'V v THE SCRAXTON T1UBUNE-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1001. FAMOUS THROUGH HOME Prominent in the Public Eye of Scranton Because of Emphatic Scranton Praise. MpMR .Vi u box Oiiicc: BURKE BUILDING THE PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE A f'OPt'LAB ri.UAIllXfi llOUSi: lor the Bent--1 fit ol All Mio Ihe Hoviei to Kent, Heal l'state or Other Property to Sell or i:tbaiif.e, or Who Want Situations or Ilel Tho Small Ad 'crtlsetncntu Cost One Cent a Word, Mx Inser tions lor Khe Cfnts a Word Kic c.t bltuatkni Worded. Width Aie Inserted Viee. lLIIMslli:i) UOdOM Willi IIDMH) AT MIIS. Vebl,R, 17 I iikdIii aenui; alo table Ih'ard i an be obtained by ilip week or month. A DECIDED SUCCESS. Enteitninment Given by tho Choir of the New Itnllnn Chinch. Tho CHtPi-tnlninoiit kIvi-ii on Monday pvonliiB liy iho choir nf tho Jtiillmi Catholic rliUKli ot Our K.uly of Ml. I'niinel Mas a .sucrffH In moiv wuvs than ono. Tin- nttoiuhuioc v;ih oon innro tlmn potihl have liooii ilchlrcil, iis a lniRi' nuinhoi of those who had lntciulcil to ho pipent roiild not Biiln nrtiulttniiic, owlnjr to tho crowd. Theip voio many of ihr more m mlnent Ital ians ot tho vnlli-y jitPKent. with whom lieOlc of all ilfiminliiatlona In this idly funnp'l tho iiudlunce. The exer dte.s of tllf. PVPIllllR were Ullllt'f tho illU'Ctlrm of Samuel IMikIIuiui. chnlr Ji.au of the entettulnmoiit roiuinlttip. Ito Introiiticetl Mr. Tlnoar, tho Italian consul at Scrtintoit, who nuulp the fol low hit addicts in tipTlng tho pro. Krammc: l.udii. mid C'cntMirii. 1 an deiph lluukfid to tho icimnlttie ol iln.. tomut who bale sit i me the liomr or .iiIiIiimIiit Hum kind people, m Willi ihi'ir premiiic mike IliU (iiteitaiii.mni a Htm!. I wlh 1 wne (ible to irali I'nirlMi in 1'iiciilly s I an talk in my on leusuisi', end lo c.urvi in n brmr foiin .ill the Ihoiu'liln wlihii aie this liiouii'iit In my mind; but I Mn'i, end ttirriloie I lnu join llnd lndiilKeiuo t'n ll.e lew- voids I will fay in the best wj I , m. I.rt me Hr.t thank all ll.e ladies nud L'l'inli; liien el I'arbond.ile who Willi their blip lnvj omlilbutrd to build (Ills iliiiuh wheie we i in "c nil the Italians ol till, tilr iinilid in Inl lowli.a Iho liadlllons ot their pirenti. Ami. ns thn Miiiliiniil and tlie lote lor Iln ir 'n country tails to the mind and lo tin- hivu cl the fiuet and noble ui"iiioiie whUli aio mid will n!v.'ii) be ny dear to nciyone, co Iho sin tlmcilt and tho le for thtir kIikIuii talks to tho mind mid to iho heart ol iho unfit and ihar numerics ol our unustois, liceaiM, wills the low lor their lountn thev tnicht us aUo the lo.o lor uliKimi, 'lloil and Counlry." Tho oiinti lellj us to loe mid iii-prit nil i;reat lutn who Ii.ne Kiideied It lanir.iu; till, us 10 ilciolc our mind in to doing and follow their eMinple. 'Ihe ullslcn tuiilies us to wor. hip Mid li'c tllm, the iiiMtnr ol Ihe weipl. who Ke und Mill (.dun us mind, rtrrmzih and thiuishli!, uooil elllen is ,i Rood irllKious ir.anj rnunliy and lelljiou me Ihe mlllslums ol lumntilly. History in Its inmieital Mgc has wiuten the nanus ol tboimivls ct men who haie. fmilit lor tho loo ol lln-lr tuuntiy and lor the love d their icllslen, i-lnco the ohlot ll s in j parts id tlie, wnld. 'Iho KnlshlH ol Iho I loss s.-iih tliir imbluii, -In lite idi;iio li.ceV loutnt nd won war oltir wai niriint luganisni Wlifn r.tirUtrtpher tolumbus Inst linilcd In thr .Auntry ho iliscuscrrd, tho lint thins he did wa tiffcct the holy now on il .in. I i nMnk Ci.I a;J)o bad crimed him llu- rnpn.t ol hnliiR Id. wi.li lulllllcd. Without his laith, wlilioul Ids Kllulon, ho would ncitr h-im been ulde lu do ii. It was that lulth, iliu 'irlisli.ii which -ae Mm the louiase, Iho Fliffislh, tlin endui.ineu ORjin.t all ilillieullies lint woo laid in his sray and tvj ho nao the world .1 new- land on which the American lagln pioudly itoaied and tilumphed and allcr a whllo tanlflie ol many ft IU inhabitant, llnlr poer, their intrllKiuil nicnulh, cinl .Hid moial piogreaw, unlle id hcatn, Illicit)-, faith and ulislou made this laid a Eirat laid ut tlui.v. II these two benllniiiits "( oniitiy mid Hi UeIoii" aie. a I said belnre, Ihe Rieatot mill. ioi.i of liumanltj, it eoiievpiintly loium that the loe lor tho ts aie a duty; a duty to which ve miiit ilrsotii our mind, uur ftienxth, our I'm!, happy' lo fulfill t cfiheie and in eieiy moincnl id our life. The lulllllmciit far mi'iiior to any other iirlte, no, nutter fioni wheie it comes. I.adln and (Icntlemin, I am pruud to be brro tonight and In the name, id tho Italian colony of till illy, I l. ai lll thank the American pen. do for their piccloiw a.lUnee and their en nous help lor n work whleh is for Hie kncllt ol my own coimliyinrn, and o they lue kliu.sn that wider Iho rtarf ol lelliflcn we aio nil biothcn, and it lwlnsr u ciue for the lomiuou (.'Kid, theio Is no dlllcicnio ul nationality. Ah a hlsh-chiHH cntPitnlnniont tho performance! was uoyoiiil crltlCisni, al most. Ipeclnlly nhould credit bo Riven to Miss Hoso ArlRoan, of Scran ton, whoso Hwcet ItuIInn molodlcH en tranced nil, IOvery number on tho sroKrnnirriH, which was Klven ns print nl heroin, dC'llshtcd the laiRe iiiidlcnce, ir V V ( I .-i . V n Puis, ai ill i' Dr. A. l. ( hoc In, I which wa In no wIhp slow to nhow Its upprcciutlou of the kooi! work clone. PARTNERSHIP DISSOIVED. Fellows & Co. Have Clinutcd Their Personnelle. The 111 in of Tcllows A: I'o.. idolhleis, of Salem avenue, has dissolved. Al bert AV. Fellows, the junior pattner, withdrawing from the coin cm. The old 111 in mime will be continued, how ever, lleujanilii Fellows associating with his father in conducting the busi ness. The lctlilntr member will In n short time open up a millinery business In the Maillirau bunding, two doors iasl of the old stand. The two store rooms funnel ly occupied by Fellows & i'o.'s millinery and .Mrs. Madlgan'si conl'ee tloneiy stoic, have been turnd into one room! and iiituy other alterations and impiovenu'iit.s aie being made. It Is said that Mr. Fellows Is lo open up a new line of business lu connection with the millinery dcpntltni ut, but, so tar, he has not divulged his plans. A I'ntnl Vieck. A fatal wreck ocmrPd Monday night on tho Ontario and AV ostein road be tween Cudosln and Mlddletown, In which a ' 'aibond.ile crew was ion I'crned. Engineer Maiiin MeI,ou;hlln and Fireman William Walker manned locomotlNP No. I'.U. which collided, hiacl to head, with onglno No. 177. ol' the Mlddletown blanch. The shook was teriille and the latter engine rolled ovei the bank lnt- the Delawnie liver, the llioman. Men Mclsslor, of Middle town, being killed almost instantly. Uoth engines wore greatly damaged and a number of cars were badly smashed. Poisoning Dogs. Some malicious person Is creating havoc among the dog owners of lower HlM'f street. Seventh ami Ulghth ave nues. Alrmdy over hall a dozen val uable canines hae fallen victims to the LX"cutloner, among the owneis be ing John Simpson ami .li'ines Kirk. wooil. Tho latter lost several line hounds in this way and he Is there foie concspoudhigly wrnthy. Tho fel low accomplishes the cuscl woik by Moans of poison. A New Enterprise. Flunk li. Miller, of Tenth avenue, has embarked on ujkw buslncs.-. ven ture the piepailllg'or sliced smoked beef tor the trade. The beef Is put up In small paper boxts, each one con taining a half pound. It is said to be a. i roduct much supciior to that put up In tin" cans, and to lelaln lt. flavor much longer. Mr. Mlllep already Iiiih a ulec trade lu this soc'tlun and he will biauch out us opportunity offeis. A Water Tower. The Klols Tlnowlng company and Emptro silk wuiAiiig mill haw- plans prepared fur a laigo water tower, which they propose lo eutt between the two building for 111 o piotcctlon lliils for the wotk have hien aslieil for. The tower Is (o ho eighty feet In height, surmount -d by a hugo lank, to which theio will bo an extra huge feed pipe, the supply of water being emit rolled automatically. Incinsed Population. Dr. and Mis. .1. A. Kelly, ot 'Unroll rtieut, aio icjolclng o.-r Ihe arrival of a baby boy, which canns to their homo yestciday. Tho doctor Is today din trlbutliig OU cites, broadrnst. Thomas 011111011, of the tiolloy toad. Is t.Uo siulllng, as thn icsult of a little) glil presented him by his t venter day. A Renr.ovvl. Miss Maigaut Maule, of the .syn thetic school of music, has removed her studio fiotn the Klrhy block, on Clarllold n untie, to tho looinn over .1. M. Ali-Miiulers talloilng Mtabllshment. in the llox building, on Church stieet. .Making Changes. raVpenlers, plunibois anil pnltiteis aro at work on tint O'Nell building, on South Main slient, lUluvr It up for the occupancy of K. 11. W, llurke's eating house. CasBoadale Department. TESTIMONY Thero Cnnnot Bo Constructed from All the English Language- Such v Convincing Evidence ns tho Plnln Stntcmcuts from People Born of Excellence. BIIICH, STREET. Mr. Henry All.crlj, ol No. 019 tllnli strcrt, Scranton, Pa,, say: 'Tor about lo years my back and kidneys had been eeoie, lime, 1id tlifl ac-ielloru In bad ihapc. Nothing seemed to help mo until I got Dr. A. V. Chasc'a N'crvc Pills nt .Matthews' th-os. ding tnie, No IK-Ptl biekawanni avenue. They illd the work, nl Ing llic soreness and lameness, making t lie sc rrrtlon lie-allhy ami generally giving me health and altcngth " JACKSON STREET. Mr Thonns i-tmiiriciK. o( 101!) Jatkvoti itrcct. Scranton, Pa., m! "Dr. A. W. Chasc'a Nerve Pills mo n splendid cure lor nervous lck head aches. .Mine were terrible at times. I was ner vous at tin- tune time. The None Pills wrie! recommended to inc and 1 got a box; ill Mat thews' Ilnis. limit stole, Nu. 112-1J1 Laekawanni mimic, iml tiny completely cmnl tlic headaches Htnl nervousness. This I think In iccomincnda lion inough." LINDEN STREET. lr. Joseph Mitchell, ol nin Linden Mice!, Wet .N r.inton, P.i , says: "Dr. A. W. Chase' Nerve I'illit an, line, t was nil out ol order, nervous tind loiild not sleep weak .mil miser able 'I ho kld'irys were ilugglsh .ind the bji k I inn nothing seemed to help tnc until I got a Iion if Iho nerve pills at Matthews.' pros., No. II.'MI Uicjcfwaiiui avenue. Mine I took them I sleep will don't Jcik and talk. My nerves aic steady, I feel sttoiig and the kidney are wriklmr will again. I am more tlnu pleied and clad to iccninnvnd the medicine." HYDE PARK AVENUE. Mr. Samuel Ilodger, of VJS Hyde r.uk avrn-ie, s-ruitmi, P.i.. sayn: "I was In a run down condition -headache's, nervous and flrrjilnfj bad ly and the appetite poor. I was told ol Ur. A. W. t hasp's Nerve Pills titid got a box. s a lo mlt I sleep .ind eat well again I am ciy much pleased with idem and glad to iciommrnd them lo ollirm. This I can do lonseluitloiisly." ml i lid lion lArhatipe. Ililfl.ilo, V. V. 'Phone : NEW, 286 OLD,0423j LOTS OF TROUBLE. A Countiymnn from Cliffoid Goes tho Wayward Course, l'iollle Wells, big, halo and forty, came to t'aibnndulc on Friday to do the town, and as a icsult he was called to do time under Jail Warden Kllleen's watchful can-. Wells started out on it grand thicc days' Jamboree and right merrily did ho carry on his task. Dur ing the time hi' got Into many unto wanl situations, and Is now minus his money and it twcnty-llvc dollar gold watch. Wells, In company with four well-known young blonds" of tho town, a female Included, look a Jaunt up Simpson way In a hack. They lauded un at .lack Jones' house In Moi'Koy Ituii ;u jdaco of unsavoiy iHputatlon for even that rncy llttlu hanilel. What took place within. Wells knows not or would nut tell. On the Jouiney home the same quintet ocell liieel the hack and space being scarce the, glil lather crowded his Joblots f i oui I'lltTord. As must best of friends the live cniousers patted, lint not till nttu" the supination did Wells notion the1 lo"s of his timepiece. And then particular t'aln was to pay. n Main stteet tlie faiiupf got rather boister ous In wouls and unsteady In actions, and I'atiolmnii Mi-Audicw took him hi tow. As Wells was lugged Into the jail ho thought he saw bicycles In the air. Hy ycsteulay morning, he had got over his hiilluclnallou, however, and was given a hearing befoio Mayor Kll patriek.who lu a fatheily way "drilled" him for his unbecoming conduct and told him to go home. Wells, however, wanted his watch, and went out on a silll hunt for his companions of tho hack ible. He got their names and soon had warrants Issued for their ui lest, So far, however, they have sue I'eeiled in eluding the constable, but In all probability will ho brought In to answer the several charges today. After sweuilng to the Infonnatlon, Wells Marled out to celebrate again and towaids night was in a fair way to Unci a resting plae-e for the second time on the Iron cots of the city lock up. A Romantic Play. Theie arc seveial Intensely Interest ing scenes and characters In "A H.tcholor's Itoinante," which Tim Mur phy Is to prerent at the Grand Opera House ucM Friday. Standing firmly and conunaiidlngly In the fiont rank with Ihe figure of David Holmes, which Mr. Murphy presents, is (ho character of Martin Hoggs. Ah David's .socio, tary and coutldenthil man. OIney J. (Irlllln offers a character study as old-fnt-lilnneil and delightful as can be lm aglned. "Mai tin." saws David, hi tho happv conceit of his reJuenutlou after fall ing in love with his maid, "You're a bin I: number; you're out of date; you dont' clnulati-; you're on the shc-lf for good." And it Is Just such a faded, stained dusl-giown edition of Immunity that Mr. firlllln blends with mm art. l'oor old Martin, who never has anything, and who patltntly accepts the blame for everything supplies the one ttag rdy of the story a tragedy on paper wheiilm loains fioni tno unwittingly cruel ciltlc that his story, with which he hoped to win the prize. Is the woiyst of nil tho lot, utterly without met It. And then, with the fallute of years parading lufuie his sickened mind, he consigns tho lost one to the lire and boln out his pitiable gilcf. This Is ouo Incident lu miii.y that Miss Mot ton has cluverly woven Into tin, heal I story. A False Rumor. A rumor gained considerable- ilrcu latloii yesterday that ICdgar Stuck, son of .1. X. Stuck, of South Main street, had been klllcel In a railroad accident on tho Ontario ami Western nil I raid, Mr. Stuck, In peison. showed up in tho afturiioou and soon convinced his friends of their mistake. The wreck mentioned In another column probably gave rUe to the story. John Bell Burled. The funeral of tho late John Hell, whose obituary appealed In Monday's Tribune, was ludtl yesterday after noon, At .1 C'clock, flow A. F, Chaffee, pHHtor of tho I'iist Methodist lSplsoo pal chinch, conducted services at tho house on Brook street. Desplto the In clemency of the weather there was n very large attendance, showing the high and general esteem In which the dead man was held. In order that his for mer associates nt tho locomotive shops might attend the funeral, tllat Institu tion did not work during the after noon. The policemen of the city, of which ho was ono for four years, also nttended lu a body. There were many handsome floral tributes. They were carried by Frank Jones, Kdward Peters, John Fox and David Ttocse. The pall bearers wei'o John Ncnser. Walter Wilson, George Fisher, Free! Huddy. William MeAndrew, James Hell, Uobert Blair and Patrick Mc Donald. Uurlnl was made In Maple wood cemetery. The Mock Trial. One of tho most successful and en tertaining meetings of the High School Literary society was held last evening, when a mock trial was held. Owing to the bad state of the weather, theio was not u largo audience, but those present, certainly, greatly enjoyed the. affair. The contesting attorneys used many odd arguments In trylni? to cither prove or refute the guilt of the accused, and whether or not they con vinced the honorable Judge and tho fair Jury, they did create a furore In the court room. The tipstaff was leni ent, however, and for two hours almost the fun continued. The literary soci ety contains some excellent material, and another public meeting will be held shortly. Tho Last Recital. The last of the series of Lenten or gan teclUls given by Trinity guild, was held last night In tho Kplseopal church. Thero was a large attendance and all wero fully repaid for It was, perhaps, the best of the threo con certs. Prof. Haydn Kvans Glaciated at the pipe organ nnl his work was al most faultless. The vocal music was likewise excellently rendered. The funds netted from the recltnls will be used to ccmplelp the handsome pipe organ. Another Euchre Tarty. The Voting Ladles' Communion Table association of St. Hose church met last night to appoint committees to perfect arrangements for a piogresslve euchre paity to be given In Burke's hall short ly after F,astcr. Following the card playing a promenade social will be held. The event will be on an even more elaborate seale than the one re cently given In St. Hose hall. To Undergo Treatment. X). C Benscoter, the veteran Drill ware and Hudson engineer, left yes tcrday for New York city, where bo will undergo treatment In Roosevelt I'nspl'i''. It Is probable he will have to undcRo an operation, which his many friends hope will prove entirely successful. Cigarraakers' Social. k Clgni milkers' union, No. I.ti, will hold a inand ball lu 'Watt's hall on Faster Monday evening, April f. I-Jvery effort wilt be expended to make the plTnlr one of more than usual excel lence -and with the pievalence of unionism lu this city, their eiTorts will no doubt receive worthy support. An Accident Averted, l.ate Mondny night a huge boulder rolled from nu embankment to the stieet car tracks on the Forest i'ity line, above Simpson. The motoimnn of the approaching car saw the obsti ac tion Just in time to avoid a, serious col lision. Trafllc was delayed almost nu hour. Was Toastmaster. Dr. Harry Nlles. of Salt Lake City, biothcr of Dr. J. S. Nlles, of this city, was toastmaster tit the banquet of th Ftah Slate Medical association re cently, and the Salt Lake City papers speak in high praise of the manner hi which he fulfilled his duties. Visiting Preachers. Hev. Mr. Johnson, of Calvary chinch. Fast Wllkes-Harre. will deliver the sermon at tomorrow night's meeting in Tiinity TCplscop.il church, and on Friday afternoon Hev, Mr. Harrington, of West I'lttston, will occupy the pul pit. The Passing Throng. Prolesor II. .!. Iloikruberry i.s in Sliainokln. MIm I'annle Choke I out allcr an attack of the (iiahini is confined lo his home by ill. ne.. John lliler, of I'llMon, tpent jcateiday in town. Itcnliinlti I". Mronsman, ol scclfysili, was In town es(eiday. Mr. John MoAllMor U ill at her home on South Main street. .lames Couehlln, of scranton, was a taller In town last evening. Mr. and lr. Kdward Moon spent jcterday with Jerinyn friends, r.lHworth Hudson, of Wajnurt, foimerly of this city, is dangerously ill, Ljnn Illne, of llailelon, a former retident, is pendinc a le' da In tnnu, MUs Mary (iallarfiy, the Church street millin er, spent jesterday in Scranton, John W. Cniintiighton, who has been ill for Ihire weekf, is able to lie out again. Miss Hose Amsbury, of Middtctoun, lias re lumed to her home alter a bitef stay in town. licorjre I'.vaiie, secretary of the board ol health, was a slsllor in Scranton .sesterday. riorrine, tho little diughler of Mr. and Mr. John Dojle, of south Miln alieet, is seriously (II. Miss Maiv loniiaiiRhlon, of llloomsburg Stale Normal whool, i home lor her Haster saeatlon. Mm. John Miixuishliii. of Pes pnth ascnue, and Miss Jessie Sloin, pent jceterday lu Sciantou. Miss nnlc Ilurke, of Pike sheet, lias leliuned I ciu'p aller a visit In Scranton. She was ,u -eonipanlrd by .Mls Katie ll'Xelll, et Scianton. Mi-. Kinina. Poiter, of Klnilra, formeily Miss l.uima KiikIIsIi, et this rilv, is the truest of her sister. Mi. Ilobrit Wliitlicbl, on South Washing ton avenue. JERHYN AND MAYFIELP. 'Ihe funeral ol the late IMnatds Stiibbs will take plire this afternoon A biief fcorUco will he held a the home of C. L. Hell, on Ilaeoii stieet, at S.r.0 o'clock, after which the remains will be taken to the Methodist Episcopal chuieli. i.e local I'cdciatlon of Labor union, Uushbiook Iodise of Odd fellow J and Cijslul Pho lompanj, No. ), will all end In a, body. Ai a spetld iiuelliiK of the borough council held last c emus llcmy Mulliolland, eq., was rlicted boroiijfh altosary for the pi est at jcar. 'I In lo wtro no other applicant. Hon. A. J. liavin was present at tho meeting and enter tained the cnuiiellmen at considerable length on municipal law- und at the conclusion of hit speech tho uicctiiu: was adjourned. A pun Ion ol the buiface at the tear of the Nrilsou buildiiur suddenly laved In jcatciday afternoon, leaving a dangerous hole, about twenty feet atioes and twelve feet deep, The building is in tho piiucipal sliest of tin -orougli and the eave caused a meal deal of excitement for a lime. The Kidles' Aid society of the Primitive Mctho. ilUt iliuich win open up their fair in (Minora hall on Thursday evening. Mr. John Prllrhaid will lumlsli an entertaliunent wllh hU phono uraph, Admlstloai Adults, 10 centij children, 5 tents. ..is l.lly II. Willlanuon, of Scranton, hat been Ihe gurtt of Mist Maifrarcttf Rlbbs, of West May. field. Thomas. M. firlftithi, ot Till id street, la eon vaa'Hrnt bum an attack of grip, which had r confined mm to the lioue for His past two weeks. Ihe memheti of Uushbiook lodcee, No. S.W, In dependent Order ol Odd lcllons, are leipic-sted to meet at their nti lull nt t.3i) oVlock lo at tend the funeral of the Isle IMuards Slubbs. Mr. M. n. Puller Is auHctlnfr fioni an attack ot tonsllltls. OLYPHANT. A lenuthy session ol the council was held on Monday night, with all members present except Mr, t'cttlgicw'. The following bills wrre pixel for pijmcntt Oljphant ltecord, ll.iW; Itumoy Klretilcal company, $.1.0J Charles II. Scot!, t35.78 (Icneral lilectilo co'niany, ffl.tt. A mini. ber ol resolutions were then Introduced ly the finance committer. The tat Irvy for Ihe ensuing jcar was nude, as followa: (leneral boiough ae count. 0 mlllai pavmrnt of Interest and irlnel pals of bonds, Series II and (.', 7 mills; genera borough Indebtedness, S mills; total, 17 mills. The amounts appropriated to tho various depart, menls Is as follows: Streets, fet.suo; police, $l,'.'00i board ol health, $J00. The salarlr ol the cmplovcs at the electric plint were placed tho rame as last Jrar, as were, also, tho salaries of the borough solicitor, street commissioner, teamsters, laborer and mechanics, the street commissioner to lecclve pay for time only when lm l actually emrlojed. A resolution wat passed directing the treasury to retain from the liquor license money the sum of $1,200 for police purposes and $J00 for the board of health An other resolution was pas-ed requiring all persons desiring to be exonerated from borough taxes to make mi appeal to tho finance committee In writing. An oidlnanco was pawed filing the salaries ol the borough ofliclals as follows: Hin ges, S73 per year; street commissioner, $1.74 per day; treasurer, a per cent, commission on all money paid nut and 3 per rent, on all money collected on sewer and pave assessments; sccrc,' t.iti, $1M) and fb'O additional as colic 'tor of electric light accounts. The t-trri-t committee of fered a resolution dividing the ?I,S0O appropria tion as follows: i?uO to each waul, iIOd nt thn Second ward amount to lw expended In cleaning the l.iekawmuu street pave, and S2U0 for a toad machine. Tho street commissioner vris directed to clean the pave onco a week and all property owneis .ire icqucsled by council to assist In keep ing that thoroughfare in as dean a condition as possible. The Hie lommlltcc icc-oiiimciided that a hose tower be built for the Pxcelslor Hose com pany and also that a few" neeessaiy supplies be purchased. liTax Collector Plant: lloban pic sented his enunciation llt-for the yeai I5!. t amounted lo about SI.IOO, mid contained seveiil hundred names. The couuellmcii wen- somewtiit surprised at the length of the list and lifero-d It to the finance committee. A cmniiilttec "I tavpaitia fioin the Second want was present and asked council la defer any net Ion with legaid to the sewer, as tuey had plans under way by which the mailer could be icmcdled. Thrlr requet wji graidrd. Secretary O'Milley's bond for 1,.M) was ueirptrd. A e'Oinmunlcallon Irnni tno liamcucll l'lre Alirm Teiegiaph company was trad, stating that they bad ouhr.s .imuiiiit Ing to Sl,(.0O which thei would like to have cashed. The matter was lcfeiied to the lieas iirer to adju-l. Mi. Nealon rcpoilcd that tin, drinking fountain on the public ttquair Ind been wire keel by a careless tcunster. The sheet romniitlee was Instructed lo InuMigito the in li ter. The fire committee repoited that Mr I.iw Icr, the permanent man at the lime house, was not tatlsfkil, with the s-iljry as now Hcd V motion prevailed that It be increased SUM. Tins did not meet with the appiovul ol all the conn illnien and the motion was withdrawn. Anolhir motion prevailed that luismiicli as Ihe contrail explies on April 1, bids should lie advertised for and allow other parties to .-iibinlt pliers for the work. IL was passed and another meeting will be held on Monday night to receive bids. The living Krench company will close a three nights' eug.igement.it Hie opera house tonight. The funeral of John Corcorin will be held this morning at 10 o'clock. A requiem mass will be lelebratcd in St. Patrick's church. Intiimcnt will be msde in SI. Patrick' mucins. The employ ri ol Ihe Dclawuio and Hudson ml lluKf al this place were paid jestcrdaj. Mr. Prank Kane and children, of Anhbild, an- visiting relatives in (own. li. Jennie Cole, nf I aibondale, is Ihe guct of Mi-. D I. I'.vans, of Susquehanna, street. le sure ar.d attend (he necktie soeiil at the Sii.qtickiiiiu street lliptlst ihuieli tomorrow i .i-iiiig. Mr. It. nieiinau. of lluimmip flieel. allended tl." fui.ir.il of a relatives at Scranton on Monda.i. TAYLOR. N r'lcis mrr 111' n mains of ihe laic- ll.e id (. Dills link pl.tco fioni the home of AllM uey and Mis. James 11. Walklies "ll South Main stieet vc.-lerd.iy afliriiiou and vas laigeli at tended. Tin1 Mrilim v.cie eimdiutrd by ihe lli-v. C. 11. Ileiirj, et Hip Milhodi't l.pi,.op.il elmrch and llrv. M. J. Wull.lns. of llallclud, Pa, The latter preached the tumral vnnon. During the seivlees nt the hotiso Professni John T. Walklns, of Scranton, sang several antleiiis. 'I he lloial iilTrrlng-. weie numerous and btauli fill t the dine of the ncivhcs the funeral lorlese vvrnckel its way to the Presbjteilan crnie lery, wbrre inteiui"nt was made. The flower bearers were Prank shedd, Howell Hauls, lhos. Ilichanl, llany Mjcr. c.f Hie engineer's ile parlmeut, ol Sxianton, Pall-be.uer, William . Walkins, c.f Pcrkviile; foreman 11. 1'. IlauU and J. J. llaker, Jamea II. Collier and Illmer K. Hclmei. ( Plllslou. The funeral of the tate ll- ljllth Alherleii, aiinuiinrrircnt nf who-o dealu ueiiitieil in Jen terday's i'tue, will take place Imm her laic home toinoriciw moiiilg al in o'clock. l'eillovvliig :nu the prlre winners nf Ihe Will iam Tell nilli' club shoot fioni January 1 lo March IS, 1CH : One hundred miUs at 7", f-ct distance held at the Tell club lilh quart, is. no telescope was used in this match. The acoie and lili-e wlni.eis me ns follow: I.Trhb llmgcr, WTa, gold mcnl, .Mike Slilne, 'J1-.M. tlli.-t Inedil: Airold Mooie, C1I', tllvcr medal; John Kci'iler, 'JJin, silver medal. Other sioiea: 11. V. Wcis. nfluh, J.'W; Casper Piuttiger, J:W; John W'elbel, Sis I; John Dclniiigrr, 2-T7; Ci'per Shields, 'JJW; John shield.), Clio; ( a-per In dotf, ); John Heider, 2U0;. Mrs. Williams, an old and respected icsid nt of Koutli Main stieet, passed away alter a lin gering illness on Monday at Ihe homo of her daughter, Mrs. Davis, fiom which placo the fu neral will oicur this afternoon at 2 o'clock, Iiiteiinent will be made in the 1'orcst Dome cemetery. The loiuig Women' Clubtlin Tuitpeianio union will meet ut the home of Mis, II J. Cop er tomorrow alteinoon and not at the bonis ol Mm. Gcoigo Hooper as was staled In 3 estcida 'a IssUC. Tho North Paul Liteiary club i making en tensive )-i ep.cr.it Ions lor lis coming enlcitain in, nt and bill to be held in Wthcr's ring on May 21. 1001. The I.aekawanni company collieries hero have gone on the ten hour thllt. T'id.iv- will bo pay-day at (he Oreenwood col heiv of the Delaware and Hudson company. Mr. Thomas Jones, of Lackawanna, visited relatives In town cslcrdajk Taylor lodge, No. ib:, Knights of Pythias, vvl meet this evening In legular session. William Miisslennu, of llauiiiu, eal'ed on blends In Ibis boioiuh vcvterdy. Minooka tribe. No, 217, bupioved Oid'r of lied Men, will meet in their ball thli e-enU, Mi John T. Watklna, el llyelo Paik, vlvbed icletivrs in lids plate yestciday. To Cine a Cold in One Day Take Lavitlui lliumo cutnlne Tabids. 2Ji. A10SC0VV. The) U i nun' Chiisllan Tempeiai.ee iiiucn held u N'cal Dow memorial ii.cetlng at the home of Ml. and Mrs. S. J. Hciubakcr latt lliiut.cl.iy alternnin. After the following ptcgiauime was leudeidl, mkn and coflcc was seivcd by the hoitess: Singing; player, Mis. M. W. Vaughn; leading, Ptalm 10, Mis. Mlllaid; leading, ' The Pc'.laiaticii ol Pilticlples," Mrs. Ilalhllll; sing ing, "Cod, Home end Native Land", sketch ot ".Val Dow'a Llle." Mts. M. W. Vaughn; lead nig, "Vial Pow us ,i llc-roi m,i " Mi. Party ; tolo. Miss l,uih lllclinioiiil. iiudlug, "Sell pow't Woik Abioad." Mm. Itolieiis, reillailon, Llccn.e Wherefore," Mail IK-pciv, leading, "Who Klllei) Joe'a Paby" Saia Peckei . solo. '1 Am 'filiating, ' Mi. J. M. No.uk ! toll tall Cures a Cough or Cold ai onoo. Conquers Croup, Whooplng-Ceus'i, Drone hills, Jrlppe und Consumption. Quick, sine results Ur.Miill'il'lllscureConstlrotlon, iOpilh l()c Dr.Bnifi COUCH SYRUP COIilffl The WelNKnoun Kansas Statesman, Qired ol Catarrh of fh? Stomach by Perii-na. AFTER IIiliSllS' .SUFFERING More Kvidcucc ol Interest to the Millions of Catarrh JSniVercrs 4n the United States. rltt H t-r mv.r is rmwi.MV i-'itviin."C'oii "T -aW iiuii, si, ir. iivriiiis, vumii.oo.u.iii-iV i-ijivu ij iivu.il niinoAO . 4- 14- In a leeent letter to Dr. Hiirtmiiu, Congies-smitu Botkln, of Winlleld, Kan., whoso fame is u national ono, says of I'eiuna. My Dear Doctor "It gives; me pleasure to testify to the excellent cur ative qualities of your medicine Pertina nnd IManalin. I have been af flicted more or less for a quarter of a century with catarrh of the stomach and constipation. A residence in 'Washington has inci eased theso tioubles. A few bottles of your medicine havo given me almost com plete relief, nnd I am sine that a continuation of them will effect a per manent cirre. Peruna Is surely a wonderful remedy for catanhal affec tions." J. D. Botkln, Congiessman-at-Largo. CONC.UKSS.YIAN liUTKIN Is one of the most Inlliientlal ami host known men in the State of Kan sas. Whatever he may say on any subject will be accepted by the people ns the truth. So famous a leniedy iih I'eiunn could not have well escaped tin- attention of so famous a man. He not nnlv has heard of the remedy, but he has used It and v as relic veil or an allllctlon of tweuly-llvo years' standing. I'ei-una 1st tin- one Intoiual teincdy that cures chronic catarrh. It 1'Uies c.ttanh vvheiever located. This Is a fact that tlie people; aio lapldlv llndlng out, but thero aie still a large multitude who need to know It. Mr.Frank Itlchter, of Winona, Minn , says, In a letter to the I'eiuna Medi cine Company: "Ah a remedy for oataiih I take' pleasuic In lci'oiuinenillng I'eiuna for catarrh of the stomach. I know what It Is to boallllitcd with this awful ills case and consider It my duty lo say a word In behalf of the remedy which gave me such relief. I'oi-una imiiccI me-, and I know It will cure any one else who suffers fiom this disease, it gives me great pleasure to testify to (he curative effects ol' tbl medicine. IV runu Is a well tested and freeiuently iiscel remedy, and for catarih of the stomach It Is unsurpassed. "My e-ataiili was principally located In my head and stomach. 1 tiled many remedies without success. T tiled sev eral doctors, but they wore unable to cure me. I load of Peruna In tho pa nels itliel live bottles cured me." Frank Itlchter. The rjastllc julo Is secreted by the mucous follicles of the stomach. When this Juice Is nurmiil It digests (dis solves) tho food without piodui-lng any disturbance whatever. If, hovvevei, the gastric Juice Is not noimal, digestion causes many ellsugreeabb- symptoms. This condition Is known as Indigestion. Pol una will line this. with appippiiali' ci'iistloiis; solo, Sirah Deckel, oh. Mis. s. W. l.'Aiuoicaux. Ml. My la Stanlon peut list Thiiiwlay 'ii lloncsd lie. Mi, (larloa Noail. baa been quite ill fm ncv er,d div. Mr. Hush, of Slroudsbiirg. visited ut Ihe honv. ol Mr. and Mis. June shoenukcr Satiuday and Sundiy. Mr. Pannio lliown was a Si union vi.ltoi Monday . Mr. Holb, cd Kltnira, p."iit Sundav lu lo.cn. Mil llrleni tli.lis.tci, ol s'l-runtnn, s)iiit NO uiday and Sunday 'Villi her paients hen. The I'pwoith lcagup will bold a nikte poodle kili.lnli c-xlilhlllon in Iho liidcicudiut Order of Oild I'ollovva' lull fcilurday cm nil.'. Theio will bo plan', ol, icdtaiioiu, elc. Puling llu evening cake, salidw It-hew, c-oftic. limoraele, pop roiti and home-made candy will be sold. Ad mlsiion will be, iidulta 10 cms. and children .', cents. All arc Invited. A farewell turpilxt (surly aa tnnlirrel Mr.. II. li, I'rlstlikiiin last Wi diiemiay eienlng. Tho ii-ual social cllvcriloni vvc re iiidulgecl In mil 11 a late hour when rentiuiriila wcie wued. Sba. l'rleliKuin was piesentecl v lib il heaudful bi-ny spoon and u nig. (i, .). Ilinwn, II. !. We-ti nnd Jolm Miriln ale on the jury (his week. .Mr. W. P. I Icim-nif, has been sk-k for the pact week. FLEETVILLE. Ml Kale .m 1'lcet has re tut nod fiom I lltiurd, v hcie she has been helping to caie fur her sack ii -p -lew . The Millriii.t lal held ki llugene I'.u'ils' I. iiimilid I" lave been vriy sni'ictsfiil, Mis (aicdvii I uiu'isoit' (r.ttvdt aio i leased t- sco In i nt bi.eui' again Irom Dm knell, en joy ilea her .a-lei vacation. The funeral or Mr. l'ldnca Stanluii look jilaee at the MelhodUt l.pl.iopal chilli h 1'rliljy morn ing, itev, Mr. Illller, ol raeloryvIHe, eKticlitcHl. o.car smith Is in a very Kr stale of health. Tho sugar roelal at I. J Phillips' was a d r.ded suiersss, h,th from a km lal and linatulal itaudpoliit. Wo rejoice In bear that Mrs, Itnbrit I'.iiiilum, who has been viri alek, is imiirewfng. Ihe leiihcr.' In II" le I- lo U. he, in Hie Map- ifffl lftHtttttft- i v it iiikii' tviiiist riv.'ia 4- .Mis. Wllte."?: Selln.t Tanner. Athens. O., "I cnnnot find words to express m y thanks for your kind advice. t n e v e p o n c e, thought 1 had catarih of tho stomach, 1 com menced taking i'eruna as you dlieetcd. My sto mach continued to hurl mo foe about two weeks after I began tho mcdlcina n u d then It stopped. I now have a good appetite while befoio I wan nearly stai veil " Mrs. Sell u,e. T!"5t. -rtW!i ,lrir $5 Mrs. Scllna Tanner Tanner. Mrs. L. O. .Marble, of Ccneva, Neb., writes: "1 du believe thai my catauh Is en tiled v oui i'il. I have not had any trouble with mv stomach for a long lime. I am as well as ouo of my ago could expect (seventy yeais). I havo had tho catarrh ever since I was a young man. and have eluctured for It for years and got eiy little bolter but thunks to you and your I'eruna and Maualln 1 believe I am well of It. 1 can eat anything now anil It doesn't hint me. and Peruna Is the only thing I have ever found that will cine tho catarih. ind I hope every ono tumbled with catarrh will try I'eiuna and be, cured."!,. O. Marble. If you do not deilve prompt und sat isfactory icsiilts fiom the use of I'e runa write ut once to Dr. Hnitmiin, giving it full statement of your case, anil he will be pleased to give you hit valuable advice giatW. Addiess Dr. Ilniiinan, piesldent of the llaiimati Santiniiiiiu. Columbus, Ohio. FaSQT!? tuc fiMirailS5S8,irS! xyniuusTijUbriure BELLAVITA .rsinto fleauty Tablets and Filln. A per ectly snfo und Riiarnnlrevl trcatnimt for nil skiu INordoM. HestarM thn bloom ol youth tofoded (arty-. 0 dnyr,' troatment '."ut 30 das'' $1.00, by mail onn for circular. Addrcjs, ,., -nviT MED11"41 fn c'untw &. Jackiou St., talc Bold by McGarrah it Thomas. Drug Hats,, JOJ Lackawanna ave Scranton, I'a. ti,' eh.uih S.tindii. nil el An Inletestirig pi't,l.iuuii' haj lieill pupal. I Mi. James llailey, oiu of Keystone andrmy't lust liidinis. flllnl I he llipu-i uddt 'uiiday in Vlr. (file l' a'lsiie e PRICEBURG. Mi. Miiiiiip Sucllncr, oi lliinniure, cvllcd en friends heie en Sunday last. M!m sarah I'lowright, ol snantnn, was viilirg Jt the Ionic of bei jiaienls on Miie speri Mls Katie O'Connor, of stiouiMmrg Noimsl tihuul, Is visiting her paicnls on Lincoln Mreft. Slis. Wilson, ol Maple street, entertained a number nf friends at tea on Moiidav afternoon Pr, IK'lllieiuii'i Is moving lulu his new ren deuce, eutiicr Main street ami Chuich annuo. MIni Nettie Mason, of Olyphiul, was the r.ue t of Ml Anna Shafer mi Sunday al. The Lidles' Am soiul.v ol the P. M. ehurih is irqutwtcil to meet In the lectuie tnom at a ocloili this iiioriiiug. Ilolinew meeting at 1 uMock this ivenlii.'. P.vciyliody cmdlally Invited to at. ill'! PECKVILLE. Iiulalinul leiee-a icmaliilng at the Puk.llM .rvli,l'lie: Nel.cn lllee. I'raiik toos, Wlllilm Hanrlt, llimguilan Mr. Andy I'alya, 1 yrran ll..taj. ai!eiioit k llrarddee let a valuable diatt horse on Monday. A umiiu.gc a!c l being condiieted t t m Molguil sloio by the ladles o the Pr a IciIiii el.uicb. CI ia lie a Kay moved his family In Llvingsi m Minor le.lenlayi where ho will reilde. rV. VuS, Ji"-3iaTsT .(-. 9SI