10 THE SCRANTON TBIBUNIS-TIICBSDAY. JIAKC1I 28, 390T. NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD STATISTICS ADOUT ANTHRACITE COAL MINING. They Hnve Been Issued by the De partment of Internal AfTnhs They Cover Wlmt Was Done During the Year 1000 Monster Locomotives Constructed for the Passenger De paitment of the New Yoik-Centinl RMhonct Effect of New Delnwiue nud Hudson Scale. A bllttftlll Jtlxl l-wili-il 1i till ii.lll iiiunt nf Intoi mil iifTnliH imitiilns most ititcrPMtlnn Htatimli'K lotiiiilltil Horn th. npuitft fur tin- yp.tr J'.KKi of the viirlit iiihliuutoio if the sown dlHtik'ii torn-I-i lliifr til' iintliini'lti' io.il lleldH, Tim hliiu iiIh hi i mil In tuns by mil m othiTwlHc utiil tbi- total ptodiiPtluii hi owl In tonx by dMrli-ti for tin- yi'.ir J'HIII MIM IIX lOHOWH. (ml I, ,1,1 llltlllll'll i,.ii'i,ti:iv) ii.."Vi-H " ,V"" I II in d,l 1 11.71 1 (' 7,"J'."I ii'i (,,(i7(i,7ill in I.J7I.U' "I IiIpihsI ...ll.lKil IM ,"M.7AJ ' ..,.'IIT.IJ 7 .Vil.TTI M ...tllJH l' iliii.i.lo II .V.'nl.Vkti'-. !!.! ' l ' ll.Sil.UISUI I ll-l ilMtlil a . .ii.l ill. Illi l iiumI Olmlii I mill ilWrlM I ifth llivltll I . tli ilMllit ". Mlltll llltlll 1 vli'll lIMlill ii.ul . n.sii.iiyi . . J i t i"" i if till- nmimiit, l,ssn,y:is toil- wir' iiied fur Menu and beat nt llm ml iliibi and l.Di'it.Ti'i.'JD Iiuik vvimo wold to Icon I nude and Hcd by ntplii". riic follow inir tabic Mhivvh the uvci ust limab'T of days wmkcil, thu liuin In i of fatal accident" and the num ber of mm-taliil incident dmlllK tlu Mill In eacli illsiiH't Si. I I II HI V n . ..I lilil fin' 1 it n (.tiwiiii .ml- .i"l well 111. PhlleMll lllllt" lKll lllvl llLI .. . .M. In'-"1 " 1,S s 1 illl .. . H'l l".7- "" I"'-' Ihlnl ili't Ill K" "" '" lumlli 1M ... H'l fj '-''"1" ' " Mftli ilbl ... .!." I'-.MI I -Mil illit 171 -.-." i" ' ' -. pmiIi IM .. .Id ' I l iiiili ilM ... Hi- linn -: mr loUl . 171 H 1.7.1. Ml 1H7 Thetc vvc.iv l.WT.lU Kejrrf of powdei and ".I'.l.i'.ll pounds of dnnmif m-cd In mlnliif,' the (o.il. The bulletin shows .minm; uiher Intoiestlmj IIkuics that iheie ate- l.".Tii holies and mules In live III the Mil lulls mine thiuilKhiillt the 1 Isht distill tt, The total iiumlrr ol Menu eimlnes ot all dasies In use Is S.'i! of which Xi'il me liHoinothe.s Tile number of pumps dpllcilnn water to Uie siinaie Is 'iiT. with a total tapaelly el i.IO.O.'". K.illons per minute Monster Locomotives. Thi New Yoik (Vntml railio.ul his lusi nut into -..ixlce "l eiiKlllLS that in the lamest p.i'siiiKer lneomotlcs in the woil.l. It Is piciilitid that they will be able to make a uoonl of 1-J tulles un hour No. L'.A'J Is to be pill oil tile lmipllc Mate i:pnn, oin of the taslest tialns 111 the win Id. This new limine is ox pi tcil to moil outdo the f minus old ii'i's" moid nl ill miles an hour. It is txptrted I hut biK 'Ji'Sn," when ll Is lullly shiikun down, will be able to nuke a leinrd of ncr belnw behind lime eNcejit in an .utii.il i-nnw blitird. hili her biilldeis say tlmy will be cuMled with sin h ,1 iccotd, lallio.nl nun Ihiouhniit theioutn .lie look ing to the bljr eiiKlne to mal.c a sliut Imik tpecd cshlbltlon of anywlu le fiom 105 to lJ'i miles an hour "."vi" has some ruuatk.ihlc piopoitlons, whiili wire Bhen In a leccnt numb, 1 ot the Itallioad (Jnzette. The engine pioper is jiii,. icct Ioiik:. IneludiiiK pilot ami ten da. tin total dlstiinie lovered on the uaik by the loioiuothe Is neaily lltty tt ei. The two dilvlnu wheels arc ?. llichtf. high. 7 ladies tallei than a six loot man. The mof ol' the tab Uses 1." lut aboc the tiaek. Tho lliebo Is .so bli; that It looks nunc like that of a blK station 11 y engine The -weluht of the enulue alone, with out the tender, is KO.Ouo pounds, or .S! ions. A poc ullar leature of the crmltm is the placing of its ten wheels, .lust behind tho lour mammoth dilveis ni two tinaller traction wheels iimlcr the i.ib. In oullnaij iiinulmr tlnn i.uiy most ot the weiKht ot the cab and llr" bo. lint when on an up-pi.ulc, with Itching Scalp. Scald Ho.nd and tho Most Violent Forms of Eczomn and Salt Rheum Promptly and Thoroughly Curort by Dr. Chaso's Ointment. Among small childien, scald head and similar itclnns Wn dp eases are most prr a. lent, and the worst feature is that these ail ments, which arc apparently trivial at first, almost in anably dc 1 tlop into chronic eczema ii neglected. There h but one trealment that plisicianj are ynanimous in leconiincndinK (or stuld heads and eczema, and that is Dr. I'hascs Ointment, the creat antiseptic healer. It promo: ! stops the dis tressing; itchinc which accompanies these diseases and positively produces a thorough and complete cure. Scores and thous ands of men and A, Wt women stand ready to ouch for the nurits of Dr. Chase's Ointment. It has brought about some of the most marvelous cures eier recorded. In justice to jourself and family, jou cannot do without it 111 your home, Mr. J. II, Urant, 716 Joseph tampan ae nue, Detroit, Mich., writes "For three ears I hac been troubled by an intense itching on my body, bo terrible was it at limes that I could get no rest night or day. I tried all kinds of ointments and blood purifiers, but could get no relief. Mr. II. A. Nicolai of 379 Division street recom mended Dr. Chase's Ointment. A few applications stopped the itching1 and I have felt nothing since." Baby Eczema. Mr. r". S. Hose of 133 Sixteenth street, Huffalo, N. V., writer "Our baby boy suffered for some time with that wretched eczema, and we were un able to find anything to cure or even relieve his pain, A few applications of Dr. A. W. Chase's Ointment stopped" the itching and healed the sores, and a bright, natural skin noiv takes their place." t Dr. Chase's Ointment does not cause pain when applied, but soothes the sore or In flamed surface, 50 cents at all dealers, or Dr. . W. Chase Medicine Co., Huffalo, N. Y. n heavy load to pull nml tho Olivine wheels nrti slipping;, n ihw mrchitnlim Is lined. Ily the turn of a lecr in thu cab 10,000 pounds weight Is shifted fiom tho miction whoelH to tho dtlvlnir wheele. ThN makes tho Olivet h Rilp tho tmck with Jut to much uddud JKJWl'l The Effect of the Now Scale. Tho new scale of vwi3-H Axed hi' tlm Ptduwaip and Hudon cumpany will iniiko tho following oluitiB'"1: Ml ( inn lonilurb'M v lio tetebnl - Ij iIj.v 111 ich- i!iA Mine inn liraKdiicti nln. icioiul .t Pit ptr !i. Mill mi he ti per tin. 1'lilu'il .nil ifMl mil cnmliK lor. (Xffpl '"i.ll fniKli'., lio iculvM .'.70 ki liv will leu he t,.'?i (xi il.Jt. I'nlltlil nml coll nm liilrnidii ciiriit I n.il tr.Ulil. wlm uiilinl Tl I"-' ll 'J vM ,c nlin SJ .l ill)- l.oul lulvlt iftliihittor ln. inebcl ' 70 will uioiw -.. (I lilt Irfirii liiikiht liukriiuii nlin leiikul s ' ,11 iciibe i i in ill. lliKl..imiiulir wl.ii mbul J .(i Hi.i Mill iioi Kile .i tc r i.iomti l'j'dl!ii 'ii ikiw n ln nubr.1 l.iy nt !i "fit rculii" A'iJ or leoiilli. ni I'llilllltil- Hl,e IXlblil hi I". K.I lli.l nlll iieM mibi "1I.1 i iiit.iilli ;i.l l.ll.k'l'lill lii IikUiiI -I M ,il il'.t Mill roiibc ' 1 i'i in. ntli The rhlef kiIcmiikc wim a itductlon In t lie- iimiitmi of bouts umkeil. Ten lioui- wii'i linked lor to (ontltutc ,t diivV MllK. To Have New Quaitets. The Lommittcc apioluted at the last incc-tliiR iif llio (Vnt1.1l Labor union lo look around lor new headquarters for the asooolatlon haxo about deilded m the utilou'H new meotini; idnoo. The looms on thu ftcond lloor il" the Kcoauui.v biilldln. illuctly below the liirRc hall now uort by Ihc union, hac been K-lectcd by the lonmilttee. Thc-" looms tomnrl'-e one Inrju hull, amply commodious for all nuctlnsH of this union, and secial niall ante iluuu Iiith. wliloh will be utllled an pilvute Otlll'I'S. These win be uf(l .is the htaddu.'ir teis of the mine wiiikci, the cat uru leis, the in.ielilnlfts und other unions. Counteifelt the Label. At a meeting of the t'lp.u makers' union, held Tuesdnj night, iiiueli 1K ( usvlon w.isaioused by the lepoit that oliriis were belntr sent to this city by manufaotuiu-s In JteadltiK and oth 11 cities of the lower dlstilet. Ilea line a label counteifeltliiK tho union make. it was decided to pron-cute all Mien dealeis and President Geoifje W. I'ei klns 1ms bein notllled and will 01110 on lioin CIiIciko lo peiMinally take oh.it rc of the pioLoeilliiRs (iKnlnst tin 111 Today's D., L. & W. Bonid. The make-up of todaj's D., I. W. board Is as follows; and WllMI)Y. ( al, I'ji-t 1 n, MM1LII in . W m .1 I Will I..1IU11 10 Muimi. wild 1' 111 , II IIMilIlL', 11 I' 1 lUittiolemcuV nun Till ItsUW. MU II J' W1I1I (jH. Fat li "ji u. in. I .1. i ,1.11.11,,. 1 0 u. 111 , M Cirnirdi 2 . m . ,1 II. it'll. .'. j 111, M I ouihli,' . I j. 111. I. I Mlin; ." a 111 , ('. Klnolij, 7 1. 111 , 11 lr.u lifj . a. 111. T Mrfurlln. '1 u 111.. T. Ill pitrirk: 10 a. in. (.eerKi- Hurl. II a 111, ! (uMiii. ulih II llurl;'n v.ri,, 1 j, m , II. llirtic, - p. in.. Itniliuloiiiin, .1 111. O UiiiiMii, I ..'! . in. J. HurMiirt; ". p 111, O W llirciuM, ii p in., Inlin Ciluu'in siiiiiiniu, I'.le -0 .1 in, rul. 1 llninl;.iii; s j 111, u.i, Kiiiimr, ullli W II Mi hnU' iikh: ii p in, i i-t, .1 CnHiii;. 1 p 111. i.ul, P l nanjilt;h j. in , it. l!(i.ri.e I'lutiii MI11, 7 p 111, pal (rum Ni 1.'. I.,ljnl MiMIUtcu 7, p in, ,mt (nun i'jmiki, (linloi: p 111. wt from (Hjusa. lM.inr l'ulltr-l) in P. I! Vior Pii!ifl S 111 HuKir. P) Ml in nuti 11 .in a in J p in , l.uiipimr: I'asrii5 1 I nciii, singer, .". 0 p 111 cm Wllil 1 ji.. Wi.l Moron, in p. 111 7 p in . (I I Ik in.. (!ifim,, ; 7 p in Mutpln , 1 111 . Mi(.o. s.inli 11. Ill 111 . Ii I Use. Hi NO 1 H I U-Uji. .,. lull. Hi tie 111.11 J iinrn lllu,! iMllt4 fur 1 Hi M li 1 .c l JUKI, ni't. p in 111J irn Mill inn rut, the S7 Hi i.Idilii.iul This nnd Thnt. PIvlsKin Supcilntendeni K l weal in Hallsfend jesteulay on Kino busl- liess, A movement N mm limit 1 wav to oiitanlze all cm punters emplojcd about the breakois. D. AV. Monlson. "upcrJuti ndciti f Pullman i.ir sen lie on the haiku w an na t.illio.nt, was in the dtv yestaday. A. II. lliidd, s-lKiial vtiKlneci', and A. I. Xeatle, Keneial toad mastei of the I.ackawannu i.iilioad, vveio in tin city .vesteiday. it has Iipuh pi.utlealb d tided h the Onti.il 1. ibor union that lnsle.ul of celebi.itln I.aboi day w Ith u patade. other inithods will be icpoited to It Is likelv th.it a mammiith imiiihIuu will be inn to Lake l.mloie. A mivtini? of tlie iJutilp'i union wan In Id In Cii-oper.Uhi hall Inst nUlit and a l.ugi amount of lmpoitant business tliilifiK ted. It was deildud to In Kin Ii nal piiKeidlna.s itijaliist all butchei.s who violated Hit law- by kiep- illK till Ir CStabllHlllUellth opill 1)11 Sllll- d.o The Ut'l.iwaic ami lludsnn Jtnihoad company Is Ii.uIiik- u cniship built at tin foot of .l.uot htllet Thu llllllll imr. whh Ii is 1JS5H tcet, i of btlel. nnd Is lulus; built bv Coiitiaitoi ln scph In 1 iltfi , of Sou a .-seianlon The liiilldim; will be nuuilciil In a1 nt tout wick and will oinpiny about IV) The linMlllK of till bonis' nntlies at Home of the Delawmi. laukawnniia and Wcsteiii enlllciltt. dnes not hlnnl fy anything out of the otdlnuiy. Somo daR it is iieicsniij to woik ten limn 3 lo mako up lost time while only Heven and olffht hours aie walked othir iluh. The (onditlons depend upon the muiilia of i.uh avallabli Seeietitiy-Tieasutir lleniy White, of the (laiment Winkers' union vv.ib IH the ilty Tiit'Siluy. cmnluRr up fiom Xew York foi the puipoM- or adjusting dlill cultleH exhtinii between the T A White MamiiarturliiK lompuny and ItH employis. lcKatdliiK the wase fieale jinld A satlstaotoiy settlement waa made, and tho girl emploes will meet toulKht and (onslder the lesiilts of Mi. White's Intel cesblon. The follow Iiik bullotiii. Issued b Oeneiril Iloudniiister A. J Ncnlo and Chief nnslneer McPurlatt, of tins Lnekawnnna, will so Into tftect Aptll 1 "noadmuster Hten-on'H tenltory will be cxtendid fiom Chtnango Forks to and Incltidlnir tho IMnghumton yaid, tho anio oh Is now undoi' the supervision of Iloadmustei Uoean lloudmaHtcr Hogun territoty ivill bo extended to this heel of th ftog at ChonaiiBO FoiUh Junction. Tho Junc tion switches at Chennngo Forka will be tindei th" supervlslnii of lloadmus tcr HteiiPJii " Engineer Thompson Dead. Uy llxcluilve Wire fiom Tlie Aiocltltil Pirn Tirnton, Mardi 27. Frank Tlioiupuu, tho 111 glnitr ol tho I'aindi 11 aiiommoiUtlou lulu Hlildi (oIIIUkI with the thlnl Mi lion of the ".Ni'llle lib' ipiri at Itiitllns'i Millnc on 11iuriU allrrncion, Fcl. SI. at nhlrh tiinr- a minilxr ol nlxr ol l lvi. wnltJl p-nom wise lailnl, illnl In the SI. 1'r.iiK.I p'lul l"U. 'II101111 (.11 liail linn In th" h Iirc (hi. 1 ZIZELMANN'S ANNUAUiEPORT (r uIkIi.iIciI (10m I'juc 0 1 III the rri,trjl dly In the Norlli Knit, there bring t pcrnt in rnnlnm In lint pa it, of the ilty inn: vt.vitM I niinlil a rill ,v our otlriilli.n in (l,o f(t, i,( i.hiili. itn ilonlit. j 011 me mII mil,'. Hut ;l( mull Kt fur I lie IMllAl ulnl llulllll'tUIHC nl Hit lite 1I11111 ntcin ixplrnl Oitobei. lVi, nml the rlly l at pirMtit without iiiii wli inntrJit. I Viuilil .lien Mininiiiriiil lint lcp be tlkfil to punliKc thr prKcnt Pie .il.inii ..i.trm. I In- (III U now pa.iltiir il.ll f. r iniUl mil .Mll II fur the iimllilrnime, li.al.lnf a tnlil i( ),"ll II ,1 c.ir. 'fin to in1 al picinl Imr iiikIih' 1uiiicii In lirKcnl moil it iijlr, nitncly, tlie (Vilunibli, 1.11k 1 (y, Kxiiloii r iiinl Nipluiic (.iinpinlK, H nil (Ullniuliil O'llljl ot ahull .'.In, II .ll nine ll lin lod lo UIIMMA With rriir 1 no in 1 ntliiillmi nti ll.c pin of (lllnlii, liun.i ill.l.lrniK llm ihIkM I.im In en linenleil. Iinilinr ihc (jll nl nor.i jtjt mini l.n ii.nlt (11 in 11,0 llllli iniiillthiii nf ililiiinij. While mini nf tl.ne lirm nio trblil, viine pime ilij.limi' 'I ho ile.mliu ef ilm-s .11 lounlii In till lis ueiihl i.lnlilo ull Hit trnuhlo. . II I' iihiiirtft.ii.'i III 1110 to vine tl.lt liuprop. till (1 ii-limtiil fillip jno 11 lirjol'i" from lire. I.I.I.l rule Willi s linpinp rl.i runmin toil 1 lulil. Unlit in lui. pininl Iho kiiiiiio i( niini liios l.Mj tniirli r.ro in plarltiir thr-e lu In tom. whin, llieie n m tnuili Itillnnniihlo iniliilil, i.iliimt I,,' 1 1V1-11 The il.parlininl l nl,i Inmlh ippnl by tho min im In whiili nieiliiiil iliflrl. lluht whoj, rpe dilli iliu'o innnlin; (Iom I" hull lltip" mo litinv Nut onl.t 1I.1 II10.0 lir imlinpi lift . hill lliot 1 1, -Hint Un lliiiiicn ill Hit lil-lli.' nt 1 nl 1,H un! In it n'lilnj: pi ins whin tin V 1.111 I" t fUhl Iho II11110 I Huiiot ii'jaln ill lour .itiintli.n In the limit. r tho Die .lbrm Milim U contliuiilli iipwoil Ii l.i llio piiilinil nf iho ilulrli IIkIiI Iik in III nlin i.l I In (no at 11111 ItloKiiph. Iliulnj; lilo Mum imo In nit wit iTiileml inllulv u 11 i ilnrlnu' tin mi JH f put ef tho nljrjit Wlut Iho ioihoiiiiiii 04 mUhf Pi ilurliii; 1 nioio tleit itnim l tiikhtfnl tn 1 null mpl in Whllo I llllllll l.i lieu til 11 till Mill- 111UM till milelt .ill c miilir eronml, iml II11I tho illy riiniml I.imii I Ills work Phi xnon, if M.11I11I Oil 1 11 iiipielini-br pi in. 1 jet think tint mm h imv In iraiiiul in point if nliihlliti utulu lh pn mi 1 t.iiilil leii In a piopoi re(,'iil,iliun of llio mer l ol v tt nt. Hie tm'llnoin nf llio H1J70 nf oo ami ilie un our iillnl, ll ktrnlit, un! Iho lixnmenlenro .iml ilniiir ii-ulilni; lliKlittn, are nut o minh llio n-iilt l Ihc ouiln.nl it.iil(iii ll t If nt tluv ar Iho ii.ii-iiiitii(it if tlie njiil f 1 jilmnth plin I 'i 1 pn pti niul.itloii In iliw of llio nhiiii, I MOiihl liiiihi Hunt. II li ruli- .mil ii'fciilatlniit. whiili. lop Hut wlHi . iu tint iiiIrIi! ho nrTrtnl, If llm mo I with mi oppini d, iniiM ho Haiiimlttotl In I hi pr p. ir nilliiultlit i a lnlt fur 11 nru. or in iiininl mint to Ihi pri-int. onlliunro. lit I.f-S -Ml 111 (. I'I. VTKINs 1011 uVr.Illlr VI) 1 1.1 nine iiiMit noils 1 No ivlic iroiiiK 1 Mreol to ho, at lis Imrost point it hip, wlililii tHinli fut il tho pno un lit .' WK11 ll hunines neiiwarj for nno line 10 , 1 s molhii It Mull inn o Ur ahoio or liilnw Ho et'iir in inai ho illlutul 1 VII "ihjil wins" 10 ho lomoieil. I VII (uniiMlliiiit Willi ilulrli llshi t.iii.lii tT tn lie iniile he mnnins Iho wires tn U10 top of Iho liiiihlniE 11ml linn ilwui Hie Irmil t.i Iho lamp ', VII ildllit liu'ht loinlinlmt lo l lnuhlit tij mime wain pioof fonipjniiil (1 IbVlts Iho iiiinlilioii of the nllir,. of innn ,f our liitlniM houses is .1 minus thiwhaik In Iho le pirtnicnt when eml. noriiiK li iitlnuuUli J lire whh Ii iiuv li it mini therein, 'lint iliillciilt Ins l.itii opirliii(.il n numiroti- ouj.Ii'Ih tlur Inc the pist 11 ir V leiiulitlm 1 ,uhl ho ennt i. ri'iiilriiitt minhinu to liop their rclbrs freo finiii ildnK anil in irmMe -ultihlt (ieiiui-, tuns Milne tin liiimi 11 fno liiftiisi. .mil egriM In jilJIIlun there honhl he a tiehl lnpielion. with a new if n.iirlnu 1 ilfrcrous inlortement of llio u unburn lu eriiiiortlnii mill ih( imminent men it llio tl.pirtniint, 1 Mate that the ili-ilplhie has hiiu pi nl, with pnvllih on in tuii rlliilit Iniraetlo.iH of the rules. 'Ih.lr work is arduous. n ilnte Iwint (our hour ur "In mil W"i di pel eir miu will iluist I1111I tin 111 when tllli talis I 'r Hie lienefit of the nun I loeomnuinl that loir ' honorahle lioillc- lecMito tin piopir uiijuiire m thn ean he itinn on tlai oil iluti In un . un or a- olien n po-lhle, n thu Ijh time I. mliifli with thoir familiis llm hnul I ul-o mi ii moie iimiiiiiMtloii fir ilwh -iiilies Tlio.v ate on duiv ill the tune, wnilo the pi.liiinnii Kt Mi.ral lioius p,r div otf. iii-Mitlidit- the li.lldiiicn iio jalil the mo'l. while llm iro not lullcl Hi on t't fan iHJ mmi djii;i r dun tho llreintn. (If Ihc ii limtem I lali.onh -Ji Molds of pralM-. H115 Jlo sni.iid P. imiii In the loiuill. thdr 11 iinl' t peaks Kr lb-elf Mluw me t ly tint liny .no ili-nliie it He hlislu-l 1 1 minuuli lion tin tlit ir i1f loulrliliu nork iluiini: t e ,nai Vllhouah they ml" l'"li Iniliis Jnipir illie their lioilih .iml llvn. et thiv leini- nn riiiiiiin rilinn in tlidr (tiilie l!is,oitfiill -uhmllted. 1" W'. Iilinii 11 t I. nl of 1 ir. Iiipiitluniit TO ABOLISH TWO DISTRICTS. Plan Thnt Will Be Bi ought Before the Confeteuce. Tin i.t.rlilliiK ll'i! r H"' Wjominir S..!;" x.T! i lllltHllMUV (if till- m in lii nli una In HIiib Tiit-il.ty ainl iliwi nn'il pi. in- fni tho li.uiKliitf "f H11- minilioi of rlli-tilcts lu tin- .onfi ifii' iifiii 1 to four. It Is imiimstd tn i tve tin Hlim'lmtn tnu ami OiiCdltta illcll lit" tin- H.um as .It piihPllt. If the plan is 1 tnlnl nut th' llniif il.ilc and 'lirniiliKO ills-n Ii ts will lx iUmiIIsIumI ninl a m-u illhtikt i atod with -i inntnn .is a 1 nlin It was (K'lIiIimI to IiiIiik thi mattor licfom thf PH-ion of tin (onfi'ifneo to 1) lu'lil ut West I'lttstnn dm lug tin I 1 uly p.11 1 "f not nioiitli Tlicnf Is IIKpIv to bo mm Ii opposition when tin' plan l untoldc.il at confcrenc time. Qraphaphone Sale Continues Our Closing Out Sale of Graphaphoucs, Records, Supplies, Etc., still continues. Our stock is not so large as it was a few days aq;o, but is still the largest in the city. This sale offers a great opportuuity to secure a collection of the newest rec ords at cut prices. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312-314 Lackawanna Avenue. CEYLON AND INDIA TEA BLACK 01 GREEN WE ARE NOT SURPRISED That you are now using machine-made Ceylon and India tea. Why? Because you know other teas are rolled by the hands of unclean riongolians. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR SALADA i Ceylon Tea REFRESHING. DELICIOUS. Bold only In Lead reUoU. 50c, 0c. and 70c. Per Lb. Jhe public Is always eager to investi gate anything of merit, and we know you must be interested in Wilfee Porcelain Refrigerators We claim they are the best in the world and assert posi tively that we know other as good. of no 1 en Mears Building. HENRY BEL1N, JR., General Agent for Ins Wyoming Uittnot tor Ulnlnc, Dliitlnc, Rcptuno (porting. SmoLelett and Chemical "C'onipjny'a the i H igh Explosives. Eafcty Fusr, Cjpi and Kiploders. II com 101 Con nell Itulldinf, Ki. ronton. AUUNCIUS: 11103. I Oil II t'ltiaton JOHN B SMITH 4. SON I'ljmoutli W. I. JJULUC1AN Wllket)rr Tlie Dickson Muniiractiiriii;; Co. tcranton and WllUevlUrrn. I'. Mmiufaclurort o.' LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY ENGINES nolltrs, HolstlncanJ Pumplnc .Machinery. General Office. Bcranton. Fa. ill i DUPONT'S POWDER. SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. Extraordinary Specials in our White Goods Department Remnant of HugHsh hong Cloth in lengths of from three to ten yards, a positive 2J cent quality and the unest Long Cloth we have ever sold. 15c a Yard Remnants of fine India hinons, in lengths of prices: Lot Lot Lot Lot Plaid and Stripe Nainsooks of oxccUcnt quality, worth Lace Stripe Lawns, in 10c 50 dozen Plemstitched Linen Much Towels, medium size best Towel bargain of the season. And 50 do:en of the biggest and best Turkish Bath size 27X5S inches, of solid towel, with knotted fringe ends, The - - i continue 44- 4 4'44 - - ft - Special - J .1 .f t CONNOLLY & NEW YORK HOTELS. XV ICSTM 1 KSTE It II OTEL Cor Sixteenth St. nd In Ins nice, NEW YORK. Amtricin Luiopon rin, $3 50 per tlij- nl upward I'Un, tl 60 per day and upward. I. V. CUAWtOHl). Tioprletor. Hotel VICTORIA 27th Street, Broadway and 5th Ave, New York European ySfK Absolutely Plan sw Fireproof . I In the centre of the shopping and theatre district ' A Modern MnuUtt Ildel. fomple In att It am?lnf n ent 1 urmslilngiati ilecorttion uewihrni;hout. A com- l mrxlatfoui f f io (ructi i5 ulte with b Hot Ail tvli W4'eranl lelrptiore lottery room, CuIlii'jurcxi.e!teJ. GEORGE W. SWEENEY, Prop.? I Tor Businos Men In the htart ot Uie wholesale district. For Sliopi)Dr minutes' wulk to Wanamclceri; S minutes to Street Coopers Bin Btorc. lZnsy of access to the stent Dry Goods Stores. For Sightseer One block from B'wav rari. civ InR easy transportation to all points of Interest. I HOTEL ALBERT j i XBW Y0KK. -f ror. nth st UNtvnnsiTT ru " 4. Only ono Illock from Urondway. -4- Pimm' R1 Tin l!SURANr 7 nOOIHj, 91 Up. Prices Kejiofubl: Fast Time to Portland CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY fllli "CIIICAtiO.I'ORTI.ANlJ hl'i:. CIAL" leaves Chicago .j( p. tn. dally. la ChicagUmon Pacific and North' Weiton Line, arrives I'ortland, Oregon, afternoon of third d-y. change of cars; meals In Dining Cms. lltiffit Library Cars. .uth barber. Tourist Mecpers daily. l'ersonally londiicttd excursion every week 'I lie ln?t of everjthing. The raiilic lAprcss leaves 10,30 p. m. dail) Call on any agent for tickets or address 461 BrtadwQy, Niv tcik COI Cftfl t SI ,PliUafleliU )S3 Waililnglea SI , So.(o 901 Halt St , ' eufilt 311 Cltik SI , CA'cago Ij tint St Cintmnall OorSmithllist .rittitura :34 Sumtlar St., Cltvltnd UCampit UartliM, Pttrilt 3KlnqSt ,Catl,rolcr,Onl. fs Pfof.TTrCf JTEEL? 27 &tit$ if J rkllndrlpkU, !'. 11.1 l.rrm. t.p.rUll.1 U tl An.rl.ft. (.uirittMi larurr l.abr ill rrlmlr. I1I..1.M. frr.hrk.4 lolll Hi.lii.....ibiiki.4 lll4 I'dkna. N.noo. Ilrl llll', U.I UiuKckkI,' 3 has proved a great success 8c ...10c 12&c ...15c A saving of from 4 to 8 cents on every yard. new effects, at special prices, Men's Collar and - throughout the week. 4 - 4 - .4 - 4.4 - 44 - - 4 - 4 - ttttf4tttt4 - 4.f! -f t -f4f 44 f4f exhibit of fine Leather Goods will be 4L. . a . .. 1 ..... muuc uuring liic uuiuulu 01 liic wcuk, lnciuuing Belts, Pocketbooks, Chatelaine Bags, Shopping Bags, Etc. t tH t f WALLACE, .J. .J. .J. .f. .;, .. . .J. .1, .J. .J. .J. .J. 4. .J. .. WAIT WAIT For Our Great Sale of CARPETS and DRAPERIES I 1 Wc are now prepared complete Wall Papers, OiI Cloths and WILLIAHS&ricANlJLTY 126 Washington Avenue. .' .... 1901 1CYCLE New models now in. Spaldings.Cleve lands, Tver Johnson and Crescents. No ! belter selection ever made. Call and see them. They're beau ties. 211 Washington Ave. 311 Snrurc St. Mnpir Court lUililmi.. SCK.VNTOX, PA. i I mutr anil ihromq Ul.Cflet nf DI71I. n iikii jn( .Ivllditii. (IlltOSIl M'ltMll- nit vis mi v vs-nMi HM'ISKs sfhf. ill.. r ! llio l.l.r Kld!i. IIIiujO. N-rn, Woinli, hP. I'J'. TliruJi. jrl 1 inn... iinii-r". nim"r. Ituiiiure Imltii llhriiiiuUMii, tini 1 .i.l. Varl.mfi. wl Vlilltiouil, sicnnr ) iniloiH. all iViiuli l)lJo. I.Micnrrbo'i. rl. , l.imnilirt, Smllli HluM I'lilwn, Inillirri'. ll.m Jinl oiititul IuImi- ..I.HtPMi.O Siirpn, Ills l'lllri) ff "ml "Willi Wonin ( V TIIIHIIOOM. ttiCi t'T tminli 1lrr nimilhi' trraimrnt onlv j.rti Irul Ini 111 nttlie Cuiinulntluti nJ 4imnilliii Uf ' Bfi hciirs 0ltj iml i-midv. '" ,0 ,J I' ,rL DR. DENSTEN. J I DREY I BUS ll'l Ml IIUMrr -koi I'llu oue to six yards, at 12 J, cents, At s 3c Yard and 12&c Yard and fine quality. The 10c Each Towels we have ever a positive 50c value, At 39c offered, Each Cuff Sale x and will . . 4. 4- 4 i fi 127 AND WASHINGTON 129 AVENUE - i' V T V T T T T V V V V V T T T T Vq 4 4 4 4 4 from to fill all orders with a iicvr stock of Linoleums, Window Shades -5" iger Beer Brewery Manufacturers or OLD STOCK PILSNER 436 to 455 N. Ninth Stroat, .PA Telcphons Call, 2.13J. THE hill olll 0 uUllo La J.EFi!lKIOGS!C POWDER CO. Hooius 1 ana, Com'ith B'l'd'f. ECRANTON, PA. nining and Blasting POWDER UrtUfttMooiloand IluinltU Worki. LAPLIN & RAND POWDBR CO.'S ORANQE GUN POWDER Elcetrlo Ilattrlft. Elio'.rld Kiploltrv iplodlns blmls, safety Kuttnal Repauno Gtiemlca! Cu's .:xi'i!on'i'vc.;