THE SOltANTON TRIBUTE-SATURDAY, MAItCH 30, 1001. 12 M ') THE CRIMINAL TRIAL LIST llundudcd film l'JRC 0.1 H. Mldiiil smith, awnult and bitteiyl t.eotge llorekii, pros. William lliunlng, forger; ' W Titinan, Irw- . , . e' Ceowe Abdollla. Mi iieotge Mcliola; aa- unit ami tattnyi 1'etrn 1 1 o-1 1 !'" Henry Villlicrn. selling Il-picr ulitioui n- nine; ItnliMt Nll'ou, pi. Anthony Itoth, nelling Hnwc without a li- it mip : ib-lcil WIUou, pt Joseph"" "ll-x ,t'1" ' "m,r.v robbciyj I'uiit: ll..tiltiie. dr.. pi. Mollis I'o-iim, liticny mnl leeelvlngs I'rat.k I'ol.l'u. Jr.. iiiv. It.ilL it. t.itltllV- tl. AllH. HP'S. 85, Sn, S. M. Henry !! itiluii, nsumated assault ami bat ter! Jhillii o.KiuUiii. i. .lenpli lliitvvlek. mniiiIi ftii'l bitfiry Mice rH II II lull k, ilK- Trltlny. Ai'nll lk. .vlleoael iVConriC-i owl loll" ialli. .-Win lleiuur oil miikIiv; IIoImiI vll-oti, pie... Icunlo HobblM". keeping bawdy huc; !' W. II. Dubkiii. prox. tl W. William MVagi, HI"- I'lcUinix: iiionio.1 licit!., pi'"- , . fl .lolui iJiiiiki-nWi .loluii'lln bonding Ikmi1 '1-ir.i I'aliuir, tns. Vi William Mor.Ui, r.l'tllig .oiuxiih-d r.ilor.; Nellie, pmx. . in; .'miiex CilUiiun.' nii1UIi inM.M: lLtlllei s. Mljllel, P. I',-, .loliii llih. iulKiiiratioi III 1'tlK.i'J Phillip-. l(io. .i .I.liii Willi-. mM'iiieinor In i.ilm s W. A. V. Phillips 1i-.J , . . . M .. .1,.: n . Mlllill, mwliiiii'iiiui hi I'tlit A Phillips i'tv. U. H'reil Vliktre. fl.tinliileirii' unions, .1 wilt- 1' I IT li-Mimmlil; I'll- Ileadllt, pio. I1..11I. 1 uiiiliiii, Ji'inliail"Hi ! M.uliii It. I'll.llll, IO. 1'i.iHK oiiil'ii-ti. i"in.v; 1.11 1 limit". I"" IMtrlik Mi'.Vi.ilii. lul.luiy; l.uJwiu: Man- Ultiw. pro-. .'. i;. WIm- niii. Illwjul nupnun: fou H.Io riitiyaivl il.Miumr: .l.lili WjII.ii. pi"'- ( .Ijiniii i'onji t liif. .ijuU mnl 1'itii'iy; '. 1. M.itlilnn.' pr-". .Umei ..mpki'. 'lajiiili. ji..IiiluiB l'l- iol; ilj I'. Si,iriliii. pi"-- Saturday, April 1. .lo.fpli Miofiinkir. Mirityi Asii' ft"MK-ll. pin. Mrltii Miinti:1.i. mudy: .toliii ilimWr. m. ,U...p'i Kl-lior,' AmifH KWicr, HiKtyi Ju Hole. t-. ' 1.lcn1. IMko, suifly; .Ijrcli diitw.i. prii .laoili CiiniOMti. ruu-lj 1 .Mjillfi. ruliluwll, -x ttw l"l 1'0 1'. J I". Jtl. Hi. StaDliy'rjWlf. fin'ly; mfjIi An.'.iicii, I""1 pint. 11 '. Jmlo rrtliMiinkli . arfty; ill. V'anl C'hilU-lilti-Ulc. b'lii'ty Maty DiulJ. pror. arali AiiioIlIi, I'10" . . . tli. Jf KatnotfUIr, nucty; .-aiali AinoMi-li, , pinx. till. 'H'lO riillipfililic, mrct; harali Ainoiittt, prf,x . .. . 117. US 11!'. JJ'I. PI. IS!. l.'l. -.'I. X- MlciiJfl 1llft.ii-. RUtctyi l.ilinl 1 om, pro?. .lolui Ki'pol, Mirciy; 1'iaiil. S-ulUo, pio. I'ran'f tlko. Miri'lj; J"!iii KopnK. pro-, iliartc solimim; 6mt; Mmris Jlccr, IH0-. ,hini nun-it. futft; Mrali IliiTCtt, pro. II, it llultlMin. I. limy Van V 1II11, muty, .lawli 1'IiiI.JmUIu, pro?. I(:iult MilUli. firitj; Maiy (lnpplf. pros i, ,.ii-i- i:nl. furtty; Jolin I'a'Uui. PJo. .lo-tpli Mriilo. Mirr t) : Katr Mwjiko, pio .lolJi l'.nllli, nnrlj; Alma Uadilcn, pros, llilir.v limtioilj. ilitcrllon; arall Kiimnlr, Mllliii Hiflp. ilfcttlPii; CroiKa Snclp. pro-. ..lil I. U-wis ili-'itlmi: Amu i.oms piiiv J ':. Ji'liii )laitv.lrl. ilc-(ttkn; Alice llartulclt, pn-:.. 1..1. Aii'lrcw OiPln. do'crilon: loolira Oputa, iOX. 1 :.'. liuTC' Ati'litm. r1itllon; Mairulc MiJnwJ, Lamb, ilcfrrllim; ItrMuct Lamb, pi "N 1 . .lohn l.illtvc, iloMitk'ii; arali J. Lalloif, i" 1 .). Wllllr MuHli.v, ilt'witlniii tnlin O'llriTi, proa. 1 :. Jrpli Wop, licition; 1 rant. Wpp. pio. SECOND WEEK Monday, April 15. 1 7. satnijol Ililllott, mviritcr; Ijluatd J. Ncai-, U-. 1 1 ink .Iriviii, tnurdcr; 1'rank llnblmir, lr., pru. l.i. I mnl. Jaiitcn. aion; frank Hnbllnjr, .1r., pr.u IW. .lccp!i Murraj. Matutory burclarj; James T. MMliIrcw, pros. 111. itori:o MoAIUMor. cniboziloiiicntl .1amc l". ( iiiii.nitizf. prw. I.- nioin .UlUrs, iraiiOukrit voting; .tolin J. I U.Uli', piUti 11!. Jwtali Wliltr, laicrny ntdrln;;; Wl. llat.t V. 1 ui:cr. pruf. 1(1. Jolali WIilic, carrjlni; conroalcJ vcapon; II. II. I'Uhc, pro?. 113. John I', llulnnil, rnibpiztctne lit ; Jo'an liar. ry, iro. 14i. llfiijamln Howie, larceny aii.l rciclvtusr; Jit- liau 1,-uliok, prof. 117. IVIIllaui .Morgan, nu-aiill mvl balury; I,U. tin Moibjii. pio. US. Thomas Jlnriay, frauilulcni olInj; Jol.n .1. Co.uie, 1 UPr. 111. p(t(r Jwlirr, ai'ault anJ luttiry; Jolin J. CVjnc, pio-. l.V.i. .liillui Hjiifuiil, Linen? ii'l reciWiit; Lll- lUn Uonliy, iio. I'll. Antliony (.laiulKM, iMiulint; lmn-i; iliniire Kupilinora, pio. IV.'. Wllllain Lmler, aliai William lir.nlley, allai Wllli'im Kcnno.v. luo-ny ami lecilv- ins; Jaiurf T. Mr inlren', pu". 1,'t.l. I'atriil. iiaii, lauriiy anJ iiicillue; Iloro- tliy 1 ilupl-"", pro, Tuesday, Apiil 10, lj. 11, t. II.1It1.11, perjuij: l'ol.crt Wilron, priw. Il.'i. l,ii'l .tn.lreus rtatutcry l.uinl.ii.v; 1' Ui.'.l is.1, Jr., pun?. r.: 'iony pilil, atlas 'J'uny iiltz, fiauiluUnlly maklm,' MllUn lii.'IruiiHMit; 1'ranU HobllnB, Jr., pio. Tony t-iali, alia Tony Itilr, IraiirluUnlly liiaklni; a will ten iii.tnimcm: I'ratik lluli llnir. Jr.. pro-. Ilulnii Mil 'in, l.r. .m Mnl 1. . ,-i 1111:; l'rank 1.1; 1 Itoblinif, Ji . pin. I,i. MMu.l M. Dpitiii-i-. 11 1, in ml-.cln.-f; I lunk Hot. tine Ji pu i fhe Prayer of a Nerve for More Blood. Kturalpia mtiy attack uny part of the body tut most frccjucntly occurs where the nerves are most abundant. In the head, In the face. Sometimes the heart nerves seem to twist Twinging rheumatic pains of the eatrcmi lies Sharp and intense at times In the jnlervalsdull anil heavy. Neuralgia is the result of impoverished flood caused ly impairment of the nerves a lack of nerve force. It Is a disease of the nerve centers, and (he pains' accompanying it are a prayer for better nourishment. They are the danger signals which warn you against a total col. lapse of the nervous system. Liniments and all external applications can only give temporary telief, I'ermanent cure cannot possibly come until the nerve centeis are thorough revitalized and reinvlg otated by Dr. A. V. Chase's Nene Tills. The beneficial effects of this great nerve re storative are felt thrilling through the nerve fibre as week by week and month by month the nerve force of the body is restored. Women afflicted with diseases peculiar to their sex are frequently great sufferers from neuralgia. Dr. Chase's Nerve Pills positively cures both these disorders by filling the nervous system with new vigor and life. 50 rents abcx at nil dealers, or Dr. A. W, Chase Medicine Co.. Iluffalo, N. V. The genuine has portrait and s'gna'.urr of Dr. A. W Chase on each package. Neuralgia, THREE REQUISITES TO SUCCESS, HEALTH The man who posses ses thesu can con (jner the world. DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHIS KEY the safest and ntoU reliable tonic known will build up your strength, infuse new en ergy into your system and keep your health tip to the high-water mark. To the overworked professional or business man it is simply indispensable. till the only Whiskey taxed ly the GoTern; mi'Ul in 11 tiu-dlilne. Tills l i (jimrnntce. All rtrugglt tnl grocers ot illrcet, S1.00 n tnltlc. Ufhiic sulitliute, they uipltiJurloii, Scmllor (tig inedlcnl luoklct ami U-stluiotilals DtTl'V MALT WHISKEY CO.. l'.ochcstcr, N.Y. lit). K. Mduil, keeping a panting Lome 'lloii, pt&. liil. Kotittani Stt.inoM-kl, krepng a Ilolirrt fjniliik; lioii'x; llnliert Ull-on. pio. liij. TI10111M lolv, Wrpilitr BJt'ilni? Iiott-e; KolMit IImiii, nn. I'.!. Hour A. Prin', kit ping a gatult lioiie; K.teit WlU.n, pt" Pil !-. r. Wi'.iliinl, iili-trtirllng JiiHip; Wllrtiii, pro. f. 'llionu HW.I11, frauilulitilly voting; J1.I111 J. Cot tic, prpi. IM William II lit, fi.iiilnlrntly Voting; Jnliii J. Lojne, pie, lot. Atiilieu' (ioiilvn, p'ljiir; Stumi aui-lia-, .0. ti.-i. Iliin.iil ,T. Kell.i, mlerleiiicnt; S-liplicn I lyer. pro. 1 1 Pi. lliinii Siiiiicit. latfdiy ainl rn-olvitig; ("ato- lino Uaienpoil, pmx. ITP .wll I'mkii, .iiavate-l a-zaiilt am! bat- luj KaiiLn Hut. ,uw. 171. Ci.tttiili Ulan!, lelunlotK outiilitig. John Viuriiibfig, pn.. li'. l.i-rut lliiwty, liaii.Iulti.tly u.tltig; lit n- (inii'i .l-.iliii, prm. I"'. Aiiiilo Amen, nilulUry; Klial.elli Knapp, pro-.. , 17i. .Ii.pli larom .ml riiililng; William Ail if. pros 37u iio' .mil Tiilisn), ill-. lurj-ii.L" tile-aim vvilli intent In kill, I'.i-q.iiln Jonlm, pior. 17(. II. I'. .ill, u'-aiill aii'l lultiiy: Mary M'y.ltl, pro. Wednesday, April 17. 177. Mieliael I1.1I.1, lunli.V .Hid icitlvingj 1'iank l'i Iillrg, Jr., pro". 17?. Iloy (alluil, latiiny ntul rrietiinz; 1'ratjk l!olill'g, rro. 179. lMwar.l Magulie. MIIe lt burglar; l'rank Hobllng, Jr., pro. 15ii. (itoiKO UiiiRlibiiry, keeping gmiiiig tieme; Ilobert Wllon, pro, 1-1. Ilyrnu 1'allon, keeping gainirg hon-e; l'ob- ett Wil-on, pro. 1SJ, llicnia-i Miliulre, felling llipior on Smula ; Unity Diiikf, pio. l'J. M. W. (irogan, kieplnn gimlng liouw; Ilob- 1 rt Wllfon, pro.-. 1st. .M. W. Crcnati, rsecution ot Ugil )iK)irs; ltoljeit Wilfnii, iro. t." M111011 Tlioina-, bitbei ; ltobi rt Il.'nn, pro-. 1-0. C. S. I'aatz. illegal praitkc of dtntistr ; W. A. Phillips piw. 1S7. Jolin -i.i1om, mlllng li-pior on Sun-Tiy; W. A. I'lillllps pio. lej. l'aitiek .1. I)ikln, M'olitiug election lmsj John ,1, rnine, pio. IS?. M. II. (ialck, violating flection laws; Jolin .1. 0iii pro. I'M. Mirv M1II110 and ni:rlo Millno, filling IN wlllmiit Iln n-e; . II. William-, pro". 131. liominlik Vonra, felllnc Ikpior cm Miiuhv; W. II. it'illiaiitf, pros. PW. t-. 1. lii:er, laicmy by ballet; Lmily lbile, l-ro.. 113. 'llmniiii Ilurl.p, (.ulu-lloii; Lena lliitinm, lro.. 111. Henry I'iem- and . . (Jilhv. larceny an! reniiing; Jowpli ronp'r. pio. Ilia. Henry I'Kieo anil S. A. llllby, a-.ault and Initrri ; Jnvcph I ooper, pros li'i. Henry Pierce, forcible entry and detainer; Joseph Cooper, pii-. 197. Henry IVmikk. foinioatlon and bastardy; Miry Wliittliigton, piox. 105. Jo-ipli llolin and Jolm", a-.ult ami Littery ; l'atriek l'ajton, pin-.. l;i!. Patrick Mawiell, n.-anlt and battery; Liui.1 Norton, pro. ;o.l. Julia Chrlbllnc, a"iult and batter; Julian Stunts pios int. Jinnlc Sinltli, aim Jennie Daly, larceny by bailee; (jcillc Jones, pro. Thursday, April 18. JO.'. Ilmiard Ilorcnfeldt, ulllng llmiur on iun day; ltee-c s. Paiies, pros. 203. William J. Lvani, keeping a. gaming hou-e; ltoboit Wilspn. pros 11. Jceph Karoliu, selling lhjiwr on Sunday; ltee-c K. ..ii ics, pro. 20"). Winificd ltiap, m-lling li'VIT without a li- ceii-e; llobeit Wilson, pios 20il. M. Obcnov ige, iil-0 plitimi--; l'cter W..1- en-kl, pios 207. Alex M.d-IiiIcsU, olwliuctitig rxcciillou 01 legal process; Charles fluewiski, pros 2'iS. Cliiistlan Ashiiiui, catr.vir.g .1 coiiceik-d diad- ly vviapoli; llenlamin H.iins, pios 2irl. ,1,ioi,l) Callow, Minnie llelbling, lleniy 0,jg, John Sailor, lltrry Sailor, William V.. -y- mid, John Joidiu, Jolm Murphy and l'ctir Altiiiiaii.'li, hn my and recoiling; -lames Muirae, r., pt-is 21,i l'aiiiil, MiMidrov. atuult and Imterv. .Maty MiAndiiw, pros 211, Isiac L. linn-, .ilia A, Ham-. Im.vii, by balke au-l eiubivhiiienl b cou-lgmc; L. rieidinaii, pios JlJ. Ililiide ricliinii-ivltz. Bennle l'olh, Meiellng iPcity vvllh intuit to 1le.-f1.11td; I'. L.m- elm, pros 51.1. Andrew lliblu, foiuicallou and ba-taid; ; Tarkla Oplsta, pios. 211. Jolm Siiiibio'kli, a ault and luttciy; Vie. toii.t, prox. 21'. ,lae.ili i-'hei.oi-ki, peijury; Chatle Napro.ko- 1 ski, pios Via ('li nit lliini, a-aiiu ami t-aucrv; 1-. 1,. Ikcis pros 217. Vlto Yctso, Motilou woillidlns; fillbeppc l.lflln', iros 2ls llenjiiiiiln Ihoiiiis, .ivsault and battery; Wil liam (IlllP. ploS JI". Amlipw IV ul. and Ceuitto Caimpl, Meiilouj HiiiindliiL'; hate Slu f-kis prox. ..o. P. inl l!"iln-, .iM.mlt and lulteiy; Mny WMtli-v, piox. 'Jl I udeikk llildmr, selling Jlq-ior on Stndiv , J....cpli 1 . Weell.ti-, 1 ii ua. Piiday, April 10. , 'JJ Minliv Hepka, niallcloiu nilrthlof; l'rank Holding. Ji.. pios ' li .. Iii-iiiliut, iiiatitluiis nil.-Ulkf; l'rank Holding, Jr., priw. 2JI. P. I, llelt-, keeping a gaming hnii,e; Hoheit Wilson, pros J.';, p. J, Piviif, l.iiplng a g imlng I.oiim-; Hob- eit Wilson, I 'to. 22. nil-ban M. 0vcn, keeping a gaining home; Hobert WIU011, pi on, 2J7 John Hembei kl, ulllug lliptur mi sunda ; ltir-c- S. Paiicv, pic. 22 Wade M. I'lnn. bilbery: W. A. Phillip-, pros. 22!', Joseph aiestetoi', aggravated assault and bat ter! IV, A. I'lillllps. pio. 2,'k 1'.. I., bribery; llobeit WlUon, pros. J.;l. Andiew llivancc, selling llfjun Mithout II- rtnse: Thomas Leyshon, pios. 232. John C'tatie, fraudulent voting; Joliti J fo.vne, proa. ,jj, W. M. Vjn (lorilrn, labe pifttuem: It M. LlmJ.ay, pios. 231 Michael lllshic, afcault and bjlter'! Udnaid I'ord, pic. S3.1. Hniry liennedy, assault and battcrv ; SaraU Kennedy, piox. ifi. James Hoar, fornication and bastardy; Mary A. l'ltspatrltk, prox. 2.17. Vclcnt lledVo, auult and batlciy; Annie bloclinlck, piox. i"i$. Wasrl Metrosklo and Waiscl Ramble, u- ault and batter-; Metro Tihanlukl, pros. i'M. Andrew Meeko, ellieliarglng tiie-ann with Intent to kill; Inilfo Hobllilty, pros. Saturday, April 20. 210. l'rank (Srogatt, roiet.v ; Annlo Crogan, prox. 211. Caroline llurkley, surety; Cnuna t'aiey, piov. 212. Mirrhl llattlsta, sitrely; i'raiu 1'ilglnclla, JilOS 2IJ, John Ilrciinan, surely; Mary llrennan, pror, 211. LgmiU ri-her, surety; Albeit Coles, pros, 2li. Walter o'Onnor, imtclyj tatheiine Tuffey, prox. 240, Mlko Mav.iiltsl-1, surety; Jacob Suroiltz, pros, 2li'. Itiihard Watih, iiurtty; Maria Walsh, prox, 2I. MarU WaMi, turetyi Itlchard AaUli, pros. .J. uvld 3. l!ttl, fiirclys Anna lwls, prox. iM. W. J. Ilakir. mrity; Maty Baker, pros. 251. Mary .lane Willis, aurelyi Maty Aim Mew, ptoi. V1. Margaret llemitbaiini, wiilyi Vgnrs (llllei- pto, rox. 2-V1. .laiiiel trkln, taiiftyi Ollie Mallliml, pto, Ml. WIIILiiu Iill. mielyl Margaret Lilly, prox. a,m (leoi go II. Wlnloek. deeitlon Jftmlc Win- Ifiek, prox. Sitl. Willie Mutlley, utctl MI11011 Mufllcy, pios. all. II. .1oep!iion, surcl ; II. (iold-lrger, pro. Si. Tliomai II. tiro-, urcty; LouI 1'rrcdnun. ircii. SVi. .Michael !-kc. Miret ; John Tupotuskl, ptos. y). I'. !'. Moian, miret t llobert Wilson, pros. JiJi. .lo-eph fwinko, il-ertioii; Kale Svunko, t.rox. -.1U W. C. (irifliii. ilii-illon; Nellie (irltlm. prox. Sty., llltner llldgnay, ilercitlon) Maty llldguay, pr. '.'01. 'Ihoinn ( unain, dceitioui IHldset Cuttans iros. 2'Vi, John I'atrcl. iliwrllon; Mity rrrt1U prox, Ji.. .In-cpti llohy, ile-rtkml Mary (.oley, pmx. JUT. llilliert tMlllJtiw. iliwitlon: Ml William, pi ox. 2d. 11. T. W.iall, deseiKon-. M ity Wjalt. piox. 2i,'.i. John Mna, ilesottlon; lillin s-lif.1. piox 27U. Ann Sheridan ami llnali Slieiklau, uppeal tiom niinniaty 111111I1II011; llot-eit WiLou, I -IX). INDUsfmAL JOTTINGS. Captain W. A. May Made General Manager of the N. Y., S & W. C. Co. Tlie rullnnltiK oiib'tfi well- Is.-mcil yea- ten day by the New Yoik, Suiiim-liuiiiia nml WVhtuin Coal eumpnny, wlileli hart for several yearn ln'i'ti a prun'riy of the Kilu cumpanv: e inrr!..ii no. 1. Xi-ii Yoik. Minli sit. 1!")I. Mr. . . M.i U appointed Rinnal uutiaiitr of ll.n New Yoik, Susquelianna and Weslein Coal iiinipaii, with ..'.litis . it Sir.mtoii, l'i. L. S. Miller, Vln- l,ieldent Apploiid- I!. M. rimunliig, PnwMint. CIHLL'LVH. Nrinlon, I'.i.. Mauli 'u. l'H '.Mr. W. W. 1l!-t Is nppliitel miihtiiiI.-ihIi nl e.f tills cuiiipuiy, ulth oitlie- at Seiaiium, l'i W. A. May, Ceiniul M auger. Approul.--L. S. Jlilh-r. 'Mie-l'ii-sldciii. New Engines for L. V. R. It. Jniiies MpfnlTurty. Uavdlnjr eiiRliuer for tin.- Iliilelwln Jauoomotlvu woiks, l'lilladolplila, Ih 111 I'lltstein pupcrlll tttitUiiK the- e-ree-tloti of hevoral now en-kIik-s for tin- I.eiil?U Tulloy railroad ut Ceitoti. The company has received twenty new englnex, ten of which will be ttfcil fur paset-HKor s-ervU-e and thi luilunec luf lrelKht, to lio ustd on the Wyomlnw division. Four of the new euglnea ato now in heivieu and uie said to he fully up to the Htamlard for the work thuy aie re Htllieel to elo. The Valley's order for now ensinos calls for loily-lwo In all and they will lie iiumhemil flout 1,1'Ot up. WIlUcs-Harre lleconl. rr.j.nt.. Ts. L. & W. Boaid. XUUIty XJty The nialte-up of today's D., L. and W. hoarel Ih as follows: 1HIPAV, M.SIIC1! 2". Mild fat.s La-t -S p. in., M. I. olden, mil Pol.ert.v'.v 1111 11; 1'J p. in, l. Ilandulph -MI M. MMIl II ..0. Wild CaU La-t- 2.T.i a. in, L. M Ili'Ini 1 :;n a. m.. I. I". htoveiu; 2 a. tn . It t i-m i, .'1 .1. 111., J. J. Mima, witli ('. Itirtlioloin-'"'-! men; T a. in., W, II. Iln1liri1.-im.-iv. ii'Ke.nue-v s mrii; n a. 111.. -I. II. Mi-tn-; lit u 111. T. .1 'll,oin,;on; 11 a. in., J. Mosbr: 1 .in p. in., W. II, Wainl; I. u p. 111., I. v. P111111 . p. 111.. II. IIi-Iomk; 0 p. in,, J. J. .-ullo. summits eli. 'i a. 111., nt, .1. Hcuuluan, S a. III., east, l.ttiinei. Willi V, II. Mihols men, ii p. in., east. -I. (aitlug, n p. in, ci-t. 1 ravanaiigh; a. in, viit. 1 ujiinfi Ikir; 7 p. in st tiom jy Aug. II. Mi All; T p in, west tiom I''a, fiinli; 7 p. in., wen fr-sin t'juijj, Mclaine. puiiir in ii. in., r. r. Neoi- I'lislictt, S o. til.. llmiM-i; lO.i. tn . "5 I'louir 1 ; 11 M) a. in., Moian; 7 p. in . Murph . 0 p. in., Lainplui;; ID p. in., Wiilim I'jtsi-ngcr Himinis 7 n m , (Jilliiej. ; i in., Mngcr; r.-W p. in., Mantoii; 7 p. m , Mi govern. Wild l .Is I a. in.. ! Wall: III a. i J. (.ihli.ili; II u. tn. W W, I illui. . p in P. llauaert.v . I p. in., .1. II Mi rami. 0 p. Ill, villi-, vilth VI. I iiiunr ,. m--n. Arbor Days Designated. ll.niUbtirg. Mauli '' --tioiern ,r - ued a proclamaiioii t .das di-lgnaiiu? pnl 1.' ami '6 as Arbor da.v. -..'. -rm: wapuStfflai TaMaissaaisnaTiTSsaMMriiaTaasmiM miiimmi.! iiiiiiinii .mi Et5s3.MlSll SH K'JSrtWWr'KW I " A S Graphaphone Sale Continues Our Closing Out Records, Supplies, Our stock is not so days ago, but is still the largest in the city. This sale offers a great opportunity to secure a collection of the newest rec- ords at cut prices. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312-314 Lackawanna Avenue. TODAY, SATURDAY, SPECIAL BARGAINS IN SHOES AND OXFORDS FOR H, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. Prices way down. Extra help to wait on you. MYER The C'lieniicsl Slioc Pennsylvania Postmnsters. fly Ktclushe Wire from Tlie Awoelalrd I'rff". Whlnctton, March 29. The following fourth cltH iotmastcM were appointed today! Hon tnan Creek, Wjomlng county, W, S. Luteri l)ur tit, llradford county, O, L. KerrlekJ Wlndliani, llradford county, L. It. punhairl, 123,000 people arc killed every year in this country by CONSUMPTION. The fault is theirs. No one need have consumption. It is not hereditary. It is brought on by neglect. You have a slight cold and cough. You do nothing to get rid of it, Shiloh's Consumption Cure will cure a cough or cold in one night. "Shlloh't It an unfailing cure for coughs, throat and lung trouble,. It wilt cute con sumption. It In a remarkable remedy." A. E. bALTER.M. D HufUlo.N. Y. Shltnli'a Con-nmptlorv (lurn'N a old hj nit druggist Ht 3.1r, fine, 81.00 a bottle. A frluteil gimrunlrn nuea with exory hntlle. f ymmrr nut KatUfledgn to your druggist mini gel your money nncsc. Write for Illustrated eook en consumption. Sent without tost lojca. S. C Wells A; Co.,l.,Roy,N.V. HENRY BEL1N, JR., General Agent for tbs Wyoming Pistikt for DUPONTS POWDER. Mlotnc, Dlasttng, Sporting, Smokeless anJ ths KcpauDO Clicmlcal Compan't High Explosives. Eifcly fuse, Caps and Exploders Itooiu 101 Con nell Building, kcranton. AUENCILS: T1103. roitl) PitUton JOHN D. SMITH k SON PImouth W. r. MULLIGAN WilkciBarrs NERVI7A Fiiy Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Cum Impotency. Night L'mUIon, Lossi of Mem, eiry. nil vvnstlm: illfcaecs 11 wnMini? iiiwntc. i , nil fflectsor colf.nnu-nor 6O PILLS 50 CTS. oxceifs nnd it-dl-crellon. A. nerve tonio ano blood builder, llrlnps ttm a-iisiL" tstl cin ru nit la checks ami tcMorcs flip ..llrH of soutli. Uy mail 1 50g nor box. G boxpn for 8U-60, with our bankable traurauteo to cure or refund the money paid. Send for circular nnd cop of our bankable guarmitro bond. Kervita Tablets (VLLLOW LABUL) EXTRA STRENGTH Immediate Results Positively gunrnnteed euro for Los-s of Power, Varlrocole, Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs, I'nro-i", Liseoinotor ,tnxln, Nnrvoua Protr.i tiim, lly.teri.i. I-'its Insanity. Piirnlysl nnd tho itesmis 01 r.xces.tvo L,nnot jcunrcn, iipnim or Liquor, By mail in nlnlti park-igp, $1.00 a box, G for $5.00 with our bankable Ruar antee bond to cure in UO days or refund money paid. Addref.i NERVITA W1EDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts , CHICAGO. ILl Sold by Mcliarrah i Tliomas, Piuggl.tJ, Lackawanna avenue, Scranton, I'a, Sale of Graphaphoucs, Etc., still continues. large as it was a few W5& 2i)'J ISMlOTIlk JMffl N rKilTlietii tiny Cnpaalen ar x" "s l Jc llstaPiireit In 4H bourn vsllliuilt f....A ! tfAit IttzDlnconrrnleneF.nllertlnnirlMinY IB JJ.lo WbebM nml Inleelloii. ful,. V I 233S!ti??' TVVOT'nfllilisI DAVIDO Store. 7 SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. Extraordinary Specials in our White Goods Department Remnant? of English Long Cloth in leugths of from three to ten yards, a positives 2j cent quality and the finest Long Cloth wc have ever sold. 15c a Yard Remnants these prices: . Lot Lot Lot Lot Plaid and Stripe Nainsooks of excellent quality, worth Lace vStripe Lawns, in 50 dozen Hemstitched Lineu Huek Towels, medium best Towel bargain of the season. And 50 dozen of the biggest aud bc3t Turkish Bath size 27X5S inches, of solid towel, with knotted fringe ends, The 4.4. 1. Special CONNOLLY & NEW YORK HOTELS. iWv V.V tVlaSTJUKSTKIl JIOTHL Cor. Mixteentb St. and Irs lug Piao:, NEW YORK. American Lurcpcan Plan, run, L $3.60 rcr day and upwird. Sl.Su per day and upward. D. CltAWFOHD. Proprietor. firosilns) Jib Are. sod 27ih Street, New lort. Absolutely Firogiroot in tlie itm letol the shopping aud theatte leimWtTtJ sAJlH'iinrfH-je m.i mr fs? new Ihtougl out. Rurnnenn mz:no Ulfiua h D-i.ssi.i,, RlC or ell lUlte, with ot without bath, hot Mna cold water andtttephon: in cv cry room. Culslnc unexcelled 44 4444 tt 1 4-44-4-4- lor lliisiiicss Men In thet htart of the wliolesalt district. For iShojipcis X minutes' walk to Wanamnherv. S nitnutca to Bk-eol Cooper's nij Bturc. i:asy cf access to the sreuc Dry Goods Storos, I For SlKhlsecr.s One bloclt from IJ'wnv Cars. Giv ing easy transportation to all points of Interest. TEL ALBERT ! AKW YOKK. 4-4-4 4 4 Cor. Illli ST. (fc UNlVnitSITT ru Only one IMock Irom Uroudw.iy. ROOniS, $l Up. prCc Keasomub 4-4-4-4-4-4-44-4-4.4-4-4-4-4--- n..! n 1? tijpfi coy North nuuuiriini:i:i.,uf sutnst.: rhllftilrlphU, I'h. Unl (Irrmn hi.rflfcll.l litf Aids rift, Ousriinlrta tn tart lo liy ivitul I'rlulrt I'lrnk4-a,(frrrhfrttt'ftt tolildAiLirtr.AiiiiM'.i ItlnfMl I'oKai, fna UrMIU), I oil Buhtiosl ariforl A, Mririurt m ruiliniri, i tinfuiop. rnUrsanrVRaroriMorti irtiiniuBitidi iiixjii mfdlMl kml fllrlfl TrKUtl ritnllin fpT. Lrskinviiniin Ave iri 4LNtVilr ' luiriU.htiriink iipoln.Ttfy. KVirwira'' ' m fOiaWi ifww UL5fe. wNf VG&fU lit ' ' ' r ffSlE! P7 v R $LB u : of fine India Liuons, in leugths of 8c ...10c t2y2c ...15c A saving of from 4 to 8 cents on every yard. new effects, at special prices, 10c Men's Collar and has proved a great success and will continue throughout the week. - exhibit of fine Leather made during the balance of the week, Belts, Pocketbooks, Chatelaine Bags, Bags, Etc. WALLACE, J- sj I 'J.-i;- 'l"i''l',i"l'i"i"t WAIT For Our Great Sale of CARPETS and DRAPERIE! We are now prepared complete Wall Papers, iOil Cloths and WI LLl AH5 & ncANULTY 126 Washington Avenue. j. Lager Beer Brewery !Iunnrrcturcr3 if OLD STOCK 486 to 4B5 N. Ninth Street, Tclcplions Call. '2Mi. DR. I'lijilcian and Surgeon :; 1 1 spruce si, itmple Court Puildlng, SCRANTOX, FA. Ml acute and clnoiuo eiiM'ii.ea of men. vvo men and ' lilldreil. (IIHOXIC M:itOle. IlliMN AM) WASTINO UbKASh's A -I'LL- Ml eliseiies 'I the Liver, Hidne, Skin, I'lood, Nervei", omb, Le, Kar, Throat, and Lungs, Caneers, Tnmoi, nurture, Ijolire, Uheuinatism, Aiiluin, VailcCHnie. i-vss ai.jiiio.1. .-m-"-.' i:mwions, all I tmalo iuea', lauiorrtioea, en.-, 0.'ni orln-a. Svphllllii, Hlood I'oUm, linllrn Hon ami youthful hablta olditemteil. burger, I in, Kpilep-y, Tap and Istoinaeh Worms. I'A TMIHIIOtJNK, pnltb for iWiUnh, Threi tnontla' Ireaiment only -i.i. 'I'rlal free 111 1 Mice. Cons'ilMlion and txaiiilnation free, nf the houw dally and fundi, 8 a, m to P- n. DR. DEIMSTEINI. I IS SI l aurrt from one to six yardi, at I 12JC cents, At 8c Yard and 12c Yardj size and fine quality. The! 10c Eai Towels we have ever a positive 50c value, At 39c offe - Cuff Sale - 1. i- i. Goods will be including Shopping X 4- 4- 4-4- 4-4--4 4- 4- Washington 129 AVENUB vrv VVVVVVVTTVT'FT afc WAIT t to fill all orders with a new stock of Linoleums, Window Shades -M 11 1 in If Said the bait to the fish. Or next thincr von kuo you'll garnis a dish. I came from the store Klorey & Brooks, And I'm dangerous. I 211 Washington Ave. THB PIP C! !Jl lb Uoouis 1 and'2, Com'ltk B'l'tl'c. BOUANTON, Vat, nining and Blasting POWDE Urtlaal ilooslcand tlushlala Worki. LAFLIN RAND POWDBR CO3 ORANQE QUN P0WD1 Xltetrlo MKttarlea, Klootrlo Kmlnlaral iplodlng blasts, Safaty Fusaanll Repauno Chsmlcal Go,'s 111(1 li CXPLOUf . I POWDER i 1 .