The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 28, 1901, Image 1
TT ribtme. ttw&m 'V.I THI: ONLY SCRANTON PAPER. RliClilVlNG THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. i.T SCJIASTOX, PA., THURSDAY MOUSING, MARCH 28, 190.1. TEN PAGES, i TWO CENTS. milt TEN PAGES oo.V;- .till 1 zxsg$ idmki&L ' wm imm1 -, , - SURPRISE ON VAUGHAN BILL The Promoters Had Onlu Four Votes to Sparc on Second Readlna Yesterday. VOTE AGAINST THE BILL Composed of V.itbns .Clement e. Over-conudeiio ot Supyortois of the Moosure Came Very Near Re sulting In Victory for the Opposi tion Some Lively Work Will He Necessary to Get the Votes "Out of the Woods." Bills Introduced in the Interest of Dunmoie Regard ing Cnrbondnle Liens Palm Bill Defeated. Spec j! fmm a i'tjil (.'iivrtpeiileiit. lUrrlsliurc, Mm nil 27. To Him meat surpilso nf Its promoters, tlio Vaughnii In.'tiso fee lilll had only four votes to pure on second rtidltiic this niurnlng. TIi' imci' with which the special oritur was secured, thu fact that the opium-mi.- of the measure had ostensibly gi.-n ui thu light In tin: house, and the big majority with which thu I.onrd local option bill was taken from tho calendar and recommitted only a half hoar before, had the effect of making he fee bill lobbyists over-eonllde.nt ami by neglecting to see to It that ill ' who had been si'iurod to voto lor the bill weio In their .seats, they i.nn. within a halrshrcadth of seeing all their work of the last two weeks B" fl llHURllt. Tin vote was by u. division, thu mem ber rising; to be counted. According to 'be repot t of this tellers It was 71 to Hi Thi'j count was made while tin r- wan considerable confusion on tie floor and. being hurriedly made. It is Impost-blo that an exact count wonbl have shown thnt the vote was cn clospr than tho repot t of the tell er showed. Tie- vote against the measure was a verj diversified one. The members win bad voted In mippnrl of the Ieard bill were in their seats waiting lonp P' ;e the Viiuglmn bill and did so to a. in; n. Then tlr.- were a miiJhcr of hide bound Ins, irgents who follow tho liud of .Mr. ', -ny religiously and, nt his behest, wore on hand to help give the bill Its (ittletUH. Again, there wore. h number of representatives who op po, tho bill because- it is alleged to be special legislation, In the interests of Scrantnn alone, and they, too, took care to be present to be recorded against it. Not a few of tho latter were antl-ripperites who were anxious to make Scranton "take her medicine." The bill will come up for Until passage tomorrow morning at 11.13 o'clock. To pass finally It must have 103 votes. The friends of the bill are somewhat fearful, as a. result of this morning's surprise- party, that the necessary constitutional majority may not Iw forthcoming and are landing every effort tonight to secure the needed votes. There is hardly any question but that the votes "arc in the woods." The task 'before the promot ers is to get them to conic out and be on hand when tin? voto Is taken. This Is a. dilliculty always, encountered In pasting a. measure that does not par ticularly interest tho members at large. Dr. McLeod's Circular. Iteforc leaving Hurrlsburg Tuesday Rev. Dr. McLood prepared the follow ing circular for distribution among the members of tho house, and it will bo distributed tomorrow: Scunton if new a city ot tli scruml il.i. The Vaiiglun llocno tit bill i coudilirato er.ough to rccoKido that fait, ami to kiip It. a elty of the scond cm in one It pun tho city ( Siniiitua in n cUt. or ub-clatw by itself. Thin particular point is tu the amount to he pild (or a liquor Hun. Tho preKent law of tho ttjte impow, upon li(Ui dealer or saloon keepeni a fee ot 41.10) In cities ot tho wend cl:is. The Vauli.m bill u: "Tliat Ij nil rinht ia every Uty Scranton; in Scranton. alnou keeper ought to W (tuoicd (or n period ot three jcjm, by re m ttlns to them half tlut mm, or iSMO." Manllcftty, this is (lav. bKiditlui wii'.i a vomuiincc. It it be not unconstitutional It l at least vlolou'. It 1 lci;Ilatlon in the Inter its o( a class nf cIIIjiiii who contribute no more than an." other citizen, to thu iiiur.dlty m good citizenship of the i!i.mnmciltli and who havo r.o more claim thin anj ollur clay upon the gcnrroMty ol the kUIo. Instead of having iiliei of the lirM, fiLnml anil third clamcii. The auphJii bill would give us cities ot the flirt, keeuml nml thlrJ dawn and one city Srraiitnn t a tnvii. grel clas a clau by IIhIi'. one-liaK in tho ir ond d)M mid tlm ollur halt In tho thinl li. This teclalfieation i-i Okkcil for wholly and i T oluilrely In the intereM of tin .jIikjii ke.pim ( fcracton. To riace Duumore on the Map. Two bills were Introduced by ltep rcsentatlvo James this mnrniug, mak ing provision for Duntnorc to divest Jtfolf of its special laws and take ad vantngi of tho genetal borough act. The bills are practically alike, dlli'ei lug only In that one relates lo tho coun cil and the other to tho school boatd. Following Is tho town council hill: AX ACT to proHf (or ward repreM-nUtlon In the tov.n roumll of (ho huroueli ot Pinimoie, provhlla; (or the iippuintimiit ami elect!".! of nunibir. nf council fioni raid ward and tho manner of filllnt: varamicn. flection ). lie It muted by the rrnalr ni:d home at iiprexnlathht, of thu common veallh of I'fnniyhanla, In cental aimbly met, .ind It it hruby enacted by tho uulhnilly ( tin ume, tlutt the town council of the horoucli nf Pur.morc shall :oaUt of tun inemlxm from raeh ward, and upon the p.wjtv nf thii urt, the court of common pleas of tacUwanna eoimi.v In hrteby authorised und en'pim'eied to apMjnt two qunllllcd electcnt from caeh waid tn mivk t mrtnbfr of the town round I bom mch uard until the lii.t M lay of Mauli, A, 1. !!, .mil at the inunlrlpsl election to be held on thu third TuenJay of rebtiiary, 1902. tin (uallfled elector el each wnid of t-U boronli shall elect w numbira c( the town roiniell, one to nrie for one r r and one to w-no for two yram, and (Continued on 1'ase 3, SALE OF CONNELL COLLIERIES. Arrnngements for the Purchase of William A. and Lawrence Plants. Ilr Ilicluuhe M'ir dom The Aoclleil Pre.d. l'hlladel)hla, ilitch 27. Congress itiuu William Cotinell today disposed of his Interests in tho William A. nml l.awrenco collleiles, located near Seranton, In which city Air. Council kfIiIcs. Tho ostensible purchaser was the Council Coal company, which will noon become n tributary of the i.ehlgh Valley foal company. The purchase price is said to be about M,nun,noo. Immediately after the com pletion of the deal, the congressman departed for Washington. The capacity of the Contielt collieries Is about Z(000 tons per month. They, with other collieries In tin Lacka wanna district, are ut present produc ing their limit. They employ about 700 men each. It Is the belief of coal operators that the absorption of the Connell collleiles along with those of the Pennsylvania company will be followed by others In the district. While Mr. Connell was In this city Thomas 11. Nleholls. president of an thracite district No. 1, and John Kahey, president of district No. !'. came hero und held a brief conference with him. Their purpose was to enlist his aid In the efforts of the Mine Workers to seeun recognition from the coal carry ing companies, but he declined to uso bis Inlluenro in this tespect. In nu Interview, Congressman Con nell said: "I simply told them that l was unable to aid them. As for re cognizing the union ourselves, wo will follo'w the example of the larger opera tors. We have granted the miners a. continuance of the ten per cent, in crease for nnother year, until April 1', lfiu:'. I don't anticipate tumble in the nnthraclto p.'glon. The only ob ject which the union's olllcers now seelc is recognition of their organization. DAMAGE FROM FLOODS IN NEW YORK Mohawk River Higher Than at Any Time in Forty Years Railroad Property Under Water. Ily Kxcliifiie he (mm The Awwiated IV'. New York, March 7. From many parts of the state come news today and tonight of damage uy Hoods. The waters of rivers and the smaller tribu tary streams are reported us overllow Ing their banks, causing widespread inundations which threaten to destroy much property if not bringing about loss of life before they begin to sub side. P to midnight the only accident In which any one was injured wan that due to the washout of a, culvert near Norwich and the ditching of a Dela ware and Lackawanna train. In the accident threo people were slightly hurt. This rush of water which Is swelling the streams is due to heavy rains and the consequent melting of snow which has lain for months and been deeper than usual in the central, northern and western portions nf the state. The Mohawk ilver, swollen by torrents of water llowlng from the snow-covered Adirondacks is higher than nt any time in almost foity years and feat was expressed at I'tlea during tho day tliut the rising waters would Inierforo with railway trallle before tomorrow, but tonight's reports show that the high point was reached mid the waters were rucrling. The waters of thu Mo hawk carried the lee out of the river at Kcheneetady and the pressure thus lelleved has saved Schenectady so far from serious damage. The unlet ha risen so high, however, that Little Falls reports that New York Cent mi trains are being run over tin West Shore road between Frankt'oi I and rtlon. The (Jenessee alloy is alluat in many places, the tiencssee and Its tributaries not having been so lull for live years. A rlseif iifteen Inches in twelve hours Is an Indication of the rapid gate nt which the water is llow lng Into Rochester and Its adjacent villages. Much ralltoad property is already under water. The people at Cortland are alarmed at the rush of waters there, as Ibu Hood threatens to sweep away houses In the lower part of the city. A similar state of nifalrs existed at Jlinghamtou early today where manu facturing plants were forced to sus pend and when tho citizens were on lite nlurt to prevent a serious catastro phe, but no great duiuagu has yet re sulted. Wateitown reported tonight that the Slack river was getting up to near the highest water maik with no signs of a subsidence and late tonight Kitton, in Madison courtly, was In danger of a calamity through the threatened col lapse of a reservoir which supplies tho village with Its drinking water. PARDON BOARD WORK. ) i:.tliube VUic (turn TV As-oilatcd I'nw,. ll.iii Uburr. Mivli 'JT. I'.irnom cit tecum, iiieii'hd today !.. the boatd of paiihin, lor fliml'- Mae, ol I'olmi.bla, a,ault baticiy; Tboin.ii O'Connor, I'.lalr, InirnUiy. and Dan iel Iti.ii'ilon, Allegheny . larceny. 1!a- death Fcnlrnte ef liollim IIiiiiU, of S l,n tklll. wa eoiiimutril lo life iiiiprUonin.iit, Thi' hoard llud to foininule the death If l,.u,i of Frank Majot, o( ( i.iwfi'ml. I'aidoiii wire refuted 1.11 Cady, W,i.hlns;ioi, dlnii-. at.d Jiuepli . llouan, of I'hiljililjihia, oii4plia,. A ri'linirillE wa slanted In tlie u,e of .lames Cenrelly, ot Centre, nion. The iumh of John A. Itru.eiiiir, ot Philadelphia, man.laiitrhbr; John Coslelt, ef lle!ieny, tnandaiifhtcr: A iron I.. Halt,, of Lebanon, rond druice murder, ud Math Tlioiua lli)e, i 1'a.Mlte. I,rt degioe lin.riUT. woie held under adVA!nicnl. Scuril in-e, wvie .outliiucd. Tyler Gets Five Years. Ily l:.cliiio Who from The Aworlatrd I're. IImsIuti. Marrli 2. In the Fulled Slatet dr. emt court today .f. C, Tiler w.u senteneed to bM. je.iM in jail (or abtiiieilni; (umU of the. Safity Fund National hank of ritchliuu;, of whli'i he wa the tiller. An Incendiary Fire. Uy I'Mluihe Wlio (rum The Aasoelated Fieai. Atllrboin I'alU, March S". -An Inerrnllaiy Arc hire Unlay de.tiojed prorty of the ,alue of SSO.tmO to HiO.noo. Setvrni lieloil vveie unioiej the rtablllinifntj burned out. TURKEY IS IN DANGER The Affairs ol tlie Empire Are Reachlna a Threatening Pass. FINANCES IN CONFUSION The Aiab Insurgents Defeat the Im perial Troops and Proclaim Sultan's Brother Mohammed V. Tension Extreme in Macedonia Many Ar rests Dally, Dy Ktelii'he Who from The Aoiuled IVm. Loudon, March 37. Advices received here from Constantinople show that affairs are reaching a dangerous piirs there. Turkish nuances nte In Inextrica ble confusion. All government salaries are from six to eight months in ar rears. Upward of a million Turkish pounds are due for war material, while the military expenditure Is dally In creasing In order to cope with the re bellion In the province of Yemen, in Southern Arabia, and the possible ris ing In Macedonia. Then Is no doubt that the Ottoman troops received a severe check at the hands of tho Arab Insurgents, who In a manifesto denouncing the sultan, pro claimed his brother, Mehenmied-ncsud Effendl, to be sultan, with the title of Mohammed V. The Young Turks Par ty have adhered to the Arabian proc lamation, and the open enmity to Ab-ilul-Unmld, the sultan, has spread to the palace and the sultan's advisers. Izzet Hey is said to be preparing for (light. The patrons of Constantinople have loen doubled. Mohammedans and Christians are arrested hourly and large numbers are dully shipped lo Asia Minor. The tension between Bulgarians and Mussulmans In Macedonia Is extreme. It Is reported that another band ot marauders has crossed Jbtlcnrla Into Macedonia. CALL FOR MEETING OF MINE WORKERS. President Mitchell Issues Request for Gathering of Ofllcers. Ily Uxclllalip Wire horn The Associated Pie... Wilkes-1 :arre, March ".--President John Mitchell, of the Culled Mine Workers of America, has Issued a call for ti joint nie'.tlng of the national executive board and the presidents ot the tnreo .'inthrncltP coal districts to be held h.-te Friday morning a. in o'tloc!.. The meeting Is called in pursuance of the resolutions pasted by the recent Hazleton convention and Is for the pur pose of taking action on the report which President Mitchell will make re garding his visit to Njw York, where he has been trying to secure a confer ence with the coal operators. It Is believed that the action to be taken a; this meeting will remove the uncertainty as to whether or not a strike will be Inaugurated next .Mmi day. FRUIT STEAMER ASHORE. Wreck of a Cargo of Bananas Near Long Beach. Ily l,. Il-ive Wile pom TV A.oi i.iled !.... New York. March '.'7. Tim little Norwegian ft ull steamer Gwent, from Hanes, Cuba, with a cargo of bananas, went ashore at Long Ileaeh, I.. 1., last night, and as she Is high ashore, with the surf beating over her. It Is believed the vessel will b" a total loss. There woie sK pasesngers aboard the fruiter at the time she ran aground. All of them were rescued. The passonguts were C. II. Hlnes, of Schnet'tady. N. Y.. who Is connected with the Oeiternl Flectrle company, hl wltv. son and baby, and William, Yerkos and I'. Ilonilcy, of this city. REFORM NEEDED IN INDIA. Lord Curzon's Address to the Council. Army Increase Imperative. fly KieliiAlve Wiu dom TV Aoelated Pre". Calcutta, March 27. In the course of the debate on the budget today Lord Curzott, of Kedleston. viceroy of India, III a forcible speech, spoke of tho nec essity of reform In many directions, lie congratulated the council on the surplus, after u year of famine. lie defended the military estimates, raying that while In. would gladly spend thu revenues on economic, mean tires, an Increase In the army was r Mitlred to make India safe, which Is not the case at the present time. AVhlle the whole wot Id was busy with mili tary reform, Lord Curzott concluded, India could not stand still. JAPAN'S POSITION. Will Protect Her Legitimate Inter ests at All Times. Ily i;lu,be Wire from TV Axorlaied ITcm. Yokohama. March 27. At a meeting of his parliamentary adherents today the premier, the .MareiuN lto referring lo fotelgn politics said Japan had at tained a position enabling her to pro tect hoi legitimate Interests and to take whatever steps the exigencies of tae mrnient required. It was Impossible to deny that Japan feels tho Inlluenro of the complica tions connected with her neighbor and she does not Ignore Mr (touds on the horizon. Her Wrongs Avenged, fly i'.ulujivc Wire (rem The Awclated l'ie$ llomton, Tex., Maich 2". John V,ilh, lUu. truant In (he lire department, wak killed toijiy ey Millie (Irahain, ilaiislitcr of a police nliket. ML Riaham had urently piofi'iiltd U'aMi. nlhiilnc that he hud uropced her, und at th. time ol the kllllnt; he wah under b"id tn aimu'r to the grand jury. The alii walked behind hltn as Wildi led n lreel cur, plated a leiober to hU biik aril filed. She a ptaud undo ar I I rut. MR. SMITH WILL NOT RESIGN. The Postmaster General Again De nies Persistent Rumor. Ily Hxcluilve Wire Irom The Associated Pre. Washington. March 27. Postmaster General Smith today gave an em phatic denial to the stories that he intended to resign his olllce. He said: ' Whenever 1 havti been nsked ths (Ittcstlnn and, I have been nsked It a good inaiij' times, I havn replied that I don't Intend to resign, nnd that at no time during my service as postmas ter general have I hud such intention. II yon wish to, you may say again that 1 do not Intend to icslgn." Mr, Smith made this statement with Mulct emphasis. "You will not say" Mr. Pmlth was asked, "that you will not teslgnV" "No." he uns .vcrvd, "No public man could make a statement of Hint char acter with confidence In Its accuracy. We don't know what the future holds In store for us. I will say again, though, that I rlo not Intend to resign, that 1 peteelve no reason which would Impel me to resign, nnd that every one of theso stories setting forth that I contemplated tendering my resigna tion Is without fitudatlon In fact." DENMARK'S PRICE. Conditions for the Proposed Sale of the Danish West Indies. Ily i;.ieliitc Who (lorn Tlie Awoclateil IVW. London, March 2?. The Dally News publishes the following despatch from its Copenhagen correspondent: "I am enabled to state on thi very best authority that Denmark has communicated to the United States the following conditions for the sale ot the Danish West Indies: "First $1,0011,000 to b? paid to Den mark. "Second The population to decide by vote whether lo remain Danish or be transferred to Amerlcn. "Third If the vote Is favorable to the t'nlted States, then tho Inhabitants to become Immediately not only Ameri can subjects, but American citizens. "Fourth Products of the Islands to be admitted to the L'nlted States frc of duty. "It Is supposed here that Washing ton will not readily accept the third and fourth conditions." MOBS ATTACK A SILK SUPERINTENDENT Men and Women Sympathizers with Strikers Throw Mud and Stones in Wilkos-Bnrie. It li Iiene Wile from Tin naleil I'lr". WUItes-Harro, March 27. A mob of breaker boys and men and women sympathizers with the striking girls of the iiamfiiid mills of this city set up on Superintendent Spears and his ne slstuitt this evening and for a time It looked as though there would be bloodshed. The superintendent was on Ills way to this city when tlie crowd of breaker boys met hltn nnd with mud and stones Hied volley after volley, yelling nnd jeering. When the city line was reached the mob numbered about live hundred, many men and women Joining It. Thru. policemen assigned to" the scene met the mob and ordeied II to disperse. Spear ami his companion wi. lured a traction car and the mob sur rounded it and demanded that they be ejected. Tile conductor ill's I refused to comply with the demand and the win dows of the car were smashed. Later the two men were ordered to get off the tar. The appearance of the superintendent was the signal for another outbreak. Thu police suriounded the men and while the riot piogresscd Spear fell I sense) jss, with a deep gash on his jaw. Indicted by a stone thrown by a mem ber of the limb. The olllcers then drew their revolvers and succeeded In dis persing the mob. Th.y. tuo, weiu as- sniilted, but not seriously Injured. No I arroMs hae be-n made. Superintendent Spent s Is i liarged with having repudiated an agreem nt entered Into between n former super intendent and the trlklng mill girls. The girls wen on strike for 'dght weeks and returned to recuhe an ad vance In wages of Irom ." to - per cent. The management discharged Su P'rlntendent Shoemaker, who arranged the settlement, disclaiming alt knowl edge of Hie negotiations, and refifed to grant the demand. Another strike was Inaugurated three days later and Is now on. CONFERENCE ADJOURNS. I Business at Stioudsbuig Closed with Reading of Appointments. Stioudshutr. March 27. With the ri adlng of the appointments, the busi ness. of the Methodist ICplscopal con ference was brought to a cltMe here this afternoon. The church wns crowded with local people, anxious to hear who was to be stationed here. Hlshop Joveo led the devotional ex . lobiou thnt closed the conference. ! Kv. AW W. Wlscgarver, of Moun- taln Home, was placed on the super numerary list. With recommendations to the Preachers' Aid society, Hnv. II. !;. Fuss was received Into 'this con ference from the Kasi Maine confer ence. Hlshop Joyi'o then lead the appoint ments and the conference adjourned. No place was selected for next year's session. The statistical secretary. Hnv. Marls Graves, and tho treasurer. Itev. Thomas Klrkpatrlek, presented the year's statistics, Mohawk on the Rampage. Ily i:iluilie Who from Tin; .Woclated Pren. 'l.lttle Palli. N. V.. Match 27.-lllah wider In the Mohawk I her lia ili.nrtanlied pamse. Irnlfi on the Sew Vol It Cential railroad through the Moliawl; valley toiilyht. Ihrousjn I Mini art- Ik Itiir tun mir the Vint Phorc road on nn mint of thn llonilliijr ol the tracka between Frankfoit ord I'llca. Editor Scott Resigns. Ily Hxelutlve Wlie from The Awclated I'tesa. Indianapolis Inil., March 27.-W. r. Sentl. ed llor 01 the Fulled Mine Worker!. .lottrpal, ban milled le I'n ildent Mill hell hii nsljn.iiiuii to take itTctt a .';il. fiom nrU J-Utuidu. AGUINALDO CAPTURED General Frederick Funston's Daring Scheme Proves Successful. SECURED ON MARCH 23 The Insurgent Chief Located at His Hiding Place in the Province of Isabella, Island of Luzon, by Funston's Men and Is Taken on Board the Vicksburg to Manila. No Official Report at Washington. Associated Press 7Tews Is Accepted as Authentic General Otis Pleased. No Opinion from Mr. Bryan. By Ctclmbe Win- Irom Tin' Atui.latxl l'r . Manila, Match 2S. Genetal Freder ick Funston's daring piojeet fur the capture of Agulualdo in bis hiding place In the provtuoc of Isabella, Island of Luzon, has proved completely suc cessful. Agulualdo was captured Iheie March 2.1. The United States gunboat Vicks burg, i ommander K. H. Marry, wlllt Hetieral Funston and Agulualdo on board, arrived bore this morning. Washington. March 27. ntllchil news of the capture of Agulualdo had not reached the war department up to a Into hour tonight. The president had retnecl before the Associated Pres bulletin arrived and will hear the news for the (list time In the morn- IlliT. The capture of Agulnaldn will be a s uivo of groat satisfaction to the president and his advisers. Oti 1 Pleased. Chicago. Aim eh 2. (Seiiriil litis was awakened this morning with the news that Agulnnldo hai'iToon captured by General Funston. "I am vety glad to hear It," said (lenetal Otis. He added, however, that he made II a rule never lo ho Inter viewed after he had once retired for the night and he smilingly declined to say anything fuitber. No Comment from Mr. Btyan. Lincoln. Neb.. March 2.. W. .1. Dry- an was this nmtiiln; informed of the capture of Agulnablo and asked for an espiesslon of opinion. He said ho preferred to wait until tloie was more complete veijllcatlon of the report. Mr. Ilryan did not doubt the accuracy of the Associated Press bulletin, but said so many ptcvious repot 'k !,.d proven without loundatlon that Ic believed It wise in postpone enitiiu ii!iiu, ALLOTMENTS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STOCK. Shareholders May Receive New Issue at 33 1-3 Per Cent, of Piesent Holdings. flv l'i;lun Wli- fiom fl.e m latut rn". Philadelphia, .March 27. Tlu newly elected directors of the Pennsylvania Itallroad company held their first meet ing today, at which the allotment of thn new Issue of stock was determined upon. The board decided to Issue the stock to shareholders ai the rate of :!:! 1-:; per cent, of their present hold Ings at the price of '!0 per share. All the old ollUers Welti re-elected. The stock Is lo be subscrlb-vl be tween Juno 1 and 1.1, Inclusive. The allotment means that stock of the par value of upwards of ?."O,"nO,0iW may be Issued between the dates nam.'d. This was the llrst time In Its history the Pennsylvania Pallroad company has adopted such a ollcy. New Issues ot itock have heteioforo hem subscribed for at par. m Killed by Burglars. Ily i:eliwivp Wile from The Aum-latnl 1'iew. S'ew Oilcan. March 27. IIiiikIum rally today enteied the home ol John I'aUbm.i on I'mlitu kticct. They were rrsUled and killed I'aiab'na and Mi dauuhtrr Aniii". Altir commit iim: the iiuriliT tho biirelara calmly uiiMihcil I he bniii.. S'eUhlioiii found th" bcille-. Anested on Suspicion, Ily l,xilui.e Wire (rem The Aweoialed IVa, Xewaik, 0 Maith jr. Four meti were must ed at Thornvllln totlay on nepklon o( being Im plicated In tho buiitlaiy of the Homrixl bink yir-tinlay. They weie .nnied with rliolgunt and i airlrd i-Tplodica nnd ilrll!. None oi tin '"i.'mo tolrn was toum), however. Central Pennsylvania Conference. Uy Rxclwdrt Wh from The Avieclttfd Pre,,. CIiitnbcr.bin c March '!!. The Central IVnn. vlvulila c'liferenco rt tlie Methodi.t l!pau')pi ehurcli heiran !( thlily-thlm annual te-uiiei thi inonilm; at D n'clock with UMiop ( viu I). 'o', pruiillnir . Pennsylvania "Pan" Building'. Dy Kaclmho Wire Irom The Awoclated 1'irn. Ilarrlnliurc, March 'JT. The l'ei.nhanla com. mission to the IhilTalo eodtlon todiy adopted plan., mbmltled by Philip II. Jnhndnti, o Fldl. adelplila br a l'enn) Ivanla bulbllnc l "l 31-iX"J. THE NKWS THIS M0RMNCI. V;tlier Indications Today: FAIR; NORTHWEST VVrVOS. 1 Fumtoii Capture Aituin able. Ymighan Hill Hj.i a dote "hale. ( lliltalu I'mlrMi AimIii.H M.iiiehuilaii Treaty. 1'prlnui; in Tut key. 2 (irneral Call ot dale Pciuitnieiit. 3 (leiieial J. I'ierponl Mot nan Meet, Com mltlee (torn Miiilnfe Itrgluu. I'lie Department Ne. 4 editorial. fl Mniy--"Th! CanotiV Mutilli," fi li-veal llcport e,l File Chief y.ieliiHiin. Coiitt I'iCieedInJ. 7 l.ocall.onit SikjsIuH ef Common CnuntlU. No Devchipmenl, In Mlncm St 1 Ike sltua Hon. 8 tioral Wot Nranloli and Mihuiban, !l flenenl- Voicl.e.idrm I'emi.ban!i. l'iti mcial and toimnculal. in boeal- l.iic e of tin IntluiUial wuild. CRUISER NEW YORK ORDERED TO MANILA Trouble with Morocco Will Be Ad justed Without Show of Foiee, If Possible. Ily I'.vlii-ii.' Wire (turn lie Wouainl rn-. Washington, March 27. Secretary Long today cabled an order to Ad miral Rogers, en Ininril lb? cruiser New York, at Tiingiers. to proceed at o;ii?- with that esi l tn Manila. This Is nn iibat'dontiiei! of the plan to have the Now York convey Prilled States Consul tleneral tiumiueiv from Tangier to MaisanKUa In the attempt to collout Amarlrnn claims. It Is tho put pose of the state department to endeavor lo adjust thee claims and other outstand ing Issue- ngalnt Morocco tilthotlt any show of fore and In the ordinary prac tice of diplomacy. It Is said that the Pnltud Sutes con sul general, who had conc?lvt'd that ob stacles weie purpojely placed in the way of bis access lo the court, has received nssii'Miiees that the actual ivason for the departure of the court from Morocco was in pay a long due visit In another section of the country. It was also promised that the court .inuM letuin within a month or six wee'ts and would receive Mr. tiummere, piobably n n at Massangua, thus ob viating the necessity on his part for nn overland journey to the capital. In this view of the case and the New York being badly needed In the east to talc th place of the Newark as the llagshlp, It was decided l let til" ves sel proceed nt once on her voyage. Mr. (iiminiete probably will now en tor into fresh communication with the Moorish government In secure another ar'ioiiit'iu'iu for n meeting. THE CASUALTIES IN BABINGTON'S ACTION New Zealandevs and Bushmen Under Geneinl Kitchener Make a Good Showing in Battle. Ily lie. lii-iie Miie from Jhe xoiialnl Prex. London, Match 27. A despatch from Lord Kitchener to the war o.'llee, d-iUii Pretotla, Man:! 27, S'iys: "Jui cavnaltles In r.aldng ton's action wei tuo killed and seven wounded. Tin.. Hie ! let 22 dead nn 1 ."al wounded. As 111"1!- purinilt V..1A rapid, many more Doer casualties are llk-dy. "The operations of March .'.'l drove the enemy ninth fiom their positions at Kaillts Krii'il, on Match 27 the liiirsnlt was continued by mounted men only. The enemy's tear guard was dilvep in by a combined movement on both ilanksA Their convoy was then sighted nl l.eouwfoiiloln. The (in-ys, Ni w Zealandeis and llushmeii pushtil on. The enemy attempted lo lake up a position, but the t.lreys and other troons rode down all oppo"ltlou ahd gave hltn no chilli .'e. Thu convoy was ridden into and the enemy's retirement became a lout. The pursuit was continued until th horses were ex hausted." DEATHS FROM PLAGUE. Eight Thousand Die in One Week. Whole Towns Deserted. Uv Km luive Wire from Tlie Avnelated Pie,,, London, Man li s. Tlie Calcutta, cor respondent of tin Dally Mall says: "night thousand people died of the plague last week in rtenga! alone, ln oludlng Calcutta. Whole towns are being deserted. There K however, no panic." Steamship Anlvals. fly lv lu-lte Wlu fiom Tlie As-oelateil 1'iev'. .Sew Voik, Mjii'Ii :;. Aribcd! liroj-cr Kur (in, llteini'ii; Manpiilto Irom Ilniivn; 'feu leiile, l.iuiponl cn'iinton. Ch.ind: l.'oii'Urn l.uulu', lliiuicu ia Southampton j Vadcrlaiiil, soulliamptnii. S.iihil: Saiilliiitn, (ili'gow; Oieanlf, l.lviipool; Nnonllanil, Ant wi'p. iii'tiMn Aiilted: Mai-llc, N''v Volt, (or Liverpool. Iluulngne Auivrd: Stct iliilatn, New Veik tor llotleuliiii, l.i-.aid I'atei d: WiMleiiilariil, Neu Yolk (oi Ar.h.'ip. Killed a Police Officer. I!) I.vhnho Win I iimi 'flu Asoc!ateil Pre..,. Columbus, Fa.. March i7. -Jim Little, a ne.TO, shot ond ItiHlantle Foltio Olfleer Vi. S. Ill Holt and w-ai hiuvrK l,ot and killid tonieht l,v Officer Wooilr. I.ltttn had been Ihiralenlng In kill hia wife ainl Halted lo cairy out hU thieji. Oftleeia veie Minunoned and m i'.lllolt tipped in tie doer be irn fchnt In tin brea-t. Wood who wafc Mlovtliii; liut Ihe iietfro, kllllus him intaiiily. Mr. Knox May Bo Attorney General. Ily Inclusive Who from The Auoclalcil Frew. I'ltt.burir, March 27. P. C. Knot led the city tonlaht at 10 o'clock lor tViulilnalon In nn.ner to tho umimoii. ol President MeKlnle.i. It U un derstood that Mr. Knox will tie tendered tho po. aitlon of attorney genrral by the prcldenl and Ihe lelle( U ueneral heie tlial If the poilfollo la ofl'erHl he will ec bit way to accpl the hvnoe PROTEST FROM THE BRITISH Fornifil Obieciions Arc Filed Against the. Glilnese Aorecmcnt with Russia. WHY CHINA HESITATES The United States. England, Ger many and Japan Ave Now in For mal Opposition to the Signing ot a Convention by China with any Power Pending the Settlement oC .the Chinese Troubles A Stir in Diplomatic Circles at Washington, fly i:cliiMie Win fiom 'I he Axoiiated Fie.i. Washington, March 27. The Drttisli government has protested against China's making a convention with any power touching territorial or llnaiiclat uffalrs until the present troubles In that country are concluded. The fact: or me iiritisn ptotesi was mane Known for the llrst time today by a dlspatclt from one of the foreign otllces of Fu rope. It says that the protest wh made through Sir Krnest Satow. tho Ilrltish minister nl Pekln. Tt elocs not state when the tepresentations weri made, bill from the fact that the ills patch was received In Washington to day It was taken that the protest oc curred within the last day or two. Al though tin Ittvsslan agreement Is not specifically referred to in It. it Is snlit to be clear thai the Ilrltish action directed against the Russian agree ment. The language appears to bo similar to that usecl by Secretary Hay In the American protest. The effect of th? Ilrltish action Is to place the United Stales, Japan and Grout Britain In for mal opposition to the signing of a con vention by China with any power pending the settlement of the Chlnesn troubles. Tho course of Grent Britain Is the more significant from the fuel that that government and Germany have a written alliance relating to Chi nese affairs. Hesitation Explained, The concurrence of these protosti probably explains why tho Manchurlaa agreement, has not been signed. Theri was no definite information received here today at tho state department or at nny of the foreign embassies as te whether the agreement had been signed or l ejected. There was something of a stir Iit diplomatic, quarters over the report coming from ofllclal sources that th l'nlted States was considering the ad visability of addressing Russia direct ly on the subject. Heretofore tho American objections to the Munchur iun agreement have been addressed tn China. Copies werefurnlshed the Rus sian authorities, though the protest In form has Keen to China and not to Itussla. Several of the foreign repr sentatlves advised their government that this step was contemplated by thi Cnlted States, but there Is no ofltcial Information available as to how far the consideration of tho move has pro ceeded. i m ' RUSSIAN COURTESY. Soldleis of the Czur Honor the Amerl. can Dead nt Pekln. Dy Cxctuilve Wire (roni Tlie Aoriatfd Pre. Pekln, March 27. The bodies ot six American marines who wero killed during the siege of the legations ami buried 111 the ltusslan legation, worn removed today for shipment to tho Cnlled States. In addition to tha American troops in Pekln, the Mono, caey commander. F. W. Wise, rent: a. detmdinierit of mat lues to be preseno at the disinterment. The eourli'fV of the Russians deeply moved all the Ameilcans. Two Rus sian companies participated In all tho ceremonies. Tho Russians gtturdeit the dlslnteircd bodies nil night nun tendered alt I he ltusslan military hon ors to the dead. depend Chaffee wrote to M. Do. Glci.l an expression of his feelings and of the feelings cf the oilicetr. and men ot the entire command. M. Do Glers re ferring to the Incident, said; "II was only tntural. The Russian r.nd Amu-leans fought side by sldj during the selge, and were virtually brother.'." , i i m EGYPTIAN RECORDS FOUND. RttTO Treasures Unearthed at Abydoa by Professor Petrie. By I.mIu.Ivi Wire from The Associated FreM. riostou, March 27. Rev. Dr. William C. Winslow, vice-president ot thi Kgvpt exploration fund, has just re ceived eitJIciul word that Prof. Potrlo bus unearthed at Abydos the records of kings before Menu, tho founder ot the llrst dynasty, neiuly 4800 P. C. "Wo have found," writes Professor Polrle, "tli" names or Nnrina Kit atil a king named Ilia, perhaps also of the, two kings, Deb and Sam eit Mena, and the earliest kings. Thero tiro about thlrtv Inscriptions and a heavy strlu of gold with the name Aha (Mena)." DEATHS OF A DAY. tly Cacludic Wire tiom The .Wedaleil I'n.'. Mie, Manli J".-The laudcape painter, OuIn ilifd hero today. Wahlngton. March 'ir.-llev. taiher John Oojd, life pa.tor of St. Fatrick'a Cathollu thunli. of IhU city, and who hid wrvcil In other fields o( pa.ioral labor, died at th parionaso of the rhuuli todiy, afa-d ffl jears Sinus (Tlv. la.. Maith 27.-i:ilJah S. Me. Canghey, a biollier-liclaw of (orrner Vlie Fried. lienl Adlal I'.. Sleientni, ii.d a prominent elil ten ol thii city, elicil i(U .'Red ft) year. a,44, tt i t 4- WEATHER FORECAST. 4 Wasliiutlnn, March 27. Vorera,t for i'iliin Feiinrjltanij, fair Tluiriley; ( to brisk west to nnithweat wind,i - I rlday probably (air. 4- 4-4- 4444444444444444.- I ?jti&&&&;lfi .n.Wrf jA,-,.-, ,i , 'sl ' - 11 i-v j. a