P (. .ijyJI(W'pipBHW15WV,WltPII.!fllIIWp.lll ,11 St W ' w; THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 190.T. 1 i WEST SCRANTON WHEELMEN AT TAYLOR ENTERTAINED A LARGE AUDI ENCE WITH MINSTRELS. Weber's Rink Could Not Accommo dnte All Who Wanted to Attend the Performance An Excellent Programme Rendered Work on the First Baptist Church Funernl of Joseph Ansley, Sr. West Park Improvements Additional Help Needed at West Side Hospital. Tli Kloctrlr City WlieetintMi'N mill- Ftrel rnmpany entertained a Inrtrn anil fiillitlHlaslli! inidlenef nt Weher'st rlnlc In Taylor lust nlKht. The vorallss and coined Inn went down enrly In the evrnlinr, followed liy u crowd of thirty or forty fellow, who llnd up In front of the Hinge, Joined In tho choruses and l.'ept tho audience in j,rood lnuuor dnr Iiik the evening. The opening climiin and Introduetnry overture- was well received, and David Owens opened the vocal part with a Kplendld rendition of "The Choir Ce lestial." He was followed by William Price, of Taylor, who sans "Kvery lluce Mas n Flap hut tho Coon" In an acceptable, manner. Hetween the sonss a ntunlier of Joke were worked In, all of which made a hit with the audi ence. Walter Davis. Hen Allen. Tom Steph ens. Arthur Davis. Karl Holllster. Luther Thomas. William Williams, Kd ward It. Davis and tho chorus furnish, eil the additional vocal numbers. Nick Neuniuls made a tremendous hit wl(h his harmonica selections, and I'M, .Morse was Riven a good hand for his mandolin selection. fi. A. Williams and Hen Allen did n moiiolocue which caught the crowd, mid tliey were accorded a worm recep tion. The end men were: Hones Hilly William. A. Ci. Davis. W. R. Davis: tantbos, ',. N. Teets. Luther Thomas and Kdwnrd D. .Morse. "Pop" Fioroy acted as interlocutor. Following tho show a dance was enjoyed. First Bnptlst Church. The stoppiiKC of work on the First Hnptlst church bulldinpr has been due to the serious Illness of the contractor, A. A. Fletcher, who Is now In a (ill paRn hospital, bavins undergone a ser ious surKlcal operation, from which he Is not expected to lecover for some weeks to colli.'. Inasmuch as the church Is suffcrlnR ABOUT THIS f COUGHS TIME LOOK J. 7-TV, Vrc out for ( and colds TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. Gl No woman was gloves were not Easte oves Just Right Gloves For every woman in Scrantou. Gloves that will fit, and suit the most exact ing tastes, no matter in which direc tion your whims may run. All the new Novelties in Are shown, while our line of i-But-ton Walking Gloves, with out seams, :c; N includes every i'? contrast with the Staple Kid Glove Styles -A Of course from the workshops of the best makers the world over. Get a hint or two from the wonderful display. - Globe Warehouse In many ways from this unfortunate delay, tho bulldlntr committee hits tak en steps to resume work under their own Immediate direction nnd control. Within n few days they will begin the. work and carry it on lo a rapid completion, Weekly School Deposits. Nearly fifty dollar were deposited yesterday afternoon In the West Hide bank for the pupils of public schools Nos. 13 nnd 10, by Pilnclpals David Owens nnd Josephine D. Lees. Tho fund Is steadily grnwlnir, "td the con stant encouragement (riven to tho pro ject by the teachers and pupils, stimu lates tho little ones to economical ten dencies. Yesterday's deposits were as follows: No, 1-1 -RUM nn. M .V; Maitlu Wstklii', l.lrt; I'.lltaUlli IawIk. "i (cuts; Atue Kvin. t.Hl; llfitha Kelly. ll!: Ldn.i 1). Kvam. 1 cnln Nellie Itldiard, M: Catherine Phillip!. it.T.1; Nellie lull'. sO.T.1; Sarah MiDmuW. W.M; P.llr.it.clh Pike, L-t; Mat) Harris. 7.-. (Hits; to t.il. fcM.Su. No. IHMI Lrm, MnX; MUs Mutiny. VIM; Ml,s Nlihol(, s.'.ai, Miss llcimlidi, 1 rents Mii Morgan, (.cuts; Mlm lliiltmi. ?.1 (cuts; MlM l).ii, li.'): Mix Pvans, .Vi cents Miss liel mv, 1.(!f MIm rijim. H.: Mbs Wade t.'i"; Ml Murphy. '!.0S: Mra. l'ubcr. W.al; Mlm Peck, Hi cents; total, iil.d.1. The puhllentlon of these financial re ports, and the printing of averages ob tained lit studies by certain pupils has also added much Interest to the school work. The Tribune would encourage tho pupils lo write legitimate news It"ins. such as notes, personals, par ties, socials, entertainments, etc., nnd sign their unities nnd nddresses to tho same leaving tins copy nt tho West fcranton branch of The Tribune, In Jenkins drug store, for publication In this department. Additional Help Needed. The crowded condition of affairs at the West Side hospital demands the appointment of additional help to car ry on tho work entrusted to the nurses and superintendent. Since the hospital was opened, several years ago, the work therein has - steadily Increased, until now It is moro than Superintend ent Smith, Nurses Powderly and Smith can conveniently handle. It Is expected that the stnto .appro priation will be Increased this year, to enable the employment, of nddltlonat help, and thereby Increase the useful ness of the institution. Funeral Announcements. Kcv. Jl. I. TCvans will conduct the funeral services over the remains of the late Mrs. Jane Anlleld this after noon. The services will be held at the house. 43i. Fourteenth street, at 3 o'clock nnd Intermtjnt will be made in the Washburn street cemetery. The remains of the late Michael Coggins. of SOI Kynono street, were in tored in the Cathedral cemetery yes terday. Building Improvements. With the advent of spring comes tho welcome announcement that many new homes are to bo erected In West Scran ton, especially on the Hound Woods tract nnd In West Park and Tripp Park. Already many new homes have r ever dressed if her just right. We've got Gloves shade to match, in latest dress fabrics been established In both theso locali ties, nnd with favornblo Industrial nnd weather conditions the outlook Is very bright. In West Park, Colonel Heeso Phil lips' new home on Mnln avenue Is nearly ready for occupancy, nnd n lltlls further up on the opposite silo D. J, Tteese Is having 11 substantial block erected. The Herlllcker and Dolmotsch blocks are almost ready for occupancy and ground Ih being broken nearly every ilny for new foundations. Funeral of Joseph Ansley, sr. Services over tho remains of the late Joseph Ansley, sr., were held at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon nt tho family residence on Meridian street. Rev. J. P. Moffat. 1). D pastor of the Washburn Street Presbyterian chinch, conducted the services. Many business and professional men and life-long acquaintances of de ceased, were noticed at the, services. The pull lienivrrf selected aro WII lluin It. Williams, Frank Wnshbuin, John lienor?, JL C. Illnman, S. Y. llaiipt and T. J. Snowden. Tho remains will be taken nwny nt f. o'clock this morning to Paupnck, Wayne county, where Interment will be pilvutuly made. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The Kpwotth League of the 1 lump ton Street Methodist Kplscopil church will tender nn entortalntncn and so cial to the probationers nnd now mem bers at the church on Thursday even ing. A musical and literary pro gramme will be rendered. Miss Susie Houshey, of C.irvsrton, I'n., who has been the gile.n of I!'V. and Mr. James '.-Jennlnger, of tho Hampton Street Methodist Kplscopal church, returned homo yesterdny. Rev. Frank J. Mllinnn, of the Sum ner Avenue. Presbyterian church, leaves today for I'hlladelphla, and l'ottsvllle. where ho has business con nected with his prospective pastorate at l'ottsvllle. llev. Mllman gave a dinner to a party of friends at the Jortuyn yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Patrick Taylor, of Jackson street. Is n victim of typhoid fever. Iter husband I recovering from the same disease. Mrs. W. K. Thayer, of South Main avenue, Is sojourning at Atlantic City. Mrs. Alexander llrunson, of South Canaan, is visiting relatives on South Ninth street. Miss Dorn Warner, of r.03 S wetland street, entertained a party of friends at her home on Saturday evening. Mrs. Price Kvnns, of Sumner ave nue, entertained a number of ladles re cently nt a. tea party In honor of her I'fty-font th birthday. The tiama Nu society of the Wash burn Street Presbyterian church met last evening and held an enjoyable meeting. A daughter was recently born to Mr. and Mrs. Fdward Lewis, of Hampton stivet. Mr?. John navies, of Kynon street, fell down a (light of stairs recently nnd sustained severe injuries. Members of tho Flcclrlo City Wheel men were entertained recently at the heme of Miss Clara Ross, on West Lackawanna nvenue. Tho West Side Dancing class will conduct a masquerade in Mears' ball next Friday evening. The will of the late II. D. Jones was probated yestetday. lie bequeaths his property and estate to be divided between his three sons. Louis 11., Wal ter nnd Oticiir. The Cernian class of the Voung Wo men's Christian association will glvo a muslcale this evening to clear the debt resting against the association, After the programme refreshments will be served. Everybody Is Invited, Ad mission, 10 cents. The William Connell tllee club will meet this evening at the llobert Morris lodge rooms nt 7.:M o'clock. It Is Im portant that every member shall be present. N Kate Taylor, of Scranlon street, and Alex Sholkopsky were arrested by Lieutenant Williams nnd squad at 11 o'clock Sunday night for creating a disturbance. The woman was sent up for thirty days and the man paid n $.1 fine. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Social Given by Junior Members of Y. W. C. A. Arrest of John Murphy Other Notes. The junior members of tin- Young Women's Chlstiau association gave a social In their rooms. 2m$ North Main avenue, to about one hundred guests last night. Tho rooms were very beau tifully decorated with Hags, palms and potted plants. An extenshi) progiamine was ren dered. Miss Margaret Morrison was pianist, and the chorus was given by tho Juulois. Tho remainder consisted of a solo by Florence Mcrgun, recita tion by Mary Mackle, piano duet by Nellie Thomas and May Jones, recita tion by Hessle Williams, solo by L011 nle Morris, recitation by firaco Wolf, vlclln solo by Anna Mouifon, solo and chorus by juniors, Agnes Mackle and l-adlD Kdwaids tutting solo parts: a u citation by Lois Reese, a recitation b.v Mabel Perry, solo liv Hello Mnbev. recitations by Ruth Jlcnjamlu nnd Miss Jones, solo and chorus by jun iois. Rolle Mnbey, Llllle Coles, Ruth Sadler and Anna Baxter taking solo pints. The chairs were then removed from the rooms and the children spent some time playing games, singing nnd In a general social time. Refreshments were served ami all went to their homes feeling they had spent a very pleat ant nnd piolltable evening. Accused of Assault. John Murphy wart nrinlgned boforo Alderman Fldler last evening on the charge of nssault and battery, pre ferred by Anthony Cndden, of Theo dore street. It appMred that Murphy was In toxicated Saturday evening and meet ing Cndden on the way to his home at once began to abuse him and cutting his head open and bruising his face. Murphy was held under $500 ball for Mf appearance nt court. Thomas Mul hcrln, of West Market street, qualified as his bondsman. Nubs of News. The North Knd Stars will play the Taylor Stars this evening at tho Au ditorium. Tho entrance to the game will be at the side door. Mr. and Mrs. Deltrlck. of Kingston. A SENSIBLE MAN Wculil v.e Kliui' lUlijni fur the Throat ami Lure. it 1 curlnj moro Coujlu, Coldt, Antlinia, llruntlilllk, Croup nnd all Thro.it ami l.uns Troulilc, than any other medicine, The proprlitor lui nuthorlwri itny iIiiijbM to give 011 i KjiiijiIc Hot tie 1'rrc lo inmlnro ,nu of the inctit of this grcJt rcnictly. rrlceS3c, and W. nro visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. O. W. Da vis. Rev. Mr. Hughe will preurh this evening nt the CalvlnlJtlo Methodist church, on Wayne avenue. The ser vices will start at 7 p. 111. All news matter will receive prompt attention If left nt Davis' drug store, corner of Mnln and Market street. The Keystone Literary nnd Dramatic club are holding nightly rehearsals for their play, "llecatise She Loved Him So," which will Ih; produced Kaster week ut the Audltotlum. This afternoon Ulblo study will be held nt tho Young Women's Chrlstlnti association, under Rev. Oenrge L. Al rich, the subject being. "Tho I'hophe cles of Danlfl." All nro welcome to become members of the Jttble class. A hocIhI will be held this evening at tho home of Klhcl Wntklns, on Par ker street, for the benefit of tho widows fund of the Christian church. Thomas H, Powell, a student of Key stone Academy, will occupy tho pul pit of the F.ngllsh Rnptlst church next Sunday, Instead of the new pastor. Rev! Mr. Smith, who will occupy his old pulpit In the Ilerwlck Haptlst church. Row Smith's term ns pastor of the. Kngllsh Haptlst church will liejlln n week from next Sunday. John R. Williams, the well known wrestler of this section, challenges Samuel Davis, also of this section, for n wrestling match, caieh-as-cntch-can, for any puise. Tonight will be the beginning of the night fair, which will be hold nt the Court Street Methodist Kplscopnl church, under the auspices of the Ladles' Aid society. Several small ar ticles, such as fancy work, made by the ladles, will be on sale at the dif ferent booths. Next Thursday evening the Modern Woodmen of America, with the assist ance of a degree team from the Green Ridge enmp, No. SS55, will initiate fif teen new members In the Providence camp. All members are requested to bo present. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Funeral of the Late William Stern Will Be Held This Afternoon Other News Notes. Tho remains of the late William Stern arrived In this city yesterday afternoon from Atlantic city, and the funeral will take place this afternoon from the family residence on Cedar avenue. Services will be held at the house by Rnbbl A. S. Anspncher, of tho Linden street synagogue. Interment will be made In tho Dunmore Jewish cemetery. Patrick Judge Arrested. Patrick Judge was arraigned before Aldermnn Jentes last evening on the charge of nssault and battery, pre ferred by Joseph J. Bruno. The witnesses were Miss Lena dvll llan and Oeorgo Fees, and after hear ing their testimony the alderman held Judge under $300 ball, which was fur nished by his brother, John Judge. Later in the night Judge swore out a warrant before Alderman Uruno for threatening his life. BRIEFLY TOLD. Comet bulge, No. 431, Knights of Pythias, will niet In regular session this evening at S o'clock in hartman's hall. IMtrlek Larkln, of Wllkes-Rarre, Is visiting 1-ilward Boyle at the la Iter's home on Fig street. Michael Smith and Stephen Duggan have returned from Lehigh, where they visited friends. The members of the South Scrnnton base ball club will meet at Working men's hull this evening, for the pur pose of reorganizing for the coming season, The Junior Order Tutted American Mechanics will meet In Schimpff's hall tonight. Tho menihers of tlio Catholic Mutual Aid and HenelU association will meet this evening at S o'clock at Pharmacy hall. The Knights of th? Maccabees met at Pharmacy hall last evening and trans, acted a considerable amount of busi ness. The St. Mury's church choir will meet for rehearsal tills evening In St. Mary's hall. ,....- .. - CREEN RIDGE. K. V. Jenkins, of Cnpoue avenue. Is recovering fiom u severe attack of lumbago. The annual convention of the Wo man's Foreign Missionary societies of the Presbytery of Lackawanna will be held in tho (ireen Rldgo Presby terian church next week. A large num ber of delegates ore expected, and the ladles of the church are pieparlng for nn Interesting session. At the regular monthly meeting of the Green Ridge Woman's club yester day, the members were most delight fully entertained by Miss Mildred Clreen, who recited, nnd with piano selections by Miss Monow. Ollleers were also nominated for election, Thursday evening, April 11. the mem bers of Green. Ridge lodge, No. tM3, In dependent Order of Odd Fellows, will celebrate their llftecnth anniversary In an appropriate manner. Misses Anna and liertha Jenkins spent yesterday with their sister, Mrs. Chapman, of Moosle. Mrs. C. F. Thorpe, of Forest City, Is the guest of Mrs. Chatles Toby, of Capouso avenue. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Thoinason, of North I'ark. are In Philadelphia. K. Jl. Sturges will lecture this even ing In the Capouso chapel of the Green Ridge Presbyterian church. Subject, "China." Proceeds to go toward the literary department of the chapel. All should hear him. The Indies of Christ church. North Washington avenue, will conduct nu Raster sale, beginning Saturday after noon nnd evening, April B, nnd con tinuing: for three evenings the follow ing week, Many attractive things will be displayed, such as plain nnd fancy aprons for ladles nnd children, kitchen aprons, children's dresses, sweeping caps, broom covers, stocking bag and bags of every description, besides fancy articles, An Interesting feu turn of the sale will be the display of gifts from guilds of other chinches from Con necticut to California, In the colleo tlon are fancy aprons, handkerchiefs and bags. Many more promised have not yet been received. Entertainment and refreshments have been provided for tho evenings following Kaster. POLICEMEN AND FIREMEN. They Will Be Swoni in Next Mon day After Reorganization. It Is not generally known that nil members of the police and lire depart ments, will havo to bo sworn In again ns soon as the ripper bill goes Into effect nest Monday. Assistant Solicit- Scranton's Business I THE GILHOOL WAGONS ARE ALWAYS LEADERS REMEMBER THE NAME AND STREET, 3IB TO 3SB N. SEVENTH ST. CLEAN SHOP. CLEAN TOWELS. CLEAN BARBERS, DIME BANK BARBER SHOP WITH BATH ATTACHED, SBC. SCRANTON. PA. FURNITURE. buy It of lllMHSflTON'. lie will Hint jou. ehe.ixt of them nil, for co.li! radeat of them nil, for lime. Z1 l'enn avenue. G RE E N' S The Old liill.nhle rvn tlrolier, 107 bacluwanm incline. Jtoncy loaned on diamond., uatcho, JeMcliy, muilcnt Instiumcnto, pcrvonJl property. 1'rlv.ito entrant)! jnd lulin 10nhdcntl.1l. CIGARS Tor retail and ax tr.nU All pojiuUr biandi at popular tiriicH. ALBERT WITT E, Corner Ppruco street and '.ihlnuton aenue. THE LINDEN OUICK LUNCH. OP. WINDSOR HOTEL, Selli tho beet Strata, l'liop and Lunches in tho city. Try us and be lonvinred. M F. WYMBS. FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 111'.' XicUon Slicet. M0 WjomiiiR e. CilN liv Telephone Iteceite I'luinpt Altcntlon PETER STIPP. (leneral Contraitor, lliillder and Denier in Pulldini; Mono, Cenientlnir of icllars a pc ci.ilty. Telephone 2S02. Olnie, r.''7 Washington avenue. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR KIRKPATRICK'S PURE SPICES AND FRESH ROASTED COFFRES. E. JOSEPH KUCTTEL. rear Stl l.aik.iu.imu avenue, iu.miif.irturrr of Who Sviitns f .ill kinds; fully pit pared for the fprim; mron. We nuke all kinds of porch Mreens, clc. urn liuuDM kiipmi luiLV. QOLDEiM Q ATE CASH STORE. .1. C llojcr. Pniprietnr, dealer In fine (inner lot anil Provisions, lino Cigars (-old b.v tin- box. 'Mo Washington avenue. THE NEW WALL PAPER CO. Has no old seeds lo vvoik ofT Kvery Ivle i.s new and u;ito-ditc. Our pilces aie lower than any others. 303 SPRUCE STREET. NEAR PENN AVE Meld, Scott k Co. ARE NOW OPEN FOR BUSI NESS. NEW GOODS COMING IN EVERY DEPARTMENT DAILY. 126 Wyoming; Avenue. or Davis prepared yesterday the blank commissions for each patrolman and liremaii. They are to be sworn In Just as mion as possible after the new director of public safety iissunvs otllee. Those who are not Invited to be sworn In will, of course, be numbered among the has-beens, but Itecorder Jlolr assured a Tribune man yesterday when the matter was broached that llieie would be very few changes. "It will .simply be a reorganization," said he. "and lln-ro will be no general shake-up at till." DUNMORff DOINGS. Japanese Wedding- Will Be Given Tonight nt Baptist Church Bar bers Object to Shaving. Tunlglit at the Baptist church oc cui'h' the widely heralded Japanese wedding and entertainment. Coffee and calto will be served at tho conclusion of the affair, for a nominal chtuge. The following Is the complete programme: Piano Selection, "lan- l.'chiane," MKs Lllzahcili It. Hush' Kullatlon. Silcited MI'S Lillian La llai .Tat anew Wedding. Solo Selected MIm l.lirabith Lewi, A Study lu "IJclsaiti'' Miss Lultlo Ju a Kecltation, Selected Ml Lva Thomas .l.ipancn; rantallia ...My slMeen Young laidiea Solo. Selected HNs i'dlabeth Hovv.llj Itifitatloi., SeUetrd .Mi. lain Protlnrne Clioius Hy Jaliaiieto Ladles Tableau, "Saluto of the Pans," Hy Twelve Yours Ladies Pie.ldilit Ml" sjUI'i"'" I'liHUl". ' Ai companl't MImw KlUabctli It, llushei. ItliiH'lor Mls Sadie (I. Jone. Object to Sunday Shaving. The promised crusade against Sun day nhavlng took dcflnllo shape yes terday, when Michael Sullivan, of Orovo street, was arraigned beforo Siiulto Cooney, charged by tho mem bers of the fiarbers' International union, recently organized here, with Sunday shavng. Evidence wus produced by those In the employ of the union which proved .such to be tho case, whereupon he was fined $1 and costs. Tho union Intends following up the mutter and will force till tho Sunday shaving shops In town to close on tho Sabbath. Borough Brevities. The ICpworth league will hold nn Im portant meeting tonight, when It Is hoped a largo number will bo present, Tho MIssch Mabel Kelly, Lucy Ileal, Hose McDonald nnd Kate O'Mulley THE3S ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. BEOURITY BUILDING A SAVINGS UNION, Home office, 20S-2OT Mem llnlldlnir, tunnel" Rencr.il bulldlnj and loan limine! throughout the- ttat of Pcnn.vlvnln. FARRELL'S TRANSFER Mom 1'rclglit. Furniture ml lliffgtge, Sfe, l'ljtici mid Machlncty. 22S LACKAWANNA AVE. M. A. FRIEDLANDER A OO. I..ie mt(d their .MIIHrri.v VM.iMWiment lo 'JOil .SiUrru Ae oinoitc luurt houe. Kutrr Oprnliur announcement Inter. JAMES I. QUICK. llmduirc, Stovc and I'litiiacej. Plumbing, (las-lilting and llooiliitr. Telephone, lonnectlon. W) I.ih k.iwamu ae. L CD WILLIAM JANKO. MERCHANT TAILOR. 32b NORTH WASHINQTON AVE. ltcpalrlntf and rfc lug done at abort hot ice. OP P. D.L. AW. DEPOT. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT, K I N M Q LADIES, LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NOW TOff TAILOR-MADE SUITS Sl'Kl'I.W. rainy day Skirt, mjde from good lrlh frieze, from $.t.M to iftn. Call tor climates at H.L.GLEASONS. BIO SPRUCE STREET, OPP. CCURT HOUSE, SECOND FLOOR. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. YOUNG'S HATS. LOUIS H. ISAACS. AI2 SPRUCE ST. MANHATTAN SHIRTS. FRED H. WINTER. 824 CAPOUSE AVENUE, Staple (irorrtlcs and Provision. , A full line )d Vegetable, etc., leeched 1I.1II1. Kellar Harris. Manufacturers of Harness, and dealcis in Hor..c 1'imiWiiiig (iooil'. Trunks and Tiuvellug llui!. llepairtng promptly attended to. Telephone rut 117 IV1111 avenue. Sraiitoii. Pa. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE l find Tenants for Kmply Houses, L'mpty Houses for Tenant, Collect Itcrits, Look Alter and Insuin Property and lluildlngs. WILLIAM G. LOOMIS, Rooms I and fi IJnrr building. COMMERCIAL QUICK LUNCH PARLORS. Clcanllne.v, Pure Pood, Polite Attention, Ilea- tenable Prices. Open day and night. Jdl and ami Spruce Kticet, .Scrantnn, l'J. leavo today for Stroudaburg Normal school, being accompanied by Superin tendent novord. Tlio Knlglits of J'ythlas niei-t In .Ma.suiili' hall tonight at the usual time. H. K. HroiiHon leaves today for Odensa, X. V wlieie he goe.s In attend the funeral of a relative. .Mrs. Pureell, of Kingston, In vlhltlug friends) lit town. ("oe Finch, of Cherry street, Is con fined to his homo by lllnerx. Mr. and Mr.. John Uellly. of Kim street, visited friends lu Archbalil es terday. MIsh Margarvt Uaney, of Lehigh, Is visiting friends lu town. Miss Ituth Hrenuen Is III ut her home on Hunker hill. Mrs, Jennie McICane huh returned from a visit of several weeks in Wayne county. OBITUARY. Iillss Edith Atherton. Mil- Lililh Ail.eilon, of Ta.vloi, died last cvenlpjr. She wa& 17 .cam of ai;e and vvell Known thioushout the cntlie valley. Ileot di-.-can1 was the nusi of deilh. 'ihe (uncial will lie held from the leahleme on South Main drcct at 10 uYloiU lliuivlav niciriig. DALTON. Mi P. it. Stevens, if Scronion. was the finest of Mi. WilllJin Aon StorJi la week. Ml. .1. W, Pii.liIliKr inteitalneil her un) Ie. llev. Wcllcidcy W. Ilomlidi, ). !., of liiookliii, N. V., on Thursday la.l. Mil. II, L. Moiuau and two ihildren, of Si tan ton, vlslled her eltir, Jin. It. II. Tlioinproon, on 1'ilday last. ' iUtt Mabel Puuly v)-a. in UlaiK's Summit on e. I ,t Ar .11 .. II. .it. 11.11 Ii'iliiujy ,)M bin; uiw i'i .'UK. i, I,, it otiti. I'ri'il Itacc. who lias bien a iwldent of thu place for .loino (line and who ii one of our hlirhly oteemed jounc men, has accepted a position in a ttoic at Chinchilla. After a liuzcrlns Illness fioui pneumonia, Mi firaia llaikir, aeid If. died al her lioinn Sat tuilay niiirtiiiiK ' C o'dwk. The funeral was held yesterday at l.er home at 2 o'rlocb. Hue. A, . Cooptr had tlurise of the service and he was aail.ied by llev. It. It. Thompson. Mls llmher was a member ot the Mnlor class of tins lUltvn lilfth uliool and would havo sraduated in Maj, hcioud in her ilaNS. she was al.o a mem lier of Ihe Mcthodl.t Sunday kIiooI. she Is mourned In her death by a nioilxr and in.'iiy youuK filvndi. The luterincnt tonic place at llcutou. Miv. Walter lioney i cnlei Uli.Iiiu her mother cii Strauton, A inu.lcat and pie m lal will be held in Ihe llapll.t ihnnli on Wednesilay rvrnliiK. 'I lie mthliul patt will ln.'ln at 8 n'tlivk afler vvhlcli de and other refivilimrnis will lu umlahcd for 15 (I'lllD. Mr. l.'rrd i'almcr cnleruluid tit r mother, of Seianton on Ihunalay, W'CMOtt Smllh is keilouily III with pneumonia. V M, Slierwond, of (ill nbuiii, has udteitl-cil his fanning utenslU loi talc this week and will Houses FRANK M. MOYER, Contractor and Builder. 020 PENN AVENUE. Jobbing of nil kinds promptly attended to. i:stimati:n i inxitn.i.i.v strnMiTTKix THE HOME SUPPLY CO. Itetnlls furniture, bedding and floor covering for ra! at wholesale price nt 724 W. LACKAWANNA AVE.. SCRANTON. WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY. HKl'.UIUM! A .SPIX'IALTY. F' GROSS, ASS SPRUCE. JAMES J. MURRAY, Stieccwor to (he Hunt k Connell Co., In tin and hcet inctnl work and ventilation. Carton fiiru.ucK, icpatra ami general tin uotlc a pochiliy. No. 132 Lackawanna avenue. PAVJI, WIINiir. W7 WASIIINOTOX AVKNUn. STEAM DYE WORKS. and I'n tub Dry Cleaning and Itcnnbiulng. (foods cillcl or and delivered. Telephone tomirct Ion. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES AT S. RADIN'S 123 PENN AVE- alex. hay, house, siqn and decorative PAINTER AND PAPER HANOER, 3SI MULBERRY Sr. WOLF & MLANE, 222 Adams Ave. Easter Millinery WENZEL Praitteal Plumberi, Tliuurs and (iant tds. I'urnaens a Snf r I n 1 t y. Itrpalrlng piomptly done. 210 Adams ave., Scran ton, Pa. WILSON a COMPANY. Pa.hlonable Tailors (lintel .Irrm.vn nultrlii). .KM pruee meet, s-ranton. Pa. Milts pre-aeiJ, X cents j pants prrsil, 10 ienl. C.lnthinc re paired, (.illcd for and delivered. New Phone. 21192 H. a. riefenberg. Plumbing, Tinning and Heating, Sole agent for llouaul I'lnnsee, Telephone 4.11'.'. .'17 Linden -treet. THE CHEAPEST llet and nuhkest plaie In (he clly to hare .vnur boirt IHcd; vo use nothing but Oak Tan Ltather and ilrl elats vvorkmamhip. IJ7 Linden Direct, npiKwite postofllce. DR. E. V. BEARDSLEY. dentist. Poinierlv Willi Dr. Hill. 32f SPRUCE ST. MRS. SARA ALLYN, MANICURE. CHIROPODIST AND SCALP TREATMENT will remove April ,1 fern ( ounell P.ullding to frtl and .'01, Mears llulldiiu. AMUSEMENTS. I YCEUH THEATRE - 111:1s k nnnai'NnEn. Lcnscei. A. J. DUll'V, Mjiuscr. ONi; MlillT ONLY. Tuesday, March '2(5. The grandest Min-lrrl Organirillnn in (he wnrl'Jj J. 11, HAVLIiLV'h Mastodon Minstrels W. L. N'ankeville, sde UMiicr. Headed by tin li'iogniieil le.nlins inliisliel of the universe. (!i:oik;i: wuii 1110 again WILSON. All blight new lealuics. Piiicii, i"i ccnta tel $1. scats nn Mle Saturday at y a. in. Thursdny, March 28. Mr. Tim Murphy, In Sol Smith nuvscll' Oirat Ruicess. ft Bachelor's Romance A ( oiiKdy in I'our i Is b.v Martha Morton. A Complete ami L'latmah' Production in liver Detail. Tour I'mUr Hue. linn of I'llKII C. W.UGK'.l. PiUo Xc , Sue., i.V I si.im. Itox anil I.W Scat, frL.'m. Seals on Mle TucMlay at n a. in. DM: MtillP ONLY FRIDAY, MABCH 29. "One of the tivv wonnn un the latin dav tac nlio un laiiuh and have the vorld laugh villi her."-New Vnll. Herald. Harie Dressier and fmtv ollu ik iu-.t jl irood. Piwentina tli l.ile-l cilitimi ut miKlial loinedy Miss Prinnt Pllec-. 2.V.. ,VK , .k , J.) I) and M Uf. Siuti) on K.ile WeducMlav al II a. in. ACADEHY OF HUS1C, RI!IS&niIH(lUNI)l!. IIARKY A. UROW.1 Managers and Usscti. Local Manager. MoMiY. TI'I.'DM NI) Wi:il.NP.SnAY, I si M. MATINPr.s. WILLS BROTIIEBS COMEDY CO, in PAiK i-: riiunm. Tucday Milinec "Two (lid froiiie.-, " Tuesday LvcnliiK- "li Atlanlle Cuv." THLn-nAY. rum vv ami smnrnv. "THE TIDE OF LIFE." lalltlee Price. 1.1. 11 icnts. Kvenlnc Prices, M. "... and .VI cents. NewGaietyTheatr ALP. 0. HKHUIMVrO.N, Manager. Three Days Commenclnp; Thursday Matinee, March 28. "Wine, Women and Song." LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL I CURES iBiliousnoss. Constipation Dyspepsia, ISIck-Koau -lacho and Liver Complaint. SUGAR COATBD. Sold hy all druggist ornrnt hy.inall, Nenlta Medical Co., ChlcijO Sold by Mi Canal) k Thomas, Uru;slti, -joi Lackawanna avenue, Siranlon, Pa. move Api II 1 (u tills alare ami will occupy th liouao iii wliuli Mr. Mnxley now lives, Mimi Fanny liiivhlniei spent salurdiy In I'ao. tor.vvllle. .Iiw-e (;w)rr. of Wjouilnj femlnaiy, fpent &ua. day with hla patents ucic. HiiTiaiiJiff.il WULaV nLaULlsssHsl 100 PILLS I 2S CTS. J.it-fHj. Ss ..jKL-sflSi U k.ft
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