The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 29, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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la men
Mould not lio complete ttithout i
Stfillnif Hani.- In it. The Sterling
Ik not only an attractive piece of
kitchen lurnlture, lt u uncc that
never Mil, jou iii Inking d.t.
1rnpirrritt ventilating oteti eloor Is
one "f Hie Stcrllns'ii leatutc'
Footc & Shear Co.
119 N. Washington Av
Capital $200,000. Surplus 5500,000.
United Stntes Depositary.
Business, persoual aud sav
ings accounts invited.
;, per cent, interest paid ou
savings accounts.
( )pen Saturday eveuiugs
from S to 9 o'clock.
W'm. (.onmu, President.
Hisr. Hi, Ju.. Vice 1'rci.
W'm. H. PtCK. Cashier.
Lewis, i
iSfcL'-TUl '
330 I'-Ml'l ,(, , ?j'
t -i... ffWh." I "- i r
LacKi. rtfiwaan&
Repairing Done Gratis.
l.ccd data tor March 2;, 1301.
Hlfht't temperature "! dr2nv
IHTfht tmipiratuie 'JO ilciccii
s nt ( per rrrt
s p 111 , iv) per 1 em.
i-no it'll. '21 Iiouu cinlinj S p ni , twee
.1 W Miriel, the mirKet man, ttiuincil ,iei
tcnlij after .i wcek'd absence tiom tlie cll.
Colonel L. A. 'jtr left jolrnUy utteriioon
foi New York on tho Uukmann. limited. Ill,
r1tiratin "5 Uonton, Ma.i.
f hdtlii Plume, ot William Illume & on, nr
ihkc maiiufacturtu, left fni Sen n. 011 flip
I 0 fiver jettenlity afternoon.
Mr. Roche Agnln Decided Upon for
Chairman of Select Council.
The ten Democratic members of se.
lect council held a second caucus lust
night at th? St. Chailcs hotel, and
again ugreed to suppoit the candidacy
of John II, Uothu fop chaliuiau.
It Is understood that each man signed
a wiltteu pledge last night to bupport
.Mr. Roche.
Orgaus for Sale Cheap.
Ton tun buy a good second hand Or
gan aa low us $10.00 at tlueinsey Hall,
J. W. liuerneey, Piop.. .114 Washing
ton avenue, Seranton, Pa,
AspnmguS) Caullilowci,
Krk Plant, California Celery undU'hlto
Radishes, nt Marvel's Mniket, coinei
Penn avenue und Spruce stieet.
Easter Offering.
title of our NliW AHT SOUVU.NIIl
for this lvASTHK, which was pnlnted
expressly for lib by V II. Ileaul, one
of the most celebrated animal paint
ers In tho world Wo have had It
reproduced nt 11 large expense lltho
graphed In twelve oil colots. on coated
paper, and mounted on vei heavy
CARDBOARD. Size: Dxl2 inches It
Is such n ehaiinlng subject that it
should find a place In evei.v home
Don't mUu getting one
To nil purchasers of Teas, Colfee,
Bplco Kxtrncts und liuklng Powdet.
Saturday, Mnich 30, 1001.
Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.
ill ltektinni ivenu' li" Vuth Itn vnu
'Pbgn 78J. I'totuit ddbo; .ew 'I'licut l.'J,
Lk&mlaiU 't .I1'1
' Ml' 'I
' f XMWVTM'JIli Jill
hiv . i
r '
Musicnle Given In Guernsey Hnll by
Mrn. Wolfc-Wotdcn.
. laiR( nu Hence throiu-eil Ouetimey
hnll hint night niul licaul vvlth the
ketreit enjoyment, the excellent oon
cett Blviii by .Mtn. ruiotyn Volfe-Wof
dm, imxIstPd by John T. WntUhiK, Al
I red Wooter, Chnrles Doei-nin niul !.
lrn. Weirdc n ui-iwe fioni u Hick bed to
nttend the conceit but thU would novel
liuvc been uuiected front the splendid
voice In which he sntiR. She ten
elerul Mft.feiiet'.i "Iteiodlnte Air do Sn
lome," and Ardlttl'n ."a ion Illse Mclhn
Waits, an yolort nnd wn vaimly up
plauded by the nppreclntlve audience.
Churli.ii It. Docrpam ncted its aceoni
pnnlst and wan especially elftotlv In
li Ik mIo lendltlou ot CiIcr'a "Allec-ro
5Ii eleituo." John T. Wntklns' Biipeth
voice i hmid to advantage In .1
titiinlier of -elections, .md the mannet
In u tilth he song1 Ciou'iud's "Vulcan's
Sons," from the celebrated "Philemon
et B.uitK" was effective In the ex.
r. Vnnciiivoken played weiiil diffi
cult violin holos, nnd bin execution of
the difficult "Cclehinleel Ilomnnvtft In
V" was tftpeclnlly plcaf-lti;-. Alftcd
Woolor ti8i.1l bin tenor voice to Rood
advantage In a sour nreomp.inled by
Ml. Vandereken. nnd also nng In n
duet with .Alls'. Woieln. Lurnntonls' "A
NIrIU In Venice." The conceit win
concluded by Mrs. Worden und
Wntklns nnd Wrote: i acfompnnled by
Mi Vnt'det'veken, ("ItiRlnK Nlr-olal's "Tl
I'f'R OO Pudlf."
Lnige Numbets of Them Aie Seek
ing Employment In Mills at Al
lcntown nnd Fnteieon.
A it titill of the ellk mill iitlke,
which Is now i.ipldty cntrrint Into It"
thltd month without bfliiR uiaientl
any ivatrt to an amicable i-cttlcirient
than It was dtttliiR the lht fnvv ilu.vx
of l'Yhiuiiiy, a la'ise number it the
Bills employed In the local mill.-, have
lett the city.
It Is (stlmat.'d thai tully one hun
dted employes of the vuilous silk
inaiiulactUtlllR companies have Roue to
out of the tlty lonteins. and ycsteiday
alone theie wete lltteen depaituies tot
Allcntown and l'ateisoti IJvety day
letters aie 1 etched at the stilkeis'
headdtiai teis troin mill ow litis oftot
Iiir wotk. Tin' expenses of the tilp to
the mill aie paid by tin- owneis, who
also pledge tlicmxelves to suppoit the
girls until they have u-celved theli
111 st Instalment ot saluiy.
The majority of the Rlrls who lute
left, m fai, aie weaveis. as this N a
blanch of tln silk luanutactuiliif: hi-
dustiy In which elllcletit an
always in demand The fifteen sttlk
ers who left .esteiday aie all weaveis.
and wcie foimeily employed at tin
Saiunuilt mill. Klglit Riils ha in the
niornliiR lor Allentown and the tt
maltider duihiR the aftet noon toi rat
erson. A meetliiKof the memliets of the
local Sauquolt soft silk woikeis was
tailed for yestetday afternotm to hear
the icpott of the loinmlttee whlih
waited upon Supeilnteudeuf V. II. Da
vis early In the week. There was but
11 small attendante of the Rlils, how
ever, and as the Rilevance committee
Itself did not appeal, tho meeting was
held, without anv business of Impoit
ancc heltiR transacted. A special meet
ing will be held at fl o'clock this 11101 11
Iiir between the executive nnd srlev
nnce committees, and this atteiuonn
the haul slll workeis of the Sauquolt
mill will hold a session.
.Superintendent Hutlei. ot the Simp
son mill nt Mlnooka, will letuin tiom
T'aterson today, nnd it Is likely that
he will s-oon be waited upon b a Rilev
ance tommlttcc lepiesentltiR the mill
local It Is understood that his tilp 10
l'.upvson was In the natnie of a ion-
fcience with the company auihoiitles,
and Important developments mav ie
sult. At the Lackawanna mill, ,u Tayloi.
It was yesterday teportcd that nil the
Rlils were back to woik. the scale they
demanded heltiR Rranted almost to the
letter. At Miikei.s' headquarters, how
ever, it was said that a number of th
Rlrls were still out
City Solicitor Thinks Recent Opinion
Does Not Affect Them.
city Sollcltot VosbuiR stafd ester
day that the lecent decision of the
I'nlted States Supreme couit. In whloli
it was decided that the councils of
three Illinois cities had not the powei
to muke a continct eteiidlng beyond
the peilod of one flscal yeat, had little
or no beating upon contracts enteied
Into by municipalities In this state for
.1 teun of yenis.
Theie weie some who thought that
this decision would iend"i It possible
to nullify the ten-year lonMaets en
teied Into with the ffarber Asphalt and
Scranton Uleetilc Light und Heat com
panies, but -Mr. Vosburg doesn't think
It was the Supieine touit oi Illinois
he says, which declnicd that under the
laws or that state the council of a elly
had no right to make 11 contract for a
longer time thnn one fiscal eat. Tho
established rule with the Supieme
couit ot tho United Slates has nhvays
been to uphold the Interpretation
plated upon a state law by the state
Supieme couit, unless this Interpreta
tion Is a flagiantly wrong one.
Mi. VoahurR savs that In this state
the Supieme couit has repeatedly iei
osnlzed the validity or tontiacts en
teted Into by municipalities tor a tetiu
of yeuis, and fop this teuson believes
that the opinion iccently handed down
cannot be applied to contracts made
Unusual Vnlueb in Plctute I'lames.
With tho new season's creations In
pictiue 1 1 ames expected dnlly, Schile
vei has Ratheied tosethet nil the odd
Unities ou hand and placid upon them
11 pike that will move them ciultkly.
Some, slightly shop-woin. thnt oilglu
ally sold tor f12, liny be puiihcised for
n dollar, othcis nt 2- and "M cents vvcro
woith ten times that amount. Come
ut onto they won't last long
A Beautiful Line
of sot lug and summer
MalionV nw shoo stoic
Xuottveui at
Opening; to-
Ward's Millinery Opening
Saturday. Maich 3D, 118 Washington
Stop at Maivel's Maiket
And eo the fiift cull of Delaware
hnd ot the stetson.
Refused to Talk About the Piobable
Result of Today's Confeience In
That City or to Discuss What Wns
Done in New York It Is Thought
That the Chnnces of n Stilke Being
Called A10 Veiy Remote Those
Who Will Attend Today's Meet
ing nt Luzctne's Capital.
Pit-shit nt ,1c hu Mltc hell of the I'nlted
Mli.e takers hi lived lit U'llkes-llane
at 11.29 o'clock last night ovtr the Le
high Valley, from New Yoik city, and
register. d nt the Il.nt hotel. When In
tel viewed he lefiHcd to give out any
HMeni.'nl of thi lesllll of his New
YciK tilp with the dlstllel piesldents
and hImi detlliud to mnke any li
marks tcgaidlng the posrlble otlti ome
ot the situation.
Me win netompaiiled f 1 cm the nielio
polls by Miss Mollis, his private sei
ictuiy, and Presidents T. D Nlcholls.
of Dlstllel I, Thomas Duffy of T and
John I'ehy of I', and Itcv'. K. S. Phil
lips, all of aIioiu maliuiiitied n disci c t
slluic" when ttest ioiiftl A laige nuni
ler of mcmb"is of the cllstilct boaid
aiihtd In U'llkes-IJaru during the dtiv
to nttend today's session of the time
dlstiitt boaids. at which Pic-lib-nt
MltclieP will tender his tepoit. The
call lot the convention wan issued tiom
the hc.uliiMit"is of dlstilct I in this
1 !ty. and tile session will be held 111 tho
1 ktitnl Laboi union's hall and be be
(.hu at 10 o'clock this mtitnlna. Nun
" the mrmbiis ot th 11 itlona! "v
ct.tlve liouirl besides Piecldillt Mltdn-ll
nic In WkelIalle
Pi mil till of .v -st"ida.v's Indications
the otitic ok lppeais viy lavoiable
a'l't th, ehiiiKis foi a sit Ike being
called veiy utiiole. I'Ik g.'iieial tenor
of r.tthe, P.illllps' Is to en
1 outage an optimistic ''i.e of the situ
ation aud tl.e t,n t that the nation. il
boaid wi.s not .mmmoiicd to meet in
joint session with thu illtltict otgnnla
tlons Is aiinther teken lb it toda.v's
ctlsls it not a .-ciloa one
Sec icliii.v-TienHitiii' John '. Diinp
sey of Dlstllel I, Kobeit N. I'l.tnulglit
end ntliei local iicmbeis ol the dlstilct
1 onrd will leave foi A ilkcs-ltatle eaily
this 11101 nlug.
The executive Im.iuls n die tlnee
iititluaLite tllstilc ts will mret In .ses
sion at W'ilk'.s-liarte today, and heat
the lepoits 01 Piesldcnt John Mltc hell
atul the thtee dlstilct piesldents le
gatdint, the lesalts uf thell New Yolk
flip. It I, pot likely thai the Session
will be 1 Joint otic witli the national
executive board, hi view ot llie tact
that the notice sent out by Ptcsldent
.MltihHl contained 110 announcement uf
such a meeting; beliiR contemplated.
The un inbeiH woie uotllled of the fall
ing of the convention ! th dlstilct
Mcneovei. th- 111tlu11.1l nieinbris aie
scatteied all ovet the union, and ii
would be Impossible to bilng litem on
to Wilkes. Uatie at such shot t notice,
Indianapolis, tho nation il headctiur
tets, would, how vet, be centlal
point for a meeting of the national
board membcis, and the upon yester
day sent out lioni Wilkes. pane to the
1 ffee t thai the bo.ud would meet al
heacbiuaiteis while the dlstilct boatds
ate In session at Wllke-P.aire. Is vetv
possible, CVnimuiili atlon bttwecn the
two inclines by lelegiaph would keep
tin- natlotiiil and dl-ltlit ommlttee
men po-.tfd as to whnt cub other
weie doing
Snietaiy John T. Dempsej, uf i -tllct
No 1, wi.s seen ut dlitllct head
iltlatteis yesteulny nttiinoou liv 1
Tribune man. and Informed the I"itt"i
that a m ethiR of the dlstilit boauls
would be held this moinlng. The same
alt of mvstei.v which the .Mine Woik
ep.s' olllclals have maintained ever
since the strike talk began, was no
tlceabli in DeiiipseyV communlcatloii
of this lad, which has been piadleally
an assured one all week.
lie declaied that he was ignoinnt
whethei or not a meeting of the na
tional licit id was called, ami further-
ntoie tcuild give out no pnitlculais
about today's districts meeting. Det.ip
sey uctlvecl telegrams yes.eiday
troin Piesldcnt T. D Nlcholls, of D'-v-trlet
No. I, and National lioaul M-'ir-ber
Kteder'el: Ditcher, Xicholts an
nounced in his communication that b j
would be in Wllkes-Harie this mottling,
Dlldici ninety wlted the local sec
tetaiv' to send all mall which came for
him on to his home In Nelsonvllle, O
This constitutes another Impoitant In
dication that the national boaid will
not meet at Wllkcs-Paiic this morn
ing, but will lather convene nt In
dianapolis. Dilchi'i's telegram came
ft 0111 the lattei place, and as he Is a
national executive board membei It Is
rot Ukeh he would be telegraphing1
hoe foi any of his belongings to b
sent to uhlo If he expected to be In
Wilkes-llaiiF todav.
Tveiity-evcii lepiesentutlvec ftum
Dlstilcts No 1. 7 and !' will attend
today's convention. Kach bond con
sists of nine members, tluee of whom
aie the piesldent, vice picKldent and
secti'tniy of the district The meeting
will be piesidcd ovci by a chnlimin
liorcn ftom tho delegates pfsent. In
This Is the Time to Buy
Sweet Navel Oranges, mo
seeds) lScper doz.
SeeiUliijH, i') I'm' '23c
Fancy d()e Ornngr.s ror
per dozen ;ic
Iiitlltui Hirer Ui'iiiikcsIVoiii
Dr. niUS Groves, doz. . .luc
(italic I'nill. SfCs, per do,. 50c
Grape Fruit, (Ill's, each... I lie
E. 6. Goursen
view of the presences of Ptcsldent
Mitchell. It Ih more than likely, how
ever, that thu latter ldmpf will tuke
charge of the pe.lon.
l'lesldetlts N'leholls, of District N'o
1; John Kahy of No. n, nnd Thomas
Duffy, of No. 7. will all be In attendance.
Spilng Opening Yesteiday at Jonas
Long's Sons' Stoic,
The opening of Jonas Long's Sons'
spilng nillllneiy display .vemeulay
proved one of the tteats of a yeat
In which splendid exhibitions uf the
inlllhuis' art have been the local ttile
rattier than the exception. This de
paitmetil of the big stoic hns been lit
erally transfoimed Into a bower In
which aie seen In piofuion the most
beautiful iirtlllclal.llowets artistically
adoinlng shapdy lints anil bunnets.
while myi luds of hltds of goigetais
plumage ate also In evidence, acting
as accessoiies which. In skilled (lugeis,
mnteilally Ineicase the beauty or til"
most e-Nilllslte toiU'S.
The geneial range of shapes In hats
this sciiMiii Is Hat, but chiffon, lose. hair tilmnilng and other diap
lugs ate so gracefully used ou the
fancy straws that they tesiilt in vci It
able ill 'inns. The forget-me-not hat Is
one or the Mentions which Is destined
to win its way Into couiitle-s feminine
heaits. It Is tilmuied with chllToii.
toveied braid with set oil ratings ot
ilbbou. and mound the Hunt tuns a
line or blue rolRet-lllc-llOts
The "Napol -on" Is nnothei eiUisite
llltle bonnet, two 1 111 t-w heel uisettcs
being rastened to It with nat eabaslieu
buckles, lop and sli)e coveiid with se
quel it and black satin bow on 111'
What Rev. Jnmes McLeod, D. D.,
Hns to Say About the Re
sult Ycsteiday.
With leftienee to the defeat of the
Vaiighan hill, Iluv. James McLeod. D.
D. who wns one of the foitmost In the
llp'it waged ngulnsl It. said last night:
Tip n( Hie Vnuliin Mil l J iloinll
-iitpilM' Id it- pininoter. .nel tiliii'ls Ihoy
it lilt 1I1 -me tlifeat, not onl) lieuiw llie lilll
it-ilf N iiliiinMnn., but Ihhjii-o tlie piT-UUmly
leienla lii'iiiinr to It opponents sme nf
tin in urn t.luil cnoiuli to '1) tlut th'' Mould
leiiuli 11 le 41II11-. JtJ mmliirs of
tin I. .l.'amp wlio ilimcril tn In' 111
tin li hw li"ii it hit imt in Mvloit Wu
iif III' .1 flrt to ircipl tliU Imitation,
I'll) 1 lltili 1 itc t inn 101111111111 11, tlut vie
niitiM ttv to null nil tin nicmlui. uf Hit Iwiim
hi ili'illiii .it. I 1I1I11I. 11111 il(llii j l-r
Vt ill rnl. It pi nvid rflrrtiir. We ore n it
met nioil. hut in' .nc niul tint miiIi ln.itiii
lisblitii'll J- llie Vjlljlllll Mil pieKi,iil iliil nit
iiiiiiiiitml ll-.'lt to the uiiil wii-e nl jl luijiiiity
ot llif hoti e uf lepn '.rnt itlvi .
I 111 1 1' l ,1 lepull lll.ll III! lllill'l- nf till- IlltJ,-
me will null .inntliei jtliiupi luit II tliimiitli
I 1 lion.,. i,' bill, tint Mi. Is -roll tint, Inlf
nut I hit 111.11 In' I'lnll-li inoii'i te nuki'
iiuotliii jiIj'I. npiiii Hi'- iti us it s, rjnli'ii,
Imt If llt il" tln.t Mill bo lieutin I lie littMi
tun llllll pfuplo ill 1I11 l ill mm kimtt tint tin"
ciiuln 4,11,1 int.ii'li.l illnl- nl tin- V nihil in Mil
.III' It till' - lluOII, .Hi'! lit till 'llni'll, Jll'l fill llie
mIiioii. I I'll kiioM tint it 1. pilpiMe an! mim
ic' ile, 1, ubhtMii nut tint il I- In lb. In-
leiiMsol 1 ill of piioii Mini .ni' imt IcuiiTU
.ihlc ni Hie iniiliilmtiniK ttlilili lliot mile In
tlie uiw of tnuulit.v jiiiI iro"l illiin-lup
vit ailtiip to tin tili'iiil. mIio lute lu'fii vi inn
to ilicli illuii. jii'l ttlio Into iloiii- 1 li, ir vwt t" "lalli'ii'l" llii'li lull tin i.ttlt tin' Iiiji
llllll.'. I tnept tin- rlluiliou aunielullt J,
juii 1 .in. lint t'liu tie nl Mil ii- ilurnilt .i "
i.lilc, ami Hun, if toil plu-f, lunil inn to HiO
siihliitie, lo -it tlien I ii'i ip-mieituiii
Jcssup Local Union Goes on Recoid
Against tho Sciantonian.
The following tesoltitlons wete udupl
ed Wednesday nlglu b local union No.
I na.., of the United Mine Wntkets lo
cated it Jessttp
VMieiPi-, llie ii iitueti-t nott uiujH I i" la
tin1 I luteal VIiiip Vtnikon. of Vmcili i mi Hip one
rvr mil Hip s,i uiiiiiinn on t lit otlii-i ha, leaihul
proportion, nf lutpuit one ffii an thin the .illjli
up-. rt .ii'il I. liable to Injun- 0111 .iwnrlatinn
In the otp, nl Hill piiitlou of tho pulilii vvlm Mill
bill tlmi .it tin- hiii t it p mil niipt tin' pub-li-lu'il
-Uliiiii'nii uf tin- s, iintimlin a, luiili,
up ttmild riioiniiiiiiil ill lileuil. of oitraulseil
labm In Liirlullt iiiiiiilii anil mli'tt the follow,
iii nri
I'n-t llie su.inli.niiii i liliii. t" hi a -iiiiiiiIi
union pipi'i anil .tikiiftttlulsi, 'ho .nillinrlli nf
I'poBl'I'hlcal iiiilnn. No. II-'. to plan" il on the
mitalr 11.1 it Ihet m tiff lil'il It tn In We re
meitlulli Mi'.'Ki-t the following points of et.
ilence for cou-iileiailnn In ahl 'l.tpoci iphh il
union. No 11-', I- well .1, In a iu-t pitblh. VI
the late l)itrlet No. 1 f 'intention liebl in I'd
ttardttille. Pa , a pic (uunulltec tta. appoluicil
to gito to the neitkpipeia Midi Inliiinutinii a,
thev ilounisl ttlip the puhlii -ImiiM uu-ltc nml
no other It Mould appi ir till- hi i ilb-il union
paper w Ml imt be i-all-llul In be kipt mi the -inip
-latu ttilli pipiii. ef Mate md tiilioiul ihtnli.
Hun, but tiiii-l, ly tlulr "Mil ailiul-.lon, Induic
ir .inept an oflcr tiom a dolejitc- in it tend nice
al Mid contention tn tuinl'li llieui nllli i i one
plitp it port oi all boiling tiaiiMited diiiins
llio-e time di.t-i it Hit i Wc tune
if Hie s, lauionlan tta- hoiioll.t llie tilind f
1 1. nl,, union, thet would not puldl-li er nilhlt
lor puhlliailon ant iiftv. utliu Hun tlut glim
nlllilallt In Hie pn toinmltlie. alhmliu the
mini ttoikei. to In. IiiIbi- nt whit put nf tlulr
bii.Iuc ttouM l.i" piiblMied Hid Mint kept !'
net Whal a (Until; lontii-i belttcen thl-. and
puMUhcri. ttli'i. had Hut leii eqiull.t dl-lionoi-ubh,
could in all piobihlllu In .uppllcil fum
lb.- .aim- rfiinie ol infoimitlon
V,uln, Il iplK-in. Hut the- sii.mnmlin i- aid
nu ' "I'tunatii iinnciiient In fieit" diw mluiK
In the lankf of tho I idled Mini Woil.eis it
Vuuiiia V, mKiiik., the illuk tuaik in U
i..iie ol M in It il on Hi.'.mUer lUmi c illln,
bt a .. Ili-I h'l union uiiiiei. ttho II liulf miiIi
did mioiiK In U'lns Id- inlluence lu have ill. ( "I
lint appointed af eiikiilil'd. J ho i Itc, n ttions
roiuniltlu-d bt Mi. I "llliw lnee Id. (oiiiiilliiuii
tta. b-iird to lilm. Illi .liorlioinlnn,. if .nit
t'bled ami ttio' kuottn lu Mi I iiioii Minn,
jnoidlin; to hi- .lateiiieui. beloio Vn, C nihil
mi, appointed lu tp ul llit.e fail., ttliili
are iiluiiltul and lol.tiiuu'd In the s,iaiitnniin
it.ilf, te, the meiiibcii. of Iaii.iI No lln, I lilted
VIiiip Worku- "t Vuu-tli l. ol .le'.iip. Pa, line
III nculai ai.-loli
Ile-nltid, riul p ih'dii Hi. s, ijiitouiaii mi and dl-1 oiiorahh' in il lualiiutit of mlm
ttorkci. imliiulain and unato to retclt" iho
ftintldfiifp of einuil-pd labor ufiierall.
' ttiiii ii-olullou lie piiblblnd III Itie Sianiou
tlailj papci"-. " ' ' 'lint " ""Pr "t tlii-e
it -niul Iniii Ik .cm I" ltP"3l U'lihal nil i.
Wheiva. tin sjnuiil luigm, u lnal l.'.
clihuati te lli.tilil N... I luntintloii, li 'hi In
l.ilttaul.tillc. I'a . on II, 1" und pi, lml,
did to the iuiiloiil4ii In illreit viola.
Hon nl hl I'liil-'iUi'i liitoiiuallnii uf the tonteu
lion pioifrillngi, and lit ucli ul hu l en fioni iiieiuheulilp In die I nltc I Mine
Wr i,ci nl Anuika, ho il
lli'.nltcd. That tie the mcuihii. nf I.ihuI tiiunh,
Nn jncii, l'lilled Mine Wolker. of .Vmeitta, .,t
.le,nip, l'a.. In eilon tuliibh'il, "I i
Inn l.i (ii'i'iin if the cvptiM .ii of Mid Miuiii-I
Monfaii and deem lie lait.i- atnplt Mifl bnt,
lle.ubcu, V "."I't "I Hit. n.nlulloii hu nit
to ill.iilcl Iieadciiaitcif nf lll.ii In No, t, ilul
oui t'VPiiillic oci.iiil nut liiitot Huh attluu i, ap
noted of.
Itc.nltcd 'Ihete rr.oluilji. In puMl.hcd In in'
fceranton dall) '-apci
Thiee Dollais' Worth of Aitistlc Pho
tography. That Is whal Sthi level's new cabinet
poi traits etanel foi.
Tho First Delawme Shnd
Of the seunun nt Maivel's Mm ltd.
It Wns Passed ou Thhd Rending by
Common Council and Select Un
expectedly Concuiicd lu Amend
ment Adopted Wednesday Night.
Electiic Light Oidlnnnces Galoie
Passed Over Rccoidei's Veto.
Piovldence Road Paving Oidlnnnce
Received n Pilendly Hnnd,
Tl un -iec"led has happei.ttl.
The leoiRaulptlou oidlnaiiie now
nteds o.tly the slRiiatitie or Ueeoultr
Molt to become a law.
It was finally pissed on tblid leading
b eumuioti council last night and was
ttiktn ovet lo select c-utitiill, wlteli" llie
amendments adopted ou Wednesday
lilght were concnired In with but one
dissenting vote.
When the outlnntiie was tailed up In
common council Mr. Kellet said thai
lie would vote fop It because lie be
lieved it "liolllil In passed nofoii. the
city Is k ( I cranlzed next Monday but
that he cashed to cxptcss his iUuap
ptoval of two pntticulat tectlons of ibe
inea-tiie -tile ones ptovitllng for pit-
tiiuiietit men for the ICevei alley
llus o.mpnnv and ci eat lug the utile
of i lei I. of the common lomidl wlih
a siil.ii of ''n a yeoi.
When the toll was callid the twenty
membcis ptescnt with oneacconl votuT
to jiass the measute. The millu.inie
was then milled ovet ti select lottn
cll und the umetidiiie'iitM lent. Mr.
Olivet objected stle-llttoilsl.v lo the pin
Vision tot the Kejsel Villley i"'ima
nent anan nnd objection in this piovls.
ion ii.i uWo mad? bv Mi. 'lemiitis. Inn
bulb thise gentl"iui u votcu lot the
iiliii-nduients when the lull was called,
Mr Host was tne onlv uipiiiIvi who
vuli d apiiiiisl tli' amend.iients Inn as
l.e liail in tiling to sav, li t-r- teasoii fur
so doing icailil not be learned.
It eouli" be galheied irom the talk night "hai at. iittiiiipt will be
inade allii c null' IN leotganle to ,is-i
an oidlpiiin i lep.'.iling tl-,. ptnvMoii u
the iMURanlatloii oidlpalice ptovldlng
foi the pei m iiienl matt mi the Kivset
Vall"V Host lomp.iiif
Many Vetoed Oullnances Passed by
Both Blanches of Councils.
Tin- membei h of both brandies ,,f
councils Hpent a good deal ot theli time
last night In passing owr llecoidet
Moll's heail eleettlc light oullnances
which he had Vetoed
lie sent u whoje h of these to
the nc'lee t touncll" with a c ommuiiii a
llon setting fmtli that tlie lights pin
vleleel lot wi't not neeess.tiy. The oi
dlnnnces pi ovldeil tor the following
lights- One lit the sixteenth waul.
lluii" in the Thhd tvaul, one in the
Klghteeitth waul, four In the Twen
tieth waul, on.' In the Seventh waul,
font In the .Seventeenth waul
Theie were nil passed over his veto
only Mi. Chittenden dissenting. They
wete hustled ovet to the common coun
cil and passed by Hint body iinnnl
luiillslv Select eounell also passed
over the tec outer's head the oulln
ances ptovldlng for tluee lights In
the Tenth waul and font lights In the
Nineteenth waul, which wete slmilatly
ac ted upon by i ommoii loimdl cm
Wednesday night
Theie was a lively debate In the com
mon eounell when the oulln.uue pio
vlellng loi the paving of Piovldence
mad was called up lor final passage.
A. L. Lewis pi nested against its pas
sage, n hu li. illy on the gioittul that
theie was no sewet on the stieel plo
posed to be paved and that It was,
theiefore, unwise to pave It until It had
been piopetly sewered
A tiltf-AT IMPltOVnMP.NT
Mr. Kellet and Mr. Paine spoke In
lav or of the ordinance. Mr. Keller
salel that theie should be no objection
to the passing of the ouliniimc ou the
put of the piopeitv owners, for III
u-.ison that when tlie pave Is complet
ed ihelr piopeity would be worth at
the lowest estimate 2.1 pep cent mote
Mr. Pain said that the paving of
Piovlilene-e toad would be tine of the
biggest public- Imptovoments in the
history or the city nnd he in Red the
niemhets not to stand In the way or
It. The oidlnnnce was pass -el by the
following vote:
Vt H Vh Dnii lid. V.ttoiHi. Iliuauit, I'dpln,
lliiiue, P.iiiip, NiiRfli. Phillip', liabiii, limit,
I. in, ell, (tilt man, Kellei I u-bk -If
Nn, linn., V I. I.etti., William I. tw. Nm
Mr. Keller tailed up on Hist and see
oiil ic.nling the oiilltiaucu piovldht--;
for the entitling up of the city Into ds
u lets tor tlie' ependltuie ot mone tor
stieel ti'pahs. Mi. Onlvlu olfeied nn
amendment, piovldlng that the money
should be appiopi luted bv winds, but
should be expended by the stteet iciin
inlssloitei. Mr. Ktlb-i then withdraw
the orillnanie.
Common council passtil mi tlilul ami
dual leading the tax levy m din line
iti;i"i:iii:p.D to coaimittp.i:
In select i oundl a oiumtiiilcatlon
was lead fioni Wi lies .X- Tonev. tail
ing the attention of councils to the
fact that llie estimates committee has
so tar lulled to piovlde for a sum tm
the payment of the niuiildpnl sluet
Impiovement bonds, atuoitutlug to over
.i,tifn), held bv eeit.lln of theli tllcllts.
I Soft Hats
Here is a good soft
hat at $2,00 for those
who do not want to pay
Here are copies of the
best shapes, reliable qual
ity. $3.00.
Here is the choicest
fur in the Knox hats
haud-nudc from start
to finish, $5.00.
Visions of Spring
Evciyone's tlioughts titiu tn that
which Is new and desirable. Itele
li one of thoe nil too few chances
that come only once a yeai. Our
Clarets and
Rhine Wines
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
The dt li llalile ful the paMlieiit of
thest bond-, the Ileus upon a number
of tin" piopeil tivvneiH having been al
lowed to lapse Mi Vaiighan tuoveet
that tin" loiuiiHinlialloii be tefeiii'd lo
n special eoiiimlttie, and tlie motion
was cat i Pel This menus that Ho at
tention VIII be paid lo It.
Iloth lotinclls adjouiiieel to meet on
Moudu.v inoiiiltig al 'i 1 1 link to trans
act anv rutthei business wnlch may be
uicessaiv bi'loie 1 "1.1 an u'xai lull al in
Cheap Rntes to Cnllfoiuln.
Patties tlcslilng lo make" Hip to t.'ull
fiililln, Alloua ot New Mexleei, either
for or plcastlie, c,i do so now
at almost half pi It e
lively Tuesday, iitilil Via II ,Si)th, ln
tluslve, thk"ts nun k"d 'Colonist" may
be plliihaseel via Southern liullway for
.tliiii n iiii Washington. Hl"ii ueim
Phllndelphl.i. and i oiiesponillngly low
pi Ices fioni other points.
The Southein Hallway and Southein
Pai Hie opeiale tlltotlgh ex
i urslon sleepeis finm Wasliinglon.
leaving Moinlavs, Tu stlujs and J'"! I
das, ibe Tuesday Ii epei being avail
able foi 'Viilonlsl" tUke-ts. The betth
lute III these seepein Is uuh " 0i), two
people b-lng allottetl to tinllpy mil
beith If ili-slied e ondtn tors I
and Pullman porleis go tlnoilgli wltbi
enili sleepfi Tlleu tile other new
lolivcnli-llt and r".Hllies,
cotineiteil with these exclusions which I
Ilia.V be use el tlilueil flulll li'S L I
lltipklns Dlstilit Paxsotigci Agent.
Southein Ibillw.iv, -;s t'liesiiiut siu-et
I' -lilil. i
Tlnee Dollnis' Woith of Aitistlc Pho- )
That is what Si hi level s m tt t.iblilee .
putiialts stoiiil fin ' !
Ask foi Kellv's union eiaekeis.
The Sciantou Gas and Water Com
pany and the Hyde Paik Gas Com
pany. in aiccicljiitp null Up pithi t n' Hie.e niu
panie, to miner t.ili-i tiom time li tune at
mat- he tui ranted In lnireicd coiiMiinplI ei
notice 1, hcipln siten Hint on ami ailei VprP
1 nct, Ihc prlrp ot gn, ttlll be one dollar pei
enc thousind ruble feci coieunied, hiibjert to
the tollonlns eIli.coiir.': I'ne (er tent on all
bllN t.beie tin lonMUiipiinu tor the niint'i
amount, lo le than tttiuit Cue tlollai., left per
rent en nil I ill, iilietp the toimimptlon for the
tnonlh sn.ounts to titciitj Ibe tlollai, and up
tta I el,
Pi ov tiled the bill i paid on oi before Hie
CUlli of llie iin mil in ti IihIi Hu lull It
rcntli-lctl lit oitki of the boinl
f. il IIVXP, s,,i,,tjrv.
Utile I'aik lia iiinpan.t In mdei to tn enu
?p thu te of ga. loi Imt piiiponi. iininp i,
I ereb Rlten that on mil nttei Vpill t nel tn
prup ot pa, so twd uill be rne tlollai per "in"
llioiwand ft rt lOtiMiined. M.b'.s t 10 Hu foil ttui::
fpei.lal fli-iounli- Te 1 p i e it on ill llll.titm
the- loteiiinplionlnt tliei'innlliimoiuititto le,,ilun
tttentj flip ilellai.., Ittinlt pir mil on all l"'l
ttheie tin i on-unipliou loi tie uioiiib aniouii
to titentt lite dulkiii ami uptta n
Protldnl the lull I, pud on oi litfou the n n
dat of tho month In tthhli Hn 'nil i- irndeieil
A .ri-aiali" nielii.'d bt tl - mpant, , lit oulii if ihr li ml
(. II II VXP s in i t
Beginning Mon
day, March 23, last
ing the entire week,
to Sat u rd a v, March
30, inclusive,
rate sho
Clarke Bios
1 ..
Is4 High Grade Couch
W&9. 2t v ' nil sue tlt-ep tiiltiii;; ceiiistrutioti nt the iiitot uil tempereJ
SSS5 j5i K steel spripo; work 50 .spriiiRs In plain v lew. (n ust couches live
jgg EEL C onl 301 An elegant luxurioiib honestly in.itlc couvli, cover J
j Jn?nte In art veluursnr tine tapestries
jWL B Cnuvh (or tlirco vears j ' 7YC"
W "$12.00. QsCONOMY
HmJ Cl-UTAINLYj ""----
P . r-- t-----ln. fc
mm ir
Sutistied customers are in
creasing our business daily,,
They will tell their neighbor
that the best Negligee shirts
are to be found at
305 Lackawanna Ave.
IS17 Ropers Bros." Goods.
Knives, Forks
Spoons, etc.
No ciieslion about the quality; we
ii.tve, all the newest patterns at
lowest prices.
Also the celebrated Sterling In
laid Spoons and Forks. War
ranted to wenrtwenty.five years.
Immense slock of Sterling
Spoons, Forks, Knives and
Goods for Wedding Presents.
Mercereato & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
325-327 Penn Avenue,
Pierce's Market, Penn Avenai
Me make a .pee-ialtj of lanry Cmmcty Bur.
ter and itrlttly frc.h tset and the ptke li ..
lov as m.t tlasa sooda can bo .old at.
We do not hato any tpecial talca r leal'i,
but at all tlniea cairy as complete a line ot
Market UooiK fancy Orocerlcs and 'table Dellca
tlra as ean bo found in the largtt New York,
or Philadelphia UaiketJ which we tll a Hshi
W. HTPierce,
19 taickinanna Ave,
Prompt delltcry
no, 11:, lti rem ,
The Dickson MuunTuctuTiug Co.
tcrnuton and WllkevlUrra, l'-i
Maaufaoturon or
Holler.,, Ilolstlni'and Puniplnt Machinery
Qeneral OfUce, Scranton. P-
I Fill