xr-y v. v.,sv , Iffft It V ",' THE SCll ANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, MAUCTT 23, 1901. ' '4 A. - OiilCC : burke CarboncJale Department building! L j 1 1 1 THE PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE a rorn.An ci.kwhmi uot;sr. fur tin nem- " t cl All Vli line Houses to Pent, Heal I'state or Other Property " Ml "r l.vclianse, or Mho Want Situations or IMp-Thfe Smal Art urlbcmcnts net One Cent a Wnril. Mx In'"' I wis ror He Cents a NWnd-lluelit bltuatieiu U anted, Which Are In-ctted I'rec H'IIMlli:i) UOOOM Willi HO Mil) VI' Ml! Wthlis, I? lliiioln .uriiiif . ul tlilr l'.i''l lan lie oMilncil t) Hip week or inonlh A SHOCKING ACCIDENT. Miss Maty Roche, of South Canaan, Dies fiom Tenlblo Bums. Miss Mmy Hoi he. of South Canaan, well I'.nown In this olt.v, mid 11 sister of 1'iolcssor Joint V.. Hoche, of Simpson, nift ti tci ilble tlf.it h Friday afternoon. .Miss liochc kept house for lift father, Thomas Hoi he, iind was engaged at her housowoik u the klt.ht'ii. About :: o'clock. In some manner, her clothing bocuiiio'lgnltod fiom the kitchen uinge. " In h'l lAcltfiuont she lushed ftom Hit? liltchni. tin- air running the Unities to gio.itor filly. She fell olT the poteh iind lay scieainlng with toituio. Sev ii ii 1 nion weie winking In .1 field sonic distune fioiii tin' house. They hcaiil hef cl hh ami wcie Just In time to see lit l" Itlllllitl? tiom the house They liuiiloil to the scene Miss 'Kooho was lying whole she fll. the loiiinauts of her clothing "till limning. lic wan t.iiilcl Into the bouse ami Dr. I'lho llli-l.lv icspoiided to a tall. He Miict ceiletl soinew hat In allaying bci suit "lings, but ll hih seen fiom the stmt that it wis hopeless to think of j-.i vintr hrr life. She llngeiod on, how ever, till II n't lot k lni night, when (lea Hi lellcvctl lier. Deceased was boni In South t'anaan foily-llvc j ;-nts ago, and but for a eai hi two spent in Siiauton, bail always loslded there. Owing to a stioko of palaljsls Mulcted a couple of yours ago she bail been hi poor health slnoo thai time. Mls Hoche was a woman of kbitlly disposition ami a devout Clulstlan Sh was beloM'il by all who knew her. ami tin news of her de plorable death has cnUM-d wldospiead l.imelit. She Is survived by her fathir ami two blothti.s, .John H. l.oche, of this uty, and I.. A. I'.ocb', of Hlngh.iliiton. The funeral was held josteldny lunriillig at 11 o't loi k tiom her tale homo, and the icin.ilns weie then brought to this 1 1 1 to St. Ho.e t bin eh. whoic- short scrv Ices wer held at J o'doek. Inteinieiil was l.ilor inailc In St. Hose cetuotuy. Fuuci.il 1'lucliii Moirlsmi was lu ehatge of the funi'ial. l!ev. Fathr (iiirniiiii pioslded at the .sen Ices In St, Hom ihiirth. A Beautiful Story. At the Opoiu House on Frld.ij lilghl, Mr. Tim Muiphy will luc-scul "A Huihc-loi s Kimianct" mr the llrst time in thin (H. Mi. Aim li has In his siippott A' Js-m Uoiothy Shell od and th Sol Smith ISusscll lompanj. Mm.' than tutllniry Inteiest has In en taken in 1 Ills engagement by lotal the.itei pitioiw, wllh the ic-ult that Mi. Mui phy will be wcltoined by what piom-l-es to be a luigo and billlhmt tut tlicnte "A H.uhdui's Itomaiue" is a beautlliil play in tour aetv by Mai Ilia Morton, and was Sol Smith HU'-sell's KitateM muccc.s. Ii. itusell is III. unloitunateh. ami has been succeeded by Mr. Muipby, who h , acctcdiii'' to lepoits, at crtdltlni; himself with moie than oidluai.N iiomu. His wmk Is said to be notliluK i-hoit of a h vclalloli. He pi-f.eiit.s mi ab.solutely olipinal poili.onl ul' the lii.ilu ,sae editor ami bachelor, who for veins has shut lilm-f-olf up from uoildly ui.ilti ih u iii'ink of totted. So absorbetl i.s be In Ids wolk tint lie takes no milke of (let t ' Ins; time, until one day lib-, vv.utl. a bcautitlll .MiUIlK VMini.iu, 111 dead Hlcml'.s dauKhter, whuni H.iv hi has placfd lu the ibMice ol a Hpinster, bnakh ill upon his letlicinenl at a time 'lien he is at till; as Judue in .1 J10.0UU prl,:c 1.I0IV i ontct olfeied by l.ls paper. 'I hen i;iadunlly IipkIiis a ihaiiRO ami llavld foii-.ikes his loihl hive voiatlou and beionios a man ' the wot Id. Full of ki ulle Intel est Is his htoi, lull of rpiulnt humor ami ttiiiebliiK pathos. The entile pi educ tion Is i.iiilei by the company. Spct till allentltin Is called to the be.mtltul I'lMttilucn woui by the latlle.i of the company. Mr. Muiphy eati!,T with him all sciueiy, fuinituie mid piopcillcs iiccc.ny ftu tin liiKiluu lluii. ruueinl of H. I), Jones, The 1iinei.il heivlces over the ie malll.s ol the hi tr 11. U .lonen, ol llytle I'atk. cre held vestenlay atteinoon. Shell t.eiies veie hold et Hit. bons ai - o'cloi I and at the Shnp'-tiii Metiio tlhl Hplstnpal i hui eh at L' u oMix-K. Tim .Mi'r-oiilu Hateiiilty was 111 iliait) of llio obsemiles anil lliu attcuilauce mi unusually husc Will Kesltlo in WnshinRtou. J-ll-H Ulill.l llllllll'. VlllO llUH Jleell ppi ildlnK Iho piiht live or hl uioTiili,i villi her aunt lu Washington, D. , jetuilictl hcie Satuiday. She will, Iliowovei, icmalii 111 t'.n bonrlalo but a .uhurt tlinc, havluK tlet Idod I i etui n to AVnshliiston fcoon' to mike It her .'lK-ini.ijUnt home. "" Annual Meting. "The annii il business meetiiiR of Tiln Ity.PiuUh Jur Jho eleithn of vchtry nien nnd-tiaiifuctlon-of othef nuitteis vl be held on Hust"r .Monday. Apiii R. A iiuniber of Impoitaut iuestlons will be unfolded to the iiiembeis ot the rntlrh. Tuesday Night. The ntlvimce naio for the Tim Mui phy onmitrcniciit win open tumoiiow CM'liliifr. Maich se. at 7 o'clock. ClK-eks will be ijlven out at ti p. in, Bom. To' ir, anil Mis. J. Hlv6r Btnot, u ton. A. Hi cumin, ot Married in Philadelphia. Announcement Is mado of the mar rlaKC In Philadelphia of Miss Lillian Curefi a Cough or Cold at once. ('mailer Crouii. W hooplas Corcli, IironrhltU, i.tinpe wad Coumroptloii. Qulik. mri-,f ''. Dr.liiill'K Pills cure Corntljutlon. MplllJlOc. COUCH SYRUP A. .Tonp?. tlaUBhter of Mr. and Mil. .T. W. Jonc. of South riiurch ntieot, to Wllllt.lil t V.hlte. of that ilty. MIhh Jones tatiKlit school In this tlly for sevotal ycuiH nflcr h(f Bnulimlln'i fiom tht) C.irbondnle lllqh school, Mll klfvlllo State Norninl kuhool and Pleico rull.'-m'. Phllndel)lila. l-'or t-oine llnie she wiiM n member ot Hie choir of Hoiciin HapllKl cliuich. Kor the past few yeatx she has leslled lu Phlliulcl phlH. The bildoKiooni Is a chemist In tie employ of Ilance Htos. A: White, i luti'iimdHi!. In the City of Ihothorly I.t-ve. OBITUARY. John W. Bell. John W. Hell died on Saturday after noon at the icldonte of his father, Michael Hell, 'Jt Splint? stteet, ot tumor of the heart and complications, ased SO ycais. He was a veiy well known icsldcnt of t'.irbondale, hnvliiB served on the police force of the city for about four years. Mr. Hell was born In t'nibontlale on Sept. I'O. 1870. When he was about 21 .veals old he Joined the pollc folic and was an Ideal ollltor, beliiff laiRo unit KtloiiR and at that time a line specimen of humanity. Hcfoie he bail b"on a polleeinau lonp, however, he be Et.lll to he tioubl'd With llciuoi lll.iRe., and his heart kiivo him a ureat ileal of anslety because of Its ei ratio movt inonts. After four eais of police dutv he letliotl ft mil the lite to tak" up hl'i tiatle as a machinist at the Dolawaie and Hudson shops. The weakness of his heait made blm somewhat of an Invalid, but lie kept at woik until about thice mouths ano, whn he be came soi lously 111 and lie bad boon toli lllietl to Ids bed slme lice. I.'i last, lie was a popular townsman, an hbal po llit olllier, a lov Iiik sou and a devoted biothci. He was unmaiihil and board ed at the home of his father. Mr. Hell Is suivhed hv hl. f.ithfi. Mlibael Hell, thiee biothers, Andiew, William and Wallat e, all of r.ubon tlale; six slsteis, Mrs. Small Cook, of Salt Lake 1'lt.v. I't.ih; Mis. Mary Hup- prt, Mis. .1. J. Hosier, Mis. William lleildon anil Mlsies Doi.i and Alice Hell, all of t'aihondale. In his einllor .ve.ns Mr. Hell was a nioniber of tin Is'nlKhts of Pythias but bad leslned his ineuibei.ship a few .v ears a pi. Tile unci ul will be held at th" house, mi nor Hiook avenue and Spi Iiik slieet, toluol i oh alleimion at " o'clock. The I'ei. A K I'hallte. of the Klist M. II. i lltlti ll, w III pieslde ANOTHER CAVE-IN. Fait of John Malta's Land Diopa Into No. tl Mine. NinUlicr : ei Ions c.tv -In has taken pl.o e on lower Pike Hlltet, Ileal the scene of the teienl tail wlikh itllned t lie house ot Austin I.avelle. This one Is on the niiiisite side o( the t.tloet. on the the pi opei iv ul' jiihti Malla. between DniiKlii it. and Monolian propei- ties. Not as larKi an aiea Is iiifei tetl as in cither of the two former falls, but the dr pt ll ol the hole Is much xicatci, belllK almost lifty feet. No bulldlim'S weie alfcctetl Ibis time, liowev -r. The Rechei die's Dance. 'I'll- Hetheiehe Smlal t lull will hav i a social on T.iositn iiIrIii. All II '.'. The iiiembeis of the t lull hold a nii-i-t-lm- ycsienla.v altcinoon lu Huikt's ball and lall.etl over plans toi Insulin,; the silt i ess of the event. A Iiuk-- Ken dal tommlttee was appointed, as 1 1 1 - lows: Thonia.s Shannon, .loseiili Walk er, Joseph Powdeily, J'unrs Hlllke, Joseph I'.moll, Joseph (Jllhool, Martin Kennoih. John Haily. Jaui-s ilonne.v, ol Plttston: Ihisene cushk. of Stian lou, Joseph Malum, of til.vphalit. M.u lliew .Mlllphv, James llealev, JaliifH Campbell anil John I.rittus, lo'-eph Walker will he policial manasit. A Successful Swindle. Caibund.lllans shullltl be mi the look mil for a new swindle, wlibh is helnjj voi kitl with (iiiislilLinhlt- hiicecsh hv a u.-pet table appeal Iiik. middle-lined man. The sehenie ol this .snluillor H based upon the l,i. I tb.it theie Is a t oiisldeiable piomium upon the IS'U Columbian half dellai". The man en tci.s a st'uc and makes a small pin i base or (jots in a dial witli the pin pilitor, in oitler to lead up to his offer ing a specimen of tills pilynl loin af a letlllcetl IlKllte oil the pioiuiuill, 'i"i cuts or a dollai. cf eiuii.io the loin Is lounteifolt. It Is said he has passed oil a l.HRi uuinhcr ot tli-in. May Be a Stilkc. 'llleie Is a luosptit of a Htlike lie. Ini, Milled today nt tin- Hlcbmoudalo mine. The men pome lim.. uro laid a I'Uinbei of i;i Icwiuci's beoio riupprln tiiident Allen, and on lrltlay lu staled that he (tuild tlo nothing tor tht in The Illinois met that cvculntr. and the k"ii ci ul sentiment was lu favor of koIiik out at unci. Another uieetliiK: was to have been hold vesteulay, and in nil piohublllty the men will quit woik tins moniln;;, iinliss the matter Is fixed up, The Number Involved. It Is said that If a stiikc Is. called on Am II 1 the men of the entlie aiilhia. idle lesion will terpoiitl at nine. Tho iutciests Involved topioscnt iSO eollioi ics, In elKlit couutlos, valuoil at VIM), iiiio.OUO, with an output of is.noo.nuo tons a tar, and cinployliiK IGO.oun men and boj s The Receipts. At tlie solvit es In St. Hose church yostciilay It was aiiiiouiu od that the net icielptH of the onCM-t.ilntnont held In St. Hose hall on last Monthly tilKht amount to $100 r.u, and that the endue patty Ik Id Just befoic the heRliinlnir of Lent luitl icsultotl lu a piotlt of Jllj. Meetings Tonight. Common council. Olive Leaf loilue, Xo. 150, Independ ent Older of Odd Fellow 8. Federal union, No. 7.J0I. Patriotic Older Sons of Amcilia. Carhondalc council. No. ;Uti, KnlBhts of Columbus. Laylnp Out Lots, Tin co of Survcjor PuniiliiR'h men ot Si umtuii wcio luyhiK out iiuvv lolK on the AlhilBht tiact. north of this, city, on Saturday. Theio wcio ton lots told on thU tiact l.iKt lull. Young- Men's Union, Theie will bo a siwtdal meotliic of the Vituns: Men's union at tho Cowrie 'Phone : NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 Rational church tomorrow cvenlnft at 8.1." o'clock. Tho Passing- Huong. Miss Maltha ShiRcr Is vIslthiR In lloiiesdnlc. Patrick Catden la 111 at his home on Dundaft' Ktlcut. A. II. Fellows will leave today for New Yoili city. Mis. Sidney Plctcc has tecovticd from a kcvi-io Illness. Mis. P. J. Mutiny has icmoved fiom Pike to Fat-view- sttcot. lillbeit t'olbttin, of Hclmont street. Is vciy III with brain fever. Miss Kate Forbes, of Jlayflolil. Is v!. IthiK .Miss Lizzie Latkin, on Uiooktyu strict. .1. W. Seaman, of lloncsdale, spent Sunday with his sons, C. W. and A. V. Seaman. Thomas Caiilcn, of Woodhiwn ave nue, has bought Council's house, on tho West Side. Mr. anil Mis. J V.. Hutr, of Lincoln avenue, have l etui lied fiom their southern tilp. Theron Lc" Is homo to spentl his Haster vacation with his parents, Ilcv. ami Mis Chillies Lee. Mi?s Colla Clink, of Pleasant Mount. Is the Knot of Miss Maiy Walker, on South AVashiwrton wticet. Mldiae Kelly, of Htooklyu sttct. on A pi II 1 will stmt In business In tho stoic of the late Mis-. Ann Moi.in, on Woodhiwn avenue. Miss C.piiPVleve Rlis, of StroudsbuiR Not mill choo, and Miss MaiK.uet Uiiii-itati.nl' Mllleisvllle N'oimal .school, in r- lioine for Haster. Jennie Hiytlcn. of I'aiboutl.ile, was ontoi tallied at the home of Mi. anil Mis. Hiyilen. of Main slieet, the e.uly pail of the week. Miles AVaileinau and wife wen called to Calboutlali hv the si-lions illness of Mr. WiidPinan's sls It r. Ilnuv lleliiiiir ami wife, James Mav, wife and tlaiiRhtcr Ihmn.i, of Caiboiitlnle, wcte rallul bote by the sellout Illness of ll. J. Tnvlor. Peek-villi- Join mil. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. The Jr i mv ii borough t mint II w 111 hold a ipccl.il nieetiiiR- tomoi low cvenliiK for the pin pose of appointing a hot'. oukIi attonuy, the toi in of the late bniotish attninov, Jlulbollaiiil, having tsplltd. It was thoilBht the matter inulil be laid over until the liet niPol liiK. but nvvlwf to HlP fait that the holder, of the watoi bonds have coni iin mill an action tiRuliist the boiouRh, ll Is ncetssaiy to cnKORe IpryiI talent to look nflcr the IioioukIi's Interest This will be done at tomoi row even lug's iiirntlu?. The hoinc of Mi. ami Mis. Fiank llenieli Iglit was hilghteiieil cstcid.iy h.v the aiilval of a little son. A iIiiurIi ti i has also at lived at the bome of Mi. and Mis. Hit-haul Jones, of Main stieot. ami Mi. ami Mis. Samuel Piloi, of .Mavlleld, ale icjolcliiR over a similar hupp.v event. A ihlld of Mi. and Mis John Ken neth, of South Main sHect, Is ill of pueiimoula Mis. A. I'uioiy, who has been spend Iiir .several months bete with Jeiinyn lelalives. has ictuinetl to her lioine at Wllkes-U.u ic. Mis. Lewis Mollis ami family evpeol sluutly to Join hei husband lu Denver, Col. Mr. and Mis. II. 1 Picas sivnt Sat iirdnj evening w lib Cai bondale fiiends. .Mis. C.iioj, of South Main stieot, Is ii'llnllslv III. Mis Isaac Jones spent jo-ttcitlay with Plttston ti lends nniRRlst Jones and family wcio In St i anion ye.storthiy Mr. and Mis. (Icoikc Peiulcreil, jr.. anil .Miss Stella Pendeied weie In Car boinlale Satin tlay cvenliiR-. Mi and Mis. Hairelt, of Likcsldc. Siisiiuehanna ottnty. aie vIsIHiik at the Imiiip of thdr sou. Prof. II. .V. ij.u-. It'll, of Set ond stiet I. OLYPHANT. A I.iirc ileligation of dtlzens assem bletl at Mahon's hall on Saturday even lug and dlstussed the question of the p.ijmeut of the boiough's shale of the nuinldp.il com t, which the Supionie coilit leiently decided could lint be legally paid b.v the boiough. From tin- speeches made It was gleaned that theie .no two ways of adjusting til" matter. One Is to hold a special elec tion to legalize the payment, or loi the piopeity holdei.s along tht line ot tlie sew ei to conti Unite and pay olt the balnuto. The lattr plan seemed most feasible, but in in tier to get the opinions of all peuons Inteicstctl a loiiiinltlce of ten weie named to wait on the prupoilj- owners today. If the tltlzeiiH do not appiove of this plan, nil oitlluanco w III bo picsentod at tonight's session ot touiidl piovlillug for a spe cial clot t Ion. A Iho toinpaiiy Is about to be organ ized In (liassy Island, On aicoiint of tin- gieat distant o tiom the ential poll Inn of the town miidi tlamnge has been done in lli.it set Hon of late before the Iho i omp, inle.s could leitpontl and In order to he better pioleelod lu the future the citizens in that section or the town will oiganlze a new lompany lit a lew days. Council will be askeil to assist lu bujiiig the netcssuiy up. paiatiiH. Miss r.tla Loftus, of Paleisuu, N. J, Ih visiting Miss Mamie Kogan, or Scotch hticet. Th boiough council will meet in an adjourned session tonight. The appro- pilallons for the coining jear will bo made and the salailcs of the vailous binough oiriolals llxcd. The Olypliaiit Mlnstiel compatiy will give a performance at the opeia house oil Apill 2'.'. The llrst session of the Lady Hllen Penman lodge of Itebetca, width was oisaulyod two weeks ago, was held on S.ituiilaj In the Sweeney building, on I.iukawanna street. The afternoon session opened ut 2."0 o'clock. A hymn was .snug, aft-r which thirty-seven iiiembeis weie Initiated by Deputy (li.iud Master .Mis. Sklllhorn and her staff, from West Seranton. The fol lowing otllcors were then Installed: Noble grand. Mrs. J. ll. Folhamus; vice noble gi.ind, Miss Kdlth Kvans; tr-asuioi, M.is. T ll. Hiown, assistant treasuier, Mis Ueiijumln Williams; seciotai.v, Chailos TIioiuiih: tiustecs, Uccue Williams. Miss Jennie Phillips, Mis. Jamoh Vine. At fi o'clock u lunch was horved to tlie iiiembeis and visi tors) In Llojd'H hall. At 7 o'clock ths evening session began by tho singing of a hymn. Forty-six more member weie then Initiated by the deputy stand master and her si tiff. Sevoial mem. bPi-M from the Aiehbald Hebec-cii lodge weie piesent and nuule appropilate speeches pertaining lo the order. There were also delegations pres? nt from Jer myn, Carbondalo and Providence, At the close of the evening session refresh nicnts were again ssrved. Mrs. Anthony Corcoran was called to Newatk. N. J., on Saturday, owing to the serious Illness of her son, John Corcoran, at that place. W. i:. Lloyd, of Deposit, N. Y., Is visiting- his mother, Sirs. Frederick Lloyd, of Ulakcly. Mrs. F.ll Lowfoctc. of Hyde Pail, spent yesterday with lelatlves In this town, Mis.- May Morgnu, of Providence, vls lled friends hete ycsteulay. TAYLOR. All annngonients have been i om pletcd for the coining of tho Hlcctilt: City minstrel troupe to town this even ing, when they wilt give an up-to-date perlonnance at Wcbei's rink, for tho benefit of the Price Library associa tion. The sale of tickets has bein huge. Admission 2," tenia. The fol lowing Is the piogranime: Opening chorus, Klottilo City Wheelmen Min strel company, grand Intiodttctoiy oveituic, bones and tainbos, "Choir Ccltfctlal," David Owens; "JJveiy ISace Huh k Flag but the Coon." William l'i Ice: "Oh Answer Mo," Walter Da vis; "Just Hc-cnuse She Mnde Them (Ico-Hoo Kycs." hen. Allen; "Mls Vlr glnlo," Thomas Stephens, selection (I'lirmonlca), N. Loomls; "My Honolu lu Queen," Arthur Davis, "Asleep In the Deep," 1J. llolllstcr: "No Cake Comes Too High for Me," Luther Thomas; a little 'lance, William Hiieh "Lamb, Lnmb, L'lliib." William AVII lianis: jelectlon. tiuaitette, "Dolly Grc.v," Ihurys Joseph; mandolin selec tion, 1-al. .Morse; selection, John Thomas: "A Little Foolishness," ( A William. Hn. Allen, gram! finale, "The Holy City," H. H. D'ivIs and ioiii- p.my: bones, Hilly Williams. A O. Da vis. W. H. Davis. Tainbos. H. N. Teets, Lutlirr Thomas, K. D, Morse. A dance will lollov the perfoimnme Hcv. Frank Mllinan, Ph. D., of Potts vllle, pastor-elect of the Second Pics bytcilan ilmreh of Pottsvllle, oceil pletl the pulpit nt the Piesbytoi'hin ehui oh .vestenlay nioinlng and deliver cd an Interesting sermon. Following Is the result of the contest for the lancy quilt at the Stew ait Mo tnoilal cliuich fair, which came to a successful termination on Fildny evening. For the quilt. Mrs. Thomas Wybmn collected ffil.oi. Mis. Joseph Cnlbeit, f.s.fi.'; total, $12".fi1. The Ice ci cam and fagRot socials lvld on Satin day evening at the Welsh and Flist Congicgatlonal chinches veio well attended. A large number of Taj lor people at tended the fiineial of the late Mis. Thomas at the Hiech Woods jester da j. Mcnibeis of the Taylor worsted and Lmkaw'inn.i silk mills union an- ie- Itichteil to meet this inoinlup at ! ID o'i lock. Mother Joucs will be pieselit at Hip meeting. Measles hip plentiful In this boiough mill now ius.rs nie being lepoitetl dally. Taylor, I'yne and Aichb-ild lolllnles cniploj-ps ricelved theh nnil-nionlhly p.uiilngs mi Satin daj. Taylor Mais villi jouinev to Piovl diliic tonioiiow liiRht, whelp they will meet the stats lu the basket ball iiic-na at the Auditoiiuin .Miss Jennie Dav s, a trained nurse, of l'hlliidelphl i, Is the guest of icln tlvcs lu town. lhublem tllvlslon. No "7, Sons of Temperance, will meet in icgiilar ses sion tills evening. Hert C.omlall, of 1'eckvillo, called on fi lends In town on Satindav Chlinril AVIIllanis. 'if Main stieot, leaves for Xr w Yoik this morning, whole he will seeiite a po.ltlon. Mis. Thomas Owiiis, of Union street, has letuructl home fiom her visit to Pillstol.. Mr. and Mis. Chillies Hodge, of I'nlon stieot, visitt tl their son ul the Moses Taj lor ho-tpltal yestoidaj-. David C. Davis, a popular .voting man, died at the home ot bis sister. Mis. James H. Watklns, of Malnsticet, ycsteulay afternoon Horn an attack of pneumonia. Deceased fornieily ic sidetl In Pltthton, wheie he was em ployed as a suivejor up to the time of bis ibatb. Kiinci.il announcement will In made later. PECKVILLE. The cuv lug In .of tin- mines of the Temple lion tompany on North Main stiect has caused gteat excitement in that vicinity, as the Riouud has set tlctl to quite an extent. On the prop. city of D, Lewis theio Is a cave-In that extends nuoss the pioperty. It Is about thlity teet wide and some twen tv teet In depth. The . W. Huiii tlagt pioperty I.s also a siufcicr Tho pi finises me occupied bj C, J. Ganze- niullei and family and they weie great ly turpi Ised on Filday moinlug to tlnd a hole home thirty feet lu depth and oNtondlng over quite a Jong sec tion of the surface hail made Its up. poaraiuo dm lug the nlghi. The gioiintl In and about that vicinity Is settling and gicat ctacks In the earth are to b seen. The Temple lion com pany will today endeavor to till up the depicsslons In the ground by lining with culm It Is thought that when the fiost leaves the ground the caves will become mote extensive. All. C.. V. Taj lor was tho guest ot Mr. Hjtnn Travis, of Mooslc, yestet duy. Ml and Mis 11. H. HligRS, of Car bondale, weie guests of the foimcr's patents, Mi. and Mi. S. II. Hilgg.-, jcsteiday. Miss Isabelle (i.inzomtillcr Is able to be about attorn wcok'fsevpie Illness. Mrs. Anna Kiolft and daughter, Cbna. or Moildale, N. Y.. Is being en tortaliietl at the home of her luuther, Mi. L'dwnul Haines. The local cauih of Modern Woodmen of Amcilia will hold their regular meeting at Ledy.ud hall this evening. To Cure a Cold in One Day lAe l.ivallir llrumo Quinine 1'alilrti. Sic. ' JESSUP. Mis. John Godfrey, nn old ami ic spceted rcsltlent of this place, was stunk by the il.09 hoiith-bonnd train Saturday aftetnoon. Fortunately, the old lady escaped serious Injuilos. The Dramatic company of this place I.s making great preparations for tho production of "The Shamrock and the Rosa," which Is to take place Tuesday evening, A pi 11 10. The past few months the company has been rehearsing this di lima under the oaieful direction of J. it, Kennedj', a gentleman who Is well known on the stage. "The Sham rock and tho Hose" Is a loiuantle drama of Iilsh life during the lebelllon of '!i5. hi four acts, by John Fitzger ald Murphy. The ciiBt of chat actors Is ns follows: Harney O'Brudy, an Irish Mondial, John McAndrcw: 'Squire Fitzgerald, Hose's .father: James Keel er; Jos Desmond, up outlawed patriot, P. II. Oallaghcr: Sliuun Carey, a spy, John Sweeney; Captain Heck, l.leuten- Scranton Guernsey Hall IS THE BEST PLACE IN SCfANTON TO BUY A PIANO OR ORGAN Don't fail to come an J see .is Rroat bargains are waiting for you. J.W.GUERNSEY, PROP. 314-316 WASHINGTON AVE, SCRANTON. PA. Ill New Guernsey Building. DAVIS STEAM DYE Co, 319 PENN AVE. Gooth callctl lor anil delivered. Cleanlne, I'-thiK ami rrrfslmt, ALL WOTK GUenntJTEED. PHONE 3736 Golden Gate Dininq Rooms. llol 23 tent rural in (he tity. Kiie Meal Ticket. $1.00. bundj dlnnfr a pv laity. Home nudo I'.utr-. 244 ADAMS AVE. W. J. Bahriscale. MANTELS. 1'ltr.pl.ur trimming 312 WASHINGTON AVE. ELECTRIC, COAL ANO QAS ORATES Tiling lor (loon. TELEPHONE. IV. A. HARVEY, I'lerlrle Wiling and l'ivlitre. Ileclilc Pell and Telephone Moil. 309 Commonwealth Building. J. B. WOOLSEY eg CO covr?iCTO?s AND BUILDERS. Dealers In Plate Glass and Lumber O" ALL KINDS. Kingsbury & Scranton. Manufactiiicit' Agents MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES. Ii-likt' Amenta for John V ltorhlinyN Sim lo a Mire Itopf and Fleet rlral Mire Cutla Peirlia ami It iblier Mle l o ' llellinit, 1'jiltlnp, Hove and Met litnii il ItuUier l.ond. Knowllen I'atklnir l irtri'n nil ( loililnc lloom ,;ni Piull niili- W. H. GORDON c SON. Iloipc Miwiiisr and C.nei.il Hlarksmiiliin; M.14011 .iml ( muse riullillns and lliiliber Tnr I'iS 339 ADAMS AV-NUE. ant Douclas, Thornton, of th Kins's Veomamy, J. H Kennetij, 'I'huimii Foul, W, H, Dciniodj, 1 espeet Ivcly. Ilo-e ritget.ild. tlie "Hose (.r Wit-k-low," Akiios Foul: llcen O'ltouike, Hainey'M "Shamrock." Hee Hyine.Nano Desinoiid. JoIiii'h sister. Heatilce Foul, anil soldlcis anil lusiiiKt-nts. Cauls au- out announcing the mat. ll.ifre of Mi. Mm tin (iolden ami Miss M. J. Holland, both popular youns peo ple of this plate. The t'nlted Mine Workem of Ameii 1.1 will hold a special mejtliig at their looms tonlKht Mls.ses I.tilu Hiatlv and anil Wlnlfied DoiiKheitj' weu caller.s In Scranton on Saturdaj. - - THE CAENEGIE PRESIDENT. Sketch of Charles M. Schwab, Head of the Gieatest Steel Woiks in Amerlcn. 1 1011 Cavil l'i M u.i'iiii The ranks of those who have won dUtluetlon lu developing the Ameilcan Iton and steel Industry to Its pies-ent lilKh state holtl as one of their youiiK ost, anil yet one of tholi most promi nent members, Cliailes M. Schwab, the ptesldent or the CaincRie Stool company, Limited, of I'ittsbuiR-. He I.s a native ot the Mate of Pennsylva nia, and was boin on Feb. lo, ISC', al Williamsburg, Hlalr eounty Ills re mote ancestors weie Germans, but his patents weie native Ameilcum-. Ill father wa.s a woollen nianufactuicr at WIlllamsbuiK lor many yeais. In 1S7J the family icmoved to I.oietto, l'a., .1 little mountain hamlel on the 01 est of the Alleghanlo. famous as the ciadle of Catholicity of the western slope of the AlloKhanlos, and tlie place wheie the prince-priest, Demetrius Oalllf.en, kin to the present house of flussln, struggled 100 years ago to plant the ctos and spiead civilization. Loretto Is the oldest heat of icllglou and loam. Ing In tho Hnltetl States west of Hhlla. tlelphla. and theie, under tho tutelage of the Franciscan friars.young Schwab leceivetl his .sclentltlc education. When but a boj. before his tolloge dajs, his time was emplojed on the fanu and In riilvlng tho coadi vihidi caiiietl tin malls and iMsseugeis riom Cicsmiii station up to Loi otto, his father hav ing at that time the contuut for car rying the malls between these points; and thei-p nie many who yet lcmember the piesldent of the great Caincglo Steel conipanj- as the smiling, com to. mis lad whote Intelligent conversation enteitalned them on the four-mile ill he fiom Cresson to I.oretto. In July, 1SS0, he was graduated ftom college, and Immediately set out lo e.1111 his livelihood. Dm Ins tho sanie month he engaged to take a place In a groceiy nt Hiatldock. Pa., and thus the executive head of one ot the Idig- est industilal establishments In tin wot Id began his business career. The gioiery tuide, however, did not lin piojH the joung man as a puunlslng Held In which to icallo his expecta. lions, and when, alter two months' expoileuce behind tho sugar counter, ho found an opening mine suited to hit. taste and abilities ho relinquished his position to enter the set vice of the Caiiiegle Steel complin v, Limited, in tlie ouglneeilug department. Ills ambition was to beioine an engl. neor ami his beginning was at the hot. torn The llrst duty assigned to him was stako dilvlng at the Edgar Thom son Steel wot Us, Hessenier. Hut fiom the outset almost It was evident that Schwab was capable of eventually till ing a high position In tlie department, and tho transition lu his foitune was, consequently, rapid. In sis months alter he enered Carnegie's service hj was appointed superintendent, and In that capacity supervised the construe, lion of eight of the nine blast furnaces now comprising tho Kdgar Thomson plant. Mr. Schwab also oilgiuated oilier en glneeilng woiks of conslileiable mag nitude at tho Kdp.ar Thomson work., Including au addition to Hie i.ilt mill department, giving tho works mi out. put owocdlng any mill lu tht- woiltl. Business THESE ENTCRPRISINQ DEALERk CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. Brotherhood Wine Co.'s I Ine Old Ptilt", niirgiilullr. and S'lilfiiici. I'unU 'J ratio Onlj. P. H. FRENCH. AOB CONNCLU BLDO. oreschel's Great F'ire Sale ISA WyoMINO AVENUE. Now dolus On. line I r ami all Kliuli c( WiV-m car. BRESCHEL & CO. Scranton Laundry, 3ZS WASHINOTON AVENUE. Calls by tctcpliono rctcht iirompt altcntlnn WILSON & WASBCRS. SPECTACLES. MADE ANO REPAIRED. "Tliat's all " S. H. TWINING. 131 PENN AVE. DIAMOND SHOE SHINING PARLORS Tor l,iillc and Cent', Ml slilm-s ic 433'SPRUCC-433 HANLEY'S Sakery, 420 SPRUCE ST, Succewor ti HUNTINGTON Me mike a perhlli of fine lueid atnlta Orrlu tor Sibji, Ojttcu, fro'inm, fir, promptly lillnl, A lull line ol Lie (reini and lie Eureka Plating Works. b'ber, (Sold, Mi III, Cupper ami IlriM I Inndelleri RefiiiMieit 3S1 DIX COURT. REAR GO. TRAD?., REISMAN BROTHERS, Leading c fdeiUr HOG SPRUCE ST. 603 LINDEN ST. GORfNA Ql'KKN OF KFY WHPT CIGAH.-. DEAN, 40BCONNELL BLDG Two l'lionea. GOODMAN'S SHOE STORE. Nn ,i in I ,, K.m 111111 ate GRANO OPENING "ATURDAY. MARCH 23 j The scriANron Vitrified Brio: AND TILC MANUFACTURING COMPANY M.iken .. l-nini, Pn.i fi. M II llll I. iei.il Sr, anii, liilln .lii MuOiiusloii 1 Muks ,11 Vi V11.'. I'd , I K M It It The t h.mges m. id. at that time with Itnpioieil blast fin n.it e and siei 1 iun veislon praetlie. effected mil b huge ot onoiules in inannfiu titling tost as to make eniiipi tiilun possible in iho u.m Itets of the voi Id. to the extent tit the pioilllcl of tills mill is now to be found 111 t-veij qiiaitei of the gl ibe where lailioads are opiiated He contluued as stipci intepdctir nod nssliitnnt man. iger of the Hdgar Thoin--011 flirn.it es alltl steel woiks from ISM to 1VST. The Lit" Cnptaln William 11 Jones, wl-ove enduring woiks must ever be assoi Inteif with tho enrlj dr velopnient of the American sted in ilu-tij. was gontral manager of ihe plant at that time, and shoved abiding talth In the genius and capacity of his assistant Mr Schwab iii-opeiatnl with C.ipttiln Jones in tin jieife. u.ai and practical deiuoustiatioii ol the in vention known to the stool iiulustij as the "metal mixer," which has made Ihe name o Captain Jones almost as fnmnu- In the world of nietalltiigv as that of Hesesmer, Siemens, Mai tin aim othei-". In 1SST Mr Schwab was appointi d siipeilutendent of the Homestead steel works of the Catnogle company and let onstrui toil the entire plant making It the largest plant in the woiltl of It, class, producing steel blooms, .siiul tural shapes, bridge steel, bollei, in nun. ship and tank plate and Med tastings. Shortly alter he assumed the management of the Homestead woiks, the Carnegie lompany under took the inautifactuie of .111,101 plate at the request f the t'nlted states navy depai tinent, and the slltces;i at tending this great enlerpilso fiom th -Hist day of operullou may be atti Unit ed to the eliglneei's dear pen option of tlie mechanical anil nictalliirgli.il tlltb cultles Involvetl and the manner In whldi he oven ame obstut les In ihls gigantic woik. No blanch of the steel Industi.v pie sentul in its Inception inch hazards to the cuglncci and steelmaker as 1II1I uimoi pmleniiiklng, and the icsults ac complMiod by Mi. Schwab vieie par tloulailv ciedltable fiom the fait that ho succeeded almost tiom the initial efloit, while evciy pu-vlotis iittempt failed at the beglnnlnrr and armoi was not piodiitod suttessfiilly until niter a long period of experiment Mr. Sehwnb temalned at Honiestead as htipeilnlendeut until Octohei, issD, win 11, upon the de.ith of Captain Jones, icsulllng fioin au accident at the lldgar Thoinphon tuiiiaces, he was appointed geneial siipeilnteiiilent of the 1Mg.tr Thomson woiks ami lur liates. In lS'U Ihe Hnuiosti ail Steel Woiks weie also placed under his management for the second iliue. and, with heailqiiiirtois at llnniestead, he illicctetl the opeiatlons ot both Im mense establishments, cmplojlng thousands; of nu'ii ami piodiielug sever al million tons of sled per annum, lie was declod a member of the bo.ud of inan.igciH In IfcDi'.. and lu Fobiu.uy, IS'iT he succeeded John J. A. Lelsh man. I'nlted .Si.iIi-h nilnlsioi to Swltz eilantl. In tho olllce uf raesldcnt ot the vast C.irueli- enlei prises. Tills, in bilef. Is the lecoul of ("has. M Schwab's uucii. Horn the countiy lad on the dilvoi's seat of the niouii tain dlhigc mall-coach lo tho pics! dent's thitli of one of the lending cnin meulal Institutions In the wmld. Ills life of !ott than two-scoio yeais has, liuieed, been reniaikabl" uuecessful, and Is all the more creditable since h owes nothing to advantageous ch-cum-stnmes tif till til and exceptional oppoi tunlilcs: but. un.ildeil. and b.v tho nieilt of his own efforts, ho has at tallied a fotemost phut- among the IiMdois of Industilal commerce or the woiltl. II l.i 111 hlevoiiionis have been many and note win thj tttid as a me ibiinlcal 11 ml nn iiillutKir-Hl tpeit of the. t'nrniglo Sfd louipanj'. he has lu en an Important r.u lor lu the urn -cess of that establishment. Mr, Schwab's services to tho Imp Industry are highly valued, unci tunny of tho tolling mill dovhes iilld steel winks Implovciiieiitu now emplojed on bulh sides of the Atlamle are tho punliiet Houses. think! iV;i;r,,,n,ut4d, F. L. Hitchcock t& Son. FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS. 600 ami 507 Cummonnrallh nulldlng, RCnANTO.V, t'A. Onlj flrt clan rompanlei rrprettntctl. Clilnn piomplly paid. O. S. BLOSS "aSS&'c THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER. IT LEADS THEM ALL. L. SOMMAR, lliilldinn Contiactor. i:mplo) union men. IMInutei rliecrlully Chen Itrmorlellng and repalrlnu a apeclall. 3SO WASHINOTON AVE. LACKAWANNA UNDERWEAR STORE will .ell ill tlirlr tampln ol line Imported Mailr.i Milrl lor men nt l.'h , woith 1 n 2, V) (lold Me.lit I'hotoRraplier -jL. FOR SALE lit COIIs and Wr... OSs of .ill Unrtai aim lloa-ei and llulldln; l.ol at bareiliH IIDIf-ES I I.IIMM'D and (!ttOO-.l) at M. T. Keller's I uKawannaCarrhg Moik. b Clllltlirn' -Xl VrtUt ALL DISEASES OF VJOMEN. V aperllltv Pr Ireterlni Hrtoni 1, o.er t.lnhe alme limn t In V 3'1 p 111 t f'llMllUM.Hi dee -plienc n"ll HAVE YOUR WATCH FIXED RIGHT WE ARE SATISFIED WITH A SMALL PROriT. BERNHARD, jeweler. .1. I..M h, NNv AVI'.MI. EDWIN S. WILLIAMS. CONTRACTOR, BUILDER ROOM SB COAL EXCHANGE. SCRANTON. PA. THE SCRANTON UMBRELLA MANUFACTURING COMPANY Me lany the larne.t Motk ot I'mbrelU", l'ar tjJYv "'"I" al"l llmdle.; we SK&s aNr, ItlCONtnt ninlirella ijj U243jk. and imwI and make ? id fcm ""'", "I' r'lIM" " K"01' 'vt I i?AV "en """ K-raniT inn '.ft oyA inkes tt In lower thin VW ,,nl 'in,,e In tho t ll.v J N Me repair all 0111 iiid tor one ear I HI. I. Ul (II Mini:. 313 SPRUCE STREET. 50 YEARS' . EXPERIENCE imm m - . - . -- - ' TnADE Marks Designs 1 COPVRIGHTS ttC. Ilimnirii;iiy..iiiniuiii. on .".."'"..". ; ..... aont free, eililo.t nceney forneeurlnir patenta. Patents taken thrnuuh Munn A, Co. rccelTfl tpeelal notice, wllhout charge. In tbo Scientific American. A handsomely lllii'trated weekly. I unrest rlr. iiiliillon of uny selenium lournal. 'lerins. M n Ttiar: four months, ti. gold byull newsdealers. MUNN &Co.3G1CrM,wa'' New York Uraneli Offloc. CJ5 K 8t, Wnsblnmon, 1). C. BISY TrdE GEOSUINE SYfW OF FIGS . . MANUFACTUItED BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. tsr S (IT C T II V. ." A i 1:. Prof.G.F.THEEL,527,?hrh. I hlU(1.lhU. I-., ilnijr ...rui.i. npwt.ii.e j Vairrira. I..i4-antr1n rur ilSy m.ll rrli.lt. 111....... I ir. Ahu..., PIihmI ToSnilt S.r.AU., I PrMlltr,lo.l 1..hm.l,rlro..l.'MrlFtirfiio 9 .uiiUi. . I nil.,lAtiRi.iil. A hhrunl.n Omn. (7ih r.- .r-d 1 In lOil.r.. Sft ..n practlralA A Jftr.1 IbofpUul rip.rl.n. I" e..rmy. -.oil for hivk "TrBth"f .J Ipo.ini ..r BiMilf.l .Iwtrl'tl rru. H.tlii IH. l.ri M . ' ! I 2ft rvrifi of his genius He holds membeishlp lu vailous sclentllli and Industilal organ izations in Ameiha and Huiope. In cluding the Auieiioatl lion and Steel iismii iiitlon. the Amcikan Institute nt Mining Hnglneers. and tho lion and Stool Institute ot Uie.u liiltuin. Mr. Schwab's peisounl dun acteils tlcs au stilklnglj foiceliil He shows keen and o-i tain Judgiul'-iit and ic manner openly fiank and unassuming; hut the piodomliiatlng trait of his na luie Is gentle, alfable anil sj lupathetio tr mperanieni. whldi wins ailmli.ttloii and tilendslilp. Appieclatlng tht ueiessitv of train ing the voutli of todaj. that they mav bo self-dependent In after life, Mr. Schwab founded III Homestead a fui polytechnic fcIiooI In which Instru. -Hon Is given In nieihanlcal dinwlug, iiiillni-ntni v engineering and kindred piuctlcal studies. The st bool Is con ducted as a biandi of the Pennsyl vania State schools, and It ha nu-': with such giatlfvlng sin cess that the founder now contemplates building an'i equipping a tialiilng si honl lor clrbv Ills bendlt ence has been well nppllel In Ihls undcitiiklng as well as to nil met nus woithj chaiitles whldi he sup. polls generously though quietly. THE BOY WHO TURNED OUT BAT) J tie hot- tli it Inniril ont 1ml .e taUert hi pjr. dita seed ami u in : Ihij puinleieil wlul as Ivsl fur I1I111 and lne lliey mntlil lo tin. Ami they .it last ilrudeil lliej would kerp In 1 lioine .it iilkdila s.i he inulil not take pjit in .ill the ether ho-. tilisliU. 'Ihej nrirr let him pUj vfltli lioja wlio went in their liare rrll Tlu-i kept lilin from llii t imiiiiiiar hole in I Urpt I1I111 off Hie itieft. lie cur lull 11 ini'lo fUM, ami on Ml lid- loweVn llo ttllli Hit- oihrr hide liuj v,, nrier, net.r .em, II' nt'ier nlole an 1 ppli- fium & nclglihoi's appia lite, lieeuiiM- lis uiutlier'a i-asle eo w,n nn lilm inntantl..-. lie netcr m a "litiw." bfcaute 111 pa.ntl nlu,iya fall 'IIhj illtlu't nanl rxlravjiai.ee In loinmj lo lm hreil. lint tilirn lie srew up Into '(Mrs, tie tlslinl min Ut) 1 ' t tee Tin rty sweetest Joj III life liivu bfen ik-iili-d to liw." Ami all tlie pent-up splilt ot Hi (ellow hreka and ran. Ami wlil U inUtlilfl lnt l-e.v Is rrlmlnsl tn (1I1H. I1b-w1 fetuinr, In Iwllanipilli !'m.