The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 26, 1901, Image 1

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    "WrT, 7f ;$& r IT
"- t
s, :.?$'
Sweeps Over the South
ern Section of Bir
mingham, Ala.
Only Five of the Victims Are White.
Eighteen Bodies Already Recov
eicd fioni the Debris Scores of
Injined Have Been Removed to the
Hospitals Destruction of Property
Estlmnted tit a Quarter of Million
Dollars Tho Storm Stiikes the
City in the Extreme Southwestern
Corner nnd Plows Its Way East
ward. Leaving a Path of Desola
tion 150 Feet Wide List of the
Dead and Wounded.
Pv Ixelu-lio IVIic fiom 'fur As.oeiaied Press.
Birmingham, Ala., .March 'i'i. Short
! beforo 10 o'clock this morning a
fcniltil loiunilo swept over t lie sotith
i'in section f this city, travelling In
nn easterly direction.
Tho number of killed Is estimated at
tvienty-llxe. Only live of them -are
whip. The- dostiuetlnii of property is
pin red at a quarter of a million ilollars.
Illghteen bodies have been recovered
from the debris up to dark and snores
if InJuiod li,ic been removed to the
Among tho dead are: Dr. r. li.
Chapman, of the linn of Kelly & Chap
man, who conducted a private Infirm
ni In this city, and the wife and in
fant child of Hon. Hubert .1. Lowe,
(haliinan of the Democratic state ox
! utile' committee.
List of the Dead,
Follow Ins Is the list of Identified
( i.l IIM'MW.
Mil- Iliilll'IIT J. inui;.
IM ANT Ulil.l) o( Mrs. Lone.
.1 mi:m)i:ii.
I.l HI, I DM (.1111.11 of II. p. Hiul-on.
.1 MMIU. lolmiil. lollcetor I nioii Miituil as.
...nation of Mobile.
I Mlllli; IIHfM)V. elm eel.
MiM.II! III.KVISS eilorcd.
I IZZII. lil.KNX. ooloted.
iMi for II II. ladon, colon il
I MxViilN L'Altl'lI.STT.ll, strutl; l.v tune him-
l.r i
The Injured.
The follow Ins arc injured. Mrs. B.
II. Thomas, Mis. Y. II. Thomas, Mrs.
McLaughlin. Mrs. J. Ferguson, Mrs.
Mlum. (.'urrie Kllnn, colored.
The moie seriously Injured among
the unite people so far as reported
me; John Dillon, Hntubrlght Detro,
Mrs. Soutens, T. I,. Holton, Mrs. Lynch
nnd daughter, Frank Krlmsey, V. 11.
Many colored people were also in
jui ej more or less severely.
The storm struck tho city In the
extreme southwestern corner and
plowed Its way eastward, leaving a
path l.V feet wide through the entire
southern section extending- from Green
Springs on tho west to Avondnle on
the east and continued Its course on
until Its fury was spent In tho moun
tains beyond Iiondale, a small town
Mx miles cast of the city.
The morning dawned cloudy and sill
try and grew more threatening as the
day advanced.
'Tonels began to gather and shortly
after 0 o'clock sharp lightning- Unshed
from the southwest. The air became
heavy and stifling. The velocity of the
wind suddenly began to luciease and
hoon from out of the overcast sky tho
dicaded funnel-shaped cloud made Its
descent. Hugging close to the eaith,
It passed through the city in leaps and
bounds, with tenllle forre, nnd was
away to tho east before people gen
orally realized what had happened.
Altitude of the Cyclone.
The altitude of the cyclone was not
more than seventy-five feet. The ue
Kto bhautles and cottages In the low
lands In the path of the storm were
the principal sufferers. The larger
residences nn the higher ground suf
fered only slightly. The Inigtt tices on
Hie hlllsldp of St. Vincent's hospital
wore toin up by the roots and largo
masses of stono were twlsteii out of
the ground nnd broken nnd scattered
nil over the driveways of the ontiaucn
to tho institution.
From Klghth to Tenth stici tho
wind hounded like a uibber bill anil
when It again descended 1' strut k and
demolished five hiuall hoiue. Skim
ming close to tho eaith, u then swept
iniougn a sinau pine grove, tear!
xne irees up ny ir.e roots and bin
mem intougn tns air into urrows.
Beyond tho move the stoim
swooped down on a negro setlleme
boo me mill camns weru crushed
egg shells, not one being left In
pathway of tho storm. f.irrln PI
n negro, was buried beneath tho debrl
nut most of the negroes escaped w
flight Injuries. Eastward the stor
sivent. cuttlmr Its wnv tlivotitrh anni
cr strip of woods, striking tho Secon
rresDyterian cuurcii, iiomollsiiini;
Hast of the church is another neg
settlement where much havno w
wrought among the frail shacks, sevi
oi which weio swept nwny. A nui
ber of small houses were levelled I
tween Sixteenth and Seventeenth
The storm then struck Mm
thlrklv settled residence nniflnn nf e
rlly, and Its work of destruction I
nroaca. jMihosi h clean sweep w
made of the district lying bstwe
llcrhtf cnttl nnrl Tvee-nMnMi Htrne,!,.
Avenues 11 and I, two blocks, Here
the scene Is one of complete demolition.
The frame cottages were reduced to
llattcned piles of debris, every treo be
ing either crushed down or uprooted,
and fallen telcphono poles nnd their
tangle of wires made a mass of de
struction. 'Not any of tho occupants
had warning and were unable to escape
from their homes beforo the storm
wrenched them. They made their es
cape from the plies of wreckage by
their own efforts or were rescued by
workers after the storm.
On Thirtieth Street.
On Thlitleth street the wind struck
the residence of llobert J. Lowe, level
ing It to the ground nnd Instantly kill
ing Mr. Lowe's four weeks' old child
ami fatally ciushlng Mrs. Lowe, who
died within fifteen minutes after be
ing removed fiom the wreckage.
The cool: was badly hurt and may
die. Mr. Lowo nnd the nursi cacapud
with slight bruises.
As soon ns the storm passed, a num
ber of men rushed to Mr. Lowe's resi
dence and by heroic efforts rescued the
buried bodies. Oilier houses In this
vicinity were wrecked, but none of
the occupants were killed. Many sus
tained setious injuries.
)u an eastward diiection the storm
swept evciy thing in Its path of seventy-live
-yards width until It passed be
yond the city limits and struck the
Lake View hill, about Thlrty-fouith
sticet. There were no houses of any
description in Its path after It had
passed the city limits and consequent
ly there was no damage until it reach
ed Avondojc. On Faggeaus hill, just
south of Avondale, a number of per
sons were seriously Injured and many
houses badly damaged. Onward the
cj clone swept and at Irondalo again
repeated Its work of destruction.
House and felics were leveled to tho
ground and up to this writing severul
bodies bad been recovered. A number
wcto injured and great property loss
v. as entailed.
Bessemer, Pratt City, Knsley, North
Birmingham and other suburban towns
were visited by the storm and in each
of these places much destruction was
wrought, but no loss of life is reported.
Many houses weie demolished at Pratt
City, including a number of churches.
Rniu Follows.
A tculllc rain storm followed the
wind and greatly teturded the work of
relief. Mayor Drcnnan and many of
the city officials weie quickly on the
scene and a relief station was estab
lished. Tho dead weie removed to the vari
ous undertaking establishments, while
every available ambulance in the city
was pressed into seivlce In removing
the Injured to the hospitals.
Tonight a mass meeting of citizens
wos held and a relief fund was started
and n temporary committee organized
ti take chargeMintll tomoirow at noon
when the mayor will take up the work
at th" head of a new committee.
Revei al thousand dollars hae been
already subscribed and the necessary,
money needed to relieve the situation
will he ra's-d immediately.
The American Peace Society Appeals
to the Chief Magistrate to Bilng
the Cruel War to a Close.
By Exclusive Wile from The Aociittd Tresi.
Boston, March 25. The American
Peace society today voted unanimously
to publish nn open letter to President
McKinley. The letter in part follows:
The war mania ot tlic-c lat few yrirs nut.
ins-'cs the consdcticc ot the civilized ,voiM. The
most adiamcel nation line been uulllj. Our
attac!: t'li fcpjin, justified by many on tuc aicre
uf Imnunlly to the rmli.u 1 Cubaiu, set nn fut
the pjxinus ot, nlitcli (.tilt ugss a iho Phil-
V cnncctly appeal to joa to eteit .lour ou.
cis lo tho mmot to lirinir thin cruel war to the
(artiest pofeiMc trimiiutlon and meanwhile lo
pioliiliit j11 tho-e (it i' tortuie by mir Alilltn,
or limit i urelllanrr of uiir oltlci'M, which Ime
len offn Ully npoilecl nnij which would hae
been Incnni en llil lo Inuilca a few into.
lie npptal lo you to J-.ii' a procUmailon to
the I'lllpinos met' oui cwn nlgnatuip, pltclifiii;
to llicui the lullrnl iii,lits anil ltltcrtles, with all
pueblo iiUKiiaiiiinlty in jour own good judj.
'I hi' war nianli li equally flasrant in the blood
mid pinlrnctfd rlfnits of Hie IliltUh to cruih ami
le-troy the llberllen of the lloer iqiublltk. c
li'Bict Hut the inrliicme el America raiuiot be
liieil In obi 111! t'tltis fur the ooni 1ioit uf li.l
tlonal humiliation.
'I lie war mania ha cproad into (hiua ami hat
incited Infernal cruelties by th Chinese and
iiptiii t In in. In now tliiraieiM to iinbioll the
ciulicil nailous In iiiiImibiI war.
Barker Pleads Not Guilty.
Py r.clud.e Wire fioni Tin- Asoclateil l'res.
Sew Yolk. "MjicIi -ii. 'thoiiu fi. Ilaikei, who
kliol die llei, .Inlin Kelhn in Ailtnelou, V ,1 ,
seiral weeks .mo, wuiuulluit hlui eo tint the
sluhl of one cie was ili'&tru.ud, was analuni'd
In lourl In Jirej clly todij. I in indictment,
wlili li N In time counts, iliarge ,isauli wlili
intent to hill, ahncloiw a.mlt and slinplo js.
iult. Ilarl.fl' phaded not nullty. Ills ball was
tised at WM, whlrh was timiUhed
Condon Held to Bail.
IV l.xiluMie Wire from The 'Ab.n( Liteil l'ie.
New 0lh. Match r!3. .In"pli A. Condon, tho
poiloidie ilerlt aneutcd In San 1'ianclsio on
Mai h . on the charso of luiinar In October,
ll'iio, sinlen ie(,l.lered mall lo the amount of
IJ,(i(i, wan arialRiud belore .Indue Thomas In
Ilia b'nltid Mates cllslriit i unit IchUi, whne he
pleaded not guilty and w,i. held for tilil in lirll
of frio.oiu.
Still Iiooming' Carnegie.
By Diclmlie Wlie from The Aoclatnl Pien.
New- yoik, March 25. The distikt commit
tee uf the Twcntj'Hut AtMmbly IlUtrlit Jli).
imbllcan club held a tueclimr tonight and adopt.
I'd rciohilions riirlorilntf Andrew Carnelge frr
major of (irealcr New Yoil.. , commillce
was alno appointed to communicate with Jlr.
rarentric and ncuic hi consent lo be a camll.
Pennsylvania Pensions.
By HxcluiHe Wire from The Associated Preji
Washington, March S.I. I'rnnions bale been
granled as follonns John II, I"li, rxranlon, 10;
Andrew v. llnU'lrn, Prinlier, Laikawanni roun.
y, W.
' i I !
Ended in a Draw.
Ily llicluslie Wire from The Auoelatrr Piew.
laiuUillle, K.c, Mutch t Tlie .lck llonnjr.
Kid CaitT J)-roiind conical toniuhl ended In a
Dr. McLcod and h Daniels Unable
to Arrest Proceedings at
Today, However, Mr. Coray, of Lu
zerne, Will Introduce a Resolution
Olving tho Opponents of tho Bill
nit Opportunity to Put Forth Their
Objections Tomorrow Evening.
The Scranton Delegation of Objec
tors Greatly Exercised Over Their
Failure to Obtain a Hearing Will
Petition to the Governor to Veto
the Measure If the House Adopts
Special from a Staff Coirmpondeiit
Unrrlabui'K'i I'a March L'.". It Is now
possible for. the Vnughan bill, relating
to liquor license fees, to become a law
beforo April 1. In the houte tonight a
resolution was adopted, by un over
whelming" viva voce vote, making' the
bill a special order on second leading:
for Wednesday morning tit 11. if! o'clock
and on third reading nt 11.15 o'clock
Thursday morning. The efforts of the
opponents of the bill to secure a re
commltal. for the of gtantlnsr
them a hearing, were futile. Tomor
row, however, Hi', Coray, of Luzerne,
will introduce a resolution giving the
opponents of the resolution the use of
the house, Wednesday night, to put
forward their objections to mch of tho
members as are to be enlightened.
llev. Dr. James McLeod, represent
ing" tho citizens' committee opposing
the bill, and Charles V.. Daniels, nt
toroncy for the committee, came hero
todaj to secure a recommittal of the
bill. Kx-Sherlft Charles Ttoblnson nnd
his private nttoraey, Hon. f P. O'JInl
le were on hand to oppose this nro
.'ecl. '
lie preventative Scheiier, who has
charge of the bill In the house, went
away Friday with the appropriations
committee, and befoio going asked
Representative Philbn to introduce the
resolution to make the bill n. suecinl
order for Wednesday nnd Thursday.
Representative Fhilbln did not ulsh
to act fuitber In the affair, because It
does not concern his district, but, that
the matter might not go by the board,
he called the attorneys of both sides
together nnd asked them to agree upon
some plan which he could favor with
out appearing to oppose the bill that
his absent colleague bad entrusted to
his care.
Attorneys Could Not Agiee.
Mr. O'Malley and Mr. Daniels con
sulted, but could come to no agree
ment, so Mr. Fhilbln announced that
he would content himself with pre.
sentlng the special order lesolutiou as
he had agreed.
In piesentlng the jesolutlon, Mr.
Fhilbln explained that it was neces
saty to enact the bill before April
1 or it would be worthless, and In a
few words told why this was so.
Mr. Coray, of Luzerne, said be and
Mr. Pbllbin both agreed that tho op
ponents of tho bill had u right to have
a hearing nnd if the special order reso
lution wns passed, a heailug could not
be had. It wns a very unfair pioposl
tlon, he said, to lefuso tho opponents
of the maasure a hearing. Ho would
ngrec- to make no objection to tho
special order lesolutlon If the friends
of the bill would first agree to have
It lecommltlcd.
Speaker Mnrshall bete Interrupted
with the leniurk that It wns now too
Into to make objection. Mr. Coray sat
Ily wny of explanation it should b"
stated tliiit If one member objected
a resolution for special order cannot
be consldeieil.
Jlr. VaiiDyke, of Westnioit'lnnd, pro
tested, thnt it was unfair to deny a
hearing" on the bill. Mr. Voorhees, or
Philadelphia, the stalwart's floor mar
shal, spoke aguinst delaying1 the bill.
Mr. Ikeler, of Columbia, one of thf
Democintlc leadeis, urged the house to
adopt the resolution, us the bill was
a, good ono and must be passed this
week to bo effective. After leainlugr
that the Vaughan bill has been befoio
the It'fflslatute since March D, Mr. Col
vllle, a stulwurt leader, took tho floor
and said It struck hhn thnt the op
ponents of tho bill wore rnther dllatoty
In coming forward with their request
for a hearing.
The vote wns then taken and it was
overwhelmingly in tho allltniatlve, the
few noes that were heard being con
fined to the Insurgent corner.
Will Apply to the Governor.
Ilev. Dr. McLeod and Attorney Dan
iels said after tho session that If tho
house adopts the Vaughan bill they
will apply to the governor to veto It
on the ground that It is unconstitu
tional. If this falls they will take tho
matter Into the courts. They 'are very
much exercised at their failure to have
tho bill recommitted. They nie In con
sultatlon tonight with Mr. Phllbln and
.Mr, Corny regarding tho resolution .Mr.
Corny Is. to Introduce to provide them
with nn Informal hearing. Whether or
not they will tnke advantage of this
opportunity will be decided upon after
advising with tho other niemlurs of
the cltlzenV committee on their re
turn m Scranton tomorrow.
In tho Senate.
The senate held n short session to
night and cleared tho calendar of bills
op first and second rending. The most
Impoituut bills to paps second reading
were those relating to the Philadelphia
board of revision of taxes. These
hills were amended: To conect a few
typographical errors and they were
then passed without opposition. They
will come up for 11 mil passage tomor
row. The senate reconsidered the vote by
which the bill providing for bicycle
side paths In townships nnd levying a
tax on bicycles wus defeated. The
bill wns thou laid uslde for the pres
ent. T. .1. Duffy.
Result of a Conference Held nt the
Governor's Mansion.
flj- P.Mhrdir Who from The Awoclaled Pics.
Harri'liuni, March ?' - At n confireme ot the
I'cpubllcaii teadi'is held nt the Kiwmoi'rt nun.
Hop tonight It ivi decide. I to iipiet the lie
publican M'luier.. ami t'Hiiibir.i of the bou-e to
si'pport the fluftcy billoi rcfoun bill with the
iinilcrst.ii.clhiir, howeier, that the circle at the
lead of the pirty column should be allowed to
II w.n iiUo dceidid to a-k the n.epublli'ji of
both hniiit lo mi port the Woodruff oinendment
to the c on-lit it Ion providing for pergonal rcf;l.
t r it Ion ol loten In the cities nnd lo take up
md pa-M I he iipporllonnieiit bllli now on tlie
One Man Killed Instantly; Five
Others May Die from Injuries.
Disaster at Connellsville.
Ily I'vclmUe Wire front The A.oila(ed I'rew.
Connellsville, Pa., March 2.". The
first fatal mine explosion to occur in
the new mining region of Fayette
county happened today. One mini was
killed Instantly, five will die and ten
mo burned nnd crushed so tenlbly
that It Is doubtful If they will lernver.
The body of the dead man Is ml.s.ilitt,,
the Injured men have been brought
to the Cottage State hospital, and as
n result of the explosion the mine m
on fire. The cause of the explosion
uas an accumulation ot gas In the
bending of the lintcs mine, one of the
new mines opened up this winter by
the American Steel nnd Wire company,
which has lately been merged Into the
United States Steel corporation. The
list of dead and Injured are aa follows:
Dead: An Italian, name unknown.
Injured: Jtobeit Nelson, mine fore
man, tenlbly binned, skull blown
open and brains scattered, thought fit
llrst to be dead: will dlo before morn
ing, (tlhsnn Gllmoie, of Dunbur, an
American inluei, burned and blacUentd
from head to feet; not ixpetted to
live. David Ilnnis-ey. of Adelaide, a
driver, burned from head to feet, also
crushed and luulsed; not expected to
rtcovei. .lames Muiphy, of New Sa
lem, Ameilcnn minor, burned about
head and nrius. Michael Solokn. a
Slav miner, badly crushed and bruised.
Alexander I'.ulIyontK Slav miner,
i lushed and aims broken. George Von
kora, Slav miner.
Extrnordlnnry Scene nt Moncenu Les
Mines, Fiance Trouble with
the "Reds" and 'Yellows."
I).i KxcliHlie Wiio from The .violated I'icm.
Moncenu Les Mlneh, France, March
'.'5. An extraordinary scene was wit
nessed loduy in Monceau Les Mines,
wli'i'e a mining strike has been In
prcgiess for several months, wlvm the
Kovp'nment took the unusual step of
utilizing troops to Insure liberty of
work to non-strikers.
Heretofore a large number ot men
willing to wot It had beii Intimidated
by the menacing demonstration" ot tho
strikers, who call themselves "reds"
and the non-strikers "yellows.''
ICarly this morning strong detach
ments of Infantry and cavalry were
unexpectedly massed nt Pit heads In
various parts of the town. Before tho
"reds" realized the situation, bodies of
"yellows" hod descended Into the
mines. The strikers assembled quickly
but were overawed by the troops.
It was fcaied that there would bo
trouble when the "yellows" left the
mines for the dny. Dining the after
noon an immense and threatening
crowd assembled, but the strikers were
helpless In the face of the rigorous
precautions taken. The "yellows" sur
rounded by a hedge of gendarmes with
llxed bayonets, which was again sur
rounded by a strong detachment of
cavalry with drawn sabres, proceeded
along the stieot amid a storm of hoot
ing nnd shouts of "down with the yel
lows," The wives of tho strikers weie
opeclally violent.
The procession stopped before tho
home of each "yellow" and the en
trance ot each was tho signal for ic
newed IiIhhcb and yelling, but there was
no uttenipt to molest,
Tho situation, however, glvos rl.p to
cotuldciable anxiety.
Boers Lost Heavily.
Ily lAcluie Wire from 'Hie Auociated Prc.
i ape Town, Jljirh 25. It U said Hie lloern
h.t leiy In a ily in .iltji'dni; the gaitirou al
l.lchnnbuie l-it week. Cm.triU of Mwnty
buiuhcra imp ii'potti'd to lute been bliol at
one put anions tho wiro entanglement.
Ily i:cluiite Who from The Associated Pren.
Ilalelon. Jhich 21. paild Clark, aired Ml
jiaru, for tlilrtj-nlnc yeara In the employ of tha
l.rhlirh alley ltailroad company ru mailer me
chanic on die Ilalelon illiMon; inwntor of
the Hark Menu brake and other appllancn,
pre.hlcnt of tho llaletou (Jai company, and
view president of the I'lrnt National bank, died
bete today from pneumonia, Mr. Clark anlsted
la placlni: tho firM modern built cah on a
Meant loioinoliir.
M, .lohn, . II., Muiih 25, Iho nt, Ilcv. Dr.
John r-wcrny. blhoi of the lloman Catholic dio
iw of M. .Iphn, I dead, aunt Mil yrara. UUhop
Sim'ciij leawi many iiulltiitlonH and rlimirim
built under Ids dlicctluu at monumcnti to I ha
Her Leading Statesmen Believe
That a Gonillct with Minions o!
the Gzar Is Inevitable.
The Question Is Whether the Stiug
gle Shall Begin Now or Later.
Russian Control of Manchuria,
They Believe, Would Mean a Par
tition of the Chinese Empire and
the End of the Open Door Japan
Haa No Fear of Result of n Clash
with Russia, but Hesitates on Ac
count of the Effect of War Upon
the Industiies of the Country.
fly Hirlntiir Wlie from I he Associated I'im.
London. March 25. The Chinese min
ister, Kir Chili Chen Lo Feng Luh,
called at the foreign olllco nnd urged
the Urltish government to bring pres
sure to bear In order to prevent Ilus
sla from seeming tho necessnry sig
natures of the Mancburlan agreement.
The foreign otllce Is still In the dark
tonight as to whether the agreement
w 111 be signed or allowed to lapso
when the time expires, March 28. The
ofllclnls of the Japanese legation nre
inclined to believe Itussla will succeed
In getting the necessary signatures.
The situation Is still more compli
cated, owing to the fact ascertained by
a representative of the Associated
Press today that there nre two secret
treaties, one of which is to be signed
at St. Peteisburg. dealing with Rus
sian military control ot Manchurln,
and nnother to be signed nt Pekin,
dealing with her civil powers. The
Chinese appeals for support have fulled
to produce any direct remonstrances
from Clreat Britain or apparently from
any other power to St, Petersburg, for
llussla persistently adhered to her con
tention that the secret agreement con
cerns no one except herself nnd China.
On this ground CJrent Hi Haiti's request
for copies of the agreement was ab
ruptly declined. .
It Is explained at the foreign olllco
here that It would be a dnngcious and
useless breach of diplomatic procedure
to endeavor to enter upon expostula
tions with llussla which would only be
based upon Information supplied by the
In other words, the copies of secret
treaties and nlleged modifications of
them lc-contly given to the powers by
the Chinese nre worthless documents
and will remain such until Russia her
self chooses to communicate the text
of the actual treaties and modifica
tions. Objectionable to Japan.
In the absence of the Japanese min
ister In London, Caion Hayashl. Mr.
Matsul, first secretary of the Japanese
legation, who was Interviewed this af
ternoon by a representative of the As
sociated Press, made a comprehensive
statement of tho issues Involved, He
HuslaN Insiitencc, (. hina' hclplisnes and
the probable liitoiy of ltuudan diplomacy to.
nonott- wil bring in to the brink of a dansei'
nui situation In which none of the poweii la .o
deeply concerned as Japan Kirn if the 6ecut
treaties liaie been modified as i alleged, the
I'li.nue aie so tliflinK a.s to make the docu
ments thoroughly objectionable to Japan.
As.umlriK that China tdipis tho 1 1 eat lis t fip
wo fireat Piltaln, (Icrniany and the United
stales will protest to Tlmsla. Tint (hat l about
a? fir as they will i;o and about as ninrli as
they will rset. Wlili Japan it is a matter of
'Iho quetluii is nlietliei we are to tlsht Uuia
now or to right her later on. Slvi has no ilcht
to Manchuria, and if Mi" xccuics Manchuria Mic
will be on the way to securln? Korea.
Our eoicnimcnl, I belicie ate n'liously c m
tillering the crlid-i. Their eyes nie wide open
and they 'lilt not be driirn to precipitate ac
tion by the lngnits of Japan, who are openly
rliimorincr for Immediate war. Vet if tliev see
that war In urmoldable they will not hesitate
to strike.
No Fear of Result.
Japan his no rranon lo be ulraid lo the
re.ult. Many reamm occur lo the aieiaire .lap.
.nice mind in fivor of forcing at the present
moment a strusclo which must come eientuilly
The chief ic&son s.llnt so tlolrir is the tmt
that Japan Is jiM heuliinlnir a new
ei.a which would be tcnipoiatlly hilled Miould
we cndeainr by foire of aims t preicnt lltu-da's
If we follow the lenl of other oirs and
don't Uneaten hotilitlc, we ieall?e that wo
inii't sit down tamely and mo any other nation
r.fp in ami milic treat leu idiullar to thoje
which China seems en the verue of slprning With
KiuMj. This would mean the niilitioii of tho
ChincMi empire and the end of the "open doo,"
If we oppof.ed It, we natiually think we would
haie the moinl support of tho I'nited States
which has been the champion of thee prlu
and aUo of fireat lirltaln and liirnuiii.
Struggle Over Article XV.
Ily llxiluslie Wlie fioni The Associated I're
r.uii, March W. The dumber of d.?putiej
wai In w.ioii until a hto hour lat eienln in
older to coi.cludn (ho dibato en arllile Uv if
the law of association-, whiili was finally adopt.
ted by a uto of 3H to 257. The only .erlous
tiu;glo i.ow lel Is our atticle xv which
deals with the prcpeily of ulicdaui order, ur.d
in this matter tho troi eminent U not Inclined
to adopt an uncompromising aiiltude.
The Weisbard Inquest.
fly Kxcluslic Wiro fiotn The Associated Prew.
New Voik, .March 23. Cc.rorer Zucca held an
liiriui ft tody Into the case of Meyer WoMiard,
the Jewelry peddler whoic body was fouml nit
up In a trunk on January 16. The Jurj came
to thu cniicluilon that death had been &iiici
by woundi of the body from knives or othir
shaip Inliiunrnts ard by tome person or per
to the Jury unknown.
--- -
Washington, Msieh 25. -I'oiectit for -f
s cs'tein IVnnsylvanlj! Italn, wainier -f
f Tiienlaj',' frreli to biik sonlheasterly
f winds.; Wednesday, piotubly fair. -f
Wfather Indlcttlcns Todiyt
1 Ccncial Tornado Sweeps Oier lllniilnirliam,
Tor a lleailns In the Hipper Case.
Japan Wants to Fight ltussla.
Vaucthan Pill Advanced.
2 (lencral Caibondale Department.
3 Local llud Sanltaiy Condition of .o. 22
Opinion on the f.lrctlon Contest.
s Kdltorlal.
Xolo and Comment.
i Local Committer Hoes to Ilarri.bmi; to Pio
test Against the Viiualiin 11111,
Kfllmatcs Commltlee Uses the 1'iunlng Knife,
0 Local West Scruituti and Subuiban.
7 flenrtal Xoithe.islein Pcimsjliania.
Klnai and Commercial.
8 Local-Tannle In Iho Ml!. Sfilte.
Omit l'roccediiiit.
I.lie News ot the Indu-lilal World,
No Conference with J. P. Morgan,
Senator Hnnnrt Has Nothing to
Do with the Strike.
By Lxchulie Wire fioni Hie UloilstM fiess
New York, March 2,".. Piesldent
Mitchell, of the miners' union, sent the
following statement to AVIlkeH-Uarro
"I have had no confeience with J. P.
Morgan or any other railroad presi
dent or coal operator. Contrary to re
ports, we, the committee, did not come
to New York In response to any Invi
tation. So far ns I know, the miners
have not up to this title been offered
or granted any concessions, Of course,
we all hope to overt the strike and are
putting our most urgent efforts to that
end. "Ve runic to New York for the
purpose of holding a conference, if pos
sible, and In doing so we are simply
cairying out the wishes expressed by
a majority of those who attended tho
lust conference at Hnzleton"
Senator Ilanun, who Is In town, vis
ited t-everal places In the financial dis
trict today. When asked whether his
presence here had any connection with
coal strike rumots. the senator replied
emphatically that it had none.
"I am hero on other matters," he
said. "I have nothing to do with this
affair, and 1 know nothing about It
save what I have heard and read these
last few days. I have not been con
sulted with regard to this matter at
The Herald tomorrow will say that
the operators of the anthracite coal
mines and the executive ofllcers ot
those railroads that are largely Inter
ested In that Industry are unanimous
In the opinion that there will he no
strike ordered on April 1 In the Penn
sylvania coal regions. There seemed
to he equal posltlveness in the asser
tion that ns an organization the I'nited
Mine Workers will not be recognized
by the operators. It seems to be pretty
well established that Jlr. Mitchell will
not have an opportunity of holding any
conference as the representative of tho
I'nited Mine Workers with any of the
anthracite operators or any person rep
resenting them. The opeititors are
averse to giving any recognition to tho
Robert jr. Ollphant, president of tho
Delaware and Hudson company, said:
"t do not believe Jlr. Jlltchell will
have the temerity to older or advocate
a strike. The Mine Woikers have no
grievances: they nie being pnll better
wages than ever before. The large
coal carrying roads aie nut at all
Master in the Suit to Set Aside the
Assignment for Benefit of Cred
itors Files Report.
Ily KtiIuiIicj Wire fiom The .Wouainl 1'ics,
Philadelphia. Jlarch 23. Assistant
Attorney Geneial .lames M. Heck,
master In the suit ponding in Hid
United States Circuit court to set asldo
the assignment of the Philadelphia
Kecord for the bcnellt of the creditors
of the defunct Chestnut Street Nn..
tlonal bunk, of which William Jl, Sln
gorly wns president, tiled his leport in
the I'nited States court todav.
Mr. Beck finds that Jlr. SIngerly was
sane at the time he transfened the
newspaper pioperty lo Assignees
George Hotzler, Jr., and Richard Y.
Cook, and the transaction was there
fore valid. Ho decrees that the Itecord
shall be disposed of at public sale and
settle claims In dispute amounting to
over two million dollars.
The master uied a voluminous teport
reviewing the entire litigation. After
deciding that the United States Circuit
court had Jurisdiction to deciee a sale
of the lleeoid, the master discusses tho
various claims ngnlnst tho SIngerly es
tate, which he lluds aggregated over
$2,000,000. The Indebtedness of tho
Chestnut Street National hank alone
was $1,110,000.
The main question was the validity
of a certain assignment by which SIn
gerly, shortly before his death, trans
ferred his Interest In tho Philadelphia
lleeoid to George 1 1. Karle, jr., the
plaintiff, who was the tecelver of the
above bank. This assignment was
claimed to 'be Invalid, it being argued
that SIngerly was Insane nt the time
he executed It. Jlr. Heck decides that
SIngerly wns sane, and that the trans
fer Is valid, and that the court should
enter a decree to sell the stock and
bonda ot the Phllndclphln Record,
which were the subject of the assign
ment. Tho litigation affects 9,050 out
of 10,000 shares of tho capital stock ot
tho llecord company, and 47,ri bonds of
$1,000 each out of the total Issue of 500
lied of Coal Dlscoveied.
funihcilanil, Md., Much 2.'.--Thcie Is inudi ex.
iltcinrnt ul l herry Hun, W. Va on the Ililtl.
more and Onto railroad, sltly miles cast of f urn.
berland, oer the diicou'ry of a rich lein of an.
thracile coal at the depth of rifrhty-srven led,
while botlrr; a well on the Anderson farm.
Prominent Scranton Attorneus flq
pear Before the SunremQ
Court at Philadelphia.
Judge Knapp, Representing Recorded
Molr; Joseph O'Brien, Representing
Relator McDonald, nnd Deputy At
torney General Fleltz, Represent
ing1 tho Commonwealth, Petition
for Hearing in Ripper Case Jus
tice Mitchell Allows Petition to Bs
Filed, but Will Hear No Argu
ments Upon Judge Archibald's
Opinion Regarding- the Constitu
tionality of the Ripper Bill Th7
Petition Filed.
Special from a Slaft Correspondent.
Philadelphia, March 23. Kx-Judge If.
A. Knapp, representing Recorder Molr:
Jospph O'Brien, representing Relator
JlcDonald, hnd Deputy Attorney l!cn
eral Fleltz, representing the common
wealth, joined In a petition to the
Supreme coutt, this morning1, to ad
vance the time for hearing the appeal
In the second-class city "ripper"
Dx-.Iudge Knapp presented the peti
tion, nnd mndo thu brief accompany
ing explanations:
"I would ask the court to Indulges
me." Judge JCnnpp wns proceeding tr
say, when Justice Mitchell In
terrupted with a lemark, "We will not
hear arguments on the matter at thii
"I do not ilsh to make an argu
ment." Judge Knapp rejoined. "I
simply want to orally Impress upon thu
court one matter contained In our peti
tion. It Is this: If this net Is declared
unconstitutional, the city ot Scranton
will be left without rtny organized
form of government. It Is thereto! o
urgent thnt the act should ho finally
passed upon by your bonor'H court be
fore the legislature adjourns, so that
In case the act is unconstitutional a
new form of government can be sup
plied for Scranton."
"The appeal is actually pending?"
queried Justice Jlltchell.
"It is," nnswercd Judge Knapp.
"Let the petition be filed," said Jus
tice Mitchell.
Jlr. O'Brien and Deputy Attorney
General Fleltz signified the acciulof-o-ence
of their parties to the motion tn
advnnco the case, and at this the inci
dent closed. Tho petition Is as follow s
The Petition.
As petltionei H Infoimed and bellcies, the jni.
ernor his not as jet appointed the recorder 'u.
Ilin cities of I'lttliiiR and Allegheny , the only
elhcr second tlas cities in Iho htatc besides
Scranton, and li delajliB action with reference,
to such appointment as lonir as (he limitation of
thirty d.ijA fixed by slid act will permit, for tin
puiposo ot avoldliifc' the possible confusion nlil'li
would re-ult from such appointment In cas
tin' said act for any icaseu is declared unccn.
It li or tho ulmo-t luip'.ilancr to the cltl's of
I'ltt-butir, Allegheny and Sctaiiton. the titles of
the second class, that all quistlon ol the
tutionality of the said act should bo determined
at the carllet practlc-blc moment. Vnder pie.
i loin legislation for cities of the second tliM
the chief executive cllieer was Hie major, win
was dec lid fiom time to time by vote of tin
people. Pv the prcF;nt act the office of majoi
Is abolished and tho coiemor Is lequlred to ap,
point In hli plate :i illy lecorder, who be.
conies, undir the proii.lons ol tho act, tin
chief exciutiic otticer of the city,
t'nder preceding legislation Ihe heads of de.
partincnls ho runtiolli'd all the executli
bundiea of Ihe city i;orinmeiit, xere hsr
lole ot the illy lounills, t'nder the act of
March T, KOI, .ill heads of ik'uitincnt are an.
pointed bv the city i' colder and are removxbls
by him at pleasure. The heads ot department',
in turn, liaie ponr and authoilty to appoint and
reniaie their deputies and subordinate".
In tonscriucnce of the-e i idlcal chani;es in in
organization ot all of the cxecutlie departments
of tho clle pjurnimiit, In iao tho petitioner
should proceed to excrcUe tho powcri and du
ties conferred upon him by the said act, and ic
should afterward bo determined lhat that act un tint tonfiislon would be cio.
atcd in the city of Scranton and great iniun'
result lo its iltlem and tatpajers. Ihe eily of
Scranton has Jiinl pa'scd from a city ot the tliint
da. to one of the second cljsc and Its depait.
inents line not. jet been full" reorganized. Tin
cities of PitUhuiir and Allegheny, upon thee
other hand, line for jean In en cities ot the see. law and all their rxecutilo department
are organized under the prwxisllnir laws re.
latin; lo that d.m of cities. The uncertain! o
and confusion which would lesult from an effort
tn leoitranlro Ihe executive departments of lriui
two eltlrs mid r tho act of Mairh 7. while its
constitutionality was subject, t'i cjue.tlon and
was tho object of dlrcit attack, would be sn
meat as to practically p.iralje all public action.
Urgent Necessity.
Your petitioner is Informed and belicxes tint
lhce citizens and ofrtccm of cxlstln cities of
tho sercinl clan, who from conviction or intciest
haie epuMlotird nr nre prepared to emestion tho
constitutionality of the said act, asreo with jour
iwlltloner in the conviction lhat It is ot the ut.
most Inipoitaneo to the welfaro of these cities
that tho eiuestlons Iniohed in this proceeding
shculd bo bioufthl to Ihe earliest puslbl decision
by tho court of last rcsoit.
Your petitioner is and belleies tint
by the provisions of tho act approved .lime II,
18'0, P. I. (Ul, section 10, It is provided with
reference to writs ul error from judgments m
quo unnanto, as follows:
"Kvrty Mich writ of error may bo made r.i.
turnablo forthwith it Ihe hupremo court shall
be ill session in the proper dmtilct, and hill
be heard and decided by the Judctei thereof at
the term to which it Is returnable."
Your petitioner thetefore humbly piajs jour
honors, in compliance) with tho spirit of the last
cited set of nsM'mbl.v, and in view of tins larso
ami Important public Intercuts Involved, (o A
the earliest practicable lime fur the hearing of
tho abovo staled appeal. And he will ever pny,
It is customary for the Supreme
court to pass upon petition of thii
kind during Its first recess. Conso
ciiii'iitly an order can bo looked for to.
inrrrtiw morning, flxlnr- an rnily liny
for a lictnlnff, or clue icfuslug tho
petition. T. J. Duffy.