The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 27, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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A- t , . :
Number of Circumstances Which
Lend Him to the Conclusion Thnt
John Clllberti, the Itnllnn Who
Wns Found Dead at Lltttlo Eng
land, Did Not Commit Suicide.
Charge of Shot Enteied Body
Straight, Which Is Against Theory
That He Wns Leaning OverMuszle.
County Detective V. A. 1'hllllps Is
now more decided Ihiin ww thnt .tolm
rillbcttl, the IIhIIuii, wIiomi dead lmtly
wuh found In Utile KuRland, Sunday
nintnlMT, and the ciuiho of wlioxc death
lias j-Iiicc been nioie or px petnlntlve,
uus murdeied.
' One linnoitunl r.-atuw time has
' tiroiicht out Is that the xliot untried
the body xtralRht, kIiowIhk that the
Kim miiHt have been held In a HlinlKUt
line with tin bieiiMt. H would .""-'eni
tiliyoliitfly iniiioxflblu lor u nuin of
I'lllbcKl'H Hltittiif and leiicth of nuin
to kmicIi the ttlBB'i-and dlu'liniife the
stun. That the weapon vwia In some
one elHi-'H hands when the fatal flint
vn Hied Ik now soeinlimly an ns-suit-il
Why (.'Ilib'-itl sliutiUl lctuilt hoiue at
II o'clock ut iilfilit Ih I'splalned by lli
vounty dett'Cthi' In two veiy plausible
ways. HavliiK In mind the llrst theory
that the cuid paity at the Htoie broke
up in a (Isht and that Olllberll went
home to set bin fhotKiin, It Is ihoiiKlU
that one of (lit: live men at rested
wrested the Rim from Clllberti und
uave him his (bath wound. Two xliol
Kiiti enrtUdBes of a laise Klze weio
found unions,' I'lllheitl'H emit posses
.lom. The ruu with whleli Clllberti
vns killed Is u muzzle-loader, and, of
eouise, the c.u trldscs could not lit this
weapon. Tbeiefoio It Is believed
the two shells weie pl.ieed In the dead
man's poikets as a blind.
The broken stock of the kiui Is ue
I'uiinted for. Un one side of the butt
theie is it Rash, made undoubtedly by
shaip (ontHct with a stone. The de
tective bellees thnt the Sim. after the
minder was committed, was bioken
mrr a stone and placed under the
body, iil-o to mislead the InvestlBiitois.
Taking np the accident Idea, the
county detective advance the theoiy
that the dead man lost money at the
i aid same, and had Rone home to Ret
the w canon to sell In payment of his
ilebt. While be and the unknown were
c.snmlulut; It in the Kaleway of Orlii
po's pioperty. where the body was
found, the sun -was aeeldontally fired
When the sholKiin was found by the
authorities the OinRrr would not catch
when pulled back, hence this idea is
The the men who are bciiiK tetalned
at the county jail since Sunday, as
witnesses, still maintain a rigid silence,
donyhiK any knowledge of the affair.
From slgnlllcant lemarks dropped, they
undoubtedly know more than they care
in admit, but as one expressed It to
ibe detective, unless they are lelcased
"boitly they will betake It upon tbein
selvcs to cause the appiehenslon of
The wife of Clllberti called upon the
mUoneis csteniiiy and tiled to prr--uaile
them to tell all they knew and
ssist In the punishment of the cul
pills, but without suerp.
The men will he given n homing1 be
fore 'Siiulie Cooney, of Dunmore, this
inoinliig. but as theie is no evidence
against them they will be disclint ged.
unless something tin up up.
Itile Dash for Liberty Was Made
by O'Donnell.
'J lie sight of a well-dressed individual
in apld tllght, followed by .1 detective
ami a policeman, not to say anything
of the crowd iieated some excitement
In Center stieet sboitiy after ! o'clock
lat evening. 'While the excitement
was at Its height, the patrolman pulled
his revolver and Hied twlio Into the
air. After racing down Center stieet
lrom the coiner of Wyoming avenue,
the fugitive was slopped at Franklin
avenue, and c-enited In tllumph by a
winded detective to Aldeiiiiiiu Millar's
John O'Donnell, of liiouklvu, was the
name given by the runner. He was
n nested about ." o'clock by Detective
Seldman at the Lackawanna Million,
while trying to steal a ilde on a train.
He said he was on his way to Ulng
bamton, wheie he expected to secuio
work. lie was airalgned befoie Alder
man Millar and lined $., or ten.davs,
lor disorderly conduct.
The aldetman went home to dlunei,
and hit the prisoner In the ollico
with Special Ollleer Uyars. O'Donnell
watched his opportunity and made a
wild dash lor the stalls leading to the
street. Detective Seldmnn was passed
on the stall wa. and with the speed of
a deer the runaway dodged Into Center
Seldman gave hot pursuit, yelling at
the top of lils voice, and his capture
was made after n two blocks chase.
O'Donnell was re-airalgned before the
alderman, and this time committed to
the county Jail for ninety days In de
fault of ball.
The make-up of today's D., L. and
W. boaul Is as follows;
'ii;i:su.v, m.
Wild (atJ, Lj.i-S p. in.. II. rillllsun, 10 n
m, 1'. Ilallolt; 11 p. in.. I). Wallicc.
V CIJ.NIMl.W, MAltCIl 27.
W'llil Gill, Kant 1J.20 j, in,, O'Connor, with
tUxcr's mens 1,30 a. in., 1. 1. Kogcn; i j.
in.. A. 0. llamiiiitti ! J. in., It, C.istricr; I
. in., I, t'inn'rt! j J. in, I' Vjn Woinier; 7
it in., T. Doudlcins S a. til. . V, Wall; 0 a, tn.,
.1. .'. Muiny, with 0. Purtholoniew's men; JO
a. in., .1. II. JIaMeis; 11 j. in.. J, Moiiu; l
1 1. in., KctchJm; I.U (. in,, J.; p, m.,
W, I. VVjidd; 2 p. in., 0. W. Dunn; t.CO p.
in,, T. J. Thompson; 3 p. in., 0. T. Staples,
(I p. m, 1', Mahon
Summits. Klc. 0 a in., pjst, J. Hennlfan; 0
i. Di., rjt, V. II, NlehoL; (j p, in., east, James
CsrrlKifi b i. in., writ, C. rrounfflkcr; 7 p. m.,
(jst treni Nay Auir, l.'dwanl McMIUter; 7 p. in.,
wttt from (ajuga, (ilnlrj ; 7 p. in., cst from
Ca.vuRa, JULanc. .
Puller 11 a. in., !'. l. Sfcor.
Pukhfm-S a. in., Iloui ; 10 a. ni., S. Tin.
ntily; ll.W u. in., Morau; 7 p. in., Murphy;
' U i. in., l.Jinplns', 10 p. in., n, Thonui.
I'iMfiigrr lKim' 7 a, in., (latliiry; 7 a, m.,
Rlnjfr; 3."0 P. ' Mantoni 7 p. in., McOoi.
WIM Cat'. West R a. m I) Ilaggrrly.
IliHkriiMn 'I'. O'Mallcy ill jo out with .1.
Hralir'in.iii M. Kconti will (jo out with (),
Kirmnfrlkcr In O'Mallcj'ii plarr.
Hrjliitiuii S. Iti'cra ivlll k out 'illh I" I)
Si enr In PralaiiMii Pipri.' ilai ami Ilul.c
nun Ilrprw lll k out with T McC'artliy in
Ufjuu' l'U(v.
Health U tlio stem upon which the flower of boauty buds and blossoms. It
may bo said that a healthy woman is always beautiful, for health has a beauty all
its own. Tho clear oyo, tho bright complexion, tho firm stop, tlio Tinging laugh,
have a charm which exceeds tho charm of more beauty of feature, when such
beauty belongs to a weak, nervous, irritable woman. Health is, therefore, tho
most precious heritage of woman, to bo kept and guarded as a priceless posses
sion. When wo look for the enuse of failing health in women we shall generally
find it in womanly dipeascs. Few women appreciate how intimately tho general
health is related to tho womanly health, or how surely irregularity, dtsa
grceablo drains, or femalo weakness will undermine tho sttength, rob the oyo of
its brightness and the check of its color.
How shall health bo restored to weak and sick women? What will bring back
the plumpness and prcttiness which disease has marred ' There are thousands! of
women who eonld answer those questions out of a happy experience. Ono of
those is Mts. Mary K. Lcvv'h, who writes tho following letter:
Mis. Mnrv U. Lewis, of Tanner, C.ihncr Co., W Vu., writes : "I will nlwajs recommend Dr.
Tierce's Favorite Prescription, 'Golden iMcdical Discovery' ami 'Pleasant Pellets' tor they
cured me when doctors and other medicines
failed, For fifteen years I suffered untold
misery. When I commenced taking Dr.
Pierce's medicines, 1 had given up all hope
of ever getting well. I could not he down to
sleep, and everything I ate would almost
cramp me to death. Was very nervous and
could Imrdly walk across the room. I oulj
weighed ninety pounds when 1 commenced
taking these medicines; I now weigh one
hundred and forty pounds and am having
better health than ever betore. My friends all
say they can hardly believe thnt I am the Mine
pc'rsou," after IxMiig sick so long, I have
cliauged to be robust and rosy-cheeked I
linve taken fifteen bottles of 'Prescription,"
fifteen ot" the 'Discovery' and fifteen of the
' Pellets.' I take, great pleasure in recom
mending our medicines to the sick for I
know that if it had not been for them I
would not have been living to-day. I am
very thankful to Cod, who put the great
power in your medicines that cured me."
T)r. l'iorco's Favorite Prescription
makes weak women strong and sick
women wclL How amply that claim is
supported by letters like tho above!
and how much more that s-cntenco ex
presses than is to be found in the bare
statement of the fact. Mrs. Lewis'
euro could all be summed uji in the
statement that she was weak and was
made strong, was sick and was made
well, by the uso of "Favorite Prescrip
tion. "' But the statement would be far
less impressive than when sho tells of
fifteen long years of helpless suffering,
doctors and medicines failing to relievo
her, all hope of getting well gone, not
able to lio down to bleep, scarcely able
to walk across the room, her nervous
system shattered, and her body wasted
until t-he weighed but ninety pounds.
Then she is led to try Dr. Pierce's
medicines, gains fifty pounds in weight,
has belter health than ever befoie in her life, becomes robust and rosy-cheeked,
and is a wonder both to herself and her friends.
" It is with pleasure that I recommend Dr. Pierce's medicines, writes Mrs. Nora H. Tipton,
of Cropper i Cropper Station), Shelby Co., Ky. "'You temembcr my case was one of female
weakness nun wcau lungs, i nan no appetite and wouut oiteu spu oiooa; was conttned to
my lied almost half of the time, and could hardly stand on my teet at times for the pains
through my whole body aud system. My husband had to pay many large doctor bills for
me, but since I have taken four bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, four of ' Golden
Medical Discovery,' and three vinlsof 'Pleasant Pellets,' we haven't paid any more doctor
bills. It has been seven months since I stopped using Dr. Pierce's medicines, and I have
been enjoying good health ever since, I can never praise these medicines too highly, for
I have received so much benefit, I pray that many who suffer as I did will take Dr. Pierce's
medicines, I am sure they will never tail to cure when given a fair trial. Everybody tells
me I look better than they ever siw me. I am sure I feel l)cttcr than I ever did before."
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription eMublishes regularity, dries disagreeable
drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures femalo weakness. It pro
motes the appetite, cures nervousness, sleeplessness, backache, headache, and
other ills which are caused by womanly diseases.
Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by lettcr,ra; All correspond
ence is treated as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr.
11. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Accept no substitute for "Favorite Prescription."' Tho only motive for
substitution is to enable the dealer to make tho littlo moio profit paid on the
halo of less meritorious articles.
' T J '
im IliSSRiiB
'!itf!rtvm 'iiuiiEjiiBj1 r I . lil
HfilpilKiVfl i'i I Willis ' '" m
W- mmK IP SPwii
II ,WBH lliaioiB
If I
Connolly & Wallace's Collar Sale.
An Extraordinary Sale '
Event in
Collars and Cuffs
"Lion Brand Collars are renowned for their goodness
they arc made right, cut right, properly finished and will
give more service and better satisfaction than any other col
lar made. We speak advisedly on this because we have
investigated thoroughly and we are convinced. We would
like to convince you, if you are not already familiar with this
famous brand. The manner in which "Lion Brand" Collars
are lapped and turned and sewed, make them stand hard
laundry usage better than other collars to be had at any price.
Would You Know) This ? Test Th?m.
The Sale Consists of 12,000
"Lion Brand" Collars and Cuffs, in the most wanted shapes for the coming season
the popular turn-over collar, in the most correct form, in six heights in both round and
square corners, close and space fronts ! Also stand up collars in all heights and styles
large easy collars for fat men, cuffs in all styles and shapes for link buttons, and ordinary
round cuffs; collars and cuffs for hoys in all the new and proper styles. This hint of size?
and prices:
Sizes Boy's Collars, 12 to 14; Men's Collars, zy2 to 18; Cuffs, 8 to lV2.
Prices-Collars, 75c half doz., $1.35 doz. Cuffs, 25 pair, $2.75 dozen pair
if 9finl H
JJttf AT : '
V u
127 AND
a verltabto "Boauty Book." Dr. Pierce's Common Sonso Medical Ad
viser contains 1DOB largo pages lull ot helpful advlco and Information on the
preservation of health. Tho "Adviser" to sent FREE, on receipt of stamps to
pay expense ot mailing ONLY. Send 31 ono-cent stamps for the cloth-bound
volume, or only SI stamps for tho book In paper-covers.
Address i BR. R, V, PIERCE, Buffalo, H. Y
Places in Virginia
Can be comfortably an J easily
reached by the
5" i"3' ' frtf TTTtttTTfTTTTTTTf T,j,
StMintrs tall dally except Sunday lrom Tier 2tf.
North Iticr, loot o( llcuUi ttrict Vw ork, lor
Old Point Contfoii
Richmond, Ma.
and Washington, D. C.
Connectins; for All Points South and West.
Through Tickets returning from Washington
by rail or water.
for full inlonratlon apply to
81-85 Beech St., New Yoik.
U.D.WALKi:it,Trat.M.'r. J.J.MtOWN.a.r.A.
For Our Great Sale of
We are now prepared to fill all orders with a
complete new stock of
Wall Papers, Linoleums,
i Oil Cloths and Window Shades
126 Washington Avenue.
.j. 4. .J. .j. . 4. 'If v r
New models now
lands, Iver Johnson
and Crescents. No
better selection ever
made. Call and see
them. They're beauties.
rT.-i.'i iv-
Ingrain Carpel, worth 40c,
Ingrain Carpet, worth 80c,
Chinese Matting, worth 18c,
Heavy Matting, worth 25c,
Brussels Carpet, worth 75c,
Brussels Carpet, worth $1.10
Velvet Carpet, worth $1,25, . 90c
Moquet Carpet, worth $135, . 95c
Axminster Carpet, worth $1.50, $1.10
Oil Cloth, worth 35c, , . 25c
Oil Cloth, worth 60c . . 35c
Linoleum, wor-th 70c,
Credit You ? Certainly.
Credit You ? Certainly.
21 1 Washington Ave.
The Blues
Is one signal which foretell ph ical
decay, Anothei U vale lileleskln,
ThimiHclcJlirliiuaini uecorac imu.
by; the body become emaciated, ind
there In au early tendency to round
shoulder. The step lacks clisttcll,
the nenes become weak; mental aud
physical uctl ity are n burden.
This condition 1 called fitnous ut-
hlilr: it Is cured by the ii"c of
They feed the huniry ticn'ei, revive
Hie weakened orsaus and malse life
brighter and sweeter to any man or
woman who lw suffered from physical
SI M i,rr box. II boxes (with lecal
Sii.iiiitilti- loiiucoi lefnml the money),
KiW Hook free. 1'iiAl. MhliltlNl.
Co, Llcclaud, Ohio.
Tor al." hr .luliii II I'lirl,!., I'lurmmUl, (oiurr
UlCllllll.' UVlllllC UJ hUtUlO stlKPt,
is i
BlanuffiCturcM ir
430 to 4S5
V. Ninth Streat,
Telephone Call. 233J.
Itooins 1 and.', Com'Ith BTd'.
lining and Blasting
ttrtt at Moosla and Kusbdaia WorUs,
B-otrlo luttnrlfn. ElootrloKrploJsr.
iplodlng blast), tilj Kins uni
Repauno Chemical Co.'s cxtSvci