The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 26, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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A iniTUvIt Cl.n.UtlXfi IIOl'Si: for the tli-nt.
" tit o( All Vho lino Hoihm to llcr.l. Kfal
IWnlP or Ollirr IToiutly In Sill or KulutiKC jr
Wlm Wont Sitiutlnru or llcli TIicbc Small .Vil
li rtlcnicnt O.l One (rut a Wunl. Mx lnr.
tlom for Hv? t'nt a oiil-i:tc.t.t SltuatlcnJ
Wur.loil, Mili h Are Iiwrted free.
nii.siiiiui) itnooji wini noAiii) at mik
Uttib'n, 47 Lincoln mniiicj ti I il'lc l.iril
n be cMalniil by the vvrek or month.
Dr. John S. Nllcs Purchases the Bol
ton Property at a Bargain.
The miction ulo of the Bolton prop
erty, on North Mnln street, took plm-c
on Saturday afternoon, u large iium
Y'W of luterctcil townspcoplf' holnu
jircicnt. The lilililltiK for a time wh
qtilto Ik-fly. hut when $l, wns blil
by It. II. Reynolds thtre wen1 no
lilKlier tiiu-H on'm-d. The auctioneer
then announced Hint Mrs Hollon had
n pilvite oltcr of S'.noo mid that If any
, no wnnlcil to Mil hlRher he niuat
'do It itil"Uly. There were no more
The private offer was made by Dr.
.lohn S. Nile, who owns the adjoin
ing property ami to him the sale wan
A Tribune reporter win lnfoinicd
y. .sterday that l"r. NIIi-.s had ncciulrcd
the property fur the purpose ot con
verting It Into the new hospitnl of
vlilch there has been so much talk lc
cently. The doctor was sit busy Inst
evening with lilt patients that he
oiilil spaie but a few minutes for an
Intel view, but fiom what ho said It
may bo Inferred that a new hospital
Is not Improbable.
"Doctor," he was asked. "Is It true
that you ptirchasod the Bolton prop
el ty for a hospital such as Is contem
plated by the lecently orstuilzcil na
boeiatlon here?"
'Well I don't know what I will do
with the house yet. I have already
had several advantageous offeis to dis
pose of my bargain all at higher llg-nri-s
than 1 paid."
"But I have been lnfoinied by a phy-j-lclan
In this city that your motive for
pin chasing was to tutu It into a hos
pital." pursued the leporter.
"I hint n't mad" up my mind as yet
just what I shall do. You may say,
howeer. that th leport that 1 shall
lit It up for the life of my father. Or.
A. Nllcs, Is Incorrect. I shall probably
lvake up my mind in a few clays as to
what 1 will do, and will let you know."
The pi leu the doctor paid for this
piece of property Is very low. Some
time ago Mrs. Bolton, It Is ald. refused
?&.Ciu lor the plarv.
An Unusually Brilliant Programme
Will Be Offeied to the Public.
Tonight the third and final iccltal In
the series given at the Trinity I'rlml
tle Methodist church for the organ
1 iiml will be held. The llrst two reci
tals given weie of line quality and
gicatly pleased the large audlenecs
w hleh listened to them. Tonight's
musical feast gives promise of exceed,
lug the former two and it Is conlldently
expeetcd that the attendance will he
fully equal to If not greater than the
preceding events. I'rof. Haydn Kvnns,
the famous organist of this i Ity, with
n studio at Scraiitnn. will be nt the
organ, and he will be assisted by Mrs.
1,. II. Unindage, soprano, and YV. A.
Huberts, basso, both well known vocal
ists of the Klectrle City. The follow
ing programme will be rendered:
AiiiIjiiIo (ficin I'lfili .tinilion.O,
Mr. I'.vatii.
"I Know 'IVit Mv limloMiKT Llwth"
M rs. ISrupil.iitc
"fpnnc f-ons" Memlclvioliii
Mr. Ilvain.
ll'lmM Your Kins" Wilklu'On
Mr. Bolictts. ,
Tuiti in I' Hull
Mr. Kv.iih.
"alvf, Jl.v houl" Wb'eui.l
M rs. Ilrumlicc.
() "Niclit t-rtiR" Vo,:t.U iriMi
(h) Allrgirlto 'llioniao.Uarri.ii
Mr. IIv.iih.
(a) "tSmlly,, (I, dully I.cail IV
(UiMi Aiin
(b) "llurt'oa llcautiliil I .mil on IHkIi".. .TJjIor
Mr. Itobrils ,
l' M.iuli Iluik
Ml. IIvjiii.
''A Picjiii of 1'jtnlNc" liny
Mi. Hi in. .l..i' nml Mr. llubi'its
Will Push Collections,
i'. W. Kcniumi, collector of the
j-chool tax, lids announced that here
after he will take mote stringent meth
ods to enforce payments from all de
linquents than he has In tin past, i'oii
Muble II. 11. Pierce, for Mr. Seaman,
has made two leIes for unpaid taxes.
They were on the piopertlcs of (Scorgo
V.illur, ot Canaan stivet. and Mrs.
Mary Famll, of Belmunt sticct. The
talcs will take place on April I.
rearinp n Cave-in.
Snue the recent cuvr-ln In tlv road
toil near the No. 5 school building on
l'lko Mieet, It Is said that the ground
n?ar the school rInch evidence ot crack
ing, mid as a result a large number ot
pftoplo arc keeping their chlldr.Mi at
Mv. Blrchatd Here.
J. .1. Hhchurd, of West Virginia, vis
Hed friends In town yesterday. For a
number of years Mr. Blrchnrd resided
in Wayno county ntul this city. He is
now engagi'sl In the lumber business
in his present home.
A New Millinery Store.
Miss Annlo Duffy has iciited the HI
brvcht store on North Main street, and
It Is b-'lng icniodelled for her millinery
About a Former Resident.
V V.. Ounuier, formerly proprietor
ot tho Hotel Anthracite. In this city,
is a candidate for ie-olectlon ns prcsl
dent of the village of Port Jervls. The
Gazette of thot place puys him tho fol
lowing compliment;
"It Is ui!(lenliibk that Mr. Ounuier
has made u- good piesident of our vil
lage. No ono presumes to question
Getthrireuulup. Kefiuenibslllutes.
ti-U ntloa Oil cures Kliciiniatium. 13 A as ct.
Cntc nit Throjt aud Lunjj AlTcctloni.
Carbondale Department.
(hat fuel. Ho 1ms carefully attended
to the duties of Ills olllce, personally
supervising every detail ot woik done.
As showing how attentive ho Is to his
olllclal duties, the fact should ho
known that ho never mh.Fcd but olio
tegular meeting of the board of ttus
tees. No other duties me permitted to
call him away."
Florence A. E. Proctor.
Mis. Harry Proctor died suddenly
Sunday night at MO o'clock, at her
home near White's dossing. She gave
birth to a child about tluce weeks
ago, after a very severe attack of gilp.
On Sunday blie visited her parents, Al
derman and Mis, Williams, at No. I.
and leturiled homo apparently well, but
tired. In the evening the family were
gathered In the sitting room, Mrs. 1'ioe
tor holding the latum in her arms.
Suddenly the llttlu one coughed severe
ly and the mother became fright mum!.
Air. Williams iclleved her of the child
and had Just transfeired It to his arms
when the mother fell to the lloor. Help
was suiumoiicil and word sent to Or.
John Nllsn and her parents, but before
they ai lived she had cxplied without
having gained consciousness.
She was born at No. fi, Aug. 2ii. 1S7D,
but for many yems lived with her par
ents In this city. She wns man led to
Harry Proctor, shipping clerk for It.
P. Pattei son's Sons, on Dec. S Is!'".
Besides her parents, husband and In
lant daughter, two stcpilaughtvrs.Wln
nie, aged In, and Birdie, aged S, sur
vive her.
The f unci al services will be held at
2 o'clock this afternoon In the ehapI
al No. I, being conducted by Uov. Dr.
(Scorge A. Place, of Honesilale. Inter
ment will be made In Maplewood ceme
tery. Patrick C. Carden.
P.Uilck ('. I'nrden. of Dtinilnff str-et,
died yesterday morning at !."(' o'clock
of lung and heart troubles, after an Ill
ness of about six months.
Mr. Carden was born in County Sllgo,
Ireland, In 1S15. He came to Carbon
dale when ii oung man, and had made
his home here since. lit- was a mem
ber of the Pioneer Father Mathew so
clety and of St. Hose church.
He Is survived by Ills widow, thiee
sons, William T P. .1. and K. D. Car
den. and three dauglit 'is, Mrs. W. II.
Mahon. Mrs. A. .1. Klanuelly and Miss
Nellie Carden, all of Carbondale. The
funeral will be announced later.
Shot a Dog.
Constable Michael Mor.m shot a dog
yesterday atternoon in front of the
i Ity building, which was acting in a
very peculiar manner. The animal
Jumped around and ten Hied a mimbet
of peole. Mor.m had to lose consid
erable time In llndlna: a pistol. When
he had obtained one. however, he Hied
six shots at the canine and eti'ectually
cuied the llts or spasms, or whatever
uflllctcd it. The body was unclaimed
and was i.nted nwav by the stirot
clearing department.
Dundaff Street Cleaned.
The stieet .leaning depaitmetit. un
der Koicinan Kllleen, made a clean
sweep of Dundatf street yestciday,
with the mM of the sweeping machine.
Th -io Is a good deal of fertilizing ma
terial swept up and uirted away In
these spiiug i aids on dlits, and If any
cltlreu wishes to put a top diesslng on
his gulden or glass plot It would be
economical for him to semi a team
around and gather some of It, and the
department will gladly give It if It Is
taken away without cost to the city.
No Quorum Piesent.
Last eenlng the iinal tegular meet
ing of the piesent common council
was scheduled, but the session was not
held, owing to the failure ot a quotum.
A I S.r.O o'clock Cleik 1-oftus called the
roll, which showed but live mem
bers weie on hand. Councilman Nca
lun then moved the council ad
join n to meet next Monday iiioiiiiug
April I, for the ti.insaetion of all un
llulshed business.
Meetings Tonight.
Division No. 11, Ancient urder lllbcr.
St. Vincent de Paul.
l.ueietla lodge, ,N'o. ino, Daughters of
l.i.ckaw.inna.lilbe, No. 20$, Improved
Older lied Man.
Krlghts ot Honor.
I, ouil union, No, 1 .til 1 .
DatighteiH of St. George.
Last Night's Conceit.
A large audience attended Hie con
ceit and entertainment given last
evening at the Church of our l.mly
of Mount Cariucl. The night was a
stormy on", but that did not detiact
fiom the iittendanio to an appicclable
extent. Tim affair was thoiuughly en
Joyed and It Is quite probable that in
the near future It will bo repeated.
A Disagreement Over Night Work.
Kniployes of the Delaware and Hud
son loeoiuotlo shops, who have been
working oviitlmc for sumo weeks past,
iccenlly demanded pay for
exttn time, and as their demand was
not granted they icfiised to work last
I'Tldii nlfihl. Tho nun think thev
should get ray and a thiid for night
and Sunday woik.
Tho Coming Eair.
The cottage Hose company will open
n fair In the Burke building on April
IB. to continue tor one week. One
handled dollar in gold, a China tea set
and other articles will be disposed of
by chance, and an entertainment, to be
follow ed by dancing, will bo given each
evening. Tho in cut Is being looked
forwaid to with much Interest.
Is n Candidate.
M. .1. Ilornn, of Singer's Park Cloth
ing House, has announced himself as
11 candidate for tho otllco of city cleik,
thus making the struggle a tilaugular
0110 between N. D. Moon, the present
Incumbent; Kied Thoiuiin unit Mr.
A Mission,
It Is announced that a inlblsou will
open nt St. Hose church on Sunday,
Apill II. It will he conducted by the
Uedemptorist Fathers from the Sara
toga Mission limine.
At tho flpern House.
Pildiiy nightTun Mui'phy In "A
Bachelor's llonmnce,"
Tlionc :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
Fugitive from Justice Nailed on
Main Street by Constablo Neary.
Constable H. J. Neuty, of this city,
made n clever capture on Saturday of
a fugitive from Tunkhannock, charged
with foigery. On Friday evening Mr.
Neary iccclved a telegram from tho
county seat of Wyoming, asking tor
the apprehension of a forger nml giv
ing a description.
3n Saturday afternoon the constable
came face to face with the man ad
vertised for. He knew him at unco by
the singular choice of apparel the gen
tleman wore. He was a walking em
bodiment of a Wild West show, with
out the Ureal 111s. He had on a huge
bearskin overcoat, a wide Mexican
sonibieio mid other fittings to match.
Mr. Neary pioposed that the two
take a stloll together. At first the
man demuried, but Mr. Neary con
vinced him that It was the proper
thing mid escorted him' to the Hotel
Atncrl"an. where the alleged tot get
was staying. Later they took u train
to Wllkes-liarre onil arrived In Tunk
hannock catly Sunday moiulng.
The prisoner was lieorgo 1'. C1I01111.
wanted In Tunkhannock for forging a
piomissory note, with the names of
Mr. and Jits. Albert Depew. The
amnutil of the note was $7S. He had
had It cashed In the Ui.ihutn House
theie and then skipped out. He was
hehl nt the county Jail after Con
stable Ncmy surrendered him, for the
next teini of court.
Next Friday Night at the Grand
Opera House.
Mr. Tim Murphy Is the spei lit at
traction. Mr. .Murphy, who Is sup
ported by Miss Dorothy Shell od and
the Sol Smith Bunnell company, will
present heie "A Bachelor's Boiuance,"
the beautiful play In four acts, written
by Martha Morton. In this comedy,
which a writer has' desctlhed as "a
gentle fancy, soothing In narration
mid brimming with unctuous humor
and quaint pnthos," ns may be Im
agined, Mr. Murphy plays the pait of
David Holmes the woild-wcary monk
of books nnd letters who for vears
has snuggled in his quiet gnnet, un
mindful of the world about him, sur
rounded by his poor, stiuggllng llter
niy ft lends. About twenty years pass,
during which time he has been the
guardan of his dead ft lend' daughter,
who has grown to beautiful woman
hood, and David, without forgetting
his duties of gum ill. in. for he has pro
vided for her, has still neglected his
waul until one day. miming away fiom
Iter adopted mother, she seeks her
guardian In his attic home. Then fol
lows the awakening of David. From
out of the shadow he conies, from out
of his lethement, until the evolution Is
complete, the lejuvenatlon of David
Holmes. As may bo Imagined, Mr.
Muinhv has never had a better iide.
All the scenery and properties will be
hi ought by the company. The ladles
wear beautiful gowns, some of which
were made by Worth, of Pails.
Election of Officers.
Tile semi-annual election In LiipUp.
w.inimi tiilie. Improved Older lied Men,
takes place tills evening. There will be
dcgice work also. The mutter of elect
lug a delegate to the convention In
New Yoik In dune has attracted such
Intriest In the order that locally It Is
the one question to come up tonight,
.lohn I'.'. Bone Is the repiesentatlve of
Ibis sectlou of the state and he has
opposed to him the more than 100
lodges ot Philadelphia.
The revival rervlees whiih were to
have been slatted In th? First Congre
national church last night bv the Bev.
Mr. Peabody have been postponed to a
date In the near future.
The Passing Throng.
Mrs. ciune Is veiy HI at her home on
Canaan stieet.
II, .1. Coleman, of Sci-anton, was call
ing on the tiade here yesterday.
Miss Daisy Brownell, who has been
veiy sick, Is able to be out again.
Thomas Coleman, of Philadelphia, Is
the guest of his parents for a few days.
John Mahon. of tho Scranton Sun
day Free Press, was a visitor In town
Mis. Barnes, of Scianton, Is the guest
of her bister, Mrs, John Clune, on Dun
datf street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. T. Colvllle have
been spending some days at Virginia
Beach, Va.
.lohn Altkcn, jr., and Silas McMul
leu, of Chester Military academy, mo
home lor Kinder.
Mis. William (Irmly, daughter Liz
zie and son Thomas, of Church street,
spent yestciday In Heranton.
Will Clifford, of Mlddletown. N. Y.,
Is the guest of his mother, Mrs. Cath
erine CUffoid, on Cottage stieet.
Mis. Patilck Clifford and two chll
ilien, of I.eadvllle, Col,, nro the guests
of Mr. mid Mrs. John Clifford, on Cot
tage street.
Daniel White left Sunday for Forty
Fort, wheie he will spend a brief time
wltli his gimidpaiciits befoie resuming
his studies al Bloomsburg State Nor
mal school.
Misses Maggie and Minnie Love are
spending a few days with friends heie
They rnme 011 from Brooklyn, N. Y ,
to attend the funeral ot their aunt,
Mrs. Mmy Beeves, at Kingston. Miss
Maggie hi a nleie of Kdward Clmkson
and was formerly a resident of Car
bondale, Neives Like n Flat-Iron.
A woman who suffered for three
yems fiom noivous pi ostrat Ion says
two bottles of Llchty's Celery Nervo
Compound effected a coniplefo cure.
Sho IiuhUv knows today whether she
has nerves or not. as sho never (cell
them It Is certainly a wonderful rem
edy. Hold by Matthews Bios
A trliiiiaui Win H'lrbiil licio ?uinla miilnj
freni CrantuMil, V I , aiuioimvlni; 1I10 ik'jtli of
IV.w.urt siiibbs, jfur 11 lew boum' IIIihm of
i'.iiiloy, ll.iuiil. Aim hail only left the bo
loiiuu a few il.iu Ik Inn- wai uniurinlly c
ami hrarty at the I lino el hU ticpai tuiv mul 'K'
mux of hl 1I1 .1II1 cnimil quite a tliuiU thiougli.
out tllO Ik'IihiuIi.
Nid, u Ii- was bunilUily r.illnl, had b'Tn 1
reel lout of the boioiuli n the past lail).c
)iar. lb' uji a mill )f many (Millent tmiti
nn J mi aiiounl of Ills umiy nml Krulil illqvi.
lion v,ii held In rttriin by tho cntiro
eoiMiniinll.v .iml iniiili in.atliy U rpiekod for
his wife nml 1I1IM who iuio him, pfoiii.-nl
wiic bum near IlilalilDii rnclaiul lnily-town .var
U311, 'Ihc irinaliM wrm bioimht liom (Yanili'M
011 the (U.I IMiujie ami lliulton train ljt
ninlnc ind n tho furcul arrangnnrnt vxre
not inadj until fr llm ttaln'a tliry wcr lint
complete In time for publication today, It Is
however, piobable tho funeral will laVe pluco to.
morrow altrnioon. The members of Federal
union, Ko. "1T3, at a tperlal mcctlnc held la.d
evrnlnj decided to atlclnd the funeral In a bodv,
Peeeaied vaa a member ol the aboc oriranlra
tlon, tlin l'roldcicc bdae of Odd Fellow", and
one of the timal nelhe and prominent ineinberi
of Crjttal Flto company No. L
A rrjailar meetlnit ol the Umelery awoiti'lcn
wmh held lt ecnlnc at the office of the ei
rdary. Amoni; the ImtineM tramadol w-a th?
iilnpllon of the following irimlutlonl "tlrvibed.
That ni pel-noil tm allimnl to do any work on
the cemetery except upon their own lot
without tltt obtaining p.Tinblon ol the wiper
Intcnrlent," Court Lily of the Valley, Atn'ient Order ol I or.
extern, will on f-.iturd.iy evening raffle a sold
wiiliti for the 1-rneHt of John Luea.', one of the
inen-beia who has been In poor heiltli for the
pad two. jrarj. Tho wauli whlrli h a vatmMj
one h.u been on exhibition In the llinhbrook dru
tore for neveral wrcki pad. The committee In
chtrjic cl tho atTdr icipicst all tle who hae
booki out or money in their hwwIoh to return
aanc t.i the comnilttee tomurrnw rienlng.
Ida llnkrndilre, iIhiikIiKi' of Mr. nnd Mrr.
Samuel llrokrudilie, l 111 of puruiiionl 1,
Unlng to the b,eaklug of k portion ot II"'
iiuthinery ut Ihc fan liou; the Delaware and
)liidou colliery v,n bile yektuday, Operallo.n
will be resumed tlil-t morning.
Mr. and JIih, lid Moon, of 1'aibondale, weie
the fitieds of Mr and Mr. John Solomon, of
Main treet on Sunday.
Mii, Anr.i Mulhall, ol llar.Iclou, I vldCng
irlulira here.
At Ihc nieotlug ol the Jrflrroon Lltuary
fooiet, of Maflell, the following otfkrM weir
ilertrd: Pieldent, .lohn Killers vlie piefi
denl. Ilvi i;a luntii recictar.v, MIm Amu
Mil.iitli.v; irillc. MIm Maltha Waljhi
irilli. Mi.- Amj Williams; cciuor, vtbs 1 011I1
Wind wa reeehed here jcttenlay of the death
ot John Corcoian at Newark, N. .1., after an 111
new of two weeks. Drceasid waa bom In Haw
lev, thirty-thc .vraia ago but In" lesldrd at lhl
pl.icn clnrc bo.ihood, lie w'ai widely known and
Ii) Ids kciiIiI dUposillon made many friend).
He win the ton of Mr. and Mr. Anthonv Cor-i-iatv.
of Dumnorj street, v-h- aunhe" him.
nln foui ihildieii and the following brntherii and
fir: Mri. John l.joni, Mrn. ,Iamc tVillirr,
Mik. I. 1'. Caw ley, MIm Saiali Conoian, l'.itilek
and Anthony Corcoran, t'ndertakcr John Hnan
wmt to Newark jestenlay and took chaigp of
tho renialm which arrived heie lid night. The
funeral will be auuoiimid lain
Mr". I'utheilne Thomas and Ml-w CiowH
TI101u.11 Fi-ent .Sunday with Scranton friend.
The flint rat of Vera, the lnfunt dmghter of Mr.
ami Mrs. Thouu" Thoinai-, of lluiUon Mn-cl, "-T
held jriteidav altrmnen at .". oiluik. Inlrr-lut-nt
a 111.11I0 in t'nlon ceunlcM.
The living I'irneli roinpanv oenril a thiee
titghtk' rngagrincnt at the Father Matthew- opera
boue lat night when they prrMiitnl "A Itiui
uway Wife," befoio n bilge audience. 'I he
ii-inp.lny U a viry supciior one aud Is Hire Io
hnee .1 crowded home evi-iy evening. Vl.iny
plmdng specialties ale given. Tonight ' Jolly
Affair" will be picienlcd.
'1. I. .lone attended the (uncial o( the late
Ibniv Jones at lljile Park on Muid.iy.
J. II. Lilly ipent Sumhy with Vllke.n.irre
Frank Vbriliuil, ot New- Voik, was a vidtor in
town Saturdiv.
MIk-oh Kale HeJidoii and Nellie Sullivan, of
SViaiiton. weie vldtoia hen: on Sundiy.
M. J. MeXmlrevv, of I'lllatnn, N. J., U upend.
Ing .1 few- d iva at 1I1I1 place.
Mnilutit W. I'. Kcleham reieived a ti le
plain Saluiday annnuni Ing the deilh of his
mother, Mi. Charlotte A. Kelrhain, at
maroo, Jlleli. Mie died batuidav. The
will lake plaic today at Kalamazoo.
II S. Illoes, of Vardon, W.ijne iiuinly, who
Is vi-lling Iil 1,011, W. S. Illor-i. of Main tliert,
wa- taken Mck a few djjn ago and ii now- quite
I1.1 Jenklii, of Prospect Hill, I-, conflnid to
Ills home by illness.
There will be a regular meeting of the W il-on
Fire company held at their roonn this evening.
(I1e.1t sachem A. A. A.vrei ii at Nanllioke In
the Inleied of the Improved Ordir of Ited Men.
Lid Sunday morning at the Ilaptld Chun Ii,
Itev W. II. Wllllann, the Diinniucr i:vangell.t,
pienchnl hU faiewell m-iiikhi. It waa lull of
Three Real
Are the Months That Trv the Nerves and
Derange the Blood.
Pe-ru-na Is Known the World Over as an Ideal Spring Tonic
and Blood Purifier.
WllV IS It Al"11 ,,ni1 Mu'
" tiro so trying to
the nerves and so euro to piodtico
blood derangements? The fact thut It
Is so Is known to neatly everybody.
But why It Is so Is not so clear to
Some of the reasons me that the
bracing nlr of winter Is a thing of
the past. Tho enervating ncainess of
spring equinox Is felt. The gathering
heat of the tropica begins to send pie
monltlons of its approach. The reaction
ot lassitude that follows tho nerve
tension of winter Insidiously threatens
everybody. Hence the prevalence of
ncivous diseases, flagging energies, de
pression of spirits, tendency to vveail
ness and a continuous sense of tiled
ness. The tonic that restores without stim
ulating is I'eitinti. Cnllke the bitter
tonlcft of quinine and sM-yehnlu. Bern
11a does not key the nerves up to ,1
high tension but refreshes and testores
them with a lasting exlilllratlon
which only uatuial strength can hi Ing.
I'eruna Is not a quick, llashy, tem
porary piod to the nervous system, hut
n gmtl-i lejitvenatlng tonic that te
stores the nervous rystctu to a pcttcct
earnMlnem and nude a deep Impielon upon hl
hearer". Mr. Wllliiins' ieivlrei lido were In
let nipt eil hv the IIIiii-m ami death of lilt wife.
Neverthelei", hi" vllt hen- h.u been a dieting
to mm), and he his the vmpathj ot ilie om
iiiunity In hii present torruw.
The evangelistic- ncrvlica ut the lliptdt iliuuli
will be continued four nlghtK tills w(k. II' v
Pr. Spent er, of lllakelv, will pii-.u Ii tonight;
Mr. . II. I'ipl, W'nlne-slay night, nnd Itev
S. F. Mathewi, of Nr.inlnu, Tliur-di) night
All nie ronllally Invitrd to hear them.
The rummage l-ale by the lidlei of tlie It tp
tlt (lunch will begin next Mondaj. All ile
tiring to contribute any artlib- for it will
plr.i'o leave word at W. W. Watkiiii' ding
Mr. and XIr. 'Ihcodnre White, of Suaiitnii,
weie the guoti of Mr. and Ml.". W. I', lvitihain
on Sunday.
(I, W, Thoipe, of South T.uoiu.1, liai been
the giict of hli niphew. A, I . Thoipe, toi II11
pit few diva.
To Prevent Pneumonia and dip
Laxative llroiuo ('ulinue remonii the t-a-i-e. '
'Ilie peifoimintc given by the Lleilin t liv
minotrcl ticmpe nt Weber's link I ml evening,
for the bcnittt of the I'llie Llbi.n.v aoii.itmti
was one of the giandc--t tieals atTordid our ptople
lor i-oine lime. 'Ilie putielpantu performed
llicir parts cxirrdingly well. Ihc tiiidlrin e wa"
large ami attentive, and every cue felt that
they reieived thu worth ot thilr mom).
'I he (lirenvvood mine", Nns. 1 and 'i, of the
pi-lawarr and Hiidaon Canil (oinpauv, will lie
pihl tnmoiiow-.
The Xoung Womrn'-t lempeiauie union of the
Calvar) baptist thuuli will meet tnmoiiow
altrrnoon at the heme ot Mr. (ieorge lloopn,
on Tuvlor tint.
Mii. William M. Lvan wan the hukv winner
of tlie door prize at the Slcwait Manor 111 ihiinh
filr on Friday night, which wai a 10 pound
Mik of Hour.
piuggijt W. W. Watkin", of I'eckvllle, viilted
relatives In thii borough jotrnli.
The funeral of the late llavlil ('. l)iti will
orcur II1L1 allemoon at 2.SU o'clock fiom the
BargainsLadies' High Class Suits
Be Equalled Elsewhere,
Is Not How Che;
But How Good in Value
That has been our aim since we started business, and that will be our aim while we
remain in business. These elegant Suits for Ladi es at
$9.98 $14.98 $19.98
Not the lowest priced suits in tlie city by anv means, but they're the best values in tlie city bv a long
shot, and we beg of you to prove this statement by a careful c.wimin ition 0fwh.1t is offered elsewhere at
similar prices before you come to see these exquisitely made garments of strictly high class make and stvle,
at the moderate prices we quote. You can get lower priced suits in plentv. Wc have them if you wani
them, but these three numbers are so far beyond what you could reasonably expect for the mo icy that
they will more than surprise you. Let us repeat the figures:
$9.98 $14.98
These marvelous values were picked up by Mr. Rreschel while on a business trip
week, and will go on sale for the first time this morning,
See Our Superb All
Silk Lined Suits at
Our $60.00 Suits we have reduced to $45.00 and our $50.00 Suits to $35.00.
We do not believe in reducing our prices on goods after the season but right in
the height of the season we have cut prices so as to give everybody a chance to
get high-grade goods at reduced prices. ,
Three Real High-Grade Suits That Are Unequalled for
Style, Quality and Beauty.
y ""f",,
Viy Is It thut the blood gets out of
order In the spiiug? This Is directly
due to the almost Inevitable Indiges
tion of pprlng. Outing the winter
moniliH milcli mote food Is rciiuiicd
to protect the body ngalnst the vicis
situdes of the climate. Digestion has
been prodded to Its utmost.
As spring approaches the system 10
qulles les'i mid soon becomes clogged
by excess of niitiitlon. This loads the
blood with unneccsaiy nutritive nm
U'llitl. Very quickly the digestive or
gans themselves become deranged. Hie
cept by the stile.tcst diet this cannot
be avoided.
A catarrhal condition of tin- whob
digestive tract very quickly results.
Pet una restoies digestion by bringing
the mucous membranes of the stomach
and other digestive organs Into a nor
ma! condition. This Immediately clems
the blood of nil supeiilllous nuclei lul.
To cleanse the sticaui, the souue of
the stteani must be cleansed. The
source of the blood Is the digestion. To
cleanse th blood the source must be
cleansed. Peruiia makes perfect diges
tion. Pet una corrects Impure blood by
correcting the fountain from which
these impurities spring. No liieilielue
can clMinse the blood that docs not
produce perfect digestion.
The dyspeptli with his coated tongue,
homo of Mlmiiev J I'. Wiilklii", on soulh Mliu
tti-et. luteimriil will lie niiili In Ilie 'irby triuelcry.
l-uk lU.mii.i loilue. No lit, xiuriicau l'rotot
ant .i-Mi. 1 iliun II nnet in Hull inonw In
Iteetc'ri lull 1I1K evening. hnpoitaiit luiiness
ilrltialidi the prremc- of nil number".
Mli ' Mamie Fran, ti .mil Jiiuile llirrn re
turned to irmnie iheir Mtnllo-t at llli-niii-lun;
I'aW I 1 Will1 il 1 11
Greatly Reduced
Our entire stock of Graphaphoues, Rec
ords aud Supplies arc being sold at less
than cost. We are closiug out this depart
ment of our business. The very latest
Records will be sold as cheaply as the old
ones. If you are interested, better come
while the assortment is here.
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue.
Zaf n&
loss of appetite, depresEcd splilts. has
only to take a few doses of I'eruna to
b amarcil at the cluinisu that occurs.
Pet una ullleklv dlsslimtea the host of
symptoms that attend tiloo.l mid nervo
laitingement of sptingtime.
We have thousands of testlmoiilali
from people In all walks of life attest
ing the lrtucs of I'erunii ns a spring
tonic, llovcinoiv, sciutius, congress
meii, i.-oiiKuls, diplomats, ftiielgn mln
Isteis, blsheps, pi cachets mid church
dignitaries, college ptcsldents, piofo
sor.4 and' tutius, musicians, public,
speakers, fcOtlet belles mid housewives,
the fanner and the mechanic, tho hum
ble nnd the nrrofficut, tho classes and
the masses, all give willing and unso
liclted testimonial that I'crium Is th)
spiiug tonic mid blood purllier par ex
rervna operates with nhro't niHglcal
piouiplnes.i and the cures are pcitii.iu
In taking reiur.n as 11 sptlng rein
nly, I'tioutd anyone fall to cnllc nr
lii'inec'lttte bcnellclal effect, he shout''
at once addicss a letter rto Vr. Hurt
man, l'leildent of The llnrtninu Saul
tuiliim, Columbus, Ohio, stating the.
fuels In his case and a fne letter ot
advice will be sent. Hitch cae Is coii
slibiei' ri-i uu-tely mid ticuted strictly
Mite Normal trlinnl vrli-iday afternoon, after
vi-lling inlitlvi-K heie
Mik. ltr-heit Inglls, of Wciwlllo, li vilting
tier paieulK on M 1 ill ulreel
Mr nml Mi", 1 J Human nie home from
thilr vltit Willi friend" in lbnoni.
M.iter i:van J. Ilawi-IN I" 1-crbiu.tlv ill at th
liome of hl parent", Mr and Mr. . (1. How
ill", 011 Vlilu tiiet.
Which Cannot
to New York last
Ik S3 '-j PLj I IliiBI jII
ri 1 lu I Ulllllvi