The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 30, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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(Sc 5cranfo.t ri6ime
tiihll.h.-d Unity. Kseepl Sunday, by The Tr'j.
sine rublUhlns ifompany, at I-Illy Cents a Month.
1.1. V H. IIICIIAUD. Mltcr.
O I'. IIYMli:i:, Business JLiiUfpr.
New York OlHiei l.'O Nassau M.
. g. vm:i:i.vsi).
bole Acrnt for toiclgn AdteitlsiUiT.
I.nlercd it ll.e t'ostnfhe t Scrai.toii,
Siciond CUM Mall il-itlcr.
IM., as
When Muccytvill rrrmil, The Tribune 1 oltsiti
(ll lo print short Irtleis lron 1U filenili bur-Ina-
en iiurei.t topics, but Hi lull li that t'ico
must be signed, lor publication, by the writer
rial nam; and the tonilliion pieie.lmt to c
wptantf Is that Jll eonlrllei'loni shall be sutjeii
t iililmal -elision.
iui: viav ii mi: i on .u'VI'iitihim;.
The following table shoitd tbe ptlto per Inch
ut h Intertlon, spate lo he ued wllbln one je.iri
Hunt I (Sldliutiml I'iiII
UM'I.W. I'aper lIcaOmK I IWlluii
l.i than Mil inches .tV. I .-JTJ I "
VM inches : .il I .21
i.m in i .in I .i'.
.iiifti ,y i ,r, .In
wifw I. I .H I .I1
for lards of thanks, resolutions of tondolenee
and similar contributions In the njlure of nd
lenltlnc: The 'Iribunv makes a charge ofo cents
a line, , , ,
Itatri for Classlfled AdicrtUing fuinlilicd on
Sl'lt.WTOX, MAl.'CMt SO. 1!01.
TmIh. In ilii ilnnl cloy foi receiving
ni.inuici-liitH In The Tilbunu's uliort
nmy contyst. The Intcnst j-liown In
this competition 1ms been very ciiconr
riKliiff. lljiwuril oC thirty ctcitles Intve
lie- 11 .submitted mill so fur u our wc
riMillKitloti Iiiih sono 'they iiipeiti' to
hnve coti?iilfiiiblc in Mil. The lirinie
Hi" the .iiulci' will be uiinuuiiictl in it
jt t i!h-h unil his iiw arris uh hoon after
wuiil ii.m possible, t'untestnnt.i will lie
pumiptly ad vised.
Judge Arclibald's Appointment.
I lion of Hun. 15. V. Aich-
1 buhl for tho beni'li ot the
new federal coin t Is one 111 be most welcome to (he peo
ple of Northeastern Pennsylvania. The
compliment, to Judge Archb.ild Includes
not only lecognitlon of 111" Inilllaut and
nt icil seivlee as a JuiIkc of the LitcUu
Viimia (.otutM but alho very marked uji
prccliitlon of his executive ability, lie
Is to organize and shape the wotlt of
u new tribunal which will take
among the mon lesponsible In the
laud; his commission Is for life.
It Is haidly necessaiy to say that the
piesident's selection has been wisely
bestowed. 1-Yw JinUts In the country
liao had the benetlt of a moie vailed
wild exactliiK piopaiation. '1'he range
ol his duties In the sixteen ytais uf
his serxlce upon this local hem h has
loxereil vell-nlKb cwi pluis'e of iiiuil-
f li litigation and ( 1 1 piof of his
ineilt Is shoiMi. ant only In the high
imputation which his opinions have
twin by leasnu nf their biviiilth, clear
ness mid success in nmnliig the gaunt
let of the appellate toiirls. but also In
tli liuge share which li" bus had hi
olfcilng MiitKt'Htioiis for legilutive leni
edy of omissions and defects In exist
ing .statutes, lie is not only an in. cur
ate intetpieter ot thL- law but a r-on-Mlllftle
Jlirlt in the widest souse.
The people of Lackawanna county
legiut the nectsflty which takes him
fioni the bench in which lie came hy
their election, but tiny lew with
pleastii" ihl.s new token ol tlioir own
1,-00(3 Judgiiielll. and m- gialitlccl thai
the puiiiiollou, wIiIIh Incica-liiH .ludge
Archbald's ipicii'iiiultes of ii"eriilues..
docs not take hlin Mom our illy bin
ui the contraiy niak"- Scrantou jum.
Heally the home of the new tiibunal
The practice in cumuli, ol pad ling
li;jht oiilln.nici i mi as lo (.sieWM.
tbi.e to live nun nv.-uiy Ihriiir. fm
cciy one Hint is uallv ii-ecletl Is
plainly Meloiif. i:m iiiankui vio..
constitute 11 pool ivliiecly. The i'll.'i I
to compel eery nyw llnbi to in. v
tiibllshei by sepaiate onlliianc-. Tin n
lh; yeto pen can INeihiiim.te.
A Battle Cry 1 hat Failed.
IT IS NOW assm..i U. t il:eiu will
bo no general inlie- siiik. It l
llkewlso manifest that die threat
of a strike, was tmai ibe tlrsi in
the nature of a gisautlt bititf. calcu
lated to enforce recognition of the chlel
t'lHcera of the nilueis' iiulou by seating
public opinion lu tho coal ileitis into
domandlni; 11 of the largi' opuiatot
o necessary guarantee of public order
and bttalnets safety.
Tho line, of leasonlnr whli li led up
to the Jliv.loton convention's dee'ata
Hon lor iccognltiou or n siilke as
hiinied that If a strike v.tis threatened,
business Interests llirouiiout the an
ihiacito territory would take ilium',
send fruntlu appoals lo I'loipoui .Mm -naii-to
meet President Jlttt hell and nls
. ssoclute In a joint conriici,ce, and
Uilnu such pressuie to bear upon the
cxecuthe rfllcialA of tho coal roads n
y,'(ould pry Bomctlilnt; out of the uliiia
ij'on.whlch J!r. Mltchsll nnd his coi
lea'gues could exhibit to the mine work
era" na a. proof of progn s. A tc of
tho commercial bodies in the l.ehigh
and Sultuyllsill districts were mmieiic-d
lu thl3 way but tho mcie icpre.epia.
live boaids ot trade and grouis of
business, men kept then emu counsel
nnd left Mlicivll and Moigau lo light
It out.
Ho, too. 'ili the great bod ol t.on
wrvntlvo and espi-rienccd miner.-, at
least In thu upper dl'trki. AVhlle they
wojjld duulrtlcss have gono loyallj with
their organiaatlon had u sltike been
c.ilkd, tin overwhelming majoilly o
Ihciii dlusiipi lived of a stiike lu lew
ot the operators continuance ot the 10
per cunt, Incmiso unci lent no encour
hgenient tr tho hotheads who wero for
tivililm,' with or Jtnout leason.
Whether Mlteluil met Morgan or not
was totke;n a matter ot minor Im
portance computed with the cuntlu
uiiiicc of tin lr own good pay and
stuady tlmo under tho bettered con.
dllions in tone since last fall. They
were not uu'jrateful :'or benedts u
celved lit consequence of last fall's
work but thty wanted a period of
Thus It has com? about that the bat
tbi try of recognition or strlka hus
upu'vd un lit luliuie, Uctu lias been
no iiclJltloiinl recoRtilthn nnci tlier? Is
U lio no Mi llc There Ik recognition
of the treat body of mine worker, hut
It cm m . befoio til" recent threat of ft
Millie threw It burden of uncertainty
and loss upon the busings Interest of
the Piitliini'ltr region, it caineiln the
o ei nt oni' oiTer. nmde public befoie the
iiKembllng of (It.- Iluzleton convention,
to continue the new wage basis until
April, t;t0. All Hint una followed ha
been simply the inn noouw ring of labor
polltloluns to ii'.iiljint themselvp to
the new flicuiiiatanc? without loss
of pet.oiml pifHtlge. Tluy wiic will
ing to threaten a strike and by that
means ic bilng on a locul bitslnes.1
fenrc: but tbev cinted not, at mo cvui
dil moment, take the awful hazard of
c.nleilng n R'tiPiul stilke cm an un
substantlat b.isN. because they knew
!l meant, among othei things, their
Individual t til ti.
These me the cold fa(:t of the. case.
The public can Judge of tliMn us It
N'ow that Xglllnalilo Is slue of good
clothing, regular lot and thro J squat e
meals a day we dare ny he will bo
glad hi ilrenin of Imjiei iallsni Is over
figypt's Burled Treasures.
MSTllltDAV'S hi let referenco
o the recently discovered
X tm
jmbs ot ancient Kgyptlan
kings brlnpii up for notice
not only Mr. Potrle's report of the
tlndlng of Jewelry that had ben the
possesion of an Kgyplliin queen who
lived 1,700 year befoiv the Christian
ei a, but the leeent discoveries of far
mote precious thing of pHpyti that
have added so much to the tteasuri
of lilbllcal and classical llt"ratuie.
We tefer to these, especially to call
attention to the latest appeal of Dr.
William C Wlnilow. of Hoston, the
vice piesldcnt and honorary secretary
of the Atnerlcnn Kgyptlan Kxploratlon
l'und. for the means lo carry on nt
once the researches for other papyri
documents of New Testament nnd clas
sical times befoie It becomes too late
to lesctie them.
Of the one bundled and eighteen
valuable papyil compiled In last
year's finds, and distributed to various
universities and museums In number
pto rata of the total subscriptions
teceived from these and their respec
tive localities, the University of Penn
sylvania and Ilaivard have received
the greatest number and the most
valuable. The very oldest extant text
of Si. Matthew has gone to the tJnl
veislty of Pennsylvania: that of St.
Paul to Harvard.
It Is cmlte possible that even mole
ancient texts may come to light, both
of the Xew Testament w titers and of
famous (Steele authors. Many of the
lluds are older texts ot not a few ot
the gicatest Oreclan writers than any
bedii known.
What I now to be coiisiduied Is the
fact that the Immense dam at Phllae,
lr. cruise of cjonstiuetlon In order to
make the 'He once moie the frult-
lul smuce and nourishment of Kgypt,
will be completed within the space of
arirthei two year'. Through the last
twenty cenlutles the tliy sands of
Kgypt. blown acinss the land's ancient
palaces, tempi" anil tombs, have pre
served the papyil which they burled.
As llr. Wlnslow points out, the ar
chaeological exploters In Egypt have
now but two yeais more lu which to
tuny on thelt ies".nches befoie the lr
ilgnllng watw of the Nile shall per
meate thoroughly the (insert soil which
has pre?iied so great tveasuies for
Ihls geneiatlon. The lirijr.Ulon that
proinls"S to icsiore Kgypt to lts- an
cient liultfnlness, as when In Joseph's
dus It was "tho gi.uiaiy of Ihe
woild.' wilt link'' shou work of the
inpyii not exhiiui'-d lufore the Phlloe
da tn It completed.
Ol. Wluslon's present appeal is to
New- Vol I; to give $r.,000 Tor this special
,oik of search foe nut-tent document.
If thai city, which so far has allowed
Philadelphia and Hoston subset Ibeis
lo suipass ii. shull respond as It
should, Columbia t'rlveisity will be ih
ulllmtiie keeper of many Invnlimbls
I'.ul we should jusi like to usk. why
soiib' ol Siiauton's publlc-spltlted
i iuveim who ate able to do ho, may
lot take pan In the woik to such
extent as may make tho Sciauton
lllnaiy the custodian, for the benefit
of the si-el.eis after knowledge In this
i!t and viclnilv. of sonic one or mine
of these papyil of pi leek"" value.
liultaln is noi only distinguishing her
self this j.ear by the Pan-American
exposition, but also by the discovei-y
of the cancer get in. If she could locate
and corral the tilke geim, UulTnlo
would make a iepleudeni beginning ot
the new cnlui y.
Of 5ume Sctiuul iMetliuds.
UVAIV. aie many advantages,
as has been picru by th
iiunieiou mate schools
i hut cany out t)i.- sytein,
In having one subjeit taught by the
H.inie ti'dcher to tb" sevetal giatles as
xt tabled 111 one siliool building. Natuie
Uid!i, which bat so great an effect in
awakening tho mind, although It re.
ctles the mosi perfunctory treatment
fiom many teachei because of their
own lack of lutoiest In It and of op
portunity for training lu It, Is one of
these subjects. Wheth'r the special
teacher iroes from dins room to class
room, or the classes lu succession go
to tho teacher, the lesult has Justified
Thero are Home other things that, It
they are to be attempted at all lu pri
mary and lower trrannnar grades,
should "be, taught only by the specially
tltted Instructor In them. I'nder the
system ot having- tho one teacher of
each grade attempt to teach all that
limy happen to be touulred singing,
for instance, whether or not tho teacher
lu been gifted by nature with tho
ability to discern "tunes" or to sttike
a noto truly of course Interest lags
and any success for the child is liable
to fall.
Thero l a convktlon giowing among
many patent of young children In till
cliy lliat theie Is something ladlcallv
i-rons oi luelllilent In the system or
method. of teaching ut present en
forced lu the lower grades, lio It clear
I) understood that it is not usually the
teachera who aie eritleUed. They must
do what they aio du by
tUosc UiOft wkos; Xbck position de
pond. WhatcAer they are compelled
to leave undone that would be for the
children' jjood, menially or morally,
they must at all events get them ready
for a written examination In certnln
studies n taught In the prescribed
text-book, Till, although to some
children It I an eay thing to nut
their thought and knowledge Into
written phrases while to other that Is
one of the irrost clllllcult of tak. I
made the lest of nil alike for pro
motion, These nie. a few of the things dwelt
upon by many fathei and mother.
Tlieiu ate many othei who express
their dissatisfaction with inadequate
result of a year's "schoo ;." while
at a loss to state the fault they ibclleve
to exist, itul all, alike, want Improve
ment made.
In case of falluio the chances taken
hy (Senernl Kunston upon the expedi
tion to capture Agulnaldo would iiavc
been consldciecl foolhardy. Nothing
hticceeds like success.
Japan Is not anxious for a tight, but
wishes It distinctly understood that she
ha quite a stock of ammunition on
The only thing worse than not catch
ing Agulnaldo, uppatcnlly, Is having
him caught.
Daily Horoicope Drawn by AJacchus,
The Tribune Astrologer.
Atludabe rait: "."A . nt., lor Cilurday, March SO,
iblld bom nn (lili day will nollrc that tbn
mu ho eay "thtre will be no strike" are en
the lntrcat.
Otbn ol Siantmi ic aware Hut trolley
stein can boom (he rubtirb of jl town and t
Hie cime time nroue feelinna more unpleatoit
thin thMe cained by Indigestion.
I'oitutie necr fall' to ranllr upon the enlcr
prise that owni a franchUc and a town 11 too.
Advice In reference to keeping within the cir
cle of one' winter flannels will be iimiece.iry
for a day or to.
When (he Kidnapper of Asnlnaldo convilM the
returns fiom the country prrsi he will bejtln
lo doubt whether he (i Cencral Kunton, Hultjlo
Bill or the Oar of Ituvij.
Liquid refreshments in Scranton hereafter may
be expected to gie one that eleten-liunitiecl.
dollar '
Scranton will hme no base bill ilub this year,
but the bow-leu and (he boji who plaj niamlej
(onllnur lo lute fun.
AJacchus' Advice,
I'o not Imagine that the world li aijaint .ion.
Consult a doctor and you may find that it U
joor liier
Oil? Steel Exports
Continue to Grow
special Coiropondcncc of Hie Kranton Tribune.
NVahliietoii. March 2".
XI'ORT'S OP Iron and steel manufactures' from
7 the I'nlted Stalci continue to intrca'c. All
analysis of the February expoit figures Iui
JiM bren completed by the treasury bureau
of (.tatMiis, and ll show that the total for the
eitilit months ending with Febnury, Idol, i mv
and a half millions In c of the iinpaulleltd
figure of list jear. and ncoilj three lirne the
total for the eight month ending with Febru
ai, 1S91, thu sho'.tlni; an increase of 10 per cent,
in a single jear and III! per cud. in the decade,
lu the eight inontln ending with February, isol,
hull and steel foiiued but .1 pr tint, of the total
domestic export from Ihe I'tiltcd states; in tho
eight month Just end."!! they fonn 8 per cent.,
being S1.U).1!. against -JTS.MJ.Tbs In (lie cor-n-'ponihiu;
months of (lie fiscal jear. 1500, and
ris,Sil,.',j( in Ihe same month of Ib'U
- e
Not only is the totiil ljtger in the atrgieirate,
hut it cmerd a sieater dlteislty of producl.
thu aliowlna- that the iiunutattiiren of the L'nlt
ed Statei are not only IntreainK their output,
but rath jear fabikallni: a largtr piopoitinn of
t lit iv pioduct and tiituby ecinliipr tor them
sehe and the labor emplojed thtreon a gieatir
fclute ot tlie piohl airrulni; tn.m such manutar
tine. V decade ago null articles a typtwritiM,
b.t.wln, rbclilcal mathliico, ta.h regWeiK.
laundrj inachlntry, puiups snd pumping maihlie
ery. hoe mnctuniit ami oilier ankle Intohin
a high degire of mannfactiue had no place in
the export schedule of tho I'nlted Stairs; now
they conslltuk' mi linioitant part of our annual
exportation of iron nnd steel and aie steadily
iutieavlnit both in tolunie and in Hie number of
loici,'li market in which th flnil pictltabU
sab's In 1VU no etpoit uf elettrical machlneiy
were recoidrd. bill In 1MO the ll?in. fur elglit
month liamjition had n-aelutl about ij.'.Wi.O)1),
and for lb' eight month ending Willi Fibriuiy,
this .tear, amounted In .si, 777.07.1, an inciease of
l..ll .) in a tingle jeai. i:p.ut, of 6i,el rail
luc leased horn Vtt,lil in the eight month end
ln' Willi lYbruiij . l'il, to $l,sis,'.'U In the toi.
Impniiillnir month of the (Ix-al tear I'.KIO -and
SK,S'",070 in tho aiiie montli of Ihe jc-ar
titil. l'vpoit of MttiiiK tiijtliliii hate lurr.MM'd
in talue fiom fliSrz.bir.' in lh eight month
emliriK l'h IVbnuiy, IS'H, lo t'.ncM.lw In tho
eamo inoiitli of Punt, while Ihe tlgutes for this
year aie ollijhtlt In low those of lit jear, being
iJ,sj.lij'i, llxpoit of tycpttrilers wtie not up
aialely vhinn In lb'd, but by lliU Ihe expoits tor
right inonlh luil i oat Ik il l,;sJ,S, an liiiri'i'e
oi Jsl,flisi oter the preceding car. s'lales and
balanie hate iuciea-ad in expoit t.Uue oter
tn prrtcnt dining Ihe ilrude, locomotive oter
SIM pir ccnl. printing 'rev.e oter C00 per cent,
and builders' liirdtiare oter :!00 ptr tent, l.tery
Item in the ci.tirc non itludule shows a sub
stantial inciease lu l'rfil 1 compared Willi ls'.il,
but in a trtt initante there are decreased a
compare ii tcltb I'lOO. presumably due to Ihe ad
taiieed pilrs" ion"iilnil upi.u Ihe ukiimmiI tost
of rt ial.
'Ihe area m Uoiilbutloii sleadil.t and i.ipidly
enlaigcx. In t,nllilci haldare, for instauie,
the espoit now g not onlv to the princlpil
tonntrie of Kurope, but lo Mexico, Central and
Ssiiilh Amrrka and Ihe Went Indle.s, Ilillbli Kast
Indies. China, Japan, Mntiala-ij, Alum and the
i.'blids cf Oieania setting machine and tjpe.
ttiltcis lound a market In the most dlstjut inl
and and the demand fioin the Kuiopean and
other Icadmsr eountite is increasing, while the
demand for electriial inachlntry is growing in
evrrr ellieclion
'Ihe fullottliig table thotts the espuilt of iiou
ami M'"l leaiiufaitureti In eight months, ending
villi 1'ebiuar.t, lull, compired ttlth Ihe eight
moiillii ending: I'tbniaij, lS'M:
IMghl month ending
I'eb., 1S11. Feb.. 1WI.
Toial iron and leel . . $SI,C"j.!,1.12
bleel rails r.'n.isi fl.8so,ii73
Ilullder bJldttaie .... I.C.-il.SI 0.0V.IM
l'.lectrlcal injthineiy .. not stated J.T77.C7.1
Uillets, Innots, elc il,li ;!,0(.7,37i
Sett Iiir mat blue l.R",!W -.S.'r.C.'iJ
Locouiotlte engines .... M7."5 -'.SJs.lill
Steel bats not stated '.'.is'm.SII
Muiclutal iron and steel, not stated -,".',M7
Wire JBi.510 -.,tnnin
Tptllleis nol staled l.TM.DJI
I'unipa and pump ma-
chlnert lisil itslid l.l'IMl'tl
Wire lull V'Vi S.'J.J"
I'llmiiif rtesses M7,u.Tl iilM'.'S
I'lre-amu (ibViOt bsO,.V.O
liar lion 71,'JII n'i,ii'i6
Motes and ranges Ibl.Ti:; ;I7 1 .0(0
aules and balances .... -J I J.tsij SU.S'ij
Kditor ol Ihe riihuno
hill III the ailltlc published vesienlj e-uiltleei
"fir. McU-od and fluMlan svicnce," tho line
tthlcli leads "ttithoiit diujt m hypnotism and
splillual pmvor alo"e" should read without
dines or li.tpnotlmi and b spiritual power alone.
Also Hie line tthltli leads "When tte consider
the ttitUhncs and tho huiiMtie nurvrl and iiue
liltnde uf the bealiuj xthieh .lesui did" should
liad sclfltulirsa Instead of srltlslincss.
ItcmoU fully,
Hat Id X. MiKct.
W1II0N AI)VI2UTlSi:ilf
rates arc Incieased al
UM whose
hove what
they had been previously,
thtoiigh the application of the tint rate,
pay the advanced pi Ice and admit that
tho principle is the only cipiltable one.
as nearly all Tho Tilbune' advertisers
who ate thus nffected have clone: It Is
the host proof possible that the Hat
i ate fm- advertising Is the most honest,
business-like way nf conducting this
branch of a new-paper. On Monday,
April l"i, there will be no advertising In
The Tilbune on any other basis than
the Hat rate, which Is nn absolute
guarantee that every advertiser will be
paying exactly the same price as every
other advertiser for the same service.
The price Is based on the nctual value
of the sot vice The Tribune Is able to
tender, icgardless of the rates of other
local papers, and Is conceded by pub
lishers In other cities to ho much lower
than they ate lecelvlng.
A few paragraphs from the Mall
Order Journal, a publication that Is
Issued In the Interest of advertisers,
arc Interspersed through this nitlele.
as they show conclusively how the
general advertiser views the flat rate.
Some merchants have gatheied from
these "talks" that the principle of the
flat rate must be all right, but do not
fully understand its meaning. We
The flat rate is the only logical
rate for newspapers nnd maga
zines. have tried to make this clear from time
to time, but our manner of explaining
may not have been as clear ns it ought
to have been. Below we publish an
explanation of this plan of charging
for advertising ns published In the
Galesburg (III.) Mall, under the title of
the "Inch Contract," which thl paper
adopted about two years ago. This
article should be read carefully as It
contains a very clear descilptlnn of
The Tribune's flat 'rate. Wo have taken
the llbeity of changing the flguies to
conform to The Tilbunc's pi Ices. o
that It will be moie cleaily under
stood. Here It I:
norr inch comiivct
To Our Adtertlslng l'alions, ami lo Those Who
Are Wondering: Whether VdtcrlUIng Would
lie a Oood Intestment.
Ilerogniing the fact that modem adteelising
method demand an arrangement different fiom
the oldstjle, arbitrary, Inelastic contract for a
regular tpire, the Mail lus adopted a schedule
of iiifli rates, which It is belleted will piotc
eminently fair lo all concerned, though, of
eome, contracts tor u-giilar spate will be made
Willi thop who pitfer them.
Manv ndtrilUt'ii. who wish to Herniate wlut
they lute to fay to Ihe leading public, bt the
Each day brings new converts
to a belief in the flat rate and a
universal demand for its adop
tion will in time bo made, which
publishers will have to meet.
taiying conditions of trade, weather, special
occasion, and the particular exigencies of Iheir
own business, will Unci Ihe lii'li contract ja-t
what ihcy want The old system of taking a
ceitaln specitled spai e, sueli as a half-column or
quaiter-cciluiim or column, tin uter dat,
through the entire .teat, ha belli obsolete- in
th. larger eilieie for a long lime, experience
hating elimonstratrd tin' lie' Bieiie r pone
lu been attained by t.irjing the extent of ad
tertlslng according to llin condition above re
ferred to. a nvmber of tialesbuig's Ijigest ad
vcitUei hat' made ronllaets with the Mall
on the inch bii'. and it is with the purpose
of extending to otlur an sipporlunity to amll
theiH3elte.s cf tbl klnel of contract that lid
schedule ha been adopted anil this explain
Hon I nude
1 uder an Imh t. tho Mall aaiees to
sell lo Ihe adterllser a. intaln iiiiinbtr of luclies.
uiidrr ceitain nindllluiis, at a certain fixed
pilce, tho pilce being determined by the num
ber uf Inches the adtertlser .igloos l ue within
the space of ttvelte month.
The adtertiser, on his paet. nitts lu ii-i- i
certain spetifird riuinber ol witliln tttrftc
month., the undemanding being tint If he d.ies
not u-e Ihe number o! Indus c died lor by III
contiatt In one .tear, he i to piy foi what he used al ihe pitte called for by the Inch
mIu dull, t hlcli tanes noui -'a rent an Inch
for 100 inche, lo be used in one tear, to 1
Weekly Letter on
, Miinicipal Affairs
Till! liOVnt.XMr.M' uf Wasliiuitimi more
closely corresponds to tho adm!nilraiion ol
Ihe ca'pital ut othei nations than that
ot anv other clt.t. nd it diners
bom the other reU cipit.ils in lliat its cmln I
liiiil power I renteieel In tie fedeul (jmeriiiniiit.
l.nlise London, I'ails. Ileilhi, Vienna and Itoiue,
it lias no liu.tor, or chhf exeeulttc; it Is eov
etned b a hoaiil uf Ihree euniiilssliiiitia Al Iha
same time it adnilliisirallte expense's mi' laistlv
bomo hi the fedeial itoteinmcnl. All Inipruto
n-.eiil. expriidllnies, iidiiilnistiallte lulls lions and
Ibe Use are subject lo the ret lew of eommlltee
in.lii both houses of congress. 'Hie oilier inles
leieidloned lecilve large sum Irom Ihe national
goteinments, but are- nol sublet t to the same
control. A portion of Ihe expense of sustaining
the nation' capital In l.utopeau ciiie is liorne
hi- the iiitlonal KOMinmenl for ilm ir.ison that
It belietts a pari of tlie eo'l of iiulnlalniiiff
Ihe city's prestlRC I a leltlni.ile thaiise on state
lunils. Till Is a pilnelple that mlijlii be applied
to ihe metropolitan ellle of America, Xew York,
lliltilio and l'luladelphla.
ilirc Is no inunlclpal (iOternuiinl quite so in
tiiealo as that ill xoeue in London. London
proper 1 a mile squaie, ttllh a populailmi of a
liille ntir :;7,iin, but (irealcr Luiidun eomprise
loitv-ttto cities, euteilnir several counlles, and
ha a population of inure thin l.Xi,(sW, I lie ill
tl.iun of the expense belttten tlie inuiiltlpalltlia
and the iioiernmciit Is so iiittiuuiili ' I" male
.eparalion vell-nlgli Impo-slbh'. u apiuiixlmale
Idea of ihe aniouiii may be funned by sIiIIiir
tbe .eteial things are tuied foi b.t Ibe
stale and paid fur out of the national ireasui.
'lh niitiopulllan police, miisttriiu LW ofliceis
and nien, I suppoited by the joternment. 'Ihe
chief tcccltes .1 salary of fl'LOTI P1'" anuiiin, moie
loan tho general commanding the I nil eel Mates
uiui. and as much as the chief Ju-lite uf the
fliltccl Mates Supreme court.
There oio fifteen police court ulallen, mppoit
cd by the tottrnmetit, the lend iiia.tnv holding
couit In one, and tin justice lu caeli ot the
omen, receiving a salary of :.ti00 per annum.
"I'm itro 'biiade Is largely supported b tho
slate, and cost In la00 oter H.SWi.iW, of which
tne Insuiancc companies conlrlbiilcd lout JJJOO,.
Wsi. The park sstems, state Hid munltlpil, In
iludo more thsn R.00O scies, thiee-llfth of tvhlch
arc maintained by the municipal ttotemnient.
The total espenses of London In 1S00 smounted
to more thin cfuj.OOO.oun, xthlle thoc of New York
amounted lo about $M,no0,0O0.
As tompstcd tilth that of London, the tottrn-
cents an Inch for G,UT Im lies, lo be iwd wlllilu
ono jear.
In other words. If a merchant conliatl lo lls
fi.osl Inche within one jear at the rale of IJ
cent an Inch, and uses only betwerii tt, and
A.imti Indies, lie must pav for Ihe name it Ihe
.I.UOO huh rale, tthlth I IVj irnls an imh. On
The publisher who demands
eliding rates is a "back numbei"
and a "has been." He Is too far
behind the times to deserve the
patronage of live up-to-date ad
vertiser. lb" other hand, as II I a poor title thai wilt not
work Iwlli ttii.ts, Hie adtcrlUer tontiacts for
3,M hull's at IV j cents an Inch, and at th
end uf the tear exceed III expectation, and
uses cl.tiOO lliihes, (he Mall will be willing to glie
him the adiantage of the tl.0e.10 Inch rate, which
Is l,-i cents nn Imh, and the Mail will rebate to
the aiheitiin-r to bring Ihe lotiil bill lo the IV
cent basis, Isn't this (sir?
ll'.Xl'A(5r.H OF 1IIK IXlll (OSTIUCT.
The ndvantages of the inch contract are
numt-rnui and obtlous. When an adtertlser ha
such a contrail, he can uc hi space whin lie
need It. If he has anything lo say to the read
ing public, be can say it. If lie has nothing to
say, he docs not hate lo pay for any spite to
sat It In, nor does he either hate to write new
ropy or leaic the old chestnut In Ills spite, that
will picbabl.t do him mote halm than good,
How often has the business man, who i making
an effort lo Ir.t the efficacy of adtertlslng, been
discouraged and disheartened at the obligation
he fell under to write an adtertisement when he
bid nothing to say! He knew he had to pay for
his space, tilietlnT he used II or lint, ami the
biiideii cf prepjilng an advertisement when he
felt that he had nothing to saj or, on the either
hand, his digust at dlseotnltig thai he was ad
tertlslng Monday morning sale in a Wednesday
caper, simply berause be had forgotten to send
in new copy -has had a gicat deal to do with
discouraging business men who are making an
lmnel reTor! lo illscoter for Ihemseltrs what
Ihe leal table of adtertlslng would be in their
particular ci-es.
Vone of Ihe-s" objections can lie inged against
Ihe Inch eonliaetj and we feel icitaln that, a
it lu found fator with Ihe bulncs men of other
elt'cn, so it will find latin with the b'lslnes men
of (Jilcsliuig. alter they luve giten It a fair trial.
The adtantagr of an inch contract appeal with
peculiar force to Hunt business men ttho.e bul-
In connection with a flat rate,
an cxtia charge for position is
justifiable. It is impossible to
give every ad. in a publication,
full position, and it Is difficult
even to place each advertisement
alongside leading mattev.
lie.. is piacticall.t nothing al some sea'on of Ibe
io. ami win therefore, hate to push all the
harder when it Is their sea-on. They are amble
to take advantage of early rates, pider the old
i.ttcm, because they cannot adtetitl'e the .tear
a'to'incl. I'nder the inch contract, tin da. ol
adtertUfis get a Lite according (o the amount of
adtertlslng Ihet do, and not aicoiding lo the
time it lakes theni to do it in.
Telephone lis. and we will conn- to you, and
talk the matter oter. We aie confident that
eteiy Inge adterliser in Cjlcsbutg will appie
elite llii new stem of adtertWng, ns soon
a il becomtji thoroughlv underslood. It I mere-It-
.1 change from the old-time country-town
liielhod lo those In Use In ctery larg- city In
the land. It I merely tin- chuige fiom candles
to incandescent lighis. We will be plcucd to
tall: ttilh anv of our adtertlscrs about tlie mat
ter at an lime
We endorse what the (..alesburg Mail
says in regard to lebatlng if an adver
tiser uses mote Inches than l.e con
tracted for. This Is only fair to the
advertiser, and that is Jusl our object
In adopting the flat rate. We ish to
treat all alike and convince the mer
chants of sScranton who make use ot
our columns that xve have no favoiltes,
that they can tely upon the price given
them for space as being Identical with
what every other merchant Is paying
Consequently some advertisers
secure better position than others
and it is right that they should
pay more for it.
for til" Scinn Poi-vicc. anil lliat tluit
pi-Ice In as low nn p t-an inifalstciitly
nial:i ninl continue to ptilillssli as gooil
a p.ipoi- ns wp arc' elolnir. Not n dny
p:is?fH It"! we me toltl by onr or mom
of our sulncrlbors Hint xxc are publish
ing "tin' best paper in Scranton." And
is- not tliV- paper that the Hitb'c-ilbci-conslilets
tltt liost paper Is not that
paper the best paper for ailvertlscraV
inent ot llerlin is simple In the estirme and con
lams manv model featnies. It ha i court of
aldermen and a town council. The membership
of tne comt ot aldermen may be a lirse a Ihe
eouncll determine. Xeailv one-half of it mem
ber are paid, and other serve xtithout Ml
ar.t, and .ue Kinerally tteallby citlcn. 'Ihe
paid member are at Ihe head of elepailmcnts,
and eh'tole all theh time to the administration
of aflair and sine for a period of tttelte .teals.
I he court of alileinun I prclded oter bv a
nia.tor. who i chosen by the council, and ap
pitixri! b.t the einpfioil Ins term of oillec i lor
tttelte ,enis. The ini.tor is an officer cf Kieat
potter and dlpnlly, and I paid a salaiy of l7,5oO
a vtai. Ilie lottu counc-il consln of IM nieui
beis, tthu aie elected by the eloitui..
the (jot eminent share the epiue of adminis
tration lu seteial was. In thi tlrst place. It
Kate lo Ibe city .tears aito a mairniticcnt pail,
ol CM acn-s, ttblih Is worth moie thin ts'i.OOO.bOD.
It maintains a pothe lorce of 3,0m) men. Larue
sums aie giten annuillf Icmard the linlveisltle
and Iho iiiiblle llbiarles. It ha another source
ul intonie from (he tast s.tsteiu nf tramtiajn
tthlcli it hss put dottn ihirlm; the past twenty
fite tears. 'Ihr tiimwa are leased lo prltste
coipoiations. ttlikh keep Ihem in Rood repair,
and, in addition, must pate all tlu street
tlirointli tthlcli thet run, and pay oter to the
rit.t a portion of their pioflts. the cash Income
lioin this souice amounts to about $s00,0ii0 a
.tear, and a lance number of streets aie kept lu
perfect lepall besides.
Of Hie four iciest capitals London, llerlin.
Washington. IMil Ihe last named is the most
beautiful, and Is most Ilbeially supported by Iho
slate. l.r llian one-tenth of the amount neees
ciiy to maintain the elit- is raled by direct taxa
tion. The expens? of the original setter H.utcni
ol I'.tlis was boine by Hie stale lu MM the
tvurl. ol irmodellns the city tta commeneeil, tlie
total nisi of tvhltli would amoiin. to $10,000,000,
half belli: paid b.t toe stale. In all of the fen Inii'iotenn'nt that hate been made sime
ls.i7, null a ttltU-iiuiK slteets, eieilliiR
bulldlnRs, improtlic Ihe ttaler suppl and en.
laiplni; it, and the laiious enierprises thu! were
pioposed lo iiupiote and beautily Ihe cli.t, ihe
Lity ha borne one-thild ot Ihe expense.
'Iho km riiniietit HJrj a iicavy vhaio in the
nnlnleiiance of ihe school svslems. Of the niuie
Ihuii ::Ck),()iil ihlldirn i tiiry urade; in ine
nlieioU in IsOO, tins stalei paid SL23 fur ea. h
child. Ml Iho inajnlneeni parks, foi tthl, li
I'aiis Is tatnoiii, lean lis en created and main
tained lamelv it the expense of th state.
Italy I undoubtedly the heaviest taxed couulry
In r.uiopo. -end the people bear it with a com
placency lliat l remarkable. The city of Homo
U allowed in retain oni-tenth of the proceeds
of the income) tas. In led within Iti limits, the
clt' shaie must be considerable, for the amount
gatherrcl liom this miine In IS'ifl reached rot
far Irom tl20,00e),(fii). lloiue, while not the larg
est cl.y In Italy, is undoubtedly the richest.
Tho city ol Ylenn probably ceta lc-ess issUtance
from tins states than any other ol the great Kuro
pcan rupllals. .Nearly all the soternment funds
not needed for military purpose! go to suppott
The i
People's I
ArOPUbAll Cf.HAltlXO HOUSF. for the
flrlieCIt r.t All Uhn Hue House to
Iter.t. Iteal Kitate or Oilier Properly to Sell
or rrhanire. or Who Wsnt Situation or
i Help These Small Adtertlsemer.ts Ocst A
One Cent a Word, M. lnselllon lor Ittci X
Cent a Word i:rent Situation Wanted, V
Which Are Inserted Free. O
Help Wanted Male.
vanti:u-v i:i'i:tiit:s( r.t) kmii; cuttf.".
on tolorcd unileisklrl. slate experience'
and salary expeclnl, Sihlioss l.urerne sii
company, Wilkcs-llaire, l'a.
Help Wanted Female.
WASTKO-l'.M'KlllCNCr.l) MII.LlNr.HV SAt.rV.
Udii.s and itorkcM lit M. Ackeiman's, VJi
Wyoming ateniif.
WASTf.D-V WAirill'.bS Oil lll'Ti.l'.K Willi
lefereme. lllgli wages lor tralncl sertlcc.
Apply Mrs. Sidney Williams, CM MjiIIwii menue.
school lo do woik on the hiranlon city
Hiicitoiy. Answer by lettci only and nddtes.s
W. K. Sinjthe. ell.
(iipj. uNii:n nut okskraIi liot'si:
work, 31(1 CJulney avenue.
Situations Wanted.
woman a conk ol doing general housework,
ill Lackawanna avenue.
and Itonlng taken home also Call or addirx
I,. II., iUI huimirr at c line.
nut bt dat washing, ironing and cleaning.
I all or uddrcsrt .Mrs. Mary Itus-ell, l.'l') Cedar
atcnuc, city.
f-nu.vnox vati;i-p.v v goood no hi:-
speitable uirl tu do general housework In
small tamlly. I an site good reference. Plcisu
cull at Ml Xorth Ileliccca semne, Utile l'a-'s.
AXTi:iv-ti,i:iuaM, postnov or v kind
by a competent toiiig nun; lefeicnte. XcU
elies Jl. I'., care of The lilbune.
For Rent.
KOI! IIIAr-I.AItGi: H00M. r.0.T 1'I.OOIt.
-.1)7 W.tominc: atfl'.ui; suitable br business
purpoe.; all modem contcnlenccs. Inquiic --'i
Jcfli'isun atrime, near Spinte utieet. iidiki, ion nnxr. wt pk.nn ai:.
DCMnAiu.i: nocsi: rou nr.s'T. cji mmh-on
atcniie; modern linpintrinrnis. Apply I"
A. Ilnse. 'Hi l.aekattimn.) atcnue.
roit iinsr-iiAi.i-' not ui.i: uorsi:. r, roomk,
modern Improieminls. 1,115 Nine slieel.
flit (JltKI'V lllDf.i: STIll'.l'.T. tlllV UOOM's,
inodeni imprmcn-.enls; steam heat furnishedi
desirable: $'J."i 00.
.lone. .Main sheet. Ta)lor.
Tor Sale.
. S e.yN -XVN
rOU .Sxt.H-slliMi-OxHI) VXI1 TIM) iii:d IIOOM
sidles. Apply Ml! Mille street.
I'OR SAl.K-n.XKsT tVAi.MT fOI.DIXli HKl)
and ( hlfniiler in lit , alsu scleral handsome
hand pulnlintrc. Call Saturday niornluv onl.t. Tli
Jefferson atcnue.
nxK iioitsi: i on Mi.r, i i.ionr iiomi.
sler, xtcitrht Iicm) lo ICO tb. ; rolor. ba.t ;
aire, o, sci.ud and Mil.! piiie i!'i, tan "
seen at 1. II. Watts lain, (ilenbuin, or apply
WD .Monioc avenue.
Por SaIo or Rent,
rou si,n on iir.vr - iom- iioiv. iv
Rood condition at No. .1W IJuircy avenue.
Apply to .fohn, 11" W.touni.c; ate, city.
1011 SAM' Oil IlKXT Till' DUIVINO PA11K
Hotel; eli;anll liirnNlisel possession uiten
on the first diy of pril. Vpp'y lo William
Craig, caie II. Kobinsju, So. is' bietxery.
Business Opportunity.
Ini; nia.t, bt Intestim: lite ol ten thousa-'il
dollars in .1 veil established, elitldeml patjmr
roinpany, ki-iiic .t fine position al a goo I alar
Address X. Y. '. . Tribune.
Money to -Loan.
estate. IIK.Mlt IICI.IX, .tit.
IHOMAS M'ltAlil'i:.
I to U pel cent. 1'iank L. Donr.rll, attoi
ney, Tradeis' NqIIoii.iI. Hank buihliui,'.
any amount. M. It. Ilolgate, Coininonttealth
ANi' AMOIIXl 01' MDXr.Y '10 LOAN -i,L"iri,;:l t Iran. or Kuihlins and Loan. Al
fron I li. il per eeiit Call on X. V. Walker,
Slt-Jl reimell biilhtlii;.
Wanted To Buy.
tANTrl- Si:(-(1XDII.M) .-10T MMHIM.s-inu.-t
be In xool orclei , t lie particulars as
tn main and prlee Addiess I.. M., ifeneial ch
litei.t, sjtiantuii, l'a
Rooms and Board.
I.AIlflK KIIOST ltlMlM Willi IIOMII) 1'Olt TWO
Ktntlrmrn. -Ill) Vdam utenue
Recruits Wnnted.
VNNs v-ss.
WAM'LD rOU i;. S. AIIMY: AliLP I101)li:t),
unmanled men bettteeii aji ol 21 and :5;
citizen ol I'nlted Males, ot jood clma ler and
temperate habits, who can speak, lead and
write English. Ilecruits spcelall.t ileMied fo,
service in I'lilllppints I'oi Infoimatlon apply
to Itecruttins Otitic 121 loiuins ite-., .Snau
ton, l'a.
roi'XD-HooK i,sriiLi:i) "oui nits'r 'L'-
lint or Hue Hundred lin at and Memui ible
I'tintf.'" Oitnei Ian c-laliu seme al Hit Mom ie
in i line.
,llSyVl.'.''ls'V'S'll',,, N s "l'),-
'ii.divxirs rxi5ixi:i:iis. ii.i:f"iiiici.
I'liemeli, lie, new 4U p..!!i- iituphlei contiln
it.i cpiestlcn ask.vl b.t exuii.lnini; board ol euiti.
necrs, sent (lie Hen . ZHlei. I'liblMiei, st.
Louis, Mo.
'iTA.Tihll-.. Xir.lV WILL I'xY l s roil
old peso featherbiils xddriss M. II Itlili
ards. Hernial Heliterv, nt.
llllLSS I'LMTIlllS- roll !Vbl., T'. I KM -I I'Olt
mer prlee, $1 W. Mr Ma, lloualtl, ,VJ Wab.
Injtcn atei ue.
the cliuuli. neailt i),niN),ei beii,R spent aiiiiu-jilt-
for Ibis puiBne. NiitttlllisiandliiK this
lic-aty ill Jin Ibe slate lias aided liotli Mi una and
lliulipcst, in an Indlieit Iho internment
liKbKateel the meat unite rsllirs al Ihe capitals,
iiialiitiiililiiL' "-' S.I tul. ill.- and ) teat he is in
Ylenna, xtlillt sari snub ills and 'd leatlurs were
piotbltd for nt llinlapist. 'Mil d-ature Indue rt
people to settle lu llie.e titks lu uiilcr to obtain
lilt, belltllls ol hi. blsliil 'lilialiiill for t lie ll
tlnldri'll free ol eosi
'Ihcio aie old six iiln's m usiila-luiiKjr,i
havina mora ihan lin.tssi pOiulatu.u, and but
two of more than SUO.OoH ienna has alnuil
1,300,000, while llduapi-t has .ilimit usi.iski. 11m
lilglirr courts aio siippnrlrd by he state, but
the qourls for inlnor oflnises, cciricspondliitf to
our police court, aie a cluiiie upuii tin- munici
pality. ! Sfc I I Sill
Women lnvjers ol Xew urk itui.l lake nil
ll.clr hats wh'll piatlltliiit Hiolr pioft-sslou in
Hit irlmlnal euurl.
Easter Sale .
of Ladies'
1 Ins season s second sale or
French and Domestic Fine Nainsook
Cambric and Muslin Undergar
ments, including many exclusive
styles not found elsewhere. Fault
less in cut, linish, superior work
manship and trimmings.
Bridal Lingerie m Sets,
Complete line of exquisite gar
ments in French, Nainsook, Hand
made and Hand embroidered, trim
med with real lace.
Of line Muslin and Cambiic,
with lawn llounce, trimmed in
Point de Paris and Renaissance in
sertings and edgings.
NigM Gowns.
Of fine Nainsook with dainty
Hamburg and l.ace trimmings.
Corset Covers,
The Spencer Waist of Nainsook,
with Valenciennes edging, beading
and ribbon.
Ckmlsc and Dowers.
Of Cambric. Nainsook and Mus
lin, with Lace and Hamburg trim
mings. We lead the market in the class
of Underwear we handle, practi
cally we have no competition in
this line. An early call will secure
best selections. Sale opens this
morning will continue during tha
Mi Pieces for
A new home freauentlv
needs new Furniture, usuj
ally odd pieces, to fill the
gaps caused by damaged ar
ticles or larger rooms.
We carry a large line of
odd CHAIRS Reception
Chairs and Rockersand
very latest designs, (and
there are some very pretty
new styles this year.) Also
those pretty Parlor Cabinets.
While we carry all kinds of
wood that is used for this
purpose, we have an unusu
ally large assortment in MA
the latter is still very popu
lar. Seven floors full of exclusive
designs and new patterns in
Hill & Con eelD
Washington Avenue.
We te displaying nn
unusual pietty line of
Easter goods In Booklets,
Cards. Hangers, and
Hand painted Sachets
all of which serve as a
suitable enster remem
brance. This year we
have added an Imported
line of chickens, ducks,
and tabblts, which will
Interest all easter buyers.
Rey molds Bros
I s lioicininrnt flinldlnir.
scianion, l'a., March -'J.
s-, aled pii'piisils will be received at this build.
Ins until i u'dotk p. in. WeeliuwU, April 10,
I'sil, me fuiuislilii.' luel. Iiih't, ttaler, Ice, ml
cellanesitis upplli, stashing tottels, haullne aslni
,nii sprlukllnir streets lor thbj building? durn
tho tl-al tear endinrf June BO, 1ISK, or aucji por.
tli.n nf Iho tear a maj- be deemed advusble,
'Ihe- rlithl lo reject any and all blda Is resene
bt Hie Tiei.ury ri.pailmrnt,
U U. IlirrLt, (?jstodian,
J'u-l , ""-