The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 01, 1901, Image 1

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J" .vr
two . (F:;
Secretary Gage Questioned Re-
oardlnu the Gasn rtccumnla-
fionfi In the Trea&iinj.
Jhe Reduction in Taxes Will. When
It Becomes Operative, Partially or
Wholly Cure the Present Tendency
Townuls a Congestion in the
II) l.wln.iu up (inm Hi.' A'i.oiIjic.1 I'm".
Washington, Mm eh SI. -Socictary
.iiifji viij questioned loiluy ns to his
ptobablo iicllon with respect tn tin
t-Ush accumulation.-. Id the ticiisury
hih! purtlculuity as In whether ho cm-
tcillpllltei llll.vllll! Ililljil for 111" xlnK-
ing fund.
"Tin1 I'liunii.x would Hid1 to know."
It wn.- i.iiitnl tu tin- solidary,
"whether tin- u- ciiiuululliiu of money
in (be ti n-.inv, uhli'li --ii-inv in In
k'Oillg oil, will lint operate to till' ptojll
dlce ill' gf nei . 1 business nil ii li -. Vmi"
i-stliiinte is that tiled' v. Ill I)!' .1 sur
plus of leci'lpls over evpeiidiunos tor
111- fl!iiil year ending Juno "it n-vt. of
iboili avi.f Vn'ii stnlcuit nt puh-i-lied
yc-tt rdny shows tliul sumo forty
.llilllons ol Slim itlieiiUy lias boon
i e.i !!... This would indicate tluit
within th'j ii".l three months forty
million- more ot onh would be gnth
Hi'l lulo tliu tio.'iMiry from the scn
einl money market."
The s-i i letniy "Thf estimates yon
-pi-iik ol were made be fori the last ses
sion of i mimes- ami have been modi
II. 'il by i vent ii nil liy congressional
iietlou. It i.- not now contemplated
tint the vent's sin phis will ho over
sl:;ty millions. A falling off In re
i it?, or Inrgtr lilur.i.mcnts thnn
have boon osthnu'ed Int. may also fur
lliT modi I y the i ii Tt to which you
Question: "Well, Mr. Soeiet.n-y, even
then It n'l in.-, thin tin- e.ish holdings
nf the ireiisiiry will bo Increased by
some teculy millions beiwoou now and
.In no ::a. Are you willing In state
whether yon would or eould do any
tiling lo rr-ieo sen-iiil affairs should
they be inhersely alfected by the llo
up of inoiicv In the treasury"?
Tin secretary: "There aio only two
me-Hod- open tu set surplus funds out
of the tien"iiry vaults. One is to in
eiense tioasiny deposits in n.itiontil
bunk depositories; the other is lo buy
t'nitcd Stat - bonds. The latter is
mure consistent with government in
terests than the former since in buy
ing bonds interest on the public debt Is
by so much stopped. The doiuriiuent,
howevi r, would not t'oel .lu-qilleil In
buying bonds other than those which
will mature and become subject to pay
ment within the not seven years. At
a propel pric it would no doubt he
willing to buy tin si- niul thus relieve
the triasiiry from a surplus which ns
you assume might under some condi
tions be pr .jiulitiul lo business
No Bonds Should Be Bought.
At the pre.-oril oimI rales lot the
hlnu't boiuN. I don't llilnl; the sei-relnry
would be justified m buylut,' bonds?.
The .Is at the pib lohl an imestinent
tetiiin of only! per icnt iho short
Is, I .til per cent.; the throe per cents
of i:n;. i.;;i per -. nt.. while the new
two per ""nt,-- .it their piesent price
yield .1 higher investment return, viz.:
1.715 per font. .Vow it is well Unowu
.'mil an noknow-leilKod ji-.( (Hut a loiiK
time f'overniiient bond. eeiytliiiiK' else
Viofii" oiiiai Is worth relatively mote
than a short time bond. Th present
ili.'tparlty to Iho contrary, is, tlieiefore.
llloKiwI If not ariKlelnl, .ttid nt tludr
present price the sectetary will not huy
Ouestlon"A.s an iiliernntlvo, would
ymt not incivnso thn deposit of puhllo
moneys with the hunks'.'"
The secretary "No, that would uk
Rrav.Ue In some ii.trllcuhus the Kltu
.ltloti to which J have just referred. To
iuulify ns deoosilories, Iho banks
would have to buy and deposit bonds.
The effect would he lo set up competi
tion by the aid of the i-'overnnieiit
,'UMlUSI the KOVeinmellt III tile pillchase
nt' the securities, already abuonnally
liiSher. We are now ihUiuii'Iiu; townrd
the jit'ilml of iho yi'iir when Hide is
apt to he a money p!othoj:i, histeinl nf
ft money siniclly. so I ilofri seu that il
will do any puiiloiilitT liiitiu If money
iteeuniulales in llie tre.iHiirj.
"The reduction In taxes w)H. w lieu it
Ij-ecomes upeiatlve, paitially or wholly
euro the pieseui lendcm y tow.uil ii
lonsohilou In t lie- tieiisiiiy.
"To put the mutter lu n nut-hell, if
It Uo a choice beiweei) hiiviiiji bonds
nt un artlilclai nrlco and leiiiiit; funds
ai.TU niu late In the lrensui. Um Inttep
will occur, nor will Hi.. . i.-ti t m-il mi-Vel-tlse
for olferliii-w of bonds, To do
bo 1 Hin satHllcd would li irultless In
niSllitli. If, llo.Vi'WI, the llep.lrlllKIIU
can from time to time bin the slmi I
bonds ut an investment lojn.zulil.' to
the Inventor who buys (lie ip-w iwuir
centt-, it will not liesftuU' iio so.
fcliould the piesent nuirkut pilceiortlie
ri? tw'us lunmlu lihutiL on did pu!int
Deserteis at Cape Coast Castle.
By Lutu.-hc Whe doin tin W.oiijtdl I'kj.
iC)8. 1'iOUl turn Cum.), Malt It lil.llirvi
iiidrfd inon oi i,n Hiiiui, ,i ,Wrli:.ri KSl
ircnt, irbu ilttcrtul at, nunlml annul
ii Cap? Cei.t sstle mu all lmiut l.a Um
i ii.n,il(J nlns i s u-ai i,ut Hit- iliM'tn will
loot tli tMi, 0i. liuiulrtj and tviiilj iiu.i(
it ie ditpattliil pom Aura In t ' ; fun
lle (J to niiis lit irtf.ll
leyds Tineatens Boycott.
B) l.Mlusht Wir Je;m Tlia Aoiite.l I'uh.
lainiloii, Aiil I. flic AmCflam toiirtpomieiit
i (lie Pally M.i 1 1 &!: -r. Iiul, ji,j ,ia , 01.
$ur )iiv n-nt i pihatf uotlbcatlou to Mr,
'UmbftUiu Mainlrif liitn ilmt a p.' vifttl icm.
tiuititm p( Cuivpnn aii.l Auuilc'n iiwitlunt.
iliuln In bnjiwlt trislbh isuvlt fjiUniallcjIt.-j
nltss liidrptrdciiic i ;untij to the llofr."
; Jfjlrt
Gives Expressions ns to His Views
on Cuba.
By KmIihIic Wire bom riic Asocialoil tic.
Oni.ilm, Xeb Mutch ill. OeniMitl
Fitxlitiirli, for the llrst time Mince
his rcllrenienl I'roin the tinny, has Riv
en expir.i'ylon to Ills views with d'Btird
to the future of rtibn. The occasion
wtis iho Imnnuet kIvcii Iu Ills honof nt
the Omaha club. Aflor referrliiK to
Ills ei'vico ns I'onsul fteneriil niul in
the at my In that Muml, lie said:
".Moie than over must then he un
exercWe of piitilotlsm lu Its lilfjllesL
sense by the citizens of the t'nltod
"The Philippines nr ours by treaty
and their fulute, so far ns this United
States ! concerned, should be duly de
termined by coiiKress nfter mid not be
fore tin armed resistance to the au
thority of the I'llltcd States has censed.
The splendid exploit of FutiHton throws
a brilliant light upon the eomlnit: palh
of pOiKO.
"Porto Itifo Is ours by ronrplept,
while (,'tiba lias Its status lKd by the
Teller resolution In the act declaring
war npnlnst Kpniu.
"t'ndei tluit resolution the ltilt'il
States disclaims any Intention of exer
clslntv soveieltjnly, Jurlsdlellon or con
trol over the Island of Cuba, except for
the p.icllleatlon theieof, and when
that Is ncconipllsli'd the Koverninent of
the Island should be turned over In Us
own people. That solemn tleel.nittion
Is blndhitr on our government and. In
my opinion, ulll he and should be ris
idly adh.M-'Hl lo.
"The expemlitiiie of ireasure niul
blood, the dead Anieilcan soldleis and
sailors, the seonniplllral location ol the
Island, the Inrse interests lpld by tie
Amerlcins. Spanish, KukiIsIi. Oerniun,
Ficneh and, Indeed, the Cubans tluni
st'lves, demand that the Island should
not only be pacllled but pu'iiiiuieiitly
paf llled."
Lieutenant Commander Jesse Minis
Roper Is Suffocated Twenty
two Officers and Men Ate
By livJn-e i" Wiir ruin "I ! A r.i j j t,l I'kh.
Wnshltiffton, Jlarch at. The nay de
partment, oaily this morning:, receiv
ed ji cablegram from Admiral Korney.
eonimander in chief of the Asiatic sta
tion, kIvIiik a brief account of a lire
in the snllroom of the puuhoat Potiel
and of the death of the cominaiidiilK
nllleer. Lieutenant Commander .lesso
M litis lloper, as a result of an heioie
effort to rescue the men below. The
disputch also shows that twenty-two
other oflieers and men were prostrated,
but. all are recovering.
Admiral Hemey's dispatch ! as fol
lows: (.wite, Starch SI, '.
l'ire ilfocri-il sail moin IMrel sevrn tiiif
inoiiiinir, Uop'T imiiniinliiis. Alter kuIiik omc
v.-cnt .-ipihi .istiin-r aihU'-. Atlempli-il rvrcniY
men bclnw. Ik- -uffot itcrl, (luil at T.l.'i. Tivon'.
iwo ollUirs nud inen cntlicly pruMiiitni. All
lceociiiiii-. Tiro out Ilini.i!;e imniaLr-rfal. sen'i
Kilcr. rrniain- l.y liult.ilo.
(Mitiifdl ISciiiry
The ilepartnient at once sent a tole
srram lo .Mr. II. r Fay, the brother-in-law
of .Lieutenant Commander Ho
lier, at 715 Monmouth street. l.otiKWood,
Maps., asking that he Inform Mrs,
Koper of the news. The tollowinff ex
pression of sympathy and appreciation
lh also made:
"Willi this sad news, the department
sends to A!r.. Koper. deep sympathy in
the preat loss she has sustained and
the highest appreciation of the gallant
ry and self-snrrillce with which Lieu
tenant Commander Itoper save his life
for his fellow men. It was a heioie
The deceased ofllcer was hoi a in MIs
soini and entered the naval set vice on
.lime L'3, IMi.. Jle was promoted to the
rank held by him at the time of his
death on -March i!, Iiyi), nnd ordered to
coiiimand the Petrel Nov. 1.1. 1M1'..
The Petrel was one f tlio vessels
under Admiral Dewey nt the battle of
Manila bay, when she was In clint-Re of
Lit utenanl Comniandf.-r B. P, Vood.
Tlia latter otllcer came homo shortly
after and Lieutenant Commander lio
per sin ceeiled him.
The llulfalo, on which the leninlns
will lie sent home, Is now used for the
Iransptiiliillon of tioops ami Is about
to l'oluin to the Fnlted States by way
of the .Meditteranean,
The English Premier Still Sulteilng
from Results of Influenza.
lb bit In-he Wite fimu 'llif i,ocljlPd l'i
Loiuloii, Apill 1,--The folloivlui; liul
lelin ri-surdluB' the condition f dm
piviiih r was Ihsued lust vveiilm;:
Loid Sulisbtiry was at linked with
liilluctu.i, March W. The Illness hit
inn the normal course and has been by Hi" usual prostration, The
tuiiiK-raluie, however, has been almost
normal lor the last I wo thijs and his
lottlshlp'i stretiKlh bus Iniptnved with
hieieaboil power to taking rood. It Is
hoped that lie will be able shortly to
Km, iu ihaiifre to the south, which ho
li.ul been eouleinptatlub at the tlm
of the attack.
Douslns Powoll,
II. U, Walker,
ill. liio,iilos today
of laud Salisbury
Loudon. M .il Il
nt the tsitience
..llclted the tnt'onnatlon thai ho was
"Bolllntr on well and was uuicli
Wage Inctease at Youngstowu.
)y Krli-hr Wbf liom Ine AitmLUil IVei
iuii;tui,ii, O,, JLith .;!. Thfi Wa-t liifiuve
opiutoi, o the Jljlionlnv' illey line i.-icjitl
bi Hit Ifiamuli u: Hi'; iiuiiko norkt-n by sunt.
Int.' tlieiu (liu hivirast ot 20 iriiti. pr thy alnd
Li. 'I lie im-.i wjul'l luio j,-oir on u ulUc at 0
u'llocl; t(iniuiiov i,ioiniiii' tin opiraton lnd
iilu.i-il Pi ileiiMnti,
Tiouble at Baiceloua,
By Ktiliuht Wirj liom The AKciatfl Pmh.
IlirtfU'iu, Jlarch St. 'twenty tliouwml psuoin
P4iticliit('. bne lotlay in an demon,
uliadt'ii In tin Plii Did loro. A lJige rioatl
mn.;d tlw .It'.tuil (vlltttt. Klnlly h pcll.-o
ilijotrd ard dlpfraei U dtawiMtratorr, In
Jmlni tcnl.
The Once Thrivinrr' French Gltu Is
Gomoletelu Pe'raluzed bu a
Lona Season ot Idleness.
The Masters Dfie to Discuss tho
Mutter Which the Strikeis Con
sider the Ciuc! i Point in he Dis
pute QuantitWs of Goods Rotting
on the Docks An Iudu&Uial Ll
of 25,000,01") Ftnncs Comine'f'n
at a Stnnth'ti.! '
lly i:ilu-it' W.'e i on
P.lils, Mm eli
llif .-"( l'i.
I. The hpposltloty
newspapers assei l thai the ludifpohi
tlon of M. Valdei:h-Uosseiiii, tlu- pi.
ntler. Is illnlnnml le. with a view im
' rivoiilbif. nee.iiniui iivtmr Pi ,.sideil f.u...
bet to Toulon April 10. The theon i- i
tliul the iitctiiler. nwiiiK' to the j.,0v
linitv of Minsellles to Toulon, fe;.1'). ibe ,
Miusellles stilliors. who are liio.i-
at the dil'usul of Hit1 Kovernmei j ,
Mlppoit them iu the it cent M ,,
mU;ht oiwinliio a hostile demons, ,
lion, either in Toulon or at. some toim
alons the route.
Meanwhib' the situation has nru been
eliatiKt'd as a lesult of the o.nnf-i.'nce
lietwften the pieinler nnd music to
iIjv. The masleiM persist in the i re
tusal ti dlseiifs a day of elfiht b-iurs.
which has all alone been reRnulcri i-e
the stiikers as the i.ruelnl point in tiei
In spite of the incieusiiiR nuinlxr of
flee (lockers now working', qiiae'iti
of perishable sroods lie rottlnrc n thf
dfichs. Twenty-one sKarneis are
awaitlnK tllscharRO.
The Reneral strike, -while il lasted,
and the continual suspension of mo-.t
tlcck woik. hod an enonuus Iniury to
the commerce and indiii'tiy of Mnr
sellles. The losses.
The caleulalions show an industilal
loss of some 23,000,000 francs, while the
men have lost moi than
fianes in wages.
A curiou. illustration of the bittur
lli ss wlileli the stiike has onRontlered
Ivtweeii the men and I he masters Is
seen in the fact that the strikers in
strutted their delegates to ;ivf; for
mal notification to the minister of
lratulK in the ll seed trade, ptiinthi,
out the oil seeds were Imported iu h.iK.t
which the custom house olllclals have
not been In the habit of opening-, with
the result that articles nthject to
a much higher import duty are suiuk
gled in the hags.
The commerce of Marseilles is for the
time being- almost at a complete stand
still. Foodstuffs, whlth ine largely im
ported, .'lie now scanc. The pi Ices of
sugar, coffee, Hour and other neeessary
artieles have doubled. V number of
fuetnjlps have been obliged to close.
These conditions, added lo the serious
damage clone by the tloodf; and halls,
have thrown the entire population into
deep misery. Tho storekeepers and
merchants intend to appeal to the gov
ernment to remit tho taxes for the flrsl
three months of the year.
At strike meetings held last evening
and attended by about .1,000 dockers
ami eoal heavers, It was decided lo
continue the strike null! the masters
concede an eight-hour day.
At a later meeting some U0 dock
foil men. who had not hitherto inliicd
the strike, decided to refuse to con
tinue lo work with ili 1mm o vised
dock hands until the demands of the
striker. were conceded. This will pnia
lyze dock work, as Inexperienced laboi-ei-s
cannot woik without, foremen.
The strikers' union has promised to
support tho foremen against any enn-seciuonco.-!
of their fiction when woik Is
Largest One on the Banks of the
Hudson Consumed by Fire.
By Kxi lu-hp Wini from "1 Iio Aaiidtnl 1'nn,
New Toik, March ill. The n,v
that the walls had to be pulled down,
near Vnnkers, was burned early to
day. Th" building was to have been
i ufl.v for o eupanoy on May I nud pnrt
of the fiirnlshlim-s hail been put In.
The cost of the .structure and luinlsh
Ings was Si.lOuw and the building- was
so thoioughly daniiigtd bv iho (he
lletulrlc Hudson hulc-l nt Pail; Kill,
There Is said to bo ample lusiiianee lo
cover tin loss,
Thr building Is aM In 1i-i, been til"
IfUftesl lioli'l on Ihe Hudson ind sionrl
on- th top of a hill Sin f, et above the
water, ft was of stone and In It I; nnd
had been lavishly dec-mated.
John O'Donnell, a Victim of Flumes.
Dan Sullivan Seveiely Injured,
fly littlcalvf Win lutii Tlie W bint l'ri'
Wilkes. Harrf. Mnieh ill. lly the up.
filing of u I. imp hi the boarding house
til' John Cioiiinn, at iieorgetown, a.
Milan h of tills, city, ,i l o'clock this
niornlne, ill's house was set on tire.
The hoaiders all sucieeilvd lu making
their escapes with the exception of
John O'nonnoll, aged in. who wan
burned to dentil, and U.iu sSulllvau,
who received hums on the face and
upper portion of tin- iwl icnlch may
result fatiilb
Distinct Shocks Felt iu Odessa, Rome,
Padua and Florence.
By hMliube Mire Irian Ihe A(rljtfil fum,
Odessa, March iSl.Thls city expeil-(nc-ed
toduy u distinct slusinlc tllslin-li-ance.
Home, April 1. .V alljht einth'iuuke
shock was felt yesterday In Henevoto.
About the same time seismic Instru
ments showed signs of dlsttii'iianen In
Knnio, Padua, rinifiicr ainl Catania,
Coming- Session to Be One of Un
usual Importance
tit I'liliiMir Win finut 'flic AtstitUInd Prft.'
I'hllailelphla, March ill. The sev
enth annual nn-etlng of the Nnlloniil
Munlclptil Leagite and the ninth con
ference for good elly government will
ho held at Hochesler. X. Y.. on May .
! and 10. Tlih: year's sessltn will be ol
more than usual importance, not only
alunu for the suhjeets that will come
uji for discussion, hid for the promi
nence of the gentlemen who will par
ticipate. A subject of Impoitnnee'w'lll
he the report of the committee on uni
form municipal accounting. The re-"
port will be presented by Kilwnnl"'i
Hartwell, city statistician of Huston.
The subject will he discussed hy Prof.
.1. V. .Tenlia, of t'ornell. who will speak
on the conditions of accoiirif'.'
Ine nnd slathttei as they exist In
America' Hr. K. w. Ileinli as they are
lu Croat Ihltalu, and Dr. John A. Fnlr
ble as Ihej are In Clonllnelilid Kuropo.
Set'retui.v i 'Union lingers Woodruff,
of this city, s-ociotaiy of the league,
will prcent a repoit on "A Ye.u's
Municipal Activities." and President
Thomas M. lioun, of Lehigh t'nlver-ll-.
will piesent a lepoifon "tnstrue
tlnn In Oovemment In
Anieilcan Kdueatioiuil lnslltutloiis,"
Among olheis who will piesent im
pels or ilellvei addresses are: P. L
Fulton, ol Allegheny, lion. John Mc
Vienr. ol' U -s Moines: Charles II.
I Spohr. asi-oelale editor of the Outlook.
New Yolk: Pi of John H. Flnley. of
Pilucolon: J. M lloislmanii. of Meblb'-
burg, tieimany: t'harles li. Monioe, of
WI-t:oiisn: J. S. MeLiiln. of .Mlnneapo-II-.
1C. Kul Inn Cutting-, of New York;
Stair lleyt and William Itltchle, of
J Chit ago: Charles Xogle. of St. Louis:
.liiliii f. Moot., oi tuition; . a. noiui
l.aite. of H-illimore' W. AY. Howe, of
New fit leans, and fleibeil 1!, Ames, of
Mom i onl.
General Wheaton Promoted to Be
Major General, and Colonel Jacob
Smith a Brigndier.
fit i;iln-ie Wo" freiri 'llic oiinl'tl Pw.
Washington, Maich 111, The folloiv
ins Impiirtani army appointments were
announced a l the while house, tonight:
To be major general Pulled States
army, liiigadlor (JeiiPial Lloyd Whea
ton, vict Miles, promoted lieutenant
To he biigndier gtvieiais In the regu
lar nnnv. f'oloml Jueob II. Snii-.h,
Seventeenth Pulled Stales Infantry,
brigadier genera! volunteers, vice Dag
gett, retired: Hrigadler General Fred
erick Kunston, Pnitecl States volun
teers, vice Wheaton. promoted.
The annouiicenieiU of these appolnt
mont!' was made after a conference be
tween the president. Secretary Root
ami Adjutant Oeaeral Corbin.
The chief Interest centered in the
selection of General Kunston after his
gallant exploit In captuiing Agulnaldo.
Following the announcement, General
Coibln sent the following lo General
W.i-Jiinition, Jl.iieli ID.
Te M.u iI1-im. Manila:
Tie lolliiuing .ii'.Miilinu;t-i nuilo: WIipjioii,
iiujtn ?mi.d; Sioilii .mil riinaon, (r Ig.itlicr
;niiml-. srtutio.v ci w.u join1, mi in con-
Vtiit"l.tlon-. lo .ill. Coibiti
As to Aguintildo iheie weie no new
developments today concerning bis
case. The situation in the Philippines
Is of such a nature that II is consld
eicd probable that lO.oiill men will be
all that will be needed In the islands.
While no decision will be leaehrd at
present in legard to Ihe matter It Is
legal tied as pi aha hie that not mora
than 70,000 men will he enlisted for tho
regular army, instead of the tOO.ono au
thorized by consres,
Lahoriiifj; Men at Trenton Will Fight
for Eight Hours.
lit I m i Mire fii.iu 'III" AxnriKcil l'n.
Trenton, X, J., March ill. A g'eneinl
strike ol all the men belonging to the
different trades unions tu Tninton Is
expected to bo inauguialcd hero to
nun row. The men are striking for un
eight-hour day at the same wages they
have heivtofon! been lecelvlng for a
nlliu-hoilr day. The inoti gave notice
some time ago that thpy would ask to
have a change go into effect' April t.
The iiinstter masons and other bullil-
is have decided to deny the men'.s de
mand. The men held meetings last
night ami Unlay, and have decided lo
go oni on sirlid) tomorrow morning.
A limit Mil) to l.Ooti men are concerned,
j,i l.i. In. iin Wat lit.ui Hit V-, ulrd Hi..
Vo Soil,, MjiiIi 11, -Sell (illnioie, fomiflly
nip-flntiii'li'iit nt ible IihIiiii llmi n lu; itt'Uit
nt Nw lull, niul nia-tu.ii '! tin' t'liittvl Sljlrt
I md nllUe .tt lli.iiuiiik, N. p , .Imini, l',
Miiil"if 'idniliibli illoii, tllftl ol vjluilur ilfoa.s
i Ii, It.ul nt lil- hum- u. IUIMuu, V. 'I.. I"
ii.i. l'nll.fl'l.t.n. Math .11 -"S'.uht-" WilllJiii Mr
Mnlt-i, i IMii.o 1. tit pollliolni who n .s
f.n iiimo llun fnilv .tutm lei .in Ininri-t(i4
i ',nl j( It' In IliU file Ana !( natur- lus l i.nnlliar in iiriiv ftcltciii. nf Up tuiintiy
inililii ll:i la. I tlii ce ilct.iti(-, dinl ltlit limit
I'niiiplli-allcn ol iIIm.imi, lit I "V jf art. nf Ja,
b .nud in bvlli I In- IbnltJii niul Chi!
l'liilultliliii, Jlil'li ill.--.Itmph Vcili'I, .in t.
men'ltii' ei Uif Icd-laimo and .i ivjI ot.t(p iv
M.t.r w. ilil. tilt, wu inuml tlf..d at hi. liom.
t'lli.i.'i u tint' lo lif.Ht til-riiv. Mi.
ukil, win) mvi W jfinv if aia, to 4 Hum
lit l Hi" tu li-u-c ei nprerciitithm tunu
JT"i tu 157i.
I'jiI-. Aidl I. - Vib' llcitiiu, tuif ol tlo
li.lilliie cli.b I' ot t. M.n-,1 Mi?il3li-n, litftl ,M'
It) l.ulume U'lie from Tltc 'Ot.l(ilvil riJ.
sat. .Uuii. I'. It., Manli hl.-'llic NtntU AtUiitn
.ij'l.idinll. IttJI Atlinii.d r.iliulur oiiini.iliilinv,
jiihel ofl S.1H Jum Un evtiilnir. lira l'uill
huu.i ipulnl suviir tn,cl 1'iicj., Chief l!"Jt.
.it.iin .1, t', Mib.nililbi. ildheinl the null,
rfiitl II c Miujiiuiii Ijv lu all iilht, pioitftlln: lo.
il.iy lor (iihbm l-lind., whfrc onbo. art" ii-pnn-il
by i'jrrpilui dlirdlnu: Dip miu-l-
It'll in 1(0 bi I 'IK 111 1.111 tvjuu
Goloiini Mosbu Bcl'fives That the
South Will In Tlire B RIcliBr
Than the North.
The Former Confcd8rftte Haider Who
Believes That bery Wft Wrong
Now Ha Faitr Future of
the Negio Bid-m01 Likely to
Become the Bu nking Onter of the
Country -The "Bolid South" Be
longs to the T"l.tical Post.
IV IWiiiu Wm roil "I lie Auoclsttd I'kii.
New Yoik, M ircli 31. In its I'otth
oomliiK Issue, I,fiUe's Weekly will pi hit.
it paper hy IT il'Uiel John S. Mosby,
Ihe fHinotis Cfiiif ilernte raider, on the
"Dawn of fie l!al South," In which
be says; .
"Tin- id l j,iuth Is just a Its birth,
Th Kt'owtb -r this child of the tui
tion ttitt.s be ki Ktual, but iii tha end
the south vvi-1 Le far ilcher and moit!
powerful tb,,u the norlh. In the days
to come i In sou-Ii will Income ilu. dimi
Innnt sn Hon ' the country. Without
the wai of' vePhsiou the south count
lave never booed lo attain the tutmo
thai Is iuiu .'-rtu'it. Slaveiy wis a
groat Ineiihu. paralyzing- national
energy. IJy n,.ollshlng this wrong our
war bon.-titU'f' every stale south i the
Mason ami. lhxon lino. The negroes
are pro.i i ing more, as freemen, than
they o' (5 d is slaves: and the great
mi:s.3 ,-if iie people are va'l l.tte:
otf today than they weie under tin.
old anle-benur.i.ysteui.
'Soc'ally. as well as industrially, tl..
abolition of slavery was highly lien -I'.eial
in lis r 'suits lo the rr,r.::ses. tcr
sruvery was n great wtong a;itl no .-oiii-inunlty
can exist In the highest stale
of happiness when its system is based
on a wrong.
"These are the soundest reasons for
asserting that the negroes' status is
bound to Improve. While they are not
as near to ef'iialli,' with white people
ns they were under the system of slav
ery they are ceitaln to bo absorbed by
Immigration, and iu this engulfnient
they will disappear.. This is the natu
ral and wisest solution of what we now
call the 'rt'vi ptoblem.'
Future of Richmond.
"Richmond Is the city most likely
to becopie, hi time, tho hanking centre
and commercial headquarters of this
country and therefore of the world.
The days of that famous old city as a
political capital ate past, hut Its el
isor as the central point of manufac
luio for the whole south and from
there for ill" world nt large is just, be
ginning. "While great forces have been work
ing for the change. Industrially espe
cially, the political change is hardly
less marked. Tt Is well nigh folly to
day to speak of the 'solid south." That,
by this way. was a phrase of iny own
invention. When Hayes became the
Republican candidate for piesldent. I
urged, In a l"ttei f August. IS76) that
It was better for some southern men
lo support him because. If he were
elected his administration must neces
sarily rest on whatever supported it.
It was better for the southern people
to divide between the pailles so that
no matter which side won, there would
b? men friendly to southern people who
would control its southern policy. This
contention is fully readied today and
fne 'solid south' belongs wholly id the
political past."
Will Be Ratified Between China and
Russia This Month.
lly I'Mln-lvit Wire bum Tim A.H.Mlnl I'nw
Umilnn. April l,--"Tlieie ia lenson lo
believe," says the St. PeteishuiKr enr
loHpondent nf Illegally Mail, "that the
Manohurlan convention between Rus
sia, anil China will bo rutlued lu April."
The Yokohama correspondent of the
Dally .Mall, who records various indi
c'litlout of preparations for war on tho
pait of Japan, says: "Interviews havo
appeared with prominent stutesmeii,
all 'breathing Ihe w-ur spirit and ex.
pressing the general opinion that It is
Impossible to allow Russia a t'rt-o hand
lu Manchuria, 'rills' Is the gravest cilsts
iu the point of view of Japan since her
war with China."
The King of Arabia and Sheiks of
of Kowet Have Tiouule.
II) i:cludr Who Hum lli ,.." iatotl lir.
t'outuntinoplu, Mm eh :s I. --Purl her
lighting' If reported to have occuried
In the .S't-Jtl district of Aiabla, between
the Sheiks fit Kowel, fill the I'etslai)
gulf, and lllii ihislild, Ihe self-styled
"king of Aiabiu."
The river .Murlua has owitlowed
and caused disastrous Hoods hi thn
province of Adrinnuoplo. I'Jlghl vil
lages and twenty mills have been ie
sttoyeil, and It Is believed tluit sosvnil
es have been hut.
A stiong eatlbiiliike shoe), n felt
lieu today.
James Anwyl Dead,
By UMiiu-h Whe rom 'Ibe Swcjutid I'u-n
WilletolUirv, Milili il - Jaii.i Vtiw!. . (Il -
-nt, l tltW tilt, not li'iimi nt lad t, lifit
di,fjo lid. i.iofiilns, jurd JI. IU j uiiL m
tit- U-st hi'.otwi Wcl.iii inntr lu Ilu. .eilicii ot
die l-tt, Uo tool. iu ait V.'e'sii cj.iedilinil.
el' uli.'i' rl lie. i .ti") " dio nit lend l i-tc-J I lifld .it Atlamii I'ln l.ol iniiiiiri n n
eid ( lizrr.
Bulgaiians Invade Macedonia.
U. Wfuiir Wiio irmu I'lu VmucMKil l'n.
C oiuu utlnoilc Mjr.-ii II.- ibln' tic id J
b:nU4 uy tlut biml of l.lj ti IWItJiu
cifle-iM'iei lo Iiivjo MjCfilonlj PJiim.ibili
MjiiIi iT niul r-iine bill) to'iiltil vtiili lie l)iu
muu lrieb.. l,n .-I Hit' llul;.nhl' urn KPI'u
Kill) llif ellifl, Ib-il
Weather Indlctllont 1'nday:
CfntrilMtnlK hi Scnwtiou.
P'crvlaty Cagf ThIkI of tli Stnpbi..
Coloiirf Vftsby anil tho etv Hoiilb.
Kffert of I he Slilke in MiMflllt
ItHiend Call indite llfpirMitrlll,
Lcrilltcortfiiiihltlnii of thf r.ltr (iinmtitn(.
,'nt niul Otninent
.1 I.OP11- Itf v. Ii. C.
r. llnbbittm on lite
VfliiRhuti um.
Jlttitlon ot Soiiii Mill of Hi' Himii
B t.ceal W'rft Sitiintoii ami Subiidun.
7 flfiiirrul N'oithp-dciii I'cniijjb.inlj.
'flic SlatkrlP,
S liocitl lihe Xttt ul tin- I11d11.sui.1l Hut lil.
1'ortr.ili 11! lion. Alfieil tl.Miti llunc in
Tonrt Horn.
The Rusnian Nobleman Speaks Be
fore an Exithuslnstic Audience
in New York City.
lly i:tlu.itp iVhi- from 'II, ,, i.ile.l IVcm
New V01 It, Match 11. Print e ICrap
otliln, 11 member of the reigning family
of Uussifi, from which country he is an
exile, owing to his advocacy of social
ist doctrines, and who has coin" U lids
country in behalf of Russia's oppress,
ed. lectin oil Ion large and enthusiastic
audience at the (iriinu" Cent ml Palace
this evening. Ills subject was anarch
ism: its philosophy nnd Ideal. Prlne
iCrapolhiu contended thai the philoso
phy of the twentieth century would be
the philosophy of umiifhlsm and Ihe
prevailing tendency nf the greatest
movtneuts of this century would dif
fer radically ft 0111 those of the curly
part of the last inn years when nearly
all movements were toward an increase
in the power of slate. The inereris.- of
power on the part of the Individual and
the masses, he declared, was the most
needful thing for the lelief of the la
boring classes.
"We have on all spies nf us." he
s-aid, "beautiful cities, and mugiiltleent
palaces and specimens of nielillecttire,
that have h'-en rrenU'd through the
labor of the musses, yet they hnve no
part In their enjoyment. One bundled
years ago a lifetime was needed in
which to amass even moderate wealth,
now human genius has made possible a
system of pi eduction that permits the
amassing of enormous fortunes in a
length r.t !!rae so -tiiort a1 not In have
been dreamed of. even at th. begin
ning nf the last century."
"liy -what right," tho speaker in
(.mired, "did any man presume to say
that he owned this line of railroad and
that enormous manufacturing Indus
try, and through such ownership was
worth a specific sum? The masses, the
laboring class, eieated the values of
the properties, and yet owned no part
of them. Those who have by th.'lr
efforts, their application and the use of
their intellects, been the means of cre
ating these prop-iities are in icality
persecuted by those to whom tlfe laws
of the state prant titles of ownership,"
A Suspicion That the Empeior Was
Also Shot at When Hit by a
Piece of Iron.
By Kdith Wiie from flin Aoc1(n) i'ftfu
Kerlhi. March .11. There is the high
est authority for the statement that
the Investigation Into the causes of the
n thick 011 Kmperor William hy Diet
rich Wleland In Ihemen has not yet
been ((included, but Is still being vig
orously pushed. The imperial court at
I.eipslc, which alone can try cases of
high treason, has sent two olllclals lo
r.ivmen to assist in the Investigation,
which Is now directed chlelly with a
view to clearing up llnee points not
yet explained, namely, what foinpany
Wleland tegularly freciunnieil before
the attempt, whether he received or
ders from plotters, partlculaily an
archists, socialists or anglophobes, to
carry out Ihe crime, also what hns
become of the suspicious individual.
who were seen near him Just before II
was uiiidii 11 ml wluil weapon was used
hy Wleland.
Kvlduucit tending 10 lluow light upon
these points has beep accumulated, hut
it Is too slight to tlud an indictment. It
Is believed Wleland actually llneiv a
piece of iron, as wa at Ihst alleg.d,
or some one ilred a shot from an air
iiiln Is still uiiuuswo.ed lo the satisfac
tion of the auchurillo)..
I'hupfror William Inclines to lib' air
rllle theory. Ills phyHlclaus Inclln- lo
the belief that a piece of Iron was
thrown. The eiiipeior Is also convinced
I hat Wleland was a tool, and lu (his
coiiNlctlon he I sustained lv his en
Airnngements for the Ceremonies
Attending' the Unveiling.
It., bvlml't Mae how I lie "iiultil 1'rn.f
IVatjhliigioii. .M.iKh :tl,---Ari'uiigf;
llltillttt 1'or ihe coieiuollles attending the
unveiling uf tliu Matiu of (leiicral John
A. r.ofan in clivle, April !, have
been completed b Colonel Theodore
A. Hlngliani. superintendent of puhllo
buildings niul giuuiaK. Chi account of
ihe ft w retftihir (loops available lor
use In contbruttun wltli the unveiling
r-i-i oiiioiilofr. only a piovisloual regiment
of ihe District National guard?, under
C'IoiimI M. Kniiiirll Ciell; a llshl hat
itry of artllleiy an I two companies of
1. 1111 hies will participate. Colonel linen,
titer will be In coiiumind of thn mill
lury. Muuy vol cian nisunUatlon. t 111 lake
part u the eeienioute, ami II Is ex
peetcd delegations will be present from
the "och'ty of the Aiuiy of the "tn-U'-ssce,
the Arm;' of the Cumbetland
an 1 th" l.nyal l.eplon
Frauds Said to Have Been Dis
covered in the Gomniitaartj
Although the Investigation Hart
Scarcely Begun, Thousand of
Sacks of Flour and Other Govern
ment Supplies Have Been Found
iu the Hands of Unauthorized Per
sons New Scandals Are Develop
ing Daily.
By KtrliiMii' Wirt finin 1 he .WorUled I'imi.
Manila, March 31.- Interest in tho'
capture and fate of Agulnaldo is well
night overshadowed in 'Manila by sen
sational developments present and
prospective, of frauds In the commix
ary deprtnienl. How widely these
extend litis not vet been ascertained,
but enough Is already known to Justify
the belief that they are far-reaclilng.
t'aptaiu Frederick .1. Harrows, ot tliu
Thirtieth volunteer Infantry, quarter
master of the department of Southern -I.1170H,
together with seven commis
sary sergeants, several civilian clerks,,
a prominent government contractor,
the assistant manager of the Hotel
Orlenle. the proprietors of three of the
largest bakeries In Manila, a number
of .storekeepers and other peraons, have
boon arrested.
The investigation has scaicely begun,
but tlioiis.iiidr of sacks of flour, a
quantity of bacon and wagon loads or
other goods, all bearing government
marks, have been found In the pos
session of unauthorized persons.
It is alleged that the contractor in
question, wiio has been doing- a. busi
ness appioxlmnlliig tlOO.flOu per month,
has spent huge sums In entertaining
A prominent commissary officer Is
accused of lending a scandalously im
moral life. It is asserted that largo
quantities of stoics have been lost or
stolen in transit, and also that then
is a shoi lage in the commissary de
pot. New Scandals Dally.
Now j-caiidalu are dovr'tjphiff. daily.
Illicit transactions have been traced. t
hack to June. 1900, and 't is possible
that there an; others of earlier date.
The exorbitant tariff on provision-!,.,
makes suiroptitlous sale of ronimls-J
saiy supplies Immensely profitable.
It is undei stood that other United
States office! a may be arrested. ,Iiieu-
tenant Philip IC. Sweet, of tho .Fony
sixth volunteer infantry, is, prosecuting
the investigation, iindyv-tWe direction
of Colonel Wilder, chief or police.
Agulnaldo continue:- to express him
self as pleased with and impressed hy
the courteous treatment accorded him
hy General MaeArthur. "I am a priso
ner," said he today, "hut Iain treated
like a guest."
Washington. Match ;:i. It was said
at both the while house and war de
part nient tonight that absolutely noth
ing had been received by the govern
ment ic.g-ardlng the alleged uneni thing
of ciooked work on the pari of the
army tiuartennasteis and others iu I.u
isou "and th" arrest of a number of pet
sous in anil about the army lor steal
ing properly of the government or re
ceiving stolen government property
Genoial Corbin said, fiirthermoiv, thai,
the government bad no intimation of
any sort that such developments mlglii
be expected, lie was Inclined, for thin
reason, to think the frauds again' t tin
government could baldly ho so serious
as teported, though admitting ibis
ooinlon was basCil wholly mi the lack
of adices fiom the government. Cap-i
tain Ranows, ho said, was not ,w-'J
regular quaricriuuster for soutierii.'J
Luzon, and must, have been sicllM
quartermaster there at the time of tl"
Burns Herself to Death with C'
Bv l;vi'luie Uiic .10111 'I lie Avsnialct p,f?
Hyincuse, March .11. A special lo the
I'osl-Standard from Canastota, says
Las. I night William Welch and hi
wile .Mary quarreled. This noon the
woman, brooding over her trouble, sni
uiateil her clothes with coul oil, and
going out of Ihe house to avoid settlmr
lire to it, applied 11 match to her dress
IViopIo i tuning from church dlscovere 1
her burned almost beyond recognition,
but still conscious. They carried her
to the house, 'hut physicians eould do
nulliing, Neighbors then gathered at.
the bedside and sang hymns until Mm.
Welch died. Although Iho flesh was
burned fiom her face, she feebly Jolnee
in the singing until sln lost emmctou
liess. ,
Steamship Ai rivals.
Uy r.-i-ihni.-t Wlru liom 1 In- .U.ocUled Pun.
Ni , Vmi., M.-nli ;i. nhfdl 1.1 Uifhifiiie,
lemi lli.tb-iil.tiii. Itiil11nl.ini uml Hon
Injnei ItuUuiii, II unburn: and lloiilogiir, lhm. N
Ihi.-S -lulled! f'i.1.11 Vil"rce, Now Vorfc vi
ritnoiHi ji.'I riioibi.iiii'. hoiilliimptoii Arrher
IvfialiiBtiin, NVtv Von- an Antttt-ipj llidito4,
ii"i- Vmi.' icr Iiu'iikh (.nitJ I'll a procfciMd)
sdh-il: Wfnidiilil'd flioiil Aiitnorp), ytv Vorf,
t-.e Vurl,
fiu (I10111 Uvcrpool),
Seventeen Cases of Plague.
P) l.xclumc Wlie fruiu 'l. AtsoiUtrd Prci
C'jpe '(onii. MjiiIi ;i.smciiti'fii flesh ca
of the buboiib pliuiir. I0.11 Ktnoprin ami lhlr
(ceil uoloitstl, wen- i if" Ijll.v lepormJ lodiy,
'-- -('
watliingion. Mi lib l.Krcl for
4 1 11. li-lli IVi.i'..iti.iniai 1"jU- Moii'lay; 4-
4 In 1,1. in Mull
4 nbitb, Tiusljt I til
. I -