The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 27, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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A Well Fed
A child fed on Dr. Hand' Dion-
rnnu-auoriaenipa Millie Krowdntend-
iiy in weiiriu una lrenj;tll. It 1.1
me re-Bint, or Riving an tlifl food
riocncuiis nccesrary ror imiimng
fctronc lioness and teeth, utendy
nervca, n.Mporoua bruin, and
honltby blood.
Of. Hand's
l pure uniklmmril milk rn
uumi rjy a iroces Hint tirc-i.
venmnny lots; or rood propertied '
wnu pMunpiuue nnei nypo ,
fiiiuipiiiti'iiiciurii in proportions
wiiuir wueut aiei jinoras.
Pr. Hand's PhophatodCondni,fii
ndfnufrl If
With 4
nd tnr '
V Mil
ti 1 1 win rnaow arty eniid with
pi rood oonmuniioD. netia for
-su-a iicu iiuuaicit
nc un. menu
TUT- nn ....... -1
, .. .......
Ice Cream.
C Onnpf
t..e. CS
tcr tone Orders rromrtlr Dallvaral
.'7. -.137 Adams Avenues
Scranfon Transfer Co.
f afc'Raj?e Checked Direct to Hotels
;ind Private Residences.
D.. L. efc
Phone ."PS.
W. Passenger
Dr. M. B. WARF,
1 ONM'lllN'J HOt'I!"-. WILLIAMS PUI'!.,
! 12 SO a. m., 21 p. m Opp. lWullicc.
-i- - -t-.-l- t
W MI,I). I h elirreion of tlie Hahnemann
li. .n. I nmilil In pleased to leiehe ilniutions
oi vM mn-liii jnj limn. "
lilt II L MONDAY t:i:MM,.-riic pupil, (
Hi. or.irnim Oltexe o Mule ull she ,i iciinl
.. (.ueriie ' lull nc-ci Monday ciuillis;, unjir
ii diiutlun of IIj.iiiii i:.ui.
lMA.i:il ItV ( V( I.iim:.-iiiinii: tlio Hiftei.
in I ho ltmnliulum (.dotii- .n PiofM)r
lid fiuuili'., loiincily .1 leaihcr of iiuuic In tlili
ii" Ills hunio at lu.lly uiptltnl ami hu
inoilicr in-hw liuil by tin fjlllng ilcbiis.
i'mm.i:v Tin: i.icuv oni:.-iiiG phono
kupii hiili w.11 on ilillililim ai tho KuUtui of
iliiiiiliiu,ioonis for lliu put two montlis wj.s
uimrd oil l.nt liiu'llt. Hikit .No. 112 lirM liy
M illUm i'.M.illiy, of li'il Mioml .tint, wjs tao
l'W 1 1.W1 .'! lie lKljv.jie lluil.un ioiii
luliv p.llil .U-.lold.iv ,lt tlio Ol'pluM .(, .jf
I ilrly CiriK .ni'l (iUM.v 1.1 iii,1 mliirf, at Dly.
pliant. 'Ilu llilan.irc, l.nkauaniii .mil etuii
'Oinptny paid clown tlio .illr-y i'tiiilij, mm.
plfilne tlio pi-mniu tor tin tlrt lulf uf tin
." l.tH , IIWMi;i -llliidllitr llolnit
( ooitrUlit, of the rrllnl Jliim oil.rr jmiim
j mgji.lpil a lonl in lnli tlio imoiiiIum
ill lio mine llirinrn, pump ihiiihih .iu1 1110
iiLinlir. 'IliU is Ilu- tnl iuoi t"jnN union
uUu thoo Into lir.iiiclirn of Ihc n.i
iioiul uiRinlMtluii (.nil a ijiKc iiumlxr of men
loiiwil tlu lotjl. A inrrtluK lll l liohl in
J' nrV lull, V,t s union, nct PrhUj nlsht.
Guernsey Hall,
314 AVnsl.lngton ave., Scranton. is tho
best and most reliable place to pur
ihase a good 1'iano. it will pay you
to call and get prices and terms, j. w.
Guernsey, Prop.
We offer subject to provious
I $10,000 :
Lebighton Water Supply Co. t
Gold Bonds
a per cent. Free of Tax. Ma-
ture 1020.
-f Interest payable May and
-f Stuicl liy Kinst JloitgaB upon j tl.
. property ( the Company, tontinliis of
real wiate, ieKrcir, ulor null, wl.
" tiahlfi alrr riithtj, lonturn. clo.
Tho farnlnga at piownt hov an amnio
, turihu our lixtj cluiecj. -
M Broaiway, N, Y. 'llke-llarre.
4, 6 and 0, Commonwealth llld.-.,
HWIVitf iH
Dr. Gibbons Spoke on the Church nnd
Dr. II. If. (iihbon-i gave nn Infornml
tnlk Inst night before the members of
the Cnthollo Historical society on "Tlie
Catholic Church nnd Medicine." lie
corrected what he termed the erron
cous Impression that the church hns
been the enemy of medicine, and mild
thnt Instead It hud nlways fostered tlri
practice of tho healing nrt.
Ho told of the eminent physlclauft of
till ages who have been devout nnd
practical Itoman Cnlhnllos. Most
jiotnblo among tho Catholic modem
physicians, ho said, wns M. Louis M.
Posloui. "tho father of modern medi
cine nnd the baoterlollRlst of
the past century." Dr. Itoontgen. tho
discoverer of the X rays, Is also a
devout? Catholic, ho said, approaching
tin; sacrament of the blessed Eucharist
ovoty Week.
Miss Callahan rend nn luterestlng
paper on tho life and works of Hubert
Crashaw, nn Kngllsh poet wbo flour
ished In the Seventeenth century. Miss
Callahan said that Crashaw has been
pi oven to have been the author of the
celebrated lines descriptive of the
miracle of the turning' of the water
Into wine by Jesus, "The conscious
Water saw Its Ood and bltit-hrtl." These
huve generally been attributed to
I'ope, but this was wrong, she said.
Several exquisitely rendered violin
solos were rendered by M. Flnvlcu
Vandervcken. At next Tuesday night's
meet Insr Dr. AVnlsh. of Now York, will
talk on "A Short Tilp Into Uti"-sla."
Klotz Mill Strikers Refuse to Accept
Supeiintendent Frleder's Offer.
Committee See Mr. Davis.
McotliiKS weie ycsteiday held of the
Klotz anil Jlarvpy silk mill workers,
as a ivsult of which two more compli
cations have boon added to thu al
ready tuiiKled mass of complications
In tho strike. Owing to thu fact that
but one-llfth of tho Harvey Kills were
present, action was suspended In th
mattcr nf accepting or rofuslnt; the
offT ninilc by ijuperintendent Joseph
Tin Klotz gltls, however, derided by
a piactleally unanimous vote to refuse
the terms proposed by Superintendent
I'rlcder at his conference with tholr
committee lust Saturday. The former's
offer Is about as follows:
inler l'lrvt K nmnllii, ii. aflrr l
iioiuli. ."J .'ill. .Kin 0110 jcur. v., atlrr one
jcar and .1 lulf, .i.T'.
lloiililfn Sum, Willi crrpton tlul iftrr a
jear anJ .1 lulf but XIZO it piuinNnl.
TMslrii miim jt wimliis.
ItuJor? "jiiip j lndt r.
lljiKloii -S2 j week.
The girls claim that this Is
twenty-live cent Increase and,
ias-p of the bunders, amounts
hut a
In the
to no
ntivnnr?. rl hey also assert thai no
provision Is made In Superintendent
Krleder's Male for any advance to be
paid the fore-women. They further
more declare that they will not return
to work unless Miss i:mily Mallott, one
of the fore-women, is discharged.
The lommittee of girls delegated to
wait on Superintendent Davis, of the
Satiouolt mill, will report the results of
their visit to the executive committee
this morning. Another meeting of the
Harvey htrlkets will bo called during
this week to consider Harvey's offer.
The ri.itiquolt committee, consisting
or girls from every department, waited
upon Mr. Davis yesterday afternoon,
lb- Informed them that they could re
turn to work on the scale offered he.
fore the strike, and also assured them
that In no way would the union bo
discriminated against. He declared,
however, that the munugeincni would
In no way stand for dlctution by the
union as to who should or should not
be employed, or for any Inlerfeience
with the operation of th mill
Patrick McNally, of 1013 Hand's
Place, Was Winged Last Night
by Patiolman Peters.
At ll.l.'i oMnck last night, Patrol
man Ki.lll Peters shot Patrick Mc
Nnlly, of loin Hand's place, through
tlie lleshy part of the left arm. the b ill
passing through his clothing nnd llesh
is clean as though it won't through n
boat d.
McXully, together with Owen Moran,
ir Hamilton stieet, had been stealing
chickens in the court miming in the
rear of South Main avenue, between
Hampton and Hock streets, and were
jeturnlng home, when they met the
ollker on South Main avenue, opposite
D. D. Kvnux & Co.'s general stores.
As the olllcer appioauheil them he
noticed Hie men wei carrying several
decapitated chickens, and as soon as
he attempted to Intercept them they
inn. Peters followed them and was
joined by Patrolman Thomas I. vans,
and John LowIh. son of ex-l'attolmau
Thomas A', l.ewls.
Peteis commanded them to halt, but
they paid no attention to Mm and l;-pt
on running. The oillcor med a shot
Into the air. They did not clop and
then ho flied a second shut and winged
Moran made good his escape, hut will
be landed by the police. McNally was
taken to tho Jnckton street station
house, and Lieutenant Williams sent
him to the Side hospital with
Patrolman I.owry. Dr. U. a. Heddoo
was called and diessed the wound, as
clstcd by Nuise Powderly, and McNal
ly was atterwards returned to tho sta
tlou house. He Is id yeais of age, sin
gle, and Is employed about the mines
as a In borer,
Shoitly after the shooting one of tho
stolen chickens was found In William
Lewis yard, near tho Fellows csino
trrj Its head had been literally torn
fiom the body.
Enjoyable Entertainment Given by
Mrs. Hnllstead Lodge.
Mis. W. l Hallstead lodge, auxil
iary to the Hiotherhood of Locomotive
Hnglncers, celebrated Its tenth annl
vcisary laut night nt Uuernsey hall, by
giving an exceedingly Interesting en
tertainment nnd boclul. The pro
ginmmo tendered included eloquent re
marks by Chief Engineer John It.
Trocli, a solo by MIbs KUm Uaragan,
a violin solo by Mrs. MuoPIek, and u
lecltatlon by Miss Leona Fainuni.
Thu Installation of olllcers then took
place. The olllclals ate: President,
Mrs. CliailcH (iatagan; vice picsldetit,
Mrs. Hdward Hand; seeretary, Mis.
John S. Loomls; ttcasurcr, Jlrs.
Clmrles Seclcy: chuplaln, Mrs. William
l'iig; guide, Mis. Kellum: sentinel,
Mrs. Cieoitro Nape. Mrs. Ilowanl
Uinlu wan cluilrlady of the commit
tee In charge of tho evenlns,
Justice Mcstrczat Reviewed at
length tho Question Involved and
Decides That if the Legislature In
tended Thnt the Act Should Apply
to Contests Pending at the Tlmo
the Dill Would Have Been Formed
in n Different Manner Probable
Cause Was Shown.
Following Is the full text of the opin
ion of the Supreme court In the Klh'hth
ward election contest:
In re 'cr.lptrJ oloition ot V. II. 'llioina",
eoiutalile of the Klghtli ward nt the illy of
.Sunt on. Appeal by Jacob .iiikmitr, one of
the petitioner from tlie ilotice of th couit of
quarter eiloiii of Italian aim county.
JIIMItKZVr, .1. The cUttlon ot olAnn of
the l.lglitli want of the rlty of Sianlon leturncd
V. II, Thonui a rlestel constable oier .lolm
i:. Walili hy 1 niiijorjl.t ot flc otM at nil Her
tlon held on (ho Ivientv-Hr! diy of I'ehnurj,
1WV. On Manli 20, the petition of the
icqnMtt nuinlier of qiiillfied deitoM of tlu
waul wa piestiitcd to Ihc iourt of ipmlcr
m-mIom nf liKkauaimi county, i'oiitrtln thli
rliction. 'the petltiuu m adjudged mlllclont
ami otilcted to he tiled, and a rule 011 tin re
fpoiuleiit to ninurr wai ur.ilited by the court
lie obtained a rule lo iuali the proierdlugs on
piil .1, 18'ia, wliIi li was illsehaiired on Jlay
I. ISO!), and on Jlay 12, KV, ,o lllcd hli uniuer.
The contest u.n duly piotcoled In until Auii.t
It, triio, when the iourt entered a Judgment In
fnor of the iTtpondciit and deilared him tn
luir K-en duly eleited lo the ollke. On IV
lolier to, two. upon appllrjtloii ot tho rxjinlnir
and itcliOKr..phet appointed to I ile the tinll
inony In the ijc, .1 inle v.n Runted on "Ilu
eily of Siratiton tn Iniw cau-.c .hv piobalil"
imii'-c did not -lt lo Juiiify liilnslnit iild
onte.t and to fhow eaiue why the oU iihould
rot be paid by tha city ot SVianton." Willi
out pa.iii, on Ihc iiietiou of probable raue,
the rourt on .latniny 21, I'iDI, dlwliirenl Ihc
rule and illieited the petltloneM to p.iv the
oht. Tlili appeil Is taken from tint dec in.
Will. I.VNTITtniHl.
Hi" ronlift a iiititiiteil undii Ilu
un of the act of Mj '), ls;i, P. I..
rfKiilatlni; tin tilal of contested I'hvlioiu.
ninth Mrlion of tlie art iirovldrx at tollum:
:iu, Tli
the court or Judee shall derido that the ioiii
plaint i without probable eauc, the iKtltlonei,
and mi) of them, fhall be Jointly and feei.ily
llible foi all the eots; and the mime may bo
collected a clcbtn ot UUe amount nt by Un
collectible, or pajinent thereol liny be en
forced by attachment!". " In " contuitcd
elciiloiK of municipal ofriciri in i.huli
the eouit or Jmlie shall not decide that tho
eomplalnt i wlllioiit probable caue, ilie proper
" lnunlclpalltj shall be liable to pa all
co.t; and the Mine Mull be promptly paid by
Hie proper nuthoiiliej, upon the older of the
court or Judge trilnn th- cac."
Purine Hie pic.Rrew of the rnme't of tliii
election, to wit, on Apill 2, l'ei, ttiii ectlon
of the act nai amendeil to a to nad in part
as follow: "In contested 1 lection of
tmiiilolpil fcfUiri ' if the iiinleunt or
cot.lestant fail to eiablih hi or their Hint
to (he othec to which he or lhf. 1 Uim lo bale
been elected, the petitio'iCM and each and c.
ery ot them Mull bo jointly and ,eierally liable
for all tin tost, and tin Mine ma.i "be col
lected .13 debts of llhe amount aic by law- col
lectible, or pajinent thereof nay be rnfotced
by attachment. In caw the contestant or eon
tt.lanl4 e.tablL.h hl or their lishl to Ihc of.
flee in cither ot the above nitueil ea-e. the
col Mull be paid by the prop-r ' moil
Iclpalilj." The leairetl judce of the couit below- held
(hat th statute of It-ll wa effecli-.e from the
date of ll enactment awl w-as applicable to pin.
ceeditiRj pendinR at Ihe date of itn .1pprm.1l.
t'lider thli coicstnictiou of the act, he im
poseel the coH of the conte-t upmi the petl
tlonois. The conectnest of Ihe decision depend
upon the quMlon whether the art of 111-1 eon
tiolled the diepnsltion of conts In election con
tcits pcudlnsr at the date it became a Ian
At'MKi. it wax i:rn:crivi:.
In tlltposinsr. of the c,iic.stloii, the couit below
fecins to have afiimed Hut the act of 15VI was
ilfectlie bi to petidlmr case and that tin re
fore the cosU In this 1 .ee should be illpoHil of
ill conlormliy with ils nrmUloiw II. ,1 !..
irainen jinice lunli rl ikeu to Mipport hN as
Mimpllon by an aM-citainmcnt of the legltla.
the Intent, ho would ban dl.coicieil that tlr
act uiii piospeetho and not intruded to mfee t
practically the litigation. Thin was praellejllv
Ihc ellfcl of Ids decision letuslnc to cnnite Ihe
pctltloneis to tile- the bond lecpili-od In the
.11 1 .
It will be loncceled that staluies goiernlmr
lhvc clltpiKitlon of ccsn aie icgaidcd a nihs 01
piacllcc and hence are applicable) to liit,-.iiln
P'lidlntr at Ilia dale of their enactment, 'llm
lizlMatuic may elliest the iicht of ,1 puti to
his by a 1 lunge in the Ian- 11 lathe there,
lo cluilni; the piutjrps-. of Ihe llt'sitlon. 1he.
lire well frilled pilnclplcs which aio not now
oin 0. be eoiitioiritcel. in ilcieunlnini;
whether the act of lsim i, apidkablo to pend
Inir lltlKJlioii. w-ei tim-t. haic icgard to ceitaln
eei i.iiown inn 01 construe tlon and bv upph-im,-
Ihcm. jsrcilaln I lie IcKWalhe intent in
tin riiKtiurm under eonsleleijtlon.
It U let book Lu that flatutra mut be con
ftliucl in i.rupcetlie In ciery lusl.ince. oient
whete Hi- leglsUtlie irileni that Ihev Miall act
ietiopcethcly U epreh.ed In 1 tear 'and uiiim.
blituoui tiiiiK, or such intent i, ncee-sirlly Im
pied li ui Ihe lnsii.ige of xw tt iu,t wl,,,,
w.nlc I- iinoperatiic otherwise (hau nlrospec
thill. It Ihc liilinllnii of ihe Ici-IMitiiie bo
ilciibtfnl and not clear, a c-ontiuciloii will be
put upon the matute that render- it mot eon-
oiiaiii ci rquiii iitKj least iiiionrinlent Keslln
m. Hull, I l)o. 17s, Pellet . l-ilt, ;ja pj, j.).
If a Matute ii open to two Inlnpict.itlon.', t'lie
fre.umptlon i that the liKlsIjtiiie Intended the
mot ii'iioiublo and hciictlclal inlerpietatlon to
be pheed 1 pon II. If po-cible, it will not be
constitii'd .n to woil; manifest Injustice. Kiidllih
on Ihc luleiprelailon of Matutes pec. uw.
what cox1 rmnio.v did.
The loiistllnlton of IsTI Imposed upon the
couit the trial aril determination of all con
letted election, and icqulrcd tho .isriembly, In
a urneral law. to reirulite the manner of trial
and all inattcn Incident theiclo. It iirmidcil,
lioweier, that the law reBulalin: the cvcalse
of Juilwllctiuii Miouhl not apply to any eontett
nrlflnc out oi an cletllon held befoie ll pis.
mire. In putsuanec oi this pnnMon of the con
Jlllutlon and during- Ihe jear In which It went
Into eftocl, llm IcjrlMatuie pa.fed the ait of
Hay 10, l;i, which Inter alii legulatcd the
tiial of all contCiie.I deLtioiu, Tlib. act, .li
wn lui teen, deiolu'd upon the couit of e'uaiter
tc-itlorii, oi a Judge thereof, the dull of elU-
,l--ll. lf ll. A .11 I.. ....I. .. .m
1-w.i.,, . .- ssw.s ,11 ut 11 cases, 11 mc coin
pi.iiui. wa. cieiiiniiniil to lie without pie.bable
ciutc, tho petitioner weie made liable foi the
cou; and If the court or tlie judge should not
t-'i determine, tha municipality became liable lor
them, for 4 quarter ot a century Ihls legisla
tion continued to be the law of ihe state. It
enactment followed closely upon the heel, eif the
new coiMtllulion and Ha prompted by the name
cominiiidablo tplilt of piotm-tiu- j'n clcctlvo
fianchlff and of cnlorfing iu hone.t result that
peradc-i that Itiilrunienl. That it wa Mtlifje
lory to Ihe elector of the commonwealth and
fully met Ihe purpose of IN enactment U c.lab
IMicd liy the many jcau it icmainul upon tho
nalute book of the uate. Tlie aulhoiity thin
conferred upon the Judgcf of Ihe courts of quai
ler i-chIoih wai. seldom, If cer, abused. The ills,
crctlon npoed in the couit by the act enabled
it lo Impose, the cocU strictly in accordance)
with the mollies of the mritutantf.. 'Ihe elec
tor of 11 ellitrlct wbo, In good faith, kOUslit to
mlorce the tearredncsj of the ballot and to com
pel the lctuin of a duly elected oltJcer, would
not htillale under id proiUloim to Institute a
tutiteat to securo tliee objecti, Such bam been
tho condition which pervaded under till logl,.
lallon nnd it tendency lu liecn to encourauo
and piotect Iho electors in on honest c-tloi t tu
hao Ihe legal rriult of an rledlon duly
talned and deelaied. It Is true that on wine
ouasloiiJ the iiuchlntry of the law thus estab
lished h.e, been lurd by illiluKiniioui parllrj ultli
elUhoiicst motlic. but In nucli rasei the Judpi
oi th quarter eeloni readily discoieied Ihc pir
To Keep Woll.
It Is insy to keep well If we would
only observe- each day a few slmplo
lilies' of health.
The nil Important thing Is to keep
the stomach right nnd to do this It I
nol necesrary to diet or to follow a
set rule or bill of fare. Such pam
peilng simply makes a capricious ap
petite end a feeling that certain fa
vorite nrllchs of food must be avoided.
Prof Wilchold gives pretty good nd
vice on thin subject: he sayr: "I am
fiS yeais-old and have never had n
seiloua lllties.o, nn.l at the same time
my life l.ns been largely nn Indoor one,
but I early discovered that the way to
keep healthy was to ketp a benlthy
stomach, not by catlap Dran eraekein
or dlctlns. of any sort: on the con
ttnry I always cat what my appetite
craves, but for tho pat clalil years
I have mnde It a dallv practice to
take one or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets after each meal and I attrib
ute my lobust health for a man of my
age to the dally use of Stuatt's
My phyrlclau llist advised me to
t:sr them becausu he hutd they were
peifectly haimlcss and were not it se
cret patent Inc. but contained
only the natural digestives, peptones
and dlr.tare, and after using them a
few weeks I have never ceased to thank
him for his advice.
"I honestly believe the habit of tak
ing Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets after
iiwals Is the real health habit, because
their .J1H0 brings health to the sick and
ailing and preserves health to the well
and strong."
Men and women past fifty veins of
age need u i,afo digestive after meals
to Insure a perfect digestion and to
wind off disease, and tlie safest, best
known and niOMt widely ued N Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets.
They tire loimd In evety well regu
lated household from .Maine to Call
foirla mid in Ureal Urltuln and Aus
tralia are l.ipldly pushing their way
Into popula- lavor.
All druggets jcell Stuai t's Dyspepsia
Tablet!, full dzed package-, al oO rent
and for n weak stomach a fifty cent
package will often do flfly dollars
wotth of good.
piMe and imposed the coil upon them ai a pen
nil lor their conduit.
WW KSOWV TO I'!.TiriOi:i!.
.sinli was me opciallon ol Hie .let of 1?TJ. pre
mnalily well known lo ihe pi tllionei., and such
wen the letulls It accomplished, t'nder the
pii'tcctlon It aiforded the meritorious tontestanl',
the petitioners be'gan the eontest. While Ihe ap
pence was re tinned as elected oer Ills epponent
by llio lotes, inc petitioners succeeded in show
Ins tint twenty nine lllei-il ote hail been cat
(or him, thus app.iiently establishing their sin
cerity in bringing Hie pion'cdinc. If the
learned Judge of the couit below had been con
duced of their good faith, thej would, under
Hie act of IsTI, hale escaped the pajinent of the
costs, thoiiLh they did not socci'cd in haling
alsh declared the duly elected conlabIe ot the
watd. llm, under the act of .9l, Hie contest
lulling tailed, ihe eouit is without discretion
in imposing the costs, and they fall on the peti
tioners regardless of their good filth in institut
ing the proceedings. It Is thus appaient tint
Ihe dl-poiitlon ol Ihe costs under the ait of ls09
is illflerent from whit the petitioner! had reison
In delict e il would be when tney begin Ihe pio
ceeclltiK'. and Hut Hieicb.t. under the facts of
Ihe case, manifest Injustice- will be done Ihcm If
they arc subjecled to Hi" protlslons of the act
ol lsRi. As we hate seen, under the authorities
cited, such conMructlous should not be giicn lo
th act of le-fl which will accomplish that le
suit, nnlei such appears to hate been dearly
the intention of the legislature.
The ninth section of the act of ls'19, is n
hate fcen, imposes the rois In contested elec
tions upon the petitioners if the contest be un
fucci'ssliil. The section, however, does not stop
hoie, and its ulemient pioijslotis make It e-ti-ch
nt that II was intenelerl to operate only upon
future contests, lu all cases to which the section
Is applicable, the petitioners aie required within
ten diy alter llllng (heir petition to glte a bond
'conditioned for the pnnunt of all ce.t-t which
may actiiie in sild conleelid election proceed
ings, In cise Hie said petllloncis by decree nf
slid court shall be ,idudgid liable to piv said
i-osts, and If Iho said bond chill not be tiled
the said petition in contest the election
shall be dismissed." The pcnaltt thus Imposeel
upon un tiiieiicc Mful contestant and the condi
tions upon which all contests are permitted to
be mule are eliiTeient fiom those of tlie art of
1S7I, and enllicly inconsistent with an Inten
tion lo make the act ed in applicable to tieivl
ing contests. In such cases the petition has been
hied and tlie contest begun and proceeded in
pnor in the paage of the act. 'Ihe bond can
not be te'ipiired of the petitioners, ns the leinied
couit below teiy proper"' held, and hence the
filluie lo tile It would ciu-e Ihe diuiial of
Ihe pel il Ion. 'lhco Ho,ullie of the act of lel'i
cannot be entoiceil in a pending contest.
We aie, then fore, of opinion Hut Ihe statute
itself shows Hi it the Intent of the leglslalmp lu
tint enactment wis to coulinc Its opeiation In fu
tme contests, If this Is not cltatly the object,
the intention cf the legUlituie iu Hut icspect
is al least doubtful, and this, accoidlng to the
lilies of Interpretation applicable in Matulory
conjunction, gites It the like effect as it the
puipo-c of the cast was cleaily disclosed.
Tlie second .isslginiient of enor is Bii-t.ilnc ,1,
tlie dcciee Is rcvei.ed and a procedendo awarded,
I.l.l of letie-s iciuaiiiiiig unc.illeel Ii at tlie
."name! posluMicc. I.itawnnna conntt. Pa.
pel sow i ailing f"l I lie leltets ttill pica- iiy
aiheiiisc.l and t'i-e dale of list.
l.ia II, hippie, PostiiiasUr.
Mis Alice pt. J.ini's Mnait Auihlinlm,.
James Done, lohn llolin, O, (I. Ualnl, Jo
Buyer, Vim cut ILneiki, li Kate Brown.
Hie hard (Villus. Ills, Annie C'uft, JIUs C.
Tliuitia-t Dirw (ii. Willnni (;. Datls, j. );.
Ditlf, II,. caie (anilina Steel eonipanvj Ht.
c. f. DlnLIc, I'. M. DoUson. Ilarrlette II, Doml,
.lulin Do.tle, Dell i, 17 West Mxlcrntli ktrect;
Wamson Dcrhlii, -lohney DoimiiKhtic, William
Daley. Mi. 5. A. Deihy. Miv. . T. Doml,
Ituliy Laton, ('. D. l;Jton.
Valentine rirl-hlianci, lh. L. 1'cirier, la
eloio rriedlaiielcr, Mca.
llev. .1 A. Pol tc.t, D,
Michael ritnn, IIilIi'
P.. .".-'i Duter atciiiin
Miss .l..i(-rrt Urates.
Mis. Miry Iloia'i, 'llmmas HoivaiJ.
Mis, S. Join-), Urn. .loin aIoii, P. M
Mii flounce Jones.
,I(ii dm,
Ailhnr Krlton, Hot. .'ainei T. KcihIiII, llif,
.Ijiihs ,1. laillns, Lino haitic, Junes !,eii,
Jll-s Ml.lo Lofliis.
Mis.? May MUilnlc.t, Trunk lc(, .leiey
MeVcrney, Miss Suah . Mcinttre.
Mil, t'oia I. Mitchell, Miss Mauaret Moore,
Mis. Thomas Mannlon, . I.. Mcichant, lleryl
Mmiilnfj, Mis Aln.a Mcll.crcll, llnsicne Nat,
D. Natl..
I. "ills tl-leieult
MU. l.lzle 1'IjiiU. Di Poners. W. Vuinli.ui,
.liiluix Paul, I, Plat, Imin.i I'ailutiiu, Mies
Pe.ul Iteccle.
Miss Tlora i:. rstafloid. Mis foi a silts, llaelen
Kaniiun, laliunl .Schocrewal.l, hcianton hllter
Plate compjny, I'. I. mlili, Chaile. Hnjilor,
Mis. ( liaile spelman, lUhert Siiaipe, Scranton
i-ihncll, Scranton fiaettc, Peter hchcrcr.
f'liark-l K. Slacey, ptltatc, Troop I', Second
Catahy. I'nlUil Matin Ami i I. .1. Mirphard
Mlisi l.llllJn, 'harlc Thecl, .Mine.
A. Thaiot.
.lohn Wahl.-in, 1'raiih Willijnu, Mrt Mary
lMlllamion, W. D. Ulnitrn. Us I.Uile Walth
tu. Del. J. Wllllami, W. V. Whlnulcr, Ann
Mrs. M. Yoiitii:.
Third flats Mattel -Willanl Claikc, taUnllncj
.Mr, (iiorire V. l'milk, heok.
I'outlh t'lans Mattel Mil. liatle Itairelt,
"inc.lleinci" M. Dont-liss, Ninpla lioici illtf
Anna llehlciikamp, meichanilisc.
M."sT MltANTOX hr.IKV.
Waller Hone, rimn Dlpietrii, I'lpplno DI
Mm, Martin lalwaiil., William lines, Clicslimt
Muiti Maiy Kll-ii .lonlm, Shennan ateniie;
Mr, II I.. II; ini, l.iire ne nieel: Marcaail
Backus Team Defeated the Black
Diamonds in a Close Game, and
Bicycle Club, Strengthened by New
Blood, Easily Defeated West End
Wheelmen Elks Were Downed at
Wilkes-Barre by West End Team
No. 2 Detailed Scores of the
The reorganized Northeastern Penn
sylvania, Howling league auspiciously
opened ltn tournament last night with
three games played on the nlieyB of
tho lllcyclr oltib. the Backus club nnd
tho West Knd Wheelmen, of Wilkes
Harre. Latge crowds of enthusiasts were
Ptescnt In each Instance and watched
with Interest the work of the rollers.
They saw the home team win In each
Instance, the Backus tioys trouncing
tho Black Diamonds by n close total of
H.Ififi to J.SoS pins, the Bicycle club
downing the West finder by the big
majority of 2.412 to nnd the Klks
being conquered in a pooily bowled
match by the West Kndeiv, No. 2, to
the tune of 2,li7 to 2,011.
Captain Hopkins, of the Backus club,
hud high average, lis 2-3, nnd Taylor,
of the Black Diamonds, had high scoto,
101. The seorea follow:
HCKt:.s Cl.l'll.
Iloplilns 1.-.7 im 1-u. ,-.:;
Hcitir J.'.i, i.!j t IV 111
I'ulncntiolt nt IM Hit a;e)
Welehel 1J1 117 VI cjl-j
t'"0'" 117 l.S 13J- li;
'J'o'ds 712 70 '71- 'ttl
'." L'l 17.1 Ils- Hi)
Vtltllnir in us lMl 4elS
W"ier 111 )! icia-.-;
"'nrman i,s 170 I I 402
Tailor Ill py, J72- oj
Totals T..... C7 7M 7.IS iZV
On the Bicycle club alleys the homo
team put a new team Into tho Held,
it being strengthened hy Mitchell, Van
Wormor and Dutlleld, who rolled with
the Commercials In the late tourna
ment. Captain Green, of Wllkes-Barre, was
high man. with 202. and Dutlleld had
high average, 1G9 1-S. The scores fol
low: i:.d wiii:i:i.mi'x
""I" 117 IV) II-,- l
i i."7 u.' w: tjs
IVler ir, l.i. UV- 40-i
Hieen 107 u.j coi - 17
Weisand 131 ill lit- ;oi
Totals 7mi 7in 7JS 2137
scranton- mtYCLi: ci.fn.
ni.ffield r,t) 171 us .-,0-3
JHtihell iv) p,s i:ii
Van Wornirr if, 127 i;,7. r,o
Moore ii; r,o VA im
"-ii inr im i(,o- 1st
Totals (.i-) ;7o 7U..-21I2
The niks and West finders No. 2
rolled in wretched form at Wilkes
Barre, as may be seen fiom the fact
that J. W. Davis and Wright were th
only men who mode more than 1R0
averages. The totals were: Elks
Zelgler. -I0S: Hnslam, 11!: Itohllng, 3!)1;
Boll, 420: Phillips, .ITS, Total, 2011.
West find No. 2 Hunter. 42.: J. V?.
Davis. Kit; Jones. 372: Wright, 177,
Wlckesser. 401, Total, 21.i7.
Services Conducted Yesterday by
Rev. Dr. Pierce.
The funeral of Thaddeus K. Cair was
held yestetday afternoon at .1 o'clock
from the residence at 21.1 North Wash
ington avenue, and -n-as largely at
tended. The services were conducted
by Itev. Robert I- V. Pierce. I). t.. of
the Penn Avenue Baptist church. Dr.
Pierce preached a strong funeral oia
tlon. dwelling for some time on the ex
cellent Christian ehai actor led by tho
Two selections were beautifully ten
dered by the Penn Avenue Baptist
church choir. Among the many hand
some floral offeilngs wns a magnifi
cent net piece, representing the setting
nun. which was given by the employe!
of the market. There were also a bed
of roses from the meat dealeis' organ
ization, a tloral anchor from tho Misses
McFarland, and a bunch of palms and
a Mieaf of wheat from the family.
The Ilower-bearorK were Mof-srs. Da
vis, Sampton, limpet and Muller. em
ployes of tho market. The pall-bear-
er were a. il. Courscn, II. P. Little,
S. J. Sharps. J. W. Blesccker, T. J.
Megargel and M. Chapman. Interment
was made at Poiest Hill.
Summer Excursions to the Country.
Do not be persuaded Into taking a
hasty date for a summer excursion
(that you may want to cancel) until
you have looked through Lake Henry
Park nt Maplowood when tho Spring
opens. This Is tn bo tho coming re
sort. There is plenty of time. Send
your committee to Lake Hoary Park
nnd If you do not find It more Inviting
than any other place your expenses
will ho paid. It Is tho nearest to
Seianton. No steep and dangerous
railroad grades. But forty minutes
from Scranton. It does not take half
your day to go and come. The largest
and bwt artaiigcd pavilion. Tho
shadiest walks. The most extunslve
grounds. Boats and swings. Best of
tlshlng. Nothing stronger than pure
spring water to drink unless you bring
It with you. Xo licensed placo within
thtco miles, it will not bo a "pair o
dice." Lako Henry Park Is not being
fitted up for the sole purpose of mak
ing money out of tho t-ale of lutoxi-c-lnt"
Isiike Henry
German Taught by Correspondence.
First of a course of 10 monthly les
sons now to be had at M. .Vorton's
138 Wyoming avenue, and Vtelsmari
Bros., 403 Spruce stteet. Pi Ice, ".i
cents. Hueclaltles of this coumo 'are
nn easy acquisition of a COUUECT
pronunciation and learning quickly to
render your own Ideas before studying
grammar. Ask for "TUANSb.Vl'OH."
A Splendid Plnno for Sale.
Ono more beautiful Upright (5 rand
Piano left on sale. The piano In as
good as new and has been used but
ii few. weeks. Scarcely a mnik on It,
An old reliable make, und can bo lind
for cauh at a great bargain. Call at
flutrnsey Hall early this morning If
you want a price. 311 Washington
avenue, Scranton, Pa,
1 -
oph en s-si-ny a union dUCKCTS,
Easter Offerings
i-lowers look better to a Cut Class Rooliwood, Venetian. ?
Bohemian or Rock Crystal Vase. fc
Lilies or plants of any kind in a pretty ardinicre are 5?
3J more acceptable than an unsightly flower pot'. S.
5 ti I aVC a" assortn,ent thnt ins,es the choosing posi- 2?
1 VtVCi$y' -
I Geo. V. Millar & Co. MJ3Z2!2!2SS? I
Always Busy. 'Always Honest.
1 14 and 116 Wyoming Avenue
Genteel Shoes
For Gentle Spring
This is the sprouting time of life.
We furnish shoes for humanity
the noblest of all life.
For the Ladies.
We have four of the
most perfect creations in
the art of shoe making,
They are :
The Alwajs Bnsy $2,00
Oar Special - - 2,25
The Nay Aug - 2,50
The Beantifnl Melba 3,00
These shoes are all the
feet need.and all the-heart
desires. In style they are
in perfect good taste. Our
guarantee goes with every
114 and 116 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton.
Is Your Bicycle
Iu good shape for the riding season?
Is the time to have your work done. We do
it properly.
f Bitten bender & Co.,
120 and 1 28 Franklin Avenue. Q
DR. PKSSTKN, .111 iprin.c nti"l. Scranton,
T. All Aeiite and I'hronlei Piwiai, ctf Men,
Women and Children. Consultation ami ei
.initiation free. Office Hours; Dailr ind Suncfi
I i. m, to t v. na.
For the Gentlemen.
We have styles that f
are comfortable to the
feet, and beautiful to the
eye. The prices are :
$2.00, $2.50,
$3.00, $3.50,
And $4.00.
These shoes are in
the prevailing leathers
Vici Kid, Valour Calf and
Patent Leather.
Genera A-rent for tha Wyoming
Putrid for
Ulnlnff, Plasting, Jportlny, Fmokflui ind tktj
Eerauno Chemical Company'i
High Explosives.
Eifctj Tuie, Caps and Eiplodcra. Itoom 101 Con.
ntll nulldlng-, Scranton.
iiios. ronn puutifi
JOHN n. SMITH i. tjO.V Plnoouth
W. I. MUU.10AN , ,YllkMBn