The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 29, 1901, Image 1

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    T '
t'x '
Graphic Account of
General Funston's
Gives Notitfi of the Success of the
Expedition General Fuiiston's
Desctlptiurt of thp Tilp Into
the Mountains in Scaich of the In
stil Rnt Chief A Ninety Mile
Match Upon Rations of Patched
Coin Fiinston Impiisoued Thico
Days, nt Cosiguian A Thiilllng
Tale of Adventmc Suipasslug the
Moils of Wiiteis of Holder Fic
tion Aguiualdo Feats Impiison
meiit lit Guam Geneinl Fuiibtou
to Do Substantially Revvaided.
fl I - ln-Mr- Win from III. ouii4tiil l'ee
Washington. Aim t h . A ciibli'giani
ifi'ivoj m iin war H-.rtment l.ito
tins morning fioiii Genet. il MaeArihur
i I'v In .1 succinct way the hWtuiy of
Vtrmiialdo's cuptuio. ghes till the cted
It tot the billllunt ox-ptolt to Gi-nernl
I'uiiston. whoso toward. It suggests
Imulil In thai nf httguell"r genera In
Hi logulur nnny mul llnallv Umtw
i. itii an expression of i onililfticf In
i'ii speed lossullull of hostilities
motighriut the Phlllpplu uiohlpelago
ii tin- result of Hit? capture, llxoi'i't li makes no tefoienco t tin- ells
iitli)i lo li" niiiilf nt Aguiuuldo, thi
.! -p.itflt oners thi' whole II id of gos
sip mul speculation excited hi Wash
ington by the nows that Funsion's
iidvi'iitiimus expedition hud hoi'ii
n.wned wllh toiiiploli' miicvs
The inlil.'Uimn Is us follows:
M nil). Mm I -
'i OUIll (.fll'l.ll. W.ISIIil..(ull
l.nt.oit.ellt lli-at,-,. till llilo Iwiiil- of d Hi" ml
1 HI "tr II. I ill. 21, from Willi II AlUlltkllilo Wa
Ir Itii) 111 t'allll. b.llllll.l I'lUMMIi. Mipill'.toll
.utnrril eoniiitiiit; Again ililcV. i.ii(iihiI ii -'iem
lout i N-ln-iirijiiit iilfli.w nml -I'niti
r ibi MiciIk-Ihh who i.Ae rjrjlo. .liiniil wii i
Mnv l, Itcmllicloll., llciS-nt In II pi -l III Hi 'I1
C i tr. I'miaou loiinniii till iiitotiipiinril In
I II 'III lill-adl T. ,ll.lll I. I III mill .J1..I ,.,
ipuili IUll.1 W. Xertloli, lllllll.tomth li r mt
I , I tii.tniatits Oilier, I". M. IIiiz.iiiI. IImiiii'i
1 iioil Mite tnliiMici i.tialij. lilruliiMiii ll'i
11 T. Mltitinl. I'utluili 1'nlliil Man. wlii.i
mfjiitr.v . OtiHre iIijinI as Atueil.aii pet
.t. .mil rrpiicoiitcil uri .otic lis I'.xjn illt1 jii
h ilnl Minili. Mirth ti. Viel.ln.11; luulnl Mmli
1 ill rt CO.KI I.WOH .'(' Illllcn Mllllll I'.i-Iu'iu.i.
lliiiilnl r.iliilun Hi 111 hill.' tlioii' jfliiiuxiii Mi'i'i
N.nhr.i fomi'lili Iv niilnl Mii'iihOil ili
Ui I ll lit ln-lil;clit 11 uiluHciiKiiU tni wlili li mih
I' h turniili'1'!. Vvitln 1'1 ilo i. nt mi'iIIi 1
nml I141I his i.'t'oil loilv ini'ii pir.iihil ti 1 Nli 11 1
I n r litnor Midit ill-t.anc ,'nuul'luV in-
! 9. il-gtlii' itl-.llllnl. li.'ll!.lt fnlluWlil, Imlll'
mh. iuii inniiKiiiU Killiil l lillii-. l.'"i iiiiiiuli
aiiiimiliitii'H ui'liiinl lititliu "Itii Aumii t'l 1
ml tuo piln lul ttill .unci !-. No 1 imhIiI.i
nn nti sp1iinlnl to iih i.ition inn tliimipii
I umnuiiilir lt.ur, clIUii, Mill, lct,i-l)iil; It'll'
I nIMo In miiiiti-. I'li'Mmi Imiilli irili'
iiivi I nllrc ami Juln In llniil. mi miiih,
Tii triiisirtlon wtit iiiilll.iiit In tone, pi lor. him
fill til si- in rsriiillini. Ml 1 11 ill! UUlil k'n I'm
lion, wlii iimln 'iipoiMiioii (fin, Wluitmi 01
i llllZCi ,11111 I VlliIlK till 11'iiiltivll 1 1 0111 -1.111 III
linUli. IIU 1-1U.II1I 'il0l)lil In uli'l nil
lliuliitp Milll fil'll. WIll'IIOII ttill) lOllillllllllilll
I intcuV rdfiitlon uhiiitiM until In m l'i'
I'l'iiluicil lirls:.iilk'i Kiiiiiil riKitliiK
1 lion- spifilj CTxiilluii lio-lilltii. t 1 1
' Ilijll.ltTU .U (OliHUUi 1111 tlm ninil.i. - 10
I'll 01 ioUiIiihi- iiu In pri'KiKi., pulnlili
Auitulilo will nililriM iuMIhl' vhiij!
unrndir. ili'llict.i ,niii. cicptJiKu Aiiiulini
npirniiK. Ciuiuili In.illiui
The confiMviipp.H ivtmvd to In llicilih
V'ltfh uro IkjIIovoiI at thi war iUput
jiV'tit to nian fonfi'ivni'i's with othor
Jnsurffpnt iPiidoiM hy nnny ollltprs or
llV tllu Tfltt I'OHIIlllM-loll
Tin- win (kpnrtiiifiit has not hail
1 11110 us ypt to toiisltli'i- th" oxn t htatim
of Asnlimhlo, whcthi'r ho to lip trlpil
n lid what piinlKhiiii'iit. If uiiv. Is in In
niPtcil out to him. Hut thi-n- .m ppi
ttiln RiMiPiul prlni'lpkH whUh iih bald
to Iip fli'iuly I'stiihllshi'il, and tin Hist
nitration nsked Is as to wlu'ther Auln
nldo Is to ibp tiii'il 11s a niliitiiiy or ns
B Ptvll Oll'pndiT. If III' h to he .Kill'il
d lib huvlns 1 ullllllltti'd liPiisnii tlili.
acts, or toiui'iiK'il an Iiiiiiiiciiiii
Hir.ilnst the- UnlK'd Stntps Kou'iiiineiu,
thon tlw Mould he of 11 fiun
Bftcr. for thPM hip piilltlial ofi'i'iiM's
Rdlnst the authorlt.x ot tip- rn..,
tau (,'ovpniinpiit mid mi? not oilins.'s
jndor tho uith'K's of war. to )p i lotl
iv a military i-ouit-imniliil or pouiiuIn
lon. It Is hiirdl I'vpi'i'ti'il tluil tln
llKornus procodiiit' lor H.-iikuii woiilil
b tuloptpd
Sraphlc Desciiptiou of thp DaihiR
I'.xolu.i.f Wtro tiom llie .oiun Vn ,
Mftnlln. Miin-h 's -Gcnciul I'ipiI
funHtnn. who .Mutch ra fiipliiii'd lipn
snil ARiilnnldo, wliini Jntoi lt ueii to
lay hy the M'prCHcnlaihi. of tile ai
KxlatPtl l'ivs. inntlii th. lollmi liu
italciiiPiit coupi'inlim (lu mpitiii- of
!ho rillplno Ip.uIim
Tho lolllldi'iit'al uupiit of VruIiiiiIiIii
nled Knl M it I'.iiuabaimniii, hi tlm
!u-o hiff of N'lii'V.i t;pJa. .Voiihuiu lai
con, with lutlois daipd .lau. II, 11! mid
U. Tlv'so li'iti-iH ivorp 1 1 11111 Ihntllo
.Kl)ll)it ItNt llld .111 hi:! oil HaMei'iliu
Rtilli.ildo !d ttilir t'OUiiiiand of Ilia
)ron(i.H of 1'i'iUial l.uon, supplant
nt; (h'tiPial .Miijaiiiltiiio. Kinllln
AKUliialthi at-u ordoii'il that fum liuii
dii'il meit Iju sent him as soon as pus.
slide, MiyliiR- that thi bearer of the let
teis Mould Klllde tln'HP men t" WhPie
AKtllnnldo was.
(Iciieral ruuston seemed the eoires
pnililelii'p of AKlilimldo'rt .-iKeiit and laid
his plans in 1 iiiiIIiil;I.. .s'ome months
pifvlous li' had aptuted the pump of
the lilstliKt'lit Ueiieial I.ui una. Inrl
dentally obtaining l.opittm's seal, ntll papeis and n iinantllv of slmied
loriospoiidein e. Kioin this in.iteilal
two letters weiu i oiistruetetl, ostensi
bly from lamina to AKtdnnldo i)u of
these I'oiualned Information as to the
pIOKH'SH of tile Mill. Tile utlK'l' as--el
led that pllisiliint to nwlPlri reielved
fiom Italdeinio Amilnuldo. l-oi una was
seiulliiK his best company lo Presi
dent Kmlllo AKtllnnldo
Fxpeditiou Org'nnized.
Ills plans 1 omplcird and appioeil.
Ueneral Kunston mine to Manila mid
organized bis i'pedlllon, selertllill seV-eiitv-elht
AIiilmIipIiow. all of whom
spiilte TaualoK lluonlly.
Tweiitv wore hisiiiK'til unlfoinis and
the otbeis tin- dress of I'lllplno ,ilnir
eis. This .Maiabelie lonip.uiy. ainifd
with llttj .MtiiM'is, eighteen lioniluu
tons and ton Knmt-JoiB"eiisons was
I'Dininmnled hy Captain IUism-II T.
llazzaiil. ot the lMevonth 1'nlted
ritatis Volunteer cavali.. With him
was his lumber. Lieutenant Oliver P.
.M. llaz.m-u. ot the same regiment
I'aptnln Hmi. V. Newton, Tlilrty
fuuith lnfunti. was taken because of
bis lamilluilt.v with I'aslKUian bay and
I.leiltinaiit Hut ton J. Mltchfll, Korli
eth llitmitiy, went as (Jeneial Fttn
ston's .nldo. These woic the only
Amerleans in (ouipanvlnii the leader of
the expedition. With th" Macubobes
weie tour p.v-lusurKent olllcors. one
bphiK a Spnnl.'iul and tho other thu-e
Tap.ilos. whom ih'lioial Fttnston tiust
i'tl illlileitly
U.'iioial ruuston mid the Ameiican
nllli eis woie plain blue shhts unci
Khaki tioust'is. Thev caulcd each 11
hall lil.iiikl. but whip nt Inslpnla of
rank The Maeiilu lies weie caiefully
IlislillctPcl lo obv'y the oidets of the
four eN-lnsillnent iifllpei"
Oil tile rlu-hi of Alill.'h S the pal IV
Pinbaikel on the Unit, d StUcs s;tin
buit Vli ksbuiR-. Ii was originally in
tili'k'tl to lake i'iin "s Irom the ilnnd
of "nllllii t.nrt to dillt t 1 lite lilaiulinil
but a stoi m ntosi' mid three of the
cnsi'oes weie lost. Thl pi 111 wan aban
doned. At -' n. ii'. March 11 Hip Vek
Ihiik put I'ei iiithtsiuit and inn I" shores
twenty-five inilo.s t-outli or r'aslRiumi.
Iiovltneol liliii'lH. Tin pmtv land
ed mid matelied 10 Cicluilian. The
AmeilP'tns bail not pmil'-oned tlv
pliiec and tin Inhabiiunls arc stroiiK
iiiMUKcnl lymiiplliiyers. Having ar
ilvcil thote thr ts-lnsiiiRent oilkcis
I'oniuiriitdlim tin pmt aiinnuni't'il that
tlipv Men on the w.l t" loin AKtlln
nldo between Hamuli imiii d Kiln,
that tllfV had Mllpllsed all Ameiiiau
nuveyiiii? pait and tleit they had
Mllnl a uiunhei. i.iptuilns llvi . They
I'.hlblted Mcneird Kinihton and otlter
Anieileali" as 1 It. Ir pilsoneis.
Impiisoned Thiee Days.
'fhe iliMirt,eiU pipsidcnt of Caslgui.iu
belli Mil the stoiv. Two of the hociiiKt.
k'tt"is, puioiidy eoiiioited, weie for
v. 111 ilt (1 In Amilnnhlo nt 1'al man, prov
Inie of iMibelln. Ieu11.1l Kunston and
lite ollHIi weie kt pt Illlil loiiC'd for
time dijN suiieptltloin-ly Klvlnir or
iIpim ut nlf,!it. On the moiniiiK of
Mulfh IT. IiiUIiik a hiuall iiuiuiity oC
iracl:ed c citn. th. pait.'- started on it
llillPly-ll.'le liiaich to I'ul.tllim. Tile
couutiy i." ii'iiuli uulnhabitid and
prcivisloiiii ( ould not le piiiinl, The
liai ty ite is-inill hell but weie al-
niofl s-tm v on. W.idluer swift ilM'is.
ellnililiij.' picelplll ins tin mil ilus and
pinetiaihiB deii.-e luiiKles. thee
in.uilud M-M'ii dayt, and nlirlilH mil on
Mmih :'.' had ieuihetl a P'llut pIkIh
miles liein P.iluiuin. Tiny weie nuv"
mi wnik that it was upc.MMiiy t fend
to .KUhialdo's niiiip for loud. Amiln
aitlo dlsputi l:i d 'iiipplie.-i and ditected
that tlie Ann th no pilsoneis hii kindly
tif'tiled, bill not hi ulltn.ed to "liter
lite town.
On the nioinhiK of Mmvli .'.'. the ad
Mlliee was lesuinud. The loluniu was
met bv the itaff ollltois of Agulunhlo
mid a detiu hmeiit of AKiiinnldo's lnnl.v
Kllttld. v hli'll was mdeli'il lo laUe
eh lilfe of the Alliel leans. While 1111 1
liiHitwni ollk'er c'oiiveised with AkhIii
aldo's aiile, auuther, a Kpmilnid, sent
a cornier towaid ( I'uiihton and
III" lest, Who. with eleven Mmabebes,
weie iihoiit an hour behind. Having
liuelM'd Ibis (Mm nlnif. Ion ual Kuns
Inil iiMitded Amilnaldo's ditaihnient
mid Joined the column, molding obser
Mitlnn. The Tngalos wuil abend ti
Kivol Amillialdo and the column ftlowly
followed, lltinll) iirilviiig mi Palatum.
Aulnaldo's hiuisehold '.loops, liny
iiiou lu ileal unll'oi 111 of blue mul with
and wealing hii.iw huts, lined up lo
leeilvo the llewcomeis. Ci net ill Puns
ton's mill iiosfi'd ill" ihi'i 111 .small
boats, fonutil on the bank ami mart heil
to tip. lljjlii ami then, in ft out of the
Insiuiiit gif-nadleis. The Tagalos en
tiled tlu house. Mliiiro ARiilnaldn wus
nipt. Suddenly tin. Si.inisn oilkcr.
110th rim that Aglilnaldo s able
wnlchhiK the Amei leans siisidclously,
CMliihui'd: "Now, .Ma' ahi his. so lor
tllein "
Firing lloglns.
Tin .MuiMlhlKD oppiitrd ilii bui ihelr
aim was rather liiPfiVctive. mid onlv
tluec hijiui gents weie killed, Tho iob
cts letiiuied the tire. On hcnrliitr the
IhhiK. Agiilnnldo.wlio evidently UiotiKht
his men weie inoiely culehiatlng tlio
aiiival of lPliituu'i'uioniM, ran to tho
window and shoutPd. "Htop that fool
ishness quit wasting ammunition "
Utimio Plni'Ido, one of tlio TuuMlns
oilliiiirt ami a foinicr Iukuikviii innjor,
Mho was wounded In the Iuuks by the
Hit of tlm Kansas iiglmi'iit at Hio
battle of f'aloDcan, tlnow his aims
aiouiul AkuIiiiiIiIo, cMdaliuliig, "Vou
ure a prlBoner of tho Americans."
I'edciiii'l Simeon Vila, Aijulnaldn's
clil'i of slatf. .Major Alumina mid oth
crs atl.K kul tin. men who wme hold
lug AKiiliinldii. Pla. Ida shot Villa In
the shoulder Alainbra .iumped out of
the window and altempteo to 1 ross
tin. liver. It Is supposed that he Was
lt owned, Flvo other Insurgent olllceis
fought for a few minutes mid then tied,
making their escape.
When the (king began Ueneral Fun
stun assumed command ami diluted
tlir uitiiek on the house personally,
assisting In the capture of Aguliialdo.
The Insurgent body guunl lied. lealng
twenty lilies. Santiago llarccloun, the
Insurgent tie.lsuior. sunendeied with
out assistance.
When eaptuiexl Agnlmildo was tie
mendously excited, but ho calmed
down under (leneial Fiiiivton's assur
ance that hi would bo well Heated. Fiinston sci ill d all Agulmil
do's i'oiiesioiiilencc. showing that he
had kept in close touch with the sub
chiefs of the instlnuctloii 111 all pints
of the mchipelago. It was also dlscov
eied that Aguinnldo, .Ian. '.". pin
cliiiuied lilinsdf dii'tutor. He had
been living at I'alauun I01 cM'ii
mouths, uudlstuibt'd cm opt when a
detachmciii or the Sixteenth liifmitty
visited the town. On that ouaslon the
entile population took to the moun
tains and icmalucd there until th"
troops retlicd.
Fears Inipilsonment at Guam.
Aguluiildn admlttid that lie had
come mar to being capuned bofoie.
but he asserted that he bad never
In en wounded, adding:
"I should never have been talii 11 ex
cept hy a Hlratogeni. I was completely
dnelvid by hoc ttuii'ti folged sluliu
tllie" He iVarcd he mlglit bo sent to fiiinni,
mul be was quite glad to come to .Ma
nila. was KU.uded by uutiit wilts
outposts and signal stations. Dining
the fight nolle of the .Mue.ibebeS weie
The expidltlon lested March i. and
Ihen maiched sixteen miles tho lollow
Ing day to Palling bay, where (ioneral
l''uiiston found tlio Vlcksbuig, which
brought him to Manila, f'tuuinmidor
Hanv, of the Vlckfhurff. lPiulpred tScn
eial Fiinston sidendld assistance.
Aguiualdo, who talked fieely of past
events, said he suppo-pd Oenoial Tilus
would proclaim himself dictator, even
not knowing that Trias laid surrend
pied. He behaved cciurteousij and gave
no tlOllble.
General rtinstou ,ays Aguiualdo Is
above the average In Intelligence, and
has pieposspsslng maniiois.
Talked Ovei the Situation with Sec-
letary Wilson, Who Comnuinl-
cnted with Piesldent Mitchell.
Hi I.vIii.iip Win from Tlic I'r.o
Imllanniiolls, Aiaich 2s. At national
lieachniaiteisof the rnlt..,i Mine Wnrk
eis there Is much activity tonight.
Se. iPt.iry Wilson is in osp oommuiil
1 11 lion with Tipsldfut Mitchell and Is
fully fognlzant of Air. Alllchell's plans
for biiiif;nK about a setil 'inent of the
stialned lelallons now existing In the
east between the anthracite mlneis and
the big operators. .Mr. Wilson said ln
elld not feel at liberty to dlsell-s tin?
situation until soni 'thing dellnlte bad
been done or until President .Villi hell's
.Vatloual ('ouinillteeniun Pud Dili h
er m lived tills moiuliig and talked
ovei the .situation with Secretaiy VH
son. His Is extremely conlldent the
mliieis n the Pennsylvania dlstiku
have little to fear from the 1 xac tlons
of tlie opera tiny. Ho says the mlneis
me moie stiongly oismiUed than evei
before in the aiilluaelte legions mid
me inepaied to make n strong HgRt
for tin Ir lights.
Mr. Dlleher left tonight I'm his homo
in Ohio. Fied ICvatis, a piniuluont 01
guuler of the .Mine Wmkeis, ntilvod
hole with .Mr. Dllelioi and will leinalii
Ind llliltcly as editor of the Aline
Woikeis' Jmirnul. Mr Kvans ex
piessod 1 ouildclici! that the operutois
.110 In no iostlou to deteat the an
llnarll.' Illinois and bo thinks tin re
1 .111 bo but one end to the present situ
ation n Illinois' vie titty.
Has Been Invited to Take a Cabinet
Hy hvi'liiMir Wiu Iruiii Tho so. Uti tl l'r,
M.diiilcii. Mmli .".--Ml. I' I. kino 1
I ill-tiuiu". I'.l.. Ill U'lllll llll' plolllllll II I' ill
ill 'il lii piln tli" iittouii'i jiikij1IiIi. .mil' I
II tlie nlille Inline rilioul noun IikIjj. lie n
ulili Hi.' proHim tot nor an tinur. Vlli 1 li
lift II"' INllltO llilll'O Till tollllrtllilt ollliill .llli.
1111 111 n mi id' '
"1 ! pi (Milan li.u invllnl Mi knu 10 u
upt tlio oiilie m .itlouuv Mi Knn
I ,t no .U'l kIiiIIiiI til- aii.puiin mil mil
H..I mil II illnr I. id int.. in lif.ln. .'
I V)r. Knox .tixl Altiinfi (.Tins mil
I .I1I1 ihi- iH'-li'uit lor a tllu.' nil 01 luu. I eo
ilU ii.-iii,; inittci. P'llilolns lo din ilcp. rle c n'
,o li'iiii... Mi. Kii'.x will li.i.i tin lii. In. lib- 11
I'itl.liiite timioiinw .ilP moor. Tlun i. ip
Jp'ii'iitb btti' ilimlit 01 1U ji 1 iptjii.i
J. II. Millard and Charles Dietiicli
Nominated as U. S. Senatoii for
Long? and Short Tenn.
Hy i:cljslc Wire (ixnn 'Hie VftitliJ I'imi.
I itirtln. X1I1. XI 11 r ti :'. - Vim ,1 .K'nlloil ..t
two iml mi.' lull mnnllK I he Itrptililli.ui. (
Ilii' Nilu i-ka litl-llluii locliv ncininUril I. II
VlilLoil, ol II1111I11, mul lionrii'M 4 li ill. 4 II.
PI1I1UI1. "I lli.tlna. tor tin I0111; unit .lum
li'liii, tnppclliili. III tin t'nltnl s u., on.11..
A joint i.i. 11 ol tin- leglihltiiv win liflil a
11. oil Ulll r.llllllil till OalMl llOllllllltlulil.
Vll MIII.I11I will J'.llliir tin wit n S.uli,
lliui-lur. v.lill iloMinor IMuricli I. llie .11 el in late si'nitoi
Coiirnor ileclimi 10 the mute will
l.iUc Muiltiuiit (io.fiiicr aj,ci tn tin ohI.p
of KuM'rnoi, crlilcli tlie fcinirr will c.o.ilc in
liif ipitlltiritliiti ji nijtf.
Secietniy Wilson Collects an Euor.
11 llxilu-lvr Wiio lum 'Hie Aiiilitf. lre.
Inilkiinpcll.. Mauli , lf liejil.umtm
o ilii t'liitnl Xni. votl.ri' inwoilalloii lo. n
S'o.'t.ii," Vliloti nil J llie report tliit .1 inert hi;
t tlio exeiiltlM' tn,i' will lie lulJ line 1 ouioi -inn
to iMiiiivk the .hiutloii in ilu IVnn-ilv ina
untliMrllci ui'tri I. In itim
Sarah Bemhnidt 111.
lb Kxf lusiio Wlie fiom Tin A-Joelatnl l'o...
I'lttkliiuir, March 2. Hie ainiimiuriiient
made t til e.mlnif Hint Sjih lli-inlurilt w,u
and woulil m uruhlo in ap'ir ai (he MWn
tluatir tontslit, She lentuiteil a .rri nol'l
While III null. In t'llt.l.llli; .Ui.l lm I,n i
voire liuni lininne"
Friends oi the Low License Meab-
11 it, Fail to Rctllij a Sul.lGlent
Number ol Votes.
He Attncks the Bill 011 Constitu
tional Giouuds and as Fait of His'
Rental ks Has Read the State
ment Dlstilbuted by Attorney W.
J. Hand Mr. Scheuer Makes the
Piinclpal'Spoecli in Defense of the
Bill The Vote in Detail.
spt'cul from i -tuff 1 urrpiiiJeiit.
llai il.-liuig, March L's. ir the pio
motils or the Vaughau license fee bill
were stiipilspd yesteiday win 11 the
incasuie had 11 majoilty of only foui
Votis 011 sn mid l'tidillK, the Weie um
touudi'd today, when cm third n.idlug
It musleieil only elghty-nhip votes, or
fouii"i'ii shun ol th" constltiilluiiul
majority of whUh they wcte so sine.
At lu u'c link last night, when they
met at the Commonwealth to compute
notes, they loiiinl that ninety-live
member hud pledged themselves to lit?
pie.'ont and vole Tor the bill, mid that,
at least twenty othets who were yet to
be seen could bo wifely counted itiion
to luvni tho inoasuix'. Dining theeaily
inclining the canvusslng was ciuitlnueil
with v Igor and as II o lock approached
they weie conlhl'iil the iieiess.iiy niu
Jotlty hail In en seoiiied. Hut when
II. 1.". o'clock .11 lived and the chair an
nounced that the hill was bofoie tip'
house, on special Older, the llrst fears
of a possible dercal of the bill Ix-guti
to be felt by Its ptouioliils. A survey
of the desks showed that a number of
uiomheis who were mmn t..
vcite I'm the bill were not lu their
places and senuh for tbeni about the
eon Idois pioved unavailing. When It
came to taking the vote It was almost
a smeiy Hint the bill would not receive
th" nquMto majoilty, and when tho
icsiilt was .imiounr'cd Its filcnds wie
paillally pippmed for their defeat.
They talked miiiii of havliie a recon-
-lileiiiticiii. hut llnally decided to give
up the light
Keptesi ntatlve c'oray. lusiirgput. ot!
hiizeino, led In the us.-iiuli on Uie
bill. He attacked It cut constitutional
giouuds. and as pint or his romaiks'
had the el. 1 k lead the statement dls
ti United the night befote hj Attotney
W. ,1 Hand and which appeared In
this 11101 iilng's Tilhuiie.
Heailng- Not Denied.
This si, 1 lenient. .Mr fenny said, was
made iiecessai hv the fact that the
opponents of the bill had been elenled
.1 heailng. Mr. Phllbin disputed this
allegation mid explained that the op
position Intel 001110 too late to bo heard
hy the committee, and hnd doc lined an
uppoi tuiitty of being hi'.nd bofoie the
Mi. .luinos eiltli I7.01I the pi luted
.stnteiiiout from sevi 1.1I standpoints,
and Hilled intention to tlie fue'l that
one of tho ulgucis, ex-.Tlldgp .lessup,
was not a lesldc nt ot Sii.tulon.
Mr. Hlx, Doineipiat. of I'll., niade a
lengthy spooc b against the bill. Uo
1 IiiIiupiI it was micoustittillonal and
would fall If attacked In tlie higher
courts. It wns nIo class legislation, ho
said, in that It disci imlnated against
the other sccontl-oliiss c Hies. Sciau
hiii s In need of money, he fuither
said, by loa.son of the rait that It has
been I'miipcllPil to take on a more ex
penl o foi in of government, und If the
bill passed It would mean the losi of
abciui 70,ewn In IIppuso r'VPiiues.
Si r.iutoti has sen In the dlgiilty of 0
c e oud-i lass 1 Ity and should be willing
to 1 any and pay for the dignity like
otlu v second-class 1 llles. he i onrludod
Mr. Ikeler. Doinoiiul. or Columbia, hi
suppoit of tlie bill, salil the liquor ih'al
cis of Petaninn had made Ihelr Io.ifps
and contiacts for supplies for the com
ing year, with the umU r.itnndliig tbnt
the license fee would be U1.1t eif a third
class 1 ity. because the license would go
Into effect hefoip the city had organ
ized nuclei' a second-class iity govern
ment, llotwpen the time they made
their applications; and the time of
Riantlug the licenses, tlie court dee Ides
they must pay the sppond-i'l.isci city
tcv How seilously this affects them 's
altcsteel by the fuel that scenes of
thorn have been unable to tike out tl'
hlgln'i -priced lb piisp.
Mr. rhtimpalmi. Itepubllcun of Tio-i.i,
sioko against the bill because it eon
tinned the nmpospd ieier ror Uiipp
Mr. Scheuei's Speech.
Mr. Sc honor made the pilmlpnl
si 'och In defense of the bin. He said
Il wns piesenteil to the senate oil
Mm oh i, .vet It was not until lust .Mon
day that any one i.iino fiirwatd with
nil nhlntlon to it. The city ici'Oider.
the iucss and (he tPpioseulutlvoK both
hi the senate and house were In fuvor
nf it, ulld tlie people at Lugo logaidoel
It as a good pun Ileal teinpetance
measure, hocuuso If It not passed
the licensed saloon lu Uie suburbs
would li'- a thing of the past anil in Us
pluce would eoiue uuiiilietli ss pcul
eilslcH 1. ill lint be subjof tctl to tlie
U'KUlutleuis ami ustilctlons which Uie
law tlnowf about the liquor tialllc If
a great number of business men hur
signed a petition uRulnst tlm hill, as
Mr c-rtinv flnlniPd. tin hackawann.i
ivpifseiitii lives had heiild untiling of
il. In conclusion, he reltointed that
the $1,100 epiie fro would mean many
llceiisen left niillfloil and consequenUy
niiiny vaeiint stiireioonis and a conso
qlniit iIocieiiH in ival estate values.
Mr. .loiif.s. Ilepubllcau. of Phlladpl
lli In. spoke hi lolly In favor of the bill,
and bad the delk toad the newspaper
aitlcles clipped fiom the Herantnn
pi ess and printed In clieular form for
dlstilbiitlon' among tlio members by tho
lobbyists favoilng the 'hill. Dining Its
leading the members weie very Inat
tentive ami one 1 tin spo.ikoi Intel-
rupted wllh a warning that If llie prne
llee of throwing patier wails wis not
dlseoiitlnued. he would no to the ex
treme of calling hy name Uie ortuiuilug
Mr. Hedford, Insurgent, of Philadel
phia, closed the debate' with n sum
ming up of the question this wny:
"The question before us Is whether of
not we will piirs a bill lor the lellef of
one' small clement of tin: city of Soi-an-ton.
when Hint city Is alsiut to take
on 11 new form of government which
will Inciease hoi expenses."
The Vote.
The vote was as follows'
Vie Vcr V1..I11-00. Vrimli'iK. HjI.ii, Ilu
Lcl, 111 Us llluinli', lluiiluiii, llriiiM.111, Hi U ki r,
burke, I7ilckr, Csll. then-, Coliille. Cuimell,
Cooper. C'ica, l'im, Patiiclierli, Iiivi. Ilu.
Piili. lie linen. IMu, I'irriliee. I'oiil, lo,
t'ciutli. I'liuiii, llabln, c;.miri. li.uiln, in li.
eliieliill. Uuik, IIjII. .lnM.pli lliinllion, , N
II.1111IU011, Hani., Iliworth. Itemkriioii. Ilenr
Hiss. Iloih, llo.ul., Hull, ILetit, Jlii'i.. Join's,
Ki ml ill. lii 111,1 di. Mil tain, Mi (urn., MiGl.illnij .
Mahoii, Mjiiii-. Meiltii. IV e Villi, 1. M11ll.l1,
Vie its. Villi. Xldict. I'hlllilii. It. lit, ItiMiopb,
llh-liel, ltlii. Until, sthiuei. s,,i, shiiiii.i'er,
V. M S,,, s,,u,,i,. .s.pilir, S, ,,n. sc.
siulli, swiTiiii. II. I. 'Ilionipvii, I. h llioinp.
m 11, V'iiilni, Wi.n.i, Willi, Winner. .itn-s
X.i.vs Vln'e". All vmilir. Vlllvii, Vinolil, Hub
(ml, llliinian. Itojiie. ' I.. II. Iliowii, I a tiu'r,
I iiaiMpaluii. Ciih . tot, 11. (orill. Iiawiiul,
III. Ol,, Polltl, IMl. lllls IlIl'TV. K.1I.1'. I Mm.
I'n-lir, : Mul.!.-, ;Unni, C.iilih.iilc, (.mil, Ilu
ti.uii, iijiimiii,, 11.11, Hi-. iPiiiiii, tun,
II1I1 In i.el,. 11. .'ill.-, W .lulitiuin. I. N". .lunn
r" Hi. Kill.. Klll.11. Luiiiax, Mi Vnll. Vlil'.inill .
M. lam, V.'hii..ii, Vlilonec, Vjtc. II. K MM
Ii r Mcintjtonui. Mooie, V,n0, Vhirptu, X'iw'
IhmI. I'ltliiiioii I'.ilm, I'.oil. Itii, Iticiiieiiil, Itolhiisl., siinl'rson, sjejire, sioll, shon,
s'ntiii. sl.itu, siioli. IhoniK. lilfjni. 'IiiimII.
Tumi. Van 11 n. Wml, m,MIi. W Illilii'Oii, Wi.
nil. Mjl-liill ;
Sewn 1 hiniged their votes,
so as to be lu a position to move for
roi onsideiatloti. If this was found to
be dosli-ablc later, rind when the ic-ult
was otllclally uniiounePd tlio aes woii
77 mul nays 7'.'. Tlieic wore foity-elght
monibeis absent.
.Mr. sVott I'liuscil a nillel,. sensation by
cluilleiigltig the vote of Mr. Winner, of
Hiti l.s. who wus leiorded among the
ayes, alleging that Mr. WIiiikm was
not piesent and had not boon present
any tlnie elm lug Hie voting. The chair
snld he would dispose of the ch'illcnge
Mhi'ii he could hive Mr WI111101 and
thii challenger helnie him. Later, JIi
Scott wanted to withdraw the chal
lenge, but the house Mould not consent.
The senate lliiishod Its business ut It
o'clock anel took a 11'ess till noon, for
the pui pose of permitting Piesldent
Snjder to altiiPh his stmiutuie to the
Vaughan bill, the itiles iprptltlng that
the slguatiiies of tlie )irosldlng oillcois
inn only be attached to a bill while the
legislature is in session. When wen el
wont over Unit the bill was killed, the
senate met mul adjoin nod.
It is understood that the governor
vveuilet have signed the bill forthwith,
hnd It come to hlni. It b Ing n purely
local mutter In which the Judgment of
tin. lepi os enta lives would be accepted
by him as being ippiesi'ntntlve of the
wishes of tho people. Il Is likely, how
ever, that he would have given the op
ponents of the bill 11 heailng on the
question of Hh cuuMltutioiiullty.
T .1. Duff.
Mr. Reynolds Iutioduces a Bill for
Better Piotectlon of Raihoad
Passengei Tinins.
Spr. nil fiiiiu Mjf) I one.p itule-nt
Hat limbing. Mn 1 ill is. Mr. ho) unlets
Intiodiieed a bill, designed to piivent
a its.-uii'iico of an accident sui h as
that at Slatotoid, In which Ihiglnoer
hvinait riiase was killed. Its main
elause 1 eaels as lollows:
"He I" enacted, etc.. That It shall bj
th" duly of nil rallroid companies en
uagi'd In ennrylng pnsspui-eis within
this coiumouwoulth, Mheie tho power
used shall ho a locomotive or engine,
so cousliiit tecl thut the poisons, en
gaged thoivelll, to wit, the engineer
and III email, by leaseui of their em
ploymeiii, shall be so soparuted that
they both ut all times elo not have a
Hoe and iiiiobstiuoiod viiM of tin track
upon which said engine Is moving, to
pluio uiiin said engine', for the 'bolter
U nt. 1 tlnn of the pussi'iigois, a tliltel
plsun, hnvlng siilllcieut knowledge of
tin- mt of leieomotlvp englneoiing to
coiltiol the same lu ease of Piiieigeiuy.
so Unit at all limes there shall bo two
poisons 1111.111 said engine sutlloieiitly
iieeiualuted with (lie running of Hu
locomotive, to handle the smile, and'
Whose eluty It shall be lo be so located
on sahl engine that they can bulb, nt
tho same time, look upon the tiack
upon which said engine is iiinning."
Ail ofllelal pciuilttiug an enable 10
go out without that seeing to It
this law Is complied with will subject
himself to 11 line not exceeding y,0d and
Impils'iinmeiit for not less than thiee.
and not moie than six months.
Mr. Phllbin Introduced a hill appro
pilatlng .',orm to St. Joseph's Found
ling Home., and Mulct nlly hospital or
Si lantern. Ivo rVuith, ol t ayip ,
pitscntcd nieniorlals lion lliunge Stis.
pi. lying tin i'isacje ol sunilry tax mil
10. id bill 1, ami the Suveler oleo bill.
The lull ap)iioiii.'itluc money lo fui
ulsh the iiiomiieis of the Supioum
coiiit with steiiov;raphiis was fu vol
ubly ieioitod fi mn Hii Jiillolaiy k u
eilll coiniulltoe 111 llie hotiSP.
The bill to pel mil Duiinioic to lak
..elvm.l.i'te ol the general boiough ad
was favorably lepoited liiiin thr holiso
1 ommlilee on intiidc Ip il 1 oiioiatloiis
by Mi. Merlons Th" lommitto on
liillllmv utfults re-iauted tavuiably Uio
ulll exteiicllng to see oud and ihlid tass
eltii'n tli'. nit pfitnlttlnt, t'oiimlls to
nppropihilp fiom city IiiihIk $".00 .m.
mi illy to each military c'euii) any hiv
ing ppiliir.uciH iiuait'it within the
cllv limit'..
Mr. Schri'.ci has uriai ged foi Ikui
bias In fine Uio gcnciul ii oioiulutiuix
commlltei for tlie l.aekuwuiinii bus
ldtal and Hoin for the Pilenellcss
Tucs-du." evening, Apt II J. mid for the
Dial uchocil and llahin 'iiann ho'pltn)
Wodnohdii evuliing, Apill il.
lippieientatlve Hdwaul lanii's, Ji,, 1
1 linked for appointment hh chip ot the
I:i'iim.vlrin:a coiumlsaloneii to tlm
I'liiiib'slnn i 'poIHoii,
T .1 DitftV
W.'illier lenllcllons 1 iclij 1
(Inieul liuplile Stc'i of the I'tpttiri- eil
Airuln iklo.
Vai'Kliin Ulll bifidlnl 1' Ihii'Miilir.
.lajnn lctlotilijt Ilu- I'ewvTi.
(iciiiral-failK'Hilile Piputiji'lit.
I.mal- (.'null I'IoimiIIiiii.
.Xcac; jml Ddiiinii nt.
I.O.-U Piesl.lenr Mltoliell at Halle.
Now I'p to llie lie fi tiler.
l.oial-Wii'l Miililou ami M1I1111I1111
lavak-V Mslit in s ritiliiti TlitJteis.
I 0 tiidal in I Co mm tilil.
I.oi el -se..iil. 01 llie Knight, of the MieJ.
he I'S.
Xc'.i of the tnilii.tiial Unil.l.
Opinions Horn Seveial of Those lu
Position to Foiecast Events Mr.
Mitchell Ih Silent.
11 l.tclu.iw Wile firm fli !o.ialeil I'.r"
.xew Yolk. Mmi'li Js. Piesldent
Mitchell o! the fulled Mine Woik.'is
could not bo Interviewed loeluy deny
ing ltiliist'lf to all ii'iioilui though li
saw .1 irambe t 01 labor leaden-'.
Pii'slelciil idyiiliant. of tho Dol'iv.uie
and Hudseiu. when shown the st it"
luciil Issued b Father I'hllllps, thit
lluie would be tin stilke "alel he was
not .'t all sui )H Neil, nor was be ills
iiiiriilnioii. "Tip slateim nt b inad
that the rr.ited Mine Wotkeia of
Anieilci l.s it uctlc ally 1" .Mr.
ol.vphaut wus le-mlinliil by the n
I'lUler "The 1111I01' Is not in ii'inli d and will
nut be." '.'.Id Piesl!"iit oiyp'iant. Mr.
lyplinul added that there would lie no
si like.
A W.i'1 -trc t news bmeait sa.vs that
Father Phillips, of Hntclon, Pa., made
tin' following statement today:
"The Ihl'f.lloivel stilke Of 1 1 :.00"
inluein will not In irv opinion inU"
)il ice. Uriiiks to the malibleus gcnbi"
mid ellplom.'.ey of Pie'sldi ut Mitchell, of
the l'liltcd .Mhv Woikei? and to the
lib inlly unices and all powerful I11II11
enceoc .1 P. Aloigiin. A l.efls foi fiittiip
bmmoiiy between opera tois and mlneis
ban been n allied without the least
fi lotion 10 mar the Inn :sou 01' peace,
il'ii uiPitilig wllh Ah. Ami van yester
day vvaa satlslact.u 'in ban. to us and
to the public und to us i.t least will al
ways be rcg.iiiled as r. bluotn link
liptveon eaiillal -mil b.boi. which wv
liopc Mill novel b bioken"
Does Not Believe That Aguiualdo
Has Been Captuied.
11 1'm1iiim Win- Iinui Tlie I'Miu-teil Pie...
Pails. March js A roptospntatlie of
the Assoc luted Press today c oimiiiini
iiited to Agonolllo, Uie Klliplito agent,
Hie news ot the uiptuie of Agiilualelo.
Agonclllo. who oeiupios a nicely fm
tilshoel tipartment In n lnuw In a con
tial Paris stiool appaioiitly sin lonnded
bv every comtoi t, laughed and sahl:
"I elon'l believe II. I have Iciolveel
nothing by cable and until I ti reive
1 onllriiiuloiy udvlcs I sliull eontlnue
to Ignoie the news." Askeel If the Ull-
1 e tincelilcllt was tllle what elfei t he
thought It would have 011 the Instil rer
lion. Agonelllei leplloel einpliat loally:
"N'onc. except the loss of u tine pa
trlol mul a ole-vei geivial. The loellng
ut the Filipino people and Uie Ir ele
1 imiii.itlon lo light out the stiuggle
loi indcpctidonce will leinuln until ie
iillzed. I lecoivcd a I'.iblesiam only
.vcsleiday which convinced uio thai the
Filipino leiidei s ami mlllt n y chiefs w 111
pio.soitite thi- wai Ihen Ihough
Agiilimldo ami his geiieuel stair are
eapttiiL'il many able gonoials iciiialn."
Asked who was likely lo be chosen
lo sue coed Aglllll.lhbi Agolli lllo said he
thought Ueiieial AhJiiudiino was the
Glassblovver Told to Suppott His
rnmlly or Suffer Consequences.
II)' Ihilllllie Wiu (mill III" "0illteel Tie.l.
Mlllvlllo. X. .1. Manh 2s-. The old,
lamlllni wainlUK of the "While Caps"
was outdone In this city estotd,iy.
when a well-know 11. w Indow-glas.s
woikei v.i met l'je e to taeeiby 11 iota
mil tee of ids follows and lobl to sim
pmt his wllo eir suumi.iiy lneasuies
would be 11 sot toil o.
The man has been woi.iig al the
Ninth Ameiican Glass evon.s foi soino
time, and lias Iimmi tiinklng goal wages,
but has Hcadil 1 of used to suppoit his
wife and clilldicn, and has boon living
with another woman Ills fellow-w oik
eis have be en talking the matter over
tor some time, and at length appointed
a couinillloe, who seal for the man and
staled (o him thai II he did not keep
Ills law lul wife mid Ltilldicii from Uie
poverty that thieali ii"d them ho would
bo publicly whipped. This elld not move
lillll, liliel bo letlliued lo wolk With
imilteied ctiises 011 Ills lips and a 10.
flis.ll to obey till eominliloe'K orders.
What will bo th" oud ome now re.
mains (r. ho seen, us .ho 1 emimlttce do.
eluio they will elo us they say, Willie)
the man says that he will shoot the
tit si man w lio touches him.
- -
Iti I.Mlnaiie Wire (rem llie A.- iljinl I'lrw
U111 uln. X'eli.. Mji.1i j W. .1. Ilrran iu.l.iy
.did renal. Ilnif the ptuu of Vuulii.ihl.i:
"While no mn un pruliel with iiiicfiuint)
the i'HciI nf lilt 1 iptiiii. it is pe.iillile It in ty
put 111 rinl to the wai tot the pietotil, l.iit the
ihi.lton to Impel l.ililli in tell leill'ii'nl hy P.
.iiriiinii) ot Itioii. who hiw keen 1 ppodii it
in the i'lilllppliii'. Is wiouk he
i4'Imi II ilcumn cieiv ihiory of coniinnnil. V
laimol 0 luiliil.lir mi cmplie In tlie orient an. I
milnlalii a ti pul. IK In Miierh.i."
Their Wages lucienscd.
11 relative Wlie (innt The Vwoeliliil l'ie.
l.'racllii;, Vlauli 2. -.XVaily l.'xm et niaiiii
Ircn lompjin'i. !,lrl einplmei I'.flwi) a nun
t ity iMrnirP ill J','i tnih.v, loinci nemly 0 per.
eeiil. Hut liu'ieav I' iwntineil lo the iin.iliir'
1I1 pililni til
Representatives from Yokohama
Soundlnu the European
Anxious to Asceitnin Piospcjcts of
Support Ag-alnst Russian Aggres
sion in Asia Biltlsli Government
Denies That Coica Has Dismissed
McLeavy Russia Says Sho Had
Nothing- to Do with It England
Does Not Know Whether Mancliu
riaii Agreement Has Been Signed.
11 IvIiU'i. Wire fiom 'He J(el3lerl Pre.-
Vienna. .MaiPh :' The Journal-.
Aln'iidhlatt louins rutin un olllclnt
sum cp that the .hipum'su anibassaelort
at London. Hot Ilu and Vienna have
boon liistiuoteil lo asceitnin tlie nros
Is.pts. of Huropean suppoit should thes
.lapanesn governiiient offer forcible, re
sistance to Uusslmi aggicsslon In Asia.
l.ondon. Murcli 2S. In the house of
couimonH today, nnsweilng 11 question,
lnl Cr.inlwifiio, the under foivlgn soc
telary. said th.tL.Mi. Ale heavy jlmvvu.
Hie dhcelor geiic.tal of the Coicau cus.
teuns. hud not been dismissed fiom
olllce fas minoimccd from ScsjuI, in
way of Yokohama, Jlarcli 21). Then,
bad been a clitllculty, he iiddeil, which
was engaging tho 1 lose nltentloii or the?
hotel Ct.uvhoine. aiisweilng nnntlioi
iiiestlon. said the government was still
without Inroiinatlou as to whether en
not the ltusso-ciilneso Manchurlnu
agiopineut hacl been slgnoel.
Yoltohaina. Aim oh 2S,-An olllclal
stutciupiit that ISiltaln, in ipplv
to an Inquiry, had informed Japan that
MaiiPlimla wa liii'ludcd lu the Anglo
Gotnian agiopineut reswrllng China,
has been leceived witii great satisfac
tion. The usually inodeiate loading our
nal. .IIJI Shimtio. of Toklo, says Japan
will biook no inlPifcieneo In Corea. TC
the tnateilal Inteiests of Japan are In
volved she will diuvv the- sword with
out hesitation.
Washington. Aim eh 2S. The Hussiim
atithoilties have given clcfinla. and
positive, assuiaiieos to tho . state elppnrl
inont that the dismissal of Atchcsivv
Hrnwti, the high ofllelal or the Coiean
government, was not due In any wav
to Husslau luflueiico.
The Gorman imperial chancellor.
Count vou Hulow, in tho Ilclchstm;.
March l'i. alluding to Hie Anglo-German
agreement logaidlng e.'ltlna. sahl
Its tendency wns to piesorvo the In
tegrity of China so long as possible,
and to piotcct Gciuiini tiaelo theio
The agieoment. he Added, did not lerer
10 Alant'liiiila, and dtd not contain so.
not c l.ntsf v
Local Conductor Admits That Ho
Mislead a Tiain Older Befoto
Ttenton Wicck.
lie l.tcliithe Woe fiom He looihtrel l'tw.
Tien Ion, Jim eh JS Ceuoiipr nowcts;
toilav 11 sumed the Inquest as to the
pause of ihi collision between thf
"Nolly HI," an Atlantic City express
tiain, and 11 local Haiti on tlie Penti
sylv.inhi lallioatl. between Trenton anil
lloideiiteiwu, on Fobiiiuty 'JI.
The witness this morning
was I'.iueliiUor l.dwniel S.ipp. of the
Ideal ttAlll, He admllled that he had
mislead tho older which directed hint
let keep his train on a siding until th
soieiml anel thliel sections of train l!C.
and known as the "Nollv- Hlv," hacl
passed Saiip's onlv explanation ns tc
Itow ho made Uio nilstnke was that his
thumb must have coveiod the figure? ::,
which Indicated the thhd Fectioru Kapp
also admitted, In lesponse to a ques
tion from the railroad's attorney, that
ho hacl been notillcd before leaving
Cauideii Hint the "Nelly Illy" was 1 mi
lling ill tlliei. sections.
Fireman Chmles Garwood, the llie
man of the local, was too III to hn
Knglliecr Hiovvii. ol' the third srctlou
or the' oxpiess. also testlllod, but ooubi
thiow no lluht as to tho cause of tho
Wealthy Woman Duped Twice hi
One Day.
11 Kieliune Mite fum The V.i.viiiiciI Pre".
VInclaiid. N. J.. March JR. Mis. .
K, Jones, an old and wealthy resldeiv,
was duped twice in succession yestei
d.iv bv peddlers of spectacles.
Ill Uie morning a dapper follow
talked Mrs. June's Inlo buying a pair
of "gold-iiuinied ' spectacles for Sjr.
und in Hie iifteinoou another swindler
aiqieatc'i. and, niter lolling her thin
the ""olel-ilninieil" ones woio onlv
bliiss', succeeded in li)pnntlslllg hi
into buying bis spoi lades at $ir. Airs
Jones does not understand how sha
caino to bo victimized so partly.
Steamship Aiiivals.
It l.Mliyne Vn fiom fhe Av.oclale.1 l'ri
XV v nl.. MjhIi '-'.. s.uleil: Vmlei laiul, r
. nth inipti in liuiiil.iu loui-e. Hi emeu .i.i
siulli until' 11. Vntwiiii ViilveO: VViitertilaml,
fiom .X'eiv mV. I.Ii-bow- lilitecl: An.iri 1
" itV I ViiImiI' Majpstli, XV.v
Veil,. I'l.cen.iown s,ii,,. fierinattle, X 1
.. Itoliuilaii nlwj siDitmimi, i,
YolV. via llouloi,!,! lMtiiicnilli-tllliril f
W'lMei.ei, Xi V.,tl lot llimhui:,- faml pr
--f-f-f-f'f--f-'f 't-t'H--f-f
f 4
ev VVa.lilniiiun, Mauh . -I'oice.ui foi s
s?t I'rlilj' and siin,,jis l'jiicin I'lrnul
mull 1'nlr will nilu.ili tuiipirattir.. 4.
I'iIiIk mul s.liiiilo, tieili northerb