The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 25, 1901, Image 1
V. I ribittxe. cranton jRgjiTHE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING TUB COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD SCRANTON, PA., MONDAY MORNING. MARCH 25, .1001. TWO CENTS. TWO J&g INDUSTRIAL SANITORIUM Rocku Mountain Phuslclans Estab lish Hospital tor Victims o! Consumption. A WORTHY ENTERPRISE Tin ns to Establish nn Institution Near Denver City Which Will En able the Impecunious to Ra:eivo Treatment for Tubciculosls nt Moderate Charge and Pay for the Same by Services Rendered in Some Sort of Light Work It Is Hoped to Make the Colony Self supporting, but Aid Will Be Solic ited from Various States. 1U Mi ip I l Tlir .Woe i.ile.l li ,-. Denver. Col.. Muu-h 21. To save the In os of thousands of persons belong lns to other stales from death by iiitiorculosls 1m tlic object of an organ ization of Denver physicians ami other professional men anil women for the establishment and maintenance of the llueky .Mountain Industrial Sanitar ium, which has Just been Incorporated here. 'Hie organization alms to be national In Its scope and lias the Indorsement and support of many of th? foremost physicians of the Fnltcd States. Its purpose is to aid the emit majority of tuberculosis, patients in poor or mod. e'rtte circumstances who come to Col orado and other mountain states In me hop,, that the climate and altitude "ill aid In effecting a cure, and who. almot Invariably, either from lack of nifauH or prupi'r dliectlon. are im mediately surrounded by conditions which preclude Improvement or rccov- ' y. Tin story of the tortures and haul-s- nps r.t the consumptive of moderate means who home and friends and attempts to make his way In a h illy wlille battling for health, would (111 olutncs. A large majnrlt oi thoM coming to Denver are forced into ofllce work or other clerical em ployment and live In chenp boarding houses, where the food, sanitation and ventilation arc poor, to say the least. I'lider such circumstances improve ment Is rare and recovery !inpos!bK The attempts will be made through auxiliary societies to reach these pa tients before they l.-avo their homos In other slntes. so that they may be start ed on the search for health with as cheering an outlook as may be atford i'd by ptoper medical care, nourishing food. cli?orful surroundings and an outdoor life In a sunny climate. To Remo e a Danger. Th" problem of how best to care for t'n- vast multitude allllcted with tuber- ulosN and at the same time remove a great public danger has long puzzled Hie lnlglit.-x't minds In the medical pro fession. The subject has been (lis. i ussi'd at every national and state meeting for years. Out of all the theories and schemes suggested, Den ver physicians, after much study, have organized In an attempt to evolve something practical. In this they have bad the advice of prominent doctors In other cities, who hope that the ulti mate result will be the removal of con sumptlves from large cities, thereby solving another hard problem. Their plan provides for the erection of a sanltorlum about twenty mll"s from Denver, to be conducted as an in dustrial colony. A largo amount of money will be required. This It Is ex pected can In; raised by the "cottage endowment plan," To secure these endowments by In dividuals, fraternities, clubs, societies, ihurelics. college alumnae, labor unions, etc., the Young AVomen's Sanl torlum auxiliary has been organized. A branch of this auxiliary will be estab lished in every olty and town In the 1'nlted States. It will be the duty of this society to co. operate with the board of directors, to secure money for the endowment of the cottages, to raise funds for a library, to collect furnishings for the cottages and to interest wealthy peo ple in the sanltorlum. By utilizing the labor of patients It Is expected thnt nearly all of the work of the institu tion will be performed, the entile sani tarium supplied with provisions, and a great variety of remunerative Indus tries carried on. The Industrial naturo of the Institution will enable patients to avail themselves of a change of ell mate while the disease Is In Its In elplency and before they ai-o Incapaci tated for light open-air employment. The motto of the Institution Is: "Helping others to help themselves Is the best charity." The Institution Is not for pi-oilt. No dividends can be do flared, anil the net earnings will bo used for the Improvement and better ment of the enterprise. The Incorporators of the Itoeky Mountain Sanltorlum are: William ii. Gnbbbery.assoclntu justice of the Colo Supreme court: Charles Hartzell, attorney: A. Mansfield Holmes, M. D. The Denver promoters declare that sucjeess can como only by the people of each state which has consumptive pa tients lending a helping hand in plac ing t ho Institution upon a substantial worlflng basis, UnlesB such co-operative, support comes torn citizens of other communities, their Invalids will, s heretofore, meet with hordahlps and disappointments, The Institution has been In operation In an experimental way for several months and tho results so far have been most encouraging. The International Trust company Is tho deposoltory for tho Sanltorlum, and donations of funds are safeguard ed by tho constitution, which gives the directors supervision of the expendit ure of all moneys. The benefits of the sunltoi luni are briefly set forth In the prospectus as follows: It will remove a constant source of danger from the private, homes und hotels of our cities. It will provide home comfort and proper hygienic and sanitary conditions for patients. H will provide treatment by special ists abreast of the times. It will secure obedience of patients to the laws of health. It will secure the advantages of cli mate long known to be of great, benetlt In checking tubercular processes. It will furnish a. homo for patients who tire financially tumble to avail themsetves of a favorable climate ut a time when It will be of great benefit to them and nt a time when they arc yet able to perform light work and to bo to n degree self-supporting. It -will furnish nn opportunity to pa tient who are financially able to pay for the privileges of the Institution to take up light outdoor employment suited to their tastes and ability. If they so choose, thus uniting the entire institution upon the broad plane of usefulness. TO PURCHASE THE SCRANTON COMPANY Big Hallway Deal Which May Be Consummated Within the Course of n Few Days. Fpiciil to Hit Scranton Tiibtitie. Ilarrlsburg, .March 21. A meeting Is to be held here Tuesday by the piotno ters of the Council Park and Speedway Transit company to discuss the pro position of buying out the Scranton Hallway company. Negotiations to this end have been under way for soin? time and It is un derstood an offer has been asked for and made and that Its acceptance Is not unlikely, but very probable. GOVERNOR ODELL'S TRIUMPH COMPLETE The Republican Organization of the Empire State with Him Confer ence at Fifth Avenue Hotel. By Lxclu'lsc Win- frem The Associated Piest. New York, March 21. Leading re publican politicians of this city met In Senator Piatt's rooms at the Fifth Avenue hotel ths afternoon and were In conference for several hours. As a icsult of the conference It was resolved to attempt no police legislation this session. The conference adjourned subject to the call of Senator Piatt, whenever In his Judgment police legislation seems necessary. Long before the time for which the conference was called the corridors of the Fifth Avenue hotel were tilled with state leaders and members of the legis lature. Kvery one of the leaders sum moned to the conference attended. There was a large sprinkling of local politicians and many up the state poll tlclans who were attracted to the place of the conference, but who wete not summoned as participants. Though no one would say It directly, all who attended the conference ad mitted that It had come to the views of fiovernor Odell and It was consid ered that he had virtually triumphed and that the organization was with him. This evening Senator Piatt gave out th" following statement: "The general opinion of those at the conference was that the police condi tions existing in New York ought to have the attention of the legislature, but that It would be useless to pass any bill, as the governor lias declared that ho would veto II. "Some of those present favored a state police law and others favored a metropolitan district, but it was con ceded by all that nothing should be done nt present. "I regret the situation, as I believe that some action by the legislature is Important for the city and the Itepub. llcan parly, and I think that such will be the opinion of the general public, soon. Hut If nothing Is to be done and it the present bad conditions are not to be submitted, the legislature Is not responsible for thnt. "If It turns out In the next munici pal election that the Judgment which 1 have given upon the subject has been wrong, then I shall be glad that Tam many has been left In control of the police." POSTAL ROBBER RETURNED. Joseph A. Conlan, Who Disappeared with Mall Pouch Is Captured. Il.v i:Uwlo Win- fiom IV Associated I'ro-s. New oK, Man Ii St. -.Int-rplt A. foul m, Mho was imploynl n u clcik in poMofd i II mi Liwlncton iiM'iiiie until Fell. 'VI, when he dlsappraicd with a null pouch font lining iMO.Wj worth of government pioperty in the shape of inoicy (.i J( m and tamp, was broujiht baik lu this city tixlny in the custody of Postofflcc In pector.s -lames and Jacob ,ind Fulled Mates .Maishal Shine' and Delcitlwi lt.ijn, the at iH0 of San FmiicUoo, Conlati was tweed by tin, Inspectors srioas the country and thin flout place to plate on thu Pacific slope, Ice Palace Destroyed. By r.xtlusho Wire from Th Associated Pins. Philadelphia, March 2t. The Went l'aik lie palace at rifty-secend and Jefferson streets, was entirely destroyed by (lie early this inortitnjr, erlaillni; u loaa of about $l(Vi,oni), on whirl, then Is an insurant o of about ff75,t0. The building was uvd both ni u rink for lr.e skatlnc anil for the- manufacture of lie for commercial tisrs und was owned by the York (I'j.) lie Manufac turinic company. The season of winter sport dosed at llio lie palace last nildnlcbl. Steamship Arrivals. Ily Lxcluslie. Wire from The Associated I'tejs, New York, Maitli it. -Airbed: Hturla, 1,1 v. erpool und Qurcnstown, Liverpool snivel: I'mbrlii, New- Hrk sla Ijjecnslowii, (nirciw-ton-Silledi btnanla (frum l.lveipool), .lw York. ST.PETERSBURG IS TROUBLED Emperor Nicholas Meets with His Ministers to Consider State ol Public flltalrs. MORE DEMONSTRATIONS Are Expected in Home of Prince Viegashy Who Has Been Dis graced for Petitioning the Czar to Consider Grievances of the Stu dents Arbitration at Marseilles. Other Emopeau News. By Kuhi'he Mile fiuin The Avuiimeil l'iri. St, Petersburg. .Match 24. The poli tical situation Is so serious that Km pcror Nicholas had a meeting of tho ministers yesterday to consider tha state of public affalis. Threatenin;? letters have been received from Lieu tenant Oenetal KotiritpatUlu. minister of war; Mr. Nouvatleff, minister if Justice, and M, Siplagnlu, minister of the Intel lor. Itenewed tlomonitiatlons on a gr-a' scale are expected tomoriow. It Is expected that Prince Viegashy has been disgraced for petitioning the czar to consider the grievances of the stu dents. Lagowskl, the provincial olllelal who last Friday attempted to assassinate Ii Ivy Councillor Vollednnostzcff. pro curator general of the holy synod. Is a disciple of Count Leo Tolstoi, nnd he has asserted that the act was one of tevenge for the excommunication of Tolstoi. According to a special dispatch to tho I!osay, the governor general of Kleff, lleneral Dragomrloff, has published a i lot ordinance similar to that publlslnd by Ueneral Klegjels In St. Petersburg nnd declaring that the mllitiiry will be called otit unless the ordinance Is strictly obeyed. Tile day passed quietly lu St. Peters burg. Some forty thousand persons promenaded about noon along the v skoi. The crowd dwindled to normal proportions when It became apparent that nothing would happen. The promenaders were for tho greater part curiosity seeker?. Cossacks Dispel so Workmen. London, March 2.".. The Dally Mall publishes the following, dated March 1M, from IN St. Petersburg i:orrospond cnt: "Yesterday (Saturday) live bundled workmen from tho Obuchower metal works paraded on the Xevskol pros pect. On the way thither they demol ished the state brandy booths. Klght hundred Cossacks, with drawn .swouls, met the workmen and a sanguinary encounter ensued. The number of killed and wounded is kept secret. "The police have discovered a. plot against the life of the czar. It ap pears that a group of students drew lots and that the fatal choice fell to the son of a prominent gentleman. The student told bis father and the latter Infromed the czar. Imploring him to leave St. Petersburg." The St, Petersburg correspondent of the Dally Kxpress says: "In the last encounter at the Narva gate one hun dred workmen are reported to have been hilled or wounded by the Cos sacks. " Market at Berlin. lleilln, March 21. The Vmerlcau Iron market reports exercised a strong In fluence upon the (lerman bourses last week, giving unusual strength, and also Inspiring a hope that the (let-man Iron trade had tinned the corner. Some Iron men expressed the opinion that the worst has passed, fiorinan wire makeis having large New York orders, ate planning to raise the ptlce of pig Iron. "There Is a feeling among manufac turers." says the Cologne flazette, "that American makers through the trust will Hood tho Kuropean market with machine tools, and therefore (ier man makers will ask for Increased pro tection." Tlie pig Iron production during Feb ruary was 024,2fiS tons, or a decrease of 4.4W) tons, this being the first month showing a decrease. Arbitration at Marseilles. Marseilles, March 24. The proposed arbitration of tho differences Involved In the strikes has led to a general re laxation In the situation. The meas ures of the police are now less strict. All troops have been removed from the streets and other public places, al though retained under arms In bar racks. This morning the street car lln?s be gan running Intermittently nnd n reg ular service on all lines Is promised. The strike of the bakers has not proved serious. Bread was delivered to all customers today. The general situation Is one of calm. Brussels, March 25. Le Petit Hleu announces that the celebrated Jesuit scholar, Abbe Itenard, professor at the) University of flhent, has broken off relations with the church lu order to marry. RIOT AT RACES. Spectators Invade tho Track and Set Eire to Paddocks. Ily Kuliuhe Wltc Item Tlie Aoc later! Iie., Mairh '.'l.-'lhe rairs at flmendJl today ivew wptrndod on an cunt of a no' ai.vmtf tin apecUtoic. In the flrt i.Tic three hoies were Ut Jl the pot. The Judge per mlttrd the remit to ktand. Pnufcrt at this decision tho pedatora in vaded tho track, bloke the rail. e the In tin. paddocks and only desisted bom the work n demolition when the Judges proinUed to nluoi all bits en lioi'ics left At the pott. Murdered by Brigands, n.v r.telushe Wire from Tho Associated Pi cm, Tien Tsin, .March 21. The llev. Sinnelionse, of the Loudon Mlulonary socle)', has been nuir lered by brigand,, fourteen miles can of Tien Tain, MRS. NATION HOOTED. Atchison Mobs Will Not listen to the Lecturer. By Ftcluilre Wir from The Asaecisttd Treat. Atchison, Kan., Mnreli 34, Mm. Nation infl with a seiy told teieptlon bete last eierdtiir, she altempled to addtrws larjre iiowd In the batroom of the llryan liolel when she waa hooted repeatedly by the mob, The bartender mounted the bar thn-e timet in an effort t leslore order and to aeetne) for Mrs. N'atlon a respectful bearlnsr. Jin. Villon' famois mrs-e waa on tlie point of diseilliiK her, as theie teemed tu be no otic who wan In V.Miipathy with her. After trying to tlk for noine time she gave It up and, lu the nilndr of two policemen, she went nut on the sheet. Ileie she attempted I, enter another Joint but stopped by the chief of poliif Willi th temark that idie bad belter co to headquarters befote any further tionble should ensue, sli" took Ids oibiee and was taken lu a Iiiijk.s- by the ivllie and leinoied flout the mob, Kansas ('Ily, Msnli 21. After an eienttul day at l.p.m'iiwonh, Jli. (atile Nation airbed hei',. IhU eieulinr and bit immulldleb tor St. Louis in mute for I'lnilnn.ul. wheic'l.e Is booked to ilclher half .1 deem Ititiuvs. It was believed she would make an ullrmpt at Joint sniaililns hi l.cawnwoith, but two policemen letnalned with her all the time she was in thai iltj. She wniilml tu make .1 spf,,h In the Leatenwottli Opera hou-e, but this was 1,kI;,iI aRainst h-r. She thin attempted to speak en the public pure, bill the offlier stopped her. Later -he set nt to the Miiilinin put of tlie elly and ad ibevrd all audleiite ol ,Vsi enioiM on a saial.t lot. she sl.llnil tho SoldlnV home at Foil l.tMietiwoilh and bin abusing lloieinor IIiiwIjiiiI for allowliif a lanleen to be lun on the grounds, fter llsteninir in a shnit, lime tin- Rosernor called a captain of -ollio nml had hit- escorted o-r lite grounds! and phiied ill ,i ear (or the city, (long the rout tiom Leavenworth to Kansas cllv she made tear phitfoun speeches at esery stop. THE COMMISSION WARMLY ENDORSED The Committee of Fifteen Sends a Letter in Regard to Move Against Vice In the Tenements. Ily Fsilu-ise Hue tiom The As,oiiaied l'ie.. New York, Jlarch 21. The commit tee of fifteen today sient n letter to Oovernor Odell warmly endorsing the recommendation of the tenement hoiife commission in regard to the driving out of vice from the tenement houses. The commission devoted much time to this question, which was one of the things which called It Into the field and It Is expected the full committee will go to Albany on Tuesday, when a hear ing on the report of the tenement house commission will be held before the cities committee of the legisla ture. The letter roads In part as follows: Tho cieat-st of fKiliti esils Is the intiusiui and wide extension of prostitution In the tene luent houses, the houses in schieh the gieat mass of wjcc euiier ale tompHled to Hie. There sslll, piisli.ibl.s- tor totig time to coin", eontlini" to bo eliire'ieiices ct opinions as to th-iieic-esllv of pioteiilij ihlldreu of tender je.its fieni cliwe tontiit with deprasit.s. An Intimate .lrrjualntaiiee wllh adult vlee (.hould, at least nut b" foned upon rhildien by permitting sinli sliv to iKt.i'liale Into the scry hou-cs in which lliej lice. The ny of patents when they as'i mi-iid- feir the opportunity of brlnsing up their rhlMii-n If an .ilmospheie fne from the twllii. thui of the most degrading forms of moral evil, i-lio:lM sute-ly be- be-eeled. The letter says that the law at pres ent on the statin - books has not met the situation anil what Is needed Is a law that will place the responsibility for the existence of v'ce In the tene moms on the shoulders of tho land lords. This, the committee says, the legislation proposed by the tenement hoiiho commission will do. BISHOP JOYCE TO THE PREACHERS Some Good Advice Given at the Methodist Episcopal Conference at Stroudsburg. lis i:cliisise Wue fioni The Assoc ialeel Puss. Slroudsburg, Pa., March 21. In con nection with the annual session of the Philadelphia Methodist Kplscopal con ference, Jllshop I. V. Joyce today In llveied an address on Christ's Instruc tions to pieachers In the Methodist Kplscopal church. He said In part: "There Is nothing so bad In the world as human nature, yet men should not bo derplf-ed for wrongs committed In the past. The true pieacher will not be continually nag glng men for their faults. Like the good Shepherd he will seek the wan dering ones and not pelt them with stones, but lift them on his shoulders and bring them back to their true home. He urged the young men to take the Master with them wherever they went anil then the coldest churches would be the most cheerful. It Is not where you are, but what you are. that brings success. "It Is not so much what the preacher says, but how he says It. Do not have too much vinegar In your makeup. Service for Christ always pays." Deacons ordained this morning by Ills-hop Joyce were: Hev. Morris S. Mlnker. Daniel A. HInkle. John Vnt chom, Alvln J. Cooper, John Klllery, Francis A. Monlove, Howard E. Velk Iser, William L. Oanu, Albert M. Win ter, Kdmund .1, Redding, Oeorgo W. Sheetz. Tho bishop this nfternoon or. dalned the following as elders: -W. K WlllliiKWcrlh. Harvey H. Johnson, John Kdwards. (leorge '. Hensoy, Ocorge L. Schaeffer. Jr., Wllmer K. (Yiffman, Kverett D. Decker, Jacob It. Jordan. Jesuit House Closed, Ily Lxiliisiso Who fiom The Associated Piess. Madrid, ilarih 21. Pet-patches fioni Lisbon say that a cabinet council has cloed tho chapel of the elrters and withdrawn the sanction of the statutes fioni th-i associations of Maram blque mlolon.irles and the church of St. Fianela and St. I'.inl has become Hoje properly and a .lemiit house has teem cla-i-d, Eatnl Result of a Quarrel. Ily I'.jelusive Wire finm Tlie Associated Press. Alexandria, bid., March 24. William ami .lames (illmoic, negroes, brotheis, who with their whc oi-eiipiiil the same lioue, quarreled tenia ener a tihlal nutter, when William Hred two rhots at Ills Inollier with fatal etfrit, .lames elied lu an hour. Ills brother was lodged In Jail. MORE EASTERN WAR RUMORS A Japanese Squadron, Admlra Tsushima Gominnndlno, Leaves Nagasaki tor Korea. SITUATION IS SERIOUS Urgent Instructions Have Been Is sued by the Minister of War Gen eral Viscount Katzoma to Com manders of Forts to Attend a Con ference in Toklo to Consider Ques tions of Home Defense Feeling of the Country Is Uneasy and In tensely Antl-Russin, By Kulusiie Wue fioni The As-oi ialeel 1'iess London, March 2.,. "A Japanese squadron, Admltal Tsushima com manding, left Nagasaki Saturday for Korea," says the Yokohama corre spondent of the Dally Mall. "Oenetal opinion here Is that the situation Is setlous. I'lgent Instruc tions have been Issued by the minister of war. General Viscount Katzotira, In the commanders of foils to attend a conference In Toklo to consider alios tlons of home defense. "The war rumors are causing a fall In prices on the various bourses. Tho foellnc of the country Is uneasy and Intensely antl-UussIa, but the cabinet shows no Indications of Its policy." The dismissal of Mr. McLeavy Brown from the -post of director general of Korean customs Is regarded In London as another score for lturflu. In l1!!.", nnd again In ISO, llus.-lan pressure was exerted to piocure his removal. In tho latter case he was only rein stated after a British squadron had iroved to Chemulpo, As recently as a few months ago Ittissla strongly op lioscd nn attempt by Mr. Brown to raise a loan for the Korean govern ment to piirehas- shares In the rail way from Seoul to Fe Sen. As a ic sult of her opposition, the negotia tion for the loan failed. ANNUAL MEETING OF TRACT SOCIETY General O. O. Howard Delivers an Earnest Address, Setting Forth Object and Needs of Society. By Kiclualie Wire from llic Associated l'rss Washington, March 24. The AVash Ington annual meeting of the Ameri can Traot society "was held today In tho (lunton-Tcmple Memorial church, the Itcv, Mosa S, Flske, pastor, pre siding. The Ttov. Judson Swift, Held secretary of New York, presented a brief report of tho society's work. General O. O. Howard delivered an earnest address, setting forth the ob ject and needs of the .society. He avo from his own experience, a somewhat detailed account of the Tract society's work In the army, emphasizing how much good It accomplished during the. recent Spanish war. He also told of what was being done In our Island pos sessions. General Howard Is the noi-lety's pres ident and Is deeply Interested lu Its work-. The secretary's report stated that the soclsty wan organized "to diffuse a knowledge of Christ as the Redeem er of Sinners." In this work It has Is sued between thirteen and fourteen million distinct publications at home and in the foreign field. The society, through Its system of colportage, strives to carry tho gospel message to the millions that are unreached by, the churches. During llf'ty-nlne yearn of colportage over fifteen million fam ily visits have been made and nearly ten million families have been prayed with or spokpn to on the aubject of personal religion, while sixteen million five hundred thousand pages of Chris tian reading have been left In their homes. The society has been able to publish the gospel through on hundreel nnd fifty-three languages or dialects and has aided the denominational mission boards lu their work at home and abroad. During the year between four and flvo million pages of Christian liter ature In the Spanish language hnve been distributed In our Island posses sions nnd one million pages of selected reading have been distributed to tho army and navy. An effort Is being made In Utah to place tract" In every Mormon home, by means of colporteur wagons and colporteurs, thus reaching the chil dren nnd voitth. New publications have been Issued dm lug tho year In English, Spanish, Polish and German, An earnest appeal Is made for an In crease of funds. Colorado Strike Ended. Ily LnUusIvc Wire fiom The Asioelated 1'ie.s, Flnieiice, Col. Mauli 21, -The i-trike of io.ll miners of the Fitment counts- district us been mdecl by an agreement satlsfaetoiy to both sides anil work svlll be resumed Apt it 1. About l,0i) men am atlccltil. Fighting nt Hartebeestfontein. By Kxclushe Wire from Tlie Associated Press. Cape Town, March 21. Severe fUIitlng occurred I'llday, the 2Jd lust., between the Prlth-h and liners at llarteh-estfonleln, east of Isleisdoip, Transvaal. Germans Oust Chinese, By I'Acluslie Wire fiom The AsocUted Piess, Tien Tsin, Match '.'I. The (iernuna- bale mut ed the Chinese Inipeilal troorw fioni tho onlhc (li'l-LI'Mun-SI frontier and Intend um. nuilnir In the slcinlty of Shan Hal Kwan. TIIK NEWS THIS MORNING. Weather Indications Today! RAIN PROBABLE. I Oetieral-Oncril Funston, Would Capture! Azulnaldo. Serious Crisis In Russia, Japan Becomes BelllReieut. An Industrial Fanllorlum. i General aihondale Pepartinenl, 3 local President Mitchell lu ev oll-. Xesv Schedule fiir the Bowlers. ( IMilcHal. Note and Comment. 5 laji al Minder or Suicide, IMiieh? Lrle Sow it Big; Factor in Coal Ptodiicllon, 6 Ii al West Sstanlon and Pubuibsn. 7 (,'i.neial Xoitheastern Peiui'jbanla, and Commercial. S S'cws of the liidiutiial World. Prospect of Katly Settlement of Silk WorkeiS' Stllke. CUBAN SITUATION LESS COMPLICATED Incidents of the Past Week That Have Had a Changing Effect on the Political Atmosphere. By Lieluslie Wire from The Associated 1'iess. Havana. March 2t. The action of the nepubllcan party In Santiago in eit doising tlu Piatt amendment and In structing Honors Gomea and Ferrer, of the Santiago delegation to the consti tutional convention, to vole for tho ameiielment, together with the letters of General Saugullly and llio mayor of Clenfuegoi advising acceptance, were Incidents of the week Just passed that have tended to clear up the political atmosphere, until now th-re are few who do not expect the convention to approve the amendment. The visit of American senators and congressmen has had an excellent ef fect, as In no Instance have the radi cals received any encouragement In the notion that If action Is delayed until the next congress there might b" a change In 'the demands of the I'nlfd States. The radicals, however. Insist that they cannot recede from their former position without loss of dignity and they still hope that some concession, no matter how Insignificant, may pro vide a nuttlrlent excuse. Already the radicals are taking their cup from the conservatives and point ing out that commercial Interests de maud recognition. There Is a possibility of uniting the convention nlong this line. The plat form of the conservatives calls for a reduction of American Import duties on tobacco and sugar and approves any scheme of relations which the Uni ted States government sees fit to im pose. In fact, the situation Is leading to a point whore coinniTclal Interests will be the chief question under dis cussion at the next session of the con vention and It Is not unlikely that a resolution will be adopted asking for a reciprocity treaty. FIRE RESULTsTrOM RAILROAD WRECK Train Filled with Oil Cars Parts Near Flemlngton, N. J. Several Buildings Destroyed. By Culiiidie Wire (loin The Assoelatul I . Flemlngton. N. J.. March 21. A seri ous lire, tho result of a ralhoad wreck, visited Glen Garden today anil de stroyed nearly n dozen buildings, caus ing a loss of about $60,000. A train of tilled oil cars on the Central Itallroad of New Jersey parted a short distance outside of the town and as the first part of the trail slowed tip In Glen Garden the .second section of the train collided with It, exploding the oil. The blading oil spread to property along the railroad, and before the flames were subdued the following buildings weie destroyed: Samuel Vlleu's Reneral stoio. G. P, Fulper'a drug store, John Carllng'fl harness shop and barn, Frank Beeves' dwelling and barn, Miss Sallle Smith's general store, Judge Marten's carpen ter shop, hardware store and lumber yard, John rouse's meat market, William Swaysey's coal yard and John Carllng's storage house, in which were l.f.OO bushels of wheat. Tho Masonlo lodge was located In the stornge build ing. The poslofrico was In the Smith general stoie, but all the mall was raved. INSANEWOMAiVS ACT, Mrs. G. Brunschnlder Mutilates Her self in a Shocking Manner, Her Recovery Doubtful. By Kiclusbe Vile fioni Toe sS0ijed I'reis. Toledo, March 24. Mrs. G. Brim. sehuld-r, residing near the city limits, occupies a wuril at St. Vincent's bos pita and Is In a serious condition as a lesult of horrible Injuries self-lulllct-ed. Lapt evening, armed with an or dinary pair of scissors, she cut off all toes of her left foot, both her ears dose to rhe head and about an Inch of her nose. She then cut out a por tion of her right cheek, inlllcted five gashes In the left cheek and llnnlly be gan on her arms. Beginning at loft forearm she removed every vestige of skin, laying bare the muscles. She also lacerated the right arm In a horrl ble manner, Nothing was known of the affair until her husband, who was absent during the nlsht, returned homo this morning and found her In u semi conscious condition. A surgeon was called at once nnd she was taken to St. Vincent's hospital, Her recovery Is doubtful. The woman Is about f.O years of age. It is thought that she wasdeniporarlly Insane on ac count of domestic troubles, Plague at Cape Town. Cae Town, Maich St. The bubonic platue continues to spread line. There Is an aicragc el slk fresh esses officially tepoited dally. Mist of the lclims are ciloicel peisons. FUNSTON AFTER AGUINALDO ft Darinu Plan to Capture tlie In- suraent Leader and BrliiQ Him Into Gamp. MAC ARTHUR APPROVES Aguinaldo's Orders from His Hiding Place in the Provlnco of Isabella Are Sold to Americans Scheme foe His Capture Treachery of tho Fili pinos Is Feared Americans on tlm Lookout. By i:dusle Wire from The Associated Press. Manila, Mutch 2t. General Funston Is row engaged hi a daring project, which promises to be the greatest and most romanflc achievement of his eventful career. In January, from his hlillng place lu the province of Isa bella. AKiiiunlilo wrote letters anathe matizing the sub-chiefs who had taken the oath of allegiance to the United Stales. Later, Agulnaldo ordored certain In siiigent forces lu southern Luzon tu join him at a rendezvous In Isabella. Province. The rebel officers entrusted with these orders secretly negotiated with the Americans. On securing nec essary Information, General Funston planned Aguinaldo's capture and with General MacArlhur's authorization General Funston proceeded two weeks ngo to make the attempt. General Funston, with Surgeon Ma jor Hnrrls, Captain Newton, of the Thirty-four Infantry: Lieutenant Ad mire, of the Twenty-second Infantry: Lieutenant Mitchell, of the Fortieth Infantry: six veteran scouts and a company of native scouts, all picked men, embarked on the gunboat Vlcks burg and were lauded on a rcmotn bench above Baler, It was arranged that AgiilnaldoV emissary, with the native scouts should pass themselves off as Insur gent troops, who, having captured General Funston and others, were tak ing them as prisoners to Agulnaldo. At tho right time, when brought before Agulnaldo, General Funston was to give a signal, when the tubles were to be turned and Agulnaldo was to ha seized. Six days' march Into the In terior was contemplated. Treachery was considered possible, but every precaution was taken. The troops In Now Vlzcnya. nnd Kelj.i and the gunboats Vicksburg and Albany were to co-operate with General Fun ston's force. The Vlckrburg Is ex pected here tomorrow. Colonel llosarlo. with flfty-oue men and tlfty-slx rllles, has surrendered te Colonel Baldwin, of the; Fourth Infan try, at San Francisco do Mnlabun, Ci vile province. Lieutenant Dean, of Troop (.', Sixth cavalry, has engaged a force of Insurgents at Tttblg. Lagunda province, killing several of them ami rapturing seven men and twenty-four lilies. ANTHRACITE COAL TRADE. State of Business as Viewed In tha Philadelphia Ledger. By l'.clusl, V I'e- from The Associated 1'iess. Philadelphia, March '. The Ledger In ill coal uticle Illiniums" will ssi : Tin- aullir-iiiti' coal liade i waiting f'r tho first cf April to pass ee, that the labor question may be setlleil. Tin' opinion lontlime- unehanp.t that there will bo no trouble ax the opetatois and Illinois alike wlli suuk to no on. and litis healthy condition of liiulnisa alt.ills lu-uies .c diinaiiil tor TliK however, is giowluc lew as sprint; .nbamee, for the- ilnuu-slle roii M'luption is ileellnlm; with the moderate wfath. r and consumers arc- Ben-rally expecting lower prices, ko they are- holding oil fiom order, ins- coal until the sptitur rates .ir established. There is plenty of water now at the eotlleriiN, and in siinii- pljces toe much, ami work pis messes without ietiletbii, Ihe output helnj; fully up to iispiiieiiients, with stocks, ariimvi. laliiiir- The trade i in ccellent condition. TWENTY-ONE CARS SMASHED. An Engineer of Freight Train Fatal ly Injuied. By F.Tclusiw Wire from The Associated Prss. Clearfield. Pa.. Maob it -X disastrous fieiaol win-Is oceutied at bet 1 moor, twenty miles west of Item on the Beeih (ink dlsislou of tlm Sew York ( ential lallinad tod.i.i. Twentjonn cars were smashes, ,'osepli (Jalhralih, emjlueer. of ( learflebl, was c.iurIiI under his enuine and it is thoiishl lie is fatally Injured. Tlm rseaped svllh lilt injniies. o oilier prison was hurt. 'I In wicck was ciiurd by the failure of the an brakrH to hold the train, while a crippled iji was belne swllehed out. DEATHS OF A DAY. By KacHi'Ivc Wire fiom The Usoclated Piis. Pliiladelplila, Man h 24.-Lolin niodectt. an eiiiluc-nt statistician and one of the foremost authoillics on the hlu'ber economics, iliixl m this illy today, aged 7i je.u. llUiuiik. N'- lb. M-ucli 21. ludae .Wph . Bartholomew, for ten .sears Justiie of the Sd pmiie court of this utate, who retired from, the bench Jan. 1, dropped elejd on the walk in front of ids lesldenco In this city todas, lie was lerojnlJcd m an able lawyer aid Juilit, and was mm ot the be.t public speakeis In the Hate, lie leasea a vslfe and one ilauuli- (er. m Advised the Miners Not to Strike. By Eaclushe Wire from Tlie Associated Tress. Wllkes-Bane, March 21. llev. .1. .1. Currau, pastor ct Holy Saviour Catholic church, tlitl city, the membership of whleli Is made u, pilnelpally of miners, told Ids lonKteuatlon to day that ii miners' strike at this time would bo Inopportune: that the men had pot e, rerniered fiom the last nrlke are to eiult ss-otlj now would biinu untold misery to many fimllltJ. sV-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-ft-f-f-f-ft-f - WEATHER FORECAST. Washington, March 2t. Poieiast for 4- f Monday ami Tuesday: lantern Pennssl- vanls lUIn piolnble Monday: waimer; fiesli to lui-k cist to southeast wind,, 4 Tuesday, tain -