The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 01, 1901, Page 2, Image 2
t,'V-ii'fV . $,-& Ui x ttlii, fcCJUAiVlOaS TJKIBUNE- MONDAV, Al'lUL i, UH)1. W "Y MHHW,!,..!. II II I ! !. I Ml Ml M ! Hlllll '""' " ' " ' ' ... i OtllGC ! I . " burke Carbondale Department Ul It HtllA I I BUILUINlf THE CITY'S BUSY DAY. Reorganization of the Councils nncl Poor Bonrtl Takes Place. Today v. Ill be moving tiny In tho sov etnl brunches of the city government, us well us nvir tbo rest of tho city. There will b,j special meetings this morning of lli poor board, common and select councils, ami lenrgnnl.tu. Hour olfoeted In each. At s a. in., the poor boiml will ineit In Its mom In tlm city building mid Director Itlxtnbercr, of the First ward, pud Cook, of the Fourth wind, will r" tlie, to bo succeeded by the new mem br.r.s McMillan und Mtuko. Tho board ""il 1 then bt leeonstruotod, .Mi. .Mr. Cube retiring from thy picsliloiu-y. At It will In the turn ol the i:om nion councillniH to meet nnd finish up theh hii'juo. A number of hills re main over to be acted on, but It Is probable thnl nothlnt,- can lit dniie xxl'h them thlfi uoinliiT. At H' o'clock, the nexv member;! troni tbe Flist, Thlid nnd Fifth xxinds will bo sxxorn in. Th"y tip: Giibilel Fugll.ino, ltobcit Whitfield, Harry Masters nnd U. IT. Stone. In pluee of U. M. Shepherd, J. IT. M'edoinnn. X II. Smith and V. A. Swindle. The council will then rcn canl.u ami will probably elect a city ;i k. There ,-iip throe candidates for Mils position. X. U Moon, the pies-nt Iin-llmbeM. M .1 Ilorau and Fled Thomas. Ml. Mm an I a Penioerat and the otlu r two aie ilepublleans. The sili el council will also be jyoi. vanned, and the two bodies will bold ii Joint ..'-Mon for the election of of 1'eerf. A picsldenl of select council i to lj(. f-elented also. The day promises to be a lixely one mound the city building CHANGES HANDS. Joseph A. Hoole Acquires Lumber Inteiests of T. C. Robinson. T. C. Robinson has sold his contract Ins and lumber buslnass to Joseph A. Hoole. W'oik will be started finmcdl ately oh the election ot u planing mill on the lumber yard tract on upper Bel. inont street and the enthe business will be traiT-fened thete. excepting, periiaps, an otlice in the oentral city. Tiie toiisidoiatlon or purclias;- pi lee of the pinperty could not be learned. The giound on Hoblnon avenue will be cleared and several modem houses will he elected by Mr. Robinson, who will retlie lrom active hu.Mne'x. Mr. Hoole, prior to thi tinnsiction, had almost completed his plans to b-ax-e the elty tor Tneoma, Wash. Last week he was teiideied a tarexvell smok er by the Carhond.ile Cycle club. In f oiibeiiueiKe of this business change he has given up bis wsiein trip. He is an energetic young; business man. and has been in Mr. Robinson'? utllee tor the past twelve yeais. MR. FOX'S NEW HOTEL. The Foimer Landlord of the Anthra cite Issues Invitations. '' A nunibc-i of invitations to friends of Mr. Frank Fu. who was the Hist land lord of the Antliiaeite hotel in this city and who riflei-waid left this ilty and came hack in tim? to be the last land lord of the popular botel befoie it i Iced, weie received mi Saturday. The invitations read. Horvce Fo. Frank Fux. At Hume .it tin- S.igertuxxn Inn. iFonneilv Mineral Springs Hotel) Season U'Ul. Ul.l and .Wxx Fi lends Will Find a WUconv. "poll April II. Alw.ixs Cmbondalians Present. Lafayette Matthews, of May. w.i.' tendered n surprise by a Ml field, number ex'onins of her ti lends last Thursday the occasion being her forti eth birthday. The evening xx-as passed in i most delightful manner. The paitj pnseuteil Mrs. Matthews xvitb a handsom lollot sot. Among those iu sttendaue w.-re: Mrs. Caroline Mat tlKWi Mis Lulhor Bates, Ditvld Ori on I son- James and Thomas, Mrs, Joseph Lrio-trlck and daughter, Bertha, Mrs. llinv Dolpli and daughter. Irene, Jits li.oig, Dietrlck. .Mrs. David Mor gan Mis Wiliard Whitloik and Mrs. I'. Ho. mnalniyer, all ot Carbondale, Mr. Fax Again. . Toiii"iox exening Prof. Otoige Kl- Mt I.i, hu gave his excellent loo i'.at "ici 1'iraL CoiiBlegallonnl o weeks ago, will g-y a re in the same chinch. Prof. on ipialed in his line as a liu- u I nnersonator and as a bai. ulol-.r is eonsldcied by some to I'1 - that has appalled befotu Icmiah audience. Those xvho llin In fore pronounce the enter- i rich tieat, Case Postponed, TI - s.ut of K. J, Neary against l, rv. Deiijaii.ui. for the lewupl ot $.3 tor tin- rceoxfiy of tho Iattei's horse, xv.-n to iiu. come up before Alderman Jones un s.utuday. Owing to tiie 111 Pess ot Constable II. II. Pierce, xvho Jiaii a lounter-eltilui tor the rowtird, the hmiiii.? was postponed until Wednes-d-iy of this xveeli. Two Children Sick. Clyde Whitfield, son of Councilman and Mis. Robert Whitfield, Is now suf ferlng with pneumonia, a dex-elopmunt of th; heart trouble with which he has hem mulcted. I.oulsa, the little dauehler of Mr, nml Mis. John Rlvenburs, Is suffeilng with Inllammatlon of the lungs. Is Very 111. Tho many fiiftiids of Mis, II, L. Trcas. ot Jcwnyn, formerly Miss ElUa. beth Newton, of this city, xvlll be pdnert lo hear that she Is siiffeiliigr n x i- severe Illness. A Birthday Paity. A pleasant gathering met at ti:o Iwme of Miss Veitia M. Lee, in Gre-ou-t'eld, on tiie occasion of the celebration of her llVtee'nth birthday, The young hostel's' vos"the leclplent of nmny bcAutlful and costly presents, Tho ,iCyros a Cough or, Cold at onoo iVifltrs l toup, y,'nijqpiLK-v,yuj-' .-ctidihum OilpLt od CoiiMinjrtifir Qirtt ' i'ni' ir.fiiilj t iiuv'irc vn.pTiriii .',,i , cert. clmrfh iurna vmm ItoneB titlf ilCll htirdj . laicrw COUGH SYRUP company was enteitnlned with music, frames nnd other pastimes, followed by lefn'shinents. Those piesent from t'ai bondale were Carrie Honey, Mho Hutun, Helen f-'eeley, Itusa Cor vnll, Kiniuu .1. t;tky, Irene Doollttle, Messis. Curtis, A. u. T.eo. Orry S. Ii. Lee. Cleotge Eaton, .1. .loyles, Jo seph lUloy, Oscar Cole, M. A. H. Dolph, Tied Olcis-on, J. II. .Shaffer and Con rud WVIbol. A DAZED TRAVELER. An Old Gentleman, Who Was Loot, Sheltered in City Building-. On .Siiturdny afternoon one of the cats of flie Traction company halted at the city building, and the conductor and niotormnn ossified mi olderlv man to alight und took hltu Inside the build. Irift and hnnded him over to the police for safekeeping. The conductor said that the man hud been riding back and foith on the car neaily all day, always paymg nls, ilU bul tnat Ui seemed lint and did not appear to know any thing ubout bimself, belns; unable to toll his lMine, whriu lily homo or trlcnds wert, not what he was doing away tioni them. The. thought It ad vlsabl? to have the police take eliaige of him until his it-lends could be dls. coveted. Then they leit him. Tiie police weie unable to elicit any information fiom him on Saturday night, so they turned him over to Jan Itoi Kllleen. He was ,i v neatlv dressed In black, with white uhlrt. col' lar. cufls and tie, und Ills hands told a story of an easy life. He was very much crestfallen over his position, seeming lo lealisjo It keenly, but all he would say about himself was his wife was very good to him. When suppi r time came bo wni seived. and as he tasted the coffee, he asked for another cup. After di Ink ing this, memory seemed to dicker lU tully, and lie told, with many pauses and much knitting of the biow, that Ills wite and he hud stinted out for somewheie in the moinlngand be had lost her; that he lived somewheie In ii country place back of olypliant: that lie thought his mum was Penv West, and that his wlte's maiden name was Heniietta Johnson; that in- wa Si years old, and that Ills wlto twns veiy good lo him Everyone who heaul the stoiy of the untort'inato old fellow was soiry for him but nothing could be done lor him. so he was kept in the city building by Mr. Kllleen oxer night. Yesterday inornlni: Chief MeAndiew placed him or, a south-bound tiolley car and told the conductor to lit him oil at Ulv phnnt, in the hope th it be misht recog. nUe his surnnindiims or that someone tnere xx-ottld Know him and smide him to bis hoiiv OBITUARY. John Cnviston. John Cnviston died xery .suddenly nt his home on Oi chard stieet on Friday evening. About siv xxeek ago he un derwent an' opoialion tor appendicitis at i:nieigeiiiy, ami two weeks ago Iett the institution, appaiently In a good condition tor rapid leioxety. On Ft May inoriilng he xas down town early, About ,'. o'clock lie letiuned home and imm diati-ly complaiued ot great pains iu bis abdomen. A phsi ciun xx-as called, but he i ould nut help him, and he died dn.-ing the evening. It Is said be exposed liliusell too ipiieK- ly Mr. Civistuii c,ik bom in Mils city In August, ISTii. Hi. was nut man led. He is Mirvlvid by his parents, Mr. and Mis. Michael Cnviston, tluee bintheis, Michael, James and Morris, nurl tx-.o sisteis. Mis, Mary A. Mnniih.iu and Miss Katie C'ax-iston. Tiie tuneral xxas held yostoiday at ternoon at S o'clock at St. Hos,. i hurch, followed by inteiment at St. Hosp rom etery. MR. ELLIOTT WILL REMAIN. Announced His Decision Last Even ing' Indebtedness to Be Paid. At tbe First Congregational church ye.sttrday the services xveie uf a very inteiestiiig eluu.icki. In the morning the pastor delivered a seimou on "Is Thete a Hell'.'" basing his lemniks upon the doctiiiie and histoiy of tin Ulble. Miss Hdith Uenson sung very effectively "The Palms," as an oiler- i i, u. icniviiiii was uie ciuse oi lxex. Mr. Klllutf.s hint year as pastor, and itt the evening seivicu lie gave i brkf review ot tho jeai's woik as u pi elude to uu inteiestiiig scimon on "Help fiom Uod," Hex-. lOlllott was gieetei( by two of the lutgest coiigrigatioiie yesteiday that it has been his pleasuie to speak to fiom that pulpli, showing the legaid be' is held In bx not only his own ciingiegatlon but otheis. While he- dots so ui n saerlllce, 'n- xxlll con tinue In the pastomtu of tin; cliuich imotlie'i- year, as announced lust night, At the- olose of the sermon the ueru nieiit of Hie Lord's Supper xxas ob seivid. Tomorrow the llo.ulng ludi-bt-euuess tiie-uned In rebuilding xx II bo paid oif and all lu-cuuiits closed, Hjv. Mr, Klllutt begins his second xvai under very nattering conditions, i-l-lowing is the musical prosraunie uf last night: Aiitlicni, "IWy UiU" ll, lltii jui i luiiuj, solo, 'I'jlni Urinclioa" MIjs fifriS'ti. Violin solo, "s"iinjrfc' IlsiUrt I.. f;.iiiln.r, .A, bin! .,1 fui'ii -etiilliCit AntlKiii, "Mimii, When Mlit Inxoln, ha li" slippy Mr. Kifljnd und Clioru.. A Five-minute Seimou. At the Second Prebyteilun cliuieli yesterday ufteiuoon the Rev, William Holllnshed, of Forest city, pieaehed a tlve-mlnute sermon to ths ehlidren ot the .Sunday school, attcr which a ser mon tor adults was delivered, on the text. "A llvo dog is better than a dead lion," A Nexv Position. John L. Goodwin will take Hie pos,l tlon with the Gund Union Tea com, pany xxhieli Is to be xucutc-d by ., i Van f order, Mi. fioodwiu is a pupu Ihi youiiB man und, llkewlsr. being a hustler, he xvlll no doubt make a gie-at success of his new position. Palm Sunday, The ten lees In St. Ross cliuich y$. terduy In commemoration of Palm Sun day xveie, us usual, very Impresslx-eiind the e-hurcli ixus ciowded at all tho masses. The ceremony of blessing the palms was conducted by the Hex. Wal ter Ooruian. assisted by iy Hex-. T. V. Coney, V d i 'Phone j NEW, 286 010,0423 CARBONDALE CASES. A Number of Them Will Comn v rl? .thpm ."" ,ne "f'vant.iffes of the, .. .. . . ' zSSiSBoTPlftai service. The carrier will make foio the Term of Compenlng Next Monday. .x two weeks' tetni ol ,.,..,. sons court will njr 1.'u ttl SCfi- Mondiv li,il i'wrl" hrrnnton Jii f ion, his xdcl .1 A nmnhw ot mndo UP for ?' m' " t,,,; tHl1 l coming ',, '" co""' ot them h" uiiilicr itlc s,cco",l ttTO,- A,,,0II beift! ,,c w,,h l,,cl1, "'lfl1 nu lmiili, , on ton """ i "l,rll :.Vn. 1.1?. U,.,...,..l 'Op,.. t-ill, iihrl .1 V- pi OS. III, ""Son, M,,...,.,. ul...... bttiglaiy, J. loslnh White. ,"'"."..". '. '"'"'.... '" , 11.. I ..,1. ..... .,.. wiiiiam v. Fur, 'r. ::;""', 1,.Li:L.,,,' White '""v Scaled weapons: H. 11. PI OH. lr.ij Atriill . t t. .. t'lelce, "-"."..Plidley. .Iln Wllllani Tuesday, April 'iv ,-., Ames, adultery: Ell!, ;?.. L'r:...-!1"'0 WednCTdywpril"Kl,:i"ViV,i,,e,v Plereo iml s: i ..ii." . I!H, licntj UmL. t , iy- liu'ceiiy and re celvlng: : joneiih (-ooper. pros. i3-. . . ni h,m':,,,n,,'y' -V. Ollby. "ssaul tnlner, Joseph Cooi,er, ,. HAS RECEIVEpMPLOMAS. William McHale ava(Ulntcs tnm Nexv York EmbairalUB School. XX'llll...., . ..... D iiiiuii. Mm oi .u,. nn.i m,0 ,.- t the highest mark. lie has been tortiinai seciiring a position with the Nation,,! Casket com pany, einhaluieis of Ne(v. y cjtv while he ban been In i,0 metropolis pui suing his studies, ai,a xvlll leave this city lor bis new Held at once. He Is an exceptionally blight young man. and bis many local fi lends will be Pleased to hear of his good piospects. even though I hey will icgiet his de parttue tioni his home town. Squiie Holmes Has a Son. Yestei fduy moinluy at 3 o'clock. Mis. Thomas M. Holmes, ot himppon, pie sented her husband xvlth a tine, strap ping boy. The child was born on the annixeisaiy of the motheiV biithday. Mr. Holmes has had fen tune smile upon him lecently. Only a texv day? ago Judge Archbald decided in couit that bo was elected to the- ollice ot justiu- or Hie peace of Fell township by one vote over Nicholas Glenn. His fi lends liaxo scarcely gotten tluough i ongratulating him over this turn in his aftaiis, and noxv tlieie is tivh cause tor jubilation. Tom is veiy popular in Simpscn, and this fec-llng is shaied by Mis. Holmes because: of hei beauty and estimable finalities. No Stiike Means Piosperity. 'I In news that theie xiill be no c Ml slilke in the anthiacite legions- this sluing was icceived here on Satuulay with gladness and a lechng ot lelief seemed to be pievalent. On Satuiday night a laiger cimxd xas on the slieets and in tho stoics than there has been lor .sonic- time, and both mei chants und eiistoineis soemed to lealie tint theie wis now no ue-eusloii lor the extreme that has pievailed the past lew weeks. It is very probable that business and work of all kinds will leel tliu impetus of activity and that tie- ruining week xvlll bo marked by the beginning of n pto, porous rea son m all lines ot trade. Meetings Today and Tonight. Common i ouinll 0.S0 a. m. Poor board S a. m. Select council. School boaid. Olive Leaf lodge. No. l.Vi, I. o. o. Typographical union. No. 2:j!. Federal union, No. 704. Hraiich 163, National Association Loiter Can lers. Young Men's Institute. Meichants' association. Patilotlc Order Sons of America. Iiaibeis' union. F. of W. R. C. to Meet. The Women's Helief eorps ot Ser geant William II. Davis post. No. 1ST, Grand Army of the- Republic, will have a special meeting this ex-enlng m tlii home of Mrs. Gllllrs, on Biook sti.-ct, at 7..S0 o'clock. Two Days' Easter Vacation. The public schools of this elty xvlll lime two days' xacntlon this week in commemoration of F.astei, On Thurs day and Friday the teachers and pupils will be at liberty. A Large Collection. The collection taken at the Human Catholic, church of St, Hose do Lima on Sunday, March 21, for the St. Pat lick's Oi plumage In Scranton, xvas nu li'Miiieeil yesteiday to hax'e been ?2.'7, Born, To Mi. and Mis. Heniy Slubold, Washington stieet. a son. of THOUSANDS LIKEWISE One of the most prevalent, annoying and Irritating tioubles is Itching Piles. Suifeilng ones do not believe they can be cured, beams? they have tried so many remedies that failed, It Is noxv uu admitted fact that Dr. A. W, Chase's Ointment never falls, and to nupiess upon Scranton people the ab. toluto suioty they have. Matthexvs Hios. uie authorized to guaiautee sat Isiactlop or le-tuud tho pilee paid .Mr. P .1 Mitnley, of No. tlt6 Birch sheet, Scranton, Pa says: "For eight years I had been a suffeier honi Itch ing piles, .some nights I could not sleep at all, and in hot weather I ot lots of tlmo at work xvlth them, the dilution xvas so gieat I med eveiy tiling xvlth no success until I (jot a bo of Dr. A. W. i.'hueV Ointment at Matthews Hios,' diug store, tcmpoiary heaiUjuaitcrs comer WaMhinstiiii and Lackawanna avenue, ! used part ot tho bo;, and have seen nothing of the trouble since. This result I consider xxonderfttl Iu tho light of past eiforU and failure to cuie. It's a gieMt oint ment " in A. W. Chase's Ointment is sold at Wc. it box at dealers, or Dr. .. W, Chase Medicine Co.. Hutfalo, N- V, See that purtiult and slgnotuies of A. W. Cb.ue. M. 1). ate on eveiy parkas;? ehr v ""v"? r!.m T''0''- ' A. Hon iinid s .New V,rk Scho-,, of Embll,m,ne. Out in n class of forty-tlnee Mr. Jle Hale was one of tbe fr.n,. .i t , iiuu icx.v;nt;i JERHYN AND BAYFIELD. A few months ago prominent citizens of Scott und Greenfield pre sented a petition igw nostonice de partment at 1V(nnBt0,n for the cs tRbllshment ofa frce deuVory service, starting Hwf jerij.n. Tftclr eirort xvete abltfidetl by Hon. Wlll - ncll, xviti. ii, ,.,., ,t, ,i,,,i ...i-7lay Mr. Connelly not,ea Postmaster nfli uiiii uk, B(,rvjee Wotild be Institute MW . IdOI. The proposed lOtltoMj1 ?, S" nearly six hundred people iiiV' dally nip, except Sunday, deliver and collect mail, register loiters and Issue money ordeis. The route In twenty-tour mites long nnd cox-eis mi ntca of sixteen mjuiiro miles, and Is as follows: lleglnnlnp nt the postolllce in Jcrmyn and going northeast on turnpike to Vall's corner, thence southeast to Cniey's corner, noitheast to Finch's corner, northxvest to Orvls school house, north lo Tomp klnsvllle. xvest lo Rutin's corner, noilh-xi-est to Worth chinch, southeast by xvay ot Slcklet's pond and Mud pond to DundalT road, southeast to Heart hike, southeast by wuy of toll-gate to the Jermyn postolHco. The handsome gold xxutch given by the local lodse of Foienturs. lor tho benefit of John Lucas, xx-as chanced of Hnturduy evening and xxas xvon by ticket No. ss The lucky holder of tho ticket can secure the xxntch by present ing the ticket to Henry Hull, of May Ikld. The morniui? mall for Carbondalc. xxhleh has heretotoic been despatclu"! at 10,20. will in future leave the post otllce at 8.09 a. m. Mall from polnta south xvlll at rive at S.23 n. ni. No mall xvlll be received or despatched on th" 10.43 a. m. train, as heretofore. The main- friends of Mrs. H. L. Fre xx III be sorry to hear of her serlotis Illness at her home on North Main street. Her condition is said to b? cpilte serious and yesterday grave fears xvere entertained for her recovery. The Delawaic nnd Hudson colliery, xxhich has been xx-orklng full time late ly, will go on tht oc-nuarter tlmo to. day. Miss Lizzie Giles, of Second street, has been seriously HI for several days fiom neuralgia, xxhich has developed. Into a most peculiar case, necessitat ing her to undeigo a surgical opera tion. She xvas ienio-ed to Dr. Wheel er's hospital nt Carbondalc yesterday for that puipose. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Baker, of Main street, attended the silver xx-eddlng of their daughter. Mrs. William Nethor ton. at Forty Fort, Saturday. Mr. Wiliard R. Dodson. xvho for tnnnv years has been ticket agent at Hie Delaxvnto and Hudson station, has leslencd his position and xvlll dex-ote his time to his valuable patent on sxvlteh light". PECKVILLE. Tin: alaim of tire sounded about a.UO Saturday afternoon xvas occasioned by the burning of a barn on South Main stieet. The 'barn xxas the property of a. Polander. known as Major McFllpp. It is not known lioxv the fire originated. When discovered the names had com pletely enveloped the barn. , cow and two calves xvc-ie- cremated. A mule, xxhich was also iu the bam, fieed Itself fiom a Hestrnp and made its escape through an open door. A garden hose did good service in protecting an ad joining barn oxvned by Mr. Klngsley. Owing to the fact that the team used by the bos,, company xvas at Archbald at the time the alntm sounded, Hie Wilsons weie late in nnivlng nt the lire, as they xxeie obliged to gel an other team to haul the apparatus. It Hilly Illustrated the fact that the Wil sons should own their oxxn team, so that it could be always kept xvitbln the borough limits. The Biakely borough council will meet in legulur session this evening. The Indies of the Baptist chinch -vs III hold a lummage sale at the nrundnge building, on Depot street, onimenclng tonight and continuing the entire week, Warahp tribe, No. 211, Improx-ed Order ot Red Men, elected the folloxx--iiitr offleois at a meeting held Satur day night: Piophet, George H. Smith: sae-hem. Morris LaRar; senior saga more. W. H. Mitchell: Junior sagamoie. T. M. Allen: chief of records, James xMnstone; collector of xvampum. M. B. Wademan: keeper of xvnmpum,, Frank Edwards; trustee, eighteen months, O. T. Hartmau: lepresentatlve to Great council. C. I, Hurtman: alternate. M. H. Wadouiaii. Harper lodge. No. 707, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, on Friday even ing elected the following officers: Noble grand, C W. Waltz; vice-grand, c. L Thomas; permanent secretary, W. 11. Walker: lecoidlng secretary, l-Jdward R. Duy: trustee, eighteen months. Alex. Frazler. On next Fri day night District Deputy Grand Mas ter George W. Hughes and staff, of Carbondale, xvlll be present and instal tho above ofllc-ers. The Harper lodge desree team xvlll confer the Initiatory degree upon several candidates on that evening. The Temple Iron company Is having a complete electric; light plant installed at their Sterrlck Cteek breaker, on the East Side. The Scranton Kleetrlo Con stiuctlon company is putting In the plant. Mis. F, V. Mace, of Uticn, N. V Is visiting Mr. und Mrs. V. V. Mace, of Miiln stieet, Mrs, Andiew Hale, of Yalesvllle, spent yesterday xvlth Mr. and Mis. Ed xv.ird Barnes. Mrs. D. W. Brown is xibltlng- tela-tix-es at Avocn, Mis. Susan Post, of Jordan Hollow, Is visiting Mr, arid Mrs. Jnxvett Mo Cormlck. ELMHURST, Mlfes Helep. Williams attended a, thimble tea nt Scranton on Saturday ufternoon. Dr. Conuoi Is preparing to build on his place neur "Fern Crest," the home of J. H. Snyder. Miss Schluneillne spent Saturday tn Scianton, nev. James Fielding preached In tho Jlaptlst church yesteiday morning and evening. The Presbyterian ehuich and Sunday school are preparing nnd leheai-olnt' special music tor liaster service. Miss I.ottle Clay Is taking charge of Mir, Pulton's millinery department nt Moscow. (', M. Curlis has purchased the two double houses mi Alain street fiom Ilnheit I nnes. He is ill leniodel one jnto a Mnsle ilxx-elllne for his mother, xsho has leased her tutni for three yeuis. Isaac Stieet, of Scranton, visited nt tho home of his Muter, Mis. Henry Cuny, l.tit xvcek. Israel Oltteiibender is moving Into thu Hucklngham house on Hie cast side. Norton Wagner xxill move Into his osx-n house, near the bo factory the. Henty Currj" is pioparlng to move xvlth his family to Watettoxxn. N. Y xi heir he xvlll take chaise of the Young Men's Cliilstlun Obsoditlon of that Scranton Business Guernsey Hall " IS THC BEST ft.ACS IU SCRANTON TO BUY A PIANO OR ORGAN Don't tail to cut"10 ltllJ scc ''', creat 'ars-dus arc watting fqr you. J.W.GUERNSEY, ?nop. 314-316 WASHINGTON AVE. SCRANTON. PA, III New Clue-ruses ndMlng. D QrtM DYE CO. , pliNH AVE, l,ood eallt.i .oi-ind ilellternl. Ucin(n, peelnff and I'lcitng. ALL WORK aUARTEeD. PHONE 373B GOLDEN GtTE x Dining Rooms. IVsl -,'i cent ntftd In the citj. fbr MmI TiekrK, JI.OX SiiiiUy dluui-i 3 p.'cijlly. Home made t'jjtry. 244 ADAMS "Vz. W.J. Barriscale, MANTELS. rirc-pUcp triiiiniingf, siswnHinaron ve. ELCCTRIC, COAL and QAS QRATE3 Illins f'H (looif. TEL"."HON". W. A. HURVEY. rii'itnc- XSIrlug .iiul I'ituir Uretile Dill and Tolcphunc Weil. 309 noMMONW'LTH BUILOINQ. J. B. Woolsey t Co CONTRACTORS ANO BUILDERS. Dealers In Plate Glass and Lumber . O- ALL KINDS. Kingsbury A Scranton. Manufaetuicn' .Stents MINE ANU MILL bU -'PLIES. ' litrul Agents for Jolin A. ltocMing- Sons Co.' Wire Ropo .ind rjcctilcnl Wire. Gutti I'ciclu anil ttubbci MIj. l"o."s neltlnn, PaHdnp, llo3c ind Mciluniiil Ilnblicr Oood-". Knoulton I'jtkiiiK;. taitei's Oil (lotliing. itormi ::t(i Paul! nhU. W. H. GORDON & SON. Iloisc Shuclns and Uencril lllatlwuitldnj; XSjgun .ind Cimage Building .ind Kubbcr 'liic ll'K. 339 ADAMS AV NUE place. Mr. Cuiry and his xxite have made many xx arm friends diuintc their stay here, and they xxill be sadly mlssi d in the circle in which they moved. The Ladiis' Aid hiiciety of the Han tist chin ill xxill hold a wieial at the home ot Mr. and Mis. 11. U. Cooper on Tuesday evcninrf, April :. Ux-erybody xx el come. Mr. Cuuy and Mi--. Buckingham en tertained their Sunday school classes at a warm supar paity, held al the home of Jlis. IJucklnsliam on Fiiday ex-enlns, and a very enjoyable time is it-ported. Those present xioie Misses Oiace Stanton, Coin. New, Ulnnehe Wheeler, Jennie Trlble, Nettie and Anna Kipp, Minnie and Suah lliilin, Maiy Schinneilliig, 1 Jessie Hueklne; liaill, and Alessls. W. 11. r.ij;p. Fled L. Davis, ('bailie Jenny, Bert A ten, Aithur Seeley. Irvln Seeley, Will Jen kins, O. K. Klzer, CeoiRe Thlilwcll. Mr. and Mrs. Cinry and children. Harry and Dorothy. The- oung- friends of Master Charles Detriek surprised him at his home on Tiuiisday evenliiK. It being- the occa sion of his txxelflli biithday. A de llErhtful evening- xxas spent. Alii. Det riek served retieshments. Charles ie-ceix-ed a number ot very useful and pietty piesents. 0LYPHANT. Hubert, the little txxo-yeat-old son nf Mr. and Mrs. Robert GUI, of Duunioie street, died on Satin duy last, atP-r n , brier Illness. The funeral will taki place this afternoon at ","() o'clock. In terment sx ill be made iu I'nlon e-fini-tery. A number ot younir neonle tioni lion I iiltr, a ,-., ,., .vl, .-.,. I... if I Mrs. Frank Glllman, at Pi Iccbui e, on Satuiday ex-eulng. I Air. and Mis. James Biosxn and daughter. Miss Loulsu llioxxn. of Al bany, me the suests of Mrs. ttlle-n Mnhon, at the Mnhon house. Mrs. William Cluike, of Given nidge, spent Saturday xxltli Air. and Mis. Willlum Mason, of Biakely, James noddy, of Scruiuon, xxas the guest of his brother, Hex-. John Ruddy, at the paiochlal residence, yesteiday. ' Austin Lynch, a student nt Unix- i Cioss college, Woicestei, Mass, Is j home fot the Knster holidays, A special mu'ttiiig of the- council i be held tonight to consider the mutter ' of Idling a pciuiur.ent man at the hos-e house. I Misses Kiltie- IlORllU .'Hill Mil UK: HauahOH sieut jesteiday xxlth Scian ton ti lends. Twin boys, xseie bom to Mr. and .Mis. T. II. Brooks, of Laekasvamia .stieot, on Saturday last. .Mr. and Mis. John O'AIuiloy, Alls. Willlum nogan and Miss Maiy Uognn attended the tuneral of Alls. Alurla Scott, ut Dunmoie, on Satuiday. John Shields, of Uuekusx nnn.i snoot, is ill xvlth the gilp. To Ciue a Cold In One Day Tako Laxatbe nionio (uiuln faldett ij " JESSUP." A lame number of the husinesn places In town rue changing hands this morning. The Sxxeeney Urntlieiv, vim base bticiessiullx conductrd the Xa tlopal liotel the prist year, xvlll oee-ii-py the .Alitebell house, icnnietiy oeett pled by Joseph Laucau. Mr. Chuiles nilling, a veiy popular young man of I'eekvllle, xxill uindiiet tho National hotel this morning. .Mi llllllims U thounighly niiiialuted xxith tiie business and xvlll uudoubicdl.s make a success Mr, Neaty, inopileioi ol the Xiary hqUhH, on Ilridge htieet, xvlll movo hln tainily to Ob pliant today, ulieie he xvlll eouducl u similar business. Ml. Joseph l.uut;an buy 1'tHilid fiom buaiiicss und expeets to spend the sum mer months at the Pan-Aineiican ex position. .Mr. Langan lias succetsfully conducted the .Mitchell house for the past nine veara. Cauls ui c; out announcing the- mat ilage of Mls.. Hose- O'HojIe. of Hit place, and Mr. I'liarles Ulngi. of THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUFPLY YOUR NEEDS OP EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. Brotherhood Wine Cos Kino Old I'orl", Itiiiitiinitlc, nnd siiiitilni-". IjiiiIIj hide Onl). P. H. FRENCH, 408 CONVKLL B'.Da. E3reschel's Great h ire Sale ISA WKOMVO AVENUE, o doiim On 1 Uu I nif uu.l d kimb or BREtCHEL A CO. Scranton Laundry, 3211 YASHINOTON AVENUE, &IIj by leUl'liono icccin- iiom;it uitrtitiuii. VJILf-ON & WAGBt-RS. Spectacles, MADE AND REPAIRED. rint'H ui ' S, H. TWINING. 131 PENN AVE. DIAMOND SHOE SHINING PARLORS Vol I irlln and (,'ciil" ALU -HINBS. SO 433-SPRUCC-a33 Hanleys Bakery, 420 SPRUCE ST, HUNTINGTON XV e nuke -i iiot I ill.x- nf tine liread tufl Oidm (u sihd, O-,!!1! , I iuiurlip, iMr , rioitiplll filled A lull lino u( .'.n trciru nm i Eurek a Plating Works. bibci liuld, Mil I, ( rppcr md ISr.i Cluiidillii. Kcmbhi il 321 OIK COURT. REfRBD. TRADE REIPMAN BROTHERS. Xe i. mi i uinpkli j' K nt tn..ip. piiiodi, iK. in nr.irinci j ml Ii,b 405 SP ?CCe STR?f-T. CORINA Ql'KIiN OF K1CV WF.ST CIUAISri. DEAN, 403CONNELL ffLDQ, Two I'liuncs GOODMAN'S shoe store. Q at I la liiK.iuJiiu i w GRAND OPSNINO SATURDAY. MARCH 23 The Scranton Vitrified Brick and tile Manufacturing Company lUU'is ot I'.xxine- Hilil,, ile M. II. pili, 1,1'i'i-ril sdn i;int, (iflln Ui X i-.lmml.uii i '. XSoiKs at jj Sues IM , I. &, V. V. IS. It. 'X&StoZZ. 5 0 '"I iii in 1 1" 1 1 1 11 WliiiNGARTB' BROS, I.nrjtest Manufacturers I'e Uvill lieiii popular yollllU peupli. MHse-s Ueallite Woods Auvle. Of ArrlllMld, xxn Hid II. Jle-i-ullers iu toxxn siundil)' ex'inlllg. Don't I'm gel the liaaaar. xhlih is to open llastei .Muiidii) at the Si. .lam-.i hull, lor the bene III of Uie Hi .1 nne.s i-uiiciatl m TIIK aRANCrE. is the OUlest Oiftnniznrioufe toi ratniei.. lull1' I. I. UlllH un id III III i im Tho xSiaiiKe s tin ulilest oi tin U-ll- eial oigaiil.iulons lot lariiieirf, 'I'hough tin notion oi or;;uuUx.iu Iho faiuie-is xxas undoubtedly bn a lied eaily in thu llUtoiy of the eulllUlS, the gtilll Idea thut uolllitll gle.x lllui llle- Uiunge aljuiil i mild '' a tenini-y old mill tihould be- uidlttd to u. If. lx'clley. a Iiostoii young Jiiau xxhu settled uu ., Minnesota fariu In IM!'. He mote ion. .sldutably I'm tin- imtiitiiuii.ti urt-ss, iilld tills epeiliuee helpe I to brll'.s. Illlll lo llle iiillelllsliili II, t the jeui llie-d of aglii-uituit xxas lii. cdaeatlon ot the iigrliiiliuil t IU- smoi uune m teel tlnu c-xlstlut, asuiu'i., lor s.iis pui pcee -laini p.-ipus and in, -xeiu in outlicleni As utuit lui 'ill Dep.u-i. lllellt of Aglliilltllic. Ill lei.rt. Mi. Kelliy liuilo a tout of Un South ui-h a vb iv of gaining a know ledge of we agrieiil tuial and mineral icMoiiii-t of that seoilon. op wis tie.u- ha pfjint liu pitted ixltli thu fat thut pultlilaiw x.ould liexei lestiuu pt.iei Ii. ibp , mm. ti.x; It "It t'liiiiei in all. it niiut nime I! I nliiiK'14! I sSti 1 ivv r- -A , P II R ,&PI A l'h ""'""'Phu.t con.liiiiillonor ion.. J ' P i ili T1 I lllK ,n"" "l"-"- .""1 ixipn-ire Mi. It ll1 I llvlS- 1 I P llJ9 I !'K ""'V,"1' "','' """loit o? a rib. III iLxkHs? "V1 I IP LiP I "'", Knelli' and conil.iiies cien- I I Ml I KST v I , i ll 'Ml1! 1 I l'.;liin- piiiiuplo lint tan be ap. I .! M I LPS' s I III I !, 1 I l'l''d to i.nsit liuililinir. Tlitro is 1 fill ' 'I l'Jf ' . J I Pi II "HI 1 I al' 'j"it roim (oi ,urv Hmire. 1 I I II I lt 1 " I liiil I n ,l',"' "-einiiton sell M. 1 i i i iiiiiu, ii iii. I ii itiiiP i n i.iii-t i mi At. l 1 m 'slll1 '111 III 1 I TJiect Form Stvle 701 1 PV II1 iKi-i iiii . 'n VifeLefc. s. I 11 fxP I Ls. "sHf ' M H nivl'iiii'ii11111''! i If , . ' ''ii Tl!l4 i m mMk I'U ' i virii"i a jf l 1 Hv , m , "llh'iV V A I f I. I lull" . 1 1 "ni v:. 124 5f Houses. t v v v h v r THINK! Me 561I fully lnuieJf If not, call upon F. L. HTCHCOCK A Son, fIre insurance AGENTS, 5uil ami suf Connnoiuxciltli lliiltdlnir, SCIt.SXTO.V, PA. Only fiiyl'ttiM Loniiinlrs rtpicirtittd. I.lillnl iiftiiiitly idd. O.S.BLOSS"&Ve THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER. IT LEADS TH-M ILL. L. taOMMAR, llulldlng Contrnrtor. I.iiipliii uiilnn tiiFii, IMInnlos ihrerlully Rlirn Itciiiodi-dliiK- and iritilnir u rppeUlfv 3S6 WASHINGTON VI?. LACKAWANNA UNDERWEAR STORE X dl srll nil llicli simplei of llm- Impoilid M.uli it s.litrl lui nun aL i,-i. : wi'itli SI In sj..iil l.oll M.dil riKdi'srapliPi r FOf? SALE iu nr.iRt, md r, O.Ns of ill Uillila, nbo Iloicrp Mid UilU'llliK InK Ht I'.llK.iltn II0US ( MflM'll nnd OlIOOXII, p nt Clillilr, n's AiM-t. ALL DISEASES OF WOMEN. A plillltl III, Tii-ii-ili I, It.-" ni I, oinl tllnlip slnir Hums 1 tn i ..ii p in t'onoilliilioii In-i- 'l-lnnic sAe M. T. Kellers bul luminal hiiii.ji S"il.- HAVE YOUR WATCH FIXED RIGHT WE ARE SATISFIED WITH A SMALL PROFIT. BttRNHARD, jeweler. .W, LACK AW ANNA ASI.MII. EDWIN S, WILLIAMS, CONTRACTOR, BUILDER ROOM 26 COAL EXCHANGE, SCRANTON. PA. thc scranton umbrella Manufacturing Company , XSc carry tin- larj;i"t .-Ic I. of Linbu Mis. rat' .eoh and llindli.i; Mr Hbo ItKl-OVhIl imil'ielln und piiasnS ind make Hum up uUjh ai i'oi d ut neM and xu nantee out iik- ti I).- liixm- thin liny hnu-e m llju i Ity. Xc icpair all nm sioodj l"i one- j ear TltlX 01' CIIAItllt:. 313 SPRUCE STREET. xi iiIuki iliiU' and drab I ni lean. Hip bokiI. ... P ' UU Erect Form Style 702 Ibp e'liicil Xhdo .01 iinponcd lliimond i- d? j C( In 11. in while mil ill. ih pt-J" Elect Form Style 063 1)1 miporlcil I null) 1 nil gun-1. Inn cut. For mi ill, It I yC If ndii llnm .. . vH'J Erect Form Stylo 959 IXIPIIOVI l Of lino Plinth Coa ill In "Into and ill ih. 1'nll 1,1.1 1 .1 and 1.1.13 b"y (( ir ip.UU Eject Form Style 980 Ol osll 1 Ik IM IkiiiIi Coutil in wlnie and dial, and bl irk s,i,cii. lull (tT en -uicd and hli- ml . V'i'3w Elect Form Style 962 Oi iiiiprtikd 1 011III. I'nll cored Pli- cm. Tin mlly CO CO doiclopul figuiM . "P-6 JU If .iniii dtahi doc not tarn II. 1 iu in -link, mid In- uiiii' mil tin pilii .,f minM Jim d lir and we villi rnd 11 dlitct r? nr rGL S j'iSZ3 1 iiiii ' 377 Broadway, N. of Corsets in the World. Y. HiioiiKh tiatunlt." As bis ilioughi lipeiicd, he hluae-hed to lilt mln the Idea of a 'Veciut society of ugi leultuilsts, a.s an ulenie-nt to restoie kindly teri ings among the people " Thus x, is. begun ii movement lor o, gauUutlun that had lesulted, by 1ST -. In tip- loi matlon of over 2QM OrangeH in -S stales, eoiuiaislng 1101 le-sei than TIO.uuO uieiubftiH; and Iu lha jeur the National (Jrunge aa a lenie sentutlve body, xxas olllcially oigun Ixed, For four oi use .xems this im "M.nipled piospemv I'tmtiliiled, t'lell the lepoits show a leelili' of Xeak nt ss eieeplng in. "u tuit the it lis ii xvhole deellu. .1 Iu mini bet Ji and piestiye timing the. xvliola if llle decide lolloxs 'M'-' 1C0, t'le less' being niosi sulous Ii th .Sotitl, apt H'csi. Hut in ; Hiigla-nl nnd th .Middle .Stales I' tuned it .. and Indeed -jit-iv steadll.x. During Hie f u jeuis ih' i liu been a xsldc-siiici-l lesivai of mtries. In the oig.iul'4 iHuii, and the oullo-, Is eNieedlnglx piiiiiiifim,-. fHnu-e l'i thB meinbeishlp Inn in-i'iai'd no- le; i tliaii M-xomy-llse pe' .-u - s Yoi .v at present hits KSii tnluud'na'" i-taiir.n with IS.UUU iiieuib.iti; i'eninylsaulii. f.'fl uiiiniieh iiinl iii.oid nwiubeis, Maa." '.'ii ginugco ltli ."'i 'i in-inbi'ts, N' tiampshlie. .''jD maim and members: Michigan, li'O .riaugey ,m nearly W.ouo members-. These slatei lead, but the- older Is also actise aiv itlOllg In Veliiioni, l.'iillli'i-lieiit. Dill Masbaihllsetlb. Thlitv ..tints yv dues In the National iliange tcu;uir.x and iMcnt.x-tour xiie inet;t'nlid b ibleuiles at tin- lnt Natlminl lir.ue,' iftrv"rsrJ!HJJB ff' fjjr- ' ; i i