The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 30, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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    pw -v p?im v-as '" t'-ts'i
1K"T --r-
AY A MB15TINO of Mcthoillst mill
ltoi, held In YVIIKQS-Kiirro last
Monday, Ilc-v. H. A. Oiecm. of
TJiirjou, read a paper on "Tho
Old IMttslnn Circuit," ur which
th- following Is a p.nt:
'llu pioneers o( Methodism hato ctcr lucn her
leral jrcj(1icr. Tlic first prcachltn-- In tin W'-.n-lultis:
allot- nixl nirruumlltiR territory was done
he Vno Annli'i; Ottcn, a blaiksniilli .iri'l a local
pi-catjicr llii nnt rce-otilctl preachln,' was In
17, mi'l three cnrs liter tho llrst Mellioillit
rlas was loinicd liy Colonel .John llutlor. I.iloi1
AmiIiir Ottrti ilsllcd some clthc societies In the
rait and 1 (lure licensed to preach, l or
thico -cu- lir was the onlv Methodist pioat-her
In I If tallo- l,.ili r lie lutanie a tratellns
ITc-ichcr, labeled with pii-at leal and died at tho
o lis, tons llio ilrt ordained Methodist
preach. 1 sent anion-; the pmplc ol thl t illey
in, one Nathaniel II IlllK He rami- tiom the
lli'ds-ii 1 allot ami was tho first Methodist itln
cratit prcuhcd In enter the W'.tnmln-c Valid-.
Ii'ini -In Mine until tho llnio o are d, write
slum, Urn lirrltort was called tho Wj-oinina; clr-
l'i. so ipim- hanMilps and (nil were the lot
ol "In inn It meruit ill those ilijs hi 1TP3
I -10 w il tnli si picichcr (or tlio tluco t !r
ill?i whim entered about tho nine umoiint
ol tern tort now comprises W.tnmlii'; rnntir-
en .IiMi '"lilcin.ili win (he preacher In
e n," n . in i ,iicnlt. .Mm T.rjili ami flaild wro hi 'Iijiko of llnga elrcult, ami
lawn 1" no, Unld Motens anil llenjiimln Hid
1 . r i ip the WU'tnln, clu-till. Hi iiimln
11. -'la i liotril liein ti the I(ciolultunar.t"
l a lie tit il in 1MI. 'I lie tll-t ttrillllSC ill tills
1 1 MkiiiI r enl jlif, il those latf :
It' ini r iii illt Moil In l'W-ii. rnihraicil
no t nn ljlti in I. ami, Valley,
I'liiiinltc iHlJottiliiK Wllkcs-nirio station
win ami ('aibondile staUnn on the
III' I inoimlaln on the wol ami tlio oa-t
li' ii 'iiiji a in on tho oast, cinl'iaolni; tho
ut am olinn-rnt-.:
It n. 1'n-ktllle, l'rot Mi tn o, II irrl-on.
rjiiion (.iinun filed, l'iitsiiui; Maioj'K,
mm In i lion-e, 1 hemp-on's Biliool
I'la iwlllc
r.ri'li hoslns with Oncdli conleieiioo,
-una ili-nli'i, I'ltt-ton tlicnlt. Plrst
It mod (hi; itml iGnfuincc In hi at 1IUI.P-
tthlili jt near wluie the tillage ol OI)
tint naiols (Vt. H, 1MI, IUtlJ Holmes,, olilct . riioinan ilco, ineaeher In
hr Hunt I'llhiani, associate; A1lanon
I iiiiJ William .'-ilUliy, local rc.uhcn; Kna
ntcm .mil I .c ritro 1'ilce, rxholtcis; William
Km j ii ami Jo ,n Mllahy, slottinl.
no i rorilinj; senctirv ttjs auihorlroij to
ml Mi, mm ot 1 12 lor a ircoid boo!.. A boi
ler book jii hi lioucht (or 25 cents at the piov
tnt 1 1 til'
Ibc "jbluiii filiool, weie fiipenilcil
iluiln; mo ttuilor, ami It was not altta.ts ia.t
to leuirutt itiem when pitn citno. At thU
!.' jinl niirioilv confciencc lliother Vlliox ic
1 iji ii li on Miaty o( ", lor ttaMiIni;. Tlio
iii- ,i IlljKut celt a cieJit on mI.iiv o( f-!.-5
( t ,i i a, i it boots (or II. I'llbeani.
tn, in nt wis mailc (Isl2) with tlio preachers
in i in (until ipurtrily tonforenco ami with
wij in. hul uaitcil before taeli lrcelteil
I "i n ulilltioi, to which William Mlkniiu
i itiUi I "i l.ii.o foi eaoh $1 lnoio anil Rito thcin
a iminciii tor ,ll.71 a a bilancc thio Irom
rttt n -mult 'llio preacher, (or tratellns a
'unit j.. iir'e ami larger thin tho pnvent
oiiunv ilisiitot, leoelteii each the fum o( $100.
I H t.r-t ijait(ily conleretico ol the net joir
vl ii i In hi at I.ukattanm on . ot. 20. Wil
l'jn II iiimi w.i tho preacher in eluivc, III-
table nil on I cpenM weic estimitcd at fl27.17.
Ho itiiiiui oi the lat quarterly conltiencc
r linn tin clnWon o( the ilistilct and
li.inuin t ii iiinio ol (In' elii'iiit to Iukananni
s uilopiiil hi the .mini ll condicnoe hibl at
I'.isllu'i ,,ii us 'i, 1J. Ilic nanio ot tho
iri.i . Wiiiiiiiik; .1.k Com f nit, first priKhb
,- ni r ,i disiilct iiiirn.iics tho tollottlin;
ail's ami s'anoiis: Wilkn llirie, W.toiuini;,
not i- Noriinimberl.ind, Mthoopiny, (kmini
ly t iititi.iiin, riiiiMiinmick, Sprinptllh'. Alt-
Uuli l.a kuttauni, raibouilalo, Can.irin, Minn,
katv i . limn -mIiIo, llttlunv ami lUeih
he la i it ,ini iiieuit at tliU time had (In-
onm. im ii Innir plice-: lllal.ilt, tiotunn
il ?' il, no. ll.ull-uli, 'Ji'ihii I.-, laika-
.niu 'la Kohool lioue. rutston leny,
iih-i n s mil lunic, Plain. tlllr.
t tin in- (itMiti ily t'ondrcneo ol IJ, hold
iiu I'l -ilan ( oiuluit, pioldInc eblei;
plni u I in preaihci In ihirEo; the Hilary
I tin in. i mi tu Used at iM. Motlnc e..
uiu i talib epeues, s'i'ii ttatel, M; a
ota) ot Mj A near as I can niAc out lie had
kflctiiitv at i no dose o( the jiar about ooual
to what hi u.ol i. , iittd.
Iliia Ha. is.ii ,.ie llrl in tlio lliltk iliuuli.
the pi- i in i is nirpjld to the ainonut n( s. VI.
his iu a lew tiium Mine. t the
iiuwt nianrrlv rontercrio ot the jojr It wa
ottil ' u-k s-oiittiinci! to et I'itUtcn apatt
a tiaMi'i., uinl this was .iltcrttaids LTanlnl.
this -ii.1Si ,14, iiicn t,, imbraec tho follmtlii
remmi. plana I lie Ililck iiiutcl'. oi.
lllle lit li I'm, ami all trnltory l.tini; brtttiei)
these r ''nt
boiit mi. tinii ilsli) tiicto must lute bun
tome trouhlo w th tomi" inlnnpeiato one. In the
chiinh foi tin lolliotln ieolutlon tta- pjm.l:
tlisol'eil Hut tho luemhoii. o( IhU (jujituly
mettiii; ronluenio upon ill tit t Iriic ooia-Uun
linprii upon tin luinihiM ot the itne tint th"
taklua htijniir, "llln? oi uln .udtiu plllts
i a te.t ot iiiiinbcislilp.
llroiini Niiuli ini'ltul r-bi Jin his jeaiV li.
lioi This w.!i im laiL'i'st aiiioum .my piiailnr
jil i inn 1 up t,. this time,
Jin instiiiiK ilmr litis eir (lMn) ifidtul
f.u his i i llutt- ( ash, mj.,-,sj Ml.2'1 in
trade j hd i ai llairhon, ono-half tmi vi
at m it iuili. r- ot apple-, 2 oeiU.
Ml I 1) Suiier. tlio eollefje f,ccre-
Itaty ni tin' IViuihylvanla Youiiit Mfti's
nils t.i ti iis.s iclatlnn rominlttoi,
"who is u town ns tlio KUPit of Mr. ',
I' will upt'.ik at tlio Pui'
iluy aii 1 1. n.n mivtlni? of lhi Yoiuifr
.MiMi t lii'li-tuui ussocUitloii, In thfir
looms ni iiu- Hiii'i'iis hullill'ir. Mi
, Soper is the sun nf a iromlii.iit )ilo-
HciM" niif.iinnnry to .Ini'.iii; ho wn ftirn
flu .liti.'in .mil tulKfl .lap.incM. i.K, :i
Inatlvi' Iln In niy with ihn
jpfhool and toll, cjij men "1 th ',at.
'niuoiiB "liinii. .in Htii'roKsur to tV.- !.!t;
lTllirll ll .1. I tt.s liilk. tin. ,11 ilnlitr. i.lfl-
it-:;:." ;. .: :: . vv :.".::. r..
.ii(ii itinrs I'll ini' nt.iic' t I'liiiiuiit'i'i
The im-iiini; will !,, hebl .it '1.1." nn I
Ih 0ici to all llli'll
"Thf Iirtiiuini-r UvunselliH." Km. Y.
11. A il'iams, hold rmn Antl-Siilocin
Icasui nn-filiiRh this week .tl Lallln.
Aldrrhon. Wan.itnlij mid I'hliicliilla. He
went to llaiTlMlmis: .htcnlny In the
IntitPxt of tlin work of llu Iimru,-, und
will luturn to spunk in the city Sun-
day, March SI lu.3u a. ni.. At'ilcan
Jletliodlst I'hniL'h; l.iO p. m., tliecn
Blie UaptlBt church. Sulijtet at both
tnedtliiSH win Ik- "Tlif Last liotiip with
the Tlei '
3! fas Ullz.ilieth AVIlmiti. city M(yretuiy
hinder the Anu-ilcan committee nf tho
I'ounK AVomcnV Clulstlan is.nclallnn,
Rh the L!lliilt nt illlp bioiit fiuwni.liit bin
On Sunday afternoon nt S.45 o'clock
nho will conduct the gospel worvlce In
itno qontmi rooms. All women and Rlrln
hro tlised to como to this service.
Ixutfcday fvenliiB eho will bo at tho
Pecdnd Prcflivterlnn churrh mid de-
Ivoe nn aildrctH to thf incmbei-s and
.1. ..!.. ,.f 41 .!...!.... ! .. .. .11..!
iviiur ni nit; iitntii'iiitinil. 4 roitllllt
Ivlthtlou Ik cAiciided to the public.
i n
llAero w'lil be n Hpuclal family meet-
I a.t (li Ttnllmiwl' Vnnni- Mnii'u i",hi..
In Wtorlfitlon Hunday ut :i.t5 p. in,
nn n Tioch. lilnir chairman, nml
Knk ' Dryant. chairman elect, will
.1 ' In . There will -tlKi tie
epeelul music. This will bo tho only
family mcetlnc until April M, and all
itle ui'Rcd to uttcud.
The (lOKpel Horvlcci at tlif Vou'i;;
Wiuien'B ChrlDtlnn nsaoclatlon tomor
row nt 3.t p, m. will bu of an tin
i. fit. illy InterestliiR' chat actor. It If li
bo a tiriori of nil tho br.mchert with 'he
central t.onoclatlou mid this uatlonnl
necrttaiy. .MIks Kllzabeth Wi!.j:i, will
Inivo charge of tho service. All wo
men nnd Kills nre iiiomI cordially In
vited. Thoio will bo kci vices at tho Dickson
City chapel on Sunday morning at 10.3').
Service will bo conducted by Superin
tendent Sanborn, of the llcscuo Mis
sion. Tomorrow's Services
MethodUt Episcopal.
Vim 1'jik Cliutcli I'rajer ami prah eititc
at n.30; preaching at 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. ni.
by tho paotor, (. M. (ilffln, I II.; Rtmon .ip.
priprlate to Palm Mimlj.t ; at 1- in., u short
Iliblo stuily in Mindiy kIiooI loom; Sunday
nhool at 2 p. m., I ho lat Mi,iptur Sunday of
the ear. 'Hie Conncll Otfc ilub will rendir
riteial ,oloition, same im I hey mii;; at tho
Milrdpolitan chtinli, W.i'blnitlon. 1). P. in
Mateli r.j I pworllt Uibuo at fi.W) p, m At tho
inivlnii, 1519 Pino i-trii I, Surday t-ihool at '.
D, in.; Kpttoilh boJUtii'i at U SO p. in.
Slniim MctlndM fplsiopal flimth-ltet. .1.
II. Stteel, 1". V., pastor. MorniuB prajer ut
fi."0 a in.; pteiehlnR urtlie, 10.80; sermon y
Mr. W W. Adair, ul the llallroad umit,' JIm-
(liistlan anted itlon; Sunday vhool nt 12; .litn
iir I.tMKUO at 2V) p. m ; loun:; Mill' intelius
at 4 p. in ; I'pttrtth l.iigne at nwi' rtiniii
preachine sertito .it 7.SH; fcrtiKiu by tho pistor;
nubject, "llio I'ltilthcd Woil. o( Ihc Chrut "
Soils five and n rorilial wtliouie.
Court Street Methodic Kplscopil lliurth
I!. P. I,), pa t or. ( lau", 0. 13 u tn.; O. I).
IMVItt, lenlei; praehlnu, ld.i.O n. ni ; Sumhy
nlool, 11 I'; (I. II. Clark, Miptrinteniknl; Jun
ior l.cayuo. :!.W; Mik. M. P. William, mipeiln
tendeiit; l.pwcrlh lenrue, (i.CO; iircichinp, TVij
official bo.nd mectlns, Monday at "..".0 p. u:.
Seat tree. All are welcome.
Ash Street MethodM llplwnpal chniili lltv.
J. It. Austin, putor. Motnln; pimehinir tar
tlce at 10;0; class meetins at 11.50 a. in., .1.
II. M.istets loadii; Sumliy Khool at 2 p. in.,
I. W. fclonc supeilntendenl; Junior leaRiic at
.1 p. in., Mlw Killo llattuiiiii Miperlntendont;
Kpttoilh league at 0,15 p. in ; funing preach.
inu seitlco nt 7.30, Minion by tho Hot. .bvoplt
MaiHon A rordlil nelcomc lo all.
Nay S Methodist Lpicopal rhurch ltev .1.
H. Aii'tln, pi'lor. Sumliy ,rhool nt 2!!0 p.
in., William M. Mvtii sttpeilnlendent: dis.s
ineetlinr at 3..MI p. in.; cttnlng piijililnic "i
tlio at 7K0. All welcome.
1'lrst (I nnaii Mell.mlist Kpiscopal ( Iimxli -Atlanis
atetiue and Vine uticet (i. tlolulln, pai
tor. l'leathiiii; fcnlic?, 10,:ui a. m. und 7. .'I p.
lit. In the inoinliiR (hivic will be conflinutloii
hoi tlce. simdiy s.-hool at noon, and at a o'tloelc
at tho chapel, on Tajlor atiiiuc; 1'pworth I.e,mtio
meeting at C.d p. in. On WVdnisilav and
lhui-day ctenln? there will be Iiont seitke-s held
at the Sunday nhool mom, rind on (Jood Krldiy
otetilt nt the Ta.tlor Atenuo chai'l.
A(rnan Methoillst 1'pl-cnpal (Imuh, llottaid
place-Dr. il . IUntl.y, paMor. ln. a in.,
pienchiiiK by fiet. W. II. Williams; oiibjeol.
"The Lat ltoni, with tho Tijrir;" 2,M p. M.,
Mit'day wlinol; 11.1", p. m., Plirisllau Kud.'ator
mi flint; 7. I p in, pii'.iehiiic; Mibjott, "llo.
salmi In the lllahil " V vilcviio is
rNltnded In ill
I'enu teuuo llapli't ilmiih, 1'iini atiiiiii. be
Itticu Sptuto and Mmhri ln i U. 1'ie.uhiii.-,
moinliiK at i:;0 .ind nenun: at 7,-Vi by the
lustnr, lift, ltolieil 1'. V. I'ieicv. i. I. Morn
mi, pia.ti'ii. in tin lottif liniplo at 0 i"i. Iliitiie
oi iiKiiiin,- s rninn, ' i:invlon "
Siiinlii uluwl :it i,e I'. nn .itiuue ihiinh at 1
o'eloik, and at tn mission at .IM)
p. in.; V. I". S. (. K. inectini; at K.'A r'uuin
ot I In ctmlnc Mimnu. "Premiin Memorlis, x
llilMarpollcii Tlilnit- " t'lmlie inii-lt by the
ihuiru choir, bill I salmon, and an etauillstio
mill lnritlntr in llio lottet' limplo. This is !'
(blon da.t in tho Sundry Mlitml, and it Is d'
kluil (hit nil iiHiubem of tlio fihool bo te.t.
int. l'lal.-e und rotiiutit mriliiii; on Weiluis
day tunln;.
(iiecn ItiiUe llapllst i uunl. Moii.iin; pl.ijir
Uieitni'i nt Hi o'oUnk; chinch Ttiee at loft)
v. tn. and 7.30 p. in In tlio iimuilng tho pas'ir
will pu-aeh en "Ihc Meieilul." In the uciilni,,
lb". W. II.,, will dehttr Ms ad'liess,
"Tho Last llonip with (he Tler." Sunday nhool
at II 13; moetlni; el tie Junior soclely at ."..0;
piajtr mi (I inn ol (ho senior roi tcly at U.."0.
Kltst llipli-t church, outli Main atomic licv.
S. 1". Matlntte, pistor. Tlio usuil pnaehinir mi
tins niiTnliic and eteuini.', 11. SO a. in. ami 7.:i0
p. in. in tu-ement ot W'elsli llapllst churrh:
Mindiy cfhool, 2.B0 p, ni.. 1'lt mouth church,
Ur. neddoo, supei Intend, nt; II, V. I", f. (.ettlcei
at U.So p. in t Ititrlte lull. Potenant meetlni;,
Wednesdit ctcnln; at 7.uH, o be tollotted by
buslniss iiu.tln; .it S.J) p. in. All .no wi Iconic.
Jatk-iin Slieu llaptlst Clinifh ltev. 'Ihoinis
do (innht, D. P., pailoi. Monmii; pratfr
lutetini; ut 'i.WI: lejiVr, llruthei Li'tis 1'air.t;
crnion at l'i.."0 bt the pa-iui; Sundiy tclmol
at .'; I In i lt llnllct. tupulrtciidint; etcnlnc;
mtlie at 7 klnrp. 'I lie paainr will tlilltei tho
l.i t ol the subs o( illurtraled wimnn: lopii,
"The I.lle ni .lob;" ii ulnu lioin the
Tle..o -tithes ale lull llu lull and -,llliu! and
.tail mo lot ill d In allilid
IILiUly llaplht I hiiich-Datld .-pouter. I) ll ,
ilur. .vitbeii nifiiiilii? and eteuiiij; in iim.jI;
also ctcif tiinlni; ncvt weel;. PMiptln? Satur.
dav. aid on 1'iM.iy alteinoou at .T o'lluil.. Kicli
ultho In liiimony wllh the latt ttiel; u( Clnlst'i
earthly llio and ol an etanifoIMic iluiaitir, :t.
cr.tboilv welieino.
I ii-i I'rt rlo ttlUn Ciiuich-Sciiucr. ll . a.
tn. and 7. n p. m. Pi. Mil.tnd will pio.rli
in mini? und ctciuiif:. Stunjcrs r Iconic.
Second 1'ieMitleiiaii t hurch Senice, 10.W a.
in und 7.10 p. m. Dr. Iloblntoii will pioieh
In tho liinruini; on ' lhe Meillns nt llio Two
hlrgs" and in tho ueuln.7 on The Uiirhls of
the Saloons, Why Intuicic t.llli Tlicnn" All
an loiillill.t intiled to allunl
t.uili llld.'e I' I Inuoli ltev. I. J,
1 ailnj;. pjsloi; Hit. I,. II, Vtistir, assistant.
10.SO, worship with Mrmon, 'J ho Spirituil I.llo
lleality and IteHoinblciioM;" 7..10, woriihlp with
niiiiou; mblect, 'The fplrlttnl l.ifc-OriRin and
l.xptrlo!!,' 1J, Iliblo w.hooi: u..'la, f.htiulan
I'niliator. Woik o( piater bcglnnlnc; this tteii
ln, unices, 7..10 lu h.30. Wednetdav and
'Ihurnlit. uiinual nittthiK of the Woman' I'uP
fljrn Missionary wclcly ol the Picsbjlcry o(
l..ieUttauiu. Prominent tpeakei eipctted. AH
w i nun Intltcil.
Wa-hhurn Street I'liibjteiUn ( huicll ltev.
John P. Moffat, P, P.. pastor. Scrtletat in0
a in. and 7.30 p. in. ; Iliblo Hlicol ut I J in. ;
( Iniatlan Kndcatur joniii,- people at 1I.20 p. m.;
mbjoct, "lane of Souls;" leader. Mk Olltc M.
Keen, lonncrallou suttee. U the niomlni;
ksitlce tin l.oul' buppei will bo aduilnlltcicd.
dult and nilant will also ho admin
istered. PcminuniciinU will plcaus place token
cards on the plate, lhe iudit Idiul cup aro in
use bj th church. ltev. lr. Jlllmjn will
pitach nt lhe otinliKt onlce, The pailor will
bo present. All eordlally welctine,
I'mtldiiice I'ritliyUrian Clii'rrli lh pa.tor,
llct. (irorco )',. lailld, D. D will occupy th
pulpit at the lO.rai a, in, and 7.30 p. in, services;
Sunday teliool at nooiij Kndcator soelety sen Ice
ut 1.33 o'clock Seals ol the church are free.
Suinn'i' Atcnus I'lCsb.tterlan Church, corner
Auiniurr atriuie and Price titet Itet, Prank J.
Milium will preach at 10..1O a. in,; at 0 p. in,,
llct. John P. MolTat, I), p., will lum'" and ad.
initiator the Mcraintnta; Sunday school at a p.
111,, conducted bj Mr, He, llrown; Kndcator sir
tlce ut 7 p. in., ubjict, "Mbslonii Love lor
Souls," llouniis. i;. II, ml nf Hope cm TtiMday
ind Ihuudiy 'rnlna. Piajer metlnp, Wnl.
henliy etenlnif it 7.1.1 o'clock. r.trrylitKly
Adams Atenue riiapl, New Yotk jtreet TI19
Mcv. Jimcs Hujhei will prracli at 10. M and
t 7.30: bundiy school at 3 ocloek; Mr. Chan J
Irr, miperlnlendcnti the ltev. Mr. Ilunhes will
teach the Men' Uible cIjm; Clulstlan Kmleitor
it l).IJi rtnscrratlon seivlto. Mrn's social, Mon
day at 7.43 p. lit All welcome to these ir.
Saint l.tiho' Parish ltev. Ilegers Istatd. I).
P., rector: ltev, 11. J. llauithton, srnlor furalo;
ltev, M. II. Null, junior tuiate, Sunday bifcie
H. l.nVe's Church 7.S0 a, tn.. Holy Coniniun.
If til P.I3 11. in, iiicm ulrirf, 10,;,0 a. in.,
litany, lenrtoti and Holy Communlenj I. SO p. 111.,
tvinltu prijer: 7.30 p. in., mi-tlon icitlcej 9.13
11. in., Sunday school and Iliblo claoci,
St. Matte's, Dunmoro S u, in,, Holy Comrriin.
Ion; 10.30 u. in, inoinlni,' prajcr and sermon;
7..10 p. in,, etenliu: piajir and Kinion; 3 p. in.,
Sunday school and Iliblo cltsses.
Kasl Ihul Mission, I'rrscott atenuo 2.30 p. n.,
Sunday school and llihle civics; 3..10 p. 111 ,
etcnlnc prajcr and sermon.
South Side MUslon. 1'lif slrect 2.S0 p 111,
Sunday school and llihle rl.lses,
St. (IcoiRc's. Ol)plunt 2.iM p. tu . Sunday
school and llihle rlisse; .1.80 p m , etn'ln;
prajtr and seimou.
Reformed Episcopal.
Crace Hcformed Kplscopal church, Wjoniinj
atenuo. below Mullierry street ltev. (Jeurne I..
Ahlch, pator. Prajcr and pralso sort lee at 0.30
1. ni.; illtine worship, 10.30 a. tn. and 7.30 p.
tn., prcachlnc by the pastor, a. in,, "Tho lie.
Hem's Walk," i:ph. 8: li p. in,. "Mudles In
Mslachla The Hurden of Iute," Mai. li 1-2:
Sabbath school at 12 in.: V. P. . P. II. at 0.30
p. 111. SpuIs fiee. Stranijers cordially Intltcil.
nihlo study on Monday afternoon at JI.IO, subject,
'The llclietfr's tilorj," Horn. 3; 17-15. Ia-sson
slinly on Wednesday ctenliiK at 7.30, followed by
the nsular piajer tnettltnt nt S o'clock. Thins
day etcnlns. nt 7.30, The Ixml'n Supper. Pieath
Inc rui,iooil rrbljy at 10.30 0. 111. All aio wel
Evaiifiolio.u' Lutlman.
Ktanitelical Palm Sundi.t. i.o.pel,
Malt. l: Ml; epistle, Phil, ii: 1VI1.
nt. Maik's, Washburn and IViuiluntli street -ltev.
A. j. Iljiner. Ph. 11., pator. Seitiies,
0.:!0 11. in. rani 7.VI p. in.; I.uthn I.easuo, 11 .'0
p. 111.; Sunday school, li 111. Mis-Ion Hand Sit-in-dry.
2.30 p. 111, ortiliiK sen loo. "Ponfossliii:
rhrist;" ctinlni; scitm. "Mx Hits llefore lhe
I'.is.oter." i:ttnlnitlnn ami toiitlrmatlen ol
Calcihumetis at niortilnir enlco. Dally hCitlro
at 7.3H p. tn limine, Ilolv Wiek, cupt s.i 1 , 1 r -dit'.
Seniles on (Jood l'tiday morning at 10 .
Ilolv Trinltv, Adams Jtcme and Mulbeiry
sired Hot. ' (1 Spiekci. tustrr. Sen loos,
10.30 a. 111. niu! 7..OT p. in., Ltilhei leacue, 0..M)
fsysTss-sysyis'snuysTsysyirjuns-tET wwwwwwwwwwwwvwwwmwwmwwvwwwwvwwvwwwwwwwwwwwwn
Sunday School BV
Lr First Quarterly Review, ir
MopsIi 11 Society of Religious
1 lit1-!' WnrtIK The les-011. of tho tpiut 1
lute bom taken fioin tint vilioii ol the I.otsl'j
minldtv which in the Sprlns 01 V. l . V citi
toted in lletharu and Jtru-alcni. Kiiiht ot
thiiii were Irom M.ttliciv, two liom l.uke mid
two In-ill John. Two 01 the le-sons uro pira
Idea, ilosletied i' shiw somo 1l1.u111tcr1t.ths "(
clieipnhlp. Tho iilltor ten are historical, e
lilblllnjt proiuliunt features ot the work nnd
ipliit of Jesus, am! pu-n-mlnc 111 (nt'
a iciiiipltte outline In lUssltiitl (mm of the
tieilnicnt which Ho incited. Tho-o ttn wonls
will rot-jll tho Mib-tinee ol tho-o le 11
inoi.'ied, iscoitvil. souaht, tciumplied, mil-led,
bclrajed, i crdouni-d. acqtiitl J, i-rm itietl.
1'IHM' Li:()N (.Im. I., Jisin Anoluli I it
IMhany. Mall, -xti: il-ll). Mny lu-r ill
bister box illnl a ron-pleuou. plm- in tl it
li i-t in the linuso nt Simon Iho lipu I nil
"Is.d bv a mericary ill-ilpli- i-he was coinniind.
oil by tho Vaster. Ibat ouctinr; ot love tta,
a mnuoiial In lur 1M11,,' l.nnl and .111 tnir.nital
lienor tn h.r n 11110, ttoillit t" In- told In nil
iilur .itrei tthnetii- the (io-isl sluntld Is"
piiadicil. lu Mill.iuer ronlia.-l wllh her al'ct
'.Ion wat the splilt of liliu whu, with h.tpoiilll pioliflons (or the poor, sold (hi one In- lo.
tutted Inlo th" binds of tin lull's (m .1 Vv
pieces of slltei
SI'.C(ISI) I.II-miS (Ian. It. Tlio mnmphtl
Kt.tiy. Milt. s-l: 1-17). n.c Mrs-linio hepo
of lhe JottUi ptoplo, iosltied by (ho ti.iihliiL,
ot (ho s.t 11.1RORU1 s, suit ivirs ncn tho mbjue i
tion of Hume, ltur,oil eawily (rein time- to
time to behold tho poml-nl oin-. The loath.
Ini; and miracles of Jc-stis caused 111,111 In be.
line that lie was the (on puillclnl. ludoul,
this was .ill that listlnculshed Ills fnllntto.a
Irs lit othtis (Malt. Nti. PO. Hul iteti il.ey
to the list supprscil tint Mohh would to .1
ti1up01.1l prince and icdeeni (ho ration lulu
tho (oielgn jol.c (I.ukc xlv: 2D. The ikin.,11.
stiatlcn desciilcd in nur liosnn wit a pupitiar
outlmrsl touniled on lids lomlition
Tlllltl- MsMiN" (Jan. :. liiuks Nokini
Jesus. John Mi: ;jia.:). 'Hit tame cf Jtiii
c.liti'lcl ti, all count! ii.-, through upoiU lji
iltd by those who came to JcruiUm lo do bu-l-ncss
or to rttiiid the feast-. On retun.Ir.c
day would nattnally report they lml
heitd ci'ticcinlnit this w-onJeiful person. Ily
llils pre cm mny, on seel Irs the lellaiou-. tint.
iff oll-i In oIkiHuicc to Iho toniiuand ol Mo-ot
(I'.v. xnIJI: 17). ricslietl nelhlinr ninic thin to
ml soiiie knowledse nt III 111 who-o lunio wis
tpokin in all land-. It was villi Midi piiimi .
In; tint intiln (liecks, piulnblv pi.-ilttes,
s'rsht to soo Jcstis, nnd in order thnUo -niu II
od the jiiI 01 0110 o( Ills illt.lplcs
rnntni i,isrf)s" (.tan. ;. tinist ii.
ll.e ITiaii-ees. Matt. xll: ..l-U.). 1'ho niou
the pepulailly of Jestu tnett-tsod with the nm
ts tho more intensely was lie l.alcd bv the Jm
t-.Ii lejdtie. They saw In Ills crottln;; lrtiunio
.1 iletllii" and etentiial lo-s of t lu 1 1 own pm.ei
In this way Ihey (lit (hat thill lulms vm In
pull. Si-lnVU prbb pionipteil tit m to - -Ills
ilottnnll. In oidor thereto (1st- atmkid
III111 in cteij- possible liiiunir. Tin encountu
tilated in the l"-ou loiercJ two qeiitlonr, ouj
1-y tho l'hailec, one by .Icmis, in whlth tin 10
.-a n trial of wisdom and an iasy tbtoiy fui
(he latter.
riHIl I-KfsON" (Vb. ... Paiable 01 Hi, T u
Virslns. Milt, tw: III). Tho popular 1
11 pt ion of tlio Misslanlc kimjiloiu was so 411 it
ly penciled it to jlrorBlj (icd (hat It bin
dered Jcsu In preientlna; Ills iKctrino It
was iiccosny for Him to ti-c tlio tuiiiiit
lansiUKu and l( possible to put i.cvv iili-n iiao
It, to to rrlnnii the iiiliou., He cue
paribles to ill.irtr.itc the nature of Ills kiii',i'i"ri
uhldi puiily splilluit. In Ibis lc-snu Ho
llkens It to sirtriii'. ball u( tthoin h.d suit chut
oil tu meet an tinfortciii cmerc-nics, while the
oth'r half lud net. Tlie point U Hut In tin
spiritual lib, men lite on a low uinbh
to anwet tint pn ltd tit minds
SI.UH II.-SDN (I'eb Id. Paiidi'c of the
Talents. M.t. .t ; I4-.IV1. A i-coiul tlew ol
the kingdom of bentrn, 01, what is the su.i
thing:, of thi spiritual life, nit ill In this pan
bio, pertain, nut to the umount of ability but
tin failure to use It, II 10 Intention is ti
show that what one iccclti is not all that
he tiny, hue, but the belmilnv of po,.ii.ssioti
Hut must be acimlicd, Tho fill It I rum (iod,
ihu accjuitltion 1. by one's ottti ciToits, If in
the first parallo tho tiiclns tad too little, in
Ihu second paiable It Is shuttn that the men hid
bieu Indolent, not anxious to obtain inure. It
sets lorlh the liw of spiritual Inircaso an J the
sin of ncsH'ilixl trill.
si:vi:viii i.ks.-o (Fci k. Tito i..ui'
Supper. Malt. ti 17-30), A simple 01 It
Miico was intrcdiicctl, to be penetuated, lit
t.hlch to atcnnipllsh three lniitart ends to
camel n tcitinnnial 01 the old inuiunl. tho
piishll suppeij lo cotaMlsti u inclhod by which
lmKoi tulty the name and work 01 Jesus might
1 rontantly kept In mini by Ills followers,
under all citeiiiustanccs 111 all puts of the
Hlob.-j .to s-t luitli by s.uibi'l the intluuto
union Ihit must loutei tribsUt brltircu Jim.
and ich dliclplo and so tn ihott the si'iiet of
llio and potttr to the litter, and In me huome
u tiliial-li- iucsiii ol i; I ritual pioflt.
p. m.t Sun-lay si hoot, l'i 111,; In, Unc
tion, Mohday, 7 p. ni. Mission Hind, Siluulay,
10 j. in. Hilly sen Ices ilurlnic Holy Week at
7.43 p. 111. Special sen Ice nn (lood l'rlday,
bt. Paul's, Short atomic--ltev, V". ((. U l-niter,
pislor. Sen Ices, 10.30 a. in. and 7.3(1 p. 111.
Sunday school, 2.?0 p. lit.; catechetical Instruc
tions, 3.1", p. tn. ; Iiiilher beanue, Wednesday,
11.30 p. 111. Hilly sertlccs dinlmj Holy Wotls at
7.43 p, 111. Special sertli-o 011 (lood I'tlihy.
Ion's, Mltllln atenuo ltev. P. 1. Zltehnatiti,
pastor. Sen I res, 10.30 a. HI,: Sunday school,
a p. ni.
Christ Clitmh, Cidir atomic and llircti sheet
ltev, James Wllko, pj-toi. Senilis, 10.30 a,
tn. and 7,30 p. 111. Sunday school, 2 p. In.
St. Peler's, Piescott atomic ltev. John Itin
dolph, paslor, Senlcw, 10. SI a. 111. and 7.30
p. tii. Sundry school, 2 p. lit.
I!m.iiutel (!ernun.peillh l.iilhetaii ltiesa
street ltev. rerdlMiid Sallelnieler, pilor.
I'lcaihliiK In the I'oIWi linvjiiaire ul 10 11. in ;
Sundiy school, 2 p. in
Holy Week urn Iks will 1-0 nlneiiul In the illl
(omit Lutheran io.uipkiIIoim ul tthbh Ihc P.H
slou History nt Our Lord (01111 the theinii (or
the sirmors.
tir.ico Knallsli l.iillnr.iii ilmnh ( St nod)
ronrr Madison atenuo nnd Mulbeliy stliel llev.
Luther Hess Warlnc, pi-tor. Pi) u. in,, Sablnlh
sthool; 10 311 1). 111, illtine worship, nibject nf
sriinoli, "A CUV Motid"! 0 I", p. in., Y. P. S.
P. 1). ! 7.30, illtine wot-hlp, subject of semion,
"llio Pimlly nf .1 lltota,n Pimnl-o " 'lhe public
Is coidlall Intltcil.
I'lr-t t huich (l.hilt Scientist). filTs Adinis lie.
tiuis-unday sen Ices, 10.!) s 111, and 7.30 p.
in.; Sunday school, 11.13 11. 111.; subjnt, "I'll
reality." Tesllmoiiial iiii-ctlns, W'ts-lnc-day ct
enlnRs at 8 o'clock. 'I lie thuith Is al-o open
etery day diulnir tho week, 'lhe llihle nnd nil
Chrl'sliin S icnee I.ltcuture l krpt In Its dee
public ivadliiR room, "silence ami Health with
Key (o tho Siilplure," by Maiy llakrr IMdy.
wiil bo luaued to lutestliralors without tlnicc,
Visitors and liltcis of Inqulrv .ire welcomed and
niton couilooiis attention and information tieo.
Pl.tinoulh I'misieKatliiiial Chinch, Jack o-i
stud, West Side-It-v. K. A lloyl, pastor. 1)30
u. 111., pnachlus b) pitoi. 12 ni . Sibbith
school: 2.13 p. ni., mission Sut.dit school, -slin-man
atenuo; (i p. 111, 3ounf People's Snihl--of
Christian llndeator: 7 p. in , pleaching Iiv
I astur. All scats free. A lordhl welcome to
All Souls' rnltcnill-l 1 tttirt.Ii. on Pine m-vt
Iieltti-iii Adims and Jefliison n.nuis (,-v. (I H,
HcariMey. pulot. rosliltmo njo dinw ntoniio,
Mcrnlne senite, 10.30. subleet "Ketp lhe I.lKht
lli.rnlns": (tcnliiR Mitlto. 7 30, subject "tloil,
C In It and lli-ntcu." --uiidif school at 11.30,
Mls Diilllo Jones lutperintindciit; . P. S. P.
1'. nieellng,l O.IO p. ni. lntlte '1 fiieiiil lo nunc
wllh ou.
Paltnij ftcfomicd church, Monroe atenuo ind
flibson stioct-llet. Mirion L. I'lror, pastor. 1 It IK-'-ON d'-b. 21. Jt-ii-i in (i.lii.0.
mane. Mall, .xxtl: Jil In). The mtvleiy 01 li
ft line is hero pri.s"Med In Its mo-t iinpirsrito
iiunner. The ilirumstanti i ilcmrtu spnltl run
sidei.illcu. It was In the optn alt. Tho in il
eal friends, oiertome wllh wo.uini-ss, lunl iill"!!
asbep. (ino who had (ollowttl was lu lhe dtv
lorisoilln-,- Willi mtiulcs. II was in Iho meht
tine whin the sihine was piotouul und oppic
tlvo. .Kmis was ilmio. Ho plated. Ills .mil
w.n t!illitiil lo tin- dipths. Ill- was In
piln .mil His spiiil In anmy. No 1 111
liicisiuo tlio uilet 01 tint nlclit. the th-iiivis
suliciinc.ot the "-nn if Hod.
NIMH U'WiX (Mud, 7. .le-sii-
.Mm MlilS 1 II,. Wo shall l.ot'- -10 llu itolhl
ill Willi Ii-us in tlio 1 onlcr. The ihh-t
piie-rls 01 tho Jittl-h 1 Iiiiii h aro tho lenleii. in
a iniiMiiiinl. fal.o upi-lle Is their
hltlde. Konnns rhllers'. tho temple- polite, '110
the iu-tnmititts A little luud ot f i,-.
Jiut attal.ei.eil out nf sluiubn, scant ly knowing
vbit is M irar-plio, the- heads of llio intuit
1 Inm h of (la i'l, sithei- about Ihtlr lot Oil but
inisutidcistooil'er. And He, in.iuliU-s In
wisilniu ami pottoi, I- calm, iisik'i.ed, jet lu'-iu,-antl
tine In Ills ottti Tl.o kiss, th,. ipiesllor,
the till tn the ioum1, lhe smith!? of tho s-tvord,
the lirallnir, tin iiliiue. the ,nii-t, tin- lcidtu-i
mat .Hid the- sci-no closes.
TKN'III I.l'.'ssftN (Mil eh In .I1.11- and Pun
ph.i. Mill, wtl: 37 l).--T'hov ttickod pi lists
Ind a b. il Job on their hards t lion thi-v t m,"il
sohllns to biml and tinm liith-tluiuo tn
Inn-item In llu- nlaht Iho innon-m .lesii-. Tin)
neiiltd etiiv pov-lblo i-iciliitit to ssitl-fy lluir
1011-1 until, raid to dtftiid tin ir i.tilou, li was
'i.i'uial that tb.y slioulii first of all m.1. win,
by .mo ami loin; i-uthe inlOit ulto rtmc stiirtcth
tn llnir heart- .Hul tll-'iim any wlo inish
ntlnnl-e tl-o up au.ilnst them The fiiiu.e.
hlah prlc-t, Anna', it iiuatly in
ihmch mnl elate, was th'tefne lonsiillnl. Ami
upon Ids appro! il Jesus wis liken to t ilapln ,
who i'ie-toiied mil Ihen run h nine I for bli
phi Hit upon 1b 1 nuft -inn
By Rev. Robert F. Y, Pierce, D. D.
H 1 1) iu Author -.Notes 111 The MinJ.iy School Lesson llliistiatoi, I'ubllsheJ b 1 . II. Hetel
& Co., Chicago, III, J
HVHHRHwVRRwliyHltBJi9n5SSiiZfW ''' - '
BitMii iw 'Ini rn I WF iw VtiIM1 'BIIB1 ll '' " M
tatt7tWWI&SJijHMLwjHKlK?I2iHj1BViSs drnSJiJSV lijIjinHnPilTlifllETcln fs
The lour sieat epochs in the ulo of oin
and Sit lour mat li imtul ,i 1 The Pc-ioil f
PHI. PAU Villi's' Im POPI I lllli IPs T ION III. PX-MON 'Hie lis m
ul tin past qiuiti 1 iinuiulit to mr notin tn ,
iinpnitaiit ituiu in ihc I Ii- of our l.'Jid iliinii.-Ihr-
jt tuck ot His earthly inlnisti). While
Hun hat 11 I" en many li-rnns, I lino haj In n
(mo Sttitl Mis-uui. (I'l tho pait ol tin 1111-1
iraleil ti'.nhirs thoio has bun a ditrinuni-d
pmpuso lo pt the mcsuLTi- ot tin . li'ipe and
pi.ue- 1'ioni Coil's ttulil In tin hint ot their
Ill the blaikboard let low iliatt- an open Hible
thin it trligraph Hue uinnlni; finm the llihle l,
thu Iient, (lieu ttulte poles, one I r culi leoii
tin cadi polo plaeo a httn- whidi spills the
0 r 8 0 10 11 13
S A V I 0 U K
An inti'icstln; object lcvon will ilit.lop tun
tliouht. I.Teit a iniiilaluro ttliu'r.ioli lim inir
tin- nipeilnlt-nJe ill's th-sK, As tin liolden TV
nre tcilltd by the, V- eueli pulo ah u
the wu). Ciupli.isizo the (ait that the Inn ,11111
o! the Sundjy sdmol tt-ichlni; is tu bilui; -b us
tin Satlour to the I. -ait of tach member m ihe
sil oul.
Tin- i;osKl .inthctn caioled by iho nngel t-ln'lr
on lhe Hist Lhilstmai miunln, had its "Anno' the t.amb of (Im! was tacilllicd on CaltJiy
Tlio at'ii.enii lit wrought by Je-us I hi 1st is l'i. of all the ,'o-ptl 11(1, t Into me
(01 ul Hjlllt.
Hid )ou ettr plate 0 sun ula-s wheic tho
sim't ia)d inlKlit fjll upon it, uiiil Ihen by tl.o
ailjiMnicnt of Iho lihts bilui; all Iho i.its In a
"locus"? All th" "l.luht of sat red slor)" pith.
en 101111I tlio niidllxloti of mir l.uid.
Diatv lu I the outline ot the iIuk.; (hen plaeo
on tho cin-s .1 Kinll boarini; Iho words, "I
date Jit llio fur rhri," or Iho word, "l'i aw,"
"for Ml."
Seniles, 1030 n. tn. and 7.iO p. m.j Stindst
scIiikiI, 11.11 a. 111,1 Ihtlttlaii l.tideator, tl.M
p. 111. catechism, Saltmlay, 4 p. 111. Jlornlim
siibjecl, "Iho I'lrst Wold ol ( hMat Cpcm the
t 'loss' I ctenliiK, "Ilia Second Word of (Ini
Lord upon tho C'liws." Senlce every itciiliiK
iliitlns t'.i-slon week. The public ltitltrd and
Capousc chapel, llonletard toaJ Pn-itliltue ul
10.30 and 7.M) by the pastor, ltef. b. It. 1'ustcr.
Sunday school, 3. p. 111. j Senior Kinleator, 0.30
p. tu.: Junior Dmli-ator nnd sintclnur practice,
Monday ctcnltiK; prajer inectlnit, Thuisday eten.
Inir. llendltio; loom open 1'rlday ctcnltiur. livery
body welcome, .
XI011 rnlleil lltatucllcal t-huich, 1120 Capouse
fltcmio I'reichlnK nt 10.30 and 7.30 by the pis
tor, tit v. J. W. .MrstciiRtr. Subjects, "Intensity
ol Christ" nnd "Iho Immortal Three"; Sunday
school, .siilor Kiidcatnr, (1.30; Junior lai-
tleator, .1 p. in.: praviT niettlnir, 7.30 Wednes
tlty etnilmr. Slruiiters ulttats tvelcome and
uiimhets evpeclcil In bo pirscut.
1'irst Prlmltlte Methodist thurih, (iiecn ItltVe
ltev, (t. Lees, pastor. MotnliiR nibject,
"Thomas Not Tin re" I ctinlns, "tnpollednesS,"
W. b. ineetltiB Mondiy riinliiRi All weltoinc.
Italliont Yoniiif Mtn"k (hrlstlan Association
Iho monthly f unity Medina; will lie held Sun.
day nt 3.43. There will be a, none sittlee mil
(liaiil mhhcis. Alt me v,i Iconic
I lie Paris faciill) of nudlclno has estililislitil
a sihool for tho stuly cf tropical dlscasis.
Neatly cno-fotiilh of Mexlio'j foielmi tiail
was ln'i tiled the pott ot Tainplco last
Woik iw tho lltst f.iiloiy (or the inanuft
(me of Ai'ieiii-iu sIhh-s In Motion Irgan list
month. Moslem leather will be used.
A new automatic teb phone nppiralus Is wl 1
to hate Rlten snob fill-f.ii Hon In France th it
It wilt bo Installed 111 all the pol t.rnes In
The MtNlcait aimv of meie thin 23,000 men
I supported upon a tililo inuic than 11 million
MoNltan ihillns 1 liinnth. Tlic Mexican ton
press does not tost a million dolhrs a ycir.
lie wiildine cul.o made for Iho until uc id
the ilnko of Woslniliistci- tn Miss Shel.uh Coin-ttidlU-Wost,
wltlih ne-cuiicil In Lrrulnii leiont
It, was scten feet ill heljtht ni il wcUhcd :'
pi 11111I'.
Tho suild'ii bluing Inlo .low ot a slp pie
ttiiii-lr Imisllde 1 in-! amour the ciy larwt
of ii-tronniiilcil ctenls Onlv foutlcin times
slinc- men tlist Iki.mii lo wtlte down mortis of
tho skits Ins such .111 tuiiniciiio been iinun Ml-s-tiiul t.iiliiiids In.e e.incd lhe ill-linc.-lion
of Jnllliiif a mm lii-ine. A pi-.-iutr
wlin had -itirirul 1111 .mil. til to his head vmie
u.iT. I'K'i Hid iho old 1 omphlnt luniiiilit m I:
mnl his In iiu incited In the shaking ol the
I I.I.VCMII MI-SOS ( 17 .lesus ami Pi
tali . I.tiko sxlii: U2ii) ll wis M-i.t Initmuio the ih-itli n 11 illy was takm ntiuy from the
Jtws. ()tlierl-u liny tumid hate stotu-d Iliui
bi 11' ( li.plns. Hut tl iy wno coinpelltd lo
aiialirti Him ut Iho lur o( l'll.ito tn .tocouipllsli
thill iIi-Ikii'. and lo pie-nit .innthir elnrco,
iiiiiuly This loiupillcil Hi" on inoi s
et.iinln ill.'ii :nu v,., mt,l ,is aequlltit. In this .Itsus im into hl-toiy 'roe Iiimi any iiime,
h.nlliir birn tliitlhaliil It on.- who would In tin
likel.t tn iln 1 110 Him Inuocciil ll 11, illy s.,iiltv.
Ills iiuiiMsloit Iheiilote wis nol for lllili-ut,
and tut 11 niii-l fi line a ilocttlno lu cot.-i Its -I,;-iiifiianio.
TlMII.rill 1.1. s sN (March 21. Iisus I 111 i
(Ini nnd lliiiieil. l.uke .will: " was
ilcincst by I'll ite Im inn- an etcnt in hi-toi.t, a
f.ttt uettr tu bo tpiestioiHil. Jesus iliesl on the
CIO. Nil olio Will lleli.V II. Ni, Olio tall il.illlit
it. llomiu inai-liato .it.i! llouiin sobllir ilid
tho linrinl ili-iil. Oilidils of-iht- .It it's ii'tlsatcil
It und il.iiuoied until it was nccoiupli-htd. I'-'ih
those paitle-, th" elNdplrs .ind tlio popul.m1,
wcio witiicr-is. An bmioiiblo counsellor bocaid
the lioily and laid il In his own ni-tv tomb, rime
wu- nn pn-slbillly ot ft ind or collusion. Tin
I.ut iils upon He highest to'lluioii.v which tan.
lint bo shaken,
I.V"sf Wlll.'Di - Whoitu -luilies ih.M Iis-i.ii-,
Iho inn-'iin ills ol ,it inioinplctt blnm ipht,
uia-t led .111 Im riMsliiK ulotv o emhii-la-m 101
1 1 1 1 is who is their sublime llnmo. Tn win th
woi-hlpliil Into ol Maiy, the united upplaUsO ef
lhe- populue, and Iho .ulmirallon of the (incki;
10 i-llene the I' l-ie,-. In ln-tlwt toiieoiului;
the splntiial life; to iiistitulo .1 nnnioilil bast,
Li sutlir, iiuet In 11 .it .il. euiluro jiuluiuent nnd
lisiill. tn bo ihaik'isl (jl-il) and ttmdnuuiil in
lii.iller; lo tlio ie,iii,miiiinu.-ly bcltteen thiitts; to
bo buriisl in Iho u, mli 1,1 .1 1UI1 man, a .lettisli
col i-ellni- .ill this was the poilion M' Ji siH.
As one looks hnkit.inl oter the centuries, no
iluiitter liscs into 111010 1 misph imus place or
moio ii.ulilt wins the lotiniuc of iiuiiklml
Man tan netei know this rule o in,
how mm I, it co 1 t.l m j;iie Hi. cnit 'on 10
ate a lost tmibl Iln inttinie loe of (.ml pi
uliil iln I t11u.1l Siuihie tin sin Ii us! (.ill
1111 tuiboilmii tit ol Hi Ion 111 lor inisoii o(
Je a. ( mil It t si heat n " pi idlest, ! 1
llio ll lu.t Je us Hit llii i' ot iiciicul) com
ffisVslsSQHB0 ' KsssssssHssHssswsSi
IZalsssnssssssssssahlsssssB ' ssflssKasssssStMHIni
i?tt9issCS!9Hc91sn ' swrjW'aKsfcBros
rToIiISbKSbsssssssssisW ffsttsflHsBssssssssSsViS
paulnn blpi, the wc.nv pmilin.ii;i nt eulli the
-01 -iw ot the ttoild, the bullions of slnneis, tl'.e
iK aill 011 the, ciovs
Hi aiitiU'l tin liumeiits ha.e bun etc 1 il tliuugl
out all mn oi the woilda In ton to lumuinu
01 etc kilnitem-'i is or pnpeliialo the mnn-oit-
01 ilMiii-iilslir I men "I lie nipinuo etent In
all lii.toiy vm Hi miiillxlon of our l.oul. To
1II0 that uiiithu's lib nu.t be epni-il Is an art
ot Iln uictli-st In I i'i-ui . but In tile for llio -ills
of 11 lo-t ttoild, llnl, llnouitli llio luot shauitdll
unit ihb.islni: ih'.ith, lnullitudea inlzht bate ctci
ml lift, trun-ienJi bunian thought.
Wlul niomuiunt shall wr lalso In conuiiuu
otato the lite, the libms and Ihe Into of llhu
wlm "tthilo wo were jit lnmi," died lint we
uiik-ht lite?
sranton, Pa,
The most
woman in
the world
Tin- DiscovhRER
. Removes Permanently
Docs not cover up hut removes the blemish.,
' o -ssssssssississMW,
Improves a Good Skin and Works Wonders tuith a Bid One
cAbsolutely Harmless and cflhvays Success faL
Drop In and ssk to hive Mrar, Ruppen's Pce Bleach shown to you.
snd hste its merits, manner of using and wonderful results etplilned,
so you sill be sitisflcd il Is whtt ou need for your completion.
V altvay-s carry a (till line of Mine. A. Ruppert'1; Gray Hair Restorative,'
Egyptian Halm, Almond Oil Complexion Soap nnd Hair Tonic.
Cull unit Inivo tlielr merits eiplulnnit to yon.
Ask tot Mm.-. Kupiierf-. book, "MOW tq E UUAUTIFUL." FREE.
Jonas Long's Sons
Lehigh Vnlley Rnllrond.
In K'lut iinii ::. 1101.
lor I'ldlldclphii and Sett- oik Ma I II
II It, nl (..l'i ind 11 j, a. 111., mil ! It-. '"
(III lek Hum ind i:.spioi), ard 11. M p. in '''i
tlats. II. .t; 11. II. H . I , .-'7 p in
I'll- While Han n, llili-toii and prln. Ipil pom
III the coil itmui-, tla I) & II. K. II. 1.I1,
J.1S llnl 4 !7 p 111. I'm- l'ottstillo. 4.'! p 11.
lor lleililthiiu, Kii-tin, Hiedli-ii, llitri-bur.'
and pilntlpal iuierm--illaie- slitious tia ll, , II
II. II., '1.13. 11. V. 1. in -. K I -T (flhirk llli
ii'oiul I firesl, 11 .til p. m Miinhi.'s, H 0. II
li. 1!., 1.".-. .s.j; i, 1,1.
I'm T'liiHi.miKK f. t.iinlj. lllmit.i. Iihoi
l.iiiett nnd piiuclpil iiileimidlito station-.
ll., I.. . II. II, s.hs .1. in.; I.iTi and .llu
p. in.
lor (ieneta. llu-he-i.-r, tluealo. I iill.
(liit.iBu and all points tttst, til 11. ,V li. It. I' .
11 -V, 11. in., illlatl. Diamuiul lApti-si. ' t.
in.41, II ..ti p in. ituiljts, II , II, II li .
il .',", i.i" , 111
l'ulhnaii pitloi und sleeplr.f- or Lihlicli .ill
p.ilnis iar. mi all nabis iietweeu Wilkes lime
ami Vim, rhllaiMphlj, nutlalo and f.u-ptii-lon
1HH.I.IS 11. Wll.lil It, lcn. .-upl., .'0 1 oriljnl
street. i tf olk.
(HMII.I.-s -. I.Ki:, Cm. I'.u. Vai . 'n I'oi.linl
stieit, Vett York.
A W. NilWI'MALIirii, Dit 1" '. Ajt . - 1II1
lirllikliini, l'i.
(oi ililats l'lilli-un rcscitations appl.t tu
"O-i lael.atnnna attiiiu, Siaiiluii, l'a
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
In rrlut . ". is"
S1111I1 l.eate Siautoti lot Net. Yolk at, I. It),
im 5 '11, anil 111111 :i. til.; li.V'i, .':!', 11. ni
lur I'hiladelphu .11 , (l .md 100.. 1. lit.; 1 ",,
and 3.r.l p. in. l'or n'iou'1-huiir at p. in.
Mill; anouimiidatloii at X.W p. lit. Aulto at
llobokin at (l..'il T.1-. Wl. 1JU-, !!.l.".. If,
T.l'i p. in. Arrlio it I'hll-.dt-lplila at I.isJ, :i "l,
(ini and i.'ii ill. All In- liom Nrtt- otli ,H
1.1(1, IW and W.'Ji a. 1.1.: l.'t. '-'. " W. s.i;,
and ll.-!') p. 111. 1'ioni Slioiil.liuirf at Ui .1
in' i lanliti fur llutl iiu and
nedlalo sL.tlons al 11.1, 1.10 and turn a. 111,:
I .Vi, .".4S and tl.-l", P. 10. I'm' Osttegn mill
-tiatiii-e al I lu in. and l.a'i p In. 1'iir
t'llia 11I l.lrt a. 111. nnd 1.11 p. 111. l'or .Von-tio-e
.it IMD .1 ni. 1.03 and a.lS p. 111. l'ir
Mihol-op nt 4 ii und ( 11 p. m l'or lll-ia;-luiiiloii
al l.2o a m. niti- in Siuiiton limi
llulliibi at, At',. 3.13 mnl lotm 11, 111.; !.')
Mnl ski p. in. llo ii (l.v.130 and iaiu-o at
V. 4 ut.; I'.'Cs nnd Mi) p. in I'rmii I Hi 1
a ' Vi a. 111 -, Il'.S-s and '(..') p. 111. 1 10m
Mihol-on it T 'si .1. 1,1 and lim p. in, 110111
Mm .- e at 10. Xi 1. n ; :' Jil and ..01 p. m,
IIImoiusIiiiil; I itlnnii l.eate Si r.itituil (01
".iil:'iinl'iil.iiiil. nt il II. liKij .1. 111.; 1.13 .md
I ( in. l'or I'liuii.iith at l.nj, S.40. " 10 p.
n Ten Itlukston at b. Hi ,1. in. Vriite ni
Voitliunibeil.iiul .11 (!..!", .1. in.; I 10, .I'm and S 43
p 111 Nrilto .11 Mi.,: -(mi al S 1J a. 111, Airlto
,1 I'ltiiiiittli at iM, I -U. 11.11 p. in, Ailito
-i 1.1111. hi fr. 111 S'oitl.umleilaud at tMJ a. ri. :
I lo, I.V) rml i" 13 1 1. ni 1'ioni Itlns-ton at
lltst a ri. I'rom I'lt-inutitli al T..11 a. in.; .'.'JO
.iiul 1 .13 p. 111.
M M)Y 'illVINS.
-uiiil. la-eti -1 1 Kiiou al 1.10, .100. .1 JO, lOftl
, -n . 3.K.I and :i.l p. in.
-ilh l.i.ite -iia-itnn at 1.1.1, i in a 1.1 ;
1 ., ,, Is and 1I..I1 I' in
Itloi m-lmre.' DlMshm l.i. to 'iianton at
in anil ,,ji) p. 111.
Evie anil Wyoming- Valley.
lime Table ill Klioi t Mpr. 17, l'-rji.
Iiains Im lliwlct ind loial piimls, 1111111, I
iiik at Ilattley will. I.1I0 tailioul tor Sew- link,
1tb11rK and Inteimiill ite polnl, lean- 4 isn
tun at 7.0.3 a. 111 mnl '.' - P 111
1 1,11111 111 ite at -' i.inton at 10.10 a 111 in'
11 10 p. tit.
DayliRht 0. Paill
yili; y.ooj. m. train, a trip unuipas!,C(l
In beauty. Other trains from Clii
cago arc the North-Western Limited
electric liuhted 6.30 p.m.; the tit. l'atil
)' - Alall, io.oop,m.,:uitlNight i;xpres,
S 5 P ' a" t'a"-'' am' '',e ,c,t "'
ecr)'thlng. Call on any agent for ticket'.
or address
SSf Kimiiiiiiau . N.ui Yatk
iii VIn. SI.. Clrelnnull
SOI Sinltht'HSt,, Pitttbur
IH Smner St Clsvtlss-l
17 C'afrfiu, Uaetiut. Dttrolt
i if rsn'l St.,PHIa(jitvliia
M IVoilisjl J.i Kl.. floilos
SOf i'alnSI,, S11S1I9
til Clark St., I'Sirat-o
KI9 St.,(lt.Ttrt,rte.O't
For thirty
years a
of Face Ui.kaiii
Schedule in Effect March 17, 1001.
Trains leave Scran ton:
0.45 a. m., week days, l'or Sunbuiy,
Hanisbutg, Philadelphia, Balti
more. Washington and for Pitti
buig' and tho West.
D.tlS n. in., week days, for Hazleton,
and for Suubury, Harrisburg,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and ' Pittsburg and the
2.18 p. in., week days, (Sundays
1.5S ). in.,) for Sunbuiy, Harris
burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington and Pittsburg and
the West. For Hazleton, wetk
days only.
3,127 p. 111., weel: days, for Sunbuiy.
Hazleton. Pottsville, Harrisburg,
Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
,1. 11. linrillVs-ox. On. M-j-r,
.1. II. UKil), (Jen. 1'ass. Vut.
Delawaie and Hudson.
In I'lTi.t Nov. 'J.I. lf).
linns fur (.dihonihle leato Ri union at S.'JO.
7.11, .".. 10 11 i) t-i : l'J.(, l.'JO,, S.U,
.l-J'i, ul. 7.17, o.H. 11.11 p. m. 1.1(5 a, 111
l'or lloiitsihle tl-jo, a, in.; L',41 and .-J-l
p. in.
I'm Wilkes Haiie-li. I . T.H. S.I7. (1.3s. 10.4-.
11.11 n. 111.; I.J-. 2.1 S "I". 4.J7, 11.10,7.18, 10 tl, p. 111.
for I,. V. It. I! poinls-CIJ, 11..1S x m.: S.1,
i,: 1 11.. 11 p. iii.
I'm I'tin.-tltinia II. K. points 0.13, 0.33 4.
lit.: M- and I.U7 p. in.
I'm Vlbaiiy tml all points ninth O.JO a, m,
and .'.3J p. in.
I'M)Y TH MX"".
lor C.iibond.ih '101, J1..1J a. in.; 2.K, B..3J,
". 17. 10. U p. in.
l'or Wllkoh-IUnc-'i .", II 13 a. ni.; 1.3S, 1.2,
0.J7, -J7 p. Ill
l'or Alb.iiit nnd points noiih 1.12 p. 111.
l'or I IoiiomI lie 0.00 J. in. and S.'.'i p. ni.
Lotvost riles tn all points In I'liltdl MUS
nml t iiiada
.1. II liriintCK, (1. I'. A., Alhan.f, V. V.
II. W. lM" I. 1'. A., Soiauton, Ta
Central Bailroad of New Jersey.
Mations 111 New lit!, I'oot of Mbeily slieel,
.V. It., und Ninth l'eitj.
iimi: 'rxni.i: in kititt nov. sj, iooo.
Ti.ilns leate Stiaiitnn Im Nctv Yotk, ttatk,
i:il7.ilieth, I'ldladolphia, l.islon. Iletldcliein, VI
liutottn, M1111I1 Chunk and While Ilateu at 8ml
.1. in.; ivpuss. 1 t", ovpiCNi, .1.00 a, in. i-i-it-lilts,
-J.1.3 p. lu
l'or I'litsion and W'ilkes-lljire. "..M) a. m ; I in
end .1.30 p. in Mindaj. -Ml . 111.
I'm- HililiHiue ind Wnihliigloii and points
""nnlli and Wi-t tn llelhlrlum, S.JO a. in.; 1,10
and J.f'i p. in. 'iimliys, 2 13 p. m.
I'm l.on Ihatiih, O.tan Croto, etc-., nl Soil
a. in. and I. Ill l. M.
I'oi Heatliui", Lebanon ind llanisbui-;, U AL
lentnttu, li.'M a, 111. and 1 10 p. 111. Sunday-)
J. 1 3 p. 111,
l'or Pol bailie, S..J1 a. tn. and 1.10 p. in.
'llnoiiL-h (iikcts (o nil points cast, couth an!
west at lowest lates at (ho station.
II. I', IIM.mWS. Otn. IM1. Act.
.1 11 omi.m'm:.v. (icn. supt.
Time Card in rffttt lift, aoth, 1000.
1 am 04 mi
Si" I f
tOt, "Ol ten
(a 3 a t
PM I .
7 10 Ar.NA AV.tMM.I.r.1
..t 00.
, IM
rm 1 i
: iii 8
. I Mi II
,. a.
... ini--
,. 8036M
SSI it.
11 V 1 o&Ar
I ailo, s .Lv.'
. . tone
1 15
Ilanenele .
hturllKht . "
rriston Park. M
.ttlnttooil... '
.royutelle. . '
..(Jrson .,.. "
I'lrsrant Mc, "
t'ntontlsle.. "
Kotvst City.. "
CailiouilaltiYtl "
Ul'lll IS
sun at
.. aio uioiuM
,. .li.tieu'
.. .out Ulilll 11
.. Aii 90)11 II
7 OoiMtli
.It lille llrlilte.
Intllelcl YJ.
lu) lis l,t
let mt 11 '
7 03 ,
7 MS tit M
1 , He 01
.. Q 1 N5SI11.II '
.. 6 us' . vi 1 1 mi -
,. 8 HI, S.Jlll 01 "
.. 6 IS 1..10 67 "
.. nil' siini.M
....eiil sunn's' a is too
....60.1 s ia iu it -
. 6 US K 10 11 -
6UC U;a)i)ia,t
Mi iii n
7 I
ttlntou .. " 7 11 Ml It.
I'eekvllle 7 JJJ Ui IS...
1 Hi . lunl, " Till mill.;.
I'rlislniiif " 7 sij 07 iii
Ihrnoii . 7 l loir
I'l ot Ideni-e.
I'm lc I'liu-e
-Al. 7 (o Uiu
jjS -iffllfilS: lTX??atV.
Adilltlotiil tritlnilrsrs rstbnrittle for Mlttisls tM
tSlstllfld 1sril7a)minil8.ntlpiii
t i'li'l"iillri'lM,rvnstriulon ,17 OOriiifunH,? ools
toi.piniis-slllltll.ins lo C ils-niHI-, irrMri I17M rn
nil Irsln 1 leaves M,ih.l.l ird lor I itsa4tla it Slisn
iltll) rrlviu-; t l tlwn-ltls st 8.M sin.
Itrttos si routs per mlla -
l.oneat Itntos tn nil Points tTest.
J. C rNDtniiON. . f tVdIH,
I iS'llaii'rAc'nt r i(,
.N V.11V1 it; frtnt P