Mh -A'-A 1 1 "& ., A c THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 100T. WEST SCRANTON ACCIDENT IN A GRAVEYARD REMAINS EXPOSED TO THE ELE MENTS UNINTENTIONALLY. Coffin and Rough Box Fell Into the Grave Whtlo MournciB Looked on with Amazement Electric City Wheelmen nnd iWillinm Connell Olee Club Meetings Snmuel Mor gans' Friends Postpone Action Un til Next Sunday Two Funerals Yesterday Other News Notes. A uiut imfui tuiiuti' lu'ildriit or-i-urml at tlii" I'jitlu'dt-ul vetneloiy yen tcidny nuiriilim, when the rcniultiH of tilt In tr- .Mi.". I'. M. KiiKan tere about to bo lowered Into till' KrJVe. Tli: coflln had been ii'tnoved fiom thu lu-arsf" and .tood upun tlie tonirli box, which was lestliiK' on the lowei-lnff Muml used to diop the bot Into tbo BfUVf. .lust as the men In rliniRe iwie icudy to lower the eollin, In fonie uiiiu count able milliner the iourIi box Hllpiietl fiom Its poHltlon, fallltiK Into Hip-kiiivc, and carrying the coIlin with It. On end ot the eollln was btoknn open and the icmuln wete pul tittlly expos-eel to the element.". The moiiinoi.N and friend: ieie MtattleJ by the orcutiiMiee, and hov el a I of the onlookers were very mueh distill bed, but eveiythiiuj was eventu ally adlusted mid the lenialiis inop-i-ily Intel red. A singular rulnrlilenu' iva. that lit teen yeais iio a similar oceurreitcu was recorded, when .Mr. Kiikuu'h first wife was Intened. Morganites Defer Action. An adjourned nieetlnf, of the l'ullow cis of Samuel .Morgan was held In Co oiieratlve hall last evenliiK, but a full quoin was not present, on lug; to thu inclemency of the weather. No aetlon was taken, and tln nieot iiiK was adjourned until next Sunday. William Connell Glee Club. The members of the William I'onnell (ilee club, who made such a. lasting Im plosion on President McKlnley and UjfjfiPsldeiits and visltots in Washlng Juri durlriK the Inauguration, helil nn 'iithuslaMIe meetliifr In Ivoilte hall last evenliiK. Incidents of the Washington trip wcie dlseussed ,nul commented upon, nnd the advisability of continuing the club as a permanent organization wag ABOUT THIS TIME LOOK f COUGHS out for ) ana colds TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. This Is Not A Fire Sale.... It is merely au extraordiuary bargaiu opportunity that will continue for a few days in order that wc may get rid of th? goods damaged by water during the progress of the recent fire in Williams & IMcAu ulty's store. The loss has been satisfactorily ad justed by the insurance companies, and the damaged wares go on sale today at 8. a. m. We are anxious to make this sale as short as possible, It comes at the wrong time aud interferes with our regular season's trade. Consequently, all goods offered will go at "Throw iway" Prices Today The Damaged Goods Include Laces, Trimmings, Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Embroideries, Ail-Over Tuckings, Art Goods, Yarns,. Corsets. Wash Dresses, Misses' and Children's Coats, fedies' Dressing Sacques and Wrappers, Down Pillows, Feathers, Etc. hf As well as many other odds aud euds from other de partments. The value of the , goods damaged by water amounts to about $15,000 in all. We'll let this lot go for a fraction of that sum, however, iu order to get an immediate clearance. Sale Begins This Morning at 8 O'clock Globe Warehouse considered. Many of the member nro In favor of visiting the Pan-American exposition, and the club may compcto In the elsleildfoila to be held in At lantic City and lluffnlo tilts year. Electric City Wheelmen. The board of directors of tho Ulcctilu City Wheelmen hold aconfeienco meet ing last evening nnd talked over sev eial matters pertaining to tho club's nffnlis. One application for member ship was considered, It is, as yet, undecided Just when a public performance of the minstrel show will bo given. Homo of the boys want a performance In Apill or May, while otherB piefer to defer the matter until next fall or winter. ' The contest for the trip to the Pan American exposition is taking their time and attention Just now, and the tickets are being dlspocd of rapidly. Two Funerals Yesteiday. Sei vices over the leninlns of the late 31rs. D.ivld Antlold were conducted ut the house, on Fourteenth street, at .'! o'clock yesterday afternoon, and were largely attended. Itev. li. I. Kviiiih. of 107 South Main avenue, conducted the neivTees, and Interment was made In the Washburn street cemeteiy. The funeral of the late -Mis. P. M. Kficrun occuried yest"iday inclining from thu family lesldeiue, coiner ot West I.iiel.uw nniia avenue nnd Chest litle street. A high man's of lequlem was celebrated In St. Patrick's Catholic church at 9 o'clock, and Interment was made In the Cathedial cemetery. The patl-bpuieix wcie John i 'aw ley, M. K. Oilllln, .lames MeOoinifek. John Hariett, John Flanagan and Michael Holland. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. An enjoyable muslcale was given last evening at the Young Women's Cluls tlau association looms by the tneni beis of the association. Tho remains of Joseph, the two-months-old child of Mr. nnd Mis. Jo seph ItrotiKo, of 31ft South Main ave nue, was burled In tho Cathedial ceme teiy yeteulny. 'Hi? d.indmc H'l'il.illy ul l lie Williams Itiollurs ,U 'i'jjlor on Monday nUlit tlm in;: I lie pcitoim ame sricen l.i I lie Klettile City Wheelmen was out ol tin In -l ftatuui of tlic perfounaiue. lit-r-rrrnci" to tliilr net na nnlnti-iitloiully oinlttvil in the upon ol Hie -lio'.v in thU Jcpnt nient 'Hie leiiiimii "( tin lain .lo-ipli Aiili".v noie talm lii Ilawltj en Iho til-l Kiio Haiti jottr day inoininic. 'Hide tiny ri met liy frieint., wlio actonipinieil thff luneial pnty to I'anpacU, her- Intel incnt a marie later In Hie tli. A ipeclal rewlon of l'riile of Kin trie ( ity tem ple was 1HJ lu V. Jl. 1. lull ht crnin. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mn. I! .1. Oary, of Vest I'ltlton, U i-iiing: Wel i-cranton fitniH Mk, Anna JuiUm i tcuously ill at her home li Asvrll louit. Mr. nii'l Mrc. (JeotRc TtenoM, if lark covnt, have letinnril home from a trit with filin'N In C ari'ondalc lion. John R. l'arr, of North Mini aenue. left for New ork and Philadelphia jesterday after I.oon. W. lury Dai(i, of South Main .nenti., left .rttrdav afternoon on a hij.itui trip to New V I. Mi'4 Marsaiet lowell, of .n Nmlli (;arDclil atomic lui accepter II position villi Mcldrum, Soolt k Company, o( M joining' HTcnne, f S. SttUlirr, (if South Main accntie, nai In l).n;liaiiiton, X. ., jcslirilnj. Attorney Charles I:, D.tnlels, ol Diijslun street, is In llnrrilmri en lcint limine s, (IforRf .tenUnj wti't to IfarrUhur jc-Jtcr-diy mi litiln",. Mrs. William V,, of .S'ortli Iltoniley c lino, la comnlesrliig ntler n two mel.s' illnes. Mr. I". i,. linker, ul l.mrs imirl, Is Wslllnff friends at Clrnburn. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Wedding of Miss Susie Barnes nnd Almond StonierOther In teresting News Notes. A pretty homo wedding wan that last nlRht nt the homo or H. II. Vo Witt, 217 Ferdinand street, In which Almond .Stonier and MIrh HiihIc Barnes wero the principal. The rerememy wuh pel formed by Ilev. Charles A. llenjanilii, of Athens, a. coti.slii of the bride, assisted by lie v. O. A. Cure, pastor of the Providence M. H. church. The bride was attended by MImh Amber Stonier, nnd the Rrooms nian wns Halph Harnes. of Buffalo, a, brother of tho brld. The bride wore a costume ot white silk, lace ttltnmed, ami the biidcsniaid's costumes was also of white sill:. After the ceremony congratulations weie extended the young couple and the guests sat down to enjoy a wed dins supper. Mr. and Mrs. Stonier arc well and favorably Unown In this part of the city nnd have tho well wishes of many friends for tlulr future happi ness. Instead ot going on the custom nrj wedding ttlp the young couple will at once enter upon the joys of house keeping In their own new anil neatly liirnlshed home on Theodoic street, turn if lift .it llaUt' Uuy Mole, corner of wen: I'.alph Haines, of Uuffnlo, X. V.; Mr. and Mis. W. S. Benjamin, of l'llceburg: Mrs. K. L. Peck, of -Vcw Alllfoul; Hattle Barnes, of lllbson; Mrs. I. D. I'oiund, of Alford; Air. nucl Mis. T. J. Stonier, of Schultzvlll; Miss Ciruce Stonier, of Lake Carey; Mr. unci Mis.' W. S. Do Witt, Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Baldwin. Mr. and Mrs. tJ. A. Cine, .Mr. X. W. Benjamin, Mr. and Mrs. ( W. Benjamin, Mr. and Mrs. K. I Ben jamin. MesMs. Hubert Do Witt, Charles De Witt, Howard Benjamin, William Wilglu and i:dwatd Benjamin; Misses ik-orgla cure, Huth Benjamin, I.ucy Do Wilt and Hazel Do' Witt. Condition of Pave. The ilver of mud has aR.ilu started on Its way clown Xorth Main avenue upon tho now pave which was laid last summer. The mud now lies two or tluec Inches de.'p over your over shoe tops and Is becoming deeper every day, .is tho rain makes It How thicker and faslei oft" tho side streets. Since the l! Irani Construction com pany was disbanded at Philadelphia, the rest uf the contract was left In tho hands of the Barber people of tills city. The contract called for tho pave to bo kept dean until tho pavement Is finished by the company. Tho business people of this section are complaining about the manner In which they hae been treated in tho non-iulilllment of the contract and wlih the street commissioner to call the attention of the paving company to the statu of affalis. NUBS OF NEWS. Hi N. I:. Wi-lls, tlio well Known di tor nf tliis ecrtiuu. kit Sniili; for V. I'jul., W.iliiti;ton. vlii-ii lie amtili'il .1 w-.llou with llio I'lilrn I'rfilliu ullioai .1- liairliii1; pli) skim. Hi'. Wpllts was .i wrll known jcrnnit man In social iitiil whU'Ii iliilcs in litis M'ltkn In whiiii l" will In ini.ctl ciy nmi li. Iiorothy, tin ,icnti ilnifflitir of Vir. anil Mr. .lolm Pnri-, cf Wjirin stiect, was laid to H'-,t .'jlcrday alteinoon at "J etloik in tlic Wa-U-luitn fticct ccinclcrj. tlis wetc coiuluctnl at 1 1 1 o lioiw mill piu', 1) 1. .lulus ll.lll lllllU ol tlic Mi-s Knilly llottr, uf Waiun btnot. lias n. Inilicil liomu fiom Jciinju allir "4 lilting icla tin-. lliuuy Oorjlm-kl, i.f Von stculi aicniic, wh at uslcd Mniliy fioniiv fur ill-milcrly cumluct ami irltiii atro-l y Olllirr I'alinci. Hi was aiiuUnnl licfmo Alikiiiian 1'iiller anil s vim li li inuM not nv ntid c..Ls touimlltfil to tlio county Jail for tlililj ila. Mntiici.' iiHotln,' will li lxli tills afternoon at tho Youn.- Mm's Chii-ilan a-.oi ialioii. All Innihus sue iuiiti'il In atlctnl. Ml news nutter will idrl p piniiiit alien. The gttestj! piesent at the wedding M.iin aci'iiuc ami Market Mivet. Dominlel: PiKiitls. uf lVnn acriuic. Stan lev ZUctis, .lui Kiilnwokv anJ John l.iilimns iitoniul foi',- a wlhilim in his placa f lni.lnes on IViiu acinin Snmliv iiiornin,". IMun MiiLneil litfnip Mile) in n. lljiis llie.i selilnl tin i i.e anili ahh. fiREEN RIDGE. 'lie enx nt on aiuUtoii autme ami Mai ki t tuct whiih was lo.t tu flslit for .onu tinio is airalu vf.ihlo. A fone 01 nun ileaiilns the mini from it je-,terdi.. , The Mi-'s Anna ft lit Ueilh.i .letikins inil lioiher. Willanl, ritninil to the MroiuiVuiiiv: Nntinal mIiouI .e-tinliy alter fpemlitu ihrir l.uaiion with iheii p.innt.., Mi. ami Mi,, 1;. li. .Iciil.lnn. Mis. Wiiuatt. f f'ailionilali", Is cl-Hinir lur titter. Mis. .1. N Miller, of lim Mm. II. koiiey, ot Moittj avciitio, fs M.iiln;, flicllili 111 Dllllltl, Mrs. i, i, le,tWlil, of Moi.-p.i an mi", i in .New Yolk rlly, Mr. I'iciI i:iilnt, nf lil o.i tiiiih avoniti, lio has hcen uriou!1, ill fiom iiiicninoiili, is lowly it-cowling. iiinnber uf the l.uli., of llio MI.-.-loiuiv o c!ilj ol Ihg (irirn llhlse I'le-hjleilan tlinit'i, l.-linril to un Inteif-linit aflilics li.i Ilev. J', (', II. I'te.wr, lalo of ( hlna, at ihe litnu ol Jli'. 'loncnil l'ooit jutenlay aliciiiuun. li. lliejer was cioiteil lo .nlilux the in.i'iin; loi tmliiB to IIIiirvH was iinahlu Id bo ihcspiu. Momlay (wnlna, Aj.ill 1, llMiki l)inty Ciilnl'r l. I.. Ciilwn, of (htm Hl.lj lnUc, Nn. Ml, liiihii'iilu,( Onli r of Oihl 1'. I lnvj, will In-tall tlic otlUeii of I. lobe loJ(.f, .o, Wj, ami Mo-tow loii;i', Nn TIM. 'J'he Mites I'lo-ie ami M-mle CMiiuiul, of I),. ... mil aumie, aie vivinns frluuls in lloiirmlak, Tito filteii lltilao Woman'ii ('hiit-tljn Tttii. IKi.ince union will hold iu legul.u meeting tlm alleinooii at II o'clotk In the liianifelliJl ihuith on (.iwuo .niiiin. Sulijict, "Mntlu'rH Work," in chitL'p of li. Illpley. Mipiiliitcn lit lit cf Hit ilipiilintnt. imllatlon Is eMeliilcd tu all ir.trd. PARK PLACE. W. T. ilollj, of feicilms otuel, li ill iwtli I.M'luikl puiiiiiiniila. Ihe fourt hired Milhmli.t Lplopal clmii li i huMIn; ,i filr Dili wetk Tueeilay, Wednesday, 1 liur-il i)' nmi I'lldaj. Mil. Annie Ilionn, uf l'locldence ion! foruiei. ly owned a mull pa dus whhli lic i.ilkd llcwij. II" ailid ut) .pti'ii- Minday inoinlii-; when he jumped and Miappid al her two oi Ihiee time, mid 1k finall.i ln(oinln' afraid nut fr .1 S 1'iitihaid, of ..:. Court tieet, who Ql him. A SENSIBLE MAN Would iw Kunp'-i llaliam for Ihe Tlnoat and l.UI'M. It is tnrliis innro Coushs, t'olitt, AMImia, Ilioiiihltlii, fioup mid all 'Ilitoat .ind f.unir Tiouliit'ii, limn anj olhrr iiitdlilne, Tlie pioprielor lut authoiltid any dinasW lo elie yon a Simple Hut tic 1'iee to tmulnt'o jou ot t'i merit of tliii t'uat icmcdy, 1'iitg Sic. and M, SOUTHSGRANTON FUNERAI, OF THE LATE WILL IAM STERN. Services Were Conducted nt the Family Hcsldcnco by Rev. A. S. Ansprichcr, of the Linden Street Synagogue Nny Aug Tribo of Red Men Elect Offlcers "Blues" Win Young Men's Instltuto Member ulilp Contest in Columbus Council. Other Notes nnd Fersonnls. The remains of William Stern were laid away to their Until resting place In tho Dunmore Jewish cemetery yester day aftei noon. The services yerc held nt the family tesldence. on Cedar iivenuc, by Rev. A. S, Aimpnchcr, labbl of tho Linden Street synngtoRiie. They were larpely attended. Representatives of the Odd Fellows, Scranton Knights of Honor, B'nal H'llth and other societies were present. The Moral offering: were numerous nnd beautiful, The pall bearers, chosen from the Odd Fellows, wore Fred Kir. chof. Chnr'es Orlf and Fred Sanr, and from the P.'nal U'ritli, L. Drlesen and A. Mareus. The flower beuretn weie Henry Wetter nnd Charles N'euls. Sliver Wedding- Annlveisaiy. Mr. and Mrs. rieorgo AV. Xape, of CIS Maple street, wore Joined lu marriage on March 24. 187C, by Hev. L. P. Floyd, minister of the gospel, on Adams ave nue, and last Saturday marked the tiwenty-llfth anniversary of tho event. A number of fi lends, Including mem bers of the Ladles' auxiliary, O. J. A. of the B. L. K., Division 82, gatheieil at tho residence, (IIS Maple street, and presented them with a handsome par lor rocker and also a number of use ful gifts of silverware. Tho house was neatly decorated with potted plants, ferns and cut lloweis, and the parlors wero thronged with friends and rela tlcs. Mr. Nape also pieseutcd Mis. Xnpe with an elegant French china dinner set. After tho presentation, a reception was held aud light refiesh inents served. Supper was served at 7 p. m. Those piesent weie: Mr. and Mi Charles (Sarr.igan, Mr. nnd Mrs. .lohu Ioomis, Mr. and Mis. Charles) Keeley. Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Hand, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shllter, Mr and Mrs. Sam uel Coleman, Mr. and Mis. Thomas Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard L:tn Ing, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Tonmey, Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Dtlrle, Mr. and Mis. John Troeli, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Staples, Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Swarts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Poole. Mr and Mrs. David Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Itlch nrd Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Butler. Mr. and Mrs. John LaFrance, Mr. and Mrs. George Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Stew ait, Mr. and Mrs. AVIlds, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller. Mr. and Mis. M. Swarts, Mr. and Mrs. Hinds, Mr. and Mrs. Kelluni, Mr. and Mrs. Yohe, Mr. and Mrs. Cuirlg, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. William Warner, Mrs.. John Wet tllng. Mrs. William Long, Mrs. Merrlt Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Emit Bonn, Mrs. Kmll Schmidt, Messrs. William Moser. John Nape, George Nape, Walter Nape, Itobeit Nape, Misses KmuiR Nape, Carrie and THIn Nape, Ida Nape, Lucy Smith, Canio Smith. Meeting of Red Men. At the tegular meeting of tho Nay Aug tribe. No. 140, Improved Older of Red Men, last evening nt Fniohan's hall, the otllcet., recently nominated weie elected for the ensuing year. They are: Prophet, Philip Gtaft; .sachem. Herthold Sclindt: senior sa chem, Chniles Coleman; junior sachoin, Conrad lleilig; keeper of wampum, Albeit ielsmer; chief of iccords, George Kelb; trustee (or eighteen months, Charles Sehench; representa tive to state council, Philip Gralf, al ternate, Daniel Kclpr. Will Receive Loid's Supper. A nunibei of children of tho Church of Peace will receive tho Lord's sup per fiom the hands of Itev. 13. Schmidt nest Sunday inclining nt lO.uO o'clock. They are; Charles W. J. Schwcii ker, Urnest G. Schmidt, Henry O. Kn gel, F.dw.ild Kell, Walter P. Zelsnier, Minnie Huns, Kinma Kngel, Beitha A. L. Swlek, Louisa Booeli and Lena Car penter. The text will be IValiu txil: !i. "I will walk before thu J.oid In the land of the living." The "Blues" Won. The "Blue" have won the member ship contest started homo time .'iko by the members of Columbus council, Young Men's Institute. The contest was between two ldes. known ns the "Blue1" and tin- "Reds." Tho "itluos" s-ccured foity members to the "Reds" thirty. Tho membeis comptlHlng the losing side will have to pay the expenses of a social to be given on Faster Monday iilskt. Breezy Brevities. I.inlHii k.iwiiM will be held in M. ln' mil hi. .lolinV chtnche-i this owning. ..lames lVnin.ll lodjt, No. ITU, Indepi'iulinl Older of Odd IVllo, will meet this rirnlns at rrutliaii's hall to ehd ol lit 1 1 . The nienilicu ot the Columbus luimcll, Yonns Men's Inilitnti', of this side, will ro to I'inw dciiio tonijirlit to roiitest the Maiqnette icnn II In a (f.tiiie of etiihri. I'atrlil; riaheily. of I'iltkion memu. and Mi-t .Inlla liuiiall. of Ileceh slieet, left for Mionds. Imii; N o i m 1 1 Mhool yesteiday tu regime llielr ttudlis. 1. Bruno was airaisncd before Iluddv hut ewulns on tlie eharie of llac.itt nitig tr 1.111 picleiicd by l'atuck Judge. After heat. itiK tin wltiievsef, Peter Zane, Clmlra Manly and Mary .fudge, the iildamiu held Iliime un del itJOD boll. Attoiney M. J. Domlivo betarie his bondniaii. 'Iho IniinbiM of the AiiJiium w'iII meet In monthly oe-v-lun this t'lcniic in l'luinuiy lull. OBITUARY. James A. Feninnn. , Jatiien A. I'cnuian, ftr many eai llio well known tomtable cf iho beventtenth waid, dii'd jejlirday at the family rtildi nee, i'" Ma'ln.'i nwnue. IKeeaMil was tlm elded ton nf the late Jarni and Maria l'tntnin. lie Is i.uriiw'd liy his blethers, I)iid It., i liarles II , llobeil II. I ml 'I'. I'. I'uiinai ami hks tlbtins, Mle Kli.i. betli and Mar.v IVniitan. Ii'. and III-). I'. I'. I'eiiiiiin Jre on llielr way fiom l'lorida but tuiild flat reach Iinmn lie fore llielr blether clltd. 'Jhey were t'Apeitid hue InH nlKht, ho 'iei. Alhiit I.ewii, a joum; man rrldlni; with hit pin ills al lid K'llh llioinlry awttue, died jcv.. liiilaj. Un was ruiplojcd by the Colliery I'n. liliusr company. 'Ihe fimri.t! aunniimenient will lie made lalir. I'.ml Albeit, .infant fni of Mr. an.V Mrc .1. W. Tlliiiau, of 'Ml Mltllln aivnur, died jotcrday Scranton f-f-i .- t ff ! Guernsey Hall IS THE BEST PLACC IN SCRANTON TO BUY A RIANO OR ORGAN Don't fall to come an J sec as great bargains are waiting (or you, J.W.GUERNSEY, PROP. 314-316 WASHINGTON AVE. SCRANTON. PA. In New Guernsey liullJins. Davis steam Dye Co. 319 PENN AVE. Goods called for and delhered, Cleanlnj, Dyeing and Pressing, ALL WORK GUARANTEED. PHONE 373B Golden Gate Dininq Rooms. Bfft 15 rent meal In the city, Pile Meal Tickets. it.OO. tjttiiilar dinner a upeilaltj. llome-niade Pastry. 244 ADAMS AVE. W, J. BARRISCALC. 'zhFT11!?' MANTEL COAL AND MfkNI UL.S3. GAS GRATES Tire-place trimmings lillnir for floois, 312 WASHINGTON AVE. TELEPHONE. W. A. HARVEY. I.lrctile Wirinc and 1'Ktuies, i:ii-ctrlc Ilcll and Telephone Wotk. 3Q9 Commonwealth building. J. B. WOOLSEY & CO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Dcalcra in Plate Glass and Lumber O ALL KINDS. Kingsbury & Scranton. Mjiiufaclureis' Ai,euls MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES. Diitriet? AsenLs for .Ifthn A nnebllna's Sons In 8 W'lte Dotie and l.leitrleal Wire CutM 1'eitha and Ituliber JUtf, to'is llelt iij I'liikmir. lhic ami Meeluniral liiibber (.oodc. huowlion I'.wklii Lartcr'd Oil I lotliing liooin .110 (iull nidir W. H. GORDON & SON. ITnrce Shorlnt; nnd fhneial lllaclimltlilni Wagon and laniacc nulldtng and Itubber 'lite. Ins. 339 ADAMS AVNUE. afteinoon t ." o'clock of cholera Infantum, Hie funeral aiinouncement will be mule lalei. Jitdson. the lljear-old Min of W. II. 'o f.amli, of .VJv? (lulmy uwuiie, died nt II ..0 o'dotk 1 i-t nlsht ot heait ili-r.i-e. The funeral nnmmneement will be made lain. DUNMORE DOINGS. Meeting of Borough Council Jap anese Wedding Was Given at Baptist Chuich. .After a wait of about tijo hotir.x, spent In n ptivato dls-cus.slou of bor ough affair., the borough cotincllmen weie called to order by Acting 1'iosl dfiit Waul at about 10 o'clock Monday night. OrdlnaiiLO No, Sfi, l elating to the bower construction In the Second district, parsed flret and second read ing. A resolution was offeicd b Mr. Riogan, providing for a conference of the councllmcii, borough engineer and boiough attorney at tlio otllco of M. F. McDonald, on Friday evening at "..!) o'clock, when fuitlicr plans will bo concocted to secure a favorable ruling upon tho .sewer matter that Is to bu argued belore the court on April :'.'. Japanese Wedding. De.iplle the Inclemency of the weather, a good-slued audience en joyed the Japanese neddlng exhibition nt the Uaptist chinch last night. Tho programme as published Iu jvh tei day's Tiibuuu was can led out, and many compllmoutaiy things weie said about It by those present. Boiough Brevities. As ihe tlijs rii bj ihe populalioii uf this onto Ihrlilnir town is btiunilus; beautltullj li, as ouhrs ato ttcadilj' coiniii; by win liuiu the new la.ttl.pi n ti is of tin lVniuj Ivaitla ( oal lom piny mid Kile aud WjoiuIuk Valliy and loial euipld.ves aie ilill.v lcaclii-; nr New oil. The luilependeiit Oultr of old 1'tlhin.s mil hold an iuipnitaiit liiis'tiu; touiKhl, c. lu ji ihe into for tllstilet tlcpuly Brand masi.i will be i ait. As a mcniiiir ot this IhiIko CIuhicl ll.e per Is a tonilidile. It is cvpected in a u. iy member will bo pieent. IMnaiil Mult, of New- Yolk tlij, t- i-.u nig: his partnts In luun, .Mis. Owen I'ljiiii will mtivo this w.., lo Pule (.lied, -i i anion, having itnlul her pumii! i -i ilenti tu a Mi. Wei-bun whu alu oisuims the ktoie room. Mm. Michael Molt is III ul lui hunu un Want Micit. .lolm Slinproubas ret in nl a lilt-mile po.niou witli the IKliwaie, Lai and W.-inti Iliilmad loiirpnnj, and will this uuk uiim.w lo lliibnkin, his new hcuhpiarlei. L'nileil Mine Wutkeis' l.oial "w. .Tmi w,u mi et tonlglit at tliilt ball on (hi-iimi m ... Amos Washer ha.s been iippnlntid mnl inn., for tin riit-IVniLs.iliaiiii ( ual iinpai,f ,m Hie pi in uf Mi. Nivon, who has i-iunl DR. MONTGOMERY'S LECTURE. He Will Be Heard nt the High School Friday. Dr. Thomas II. Montgomery, Ji . or the University of Pennsylvania. H,u deliver a loetuio to the pupils of tho Scranton High school on Friday uttoi noon next, March L'Dlli. Ills subject will bo the "Migration of ninls." Dr Montgomery acquired his know ledge or tills subject ns diiector of the Nature Study Course, at the' Marino Biological Laboratory, at Woods Iloll, Mass, which Is a c-o-oper.itlvo institution, with which the I 'nh erslty of Pennsyl vania and some sixty other iinlversi tits, museums, aud Institutions, Inter ested lu biology, urn connected, kind which has been u very linpoitant fac tor In the advancement of bloolcal work. Dr. Monlgoineiy has been at the t'nlvoi'ilty of Pennsylvania as an as blstant profesj-or, for tin last ile years, and has ehaigo of iho graduate courses on Histology, Knilnology, Vl stiucturo and Psychology. After se -oral years lu tho College department of the iMilvcisltj-, Dr. .Montgomery took post-graduate work at llio Uni versity of Uorlln. which conferred upon -J. Business THESC ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. Brotherhood Wine Co:s Kino Old I'ottn, rturRiindlc, and sautsines. faintly T'mde Onlj-. P. H. FRENCH. 40U CONNELL HLOO. oreschel's Great Fire Sale ISA WYOMING) AVENUE. Now Cioing On. Pine I'lim and all klndi ot Neckwear. BRESCHEL & CO. .Scranton Laundry, 322 WASHINGTON AVENUE. Calls Yj telephona reecho prompt attention. WILSON WASBERS. Spectacles, MADE AND REPAIRED. "That' all," S. H. TWININQ. 131 PENN AVE. DIAMOND SrOE SHINING PARLORS For t.adie.i and lntj. All Shine, Jc. 433-SPRUCE-433 Hanley's Bakery, 420 SPRUCE ST, Succc.,-.or to HUNTINGTON Wc make a ipeclall,v of fine bread ntuffii. Orders for Falads, Ojsleu, Cioqucltes, etc., promptly filled, A full line of Lie and lie". Eureka Plating Works, Sllwr, Cold. Mekel, Copper and lira.. Cliindelicrs rtelinhhcd, 321 OX COURT. REARBD. TRADE. REISMAN BROTHERS, Leading Newodcalcrf. 40R SPRUCE OT. G03 LINDEN ST. CORNA qfi:i:x of ki:y west cigars. DEAN, 0 CONNELL BLDG, Two riionea. GOODMAN'S SHOE STORE. Now at 118 h.ic.l.iwann.1 ace. QRAND OPENING SATURDAY. MARCH 23 The scranton Vitrified brick and Tile Manufacturing Company Makei.s of Pacini; Uriek, etc Jl, II Fine (leneral Sales Ajent, Olflee ""'J Wafhitifiton aw Woiki at Nay Aus. l'a., I.'. i: W V. It. It him the degree of bachelor of philos ophy In the spilng of 1S9I. lie has al ways been a close student of compara tive anatomy and vertebrate morphol ogy, and has written many articles for sclpiitlllo journals In this country and abroad on comparative anatomy of the lower grades of animals, and also on tho study of the germ-cell. l"r. Mont gomery Is also a professor at the Wag ner Free Iniititutc of Science, of Phila delphia. . A SOCIAL SESSION. Conespondence Schools Employees Had an Enjoyable Time. The first regular meeting of the new ly organized International Correspond ence Schools Literary, Social and Heno. flelal association was held last nlfiht In Guernsey hall and took tho form ot u social session. There were neatly S50 of the em ployes of tho local oflice piesent and the piesldent. J. D. Joiks, pieslded. A brief address, full of encouragement and piomlscs of assistance, was made by the president of the Collleiy F.ngl noer company, T. J. Foster. A vnrlvl and icallj' excellent programme fol lowed. A quintette, coiupu-ed of Messrs. Oippel and Ratlin and Misses Phillips and Drake, made perhaps tile blngst hit of the night with n seiles of negro ditties and lullabies. They weie obliged to respond to several encores, Miss Agnes I'allahau, a clever young woman with n charming manner, re cited "That Old Sweetheart or Mine." while Miss Paulino Hall leclted "Down by the Rio tlrande." Venal solos wero Hindered by Miss Colin Swift and Miss Fiedtt Kami Tho chairman, Mr Jones, made a few humorous remarks thnt were loudly applauded. 1 HE CELEBRATED GORDON PIANO Before buying, send for catalogue. U.S. GORDON, VcVLcV.y. NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor anil Manhood Cure Impotency, N'lrjlit Emissions Losi of Mem. or), nn AU9I1HR uistMtes, ullellcvtiuf elf-.tbiiso or execss and indiscretion. 60 PILI.S 50 CTS. A nerve tonio ind blood builder. Brings 'the pink clow to pole elieok-i nnd rostnrcs the lire of jmitli. By mall !A0o tier linx. ti hox03 for $U.e0, with our bankable gaurantee to cure or refund the money paid, ."-eml for circular nucl copy of our bauUabto Riiarautco bond. NervitaTablets S RXTRA STRENGTH Immediate Results (VULLOW LADED Posltlvoly Biiumnteed for Loss of Power, Varicocele), I'uclevoluped ur Klirunlen Orunnf, I'arenl-J, Locomotor Ataxia, Nnrvons 1'rcntrn. lion, Hjjiterla, ViU, Insanity. P.irulyjl eml Ilia Ilesulti of Kxccjdvo Uco of Tohicro, Opium or Liquor. By mail In nliiln pneknen, Q1.00 a box, O fur $6.00 with oar bankablo gunr antoo bond to euro in UO clays or refund monoy paid. Ailtlio-) NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jnckson Sts , CHICAGO. ILL. SolJ by MctUirali & Tliomas. Dl-ujsists, 03 IjclaujiiiKi ,ii rnui. s.ianton, i'.i, IPnfXFTfWL27lAWli:l iwrrifi.i.uifniwu rur iionj m i rnnif i IiiifaxM Fifffckr, Ahut, Hlnwtl t'nUoB, .Sfr?ou, S Itfhllll j.l m MBbooi, trlrorvlt A MrlftutrfBP fulliRii. I lsif1upmnt(t JL Khranlra tlrs&w. ifnl ri rurvd 4 la 10 diy, IB jfn )rrtlrnlst A J" IkixpUalfiprrltH" i('rM.ti;, btrni for Unn "Tntlbriul if okiar tTt rj wNirii iriririi irtuim fiPfido ioii mpr. i t&'"' ' csgfiiii-. iTTf Wr Houses. I nIWAV If not, nil upon F. L. Hitchcock & Son. FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS. CM nd 50T Ceinioonwealth Hulldlne, tnt ANTON, PA. Only flrct class toiiipaiilei represented. Claims promptly paid. O. S. BLOSS SSg&ir THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER. IT LEADS THEM ALL. L. SOMMAR. Ilnlhllnif Contractor. Umploys union men. IMfmates theerfutl Shen. Iteniodellnfr and repairing a ipccliltj". 3ZO WASHINGTON AVE. LACK AW A MM A Underwear store n in rn an tneir i.impies ol tine tmpottfd Madras Shirts for men at 6'Jc.x worth $1 to KM Oold Medal J t'liotognphcr Clilldren'a Xi Artist. FOR SALE Ill' and WAO ONS of all MneU; iilo House and lliilldiiiif IkiU at h.itRalirs. HOUSES, t I.IIM'KD and tiltOOMKt) it M. T. Keller's lii kaw ann i Cn-it je Workn. ALL DISEASES OF WOMEN. A tpei ull.v. Ur. Trecrrto.i, ltooin 1, owr lllulie ftnn. Hours: 1 to !i.30 p. in. OllMlll itlou fiee 'riionc 'V.O. HAVE YOUR WATCH FIXED RIGHT WC ARE SATISFIED WITH A SMALL PROFIT. BERNHARD, jeweler. M5 LACKAWANNA .WtNtt. EDWIN S. WILLIAMS. CONTRACTOR, BUILDER ROOM 2CCOAL EXCHANGE; SCRANTON. PA. the scranton umbrella Manufacturing Company We f.iiTj the largest utrnk of I mbrellij. Par-a-ols and llaiidleii; we also l!l.( OVKlt and pintiols nnd make tin in up equally iu a;ood a. new and nuanntee our prices tn be lower than any liousp in tho elty. We repair all our gooda fur one j ear rtllJB OF ( IIMtlil, 373 SPRUCE STREET. AMUSEMENTS. I YCEUH THEATRE - TIE1S Jk tllTROtl.SPKn. Untn. A. J. riurry,iumirr. Thursday. March 28. Mr. Tim Murphy, In Sol Sniltli ltu,ell' Girit S'lceeM. fl Bachelor's Romance A Ccmech in Tour Acts bj- Slarilu Morion. A Cuiniletc ami Kl.ib rile I'rnilnction In l'ctrjf PctJil. Tmir I'mlcr Direction cf mi.l) O.' IimGUlt. I'l iec-s- J.V . flcic., T'k. uiul l.ijil, Boi; miJ I.e-r, -l.M. Se.ils on file Tnei.iy .it ft a, m O.Ni: Mf.lll' DM.V V FRIDAY. MAKCH 20. "One of tlie few iinmrn en the latter iUj st.iss Mlio i a ii lmzli .11. 'I Itiii' tlie umlil bn;ll villi her " New Yoik lleial'l. Tlarie Dressier and furl" otlicis mt ,i conil. I'reirnllnf: tha l.itet cdiluin of tomeilj Miss Prlnnt 1'nee. i'"' . .' . V k , ! (rt .unl M W. Seals on -ale Wtilinsil.iv .it 1 J m. Saturday, Matinee and Night. Mr (.'fuse W f.eili i-t s l'-nnous Inlematloni) ltii.oi.1 MjI.m The Belle of New York 'lie mbjor of all Ihe liwn Ulk." Thu rae of tioili otiiiiniii' i'iitl. NlU'hl. -'.h . . 7 . el. Jml !1.50. Matinee, 'in . fin. atnl 7i ea'i on silo 'lliniMla.t n ' d. in ACADEHY OF HUSIC, RBIS& nUIJdUNDUR MARRY A. BROW'M Uinaccn aoil IcuftJ. Local Manacr. JIOMiW. Jl'IMin M) i:i)NIDAV, I it i. MATIM IN. WILLS BKOTHERS COMEDY CO, IN FAIHT ( OMI.DY. Mj'iiiee Tiwly "In Atlantic t.ity." Toiiiisln- 'Ilo-cim 1'rlcniR" IIIIIMIW. rilHJW AM) SAIlillUAV "THE TIDE OF LIFE." Matinee l'liee-. II. '."'i cents. I'teiiini; ITk.- "i, -. ' JJ cent." NewGaietyTheatre ALP. fi IIKlllilNOTON, Jlanajcr. Thiee Days Coinniencinjy Thursday Matinee, Mnich 28. "Wine, Women and Song," Tlic Dickson Maiuifaelurliiij Go. i crouton anil IIU9vlJ.rr, l' Muutifactururc o.' LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY ElSQlNES Hollers, llolstlnsanil I'uniplnz Machinery. General Office. Scranton, Pa. HBUY THE GENUINE" SYRUP OF FIGS .. MANUFAOTUnED HY ... CALIFORNIA FIO 5YRUP CO. IIT.OTK TI1K NAMK. J X. at,oi, . t.