.'"-
.1. n. f'jjtorlli.c, R. '
T, J. Snowileii, u. '
,1-Jatiira lUggettj. 1. rify . , . . -1-Willia.i
ma.., IL' (OboSOi.
b. fcJiw-Mifca4 u
-sak-UM i.sf H
Oliver iiiiiMi a
Cream Paste
There inny bs as pood polish made as our Cream Paste, 9
but. we don't know what it is, and we. have tried about every- JJI
thing made, Most polish contains acids. Our paste is guar- jd
anteed chemically pure:
Small Bottles,...! 0c Large Bottles 25c S
I Geo. V. Millar &
Always Busy.
114 and 1 16 Wyoming Avenue
:mi n V.
ill !'.
i1 w.w
i i
Of Course Our Guarantee
Ladies' Easter Shoes
Ladies' Fine Dress Boots
and Oxfords for Easter. .$1.00
Ladies' Fine Dress Boots
and Oxfords for Uaster. .$1.50
Ladies' Extra Fine Dress
Boots and Oxfords tor Ras
ter $1.75
Ladies' Superfine Dress
Boots and Oxfords for Eas
ter $3.00
The Children.
l'hc spice of life. We
haye for them tin kind ol
shoes that will protect their
feet through life.
Infants' Soft Soled Shoes . . 10c
Infants' Diess Shoes 25c
Infants' Full Dress Shoes. 50c
Children's Dress Shoes. . .75c
Children': Superfine Dress
Shoes $'0
114 and 116 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton.
i! Is Your Bicycle
5 In good slnpe for
Is file turn to have
it prope.iy.
i Bitten bender & Co.,
J J 1 26 and 128 Franklin Avenue. g
. 1
I 1,111 V lauie, I!
p. v. -ii.i it sr. is
v. 1 1 m -. n.
1 . I ll.lcl' .11. 1;
li.l ti T. .1. 11 .. II
p I . I p
.1 r. vi, i. Mil, 11
I. I llll III.", I'
T. I, llv. I"'. 1',
0 II. P.UI1I1U". IL
II I',. IMInr. II "
.Inliil Vim-ll, II,
I'lnl I'liilllp-, 1,
l,;irli-. lliir, IL "
lijnlil iiiliin. 0 '
Muni llarii'i", 11."
I'. I'. silef. 11
Willljni fliatell, It
V.llliain l.iii-, II.
I .1, Coknuii, 1.
-I mini Ki'llit, II,'
.Vlntll.ia- sp,,, t '
Willi nn llmli, !.'
1 I jrlt i.t-u. I' "
J11I111 1'ie.i. P. '"
.I0l"ill lluiill', P.' '
51. a, I nsitl.. 0. '
vi. .1. (.iiin'.ll.i, II ' "
M. .NiflL't. l '
-., 1. 1 mil.
llv l.nlit.
.-I lu 1 1 ul M lb,
1 lulJi Uo. II.
-W, M. Him, 11
John J. Cn.loll.), I).
-I), ll, Hun-, II
-Ittilunl Mullen, It,
John I. II. k,-ni. P
-luliu P. ltd In". II
I'. C. Vl.liin, U
r. 1:. ciittiviuifii, n.
(-'. I Wuisnei, It.
John .1, Schn-Mil, 11.
Joint .1. SliM. P.
i;. I.. Mc.ilnun, II ' '
Tli'imj Cn-gi'iie, IL
'Joecpli Oliver, It. ,
Adim SchrOflci, It.
V. II. Clemen., II.
HUi , Vf.a i fc' iatev. .MatfeWeannHlti.iitf . . '
Co. "ilKSSr 1
Easter Shoes foj
every member of
the family. You can
select fromthejold
favorites the kind
that made our
shoes famous or
from the new
friends, those
smart, up-to-the
minute kind
Goes with Every Pair
Misses' Fxtra Finn Dress
Shoes - ..$i-oo
Misses' Superfine Dress
Shoes $'.-5
flen's Wear.
Men's Boots and Gxfords,
in al I leathers $i.So
Men's Fine Boots and Ox
fords $3.00
Men's Extra Fine Boots and
Men's Superfine Boots and
Oxfords $3.00
The Boys.
Little Bovs' Fine Diess
Shoes 65c
Little Boys' Extra Fine
Dicsb Shoes 75c
Little Boys' Superfine Dress
Shoes S1.00
Boys' Fine Dress Shoes. $1.00
Boys' Extra Fine Dress
Shoes $1.25
Boys' Superfine Dress
Shoes $1.50
the ridiug season?
your won uone.
I- lliinu- O'll.nli, II
in II , nuli.111, II
'( W f. O'M 1II11, ll
I .1 I V Vli'lteii, 0
The Mavoi's Message,
l!ct older Jlolr has devoted hln nt
laleniM and bei n uuspailngln the -
pendlim f tiui" In propurltw tiv
niessiigi! which he will deliver lo coun
cils lodny. It will df.ll hugely n (h
the (liesilou of loveiiuo, and t h
iimlerstooil the 1 Inuso of lln new char
tor. permit ting 11 .seeoud-olass city to
luiposo any l,i ll sees tit on a water
lompany or oilier like toiieein, will he
Honied at length.
ltiddcutiitli , il ma in. ni'ivs to many
that lliuler the lli-w system of nssuss
Ing ical citato, Jscianloii can Inoieuh..
her Indebtedness bv n wide margin
without submitting the niatler to a
vme of tin- people Two per com. of
Hie assessed viiltiatliiu, when (ho fpH
valuo of piopeny is assessed, will b.
three times as much as ll Is nt pics
cut, when assessments uro based nn a
oue-thlril value of pi open ty.
Tho young Men's christian associa
tion of this city receive! tl word Satui
day fiom the Voung M'en'ri Cljclstlnii
association of llatiisbuig tii tl:o elt'ei t
Unit they had locelv'Jd a sift of ?J).iloj
lioni II. t". Fahneslock, ,1 runner lesl
ileut of Hairisburg, but now a p-6iu-Inent
baukci of New ymk city. 'Tli
donation oarrles vvllh It the piovit,ion
that they oiotl a $75,000 building.
The Young Men's Cheibtlurf associa
tion of llntilsburg was tln'uila'tid in
its efforts by ihe'Vicoess of'the'Y, M,
C. A. of this city, nid tho above' !
the first of tho many donations Ihey
expect to icceive.