r v . . T . T r yv IV .? TUB SCIUNTOX TRIBL'XJJ-FIUDAY, JlAHCJT 20, J 001. S MEETING OF MACCABEES IinrRESENTATIVES OATHERED IN THIS CITY. They Elrctetl Doletjfitcs mid Altet nates to Attend the Annual Con vention, to Be Hold in Evlo Begin ning June 8 Meeting Wns Pre sided Ovei by Sir Knight C. S. Wntsnn, of WUllnmspovt Entei tnlnment for the Vlsltois After the Convention Wns Closed. rifU'-Uwi dfli-Huif f"" i'H uiniij tent!" of thf KiiIkIiIh of tho Miii'iulim-H In Hi Twclttb illKtili't. iuniirliln& the MiMrin p.nt of l'oniisylvunln, mul yes unliiy uftcinooii In ilui'iiiMW hull ami elected fovi-n d(IfKiili'H mul sovoti nl lotn.iU'f to the Miiti' roiiM'iillou which will hf h.-iil In Kill- h-Rlmiliw .limo s The M-.loii bcKiiu nl - n' torU ami l.'istod for two luilllH. It wiih pr. liil .ivcr by Sir KtilKltl i S. vVutmni of Wlllliuii-iioit. mM Ki-. tit iDiiiimniili t. while !. Koiki-i nl WlllmniM"'" iirtt'il an mm reliiiy The olll.v bllllle tliill-in led was tile lfilloll of the delepitt!. mul iilieinat' . Theie Well- hail i-nilK'Ht-" mill the li.ll liitlllK WIK very close. Tin ilebKillen If-cted Mere n: rollowH I'lauk VVIt ..IX. of l.npeiSi V. .1. rolHtei. nf Will l.iiinHii'l; i:. t'. Smith, of i'hll.ol-l-idiln: .1. H. Till, nf IMiomi; V. II Vut- i-iif. of Ilinii-Hiliile. i:. 1. Tollman, of Unit's tiiiliiinlt. ami I'. vV. I.onnwav. of I'lrtuie lloclc. Tile follow Iiik iilteilmli - vw-t' tlmm-tr II. VV'. Hunt, of Ninth Iteml. Ii .1. VV MalHlf-ll l. of While Iiiivimi. AV. H. Hi'linid. of Siianlon- It. ii. Thomii" ..f .Vslllo.v : i. V. ('l.'iiKll. or WIIUox r.aiie: Hatr.x I'.rown. of Doirain tmr .1 II. t!inf.s. of W.i.Oilnittoiivllle. l.at lllchl. between the bonis uf 7 ".fl .mil v.:w. an liifoniiiil rectnii In honor r the viMtllltf lolcK'ltt ." wis lielil 111 Itlftll.. hall. Tin-rlK.il iw-tt- Mi-soil .Hid a iileiiKiint t-Oi lal lean- wan eii Jnynl. At S.!!" ll!"" iieeiit n-palr-il to tin- Iniliilfoliie dull lions. ..f the KhIkIus of oliinihiis. "ii Ninth Wash ington avenue, wheie an ew.'tlelll ino. i:rnmine .MmtiKfil h ' Ial mir. inlttee mum given. An adilfovs of ueltone wit mad. b lion, .lolm II. l-'iiir. and wax Riiir.-rtilly le-nonded to liy I'lnri in - F. HilKlies. of Shntil'ikln. Short addiexses upon the lU'lucliiles of the oi sail l.at Ion were innde by In-. .1. W. MarsUll.T. of While Haven: limit lie-cord Kciiei W I: Ulnm-v. of (HI 'liv. and l'ast (iient 'lnnmindcT K. S, WiitMUi. ot Wllllnuis nil. The ritliei ten tin ox of the inoniiinnne weie kIvi n under tie- dlrei tlon of Mlw Wilbur and were -orv well received. They Included wvei.il t-nprnno solos b .Mrs. .lolm Williams, in Itatlous by .Miss Slocuni and dramatic posturine: by Mbx Kunlinm. a yoiniK lady of slncular heaitty and ki.icc. The lonilllltl.'f floill the lin.ll t'llix. w lili h had the timiUKeiueiitx foi the K.itliHrliiB: In i-lmrjjt . was toniiioM-il of the following meiub. is- Cluilimnn. Or I'. .1. (I'llain I'. W. Wells. Kll r.oiur ii h. Wllllaui (iroh, in I. r II Anthonv A .1. Mulil. Hy and M .1 Mattel iv INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. Six of the New Lackawanna Passen ger Locomotives Have Arrived and Aie Now in Service. Sl. of the new lii liawaiiiui l.ulio.ol paSM'UKer iiishus from the S. henei -lady Locomotive woiks. havi- urlvi-il and ate now In servlie, and all ai i,iv Inp cxculleul satisfaction. Two inoi le expected today and tomoiiow. Hleven d tin loin lei n swll. h eiiRln. .j i d'-'ied by 'h- coinpany ft mil tin ji. U--on Maniifaetmlns; eoinpauy hae been dellveied. mill all ale i oi).tilered CiaiU erj.icks liy tin- cumpany and emploies. The lelliiillllllK- thtee will b llnlslied soon and i un Into wivh Meeting of Advisory Boaid. A ineuthiK of the ikIv'imii buald "I the strlklm; faipeiiteix' union was held lust ub;ht in ihe otllce of the associa tion's bllfllle-S llljlllt. O s;. hulz A number o jilans of aellou for tin set t Unit lit of the Ntt Ike weie discuss -d, and several inebers of the bo.iul ex-plc-sed tlitnikelves as violently opposed to i itumlng to wink on any terms pro- VldillC foi' tlU'll eo-opi l.lli'iil with the "(Joi'il .Meill.lllUr. club.' Tliey claim this m made up ot i n ppnters loiinerly nlllllaled with their uilluii. who have i etui ned to woik since tile Ut'KhllllllK nl tile stllke. Koaltli by ijvoirisc is one of llic miiicsI of imoiIltii fiiilji. It is really it recognition of one of thu hoei'sxiirv l:iVh of licultli from whicli wo, in inoilurn fife, itro ithviiyrt pronu to drift away. When caeli man provided for his own individual noed, lie had to till tlio'ground, to hunt, to earn hi htcad literally by the sweat of his brow, ami till this exercisx1 made for health, .owa-dax. when there it specializa tion of labor, it fails to tho lot of many a man and woman to woik in store or ofliee and to take no exercise save what can betaken between the store and the dwelling or on Snndavs and rare holidays, I'or this reason there is sound sense in the atleuipl to supply artificially the exercise which cannol'be obtained nalitially to toughen the intitules, and expand the chest. Ft is never to be forgotten, however, that yvninastics or calisthenics are artilieial, and while they will" promote health can rarely be counted on to produce it". If the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, or stomach, are "weak." it can hardlv be expected that, e.xcicise will strengthen them. But once cuii) diseases which weaken the body, and then exercise will do much lo preserve the restoied health. One chief obstacle to the lite of physical exercises for the promotion of health is that the people who most need exet cite cannot be persuaded to practice it. or persist in it. legti lurly. They are weak, run-down, nervous, and the very effort which exercise calls loi discourages them. Then, also, tho physical enervation thex feel has its cot responding mental enervation and there is almost a total lack of ambition. It is to people such as these thai Dr. Pierce's Golden 3Icdic.ll Discovery comes as a means m the te-etslablislunent of health. It heals tliedi-eiites of the stomach and other organs of diges tion and nutrition, purities and enriches the blood, and enables the building up of a sound, muscular body from the utitiition derived from lood perfcctly'digestcd and assimilated. "I feel it tu duly to lei ou all know that I have recently advised a voting gvntfeitt.ni, who was siilTeriny badlv with kidncv and blad der disease, to trv our '(.olden Medical Discovery,'" writes l-'ranU ' Connolly &allac SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. Extraordinary Specials in our V White Goods Department 8c A 10c H eauinn -F fiinm IOC I S3C1WIII3 " IIWIU ! 4 to 8 cents on 4 ifI Ust' i!w 4'M mn iI 1 fir "9" VlXfflaTltmWXV IBl -? x&x wmmmmmmmmmmmmmcmmmmmmkm H yv LL Start. M U.. of I l.itont.i, l-'au-tte Co . Texas. "Ho bought four Dottles trom our urtiKj;isi nere, aim alter lie Had used the hrst bottle he bcfjun to improve Sometimes hevv.it unable to walk ten steps, now he can ride a horse without ail) pain in his back, and looks as well and sound as a young bov. Ills ae,e is oiilj 2t. He has sutlercd for nculv three years,, and several other doctors called the cite In curable, full I had confidence in I)r It. V. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery. a"d now I have been offered one hundred dollars several times for my kind advice, but I would not accept it because I want evervbody to know what llr. I'ierce's l.imoiw medicine can do. "This testimony is absolute!) true, and the reason I haven't mentioned the young man's name is because he does not want to have his name published." The cure of this joiing man bj the use of "Golden .Medical Discovery" serves to enforce the proposition made in the beginning of this article, that health by exetcise is impossible when certain diseases exist. A man who can ' hardly lake ten steps" is certainly in capable of active exercise. More common, perhaps, than kidney disease, and often associated with it, is some disease or disorder of the liver. The following letter exhibitb a specimen of the cures of "liver complaint'' whicli have resulted from the use of Dr. Pierce's (Joldon Medical Discovery. "I .sent you a letter about a veir ago." writes Mrs. J. Elli Hamilton, of l'armington, Maii'ou Co , W. Va. "I stated mv case as plainly as I could, and received a letter from you m a few days telling me to use Dr. Tierce's (.olden Medical Dis covery and ' b'avorite Prescription 'a bottle of each. I used three of each,, and feel like a new woman. Don't suffer any pain or niiserv any moie. liefore using your medicines I suffered all the tiine had 'jaundice, caused from food not digesting properly. 1 would have sick headache three anil lour times in a wee!., and jaundice every foui or five weeks. Could not do the work mvseli. I commenced using our medicines as lecommended for livn complaint, mid 1 am cured now. I asked our doctor it he couldn't cine me, and he .said he could give me medicine to help nic, but the trouble might leturu aintime. 1 doctored lluee vcars without any iclief, onl for a short time, and then I was as bad as ever. Haven't had sick headache since 1 took the first bottle of medicine." It is often the case thiii "weak" heart, torpid liver, kidney "trouble," and other diseases have their cause and origin in the diseased stomach. When the stom ach is ctited by the Use ol " Discovery," the other dis eases arc cured with it When the cause of disease is removed, the effect stops. If the dealer offers a substitute tor "Golden Medical Discovery," icmeniber that the sole motive of (substi tution is to enable him to make tho little more profit paid by the sale of less meritorious preparations. YOUR HEALTH f-" b? '' . uso of pronor mean. tho pronor moan. Or. Pierce's Common Scnso Medical Advisor teltr what means to use. This work contains 1DOB larnm pages, and la sent FREE on receipt of stamp to pay expense of mailing ONLY. Send 31 one-cant stamps for tha cloth-hound volumo or only St stamp for tho booh In paper-covers. Address Or. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y. Remuant-5 of English Long Cloth iu lengths of from three to ten yards, a positive ' 2 J cent quality nutl the finest Long Cloth wi have ever sold. 15c a Yard Remuauts of fine India T.inons, in lengths of from one to six yards, at , these prices: i v Lot i j Lot 2 Lot x 1214c i ; Lot 4 !5c J every yard. Plaid and Stripe Nainsoolcs of cxcelleut quality, worth 2l cents, At 8c Yard Lace Stripe Lawns, in new effects, at special prices, 10c and 12&c Yard 50 dozen Hemstitched Linen Huck Towels, medium size aud fine quality. Tho best Towel bargain of the season. 10c Each And 50 dozen of the biggest and best Turkish Bath Towels we have ever offered, size 27X5S inches, of solid towel, with knotted fringe ends, a positive 50c value, At 39c Each I The Men's Collar and Cuff Sale has proved a great success and will : ; continue throughout the week. t - f-'Mf--4- - " ".. t tt f-f- Special exhibit of fine Leather Goods will be made during the balance of the week, including t Belts, Pocketbooks, Chatelaine Bags, Shopping Bags, Etc. ... .. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, WAsH',MR '&ENlm Special liai'alns Friday and .Salunlay. Myer Davidow, The Cheapest Shoe Store. 3(17 Lncknvvniiiin Avenue. Special Hiirguliis Friday and Saturday. n id r E 1 At less than cost of making. Every Shoe in our '.store is up-to-date, fresh goods, and not damaged. We defy competition. Friday and Saturday Special Bargains, i 4 H ! ! -M vrvvv'tWFvrwevvr v, v ?. Today's D., Ii, & W. Ilonrd. Tho inukcup of todny'N D., U, anil V. Iioard Is as follows: Till lllV. M.MIl II -. Milil lal-. I1jI i in t' Knu Im I' . 01. M. I'lmifiO ; II p. 111. I.. M II1II.-1 rillllvV. VI Mil j'i Wild (an, l.j.l -ti..,u j. in. I'. 1 .-10. 1 , l.CU a. III.. II. I. UiMi'. .1 a. 111. .1. M l Mte; 4 J. til.. .1. Itn.li: ."1 J. 1:1. V. Krlilum 7 J, in, M. .1. Hi nnlu:iii; .1. in., .V.K. Mull'ii, 111 . 111., i.llllu'.ili; II i. 111. I. MjIioii; I '. pi.. 1'. Il.illrlti 1 .:'.'! i. m.. I. U.ilbci'. -i 1 O'Cuiiliui, uilli llalil.i nun, ,1 11 in., I I. I!'i;iiii I. Hi i. 111.. A. Ii. lliiiuullt; '1 . in. I'. Ii, Villi W in 1111 1 : Ii I'. 111., T IKiiulli 111 r-unimit., i;u.H ,1. 11 1. 1. .1. Ilmnum; i a. 111. i.i-l. LllhniT, with II Nli-liM-' Hull! U i. in., ca.l. ,1 CuiIjk; i 111., t.iM, I', l'i in.iUKh: 11. tn.. il. Oioim- rrmiii fillier: T i. in,, o.nt from Njy .Viin. IMwonl MiUli.'tn: i. 111.. not (ruin 13uik-i. f.lnl : T l. III.. rt 1101:1 t'jjiUJ. Mil.um Ii)ll(i 1) 11. in., I'. II. Si cor. I'urtur f a. 111.. Iloii'irt 10 1 ?u. I'm. 1 'rli 1 ll.ro a. in.. Mimii; 7 i. in., Mutili ; !l p. 111,, l.aiiipluc; 10 p. in, VM.lnti. I'aniiii;ii Kii)ilu-T J. 111., Ciltui-ji 7 a. 111, MlHi 5.30 p. 111.. SUliton, 7 p. in, Muiov tin. Wild fat. Hut -j J, 111, I.1IU11; 1 1 in, D. llJ.'i'i-.H.i. NO rui. llul.fnun M. J. nuilic Mill .-a out on tuiu CI thr inh. In place or lliakcniin 1 ulu. Iltlki'incn Mil In Dcc'uir, IMwaul OlllniHS ami I'atilcV riinlln will rail :t lulimiaitei'. of-flee. This nnd Thin. All uf the- available l.iicUavwtuiiJ cu rIiich are nmv In sorvlci', tlu-to lielnif a leulnt iloiu.'iiul fur Mum on mochuiu of Ini'i'i-ascd coal ami firlglil lnifllc. I.. 1. Foley, miporintunilmit uf tele Kiaph un tlii' lic-l;iiMiiiiin lalliuad, if turned to Ni-vv York lant ovnlur,' after ji i-unfoH'iic-i' vilth tli- lui'iil ofllidalH. Tip; llruoksldu vvnclu'ry at Avora Iuih ccaM'd opui-atloiiH, all tho culm banks juiitliuHi'd liy U. A Watri'H. of Hcrnu ton. liavlnK'beon mnveiU'il and fwircoly a veHtlt'p loinnltiH that would remind unn uf tliu Ili."t una I inliui at Avucu. ThC'WanliPiy enipl'iyi'd twenly-twu niuti and 'iHiyj., AST AIT For Our Great Sale of IGARPETS and DUPERIES .j. We arc now prepared to fill all orclsrs with a complete new stock of Wail Papers, Linoleums, : Oil Cloths and Window Shades 5 J- ! 1 HISTORIC Places in Virginia an be tomtort ili an J eisih reached by tlis Men's Shoes LOT 1 Men's Box Calf uibber heel, leather lined S3.00 Shoes at $1.08. XOT 2 Men's Winter Russet lub ber heel, leather lined Shoes nt $1.98. LOT 3 Men's Enamel Russet and Black Shoes, worth S3.00, at $1.08. LOT 4 Men's Vicl Kid," leather lined, $2.50 Shoes nt $1.40. LOT 5 Men's Box Calf. Velour Cnlf, Enamel nnd Patent Leather $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes at $3.48. LOT 6 Men's Light nnd Heavy Woiklufj Shoes, worth $1.50 at 08c. Meu'a Mlninc- Shoes at 08c. Men's 1 Woonsocket Rubber Boots at $2.,.r. ' Men's Aicticb only 08c. Men's Em 1 broideied Slippera. worth 75c, only !40c. Men's Felt Shoes, woith S2.00, i nt 08c. Ladies' Shoes Ladies' high cut Box Calf, also flnar. Ivid-Hned and Winter Russet Shoes, worth $2.00. S3.00 and $4.00 fttt, $1.60. j Ladies' Goodyear Welt fine Shoes4 made to sell at $3.50, only $2.20. Ladies' Patent Leather, lnce nnu button Shoes, woith $2.50, at $1.70, 300 pahs ladies' DonRola button und lace, kid and patent tip, Good-, year welt Shoes, woith $2.50 all $1.10. ; v. 200 pahs small and odd sizes oC paiis to close out, woith $1.50 to $2.00, at 50c. 300 pairs ladles' SI. 50 Ttusse Shoes at 08c. Child's Rubbei Hoots only 75c. Youth's Rubber Boots only 08c. ? WILLlAriS&ricANULTY : : : -n 126 Washington Avenue. DUNMORE. . jri imiiiUrr "in piicm ji ii l -1 Kpli I'rl il.uuli I.1.1 nl.ilil uinl nij.'Mil li.j'uis Ikv. V. 0. Mmp-i'ii i,ic 111. iiliiuiiii'il uilii'. liciil llu iullA i I..11 M il1.ii. 1.. Siiiiiciuii l.ttiini. imni Inn uiitliin'. Ii.i l.iui n ... M',i' It'll) ill -it'll .1 llllllllltl lll.ll .lU plllllilUlli.il It mil' nt tin' I" -I iilll.icllniu i'l tin' 1 mil. 1. 'llu- fiiiiiul i'l ll. Vlklui'l .1. Mull Mill li!,i pl.i.-i In 111 ln'i liti' t-imii' mi M'mil net t. vii iiiiIjv nidinlii? at t,!.'l n't Iik It, A luiiltiil lilisli hum villi lir toll Ir.Ji'it at "I. lai' ilum'.i, jihI Inlmmiit will li- mulu In lli oli t'.uliii. llu 1 1 lllttl i.v. .1. C. Ilhisluni. ut ll.iuli). I- lUului liltml. In tuun llili Mnk. 1'. VI. Pnitii U un a ImtlnivK trip tn KiMpie ImiiiK t-vuiilj tlii iir),, -ran Itlnsr fm 'i"' l"i- I llOli'. lSsSProf.G.FTf HEEL527 ASUS - I lbll.,ll..l. 1 . li ii. 1. I ...... ...:..!'. IA Iwrrlrti iiunriiirflirwr tUob ntll 1'rltfttt I'l't "- " ! TT .Hva MIWI uimu, 'tr'VUli J)i tillHj,Lit ltnbiturt rl'vftl Jt Mrlrlurr'T rultlitiu lntlfirluDNinl A NhrimkB ltrtui.4 4frrrb f4fwunil 4 lo lftda;. 3I jtur prufllnl & It finf ;huii lut ttptflriirr UtirwaBy. r rorlol 'Trulh 'il i(vulug uty f tllfal k Irrlrlrtl friuJk. MrsUon IhU papar.T fttfimns tail daily rxi-rpt Suinlny f i out I'irr 21, Ni'Flh Ubtr, ioft u Hi ii trut, Nrw itV for Old Point Comforf Norfolk Richmond, Ua. and Washington, D. C. Connecting for All Points South dnt Nst. The above arc only a few of the many bargains, We invite you to call and examine oui goods befoie buying elsewhere. Kemember, we sell stnetiv reliable and up-to-date Foot-' wear onlv. DAV8DOW The Cliunpcsl Shoe Store. ;!ir, liiicknwtiniiu Avenue. V M'ting ihilil nl II in Siuliu, .ii lliinwi slutl, it ijillt'.- .ki. will, main lal fmii. I'oe l'ltuli, uf ("liin cin'fi. i fiiliin'il tn lib Inline- liy Hint.. Il'iin, tn Mi. .iii.l Mi, Pitii,, i.iiiu-.iy, nt .Vppk' .IllllUi, ,i mm. Openlnp; of Mrhon's shue htori1 toinm-iniv inrtinlnir. l.noluviiiiiiii iivniiiii . SJK Tlinnih 1 icUsts returnln? iroai Waslimton bv rail or water. tur tull Information ippl? to OLD DOMINION SH-AAiSHIPCO. 81-85 Beech St.. New York. II.U.n.LKi:U,TriOlsr. j.j.diiow.s.o r.A. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... WANUFACTUHKD I1Y . CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. t If MITI'. Til It A AM l HENRY BELIN, JR., anfrl Acent for tlw VVyoraltij Dlitilct for DUPQNTS POW l Kill UinlDfc', niattlnz, fporlln, SmoVolrsi mil llu Kcpauna CIicihUjI Company't Hig;h Explosives. Safety Fuw, Caps anil Kplotlcr. rtoom 101 Con nell Dullclln,-, tiraiil-jn f I i i fry w K i mm. y , p THE POWDER CO. Uooius I and'i.ComMthB'l'd'g. 6CRANXON, PA. nining and Blasting DWDER U.'da l Mooilc nd llutb lal Wori, aui:ncu:si 1IIUS. IUIH) I J01IK II. (ill nt k bo: VV. I'- HULL10AN ntlston ....rbniRiitii .VVllttill.rM lH. Ill SfTI N .ill piii't- ir' . - rjf la All Acutu and t'hrniiK HitftM uf !! Hotni-n ami t hilnn-ii, (Vn.nllatlnn anil ilniriulion Ire Oltt't- llu u. Ham ami Mir I a, in. to 8 v, m. LA PUN RAND POWDBR Coy ORANOE QUN POWDER Ut etrlo Haitsrldt. KlootrloICrplaJara, aplollns bUiU, tjitfely Kuiat . Repauno Chemical Ca's nvWw