The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 30, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Offered Them Money and Candy to
Accompany Him Cniriagc Riding.
Mine Workers Holding Special
Meetings Story of Sheldon's "In
His Steps" What Has Become of
the Vinduct Rev. MUmnn's Fare
well Sermon Funcinl Announce
ments Notes and Personals.
IteiMd-t Ii.ik been made fnmi ilio l'lf
fcentli ward thnt a fttiinger has 'boon
lurking uround No. 32 frohonl luuuso fop
wveral day, endeavoring to entice
little girls to accompany lilm enrilago
tiding. HIh method Is to offer tlim
pcnnle.H and candy, hut l'ortuiiati'ly
nono ol' tho children havo been enticed
It Is also Mild the Minhger hud
made Inquiries nboul .1 certain rhlld,
Jut this statement oould lint bo veil
lied. Somo of tho ihllrtioti reported tho
matter to their purentu anil the tench
rrn were Informed, but up to night
the police know not lilujr of tho uffolr.
Rev. MUlman's Farewell.
new Frank J., who for the
past fifteen months has ben In charge
of the woik at the Sumner Avenue
Presbyterian church, will pleach Ills
farewell fccrmon to that congregation
tomorrow evening. On Monday lie will
begin IiIh woik u pastor of the Second
3'rosbyttTloii church of I'oltsvllle.
During llev. MIIiiiuii'h connection
with tho Sumner Avi'nuu rmn-ch, ho
has been InKtiumental In liquidating
the debt which overshadowed It and
Micceeded in bringing many muIs to
1 ho Master.
A large number of the church and
congregation tendeied lilm a farewell
teeoptlon lat evening at the homo oC
Mrs. Klnh Vetera, on North llobcooa.
rivenue. The evening was onjoyubly
spent In gamed and other diversions
Incidental to gathering's of that natiin
and at a seaMrtiablo hour refreshments
were served.
Mine Workers' Meetings.
The- Mt. Pleasant, llelleviic and Dia
mond locals of the United Mine Work
ers of America, held special meeting
in their respective halls lust evening
to take some dellnlte action ivlatho to
the suspension of Samuel Morgan.
A movement had been started to ob-
I II Dill! 1 HiS
II I MR i I ftk...
Tomorrow we will place on sale the
second portion of the stock injured by
water through the recent fire at Williams
& McAnulty's carpet store.
In many instances little or no dam
age appears on the goods after they have
been cleaned and dried. That makes no
difference in the prices, however. The
fire insurance companies treated us liber
ally, and as the present sale is simply an
unpleasant interruption in our regular
spring trade, we desire to wind the whole
thing up within the next three days and
be done with it for good, so that we may
be ready for the rush of the Easter trade
next week.
The Bargains Are Startling
But the loss is not ours. The fire insurauce com
panies have 3tood for it.
Among the goods offered at sacrifice prices today and
Saturday are:
Several Hundred Fashionable Umbrellas,
Black and Fancy Dress Goods.
Silks, Notions, Laces,
Corsets, Embroideries and Trimmings, Gloves,
Domestics, Men's Furnishings, Draperies,
Outing Flannels, (this seasou's patterns),
Hisses' Ladies's and Children's Coats,
Crash Skirts, Ladies' Wrappers,
Children's Wool Dresses, Etc., Etc.
I Not whole stocks, remember, but simply the limited
Jporlions of stocks damaged by water aud settled for by the
'insurance companies,
The second portion of the damaged goods ou 3ale this
raorniug from 8 o'clock.
Globe Warehouse
tain the consent of live locals lo rail a
district convention, lull It Is tinder
stood that this proposition fell thiutigh.
Sheldon's "In His Step."
At the Jackson .Street Uaptlot 1 huivli
tomoirow evening the subject an
nounced was "Job's Life," 'but the pas
tor will give Instead the story 01 Shel
don's "In Ills Steps."
The story will be beautifully Illus
trated with forty-two coloied views,
and the subject will be- Interesting to
nil, as the 'book Is veiy familial.
Jackson Stieet Chinch Notes.
The choir under the leadership of
I'tofcihor Lewis Davis N preparing to
give the public a treat in Ilio line of
Knster services.
W'q arc glad to have with us the Itev.
James Hughes last Thursday night
leading our prayer mooting.
Tin- visitor from the Young Men's
Christian association should be fleeted
by large numbers of the Uupllst Voting
1'eople's union next Tuesday night.
Tho pastor will Rive an Illustrated
lecture ill connection with the social
to be given by the liaptlst Young peo
ple's union on Tuesday. Apt II !'.
Cut Price Sale.
Sat in day we will cut the pi ice on
every pair of hoso In the stote. Our
new Hosiery Department Is the largest
in the city. Conic and see It.
Meat's .V: llugen.
An entertainment and social will be
held on Monday evening, April S. at
tho First Welsh Congregational chinch,
on South Main avenue, under tho aus
pices of the following (.lasses: Annie
T. Humphreys, William J. Thomas and
Thomas Lewis. The ndmlslsou fee will
be 15 cents, and this will Include 1 1n;
entertainment and also cake and cof
fee. Ice cream und candy will be sold
extra. A hearty Invitation is extended
to all.
Ilelwecu SJOO and $Sw) was leiillzed
by the collections madeieeonlly among
the members of the Simpson Methodist
Dplscopal chutch through the medium
of the mite lioxes.
The Columbia lliw' and Cheitileni
company has adopted suitable resolu
tions on the death of Kiberl l Diehl,
and the charter has been draiwil in
mourning for a peiiod of thirty das-.
Tho dancing class which meets In
Mear.V hall every Friday evening, hehi
mi enjoyable mnstiuetade dance last
night, which was attended by
hundred young people. The osuuuen
worn pietty. grotesque and Interest
ing. Liwrcnee 011 best l.i furnished the
A. Forest Dershliiier. of South Main
avenue, has letiuned to line-knell uni
versity, after a short visit with his
The uiliistivl show In leheiiiaal by
the members of St. Brendeti's council
Is progressing nicely, und the boys
promise their friends an agieeable sur
prise when a. public performance Is
The sacred cantata "Daniel, or the
Captivity and IJestot.uion." now In ve
heursal by theTabeinacle Cnlted choir,
under the direction, of Hugh Jones and
Thomas Williams, will Iks given Its first
pubic presentation on .May r.O,
Silurian lodge of Odd Follow held it
regular meeting last eicnlngand elect
ed ofilcers for tho ensuing term,
Patrolman John Mnlott, who has been
laid up with a fraettited leg for several
M celts, Is recovering the use of his
limb slowly, nnd will kouii be nble to
leave the house.
John W. Unbelts, who for a number
of years conducted a merchant tailor
ing ihtislnos on North Main avenue,
has moved with his family to l'itts
buig. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Taylor, of .Tuck
hiii street, aio lecoierlng fioni the ef
fects of pneumonia.
The names of ltenjainln Orllllths and
Aldeiman Davles rue mentioned In
connection with the appointment of
police magistrate.
The members of the Mt. Pleasant
local. No, li'Ts. mited Mine Woikcrs
of America, who ate upholding Hunitir-1
Moigau against the action of the llnzli
ton convention, will meet In t'o-opcra-tlve
hall totuouow afternoon,
St. David's pailsh. llev. IMwaid
James Mclleiuy, lector. Celebrations
of Holy Kuchaiivt, T.::u aud ln.Ho , id.;
evensong, T.M p. m,: Sunday s.hool, '.'.30
p. m.
Kdwntd, lite sen-ycar-old son of
Jnmcs Harrington, of no mi. rmun ave
nue, is missing. He wot,- n leefet coal,
black cap anil knee pain.
S'i rvlees over the icmalns of the late
Hett Lewis wvie hold at the home of
dcreased's parents, on South llromley
avenue, at n o'clock yer-terday nfter
lioon. The services weie conducted by
ltev. Thomas i- fJiiiehy. pastor of tho
Jackson Stivut liaptlst church, and
builal was made In the Washburn
stieet ceinelei y.
The pall-beniers and tlower-hfarers
were M. Snow, A. II. Jones. Iloberl
Oolden, Anthony Pender, Itoberl Thom
as. William Davis, rj. W. Dais. W.
1'hllllps, K. Davis ami DeLong.
Red Men Elect Ofilcers Tomonow's
Services In the Churches.
Other News Notes.
At iliu laM meeting or the lied Men
election or ollicets was held.
The Mowing were chosen: Sachem,
IMu.trd Kimble: senior sagamore. M.
J. Hulger; Junior sagatnoie, .Michael
i:.irlyj prophet. ('. P. Iliissell; clerk of
re. Olds, H. 1!. Cole. ),. ,elver of wam
piim. Charles Minnie li; ivilleetor of
wampum, T. 1. Leti-hworth: trustee,
eighteen month'.. K. .. Illaik. Instal
lation will take pi. ne on Apill II.
In the Chinches.
Tiiliiiuorc Metho.llMt . hluch
Itev. A. J. Van Cleft, pa.-tor. The
lastor w:li oicupy the pulpit at both
the morning and evening soivkes. The
subject of the moinlng seuuon will be.
"The Ihidiuing Name." And of tho
seinion In the evening, "lheinal Life
Through Jesus Christ." Sunday school
at l.!0 p. m. and the other mm vices as
Usual. Seats free and all made wel
come. Diintnoie Piesbyteiluu church itev.
W. V. Gibbons, pastor. Morning sub
ject: "What to Do with Our Disap
pointments." Kvculng subject, "Christ's
Soi lety in the World." Sunday hchool
at 1 o'clock.
Dudley Stieet IMplNl fhlirch
Preaching by i. W. North at Ki.So a.
in and 7.::o p. in. Sunday school at li
o'i l Prayer meeting Thursday
t "( nlug at "..". o'clock,
Tripp Avenue Christian church .1.
D. Dabney. pastor. Morning subject.
"Ilevlew of Sunday School Lessons for
the Quarter. Kvenlng Mibject. "
Think Ye of Christ." Sunday school at
10 o'clock, lively body welcome at all
Cut Piice Sale.
Satin day we will cut the price on
eveiy pair of hose in the stole. Our
new Hosiery Department Is the largest
in the city. Come and see It.
' Meats & Hagen.
Boiough Brevities.
rale musical treat will be af
folded tile people of Dumnoie tin Sat
urday night next. April t .when Prof.
L'tnest L. Ilovard. the highly gifted
aud talented pianist of tilts hoiottgh,
will glu a i of noted composi
tions on the piano. In the main audi
torium of the Methodist Kpl?copaI
ehuich. Thfi' has been no piano ie
I'llnl in Inmnieie for a number of years
and this ucitil, coming at the bands
of the representative pianist of tho
borough, who has achieved tuot un
usual suoross in his playing dining .I
puloil of :.enr, will doubtless limine
ciowded hoiiFcs. I'rof. r.oiard Is one
ol the llnesi pianists In the valley and
all piano lovers should come out and
lnnr him The undoes of the Metho
dlsl Ilpiseopal church announce this as
their final ( oneort.
Uaiber Sullivan, who on Monday was
fined $1 for Sunday shaving, lerpiestcd
u further hearing and for his pains ic
ceived additional lines which biought
his total expense Up to fi.M. The
union halbcrs uie detoi mined to stop
Sunday work and will have men on
duty tomoiiow to see that Its rules aio
adhered to.
The funeral of tho late Michael Henly
oceuiud from his kite honi" on Pine
street csteiilay. Large numbers of
son owing friends followed tho i cumin
to their last vi sting place In m Mao's
Cheap Rates to California.
Parties desiring to make trip to Cali
fornia, Arizona or New Mexlio, either
lor business or pleasuie. t-an do so now
at almost half pike.
nvery Tuesday, until April With. In
clusive, tickets marked "Colonist" may
be purchased via Southern Hallway for
$11.00 from Washington. $10. SO fioni
Philadelphia, and' conespoiullngly low
prices from other points.
Tho Southevn Hallway and southern
Pacific company operate thiough ex
i urslou sleepers from Washington,
leaving Mondays. Tuesdays and Fri
days, the Tuesday sleeper being avail
able for "Colonist" tickets. Tho berth
late In these sleepeis Is only $T.oo, two
people bslng allowed to occupy one
berth If desired. Personal conductors
and l'ulhnan porters go thiough with
each sletpei. There ore other new,
convenient and economical features
connected with there excursions which
may be ascertained from Charles L.
Hopkins, District Passenger Agent,
Southern Hallway. S2S Chestnut street,
Would u'f Kini' llibam (or tlir Thugt anil
l.tiuga. It H lurlntt moro Ojgloi, fNuliLi,
Aklliuia, PiciiKlilll), f'loup anil all and
I.unc Trouble, llian anj oilier inrdlchip. The
pioprlflot lu aulhoili'(l any iim,'i;lt to sln
mi a Simple llntllo 1'no tu lomlnro on ol tho
merit of UiU i-uat ruiKdy. 1'rkc '.'Oe. .nei o.
A. V. Bower Will Deliver n Lecturo
Illustrated by Stereoptlcon Views
nt tho Fiovldenco Presbyterian
Church Interesting: News of Do
ings In the Youug Women's Chris
tian Association Mrs. Bevan Pre
sented with Purse of Gold by Mem
bers of Congregational Chinch.
A steieopiUon lectuie on "Sacred
Ait" will tic the attractive event on
Monday evening next In tho l'iol
dence Presbyterian church. A. V.
Power, who gives the lecture. Is nn
li.structlve nnd pleasing speaker, and
llilf. fact, together with the fact that
he will give stereoptlcon llhiFtratlons
on the canvas of much of his subject
matter, and then uIko In view of the
familiarity of children and adults with
Hlblo scenes, will nil eombluo to make
the evening nn occasion of much
pleasure and real protlt.
Tickets will not be sold for the lec
tuie. though u silver offetlng will be.
ruHlVed at the doot. Mt. Dower will
give special piomiucuee to events In
Chilst's life, piocodlng Kuster. and tills
wilt have special Interest because of
the fact that the following Sabbath
will be the Castor Sabbath tu the
calendar ol the church. The most not
able of the views will be as follows:
lly "Hie Maudlin nf lie- IntimctiK"
' 'Jho Pro.mi of I'llaltV Wife," "I.raUni. Hie
lly lluirurui"Chr:l in thr Trinplc." an.l
lly Muiiri.irM-.' i hilM n.'fori' 1'ilntr " and
I ihaiy."
Ilv Kii1kii "'tin .Unlit of the Cin-." "Hie
t'liiellltlnii,'' "Hie llmint from tlir 1 1."
lly Aiiiribi "Hie I'iuU ot Si. I'.MV
lie Itiphul "fiaiitiiuralioii," jii'1 "Tin- lloJil
tu Cnlvjiy,"
Si,.lnuni .ilio of oik of U Vawl, IWce,
Puwe'iil, niloiili.ii n ii, llonrpdf jii, l( Hollc,
Miruii and otter.4 ulll be sliowif.
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
Sewing fcIiooI Saturday afternoon at
2.30 o'clock.
Gospel meeting Saturday ev nlng nt
7.S0 o'clock. Vou are conllully Inilted
to attend this meeting.
Jiinloivt' meeting Sunday afternoon
at X"0 o'clock, llelle Mabey will lead
this meeting.
There nPl b" a union Gospel meeilng
In the Central rooms. 20,". Washington
avenue, Sunday afternoon at D.I5
o'clock. Miss Cll'.nhcth "Wll?on, one of
the nation il seiretaiies, will lead this
nicttlng. You are most coidlally in
vited to b- picsent.
Miss Wilson will hold a ouf(iene
ith all the members of out dltfeient
committees and teachers of classes In
the association room, 20tS North Main
avenue, Monday evening, April I. at
T..'!0 o'clmk. It Is earnestly lenuestcd
that tbeio be a good attendance to
greet Miss Wilson. The regular Mon
day evening classes will be omitted
that evening.
The Tuesday afternoon lJlhlo s-tudy,
by ltev. George L. Alilcli. at o'clock;
subject, "The Prophecies of Daniel."
This class Is well attended The study
for next Tuesday Is In the second chap,
tor of Daniel, using charts as helps.
"We Invite others to Join tho class in
this mo-t Interesting and inspiring
Miss 'Wesuotl'p class in embroidery
will not hold a meeting net Tuesday,
as the next meeting will be held Tues
day, Apill f.
Mother's meeting Wednesday after
noon at 1 o'clock. This meeting will bo
held but once a month hereafter the
fii-t Wednesday of each month. We
Invite all molheis to attend. Some
piactlcal suggestions will be given ol
this meeting.
Kitchen gaiden Thuisday afternoon
at 1 o'clock.
Thursday evening Itiblo study nt
7.3'J o'clock piompt, taught by the sec
wtary. Sunday school lesson and C. I.
Scofleld's correspondence com so. "The
Two Advents," will be taught.
The leuulnr meeting of the executhe
committee will bo held Saturday after
noon ut 3 o'clock.
All who wish to join classes In paint
ing, .Cngllsh. millinery, piano and cm
broidery, may call on secretary at the
looms. 20IS Noith Main avenue These
classes are free to all members of the
as-oclatlon. Otheis who wish to Join
may make airangoments with the sec
iitnvy. There will bo a Young Women's
chilstlan association i.nlly in the Sec
ond Prcsbytt ilan (lunch Tuesday
evening at T.R o'clock. Miss Cllzu
betn Wilson, one of the natlbnul sec
retaries, will piesldf at tills meeting.
You nie most tovdliilly Invited to be
Cake Walk mid Ball.
A giiiMd cake walk and ball will bo
given a week from next Thursday at
1 lie Audltoiluni, U'lder the nusplees of
the Quaker City Colored quartette.
The fillowing persons will take part:
William Fisher, of Philadelphia; .To
rome Wnllou, of tills city, Carl Wag
ner, Percy Hoy, of Wllkcs-Harre. and
W. Hayden. of New Yoik city. A
large sale of tickets has already taken
place and It Is expected that tho hall
will bo thronged to Its utmost with
Mrs. Bevan Honored.
Mis. Daniel Bevan, formerly organist
ot Hie West Maiket Street Welsh Con
gregational church, was tendeied a re
ception by the members of the con
gregation In the parlors of tho chinch
Wednesdav evening. Mrs. llevnn
served as organist of the church for
a number of years and recently relin
quished the position. In recognition nt
faithful and gratuitous services, tho
congregation lowarded her by the pre
sentation ot a pui so of gold.
The presentation speech was inaib)
by Mr. John Unburn, who spoke briefly
on behalf of the congregation. The
evening was Intetsporsed with a liter
ary and musical piogramme, In which
the members participated.
Cut Price Sale.
Saturday we will cut the price on
eierv pair of hose in the store. Our
new HoHlety Department Is the largest
In the city, como and .eo It.
Mears & Hagen.
Tho wedding of Miss Katharine (la
in lei. of Church avenue, and Mr.
Adams, of Voungstown, Ik announced
to tako place next Monday, nt the lionni
of tho lirldo'H patents, Mr. and Mrs.
Uvun Cabrlel.
A tie soelal will be given it t the home
of Mr. and Mr. Uvun MiOulnness, on
tho corner of Main uemio and 1'arker
Blrcet, nest Thursday evening.
Muvlln Miller, of Cleat view street, a
veil known character In police elicles,
was again arraigned before Alderman
ridler yestorduy for being drunk nnd
dlfordotiy and driving his family from
their home, lie was lined $S. Patrol
men Perry nnd Haltry aicrsted lilm.
Thomas Powell, of Keystone school,
will pmach both morning und evening
In the North .Main uvenuo Baptist
John Unmanly, of West Matkot
stieet, had Patrick McNulty arrested
for malicious mischief yesterday and
ntralgnod befoto Alderman Myoirt. The
caso was settled by McNulty paying
the costs.
Adam Spltzer, 'the bottler, had Mar
tin Miliar arrested for using legls
tered bottles for dlffeienl purposes.
Miller paid the costs and settled the
Mrs. S M. Covscn, of North Main
avenue, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. A.
A. Cunningham, of Peokvllle.
The North Cnd Stais will play tho
Patriotic Basket Ball team, of Ilydo
Park, next Tuesday evening ut the
Notice Is hereby given that tho co
partnoishlp horutofoie existing be
tween the undersigned, under the firm
name of Konner & Ulckeison, has been
dissolved by mutual consent. Tho
business will bo continued by George
A, nickcrson. who hns assumed all
liabilities und will collect nil debts due
said II i-m.
(Signed) S. P. Tenner,
Geo. A. Dlckeisou.
Si raiiton la.. Manii '.'H. I'iOI
Funeial of Mis. Fied Wlnteimute,
Horse Owned by James O'Boyle
Indulges In a Runaway.
Tho icuialus of Mrs. 1'ied Winter
mute were given Interment yesterday
morning in the Cathedial ccmetiy.
The funeial was held from the home
of deceased's mother. Mis. Cniden. nt
-17 Irving avenue, nnd was attended
by many iclatlves und friends.
The lloral offerings weie many and
told silently of the high esteem In
which deceased was held. A high mas
of lequlem was colebiatod at St. Pe
ter's i.ilhodral.
The p.ill beareis were Michael Mo
Orall. James Mcllugh, Thomas Hayes
and 1-Mwnrd Alonahan. The llowvr
bun ers weie Michael Geirlty and Mar
tin Xolnn.
Serious Runnwny.
Considerable excitement was mused
Inst evening about (5 o'clock by a horse
hitched to a butrgy, owned by Janies
O'Boyle. of Klver stu-et. The horse
was ftlghtened on Plttston avenue by
a street car and started off precipitous
ly, tbiowing out O'Hoyle and his son,
who woio the occupants of tho car
riage, but who luckily escaped In
Jury. Tho maddened animal i iishcd up
l.lcr street and there the buggy came
In contact with a post, whoie'a mall
box was hanging. This wa totn off
and broken into pieces. The buggy
was totally demolished.
Cut. Price Sale.
Saturday we will out tho price on
every pair of hose in the store. Our
now Hosiery Department Is the largest
lu the city. Come nnd see It.
Mears & llngeii.
Shoit. News Items.
All young women of tho South Side
Young Women's christian associa
tion uie Invlteil to attend the central
city branch mooting tomoiroy after
noon, which will he led liy Miss Eliza
beth Wilson.
The ntfcellni.' of the Oeneral Ciunt
rommaiidery. Xo. J.!0. Knlglits of Mal
ta, which was- lield at lliii'tiiinii'n hall
last evening, was largely attended.
Jniue.1 .1. Itronnan, ot Cedar a venue,
is visiting lrlendM In Wilkes-Harre.
'IIk .(liul.iiK of l.rai'iuui .inn l.rjn.luai- H
sikili'o of sell 1 N". -.. Iii lil .in inti'ioilri; !
l.itr '.lritl.iv ii'OM llie iiKftlou, "Itioticl.
' New Aotk i' a nioir ilesli.iliK ol ui.
lnnr 1I1.111 I'liitojIuiiU " 'Ilio liailiift una
Mi l.oiiio on II slilr, .en!
Wainn fuller on (.uiuiiur A mle. i-piili'il
-I'tii lies wile lii.ulo liy Jl.ill" f-njiler ainl Clu.".
M11U, f (.i.iunnir II In tin; aliluuaino, .oi'l
I'.v 11I1I0 William iilul llobdt Mi win', of liuiii
our A maid, in ilio ncK.iuit'. Mlvi (orlult .11 r.
til a- Jnil'o JU'l ikcl'liil in fjoi of the .ifilrmi
lii.'. Cut Price Sale.
S.'i tin day we will ml the pike on
every pall nf hos'e in the store. Our
new Hosiery Tiepartnioiu is the largest
In Iliu eltv. Come and s-oo it.
Mears & Hagen.
We will pay the above reward for any case of
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache,
Indigestion, Constipation or Costiveness we can
not cure with Liverita, the Up-To-Date Little
Liver Pill, when the directions are strictly com
plied with. They are purely Vegetable, and
never fail to give satisfaction. 25c boxes contain
100 Pills, 10c boxes contain 40 Pills, 5c boxes
contain 15 Pills. Beware of substitutions and
imitations. Sent by mail. Stamps taken
Nervita Medical Co., Corner Clinton and Jack
son Streets, Chicago, 111.
Sold by AlcQarrah & Thomas, Druggists, 209 Lack;,
nwanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
1 Meldrum, Scott & Co.
A New arrivals in Foulards, New Waist Silks,
p Exclusive Styles in Easter Neckwear,
Panne Velvet and Satin Stocks, Lace Collars
w and Jabots, Lisle and Silk Hosiery all being
K Specials for Today.
126 Wyoming Ave.
Daniel Shea.
Pjlilil sInM, nt Sl7 IrUn; uoiii' ,iinl ,',$
year, dlul jostinla.v morning at tu..j) o'ltack,
utt-.M ,i rliort llln."" f(
Pcri.uoil .a Uill l.iiouii uiiil mprttril In
tills (lly n ii mnnticr of llltfinn Nu. .1,
.tidint Oid.r ol llil'cinl iih nii'l f H.lunilnjs covin
ill, Vuuiik" Mm' ItKtitule. lie i uninl ly
n uifi1 .iiul two dilMri'ii, Miiy utul ItitiUt, a
ir.otliii, f sltirs ami one limllui.
'Uie fimrril vlll t:il.f tore .Mnmlay ninrnln
at II o'clmk with u lil.ii M:.M of liiUirlu .it SI.
1'itcr'd Intirmcnt ulll be nuJv in
Uie iiinotpiy.
His. Anile Rogeis.
.Mif. Miiu lturin, wld.iu- of l'.ilrick KomTf,
illnl jolciiliy at tlic lioinc ot lirr tUiiRhter.
Mm. I.ilnjul Uari'.v, IV) ll.illroait Atriaic She li
CJirv t nt liy Ir ilaiiglitfr. Mis. lMuanl C,irey. Momliv .t t oMoil. In iii Holy ('rum
iliuuli. hiliiiiKiu in Cuil.ulr.ll ci'icti'T.i.
1 in- funciul ut Mlll.un Jr., nm of .Mr. ji.'l
Mn. Willi nn It'ihlii-oii.- n( pi.uvn htuct, ulio
ilicil TliutMliy luornliiif. ulll tilte pUoc timfir-
lew ultiriioon at '.' o'clock .it tlic l'riniltlrc
Mlllioillst lllllldl.
'thi' Miiui iii-r th. rotiuiiii of Ilio
Uie niin lirnuly will lf l.ilil .it the lou-,
i'JI Noilli Siiiiiiur aiinuc, :it 'J n'llock. toiiKirrnw
jflillioon. tin. J. II. sunt, i.iMii' of tin- '.imp.
iioii Mdlioili-l KNeol i hull h. ulll cflWUie,
'I lie iniuins ulll lie taVin to riilnohllli for in
K run tit.
'Hi'.- ( of llm Lite ( A. Ijrke
will Iii1p pi no .it in o'doclv llili morning.
Sinlrm will Im lulil .11 Ilio lioiiv in ,iil: lourt
iii.l lli.' limiliii nil) lirtakrn lo l's (iioiu
lor iiitcunciit.
'Hip lulu Ml of tin- Luc Arthur WuRitdfl' will
Like pi no irh'itily .11 i e'tloi ! till-. jIIitiiooii
Irom the lioii-o, l'.'IO lotion Allrct. I'.tirljl wilt
l0 inailr in t lie M'.i.hluirn trrct frmrtri.,
Tli fllllilal of ll. fleolue SHllnr will Mke
iUei Moml.iy .iflirnouti .it 'J . in. troni tlw
n-sl'lcnre, W0 N'nltli Miln jmiiuc. swilrrs ulll
lit Ik M nt Ilio liou' anil liilvriiicnt will l.o mnln
in Ilio l'iul Hill n'liutoiA. Until will lio ut.
Veitltct That Wns Returned by the
Coioner's Jmy at the In
quest Last Night.
The liniues't held by Acting ("moiii-r
P.ilne hist night at Diinnioio to Inijulrc
Into tho causes' of the death of Clio
annl Cillbertl lirougltt out no now tea
tui'os lu the cas'e. County Detective
Phillips was present and gave as his
ojiinlon that it was undoubtedly a rus'e.
of minder declaring the iith Ide theory
to bo un Imposslbllln.
Coionor Talne was very einplinlle
in his declaration of the same thing
nnd snld that from the jiosltlon ot the
wound it was utterly Impossible for
Cillbirtl to have killed himself. There
were no wltnes-e.s picsent. Il being
extremely dlllleult 10 Induce any one
In that nelglihoihood to say anything'
in refeieneo tu affair1' of this kind. The
jury rendered the following verdict:
"We, the undersigned Jurors Und
that the said Giovanni Cillbertl met
his death from gunshot wounds at the
hand of parly or patties unknown
to us.
"We would reiiK-st the county
oiimilssloners take some notion In Ibis
1 use and make it determined effort to
hi lug about tile uppiehension of the
Iersou or jiersons guilty of thi-i crime."
(Signed) John J. Brogen, W. I.. 1'ur-
ell. James McGrall, Krod Heavers, lr
J. It. Murphy, II. M. Hone
"- ncis . nntut'KDRit. lni.
A. J. UUI'I'V, JUiujcr.
Saturday, Matineo and Night,
llr Goonto W t.ilfinr' I'.imoin Intcrnatloniil
llccunl .M.iKcr.
"The mJctt of all tlic tcun talk." Th
raoo of liotli contliiinu.
I'lfica- Mirht. . . ,7k .'Tjc, t. and jl.X).
AUtliui. 2.h, 6He. anJ 75i
seat on mIp Tliurnliy at I) a. m.
' 1
Wednesday, April 3.
I) Win llldf.IXS and OI'.OKT.r. WAUUtOX,
iy 1111:111 (iiu:AT sorriiKiw duam.,
A Mrrllnfr Prainitic 5-lory o( Life In the Mouu
tilin ol TmncMcc
MiSiiliictntly Arti'il! floautltully StagcJ(
Spulal I'rii-ra Oulidtia, T3c. : Orclicstra,' and
Pus tin Irs, CiOe , Mux and Logo fat, ?t.
Kiitiro ll.ilcue, Uc.; m ami Iorc naU," l.
(.illir'- 23e. Scats on sale Monday at 0 a. in.
nis & luJuauNntiR itAUkv a. bkowji
lUnifcra and Utttrt. Local llanjgn.
II M.AM i; Ol' W'l.lX
vi.nlno Ii id and $tt unity.
I.'duiiul Woiitzcli Jleloilrann,
Mjtinro I'rlits 11 and 2 irnt
I'.ii'lilns 1'iktH 1", Ci. 3.1 and 60 irnt.
m. m t wi:i:k.
llic C'oinrdun,
Mr. Clinrles Leybuine,
and lili own loiiipmy nipjmrlitis Mi Krama
Mnmli.v rctiinir. 'The i'rmcru of rati he!."
M.V. 0. linnniVOTOX, Manisrr.
Tlnee Dnys Commencing Thursday
jvtatinee, jiaicn e.
"Wine, Women and Song."
Befoie buying, send for catalogue.
H. 5. GORDON, k &
Iii. . . u ,l
'''ii5giajith(jjfefciUw.i ju10ia&mtL:K1AJ,
hWi l. J- ...fc&lU. - .U-l ,. &U.u.iMJhit 1A.