" 'r" ' fT sfrr vv l-vr jf fnp TOE SCK ANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, 31 ARCH 29, 1001. ONlGC: BURKE BUILDING TALE OF A HORSE. The Anlmnl Chanced Hands Tic- quently The Owner Now Hns It. On Fiiduy nlKht. March ?:, 1- 11. llcnjamlu, of Sltnpeoii. Wayne county, locked (or mi he did) IiIh fnlthful family hoife- In Iiu umiiiI reatlntf place and retired to fcoIi hla rest. Tin next morning, when he went "lit to feed the imliniil, the (litter wasn't there. Some one hud (i.iiil u visit to the liniu dur inc. the Intel lit) mid removed the mm id, white-faced nnimnl, nnd there was no tracH or hniRu or btunliii. .Mr. Ilcnjumln caiefully locked the h.iin and then sent word to the four uuartois of the globe that If unoii would recover the animal and help to (onvla the thief $2.1 111 coin of the re public would be fnrtluomlug. Thin notice alttactcd the attention of the local detectives, as well an others', and ever muicI hoine thai p.ii-scd iiliiint the city Btreetn wiih i losely pcrti tlnlzeil. Hut somehow the thief eluded the liuwkuyeH und on Wednesday diove Into town, put the nap up at Snydcr'H livery, and In a few minutes, after j-howlug lie pointy, of which tin re wen mnny, most of them Mirup once, he In tereMed .Mm. 1,. H. Snyder to the ex tent or .".'lllng l be horse to lief. Then he dhcivctly aulshed. I'onst.iblv II. II. Heiv was uusjdnc; 'he livery stable a lit 1 1 later In the day, when he fdt linpclbd to lake a. look Inside. What he kiu filled him Willi Joy. Theie. uiuiirhlliR oats, was "hat upptutvd in Mi I'lci.f k. K- jj;,. Mr Pierce did not bolleu- h,. imd bct-i"i- remove the anlm.il uuill he had In vestigated a Iltttle. , .it(,rl time after 'unstable i;. .1. .Wary eninf along, and he haw the horf. lie did not want to -wilt to Invrmilgato but wanted the ani mal. He took the horse from the bain, and although Mr. Snyder says she. proteMeil and told him that Mr. l'leive had foi bidden Its nmoval, he tinn" terred it to the Morrison livery. Mrs. Snyder and Mr. Pierce went befoie Al derman Moul'on th.il evening, and M. Snyder made an adidavlt that Mi. Pierce hud Hist seen the horse und that Mr. .Wary hud taken it by force and ngalnHt her protest. A search wai ant was, sw.irn out. ( lalmlng the prop " rty by Constable l'loice, who forth with lecoveiid the piop.-rtv from tin Morrison livery. Yesterday muinlug .Mr. P.enJ.unln, the original owner, ap peared and a hearing was held In Al derman Morrison's court. Several wlt ncshCb worn swain, und the aldeiman then gave posseision of the horse to Mrs. Snyder, who Immediately gave the animal up to Mr. Benjamin. ', ..table Pierce Is now on the trail of tin. thpf and expects, to land him soon. Neary claimed that lis dlseov eicil the hone iu Snyder's barn und that Pierce got the clue fiom him. IN MEMORY OF HARRISON. Sergeant Willinm H. Davles Post Eulogize Dead Comrade. At the meeting of Willinm II. Da vits post, Xo. &7, Giand Army of the Kcpubllc, on Wednesday evening an txtemporaueous eulogy of ex-Pi evident Han son by several of the comrades "as the feature of the occasion. Past Commander J. M. Alexander In tioduced the subject by bringing it up when the usual (pie.MIon. "Has any comrade died since our last meeting?" was asked. Mr. Alexander said that while General Harrison was not a member of the local po.st he was one of the most worthy membeis of the Stand Army of the Iiepublle, and as a public olhYer had always winked -tranimusly for the Inteiots of his onirades of the rebellion. The speaker paid an eloquent tilbute to the dead scuetul. Comrade George S. Kimball levlewvd the career of the depaited one. show ing an Inllmnte knowledge of his life and deep Insight Into hi character. He told a number of Interesting leminis (tnces and some amuHng anecdote. of lhe ex-piesldent. '"haplaln Jennings. Coininde Ultel and a numb.r of other comrades re lalud Incidents and expel itnee of the d tys of battle when Mich men as thu dead and honored general (ought .houldtr to shoulder with lower-ranked men In the common cause. A MINER KILLED. The Northwebt Mine the Scene of a Tragedy Yestcrdny. Adam Mavorlbkl, an Austilnn laborer at the Nojthuc-ht mine, wa killed ves-t'-rday mornliig by a fall ot rock A Ri-tiit mass of Kioilug lull upon him, and It was a long time befoie a rescu ing party eould get to when- he had 1at hern at wnk. Win n they i cached him tiny found the icnialus crushed mid mutilated and the f'ltuies almost yond Ideiitlttcatlon. .Iiivoi'lskr bod was conveyed to his home In Simpson, and the mlm. -hut down fui the rctt of the day, owing to the fntallty and the conse- 'inent excitement of the miners. The dead man was one of the leading for- -Igners In the settlement at Simpson. ;,.iml the tuueial. which will be held oii -Sunday, will be marked by great pump ".mrlv:(reniony. In accordance with the ..Old-jyorld customs. TROLLEY LINE SITUATION. It the rumoib that aro circulating .have, their foundation on tact In re gard to the Scranton Traction com pany being purchased by a number of Scranton capitalists, the news will be welcomed by the communities up at this nd of the valley. Thu nle will, of course, afflict the Carbondahi line, which is now leased and operated by Hih Scranton Hallway company. b'ciantonlans have for a long time rnten einji-getlcally piotestlng agulnst their treatment by the traction com pany, and probably with jutt cause. However. If some of the kickers would conic up hen.- and attempt lo endure n ildo on tho local lino they would re alize quickly how well off they uoie. Tho worn-out cms of the company are chlppod here, und the lint wheels make day and night hlrii-nuf by their -hump-lug nnd pounding. The schedule as now uriaug-d pi". ldcs for n hulf-hoai' sonvho brtween SYRUP Cures s Cough or Cold at onoe i i,nqi'-ra Ctoiip. W hoop ei-Con;;'! 1) uti. Idtl .iipr.ninKiirur.tal-u !. e tit lr liif'ril4riireC(iii't!pi.fKT. ! ;.! 10 Mls COUCH Catfeondale Department.. 1 I Jerinyn and Fuv!l City. It l peldoiu the Rchedule Is adheied to nnd the weaty waiter who uNii-m to ilsk a ride In thu sprlnifless. hare-seated diy goods boxes on thlee-corneied wlli'di! call count many minute? overtime while ho stands hi the vigorous, gilp-ludcu March winds before the blllous-hued cars crawl wcailly and noisily Into view. It will he it happy day for the citizens and a mote prospeious. one for the merchants; when this tiavcsty on a sttret ear servlre passes Into other hands and conditions aie In ought up to what they ought to be on the Cnt bondalc end ol the line. THE LAST LECTURE. The Sixth In the Series of the Peo ple's Lectin c Com Be. On Wednesday evening', Apill lu, the last of the Merles hi the People's Lee ture Course will be given. The even ing's (iiteitalnmeiit will be illficient flnm those that hnvr gone before. The Ilev. Kniest Melville, rector of St. James episcopal iliurrh of Port IM waul. N. V., will spend a few hours ie hearsing some of the mltltiirs of one of England's gi eaten! poels, 'IViinysou. Mr. Melville Is an Huglish scholar and studied under some of the gieatcst inartei. In Urent Hiltuln. This will be the last of the hettlie course of this smson. Tin- tiustccs of ' the Peivan liaptlst chinch have given a gieat oppoilunltj to til-- people of this city wlio have a deshe for Infor- I inatlon roniblni-d with utei talumeiil in a popular ( ultimo of hlgh-giade lei I tuns icnuliiiig no admission fee. The . avfiagi atlcndanre has beta laigi- and j the free-will off rings satlsiaetory. j P.cv. II. J. Whaleu. H. D.. the pastor, nl.tid the liu--ti.es In seeming the I speakeis, and he has woikid hard and , tesultfully for the pleasuie nf IiIh fe- low-townsmen. It Is to bu hoped that a similar course may be taken up next season. Tonight's Tiny. At in. i.ui( ()k:m liui.ee tutihht leu Mur I'll., .nppniird In lu HdiiilribK. roin.itn,i ii'ip " il Sn.lth Itiixcll (omtuii) will priMnt "A luinrlir'- llniiiiiiK." Tin m! tine imlc In mi i.iiiill In a , .Kiel ii lull lieUH til DO in Jl tin-1. in.e ti.nltflil. "A ttiiiiolu,'- lliim.in p" it n iiuiilmi ih.it v til lite U. 'Civ., r. i. tliun, vl.li mi ..nil i !r.i t. n.tliii1. I, . .. ...iv jt'H tmit-d nt fi -.t icrfn.a!ly ilt-.lm.cil u(. .lOipi. I (tii i.i sol Smith l.-u-i'll. Ir..l it lut Hi ilf 'ioi, Hi J j nutlnn in lo iio.-cn.,'! cl V. Mt.-ili; Mr. Oumner Re-Electccl. At Tiifxbj'it cl-ctimi In P.jii Jrrl. Ilun. I' I. Riinud, fiiniifily i-nuirictor ol the llonl Antliaclli- In IliU city, woa uvriln ikclnl i, b in-.i(knt. To all wlo hnvn Mi. i.uiimii it tuu. nlthuul Mjinj llnf iiu' huiigi Is mo-i uniiliily. biHiwcil. IIk (-.(ccin in wlili.li in- i. Ii II in Mi ii i i o tnuii h KratiltiiiKly upiawnt in the f.ii.1 tl.ut hili he w.i uinnlni; on tlic ItrpiiUaan tkKtt dll the otlur Mmrtul i.in. Olililc-. were Pi luiii rjt. A Return Date. i.if-iBc l.lli. it r.i?c, dii- liiiineri-t .aid iiiiisi- IMloi, ttlui iciililly u.ii'iinl .it the ( iniiiuc.i. tlmial (lunch, will itiim in till dly jml ulvc JTlilthll f.f 111-. Cmil.lllilli, His ,.nt IuimI.1 (uiiIiib, Apill 2 Tin l.it time Jli. 1'ux :i, lu'ie die norm Inli'itcucil ci luuly with luliu inu nut .i Ijiui' .iilrniljii.o. Inn thn ihiin he Kale hli hi-ju-h will iiiiil-uhtctll.v iiuli In iiiiil'Ii l.rtiu- i,-,ill, ium 1'ue.il.ii. Postmnster Thomas Home, iwiiiu-tir Juliii il. Tlu-i ..in wlni li.in I,nn .il-iiit innii ttil illy for -.i.uly u iiiuutli N.i in; Hot piln,- ik. .. Oiltuii', (l.ilii'l .ii, anil lil.inii ii tr,uiHl,ii nip tliiinifh l,c Cm t Mi.-i.ii lo Kn HiM, imhrd In twn U. il.i ii,iuniii(, llr ii luol.ina; will bimuul inul -. lie ii (ai-jtly hiiiclHlul by hi. -nlmnn If. ii .all Mii.ny outh(ii. ku On an Inspection Tour. T1 . Kiii .mil wjuniln,.' r.illraiil' i.uu' i il '(iiiint," wlih Mitinl mtiiin nf tin- i:iir im) mi Icii, Ii.iIikHii;- (,'cmial M.-Msrr W. . Mnj, w "i tn tbl llclnliv ji'Mcrdi) mi u .,ui lii. -!.'t''i lnon j lln pUtrs viMtnl Win it, llrn-ii.nl .nn! I.rlc Inultu-, A Welcome Reawakening'. Mji "t will In KIwllkuMv hllllUI,, I a,'.iiu hy the ieo ol tin lunrur Aiithi'.Ritc l,oi.l nihil' m hmliii" phu. 'I Iir wlmhiw lur ,c. (rd inoiitlif luti In in tmpli.iNiiuIi ioiipkii(U( In- their iiu kiln-- 'Hip iImiiri- will Ik uoliimiiil li.l Hit. Gave a Smoker. A. 1.. Avu), ic MttruiMliijii lutuuiui 0ni. ivnj'i. (iipriiiitiuilcni at Sir-ititon, wa'. In town last lilRht ai thn fctn l ot thr loul drxiilinciit. In lil hutiur ,i Miiul.il' w.i, dun in t ! Iliiiko liuihllns nfflii. cf Anintant Mipiilntciiilcntu j. lol ulld .loiiii-, Bndly Hun. Ilnsii U,uadr. ol Cuioan tturi, a llaau jiul lliiiliuii I'OtnJur-tw, Irll lioin the top ol a 1m i a ncr faun lliilgi- IVi-di.c-iliy nlcht. lie tniik the uil ut an uiljolulnsr tuck ami rf ici nl oii;p rv pjlurul Injmiii. A Child Dead, Mi mil Mr. Ilcnunl UjIIik-i. nl tin- WVt shlf Hi inniirtiltig the l- nf thiil lO-tiiunthii. oM ikimrhtfr, Min, wln il,U niiMdy allci'. noon nl hufl tioulilr. HurUI t nude jiiattr. ila altcriiouii in si. 1,'osc leinctm. Home Again. P. t. llim.oter. el Climcli iticit, wlm wtia lu Niw Vuik ilty lor the purposa ot uiidircolng an cprutiuit, Iuj rttiiuicd Iioiik. Hie uirgecm ilsihlid thu llicy would not pi'ilotin mi opcre lion Vety 111. Mi. licrninl llrcmian, of Kliri li(U, who hi!, hfcn Miy ill ot bluO'l pottvnins, wj nry low Ijh nUht. ih itrctt In from ot tho lious'o ln tifili MoiAu on lo (ucifiit he pmiuo o( tcann. Elected Pi evident. Tin. nun.i tiltnl 1iiio oi 1!. I'. Mui'.i, im. null.' ot l'outt City, will im pleated lu li-mi 11. i. he hui lriiii i'K' I J iiiiidom, nf the l.j. r I- l .Hiiily .U-oiUUoii of lirtall HiiikrIi At Emergency Hospital. Ma luil Miinluk, w'in vas m-icrciy liinir.il Jl tlu iMtH lit Inn'. ,. v.i. taken to thu hfttplul ,i- I'lilmnilil, lilt Inlmm aio in irli'i' .mil lili icunrrj doiil.tiiil. Former Residents Heie. Mi. ii.d Mifc. IMiUn il. .luiio, of Suimiiii Hill, (iniiiili (nunly. who iniiuerly ii".l'liil In (,, ill nn I l Iiu 111 Mfii't. u..u In tntvil -I's'i'liliy li.itiiiK nl.illit and irlinUi. MefitiitEB Tonig-ht. Km I... ilu.li;i. .Nn. J 7i. ftojjl Auh M.,n , Jiiiilm OiiIci I'ulldl AnidlrJIi Jldluiilc'i. At the Opera House, lonlsl.l "A lUi lii'lw' llomini." N'iM Thui.ilj-".lt I'lmy 'Itldee." An Echo of Sunday's Row. I virfii mi ,i -Minn out Ij.t i-ii niii. brlorf miotic : NEW, 286 I OLD, 0423 I .Mikriiuin Atklnxiii Inr tin- arrcM cl a bov (nllf.l j "(ImiI.-j I lie lliMillilacln" en the roinphlnl el llnr.v I rank, n the riioigc Hut rli.irlcy luil muiiIj Kiikcil n Imiv l.iil muiiIjv luejui: Un ix y w.ii ullinn ilic sr.inlonUn. A licirlnx "III innKilily lii lull) toil.)y, I, wlil that mural niri-K aie In lollmv nn similar clinpc. Ihij .lie tin- ir-iilt (il I lie trouble thai arn-c h-l SimJay mIkii the fri.rjiitonl.iii wit plicul cu Mir nn the lir'l atlor Mtrtil ilnlir and mwlmjH icfii-irl to h.imllc tluin. Funcinl of Mr. Cnrden. Ilic liinci.il of I'atilik (.1. Ciirrltii w held votiiiljy niuiiiliiir at Id t.itc home on Iiumlilf iit. Ilic Pioneer lithcr Jlnthcw oelely tilllKil mil in a bnilv. At St. IIom chilli ll 4 H'linui lilnti iii.i. nf icqulrtn ni celebrated. Hoi. I'jtlur (iunti.ni w.is lelchrant. ry llei. r. I'. 1'iiUi-y, deacon, nd llci. Anthmii Cr run, sub di-acoii. hilrrmint k mule in SI. Hum iriiivtiiy. 'lhc lulMieiurt were: .lohn l .imphrtl, pninlnlik Ionian, .lohn riallaithtr, I'at liil. MiCubu ami llioiiint Mnilh. all nienihrrt in lhc toilil. Two Families Remove. I. II. Unit ami family, of w'n'lilnytnn inert, will nn Mnniliy net icnioic t Joliwloin, white Mr. llo.M lu btcn cinplo.ied dine the ihi-lns nf the lompan slore at inipon. Ml-. Cilliciint A. Illle, hci i)ii, James and l.'lund, .mil iljiialiln. .May. 01 Hospital Mifct. will tmliy rriiioti to I'hllnlilplilj. IMnatil e. I "-il i to alttinl the I nlKraily ol I'miiwltanli u In ii lie Ii.imi St. Mlih.ii'l'a inlK'cr, loionto. ml Mli Mary will w-nrk a ttcimnapliri fm a luti t'lill.iihlphU home. Will Attend Ball. A iiuiiiki ct .mi'iiir men nf tili ilij ne c I'dlln to annul a loll vhldi will be held in tin- (pi'ni hon'e in I oiet City on Ili'ioiaclou IM 1'ienlnt, Tluindai. A..y ;i, umler the an in ri. rf i In mins Min' hiflilute, (or tin; bene. til nt I', Mniilvni. who leeenlly Im) .in aim I din nil n n u-nli of In'niii irfcltul In tlic niiii'. Mi. Mnnlnn I itcillrc .done runle wvll n lhe Kn-iisnuy I 'i-pital, biinc abh In w ilk iiroiiml The Passing- Throng'. Mi. John I.jikIi. of Paik ptrccu l ill. (' w. I'ulkirtnri h.i utnrneil li--ui a 1 1 1) lo the wrtein put nf the stale. Mii l.nmii Col 1 1 tii I lonfineil to hei home on Wlllliint an inn.' hi II I in K-. i'tik smith u in I wife, ot (,uein'. N. V.. aiu the siiifls of In-, and Mm. (. T. Me.ikei. Mr. Ihi'Isc A. Killcy. nf l.imoln auiiin', Is (iitirtalnlrii; hei nine. Ml-. Miuli Hum, of Toh do, u. Prank Mi Donald, ot I'allliinok unci, will uereul llr.biil lUfK a .ijrcnt for the Piinlrii tlal In-ill. mi'i' lompaii. .lohn Murpiii, a Hil.iu.ni and llu-hon biake man, i niftinns Inuii .1 bioken mm a the lejult of .1 tumble troni the lop or a bocar. II. II. Ml Ilk! nut, liiameei of lhc -latbuiidale C!a lompaiiy, I Iiome tmni New York ft He, where hi ln Ken in-lilllmr a mw ga plant. Mi A. It. .t"tic hih datiKlitir, C itlicrlne, and Mr 1 I!. Miinn woe In seianlon yetterdij, the itue-t ol li IKlle 1. Waucu, of seicntli siud. JERAWN AND MAYFIELD. Wnrd wa- (flddiv Kielieil aiiiiouricliic th death at Uini-on (uv. Alaska, ot Trank llcklitr, a will known jounii man. found! a itdent nf tlii-, IioiourIi. Mi. lieleber, about elitht eur jpn, wnil in Aliki, und by hli (ncrpy md v. l-il.ini ,11,'uimi! ilnl and winked aluaWe elaliiK .irul on hi lavt Mr-it hue he wa Mid lo be worth a milllnii ihillai. Hi- lelmnol lo the lilondiki .1 few inniiii wto, and iiu new. wa icceiied nl hi kkne-j until .lrttdday wbi.i Ml. .. C. Wliltnuiii, ol W(-t Majliihl. leirlud a tckgiaphii' ill-p.ilili aiinouiiilne hlf deilh. Pnei-id, whoe hniiu wti at outh fiibion. whcie hi pm lit tllll le-iile, had u laic iliele ot tilriuN in tlu-i- lioruuuhii, who will icifiii my miieli lo In.11 of lhe end ot nuh a pi-nn-l-'im 1. iiiir. Thi- Wuiikh'h Ibimi MUlon smlcli met i' teniae alternoon Jl the homo 01 Mis Tliomai llr.11, of Main sunt. Mn, W. s. HnlRcr wn ehitnl iM(;,ite 10 lhe nnnud lotiieuliou lo ba In hi at Pill-inn lhe empln.io nl lhe f.hiiwniul, lale and hi stuiie lollliiiis wen paid .M-tinli. Hie ll'la ware and Iluil-nii iniiipuiv will pav at llkll lolhei hue tlil-, .illiiiiiinii William Pike, whu many c.iu ago wji a iri-Idi'iit ol tlil bnioimh. and who ticiuentte li-lted trlind lure, died Wrdnred.11 at hi home r.t Wilke-'llaiie. The f unci .it will take plare. 011 sum day .ilternofin. William Wntliiirtun. nl l.'u-hbionk lleet, i able In In- .iiniitid again alter a urie attaik if the Kii, whbh li.-i LCiiliui.il him 10 the Iiou-l for tin- p it two weiki. The reinml liclme ol tic Pibl 1'und Lceluio iiin.-i' will be jlun in the 1'ilfl lljptlft 1 lunch thi eitiiiiit .it ?.:.ii o'doek. by the Ilcv. lhcma iiu fiiuiby, P. I) , nl Siiinli.n. The flrt Utuic wa a phi nominal Ull.l.s'. The i-huuh waj filhd, and tin aiuliinee i,J tu illy plcai-ul. 'I hi ninii.l lor I me will, In 1 ei lain wni, I neii ninic intiiirtlnv. Tin Mibject i lluniani's -I'll-Plim 1'nmie-i" 'lliuc will Ii abiml .u-ieiit. Inn ik.n and biaulllul coloied pic tin t-s thionii on a Inure i.ir.i.ia be the Heieoptlcon. Ilr. do (riKliy baa hi own l.HBC ihuieli filled each Min dly olenitis. Dr. Hi my .1. Whalm will again elmw hi piat kliiiliu.- to tin rliuich, by eom. In? down Ihi tieninu; to ait the leituur. Ci'iiie, and hilp tin t bun ti piy the debt. 'Mine was a .dijlit. inipiuirmrnl istcnlay 'n the rnmllliuii of Mr. .Inmc ("aie, nf soutu M1I11 strict, who ha Ikcii Milotudy ill. Ml- Ilutha toon, ol Main rtitet, wa a il' lloi at Si-iantou Cf.leidav. A child of Mr. ami Mis. John I,. l)n-. of II tnet, Ii ill of biomliltl. lliulle Nilomon, who lur smi.c niflitln liai bern cmpocd at siimmerhlll. (".nnlni: lounti, i home on a lew- ihj' lit to hl pircnu, Mi, and Mm. John Solomon. child of Tlioinii llockada. of fourth tieet, ii III of hiomhitl. Mi. W. I'. Itobdti. of Main atirrt, leliuned lic.ni ilculiy Iroin a bilif ihlt with T11I01 lilemli. lid. Millwv. ol New Jcuey. U home 101 a few di' illt. OLYPHANT. Milllam Kiani. n;ii nf Mr. John M l.itH, of rickjuaiini meet, and Mlu Miry A, Jone were united in inirrlajc at thu bom 01 the brlchV paitnt on lourlh i.treet, Ulaksl, at h o'eluek last lunlnj. Itrv. l..i'ur-c ll.ifiie, pjitoi ol tin fijoquchiniu Strut llapllst ehurih, ieilermed the icicmoii. The ouii louple line ininv tildida who extend to tluin their meerc wlilii' Inr i happy wedded lite. Chirle Iln-'e, of 11111 tlieit, 1. abh to be out again after a erlnu illueM. lr. (aide llailey, ot Nom-ii, Pa., ii iMilntf lelallies at ll.li place. Huuid'a Mllltaiy band ill hold Hull annual ball in Mihon' lull, Monday citnlnar, Apill S. Vif Alice Kelly ha told Inr nillliiety loik to Mi. lia l.iniliiiuii, nf fiuanton, who will cci.dtkl the itou on l-aekanaimi elreel. Mm. llkhaid P.oberl. nl Tanr. Ii cprndutc, a tiw ii with friend) li,n. V11. John llaiieit, m lllakily, I .(iilte ill. Mi. liiuiKi- sniilhaid, of Puniiioie, who Im. bci-n iblllim hue, leluincd home jrleulay. PECKVILLE. l.n kawalilia lime, No. (.0, of thu pi.iteellvo llouii. f'hcle. will hold an uptn iiieetluit at i. util' lull mi Miunlay iicnlni:, Mate.. ,:. The folliiiiInK piogiamnio bai bun pupaied: Open. Ini: mldiiM, Denliy T. . Onodrlih; olo, W. W, n.ilKlini inllalloii, MJ Jcle l Mcji 11 j ad-die-, I'-ut hupruiie Pienldent II, C1. a, p. p, of sliiion, 'a. u imitation I c. Men. led to the k'tmial public 10 atlind on that eicnlii;. An cnteilalmueiit will be vlicn under the dl reitlon of f Iiu No. 0 juoclition o the Mctliu ili.t KpUiqial Sunday xhool, Tutuday eicnlny, Apill -' III the Vclhodiit Kplipil church, lhc eiucrtaiunKiil w... 1m given by lw Cora Morrli in Iftln, eloiiillniiUt, nf Si-rauton, Mtrd by ilaiter Thoiu.ii Morris the boy oir,inu, 1 ami Mr M I. (allcndfi and ilau;jhlii, Klla and Kuth, hue returned to their home In riU'liuiK Kir Picnilni(c a few ili) m thu uet of Mr. Colltmler't prnt, Mr, and Mrs. JuJon l..,emler. Ml Jennie P. Iteiijamln ha letutned to the Wet theiter Normal fchool alter a week't iaea lion spent al lier home, Mlseii Jcannett Kin?ley and Utiubetli War ring hale rrtumed their rtudlea at Inc. Illooniv burtt Normal school after tho fprlnc neallon Mlwi Kramea UltlUmi h ((epttd a pndllen i Ijivrmllir In WaMdnnion, P. PRICEBURG. A pttlt home iteddliiB wai held mi cihici day nlshl al the home of Mr. Mireetfon, on CalliuH ulieet, lu which her daus.ht(r, MI1 Mary, ami Mr. Tied llailey were unltid In mar. tlaite. The (eietneny wan ptrfoinicd by Iter. Ibon llentley, palor of tho P. M. church. Tho hildo wai attended by Vk Miry llirtCck nd the nrooiiimaii wan Mr. Abraliim Marpelnon. biothcr ol tin- -e. The bride uoie u io. lute of blue scigc The bilileMiuld wore u roi tuine ol brown, Alter tho ctiemony rongratuta tioin wde extended tho young couple and the Bueti nl down to (n)oj ,1 wedillnn aupper. Mr. miuI Mir, llailey an- well and favorably known In Hi. (own mil bale the let wlhe of mauy Irlrnd. lor Ihelr Inline happlneiw. Mli sarah A. Cooper, of Albeit utieet, Im leturncd home Iroin Jeimin after vlsltlni; friend'. .-I. liivllm Dull, who u burned at the laldy Creek mine nicril weekii jo, I Rieatly iiupriited and na been removed to hli home on Main treit. ViJ. Joe Oerneinncr underwent an oprtatlou on Tnerda at hl home on Maple tlreet. Mli Kate O'Connor returned to the Mrouda. bunt Norinil clioo) on Wednenlay alter penilliit her laeatlon with hr parent. Mr. and Mr. P. J. u Connor. Ml. J oh" Uenthmn. who had an opeiatlnn I'Crloiini'il at the irjutou Prlnte ho-pHal, ha) been lemoied lo her tioni on Maple meet D ALTON. Nelfou I)erthlmer, who In a student at State College, iinlved home on Wednesday eienlnR for 11 short vaca tion. Contractor Carlton Is golntr to be gin hoon the erection of a liaudbome summer home for Mr. Woolworth, of Scr.inton. on the propeity which he te cently purehas.ed nearly Lily lake. George Malty nnd Professor Chance, of sjeranton, were vlsltois tn town on Wednesday. An enjoyable musical and literary entertainment won held in the Baptist (.uurch Wednesday evcniiiR In connec tion with the pie social. A quartette '(imposed of Messrs. Smith, l'arkton, Floyd and Harry Finn rendered sev eral pleaslns selections. Miss Marlon Knight und Master Harry Franklin 1 celled and Mrs. Fred Snyder rendered two humorous recitations In her usual pleasing manner. Mlsa (Irace Futdy and Mcrton I'uidy guio twn banjo se lections'. Ciinrles Smith. Lenna Tiffuny May Haslam have leturned from the lust stioudsburg Not mnl school for their Faster vacation. The Women's Christian Temperance union will meet this afternoon at 2.SD o'clock ut the home uf Mis. Coles. Willis Xorthup, of Olenburn. In visit ing his sister in Detrult, Mich. PURYEA. The funeral of Thomas, the son of Mr, and Mrs. James Turner, of Mooslc, took place yesterday. Interment was made In the Marcy cemetery. Mls.s Charlotte Brown and Joseph Hotaskl have returned to their duties as students In the Stroudsburg Normal school. P. U. Dill. Is seriously ill of pleurisy. Mi p. Frank Shales Is confined to her bed by Illness. Duane Dills visited In Sctanton on Friday. The Ladlesi" Aid s.-ielety arc prcpat Inpr for u trip to Wales social. Frank Lane has opened a. grocerv store In the Itiehardson store. Some time nfio Mr. Lane came here from Mooslc to open a confectionery stoic. Some time ago The Tribune curie spondent mentioned n contemplated debate between two Avnc.i young men and two of our young men. The chal lenge sent to the Avoca boys at that time was nccepted. hut no further ar rangements have been made. Thu de bate will be declared off In thiee weeks If nothing fut titer Is heard from Avoca. Mrs. Cl. F. Ace will remove her fam ily from this place to Scranton on Mon day. William Anderson, while working in Old Fotsc mine. No. 2, sustained n ci ushi-d foul on Tuesday. WAVERLY. Hui. .Mr. Whalen dellveied his Me tutt on "Iiish Wit" last Monday even ing ut the Ihipttht church. Thtto was ii huge and appreolallve audleno; who were well pleased with his clfoits. Thu attendance was vuy nattering considering- the Inclement wcathei. A phologi.iph and p.incaku social will be held at tha Methodist chuuli patlor on Fililny evening next. A-j this Is something entirely now it is ex pected that It will be largely 'ittenrjt.-,i and highly Interesting. A singing class was orgunlzed ut tho M. Z. church pallors last Tuesduy e-f i Ing to uuet again ntxt Tuesday evening. A cordial invitation Is ex tended to all. , Thomas Watts, who has btcn en gaged finite intensively In tho ilaliy business for the past year or two, tlndi it necessary to enlarge his herd, wh'cli coiihlhts. of tho best Jei'sty stock, and In (-uiiKCqucnvC his pioduct Is easily disposed of. SEELYVILLE. fpecial to lhe Scunton Tribune. Seelyvllle. March 2S. A lot for tho erection of a chapel has been pur chased. Sawing has begun at the Sceleyvllle mill. tiliilsnll Bios, are doing a good bu.l-nts-s. Lust week they sold n large con signment of wood to a Philadelphia firm. Charles Smith, of Smith & Son, made a business trip to Scranton recently. Fosder Bios, have discontinued bus! ness ut Seelyvllle. Mts. Adam HarMWck returned tc cently from Philadelphia. Mrs. Enos Oiegory, Fiances Purely and Flossie Policy are on the sick list. Charles Smith Is running tho logs from tho banking ground, and haw a nlic supply of hemlock. HOPBOTTOA.. ?iiUl to the Scrarton Tribune. Uopuottom, March "$. A vciy happy event which took place yesterday nf ternoou, was the marrluge of Miss Lottie J. Ilryum 10 Mr, Fail Veomuns, of Klngsley. The esiemony took place ut tho Methodist Episcopal church at I o'clock. As the wedding march was played hy Mis. L M. Tiffany, the bride and groom, preceded by the usheis, Messrs. Boy Shaddttck. and Harry Adams, took their places before the al tar where ltev. Cl. G, Van Woert or Brooklyn pronounced tho words which mude them man and wife. The church wns very prettily decorated with potted plunte and dowers The lulde'V gown Scranton Business Guernsey Hall IS THB OCST PLACE IN SCRANTON TO BUY A PIANO Or? ORGAN Don't tall to come an J see as gtc.it bargains are waiting for you. J.W.GUERNSEY, prior. 3I4-3I6 WASHINGTON AVE. SCRANTON. PA. In New Guernsey Building. Davis Steam Dye Co. 3io penn ave. " Uoodi called for and delliercd. Cleanlnj, Dyelnjt and Prmlng. ALL WORK aUAHANTEED. PHONE 37 3C Golden Gate Dininq Rooms. tlcft 5 cent meal In thn city. I'lie Meal TleVcIs, Jl.uo. unday dinner i ieelalty lloine-nia-ie I'aiti. 244 ADAMS "VS. W.J. BARRISOALE. ELECTRIC. MANTELS COAL AND mmivi 61., QAS GRATES Fire-place tilmmiriM. Tlllns lor flooi 3tZWSHIVQTON AVE. TELEPHONE. W. A. HARVEY. F.leetrlc Wlilr arid ITitnre l.leetrlo tlell and Telephone Woil, 3Q9 Commonwealth Builoinb. J. B. Wools-y & Co coV77? crows AND BUILDERS. Dealers in Plate Glass and Lumber O ALL KINDS. Kingsbury & Scranton. Manufactmci' .Vcidi MINE ANlJ MILL SUPPLIES. Pidtict Acrenti fur John A. ltoebllni Son Co, Mir. Hope and Dlcctrlcal Wire. Outta Percha and Itiihber Wtg Co.'t Peltlnc I'aeKlnc. lld-e and Mccliiniul Itiibber Good. hiiottlton Packing lartus Oil r lotlilt g. lloom .'Iiu Paull Itldir W. H. GORDON & SON. florio Shoelns and Central DlackMnltlmij Magen and Caniage Uulldlng and Rubber lire b'S 339 ADAMS AV NUE tvlfi " Thats the word that explains everything in our latest pro duction a Spring Overcoat, ready-to-wear, "The James Russell Lowell Describes style as "That exquisite something which, like the grace of perfect breeding, everywhere per suasive and nowhere emphatic, makes itself felt by the skill with which it effaces itself, and masters us at last with a sense of indefinite completeness." Q o amter wan n very becoming cloth of a light castor fdutilo with trlmmingi, of white f-utln nnd uppllcjue, She can led while i ocl. A leieptlon wan glun -it the- homo ol .Air. r.nd Mih. W. T. llyrum ut which about Mxty of the tilouds of tho young cotipli were pieri'-ni. .Mnny wc-ti-liom Uronklyn. the- bride's twiner hunie-. After I'lingumihitloiib iluliuy le'fie.slinientH were teneil, the- wultcir lielng Mr. und Mrs. Oley Fi'ait. .IIm-h Mm Inn TIIuh, Jessie Loid. Jciinl Tlf f.iny nnd MtFuu. liny Shudduek tnvl Hurry Ailamp. luter tho bildul cou pie, nccompunled hy many of the rjuoj-ts, went' to the ftutlon, und amid tdiowers of tice and good wishes bnariN td No. :, for ti Hhoi-t ttlp. On their re tm n they will begin hoinrekeeplnrj nt KIliRSley. whete they will mulio line of the many ttf-etiil and ornamental pie?. e.ntH which thy nr-ed THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS OAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. Brotherhood Wine Co;s Pine Old Poll" lluiKiindit", and -j'.iIiiim j, lamlly Tilda Dili . P. H. FRENC-l. 40B OONNKLL BLDO. Breschel's Great F'ire Sale 134 WYOMINO AVENUE. Nui Oolnir On, ITtn I in .and di kind of Xcikwear. BRESCHEL A OO. Scranton Laundry. 322 WASHINQTON AVENUE. Callj by telephone reecho pionipt nlleiitlon WILSON c WASBERS. Spectacles, MADE AND REPAIRED. "That all ' S, H. TWINING. 131 PENN AVE. DIAMOND SHOE SHINING PARLORS Tor badlc and irnt, All Milncn, Oc 433'SPRUC?-433 Hanley's Bakery, 420 SPRUCE ST. 'uctfwur to HUNTINGTON We make a ,ctjpv of line bread li'ff. (Jidm for sil.id), Oiilcif, ( lonuetie. etc, piouiplly flllnl A lull line ol f.i I ream ami I tt Eurekh Plating Works. bibcr. Cold, Vlil.cl, Topper and lira rtiindellcr tie liildird 321 DIA COURT. REARED. TRADE, REISMAN BROTHERS. t.cadiii N. isuealii 400 SPRUCE ST. S03 LINDKN ST. GORINA IJFKGN UF KKY WEST flOARH. DEAN, 408CONNELL BLDG Tuo riiunea. GOODMAN'S SHOE STORE. Vo at It tck-iMauni jc GRAND OPENINQ ATURDAY. MARCH 23 The scranton Vitrified Brick and Tile manufacturing Company Makrt "I l-aiinc nilik, (P V II Pile Ci-reral ale prnt (Hlhc SJ9 WaihiiiRtou aie Woik al Nay ui;. Pa, 1, K W. V It It w m Brothers Scranton's Leading: Outfitters. xsmkTjmn:immT!ts3mwmfBn m mmmu tlARFORU. idul u Lie iunlin 'liiliir.i Ilurfoiil, Aiitixh 2.-.Mu. Uss,!li- Tif fany, of KliiKl"y. iwlted ln-r binther, .Mr. UukIi Alnct'onncll, hiHt wi-oh. .Mr. (livey Muyiiiud li home fruin Sti nitdiliiii'tr Sluto Nut inul hclmnl for hlf U.isirr vm-nilon. IMdli- Tlnli- loft two laltinbk- cu-va .March 2:!. Mr. I'tnjier N uiuvlng Into ihe ritn linnre. n. ,r. WutKiii nnd fniuhi .MacCon Hell me di'lcKUles tu lh Sunday school convention to be held nt KliietsU-y Mm oh So. Superintendent Moxley was hi thl plucu Monday cNumlnliiR ihe gradtnit Inr rloB, Mies Mhuilc Daitow jjhiu Fthlay In Scii'iiton. Tin '"ii it Klii'ii b ill.- Iliif-ir-l Houses. I ! j TU4IMLC I " j-on fully imuuJt I nVrV If not, call upon F. L. Hitchcock o Son. FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS. 8 and ,VJ7 loiiiintffiwrallli llulldlns, SfllAMOX, I-1. Only flnl-( Ian toinpanlej lepicMnttd. Clahm protniitly paid. O. S. BLOSS KSVoe THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER. ITLEAOSTHEM ALL. L. SOMMAR. IhilhllnK Coiitraciui. I.'inployi union men, l.itlinatei ilieerlully Clicii. Ilinioilellin; and ieialiln il ipeeialty. 32a WASHINQTON AVE. LACKAWANNA UNDERWEAR STORE win sen an inclr "ample of lino Imported Vaili i hlil for nn at d-Ve.: ivoilh M to U.Ju i.ohl Medal e$V- I'lwtosrapher X tliildlelia V Mtit FOR SALE IIITiCins and VA(1 H.Vi of ill MnriV. plei ltouea and llullilhiit lit.i at li.ii-C.iln. HUIIM.'i. ( l.ll'l-l'l) and (dUKlMl.li at ALL DISEASES OF WOMEN. A ildty Pr Treicil.ffl, Koi in 1 n r Globe rftim Ibilll. I to :,.M i iii. I'li-Mltatlon lie Thonc t'vii. M. T. Keller's l.aclnuauuil liriaso Wo lk. HAVE YOUR WATCH FIXED RIGHT WE ARE SATISFIED WITH A SMALL PROFIT. BERNHARD, jeweler. I IiACIiAH WW AVr.NI 1. EDWIN S. WILLIAMS. CONTRACTOR. BUILDER ROOM 2B COAL EXCHANGE, SCRANTON. PA. The Scranton Umbrella Manufacturing Company We cany the lamest lock of Urnbirllav, Par nol and llindles: o aho KKfOVKIl umbrella mi' I piruols and make llicm up diuall ai Rood a new anJ guarintcc our priie to le loner thin any hou3e In tho city. Wo irpali all our toodi l.n one iear PlllX OF I II lir.K. 313 SPRUCE STR'-ET. Yoke" band Mm di '.'.' wan a si and aucccbs. The proceudh werv Jls. The "puzyle" social given by the Phrlf-tlitn Kiideuvor Muclcty Vcdne.dny nvuitlinc In the luctiiio 100111 was en Joji d by nil. Will Kedttce Foice. l I li -ne Mil. Ihiiii Ti.' iuiati'd I'u'ii. I, i, lid. ii, Malik 0 - In die linue of lonl- iiv il.ii (.old l..ill Im ne, (lie luliliui i'irlai an in ui'iid llmi Iiu hui In i inllllaij C'1'ir.ilkilli bi tl'i IhltUh ilvp in (linn line coiitruiplat ti,.' lhc pnent. Ill luiddilp added that nhilf llu- ivmi'llanu- oi I hlnu ullli tin lUinandi ii Hie i'Wiia U baldly of mh a ilur.nlfr u i J ll illy tl'i- witluhaual ol lhe allied flie U'l IhltUh t'uM-riiiiKiit h.i. 1'irp.irid lu lie able beloi lout" lo vilth'luv oi tfil'i ill. km n In I liliu. To Cttie a Cold In On? Day l.i.i I iV'Ui III. "i" l.i. nil" ril'ht. !