THE SCUANTOX TttlBUXE-TlU'llSDAV, MARCH 28, 190.1. .) NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA DEATH OF MISS GRAMBS. llonestlnle Lndy Drops Dead from Ovcr-cxertlon In Escaping n Show er. ftflil tn thr Sctanlon Tillmnr. lloiirtulule, Mmi'h ST. On Tuomluy i-vcnltift uliotit K ii'ciui'k MIhs Hoplilrv 1., diiiiKhtcr of Hon. Lotruzn Cinnib.s, tit IIMHT Allllll Ftll'L't, WHS CIIUKllt 'll u tliundrr mIiowpi- wlu-ii letu.nliiK lii'tvu from town, alio untorod tlio renldcncu uf her BlKtvr, Mi. II. Kiants, id erapo tin1 h.-uvy mill, and iiiiinudliiM ly (tank Into a chair and buMtlvjl lii'f luel liel'orc liii" ulster could call tilit unci'. JIImh ilranibH niffi rod .1 imrtlrr. MioKi of a )oi1i!xy about two ve:ifs ntiu. lroni wnlrli she never fully itov cit'd, and who mm affected by unv ovei-fXi'i'tlnn. lie liiit-te to escape tint fhower juob.ibly bioURht on a hurniul btriiKc DceoiiHed wuh born July 'il. 1S53, iivl vuh tin eldest of the family. Hhj la survived by h.v ,'i'thcr, two sister, MrF. W. II. Ki'itntK and MIm Tlllle. of Iloiicjulnli-; William J., of Senttl , AVush . I. O., of tho Ilonrxilnlo Shoo eonipany: 11. V., of Valley City, North Dakota; August It. and l-'mnk i uf Illsniaik, North Dakota: II. !ouir, of Seranton, and Albert A., at hoiiu The funnil bervlees will be hold at her Into hu if l-'tKUy ufteiiioou nt -o'clock Inc. ;'ient In ry emieti iy TUNKHANNOCK. fr"'ll to tlic fkranton Tribune. Tunkhannoek, Muieli 2ti .lului Jen nlnpH, of the JonniiiKs Milling and Lumber company, at Xnitli Mehoap any. u.ih iIolnB1 iiiihlnessi In town oil Monday. Miss NI11.1 t'arney ,a wttnleUtt. at Wood h I.uslnefs college, at Scr.inton, was Isltl ny her aunt, Mrs. Joseph hut. on Pine turect on Monday. Mix. William Woodward. of MeMiopiien, was the Kuent of Mrs. Maltha Ilunnell, on Muiulay. The dlaKi-aiu for reserved sent, for the -Old Fashioned Huhtsliijr Uce," to hi given at I'latt's Opera Ilotise on Filclay evening next, for the benollt of Triton H oso company, Is now open at tioodilch'h Jewelry store on Tioga meet. Those liolclliip tickets should M'e mat tln-y nie matkeu at once. Judge Fiank M. Vaughn Mrtdionpfn. was dolnsr business 1'ivMi on TtlOMlay. llttiinl tliiir.mnith. who Is In tnent and live stock buying business at Mill city, -was n caller In town Tues da 'IVntiiiiimy 011 p.ut of defendant In 1 lie rdhi ot ili-M-rtlon brought by Kllza beth Waterman against her husband. llll.'iui aterman, will be taken on Thursday afternoon before .1. Wood I'latt, commissioner. Mis-. Mcfice, an aged lady, mother of Mi.- l'ett r McOee, died at the Warren strei t boiel on Monday, of old age. SrtL1 has been an Invalid for a long time John I!. Fasselt, who has been con lined to the Ikiuso by HiK'SH for two weekn past, Is able to be out again. T. S. lluisou, of the Warren stieet tipholsteilng mid bicycle establishment, has gone out of business heie, and will 'moe lils family to Hlnghamton, V V. ttoiney Chillies 1!. Little, ot Sfivtn 'iii. Is visiting his parents at this place. Tit.- building' on Wanen slieel, for meiiv occupied by John Townsend as a tailoring establishment, is being lilted up as 11 stoic, and Jnnies O, height"!! will open a grocery store 'lieie rtbotit the llrst of April. Mr. I.eighlon was engaged In the mercan tile business hcie a number ot yeats ago. but has recently 'been living on his faun In Tunkhannoek township. FOREST CITY. Sirial tn tlic Scniiton Tribune. Finest City, March 27. Michael Man otnK, who amis f-evetely Injured at tho Forest City bleaker, was yester day taken to the hospital at Carbon dale. His Injuries are veiy serious and Is ii'L-ovcry doubtful. John Franko has closed his barber shop in the Aldileh building-. The many friends of U. F. Mnxey In Forest City will be pleased to learn that he has been elected president of the Luzerne county association of llo tall Druggists. Theie seems to be some misunder standing us to the basis on which the silk mill girls returned to work In the Ilaivey mill yesterday. Some of the girls state that they aiu to lecolvc an advance of 23 cents per week, but Mr. Ilnrvoy says they go hack under the same scale and that they will be ad vanced as they grow moie skillful un der the old nrranccutcnt. Misses Grace Menhcnnctt and Alice Melvln loft Monday for Illoomsbuig Xoimial school, after spending their vacation hcie. D. II. Ilatrls mid I T. Odder ate home fiom their southern trip. Monday was quarterly tetuin day at Montrose. Jacob Krltchlk has been appointed high constable by the botough council, Clifford lodge of Odd Fellows clectetl olllceis last evening. A ball will bo held In the Opeia. house Thursday, May no, tinder the auspices ot the Voting Men' Institute, for the benefit of P. Morrison, who recently hnd nu arm taken off as n lesult of Injuries tecelved In the mine. .of in the When a woman gives up it is because ihe has gone to the utmost limit of strength and endurance. It is a marvel how women will stagger on under the daily household burdens when the whole body is racked with pain. IJor the nervous, run-down condition which so many women experience, as a result of overstrain in household cares, there is no medicine can equal Dr. Tietce's Golden Medical Discovery. It strengthens the weak stomach by cur ing diseases of the organs of digestion and nutrition. It purifies the blood of poison which cause rheumatism and other painful diseases. It nourishes the nerves, and builds up the liotly with tour.d, healthy flesh. There is no alcohol in "Golden Med ical Discovery" and it is entirely free from opium, 'cocaine and ull other nar cotics. Accept no substitute for the " Discov ery." There is nothing "just ns good" for weakness, nervousness and debility. "I want the ss;hole world to know what Dr. Tierce' medlclnei have done for me," write" Mr. Helen lIurdgroe, of Baiix", Knox Co,, O., "I had many of the 111 of woman's life. My lungs and throat troubled me betidet, aud I had rheumatism. About a year ago I had to gle up work J was no bad. I had heard so much about your medicine I thought I would try It. I took four bottle of your 'Golden Medical Dis covery1 and '1'elleu,' und by the time I had taken batf of the first bottle I began to gain, and kept on getting better. And now t lae no more of my old allraenu and am entirely cured of rheu matism, I feel like new woman." Dr. I'ierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send ar one -cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or jr btamps for cloth binding. Address Dr. R, V. Tierce, Buf falo, N. V. PITTSJON. SficUii to the S.-raiiton lilhunr. Plttston, March 27. The heavy lain storm of last night and the melting ot snow- on the mountain woodlands to tile north have brought tho tfusiue huntiii river up to a point sixteen feet above low water niaik. and It Is still tlslng. The low farm lands nt the mouth of the Luckawanna, wheie that stream Joins the Susquehanna, river, nte already Hooded. Word has been iccalveil here twin ninghamton to the effect that the Chenango anil Susque hanna have overflowed their banks and that the cellars of houses nenr the riv er have been flooded. Mrs. Annabellc liorman, of William street, this city, was the llrst worthy gtand matron of the Order ot the Knst ern Star of this state and the grand ollleers have given her n fitting recog nition in tho gift ot 11 gold emblem of the order. The presentation was made nt the regular meeting of tho local chapter last evening by W. II. Saun ders, or Philadelphia, chairman of the badge committee. Michael Flynn, for tho past forty-five years 11 resident of Port Orltllth, died at his home at that place yesterday. Tho Itinera 1 will take place Thursday mornliif,'. Rev. W. J. Judd. of Watertown, Conn., 11 Methodist minister, who held the pastorate of tho Plttston church from 1864 to 18G8, Is visiting his niece, Mrs. F. II. Hanker, of West Plttston. General Manager W. A. May, of the Krie company's mines, Mine Superinten dent Sidney Williams, of tho Pennsyl vanlaCoaIcompany:Min)or W. W. Inglis, supeiiutendent of the Hillside Coal and Iron company, and Mr. Miller, an Frio olllelal, made a tour of Inspection of the Pennsylvania Coal company's collleilos In this vicinity today. The ice cream dealers of this vicinity have agreed on a uniform rate for this toothsomo summer delicacy. Thirty cents per quart or thirty-five cents per brick Is the price. The Tailors' union of this vicinity has made a demand on the propiletors lor nn Increase In wages Tor Its mem bers. Druggist O. D. Stroll, or West Pitts ton. will emliaik In the butter and egg business in the store room next to his drug store. Rev. Austin Grillln, of West Plttston. presiding elder of this dlsttlct of the Methodist Rplscopal conlerence, Is hi Syracuse, X. Y., attending a meeting of the presiding eldeis ot the confer ence. Delegations fiom the Jr. O. V. A. M. of this city and other places will Jour ney to Tunkhannoek Thursday evening, when they will attend a social session of the lodge at that place. The state ollleers will be present. AVOCA. A young daughter of Mr. and Mis, James Hartnett is seilously 111 of s-pl-nal meningitis. Miss Sarah Fadden has accepted a position as milliner with Dougherty & Thomas, of Scranlon. The funciul of Mis. I), c. Morton took place yesterday afternoon fiom the family residence on Main street. Services at tho house weie conducted by Rev. D. T. Smythc. Tho sermon was taken from tho worldly lessons of life and the sentiments expressed weio consoling to the grief-stricken friends that gathered about the casket. Tho choir sang1 passages from the Psalms of David. The pallbearers were; Ales Allen, Alex Conkey, C. I,. McMillan. William Stephenson, James Rlerdon, J. II. Anderson. The flowers were car 1 led by John Hustle, II. C. Johnson, William Amos, George Allen. Robert Cranston, John Graham, D. M. Iless ler. Among those from out of town were: John Motlltt and son, Mr and Mrs, John Hamilton, George Allen, M. J. Swift, Dunmore; Misses Daisy Nel son and Mary McCullough, Scranton, Undertakers Donnelly, Cutlet. Hums, Howell, Mrs. John Hustle, Mis. James Handle, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Mttngo Thompson. Plttston, Mr. nnd Mrs. James McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McMillan, Mrs. Henry McMillan, West Plttston; Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrew "Wiley, Carbondale: Mr, und Mrs. D. M. Hesslur. WIIkes-Rano. AV. J. Rennlmnn Is recovering fiom a severe attack of appendicitis, Rev. Father Fleming, of Hyde Park, Pleached a beautiful sermon In St. Mnry's church Tuesday evening. The temalns of Francis, the five-weeks-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Mich ael Leonard weie taken to New Hrlt aln, Conn., on Monday evening for Interment, The Pilmitlvo Methodist bazaar opened In the basement of the silk mill Tuesday evening. The booths aie beautifully decorated and nro well idocked with ornamental and useful nrtlclus, A great many articles will be sold at reasonable pi Ices. Tho Delaware and Hudson com pany hns posted notices at their col liery in lesatd to establishing a fund, which is to go into effect on April 1. Knch member of the association will be charged one day'H pay for his dues. Those receiving 11.20 or more for their day's wages, will receive $1 per day, or In enso of death tho widow will lecelve $50 nnd $3 a week for one year. Those receiving lc$s than $1.20 per day will teeelve 6O0 per duy for one year. Thomas Robinson, of Hcboken. N ,.T Is visiting at tha family residence on Spring street. Tho Hillside Coal company will pay its employes today. Tho funeral of Margaret, the 7-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Dornn, was Interred yesterday afternoon In St. Mary's cemetery. Misses Kate CunnliiRhnm, Noll to Garrett, Maty Gallnsher, Mntgaret Katly, Mabl Allen nnd William Mc Andrew left yestetday to resume their studies nt the Stroitdsburg Notntal school, FACTOnVVILLE. Jp'dil to the Scranlon Tribune. Intlnrjilllf, Mirili 'Jit. MIm t'aiiiiv p.TfJilnicr, f( IVIlnn, pnt Ut r'aluid.iy In tlil yUir. Mii. J)1Im t.'.irr ami fi.nilly urn mmlnj to I1.1II0.1. 'I dry liaxo formal.'- vrcvplri! the l'lkn llOU'l" (1-Mlie II. sijiitot, I,,,, rfnlni the bjkciv nml IiiikIi iuc'ih In Ihe lutoiy ImiIMIus iiihI "III about .iil 1 un iii a flint c1j oljlill'limoni, lb1 will iiild" in I). 1), (i.-mluuV hoav mi M.i 11 slri-et, l.ouU Itilctiliuiy lut iriited the urn iciIiIcihc on Mnln rtrrct owned by tho l.lmlwy Pro . uhrrc he v. Ill move hiri fnmlly Apitl 1. Mi. A. K. Ilii-h will illfpo c( p.ut ot her liou-clu'ld ncrnls nt I'lbllo mlu next t'lldix bo tint Inixlng lor C.uuili ullli lur ilaimlitir.-i. A Jtroiii; Unlit l brluR mt up lien- thN itprhiv; oiralmt thi! uramlnji nf a liquor llcotic foi tl.u 'lk houi. A icinoiMtr.itieo tontJlnlnir iiMtly one Imnilint r, lines ol legal XelrM has tiecn flleil. Ititl ,tnk(t loile, No, ,"2 1, Indep.mli nt Onlif ot Odd rcllowH ol IliU (.late, xvill ftlhmlv cl' braU' tlielr .innlxersiiy on tlic cxvnlni ol April t.1. r.iftnrjllli- iiKftnim.iiit, Xo. -HI. Iiuhuiil. cut Ordir of Odd Ktlloxxa, xxlll iuct In iei? Hf'Ion thM Wrilneodjy iiniinir, nnd tlic mc nml ilcKree xxlll be conlcited. Alt mcmlKit are ri-i(iie5teil to be pirscnl. The Ppwoilli leairnc (onxttitloii lirhl .11 the Mrtl.odUt llpUccpal iluirih In thl Ufo li-t ojtmdiy was xicll attended, then Im-Iiiit many (Hi-bjIh (inn out of imn pre-enl A citcf'illy pirpiird pioRr.iuimn xv.h i-jiiIoiI out and exri) thine worked fur the hiikits f the iiimrntinii. Dintier xxas tuinWiod .it tlic flnntli for the xl llinu dchK.itiv. Nrt l'lid.iy cwnlng .11 the Mclliudi-l pal ihureli the Md'inl Irctutc of tin- .-o.ii-.e ninlir tho ini-plin of tho Mpwnrlh le.iBMf xxlll lie Rlxni, xIi)ii lh inn (lircu, of llonc.-ilalo. M'O pwl and uutlior, xilll appoir lor llio (lift liiii' bofoio a rai'torjxllle auilleiife. lie xxlll n id Irniii hit nxxti xxoiIji, publllird ami unpuMMit'd. TliiH xx ill lio a rare treat and hoiild nut bo mlxcd. Aihniwicn xxlll bo but tin rut. Tho date, Tuelay exmhiR, April n, for the t Mandolin and (tnllar ihili of Hindi. ililto'l. X. V , tn oppiMP r.l the MethnilWt 1'pix'npil (liiinli miller tho .aupiirt of tlio Kpxvoilh Ir.inuo, ins Iitii tlnnitod to a later date ot wlili h duo notirc X' Ml ho glxnn in Ulli cuhuiiu. Kejtpnc iicaddny xxlll lme net xxivk for the Kailrr xjta'lou. I). 1,. tl.ndnei, !Cucfcnlln;r the Inteiuitlotiil Conepon(l(ino chool, of Sciatitnn, In 1I1I1 ill-ltkl, ha .1 xeij ldie xxlndnxx- itiplay In the 1.ICI0 xxlnduxx- nf lllm & Unit. A. I!, llcdill, tho bl.wksniilli, xvill px to lid ton nn April 1, xxhere lie xxlll eomluct a Hhop. tieorifo llolu.'itx died lit his rriidcmc nexr the tunnel laU Monday xxllh i.imer nf the ftniniih. 'Ihn tuncral xxlll be ioihIikIoiI from the ifiihni-,( WedncMlay at 2 n'dmk, Interim lit xxlll bo in Jill in Marl, (einetiix-. Tin- tlrnt tliundir l(nll of Hie v.i.on xlv itcil till t'tace thi exciihiR. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 THFATRIfAl 0 IIUIl IisUI A OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TODAY'S ATTBACTIONS. A.ONTROSE. Speilal to the- Scranton Tribune. Montin-Jo. Maith 27. licit Doikfr. nf l.eiei slihe, i tlio piet of his paivnt in thl place. MIm Mary S. Snillli, xxlio U eniraunl In teirli lnit in ManicliusttM, U pindlnir a xx-oik's tlou at Iter home in tins plarc. llox. A. b. Hento.i, I), 1)., roch tn -u-rpiolunni toiuoimix- tn participato In the en monies it triullut; tho installation of Ilex. V,. V.. ltllcy a-. ralm ot the l'nhjteihn chmch al tint plate. ficorire Vhilc, i niiiliiolnr of the oil .it;"ti, tiox.- lnvurlalci bem-alh 11 line ranx-.iM top xxhlt-u affords ample (irotet tlmi trom the mil and tonii. The canopy H ;i pioduct of the axxiiiujr. tactory of II, Dennis k Sons, of this place. As tho date lor the Hook and Ladder com p iiiv'h reception (prll H) draws lilnlit, Intel. i-t in tin- xxauh mutest ineracl-i and IkjIIi ths .xoun? July eonlestatiltf urn nuking the mo-t of the fixe rciniinini: ilar. Charlis II. Tlllan.x. ol lliookl.xn. xxa tallili; on trlemls hi toxxn tills xxcek. .1. J. Itjan and xxlfo nml Will Ky.m xue sunt rr.cncd to llaleton this xxiel; by the iiealli nf tl.eli- niothti, llicy ep(d lo rt turn nu satur dax. 'Ihe .ulpit ol Zioi liican MilhodM i:pi. .n pal 1hu11.l1. 111..1I0 xaiant by tin- duth of the p.i-tor. Ilex-. II. 11, I'liouiW, xx-ill lie -appli'd until the e lino ot the (onfeionce ,xoji by lln, liaxxiion hihxanU, of this pl.ue. The death of ll.xde, .1 liicloiig rtldent and one of our most highly e.leeiued iltiieiis, oiiuiri-d at lil lionio on Mill Mutl this alter noon at about .'I oMoik. funeral .uraiiiicincnl luxe not ,xil been aimoiUKid, Mi. Ciockir xvjs u xitirau nf the ilxil xx.u and for a pirliiil of ti'eiil.v-lui lui'iilh-. he iinderxxent the axxtul Inf. tuns of the ichel prioi, pm nf the tin at Anh-laonxillo and the balam o at l.lbb.x. lie liexrr leioxered from the eireetk of his expeil- in tlio army and the prison pen Mr. ( locker xxas quite prominent In Itepiililii in jiol iths and xxmji unsxxerxlnir in his ilcx-otlon to his parti. Mr. docker xx-as popular xxiih nil da-sen and his death xxill bo unlxcrs-jltv leirretted bj tlio people among xxhom he has alxeajs llxcd. I.Yt l.fM-'lliu Minphy in V. lUelitlot's Ito. tnuiie," Xliiht. ,M'M)l'MV-"1lie 'llde of Life" VluM IAIKTV "Wine, Women ind -iiiiji" coinpatn- Matinre nml nlxht. Tim Murphy Tonight. 'llln Muiplix, supiioiltil hx the Snl Sinilli u- lell ioniian.x, xxlll appear In "A llJiln-loi's Ito. iiuiHd" at the L.xtcuui tontalit. This I the play xxilltcii for S! Smith Iluc1l by .Maillu Morton. "It Is plijs 1. 1 the upllttlin: nnd heillliy-iiilmlcd tin, such a till is," vi.xs fteorxe (loodale, (n tin- Detiolt I'lit- l're, "that lieiirtlt (ouuuuntlrs and pioxhle a iciion for the theatie's exUteim." "A lliihelor's Humane " I 1 (teiitle faiKX, soothlnR in 11 11 rat Inn and rceklm; of iiintuoui huinov and rpilliit pallio. Hu- pl.iy Is one tn enli't the best (ITorts ol thno clciltd for the xarlou patts ami t lie romp nix- whltli Mr. IteiRer Ins rho'cn is lompcleiil In exety xxa.x. Ml the ihaiailets aio einbh-initic and tjpiiat. .-jlil.l someis I helnir plijed by Doiolhy Mieirnd in a iiiaiiuer tli I I xxliinltiir tor lier the mi-tlnlril prale of the pirs and the hlle, Mnvle Dressier, Fildny Night. "I Am lnollntr for nu Ansel." xxhkh 'li DrcKhr slinrs in Hie iiiii! lomuly, "Mls Prlntt," nexer fills to tret tin' and sl enron. nils roiiR Is ono of ten mii'lcal numbers xiillten for Ihls piece, and uiib: only In 11,1 piece. MPs Drewler Inlsilf Mucs Inc. "MIm I'lintl." the 1011K1I.X xxhiili will bo seen nt the Lxieutii 10 I'lldjy nlnlit, hi playen hut ono xxeek of one lilulit i-land this eason. ll opined In llotun tm a Hie xxeik-' inn, thill pl.ijed fl xxecks in Nexx- irl. at the Ir Mi l.i thcatie and thru fmu ixiek In I liii.ig". and alter this xxeek (toci lo I'lilladi-lphia lor a tun. the piece Is a lonicdx and l in tcipietcd liy forty people and Ihe title mh- Is pla.xed by Ml-s Mario D11 lir. Ihe fumilol xxn nun on the M.iki'. "M10 laughs and the xftuld laughs xvllli hei " is a paraphrase of Kill Whrelci WllroVs faniou lines, which ex.utlx- fits Miss Iu-1it. She Is iini)iie-'iioii.ililv tin- ilcxnot and liumic.l xxoniau en the Ameiicau sUge, Her iicies a .1 tu t. fea-oii has hctn pliuioiiKiial and tlio tomes tn hi' L.xietim thcatie ne-.t I'lidax night diied from a loll)! 11111 .11 c VI1I01I1 thealie, Neix York, and pie-cnls, her eullti- piodiutlon heio as M'cn tlini- xxllli its fpccial -.cincr(x ind a eoiiipiny of foil people. "Belle of New Yotk." (.cuino . Ledeicrs "-liafteshuix tlientn. Lon don, and Nexx- oik Casino suico. "Ihe itclle n. Nexx- Yoik," xxill he seen al the Lxecnm mi Saturday allrinoou and iiIkIiI. Mo't of llio ..oiiilon coiupanx' an still xxllh litis oigaulia t ion, as xxell m a beautiful and slupcly ihorus, xvhlih tiMik lnulon hx- sloiiii. 'llio lecotil of 'Tho Itelle of Nexx- link" In London ha nexer been apprnidicd by jnx otlici .Ameiiean theatil cal prndiut. 'Ihe pioihn tion in lt enllrety xxill be brought to tins ill.i. I lie lostuiiies nf "Ihe Uelle of Xcxv oik" this bfJ.-oil are i-.ii) In be uul ticailtlfill and laz7lintr. Ik in-.' Horn the de-igns and plates of lltiiope's lno-1 ilexci .irti-ts and ilesignri Mc-ie. ' atoii and h'crku- haxe intiodmeil nexx-inu-h and made (iiite a number of chinsc.- In "the Ilelle" this si a-oii, xililrh the pieie blgRcr. brlKlitu and better than ex-ei N-at are noxx on sale "The Tide of Life." 'llio Wulic.'.ter. Ala.. Kx'eiiitig liuzette mw tlio toiloixlng' of "The lid" of Life," xxhich ap pears at the Acadciui ot Mu-le foi the balame of the xieik: " 'The 'llde of Life,' one of the mint thrlllliiK dranils xxhiili liasbcm cin at l.itlirop's Opna lioue in a Ions lime, opined .1 xxcek's encage uient time 1 .1 I exenhig, and the Initial peifonu-aim- wa ecitalnlx u line one. The hoii-e was iroxvihd xxllh an inlcie'liil ludlencr, xxhiili xxas lihetal in it apiil.ui.-e, and xxlilch saxe cxeiv ex inline of hcliig delighted xxlth the prndiKtluii. "llio -.toiy i ,111 i-peeiilli inleiestinir one, ilcating- xxllh the bio.ilmi; of tin- daughter nf n wealthy Judge and the Mik-titutiou of the 1 lilld of a despeiiido, nn .illcnipt to imuder the judge -11 tint the de-pirado's iliihl xxould (omo in for all tin lnonev and utlier rotnplliatisl and villain ous iiiiHe. The wenli cITuts xxcro unusually elaboiato and icilli-tU, and scxcial unique and oligluil lage niedianUlii xxcio introduiid xxhiili xxcie intlicl.x nexx to uite-.trr. "In the fourth ait the elei tioiutlng an is in troduced 'llio villain i mineiod in the Judge's liou-e, lor the ofllieis of the law luxe been xxarnrd tint l.e is time, and his only xxay tn escape I-, to Mxing out ot a table xxhhh runs alio the stiff t from the eciond stoiy xxlndnxx. ut- dor- so, but Jut al this moment, one of Ms pur-uoia turns an clectili tuiient inln the labte, Ihe stage I a blimlinir si cue of liinumei.iblo eleilrie lli-hes and the man is ilcitrotulel " Return Engagement. Ihe l linlrs Lei hiunr Dig Hon Ton Mo.k tum- psny, lint rteelxeil suth cordlat RrertlnB on their Ut to our city, xxill return and she ns another xxeek ol lint olavs icpertolrc, com inentlnu Monday next. On this llt the compiny xxlll glxc us 9 cholre H'orlment of line pla.x, xxllh some n( the old faxorltei, At tho Gaiety Today. Ihe alllaitl'iu at tho tlalctj for thlco days hrini.lnj Tliurlay matinee, xxlll be M. M. TI.cIms' "Wine, Woman and Sour" company ot entiilalniis, one r,l, If not the best ut Its Und on thu road. This oigaiibatluu of fun makers xxlll r.o doubt be xxatnily xxeleoined In Siiiinton. Tlilrsc made many Mend on ac fount ol the rupiilor cntcitalniuenl he Ml lilshcil paltdiis of tho tlllcty xvhen here before The fciuniny this season Is If .1115 thing Let- lir than last nnd Imludcs some of the hfhl kticxxii xainlcxllh' nits In the limine, lii'liidliiit llllhitt and Coldle, lloiilts, I'our Amerliau Timnpelfis, Kluc und tlntlhold, ll.ui'fii and Dim-, and Mlgnon tlllbeil. tif course there U the fhonts of pretty gill, xxlltiout xxhom 110 slum- of Hits kind xxtmld be iniiiplete. Ihu prnjT.iiinm' opens xxllh n mulcal farce luturdy tntllleil the "Viiinleville t late," In-llig a tloxit snllie on tin inaloii ot the xaudexllle stage ly tnany pioinliicnt iliituatle and opctalh- slai. The sptslallv uels tome net, follmx-nl bx a hnikhabh- liiirlcsqne There xxlll be Ihe utlll liutluet" . SUSQUEHANNA. Sptiial to the Pcranten Trlbunsv U'i,i.ili nr.a, .M.111I1 f7. -Ihe "ttd tk.iii-i" 1 toinpaiiv xvill aptcai in llognn upcia litme on Apt II I'!. Ml. I'li.ulntte Lie i -ni.ili-li III at hei hniile on tliand elicit. Mis Tlifinis Miukell Is ill at htr htuiu- on Maple ax 1 line. The ohaiehohiiis ot the Hew milk station it Stextlis' Point xxill jiobibly lent the planl fin iii'olliii car. Thno xi. is u irltbialloii of tlir fonumiiilnn li, t ln!i llibiiipal e hnn I lliollllllg. I'.liuii-u lipoil cm liable xxl.ciliii; The uqitfh.intia I al high xx'.Uei- tniik .lohn O'llrltn, .1 rtoii" tutlcr, xx-as jip Moinli,x alliljiwn locked up in .the bomugh ehileaii It a'-atillliig (iioige I!. I'tVn, a M 1I11 tieit ti lauiaiitei. lilef MiMihon did the eiollltiK ait. tin Tti'-nil i allniiooii .lu-the (Jhaoti -eii-t'tiicd O'lltiin tn pij tots and be litipilnneil in the boitiiiKh loiknp txefiil four hmu. Itui i,is Mt.Matiou iuiuiiol.ilily released D'Hilcii 011 tlio Riouiid thai 1 Jutllti of the pe.110 has 11" lighl lo -.(ntetiio n pii-oiiii In Incineration m Ihe bnrouuh lot klip. The Willing llilpna ol I lie Axtix M11I0.IM iliuitli xxlll hold .1 supper ou I'll. lay night :,t tilt- home of Cm- 11, Hon. Ill Oakland. The up- j pit- xxlll be inc. lu.t ,1 chant)' xxill le glxeti I tl.oo xxlm alttud In make a fiee-xxill oflcilng to a pme tor the p.i-toi, lliv W. M. IJoutnn. , Min Kale M. l'o, an irlieineil 10-hhiil of tin Oakland side, l about lo luki up lu-i ic-i I dtiiio in 'Ihonisoii. ihe Helping Hand -otiei) ol Ihu MtthotiM lihiuih Hid at the paisonngi- this afleninou. I . I,, Sthlllei I picparlug In icmoxe tn Mian Ion. Ml. Miihouex .itui - 1 1 . late of I.juicI stnet, ha lemoxed to Nranlou. In the mattil of the loutentioii bclXNCii the Lrio eiigln-eis and Ihe Chicago publldiem of the book, "The Llxcs of Kile llngiueers," .1 t'hltago iuilge has gianltsl an Iniuiictloii iiMialning He piibll-heis from luilhtr pirvccutloii ol atlath mint suit-. Ilex-. Ik It. ot "iiaiiloti, puaile-il an able M-nnon In tlul't Kpliopil ihuich this extning THE MARKETS. WaII Street Review. Nexv oik. Mauli 2". the iiioxriutnl of lo di's stoik inaikel xxas innfiidng und tin uiitur In Hie tat degtte. The dealings xxcie lilgh. pioiit'loiul and there seemed to be .1 ionl't xiaglnv betxxieu a bull folloxxtuv and 11 btci tnllnxxlug each side cemmandlng the sirvhos of milieu t the oldeset slut most sl.lltitl piofes-lolnl npeiutors In the sliest, Tlie inaikil I'pent'tl xxlih the llillueme nt 1,11 night's upH.iiil iuh still manliest lull Hie stlllng In lake pmlils can rd 11 ileiline to st in almost Initneillatily v foinsl jirlcert itty gtiicrally behnx hi night lexel, The liellng ot depression xxas praitltalt.x nxiiiome dating tho flist hour mid during Hie lest ol the day there x as it suctissloii of ml Xamis of illflennt (oil.s eaih ilex elopmt lit ol nexv slirtglh cau.lng but a slight ipinons- In the ftr11cr.1l inaiket and being luxarlalily sue netled lie a loalixliiir nioxetnent ixhkll cllliid ptlies lurk all the xxax (rom a fr.utloti of I iiolnts. 1'i.utleallv eaih hom ilurliiK tin' diy hid its puliation Of this sort. Iliulliigloii ami Nottlitrn I'ai llio xxeie toiispltiimt In the uisH' ety, und ltli Made nexv icionl prices. Tlio e eltiiiient ioe in Noilhcm I'ailrto, xx-as I point, nnd In Iturlliulnii !'. The belief that Ihe ioal inliieis' strike xxill be axeiled afftfted tin Coalcis, and the Morgan sloths gtiieially inoxed In sxinpalhi In this liioxeincnl Hie Ihli, th llciidliigs ami the southern lallxxax stotkt ill moved slloliglv upxxald. Among the spulalths vigar, Ihntrnl Lletlile, t'oloiitilo I'uel and the lli-bber sloths xxne 1 oniliuoif. Itubber Pie 1 leiicd ilslng T'r. t'nlon I'.ulilo xxas hraxy I lliioughout. although it itcottud shaipl.x tn 111 I the hmiit. Total sales today, I.MT.-J'I llie bord nilikit xvas sliong nnd totilliiucd hi moitgage, due 11CI 115 l)!"kwu M.nufai luring Co I.jiLj. Ti.vMi-hlo School ! tier icnt. ... ixe. sales im xalue. :,mvii. fnlt.-d jiu of Snanton St. Inin. fl ptr Males lis .nliatKid i ami uhl Is ii'allii"d ' ; cent W FINANCIAL. BOND OFFERINGS PAYING 3.18 TO 4.05 Per Cent. Centinl R. B. of N. J, Gen. 5s. Fin., Cent. & Pen. Con. 5s. Gal., Hnr. efc San Ant. 1st 5s. Iown Central By. Co. 1st 5b. Lake Shore Refunding 3 l-2s, Minn. Gen'l Elect. 1st Con. 5s. Minn. Si St. I. Con. 5s. Norf. & West. Imp & Ext. 6s. Nor. Pfic., St. T. & Duluth 4s. Peoria & Pckln Union 2d 4 l-2i. nio Grande & West. 1st 4s. Coinplete Circular List on Applicable n 1001 (Pocket Edition) now ready. Spencer Trask & Co. 27-29 Pine Street, 05 State- St., Albany. NeW VOfk tw mt hoi) this ptr i rut. on the last call The foUo.vinc qtifllitloii nie fil-n sbe.l The Tribune by M, S. .Ionian ft Co, looms TiliTW MMri buihbue, Semnteu, I'a, Irlcphoiit- jni; u-g. Aiiioioaii ,uu mtrhati Tob.un, Alth . To. e. S. l't A.. T & .. I' l'i llri'Hiklvii Tiaclion Halt. .V: Ohio . .. C'tit. Tob it mi . .. (Its. ,,- Ohio . . elite. .. (i. V .. Chic. II .X; (,i .... St. I'anl Ilotk Maud IHnxMie V lludion 1 iitkaxxatini ban x. Ti .. I'r .. lanii. A . . M.mhitlan I'.le Mil. Tint lion Co . Mlssouil I'ai Hit ... "nnlhi'iii Pjcillt- .. NoilolU A- Xeleiu N'orlh. Iiilti .... Willi I'.ultV', l'i , K. Y. C.ntial Did. .V. Wttl ... . l'i una. It. It I'aill.o Mall Hi ailing Ileailli'e, IV .. . Nml hnn It. I! . . NllltlltllX II. II.. l'i 'l'i 1,0., i.. & ll 'ii C. . Leilher ... . f. s. la'atlier I'r .. Cnloii I'aclflii fulfil Pac-lno, I'r .. Wabash, Pi Wesliin t'nlon .... c. r. i 1'lOples lias So. S Texas Pacific ni. ( ai- roundly . f. - Meel Co . . . Ill I W,i i ot)', . . 'MU I'l "I c. . . . Ill', li.V'j'-lui lls's lllgh- et lli'a 1.' '. ...,lis'i ....ifiti; .. 10T .... ;', . . . -iti-i .in1 ...I-V.1, lltc ... Ill' J . . -.1', lllt.'.l-li ..'"isili . ..Iltl'j . ... Vi ....fil'i si.. ' .. .ha; 71' . Tn'.. .. .sl'j .... ri T.Vj ... . .. !lSs . .. II .... S'l'J .... -.Jlj . . . .Ws .... W, . .. .v. .... -V .... i -.V, Ml'i n; fi !., ii's ll'l's I''s 1W. 1'iT ' ltM L'I', Low st 11' Ml', is, Vs'i Mil, It's 111', .'.I p.T IIV.3 IJ. Ull l"i .li". let Ull, ( los ll'lt Ut's I'.'j I'M, VI l(. 'I'. no, i '! i 1117', PC St raiiton Iraitioii fi per cent 115 Sctnutou Wholesale Market. it oiicuci! bv 11. tl. Ilile. i" Latkawanni Av ) Iliilltr-Cnauieix, Jl's.ii'i ; diliy. Hai'-c. tleesi- full ilelin. lial'tl. Dags-Wi-liiti iit-h. II lo IHje : wtrvf Male. It' j t" IV.. . Ilc'iii -I'.i bu. ihniir uiaiioxx, is.' Ma." ,a). Pel Ileal I'll bu.. W.I5a2.fO. Miillum Ihans-P r bu.. i.lnail.V (irecn Pens -Per bu., Onion Per Im.. l.tOil..Vi. I'loiii -lb -I patent, ptr hid., l lo llrd Ktdii x lleali -Per bu.. 2.I3jJ.JO. lull .lo: IH2'K I'M'. !.' .vn, Ml", V.''' llo'i .IP. lU'i .! if He's. .-.I'... ''!a Ol', ln7'a il-.'-s y, T.'.'i J!.i, T'l", ,i7'.'. l.'.s 7.V. 'il', "i -.1' liii, :,",' Ts's '''j 1.: rv; tl's el'-a (i.i, v.ii; lot's HONESDALE. S ccisl li. the cranton Tribune. Ihnie.ilile. .March .'7. -A liin k i k lur !.it Hook end L.i'Mer itiiupany has been plated on It. V. Pinxtarih-ii's strait. giM mill. L. O. I!n-e and ilaugliler, Mi Vlrnle, a, ' -o Jotnnins: at Atlantic I H.x Hon. C'h.irlcH A. mil Mi- Mtl.utliy ne In llaiiu-hiirg Ibis xieek. The annual lutvlli.g ol the llonedale tin pioxenunt an(iallnn xxlll be held In the toxin hall tn Monti iv, April I, al .i p. in. Otticeis lor the -ii-ulni; xcar xxill l- iltited and Ihe .nali.x ltoils of the .K-ocI itlcu lead. llio r.exv lion bridge In i-oiiim' ol innstniiti.n at the foot ot Second stieet xxill soon bo leolr for planking. 'Ihe ptiblh ihcol- ol llonesdalo xxill t lo'e on I'rhhy for im La-lu x.u-atinii of one xxetk. Maliajier sllxemtone has soiiunl living: 1'ien, h and a talented company of aiti-ls tor a iliue right ii ganmiflit al th llonesdalo opeia lioue. ciiuinet t Ins lids Cll.iu-lii) exciilug xxith l'ie roai'ug ton.edv thama cnlilltd ".V lluiiixrax Wife." Tile gtratcit on the i.,ol to diixc axx.n the blue Ailmls-ioii lo. "il and .!) ftit-. I'll r il spefla'tlcs and luuiiii.; phliiit". Tie nieiihaniliM' In Hie sIok of William Mef. filling k sf.n, xxllth xv under Ux.x by tlic t.i fo'ilectcr and ihdllf. xxa hid In at Ihe sale this n.oinl;: by Ms,rs. Adam Kiafl and L. Il.irll.uei i' iriiNtci t Milt jt- and s.inia l.'ovilu. in l.oxxei ( jl. ' their me'snino slt.x tliou-and btaiiu; date trees, the fruit from xxliiih is eported in unhide packages, containing al..,nt flltv pi'in.l e.ith. hi:ai'. .lulv Max cons. .Inly Max NI'.W YOIIK Cl!l Open' Ins. .... sn'l sd', li's MVnKLT. .11'. Jo''. I' ""'i pm li., I. .l'i low. I'.'', 'SI I "I's I'a tin's IV, r.i's M. .!,', 7 1 -', 'S'S 7'J'i l-'i 7.V, H i; "I'a III, X'.t, .-.I',, ln, -'-'' rt "f CHICAf.O n hi:a r. Max- Jiitj conN. May ... . .lull OATS. Max .... I'OHK. .lull . ... May .. . LMIH Max . . , ITU , l7- tilt A IN O.ioil. ins. . 7.-.1. . 7.V4 . !!' . U''s I. "I 111 11.7:! High-e-t. MIS, Mi's 17", ts Low et. M.' Mil. 17', I73. MAllixiH. Willi- tow rst. i-t U'. IJ flo lie.-. ens, " l.-'a I CI..S in.-. T-.r. li.f. ivn fill I ri.ii U'j :-, ivii New Yoik Gintn nnd Pronuce. Ne iul Xl.inh '7. -IToui-Mcailv ami n,'l tiattlt aillxe Im ilinli, brand. YX.hcat S.t I tlinr. Si. J nsl, .!; I. n. b. llloatin. iisl, 7i".. thxaior. N . I noiiliin lliihilli, NiV. I ,t. I., utlnii: -iilli ii- i-ii.nli all ilav but dull; , lived llio i al l,.i". n-'l adiiime: Mij lined , iis,.; .lull. s-,i.; s.'pltu.bei, s,ii,c. loiir s.l lulu. No. .'. Is. tlnalor ami ll-i-, 1. o, b. alloii, optlmis lilily irons and tlo-ed at 'i.i'..o. ii"t adiaine; Matth 1IW1I IOe.1 Mix, In.: .lull. I7't : Stpttmbei, I7'5f. Oit -pol -ttaib, No !.'ji ; So. .!. .Wit.: So. 2 xxlillf, nj'-J.i.u:. . : So. I xxhlle. .!.'..; Irok mined xit.lein, .:oi:;iat'.j iuik xxlilte, .I'a:;.; oplioni lit in bill iile! Ilutlii I'liiu: lieli nci.iry, ti;.r'.',.; fattuir, uall'ji.: hullatloii cieanicr','jt., -tat'- diin. fnsh. I'n.'lt. Chcc I'iiiii; lain l.uut inloiiil and xxhlti. IHIl'ic.; fain vni ill .uli'inl. U'j.: fimx -mall xxhlle, Uali',!' Puss vnk.; sljlo and I'tnn.xlxanli. lifialt',! . xi-e-ttiu. llL-al-'.c. ; southern, VU UL'i Clilcnpo Grain and Produca. lliliai.1. Xldi.h i7.-- fhnifi' iimlettniii' In uliiili loiiliti" li. xx plaie.1 Its part was oWerv. able In the main luatkitv twin-. Coin, xxhiih xxas ihe mofl ntlixi, i loved tii'lc hluher for May, xxlillt- chicil V. ami oats a shad impioxeil. Pioxi-ioii xxcie dull and Irrepdar, ilovhiK U'io. Iilirhcr It. as hade lower. Cnli limitation xine a- folli.x.'s: lTonr Steady, X". II spiiiiK xilieat. M...V.: Sn. 2 lid, 7."a7')!,se. ; Xo. ' i tun, llr-ill',i ; No. -' 'ilhixr. Ilic; So. oal, -Jfit'.. No. i xx Idle. Jn'ie.; No. :t xxlilte, 'Ji'j a'''.t.; So. 'i ixe, .Vkialo. ; good feedlnK barley, mat's , tali' lo chuli ! nialthiK. IsaWJc; Xo. I Max fCtd, I.V.; No. I liorthxx-estein. sl.Wi; llinothv sied,; ines pork. flS.,0ali 05; laid, S.12'i i.l.".; sholl libs. S7.fita9.10; diy i..ill,il shouhlois, (,"i..'ie. . shoit clear vide, vi,n.iS..W: hlvkex. M.'ll! Simar. cut loaf, .O!' lllillllllalid. v.- 7. Chlcaco Live Stock Market. I Int. mo, M.iith '!7.--CatlIe Itrcfipls, pi.tsui. I Scranton Board of Trnde Exchange Quotations AH Quotations Based on Par of 100. 6T0CKS. Hid. Aiketl. First Xalioiat Pank t'jon Scranton saxine Hank ;:n Thiol Xatlonal Hank tsti lliuie Deposit and liivioiini lluiL . 27 1 Lconomx Ltfjlit, II A. P. Co Licka. Trust Sale Deposit Co M' ClarU .t Snoxer Co. Pr li Scranton Iron V nee K Jiff. Co Scranton Alio Works Lai ka-vatira Dairy Co.. Pr (Vaunt x' Six Iocs Mink .; Tiu-t to.. :;i) Fust Xalional Bank (Carbondsle) Standaid Urllllns Co Tradri,' Xatlonal Hank Itj vintiiton lloll und Nut I o 11.1 B0.M1S. Scranton l'a'iiser llallxxay. Hut Mottsace, due 10.ii) 113 People's- stieet Railway, flnt mort- ca.-e. due 19111 Ill People! Street llailxmy, Oeneral l'i ion Hi SO jiii 30 t,,. ln.ltix. '.iio Tt'viiif. t holte sli els. steath: nth- I il atllxe al sliulit ileiline; butchers' stent 1 idi-ailx- i-Mipt ciuieis; Texan, steady; flood tn pilnit' lin. M'.'.ifi; poor lo medium. !.70i ' I v.-,; Motktis and fitdei. film. .i.t0at.7S; cow-, I s,j.unl.l; htiin. .7.;.il.ii; fanners. 2a3 r,i); 'bulls, sic.iili. s.' tti; talxe., steady, Jl.Ila I .', 7.1: Texis fid lul. "ta'i; Texas Rn steer. svt.; T'txav bull, sleidj, tlxe fais, fi.7,'.it.7i. Ilnus- lttttipt loilix', tomorioxx-, -jossi; hit our, .;,.Vi; opciictl about steady forchohc, mm. I ile.ii.imi : 1'ilxnl mil butchers, vVS.Virt.15; boo.I lo i htm i' hem, snati.l.l; roiiah lidxy, s."i s'.a j.'..".; li'.'ht. K-ivcalit'l; bulk nf siles. Jvi.Kii iiojlii. vlu-ip llciipl. l.",'MOs sheep and lamb-. .ilnil -leatly; isihmI to ihoite xxetheis. ' v.vii.i.-,.u"; fill lo thohe mixed, l..sal.v,: I xxerlirn sheep. v.Ni.-,tl",; yearlliiRR. sl.S0a.M-: n.iHx-i- l.iinb. v.7.-,,i5 pi; wevtein lamb. M'i 1 '. Ml. Oil Mnrket. I Oil lilx. Xlai.h 'J7.-Cic.lil lulahies. 1 BO itilhcalts i It si.l onimt nt I.27j shipment. I v-,.;m baiiils; axeiaae, s,H'i band; run. ', I l'rj hands; axuauc. V7l'i luliels Simulsh Miners, Stiike. lit i:xduixp Wile fiom llie Associated Pie. M.uliid, Maidi JT. 'lliiee llsmiind miners haii . ,nii I, ai Ihe low n nf Hnindnxai' del Camp.), Hoik has stopped and Ihe mines ire flooded. 1 X - X X -X x- X X X X- X X X X V- X X X V X X X X X ! X- X X X ! X X- X X ! x v x ! ! 1 A . v i i i y i v v l v 4 v v i v i vi vi v vi vi v v v i v v i fe: TIME'S UP! Or nearly so. You will be counted out If you don't get here this week as this will Ir POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK OF THE GREAT FIRE SALE On Monday, April 1st, 1901, we will APRIL FOOL YOU on the Fire Sale by opening up with our s' new SPRING STOCKS of Shoes and Oxfords. Watch for the GREAT TRANSFORMATION SCENE. ' i To do this we must clean out the balance of our present stock at LESS than Fire Sale prices. It consists ; of such goods as these : FOR MEN I giigrjg I FOR LADIES The "Stetson, The Johnson & Hurphy, AMR Wichert and Gardiner. Marry H. Gray's Sons. The "Just Wright," The Crawford" and n,,u The "Domby," Krippendorf Dittman Co., Richard & Brennan Union Made, "The World's OXFORDS Ziegler Bros., Best" Footwear. UArUIIUO p Cox.s celebrated Infants' and Children's Shoes 1 LEWIS, RUDDY, DAVIES & MURPHY 330 Lackawanna Ave.; Scranton.