.''";'' "'' t& AK '" VV h v. Js - -ft, ?1 "IT A THE SCR ASTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1901. 5 . n R. (Of ? i " v" r. xxxxxxxxxa OF SCRANTON. Capital $200,000. Surplus 5500,000. United States Depositary. Business, personal and sav ings accounts invited. 3 per cent, interest paid on savings accounts. Open Saturday cveuings from S to 9 o'clock. V.i. CoNM.Lt., President. Ill sky Bli.in, Jr., Vice Pres. Wm. II. Pi.ck, Cashier. Repairing Done Gratis. LACKAWANNA "THE" AUNDRY. WEATHER" YESTERDAY. I,., ai data fur MjiiIi 20, 10U1: iltiphr-t liiiipt-ratuic 31 dcRrocs I'iM-i lcuip'Mtuic 13 degrees liiiiuidltv : . in S2 per rent, i p. in 01 per rent. li.Miii.ill, (unilt-lour houi ended S p. lit i'i PERSONAL. II T. .Ijjne Kit for New Yolk and Philadelphia, -t iilaj. tt K, Macr.iil.uid, thief rnslneer of the I.aika. . mi.l lallruad. wlm h.is been in tho city incut ell--, utiiined lo Mw oil; cteid.iy. ' I'. iiiMciii.ni, of New York, employed by 1 i. llnliK-ii. .iiujiiieil, of this city and New ! K. :nilrd line hit nlslit lo t.ikc clurfie ni wnne M.il, liclns done tinder the dliTctioi of in, nun mid is qu.iiliiiil at the .Icnu.ni. NON-SUIT IN SEARS CASE. Was Not Shown That City Was Re sponsible for tho Accident. The ttospat-s milt of C. H. Sours against tho City (it Scrantoit came to an abrupt end yesterday. As foretold In yesterday's Tribune, City Solicitor Yot.btirg made nn application fop n lull-suit ns soon as thu plaintiff rested, and It vwih Ki'antod by Judge Albright. The ntui-iuill as allowed for tho rea ton that It had nut been shown that the city was responsible for the run away ulilrli icsultcd In tho Injury of Sea r. Tho .suit of tho X'ock I.uinbcr Manu fucturlng company iiBalnat II. U. sTnlth and Morgan It. Thoinim was next put tm trial. The milt was ono to recover on a iiieclmnk-'H lien for hulldlnir ma terial fiiriilslieil. Mr. ThonitiH was tho r.ontractor, unit the houho was built for Smith. Tho cafu was kIvcii to tho Jury caijV In thu afternoon and court ad Jouint'd for tho da", no other cases boliitf ready for trial. Tho case of Hlchard Itobluso'n iiBalnst C. W. Dean was given to tho Jury yen. teiUay, and a verdict will bo returned thin morning;' A Jury was called, hut not sworn, In tho case of Annlo Kllmartln aaalnst the l"lir AfdOclatlOM of l'hllndolphla, assumpsit, owlnff to tho ubsencti of a very material witness for tho dpfense. The witness will probably be on hand today, USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE A Kdr to be klukcn into tho hoc. Y our In" lot! swollen, nenouj and damp, and net Mud evilly. If jou liatu aclilni; fret, try Allen' fooM'.ufe. It ret tho feet mid nukea new vr tight ihcea ri,y. Cuie CMIblaln. iwollrii, Mveatim; led, IilUtci und rJlloii fpot. lie iIckh rorna and bunion of all pjln and cliea ifit and wnifoit. Tiy It today. Sold by nil cliuij. Ki'U and Mioc diuleit, ii iitit. , Tilnl pjtkj.-e i BtU. Addrisi, Atlta fc. Olnutcd, l.e lloy, .V. V. E MODERN IIAltDWAIU: STORE. Q son is at hand. You will X bably need a garden S row. Wo can supply you (Q h anything' you wish In f whiol barrow lino and Sr i rcasonablo price. O ote & Shear Co. X ? N. Washbffton Ave Q :xxxxxxxxxQ M0 'IJM1' !9 DILCHER HAS LEFT THE CITY STARTED FOR INDIANAPOLIS LABT NIGHT. National Organizer Evans Also Left for That Place Last Night They Refused to Say Anything About What They Aro 'Summoned to In dianapolis Por Board of Trado Has Declined to Send a Man to New York to Attend the Proposed Conference. National Committeeman Kiederlck Dllcher left tho city at 11.30 o'clock last night for Indlanapollp, and while he stublwrnly refused to kIvc any dell nlto statement legm-dlnr? lite whys or wherefores of his departure, from cov ert lilnta he dropped the conclusion ur rlved at Is that u ronference will be probably held tomorrow at Indianapo lis by the national board. "I can't tell you unythliiR about my motive for leavlnfr," In- fald to a Trib une man at tho Lackawanna stxitlon, Just before he left the city. "Alt that 1 can say Is, 1 am off for Indianapolis and a quiet talk with tho boys. You will have to put one and ono together and read between the lines." Harder in the day Dllcher had de clared i telegram ho received In tho morning was sent him by his wife In Ohio, ami the reporter therefore Inter jected at this point: "Then that telegram from your wife contained the Indianapolis summons, did It?" Tho big national board member smiled broadly, but declined to answer. Ilo declared that he expects to be back In a day or two, but ns he wilt only arilve at Indianapolis nt 7 o'clock this evening-, It Is not likely that ho will re turn befoto Friday at tho earliest. CONFERENCE AT INDIANAPOLIS. A fact which strengthens tho belief that a conference is to be held at In dianapolis Is the fact that National Organizer Christopher Evans, who has been In tho city during the past two weeks, left yesterday morning. Evans remarked to persons at tho hotel that "he was off for headquarters," and as Indianapolis is the recognized national center of doings In the mine workers' union. It was Immediately conjectured that the Indiana city was his destina tion. Dllcher confirmed the supposition before leaving". In event of a conference at Indian apolis, It Is most likely that Ptesldent Mitchell and District Presidents Fahy, Nlcholls and Duffy left for It yester day afternoon from New York, and that the telegram received by Dllcher yesterday morning was the announce ment of It by tho national president. A meeting of tho officers of tho board of trado was bold yesterday morning and It was decided to decline the offer of Rev. Father Phillips, of Hazlcton. who last week acquainted Secretary Atherton with his project for a trip to New York of the presidents of the Scranton, Hazlcton and Wilkes-Barre boards, In company with himself. As has already been stated, the four delegates from the anthracite districts would meet Rlshop Potter and Arch bishop Corrigan nt tho metropolis and call upon J. Pletpont Morgan and en deavor to persuade tho latter to meet tho mine workers' olllcers. The local board yesterday decided that In view of tho fact that their intermediation was asked by neither miners nor oper ators, any such action would be mere ly Intrusive, und particularly so when President Mitchell' own presence in Now York Is considered. MORGAN WILLING. Father Phillips called up Secretin y Atherton over the long distance 'phono from llazleton Monday night and in formed him that ho had received u special delivery letter from J. Plerpont Morgan, responding to tho communi cation which ho sent him last week in forming him of the proposed visit. In bis answer Mr. Morgan declared that he would be delighted to meet repre sentatives from the boards of trade, any day this week, between the hours of 2 und 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Tho Hazlcton clergyman further an nounced that he had made all arrange ments for u meeting of tho commlttea nt tho Astor house at 12 o'clock Wed nesday noon. Secretary Atherton notitlcd Father Phillips of tho local board's action, and yesterday afternoon the llazleton di vine left his homo for New York. Committeeman Dllcher received no communication from President Mitchell yesterday, and declared that tho story In an afternoon paper to the effect that the operators agreed to a conference was an entirely suppositious one. "Tho statement thnt I received a ' telegram from President Mitchell Is en tirely false," ho said. "I received a telegram this morning, It Is true, but It was only a communication from my wife. 'Some ono evidently jumped at the conclusion that this was a mes sage from Mitchell, and the conference yarn was tho result." EFFECT OF THE STRIKE. William H. Logan, tho manager of R. G. Dun & Co.'s olllce in this city, yesterday spoke as follows with refer ence to tho threatened mine strike: S.r.ll.lcn l unfi.ituii.ue ill Hut. probably no nlher imp-Ktant htMncts oiutiltll.il - In tlir I'nlted fctate ha been more disturbed by Im pending or actual labor tmu'iles In almo-t t luce earo there In l"!i but u few montlit when i ho bulncs Inlcioti ol the city haw nit ticin ronfiunted with tlio il.inutT ,f tho ccii tiun n uorl; in eo.uc linliiftil.il hunch, the whole iiitiiilnatlus In tl.c fliike of tlio I'liitrd Jlln." U'oikcm hil full. We found then, by vidcipuid Inc.uiiy a-nons all I1r.1t11.he4 of letail trade, that there r..tid a unlvcifcal sympathy for tho mlncra and their brother uoitanui; merchant new outspoken in 'nclr willingness to cairy them as credit uu tomcia to the fkll limit of their o.u capital and credit. Iimlns tho mouth ol October, l:W0, the nifitJiitllc failuic.i in Lackunanna and lu rcrno countlc largely exceeded the winj noiilb. for (lie i'jr pat, but yith the settlement of the mike, the piomln of tunl-monthly payj ami tho Kinrral fatoiable outlook, came renewed confidence In all Unci of local builncvs. 'J ho if.ulu wete notably ob.crved m .laiu ai of tht year nhen not one outih;lit nutum tile l.lliiro urn lecorded In the city of Scran ton ultli iti more than fifteen hundred trades mull and uunuf.icUma. The lncicantllc tigciify reioida do not dUctoae any litnllar condition for Many )(an, January, ltmo, has In; ttiown U failure with Indebtcduoi ol y'.J.WX), and Jan uary, ti-iw, four f.illnrca 'vith debti of $10,000. With the announcement tint tho I'nlted Mine Woiluu bail delegated to a Itvf ol lliclr tffielals the power to tcimlnato by a autpensloii of veik thu csl'lim; tamable conditions, haj come an. other period of local bu.lncu dtprcMlou and ulicady the record of inercaiitllu failure for Much threaten i to exceed that of tlu i.uno month for tinny ye.iia, Inu'itliitloii amcii; the dasrM of tiadera who usually have to bear the brunt ol (tilkca develops an absolute re venal of feellni; a cumparcd v.llh l.ut lall, a reetardi ijiupathy for prospettlte trlkfi. Mrny aret pionounced In their rrfuial to "carry" uny ttrikcr and declare the piocnt dittuibed rcn dltlonj to be abtolutcly uailcsi and unnjitr.aiy, Merchants who tiaee 'tuaclei! along for )ear without much piorficM aro nnilou to eo tie llmu when there way be at leat twelve month of Mttlcd bushiest end they hope llicro III be. no upeiiloii of work l. the miners, but nbme aim tlicy ilo liopo lli.it tde ttelcM .subterfuge "I delay of mtlun (a another jdtcu Jtc be asold il anil tli.it I lie lii.il tr r In: flnatlv determined how, lint the aallallon limy eraso nnd that tlicy may be permitted aorfiellilnir they hise not t.ilely Known, namely, a period ol unlntcf. utpted trade, I'roiri almost any viewpoint It may be seen, accurately that there Is no one thl.is that the illy of eVrai.ton need qutto to badly as a "stralght-away" lini ol a business ear tint will be tree from ttlll.es or anything tint may tei.d to aerlously Interfere with the prra. peels and conditions that are othetnlao Jear and found. LIVELY FIGHT TONIGHT. Reorganization of Fire Department to Be Discussed by Commoners. There will be a hard light made In the common council tonight on the amendment which will be offered strik ing out that section of tho reorgan ization ordinance providing for the re organization of tho lire department. Each side claims to have sufficient votes to carry the amendment and de feat It. respectively. Mr. Keller will lead tho fight against the nmendment. and said yesterday that he was confi dent It would come out. He Is hopeful of getting tho measure finally passed before Monday. MAJOR INGLIS INJURED. Struck by a Piece of Flying Coal While Making a Tour of Inspec tion nt Pittston. The Inspection tour of the ulllciats of the mining department of tho Erlo lallroad was marred by a slight acci dent at Pittston yesterday mornlnar, when Superintendent W. W. Inglls, of tho Hillside Coal and Iron company, was struck on tho leg by a piece of flying coal In ono of tho company'! mines. Tho party Included General Manager W. A. May and Superintendent Inglli, and they were making the first oinclal tour or the Hillside Coal nnd Iron com pany's property, since Captain Inglls succeeded Captain Mny as superintend ent of the company. Tho party was visiting tho Uutler colliery nt Pittston. when a couple of pound chunk of coal was blown by a blast fifty feet, strik ing the superintendent in the calf of tho leg, causing u rather painful, but not serious Injury. Genernl Manager May gave a Tribune teportei- the fol lowing account of the accident: "We weto In the Chapman shaft at the Uutlet- colliery and in one of tho leaders, about ilfty feet from the face, when this shot watt llrrd. A chunk of coal was blown along the passageway and struck Mr. Inglls In the calf of the leg, causing some Inconvenience, but It Is by no means a serious wound." Medical attendance was provided at Pittston and the leg bandaged. Tho wounding of the superintendent, .Mr. May declared, was purely accidental, as It was thought the party was a. sufltclent distance from the blast to be out of harm's way. MORE BRASS THIEVES. Two West Scranton Men Arrested'on That Charge Yesterday. Fred Uackus and John Donavon, both of AVcst Soranlon, were arrested yesterday for tho theft of bras.?. While walking down I'enn avenue about 0.30 yesterday morning, Detec tive Molr and Mounted Olllcer Uloch camo upon the two shouldering a fifty pound water column, which had been stolen from an engine In the Lacka wanna yard. The answers to the olll cers were not satisfactory, and despite their declinations of Innocence the two were locked up In police headquarters. Later they acknowledged the theft, and said they were on their way to a. Junk shop In Raymond court to dispose of tho column. Previous to being over taken by the ofllcors they had been to nnothor junk shop In the alley, but the proprietor refused to purchate It. CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. Those Intending to Hold Excursions Must Act Without Delay. Lake Lodore has not only the charm of novelty; it exceeds In natural beauty any of tho old excursion resorts. The ride to tho lake, overlooking vast stretches of surprisingly beautiful scenery; the grove, with Its densely shaded drives and walks, smooth and dry as asphalt, Its white booths and balcony-encircled dance pavilion, Its fine springs and rustic bridges; Its ca rousel and varied other attractions: the ball ground set with Spalding bases, and the lake Itself with Its charming scenery, Its broad surface and quiet, nooks and coves, explored by handsome launches and a great fleet of row boats all these things render Lodore a summer paradise. Then, too, rates to churches and so cieties nte lower than rates to many other resorts. In short Lodore Is at once tho most pleasure-giving und most profit-reaping place for excur sionists In this region. Dates nre be ing filled rapidly and organizations In tending to go should npply without de lay at tho Lackawanna avenue depot to H. W. Cross. Dlvlson Passenger Agent, Delaware and Hudson Railroad. Organs for Sale Cheap. You can buy a good second hand Or gan ns low as $10.00 at Guernsey Hall, .1. AV. Guernsey. Prop.. UU Washing ton avenue, Scranton, Pa. $1. Given Away Read bulletin in front of store. Old fashioned Chocolates, today, 25c; worth 50c, Come in and taste them. Canned goods, bargains in all lines. m I) . 429 Lackawanna Ave. GEORGIA OWES ITS RAILROADS TO HIM Paine's Celery Compound Was a Rev ' elation to E, C, Machen. Machen Is one of tho makers of tho new south. Ho has changed the map of Central Georgia. Flourishing towns havo sprung up along the railroad lines he has developed. Hon. Clark Howell, lit an "ilitoihil in the Atlanta Constitution said of him: "To tho people of Georgia, Machen Is known principally by the roads he has built In the south. He has brought nil Georgia within hand-reach of Atlanta, lit Is a public benefactor." While at work on the Covington and Macon railroad, Machen's health failed. After much unless expenditure of time nnd money he was induced by a friend who had been cured of nervous pros tration to try Paine's celery compound. That the remedy was a revelation to him no one can doubt who reads Mach en's letter: 6!i Wall Street, New York. Gentlem.Mi: I spent many thousands of dollars, Including eight months abroad, fur nervous prostration, and then found Paine's celery compound tlu remedy I ought to have taken at llrst. Doctors periodically tinkered at and patched me up so that my nerves would hold together for a short while, seemingly just long enough for my bank account to get a respite. However, your mcdlelti" has side tracked the doctors. My nerves don't seem to require any rest, and I am In such good spirits these days It doesn't matter much whether I have any bank account or not. I hav" determined on CAN FIX WATER RATES. Opinion of the United States Su preme Court, Which Has tm Im portant Local Bearing. The .Supremo court of the United States handed down an opinion on Monday, before taking tho customary Easier recess, which establishes that a municipality not only has the right to fix water rates to bo charged by companies furnish water to Its in habitants, but can go even farther and can reduce rates for water for city purpose below the price contracted for for a term of yeats. This opinion has a most Important local bearing, Inasmuch ns the councils recently passed an ordinance estab lishing water rates to bo charged by the Scranton Gns and AA'nter company, which" corporation, It Is generally un derstood, will test the legality of tho measure In the courts. According to tho press reports of the case and opinion tha cities of Free port, Danville nnd Rogers Park, III., made contracts with water companies to supply them with water for muni cipal peirposes at a specified rate. The councils of these cities later reduced these rates by nearly fifty per cent. The companies brought suit to compel tho carrying out of the original con tracts. An Illinois act of , assembly gives cities the power to make contracts for a period, not excetdlng thirty years, but the Supreme court of the state held that tho power to fix rates for public water supply was a govern mental function and that tho power of council to bind tho city did not ox tend over the llfo of tho body Itself. The United States Supremo court opinion was written by Janice McKen r.a and upheld the ruling of tho Su premo court of Illinois, declaring that a municipality could fix water rates In a contract and then from time to time, as circumstances changed, regu late these rates accordingly. City Solicitor A'oaburg raid yesterday that tho opinion not only reiterated tho former decisions of the court on the question, but went much fur ther. "There Is no question In iny mind," said he, "as to tho right of a munici pality to regulato tho price to be charged for water, as Scranton has recently done. This Is well established nnd has been declared by tho United Staifs Supremo court In several cases, which I quoted In my opinion on the matter submitted to council. "The court now goes even further, nnd declares that the terms of a con tract entered Into with a water com pany are not binding and can be al tered by councils. This recognition of council's right to alter the terms of a water contract, also Includes a re cognition, as a matter of course, tho council's right to tlx certain rates. "Von will notlco that tho four Jus tices who dissented from tho opinion merely dlfsented from the declaration Paine's celery compound ns my family lcmedy from now on. E. C. MACHEN. As the pioneer or a new system of railroad building In the south, Machen knows what It Is to live under Intense nervous strain. Ills Joy at finding Paine's celfiry compound a reliable means of restoring his nervous energy Is shown In every lino of his letter to the proprietors of this great remedy AVlien thousands of men and wom-n In every walk of life, from the hum blest to tho most famous and hon ored, voluntarily go out of their way to tell others the greut good Paine's celery compound has done them: when the ablest physicians and tho best In formed pharmacists not only proscribe and recommend, but themselves use und find health In Paine's cDlery com pound, the prof" . great demand for the spring ren. Is not to be won dered at. Paine's cilery compound Is the one real sptlng remedy known today that never falls to benefit. It cures diseases due to nervous weakness or a bad state of the blood. The most wlde-awak, Intelligent part of every community In this country nre among Its most enthu siastic vouchers and Indorsers. The agreement of opinion among the best Informed, most observant class of people. In tho well-to-do homes of our largest cities, as well ns In the more frugal town communities, places Paine's celery compound far In ad vance of any spring remedy. It Is, In fnct, the only spring remedy ever hoard of In the homes of practic ing physicians. that tho terms of such a contract could bp altered after Its execution. They did not dissent from the general ptoposltlon that a municipality can es tablish certain binding water rates." Tho solicitor stated that a well known citizen had promised to bring a test case on tho ordinance just ns soon after April 1 as convenient. m Cheap Rates to California. Parties desiring to make trip to Cali fornia, Arizona or New Mexico, either for business or pleasure, can do so now at almost half price. Every Tuesday, until April :!0th, In clusive, tickets marked "Colonist" may bo purchased via Southern Railway for $14.00 from Washington, $46.50 from Philadelphia, and correspondingly low prices from other points. The Southern Railway and Southern Pacific company opera to through ex cursion sleepers from Washington, leaving Mondnys, Tuesdays and Fri days, tho Tuesday sleeper being avail able for "Colonist" tickets. The berth rate In these sleepers Is only $7.00, two people being allowed to occupy one berth If desired. Personal conductors and Pullman porters go through with each sleeper. There are other new, convenient and economical features connected with these excursions which may be ascertained from Charles L. Hopkins, District Pas&enger Agent, Southern Railway, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Opening Days at Rovans' new store, 112 Wyo. nvo., Wednesday. Thursday and Friday, March 2S, 29 30. ' Ask for Kelly's union crackers. l Soft Hats Here is a good soft hat at $2,00 for those who do not want to pay t more. Here are copies of the dcsc snapes, rename qual ity. $3.00. Here is the choicest fur in the Knox hats haud-ma'de from start to finish, $5.00. 2 Rr WMiU A.aT'lqP tt 4- tlsfsVfssf Visions of Spring Everyone's thoughts turn to thnt which ia new and desirable. Here is ono of those all too few chances that come only once a year. Our Clarets and Rhine Wines AT YOUR OWN PRICE. CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. GRABB0N HUNG HIMSELF. Was Told of the Unfaithfulness of His Wife, Who Is in Austria. John Grahbou, n native of Austria, committed suicide by hanging himself at tho Rldgo yemerday morning. Grab bon was about r.fl years of age an.l has been living In this country some six years. Up lo three months ngo he resided t Jermyn. when he came to the Ridge, a atnatl mining town located about .t mile ftoni Peckvllle. Grabbon took up his abode with his brother, Sam Grab bon and wag employed as a laborer In thn Ontario mines. About a week ago Grabbon was taken 111 and had not worked since. Ilo was a married man. his wife living- in tho old country. A few days ago, a friend, who had re cently nrtlved from Austria, emit" to the Ridge and told Grabbon that bin wife had been unfaithful to htm aril had again married. This pi eyed jinon Grabbon's mind and It Is thought 'tai this was the motive of his commit ting suicide. About 0 o'clock yesterday mornln'. Mike Chlcoskl. who was on his way to work nt the Ontario shaft, dlscoveioil Gtabbon's dead body dangling front the limb of a small ttce. ChlcosUt notified Sam Grabbon. The suicide had taken a sirup some three feet In length, used by him us a bell, and standing upon a stump be neath a small tree, be put tho end of tho strap through the buckle, mak ing a noose on one end of the strap. Tho loose end he tied lit a- double knot about the limb of the tree. When everything was adjusted, he Jumped oft the stump and was slowly stran gled to death. Coroner Robetls was notified, nnd Dr. Paine, acting In the absence of Coroner Roberts, camo to the Ridge, and after his examination tho body was taken to the home of the suicide's bt other. Ask for Kelly's union crackers. The Scranton Gas nnd Water Com pany and the Hyde Park Oas Com pany. In areordinf Willi the policy ol thefe com panies to reduce rate fiom time to time ai may be warranted by increased conMiutptlm, notice ia hereby rIhi that, on and after A pi 11 next, the price of gaj will be one dollar per one thousand cubic! feet eonsomed, (.object to the following dicorni'; Flee rer cent, on all "bitl wheie the consumption tor the nviiit'i amowtta to le.te than twenty-fit e dollars; ten per cent, on all bill where Ihe.ionsuinptlon for the month onicunts lo twenty five dollaia and up waid-i. Provided the bill U paid on or before ihe eOlh day of the month in which the bill ii rendeted. By older of the board. a. n. 1IAXI), Sccictiry. SPECIAL. SCHANTON HAS AND WATIIft COMPANY AND Hide Park lia company In order to encour age tho t.e of eii for luel purposes, notice ia hereby given that on and alter Apiil 1 next the, rrlee of (raa to used will lie one dollar per one thousand feet consumed, subject to the following special discount"): Ten per cent. on all blllaelier. the consumption for theinontliamomiWto letliau twcnty-lho dollars; twenty per cent, on all billi where the consumption for t.ie month amounts to twenty-flee dollars and tipwaids. Provided the bill Is paid on or before the 20lh day of tho mouth In which the bill h rendered. A rcparalo meter, furnished by tlio company, la necessary. Ity order of the board. (i. II. HAND, Secretary. in Beginning Mon- 'day, March 23, last ing the entire week, to Saturday, March 30, inclusive, elabo rate showing of FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. ALL ARE INVITED. ALL ARE WELCOME Clarke Bro Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue! i We make a apectalty of fancy Cieamriy D i ter and strictly froli eggs and the pi Ice Is low aa firt rlau sooda can be told at, Ws do not hare any aptclal talea or Icadeia but at all tlmti carry as contpleto a line of Uarket Good. Fancy Oroctrlea and Table Dcllca clea ai can bo found in the largest New Yorl: or Philadelphia Markets which we tell at iltflit price. W. riTPierce, II Lackananna Arc. frornpt delivtrr. no, in, ui rtnn a. M'lf- JJounD Satisfied customers are in creasing our business daily. They will tell tbeir neighbors that the best Negligee shirti are to be fouud at, CONRAD 305 Lackawanna Ave. "IS 17 Rogers Bros." GooiR Knives, Forks Spoons, etc. No question about the quality we have all the newest patterns at lowest prices. Also the celebrated Sterling In laid Spoons and Forks. War ranted to wear twenty-five years Immense stock of Sterling Silvei Spooii6, Forks, Knives and Cased Goods for Wedding Presents. Mercereafc & Connell; 132 Wyoming Avenue. SEEDS Lawn, Timothy, Clover, Millett 325-327 Penn Avenue, jown jopics that are discussed in the home and out, the subject of Gas Ranges is certain to come up. Just remember we are i little ahead of the times. t the exceedingly low price of gas we are having a great sale of our Gas Ranges, priced from $7.50 to $ 1 4,00. Wears Building. 'Heart' m I fill i mis fin