pTT1 ' V- V-'a. 'is- THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSIDAY, MARCH 28, 1901. Published lluty. r.seept Sunday, by The Trib une Publishing Company, at Kilty Cents Month. xs.-js- .ttt I.IVV S. RICHARD, Cdltor. 0. F. BVAUCE, Utulncu Manlier. New Tors: Otlliei l.'O Nssaiu St. .s. a vrf.f,l.nt). Sole Aernt (or I orolgn Adtrrtlslnt. Knitted it the PcmlonVe nl bunion, I., as ifceond Claw Mill Matter. When spue 'nil rermit. The Tribune Is always slid In print shott letters (roin lis filetids bear ins en current loplra, hut lis tule Is that llieo Must l. signed, lor publleatlon, by I he writer ml niniej and the condition iitecedent to if ceptance Is (hat all contributions shall be aiiljest to revision. TIIK FLAT IIVTi: lOlt ADVERTISING. The lotlonlng table shows tlic ptlee per Incli esih Insertion, apace to tic used within one jeart Ilim ct TslcIiiiRonl 1'nll HIsPLvV Paper Readmit Position I'm than 600 Inches ..'-. "I .-'73 f ".. Wt f I .11 .21 !-' " In .IT. .I'i "W " 131 .17 .Is-. " 15 .IiVi ,H For tarda r.f thanks, resoltdlmi of rondolend! and similar contributions In th nature of ad 'ntlslng The Tribune makes a charge ol 5 icnta a lltie. Rsles for Classified Advertising- Iiiinlslied on application. 7 TEN PAGES. PrnANTO.V. MAIil'It 2S, 1001. TIi xtrcetis "f Sridiiton will never lie cleaned H.xxleiiialleiilly mid pfilclpntly until public oplnlnn fences councils to nb.mdun tbe wystem nf ward appiopiU tloiio nutl Rlve.i the ittrr-t roiiinils-slimpi-n cliiiiit" Sensible Ballot Provisions. TDK OKOANS of tevoliitlon In stale politics, jibly betuU'il by tbe lMilluitrlphlti Pi ess, are llttorliiR elite uiirnltii; nf tt'till'iitlnii for rueniboij. nf tbe legiplntuio ului wlull Rti on iecuiil In lavor of ballot n-fonii without sae llflie of tbe juiiy circle. Tbe I'lefs, in pnitioul.ul.v, calls solemn attention to tbe fact tlint tbe patty elicit" bus been leptldlnled by mult eminent bodies u lb PittsbuiK clutiibei' of coninietce. tbe Sri'tinlun board of t ratio, tbe Timles leuinie, of I'lillmMplilu: Hie Ibe Pennwylvanln I'ullnt nefotni iifpo clatlon, and a multitude of otber or punlzatloii.M similar In cbaract-'r, nnd tbe Inference vvlilih It snpkn to convey Is If a law l passed which does not eliminate that elide, the worthy lUiitU'iiicn ctiinpiNlnp; the niciiiliei-xlilp of these dlvliiiKUli'bed bodies will dedl- ate thsniselve-" forthwith to tbe vvui; Ins of political war. i ur observation in thesr mutti-m has not led ui to accept mil contempo rary's view. Whatever imy he tun as to the I'ittsbuit; chamber or com tiieice and the Trinle league of I'hlla rielphiii, we are wIIIIiik; to piediet that the boatd of trade of Hctunton will hi'cept tbe patty elide on tbe now bal lot philosophically, and on eletllon day I"- itr) uraii oi it us a convenletiee In voting. Our JuilKiiiPiit l that theiels none of them who does not leallze that ni least sevenly-lhe pel cent, of the voters OepcKll htralsbl tlikets, and ate tlieiefote iiiauifevtly entitled to an aiuiiiBenient of the ballot which ex pedites their votlnif and jiinserves them fiom the llahllltler, ..f ml mnikllifr. Tbe few eiy oat nest .voiinu scnlb nien of v.ealth and IWsmv In Philadel phia nnd other laiRe cities who lm taken up Hip subject of ballot lefonn with the enthusiasm of Idealists doubt less have very little use for the party elide. As a matter of fact, they have very little use for panics of any kind, unless It Is their own paity. which Is usually at arlunce with tbe other rattles. ,id thev ui naturall.v am bitious tc m. their opinions Impiessed uion the legislation of the common wiallb. If tin- amended (iuffey bill, which the TIeptihllcun leaders at liar llshurg have endotsfd. shall be enact ed, theso ballot tcformer. win in ,, measuro eucceed f.'tnlei- the piovls lon of the Gtiffey bill as uniended tha names of al 1 candldiites ur '"-i'i:u lUKuiner in one column, under designations of aiffercit oillcos. with tho party designation to the iitjht. nnd whenever any persons icclve itotnlnatlons from more than one party the names of euch parlies shall nil h Blven. Tollowlnff the names of the party nominees will appear names of nil candidates nominated by Independ ent nomination papets, alphabetically arranjrocl. This will do away with the multiple columns, which have hereto fore made some of tho ofllclal ballots resemble bolts of wall paper and biing the whole space within the compass of w sheet not much larger than the or dinary magazine page. This will be a Kaln, both In peonomy and convenience, nnd the lanllot reformers will be en titled to a generous share of ciedlt for bringing It about. Rut the Guffey bill as amended alo pnvldcs and here Is where the pro ftssional reformers of limited number must defer to tho convenience of tlv prcai majority of voters that there (mil be printed at the top pf the co umu. iiiccoss.tho vldth theteoi, ps many circles as thcro are political parlies or Krouprs of Independent nominations, each circle to contain tho name of a H'parate parly. Every U within a. circle shall bo rtiulvalent to a mark After the name of each nominee of the party to which the circle belongs. It there are two dozen Itepubllcan or Democratic nominees, tho Itepubllcan or Democratic voter, by mnklng one mark In the elide of bis party, can vote tho entire ticket without further ndu.r If. however, lie wishes to spilt his itlcket, printed directions clearly Inform him how this may be done. Another point In the amended Guffey hill, about which there Is ciltlclsm and i r.ntroversy, i elates to the proviso that If any voter shall declare to tho Judgo of election that by reason of any dls Ability he desires assistance In the Vicparatlon of his ballot, he shall bo permitted by tho Judge of elections to elect any elector of his voting pro clnet to aid him In such preparation pf his ballot In the voting compart ment. The objection here talsed Is that this provision opens teilo'or to fiaud. No doubt It dots when there h a fraudulent purpose picsenl at tho uolls. The saiuo .objection could bj tnlscd to miy measure yet devlied. The disabled voter hits to take his chances when seeking help. Hut It may teatonably be D.ssumetl that when ho has the choice of his helper he will b" unlikely tc ihooe someone whom he cannot trust. If (he man nf bis choice goes back on him, it Is dif ficult to see In what manner his Inter ests rould be safeguarded. The great fundamental trouble on this question of ballot refotm Is that the men who talk tbe most about It ate the ones who hovn the least to do with shaping political conditions, and the smallest practical comprehension of the difficulties to be overcome. With few exceptions, they are either theotlsts, living In an atmosphere apait from the hut ly btttly of public affairs, or ptofcsslonal factionalism tiylnr to mask selfish Intrigues behind specious pretensions of high regard for the public vvcal. The great body of our citizens prefer to accept honest te foim gtndttally. They have learned b.v very sad cxpetlenco to dlsttust the mnjoilly of those who make reform an occupation or profession. If tho municipality can fix wntcr tattfs why not street car rates? Charlotte H, Yonge. IX THK death of Charlotte Mary ' Yonge at Winchester, Kngland, on Mondav Inst, the world has lost one whose life wotk has been of Incalculable Influence for good. It has been nearly fifty years since "The Heir of Hedclyffe" was given by her to the public and won an enviable place for Its author In the ranks of wilteis of llctlon. a Rieat financial success, and seemed her recognition In Anieilca no less than In her own land us one of the most wholesome, and at the same time one of the most fas cinating of wilteis for young people. That place she has held through the yeais ever since, as one generation of young teadeis has followed another, and one stoiv of hisloty after anoth er. In tin- guise of fiction, title In their pottiayal and vivid with the col or of the times In which they ate set, was .sent out by her. Her books are now to be found In every public llbiaiv. The llbiaiy i words toll of their steady hold upon public favor. Hesldes these her setles of histories for young people still has wide elides of younu teadeis, and her "Book of fiolden Deeds" has reset vedly become a classic. II bu been often told how she de voted the entiie pioceeds of "The Heir of ftedelyffe" to fitting out a mission my shit), "The Southern Cioss," and gave the J10.U00 her nexl book brought her to building a missionary college In Xew- Zealand, while that country was stui ne of the gieat mission fields. lint to this it may well be added that this was but the beginning of her Rifts to sudi woik abroad and to phlluitthioplc agencies at home. As bet woik In Itself was pure and no llftlmr. such also she made Its finan cial returns continually to lie. Uer Place Is not with Scott or Dickens or Thaekeiav. but It Is one noble In It self and her influence for noble living "I niisn iiitnuing- will be perpetuated thtoiiBh other minds and lives that ."he has helped to mould. The best guarantee of an open door evidently Is a leudy gun. An Unique School Report. AN nXCKKDIXGIr Inteiesl Ing pamphlet Is that which has Just reached The Trlb tine, being i paper prese-.t-ed early In the piesent month by Fred eric W. Speeis. Ph. D., to the Civic duller Philadelphia. It bears the title. "The .Tames Torten School An Experi ment In Social Regeneration Through Elementary .Manual Training." Philadelphia a good many yeais ago moused Itself to see the value of man. mil naming high schools as an elec tive alternative to the purely academic high schools. Tbe Introduction of manual training in any rorm Into any elementary school bad, until ten yeais ago, nver been consldeted by It or mentioned to Its board of education. I.os Angeles and other California cities had earlier than this seen the advan tage of the con elated training of hand, eji and brain the benefit of sloyd In struction for tbe boy and girl far below the high school age and who might not ever reach that stage of school life, as well us for those who would. But the free air of the Pacific coast seems to be especially favorable to the ac ceptance of that high Ideal of educa tion which means character building, the development of tho whole moral and mental nature or the child, not a mere more or less successful process of trying to pout In knowldge Into the mind. Still, sloyd work with all It accruing benefits to the pupils, is win ning ItH way in th east, though not for the early years for which California has proved Its usefulness. The Philadelphia epeilnient or ISdl. the icoid of which In the ten yens since then lies In the little pamphlet heroic us. Is one cutliely unique. The school which Miss Anna Hallowell sue. ceeded In Inducing the board of educa tion to take out of the control of tho s'ctlonal boaid and, so. out of politics in the matter of teachers' appoint ments nnd otherwise, stands on the edga of Jhlladelphlus slum dlstilet, with hundreds of children In the area It had been built to serve. Hum to serve, and In the earlles decades of Its existence! It did serve them. It was opened originally In 1S:J as a public school for colored chlldien. In 1SC9 It was given a navv building, with modem requirements met therein. But by tin year 1890 It had reached ho low an ebb, both In management and in attend ance, 'that the authorities proposed to closs It entirely. It was then that Miss Hallowell, one of the best known workers In philan thropic work and In educational lines, came to the rescue. In 1877 she had been appointed a member of the board of public education, n tody the mem bers of which aro appointed by tho Judges of the coutt of common pleas, and which, In addition to entire control of tho high schools, prescribes the course of study for the elementary schools and exercises a general super vision over them. The sectional boards, elected by the citizens, aro forty-one In number. Tlicy appoint .the teachers and conduct the general administra tion of the elementary schools, pri mary, secondary and grammar schools. linden the regime Inttodured by Miss Hallowell, as chairman of the board of education's committee on the .lames I-'orten Elementary Ttalnlng school, and carried out by the teachers, "nota ble for high quality and enthusiasm," tne school was opened and built tip from a straggling attendance of such children as chore to occasionally wan der In, to Its present average of 483 In dally attendance out of an average number enrolled of i"78. In June, 1891, the re-organlzed school was about equally divided In membership between coloicd children and Itttsslan Jews, Im migrants to America. The color line has never been drawn nor mentioned In the school. But as the tide of rttts slan Jewish Immigration has Increased the coloted people have removed to olner parts of the city. "Only tho low est class," says the report, "have re sisted the flood of foreigners." The greater proportion, then, each year of those who enter the school con neither speak nor understand Eng lish at the time of entrance. There fore the elementary manual training which Is found to Interest the children from the start Is combined with pri mary school Instruction In English. The course allowed by the board of education for the James rortcn school Is five years. At the end of that period those who have not already been taken out and put to wage-earning are pto moted to other schools. The hope now Is to have this changed and allow the pupils who can still remain In school to be can-led through on the system on which their training has been begun. In 1897, when politicians on the sec tional board endeavored to legaln con trol of the school, the board of educa tion ordeied Assistant Superintendent Kaln to make a test of the comparative standing of the James Korten pupils with those of the cot responding gtades In the neighboring schools following the usual ctiirlculum. He piopared pa. peis and made un elaborate compari son of lesults. Says Mr. Spcts: "The examinations were given without any opportunity for preparation. The se verity of the test may be realized It we remember that the management of tbe James Korten does not believe in the system of formal examinations of the orthodox t.vpe. The children w?rc totally unfamiliar with the sort of test which the pupils of other schools were accustomed to pass regularly. In the James Korten promotions were made, and aie still made, upon the Judgment of the principal and the teacher In charge of euch class. t'nder these conditions the results of the ex aminations ate doubly significant." This was Mr. Kuiu's summing up: "A careful inspection of the examination papeis of the chlldien shows that the work of the school compares favorably with that of the other schools named. Much of the work In excellent." Theie aie many moie points of In terest biotight out In this leeoid of elementary manual school work In close combination with primary training. But these must stillli e at present. In spite of all the anxiety of the Philadelphia "yellows", I'ncle Matthew Stanley's health still permits him to lift a few (arpon into the bbat each day. If P.usslu deliberately plotted to give the other powers the "thtow down" In China Russia must expect trouble. Tactics of that kind are out of date. Between dynamite mines and Japan ese ciulsers the position of the czar of all the Russlas Is not one to excite uni versal envy at pieseut. Our Moiocco war cloud will doubt less have a silver lining In lime. TOLD BY THE STARS. Dally Horoscope Drawn by AJacchus, The Tribune Astrologer. Astrolabe tast: 1.21 a. nt.. for Thursdav, Slarcli 2. lini. .i child bom on lliis clj.v will nollce that the political "early bird" is on hand to look alter all of the second ilass city nouns. In malrimony man occasionally has been known to practice economy, hut in case ol a divorce he never cares (or Hie expense. Conversation l the X la.T that enables us to See ti.rough most people. Male the tiuth jour molln and sou are liable to male enemies, A blessing is seldom piopeilj appieclated until tie cipliatlon ot its term. AJacchus' Advice. Remember that the man who alnaja a trees with jou generally wants something. LITERARY NOTES. Sol long ago the piper told ot a plijalclan living In Applelon, Wis,, who attested his' dlsbe In the germ theory ol dl'ease by .mearing himself oyer vvun small pot germs. He re covered, or. laiher esiaped inlectlon and wrote a book: "Ihe Muiderous Pads in the Practice of Medicine" a pretcntfoua and well printed volume ot 6'jO pages-ln which he Mlled Into his profelonal brethren (earleaslj. The liook it liefoie us Its aulhor is Milthen- .1. nuclderrnund, M. II. As showing rhe faith Hut is In him. he offera five piuea ot fl.dio eaili to any one ho can demonstrate by na tine' laws- (I) That vac clnatlon Is not wiongi (II That quarantine is not wrong! (.1) That disease is contagious: (() That germ. are the cause ol any dlseake: and (5) That consumption of Ihe Iuiir can be cuieil. One condition onlv Is attached lo this otter: That any one winning any of Ihe prl?e shall receive I0 a day for the time spent In demon strating mat he was right prodded that It he loses, Dr. Roddermund is to receive $10 a day lor the time epent In attempting lo prove that he (Roddermund) is wiong. From this It can be Interred that the doctor's volume is warm with fll confidence and Intellectual pugnacltj-, .loaeph Walker 4- Sons, tnembfii of the New York block K.xchanee, .13 Wall Urcet, have com piled and Issued a much needed booklet de-.crlb-ing the principal guaranteed tocks of Ameri can railroads and Including the guarantees ot the Western Union Telegraph company. The eaemp Hon from taxation ot Mich stocks In New York .tale la given with refeiences. The list Includes capltallration, natuie ot lease, mileage, datcw, places o! pajment, tran.ter offices, etc. Leases In Pennsylvania are ataled aa less the state tax, giving the specific amounts. In all other leases tasatlon it provided for by the lessor, without articling the dividend rales, Copies can be had on application. ihe New tonklln's llandv Manual and Atlas ot the Woild, Just lamed by Laid k I,ee, ot Chicago, I. not onlj a icvined edition ot a work whose succe.s lias been phenomenal over two million copies mid In twelve 5 cars but, to all purposes an absolutely new book, over ISO pagej having been altered and a number 'ol them replaced by entirely new ones. The presiden tial elections of 1900, and the cenvin of the ooooooooooooooooo The I People's Exchange. A rOPUl.Afl CI.UAIIIN'n ItOUSH for tha Denrflt (it All h. 1lav llmiBa fA . Itett, Heal folate or Other rrepen.r to Sell or exchange, or Who Want Situations or1 1 '1'P These small Advertisement Coat , One Cent a Word, Six Insertions lor five nora Eseept situations vvante-J, ."in. re inrerteu rree. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Wanted. wanti:u-.x oit'irt: pi:k and taiii.i:. ktateklnd and pilce. Address Pcil., Tribune, WAXTr.D-niTnnsKNTATin. notu m:'ti:" Kncloee trlt aiiJi(M'(l flumped cmelope fn. Itifoinutlon. IVars Vcnnln Ponder Co., Hil ton, Pa. Help Wanted Male wantkii-av i:.n:nii;ci:n knikk ccrrKit on colored undeiMrt. Mate experience and salary epeeled ddress l.urerne llr company, WlUes-Iljire. Pa, waStf.p nithuiT Mirxt! man. i- vvr.r.i;. '. depoalt; rcftience. dart., room )5, Burr imilillnir. WANTED TWO (5K.V1 1.F.MK.V KOR PIMItAltt.i: rooms, n-ldi or nlthout board, tn pleasant 'o atlon. Pox "It, Tribune otrtio. Help Wanted Female. oiisi. vri:t nut oiakhai. hoim:. votl, 3IH (Juinry avenue. JSUuations Wonted, smvuov wsii:i-iiv vol o toi.oni:f Human us look ir doInK ni-nrixl hotisenorl.. AM l.j(kavuiina armie. MTIATIOX W Wir.ti-.TO lid Ol T WVMIIM) and hulling taken homo also. I all r.i jddu-ss I,. II., S.fl Sumner .nrnue. MTCAIIIIX WANrClt-liY WOMVN 'IO Cil) out by day washing, limiltiir nnd i leaning. (all or addre Vlrs Mai llucll. I.'l'l ( i-dar awniic, i lit. Mil vrio wikii.-iiv (.txion vmi in: portable Mil to du eeneul hull eoil In a ainall tamilv. (an qhe Rood irfemnp. PI-1- all it 3,14 North Itelieica .miii- llde l'a-. WAX1KD CMiniCM. POMITOV OK VS KIMI b.v a (Oinpeient man; ledrrin-ts .j. die, M. P . aio of The Titbui-e Recruits Wantad. WANTr.D KOH l'. h. sllMV. Alll.i; hoihkd unmarried men between ages ot Jl and 15, cltirens ol United Stater, of kooJ char.vtr aid temperate habits, who tan spesk, lead and write friRlkli. rtecruits specially dolled to. sen lee in Philippines for Inhumation p,-il to Recruiting Olflce in vv joining lit., s,iran ton, I'a. Money to Loan. MONEY '10 LOAN ON IMl'IIOVKI) CITY ItllAI, calate. IIKMIY DCI.IN. .lit. t HAS. . WKI.I.I..S. 'IIIOJIAS SI'n.(il'K. SlIIAIIillT I.OANs. VNVAVIOINr. 1 to 0 pet lent. Kiaiik K. ponnelh, attor ney. Tradcia llanl. building. mom:y to loan ox pond and .morigaoi:. any amount. M. II. Holgale, Co.iiinonuealth building. AN. AJIOfVI OK MUSKY 'IO LOAN 'Jl a K str.i,tlt bans i llulbliiiv an) Loan Vi fiom 4 to i i cut. (all mi V Wai:.ei, Sit-111 Council building. Builness Opportunity A YOI NO MAX I VDKUSI'ANPIXO IIOOKKKK" Ing niaj, by investing hvc u trii tliouu". ilollan In J well established, diiideed paving loiiipanj. necnic a line poiltnm a: a ood -alsn Aildrr,i V. . '.., 'Iilbunt. . iNKsTi:t in a t,i:r.iiiMTi: i:tkii- 1'lLip will n I v on in ulllte position ai n fcalaiy ol Sll r month Willi- VI. Kram-r. old I". (). building, vianloii. I'a Lost. I.UlT-MKVAli I'MI) I Oil IICICRX OK IS. (i illation of a laipei lo-i m .tolen Hum our dellierj wagon Addieaa ( aiin-l, 'I i ilium' ofttfe. 1iuc year (as far a lis icmiIk hivo hern made public) aie given In lull, wHh s Kisslflrullc.iis mid comparixous peculiar in Ihis woik. Our jouilg people will llnd here the lilies ol .id- unburn in nesi iniiii, vnnapoiK ami tin- a-t Civil Service nf Ihe Inlted states, al-o tho conditions (or cnlUtmciit In the r.-gulai artnv. I.atlt political events, recent ilivuveilc. la tistics and de-criptlous of I'orlo Rio, llivvali, Ihe Philippine Hands, etc., an- given with cl lulled auiiuij. The noiiica of each of the t slates of Hip union with roloieil maps, lino been rrvicu lo meet present conditions, atlileiie and rating lecoids have been btoujilil. up lo date, and manj paiagiaphs .-nlded of must in. teresllng fresh nutter. ".spiritual Knowing or llihle suii.l " bv Theo. K. Seward, (Xe Yoik: Kmik & Woaiiall's Co.) Is an efteitive liilpipietiitioii of the re ligious Ideas and impulses Hint me rinding e prrwion in tne vunous movements known as Chiistlan Science. Divine Healing, and Menial Healing. 'Ihe aulhoi's point of view- Is that em pharis upon the spltllual gospel of .lesus Is necessaiy as an anlldole lo the pievalcnt ten dency toward materialism, and he puts it on thick. A vivid light will be thrown u the auuit moial status of the pullco In New oik city by Joslah Flvnl'a article, to appear in McCluie's for April, under the title " 'Yoik,' .1 lllshoncsi Clly." The present agitation of this subject attaches paitlcular inteiesl. to tie contribution, while the manner in which the famous author has gained his materials by close association with the rrimlnals themselves will doubtless make bis conclusions of cvtiaordlnaij value An Interesting innovation In Hie book-publishing world Is announced bv.l). Vpplelou A Co., who propoc to deliver to anj aUdic-M any or all of the moie than 4,(KV volumes publNlio'i by 1 em since lSlt and lo collect payment In Instal ments. The publications of this irliable ttim cover the whole domain of Ilteratuie BUOlCNELL'S NEW CATALOGUE. Hie catalogue of Rucknell iinivei.u.v. lolleg ot libeial arts, Just Issued, hhows a total at tendance of over five bundled. Of these, s;s are in the college. The a-nlor class In the college numbers 53, It is stated that the total piopeity ot the institution, aggregating over ?7.V,O0O has been contributed by individuals, uu aid hiving been received from the state. Tho organization embraces four departments. The college (or both sexes: the Institute, for joung women: the academy for joung men and bojs, and the school of muslo for both e.ves. The real c.taie couslstt of a campus of thirty ac-ies, elotcn buildings now In lue, and one In process of con st met Ion. The instruction of the college is or ganized in tvvelvo depaitmcnls: ('lii!ooph.c, Logic, Anthropology. Hconomlu and Political Science, toiy, fiieek, l.atln, Kngllsh l.lteia tine, Oratorj-, Modern Language, including I5e. man, Krenrh and Spanish, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry and Organic! Science. The work of each of these depart menu Is under the charge of a specialist, and Is very completely and thoroughly done, It is the motto of ihe Institution to attempt nothing which it can not do a.s well aa It is done anywlieii. Tha Ollego library la acccolhle to students In all departments, number 21,000 volumes, besides several thousand pamphlets, During term time, the library Is open day snd evening. The museum embraces some thirteen thousand speci mens. The students In college maintain three literary societies, besides several clubs for de. bating and literary study, and publish (our periodicals. Tho Institute for young women, the acadimj lor joung men snd bojs snd the school ot muslo have each a separate (acuity, though all arc under the general control of the president. For Rent. wis's- wansva. -sas-Aj.jA KOIt ni.NT-M.ilUi: ItOOM. M-.COXH 1'I.OOIt. JO. Wjomlny menui'l suitable tor busing purpose! all modem contenlenies. Inquire 123 JelTeiTOii aieniie, near Spruce attest ML'i.xst:t) iioici, ion nr.NT. 101 n:xx au.. ftlMRAM.r: IIOI'SK. KOIt HK.VT, Oil M.MlleON avenue! modern Improiements. Apply to A. Kose, 223 t.atVswartia aienue ion nr.NT-itu.r doiui.h norsK. o nnom, 11. I..13 Harrison atenue. Apply, Thou as nussell, 030 HarilMin avenue. TOR HUNT- HAI.P not Bl.i: H0K.sK, fl 1100.M.-', moderri lmproveinenl. IHIA Vine klreet. i or nr.NT-rntNisiiKt) rooms toR okntm: mesi, In prhate famili i all ccnienience, SK0 Washington avenue. FOR RKNT-ONKHAI.K OK POI II1.K HOfsK. rix rooms; modern cometil'niea! (tood lo' Hon. Inquire rorner Oieii rtlilge sheet, MsJI aon avenue, .lohn Walter. wi om:i:v itmnn stri:i;t. i i:v room. modern Impruiemrnlsj steam beat (urnUlu'l; ilesliable; T-'.tW. HOTIir, KOR RCVT-ISQt'iniS OK MRS. T. I,. dones, .Main street, lajlor. For Sale. KOR MM!- H(lfs;0.) (iOOP.s T vKUIOV. Knllie lontrntH of Imtoc. iniHlstln ut tur lor. (lining rnuin, kitchen and hvlrooni. vlll be sold at nullum, Tlrn.vln, Vli.rrh S, beimnlng at 10 nMntk. OH Waslilmjlun ovrnue. I'iam) c m:pj wAi.M'rT'Asr, itrigiii'- btut leake, Toie, 1 illume off.te mm: iioiim: koh svi.k, vi i.kiiii iton aler, wrlnlit (fl to o:o .. ; color, baj age. ; wiiml and; prbe IJj tan I " "en at 1. II Watt, faim, tilcn'min, or apply .') Monroe iMruue. For Sale or Rent. ton mi.k )it Mi(j:ir i:xi -ii) Tin: itinnr line wem'-i prepcily In upper ilreen Uldcej inodein luipincments: plrudhl vaid Ap plv .1 M. Waller, vtlumi-j. 'JOI IMiill hulldlnt urn sm.k or m:i- i.nki.k norK. i good Lnmlitlon .it No. .Vis Qulr.'-.v uven'i". Applj to -foim .lermjn. Mil Wj-omiig nve.. ill KOR MIX OR m:T Till: ItlitMNfl PARK llolel, eliearitly (.iinljlnl. posuc'sion given en the flrat day of a.prll. App'y to William CialK, carr I.'. RublnsonV Sons' bicnery. Wanted To Buy. WANTI.H s:t OMI-II.VM) SLOT MACHIVl!' ni'itl be in good ouleij iate pattliulars ,ei lo in,i.i " ptiin ddn- I., l , geneiat i'e Ibeij, strjij,,, p., Rooms and Board. I.VRC.K, KltONT ROOM Wtril 11(1 Mil) KOR two Rcnllcin.n. Ill) danis uicniie. Miscellaneous, ITMIIM'.s HWI'KII Wll.l, 'Y ( Vs IR old Rree fi-allierbrcU. Addle- M. II. Rith aid. (!ri,nal Prll.ei.s, iln. DHKSS IM. Ml Kits 1MR S.M.K, T3 I H.NTs; KOI!- mer pine, M 5. Mrs MaiDonalil, SSI) Watli inton avrr.ue. LEGOL. is ri: istmi: or rinutii: wii.i.ivms. late of tie 1 itv of scranton, I'a. I.efriv Ipslaniei tare iipnn ie abn-p esiale having been Slanted to the iiiiitciMgnrd, all p-cons irdel icl 10 the said estate aie irpi-seil to nuke Inone ilhtlc payment, and tho;,'' hiving claims to pre sent them without delav to I- V Rl1lti:ils. Kv.nnor. o. ITiil Sum. nil 'ivr., scranton. 'i 11 s. M.WtlltlU. vtloniev. ro thi: iioi.dkrs of iiond? seven (T), eight (ij), (41) sni' forlJ'-1.x (16) of the Colliery Ktigineer Coiiipanv, being the bonds I earing date October 1st, t-'iV, and M'liurd bj liust moilgage of that dat'-i Please Take Notice tint In puisuance of lt,e provisions ot Hie said bonds and the trust tuoit gage given to sicuie the ine, the bands as numbered alove have been drawn by Jot for pajment on Ibe first daj ot April, 1001, snd jcu sre hereby notified that the- same will be paid on tin.- Arc! day ot April, 1031. at the Lscka wanna Trust and Safe Deposit Company, Trustee named in the tnut mortgage above referred to, together with int'iest coupons attached thereto and remaining urpaid, and that interest will cease after the said ditc tiii: roLi.iiiitY i:nt.ini:kr compv.nv. Scianlon. I'a.. Kebiuary 23ih. 1001. PROFESSON A L. Certified Public Accountant. K. C M'VKI.DIM! ork. Co nitoMinw. ni;u Architects KDWVRD II. DWl building. ARlllll'Kt r. CON'XKM. kiii:di:hk h i rijown, vik miner. I'ltui. building. lr Walurs;ton avcmi'. N raiiloo. Dentists, int. c. 1:. i:ii.KMii:i:tii:ii. pali.i iiiii.ihno. piutp etrect, scranton, , DR. C. C. LM'HVCH, Hi WYOM1XR AVF.M i'i Lawyeis. FRNK K 110. 1.K. VTH)RNi:.T!.VW. Rooms I.'. It, Id .mil 18 lists r building, K. K. 'lllC.Vir.(0lMONi:U.'lH Itl.Dll J. W. DROWN. AI'IOKNKY VXD fOKXi:i. lot -iii-lan. Rooms .112-.II.I Mears building. H. II. RKI'IOtlLI-, NI U.I tlated on real estate seiurlt.v. Mcais building, corner Washington avenue ami pnue mic-i. Ull.t.ARD. WRI; k KNM'P. ATlOKNi;).-) and lounsellors-al-law. Republican biilldirig, Washington aven.e. It.sst P k .lhs-lP. ATTORXins VXD COI'V. ..'llai-s-ut-Iavv. ( oninionneallli building, llnomi ll. -JO and 21. i:nwnii v. in i. r. ArroiiMA'. rooms P0.JWI, filh fiom, Mears building. I.. A. WVTIir.s.. vnOKNKA-M'.I.VW. imTaiso of Hade building, sirjtliiin, I'a. I'MTKRSOV i" WILCOX, 1 IIAI)UP-''ntTox, nank building. C. COVIKI.YS. (i.,l RKI'I Hl.if v llKILniNC," . . Ili:il rilOl.K. AITORVLY. MLMI-s ni.lMf" Schools, "-CHOOti OK Till: LVCICWVAXNA, s( llVNTiiV I'a. (.'ouise prrpaiatory In college, lave, med icine 01 business. Opens Sept. li. s-i tor dialogue. Rev. Thomas VI, C'ann, LL. II . piinilpal mid pioprletoi; W. K I'lnmiey, A. M.. bearimastiM-. Seeds. O. II. (MIIKi: .V (O., SLI.IIsMrA VXD XI I!'" eijtmn, stoic 201 Waliliigiou aveiiiiei gr.i n bouse, plji) Noith Main avenue; stoio tel phoi.e, "a-1. ' Wive Screens. .jocK.i'ii hti:m:i rk.aii .-.ii lvcka. vi:," Scranton, I'a , maniifac-tuiei- of Win- virent. Miscellaneous. DRI.sMIMvING KOIt CillLDIIC.V Til llltDI It: ai-o ladies' vvalsis, Louis Mioeiuakri, 212 Adam avenue. A. II. URICitiS tLi:NS I'ltlVV VAt L'l.N NH cess pools i no odor. Improved pumps used. V II, Prices, picpiietor. Leave old, rs tin.) North Main avenue, or KUU'i. drug sioie, .01 iter Adams and Jlulbeirv. Telephone I'.ll JIIIS. L. T., r.V.LP TRKATMI.VI" 30o i ahain.ooln(r, 30c.; facial inawage; liianlciirlnc;, 23e t ihliopody. TO I (juliuj. UAt'LIFS Oltr IICSl IIA-sTablU KOIt H1T.N picnics, parties, ieceptlon, vveddini; und on ceil woik tmnlsheri. Km- teuns address R, .1. Itaucr, ioii'IihIoi, 117 Wjoinlnj avenue, over llulbeit'a inulc toie. HLfiAllflLi: HROSi., PRI.NTKUSUITLlKi. VS. v elopes, paper bat's, twine, Watefcovisr, 110 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa, tiik ivilkks-bauri: Ktconn can ni: liTo in Scianlon at the ivewts stands of Ib-limsn Itros., 40d Spni"o and tWU LlndcTit It. Norton, .'22 Latlaanni avenuej I, b. Schulier, 211 Spruce street. Exdmi55ve Designs! It is some satisfaction in buying furniture to buy goods that are not peddled all over the city. Our posi tion in the trade, being that of the Largest Buyers of Furniture In Scranton, enables us to control the product of the very best factories in the United States for this city. A Metropolitan Stock at less 1 1 1 a n metropolitan prices. Hill & Conned Washington Avenue. Physicians and Sugeons. DR. W. i:. ALLIIN avenue. 311 XOIIllI WASHINGTON hit. s. w. iamori:m , okkh k. an w vmi- Ingtou avriiiK-. Ile-.lil.nir, l.'lia Vtulhen.v ( hionie diseaie. longs, heart, kldne.vs mM griilto-urinary mgans a i-peiljllv. Hours, I lo 4 p, 111. Hotels and Resturant. mi. i:i.k cm'i:. ir. vnd n irvnklin avenue. Rales ip.isonable. P. .i:i(, I'n.piielnr. MRWTOV lllllK., M:II I). I,. A W. PA- ernger chpot. ('oiiduited "ti Hip Kuiopean plan. VltTOI! KOt II, Pioprli'tor. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Volley Railroad. In KTeci Maicli .t, POI. For I'liilaililplila and New cik via D V II R. It., at (1.13 and II a. m.. aid 2.18, I '7 (III lets Dianiind KxpiciO, ar.d ll.-u p, 111 Njn da.vs, I). A- II. It. I! I 3s, 8.27 p. 111 Kor White Haven, llir.hlon .mil pilu.-lp.t poln' s In Hi" coal legions via D. A II II. It.. IU, 2 Is and ( 2T p 111 l..p I'otlsvllle, t.27 . 11. Kor lletlilelieiu. L.f 11, Resiling. Ilitiisbing and piim.ipal fntiiiupdialr slaliotiv via D II. I!. H.. '1.15. II..V. a. 111.: 2.1s. 1.27 ( Dn n ond Kvpres). II.Cil p, ni. Sunday., I). .V H. It. II.. I. IS, 8.27 p. m. I'm 'limkhaiincH k. Towanda, Kluiiia. Ilhica, l.nirva and prlnclpil Inl.'imediale stations, Ii D., L. A W. It. II., 8 0S a. in : 1.03 and ri.40 p. 111. Kor (.'eneva, lln-licrtei, II11C.1I0. Niagara Kail", (hhago and all points vvisl, via D. A II. II. R . II, .V a. in., ;:.J-'l 1 Iliac k Diamond Hvpni-s). 7.1. 10. SI. Il.u p m. undavs, D. A II. It. II . IL.Vi, S.27 p. 111 Pullman pallor and idccplng or Lehigh Vallej parlors cars on all trains between Wllkes-Ilarie and New- vork', Philadelphia, 111, Halo and Sus pension Ilildge , KOI.LIX II. Wll.nrn. On -upl.. 2ii Cortland street, Xew ork. (IlRI.I'.i S l.n:, (.en. Pass. Vgl., 2il Coilland i-tieet. New Votk. W. XOSNKVIVt 1IKR, Div. I'a-s. f .S.mli Relhlehein. Pa. Kor tlcl.cis and I'lilluiaii reservations apply to Wl Laikav-anna avenue, sctaiiton, I'a. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western III I'fTeil li. 2. rH south- l.i.ive c t.ltiton foi New Voik al I 10, :!.i) .1.30, J-.iKi and HHi'i a. m.; 12 11, ,l.::i 11 in Kor Philadelphia at s.od and 10 03 a. its. ; l!.i3 and .'I.S.! p. in. Kor Mroudshiug ,11 I.. 10 p. in Villi, anommodation al .1. IO p. m. Ainve nl Hoboken al (!..:0, 7.1s, 10 .'.a, no.. 3.1.1, Its, 7.10 p. 111. Vrrlve at I'hil.delphia at 1.00, i.2.:. D.Oi) and S.2' p. 111 Vinve linm New- Yoik al 1.10, I 0.1 and 10..' a in.: !.(). 1.3!, 3.41, f, nnd p. in. Klein srm , ,r. .11 p o", , in. Noitli- Leave s lanli i tot llullaio and loiei lieillale slullous al 1.13, HO and ' 00 a. 111 . 1.31, S.4S and II 13 p ir. Kor O.wego and Via.uso 111 LID a. 111. Mini 1.31 p ni. For I'tU. 1 al I. Ill a. 111. nnd 1. 31 p 111 For Von Hose ul !MO .1 111. I. "I nnd 3.1" p. lit For X'kholsoi nl Hiu and il.l". p. 111 For lli-ig luliiton at 10.2') .1. m. Virive In siranlon linin lluft.ilo at 1.21, 2.11. and looo a. in.; :i.30 and S.IS' p. m. Fro 11 O, Hi-jo and "-jranisp at 2.31 a. m : l..i and stio p. 111 I'rom I tit .1 ai 2.31 a in.; 12 l.s and '(..) p 111. Fiom Nicholson al 7., VI .1 111. and t.O) p 111. I sons Moi't'ciji al Hi. i .1 in : .!.?0 ami S O0 p. in. Rlooiiisbiiig Livtsim-t cave Snanton for Nnrthiuul.'il.iiid, ul t 13. 10. HI a. m.; 1.33 and 5.30 p. 111. K01 I'lv mouth at l.O'v 3. in, s.f.o p 111. Kor Kingston 11I s. 0 a 111. Arrive .n al ')..!.! a. 111 : 1.10, 5.00 and S Ii p. in. Vrrlve at Kingston at 8 32 a. 111. nive si Plvmoi'lh al .'.00, l..J, 0.13 p. 111. Mrtv, .11 Scianlon I'mm Xoilhiiinleiland nt 0 (J a. n. . 1. :l.".. 130 nnd K II p. lit. I'lotti Klngslon .11 II. 00 a, i-i. I'ioiii I'lvmouth at 7.33 a in.; " -' and 3 y.'i p. in. sUXDAY 'IRMNS. wiiil.- Leave suinton at 1 to, 3.c 3 30, 1)01 p. 111.: .1.3.1 oud .'i.cO p. in. Vni lb Lea vi s(jn(Cn ,11 I 13. 4.10 n 111 , 3.33. 3.48 and 11..I1 p. m Ploomsbuig Div I. ion Leave Ml'jlilnii .11 lo.ul a. in and 3.30 p. hi, Delaware and Hudson. In I'lferl Nov 23, HKsi 'liams for I aibondalc leave siuiunn at 0 In. 7.3:, 8.3... 10. 1.1 .1. 111.: 1200, 1,20. '.Ml. '1.1'. 3..'fi. 0.12. ,.17, 0.11, 11.13 p. ,11.1 I. p. a. ni. Km lloiU'ilale-0 2O pi,!., u m. , '!, ,)n, 5 , p. in. Km Wilkes lime-1. ii. ',.i. .4i, t).;:i!, 10 c. It.", a. in.; I.22.H. .'kilt, 4 27. 11,14,;. l. II) II. ILI'O p. 111. Kor L. , II. II. piinis-r.4,1, 11.43 a, m ; .' !, 4.27 and II.: 0 p. in. Kor Peniisjlianla I! It. points U. II, 0.3s a ni. : 2.18 and l.s; p, n Kor Mbany tnd all polnta north -fi.20 a, 111 and S 32 p. lit. -l N'DVY TiniNs lor Cailioiidali--;.H), II.ISI a. in; i l, ;i 32, 3 47. p. in. Kor Wilke-llai!e-u.i.s. 11.51 .1. in.: 1.3s, 12. (..27. K27 p. in Kor Mb.inv and iioinii nnttli 3.32 p. 111, IVr llonenlalc 0.00 0. m. and .132 p in. I owet lalcH to all points In lulled 'tales and Canada .1, II. IH'IIDU K. (i. I' V . Mbany. V V. II. W. ( IIOs. n. p. .. n union, I'a Cential Bailroatl of New Jersey. sintloiis ill New Vmk I'oot 01 l.lbeily slieel, V, I!,, anil so.itli l'enj. IIMi: TAIILi: IN lll'KICI NOV. S3, Ifsnt 'lialns leave cii.nloii foi New oil, Nevvaik Kllabeih, I'lilladelpitia. lasivn. Ilellileliiin, M lenlovvn. Main Ii flnink and While ien at t..'0 in,: express. I.l'ii c-xpn1.". -t .VI a. in si ,,. davs. 'M3 p. in Km- Pittiton and W iUea llanr, .s.1'0 1 m, , ).lo and .!.3ci p. 111. Siniduia. p. in. Kor Raltlnioie mn Washington and pomls .outli and West via Ib'llileln'in. M.D a, in,; 1.10 and .1.30 p. 111. sandais, . 1 1 p. in Kor Lour flranili. Ocean liioii'. etc., at 8.40 a 111. and 1.10 1'. in. Foi Reading, l.ebancn and llaiii-11111.-, via Al lrntown, 8..)o a in. and I 10 p. pi. sumhvs, .Ml p. in. For Pottavllle. S i.0 a 111, and 1.10 p m. Throuitb tickets lo all polnla e,m, .oqth and west at lowest tales al the station. II. P IIVI.HWIV, Oen Pass. Vip J. II. OLHAfJ-KN. lien. Vipl Erie and Wyoming Valley. Tlino Tabln In Kflecl Sept, 17, I lias, Tiains for llivvlc-y and points, coime-i Ins at ILviley with Krle railroad tor New Voik, Nrvvlyic and Intermediate points, leavr Scian lon at 7,03 a. ni. and '.'.'.'3 p. m Trains arrive at scranton at in, SO a, m, and 0,10 p. m. m f'S ri 2W.IL Easter Sale of Ladies' Miuisiflini UEiderwear This season's second snle of French and Domestic Fine Nainsook Cambric and Muslin Undergar ments, including many exclusive styles not found elsewhere. Fault less in cut, linish, superior work manship and trimmings. Bridal Lingerie w Sets, Complete line of exquisite gar ments in French, Nainsook, Hand made and Hand embroidered, trim med with real lace. Petticoats. Of tine Muslin and Cambric, Willi l.twn tlounce, trimmed ifi Point de Paris and Renaissance in sertings and edgings. MgH Gowns. Of line Nainsook with daintj Hamburg and Lace trimmings. Corset Covers. The sSpencer Waist of Nainsook, with Valenciennes edging, beading and ribbon. Chemise mi Drawers. Of Cambric. Nainsookand Mus lin, with Lace and Hamburg trim mings. We lead the market in the class of Underwear we handle, practi cally we have no competition in' this line. An early call will secure best selections. Sale opens thiai morning will continue during tho week. 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE EASTER NOVELTIES. We are displaying; an unusual pretty line of Easter goods in Booklets, Cards, Hangcis, and Hand painted Sachets all of which serve as a suitable easter remem brance. This year we have added an imported line of chickens, ducks, and rabbits, which will interest all easter buyer3. Rey molds Bros RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Schedule In Effect Match 17, 1001. Tiains leave Scranton: 0.45 a. m week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. 0.38 n. m., week days, for Hazleton, and for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and tha West. 2.18 p. ui week days, (Sundays 1,58 p. m..) for Sunbuiy, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, week days only 4.27 p, in., week days, for Sunbmy. Hazleton, Pottsvllle, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. I It III II IIIN-liN (.,, Mgr, II "mil I'as tut Tim Cartl in rj'tt let. UOth, tOOO, SCRANTON DIVISION. sn Ki 20 snj aa, as fi r' fa STATIOVS ? tic as fl 6 l$ef.l - mmm pn " """ " jm " " . 7 10 Vi- VY VV IMS! I.t. t (XI l.vf V " , st 75 .. .1011 1 OSAr ' adosie I.t.,.. 3 Oil SO ... . lOSIjijj ' l'ltrton lark. , ttuu, ... looojab I'oyniii.. " a (06 II OSlIlJs, ' .Orson. . " . .iMat .. .... 010IHV I'lessant Sit. " .. auiso, !. y,uiic Union dale, " , seaBSS 4ilis forest Cltj ." .. a IS it) . .... Sit is 11 -l ' ('nibniidsleld " IMtsiSM ....UU sa m 11 J). " ivTiioiHiie 7ootWtSI .. ....eatooi " .vv title Brntire. " J oa .... CUI1 II MujHeld Yd "7 CESIUM ... ... eemim " Msneid johcudi . ... OH1 Sill I 01 Vrllba!il "7HailltS) , .. .SnSMIIOI " VVinlon " 7IIIMI11 , .. BIS IlllOtl " I'erkrlllK "7SJJMllb. . .. Sll, Sill1) M ' Otypbanl "Itlioaiti, , . .flil sioium I'lirrlmri "7mcf .. ....tSi SIS10IS Ihloop "IMIUItt .. ....acjj SSatOIV, I'lorldetMe "7MsJeil ,,. 8Cj I9JI0S1 " Purkrhu-ci ":7Mli78S ,, 80C1 ssoia lOLv Si'isiUoa Ar. 7 coj it) jj ... fM AM IV " f fi Additional trstoslpsTs rftrbondsl for &tstbrla Turf a V p 11 rirret isuiidsy, su.t 7 ro pm busdsy only, srrl.lns si ilsvili-1 1 V sr.l 70U lm sndna pro. s. iditions It rains Icsse hrrsiitpn tt700r.m6nn'1sr..ntvl slei'iilitRsttllstsil'ins to t'srtwtndsl, srnvtug st 711 P'n, snd Irstn Ittvrs Mstil.l Tsrd for I srenadsls stS-ilsos ds.lj, tnliliinl isrNiadsls in. Hates 3 cents per mile. Lonest Jtistes to all Point Went. J. C rNOIRSON, ..S.WCISM. Os'irsn'rAil T"-. Ait, hew Toil Cll sulo,