mSSXSMti frw' iw! '"" fNfmmVvv 8 THE SCRANTOX TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, MARCM-I 28, 1901'. tSt WEST FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE ALDERMAN OWEN D. JOHN FIRST IN THE FIELD. Petition Now Being Circulated Urg ing Recorder Molr to Favor Him In the Appointment West Side Cen tral Republican Chili Patrick Mc Nnlly Committed In Default of Hull Doy Injuted In a Peculiar Manner Knife- Lodged In His Leg. Other News Notes and Personals. I'mler thf sot mid elm's iity c baiter West Sctiiutou ! entitled to u police mnglsiiati. Tints fur onlj one nppll I'Hiit has made known publlciv his iih liliatlonv. He is Alderman nwen . John, of the I'muilr vvn'd. Ills "IIIco is doe li Mil n.illri' ma i Inn mid he In Mil- oldest magistrate In lailni of N-ivIi'i' In West Scianton. A petition l m being t Initialed In hi" behalf West Side Republican Club. Tli ui cr" of tli'1 i or out open meet ing ol Mu VV.-vi Side (Viitrut Uepubll- mi lull, when lion. Thomas II. Dab iiKr mi Tin' Slilti Subsidy Mill." tins Mi ounigod ill" I'oniinllti'i' lo lutthcr iiT.wijp lor .ifl'iilis of Mil" kind. In nil pioh.ihlliiv n iIIhi'iimmIiiii or debate will I).' In hi nt tin' Apt II is uniting. Tin- Milj"i! ami Mif speakers lute noi -i been si'li't ti'il. lint will d" .111 i iiitin i il In ilm time. A meeting of Mif I'lilUllllltee will lie held ill the dub -nine time lii the near fill tit to nr lullge the details. Tlllle Is II gellelul llelllallll I'lOlll tile niciiibois tor ii talk on the i Inner hill and seeond i luss ilty affnli.s hy City Solli Itof Vushlirg. l!"i'Hlder .Mull or Minn nil" e'.e who Is I'aliiill.n with tile subject. Patilck McNally Committed. I'.ililek Alt .Willy, of Ilatiil plaee, who wits attested lute Tuesday night by I'.itlfillllilll Kl.ill 1'eteis, while III the int of simiing t hh kens, ami who was .hut hy the otllni, w .in given ii hear ing hefnif .I.ims ened.iy limnilng, anil In detiuilt of $L'0i) li.Ul av eoinmllliil lo the eonnly Jail. .lohn Mc.Yully. h hiother of I'.iddy. In i. .me engaged In an alleitJitloii with a fellow named .lohu pa vis, over (he -liiKitluK-. and a fight resulted. In wlileh i 'unstable John Lain e, I "win .ii Inn iah and Patrolman Tom Kvnnn i nine togcthci. I'atioliuati I'elers ii!m look ii luinil .iml McXnllv and Davis ABOUT THIS TIME LOOK ( COUGHS out for i ana lulu take: DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. This Is Not A Fire Sale It is merely an extraordinary bargain opportunity that will continue for a few days in order that wc may get rid of the goods damaged by water during the progress of the recent fire in Williams & McAn ulty's store. The loss has been satisfactorily ad justed by the insurance companies, and the damaged wares go ou sale today at S. a. m. Wc are anxious to make this sale as short as possible, It comes at the wrong time aud interferes with our regular season's trade. Consequently, all goo'ls offered will go at "Throw4way" Prices Today The Damaged Goods Include Laces, Trimmings, Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Embroideries, All-Over Tuckings, Art Goods, jarns, Corsets, Wash Dresses, jYlisses' and Children's Coats, Eadies Dressing Sacques and Wrappers, Down Pillows, Feathers, Etc. As well as many other odds and cuds from other de partments, The value of the good damaged by water amounts to about $15,000 in all. We'll let this lot go for a fraction ol that sum, however, iu order . to get an immediate clearauce. Saie Begins This Morning at 8 O'clock Globe Wareboiise SCRANTON vvete each lined $? and committed default In Knife LodgedMn Boy's Leg. A number of boyH vveit tormenting rutilck Kinney .eterdny. while his was engaged at work In Wilson's butcher Mhcip on Wnidibiirn street, and when their louduct became reprehen sible, Kinney picked up a. butcher knlfo and threw II Into the crowd. Tim blade lodged in the leg of Oooigo Woodyuttt, a lud icsldiug on Four teenth dicel. An ii(,ly fleHi wound resulted, and after Dr. Hcach had put several stitch es Intci (he Ilesh, a warrant was sworn out for Kinney's arrest. He was ar raigned before Alilcrman Pavies and nuked to furnish $300 hall. In default of which In- was lemitudcd to the stir lion house for (ho nkht. Deferred Morringe Notice. It has Just been learned thai Lewis Williams, of L'ICT Uriel; nvenue. Ninth Seranlon, and .Miss Casslc PjivK of 1-1 South (laiilcld avenue, were united in iiiHiiUgt on Jaiiu.ny II by Alder man I., '"i.vies. The v.eddll.f; has been kept a seciel foi rcifeiiH until now ami Mils announcement will no doubt cause much Miiptlsc. The bride Is the daugh ter jf llr. and .Mis. John Davis anil is a veil Known and popular young v.niii.iii. .Vlderm.i i Davles had linen weddlug.s slnco the tltsl of the year. They 01 ( lined on .Ian. II. Feb. I J anil .Man h II. Tlii iipM Is nxpei'leil .ibotil the middle .I Apt II. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. JSew .1 Telleuli. D. D.. superlnleiid ent of foreign missionary woik of thu K'lieral council of the Luthcian church, will pleach In St. .Mark's Lutheran chutou on Friday evening nt 7.11 o'clock. The subject of Dr. Telleen's discourse will be "Foreign Missions." ('Luke Hrotheis nie making elabor ate pieparatlons for their annual spiin;; op nliiB. A sou was luirn on Tuesday to Mr. and Mi. (.renrgf Davis, of South Me bece.i avenue. , The Young Ladles' auvillar.v of the SlmpMin Methodist cliuuli will meet on Saturday evening. Instead of Friday, at the home of Miss Itachel 1'i'ck, 11 lei stieet and avenue. MKs A'iriii i ainbert, of Lafayette street, eiiiertalned friends nt a sitr- pilse pai'y on Monday evening. Merchant William Hruulug, of North Main avenue, has puicliaed a new team of browns. They were sel"cted by Dr. Sutton and are well mated. Class No. 11, of the Hamilton Street Methodist Kpiscopal (.liureh will inn dint a poverty social and entertain ment In Mi" let Hue loom next Monday evening. An Ice iieani so. will be held at the home of Mrs. James 1'. Harris, .W Kvans court, from ;! to 10 p. in. today. Cake and cream will be served. The proceeds will be given to the Second lrsbyterlan i liureh nilshlou on West Lackawanna avenue. The building committee of Camp No. ITS. Patriotic Order Sons or AuiMlci. met last evening and discussed Miu heating nppllnncpH to be used In their new building on North Alain nvenue. The woniVn'H clans will meet In the .Simpson Methodlist Kplscopal iliurcii tomortov", Aldeim.iu Davles placed n splendid picture of the 'mean-going steamer Oceanic In Ills olllcu yesterday. The Sunday school of the Fourth Ward Hatlst mission will conduct u lO-cnt lea ami ffrolce social on Knslei' .Monday evening at their building on North riarllold avenue. James Treatlng.einployod ns alahoiei' In the t'ontlneutal mine, had his Ipr broken and back Injured hy a fall of coal while nt work yesterday. The blue boxes for the benefit of the iiiipsuii .McMiodlst Kplsropal church will Ik collected ut n meeting lo he held In the rhtiich Mils evening, when an ela borate programme will be ren dered. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. V K. Johns, Mic Main nvenue shoo met chant, went lo New York yester day on a purchasing trip. T. Owen (-liailes, of Tripp I'.itk, vis-It-'d friends In Stroudsburg yesterday. .Miss Kale Conner, of l'.lterson. N. J., who has been visiting Dr. and Mrs. W. J. ii. Davis, nf North Main avenue, leturncd home eslerdny. Dr. It. S. .Sutton, the vetcilnafy leturned home from a week's stay his father, Dr. I. "!. .Sutton, of l.inreton, who has been very 111. with Dor- DUNMORE DOINGS. Changes in Legislation Which Will Effect the Borough Tonight's Lectin e in M. E. Church. A bill was llllioiluced In Mie liollso of repipsent.ulves at Jlurrlshurg yes terday by Mepref-cntatlves James that will, If passed, niter the conditions here very materially. Tlie hill provides for the appointment' by the court of two couiuilm 'ii nnd two school dliretorn from emu ward to serve In conjunction with those already elect ?d until March, 10u2. It also provides that hereafter these two olllces shall be tilled by wuul elec tions, as Is now the case In other bor oughs throughout Mil.' state not wink ing under special art, as Dunnmri 1 at pieseill. Kaih ward is to be represented by two counellmen and two schools illrcelors, who are to lie elected for a term of two yen. Tonight's Lectin e. Tonight ai the Methodist LplM-opal church occurs the l'ouith of the seiles of lectin cs being given there. I lev. . !. Simpson will give a. series of read ings from tin works of Inn Mai.lfucii, which have been very favorably ie celved wherever thty have been licatd. It Is said that the speaker possesses: a rich Scotch dialect, which enables him In Intel pi et the work of the noted author In a very elfoetlve manner. BOROUGH BREVITIES. Iti'W Do (iroff, a Simda. ni'lmul mis sionary with heailquartein nt Topeka, Kansas, dplhvied a very interestlnj; uildn'RM upon the 'onditinn ol' mission work In tlm far west last nluht at the regular prayer inetiupr serviie at the I'rcsbytoilni: churih. At the niHt'tiiiK of the Improved Or der of Odd 1'Vllown nijjht the fol lowing olllrorx wen- t'lei'lcd for the t'li Mihitf term: Xoblo grand. Hairy Ed wards: vln Brand, CluiMlan Kellei ; iwonllns secretary, llany Klzer: tru.s. tec. Oeoigo W. Harper. The Installa tion win take place on April IT. 0 Hirers for tin- ensuing year will bo elected at Hie meeting of the Hed Men wlileh takch plaee tonight. All .special odlcers are requeued to turn over their stars to Chief of Police 1' J. Healey before April 1. The HarbeiH' union will moot ut. the usual place this evening. Local Xo. 17'., 1'nlteil Jllne Woiker.s of America, will meet tonight at Man ley's hall to receive dues and Issue working cards. f'ons hnn comes lo the homes of Mr. and Mis. John Million, of Monroe avenue, and Mr. and Mis. Own Car ney, of Fifth street. Miss Xettle MeHnle has returned from a visit of s-everal weeks spent In New York city Miss Lucy Decker it. visiting friends In Haw ley. Miss Clarissa .Morgan, of Plymouth, is isltlug friends In town. U. M. Holtham. of Uiiighamlon, In vlbltlug lricnds In town. 0REE1N RIDGE. The Amity Llleiniy and Debating society will hold its regular weekly meeting at the home of Albert Xet tleton, corner Adams avenue nnd (Jreen Uldge btrcet, this evening, when the following programme will be ren dered: Debate. "Uesolved, Thnt the I'lilted States should irjluln Cuba": nf firmnilve, ltussell Dower; negative, Chailes II, Tobey; paper on Japan hy llaiold Kennedy; paper on China by Albert Xettleton. A. a, Thomnsoii, of North I'arlr, lias leturncd from I'hlladeliihla. A tegular meeting of Ureen Hhlgo lodge. Independent Older of Odd Fel lows, will be held this evening In Ma sonic hull, Dickson avenue. Election of otllcers will take place. Mis. I Ian lot Daitrniu, who has been I ho guest of Mis. C. H. Tobey, has returned to her home In Susquehanna Mr. and Mis. Alfred Harvey enter tained a few young people very de lightfully at their homo on Wyoming avenue hist evening, In honor of their daughter Myitle. The Ladles' Aid society of the Pies. iiyterian cliurcn regret to announce that owing to the serious Illness ot Mr. Maimer, the Kalllr boy chorus will not be able to give the entertainment to moriovv evening. Further announce merit -will be mado If they can arrange lo come within a week or two. If not, the money will bo reiunded to those who have purchased tickets from the ladles who bold them. 'Ilii iiiuMu coition ol the f.r'eii Itlditt Wo man' i-tuli will meet ut the ( oiisfiutcu- ot Jlmle on '1 hiir.da.v in'.inlnsr, 03 it HJi) o'i loi SONS OF VETERANS' CAMP. It Is to Be Held In Lebanon Next June. Preparations aie under way for the ritnto Kncauipiiier.t of the Sons of Vet-fi-ans. which will be held In Lebanon some linn In June nnd remain in '"'sslnn iieuily a vvecK. About UOn dcleK.Uis will attend and fully 1,200 sons will enennip In that city during that week. Hesldes the huslnebs which bo transacted iho delegates and others at tending usually malm this their nnnuat outing and theie will bo a number of attinctlvo fentitics that doubtless will drou." Imhi crowds to Lebanon. I Positive Proof from Scranton Can't Be Brushed Light ly Aside, The render la forcd lo million ledge that convincing proof In ills own city Is pre-eminently ahead of endorse ments ifroni every whPio eUe In our le ptibllc. Head this: Mr. William Morris, of a.'u Lacka wanna nvenue, a member of the llrin of Morris llrothers, one of the hugest rctnli hoot nnd shoe stores, lit Mils city, says: "I used Doan's Kidney Pills and you can put me down us say ing that in my estimation they are n first class remedy. They called tins completely of n dull aching pain across my back nnd shoulders, which hud been giving me much trouble for the past year. 1 am not much of ii hand at taking patent medicine, but In Jus tice of the merit of Do.iu'h Kidney 1'IIIrt 1 feel It my duty to give them my endorsement, and I take; pleasure In recommending them lo any one that 1 may hear complaining nf backache." For sab by all dealers. Price, f.O i cuts. Fosier-Mllburn Co., Huffalo, N. Y.. sole agents Tor the United .States. ltemi'iuher Mi" name. Doan's, and take no substitute SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. James Connell Lodge, Odd Fellows, Elected Offlceis Xnst NiRlrt. Other News Notes. Al the leglllar meeting of the Jnmei Conii'.'ll lodge. No. ITll, Independent Older of Odd Fellows, held last even ing at Freuhnn'H hall, otllcers were elueted for the ensiling term of siv lnoiith.i. They ale: Noble giand, Fred V. Hose; vice grand. Jtobcrl A. Scott; -ce-letaiy. William Lush: nslstant secie taiy, Charles Stone; ticasmer, Chailes Kacstnei. Their installation will take place at tin neXu regular meeting, on April hi. At St. Paul's Church. Nineteen children of St. J'.iul'h church, on Prospect avenue, will le eclve the Lord's supiw at the hands of Rov, A. r.allhotn, pastor of ithe ihuich, next Sumiiiv morning at lC.S'J o'clock. They aie; AVilllain Heivseg, Kreder Ick Votz, Fritz Loweustelu; Itobert Dcinmes, August IDlnkel, Charles Hn gel, Michael Thlede, Charles Sclunltz, Conrad Huiiperty, Hrnest Sinlske, Wil- Ham Adlot, Theodoie WIdner, MMiy Omif-chke, Maggie Kaiser, Maiy Kia mer, Lizzie Oeftering, Lena lloth. BREEZY BITS OF NEWS. The young men of St. John's chut eh InJcnd cignnlzlng a glee club, and nil young men who wish to Join should report at the basement of St. John's church this evening at 7.311 o'clock shaip. The .Scranton S.u ngeriunde mei for lehrnrcnl last evening In Athletic hall. Tho Young People's .society of the Hickory St ret I Presbyterian church will hold their monthly business meet ing Thin i Mlay evening at S o'clock. All members are icquested to be present. After the ni'etlng there will be an en tertainment anil i-ocinl. CONCERT BY THE STUDIO CLUB. Earl Gulick. the Boy Soprano. Will Be Heard nt It. What promises to he the musical event of the season Is the concert Mon day evening, Apill H. at St. Luke's Palish House by the Studio cluh, Miss Cordelia Freeman, director, assisted by Master Karl Gulick, the famous boy so prano: Miss Julia Clnpp Allen, violin ist'. Miss Charlotte Hlackmnn, pianist. Kail Gulick tanks as the tlnest boy soprano In the world, and though but 13 years old, has a repeitolre equal to our great concert singers. Ills great personal charm and exquisite voice win triumphs wherever he sings. The con cert Is for the benellt of St. Luke's kindergartens. OBITUARY. Mrs. Fred Wintermute. Mm. hoi U'imnnuit.', ( 71.: (Yd.ii nunii', forniiily .MIm JiiIIj Cinlon, dle.I jcstcnlay muni lug attir mccU'ii illness ot niciiuiuiil.i. Tlic miultij wire lrnimcil b Hit lioiw ul ill-fi'-Wil's motlur, Mrs. Maiy Cinlon, of ai3 biulli living aiitu". Mit wjv .!.l nt .iuc, .iml U t.iinicl by lirr InMuml, n jouiik mhi, l.udm, liijr inollui, utio liintliir, 'llionus, iiml lour -.i-torn, Annie. Mrs. Julin Mica, Mi.. MUliarl inir Jnd Mi. Ilrnjimiii llikoi illc Tho hnii'ul will l belli al !) ii'cloik 1'il.liy inuinlrif, with 'tivicj jt St. I'.'tir'K citludul and Inlinii'hi in tlio t'alhcdril cdiictrrj'. Mrs. Maiy Scott. "Mji.v, Hi will Pf l. J. fsotl, nf Wind .I'd, Hiintiiuir, dud Jt lirr home jrstcrjiy j(tern'ii .liter .i llnuerhig illuc . of inmuiiipilnn si, was iijfid jean, and nUI"i heir (or iiimij vein S will l.( iiuiumid 1 j lilfir iiuiiiIht of frii lid". Ilor and and eight iluWi 'n mnhs ueveaaid. i lev .uc: Mlc I'llui A., Ii.jflii In Vft. 4 fcHtnol! .lim. K.iti and IMu.'ld. 1 c( New UrK uty; Jlldnel, (.Vore. Itlctuid .iml .o.t'i'li 1'iiiifrjl nul.ic later. Michnel Henly. Vuli..p Ileal;. a?td ui) cai-, died ut hl living Mi I'ltu Miret, Duiiiu'Uf, ynteidaj, aflci an ill. l.i'rt dltlns iifin I'tld ly lat wlrlilt dtidepfd into acnii) in tiiJi micio foim Out hi romtitniloii wji iinalik' to wlth'tatid ii. lie I. nurvitiil by hi. wil. . 'the tnr.( v. ill take pUct fiom hit lite rn I'riday olirnnvin at J o'cldok. Inli rrnuit will te made in Mt. Cmml timelcrj Nelson Benson. NUbii Uienioi,, a;ptl ii jfiu, ui ..10 palm Hied, died yaticidsy liioiidng. 'I he ( iii)iiojiH'fiTi;nt will be nude li'ti. Funerals. T'i oi the llttln child cl Mi. and Mm. .1. W. Titniali will oi held Jt thu honii; mi V.liliin ai nil" at IHU b'cloik Ihi. niniiilli'.. liurlal will In. nude at Iik W.vhhuin ilutt or nun ry 'IU' lumial of t,c Into Allurl l.nvu will ouiir luimMniw .Uternxm. avivIii-ii vrlll he held at Iho liowp on snilh llminliv ,w.nu4 and Intel mi nt will ho mado In the W.i.Mmrn ftit tt iniicteiy. The funiial nf, .luikoii T. Mcllamili, hiii ef W. II. Miliaria!, ol G0 (Julm.v uvenue, w he hM ut the family reldii(c tit ,1 o'lluih I'rhliv ntti'inonn. hitunncnl will he made at IWn Mill iiiiu'teij. NORTHSGRANTON SERIOUS ACCIDENT HAPPENS TO MARGARET SIMMS. While Returning' from School Yes terdny Noon She Slipped nnd Broke Her Right Arm Rov. A. V. Dower Will Deliver Lecture on "Sncted Art" In rresbytcilnn Chinch Mon day Evening Notes of tho Y. W. C. A. Other Ncwb Notes nnd Per sonal Mentlonlugs. Little Margaret .Slinm'. the !) ear old daughter of 10 van SIihiiih, peimnii- cut man ut tho Liberty Huso company, had her right arm broken nt the elbow yesterday. The accident hnppened at noon, when hi was returning home fiom No. 25 school, and was caused by the gill Hipping nnd falling. She was ie moved to her home, over aiitlln'H drug stoie, where Dr. Sureth was called mill l educed the swelling. She Is now resting easllv. Etster Lecture. In the Providence I'lotdiytPtlnn church, Monday evening next. April 1, the Kaster season will be Introduced by a lecture on "Sacred Art," by the Rev. A. V. ltowcr, who by way ot Illustrating his subject will use u Htcteoptlcon. The scenes will all he taken from nible history, ami he will nlnco on canvas the events of "Pas sion Vook" In our Lord's life, and thus lead up in lectuie thiougli the history of those eventful days to the Kaster Sabbath, which will be ob served bv the church on the follow ing Sunday. On Kaster Sabbath, there will be the usual Haslet' her vices and sermons of that day. On Kaster Monday evening the choir ot about twenty voices will give an Kaster conceit which will be u. lilting nostlude to the Kaster fes tival. Thus the Kaster in the Piovl- deuce church will be more elnborately observed than In ninny years, and tho public In that section of the city will doubtless show appreciation of such exceptional effoits by large in tend ance. Couit Street Fnir. in (oiuiectlou with llli: Court .stieet Methodist Kplscopnl church fair a Jap anese wedding will be solemnized at T.yo o'clock this evening, preceding which supper will be served from .V:i0 to t,::o o'clock. The fair has been veil attended and many articles for decoration of the home, and of utility are to he pur chased at Its tiuoths, Y. W. C. A. Notes. Kltihen fJarden this nfleuioon at I o'clock. Illhle i-tudy this evening at 7.30 o'clock, C. S. Scofleld's corres pondence cours-o. Miss Wilson, file of the national heeretarles, will hold n confeienen with the executive committee Friday i morning, March J9, at 10 o'clock'. On Monday evening, Apill 1, at 7.3a o'clock, Miss Wilson will meet all thu members of the dllfereut committees and teachers of classes In the associa tion rooms, 1'04S North Main avenue. It Is very earnestly icquested that there .shrill be n full attendance of committees to gleet Miss Wilson. NUBS OF NEWS. Thomas Hughes, of l'eun avenue, was arrested by Patiolman Wu thins yesterday for being diunk and ills-orderly and resisting arrest. Hughes was brought before Aldeiman Fldlcr and lined ?10, which he paid. Piofessor John Tlguc, the well known gymnasium professor. v Ishes to place his team In basket ball ugalnst the North Knil Stars next Friday even ing for a ptuse to bo decided upon by the Stars, Mr. Tlgue's team hat put up many good games before with the Stars. Miss Cora Gtlflln Morris, late or the King School of Klocutlon, Pittsburg, will give mi entertainment consisting of humorous and dramatic readings, nt. the Puritan Congregational church. Class Vi 'which has the affair In charge aro aelllng a large number of tickets, nnd a crowded house Is expected. The proceeds will go to the Sunday school treasury. Apt II 8 is the date. The Ladies' Card club met at the home of Mrs. J. (1, Osterhout yester day afternoon, Mrs. it. K. Westhtke Is huffeilug fiom an Illness. Mrs. George Spencer is convalescent nfltr a serious IIIiicm'. Tho police of this section turned out yesteulay afternoon and counted tho poles. Tho funeral of Clarence, the son of Mr. nnd Mrs.Kdwin Thomas, of Parker .street, will lake place this afternoon at " o'clock from tho home. 11. Ii. McKeehan, of Jones sti-ent, left yesterday for Ited Hank, New .Tei-t-ey, wheie he has seemed u lucrative position with the Tlntein Manor Water company. TRAIN AND FREIGHT CAR. They Collide on the Delaware and Hudson Rond. The Delaware and llud.-un p.issi n- ' ger train, duo in this city fiom t'.ii- hoildalo at -MS p. in., collided with u fi eight car yesterday nlternoon.iiear the Holt and Nut works, aud the cab I of tho passenger engine was badly ! damaged, and the coaches scratched nnd bruised. Ihigluo 121, In charge, of 001111111:101) Williams, was .switching a fielght car 1 In that vicinity when the car jumped , the track with the above loult, Knglneei' Alex. Copeiund, of Carbon , dnlo, In charge of tho passenger train, had a luirtow escape from s ileus in- Jury. NATIONAL SECRETARY HERE. She Will Hold a Gospel Meeting on Sunday Afternoon. Mins rcilnabeih Wlli-on. one 01 iho national secretaries of the Young Wo men's Christian association, is visit ing the city association. Hho will lead n, union (iospel meeting iu tho ceuiial rooms, on Sunday at IMS p. in. On TuenJay. April '.. Miss Wilson will speak In the Second Pie.sbyteiiair church. All membeiR and friends of A SENSIBLE MAN Would mc Kcnii' Ilalain for ihe 'Ihiuat and LuiHJ, It I' lUiliitf 1'ii'ie CuiiijIk, l uhl, Adhnia, DionchltN, Cluiip nnd all J luoat and Lniigr Troulik-, than an ether iiiedkim. 'Ihe pioprlrtc'i' liij authoilird uny diuifiiUt Iu glu you a Saniplo Dottle Pree to romliue jou of iho 1 unit at UlU uul ciuidr, I'llcu He. iud 00. A COMPLETE CHANGE! CM Kiiclld Ave. .Cleveland. O., TTarnir' Safe Dire Co.v i'ocfttr,iV. 1 . Deiitlrnirnt llcfore try Die. m, law, hie rear inrilirliie, i Kunerrii ireqiicno Willi UllKHIAIll'xri, nrcumpania by novero nvaiinrlic, do mm 1 bad to K tu bod nud The W I!. V'&v i j"-Jf; sws w t tt 1V VI book I'T h Melius v . "W. II L'rect Porm" t, us rvr.iiv I'.viu. I- " V ins luisnt, urcio pity "WEINGARTEN BROS., the association are Invited to hear Miss Wilson There will he a geneial Young Wo men's Christian association rally In the First Presbyterian chinch Tuesday evening at 7.13 o'clock, when Miss Wil son will present the needs of the Young Women's Christian association In Scranton. She is it decidedly bright, Interesting speaker and no one should fall lo hear her. All members and friends of the association an Invited A NOVEL BOWLING MATCH Twenty-eight Members of Bicycle Club Roll an Interesting Game. Banquet Tollowed Contest. A most novel bowling match took place at the Uicycle club last night, when the members spent an evening of thoiough pleasiue on 'the alleys and after rolling a wonderful game en joyed a bniiruict with nil the requisite post prandial trimmings. Tho contesting teams weie made up of fourteen men on a side, and on account of tho great number of bowl ers, 'but eight frames were rolled. In stead of tin customary ten. The teams were captained n .lohn J.udwlg and Smith (loruinn, and It was the former's good mm and true who proved victorious. The victorious team vas made up of .lohn l.udwig. Dr. Wardell. llcy nobis, Stair. Krvnmn. P'olej, Crotb.i- mel, Plerct, Van Wormer, Simpson, 1'ryor, Mollis and tieoige Walters. The losing side was m.ulo up of Smith Gorman. 11. P. Connolly. TVtois, Mai sluill, OVonncIl, Moore, Slvelly. Ouf ileld, I". S. Walter, Jllta. Noriliup. Mears ami Wallace, A baiKiuel was nerved In the 1 lull's dining hall, following the man h, and C. R Peteis acted as tonsl master. It was his privilege besides calling upon various of the club members for ad to also award the pilzos for tin- night's work, good bad or Indif ferent ns tho o.iho happened to be. Tho committee in charge had thoughtfully ptovided a prize for almost every one of die twcnty-eigiit nowiein nun mere were as a lesull pi for the high est hioie, the lowest score, for the Sieatest number of strikes nnd the greatest number of spares, tor the utifoi Minnie man who made the gr. lit est number of splltM. tor the most corpulent men who rolled, nnd various other icuMiue. Numerous membuis of thu club vvero tulled upon for speeches and responded happily. The committee In rliuigo of the atfalr conslsttd of 12. C. Prjor, Frank Heavers and I. H. Walters. Bitter Sugar War Ended. Ily i:Lludve Wlie 110m lite .0i l.itel I'.f 'fi I'd". Mneli ".-Ilioiiih the s lit 1 In 11 Mprunt cniir' ti Ohio In Ihe heluirn iho .ihiilli and .Ii ' Ann. lit in siik'ar lli'li'dn" i,Uiiuiv In. inn il '"in wiilulranu thai ... tier; will W lal-'.i and thu hiitu hirhi hui . 1 tlio two rumiMiili'. I al an ind. 1'hi1 v.n t It tins it tin aui. I'liieitl mi uul nude uh'.i Chnrgeb Against a Fostmnster. Ily i:cluihe Wire frmu Ino A'Otatnl l'ie.., Wnthiliitlnn, Much ST. The civil serilen 10111. lulolO'i lm nrdertd lilt lll ! Igntlull ol ihaik'14 MvliUh hue bvcii fud wllli the coiuiiiimIviI 11 s v v. jr jf Vjuv"Su - w 1 1 Rvfi.','v. "i I i 11 I JL v n I I tftW4iifciA h '. I 4mwMwmmiwwmjMZ2' ' HmmKjmsiiifw, m .X ?T vmAmN wmjAVitv''' Jr . m.-t3Tji','mairtMK'f.,u -tt; . . x j -v "iijww'ws y- W mfe 5idS , mWm if x- wis I f v I M 1 (in I ' NJ lift Sk A0s te . . tAT inr8 day 0 fit 0 timer liu t fine 1 hr iimsI WAR NER'SIAFE ClinEmrrn. tire BTitem eeniR to havr unilrrironnacein- rietn cuuiiKO. my Mood in In flnn even. dltlon. mr ncnR fttAdr. and niv llfnriaitM i.nmntliTr iVHIMBMK1SWi. 1 wnMaw;sw m ponn. I nm Indeeil mint crratrMI lo hivn known of your wiiinlfrfal nnrdlcine, nml 1 Kindly (ttrfl It uiiu lirumu. lumnirpin'riniliT. r.ui.i,ot!.)uuif......iii.. MHS. It. I'llTTinONK. nmsa - -r . Kiect Komi CaiKCtln nnsltlvelv tlionnlv uiodci Nolit ut 11 iiiinleiiitK price wliicb nli olntcly shows the propi r principle of 11 Htriiigbt-lriiut con m ruction. 1'iicli pair I" norcd, bins rut unit Hindu with extra heavy front sIohI. Iteiuc'iuhrr Unit u NtrnlRtit slcct cnannt iiinki 11 i-tialglil fiont cuiM't, nnd 11 in' model wlileh dovi not combine the above iiiiilllU'iitlons, us well us uluipul sen tiiK riinniiiu uroiuitl lb: body lrom Ilia ilirtiililir lothebultoia oftho front stiei, Is but an ( Id H.vlc with 11 new inline HRICr PORM tvle 701. Heavy front meet. Of vrbllo nml driili.leiiii; blp gored S1.00 URI2C1' I'OKM Style 70a lllp goied; heavy tront slci'l. Iiule of Imported liiiimoud Siitcen In wnlte a il drab. . $i.r,o likiXT P UA1 Style -(n. Of iniiioi led Cotitll; fall goied; bins rill; lor xitiull. rtloixler llrf res $1.75 UUliCr PCI KM Style Q50 ImprovtJ. I'n'iirU C'outll In wliltp.'itid ilnib; Cull i;ored; hint cul $2.00 U l!CT FORM Stle odo. lif ovlra beuv.v I'rencli ' o ul II , i ti w ilto mid drub, and black iipc,n; full itorcit; bins cul $2.50 l:KI!TI.)Rvl.tyleob3. Of impirlcd foutll; lull Koied; Idas cut; heavily honed; for lull developed tlKiues $aRO CAUTIOV.-I.oul; tor the lettering 'W. P. Crect Porm" on thu tiisldo of every pair All ilialirs In Si'riinlou buvo lliem 011 fair. If kciiiI IiIh iiiiiiieuiul I o nrlco.vo 1 tie- nnu wo win hfuiiuu ,vou nro supplied. 377 Broadway, New York. AMUSEMENTS. I YCEUH THEATRE - iti;is ,v nnt(ii'vrii:it, usscia. A J. HLl'1 i, Vlanascl Thursday, Match 28. Air. Tim Murphy, In "ul Snuih Itu-sHI'i Cheat siu,c, fl Bachelor's Romance A I oinedt in I'nm A I. hi Mttilii viorton loniplrie and LI.1I11R1I1 1'iuduiii.jii in V.stxf, lKUil. Tour Ind.r Ihrecilon ol litl'.li Ii. Ill'.ltr.t:!!. l'iict-v.V , fJie., "'.. and sl.m. Ilox l ),nr,. ral, fl.CO Stan on sale Tuenlii' m ' a. 111 Cl.Ni: Ml.lll' OM.Y FRIDAY. MARCH 20 "line ot Ihe lew women mi thf I tilt r tlai .tani, Him fan Kiiikli .iml lnvf '"' woild laujli vllh lur "New ioil. Ihrald riaric Dressier nnd (.niv oiher ju-t i ,'il. I'iretilina thl lilrt iditnii 'I wu-ital mmttb Miss Rrinnt J'n m . :ni . . m sl -" una ! iO Saturday, Matinee and Night, h i'....iki' r hikiui 1'iiiioiH Imcnutionit II . id Makii The Belle of New York "III "f -ill Ihe t..wil Ulk ' Th rak'i ol Ititli lonilnenN Prhci Mdlil. " . Jilt V'"- . ) 3nI tl 50. Malinci. "i' . rt'' and TV sm on mIh IIiiumIiv at 1 a m ACADEHY OF HUSIC, RCI.SAIIUKOUNDHk IIARRV A. HROW.1 lliiu.-cn and Untn. Local Mimser, IUIAN'1 I UP WK1.K Vlatlllt. l"llda anil Nlllllda) I ,lai ! ci)li'l Melodiaiiu "THE TIDE Or LIFE." H.i'umi' I'nin-I., and -V iwni I muni; 1'ihe- l -'. '' a'"l & cnt. Ml MAI WI.KK The I iiinediaii, Mr. Chniles Leyhutne, ami i.i-. "ii loi.ipaio i.upioriiue M!m Ktnnii lli.ntuik". Moiulav i-tt mtiic. "Tin I'rmt ' ot ljlcho." NewGaietyTheatre All" U 111 ltltl.Nt.r0S' Maiujcr Tluee Dnvs Commenrinf;- Thuisday Matinee, March !28. "Wine, Women and Song." iiralmt Hi r d I'liulniric. r. Th- ji.i-i'v out ot the iiplu cl a kiiprriidrndent ot a bUllou hi I'illahiir;. e r -ri ii.- ,. . 1 ilr " - "VjJil fW"r