The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 28, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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X ji. moucrn HAnmvAni: sTonn.
a well
Mould ml In tniniiicli without
Merlin? lluit.0 In It. Thu Mcillnr;
f. lint only un attrarllvo piece of
Kltclirn furnlliuc. It it ransc
mut falli ,miii mi Inking Oiy. V
tMp.paicnt, Vrntllatlrt: oven door In
tno 'f the Me linn's featuieJ
Foote & Shear Co.
119 N. Washington Ave
Capital $200,000. Surplus 5500,000.
United States Depositary.
Business, personal and sav
ings accounts invited.
3 per cent, interest paid on
savings accounts.
Open Saturday evenings
from S to 9 o'clock.
m. CoNXhi.1 , President.
UrsRY Hi MS, Jr., Vice I'res.
Wm. II. I'ixk, Cashier.
Repairing Done Gratis.
Lewis, Ij'Pi-
Murphy 'jkJj ' '
Avenue. rP
I iCS 'few '
I j I ihl.i lot M.uih 'j;. Kill:
P'.'lC-t t'llipei.lllitC I1" deRi'ej
l-in timp i.'uri' S drurees
a i S ikt i.-nt,
p in . .... W pir cent.
1!. null in .'I hnuii. ended S p. in 10 inch
I 1) Uimiuu, of ,ktfi'. it; , in lh
l ' MttllL,k.
Ihr.rder James Jlulr uiiil (iroigo W. Jmhins
v ut to IliirUbuix .MMdili).
Mi II V. Dudley, ot .New otl, a ineinhi'i nt
t i film of (uinci-WiIU company, nl (lilt cltj,
i i w in tin' ill).
Iliininn Hit, Iravm tur ISiiITjIo. X , tela'
M Kii t einplojed in Hie lucihinkal K t.i rt
i.i ni if tliu l.ickuuaima lieu unl Meel com.
p. ny which lia ton lumlciu'il to tlic nt'W
ll lUiUlwiUU it llr.l'.ilo.
Ilr. jiul Mr- I'. C-. II DirMi liil i'unliy
' ii 1 1 ji ri-l-iHK mil .Mlcntonn, ic-ptcthil), Mi'.
Incxci uuiii!; wi-ii In r juuplo nhile Mi.
I'i.n Ih;iii , wui Jt lljl.lflulti; xxilli lt(.
I' M Mums, inneilj p.iiur of (Iran' llr-
iikiI iliuul), mho was laiiidv in-.tiunH, in
iituiiinr; IK i ii'-liniai,v I.iIjum
Lnigo Number of Them Will Gather
Heie Today.
Knlslits of the Mdccabfes fiom
Northeastern l'piinbylunlu, comptising
the Twelfth dlhttlct. will assembly In
Seiatitun today. Matteis telatlug to
tho welfaic of the older will terelve
attention and dolegaies wilt bo elect
ed to the stale convention, which mcetB
In Krlo next June.
In the evening fiom 7 to S o'clock,
all the Maccabees of tho city and vis
iting delegates will enjoy u Eiiiokur and
a social hour, ni'Ur which they will
give a leceptlun and 'mterlalumcnt to
tho suite olllecrs and delegates In the
Knights of Columbus bull, to which In
vitation tatds have been (railed.
I'lNMKX.- t the family Ifkldcnif. W .MjiIi
wvn nwiiiic funiluv, MjicIi 2H. .la hum A. IVn
ir:,n. Cuiieril iofli) at J o'clock ut the hcu-c.
Interment prhalc.
Maiy Soliool Children An Sickly
Mnllcr lira' hwfet l'owdcr for rMltlicn. ucl
)iy )lotlir Uiay, it nuis.i In I'lilKlrcn'n Ilonic,
or YcrK, HunU up ColJi In 21 licin, cme l'c
nrfluct, llradirlic, btumsili lioublc, Ircllilu.'
Uu'jrdcrr. mote ami tc-autatc tha llonrlt, ami
lifktitiy Woinn. Mr. Kinily Maicnn, MctM'ii,
( t., nMtt "It l the licet nicril'luo In (lie orl.
for ililMieti when len-rlili anil eoinplalnlni;."
bold hy all dnicitlilx or ly null, "k, .Samph
mt lill. I.. UMimc Mien H. Olnittrcl, Lflioy.
t, V.
Grievance Committee of Lackawanna
Trainmen In the City.
The eilevitnro committee of I.ucUn
wanna tialninpn, who held neHHlonn In
this city pint of hint week, nro meet
lug line ntfiiln, and will prohahly liu In
the city until Sunday. CloorRe a.
Wood, of Utlcn: John 1. Kelly, of Sy
tnctiHc, Henry Condon, of Hlnghainton:
Robert A. Koy, of Hlnghmnton, nntl M.
Sullivan, of tJlmlra, comprise the com
mittee. With oin or two exceptions these
nra the cnine men who wei In the city
lust week. Wood and Kelly ut rived
here Tuesdiiy and registered at the St.
Charles. The other tin re committee
men arrived yesterday morning and me
now at the name hotel,
Tho committee wan In eoufeionor)
yeHterdny. both morning and uftoi
noon, with a number of trainmen ut A.
O, V. W. hall, but the results of the
meeting are unknown, oh none of the
committeemen could be Induced to
make any statement.
Wood, who wan the Hecietaiy of the
meeting, declared that the- committee
would be willing to give out an ac
count of their doings on Saturday, but
not befoie. It Is undei stood that tho
committee will discuss vmlotis griev
ances of the Lackawanna trainmen and
will then wait upon General Superin
tendent T. i: Chit lie
Boat el of Revision and Appeal De
clined by City Solicitor Vosburjj
to Be Extinct.
Tin- bouid of lcvislon of luxes and
appeals went out of existence yester
day, just four days ahead of the time
which the members had supposed all
along they would have to quit, April 1.
It was nil because City Solicitor Vos.
butg furnished Itecoidcr Molr with an
opinion on Tuesday stating that the
board had hud no legul existence since
Match 11.
Councils last we.-k passed n lesolu
Hon dltectlng the assessots to furnish
the Eighth ward assessment looks to
tho board of tcvlsion and appeal. This
lettOlutlon was ptcsented for tho sig
nature of the iccordei on Tussday and,
doubling the legality of the board to
act, he nkcd for a written opinion from
the city solicitot.
The latter set forth In the opinion
lcndeied that the law dlricts that the
board shall complete Its woik ol hear
ing appeals "on or bcfoic tho Hist Mon
day of March in each year." As this
had l.ot been done, lie said, he ouM
not se" thu propriety of nny piiieeed
Ings to compel the a.-hesors to tutn
their books ovet.
'When the membeis of the board of
levMon .ind appeal learned yesterday
mottling that this opinion had been
reiiueicd they decided to adjourn slue
die, and did so. They contend that the
c pinion tendered by the city olioitnr
on Tuesday contllrts with an opinion
which he tutnlshed tliem on Match VI.
or ten days alter the tirst .ionuay in
Mr. Vonlnns stated yesterday to a
Ttlbun? man that when ho wrote the
opinion on March 12 he merely an-swen-tl
the MUestion asked as to wheth
er tho d had a light to sit alter
April '. lie did not then feci called
upon to say anything about tho status
of th boaid at that time and did not
do so untlly directly asked by the tf.
lot der for a specific opinion on that
He advised tho clei Hon of a boaid
of i mslou and appeal, lie said, as a
matter of expediency and believed that
it would bine oeen wise to let them sit
until April 1 had not their right to sit
bwcn ddestlonod.
' On" of the afternoon papers tclli
of the muddle which this tlnows things
into," said ho. "Theie Is no muddle at
all. The new board of ashCisors to
be appointed by tho leeorder next Mon
day can finish the work of harlng ap
peals next week."
Tho members of the board w ho were
deposed fiotn office so suddenly were;
"ifinlel Galvln, John Flanaghan, John
7C. Regan, U. J. Coleman and Edward
l'rable. They have sat twenty-six days
and will draw $TS each, or $390 all told.
They have finished hearing appeals
on all ths wauls with the exception
of the following: Eighth. Twenty-first,
First, Thirteenth and Sixteenth.
Carpenters' Union Turns to Individ
ual Buildei'B to Secure Adjust
ment of Their Difficulties.
The strike of the union catpenleis
of this city, which has been on for
almost two yeais, may possibly soon
be hettled. PiopoMtlons and counter
propositions have passed between the
strikers and Uulldots- Kxcnati?;c in
profusion, but strong effoits are now
being made to hettle the trouble by
arrangements made with individual
buildets, lather thou with the ex
change. The last piopo-itum made by the
catpentets was practically a demand
for an eight-hour day, with thltty
cents as the minimum wage. In an
swer to this, the exchange mtide an
offer which the caipontere rejected us
totally unsatlsfactoiy. It piovlded for
nine homo' woik a day, and stipu
lated that the catpentets should woik
for none but membets of the exchange.
No objections were to bis made by ihe
strikers to wotklns with members ot
thu Mechanics' union, and .mange
n enls wete alto made in the ptoposal
for the courae of action to be pursued
In t-wnt of a strike.
'o giippcualon of labor could be
railed, accotdlng to this conttact, he
fore the Kilevaneen weie placed be
fore a Joint tubltratlou boaid of build
ets and meinbefh ot the exchange. No
provisions for the wage scale were
made in this offer. The union will now
bend all its effoits towards securing
agieeable terms fiom individuals, and
ll Is expected that theie will soon
be linpoitunt developments hi the mat-
... i
Scrantou Business College.
Students filling positions ate con
tinually being changed to others pay
ing better salaries. Graduates secure
good positions an soon as thoy pass
their examinations. Many undergrad
uates ate sent out. The demand for
bookkeeper and stenographers Is still
greater than the supply. Students are
now enrolling for tho spring and sum
mer terms.
Kvauso'a Cold Cure.
For colds In tho head, chest, thioat
or any portion of the body, breaks up
a cold In II hours without Interruption
to work. Will prevent colds If taken
when first symptoms nprrm. Price
'.'5c. Paid by Matthews Bros.
Reorganization Oidinance Passed on
Two Readings After a Compro
ml se on the Fire Department Ques
tion Was Agreed to This Ptovlden
for Disbanding of the Volunteer
Eorce Tlie Effoit to Knock Out
Clerk of Common Council Not
Common council hold a sc"liiu last
night, which lasted almost until mid
night. A discussion which lasted
neatly two houts wnt followed by tho
passage of tho leoiganlzation ordl
rnnco on second loading, uftcr n com
ptomlsc pioposltlon touching the reor
ganization of tho lite dcpaittnent and
tho dlsbandment of the volunteer force
hud been adopted.
After tho mdlnanee had been called
up the (list (intendment was oftered by
Mr. Oalvln. This provided for it dtop
In tho assessor's salary from SI.SOO to
1,00 a year. Dining tho uigumenl on
tho otdlnunce. City Assessors Owllym
Jones and Philip Klmdand wote noticed
conveislntt with several ot tho foun-
"I objec to this Intimidation of the
coiiucllmcn by the hsmosxois," shouted
Mr. fJulvIn.
' I'm glad the gentleman has given
me that cue," said Mr. Kellei. tlslng
to his feel. "Its time council sat
down on this this. At nvety meeting
leiently. tlnee or four men have been
on the floor of this chamber, lobbying
and whlspetlng to councilmen. What
right havp these men to come here
when theie Is a pioposltlon befoto
us to decrease their salaty and lobby
agnlust It openly? It's entltely wiong
and should be slopped,."
The amondment was lost by the fol
lowing tie vote:
Yeas Hnggerty, Ituano. Paine, fial
vln. Hatvcy. Oiuicll, Keller. Rush,
Cuslck. Cnlplu 10.
Xays Alwotth. K(iii, A. 1.. Lewis.
Roche, Nagell. Phillips, AVllllant Lewis,
Colemuu. Smith. N'ojton 10.
Mr. Coleman offered an I'mendineiit
ct eating the oliw of deliuiiueut la1
collector. Mi. Pulnc opposed It In the
Intrtcst of economy and Mr. Keller
said It was meiely intiodured in order
"that another plum may be provided."
The nmendment failed ot passage by
Ihe following ote.
Yens Alwotth, N.igell, Pbllllp", Our
i oil. Coleman. Smith tl.
Nays Iliiggetty Evan. A. I.. Lel,
C'.ilplu, Knniie, Roche, Paine .Oalvln.
Wllljam I.ewl, Keller, ltusb Cuslck,
Norton 1:1.
Mr. Phillips offetcd an amendment,
which was adopted with a. iitsli. In
creasing the salary ot the plumbing
lmpeetor from $1,000 to $1,200.
Mr. Coleman then oii'eied an amend
ment striking out all except the Hist
two sections of that aitlcle ot the or
dinance piovldlng for a reoiganizatlon
of the flte department. This brought
about tho lively fight which had been
expected. Mr. Keller made a twenty
minute's speech reiterating all that he
has picvlously said on the eittcstlon. Ho
declnieel that the citizens of the city,
with one accoid, ilomanded a. change
In the file department, and that the
eoujuilmen would rue the day if they
failed to provide for u leorganlza
tlon. A. L. Lewis cliaiged that the lire i -oigunlzation
ordinance was a scheme
to blindfold the people Into believing
that they were going to get a paid lire
department, wiisn In leallty they would
be getting a department Inferior In
every tespect to the present depart
ment. Mr. Paine said the opposition to the
measure came fiom councilmen who
are members of hose companies mid
"who don't want to be legislated out of
a club."
This sort of discussion continued for
over an hour, when Chairman Catplu
relinquished the chair and submitted
a proposition which was finally agreed
upon by all. Before he offered his
amendment Mr. Coleman"Vlthdrew tho
one he had previously presented.
Mr. Cnlpln said that to disband the
volunteer force at the present time and
leave each company with only tho num
ber of poimanent men they have at
the present time was to render tho de
partment Incapable of doing cfllclent
work at a fire before tho call men ar
ilved on the scene or In case they did
not show up
He propoed to increase the number
of tegular paid men in each company
so as to make the total peimanent men
for each as follows: Neptunus, lour
men: Nay Augs, flvu men: Ctystnls,
live men: General Phlnneys, four men;
Kagles, tlliee men, Hook and Ladder,
four men: Reliefs, four men; Colum
bian, 4 men; Phoenix, four mon; Kxcel
slois, two men; Cunibsiiands, two men:
Llbertys, two men: Niagaras, two men;
William Councils, two men, Centurys,
two men; Keyser Valle, one man.
This makes a total of fifty-four paid
men, an increase of twenty-two per
manent men over the number now in
the dep.iiimcnt.
He would ptovlde for silllkletit call
men to btlng the total for each com
pany up to the figures piovlded In the
oidlnancp and would disband the vol
unteer force us soon as these addition
al peimanent men wete provided for.
This Is the Time to Buy
Sweet Navel Oranges, mo
seeds) ISc per doz.
Sceillhms, 25 for 25c
Fancy 50c Oranges, Tor
per dozen Mc
Indian River Oranges from
Or. Hill's droves, do. . . ruc
Grape Fruit, SO's, per doz. 50c
Grape Fruit, 0's, cacli. .. 10c
E. 6. Coursen
He had lots of flgiues to prove that
all this could be done by appropriating
StfJ.OOo for flto department purposes.
Mr. Pulno was the first mnn to favor
the (intendment. He said It meant ad
ditional expense, but Inasmuch ns the
legislature was voting to take away
some JfiO.000 which had already been
paid Into the treasury, council should
place Itself on record an wanting to
use somo of tills amount. The motion
to adopt the amondment was pased
without a slnglo dissenting vote.
LAID ON tiii: taiili:.
Ait (intendment was ofTcied creating
tho olllco of cletk of tho common conn
til nnd fixing the salary at $G0O per
year. Mr. Keller offered tin nmend
ment piovldlng that the assistant city
clerk should net us tietk ot the com
mon council. This wan laid on the
table nnd the original motion win
Mr. Kellei often I'd an ameulmut
piovldlng that all money for street re
pa I is should be appropriated In a lump
sum nnd that Its e.vpendlttnc should
be under the exclusive control ot the
stipoilntendent of highways and suw
ets. The lecotder, he said, would he
obliged to veto any Items In the appro,
ptiutlou iiidlnauco providing foi the
appropriation of money ward by ward
and pel mlttlng councllniun to expend
This was because under the "ilppcr"
bill the .supeiinlendeiit of highways
and sewets Is a heavily bonded official
and It would bo unjust to hold him
responsible for tho oxpetidUitto of
money by other persons, Ah he ex
pected, .Ml. (veilfi s iiinenuineiii. nun
l.ild on the table. Tho oidlnanco was
then passed on second leading, after
Mr. Pal no had temorked that It was
as dead as Julius Caesar's ghost "
When council came to otdlnances on
third leading about 1'VIO o'clock, Mr.
Alwoith called up the oidlnanco pro
dding for the paving of Ptovldeticc
toad. A. L. Lewis, Mr. Hvaus and Wil
liam Lewis had voted against the
measure. Mr. Alwoith realized that It
could not be passad and action was
postponed until tonight. As theie wan
no petition of the piopetty owners filed,
it teiulres slxtei'ii votes to finally pasa
the measure.
The defeat of Ibis oidinance especial
ly "tiled" Mr. Paine and when the
oidinance piovldlng for a. sewer In
thu Nineteenth sewer district, which
will sewer portions of the wauls lep
tesented bv the Messts. Lewis was
nexi called up. he made a fifteen min
utes' speech opposing it. He picked
out flaw after Haw and positively ie
luseil to sit down, though lmploieel
to do so by every member ptesent,
as It was then after 11 o'clock.
Finally evet.vbody b'gnu laughing
at him, but he kept on with a straight
face until be got good and ready to
sit down. The ordinance was passed.
When the tax levy oidlnanco came
up council went Into committees of the
whole and struck out tho provision
lor a levy of a poll tuv of $1 on every
male taxable which. If passed, would
mojii ,in Incte.ise of $12,000 In the
cltv's levemie. The- alguiuent ad
vanced was that it put tho ilch man
and the poor man on an equal basis.
.Mr. Keller protested against sulking
It out, but to no avail.
Reeotder Molr sent In communica
tions vetoing oullnances piovldlng for
three electtle IIrIus In the Tenth waul
and for four In the Nineteenth wnrd.
Moth oullnances weie pased over his
The oulinante establishing police
dlstilcts and creating the office of
police niaglsttatcs was called up and
n bunch of amendments to it wete
presented by Mr. Roche. These pio
vlded for a geneinl change In the dis
trict boundaties and a change In tins
salniles of the mnglstiates. After a.
half hour had been wasted In discus
sion it was decided to lay the ordin
ance on lite table, It being generally
conceded that it could never be passed
befoie re-organlzatlon
Employes of the Lackawanna Silk
Mill at Taylor Have Gone
Back to Woik.
With the exception of the fact that
work was resumed at tho Lackawanna,
mill at Taylor there wete no new de
velopments In the silk mill strike yes
terday and the whole situation now
seems to devolve upon the action ot
the Harvey local, In its treatment of
the proposal made by Superintendent
Joseph Harvey lo lite stilkcis' com
mittee. Woik was yesteulay morning te
sunied at the mill of the Lackawanna,
Silk company at Taylor by about one
half the wen king fotcc, nnd this morn
ing it is expected that the entire mini,
ber of employes will be back. The
fact that a settlement was made was
not known yesterday to all tho glils
and this resulted in the fact that they
did not tespond to the whistle.
The terms of the settlement woio
not made public as P. A. I.oublgnac,
who has chatge of the concern, was om
of tho city yesteulay. and Is thu only
one nuthoilzed to give out a statement.
It Ih kno.wn, however, that a happy
medium was artived at between the old
scale nnd that ptopos-ed bv the stilk
i't.s and an ngiccment peifeotly sat
isfactory to both sides aiihed ut.
Two meeting weie held this week
by the Harvey gills lo consider the
oiler of Supeilntendcnt Haivey. but on
neither occasion were theie sufllcleut
of tho number of employes piesent to
take action on such an Important mat
ter. A meeting has been called tor
no.t Tuesday atteinoon. and eleese
action will bo then taken.
The Bait'juolt soft silk sltlkeis will
meet In Hconomy hall this aftcinnon
and hold an Important session, Tho
committee of woikers fiom each of the
mill's depai Intents who waited on Su
peilntendent Davis Tuesday afternoon
will make Its icport and the local will
tako action upuii It.
Supeilntendenl Butlei, of the Simp
son mill at Mlnookn, Is In Paterson. N.
J at present, In conference -with the
mill management. It Is likely that n
committee of Mlnooka gills will wait
upon him on his utrlvnl home, and
ptesent a statement of their griev
ances and waee scale to him for con
sldetation. Tho Klots textile woikeis are pre
paring for nn entertainment nnd social
which will bo given at St. John's hall,
Pine Brook, on Monday, Apt 11 29.
Tlnee Dollais' Woith of Aitlstic Pho
tography. That Is what Selu level's new cabinet
poi Halts stund for.
Oigans for Sale Cheap.
You can buy a Rood seeond hand Or
K&n aa low us J10.00 Kt Guernsey Hall,
J. W. Guernsey, nop,, M4 Washing,
ton avenue, Sentnton, Pa.
I Auk for Kelly's unlun eincKeia,
Heairt Nothing Yesterday fiom New
York or Indianapolis It Is
Thought That Theie Will Be De
velopments of Some Kind Today,
and That Probably n Call for the
iWllkes-Bane Conference Will Be
Issued IndtanapolU Patty Will
Come East to Attend It.
Sectoiary John T Dcmp). of Dis
trict No. 1, who Is nt piesent In charge
of the local mine wotkers' headquar
ters, eagetly awaited a message ft out
National Committeeman Dilcher last
night, at least announcing tho billet's
(iinval at Indianapolis.
No telegram was lecelvcd, however,
although Deinpsey was at lioadquat
tets up to midnight. Neither has any
thing been boatd in this city fiom
Piesldent John Mitchell,' and th" local
mine woikets' seem absolutely at sea
regarding the next move In tlic big
game which nlTects i;i,".,000 men and
which is now being played at Indian
apolis and New Yoilt city
It Is generally expected, howeier,
that today theie willbeacall foi thcells
ttict conventions to meet, and It Is
fin titer antl-ipated that thu date of
this cession will be no Inter off than
tomonoiv. Tito confetence at Indian
apolis, to which Dilcher was sum
moned, Is understood to be met oiy a
preilmluaiy meeting of the national
board, a, "feeler," as It weie, to ascM
taln the feelltiRs of the membeis of tho
executive committee
Dilcher united Ihete last evening,
and It Is unlikely that anything was
done prior to lit arrival. The meet
ing will t hoi of ore be held, In all likeli
hood this morning, and this af let noon
the members will lave for this te
reglon, In time to attend tomorrow's
joint session nt Wilkes- Hat re. In event
mieh Is called.
Piesldent Mitchell Is expected to
leave New Yen It today. In company
with Ties. i:. . Phillips, and It Is like
ly that he will fitst go to Hazleton and
then come to this city, leaving for
Wilkes-Harie tomoirow inoiulug
Function with Which the New Thir
teenth Regiment Ainioiy Will
Be Formally Opened.
Au.ingements ate nuclei wn to
open the new Thliteenth tegiment ar
mory on Adams avenue some time
next month with one of the latgest
and gtandest military balls ever given
In the state of Pennsylvania.
t'olonel Waties conceived the Idea
over two months ago, sttcceeiled In
mousing the intetesl of the olllceis
and ex-olllcers of the leginionl In the
affair and plans are being uipldly
shaped. The olllceis have up to the
picsetit time had chat go ot the ui
tangements so far petfected. hut it Is
now proposed to organize a committee
of prominent citizen to woik In con
junction with the olllceis.
Contractor Scluoeder piomlseg that
the aunoiy will be fully completed
and ready for occupancy about May S.
but on account ot the uncertainty ex
isting ns to the precise time, a defi
nite date tor the ball has not yet been
llxed nor will It be for a week or two
The dt 111 loom of the new at mot y Is
300x100 feet In size.
It Is ptoposed to place the pi ice of
tickets at $10 and to sell at least 2,000.
It is s-ald that even a considerably
larger number of persons than this
tan be accommodated In the drill room.
Governor Stone and staff, Major Gen
eral Millar and staff and Brigadier
General Gohln, of the Thltd bilgnde
and staff, together with the colonels
of all the regiments In the brigade
and their respective staffs will be in
vited and are expected to attend.
Poweifttl Influences ate at work to
secuie the attendance of Vice Presi
dent Roosevelt and Lieutenant Genet al
Miles, commanding general of tho
United Slates armv, and those who
have the matter In chaige say that
theie ate veiy good leasons to believe
that both these distinguished gentle
men will be in attendance.
The decoiatlons are to be of grent.
and surpassing beauty and altogether
ihe affair promises to be the gteatest
event ot its kind ever s-een In Scran
ton or In this patt of tho state. It is
generally understood that a poitlon of
the money icallzed will bo used In fur
nishing the armoiv and that tho le
miilndcr will bo applied to the build
ing fund.
No Evidence Against Men Anested
for Little England Affair.
1 tank Gtlppo, Tony Chlavaioml,
Sallana. Vatlcco. Antonio Uioeaulo anel
Michael Casslelln, the five Italians who
weie nncMed by County Detective
W. A. Pbilllpe! ns witnesses In tho Lit
tle lhigi'iud minder mystery, were m
i.'iigned before Squire Cocney. of Dun
mote, yesterday morning. The detec
tive leqiiestcd that the mn be ills
ehaiged, as there wiih no evldiiice
against them, nnd without anv fin-
: Soft Hats
Here is a good soft
hat at $2,00 for those
who do not want to pay
Here are copies of the
best shapes, reliable qual
ity. $3.00.
Here is the choicest
fur iu the Kuox hats
haud-madc from start
to finish, $5.00.
Visions of Spring;
Everyone's thoughts tuin to that
which is new and ilesliable. Heie
Is one of those nil too few chances
that come only once year. Our
Clarets and
Rhine Wines
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
ther ceremony the men wete given
their llboi ty.
Mrs. Clllbeitl, wife nf the nnirdrted
man, called upon the comity detee live
yctterdny to demand the nticl of
some twenty olheis, whom v claimed
wete Implicated In the affair. The eif
llier toll her thot he had no niithoilty
to apprehend eithcts without ptoof
against them. Sh" eald that one of the
five prlsoneis hnd told ber lhat the
btiaulers nt (iilppo's lioue know all
about the husband's death, and
thought that thev could be made to
binteal If locked up.
The Itiiiuevt In the case or lillbetll
will lie held nl the Innmluli building In
Dttmnore this evening nt S o'clock.
Actlutr Coroner Pnlne will conduct the
Cheap Rates to California.
Patties (Wiling lo make tup lo Cali
fornia, Atizona or New .Mexico either
for business or pleasure, inn elo so now
at almost half price.
Dvery Tuesday, until Apt 11 ::uili. In
elusive, tickets m.ttk-d "Colonlsl" may
be purchased via Southern Jtalhut.v for
$44.00 ttoui Washington, Jit! .".i) fiom
Philadelphia and uirrespoiuUusl.v low
pi Ices from other points.
The Southern Railway and Southern
Paclllo company operate through ex
clusion sleepets f i oin Washington
leaving Mouda.vs, Tu-'sda.vs and Fil
days, the Tuesday sloepet being avail
able for "Colonist" tickets. The beilb
rate In these sleepers Is only $7.00, two
people hMng allowed to occup one
beith If deslted. Peconal conduriots
and Pultmun porteis go Ihrougb with
each sleeper. Theie ate othiv new.
convenient jnd e ouomlcal f-mtutei
connected with these exclusions with h
may be ascertained from Charles L
Hopkins, Dlsttlct Passenger Agent,
Southern Hallway. S.'S Chestnut stteet,
Three Dollais' Woith of Aitlstic Pho
togiaphy. That Is what Schrlevet's new cabinet
potttalts stand foi
The Scianton Gas and Water Com
pany and the Hyde Park Gas Com
pany. In nccoiilaiiff llli (lit policy n time cm
panics to icdurr rate fiom time to tlmo m
may tip warrjntnl by incrfjscd ronwinptlon,
notice Is hereby given on and ullrr Vprll
1, tlie piicc of gas will l one ilolljr per
on. thnimand cubic feet columned, sulijct t to
Hip following ill-toui.tii. rive per cent, on all
Mils v.lif'ii.' the I'on.iiiiiptiou foi (lie nnnl'i
amount In Irn tlun tncnty.flie dollars; ten prr
rent, on all I. UN nlieto the consumption foi th
month aii.cunt to twenty fHe dolljn and up
Provided the hill U pild on or lWoro Hi"
20th day of tho month In which tlic till Is
rrndcred 11 older of llic boaid,
(J. 11 II V.M). Solidary.
I bile I'aik (lj tnnutij In older to en our
age the xag nf ih (or fuel puipo.e. notice ii
hereby rImh that on and alter April I l.exl th
prleo oi k3 bo u.eil uill he one dollar tier one
thousand feet consumed, subject to the following
spcchl discounts: Tin per cent on all hlllswheie
the coiKUiriptlnnfoi' the month amount' to IfMthin
twenty-nii) ikllan; IhciiK per ccnl on all bill
where the consumption for tue month amount
tn twenty foe dollars and upnaids
Provided the Mil Is paid on or liefoie the -th'
day of the month in which the Mil Ic icidered
A ((panto meter, (uinlsliejl In the company. Is
necesuar. Bv oidei of the hoard
O. II. ltM. Scrretny
The greatest commercial
economist in the world today.
Compared to any necessary
Investment in business,
is incalculable.
Residence and Commercial
rates at a moderate cost.
Mnnj;ei' office, 117 Adaim jicnue
cim.nt dtp ml ur oil an onliuau inim tu mik a
liiaiitiilli h.'iiir'ln; mil. It .mi think ctu el.lll
h tcqlliud ii nuk ill; a i.ul m .kill to III i m
piuturl- mil ccriuinb tome i.. u.
King Miller, Merchant Tailor,
von i Miir:s
'130 Spuice St ,
Scianton, Pa.
At 1
1 OC
yard. $y.?o roll of
lo yards. The heaviest
joinllcss China Matting,
imported, very close weave, with
corded edge and reversible, Posi
tively worth $15.00 a roll.
yi.i.i.jj..i. KVJ-.
.Satisfied customers are in
creasiufj our business daily.
They will tell tlieir neighbor
that tlic best Negligee shirt?
are to be found at
305 Lackawanna Ave.
"IS IT Koi?fr Bro.M KooiK
Knives, Forks
Spoons, etc.
No question about the quality; t
have all the newest patterns at
lowest prices.
Also the celebrated Sterling In
laid Spoons and Forks. War.
ranted to wear twenty-five years.
Immense slock of Sterling Silver
Spoons, Forks, Knives and Cased
Goods tor Wedding Presents.
Merceread 5 Connell.
132 Wyoming Avenue.
325-327 Penn Avenue.
Pierce's Market, Penn Avemu
We iiiakf'a fpcilalt; of fanej Cieamtrj' Bi
tir and strictly frcih lies and the price It i
low as lU.t class eoodj can tc bold al.
We do not hate any ealrs or leiden
Lut at all times cair) as complete a line ol
Market Coode. fancy lirotcrie and 'fable Delhi
cies an can ho found in the largest New ork
or Philadelphia Markets nhlch lit i:ll at ugui
W. HTPierce,
19 LacLiManna Ale.
I'rompt delivery
110, 112, Ut rcno t.
Prices China Mattings
yjrd. About one thousand yards,
heavy jointress China Matting. Close
weave. Worth 10c yaid.
wild. $0.7? roll of forlv vards. extra
heavy jointless China Matting, close
weave and corded edge, reversible,
worth $9.00 a toll.
I fill
. j,, jt